Dasma, Cavite CLUP
Dasma, Cavite CLUP
Dasma, Cavite CLUP
The Honorable Mayor Elpidio F. Barzaga, Jr. and the office of the MPDC, in behalf of the Sanggniang
Bayan and the !ocal "o#ern$ent of Da%$ari&a%, Ca#ite, 'i%h to e(tend %incere%t than)% to all go#ern$ent
agencie% 'hile ha#e a%%i%ted in the preparation and co$pletion of the Co$prehen%i#e !and *%e Plan. The
Ho%ing and !and *%e +eglatory Board 'hich condcted a ,-'ee) %e$inar-'or)%hop and gided % in the
proce%% ntil it% appro#al. the /ffice of the Pro#incial "o#ern$ent of Ca#ite 'hich initiated0coordinated0
%pported the ,-'ee) %e$inar 'or)%hop. the Pro#incial Planning and De#elop$ent /ffice 'hich a%%i%ted and
gided % in relation to the pro#incial plan. the Pro#incial !and *%e Co$$ittee $e$ber% for the ti$e %pent
and the co$$ent% %hared in the initial draft pre%entation and appro#al of thi% plan, to the MPDC1% of different
$nicipalitie% for %haring their )no'ledge and infor$ation. the Sanggniang Panlala'igan Me$ber% for their
re#ie' and appro#al of the plan. the 2ational Mapping and +e%orce 3nfor$ation 4thority for the $ap% %ed
in the pre%entation and all local depart$ent%0office% 'ho contribted inpt to their plan.
5e are, of cor%e, than)fl to all the other %ector% of the co$$nity fro$ 'ho$ 'e gathered data in the
cor%e of planning and to all tho%e 'ho participated in the pblic hearing.
To all of yo, than) yo #ery $ch and Mabhay po 6ayo.
The to'n of Da%$ari&a% %tarted a% a barrio of 3$%, and in 789: it 'a% $ade a% an independent
The Spani%h "o#ern$ent na$ed the to'n Perez Da%$ari&a% in honor of the Spani%h "o#ernor
"eneral of the i%land% fro$ 7;<=-7;<,. >;= Chine%e oar%$en 'ho$ he had hired to 'or) $rdered
hi$. Hi% %on, Don !i% Perez Da%$ari&a%, al%o lo%t hi% life in the hand% of the Chine%e in 79=,. Don
"o$ez Perez Da%$ari&a% 'a% 'ell re$e$bered beca%e he 'a% the one 'ho initiated the fortification
of 3ntra$ro% and Fort Santiago.
Perez Da%$ari&a% 'a% for$erly a ?#i%ita@ of 3$%, 'hich 'a% fonded by the +ecollect Father% in
7:<;. The Ca$arin de Piedra o'ned by the +ecollector% 'a% %ed a% the fir%t chrch of Da%$ari&a%
pon it% di#i%ion 'hile the re%ident% 'ere con%trcting a ne' one.
4ccording to record%, the fir%t %ettler% $%t ha#e arri#ed in 7897 and 'ere belie#ed to be the
fa$ilie% of "il Tirona, Aicente "e#arra, Eleterio "eda and E%taBio Pal$e.
The to'n of Da%$ari&a% beca$e a bloody battlefield dring the +e#oltion in 78<9-78<:.
4fter captring the to'n on Febrary >;, 78<:, the Spaniard% brned all the ho%e% and bilding%
in the Poblacion e(cept the Catholic Chrch. Hndred% of it% inhabitant% died in the fighting. 2oted
Filipino "eneral% li)e Fla#iano Ceng)o and Cri%plo 4ginaldo died in action dring the afore%aid
3n 7<=;, dring the early 4$erican +egi$e, the to'n of Da%$ari&a% beca$e again a barrio of
3$% and re$ained a part of the %aid to'n ntil 7<=: 'hen it 'a% again $ade a %eparate $nicipality
dring the inc$bency of Pro#incial "o#ernor 4ntero Soriano. 3n that year, the na$e Perez 'a%
dropped or deleted throgh the effort% of Capt. Placido Ca$po%, Franci%co Barzaga and Felipe Tirona.
The gro'ing conge%tion and ot'ard rban e(pan%ion of the Metropolitan Manila 4rea ha% %et-p
a fa#orable de#elop$ent at$o%phere for the to'n. 4% one of Ca#ite1% lo'land to'n% %itated 'ithin the
Metro Manila rban inflenced area the i$pro#e$ent of gro'th corridor% and road lin)age% con#erged
'ithin the area, th% pro#iding for it% rapid de#elop$ent.
The changing otloo) of the to'n a% a traditional agricltral to'n to a fa%t rbanizing to'n %er#e%
a% telltale a %ign of it% fa%t-paced de#elop$ent. 2o', 'ith a poplation of abot DD>,;:> people and
'ith the de#elop$ent of the re%ettle$ent area% #irtally gi#e i$pet% for a ne' to'n. The to'n no' i%
e(periencing the e%tabli%h$ent of %e#eral large edcational and health in%tittion%, the infl( of
ind%trie% and %bdi#i%ion de#elop$ent%. 4pparently, the to'n1% econo$y and it% de#elop$ent trend
are progre%%i#ely being re-%trctred and re-oriented to'ard% rban progre%%.
1. Geograp!"a# Lo"a$!o%
The Mnicipality lie% on coordinate% 7DE >=1 2 latitde and 7>=E ;=1E longitde. 3t i% %itated on the
northea%tern part of Ca#ite pro#ince along the ea%tern pro#incial bondarie% 'ith !agna. 4% %ch, it i% at the
center of the C4!4B4+F/2 %b-region 'ithin the regional Gri%diction of +egion 3A.
3t i% bonded on the north by the $nicipalitie% of 3$% and Bacoor. on the ea%t the $nicipalitie% of San
Pedro, "eneral Mariano 4l#arez and Mntinlpa City, on the %oth by Silang and on the 'e%t by "eneral
The $nicipality i% abot thirty H,=I )ilo$eter% fro$ Metro Manila, the contry $etropoli%. H,>I )ilo$eter%
fro$ Cala$ba, the regional capital and H7>I )ilo$eter% fro$ Trece Martirez City, 'hich i% the pro#incial
capital. 3t i% acce%%ible fro$ all point% and gro'th center% #ia a net'or) of concrete national high'ay% and
pro#incial road%.
The to'n i% landloc)ed. Ho'e#er, it i% thirty H,=I )ilo$eter% a'ay fro$ the coa%tal to'n of +o%ario,
6a'it, Bacoor, 2o#eleta and Ca#ite City. 3t i% abot t'enty-%e#en H>:I )ilo$eter% fro$ the +e%ort City of
Tagaytay and it% fa$o% Taal !a)e and abot the %a$e di%tance fro$ the Perto 4zl re%ort co$ple(.
Ta&#e 1
7. Fone 3 J Fone 3-4 8,.>9
>. Fone 33 ,8.==
,. Fone 333 ;:.==
D. Fone 3A 7=D.==
;. Brol Main, 3, 33 J 333 >8,.==
9. !ang)aan 3 J 33 7,,:D.=8
:. Paliparan 3 , 33 J 333 >,7>7.8>
8. Sabang 7,<.;>
<. Sala'ag >,7:8.9>
7=. Salitran 3,33,333 J 3A ,D7.D,
77. Sa$paloc 3, 33,333,3A J A 7,>,D.:>
7>. San 4g%tin 3, 33 J 333 D;,.<7
7,. San Jo%e 7,9.<8
7D. Da%$ari&a% Bagong Bayan D99.99
1. San Dioni%io 7:. St. Peter 3 ,,. San 4ntonio de Pada 33
'. Sto. 2i&o 3 78. St. Peter 33 ,D. !z#i$inda 3
(. Sto. 2i&o 33 7<. San 3%idro !abrador 3 ,;. !z#i$inda 33
). Sto. Cri%to >=. San 3%idro !abrador 33 ,9. San Mateo
*. San E%teban >7. San Jan ,:. San 2icola% 3
+. San Manel 3 >>. Sta. !cia ,8. San 2icola% 33
,. San Manel 33 >,. Fati$a 3 ,<. Sta. Maria
-. San Si$on >D. Fati$a 33 D=. Sltan E%$ael
.. San 4ndre% 3 >;. Fati$a 333 D7. E$$anel Bergado 3
1/. San 4ndre% 33 >9. San !i% 3 D>. E$$anel Beragado 33
11. Sta. Cri%tina 3 >:. San !i% 33 D,. Sta. Crz 3
1'. Sta. Cri%tina 33 >8. San Migel 3 DD. Sta. Crz 33
1(. San +oBe ><. San Migel 33
1). San Franci%co 3 ,=. San !orenzo +iz 3 TOTAL AREA0 .1/1( e"$are2
1*. San Franci%co 33 ,7. San !orenzo +iz 33 So3r"e0 O44!"e o4 $e Ma5or
1+. Sta. Fe ,>. San 4ntonio de Pada 3
'. La%6 Area
The appro(i$ate total land area i% <,=7, hectare%. The%e are occpied by :, barangay% of 'hich
t'enty %i( H>9I barangay% are old barangay% frther %bdi#ided de to increa%e in poplation and the forty-
%e#en HD:I barangay% 'hich are old re%ettle$ent area% e%tabli%hed into reglar barangay%, of 'hich three H,I
are in Brol and forty-for HDDI are generally inclded nder the Da%$ari&a% Bagong Bayan HDBB area%I.
Table 2o. 7 %ho'% 4rea by barangay. !a%t March, Sanggniang Bayan file a re%oltion creating t'o $ore
barangay% na$ely Aictoria +eye% and H->. 3t i% no' file at the Sanggniang Panlala'igan for appro#al.
(. C#!7a$e
Da%$ari&a% ha% t'o prononced %ea%on%K 'et %ea%on and dry %ea%on. 5et %ea%on co#er% the period
fro$ May to Dece$ber and drie% fro$ Janary to 4pril.
The ea%t-%othea%t $on%oon pre#ail% o#er the area fro$ Dece$ber to May 'hile %oth'e%terly 'ind%
blo' dring rainy %ea%on fro$ Jne to 4g%t 'ith hea#y do'npor.
). S#ope a%6 Topograp5
The $nicipality are generally lo'land 'ith area% ha#ing %lope% =-78L acconting for abot 87L the
total land area 'hile the re$aining 7<L are 'ith %lope% 78L and abo#e.
The topography i% generally %loping, ndlating hill% di%tribted in all barangay% of the $nicipality.
Practically all %lope cla%%ification of land area i% pre%ent in all barangay%. E(cept in %o$e portion at
barangay% Brol, !ang)aan, Paliparan, Sala'ag, Sa$apaloc and San 4g%tin, 'hich are %trongly %loping, and
hill, all other% are le#el, too gently ndlating to $oderately %loping or rolling terrain. HSee table no. > %lope
cla%%ification.I Since the%e %lope cla%%ification% are fa#orable for rban %e and clti#ation, the $nicipality i%
pre%ently $a(i$izing it% potential% a% a ne' city on the ri%e 'ith a balanced rbanization and agricltral
*. So!#2
The %oil% of the $nicipality are of the "adalpe, Magallane% and Car$ona %erie%. *nder each %erie%
the %oil type% are "adalpe Clay !oa$ and "adalpe Clay adobe, Magallane% clay loa$ and Magallane%
loa$ and Car$ona clay loa$ and Car$ona clay re%pecti#ely.
The large%t %oil type in ter$% of area co#erage i% Car$ona Clay loa$, 'hich co#er% a total area of ,,79<
hectare%. The%e are fond in the 'hole of Paliparan 7-333 and portion% of Sala'ag and Sa$paloc 3-A.
Car$ona clay, 'hich i% fond only at %o$e portion% of Sala'ag, i% the %$alle%t %oil type in ter$% of i%
co#erage. "adalpe clay loa$ i% the $o%t co$$on %oil type co#ering al$o%t all barangay% e(cept in
!ang)aan and Paliparan. The gadalpe %erie% are fond both in lo'land and pland %ection of the to'n.
The lo'land portion% are de#oted to rice prodction 'ith or 'ithot irrigation. 3n the %lightly pland area the
%oil i% tilized for pa%tre and i% %o$e place planted to pland rice and frit tree%.
The Magallane% %oil %erie% i% lo'er in ele#ation and i% %lightly rolling and gently ndlating in
topography. Deep +i#er flo'ing north ct 'hole area. The %oil nder #egetati#e co#er i% bro'n to dar) bro'n.
Dring contino% rain%, the %rface %oil %rely and con%eBently erode% ea%ily. Soil ero%ion i% not e(ten%i#e.
*nder the Car$ona %erie% the greater portion of Car$ona clay loa$ i% nclti#ated. The location and
the topography of the land are %o$e'hat fa#orable to /rchard planting. The pper portion 'here
con%iderable #egetation gro'th i% fond i% tilized $o%tly for pa%tre. Table no. , %ho'% %oil di%tribtion by
The poplation of a gi#en planning area i% con%idered a% a pri$ary obGect and a #ital con%ideration for
planning. The de#elop$ent need% of an area in ter$% of %patial di$en%ion a% 'ell a% the le#el of %ectoral
reBire$ent% to be pro#ided are pri$arily deter$ined by it% poplation %ize and characteri%tic%.
Th%, a ba%ic %tep in any planning e(erci%e i% the condct of a co$prehen%i#e %tdy of the area1%
poplation. Sch %tdy %hall then %er#e a% a ta)e-off point in plan for$lation and i$ple$entation.
The poplation %tdie% herein pre%ented are ba%ed $ainly on official report% of the 2ational Stati%tic%
office %pported by record% of the !ocal "o#ern$ent *nit.
*%ing the geo$etric for$la, the 7<<= and 7<<; 2S/ report% 'ere tilized a% ba%e data for poplation
proGection% fro$ 7<<<->=7=.
The fir%t 2CS/ official cen%% of poplation for the $nicipality 'a% condcted in the year 7<=,,
recording a total poplation of ,,=>8. The figre increa%ed to >9>,D=9 by the year 7<<;, al$o%t a hndred-fold
increa%e o#er <, year%.
The to'n e(hibited a %ignificant poplation increa%e for the period 7<:;- 7<8= 'ith an annal gro'th
rate of >;.;7L. Thi% can be attribted to the infl( of rban fa$ilie% fro$ Metro Manila to the re%ettle$ent
area% of Da%$ari&a%.
The year 7<8= %er#ed a% the bench$ar) for contino% poplation boo$ al$o%t dobling the $nicipal
figre% e#ery cen%al year. The pre%ence of econo$ic catalizer% %ch a% in%tittional, co$$ercial and
ind%trial e%tabli%h$ent% had contribted $ch to the e(i%ting de$ographic profile of the area.
The crrent year 7<<< recorded an annal gro'th rate of 7,.<9L or an increa%e of 78=,799 per%on%
'ithin a period of D year%. The a#erage gro'th rate of 7,.<9L deri#ed fro$ the 7<<= and 7<<; figre% 'ere
tilized a% ba%i% for proGection 'ithin the planning period of >===->=7=. +efer to Table 2o. D for the Hi%torical
"ro'th of Poplation.
Ba%ed on the 7<<< ProGected Poplation, the total poplation of DD>,;:> i% di%tribted to the :,
barangay% of the $nicipality H%ee table no. ;I. Da%$ari&a% to'n proper i% co$po%ed of >9 barangay% ha#ing
a total poplation of 7<>,:98 inclding the Poblacion area. The Poblacion i% co$po%ed of ; barangay%
na$ely Fone% 3, 3-4, 33, 333 and 3A 'ith a poplation of 7;,7>:, ,.D>L of the total poplation concentration of
in%tittional, co$$ercial and ind%trial e%tabli%h$ent% are noticeable 'ithin the old to'n proper.
Da%$ari&a% Bagong Bayan i% co$po%ed of D: barangay%, all of, 'hich con%titte the re%ettle$ent%
area% and regi%tering a total poplation of >D<,8=D.
Thic)ly poplated barangay% are Barangay Paliparan 333, Sa$paloc 3A, San Si$on, Sala'ag and Sltan
5ith a total land area of <=7, hectare%, Da%$ari&a% ha% a gro%% den%ity of D< per%on% per hectare
cla%%ifying the to'n a% a lo'-den%ity area. Da%$ari&a% Bagong Bayan fall% nder the category of high den%ity
area 'ith ;D> per%on% per hectare.
4naly%i% of the %e( ratio %ho'% that the $ale-fe$ale ratio i% al$o%t 7K7. Ba%ed on the 7<<; 2S/ %r#ey,
$ale% con%titte 7,=,8=< or D<.8;L 'hile fe$ale% are 7,7,;<: or ;=.7;L. For 7<<<, there are >>=,9>7
$ale% and >>7,<;7 fe$ale%.
/f the total poplation H7<<<I of DD>,;:>, ,<.=,L or 7:>,:>: con%titte the child and yoth grop. Thi%
range% fro$ age brac)et% nder 7 to =.7D. The prodcti#e or 'or)ing age grop total to >9=,98; or ;8.<=L.
Thi% inclde% poplation 'ith age% 7; M 7< to 9= M 9D year% old and al%o con%titte% the potential labor force.
Senior Citizen% 'ho%e age% range fro$ 9; and abo#e total to <,79= or >.=:L of the total poplation.
The dependent grop co$po%e% of the yoth and child grop pl% the %enior citizen% total to 787,88:
corre%ponding to D7.7=L of the poplation. 5ith a potential labor force of ;8.<=L of the poplation the
econo$ic dependency ratio 7K7.D, 'hich $ean% that there are 7D dependent% for e#ery 7=-labor force.
5ith an econo$ic dependency ratio of 7K7.D, it can be noted that the poplation i% $ore of a pro#ider.
Sch po%ition cold only be phold if the %ocio-econo$ic acti#itie% are gi#en greater e$pha%i% and $ade
re%pon%i#e to the need% of the poplace. 3ntrodction of labor-inten%i#e, inco$e generating endea#or% can
al%o cite incenti#e% to the labor force.
Table% 2o%. 9, and : %ho' the Poplation by 4ge "rop, by Se( and Econo$ic Dependency +atio.
Being geographically located in the Tagalog region, the dialect predo$inantly %po)en i% Tagalog. Thi%
con%titte% abot :9.D<L of the total ho%ehold poplation. There are ho'e#er, %e#eral other dialect% %po)en
in the area %ch a% Cebano, Hiligaynan, 3locano, 5aray, Bicol, 3banag, Pa$pango, Panga%inan,
Magindanao, Mara%ao, 4)lanon, Bini%aya, 3langat, Mangyan and the other local dialect% of #ery $ini$al
percentage. Thi% can be attribted to in-$igration corollary to the pre%ence of %ocio-econo$ic acti#itie% a%
'ell a% the re%ettle$ent acti#itie% of rban fa$ilie% fro$ Metro Manila to Da%$ari&a%. H+efer to Table 2o. 8I.
The $nicipality of Da%$ari&a% i% predo$inantly +o$an Catholic con%titting abot 88.<DL of the total
ho%ehold poplation. /ther religio% affiliation% in the area total% to a $eager 77.=9L, a% reflected on Table
2o. <.
/t of the poplation 7= year% old and o#er, ;=.=;L are $arried 'hile DD.;<L are %ingle and ne#er
$arried. The re%t are 'ido'%, ,.9>L, and %eparated, 7.7<L. 3t i% a nor$al factor to ha#e increa%ing trend in
all %tat%. See Table 2o. 7= on $arital %tat%.
!abor Force i% the econo$ically acti#e poplation co$pri%ing of poplation 7; year% old and abo#e and
o#er and 'ho are either e$ployed or ne$ployed.
Crrent labor force i% 7,:,;:; or ;>L of the ho%ehold poplation 7; year% old and o#er. /f thi% figre,
7>D,9=8 are e$ployed, and 7>,<9: are ne$ployed. The re$aining D8L are not in the labor force, a% %ho'n
in Table 2o. 77.
