Visual Architecture Based Web Information Extraction

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Bonfring International Journal of Data Mining, Vol.

1, Special Issue, December 2011 6

ISSN 2250 107X | 2011 Bonfring
Abstract--- The World Wide Web has more online web
database which can be searched through their web query
interface. Deep Web contents are accessed by queries
submitted to Web databases and the returned data records
are enwrapped in dynamically generated Web pages.
Extracting structured data from deep Web pages is a
challenging task due to the underlying complicate structures
of such pages. Until now, a large number of techniques have
been proposed to address this problem, but all of them have
inherent limitations because they are Web-page-
programming-language dependent. As the popular two-
dimensional media, the contents on Web pages are always
displayed regularly for users to browse. This motivates us to
seek a different way for deep Web data extraction to
overcome the limitations of previous works by utilizing some
interesting common visual features on the deep Web pages.
In this paper, a novel vision-based approach that is Web-
page programming- language-independent is proposed. This
approach primarily utilizes the visual features on the deep
Web pages to implement deep Web data extraction, including
data record extraction and data item extraction.

Keywords--- Data Records, Data Items, Crawler, Web
Data Extractor, Vision-based Data Item Extractor (ViDE),
Vision based Data Record Extractor (ViDRE)

HE World Wide Web has more and more online Web
databases which can be searched through their Web
query interfaces. The number of Web databases has reached
25 millions according to a recent survey .All the Web
databases make up the deep Web (hidden Web or invisible
Web). Often the retrieved information (query results) is
enwrapped in Web pages in the form of data records. These
special Web pages are generated dynamically and are hard to
index by traditional crawler based search engines, such as
Google and Yahoo. In this paper, we call this kind of special
Web pages as deep Web pages. Each data record on the deep
Web pages corresponds to an object. However, processing the
data records and data items in the machine that is necessary

S. Oswalt Manoj, Assistant professor, Computer Science and
Engineering, Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology
Nisha Soms, Assistant professor, Computer Science and Engineering, Sri
Ramakrishna Institute of Technology
N.V. Shibu, Assistant professor, Computer Science and Engineering, Sri
Ramakrishna Institute of Technology
in applications such as deep Web crawling and
metasearching, the structured data need to be extracted from
the deep Web pages. Here the structured data, including data
records and data items can be extracted automatically from
the deep Web pages.
Data mining (sometimes called data or knowledge
discovery) is the process of analyzing data from different
perspectives and summarizing it into useful information -
information that can be used to increase revenue, cuts costs,
or both. Data mining software is one of a number of
analytical tools for analyzing data. It allows users to analyze
data from many different dimensions or angles, categorize it,
and summarize the relationships identified. Technically, data
mining is the process of finding correlations or patterns
among dozens of fields in large relational databases. Data are
any facts, numbers, or text that can be processed by a
computer. Today, organizations are accumulating vast and
growing amounts of data in different formats and different
databases. Information are any patterns, associations, or
relationships among all this data can provide information.
For example, analysis of retail point of sale transaction data
can yield information on which products are selling and
when. Information can be converted into knowledge about
historical patterns and future trends. For example, summary
information on retail supermarket sales can be analyzed in
light of promotional efforts to provide knowledge of consumer
buying behavior. Thus, a manufacturer or retailer could
determine which items are most susceptible to promotional
In web mining web can be viewed as the largest database
available and presents a challenging task for effective design
and access. Thus, data mining applied to the Web has the
potential to be quite beneficial. Web mining is mining of data
related to the World Wide Web. This may be the data actually
present in Web Pages or data related to Web activity. Web
data can be classified into the following classes:
Content of actual Web pages
Intrapage structure includes the HTML or XML code
for the page.
Interpage structure is the actual linkage structure
between Web pages.
Usage data that describe how Web pages are
accessed by visitors.
Web mining tasks can be divided into several classes. Web
content mining examines the content of Web pages as well as
results of Web searching. The content includes text as well as
S. Oswalt Manoj, Nisha Soms and N.V. Shibu

