SOS Scenario Revised 100710

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Scenario #1 The Great War (Campaign Game)
Scenario #2 1914: The Lights Go Out
Scenario #3 1914 West: Reinforce The Right!
Scenario #4 1914 East: Tannenburg
Scenario #5 1915: The War of Attrition
Scenario #6 1915 West: Ypres
Scenario #7 1915 East: The Gorlice-Tarnow Breakthrough
Scenario #8 1915 Mid-East: Gallipoli

Scenario #9 1916: Over the Top
Scenario #10 1916 West: Verdun/Somme
Scenario #11 1916 East: The Brusilov Offensive
Scenario #12 1916 Mid-East: The Birdcage
Scenario #13 1917: The Storm Breaks
Scenario #14 1917 West: To the Green Fields Beyond
Scenario #15 1917 East: Shock Troop Riga
Scenario #16 1917 Mid-East: On to Jerusalem
Scenario #17 1918: No Mans Land
Scenario #18 1918 West: Kaiserschlact
Scenario #19 1918 East: Drang Nach Osten 1918
Scenario #20 1918 Mid-East: Armageddon
Scenario #21 1919 West: The Fuller Plan
Scenario #22 The War in the East (Campaign Game)
Scenario set-up for 1914 scenarios can be found in the 1914
section of this booklet. For scenarios starting in 1915 and later,
the set-up can be found on the set-up cards or in the individual
scenarios. If setting up the map for a year or campaign scenario,
place the East map on top of the West map, and the Mid-East
map on top of the other two maps.
1. The term divisional equivalent means the player may choose
any combination of corps whose total component divisions
equal the number given. Note that three-division corps may
only be selected for scenarios starting in 1915 and later, and
four-division corps may only be selected for scenarios starting
in 1916 and later. There are some exceptions in the 1914 set-
up instructions.
2. Units are deployed as specied anywhere on their own side of
the front line for the scenario year unless otherwise indicated.
West = west front map; Russ = Russian front map; Mid-East
= Mid-East front map. Balkans = European portion of Mid-
East map. Asia/N. Africa = Asian/North African portion of
Mid-East map. Sinai = Egypt east of the Suez Canal. Off-map:
off-map display
3. Units may not begin the 1914 scenarios entrenched. They may
be entrenched in all other scenarios.
4. Naval units are deployed in any friendly ports of the owning
country on the designated map section.
5. Each side controls all railroads on its own side of the
6. Units listed as reinforcements should be placed on the Turn
Record Track in the appropriate quarter.
7. Division of poison gas points for fronts is used only when playing
individual front scenarios; otherwise, they may be pooled.
8. German and Austrian units listed as being in the Balkans
may be deployed either on the Balkans portion of the Mid-
East map or adjacent to the 1915 front line running along the
Serbian border on the West map. Serbian units may be deployed
anywhere in Serbia on either map. That applies only for the
1915 scenario (see special rules). Note: this is because of the
extent of the Balkan front in 1915.
9. When playing the single-front Mid-East scenarios, the West
map (and the East map if needed) may be utilized to extend
and simplify set-up and play and avoid map sheet edge
10. When playing single front scenarios, only the corresponding
campaign cards with historical dates are available. When
playing single-year scenarios, the weapons & tactics and
contingency cards are available, and those that have been
previously employed by virtue of earlier historic dates are in
play from the start.
11. All forts set-up in their respective countries unless otherwise
12. All units set-up on deployment hexes are placed on or adjacent
to their deployment hexes inside their own countries unless
otherwise indicated. All city placements are on those hexes
13. All anywhere within... or anywhere in ... units (i.e. certain
German, Austro-Hungarian, Russian, Serbia, and Italian) must
be set-up in supply. Any group of units with an HQ but without
a specic location (e.g. the German North Army must be set
up in supply. Those units which start the game at specic
locations that place them out of supply (e.g. the A-H Alpine
corps, the Ottoman 4th Army, the Russian corps in Helenski)
are subject to Supply Attrition (31.0) if they do not establish
supply by the end of the rst quarter.
Victory Conditions
For scenarios that are one front (one map) only, ignore morale
and mobilization. Victory is determined by counting the cities,
grain and petroleum hexes occupied on the enemy side of the start
line for the next year. For example, if playing scenario #7 1915
East, the Central Powers Player would count hexes east of the
1916 start line, and the Russian player would count hexes west
of the 1916 start line. City hexes count one point each. Grain,
petroleum, industrial cities and naval bases each count two points.
Cities named on the morale point list count ve or more points, as
indicated. Players count their points, and the one with the higher
number wins. If tied, the scenario is a draw.
For scenarios that are year scenarios (#2, 5, 9, 13 and 17),
which utilize all three maps, use the above method to determine
whether a geographic win has occurred. If the points for hex-
control are tied, compare the nal morale at the end of the last
turnthe higher morale wins.
Note some scenarios have sudden death victory conditions
that supersede these general victory conditions. For example, in
scenario #3 the Germans can win at any time by having a unit
in Paris. Some scenarios have alternate victory conditions and
dont use the general victory conditions. For example, victory
in scenario #15: 1917 East is determined solely on the basis of
Russian surrender.
Historical Note: Summer, 1914 was the moment all in Europe had
anticipated for decades. All major countries mobilized, expecting
quick victories and mastery of Europe. In the west, the Germans
swept through northern France only to be thrown back outside of
Paris. In the east, they won the great victory of Tannenburg. The
year ended with both sides dug in from the English Channel to the
Swiss border, but still conducting mobile operations in Russia.
Special Summer 1914 Rules
1) No units may entrench during the entire quarter.
2) all land units in command may ignore EZOC for purposes of
normal movement and force march (although force march must
be through friendly hexes), but not for strategic movement or
other game functions. Ignore the inltration movement rule
(10.32). All units other than HQ may advance one hex after
combat regardless of Cadre rating.
3) Units may utilize rail movement only in their own countries.
4) Players lose only half the normal number of morale points
(round up all remainders) for not attaining campaign card
Belligerents: Germany, Austro-Hungary (Ottomans enter
Autumn 1914)
Morale: 100
Air Doctrine Level: 1
Agents: 0
Uprising Markers: 1 in British Africa (representing von Lettow
and company); 1 in China (representing German forces in
Far East)
On or adjacent to Deployment Hex 1: 1 headquarters, 4 two-
division active corps, 2 two-division reserve corps.
On or adjacent Deployment Hex 2: 1 headquarters, 4 two-division
active corps, 2 two-division reserve corps.
On or adjacent Deployment Hex 3: 1 headquarters, 3 two-division
active corps, 1 two-division reserve corps.
On or adjacent Deployment Hex 4: 1 headquarters, 3 two-division
active corps, 2 two-division reserve corps.
On or adjacent Deployment Hex 5: 1 headquarters, 4 two-division
active corps, 3 two-division reserve corps.
On or adjacent Deployment Hex 6: 1 headquarters, 4 two-division
active corps, 1 two-division reserve corps.
On or adjacent Deployment Hex 7: 1 headquarters, 2 two-division
active corps, 1 two-division reserve corps.
On or adjacent Deployment Hex 8: 1 headquarters, 3 two-division
active corps, 1 two-division reserve corps.
North Army: Within two hexes of any North Sea/ Baltic Sea
hex in Germany, West map: 1 headquarters, 2 two-division
reserve corps.
Anywhere in Germany, West map: 3 two-division reserve corps,
2 three-division cavalry corps, 1 two-division cavalry corps,
4 siege artillery brigades.
Anywhere in Germany, East map: 3 two-division reserve corps,
1 two-division cavalry corps.
Fortications: one per fortied city in Germany
In any Germany naval bases on the West map.
Battleship Squadrons: 1
Battlecruiser Squadrons: 1
Pre-Dreadnought Squadrons: 2
Cruiser Squadrons: 2
Escort Flotillas: 4
Submarine Flotillas: 1
Naval Transport Flotillas: 1
In any Germany naval bases on the East map.
Cruiser Squadrons: 1
Escort Flotillas: 1
Naval Transport Flotillas: 1
Naval Reinforcements: during the Winter 1915 Mobilization
Phase, Germans receive 1 battleship squadron on any Germany
naval base on the West map.
West Front: 1 tactical
Russian Front: 1 tactical
Poison Gas Points: 0
On or adjacent Deployment Hex 1: 1 headquarters, 2 two-division
active corps, 2 two-division reserve corps, 1 three-division
cavalry corps.