The annal gro'th rate i% 7,.<9L. The figre% fro$ the 7<<= and 7<<; 2ational Stati%tic% /ffice H2S/I
report% 'ere tilized a% ba%e data in poplation proGection%. Planning period i% >===->=7=, co#ering an
ele#en-year %pan.
Poplation proGection% fro$ >===->=7= 'ill %er#e a% the ba%i% for %patial and %ectoral reBire$ent%. See
Table no. 7> for ProGected Poplation and ho%ehold. The%e inclde proGected poplation data on rele#ant
factor% %ch a% barangay, age grop, labor force and n$ber of ho%ehold%.
+e%idential area% 'ithin Da%$ari&a% occpy an appro(i$ate area of ,,;<9.>= hectare% that i% ,<.<=L of
the total land area. The %ocio-econo$ic de#elop$ent of the area pro$pted the de#elop$ent of abot 79:
re%idential %bdi#i%ion%. See Table no. 7; for the li%t of different %bdi#i%ion%. The contination of poring of
ho%ing %bdi#i%ion% de#elop$ent% in the different barangay% of the locality indicate% it% e#ental
tran%for$ation into a re%idential to'n. More de#elop$ent% of thi% type can be anticipated in the near ftre.
4%ide fro$ the%e %bdi#i%ion% i% ho%ing proGect% at the Da%$ari&a% Bagong Bayan nder the 2ational
Ho%ing 4thority are coordination 'ith the !ocal "o#ern$ent. Thi% i% in pr%ant to !/3 2o., 7< and 7<4
'hich e$bodie% the de#elop$ent of Da%$ari&a% +e%ettle$ent Progra$ no', )no'n a% Da%$ari&a% Bagong
Bayan. 3nitiated in 2o#e$ber of 7<:>, the D99 hectare% proGect %ite i% planned to be a %elf-contained
co$$nity. Beneficiarie% of thi% progra$ are rban fa$ilie% fro$ the Metropoli%. Being an integral
co$ponent of the to'n, thi% area %hall be a %ignificant inflence in the de#elop$ent thr%t of Da%$ari&a%. For
the local %Batter%, the !ocal "o#ern$ent i$ple$ented the Mnicipal Ho$e%ite 4cBi%ition Progra$ at the
Paliparan Site% and Ser#ice% ProGect.
4% of 7<<<, the to'n ha% a proGected gro%% den%ity of D< per%on% per hectare and a gro%% re%idential
den%ity of 7>, per%on% per hectare of re%idential area.
H/*S32" *23T T/T4! PE+CE2T4"E
T/T4! >;,,>D
/CC*P3ED >D,,DD <9.7,L
A4C42T <8= ,.8:L
SorceK 2S/ Cen%% 7<<=
TABLE NO. 1+.1
H/*S32" *23T
T/T4! 9,,=97
/CC*P3ED 9=,9>7
A4C42T >,DD=
SorceK 2S/ Cen%% 7<<=
7<<< ProGection
Table no. 79 %ho'% the %tat% of the ho%ing nit% of Da%$ari&a% for the cen%al year 7<<=. 3t indicate%
that <9.7,L of the total ho%ing nit are occpied 'hile only ,.8:L 'ere %till #acant. Thi% $ay attribte to the
fact that $o%t of %bdi#i%ion de#eloper at %till de#eloping their propertie% re%lting to ne' ho%ing nit ready
for pro%pecti#e byer%.
5ithin a period of nine year% fro$ 7<<= to 7<<<, the total n$ber of ho%ing nit% 'a% increa%ed by
779L or an a#erage increa%e of D,7<, nit% annally e(clding tho%e fond in pri#ate %bdi#i%ion%. 4t pre%ent,
total in#entory of lot %ho'% a record of 77,,898 bt %till %hort of >,,,;7; lot% to pro#ide %helter fort ,9,,<=:
ho%ehold by end of planning period.
TCPE /F B*3!D32", /CC*P3ED H/*SEH/!D H/*SEH/!D H/*SEH/!D H/*SEH/!D
4+E4 C!4SS3F3C4T3/2 H/*S32" P/P*!4T3/2 T/ /CC*P3ED P/P*!4T3/2 T/
*23TS H/*S32" *23TS /CC*P3ED
H/*S32" *23TS
Single ho%e 7:,;=9 78,=DD <:,87: 7.=,7 ;.;88
Dple( D,D<8 D,:,; >;,;<9 7.=;, ;.9<7
Mlti-nit +e%idential >,>;, >,D97 7>,9== 7.=<> ;.;<,
Co$$ercial03nd%trial04gricltral 7< 7< 89 7.=== D.;>9
3n%tittional !i#ing Narter% > > 7= 7.=== ;.===
/ther Ho%ing *nit ; ; >8 7.=== ;.9==
2ot +eported 97 97 ,D< 7.=== ;.:>7
T/T4! >D,,DD >;,,>: 7,9,D89 7.D== ;.9=:
+ 4 T 3 /
SorceK 2S/ Sr#ey
O 7<<< ProGection
Table no. 7: reflect% the 7<<= Cen%% on occpied ho%ing nit ho%ehold%. Ho%ehold poplation type
of bilding. 4 %hortage in ho%ing nit% of the e(i%tence of dobled-p ho%e 'a% indicated by the ratio of
7.=,7, 'hich $ean% a difference of ;,8 ho%ing nit%. 3t al%o re#eal% that there i% ;.;88 ho%ehold poplation
per occpied ho%ing nit.
TCPE /F B*3!D32", /CC*P3ED H/*SEH/!D H/*SEH/!D H/*SEH/!D H/*SEH/!D
4+E4 C!4SS3F3C4T3/2 H/*S32" P/P*!4T3/2 T/ /CC*P3ED P/P*!4T3/2 T/
*23TS H/*S32" *23TS /CC*P3ED
H/*S32" *23TS
Single ho%e D;,,D8 97,;8, ,7:,78, 7.,9 9.<<
Dple( 79,9;> 79,79= 8>,<<8 =.<: D.<8
Mlti-nit +e%idential ;,8,9 8,D== D=,8;: 7.DD :.==
Co$$ercial03nd%trial04gricltral D< 9; >:< 7.,, ;.9<
3n%tittional !i#ing Narter% ; : ,> 7.D= 9.D=
/ther Ho%ing *nit 7, 7: <7 7.,7 :.==
2ot +eported 7;8 >=8 7,7,> 7.,> :.79
T/T4! 98,=97 89,DD= DD>,;:> 7.>: 9.;9
+ 4 T 3 /
TABLE NO. 1,.1
SorceK 2S/ Cen%% 7<<=
O7<<< ProGection
Con%trction Total "al#anized Tile0Concrete Half "al#anized Ma)e%hift0 4%be%to%0 2ot
Material% of the /ccpied 3ron04l$in$ Clay Tile 3ron J Half 5ood Cogon02ipa0 Sal#aged /ther% +eported
/ter 5all% Ho%ing *nit% Concrete 4naha' 3$pro#i%ed
Concrete0Bric)0Stone <,D:, <,>,: 7D, ;, , 7< < < -
5ood 9,<>< ;,9<9 7>: :8 ::< 78, >: ,< -
Half Concrete0Bric)0Stone J Half 5ood ;,><< ,,<=D 7== 7,>7> ,, ,; 7= ; -
"al#anized 3ron04l$in$ 79, 77; D 7> >D : 7 - -
Ba$boo0Sa'ali0Cogon02ipa 7,,=, D8< 7= >> 7= :;; 77 9 -
Ma)e%hift0Sal#aged03$pro#i%ed 7,=>, D:= - 7D 7, 88 D>8 D 9
4%be%to%0"la%%0/ther% 7D= <D > - 7 , ,7 < -
2o 5all%0not +eported 7D 9 , 7 - 7 7 > -
T/T4! >D,,DD >=,=77 ,8< 7,,<> 89, 7,=<7 ;78 :D 9
SorceK 2S/ Cen%% 7<<=
C/2ST+*CT3/2 M4TE+34!S /F THE +//F
Table no. 78 li%t of occpied ho%ing nit% by con%trction $aterial% of the oter 'all% and roof for the
year 7<<=. 3t% %ho'% that 8<.87L 'ere $ade of %trong oter 'all $aterial% 'hile <,.=9L 'ere bilt of %trong
roofing $aterial%.
Con%trction Total "al#anized Tile0Concrete Half "al#anized Ma)e%hift0 4%be%to%0 2ot
Material% of the /ccpied 3ron04l$in$ Clay Tile 3ron J Half 5ood Cogon02ipa0 Sal#aged /ther% +eported
/ter 5all% Ho%ing *nit% Concrete 4naha' 3$pro#i%ed
Concrete0Bric)0Stone >,,;<= >,,==> ,;9 7,> : D: >> >> -
5ood 7:,>;D 7D,78D ,79 7<D 7,<D= D;9 9: <: -
Half Concrete0Bric)0Stone J Half 5ood 7,,7<; <,:>> >D< ,,=78 8> 8: >; 7, -
"al#anized 3ron04l$in$ D=; >89 7= ,= 9= 7: , - -
Ba$boo0Sa'ali0Cogon02ipa ,,>D; 7,>78 >; ;; >; 788= >: 7; -
Ma)e%hift0Sal#aged03$pro#i%ed >,;D8 7,7:= - ,; ,> >7< 7,=99 7= 7;
4%be%to%0"la%%0/ther% ,D< >,D ; - , 8 :: >> -
2o 5all%0not +eported ,; 7; 8 > - , , ; -
T/T4! 9=,9>7 D<,8,7 <9< ,,D99 >,7D< >,:7: 7,><= 78D 7;
SorceK 2S/ Cen%% 7<<=
O 7<<< ProGection
C/2ST+*CT3/2 M4TE+34!S /F THE +//F
TABLE NO. 1-.1
CE4+ B*3!T Total 2eed% 2o. 2eed% Dilapidated0 *nder *nder *nfini%hed 2ot
/ccpied +epair02eed% MaGor +epair Conde$ned +eno#ation0 Con%trction Con%trction +eported
Ho%ing *nit% Minor +epair Being +epaired
7<89-7<<= 9,8:, D,D7D 7,,=< ,< <= >,: :8D -
7<87-7<8; 7=,=DD 9,8>8 >,9;9 ,< 88 <, ,D= -
7<:7-7<8= ;,<=7 ,,:,= 7,9:= 7D 97 ;< ,9: -
7<97-7<:= 8=7 9,7 7,< D D > >7 -
7<;7-7<9= ,;: >9> 8= , 9 > D -
7<;= /+ E4+!3E+ 7,< 77= >9 > 7 - - -
2/T 4PP!3C4B!E , , - - = - - -
D/2PT 62/502/T +EP/+TED >>9 7:; D: - > - > -
T/T4! >D,,DD 79,7;, ;,<>: 7=7 >;> ,<, 7,;78 -
SorceK 2S/ Cen%% 7<<=
C/2ST+*CT3/2 M4TE+34!S /F THE +//F
The 7<<= Cen%% on occpied ho%ing nit% by condition HState of +epairI of the bilding and year bilt
'a% high H99.,;LI than tho%e ho%ing nit% '0c need $aGor repair% H>D.,;LI. 3t i% al%o infor$% % that 9<.D<L
of total ho%ing nit% 'ere bilt dring decade of 8=1%.
CE4+ B*3!T Total 2eed% 2o. 2eed% Dilapidated0 *nder *nder *nfini%hed 2ot
/ccpied +epair02eed% MaGor +epair Conde$ned +eno#ation0 Con%trction Con%trction +eported
Ho%ing *nit% Minor +epair Being +epaired
7<89-7<<= 7:,77; 7=,<<> >,<7, <: >>D ;<= 7,<;> -
7<87-7<8; >;,=77 7:,==, ;,<77 <: >7< >,> 8D: -
7<:7-7<8= 7D,9<; <,>88 ,,:79 ,; 7;> 7D: <7D -
7<97-7<:= 7,<<; 7,;:7 ,=< 7= 7= ; ;> -
7<;7-7<9= 88< 9;> 7:8 8 7; ; 7= -
7<;= /+ E4+!3E+ ,D9 >:; ;8 ; , - - -
2/T 4PP!3C4B!E : : - - - - - -
D/2PT 62/502/T +EP/+TED ;9, D,9 7=; - ; - ; -
T/T4! 9=,9>7 D=,>>D 7,,7<= >;> 9>8 <:< ,,:8= -
SorceK 2S/ Cen%% 7<<=
O 7<<< ProGection
C/2ST+*CT3/2 M4TE+34!S /F THE +//F
TABLE NO. 1..1
2o. of /ccpant% Total
in Each Ho%ing /ccpied !e%% 7= - 7< >= - >< ,= - D< ;= - 9< := - 8< <= - 77< 7>= and 2ot
*nit% Ho%ing *nit% than 7= /#er +eported
/ne /ccpant D>D 7=; :D ;, 9< ,D ,= >< ,= -
T'o /ccpant 7,D=, ,,; >8> >77 7<: 77; :8 <D <7 -
Three /ccpant >,9:< 9>> D;; D7; ,8; >8> 7:, >=, 7DD -
For /ccpant D,7=> 8<8 987 9,8 998 D>: >8= ,>; 78; -
Fi#e /ccpant D,97= <:= :DD :7, :9D D87 ,=> D,, >=, -
Si( /ccpant ,,8,8 :8; 9=8 9,, 9=7 D=7 >8: ,,< 78D -
Se#en /ccpant >,:D: ;8= D79 D,> D>> ,== >,D >9; <= -
Eight /ccpant >,=8, ,89 ,D7 ,7D ,=, >D; 78= >7D 7== -
2ine /ccpant 8DD 7>= 7;9 7>< 7>D 7=9 <= := D<
Ten /ccpant 7,97D >,D >9, >;, >,D >=8 7:< 799 :: -
T/T4! >D,,DD ;,=,; D,=>= ,,:<7 ,,:9: >,;<< 7,8,, >,7,8 7,7;, -
Mean 2$ber of /ccpant ;,9=: ;,,>8 ;,;D9 ;,9>9 ;,;;: ;,:<8 9,=:7 ;,8;; ;,D<< -
SorceK 2S/ Cen%% 7<<=
F ! / / + 4 + E 4 / F T H E H / * S 3 2 " * 2 3 T Hin %B. $eter%I
The data fro$ the 7<<= cen%% on occpied ho%ing nit% by floor area, n$ber of occpant% in each
ho%ing nit% 'a% bro)en do'n on table no. >=. 3t indicate% that ;>.::L of the ho%ing nit% ha#e a floor area
of >< %B. $eter% and belo', >9.7;L are 'ith floor area range fro$ ,=-9< %B. $eter% 'hile >7.=8L are
%pacio% nit% := %B. $eter% and abo#e.
2o. of /ccpant% Total
in Each Ho%ing /ccpied !e%% 7= - 7< >= - >< ,= - D< ;= - 9< := - 8< <= - 77< 7>= and 2ot
*nit% Ho%ing *nit% than 7= /#er +eported
/ne /ccpant 7,=;9 >9> 78D 7,> 7:> 8; :; :> :; -
T'o /ccpant ,,D<D 8,D :=> ;>9 D<= >89 7<D >,D >>: -
Three /ccpant 9,9:7 7,;D< 7,7,, 7,=,, <;8 :=> D,7 ;=9 ,;< -
For /ccpant 7=,>7; >,>,9 7,9<9 7,;8< 7,99, 7=9, 9<: 87= D9= -
Fi#e /ccpant 77,D8= >,D7; 7,8;, 7,::; 7,<=, 77<8 :;> 7,=:8 ;=; -
Si( /ccpant <,;;: 7,<;; 7,;7D 7,;:9 7,D<: <<< :7; 8DD D;8 -
Se#en /ccpant 9,8D= 7,DDD 7,=,9 7,=:9 7,=;7 :D: ;8, 99= >>D -
Eight /ccpant ;,78: <97 8D< :8> :;; 97= DD8 ;,, >D< -
2ine /ccpant >,7=> ><< ,8< ,>7 ,=< >9D >>D 7:D 7>>
Ten /ccpant D,=7< ;8, 9;; 9,= ;8, ;78 DD9 D7, 7<> -
T/T4! 9=,9>7 7>,;,8 7=,=77 <,DD= <,,87 9,D:> D,;9; ;,,>D >,8:7 -
Mean 2$ber of /ccpant 7,,<9> 7,,>98 7,,877 7D,=7= 7,,8,8 7D,D,8 7;,778 7D,;8= - -
SorceK 2S/ Cen%% 7<<=
O 7<<< ProGection
F ! / / + 4 + E 4 / F T H E H / * S 3 2 " * 2 3 T Hin %B. $eter%I
TABLE NO. '/.1
Tenre Stat% of the Total Mlti-*nit Co$$ercial 3n%tittional /ther 2ot
Ho%ing *nit Ho%hold% Single Ho%e Dple( +e%idential 3nd%trial !i#ing Narte% Ho%ing *nit% +eported
H, nit% or $oreI 4gricltral
/'ned0Being 4$otized >=,:9; 7;,,D7 ,,:DD 7,97, 7: > , D;
+ented >,=>D 7,=8= D87 D;D > - - :
Being /ccpied for Free 'ith
Con%ent of /'ner >,,<< 7,D<7 ;=9 ,<7 - - > <
Being /ccpied for Free 'ithot
Con%ent of /'ner 7,< 7,> D , - - - -
T/T4! >;,,>: 78,=DD D,:,; >,D97 7< > ; 97
SorceK 2S/ Cen%% 7<<=
T C P E / F B * 3 ! D 3 2 "
The 7<<= ho%ehold% by type of bilding and tenre of %tat% of the ho%ing nit 'ere di%clo%ed in table
no. >7. 3t e(plain% that 87.<<L of the total ho%ehold 'a% o'ned or being a$ortized by the o'ner, :.<<L
'ere being rented, <.D:L 'ere being occpied for free 'ith con%ent of o'ner 'hile =.;;L 'ere being
occpied for free 'ithot the con%ent of the o'ner.
Tenre Stat% of the Total Mlti-*nit Co$$ercial 3n%tittional /ther 2ot
Ho%ing *nit Ho%hold% Single Ho%e Dple( +e%idential 3nd%trial !i#ing Narte% Ho%ing *nit% +eported
H, nit% or $oreI 4gricltral
/'ned0Being 4$otized :=,8:= ;>,,;8 7>,::8 ;,;=9 ;8 : 7= 7;,
+ented 9,<=8 ,,989 7,9D7 7,;;= : - - >D
Being /ccpied for Free 'ith
Con%ent of /'ner 8,788 ;,=8< 7,:>: 7,,,D - - : ,7
Being /ccpied for Free 'ithot
Con%ent of /'ner D:D D;= 7D 7= - - - -
T/T4! 89,DD= 97,;8, 79,79= 8,D== 9; : 7: >=8
SorceK 2S/ Cen%% 7<<=
O7<<< ProGection
T C P E / F B * 3 ! D 3 2 "
TABLE NO. '1.1
Total /'ner
4rea Cla%%ification Ho%ehold% /'ned0Being Being /ccpied Being /ccpied
in /ccpied 4$ortized +ented for free 'ith for free 'ithot
Ho%ing *nit% Con%ent of o'ner Con%ent of o'ner
*+B42 >=,:9; 79,9D, 7,7:< >,:;, 7<=
T/T4! >=,:9; 79,9D, 7,7:< >,:;, 7<=
SorceK 2S/ Cen%% 7<<=
T E 2 * + E S T 4 T * S / F ! / T
TABLE %o. ''
Total /'ner
4rea Cla%%ification Ho%ehold% /'ned0Being Being /ccpied Being /ccpied
in /ccpied 4$ortized +ented for free 'ith for free 'ithot
Ho%ing *nit% Con%ent of o'ner Con%ent of o'ner
*+B42 9,,=97 ;=,;D, ,,;8= 8,,97 ;::
T/T4! 9,,=97 ;=,;D, ,,;8= 8,,97 ;::
SorceK 2S/ Cen%% 7<<=
O7<<< ProGection
T E 2 * + E S T 4 T * S / F ! / T
TABLE NO. ''.1
Table no. >> %ti$lated the o'ner-ho%ehold% in occpied ho%ing nit% by tenre %tat% of lot for year
7<<=. 3t %ignifie% that only 8=.7;L of the lot 'here they1re ho%ing nit% erected.