Visual Architecture based Web Information
Bonfring International Journal of Data Mining, Vol. 1, Special Issue, December 2011 7
ISSN 2250 107X | 2011 Bonfring
graphics data. Web content mining is further divided into
Web page content mining and search results mining. The
Web page content mining is traditional searching of Web
pages via content, while the search results mining is a further
search of pages found from a previous search. Thus, some
mining activities have been built on top of traditional search
engines, using their result as the data to be mined. With Web
structure mining, information is obtained from the actual
organization of pages on the Web. Content mining is similar
to the work performed by basic IR techniques, but it usually
goes farther than simply employing keyword searching. For
example clustering may be applied to Web pages to identify
similar pages. The intra page structure includes links within
the page as well as the code (HTML, XML) for the page. Web
usage mining looks at logs of Web access. General access
pattern tracking is a type of usage mining that locks at a
history of Web pages visited. This usage may be general or
may be targeted to specific usage or users. Besides identifying
what the traffic patterns look like, usage mining also involves
the mining of these sequential patterns. For Example,
patterns can be clustered based on their similarity. This in
turn can be used to cluster users into groups based on similar
access behavior. Web usage mining is a process of extracting
useful information from server logs i.e. users history. Web
usage mining is the process of finding out what users are
looking for on the Internet. Some users might be looking at
only textual data, whereas some others might be interested in
multimedia data. Web content mining is the process to
discover useful information from text, image, audio or video
data in the web. Web content mining sometimes is called web
text mining, because the text content is the most widely
researched area. Web structure mining is the process of using
graph theory to analyze the node and connection structure of
a web site. According to the type of web structural data, web
structure mining can be divided into two kinds:
Extracting patterns from hyperlinks in the web: a
hyperlink is a structural component that connects the
web page to a different location.
Mining the document structure: analysis of the tree-
like structure of page structures to describe HTML or
XML tag usage.
The deep Web (also called Deepnet, the invisible Web,
dark Web or the hidden Web) refers to World Wide Web
content that is not part of the surface Web, which is indexed
by standard search engines. In analogy to search engines over
the "crawlable" web, we argue that one way to unlock the
Deep Web is to employ a fully automated approach to
extracting, indexing, and searching the query-related
information-rich regions from dynamic web pages. Extracting
the interesting information from a Deep Web site requires
many things: including scalable and robust methods for
analyzing dynamic web pages of a given web site, discovering
and locating the query-related information-rich content
regions, and extracting itemized objects within each region.
By full automation, we mean that the extraction algorithms
should be designed independently of the presentation features
or specific content of the web pages, such as the specific ways
in which the query-related information is laid out or the
specific locations where the navigational links and
advertisement information are placed in the web pages. The
Deep Web (or Hidden Web) comprises all information that
resides in autonomous databases behind portals and
information providers' web front-ends. Web pages in the Deep
Web are dynamically-generated in response to a query
through a web site's search form and often contain rich
Data Extraction from Web Extractors Web even those web
sites with some static links that are "crawlable" by a search
engine often have much more information available only
through a query interface. Unlocking this vast deep web
content presents a major research challenge.
A Web crawler is a computer program that browses the World
Wide Web in a methodical, automated manner or in an
orderly fashion. Other terms for Web crawlers are ants,
automatic indexers, bots, Web spiders, Web robots, or
especially in the FOAF communityWeb scutters. This
process is called Web crawling or spidering.
The behavior of a Web crawler is the outcome of a
combination of policies:
a selection policy that states which pages to
a re-visit policy that states when to check for
changes to the pages,
a politeness policy that states how to avoid
overloading Web sites, and
a parallelization policy that states how to coordinate
distributed Web crawlers.
Objective of this work is to explore the visual regularity of