On or adjacent Deployment Hex 3: 1 headquarters, 2 two-division
active corps, 2 two-division reserve corps, 1 three-division
cavalry corps.
On or adjacent Deployment Hex 4: 1 headquarters, 2 two-division
active corps, 2 two-division reserve corps, 1 three-division
cavalry corps.
On or adjacent Deployment Hex 5: 1 headquarters, 2 two-division
active corps, 1 two-division reserve corps.
On or adjacent Deployment Hex 6: 1 headquarters, 2 two-division
active corps, 1 two-division reserve corps.
Riva (3132): 1 two-division Alpine corps.
Anywhere in Austro-Hungary, west map: 1 two-division active
Anywhere in Austro-Hungary, Russian Front map: 2 two-division
active corps.
Fortications: 1 per fortied city.
Poison Gas Points: 0
Land Reinforcements. Due to confusion in the Austro-Hungarian
command about whether Second Army should deploy on the
Serbian or Russian front, the Second was moving to railheads
during the rst segment of Summer 1914, and was moving by
rail during the second segment. To simulate that confusion,
Second Army is placed on any rail hex in Austria-Hungary at
the end of the second Central Powers segment.
Second Army: 1 headquarters, 2 two-division active corps, 1
two-division reserve corps, 1 two-division cavalry corps. Note
the cavalry corps may be assigned to Fifth Armyif so place
it on Fifth Army HQ at the beginning of the game. (Note: set-
up hexes for the two Austrian plans are noted on the map for
those who wish to experiment with having the Second Army
deployed per the historical plans.)
Naval (any naval bases in Austria-Hungary, West map)
Pre-Dreadnought Squadrons: 1
Cruiser Squadrons: 1
Escort Flotillas: 2
Submarine Flotillas: 1
Naval Transport Flotillas: 1
Naval Reinforcements: Austro-Hungary receives 1 battleship
squadron on the Winter 1915 turn at Pola.
Special Rules:
1) To provide for the overland transfer of German submarines to
Austria, one German SS unit may be redeployed from a Ger-
man port to an Austrian port during the Mobilization Phase
of Autumn turns (including one entering as a reinforcement).
The CP player must be able to trace a path of RR hexes from
the location of the German port with the SS unit to an Aus-
trian port. These German as well as Austrian SS units may
sail into the West Mediterranean Sea Zone and, if not inter-
cepted, be placed on the Commerce Raiding Display; there is
no additional support cost for these units.
2) Germany may deploy one HQ and two corps in the Balkans
beginning in Winter 1915. These forces may not end a move-
ment segment within three hexes of Italy. Beginning Autumn
1916 (i.e. after the declaration of war by Italy on Germany),
the movement restriction is lifted and the maximum deploy-
ment is expanded to one HQ and three corps. Beginning in
1917, the deployment limit is expanded to three HQ and
twelve corps.
The Ottomans are neutral throughout Summer 1914, but
become a Central Powers belligerent in Autumn 1914. Theyre
not allowed to move, attack, or mobilize during the Summer 1914
turn. Deployment is on or adjacent to the Deployment hexes.
Deployment Hex 1 (Adrianople): 1 three-division active corps, 1
three-division reserve corps, 1 two-division cavalry corps.
Deployment Hex 2 (Constantinople): 1 headquarters, 2 three-
division active corps, 2 three-division reserve corps, 2 two-
division cavalry corps. Also, 1 German headquarters and 1
German cruiser division.
Deployment Hex 3 (Erzeroum): 1 headquarters, 1 three-division
active corps, 1 three-division reserve corps.
Deployment Hex 4: 1 three-division reserve corps, 2 two-division
cavalry corps.
Deployment Hex 5 (Damascus): 1 headquarters, 1 three-division
active corps.
Deployment Hex 6 (Mosul): 1 three-division reserve corps.
Deployment Hex 7 (Baghdad): 1 headquarters, 1 three-division
active corps.
Fortications: 1 per fortied city.
Poison Gas Points: 0
Constantinople: 1 cruiser squadron, 1 escort otilla, 1 naval
Ottoman Rail Net. The Ottoman rail net was not complete
and required troops to unload, march and reload at several
locations. To simulate that situation, rail movement in the
Ottoman Empire must stop at Ankara and Aleppo; in the next
impulse units may proceed.
Barsa: this city is considered a port on the Persian Gulf with no
defensive amphibious assault bonus. No Ottoman units may
move southeast of Baghdad during the Autumn 1914 turn.
Special Rules:
1) In addition to the German HQ and CA units which begin in
Constantinople, the CP player may redeploy one German
corps to the Mid-East after any Ottoman city other than Aqa-
ba, Barsa, or Kut is captured by the Entente player. Begin-
ning in 1917 and only after the surrender of either France or
Russia, the deployment limit is expanded to three corps.
Belligerents: France, Russia, Britain, Serbia, Montenegro,
Morale: 100
Air Doctrine Level: 1
Agents: 0
Entente Merchant Shipping Level = 100.
On or adjacent to Deployment Hex 1 (may not deploy on border
hexes): 1 headquarters, 5 two-division active corps, 1 three-
division reserve corps, 1 two-division cavalry corps.
On or adjacent to Deployment Hex 2 (may not deploy on border
hexes): 1 headquarters, 5 two-division active corps, 1 three-
division reserve corps, 1 two-division cavalry corps.
On or one hex west of Deployment Hex 3: 1 headquarters, 1
three-division active corps, 2 two-division active corps, 1
three-division reserve corps.
On or one hex west of Deployment Hex 4: 1 headquarters, 3
two-division active corps.
On or adjacent one hex west of Deployment Hex 5: 1 headquarters,
4 two-division active corps, 1 three-division reserve corps.
On or adjacent to French/Italian border hexes: 1 headquarters, 1
two-division Alpine corps, 1 three-division reserve corps.
On Deployment Hexes 3, 4 or 5: 1 three-division cavalry corps.
Any hexes cities in France, at least two hexes from a border hex,
no more than one per hex: 1 three-division cavalry corps, 8
two-division reserve corps.
In French North Africa: 1 headquarters, 2 two-division active
corps, 1 two-division cavalry corps.
Fortications: 1 per fortied city in France.
Air: 1 tactical air (West front)
Poison Gas Points: 0
Naval (any naval bases in France)
Battleship Squadrons: 1
Pre-Dreadnought Squadrons: 1
Cruiser Squadrons: 1
Escort Flotillas: 4
Submarine Flotillas: 3
Naval Transport Flotillas: 2
In the West Pacic: 1 cruiser squadron
On or adjacent Deployment Hex 1: 1 headquarters, 2 two-division
active corps, 2 two-division cavalry corps. Reinforcement: 3
two-division reserve corps.
On or adjacent Deployment Hex 2: 1 headquarters, 4 two-division
active corps, 2 two-division cavalry corps. Reinforcement: 2
two-division reserve corps.
On or adjacent Deployment Hex 3: 1 headquarters, 3 two-division
active corps, 2 two-division reserve corps. Reinforcement: 2
two-division cavalry corps.
On or adjacent Deployment Hex 4 (1639): 1 headquarters.
Reinforcement: 3 two-division active corps, 2 two-division
reserve corps.
Russians use hex 1639 for the set-up of 4
Army under the
historical Plan A. Set-up for Plan G uses the 4G hex.
(Note: historically the Russians intended to attack AH, but the
French plea for an attack on the Germans led to the ill-fated
Tannenberg Campaign.)
On or adjacent Deployment Hex 5: 1 headquarters. Reinforcement:
3 two-division active corps, 2 two-division reserve corps, 1
two-division cavalry corps.
On or adjacent Deployment Hex 6 (Petrograd): 1 headquarters.
Reinforcement: 2 two-division reserve corps.
On or adjacent Deployment Hex 7: 1 headquarters, 2 two-division
reserve corps, 1 two-division cavalry corps.
On or adjacent Deployment Hex 8: 1 headquarters, 3 two-division
active corps. Reinforcement: 1 two-division reserve corps, 2
two-division cavalry corps.
On or adjacent Deployment Hex 9: 1 headquarters, 3 two-division
active corps, 3 two-division cavalry corps. Reinforcement: 6
two-division reserve corps.
Any single city in the Transcaucus: 1 headquarters. Reinforcement:
2 two-division reserve corps.