Total /'ner
Ho%ehold% Con%trcted by the Con%trcted by Con%trcted by /ther
3n /ccpied Prcha%ed /'ner0/ccpant% Hired0S)illed an /rganized 3nherited H!ottery, gift, etc.I 2ot +eported
Ho%ing *nit% 'ith or 'ithot help 5or)er% Contrctor
of friend% 0 relati#e%
>=,:9; ,,.< D9.< 7>.: >.9 =.8 ,.7 -
SorceK 2S/ Cen%% 7<<=
M / D E / F 4 C N * 3 S 3 T 3 / 2 / F T H E H / * S 3 2 " * 2 3 T
The percentage di%tribtion of o'ner ho%ehold% in occpied ho%ing nit% by $ode of acBi%ition of
ho%ing nit 'a% e(po%ed in Table no. >, of the total >=,:9; o'ner ho%ehold in occpied ho%ing nit%,
,,.<L if the ho%ing nit% 'ere prcha%ed by the o'ner 'hile D9.<L 'ere con%trcted by the o'ner 'ith and
'ithot the help of friend% and relati#e%.
Total /'ner
Ho%ehold% Con%trcted by the Con%trcted by Con%trcted by /ther
3n /ccpied Prcha%ed /'ner0/ccpant% Hired0S)illed an /rganized 3nherited H!ottery, gift, etc.I 2ot +eported
Ho%ing *nit% 'ith or 'ithot help 5or)er% Contrctor
of friend% 0 relati#e%
>=,:9; ,,.< D9.< 7>.: >.9 =.8 ,.7 -
SorceK 2S/ Cen%% 7<<=
O7<<< ProGection
M / D E / F 4 C N * 3 S 3 T 3 / 2 / F T H E H / * S 3 2 " * 2 3 T
TABLE NO. '(.1
Total /'ner
Ho%ehold% /'n +e%orce%0 "o#ern$ent Pri#ate Ban)%0 E$ployer Pri#ate /ther
5ho had Prcha%ed0 3ntere%t-Free !oan% 4%%itanaceK Fondation%0 4%%i%tance Per%on% Sorce% 2ot +eported
Con%trcted their fro$ +elati#e%0 Pag-ibig. SSS. "S3S. Cooperati#e
Ho%ing *nit% Friend% DBP, Etc.
7=,<;, <> >.8 =.9 =.7 >., 7.8 =.;
SorceK 2S/ Cen%% 7<<=
M / D E / F 4 C N * 3 S 3 T 3 / 2 / F T H E H / * S 3 2 " * 2 3 T
?F!g3re are e2$!7a$e2 &a2e6 o% a 1/A2a7p#e@
M3%!"!pa#!$5 o4 Da27ar!Ba2
Table no. >D pre%ent% that a$ong tho%e 'ho o'n their ho%ing nit%, <>L con%trcted their ho%e% fro$
their o'n re%orce%, >.8L 'ith fnd% fro$ go#ern$ent financing %che$e and >.,L throgh pri#ate per%onnel
or ban)%.
Total /'ner
Ho%ehold% /'n +e%orce%0 "o#ern$ent Pri#ate Ban)%0 E$ployer Pri#ate /ther
5ho had Prcha%ed0 3ntere%t-Free !oan% 4%%itanaceK Fondation%0 4%%i%tance Per%on% Sorce% 2ot +eported
Con%trcted their fro$ +elati#e%0 Pag-ibig. SSS. "S3S. Cooperati#e
Ho%ing *nit% Friend% DBP, Etc.
,9,7;; <> >.8 =.9 =.7 >., 7.8 =.;
SorceK 2S/ Cen%% 7<<=
O7<<< ProGection
M / D E / F 4 C N * 3 S 3 T 3 / 2 / F T H E H / * S 3 2 " * 2 3 T
TABLE NO. ').1
?F!g3re are e2$!7a$e2 &a2e6 o% a 1/A2a7p#e@
M3%!"!pa#!$5 o4 Da27ar!Ba2
Ba%ed on the 7<8= and 7<<= 2S/ report%, there are 89,DD= ho%ehold% and 9,,=97 d'elling nit% a% of
7<<<. /f the%e, 9=,9>7 are occpied and >,DD= are #acant. The Table 2o. >; %ho'% the crrent and
proGected ho%ehold% and d'elling nit%.
For the year 7<<<, total n$ber of d'elling nit% i% 9,,=97. Con%idering the increa%e fro$ 7<8= to
7<<=, there i% a con%trction rate of7=.9:L per year. *%ing the %tandard of one d'elling nit per ho%ehold,
there i% a crrent bac)log of >,,,:, nit% to ho%e, the 89,DD= ho%ehold% and an additional bac)log of >=8
nit% de to ob%ole%cence and decay 'hich need% replace$ent.
By the end of the planning period, >=7=, there 'ill be a total ho%ing bac)log of 7:>,7:; nit%.
Con%idering an a#erage lot %ize of <,.>= %Bare $eter%, the proGected reBire$ent 'ill be ,,>>= hectare% of
re%idential land.
The $nicipality of Da%$ari&a% ha% a total of 9= pri#ate pre-ele$entary %chool%, >; pblic co$plete
ele$entary %chool%, ;7 pri#ate ele$entary %chool% or a total of :; %chool% in the ele$entary grade% le#el.
There are 8 pblic high %chool% and D, pri#ate high %chool for %econdary edcation. 3n tertiary there are
t'o H>I ni#er%itie% and one State *ni#er%ity, for HDI college%, one H7I %e$inary and for HDI #ocational and
technical %chool.
3t i% 'orth $entioning that at pre%ent there are a total of %i(ty H9=I pri#ate daycare center% to cater the
need% of pre-%choller%. 3t goe% to %ho' that parent% really #ale the i$portance of edcation e#en at the pre-
%chooling %tage.
Table 2o. >9 %ho'% the crrent enroll$ent teacher% and cla%%roo$ ratio in the pre-%chool le#el. /ther
table% pre%ent data pertinent to pre-%chool edcation.
The pblic ele$entary %chool% are grop into t'o H>I Di%trict%. Di%trict one H3I i% co$po%ed of fifteen H7;I
co$plete ele$entary %chool na$ely Franci%co E. Barzaga Me$orial School, Da%$ari&a% Ele$entary School,
Aicente P. Aillane#a Me$orial School, Paliparan Ele$entary School, Sabang Ele$entary School, Malinta
Ele$entary School, Fenaida H. "ana Me$orial School, Piela Ele$entary School, Bcal Ele$entary School,
H$ayao Ele$entary School, +a$ona S. Tirona Me$orial School, 2e' Era Ele$entary School, Sala'ag
Ele$entary School, !ang)aan Ele$entary School and Paliparan 333 Ele$entary School.
Di%trict 33 inclde% Da%$ari&a% Bagong Bayan Ele$entary School 4-7, 4-,, B, C, D, E, Salitran
Ele$entary School, Brol Ele$entary School, Sala'ag Ele$entary School, Pintong "bat Ele$entary School
and Bati%ta Ele$entary School.
There are ;7 pri#ate ele$entary %chool% H%ee table no. >:I offering ele$entary edcation 'here can
afford fa$ilie% enroll their %ibling%. Since the foc% of the de#elop$ent plan i% pblic edcation, detail% of
%pecific facilitie% a#ailable in pri#ate in%tittion are no longer di%c%%ed. Pri#ate learning in%tittion% ha#e
adeBately pro#ided facilitie%.
Ele$entary !e#el enrollee% in the pblic %chool% total% ;=,>:< %tdent% 'hile total n$ber of teacher are
8;8."i#en the%e figre%, teacher to %tdent ratio i% 7K;:. 3n ter$% of cla%%roo$%, there are a total of 9>;
cla%%roo$% in all ele$entary %chool%. Hence cla%%roo$ to %tdent ratio i% 7K8=. 3n pri#ate ele$entary total
n$ber of %tdent% are 8K=;9 'ith ;7< teacher% and D99 cla%%roo$%. !i)e'i%e teacher% %tdent ratio i% 7K79
'hile cla%%roo$ %tdent ratio i% 7K7:.
Table 2o. >8 %ho'% the n$ber% of enrollee%, teacher%, cla%%roo$%, teacher to %tdent ratio and
cla%%roo$% to %tdent ratio in the ele$entary le#el. Table no. >< %ho'% proGected enroll$ent, teacher and
cla%%roo$ and table no. ,7 %ho'% the enroll$ent for the la%t fi#e H;I year% of pri#ate %chool%.
Secondary edcation in pblic in%tittion i% pro#ided for by the Da%$ari&a% 2ational High School H7 $ain
and : anne(e%I, Da%$ari&a% 2ational High School 4nne(e% C, J, ", 2e' Era, Aia Aerde, the Pag-a%a
2ational High School, Paliparan Site and Ser#ice High School. 4% in pri#ate %chool there are forty-three HD,I
in%tittion% offering %econdary edcation.
Enrollee% in %econdary le#el edcation in the pblic %chool% total 78,;=: %tdent% 'ith D78 teacher% and
>=< cla%%roo$%. Hence, teacher% to %tdent ratio are 7KDD and %tdent to cla%%roo$ ratio of 7K8<. See Table
no. ,>.
3n pri#ate %chool%, a total of ;,9D; %tdent% 'ere enrolled 'ith D:D teacher% and DD: cla%%roo$%.
Hence, a teacher to %tdent ratio i% 7K7> and %tdent cla%%roo$ ratio i% 7K7,. See table no. ,,.
Table no%. ,D and ,; %ho'% enroll$ent for the la%t fi#e H;I year% and proGected enroll$ent teacher and
cla%%roo$ 'ithin the planning period.
!EAE! 7<<;-7<<9 7<<9-7<<: 7<<:-7<<8 7<<8-7<<<
Di%trict - 3 =.;=L =.9=L >.9>L 7.,>L
Di%trict - 33 =.>;L =.,;L 7.,9L =.:9L
High School ,.;>L 77.=8L 7=.9=L :.7>L
SorceK Pblic School%
Di%trict 3 J 33 /ffice 0 Pblic High School
T4B!E 2/. ,9
D+/P - /*T +4TE F/+ THE !4ST F/*+ HDI CE4+S
P*B!3C E!EME2T4+C 42D H3"H SCH//!
Table no. ,9 tablated drop ot rate of Pblic Ele$entary and High School for the la%t for year%, it
%ho'% that e#ery year there1% a %tdent 'ho dropped in their %chooling. The highe%t occrred in 7<<:-7<<8
and 7<<9-7<<: for ele$entary and high %chool re%pecti#ely, it 'a% happened de to financial cri%i%
e(perienced in or contry.
4 progra$ of ?%y%te$atic in%trction de%igned to de#elop the %)ill% and abilitie% directly related to the
$ore co$$on occpation%, not inclding tho%e generally con%idered a% profe%%ional.@ Aocational edcational
progra$% directly related to the obGecti#e of initial e$ploy$ent are referred to a% preservice; tho%e related to
the pgrading of %)ill% dring e$ploy$ent are referred to a% in-service; and tho%e preparing per%on% for
different Gob cla%%ification% are referred to a% retraining. Pre%er#ice #ocational edcation in %chool%, $eet the
need% of per%on% o#er 7D year% of age or 'ho ha#e co$pleted high %chool and ha#e $ade a deci%ion a% to
the occpational area for 'hich they 'i%h to prepare the$%el#e%. 3n-%er#ice and retraining in #ocational
edcation $ay e(tend throghot the 'or)ing year% of any indi#idal.
3n table no. ,:, yo 'ill %ee the n$ber of enroll$ent by type of #ocational cor%e in pri#ate %chool. 3n
thi% table 'e 'ill notice the highe%t n$ber of enrollee% intere%ted in ta)ing p #ocational cor%e and $any
n$ber% of gradate% 'ho already hired a% 'or)er% in different co$pany. 4l%o in table no. ,:.7, yo 'ill %ee
n$ber of gradate% by School, by Cor%e, by Se( and by Cear. 3n thi% table yo 'ill )no' the different cor%e
offered by fi#e H;I different #ocational %chool%.
7<<;-<9 7<<9-<: 7<<:-<8 7<<8-<<
Technical Aocational
Edcation Training >,778 ;,99D >,;=7 >,8,>
2$ber of "radate% 8D = DDD
SorceK TESD4
T4B!E 2/. ,:
E2+/!ME2T BC TCPE /F TAET 32ST3T*T3/2 F/+ !4ST TH+EE CE4+S 42D
2*MBE+ /F "+4D*4TES F/+ !4ST T5/ CE4+S
Da%$ari&a% i% con%idered the *ni#er%ity To'n of Ca#ite and tre to it% title, there are t'o H>I ni#er%itie%
and one H7I State *ni#er%ity, for HDI college% and one %e$inary %chool offering tertiary le#el edcation not
only to the re%ident% of the $nicipality bt to the re%ident% neighboring to'n% a% 'ell. The%e in%tittion% are
the De !a Salle *ni#er%ity-Da%$ari&a%, College and College of Medicine, Philippine Chri%tian *ni#er%ity,
Technological *ni#er%ity of the Philippine%, Sothern !zon College, 4M4 Co$pter College, E$ilio 4ginaldo
College 2ational College of Science and Technology H2CSTI, Technology and Pre%byterian Theological
For 7<<<, enrollee% for tertiary le#el edcation are a% follo'%K De !a Salle *ni#er%ity-Da%$ari&a%, <,:=<
%tdent%, De !a Salle M College of Medicine, 8,: %tdent%, Philippine Chri%tian *ni#er%ity, 7,;;: %tdent%,
Technological *ni#er%ity of the Philippine%, 7,7<7 %tdent% and 2ational College of Science and Technology
>,>,7 %tdent%, Sothern !zon College, 7,8=8 %tdent%, %tdent%, 4M4 Co$pter College, 7,:;9 %tdent%,
and E$ilio 4ginaldo College, ;,7%tdent% and Pre%byterian Theological Se$inary, <D Stdent%. Data
rele#ant to tertiary le#el edcation can be gleaned in the %cceeding table%. HTable no. D=I Ba%ic and adeBate
facilitie% are pro#ided by the%e in%tittion% to %tdent%. 3t ha% been noted that 'ith the infl( of $igrant% to
Da%$ari&a%, increa%e in enroll$ent in the tertiary le#el i% li)e'i%e fore%een.
!iterate poplation con%titte% abot <8L of the total ho%ehold poplation 7= year% and o#er.
Figrati#ely, thi% i% abot ,=7,;<<. 3lliterate poplation total% to only 9,,,< gi#ing a #ery %ati%factory literacy
rate of 7KD=. The contino% i$pro#e$ent of literacy of the poplace i% a good indicator that the edcational
thr%t% of Da%$ari&a% are %cce%%fl. See Table 2o. D7 for Ho%ehold Poplation : year% and /#er by
Highe%t Edcational 4ttain$ent.
The pblic ele$entary %chool occpy a total area of >8,7,> hectare% 'ith the bigge%t are occpied by
Paliparan Ele$entary School 'ith ;.78;D hectare%. Paliparan Ele$entary School being the large%t co$pond
i% al'ay% the #ene for %port% acti#itie% li)e Ea%t Ca#ite Sport% HECS*I Meet, Pro#incial Meet and al%o a
Pro#incial Ca$ping Site. School% in Di%trict 3 ha#e a total land area of 7,=,D7, %B.$. or 7,.=D7, hectare%
'hile %chool% in Di%trict 33 ha#e a total land area of 7;=,<=: %B.$. or 7;.=<=: hectare%. Mo%t of School
ca$p%e% are e(ceeded the bilding allo'ed by H!*+B %tandard gideline%.
3n ter$% of %chool bilding%, type of con%trction $aterial% range fro$ %e$i-per$anent to per$anent.
Mo%t of the%e %chool bilding are in good condition %ho'% in Table 2o. D>.
The local go#ern$ent adeBately pro#ide% for facilitie% a#ailable to ele$entary %chool%. +efer to Table
2o. D= for detailed li%ting of a#ailable facilitie%.
For the pblic %econdary %chool%, a total of 8<,=== %B.$. or 8.< hectare% i% being occpied. The
Da%$ari&a% 2ational High School-Main occpie% the bigge%t 'ith a land area of 9D,=== %B.$. or 9.D hectare%.
3t i% al%o the #ene for athletic $eet being condcted annally by Depart$ent of Edcation, Cltre and
Sport%. So $entioned earlier, $o%t pri#ate %chool% ha#e pro#ided adeBate 0facilitie% for their %tdent%.
Ba%ed on data gathered, a total of ;8,=7: %tdent% are enrolled in the ele$entary le#el on thi% figre,
;=,>:< %tdent% are enrolled in the pblic %chool% and :,:,8 %tdent% are enrolled in pri#ate %chool%.
Con%idering that %chool-going age for ele$entary le#el i% 99,=,: children H%ee table no. D,I enroll$ent
participation into ele$entary le#el i% only 8:.>9L. Thi% i% con%idered Bite lo' beca%e it i% e(pected that
7==L of the S4P %hold ha#e been enrolled %ince ele$entary edcation i% co$pl%ory and the a#ailability of
free ele$entary edcation i% being pro#ided.
3n the %econdary le#el, Enroll$ent Participation +ate i% deter$ined to be ;:.<DL. /f the total Secondary
School "oing 4ge Poplation of D7,98> %hold be %chool children, there are >D,7;> %econdary %tdent%. The
re$aining D>.=9L cold ha#e been enrolled in nearby $nicipalitie% or it $ay not ha#e prononced %econdary
edcation de to financial rea%on.
The tertiary %chool going age poplation of Da%$ari&a% %hold ha#e been D9,,,8 college %tdent%. The
total n$ber of enrollee% in the te%ti$ony le#el i% >,,9D< %tdent%. +e%lting a lo' ;=.9DL enroll$ent
participation ratio. 3t i% a%%$e that financial con%train i% the $ain rea%on 'hy they ha#e not pr%e tertiary
The $nicipality ha% a total n$ber of D<,==7 ele$entary %tdent% 'ith 8;8 teacher% and 9>;
cla%%roo$%. To follo' the %tandard ratio of ;= %tdent% per teacher and ;= %tdent% per cla%%roo$, there1% a
need of additional 7>> teacher% and ,;; cla%%roo$% and $aintenance0repair of 7=: deteriorating
3n high %chool there are 78,;=: enrolled %tdent%, D78 teacher% and >=< cla%%roo$%, again to follo'
%tandard ratio. There1% a need of additional 797 cla%%roo$. 3n ter$% of teacher%, there i% no need to hire bt to
eli$inate ca$p% cro'ding, proper $onitoring %hold be done to )no' if the ca$p%e% $eet% the
reBire$ent%, %o e(ce%% %tdent% can tran%fer to other ca$p%e%.
The Mnicipality of Da%$ari&a% ha% t'o H>I +ral Health *nit% 'ith :, barangay%. +ral Health *nit 3 i%
located in Fone 33 'ith a lot area of abot ;;= %B. $, it i% na$ed after Dr. !eoncio Mangbat HMe$orial Health
CenterI 'hile +ral Health *nit 33 occpy an area of abot 8;= %B. $ and being located at barangay Sta. Crz
33, Da%$ari&a% Bagong Bayan M E. Each barangay ha% a Health Station $anned by a co$petent $id'ife. 3t i%
a progra$ of local go#ern$ent to e(tend health %er#ice% in addition to Fa$%cy proGect pro#iding lo' co%t
$edicine% particlarly to poor fa$ilie%. Medicine% and $edical eBip$ent are pro#ided by local go#ern$ent
bt %o$e %pport are pro#ided by the 2ational, +egional and Pro#incial Health /ffice.