the data records and data items on deep Web pages and
propose a novel vision-based approach, Vision-based Data
Extractor (ViDE), to extract structured results from deep Web
pages automatically. ViDE is primarily based on the visual
features human users can capture on the deep Web pages
while also utilizing some simple nonvisual information such
as data types and frequent symbols to make the solution more
robust. ViDE consists of two main components, Vision based
Data Record extractor (ViDRE) and Vision-based Data Item
extractor (ViDIE). By using visual features for data
extraction, ViDE avoids the limitations of those solutions that
need to analyze complex Web page source files. In Section II
describes the Data Records Extraction, Section III contains
the Data item Extraction Section IV contains Visual Wrapper
Generation Section V describes about conclusion Section VI
contains Future Works.
Data record extraction aims to discover the boundary of
data records and extract them from the deep Web pages. An
ideal record extractor should achieve the following: 1) all
data records in the data region are extracted and 2) for each
extracted data record, no data item is missed and no incorrect
data item is included. Instead of extracting data records from
Bonfring International Journal of Data Mining, Vol. 1, Special Issue, December 2011 8
ISSN 2250 107X | 2011 Bonfring
the deep Web page directly, we first locate the data region,
and then, extract data records from the data region. PF1 and
PF2 indicate that the data records are the primary content on
the deep Web pages and the data region is centrally located
on these pages. The data region corresponds to a block in the
Visual Block tree. We locate the data region by finding the
block that satisfies the two position features. Each feature can
be considered as a rule or a requirement. Though very simple,
this method can find the data region in the Visual Block tree
accurately and efficiently.
Each data record corresponds to one or more sub trees in
the Visual Block tree, which are just the child blocks of the
data region. So, we only need to focus on the child blocks of
the data region. In order to extract data records from the data
region accurately, two facts must be considered. First, there
may be blocks that do not belong to any data record, such as
the statistical information (e.g., about 2,038 matching results
for java) and annotation about data records (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(Next)). These blocks are called noise blocks in this paper.
Noise blocks may appear in the data region because they are
often close to the data records. According to LF2, noise
blocks cannot appear between data records. They always
appear at the top or the bottom of the data region. Second,
one data record may correspond to one or more blocks in the
Visual Block tree, and the total number of blocks in which
one data record contains is not fixed.
Data record extraction is to discover the boundary of data
records based on the LF and AF features. We achieve this in
the following three phases:
Phase 1: Noise Blocks Filtering
Because noise blocks are always at the top or bottom, we
check the blocks located at the two positions according to
LF1. If a block at these positions is not aligned flush left, it
will be removed as a noise block. This step does not guarantee
the removal of all noise blocks.
Phase 2: Blocks Clustering
The remaining blocks in the data region are clustered
based on their appearance similarity. Since there may be three
kinds of information in data records, i.e., images, plain text,
and link text, the appearance similarity between blocks is
computed from the three aspects. For images, we care about
the size; for plain text and link text, we care about the shared
fonts. Intuitively, if two blocks are more similar on image size
and font, they should be more similar in appearance.
Phase 3: Blocks Regrouping
The clusters obtained in the previous step do not
correspond to data records. On the contrary, the blocks in the
same cluster all come from different data records. According
to AF2, the blocks in the same cluster have the same type of
contents of the data records. The blocks need to be regrouped
such that the blocks belonging to the same data record form a
group. Our basic idea of blocks regrouping is as follows:
According to CF1, the first data item in each data record is
always mandatory. Clearly, the cluster that contains the
blocks for the first items has the maximum number of blocks
possible; let n be this maximum number. It is easy to see that
if a cluster contains n blocks, these blocks contain mandatory
data items. Our regrouping method first selects a cluster with
n blocks and uses these blocks as seeds to form data records.
Next, given a block b, we determine which record b belongs
to according to CF2.