Helsinki: 1 two-division active corps.
Anywhere in Russia: 4 two-division Active corps; 2 two-division
cavalry corps.
Siberia Off-Map Area: 3 two-division active corps.
Reinforcement: 3 two-division reserve corps.
Reinforcement (on any Russian industrial city): 1 headquarters,
3 two-division active corps.
Notes: Reinforcement units appear on or adjacent to the
deployment hex (or Siberia for Siberian units) at the beginning
of the Entente third impulse of the Summer 1914 turn. Those
units are received at no mobilization cost. If they are unable to
deploy on or adjacent to their deployment hex, they arrive at
the closest friendly city hex or may be placed as reinforcements
during the Mobilization Phase.
Note #2: No other Entente forces may enter Russia until after
its surrender.
Additional Land Reinforcements: 5 four-division active corps
and 5 four-division reserve corps during the Winter 1916
Mobilization Phase.
Special Russian Rail Rule: Russian rolling stock depleted
signicantly over the course of the war. By 1917 it had come
down to a choice of supporting the army in the eld or feeding
the people at home. Thus the Russian rail capacity starts at
10 in Summer 1914 and is reduced by one each turn until it
reaches zero in Winter 1917. The Russian player may use the
rail capacity without detriment each impulse in each turn (no
carry over), and may use more rail capacity than available
at a cost of one morale point per unit transported above the
Fortications: 1 per fortied city.
Poison Gas Points: 0
Air: 1 Tactical air (in Russia)
Naval Forces (in any Russian naval bases on the Black Sea):
Cruiser Squadrons: 1
Escort Flotillas: 1
Naval Forces (in any Russian naval bases on the Baltic Sea):
Pre-Dreadnought Squadrons: 1
Cruiser Squadrons: 1
Escort Flotillas: 2
Submarine Flotillas: 1
Naval Transport Flotillas: 1
Naval Reinforcements: 1 battleship division as a reinforcement
during the Winter 1915 Mobilization Phase on any Russian
naval base on the Baltic Sea.
Any cities in Great Britain, no more than one per hex: 1
headquarters, 3 two-division active corps, 1 two-division
cavalry corps.
Alexandria: 1 headquarters; 1 two-division active corps.
In either South Africa, Australia/New Zealand or Canada: 1
two-division active corps.
India: 1 headquarters, 1 two-division active corps, 2 two-division
reserve corps, 3 two-division cavalry corps.
Air: 1 tactical air in Britain.
Motorization markers: 1 in Britain.
Naval (in naval bases in the British Isles)
Battleship Squadrons: 2
Battlecruiser Squadrons: 1
Pre-Dreadnought Squadrons: 3
Cruiser Squadrons: 5
Escort Flotillas: 7
Submarine Flotillas: 3
Naval Transport Flotillas: 2
Alexandria (Mid-East map)
Cruiser Squadrons: 1
Escort Flotillas: 1
Naval Transport Flotillas: 1
In British Controlled Off-Map Ports or Off-Map Ocean Areas
Pre-Dreadnought Squadrons: 1
Cruiser Squadrons: 2
Escort Flotillas: 1
Submarine Flotillas: 1
Naval Transport Flotillas: 1
Naval Reinforcements: 2 battleship divisions on the Winter
1915 Mobilization Phase in any naval base in Britain.
British Land Reinforcements: At the beginning of Autumn 1914,
the British receive 1 headquarters, 7 two-division reserve
corps, and 3 two-division cavalry corps in Britain, no more
than two units per city. These units may not leave Britain
until Spring 1915.
Special Rules:
1) Forces starting on the Mid-East map or off-map areas may
only redeploy to the Mid-East or off-map areas. The BEF III
Corps (one of the three two-division active corps beginning
in Britain) must remain in Britain until Autumn 1914.
On or adjacent to Deployment Hex 1: 1 headquarters, 1 two-
division active corps, 1 two-division reserve corps.
On or adjacent to Deployment Hex 2: 1 headquarters, 1 two-
division active corps, 1 two-division reserve corps.
On or adjacent to Deployment Hex 3: 1 headquarters, 1 two-
division active corps, 1 two-division reserve corps.
Anywhere in Serbia: 1 two-division cavalry corps.
Special: Serbian units may trace LOC/supply to Nish during
Summer 1914. Serbian units may trace supply to Salonika
beginning in Autumn 1914 if the Allies have a Naval Transport
in Salonika and a LOC to an industrial city in Great Britain or
In Scutari: 1 alpine division.
Anywhere in Montenegro: 1 Entente guerrilla.
In Japan: 1 active division, 1 cruiser squadron, 1 escort otilla,
1 transport.
Special Rule: Japanese never suffer from supply attrition while
in Japan, China, Siberia or the Pacic Ocean off-map zones.
Within one hex of Brussels, no more than one unit per hex: 1
headquarters, 1 two-division active corps, 2 two-division
reserve corps, 1 one-division cavalry corps.
Fortications: 1 per fortied city in Belgium.
Special Rules
1) After secret negotiations, Italy declared war on Austria (not
Germany) in April 1915. Italy enters on the Entente side in
Spring 1915. To reect the terrain between Italy and Austria
(attacking up steep mountains and into narrow valleys making
concentration difcult), the Italians may only attack from one
hex in each combat when attacking from a hex in Italy into a
hex in Austria. As noted under Germany, German units may
not move within three hexes of Italy until Autumn 1916 (after
Italy declared war on Germany in response to French requests
during the Verdun Campaign).
2) The Italians didnt coordinate their attacks with the French
and British, nor were French and British forces allowed in
Italy until the dramatic advance of the Caperetto Offensive
in late 1917. Thus from Spring 1915 the Italians receive one
less additional impulse than called for on any campaign card
played on the West Front, unless it lists an Italian Front
combat bonus (they always receive at least one impulse). Also,
French and British forces may not enter Italy.
3) During each Mobilization Phase that Central Powers occupy
any hex of Italy, roll a die and, on a six, French and British
forces may enter Italy the following turn. Should the Central
Powers occupy any hex in Italy adjacent to an Italian city,
add +3. Once the die roll is successful, both the British and
French may begin sending one unit per quarter to Italy (two
units may be sent on the rst turn of reinforcement). This
also allows Italian naval units to stack with French or British
naval units. Should the Central Powers occupy an Italian city,
French/British reinforcement occurs automatically (no die roll)
and any number of French or British units may enter Italy.
On or adjacent to Deployment Hex 1: 1 headquarters, 1 three-
division active corps, 1 three-division reserve corps.
On or adjacent to Deployment Hex 2: 1 headquarters, 1 three-
division active corps, 1 three-division reserve corps.
On or adjacent to Deployment Hex 3: 1 headquarters, 1 three-
division active corps, 1 three-division reserve corps.
On or adjacent to Deployment hex 4: 1 headquarters, 1 three-
division active corps, 1 three-division reserve corps.
Anywhere in Italy: 1 two-division Alpine Corps, 2 two-division
cavalry corps.
Tobruk (Libya): 1 two-division active corps.
Naval (in any Italian naval base or bases)
Battleship Squadrons: 1
Pre-Dreadnought Squadrons: 1
Cruiser Squadrons: 2
Escort Flotillas: 1
Submarine Flotillas: 1
Naval Transport Flotillas: 1
Poison Gas Points: 0
BULGARIA (joins Central Powers in Autumn 1915)
Special: Bulgarian units must remain within Bulgaria, Romania,
Serbia and Greece.
On or adjacent to Deployment Hex 1 (Soa): 1 headquarters,
1 two-division active corps, 2 two-division reserve corps, 1
two-division cavalry corps.
On or adjacent to Deployment Hex 2: 1 headquarters, 1 two-
division active corps, 1 three-division reserve corps.
ROMANIA (joins Entente in Autumn 1916)
Special: Romanian units must remain within Romania, Bulgaria,
Serbia and Hungary (may not move beyond the Hungarian
province boundary).
On or adjacent to Deployment Hex 1 (Bucharest): 1 headquarters,
1 two-division active corps.
On or adjacent to Deployment Hex 2: 1 headquarters, 1 two-
division reserve corps.
On or adjacent to Deployment Hex 3: 1 headquarters, 1 two-
division active corps, 1 two-division reserve corps.
On or adjacent to Deployment Hex 4: 1 headquarters, 1 two-
division active corps, 1 two-division reserve corps.