Da%$ari&a% Bagong Bayan Co$$nity Ho%pital %itated at Barangay San E%teban, DBB 7 'ith a lot
area of abot >=== %B. $, al%o attend to the $edical need% of the re%ident% of Da%$ari&a% Bagong Bayan in
cooperation 'ith +H* 33. 3t i% a ten-H7=I bed capacity pblic ho%pital 'ith t'o H>I doctor%, for HDI nr%e%, three
H,I $id'i#e%, one H7I $edical technologi%t and one H7I phar$aci%t. /ther per%onnel a%%i%ting in rendering
$edical %er#ice% are one H7I Q-ray technician, one H7I ad$ini%trati#e officer, one H7I coo), t'o H>I landry
'or)er and one H7I in%tittional 'or)er. They al%o ha#e an a$blance for e$ergency need%. +H* 3 on the
other hand pro#ide health %er#ice% to the re%ident% of Da%$ari&a% to'n proper, Bati%ta and Paliparan.
The Jo%e P. +izal 2ational Me$orial +e%earch Center i% a 7== bed capacity, non-go#ern$ental ho%pital,
occpy on area of 7,:== %B. $. 3t i% located in Brol 33, DBB M B. The $edical per%onnel of thi% ho%pital
inclde% t'enty eight H>8I doctor%, forty %i( HD9I nr%e% and fifty three H;,I per%onnel a%%i%ting the $edical
%taff. DBB Co$$nity and J.P. +izal 2ational Me$orial +e%earch Center pro#ide %er#ice% to indigent fa$ilie%
and lo'-inco$e grop.
The De !a Salle *ni#er%ity Medical Center HD!S*MCI i% a pri#ate ho%pital 'ith >;=-bed capacity 'a%
the fir%t 3S/ <==7 certified ho%pital here in the Philippine%. 3t occpy an area of abot ; hectare% offer%
co$plete $edical %er#ice% not only to re%ident% of Da%$ari&a% al%o to re%ident% of nearby $nicipalitie%.
The $edical %taff per%onnel of D!S*MC con%i%t of t'o hndred %i(ty eight H>98I doctor%, one hndred
%i(ty one H797I nr%e%, forty HD=I $id'i#e%, t'enty-%e#en H>:I $edical technologi%t and t'o H>I denti%t%. There
are enogh per%onnel to attend to the $edical need% and e#en >D hor% of %pecialized %er#ice%, 'hich
1. I%$er%a# Me6!"!%e
- "eneral Medicine, Cardiology, Pl$onary Medicine, Endocrinology, Der$atology,
/ncology, "a%troenterology, 2erology, 2ephrology, He$atology, 4llergology-
3$$nology, 3nfectio% Di%ea%e%, +he$atology.
'. S3rger5
- "eneral %rgery, 2ero%rgery, *rology, Pediatric Srgery, Cardio#a%clar J Thoracic
Srgery, Pla%tic Srgery, Srgical /ncology.
(. Pe6!a$r!"2
- "eneral Pediatric%, He$atology-/ncology, 2erology, De#elop$ent Pediatric%, Critical
Care, 2ephrology, 4llergology-3$$nology, 2eonatology, 3nfectio% Di%ea%e%,
Endocrinology, Cardiology, Pl$onology, "a%troenterology.
). O&2$e$r!"2 a%6 G5%e"#og5
- Perinatology, Diagno%tic /B"yne, Trophobla%tic Di%ea%e%, "ynecologic /ncology.
*. D!ag%o2$!" Ra6!o#og5
- Q-ray, *ltra%ond, CTScan, Ma$$ography.
+. Terapar$!" Ra6!o#og5
- Cobalt Theraphy
,. O$or!%o#ar5%go#og5 ?ENT@
- 4diology, /tology, +hinoparyngology, Bronco-E%ophalogy, Pla%tic and +econ%trti#e
Srgery, Head and 2ec) Srgery /ro$a(ilo, Facial Tra$a.
-. Or$ope6!"2
- Spine, Tra$a, 4dlt 0 Cold, Pediatric, Hand, Sport% Medicine
.. O&2$e$r!"2 a%6 G5%e"#og5
- Perinatology, Diagno%tic /B"yne, Trophobla%tic Di%ea%e%, "ynecologic /ncology.
1/. P25"!a$5
- 4dlt, Child and 4dole%cent, "eriatric
11. Pa$o#og5 a%6 C#!%!"a# La&ora$or5
1'. P52!"a# Me6!"!%e a%6 Rea&!#!$a$!o%
1(. A%e2$e2!a
1). Me6!"o 9 Lega# Me6!"!%e
1*. De%$a# Me6!"!%e
1+. Fa7!#5 Co773%!$5 Me6!"!%e
3n ter$% of Medical Facilitie% and EBip$ent, it ha% a %tate of the art $edical eBip$ent and in%tr$ent
1. Ra6!o#og5 Depar$7e%$
- CT Scan, Ma$$ography, *ltra-%ond 'ith color Doppler, Q-ray $achine% eBipped
'ith Floro%copy and To$ography, Portable Q-ray $achine%.
'. Ca%"er I%2$!$3$e
- Cobalt Machine, Si$lator M a ?System Ulysee@ integrated treat$ent planning %y%te$,
C3+C*S HC3S Bio 3nternational +adiotherapy Sy%te$I.
(. C#!%!"a# La&ora$or5 Depar$7e%$
- 4to$ated He$atology, Che$i%try and E34 4nalyzer for Hepatiti%, T$or Mar)er%,
Thyroid Fnction Te%t, Bactec H4to$ated Cltring 3n%tr$entI, Blood Ban) eBipped
'ith refrigerated centrifge and pla%$a freezer.
). P3#7o%ar5
- Pl$onary Fnction Te%t, 4rterial Blood "a% 4nalyzer, +e%pirator% H4dlt J PediaI,
Pea) E(piratory Flo' +ate HPEF+I, *ltra%onic 2eblizer H*S2I
*. I%$e%2!Ce Care U%!$
- 4dltK Central Monitor, Bed %ide cardiac $onitor%, Phy%io Control Machine% H!ife Par)I
- PediatricK 2eonatal
+. He7o6!a#52!2 U%!$
- Si( H9I Ba(ter $achine% %ing Bicarbonate $ode of treat$ent.
,. Car6!oCa2"3#ar La&ora$or5
- EC" *nit, Holter Monitor, Stre%% Te%t Machine%, >-D Echo.
-. Opera$!%g Roo7 Co7p#eD
- !apchole Machine, /perati#e Micro%cope, Fetal Monitor, /%teon Hall Bone Drill,
Colpo%cope, Fiberoptic Aideo Aronco-Edno%cope.
.. O$er2
- Electro M Encephalogra$ HEE"I
- Electro M Myography HEM"I
The n$ber of $edical per%onnel and facilitie% a#ailable i% enogh to the re%ident% of Da%$ari&a% and
they cold readily a#ail $edical %er#ice%. There are al%o in%tance % 'here re%ident% 'old prefer to go to
Manila li)e Philippine% "eneral Ho%pital HP"HI, 2ational 6idney 3n%titte H263I, Philippine% Heart Center, San
!azaro Ho%pital and Dr. Jo%e Fabella Me$orial Ho%pital for %pecialization prpo%e%.
2oted, a% a$ong the leading ca%e% of $orbidity in $nicipality i% 4cte +e%piratory 3nfection, %ee table
no. ;=. S)in proble$ ran) %econd to 4cte +e%piratory 3nfection. /ther leading ca%e% of $orbidity %ch a%
para%iti%$, "a%tro-inte%tinal di%ea%e, diarrhea, inflenza, 'ond, hyperten%ion, #ita$in deficiency and EE2T.
3n 7<<< there i% a total >9,,=7 ca%e% of the ten H7=I leading di%ea%e or illne%%.
The n$ber one leading ca%e of $ortality for the year 7<<< i% bronchopne$onia. /ther ca%e% of
$ortality are Cardio#a%clar, Hyperten%ion cancer Hall for$I PTB, Septice$ia, Diabete%, "n%hot 'ond,
Bronchial, 4%th$a and accident%.
Con%idering Da%$ari&a% a% a 'hole, total death% for Calendar Cear 7<<< 'a% >,7=7 of 'hich the to'n
proper acconted for 7,==D death% 'hile DBB ha% 7=<: 'ith ;==.,8 and 9;9.>7 $ortality rate re%pecti#ely
o#er all, death rate% 'a% D9= or al$o%t fi#e death% per 7,=== poplation in 7<<<.
3nfant $ortality reported 'a% 7>; of 'hich of the to'n proper acconted for D7 o#erall $ortality rate 'a%
>:., per 7,=== li#e birth%.
Cong child $ortality totaled 9: 'hile $aterial death, 'hich 'a% only in Da%$ari&a% Bagong Bayan,
totaled ,. Table no. ;7 %ho'% the n$ber of Malnori%hed Children by barangay.
The to'n proper for the year 7<<< acconted for a total death of 7,==D ca%ing a death rate of ;= per
7,=== poplation a total of >D infant birth%. The $aternal death% al%o reported refer in table no. DD. !i#e birth%
totaled 9,,9> %ho'n on table no. ;, and the $ortality rate% in the to'n proper a% %ho'n on table no. ;9.
The ten H7=I-leading ca%e% of $ortality in the to'n for the la%t three-H,I year% H7<<,-7<<;I are %ho'n in
table no. ,>. 4% reflected Pne$onia i% con%i%tently the 2o. 7 )iller di%ea%e for 7<<,-7<<;. /ther leading
ca%e% of death are Cardio +e%piratory 4rre%t, Cancer, Encephalopathy, Chronic +enal Failre, PTB, "n%hot
5ond, MP2, and Septice$ia.
The Mnicipality ha% t'o H>I a%%i%ting rral health nit% and ba%e on the $edical %tandard of 7 +H* per
;=,=== poplation, there i% a crrent reBire$ent of nine H<I +H*. By the end of the planning period of the
year >=7= and 'ith a proGected poplation of 7,89,,>=9 a total of 7< +H*1% %hall ha#e been e(i%ting to $eet
the need% of the poplation.
3n ter$% of additional $edical per%onnel the proGected reBire$ent i% %ho'n in table no. ;D. Crrent
reBire$ent for the follo'ing $edical %taff areK +ral Sanitary 3n%pector H+S3I M 7; and +ral Health Mid'ife
H+HMI M ,9.
Since Da%$ari&a% ha% been en#i%ioned a% a $edical0re%earch center, it i% hoped that all the %tandard%
%et forth a% regard $edical re%orce% %hall ha#e been %trictly co$plied 'ith.
The Mnicipal Social 5elfare and De#elop$ent /ffice of Da%$ari&a%, Ca#ite, 'hich ha% the $andate
to %pearhead the alle#iation of the indigent %ector1% plight in the $nicipality, no' ha% 7; per%onnelK 4
regi%tered %ocial 'or)er 'ho head% the depart$ent and %per#i%e% the %taff, fi#e progra$ %taffer% co$po%ed
of eligible %ocial 'or)er% and other paraprofe%%ional%, pl% nine H<I %pport %taff con%i%ting of cler)% and
tility 'or)er%, inclding dri#er%.
The progra$ %taff% are the one% re%pon%ible in progra$ i$ple$entation% and deli#ery of %er#ice% to the
indigent clientele% of the office in %e#enty-three H:I barangay% of Da%$ari&a%.
Throgh the initiati#e of the depart$ent head, 'ho only too) rein of the MS5D/ in the la%t Barter of
7<<8, the office, 'hich %ed to %hare a #ery little roo$ 'ith the Teleco$$nication% %taff at the to'n hall, 'a%
gi#en it% o'n office in DBB-B.
3t% tran%fer to the ne' %ite enabled the %taff to 'or) fa%ter, 'ith the %er#ice% readily deli#ered to tho%e
'ho need the$. More client% co$e %o additional per%onnel are needed. That1% 'hy fro$ the original %i( H9I
'or)er%, MS5D/ ha% no' fifteen H7;I per%onnel.
The n$ber of day care center% 'a% al%o increa%ed by the opening of t'enty H>=I ne' one% for a total
of eighty-t'o H8>I center% today. Thi% al%o nece%%itated the training of eighteen H78I ne' day care 'or)er% for
a total of %e#enty-fi#e H:;I day care 'or)er%. See Table 2o. ;;
MS5D/ had al%o been de%ignated to handle the procre$ent, haling and te$porary %torage of the
rice, %gar and other ba%ic co$$oditie% for the operator% of P3D31% +olling Store ProGect fro$ t'enty-fi#e H>;I
barangay%, 'hich %tarted in Septe$ber 7<<<. The di%tribted proGect ha% been going fine, and additional nit%
of rolling %tore% 'old %oon be di%tribted to other barangay%. Beneficiarie% of the proGect are %ho'n on Table
no. ;9.
The Mnicipal "o#ern$ent had granted MS5D/ the e(cl%i#e %e of %er#ice #ehicle%, 'hich the %taff
%ed in $a)ing rond% to day care center%, P3D31% +olling Store, and dring di%a%ter ti$e to $a)e on-the-%pot
e#alation of the cala$ity e(tent. 4 d$p trc) %tand% by for the co$$odity-haling trip% to 2F4-"en. Tria%
and M46+/ and other dealer%.
MS5D/ had acco$pli%hed the follo'ing in 7<<<K HSee table no. ;: for detail%I.
1. Co773%!$5 We#4are Progra720
a. Dring the fir%t half of 7<<<, the office entertained applicant in-grop% fro$ different barangay%
'ho 'i%h to pt p li#elihood proGect% 'ith fnding co$ing fro$ the Mnicipal "o#ern$ent. Their
application% 'ere proce%%ed, bt 'ith the orientation that the fnding i% for the Sanggniang
Bayan1% appro#al. Co$$nity $eeting% 'ere condcted and fea%ibility %tdie% 'ere $ade on their
propo%ed acti#itie%. 4fter proce%%ing abot t'enty H>=I grop application% and the fnding 'a% %till
not in %ight, the%e application% 'ere te$porarily %hel#ed for later reference.
b. Pre-Marriage Con%eling %e%%ion 'ere reglarly condcted for 'old-be cople% 'ho acti#ely
participated )no'ing that %tronger relation%hip% cold be attained by the cople if they 'old be
a'are of their re%pecti#e role% and re%pon%ibility in the nion that they 'ere going into.
c. Death 4id a%%i%tance had been e(tended to indigent fa$ilie% $orning o#er their lo%% of their lo#ed
one% of t'ilight age%.
Table no. ;:
2$ber, 2atre of Ser#ice% and Facilitie% by type of Social 5elfare /rganization
Mnicipality of Da%$ari&a%
Ser#ice +endered Clientele %er#ed 2o. Ser#ed +e$ar)%
Practical S)ill% De#elop$ent Coth
2eedy 4dlt%
><8 Fnding fro$ participant% Mditto-
Job Place$ent Coth
2eedy 4dlt%
4b%orbed by 4-"rade "ar$ent%
+eferred to other tie-p%
E$ergency 4%%i%tance Children
Denge Fe#er
Financial 4id Mditto-
Parent% Effecti#e Ser#ice 4dlt% ,,DD= Daycare Ser#ice /rientation%
Daycare Ser#ice Children :,;D> Total enroll$ent for 7<<<
Coth offender ca%e% Coth 9 +eporting 'ee)ly to MS5D/
Pre-Marriage Con%eling 5old-be cople% 9;= PMC Se$inar
/CS4 3D Pro#i%ion Elderline%% >,=7< 3%%ed 3D Card%, Sr. Citizen%
Death 4id to Sr. Citizen Fa$ilie% >,7 P 7,=== each Beneficiary
+eferral% 4ll categorie% 979 For financial, $edical, brial,
Te$porary %helter or in%tittional
Place$ent, other %er#ice%.
'. E7erge%"5 A22!2$a%"e0
4n alar$ing p%rge in ca%e% of Denge He$orrhagic Fe#er 'a% broght to the attention of
MS5D/ and the office reBe%ted for a P ;==,===.==-fnding for a progra$ that helped the Denge
#icti$% and0or their fa$ilie%.
4% to the clientele grop% 'ho%e need% not 'ithin the %cope of MS5D/1% %er#ice $brella,
inclding financial, $edical, brial, te$porary %helter or in%tittionalization Hte$porary or per$anentI,
referral letter% $ade or ca%e %tdy report% 'ere prepared ba%ed on ho$e #i%itation and inter#ie'
condcted on client% and their fa$ilie% or neighbor% and the%e 'ere %ent to MS5D/1% net'or)ing
lin)age% 'hich inclde the follo'ingK
7. Philippine Charity S'eep%ta)e% /ffice 78. 2ational /rthopedic Center
>. Philippine 4$%e$ent J "a$ing Corporation 7<. 2ational 6idney J Tran%plant 3n%titte
,. +e%earch 3n%titte for Tropical Medicine%
D. Philippine 2ational +ed Cro%%
;. Ho$e of Joy
9. M4-M4 Children1% Center of 2or'ay
:. Plan 3nternational
8. Aalley Cathedral Children1% Center
<. Chri%tian Mi%%ion Ser#ice
7=. Tahanan ni Maria
77. Bi%ig Bayan
7>. Bantay-Bata
7,. !ing)od Bayan
7D. Cri%i% 3nter#ention *nit
7;. "o#ernor1% /ffice
79. Philippine Heart Center
7:. Philippine Mental Health 4%%ociation
(. C!#6 a%6 Yo3$ We#4are0
MS5D/ handled for yothfl offender ca%e% 'hereby a %ocial 'or)er i% a%%igned to $onitor the
yoth%1 'ee)ly acti#itie% 'hile on probation or nder parental c%tody. The %taff al%o too) the initiati#e
of entertaining 'al)-in client% 'ith legal ca%e% li)e theft, child ab%e and e(ploitation by $a)ing the
inta)e inter#ie' of the client% 'ho 'ere later acco$panied to the DS5D Field /ffice 3A. 3nter#ie'
record% 'ere trned o#er to the DS5D to help the concerned %taff in readily a%%e%%ing the ca%e and
helping the client.
MS5D/ al%o e(tended %per#i%ory %pport to the 3SM/ Training Center, a %b-proGect of the
defnct Da%$ari&a% E$ploy$ent "eneration ProGect-3nter 4gency had been $aintained $ainly
beca%e it contino%ly pro#ide li#elihood opportnitie% to the yoth trainee% 'ho 'old other 'i%e
ha#e le%% chance co$peting for gainfl e$ploy$ent 'ith the %)illed and 'ell-edcated.
For the year, the concerned %taff of MS5D/ condcted Day Care Ser#ice orientation% to the
different parent%1 co$$ittee%, 'hich 'ere later for$ed into a federation.
The Day Care Progra$ 'a% placed nder clo%e $onitoring and %per#i%ion to protect the 'elfare
of the pre-%chooler%. The Staff 'ere pre%ent dring the 2trition Month Celebration in Jly, 'hich 'a%
highlighted by children1% parade, parent%1 recipe $a)ing and coo)ing de$on%tration%. There 'a% al%o
at lea%t one %taff attending the indction C$ 3n#e%titre in 4g%t and Septe$ber, and the /ctober
celebration of *ni#er%al Children1% Month 'a% al%o graced by %ocial 'or)er% 'ho engaged the pre-
%chooler% in %ong, dance, poe$, clay-$olding and dra'-and-tell conte%t%.