Figure 1: General Case of Data Region
2.1. Algorithm Block Regrouping
Input: C
; a group of clusters generated by blocks
clustering from a given sample deep web page P
Output: G
; each of them corresponds to a data
record on P
//Step 1: sort the blocks in C
according to their positions in
the page(from top to bottom and then from left to right)
1 for each cluster C
2 for any two blocks b
and b
in C
3 if b
and b
are in different lines on P,and b
is above

4 b
; //exchange their orders in C
5 else if b
and b
are in the same line on P, and b
is in
front of b

6 b
7 end until no exchange occurs;
8 from the minimum-bounding rectangle Rec
for C
//Step 2: initialize n groups, and n is the number of data
records on P
Bonfring International Journal of Data Mining, Vol. 1, Special Issue, December 2011 9
ISSN 2250 107X | 2011 Bonfring
9 C
| |C
|}}; // n=|C
10 for each block b
in C

11 Initialize group G
12 Put b
into G
//Step 3: put the blocks into the right groups, and each group
corresponds to a data record
13 For each cluster C

14 if Rec
overlaps with Rec
on P
15 if Rec
is ahead of (behind) Rec

16 for each blocks b
in C

17 find the nearest block b
in C
that is behind
(ahead of) b
on the web page; place b
into group G
A data record can be regarded as the description of its
corresponding object, which consists of a group of data items
and some static template texts. In real applications, these
extracted structured data records are stored (often in
relational tables) at data item level and the data items of the
same semantic must be placed under the same column. When
introducing CF, we mentioned that there are three types of
data items in data records: mandatory data items, optional
data items, and static data items. We extract all three types of
data items. Note that static data items are often annotations to
data and are useful for future applications, such as Web data
annotation. Below, we focus on the problems of segmenting
the data records into a sequence of data items and aligning
the data items of the same semantics together. Note that data
item extraction is different from data record extraction; the
former focuses on the leaf nodes.
3.1 Data Record Segmentation
AF3 indicates that composite data items cannot be
segmented any more in the Visual Block tree. So, given a
data record, we can collect its leaf nodes in the Visual Block
tree in left to right order to carry out data record
segmentation. Each composite data item also corresponds to a
leaf node. We can treat it as a regular data item initially, and
then, segment it into the real data items with the heuristic
rules mentioned in AF3 after the initial data item alignment.
The Visual Block tree, while the latter focuses on the child
blocks of the data region in the Visual Block tree.
3.2 Data Item Alignment
CF1 indicates that we cannot align data items directly due
to the existence of optional data items. It is natural for data
records to miss some data items in some domains. For
example, some books have discount price, while some do not.
Data item alignment focuses on the problem of how to align
the data items of the same semantic together and also keep
the order of the data items in each data record. In the
following, we first define visual matching of data items, and
then, propose an algorithm for data item alignment
3.3 Visual Matching of Data Items
AF2 indicates that if two data items from different data
records belong to the same semantic, they must have
consistent font and position, including both absolute position
and relative position. The first four lines of the algorithm say
that two data items are matched only if they have the same
absolute position in addition to having the same font. Here,
absolute position is the distance between the left side of the
data region and the left side of a data item. When two data
items do not have the same absolute position, they can still be
matched if they have the same relative position. For match on
relative position, the data items immediately before the two
input data items should be matched.
3.3.1 Algorithm-Data Item Matching
Input: item1,item2:two data items
Output: matched or unmatched:the match result(Boolean)
1 if(font(item1) font(item2))
2 Return unmatched;
3 if(position(item1)=position(item2))
4 Return matched;
5 if(itemp1 and itemp2 are matched) //itemp1 and itemp2
are the data items immediately in front of item1 and item2
6 Return matched;
7 else
8 Return unmatched;
9 End
3.4 Data Item Alignment
CF2 says that the order of data items in data records is
fixed. Thus, each data record can be treated as a sequence of
data items. We can utilize this feature to align data items.
Our goal is to place the data items of the same semantic in the
same column. If an optional data item does not appear in a
data record, we will fill the vacant position with a predefined
blank item. Based on this insight, we propose a multi
alignment algorithm that can process all extracted data
records holistically step by step. The basic idea of this
algorithm is described as follows: Initially, all the data items
are unaligned. We align data items by the order in their
corresponding data records. When we encounter optional data
items that do not appear in some data records, these vacant
positions will be filled with the predefined blank item. This
ensures that all data records are aligned and have the same
number of data items at the end.
3.4.1 Algorithm-Data Item Alignment
Input: a set of extracted data records {n|1jn}
Output: a set of data records{n|1jn} with all the data items
1. Currentitemset=;
2. Currentitemcluster=;
3. //put the first unaligned data item of each n into
Bonfring International Journal of Data Mining, Vol. 1, Special Issue, December 2011 10
ISSN 2250 107X | 2011 Bonfring
//Itemiu(i) refers to the first unaligned item of th ith
data record
Currentitemsetitemiu(i)(1in) ;
4. While currentItemSet
5. use the data item matching algorithm to group the
data items
In the currentItemSet into k clusters{ci|1ik}
6. for each cluster ci for each r1 that does not have a
data item in ci
7. if Itemju(j)+kis matched with data items in ci
8. Log position k;
9. else
10. Log position 0;
11. Pi=max value of these logged position for Ci;
/*Till now ,each cluster Ci has a positionPi*/ if
any PL==0
14 current cluster=c
whose p
is max{p
for each r
whose item