In Turana: 1 two-division reserve corps
GREECE (joins the Entente in Spring 1916, or earlier if Bulgarian
forces enter Greece or attack any units in Greece)
Athens: 1 headquarters, 1 two-division active corps, 1 two-division
reserve corps.
Special: Entente forces may land at Salonika and operate within
three hexes of Salonika in Greece without triggering Greece
joining the Central Powers beginning in Autumn 1914. The
Entente forces may not move west or south of hexes 1410 or
1411 inclusive. The Entente forces may not land until a CP
unit comes within ve hexes of Salonika or anytime beginning
with Autumn 1915. The Germans and AH may attack Entente
forces in neutral Greece without triggering Greek entry, but
may not enter Greece. If the Greeks are in the Entente side,
the capture of Salonika by the CP subtracts ve Morale Points
rather than adds one point (Entente still losses one point)
the CP deduction is due to inghting between the AH and
Bulgaria about who would gain the port after the war. If the
CP manages to maneuver the Greeks onto the CP side, the
extra deduction does not apply.
No Forces.
In United States: 1 two-division shock corps, 1 two-division
reserve corps
In Philippines: 1 two-division reserve corps
Poison Gas Points: 0
Naval Forces (East Coast USA)
Battleship Squadrons: 1
Cruiser Squadrons: 1
Escort Flotillas: 1
Naval Transport Flotillas: 1
West Coast USA
Cruiser Squadrons: 1
Escort Flotillas: 1
Naval Transport Flotillas: 1
Escort Flotillas: 1
Naval Transport Flotillas: 1
NETHERLANDS (set up by Entente)
In any Netherlands cities: 1 headquarters, 1 two-division active
corps, 1 two-division reserve corps.
Naval: (off-map, Indonesia): 1 escort otilla
Fortications: 1 per fortied city.
In Barcelona: 1 two-division active corps.
Portugal off-map area: 1 two-division active corps.
Latin America holding area: 1 active division.
Copenhagen: 1 headquarters, 1 two-division reserve corps.
Berne: 1 headquarters, 1 two-division Alpine corps.
Zurich, Geneva, Basel: 1 two-division reserve corps each.
Set up by Central Powers in any Persian cities: 1 cavalry
division, 1 two-division reserve corps.
This scenario recreates all of World War I.
1. Use all three maps plus the World Display.
2. Scenario starts in Summer 1914 and ends after completion of
Summer 1919.
3. Entente sets up rst, Central Powers second.
4. Victory Conditions (objectives):
Central Powers
Central Powers Morale = high or average.
Control at least 10 Entente industrial and/or petroleum hexes.
At least two of the following surrender: Britain, France,
Entente Morale = high or average.
Control at least 10 Central Powers industrial or petroleum
Both Germany and Austro-Hungary surrender.
Historic Outcome: Entente national victory.
These variants are included for players to add to their games
in order to explore some of the historical alternatives. Players
can agree on the variants to employ or each side can pick one or
two of the variants secretly before starting play.

1. All Russian units listed as third impulse reinforcements are
deployed on their respective deployment hexes as part of
initial deployment.
1. No mobilization time cost for reserve divisions.
2. British may move their Autumn 1914 reinforcements off the
British Isles immediately.
3. Reduce the cadre value of all British Active Divisions to 3
for the entire game.
Britain starts neutral. The Entente player makes a check to see
if the British enter the war under the following circumstances.
1) in Summer 1914, at the instant the Central Powers invade
Belgium. If the Central Powers dont invade, no check is
made on turn one.
2) In each Diplomacy Phase on subsequent quarterly turns, roll
a die.
1-4: Britain remains neutral.
5-7: Britain becomes an Entente belligerent.
Entente Morale Low: +1
German Morale High: +1
Central Powers have violated Belgian neutrality: +2
Central Powers have violated Swiss, Danish or Netherlands
neutrality: +1 per country.
Entente has violated Belgian, Swiss, Danish or Netherlands
neutrality: -1 per country.
Each friendly agent expended: 1 in players favor (maximum
of one).
Note: Britain still receives their listed 1914 reinforcements even
if neutral, placed by the Entente in Britain. Britain may conduct
no other mobilization while neutral. This represents discretionary
mobilization by the British government for self-defense.
Roll a die.
1-3: Preparedness Lax: 1) British deduct one battleship, one
pre-dreadnought and one cruiser squadron from their initial
forces; they are received as reinforcements on the Winter
1915 Mobilization phase; and 2) British may not use Scapa
Flow as a naval base.
4-6: The convoy special tactic may be implemented at any time
in the game.
Central Powers deploy rst; Entente deploy second.
Japan starts as a neutral. The Entente player makes a check to
see if the Japanese enter the war under the following circumstances:
1) in Summer 1914 after event cards have been drawn; and 2) in
each Diplomacy Phase on subsequent quarterly turns.
1-4: Japan joins the Entente.
5-6: Japan remains neutral.
7+: Japan joins the Central Powers.
British Morale High: -1
German Morale High: +1
Each friendly agent expended: 1 in players favor (maximum
of one).
1. Belgium starts the game as an Entente belligerent. French may
deploy all 5th Army units (units indicated as deploying on or
adjacent to Deployment Hex 5) in Belgium on or adjacent to
Liege, Brussels and/or Antwerp.
2. If both this and Belgians Capitulate to German Demands are
picked, they cancel each other out.
1. Central Powers set up Belgian units in initial deployment.
2. Both sides may enter Belgium without violating its neutrality
(within the restrictions of 3 below).
3. If either player attacks Belgian units or enters Belgian cities,
Belgium immediately enters the war on the other side.
4. If both this event and Belgian Alliance are picked, they
cancel each other out.
The Central Powers player may deploy up to 24 division
equivalents on the east map, on or adjacent to any German fortied
hexes, plus up to three headquarters. These units must be taken
from units that would otherwise be deployed in the 1
Armies (1
through 7
deployment zone units).
Prior to the start of play, roll a die and implement result.
1 No High Seas Fleet: Germans receive no battleship or
battlecruiser squadrons as initial forces or as Winter 1915
reinforcements, but do receive two additional submarine units.
They also receive 4 two-division active corps, 4 two-division
reserve corps, and 1 headquarters. These units may be deployed
on or adjacent to any German mobilization hex.
2-3 Smaller High Seas Fleet: Germans deduct 1 battlecruiser
squadron and 1 escort otilla. (They still receive their Winter
1915 battleship reinforcement.) They receive instead 2 two-
division active corps, 1 two-division reserve corps, and 1
headquarters; these units may be deployed on or adjacent to
any mobilization hex.
4-6 Naval challenge to Britain: 1) Germans receive an additional
160 mobilization points of naval units as part of their initial
forces, which are deployed as part of the initial setup. Germans
must deduct a headquarters, 4 two-division active corps, and
4 two-division reserve corps from their initial forces.
1. Place three uprising markers, instead of one, in British Africa,
and one in China during initial deployment.
2. Deduct 1 two-division active corps from German initial
1. If picked by the Entente player, he may deploy his naval units
on any friendly on-map naval bases or off-map ports.
2. If picked by the Central Powers player, he may deploy any
friendly cruisers anywhere on the map or in off-map naval
zones. Submarines may be placed in friendly naval bases or
in the Atlantic.
1. Serbia capitulates to Austria prior to the start of play; implement
effects of Serbian surrender.
2. Reduce all Central Powers countries starting morale by 20
points, and Entente morale by 10, because theres less of an
excuse to start the war. This is in addition to any morale shifts
for Serbian surrender.
Both sides shift 1R to all land attacks using assault in 1914
(campaign card 2R shifts reduced to 1R).
Both players shift the following amounts of morale for
elimination of friendly naval units instead of amounts listed on
the Morale Chart:
battleship squadron: owner 2, sinking country +1
battlecruiser squadron: owner 2, sinking country +1
pre-dreadnought squadron: owner 2, sinking country +1
cruiser squadron: owner 1, sinking country +0.5 (round
down remainders)
escort otilla: owner 1, sinking country +0.5 (round down
submarine otilla: owner 1, sinking country +0.5 (round
down remainders)
transport otilla: owner 0, sinking country 0
1. Reduce both sides morale to 50.
2. Neither player may mobilize in the Autumn 1914 Mobilization
Phase. Any units due to be mobilized that quarter are still
1. Add two to all industrial multiples. The maximum is still eight
(12 for the Russians).