Preparation on the %election of Mr. J Mi%% Day Care 1<< of the different Day Care Center% 'ere
condcted 'ith the gidance of the %taff. 3n Dece$ber, the cro'ning of the Mr. J Mi%% Day Care 'a%
). O$er A"$!C!$!e20
4%ide fro$ the cited acti#itie% and the nor$al, rotinary %er#ice deli#erie% nderta)en by MS5D/,
the office al%o a%%$ed the follo'ing co$$ittee $e$ber%hip%K
a. !ead 4gency in the 4lay !a)ad, R<<
b. Chair$an of the Mnicipal Concil for the Protection of Children
c. Secretariat of the 3nteragency Coordination Concil for Bati%ta
d. Me$ber of the Mnicipal Di%a%ter Coordination Concil
e. Me$ber of the Mnicipal Drg 4b%e Board
f. Monthly $eeting of Day Care 5or)er%
g. /rganization of Parent% Co$$ittee to different Day Care Center
h. /rganization of Parent% Co$$ittee Federation
i. /rganization of Senior Citizen to e#ery barangay
G. Monthly $eeting to Senior Citizen Federation
). Monthly $eeting "rop of P3D31% +olling Store
l. Monthly $eeting of Parent% of Day Care Children
/ther %er#ice% being e(tended are organizing the %enior citizen% of the $nicipality. i%%ance of 3D% for
benefit% li)e di%cont% and ho%pital referral%. There are abot >,=7< regi%tered %enior citizen% that a#ail of
%aid %er#ice%. Senior citizen% office% are inclded in each barangay hall. Congre%%ional fnd% are a$ong the
%orce% of fnd% for their #ario% acti#itie%. 4%%i%ting the MS5D/ in the deli#ery of %ocial 'elfare %er#ice%
are ci#ic and religio% organization%, %ho'n on Table 2o. ;8.
Pre%ently, the %ocial 'elfare office i% doing it% be%t to deli#er the Gob being a%%igned to it. Bt
con%idering the proGected increa%e in n$ber of ho%ehold% and infl( of re%ettled fa$ilie% there 'old be a
need to pro#ide additional Day Care Center% and rolling %tore% to %%tain the need% of increa%ing n$ber of
fa$ilie%. 3n Table 2o. ;< yo can %ee the proGected clientele 'ithin the planning period. 3$$ediate concern of
the $nicipal go#ern$ent i% the con%trction of %e#en H:I day care center% in #ario% barangay%. Thi% 'old
li)e'i%e reBire additional day care 'or)er%.
'///-'//* a%6 '/1/
The $nicipality at pre%ent ha% t'o $aGor par)%, na$ely the Mnicipal Plaza and the Pari%h Plaza. The
Mnicipal To'n Plaza in front of the $nicipal hall co#er% an area of appro(i$ately 9==-%B. $. Thi% i% often
the %ite of different leage% 'here ga$e% li)e ba%)etball and #olleyball are being held. 3t i% al%o here 'here
occa%ionally pppet %ho'%, to'n progra$% and affair% are being held. The Pari%h Plaza on the other hand,
front% the Catholic Chrch of the 3$$aclate Conception Pari%h. 3t i% here 'here religio% fe%ti#itie% are being
held li)e the Fea%t of the 3$$aclate Conception, May ti$e Santa Crzan, the 4nnal Children1% Chri%t$a%
party, other religio% affair% and e#en %o$e other %port% acti#itie%. 3t i% al%o here 'here the to'n people floc)
and enGoy the fire'or)% of May and Dece$ber.
The playgrond of %chool% and %bdi#i%ion% 'ithin the to'n are al%o $ade a#ailable to the pblic a%
occa%ion% ari%e. More freBently %ed are the athletic field% of De !a Salle *ni#er%ity M Da%$ari&a%, Paliparan
Ele$entary School and Da%$ari&a% High School. 4l%o $ade open to the pblic and for co$$ercial prpo%e%
i% the Ailla 4rcontica Co$ple( 'ith facilitie% inclding a coc)pit arena 'here big derbie% are being held and
patronized not only by the people of Da%$ari&a%, bt al%o by the nearby to'n% and e#en Metro Manila. /ther
facilitie% inclde tra#el lodge, cottage% and %'i$$ing pool. The 4rcontica Co$ple( i% a pri#ate recreational
facility, 'hich occpie% an area of %e#en H:I hectare%. 3t i% located at 6M>< along the 4ginaldo High'ay, and
i% 'ithin 'al)ing di%tance fro$ the Poblacion.
4nother recreational facility i% the C.M Plaza, a pri#ate bilding 'ith co$bination of co$$ercial and
%port% acti#itie%. 3t ha% bo'ling lane% and billiard hall%. The $nicipality ha% a Pblic library %itated on the
northern corner of the Pari%h Plaza. Thi% i% a per$anent %trctre pro#ided 'ith a 'ide range of reading
$aterial% open to e#eryone. The local go#ern$ent throgh it% %port% coordinator progra$ different %port%
acti#itie% dring %$$er ti$e li)e% 3nter-Barangay Ba%)etball, Aolleyball !eage and Che%% Torna$ent.
The%e %port% acti#itie% are being held e#ery %$$er to pro$ote %port%$an%hip, brotherhood and to de#elop
the phy%ical 'ell being of the yoth. 4t other ti$e% $e$ber% of the ci#ic and religio% grop% al%o %pon%or
different %port% acti#itie% in their re%pecti#e barangay%. MaGority of tho%e 'ho cannot go ot to a#ail of other
facilitie% for recreation content the$%el#e% 'ith #ie'ing progra$% on tele#i%ion or li%tening to the radio.
There are al%o n$ero% #ideo% and co$pter ga$e center%, 'hich are getting %o poplar a$ong the
yong and adlt ali)e.
5ith the DD>,;:> poplation of the $nicipality at pre%ent, the age grop of 8-7D year% co$pri%e% 79L,
7;-DD year% 'ith D<L, and D;-9D 'ith 7=L. The $entioned age brac)et of the poplation are the one% 'ho
indlge $o%t in %port% and recreation totaling to abot :;L of the 'hole poplation.
4% to edcational characteri%tic%, the $nicipality ha% a <8L literacy rate. Con%idering thi% factor, it
%hold be placed in $ind that 'e are in ad#ancing ti$e% of high technology. Ho' ga$e% of %port% are being
de#eloped all o#er the 'orld open the intere%t and de%ire of the people to learn, e(perience and participate in
the ne' field% of %port%. Thi% i% al%o the %a$e 'ith ne'ly de#eloped recreational facilitie% that are highly
5ith regard% to occpation and inco$e, abot ;8.<=L of the total poplation are con%idered
econo$ically acti#e. Thi% percentage of the poplation i% the one% 'ho cold afford to a#ail of %port% and
recreational facilitie% better than the re%t of the poplation. The%e are the people 'ho, after long hor% of hard
'or), %ee) %o$e ti$e-off for %port% or recreation. Table 2o. 9= and 97 %ho' the %port recreation preference of
the poplation by age grop a% per pri$ary %r#ey% and inter#ie'%.
4% to %port% preference, $o%t co$$on i% the different type% of ball ga$e% particlarly ba%)etball.
Ba%)etball cold be fond in al$o%t all barangay% and in %chool% in the $nicipality. Sport% acti#ity in %chool%,
'hich inclde trac) and field, i% $o%tly played throgh intra$ral and di%trict $eet%.
3t cold be noted that a% age grop a%cend%, $ore co$ple( or %ophi%ticated %port% ari%e li)e tenni%,
bo'ling, and golf. Ho'e#er thi% again di$ini%he% in the lea%t acti#e 9; year% and abo#e. /ther $ale% prefer
coc)fighting and go to 4rcontica. The coc)pit area i% %itated 'ithin the :-hectare lot of 4rcontica pre$i%e%.
4% to the a#ailability of %port% facilitie%, Table 2o. 9> %ho'% the e(i%ting %port% facilitie% in the
$nicipality. Mo%t of the facilitie% are pri#ately o'ned and in fair condition. Con%idering the poplation and
the n$ber of facilitie%, $any of the re%ident% a#ail of other facilitie% at nearby Ca#ite to'n%, neighboring
pro#ince% and different %port% co$ple( of Metro Manila. "oing to recreational preference, 'e cold %ee the
de$and for children1% playgrond%, par), a$%e$ent center%, $o#ie ho%e%, di%co ho%e%, etc. Table 2o. 9,
%ho'% a#ailable recreational facilitie%. 4%ide fro$ the %chool playgrond, there i% no $nicipal playgrond
a#ailable. The Pari%h Plaza i% $ore of an open %pace 'ith fe' benche% and %hade tree% on the %ide%.
+e%ident% of the $nicipality can no' 'atch $o#ie% in the fir%t rn theatre at the High'ay Plaza and on
Da%ca Cable or %i$ply 'atch their #ideo, AHS or beta$a( $achine% and ACD player. There are no
a$%e$ent arcade% bt only %i$ple co$pter playho%e%. There are al%o no par)% or botanical garden% for
the re%ident% to %troll by. There i%, ho'e#er, no proble$ 'hen it co$e% to reading center%. 4%ide fro$ %chool
librarie%, there i% the Da%$ari&a% Pblic !ibrary and Jo%e J !i%a Ca$po% Me$orial !ibrary. There i% al%o an
abndant circlation of nation'ide $agazine% and ne'%paper%. Thogh not endo'ed 'ith natral coa%tal
'ater% and hot %pring%, Da%$ari&a% i% fa%t beco$ing a %'i$$ing center 'ith the e%tabli%h$ent of the
follo'ing %'i$$ing re%ort%.
7. Aolet1% S'i$$ing Pool :. 3bayo +e%ort
>. For-Step S'i$$ing Pool 8. +i#er%ide +e%ort
,. S'i%% Mini +e%ort <. Doble A +e%ort
D. Ble Ha'aii +e%ort 7=. +hodora Aille +e%ort
;. Ailla 3%abel +e%ort 77. Med1z +e%ort
9. Ble$en +e%ort
The increa%e in poplation 'ill bring abot an increa%e in the de$and for recreational and %port%
facilitie% a% 'ell a% open %pace. Pro#i%ion of the%e facilitie% and progra$$ing of %port% acti#itie% 'old
de#iate the $ind% of the yoth fro$ engaging in nprodcti#e acti#itie%. The%e facilitie% %hold li)e'i%e be
$ade a#ailable to re%ident% of all barangay%. Priority %hold be gi#en to the type% of %port%0recreation
preferred by the re%ident% and 'hich 'old not entail hea#y co%t%. Pri#ate in#e%tor% %hold be encoraged to
pt p recreational e%tabli%h$ent in the $nicipality li)e $o#ie ho%e%, a$%e$ent arcade%, di%co ho%e%,
etc. The $nicipal par) and playgrond %hold be pro#ided 'ith adeBate a$enitie%.
By the end of the planning period in >=7=, the $nicipal go#ern$ent %hall ha#e allocated 79=.9:
hectare%, for par)% and playgrond%. Facilitie% %hold inclde table%, la'n area, %hade% for picnic)ing, etc.
For a $nicipal par), %pecial featre% are %fficient lighting for nightti$e %e, drin)ing fontain, co$fort roo$%
and par)ing lot%.
Since a par) and open %pace %y%te$ affect% the gro'th and for$ of a city, particlar attention for the
genero% pro#i%ion 'ith open %pace% %hold be con%idered. Par)% and open %pace land% are i$portant
factor% in attracting ne' ind%trie%. hence their e(pan%ion %hold be encoraged.
Da%$ari&a% Police Station i% located at the old Pericltre bilding along Ca$erino 4#ene,
Da%$ari&a%, Ca#ite. 3t occpie% an area of 8= %Bare $eter% a% it% fi#e %b-%tation%. !ately, for$er
Congre%%$an +enato Dragon fnded the con%trction of a ne' bilding in Brol 33, 4rea B. 3n ter$% of
facilitie%. the Da%$ari&a% Police Station need% a per$anent location for it% %tation. 3deally, the police %tation i%
e(pected to be re%pon%ible for pblic %afety, protection of li#e% and propertie%, enforce$ent of la'% and
$aintenance of peace and order 'ithin it% territorial li$it%.
3t ha% <= $e$ber%, t'o of 'ho$ are Police Co$$i%%ioned /fficer% and 88 are Police 2on-
Co$$i%%ioned /fficer%. /f the 88, 8> are in effecti#e %er#ice 'hile %i( H9I are in detached %er#ice 'ith other
The 7<<< proGected poplation of DD>,;:> nece%%itate% the detail% of DD> police$en to $aintain peace
and order. De to per%onnel con%traint, the e(i%ting police to poplation ratio are pegged at 7KD,<78, 'hich i%
far belo' the %tandard of one H7I police$an for e#ery 7,=== inhabitant%, a% $andated in Section >: of
+epblic 4ct 9<:;.
The :, Barangay Concil% of Da%$ari&a% ha#e organized their re%pecti#e Barangay Tanod to ag$ent
the P2P in $aintaining peace and order in the Barangay%. The Barangay Tanod i% reBired to ndergo training
and %e$inar% before they are indcted a% $e$ber% of the brigade. Said training and %e$inar%, de%igned to
pgrade their co$petence for effecti#e and efficient protecti#e %er#ice, gi#e pro%pecti#e tanod% the ba%ic
)no'ledge on their dtie% and re%pon%ibilitie%.
The Da%$ari&a% Police ha% %e#en H:I patrol car% and a $otorcycle. Three of the%e #ehicle%, ho'e#er,
are ndergoing repair. The %tation %till lac)% ;: high and D; lo' po'ered firear$%. 4t pre%ent, the police force
i% in need of $odern in#e%tigati#e eBip$ent, additional patrol car% and con%trction of additional %b-%tation%.
The recent deli#ery of one H7I ba%e radio, one H7I repeater and t'enty H>=I nit% of handheld radio% ha#e
con%iderably i$pro#ed or re%pon%e ti$e to call% for police a%%i%tance. Co$$nicating 'ith other nit% i% no'
ea%ier thereby i$pro#ing or efficiency and effecti#ene%% in rendering pblic %afety %er#ice%.
The %tation al%o need% handcff%, night%tic)% and %fficient fnd% to finance the condct of follo'-p
operation% e%pecially tho%e ot%ide operational Gri%diction.
The Mnicipal Peace and /rder Concil organized and headed by the Mayor, a%%i%t% in the
$aintenance of peace and order. 3t% $e$ber% are indi#idal% co$ing fro$ the different %ector% of the
co$$nity. 3t hold% $onthly $eeting% to thre%h ot proble$% affecting the to'n. The Mnicipal "o#ern$ent
al%o gi#e% Php7=,===.== re'ard and a plaBe of recognition to de%er#ing police$an 'ho perfor$ed 'ell
dring the $onth.
Table no. 9; %ho'% that fro$ 7<<9 to 7<<: cri$e #ol$e redce by >7.9DL and in 7<<: to 7<<8 cri$e
#ol$e redce al%o by 8.7DL. The redction of cri$e #ol$e $ay attribte to police efficiency and capability,
all ot local official% %pecially the local chief e(ecti#e and a#ailability of opportnitie% to hire a% 'or)er in
$any e%tabli%h$ent% in the $nicipality.
Cla%%ification of /ffen%e 7<<; 7<<9 7<<: 7<<8 7<<<
Cri$e Aol$e ><9 D,< ,DD ,79 DD;
3nde( Cri$e 78, >,8 7:, 7:9 7D8
Cri$e% again%t Per%on 7;7 >7D 79> 7D9 77=
Mrder D, ,: ,, ,9 ><
Fr%trated Mrder 7D 7=
4tte$pted Mrder 7> ,
Ho$icide D= ,9 D> ,9 ,7
Fr%trated Ho$icide >D 7:
4tte$pted Ho$icide 7; 9
Phy%ical 3nGry 9> >9 ,: ;; D>
+ape 9 7= 7, 7< 8
Cri$e% again%t Property ,> 9D >< ,= ,8
+obbery 78 D= 77 7< >7
High'ay +obbery , >
Theft 7D >7 < 77 7:
2on-3nde( Cri$e 77, >== 7:7 7D= ,>=
Aiol of +4 9D>; >< 8; <9 7=7 >97
Aiol of PD 79=> >; ,; ,, 9 79
Aiol of PD 7899 79 79 >> 79 7<
Aiol of BP Blg 9 = 7< : D ,
Aiol of PD 8>; = 7 =
Aiol of +4 :97= = = > , 7=
Direct 4%%alt = = 7
Aiol of PD 797< = = >
Aiol of BP Blg >> = 7 =
Pro%tittion = ,
Tre%pa%%ing = 7 =
E%tafa = 7 7
4r%on = 7 =
Cla%%ification of /ffen%e 7<<; 7<<9 7<<: 7<<8 7<<<
3llegal di%charge of Fa% = 7 =
/ral De$afation = 7 =
4lar$ and Scandal = 7 7
6idnapping = 7 =
Slander = > 7
Biga$y = 7 =
4ct% of !a%ci#io%ne%% = D , 9 7
Carnapping = , ,
Mali%cio% Mi%chief = ; 7
"ra#e Threat% = 7> >
Mnicipal /rdinance 7 7
4MC+ <.D 7,.<7 7=.<> 7=.=D 7D.8:
3nde( Cri$e +ate ;.87 :.;9 ;.D< ;.;< D.:
2on - 3nde( Cri$e +ate ,.;8 9.,; ;.D, D.D; 7=.79
Cri$e Sol#ed >9D D7, ,,, >8: D;D
Cri$e *n%ol#ed ,> >; 77 >< 7D
Cri$e Soltion Efficiency 8<.78L <D.><L <D.><L <=.8>L <:.=7L
Pollation >9>,,,< >9>,,,< >9>,,,< >9>,,,< DD>,;:>
SorceK Da%$ari&a%-P2P /ffice
The Da%$ari&a% Fire Station i% %itated 'ithin the 2e' Pblic Mar)et in 4ginaldo High'ay. 3t occpie%
an area of abot >==-%B. $. and i% being $anned by t'enty H>=I organic per%onnel fire$an and one H7I fire
aid #olnteer. The poplation ratio i% 7K >>,7><.
The fire %tation 'a% eBipped 'ith one H7I %et ratio tran%cei#er and a telephone. 3t i% li)e'i%e eBipped
'ith %a$ple office %pplie% $o%t of 'hich are donation fro$ pri#ate indi#idal%.
3n ca%e of fire incidence% in the $nicipality a%%i%tance i% being e(tended by the fire %tation of nearby
$nicipalitie%. 4$ong the %er#ice% being rendered by the fire %tation are condcting edcational ca$paign in
different e%tabli%h$ent1% effecti#e i$ple$entation of the Fire Code of the Philippine% and condct
%e$inar%0lectre% on fire protection.
/n fire incidence 'ithin it% area of re%pon%ibility, the %tation ha% re%ponded to %e#enty-eight H:8I Fire
incidence in 7<<<. The e%tabli%h$ent% are.
Strctral 7<
Aehiclar ;
"ra%% fire, tra%h fire ,,
Po%t fire >7
To$a# ,-
The %tation ha% li)e'i%e re%ponded to fire incident% ot%ide it% area of re%pon%ibility.