is in current cluster c

15 Remove item
from current item set;
16 If item
exists in r

17 Put item
into current item set;
18 For each r
that has no item in current cluster c

19 Insert a blank item ahead of item
in r
20 U(j)++;
21 end
ViDE has two components: ViDRE and ViDIE. There are
two problems with them. First, the complex extraction
processes are too slow in supporting real-time applications.
Second, the extraction processes would fail if there is only
one data record on the page. Since all deep Web pages from
the same Web database share the same visual template, once
the data records and data items on a deep Web page have
been extracted, we can use these extracted data records and
data items to generate the extraction wrapper for the Web
database so that new deep Web pages from the same Web
database can be processed using the wrappers quickly without
reapplying the entire extraction process. Our wrappers
include data record wrapper and data item wrapper. They are
the programs that do data record extraction and data item
extraction with a set of parameter obtained from sample
pages. For each Web database, we use a normal deep Web
page containing the maximum number of data records to
generate the wrappers. The wrappers of previous works
mainly depend on the structures or the locations of the data
records and data items in the tag tree, such as tag path. In
contrast, we mainly use the visual information to generate our
wrappers. Note that some other kinds of information are also
utilized to enhance the performances of the wrappers, such as
the data types of the data items and the frequent symbols
appearing in the data items. But they are easy to obtain from
the Web pages. We describe the basic ideas of our wrappers
4.1 Vision-Based Data Record Wrapper
Given a deep Web page, vision-based data record wrapper
first locates the data region in the Visual Block tree, and then,
extracts the data records from the child blocks of the data
region. Data region location. After the data region R on a
sample deep Web page P from site S is located by ViDRE, we
save five parameters values (x; y; w; h; l), where (x; y) form
the coordinate of R on P, w and h are the width and height of
R, and l is the level of R in the Visual Block tree. Given a
new deep Web page P_ from S, we first check the blocks at
level l in the Visual Block tree for P_. The data region on P_
should be the block with the largest area overlap with R on
P_. The overlap area can be computed using the coordinates
and width/height information. Data record extraction. For
each record, our visual data record wrapper aims to find the
first block of each record and the last block of the last data
record (denoted as blast).
To achieve this goal, we save the visual information (the
same as the information used in (1)) of the first block of each
data record extracted from the sample page and the distance
(denoted as d) between two data records. For the child blocks
of the data region in a new page, we find the first block of
each data record by the visual similarity with the saved visual
information. Next, blast on the new page needs to be located.
Based on our observation, in order to help the users
differentiate data records easily, the vertical distance between
any two neighboring blocks in one data record is always
smaller than d and the vertical distance between blast and its
next block is not smaller than d. Therefore, we recognize the
first block whose distance with its next block is larger than d
as blast.
4.2 Vision-Based Data Item Wrapper
The data alignment algorithm groups data items from
different data records into columns or attributes such that data
items under the same column have the same semantic. Table
6 lists useful information about each attribute obtained from
the sample page that can help determine which attribute a
data item belongs to. The basic idea of our vision-based data
item wrapper is described as follows: Given a sequence of
attributes fa1; a2; . . . ; ang obtained from the sample page
and a sequence of data items fitem1; item2; . . . ; itemmg
obtained from a new data record, the wrapper processes the
data items in order to decide which attribute the current data
item can be matched to. For itemi and aj, if they are the same
on f, l, and d, their match is recognized. The wrapper then
judges whether itemi1 and aj1 are matched next, and if not,
it judges itemi and aj1. Repeat this process until all data
items are matched to their right attributes. Note that if an
attribute on a new page did not appear on the sample page,
the data item of the attribute cannot be matched to any
attribute. To avoid such a problem, several sample pages may
be used to generate the wrapper. This can increase the chance
that every attribute appears on at least one of these sample
Bonfring International Journal of Data Mining, Vol. 1, Special Issue, December 2011 11
ISSN 2250 107X | 2011 Bonfring
The extracted data can be shown as follows:

With the flourish of the deep Web, users have a great
opportunity to benefit from such abundant information in it.
In general, the desired information is embedded in the deep
Web pages in the form of data records returned by Web
databases when they respond to users queries. Therefore, it is
an important task to extract the structured data from the deep
Web pages. Here we focused on the structured Web data
extraction problem, including data record extraction and data
item extraction. First, surveyed previous works on Web data
extraction and investigated their inherent limitations. The
visual information of Web pages can help us implement Web
data extraction. Based on our observations of a large number
of deep Web pages, it is identified that a set of interesting
common visual features that are useful for deep Web data
extraction. Based on these visual features, we proposed a
novel vision-based approach to extract structured data from
deep Web pages, which can avoid the limitations of previous
works. The main trait of this vision-based approach is that it
primarily utilizes the visual features of deep Web pages.
There are still some remaining issues and we plan to
address them in future. ViDE can only process deep web
pages containing one data region, while there is a significant
number of multidata-region deep web pages. We intend to
propose vision based approach to tackle HTML dependent
and its performance. The efficiency of ViDE can be
improved. In the current ViDE, the visual information of web
pages is obtained by calling the programming AIPs of IE,
which is time consuming process. To address this problem,
we intend to develop a a set of new AIPs to obtain the visual
information directly from web pages.This process of
extracting Deep Web Pages can be further improved by using
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S. Oswalt Manoj was born in Tamilnadu, India, on
November 23,1986. He received his B.E degree in
Computer science and Engineering in 2008 from Anna
University Chennai and ME degree in Computer Science
and Engineering in 2010 from Anna University
Tirunelveli. Presently he is working as Assistant
professor in the Department of CSE at Sri Ramakrishna
Institute of Technology, Coimbatore. His areas of interest
are Cloud Computing, Web Mining and software
Engineering. He has presented many papers in national and International
Conferences. He is a life member of ISTE.

Nisha Soms was born in Trivandrum, Kerala, on October
1,1982. She received her B.E. degree in Computer
Science and Engineering from Arulmigu Kalasalingam
College of Engineering, Tamilnadu, in 2004. From 2004
to 2006, she was working as a Lecturer in Carmel
Engineering College, Ranni, Kerala. She received her
M.E degree in Computer Science and Engineering from
Sona College of Technology, Tamilnadu in 2008.
Currently, she is working as an Assistant Professor in Sri Ramakrishna Institute
of Technology, Coimbatore. Her current research interests include Adhoc
Networks, Mobile Communications and Applied Cryptography.

N.V. Shibu was born in Tamilnadu, India, on April
21,1983. He received his B.E. degree in Mechanical
Engineering from S. A. Raja College of Engineering,
Tamilnadu, in 2005. He received his M.Tech degree in
Information Technology from Manonmaniam
Sundaranar University, Tamilnadu, in 2007. Currently,
he is working as an Assistant Professor in Sri
Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore. He is
now a Ph.D. candidate of computer science and
engineering at Anna University of Technology,
Coimbatore. His current research interests include Image Processing, Adhoc
Networks. He is a member of ISTE.

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