2. Reduce both sides morale by 10.
Historical Note: This scenario covers the opening moves of the war
on all fronts.
1. Use all three maps and the World Display. Entente sets up rst,
Central Powers second.
2. Scenario starts in Summer 1914 and ends after the completion
of Autumn 1914.
3. Special Victory Conditions: Central Powers win a sudden death
victory if they at any time occupy Paris with a combat unit in
supply. Entente wins a sudden death victory if they hold any
German city at the end of either turn.
This scenario covers the opening moves on the western front,
giving the Germans the opportunity to execute the Schlieffen
1. Use only the west map and the units initially set up on it.
2. Scenario consists of Summer and Autumn 1914.
3. Entente sets up rst, Central Powers second.
4. Use only western front 1914 campaign cards with historic
dates (#1, 5, 44, 48).
5. Special Victory Conditions: Central Powers win a sudden
death victory if they at any time occupy Paris with a combat
unit in supply. Entente wins a sudden death victory if they
hold any German city at the end of either turn.
Scenario Special Rules
1) The scenario uses only the west map and units deployed on
the western front.
2) Dont use Austro-Hungarian, Serbian, Montenegrin, Albanian
or Italian forces. Neither player may enter Austria-Hungary,
Serbia, Montenegro, Albania or Italy.
3) Reinforcements: Germany and France may replace up to 3
two-division reserve corps from their Summer 1914 losses.
They appear at the beginning of the Autumn quarter on any
city in their respective countries.
4) East Front Situation: at the beginning of Autumn 1914, the
Germans must withdraw 2 two-division active corps, 1 two-
division cavalry corps and one HQ. The Central Powers player
may remove those units from anywhere on the map as long
as theyre in supply.
The Russian steamroller advanced into Eastern Europe, coming close
to destroying the Austro-Hungarian army, only to be stopped by the
great German victory at Tannenburg.
1. Use only the Russian Front map, and units set up initially on
2. Scenario consists of Summer and Autumn 1914.
3. Entente set up rst, Central Powers second.
4. Use only Eastern Front 1914 campaign cards (#4, 47).
5. Special Victory Conditions: none.
Scenario Special Rules
1) Use only Russian, German and Austro-Hungarian forces.
Ignore all others. Units may only enter Russia, German and
2) German reinforcements: Germans receive 2 two-division
active corps and 1 two-division cavalry corps at the beginning
of the Autumn 1914 turn. Theyre placed on any hex on the
west map edge in Germany. Germany also receives 1 HQ on
any industrial city and 3 two-division reserve corps on any
city in Germany.
3) German units may move by rail off the west map edge and back
onto the map by any other Central Powers controlled rail hexes.
They may not end a rail move off the Russian front map.
4) In addition to standard supply sources, units may trace a line
of communication (using standard lines of communication
rules) to the following:
a) Germans: any Central Powers controlled rail hex on the
western map edge in Germany or Poland.
b) Austro-Hungarians: any Central Powers controlled rail hex
on the western map edge in Austro-Hungary or Poland
Historical notes: By Spring of 1915 the combatants realized the war
wasnt going to end in one campaign. The Germans went over to
the defensive in the west and the offensive in the east. A combined
German-Austrian attack pushed the Russians back. Meanwhile the
Entente attacked on the western front, gaining no ground and taking
horrendous casualties. On the Mid-East front the British landed at
Gallipoli as the rst phase of their plan to seize Constantinople and
knock Turkey out of the war.
Set-Up Instructions
All countries with fortied zones begin with one fortication
per controlled hex. Przemysl doesnt have a fortication.
Belligerents: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire,
Uprising Markers: 1 in British Africa
PERSIA has no units.
Note: Persia was technically neutral, but for game purposes its considered
a member of the Central Powers inasmuch as it had been invaded
and occupied by the Russians and British.
Deploy anywhere in the designated countries on either side of
the front line. All must be deployed in underground status.
In the Ottoman Empire: 1 Persia: 1
Belligerents: France, Britain, Italy, Albania, Belgium, Japan,
Montenegro, Serbia
Special Rule: Japanese never suffer from supply attrition while
in Japan, China, Siberia or the Pacic Ocean off-map zones.
Deploy anywhere in the designated countries on either side of
the front line. All must be deployed in underground status.
In Belgium: 1 In France: 1
In Serbia, Montenegro or Albania: 1
Same deployment and special rules as in the 1914
1. This scenario starts in Spring 1915 and ends after the completion
of Autumn 1915.
2. Use all three maps and all units. Entente sets up rst, Central
Powers second.
3. Special victory conditions: none.
4. Special rules: none.
5. Pre-game mobilization: prior to starting this scenario,
players must determine what units are in progress on their
Mobilization Tracks. Thats done by performing the production
for Winter 1915 by determining the number of industrial and
petroleum hexes available to each country for each of these
turns. (Each country may utilize all such hexes on its side
of the 1915 front line.) Use a production multiple of two.
Players then place any units mobilized the proper number of
spaces ahead on the Turn Record Track. Units that take zero
turns to mobilize (for example, reserve corps) may not be
mobilized. Production resumes normally with Spring 1915.
Example: the Germans decide to produce an active unit for
their Winter 1915 turn. Since it takes two Mobilization Phases
to be produced, it would be placed on the Mobilization Track
space for Summer 1915.
1. This scenario starts in Spring 1915 and ends after the completion
of Autumn 1915.
2. Use only west map and units. Central Powers set up rst,
Entente second.
3. Special victory conditions: none.
Special Rules
1) Ignore any events dealing with off-map countries and forces.
2) Italian Entry
a) Italy automatically enters the war on the side of the Entente
in Spring 1915.
b) On the turn following the one in which Italy becomes
an Entente power, the Austrians receive the following
reinforcements: 1 headquarters, 6 active division equivalents,
4 reserve division equivalents. They appear on the east map
edge, entering via rail movement using normal movement.
3) Serbian Front
a) Dont use any of the units designated as starting in the
Balkans, Serbia, Montenegro and Albania.
b) Neither player may enter any hex in Serbia, Montenegro
or Albania.
1. This scenario starts in Spring 1915 and ends after the completion
of Autumn 1915.
2. Use only the Russian Front map and units set up on it
3. Special victory conditions: none.
Special Rules
Players should use the west map in order to set-up units on the
German-Russian border.
Supply Sources: in addition to standard supply sources, units
may trace lines of communication (using standard line of
communications rules) to the following:
1) Germans: any Central Powers controlled rail hex on the western
map edge in Germany or Poland.
2) Austro-Hungarians: any Central Powers controlled rail hex
on the western map edge in Austro-Hungary or Poland
3) Bulgarians: any Central Powers controlled rail hex on the
western map edge in Austro-Hungary or Poland.
1. This scenario starts in Spring 1915 and ends after the completion
of Autumn 1915.
2. Use the Mid-East map and units (see special rules). Entente
sets up rst, Central Powers second.
3. Special victory conditions: none.
Special Rules
1) Players should use the following sections of the west map in
order to play out the complete Serbian campaign: all of Serbia,
Montenegro and Albania; all hexes of Austria-Hungary within
two hexes of the 1915 front line.
2) Serbian, Montenegrin and Albanian units may deploy within
their own countries on either the Mid-East and/or west
3) Central Powers player may deploy units indicated as being set
up in the Balkans within two hexes of the 1915 front line on the
Central Powers side on either the Mid-East or west maps.
Supply Sources
In addition to standard supply sources, units may trace lines
of communication (using standard line of communications rules)
as follows.
Central Powers
Any Central Powers controlled rail hex on the northern or western
map edge in the Balkans part of the Mid-East map.
Any Central Powers controlled rail hex on the northern edge of
the playing area on the western map.
Any port hex containing at least one Entente naval transport
Historical Note: 1916 saw several epic actions. On the western front the
Germans launched the Battle of Verdun, while the British launched
the Somme offensive. In the east the Russian Brusilov Offensive at
rst gained ground, but only to be smashed in turn by a German
counterattack. To the south the Ottomans made a desperate attack
on the Suez Canal, while Rumania entered the war on the side of
the Entente and was handily defeated. 1916 also saw the Battle of
Jutland, the largest general engagement between dreadnought-era
Set-Up Instructions
All countries with fortied zones begin with one fortication
per controlled hex. Przemysl does not have a fortication.