7<<9 7<<: 7<<8 7<<< >===
Electrical > 77 : >, >9
CMD0Heat0Bonfire = = ;> ,> ,9
/pen Fla$e > < > 7> ,D
Cig. Btt0S$o)e 7 = = = >
F05or)0E(pl0Spar) 7 = = 7 >
Fla$$able !iBid = 7 = D =
!P" HTan)0Sto#eI 7 = = , ,
*n)no'n0/ther% > > = , D
T/T4! < >, 97 :8 7=:
3ntentional 7 > = D =
4ccidental 8 >7 97 :, 7=D
*n)no'n = = = 7 ,
T/T4! < >, 97 :8 7=:
Strctral 8 >, 7, 7< >;
Aehiclar0 Ship 7 = = ; =
"ra%%0 Fore%t = = D8 ,> ;7
/ther% = = = >> ,7
T/T4! < >, 97 :8 7=:
Firefighter = = = = =
Ci#ilian = = = = =
T/T4! = = = = =
Firefighter = > = = =
Ci#ilian < , = : =
T/T4! < ; = : =
EST3M4TED D4M4"E ,,<78.== 9>,,7,,8D;.== 7:,D;,,:=:.== >,==9,:==.== :,=<D,=>;.==
SorceK Da%$ari&a%, Brea of Fire Depart$ent
F3+E 32C3DE2T +EP/+T
M*23C3P4!3TC /F D4SM4+3S4S
T4B!E 2/. 99
5ithin a %pan of for HDI year% fro$ 7<<9 to 7<<< there are 7:7 fire incident occrred H%ee table no. 99I.
/n thi% table 'e 'ill notice that in 7<<:, $aGority of the incidence occrred de electrical or falty 'iring, in
7<<8 and 7<<<, $aGority of incidence occrred de to co$b%tible $aterial% and bonfire. 4l%o fro$ the table
'e 'ill notice that al$o%t all incidence happened beca%e of lac) of %afety a'arene%% abot ca%e of fire.
The Da%$ari&a% Mnicipal Jail i% located at Barangay Brol 33, at pre%ent it i% $anned by t'enty three
H>,I per%onnel co$po%ed of one H7I 'arden one H7I denti%t, three H,I nr%e% and nineteen H7<I c%todial and
e%cort%. The total area occpy i% abot nine tho%and %Bare $eter H<,=== %B. $.I 'here a ,89 %Bare $eter
bilding 'a% con%trcted, it co$po%ed one H7I office roo$ and eight H8I cell%, t'o H>I of the%e cell% are
e(cl%i#e for $ale and fe$ale $inor offender%.
4% of no', the total Gail poplation i% abot for tho%and for hndred eighty three HD,D8,I of the%e
>,=9, or D9.=>L 'ere charged for inde( cri$e 'hile >,D>= or ;,.<8L 'ere charged for non-inde( cri$e.
4% a%%e%%ed, the crrent police force poplation ratio i% 7K;9=D. Th% the e(i%ting force i% belo' the
%tandard %et forth by the Profe%%ionalization !a' 'hich i% one H7I police$en for e#ery 7,=== poplation.
Crrent reBire$ent for police$en con%idering that e(i%ting n$ber% of police force i% only ninety H<=I. By the
end of the planning period in the year >=7= the local go#ern$ent %hall ha#e been pro#ided 'ith total of 7,89,
police force $e$ber% to %afegard the li#e% propertie% of the re%ident% totaling 7,89,,>=9. Table 2o. 9: %ho'%
the proGected reBire$ent for police per%onnel.
For fire protection %er#ice%, the $nicipality 'ill need additional D:> fire$en by the end of the planning
period. /n the e#ent that hiring i% i$po%%ible, the $nicipality $ay tap the %er#ice% of #olnteer%0 pri#ate
indi#idal% pro#ided they ha#e ndergone training0%e$inar% on fire protection and pre#ention. Table 2o. 9:
al%o %ho'% the proGected reBire$ent for fire$en.
3n ter$% of facilitie%, the police force need% a per$anent location for it% %tation. 3deally, %ince the
$nicipality ha% a large poplace, it i% e(pected to be re%pon%ible for pblic %afety, protection of li#e% and
propertie%, enforce$ent of la'% and $aintenance of peace and order 'ithin it% territorial li$it%. /nly 'hen it i%
flly %pported can it render effecti#e and efficient police protection %er#ice.
4t pre%ent, the police force i% in need of $odern in#e%tigati#e eBip$ent, co$$nication eBip$ent,
additional patrol car%, and con%trction of additional %b-%tation% and hiring of additional per%onnel. 3$$ediate
fnd% for police operati#e% to finance0follo'ing operation% %pecially tho%e ot%ide operational Gri%diction. 4%
per %tandard of one H7I fire trc) per >=,=== poplation, there i% a crrent reBire$ent of t'enty t'o H>>I fire
trc)% to $eet the pre%ent de$and% of the people and %afegard% the li#e% and propertie% of the re%ident%. By
the end of the planning period in the year >=7=, it fore%ee% that the Mnicipality of Da%$ari&a% %hall ha#e
pro#ided a total of ninety three H<,I fire trc)%.
4gricltre i% the traditional econo$ic ba%e of the $nicipality, occpying an area of >,=D;.;9 hectare%
or >>.7L of the total land area. /f the total, only 7,D9>., hectare% or :7.D8L are de#oted to crop prodction.
The re$aining agricltral area% are de#oted to prodction of li#e%toc), poltry and %'ine 'hile other area%
are no longer prodcti#e and ha#e re$ained idle for year%. Corollary to the agro-ind%trial thr%t of the
pro#ince, the i$ple$entation of C4!4B4+F/2 and the fnctional role Da%$ari&a% i% playing, agricltral
de#elop$ent 'a% greatly affected a% e#idenced by the decrea%ing area de#oted to agricltre.
/f the total agricltral area, 7,D9>., hectare% or :7.D8L are prodcti#e. The%e are planted to food
crop% %ch a% palay, corn, frit%, #egetable% and %garcane.
+ice, being the %taple food, i% the $aGor agricltral crop of the $nicipality occpying an area of >9,.,=
hectare%. /f the%e, >=, hectare% irrigated and 9= hectare% are pland. /ther food crop% inclde frit% and
#egetable% occpying an area of :;8.8 hectare%. The leading frit% being prodced in the $nicipality are
$angoe% and pineapple.
4rea planted to %garcane total to DD=.; hectare%. Data on annal prodction i% not a#ailable.
See Table 2o. 98 on 4rea De#oted to 4gricltral Crop Prodction.
The agro-ind%trial de#elop$ent in Da%$ari&a% 'a% broght abot by the infl( of in%tittional and
re%idential center% in the area. Delineated in the appropriate zoned area% %o a% not to ca%e ad#er%e
en#iron$ental effect%, agri-b%ine%% i% one agricltral boo%t, 'hich cold %trengthen the econo$ic ba%e of
the $nicipality. For the year 7<<<, the office of the Mnicipal 4gricltri%t reported a total n$ber of
!i#e%toc) and poltry prodction of 8,>=; and ::,=== head%, re%pecti#ely. There are nine H<I %e$i-
co$$ercial far$% and thirteen H7,I co$$ercial far$% in the $nicipality, a% reflected on Table 2o. 9<.
1. Irr!ga$!o% SerC!"e2
3rrigated 4rea% are %er#iced by irrigation p$p% dra'ing 'ater fro$ E$barcadero, Ma)iling and
!)%hin Da$% located in Barangay Paliparan, Salitran and San 4g%tin re%pecti#ely.
'. S3ppor$ Fa"!#!$!e28Po2$ HarCe2$ Fa"!#!$!e2
The con%trction, $aintenance and i$pro#e$ent of barangay road% that %er#e a% far$ to
$ar)et road% enable the far$er% to $ar)et their prodct 'ithot difficllty.
Po%t-har#e%t facilitie% incldeK
7. 7: thre%her%
>. 7 %olar dryer in Barangay !ang)aan
,. 7> po'er tiller
D. 7 cono type rice $ill
;. 8 %e$i cono type rice $ill
9. 8 'areho%e%
There are fi#e H;I chic)en dre%%ing0 $ini-dre%%ing plant% in the area. The%e are located in
Barangay Paliparan 33, Fone 3A, Sa$paloc 3, San 4g%tin 333 and Salitran 33.
There are %laghterho%e% in the $nicipality, the bigge%t of 'hich i% the Monterey
%laghterho%e located in Barangay !ang)aan. 4bot D==-:== head% of %'ine and cattle are
being btchered daily. See Table 2o. :=.
The $nicipality ha% one H7I S'ine 4rtificial Breeding Center. Thi% i% a Goint proGect 'ith the
office of the Pro#incial Aeterinarian. 3t pro#ide% 43 %er#ice% for the 'hole $nicipality of
Da%$ari&a% and other adGacent $nicipalitie%.
(. Agr!"3#$3ra# S3ppor$ Progra7
a. Coopera$!Ce
Sa$ahan ng Maggglay Mlti-Prpo%e Cooperati#e 3nc. Barangay Paliparan 333
Si)at Mlti-Prpo%e Cooperati#e 3nc. Barangay !ang)aan 33
Paliparan 33 Mlti-Prpo%e Cooperati#e 3nc. Barangay Paliparan 33
Mala)a% Mlti-Prpo%e Cooperati#e 3nc. Baranagay !ang)aan 3
San Jo%e Mlti-Prpo%e Cooperati#e 3nc. Barangay San Jo%e
Sala'ag Mlti-Prpo%e Cooperati#e 3nc. Barangay Sala'ag
Paliparan 3 Mlti-Prpo%e Cooperati#e 3nc. Baranagay Paliparan 3
&. Cre6!$ Ba%E 4or F!%a%"!a# A22!2$a%"e
P2B HPhilippine 2ational Ban)I
!and Ban) of the Philippine%
Ca#ite Cooperati#e Ban) HTrece Martire% CityI
c. Facilitie%0EBip$ent
Baby Cono K !ang)aan 3
Thre%her K !ang)aan 3
Habd tractor K Paliparan 3 J 33
Shallo' Tbe 5ell K Sa$paloc 33
Concrete Pa#e$ent DryerK !ang)aan 3
). Te"%!"a# A22!2$a%$8ED$e%2!o% SerC!"e2
The Depart$ent of 4gricltre throgh the /ffice of the Mnicipal 4gricltri%t ha% been
e(tending agricltral %er#ice% and pro#iding facilitie% for the contino% de#elop$ent of thi%
%ector in the $nicipality. Aario% progra$% and proGect% had been initiated by %aid agency to
a%%i%t far$er%, lando'ner% and far$ 'or)er%. So$e progra$% cater to the need% of the flly
irrigated area% 'hile other% are concerned are al%o e(tended to far$er% both by go#ern$ent
and pri#ate e%tabli%h$ent% %ch a% ban)% loan a%%ociation% and cooperati#e organization%.
There i% a Mnicipal Plant 2r%ery 'hich prodced different )ind% of %eedling% for planting
need% of far$er% in the $nicipality and it i% %pported by the /ffice of the Pro#incial
4gricltri%t in ca%e of in%fficiency of %toc)%.
4ccording to Mnicipal 4grarian refor$ /ffice HM4+/I there are >,;<9.;,88 hectare% of
land recla%%ified a% re%idential fro$ March 77, 7<<7 p to pre%ent.
The e(i%ting agricltral de#elop$ent in the area %ho'% a do'n'ard trend e#idenced by the
contino% decrea%e in the area de#oted to agricltre. 3t ha% been noted that %aid land% are being con#erted
to non-agricltral %e%. !i)e'i%e, redction in the phy%ical area ca%e% co$$en%rate redction in #ol$e
and #ale of prodction of the re$aining agricltral area%. Thi% %itation ha% been broght abot by an
p%rge of the real e%tate ind%try con%idering the to'n pro(i$ity to Metro Manila. The%e $a)e the price% of
land lcrati#e enogh for far$er o'ner%, tenant% and far$ 'or)er% to %ell their far$ lot% and right% to real
e%tate de#eloper%. The%e are $anife%tation% of %hifting de#elop$ent trend% 'hich local official% $%t
addre%% to and )eep the $nicipality attitde to the be%t alternati#e to'ard% de#elop$ent.
4% per analy%i% of palay prodction re#eal% a great %hortage of the crop to $eet the %tandard
reBire$ent of 7>D )g 0 capital 0year. E#en if the >9,.,= hectare% of prodcti#e rice land hit% the <; ca#an% 0
hectare target, it can only feed >.>:L of the total crrent poplation. Strategie% to $a(i$ize prodction and
the pro#i%ion of other %orce% of li#elihood to the poplace, 'hich 'ill enable the$ to i$port rice fro$ other
area%, can be adopted to co$pen%ate for the lo%% or inability to pro#ide additional area% for rice prodction.
Aegetable and frit yield% $ay not be co$$en%rate in figre% 'ith reBire$ent% of the poplation bt
bac)yard garden and orchard can ag$ent the prodction data. !i)e'i%e, %ince #egetable i% a #ery co$$on
crop, deficiency i% not %o $ch a proble$. 3t can be acBired throgh o'n initiati#e and at a lo'er co%t.
Cropping %ea%on can be dobled or tripled to %ffice the reBire$ent. 3n general, the $nicipality i% $ore of a
food i$porter. Table 2o. :7 %ho'% the crrent and proGected food reBire$ent.
To a%%re contino% agricltral prodction prior to fll rbanization.
To en%re long ter$ %%tainability of the $nicipality1% agricltral re%orce% ba%e.
To help %%tain %elf-%fficiency and food %ecrity in rice and corn.
To inten%ify prodction of highly co$petition co$$ercial crop% of do$e%tic and international
To e$po'er %$all far$er%
Pro#ide ba%ic food %tff to the poplation
3ncrea%e far$ inco$e fro$ the pre%ent indicati#e le#el of TPT D,=== $onthly to abot TPT >=,=== by
the end of the planning period in >=7=.
*pgrade e(i%ting far$ to $ar)et road% and con%trct additional ;.= )ilo$eter%.
Con%trction of three H,I $lti-prpo%e drying pa#e$ent HMPDPI.
Con%trction of one H7I %laghterho%e
Pro#ide technical training on crop%, li#e%toc), and training on technology both to far$er% and
e(ten%ion 'or)er%.
Pro$otion of rice prodction technology throgh the %e of hybrid rice #ariety.
Pro$otion on inten%ified and di#er%ified rice-ba%ed far$ing %y%te$ incorporating high #ale
Procre$ent, prodction and di%tribtion of Bality %eed% and planting $aterial% throgh
e%tabli%h$ent0$aintenance of $nicipal plant nr%ery.
E%tabli%h credit a%%i%tance facilitie%.
E%tabli%h$ent of prodction co%t redction technologie% %ch a% 3PM and organic far$ing
*pgrading of li#e%toc) and poltry genetic pool.
E%tabli%h$ent0$aintenance of $nicipal ani$al breeding center.
E%tabli%h$ent of carabao dairy prodction proGect.
Pro$otion and di%%e$ination of i$pro#ed technology on li#e%toc) and poltry prodction.
4ni$al health care and di%ea%e $anage$ent.
Pro#i%ion of year-rond irrigation to increa%e crop prodction.
Pro#i%ion of road lin)age% to facilitate tran%port of agricltral prodct% to $ar)et center%.
Pro#i%ion of po%t har#e%t facilitie% to redce lo%%e% and enhance #ale-added of agricltral
Pro$otion of infor$ation technology for 'ider acce%%e% of infor$ation.
Pro$otion0de#elop$ent0%trengthening of partner%hip cooperati#e, far$er organization%, pri#ate
and !"*1% %ector re%earch in%tittion% geared to'ard agri-ind%try de#elop$ent.
Pro#i%ion of li#elihood a%%i%tance to far$er beneficiarie% throgh #iable cooperati#e
organization to alle#iate their %ocio-econo$ic %tanding.
De#elop$ent of entreprenerial capabilitie% of agri-ba%ed cooperati#e% throgh pro#i%ion of
training on leader%hip $anage$ent and agrib%ine%% and $ar)et and financial net'or)ing 'ith
pri#ate in%tittion%.
Creation of 4grib%ine%% grop-co$po%ed of !"*1% and 2"/1% to prepare agri-in#e%t$ent
profile and e%tabli%h $ar)et infor$ation center%.
Pro$otion of co$petiti#e agricltral prodct% for do$e%tic and international de$and%.
*pgrading of %)ill% training and other edcational acti#itie% to enhance e(ten%ion deli#ery
Creation of $anage$ent infor$ation office in coordination progra$ i$ple$entation and
$onitoring acti#itie%.
Co$$erce i% a pri$ary econo$ic indicator of an area progre%%. 3t i% not $erely a #i%ible %ho' of rapid
rbanization bt it li)e'i%e %trengthen% the bond of %ettle$ent fabric% by catering to the need% of the to'n
fol)%. Ba%ed on the record% of the B%ine%% and !icen%e Di#i%ion of the !ocal "o#ern$ent, there i% a total of
three tho%and one hndred %i(ty %e( H,,799I regi%tered co$$ercial e%tabli%h$ent%. /f the%e >,>=9
H9<.98LI are engaged in retailing, <> H>.<7LI are into 'hole%ale, :,7 H>,.=<LI render b%ine%% per%onal,
recreational and %er#ice%, D9 H7.D;LI are into real e%tate, 8D H>.;9LI are into ban)ing and finance and :
H=.>>LI are engaged in in%rance. HSee table no. :>I
Co$$ercial acti#itie% are concentrated along P. Ca$po% 4#ene Ca$erino 4#ene and the /ld Pblic
Mar)et, Congre%%ional +oad fro$ Salitran throgh De !a Salle College, Sala'ag area 'here ne'ly pri#ate dry
and 'et $ar)et are located and Paliparan 33 a ribbon pattern of co$$ercial i% e#ident along 4ginaldo
High'ay and Pa%ong !a'in area going to ne' Pblic $ar)et.
4nother $aGor center% of co$$erce are the t'o H>I Pblic Mar)et 'ith ,D8 and ::9 %tall% re%pecti#ely.
Both offer% co$plete facilitie% 'ith 'et and dry $ar)et and %pported 'ith acce%% road and tran%port facilitie%
$a)ing the$ acce%%ible not only to re%ident% of the $nicipality bt the adGoining $nicipalitie% a% 'ell.
There are %e#enteen $inor co$$ercial center% called Talipapa, 'hich %er#e% different barangay%. HSee
Table no. :,I. The%e Talipapa 'ere $anage by different a%%ociation 'ith an area ranging fro$ 7== %B. $. to
7,;== %B. $.
M*23C3P4!3TC /F D4SM4+3S4S
!/C4T3/2 2/. /F T4!3P4P4 4+E4
HSB. $.I
S42 J*42 7 >==
S42 +/N*E 7 7>=
S42 D3/23S3/ 7 ,;=
!*FA3M32D4 7 7===
ST4. C+3ST324 7 7>=
E. BE+"4D/ 7 7>=
"/!DE2 C3TC S4!3T+42 - 3 7 7===
"/!DE2 A3!!E S*BD. 7 7;==
S4!454" 7 ,==
P4!3P4+42 - 33 7 7>=
ST4. !*C34 > ;==
P4!3P4+42 S3TE D ;==
S42 4"*ST32 33 7 >==
T4B!E 2/. :,
!3ST /F M32/+ C/MME+C34! CE2TE+ HT4!3P4P4I
/ther %pport facilitie% li)e po'er, 'ater, co$$nication and tran%portation are pre%ent. The electricity i%
pro#ided by 24P/C/+ thr Manila Electric Co$pany HME+4!C/I, 'ater i% being %pply by Da%$ari&a%
5ater Di%trict HD5DI. 3n ter$% of co$$nication%, the 'hole to'n relie% pon on the #ario% agencie% li)e
P!DT, "lobe Teleco$, Digitel, Philippine Po%tal Co$$nication, Brea of Teleco$$nication% and all $obile
cellphone co$panie%. 2e'%paper and $agazine% of national circlation are a#ailable. !a%tly, tran%portation
are a#ailable in 'hole part of $nicipality beca%e of good net'or) of road% H%ee infra%trctre %ector for
$ore detail%I.
Ba%ed on the land %e %r#ey, the e(i%ting co$$ercial area i% 9; hectare%, abot =.:>L of the total land
area. *%ing the %tandard reBire$ent the $nicipality need% an additional area of 7=:.:= hectare%. Traffic
conge%tion i% one proble$ that i% anticipated to happen in the near ftre. The local go#ern$ent in thi% regard
%hold nderta)e proper $ea%re%.
Strict ob%er#ance and i$ple$entation of the traffic rle% %hold be one of the pri$ary thr%t of the la'
enforcer% and the allocation of adeBate par)ing %pace% in co$$ercial area% to pre#ent %treet par)ing. 3n
order to create a b%ine%% at$o%phere condci#e to trader% and con%$er%, effecti#e and efficient %pport
facilitie% %hold be pro#ided and $aintained. 4$ong the%e are the far$% to $ar)et road% to be able to
facilitate the %$ooth tran%port of good% fro$ the different barangay% to the trading center%, po'er, 'ater and
co$$nication facilitie%.
3nd%trialization i% one of the $aGor progra$% of the go#ern$ent in order to achie#e econo$ic reco#ery.
Da%$ari&a%, being on the thre%hold of the ?Philippine 4id Plan@ and the C4!4B4+F/2 ProGect, i% no'
e(periencing rapid ind%trial gro'th. The pro(i$ity of the area to Metro Manila i% another factor that
contribted $ch to the ind%trial boo$. 4% of 7<<<, there are 7DD ind%trial e%tabli%h$ent% di%tribted in the
locality occpying an appro(i$ate area of ,== hectare%. /f the%e ind%trial, 99 HD;.8,LI are $icro, ;;
H,8.>=LI are %$all ind%try, 77 H:.9DLI are $edi$ ind%try and 7> H8.,,LI are con%ider a% large %cale HSee
table no. :DI. 4l$o%t <<L of the%e are $anfactring e%tabli%h$ent% di%tribted in the different barangay% of
Sa$paloc 3, Sa$paloc 33, Sa$paloc 3A, !ang)aan 3, !ang)aan 33, San Jo%e, San 4g%tin, !z#i$inda 33,
Sala'ag, Salitran 3, Salitran 33 and Paliparan. Mo%t of the%e are engaged on the $anfactre of gar$ent% for
o#er%ea% $ar)et, glo#e%, electrical %pplie%, al$in$ %heet%, ato$oti#e light%, apparel%, greeting card%,
ho$e decoration%, frnitre, hollo'-bloc)%, handicraft% and nati#e prodct%, etc. There are t'o H>I acti#e and
one H7I inacti#e ind%trial e%tate in the $nicipality.
The Fir%t Ca#ite 3nd%trial E%tate i% 7;D.; hectare ind%trial %bdi#i%ion bilt to %er#ice all ba%ic need% of
any $anfactring concern of the light-to-$edi$ %cale ind%try.
The Fir%t Ca#ite 3nd%trial E%tate, i% a Goint #entre proGect of three pre%tigio% co$panie%K
National Development Company (NDC), a co$pany e%tabli%hed by the Philippine go#ern$ent
Mandated to pioneer proGect% of i$$en%e %ocio-econo$ic i$pact and national %ignificance.
Marubeni Corporation, a giant general trading ho%e H%ogo-%o%haI ba%ed in Japan that ha% been
doing b%ine%% in the Philippine% for %e#eral decade% no' and had $ch e(perience in ind%trial
e%tate de#elop$ent in Thailand and 3ndone%ia.
Japan International Development rgani!ation (J"ID), a corporation e%tabli%hed to pro$ote
proGect% 'hich contribte to ind%trial and econo$ic de#elop$ent of de#eloping contrie%.
FC3E offer% the follo'ing infra%trctre%, facilitie% and %er#ice% to it% locator%K
" #eneral In$ustrial %one an$ an &'port (rocessing %one.
(lot con)igurations o) *+,,, s-.m. an$ * .ectare up to /, .ectares
&lectrical (o0er
3nitial K >; MA4
Total Capacity K 8, MA4
Di%tribtion !ine%K ,D.; 6A
/n-%ite i% die%el generator for e$ergency %e of 'ater %pply %y%te$.
7,;== line%
P!DT connect% the %ite to Metro
Manila #ia a $icro'a#e facility throgh 3DD and 2DD.
2ater Supply
7=,=== c.$.0day %orce fro$ 7= deep 'ell%, >== $. deep 'ith , ele#ated 'ater tan)% H,== c.$.
capacityI and , grond re%er#oir% H7,8== c.$. capacityI.
4ppro(i$ately 9== $. in 'idth and , )$ in length.
Ele#ation fro$ 7,= to 7<= $.
Terran in le#eled F!4T.
"eologyK earth D $. deep con%i%t% $o%tly of clay and 'eathered roc)
n-site roa$s net0or3
D M lane concrete $ain road H7D $ 'ideI
> M lane concrete a(iliary road% H: $ 'ideI
4ocational "$vantage
4bndance of labor and a%%rance of ind%trial peace.
4 #ery %ecre ind%trial %bdi#i%ion.
3t i% %itated in an ind%trial peace zone tee$ing 'ing an enth%ia%tic, #ibrant, $lti-%)illed, highly
trained, and ea%ily trainable labor force.
t.er on-site common service )acilities 0it.in t.e "$ministration 5l$g. an$ surroun$ing area6
/ffice% to %er#ice the need% of FC3E locator%.
4 Ban)
/n-%ite tran%portation %y%te$
4 centrally ad$ini%tered %ecrity %y%te$.
"guinal$o 7ig.0ay
Thi% rote rn% throgh the Manila coa%tal road p to Bacoor, Ca#ite. then throgh the 4ginaldo
High'ay p to Pala-Pala Jnction. then trning right to'ard% Trece Martirez City.
Carmona-1ernate 8oute
Thi% rote rn% throgh the Manila Soth Sperhigh'ay p to Car$ona e(it, then trn right
to'ard% Trece Martirez City.
#eneral 1rias 8oute
Thi% rote rn% throgh the Manila coa%tal road p to "eneral Tria%, Ca#ite. then trn left to'ard%
3ndang. then trn left on the Car$ona-Ternate road to'ard% Da%$ari&a%, Ca#ite.
Site of Manila Port M ,9 )$%.
Site to 3nternational 4irport H#ia Coa%tal +oadI M >; )$%.
Site to Ma)ati H#ia Soth E(pre%%'ayI M ,= )$%.
Site to Ma)ati H#ia Coa%tal +oadI M ,= )$%.
There are 9D pre%ently operational locator% 'ithin the E%tate.
Fire Station
Issuance o) I$enti)ication Car$ (I.D) to the inco$ing con%trction 'or)er%.
Issuance o) 9e.icle (ass6 Per$anent for !ocator% and Te$porary for Con%trction.
(rocessing o) Construction (ermit6 Pro#ided that the contractor confor$% and abide 'ith the
rle%0reglation% of the Con%trction Manal.
2ater Services
"ssociation $ues 6 !ocator% obligation to %ettle $onthly in order to $eet the
operating e(pen%e% of the 4%%ociation.
2ater $ues 6 P :.>; per cbic $eter
In$ivi$ual Service (M&8"4C) 6 facilitation fee i% P 7,===
In$ivi$ual Service ((4D1)
#arbage Collection 6 centralized collection, haling, di%po%al, locator% are charged
per cbic $eter.
Da%$ari&a% Technopar) i% an ind%trial and co$$ercial co$ple( o'ned and de#eloped by F3M4 +ealty
Corporation 'ith Po%tal 4ddre%% at 77=D and 77>D Taynata Plaza Condo$ini$ Plaza +iz, Binando Manila. 3t
occpy an area of thirty eight H,8I hectare% along "o#ernor1% Dri#e after Mnicipalitie% of "M4 and Silang. 3t%
featre% and highlight% inclde concrete-pa#ed road%, concrete crb% and gtter%, three-pha%e electricity fro$
ME+4!C/, e$ergency light% on $ain road, gate and gardho%e. *ndergrond drainage %y%te$, to'
ele#ated 'ater tan)% 'ith 7==,=== gallon capacity and al%o acce%%ible to three $aGor road%. Soth
Sperhigh'ay M Car$ona E(it, 4ginaldo High'ay #ia Coa%tal +oad and Molino-Paliparan +oad.
3t ha% 7D; %aleable lot% for ind%trial prpo%e% 'ith an area ranging fro$ 7,;== %B. $. to D,9== %B. $. 4%
of no' ,= lot% are already %old ot in different co$panie%, for co$panie% %tarted their operation and t'o
other co$panie% are on %tage of con%trction
O TEMP/+4+C SH*TD/52
There are 7D agro-ind%trial e%tabli%h$ent% di%tribted in the different barangay% of !ang)aan 3,
!ang)aan 33, Sa$paloc 33, Sa$paloc 333, Sala'ag, Fone 333, San Jo%e and Sabang. The bigge%t a$ong 'hich
i% Monterey Far$ 3ncorporated located at Barangay !ang)aan 3 , Dali%ay Far$ 3ncorporated located at
Barangay Fone 333 and Jaro De#elop$ent Corporation located at Paliparan 33.
5ith the pre%ent trend of ind%trialization, $any in#e%tor% are intere%ted in ptting p their fir$% in the
area. Therefore additional %ite% for the proGected increa%e in thi% acti#ity %hold be identified.
The pre%%re of econo$ic reco#ery lea#e% the choice bet'een ind%trialization and agricltral
prodction. 3nd%trialization 'old $ean con#er%ion of agricltral land% to ind%trial e%tate%, gi#ing le%% Gob%
for far$er% and $ore for %)illed 'or)er%. 5hiche#er 'ill be the choice, it %hold al'ay% be for the better$ent
of the $aGority.
3n the ca%e of Da%$ari&a%, ind%trialization i% one of it% $aGor thr%t%. 3t% pri$e location attract% local a%
'ell a% foreign in#e%tor%. E%tabli%h$ent of big ind%trial fir$% not only increa%e% the local re#ene bt al%o
e$ploy $any re%ident% in the area. Bt thi% al%o po%e polltion proble$%. The local go#ern$ent in
coordination 'ith the Depart$ent of En#iron$ent and 2atral +e%orce% HDE2+I %hold i$po%e %trict
co$pliance on the %e of anti-polltion de#ice% and $ea%re% by all ind%trial plant%.
5ith the pre%ent trend, ind%trial area %hold be identified to acco$$odate ftre ind%trial
e%tabli%h$ent%. The gro'th of ind%trial acti#itie% %hold be reglated %o a% not to affect other acti#itie% in the
$nicipality. 5ith the allocation of ind%trial area% 'ill al%o reBire the de#elop$ent 0 con%trction of %pport
facilitie% %ch a% road%, 'ater and po'er %er#ice%. 3n thi% regard, the local go#ern$ent in the de#elop$ent of
%ch acti#ity %hold $a)e particlarly the DP5H coordination 'ith the concerned agencie%.
The $nicipality ha% %o$e tori%t %pot% that cater only to local tori%t %ch a% 6alipayan E%tate Aolet1%
+e%ort 'ith facilitie% %ch a% %'i$$ing pool%, di%cotheBe and )arao)e la%er di%c %ing-a-long bar and fnction
roo$ for conference%0%e$inar%. So$e fi#e other re%tarant% and %'i$$ing pool co$bined abond al%o in the
$nicipality %ch a% D %tep%, S'i%% +e%ort 3nn, Ble Ha'aii S'i$$ing Pool and Condo$ini$, Manit1% and
4rcontica Tra#el !odge and S'i$$ing Pool 'hich i% te$porary clo%e de to $aGor reno#ation. 4 three-%tar
Bi%tro 4rcontica Pb Ho%e and +e%tarant ha% ne'ly opened. The 4rcontica Coc)pit 4rena 'ho ha% clo%e-
circit TA $onitor and off-fronton betting cater% to a fe' foreigner% 'i%hing to 'atch coc)fighting. See table
no. :; for in#entory of !ocal tori%t %pot.
Da%$ari&a%, ho'e#er, abond 'ith %$all ri#er ba%in% 'ith the con%trction of da$%, Hprinza%I %ed for
irrigation dring Spani%h ti$e%, althogh not con%idered potential for tori%$ ind%try at thi% ti$e. Ho'e#er, if
de%iltation and dredging 'ill be done on the%e da$%, the%e catch ba%in% 'ill be a boo$ dring the %$$er
$onth% a% %'i$$ing re%ort area% for local tori%t%, and $aybe for foreign tori%t%, con%idering the $ore than
,== year% e(i%tence of the%e irrigation da$%.
3n the Da%$ari&a% Bagong Bayan and the ne'ly e%tabli%hed Paliparan Site% J Ser#ice% ProGect both
%itated in thi% $nicipality, 'here %ettler% are a conglo$eration of Filipino% fro$ the different pro#ince%,
%Batter% fro$ the different citie% of Metro Manila, and po%%e%%ing different life-%tyle%, %ocial %cienti%t% cold
be lred a% tori%t% for a %tdy of thi% niBe %ettle$ent. They cold con%ider %tdie% on the %ettler1% %$all
and $edi$ ind%trie% li)e cottage ind%trie%, handicraft%, frnitre, gar$ent%, ho$e decoration% and e#en art
and $%ical talent%.
May ti$e Santacr%an fe%ti#al, the Dece$ber grand to'n fie%ta 'ith fire'or)% and the li)e, and the
annal bali)bayan affair are traditional0cltral acti#itie% that cold be con%idered a% tori%t1% attraction%. The
de#elop$ent of the /rchard Sbdi#i%ion and "olf Cor%e 'ill cater to international a% 'ell a% local golfer%.
Thi% golf cor%e i% co$parable, if not better, to e(i%ting golf cor%e any'here in the 'orld, con%idering the )ind
of e(perti%e and profe%%ionali%$ in#ol#ed in it% de#elop$ent and contining e(pan%ion
The $nicipality to e(ploit it% tori%$ ind%try potential ba%ed on the e(i%ting %itation need% to
encorage the pri#ate de#eloper to in#e%t $ore in the i$pro#e$ent of their property.
Da%$ari&a% i% acce%%ible by land tran%portation fro$ Metro Manila and other adGoining $nicipalitie%. 3t
can be reached fro$ Manila throgh E$ilio 4ginaldo High'ay fro$ the north to'ard Tagaytay City to the
%oth. 4nother $aGor high'ay i% the Car$ona-Ternate road )no'n a% "o#ernor1% Dri#e pa%%ing thr Palapala
and !ang)aan. /ther $aGor road lin)% are Molino +oad HPaliparan-Molino +oadI going to Bacoor and Fapote.
Sabang-3$% +oad going to Bina)ayan. and 4$ntay-Perto 4zl +oad going to "o#ernor1% Dri#e.
3t i% ,= )ilo$eter% fro$ Metro Manila. 7> )ilo$eter% fro$ the pro#incial capitol, Trece Martirez City. >:
)ilo$eter% fro$ the city of Tagaytay. ,= )ilo$eter% fro$ !agna and ,= )ilo$eter% fro$ the coa%tal to'n% of
+o%ario, 6a'it, and Ca#ite City.
The acce%%ibility of the area i% one of the factor% that contribted to it% rapid de#elop$ent. !i)e'i%e, the
road net'or) %pport% the to'n in it% fnctional role a% a re%idential, co$$ercial, ind%trial and ni#er%ity to'n
4% far a% $ean% of tran%portation are concerned, the $nicipality did not e(perience %hortage of pblic
tility #ehicle. 4% of no' there1% a lot of pblic #ehicle grop% $a)ing trip% daily 'ithin and ot%ide of
$nicipality. 3t co$po%ed of abot >,=:; pa%%enger% FQ1%, Aan% and Jeepney%, and ;,>,= nit% of Motor
tricycle. 4 lot of b% co$panie% enGoying the rote of Da%$ari&a% li)e +hine B% Co$pany, Magic Toch, J.S
Aergara !ine%, B!TB Co., Cro' B% Co$pany, California B% !ine, Donna May !iner, 4lfon%o !iner, and
other%. +efer to table no%. :9 and ::.
Fe' Geepney grop% ha#e a ter$inal% bt %o$e do not ha#e, MaGority of tricycle grop are enGoying the
%e of road %holder% a% ter$inal%. Mo%t of the b% co$panie% ha#e ter$inal% in Manila and pland to'n%.
They $o%tly tra#er%e 4ginaldo High'ay pa%%ing throgh Placido Ca$po%, P. Ca$erino and 2. "e#arra
Street then bac) to 4ginaldo High'ay or #ice #er%a.
The $nicipality ha% a total road net'or) of :<=.:,7 )ilo$eter%. Cla%%ified into pro#incial, $nicipal,
barangay and %bdi#i%ion road% tra#elling 'ithin the to'n1% Gri%diction.
The 2ational High'ay %er#e% a% the central de#elop$ent %pine that lin)% Da%$ari&a% 'ith it%
neighboring $nicipalitie%. 3t inclde% 4ginaldo High'ay, Congre%%ional 4#ene, Salitran-Sala'ag +oad,
Sala'ag-Molino +oad and "o#ernor1% Dri#e 'ith a total length of ,,.D9 )$%. The 'hole %tretch i% a%phalt and
nder good condition. Salitran-Sala'ag +oad i% no' nder $aGor i$pro#e$ent% to $a)e it for HDI lane
concrete pa#e$ent.
The pro#incial road% inclde 4$ntay +oad, Don P. Ca$po% 4#ene, and Paliparan-Sala'ag +oad 'ith
a total length of 7D.<; )$%. Paliparan-Sala'ag +oad i% al%o nder $aGor i$pro#e$ent% $a)ing it a for HDI
lane concrete pa#e$ent.
The $nicipal road% ha#e a total length of 8D.89 )$%., all of 'hich are concreted. The barangay road% in
the area ha#e a total length of >=.97 )$%. and %bdi#i%ion road% ha% an a#erage length of ;8,.=,9 )$%. Table
2o. :8 %ho'% 3n#entory of +oad% by cla%%ification. Type of Pa#e$ent and !ength.
There are ,; bridge% that connect the road net'or) in the $nicipality. 4ll of 'hich are $ade of
concrete. Table 2o. :< %ho'% the 3n#entory of Bridge% by Type of Con%trction Material and !ength.
5ith a total road length of :,9.<77 )ilo$eter% and a poplation of DD>,;:>, the e(i%ting road i% not
enogh to %er#e the co$$ter% of $nicipality. Ba%ed on the rban %tandard of >.D )$07=== poplation, the
$nicipality i% in need of >:7.DD )$% of road%. By the end of planning period, the $nicipality ba%ed on
proGected poplation of 7,89,,>=7 'ill need a total road net'or) of D,::7.9< )$%.
3n line 'ith the de#elop$ent thr%t of the area, $ore road i% e(pected to be con%trcted. 3t %hold be
noted ho'e#er, that the road% to be con%trcted %hold align 'ith the e(i%ting road net'or).
4lthogh $aGoritie% of the road% are in good condition, it i% e%%ential they be properly $aintained to
en%re con#enience and %afety for the co$$ting pblic and $otori%t%.
!a%tly, the local go#ern$ent %hold al%o ai$ at i$pro#ing all it% e(ternal0internal lin)age% to facilitate
%$ooth tran%port of good% and people. Pro#i%ion for other tran%port facilitie% %ch a% ter$inal% %hold
li)e'i%e be pro#ided.
The 'ater %pply in the $nicipality of Da%$ari&a% fall% nder the Gri%diction of the Da%$ari&a% 5ater
Di%trict HD5DI. 3t% office% are located along Ca$erino 4#ene near +ral Ban) of Da%$ari&a% HMainI, the
other t'o H>I office% are located at Congre%%ional 4#ene in front of 2H4 and Paliparan Site be%ide%
Barangay Hall.
The $nicipal 'ater %pply %y%te$ dra'% 'ater fro$ t'oH>I type% of %orce%, na$ely, %pring and
grond 'ater. 3n 7<<;, Da%$ari&a% 5ater Di%trict reported a total of D7 p$ping %tation%, one H7I of 'hich i%
non-operational, a% %ho'n in Table 2o. 8=.