PERSIA: No units.
Note: Persia was technically neutral, but for game purposes is considered
a member of the Central Powers inasmuch as it had been invaded and
occupied by the Russians and British.
Deploy anywhere in the designated countries on either side of
the front line. All must be deployed in underground status.
In Russia (Russian front map, including provinces): 1
In the Ottoman Empire: 1
Persia: 1
Belligerents: France, Britain, Italy, Belgium, Greece, Japan,
Portugal, Serbia.
Special Rule: Japanese never suffer from supply attrition while
in Japan, China, Siberia or Pacic Ocean off-map zones.
Deploy anywhere in the designated countries on either side of
the front line. All must be deployed in underground status.
In Belgium: 2
In France: 1
In Serbia, Montenegro or Albania: 2
In Russia (Russian front map, including provinces): 2
In the Ottoman Empire, anywhere: 1
Same deployment and special rules as in the 1914 instructions
except US.
Montenegro and Albania.
1. This scenario starts in Spring 1916 and ends after the completion
of Autumn 1916.
2. Use all three maps and all units. Entente sets up rst, Central
Powers second.
3. Special victory conditions: none.
Special Rules
Pre-game mobilization: prior to starting this scenario, players
must determine what units are in progress on their Mobilization
Tracks. Thats done by performing the production for the
following turns: Spring 1915, Summer 1915, Autumn 1915
and Winter 1916 as follows.
1) Determine the number of industrial and petroleum hexes
available to each country for each of those turns. Each country
may utilize all such hexes on its side of the 1916 front line.
2) Use the following production multiplier for the designated turns,
and not the multipliers shown on the Turn Record Track. That
represents the long-term production portion of these turns.
Round down all remainders.
Spring 1915: 2 Autumn 1915: 2
Summer 1915: 2 Winter 1916: 2
3) Players then place any units produced ahead the proper number
of spaces on the Mobilization Track. Units that wouldve been
received prior to Spring 1916 are placed on the appropriate
reinforcement locations as part of the scenario set up.
4) A player may not produce types that take zero turns to mobilize
(for example, reserve corps).
5) Production resumes normally with Spring 1916. Example: the
Germans decide to produce an active unit for their Winter 1916
turn. Since it takes two Mobilization Phases to be produced, it
would be placed on the Summer 1916 space on Turn Record
1. This scenario starts in Spring 1916 and ends after the completion
of Autumn 1916.
2. Use only west map and units. Entente sets up rst, Central
Powers second.
3. Special victory conditions: none.
Special Rule
Ignore any events dealing with off-map countries and
1. This scenario starts in Spring 1916 and ends after the completion
of Autumn 1916.
2. Use only the Russian Front map and units initially set up on
it. Central Powers sets up rst, Entente second.
3. Special victory conditions: none.
4. Special rules: none.
Supply Sources
In addition to standard supply sources, units may trace lines of
communication (using standard line of communications rules)
to the following.
1) Germans: any Central Powers controlled rail hex on the western
map edge in Germany or Poland.
2) Austro-Hungarians: any Central Powers controlled rail hex
on the western map edge in Austria-Hungary or Poland.
3) Bulgarians: any Central Powers controlled rail hex on the
western map edge in Austria-Hungary or Poland.
4) When Romania enters the war, Romanian units trace lines
of communication to any Entente controlled rail hex on the
southern map edge within Romania. Use only the Romanian
units on the Russian front portion of the map.
5) Central Powers Reinforcements: Germans receive the
following units at the beginning of the Summer 1916 turn: 7
active division equivalents, 8 reserve division equivalents. They
appear on the western map edge using rail movement.
1. This scenario starts in Spring 1916 and ends after the completion
of Summer 1916.
2. Use only Mid-East Front map and units. Entente sets up rst,
Central Powers second.
3. Special victory conditions: none.
4. Special rule: ignore any events dealing with off-map countries
and forces.
Supply Sources
In addition to standard supply sources, units may trace a lines
of communication (using standard line of communications rules)
to the following.
Central Powers
Any Central Powers controlled rail hex on the northern or
western map edges in the Balkans.
Any port hex containing at least one Entente naval transport
Historical Note: 1917 was the turning point. The Central Powers knocked
Russia out of the war and came close to defeating Italy. On the
western front, the French army mutinied, and only astute leadership
kept the situation from collapsing. In November the British launched
their Cambrai offensive, the rst major tank attack. And, of course,
the US entered the war.
Front Line Notes
1. Use the 1917 frontline printed on the map.
2. Rumania, Montenegro and Albania have surrendered. Serbia
is completely occupied. Central Powers units may be set up
in hexes of those countries behind the frontline.
3. On the west map, the Swiss border is part of the frontline.
4. On the Mid-East map, no units may be set up in desert hexes.
Only units specically designated as starting in Persia may
be deployed there.
5. The Transcaucus in Russia is behind the Entente frontline.
Belligerents: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire,
Bulgaria, Persia
Uprising Markers: 1 in British Africa
PERSIA: No units.
Note: Persia was technically neutral, but for game purposes is considered
a member of the Central Powers inasmuch as it had been invaded
and occupied by the Russians and British.
Deploy anywhere in the designated countries on either side of
the front line. All must be deployed in underground status.
In Russia (Russian front map, including provinces): 3
In Russia (Transcaucus): 1
In the Ottoman Empire: 1
Persia: 1
Belligerents: France, Britain, Italy, Russia, United States,
Belgium, Brazil, Greece, Japan, Portugal, Serbia
Special Rule: Japanese never suffer from supply attrition while
in Japan, China, Siberia or Pacic Ocean off map zones.
Deploy anywhere in the designated countries on either side of
the front line. All must be deployed in underground status.
In Belgium: 1
In France: 1
In Serbia, Montenegro or Albania: 1
In Russia (Russian front map, including provinces): 2
In Russia (Transcaucus): 1
In the Ottoman Empire, anywhere: 3
Same deployment and special rules as in the 1914
Albania, Montenegro and Rumania.
1. This scenario starts in Spring 1917 and ends after the completion
of Autumn 1917.
2. Use all three maps and all units. Entente sets up rst, Central
Powers second.
3. Special victory conditions: none.
4. Special rules: none.
5. Pre-game mobilization: prior to starting this scenario, players
must determine what units are in progress on their Mobilization
Tracks. Thats done by performing the production for the
following turns: Spring 1916, Summer 1916, Autumn 1916
and Winter 1917, as follows.
1) Determine the number of industrial and petroleum hexes
available to each country for each of those turns. Each country
may utilize all such hexes on its side of the 1917 front line.
2) Use the following production multiple for the designated turns,
not the multiplier shown on the track, that represents long term
production. Round down all remainders.
Spring 1916: 2 Autumn 1916: 4
Summer 1916: 2 Winter 1917: 4
3) Players then place any units produced ahead the proper number
of spaces on the Mobilization Track. Units that wouldve been
received prior to Spring 1917 are placed on the appropriate
reinforcement locations as part of the setup.
a) Players may not produce types that take zero turns to mobilize
(for example, reserve corps).
b) Production resumes normally in Spring 1917.
c) US Production: dont use this procedure for the US. US
production starts normally with Spring 1917.
1. This scenario starts in Spring 1917 and ends after the completion
of Autumn 1917.
2. Use only west map and units. Entente sets up rst, Central
Powers second.
3. Special victory conditions: none.
Special Rule
Ignore any events dealing with off-map countries and
1) British receive the following units at the start of the Autumn
1917 turn: 2 tank brigades on any British HQ.
2) The following US unit is received on any French HQ: 2
divisional equivalents of shock infantry.
1. This scenario starts in Summer 1917 and ends after the
completion of Autumn 1917 Diplomacy phase.
2. Use only the Russian Front map and units. Central Powers set
up rst, Entente second.
3. Special victory conditions: to win this scenario, the Central
Powers must fulll the conditions of card #31 and cause
a Russian surrender by holding Riga or Kiev at the end of
the game. The Entente player wins by avoiding a Russian
4. Special Rules: ignore any events dealing with off-map countries
and forces.
Supply Sources
In addition to standard supply sources, units may trace lines of
communication (using standard line of communications rules)
to the following.
Any Central Powers controlled rail hex on the western map edge
in Germany or Poland.
Any Central Powers controlled rail hex on the western map edge
in Austro-Hungary or Poland.
Central Powers Reinforcements
The Germans receive the following units at the beginning of the
Summer 1917 turn: 9 shock divisional equivalents. They appear
on the western map edge using rail movement.
1. This scenario starts in Spring 1917 and ends after the completion
of Autumn 1917.
2. Use only Mid-East map and units. Central Powers sets up rst,
Entente second.
3. Special victory conditions: none.
4. Special Rule: Ignore any events dealing with off-map countries
and forces.
Supply Sources
In addition to standard supply sources, units may trace lines of
communication (using standard lines of communication rules)
to the following.
Central Powers
Any Central Powers controlled rail hex on the northern or western
map edge in the Balkans.
Any port hex containing at least one Entente naval transport
Belligerents: Germany, Austro-Hungary, Ottoman Empire,
Bulgaria, Persia, Finland, Baltic, Poland, Ukraine
Uprising Markers: 1 in British Africa
PERSIA: No units.
Note: Persia was technically neutral, but for game purposes is considered
a member of the Central Powers inasmuch as it had been invaded and
occupied by the Russians and British.
Deploy anywhere in the designated countries ON either side of
the Front Line. All must be deployed in Underground status.
In Russia (Russian front map, including provinces): 4
In Russia (Transcaucus): 1
In the Ottoman Empire: 2
Persia: 1
Belligerents: France, Britain, Italy, United States, Belgium,
Brazil, Greece, Japan, Portugal, Serbia, Transcaucus
Special Rule: Japanese never suffer from Supply Attrition while
in Japan, China, Siberia or Pacic Ocean off map zones.
Deploy anywhere in the designated countries ON either
side of the Front Line. All must be deployed in underground
In Belgium: 1
In France: 1
In Serbia, Montenegro, or Albania: 1
In Russia (Russian front map, including provinces): 3
In Russia (Transcaucus): 1
In the Ottoman Empire: 2 (in any desert hexes); 1 elsewhere
Neither player initially controls the Bolsheviks; they are set
up by the Entente.
Deploy in Russia or Siberia east of the start line.
Headquarters: 1
Reserve division equivalent: 15
Shock infantry division equivalent: 4
Cavalry division equivalent: 4
Armored train: 1
Partisans: two, anywhere in Russia on either side of the front
line. All must be deployed in underground status.
Agents: whoever controls the Bolsheviks receives 3 Bolshevik
agents per turn, according to the Bolshevik rules.
Controlled by the Central Powers and deployed anywhere in
Finland west of the front line.
Headquarters: 1
Active infantry division equivalent: 2
Reserve division equivalent: 2
Shock infantry divisional equivalent: 2
Controlled by the Central Powers and deployed anywhere in
Poland west of the front line.
Reserve division equivalent: 2
Cavalry division equivalent: 2
Controlled by the Central Powers and deployed anywhere in
the Ukraine on either side of the front line.
Reserve division equivalent: 2
Controlled by the Central Powers and deployed on the Russian
Front map anywhere in the Baltic provinces on either side of
the front line.
Active infantry division equivalent: 2
Reserve division equivalent: 2
Controlled by the Entente and deployed on the Mid-East map
in the Transcaucus.
Alpine division equivalent: 2
Use Russian units; representing White Russians. Deployed by
the Entente anywhere in Russia or Siberia in any hexes not
containing Bolshevik units.
Headquarters: 1
Active infantry division equivalent: 4
Reserve division equivalent: 4
Cavalry divisional equivalent: 6
Tactical air: 1
Same deployment and special rules as in the 1914
Russian Empire, Rumania, Montenegro, Albania.
1. This scenario starts in Spring 1918 and ends after the completion
of Autumn 1918.
2. Use all three maps and all units. Entente sets up rst, Central
Powers second.
3. Special victory conditions: ignore the general victory
conditions. The Central Powers win a sudden death victory
if they at any time occupy Paris with a supplied combat unit.
Otherwise, the Entente must cause the surrender of Germany
(CP Morale = 0). Any other result is a draw (play the 1919
4. Special rule: both players may agree to extend the game to
Spring 1919. If they do so, change the second standard Entente
victory condition to both the Ottoman Empire and Austro-
Hungary Surrendered.
5. Pre-game mobilization: prior to starting this scenario, players
must determine what units are in progress on their Mobilization
Tracks. Thats done by performing the production for the
following turns: Spring 1917, Summer 1917, Autumn 1917
and Winter 1918, as follows,
a) Determine the number of industrial and petroleum hexes
available to each country for each of those turns. Each country
may utilize all such hexes on its side of the 1918 front line.
b) Use the following production multiple for the designated
turns, not the multiple on the track. That represents long term
production. Round down all remainders. U.S. only use this
for Winter 1918.
Spring 1917: 2 Autumn 1917: 2
Summer 1917: 2 Winter 1918: 2
c) Players then place any units produced ahead the proper
number of spaces on the Mobilization Track. Units that
wouldve been received prior to Spring 1918 are placed on
the appropriate reinforcement locations as part of the scenario
set up.
d) Players may not produce types that take zero turns to
mobilize (for example, reserve corps).
e) Production resumes normally in Spring 1918.
1. This scenario starts in Spring 1918 and ends after the completion
of Autumn 1918.
2. Use only west map and units. Entente sets up rst, Central
Powers second.
3. Special victory conditions: Ignore the general victory
conditions. The Central Powers win a sudden death victory if
they at any time occupy Paris with a supplied combat unit. The
Entente win anytime Germany surrenders or the CP Morale is
zero. Any other result is a draw (or play the 1919 scenario).
4. Special rule: ignore any events dealing with off-map countries
and forces.
OSTEN 1918
1. This scenario starts in Spring 1918 and ends after the completion
of Autumn 1918.
2. Use only the Russian Front map and units set up on it (see special
rule). Bolsheviks set up rst, Central Powers second.
3. Victory conditions: Central Powers win by controlling
Petrograd or Moscow or any four of the following: Helsinki,
Warsaw, Riga, Kiev, Rostov. Otherwise the Bolsheviks win.
Special Rules
1) This what-if scenario assumes the Central Powers took the
offensive in the east in 1918 in order to knock out the Bolsheviks.
There are two players in this scenario, Central Powers and
Bolshevik. The Bolshevik player automatically controls all
Bolshevik, Transcaucus and Russian Free Corps units. Dont
roll for Bolshevik control.
2) Ignore any events dealing with off-map countries and forces.
3) There is no Bolshevik morale or morale considerations for
units on the Bolshevik side.
4) During initial set up the Central Powers player may exchange
reserve division equivalents for shock units on a two for one
basis. For example, he could exchange two 2-division reserve
corps for a 2-division shock corps. He may do so up to 10
shock division equivalents.
1. This scenario starts in Spring 1918 and ends after the completion
of Autumn 1918.
2. Use only Mid-East map and units (see special rules for
deployment). Central Powers sets up rst, Entente second.
3. Victory conditions: for purposes of a front line, assume a line
exists from 4514/4515 to 5510/5511.
Special Rules
1) Use only the following parts of the Mid-East map: Ottoman
Empire in Asia, Egypt, Transcaucus, Persia, and sea hexes.
Players may not enter any hexes of the Balkans, including
Constantinople and Gallipoli. Players may not enter any
hexes of the Sea of Marmora. Note the Central Powers occupy
Transcaucus, unlike previous scenarios.
2) Ignore any events dealing with off-map countries and forces.
Initial Deployments
Do not use the 1918 deployment. Instead, deploy as
Central Powers
1) Ottomans must place the following units within four hexes of
Damascus (4322) on the Central Powers side of the front line:
3 headquarters; 6 active division equivalents; 6 reserve division
equivalents; 2 cavalry division equivalents; 1 tactical air.
2) Ottomans must place the following units within three hexes
of Samarrah (5716) on the Central Powers side of the front
line: 1 headquarters; 2 active divisional equivalents; 2 reserve
divisional equivalents.
3) Ottomans must place the following units in the Transcaucus: 1
Headquarters; 1 two-division mountain corps; 1 two-division
active corps; 1 two-division reserve corps.
4) On any Ottoman city on the Central Powers side of the start
line not within the above deployment criteria: 1 headquarters; 2
reserve division equivalents; 2 cavalry division equivalents.
5) German units: within four hexes of Damascus on the Central
Powers side of the front line: 1 headquarters. Anywhere in the
Ottoman Empire or the Transcaucus: 1 two-division shock
6) Anywhere in the Ottoman Empire, Persia or the Transcaucus
on either side of the front line: 2 Central Powers partisans,
All must be deployed in underground status.
Central Powers agents: 1
Ottoman Poison Gas points: 0
1) Place the following British units within three hexes of Jerusalem
(4226) on the Entente side of the front line: 2 headquarters;
2 shock division equivalents; 6 active division equivalents; 2
reserve division equivalents; 5 cavalry division equivalents;
1 tank brigade; 1 armored car brigade; 2 tactical air.
2) Place the following British units within three hexes of Baghdad
(6019) and/or Basra on the Entente side of the front line: 2
headquarters; 2 shock division equivalents; 2 active division
equivalents; 2 reserve division equivalents; 2 cavalry division
equivalents; 1 tactical air.
3) Place the following British units in Persia: 2 reserve division
4) Place the following British units in the Caspian Sea: 1 naval
transport otilla.
5) Place the following French units within three hexes of Jerusalem
(4226) on the Entente side of the front line: 1 two-division
active corps.
6) Entente partisans in the Arabian desert: 3; anywhere in the
Ottoman Empire: 1. All must be deployed in underground
7) Nationalist units: In the Transcaucus on any hexes not containing
a Central Powers unit: 1 two-division mountain corps; two-
division reserve corps; 1 guerrilla. All must be deployed in
underground status.
8) Alexandria, Port Said or Suez City: 1 two-division reserve corps;
1 cruiser division, 1 escort otilla, 2 naval transport.
9) Fao (7023): 1 naval transport
10) The Entente have four motorization markers that they can
place on any British units.
Supply Sources
Units are in supply if they can trace a standard supply line to the
following: Central Powers, Constantinople, Entente (hex must
contain at least one naval transport), Alexandria, Suez, Fao.
Historical Note: This is a what-if scenario. It assumes Germany didnt
surrender in 1918 and continued resistance for another year. In case
of that event, the Entente had developed several plans, including
expanded use of mechanized and air forces for a proto-blitzkrieg.
1. The term division equivalents means the player may choose
any combination of corps whose total component divisions
equal the number given.
2. Theres only one 1919 scenario. Use only the west map.
3. Units are deployed as specied anywhere on their own side of
the 1919 front line unless otherwise indicated.
4. Naval units are deployed in any friendly ports of the owning
country on the designated map section.
5. Units may begin the game entrenched.
6. Each side controls all railroads on its own side of the
Belligerents: Germany, Austria-Hungary
Belligerents: France, Britain, Italy, United States, Belgium,
Brazil, Portugal
Deploy anywhere in the designated countries on either side of
the front line. All must be deployed in underground status.
In Belgium: 1 In France: 1
Same deployment and special rules as in the 1914
1. This scenario starts in Spring 1919 and ends after the completion
of Summer 1919.
2. Use only west map and units. Central Powers set up rst,
Entente second.
3. Special victory conditions: Entente must fulll the conditions
of card #70 to win, otherwise the Central Powers win.
4. Special rules: ignore any events dealing with off-map countries
and forces.
1. Use only the Russian Front map and the Siberian part of the
off-map display.
2. Entente sets up rst, Central Powers second. All units must
be deployed in home country or home country border hexes,
unless otherwise specied.
3. This scenario starts in Summer 1914 and ends after completion
of Autumn 1917, or when one side has completely capitulated.
Prior to the start of play, players may agree to end the game on
any specied turn and then evaluate victory conditions.
4. Special victory conditions: to win this scenario the Central
Powers must cause a Russian surrender by Autumn 1917. The
Entente player wins by avoiding a Russian surrender.
Belligerents: Germany, Austria-Hungary
Morale: 100
Air Doctrine Level: 1
Agents: 0
Motorization Markers: 0
German Poison Gas Points: 0
Austro-Hungarian Poison Gas Points: 0
Belligerents: Russia
Morale: 90
Air Doctrine Level: 1
Agents: 0
Motorization Markers: 0
Russian Poison Gas Points: 0
Initial Deployment
Use only Russian, Rumanian, German and Austro-Hungarian
forces; ignore all others. Use the 1914 initial deployment, but
only with the units initially deployed on the Russian Front.
German Special Deployment & Reinforcements
1) Germans also deploy from among the 1914 Deploy Anywhere
on East Front units, 1 two-division cavalry corps, 3 two-
division reserve corps.
2) Germans deploy the following naval units on any German port
in the Baltic Sea: one cruiser squadron, one escort otilla, one
transport otilla.
3) Germans deploy one air unit anywhere in Germany.
4) German reinforcements: Germans receive 2 two-division
active corps, 1 two-division cavalry corps, and 1 HQ at the
beginning of the Autumn 1914 turn, placed on any hex on the
west map edge in Germany.
5) Special naval reinforcement: if any Russian eet units leave
their ports during the game, the following German naval units
enter as reinforcements in the immediately following German
impulse (they sail from the western edge of the Baltic Sea):
One pre-dreadnought, one cruiser, one escort. They are received
only once and remain in play for the remainder of the game
unless a special event calls for their withdrawal.
Special Rules
1) Neither player may entrench in the Summer 1914 turn.
2) Ignore any events dealing with off-map countries and forces.
3) German units may move by rail off the west map edge and
back onto the map by any other Central Powers controlled
rail hexes.
4) Germans may trace lines of communication along contiguous
railroad hexes that reach the western edge of the map.
1) Players use only on-map industrial and petroleum hexes for
mobilization, with exceptions listed below.
2) Germans are considered to have available the following
number of industrial hexes off-map. They benet from the
industrial multiples listed below. For example, in Autumn
1914 the Germans would receive 6x4=24 industrial points
from off map.
1914: 6 1916: 6
1915: 12 1917: 12
3) Mobilized German units may appear either on any friendly
on-map industrial hex, or they may enter via rail movement
on the west map edge on the turns following production.
4) To account for various operations going on in the rest of Europe,
each player rolls a die during the events phase, consults the
list below, and immediately applies the results.
Central Powers Events Table
1) No event.
2) Offensive in the Balkans: Austro-Hungarians must withdraw at
least one HQ and 12 combat factors of any unit types. Reduce
Central Powers morale by one die roll.
3) Offensive in the west: Germans must withdraw at least one
headquarters and 20 combat factors of any unit types. Germans
must withdraw the Ludendorff and Hindenburg card. Also
withdraw all pre-dreadnought and cruiser naval units, if any
are in play. Reduce Central Powers morale by one die roll.
Treat as No event if rolled in 1914.
4) Central Powers success in the Balkans: Raise morale by
two die rolls. Austro-Hungarians receive one headquarters
and 12 combat factors of active or reserve infantry or cavalry
as reinforcements.
5) German success on the western front: raise morale by two
die rolls. Germans receive one headquarters and 20 combat
factors of active and/or reserve infantry and/or cavalry as
reinforcements. Germans may return the Ludendorff and
Hindenburg card to play if previously withdrawn. Return any
pre-dreadnought and cruiser naval units previously withdrawn
(by an event). Treat as No event if rolled in 1914.
6) No event.
Entente Events Table
1) No event.
2) Turks routed in the Transcaucus. Raise Russian morale by
one die roll.
3) Turks marching on the Transcaucus: Reduce Russian morale
by one die roll. Russians must withdraw one headquarters and
12 combat factors of any unit types. Russians must permanently
remove the Grand Duke Nicholas card.
4) Entente disaster in the west: reduce Russian morale by one
die roll.
5) Entente success in the west: raise Russian morale by one
die roll.
6) Gallipoli: if this is a 1915 turn, roll one die. On a 1-3, the
Gallipoli operation succeeds and the Russians receive 10
additional industrial points this turn if the Entente controls at
least one port on the Black Sea. On a 4-6, the operation fails
and the Russians lose one die roll worth of morale. Treat as
no event if 1914 or 1916 or later.
Notes to Off-Map Events
1) Central powers reinforcements are received on the west map
edge on the turn immediately following the event occurring.
2) Certain units must be withdrawn. To be withdrawn, units must
be able to trace a line of communications, and they are then
immediately removed from the map. If the player is unable
or unwilling to withdraw the number of units called for, the
designated country loses morale points as noted in the table.
Naval units are withdrawn by removing them from the map.
Withdrawal of naval units must take place.

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