Since then fifteen-H7;I additional p$ping %tation% ha#e been con%trcted, all of 'hich are operational
Table 2o. 87 reflect% the%e additional p$ping %tation%.
Aario% bloc) facet% ha#e been in%talled in Bagong Bayan 'hich are intended for fa$ilie% 'ho cold
not afford the co%t of indi#idal pipeline connection%. The p$ping %tation pro#ide% 'ater to abot DD>,;:>
poplation. The prodction capacity of the%e %tation% i% 9;,;<7.9= cbic $eter% per day or >,,97>,<:9 c.$
per year.
4%ide fro$ the D5D, there i% a proliferation of 'ater filling %tation% in the different barangay% of the
$nicipality. Table 2o. 8> reflect% other %orce% of 'ater %pply.
There are ind%trial e%tabli%h$ent% and in%tittional entitie% Hinclding pblic and pri#ate %chool%
ho%pital% and health %tation% and other go#ern$ent bilding%I that dra' 'ater fro$ the D5D 'ater %pply
%y%te$. There are al%o co$$ercial e%tabli%h$ent%, 'hich are li)e-'i%e being %er#ed by the D5D.
The increa%ing poplation 'arrant% a contino% %pply of 'ater. The $nicipal go#ern$ent %hold %ee
to it that all con%$er% Hre%idential, co$$ercial and ind%trialI are pro#ided 'ith adeBate 'ater %pply.
3n order to $eet the de$and% of the crrent and proGected poplation, Da%$ari&a% 5ater Di%trict dee$ it
nece%%ary to rehabilitate #ario% p$ping %tation% in the $nicipality a% %ho'n 3n Table 2o. 8,.
The end of the planning period in >=7= reBire% 789,,>=,9== liter% of 'ater per day for the proGected
poplation of 7,89,,>=9. Ho'e#er, Table no. ;D %ho'% the ProGected Daily 5ater De$and.
CE4+ P/P*!4T3/2 P+/JECTED 54TE+ +EN*3+EME2T H!3TE+I
>=== ;=D,,;; ;=,D,;.;==
>==7 ;:D,:9, ;:,D:9,,==
>==> 9;;,=== 9;,;==,===
>==, :D9,D,8 :D,9D,,8==
>==D 8;=,9D7 8;,=9D,7==
>==; <9<,,<= <9,<,<,===
>==9 7,7=D,:7: 77=,D:7,:==
>==: 7,>;8,<,9 7>;,8<,,9==
>==8 7,D,D,98, 7D,,D98,,==
>==< 7,9,D,<9; 79,,D<9,;==
>=7= 7,89,,>=9 789,,>=,9==
ME+4!C/ pro#ide% the $nicipality of Da%$ari&a% 'ith electric %er#ice. 4ll barangay% are already
$erged. C%to$er% fro$ the ME+4!C/ re#ealed a total of 8=,D79 are re%idential ,,>:7 are co$$ercial, 7=>
are ind%trial, 7=> and 7,8 %treetlight%. +efer to Table 2o. 8;.
M/2TH +ES3DE2T34! C/MME+C34! 32D*ST+34! ST+EET!3"HT T/T4!
A<ERAGE 8=,D79 ,,>:7 7=> 7,8 8,,<>8
SorceK ME+4!C/, "eneral 4cconting, March >===
/f the #ario% electric c%to$er%, re%idential 'ere ha% the lo'e%t a#erage $onthly con%$ption
H)ilo'att0ho%eI. See Table 2o. 89 on the a#erage $onthly con%$ption of the different c%to$er%.
M/2TH +ES3DE2T34! C/MME+C34! 32D*ST+34! ST+EET!3"HT T/T4!
TOTAL 77D.8: 7,>D,.,< 777,:8>.:< 7,7887.;8 ><8.=9
SorceK ME+4!C/, "eneral 4cconting, March >===
5ith the rapid rbanization of Da%$ari&a%, the local go#ern$ent %hold coordinate 'ith concerned
agencie% %ch that adeBate po'er %pply i% deli#ered to the crrent poplation a% 'ell a% the proGected
reBire$ent of re%idential and ind%trial %er% p to the end of the planning period in >=7=.
+e%ident% of Da%$ari&a% rely pon #ario% agencie% for their co$$nication need%. The%e are the
Philippine Po%tal Corporation, Brea of Teleco$$nication% HB*TE!I, Philippine !ong Di%tance Telephone
Co. HP!DTI, "lobe Teleco$, Digitel Telephone Co. and $any office%. 2e'%paper% and $agazine% of national
circlation are li)e'i%e a#ailable in the area%. 4M0FM radio and tele#i%ion progra$% are recei#ed clearly in the
The P!DT, "lobe and Digitel are e(tending telephone %er#ice% to the $nicipality. P!DT ha% a
Telephone Manage$ent and /peration /ffice, a relay %tation and a toll %tation. The local office i% %itated in
Ba$an and occpie% >;=-%B.$. The area of co#erage inclde% the poblacion, part of San 4g%tin,
Sa$paloc, Salitran, San Jo%e and Bagong Bayan.
"lobe line and Digitel ha% in%talled calling phone booth% in #ario% barangay% of the $nicipality.
The proliferation of celllar phone% i% al%o a 'ay of co$$nicating not only locally bt internationally a%
'ell and th% boo%t the econo$ic gro'th of the $nicipality.
The Brea of Teleco$$nication% pro#ide% telegraphic %er#ice% to the poplace. 3t% office i% located at
the $nicipal bilding 'ith one %taff. 3t ha% a co$plete telegraphic %y%te$% and deli#ery #ehicle %er#icing the
'hole $nicipality. For a $ore efficient %er#ice, re%ident% prefer to go to pri#ate fir$% for their
teleco$$nication need%.
There are t'o H>I po%t office% in the $nicipality. /ne i% located in the Poblacion, be%ide the $nicipal
hall and the other one i% in Bagong Bayan %itated at the $ain gate of the De !a Salle *ni#er%ity. See table
no. 8: for Po%tal Ser#ice% Facilitie%.
For 7<<<, a total of 9>>,97; $ail $atter% had been di%patched and a total of >,=,;,8D8 'ere recei#ed.
There are thirteen H7,I letter carrier%. th% gi#ing a ratio of one H7I letter carrier for e#ery ,D,=DD poplation.
Crrent reBire$ent i% 88 letter carrier% to $eet the %tandard of one H7I letter carrier per ;,=== poplation.
+efer to Table 2o%. 88 and 8<.
There are no radio and TA %tation% in the area, tho%e fro$ Metro Manila are clearly recei#ed. The
pre%ence of the Da%$ari&a% Cable TA $a)e% the re%ident abrea%t 'ith both local and international
4nother i$portant %orce of ne'% and infor$ation are the #ario% ne'%paper%0$agazine% of national
circlation a#ailable to the re%ident%. 4 good n$ber of ne'%%tand% can be %een in the different barangay%.
The different %chool% li)e'i%e ha#e their o'n %chool pblication%.
The po%t office 'old need a total of ,:, letter carrie% p to >=7= to $eet the de$and% of the proGected
7,89,,>=9 poplation. Corre%pondingly, facilitie% and eBip$ent %hold be pgraded. 4% to telephone%, the
end of the planning period %hall ha#e %er#ed tho%e 'ith pending application%.
The e(i%ting drainage %y%te$ in the $nicipality con%i%t% of net'or) of ea%tern canal% and concrete
rectanglar bo( cl#ert% and reinforced concrete drainage pipe% con%trcted on both %ide% of the %treet
e%pecially in de#eloped %bdi#i%ion%.
+ain 'ater rn% off fro$ 'e%tern %ide of Barangay !ang)aan 3 and 33, drain into 4$ntay Cree) and
Clang Clang +i#er, San 4g%tin 3, 33 and 333, Fone 3, 3-4, 33, 333 and 3A, San Jo%e, Sabang and 'e%tern part% of
Sa$paloc 3 and 33, drain into Da%$ari&a% +i#er. 5ater rn%-off fro$ Salitran 333 and 3A, Brol Main, the $aGority
of Barangay% at Da%$ari&a% Bagong Bayan re%ettle$ent area%, ea%tern part% of San 4g%tin 33 and 333,
$aGority part% of Sa$paloc 3, 33, 333 and 3A are drain into 3$% +i#er. Barangay% in Paliparan 3, 33 and 333,
Sala'ag and ea%tern part% of Da%$ari&a% Bagong Bayan +e%ettle$ent 4rea% are drain into Balctot +i#er.
The net'or) of open canal% pro#e% efficient and %ati%factory a% indicated by the ab%ence of flood prone
area%. 4t pre%ent, there i% no centralized %e'erage %y%te$. 4lthogh the 'hole $nicipality con%idered a% an
rban area. 5a%te 'ater are tho%e co$ing fro$ ho%ehold% %ch that indi#idal %eptic tan)% and pri#ie% pro#e
to be %fficient.
E(i%ting co$$ercial e%tabli%h$ent, ho'e#er, drain% into %treet canal% and cl#ert% 'hich directly
di%charge into natral 'ater 'ay%. The%e canal% and cl#ert% %er#e a% co$bined drainage and %e'erage
facilitie%. The final di%po%al body i% the Da%$ari&a% +i#er, 3$% +i#er and Balctot +i#er.
Solid 'a%te di%po%al i% no' a proble$ de to the infl( of re%idential %bdi#i%ion% and rapid
rbanization. 3n area% 'ith #a%t land re%orce%, 'a%te di%po%al re$ained $anageable in %o far a% %ati%factory
di%po%al by indi#idal ho%ehold i% concerned.
The local go#ern$ent of Da%$ari&a% thr the En#iron$ental Sanitation *nit collect% garbage daily in
Fone 3, 3-4, 33, 333 and 3A and al$o%t all barangay%. Mini$al n$ber of n%er#ed %bdi#i%ion re%ort to pri#ate
garbage collector. "arbage i% d$ped in a pri#ate lot located at barangay Sala'ag de to clo%re of Car$ona
There are fi#e H;I e(i%ting brial %ite% in Da%$ari&a%. /ne i% located at Barangay Fone 3A 'ith an area
of D hectare%. one at Brgy. San 2icola% 333 'ith an area of ;.= hectare% and three H,I pri#ate $e$orial par)%,
na$elyK Manila Me$orial Par), San 4g%tin Me$orial Par) and the Sacred Heart Me$orial "arden.
4n effecti#e and adeBate drainage %y%te$ i% one of the reBire$ent of a 'ell-planned co$$nity. The
%y%te$ $ay con%i%t% of open lined canal% or clo%ed condit% bt it $%t be %o de%ignated to handle a gi#en
%tor$ $agnitde.
There %hold al%o be an efficient garbage collection %y%te$ copled 'ith %trict enforce$ent of ordinance
of anti-littering and indi%cri$inate d$ping of garbage inclding h$an and ani$al 'a%ted into cree)% and
ri#er%. The acceptable %ite for %anitary !andfill i% the ea%tern part of Barangay Sala'ag near the bondary of
San Pedro, !agna.
3na%$ch a% the o#er-all drainage flo' i% to'ard% Da%$ari&a% +i#er, 3$% +i#er and Balctot +i#er,
drainage and %e'erage de%ign %hold $a(i$ize the %e of the ri#er a% effecti#e channel% for draining 'ater
rn-off. !i)e'i%e, all ne' land de#elop$ent, particlarly re%idential %bdi#i%ion%, %hold be reBired to pro#ide
the clo%ed condit type of drainage %y%te$ a% part of their initial de#elop$ent progra$.
4bot the brial %ite or ce$etery, 'ith the pre%ent cro'ded %itation of e(i%ting pblic ce$etery and high
co%t of lot in pri#ate par)%, another %ite of pblic ce$etery i% needed in the ea%tern %ide of $nicipality
probably at Paliparan 333.
To pro$ote the gro'th and de#elop$ent of the $nicipality of Da%$ari&a% and it% tran%for$ation into
the City of Da%$ari&a% or Da%$ari&a% City and to en%re e#ery re%ident the enGoy$ent of a %ati%factory Bality
of life throgh the de#elop$ent of a 'ell balanced phy%ical en#iron$ent 'here econo$ic, %ocial and cltral
acti#itie% are freely and flly pr%ed.
7. To effect a balanced and integrated de#elop$ent of all area% of the $nicipality throgh a rational
%patial di%tribtion of #ario% land %e%.
>. To generate e$ploy$ent opportnitie% throgh a balanced $i(ed of agricltral, co$$ercial and
ind%trial acti#itie%.
,. To pro#ide the internal tran%portation and co$$nication net'or)% to increa%e the acce%%ibility,
$obility and interaction of all area%.
D. To pro#ide adeBate %ocial %er#ice% in ter$% of $edical facilitie%, edcational in%tittion%, and
protecti#e %er#ice%, %ocial 'elfare %er#ice, together 'ith %port% and recreation% to the !ocal
"o#ern$ent con%titent%.
;. To pro#ide infra%trctre and tilitie% %ch a% 'ater, po'er and en#iron$ental $anage$ent %er#ice%
%ch a% garbage di%po%al %y%te$ and 'a%te treat$ent facilitie% to en%re health and %afety of the
re%ident% and ecological balance in the city.
Da%$ari&a% i% dbbed a% an 3nd%trial, Co$$ercial, +e%idential and *ni#er%ity To'n. The natre and
e(tent of, and %ignificant de#elop$ent trend% in the%e %ector% pre%ently obtaining in the $nicipality, pro#ide%
for the pre%ent high le#el de#elop$ent and potential for gro'th of the $nicipality. 4% a 'ell-de#eloped $lti-
%ectoral $nicipality, it% role a% a leading gro'th $nicipality in thi% part of the pro#ince and the region i%
frther enhanced and foc%ed on. The%e $lti-%ectoral gro'th% are being a#ailed of not only of it% re%ident%,
bt al%o fro$ other poplation center%, frther enhance the fnctional role of the $nicipality in relation to it%
inflenced area%.
3nd%trial de#elop$ent% along the "o#ernor% Dri#e HCar$ona-Ternate +oadI %pecifically the Fir%t Ca#ite
3nd%trial E%tate, the Da%$ari&a% Technopar), the +eynold% Philippine%, Dae'oo and different ind%trie%
dotting the road fro$ Car$ona and Silang bondarie% to "en. Tria% a% 'ell a% tho%e at the %othea%tern
portion along the 4ginaldo High'ay pro#ide e$ploy$ent and li#elihood opportnitie% to the local a% 'ell a%
adGacent $nicipalitie% labor force. Since the%e ind%trie% are of national or $lti-national corporate
capitalization and are enGoyed both on local and e(port $ar)eting, the $nicipality i% gaining both national and
international reno'n a% an ind%trial and $anfactring center. Ta(e% being paid by the%e ind%trie% help
pro#ide for the ba%ic %er#ice% and a$enitie% needed by the go#ern$ent a% 'ell a% the con%titent% of the
Co$$ercial de#elop$ent% along 4ginaldo High'ay fro$ Salitran to Palapala Gnction, along
Congre%%ional +oad% HEa%t, 2orth and SothI, barangay road% fro$ Sta. Maria to Fati$a 333, Paliparan-
Sala'ag +oad %ho'% the natre and e(tent of co$$ercial acti#itie% in the $nicipality. The pre%ence of local
co$$ercial center% or %hopping $all% %ch a% the High'ay Plaza, CM Plaza and a branch of a Metro Manila
ba%ed %hopping center, the 5alter Mart, 'hich both ho%e different local and nation'ide )no'n co$$ercial
e%tabli%h$ent% %et% the trend of co$$ercial de#elop$ent in that part of the $nicipality. The%e are frther
enhanced by the pre%ence of ban)%, financial center% and other e%tabli%h$ent%. The%e are al%o co$$ercial
e%tabli%h$ent% %pporti#e of or the off%hoot% of the edcation and $edical %er#ice being rendered by the De
!a Salle *ni#er%ity Medical Center. The%e $a)e the area a financial and co$$ercial di%trict of the
$nicipality. The old co$$ercial de#elop$ent% 'ithin the area Fone 3, 3-4, 33, 333 and 3A pro#ide for the need%
of the old to'n re%ident% and the %bdi#i%ion $igrant% on the Sothern portion of the $nicipality. The natre
of co$$ercial acti#ity i% being that of a neighboring $ar)eting poplation of other %ettle$ent area%. 3t li)e'i%e
$a)e% the pblic $ar)et acce%%ible to all the poplation both fro$ the re%ettle$ent area% and the old
to'n%ite. Th%, the financial and co$$ercial di%trict at 4ginaldo High'ay, the neighborhood co$$ercial
acti#ity in Fone 3, 3-4, 33, 333 and 3A and the 2e' Pblic Mar)et enhance the co$$ercial center role of
The e(od% of re%idential de#elop$ent% to the $nicipality both pblic and pri#ate $a)e% the
$nicipality a ?re%idential to'n@. !etter of in%trction% 2o. 7< and 7<-4 in 7<:> pro#ide% for the de#elop$ent
of the Da%$ari&a% Bagong Bayan a% a $odel re%ettle$ent co$$nity for lo'-inco$e fa$ilie% and %Batter%
fro$ Metro Manila. Pre%ently, thi% re%ettle$ent area )no'n a% DBB i% co$po%ed of forty-%e#en barangay%
HD:I 'ith a total poplation of >D<,8=D. The %b%eBent gro'th of the DBB +e%ettle$ent 4rea ha% indced
the location of other attendant acti#itie% and %er#ice% in the $nicipality. De to it% pro(i$ity to Metro Manila
and being 'ithin the rbanizing and de#elop$ent inflence of Metro Manila, the $nicipality i% a fa#ored
location of %bdi#i%ion pri#ate de#eloper%. There are abot 79: re%idential %bdi#i%ion% in the area. The
proliferation of the%e re%idential %bdi#i%ion in har$ony 'ith the nati#e poplation and re%idential area%, %ho'%
that the li#ing condition% in the $nicipality i% e(cellent, th%, enhancing the re%idential area role of the
Da%$ari&a% i% a recipient of the di%per%al thr%t% of %e#eral ni#er%itie% of Metro Manila to 'iden their
co#erage and bring edcation clo%er to the people. Different )no'n Manila ba%ed ni#er%ity ha% branche% in
the Mnicipality, earning for Da%$ari&a% the role of a *ni#er%ity To'n. Fore$o%t of 'hich i% the De !a Salle
*ni#er%ity 'hich ta)e% o#er the "eneral E$ilio 4ginaldo College 'hich offer% $edical cor%e% and other
%ocial %cience cor%e% and at the %a$e ti$e operate% and $anage% a ho%pital catering to the health need of
the poplation. /ther ni#er%ity branche% are fro$ the Technological *ni#er%ity of the Philippine% HT*PI and
the Philippine Chri%tian *ni#er%ity HPC*I. The%e $ean that the to'n can %er#ice the tertiary edcation need%
of it% poplation a% 'ell a% tho%e of neighboring to'n% and pro#ince%.
4ll de#elop$ent effort% of the local go#ern$ent %hall be geared to'ard% fll rbanization and city
hood. The Mnicipality of Da%$ari&a% %hall be a har$onio% blend of a $odernizing old to'n re%ponding to
the call of the ti$e% and an enterpri%ing $igrant poplation both contribting to the $nicipal gro'th and
de#elop$ent condci#e to the attain$ent of it% con%titent1% goal% and a%piration%.
To en%re a balanced and integrated de#elop$ent of the $nicipality, a rational %patial di%tribtion of
#ario% land %e% %hall be effected. The $nicipality 'ill be di#ided into de#elop$ent cl%ter% of %b-
$nicipality groping ha#ing %pecific fnction% relati#e to land %e and econo$ic de#elop$ent. Each %b -
$nicipality 'ill be rational land %e %ettle$ent% area% 'ith re%idential, co$$ercial, in%tittion%, and
recreational %e% adeBately pro#ided 'ith ba%ic %ocial %er#ice%, infra%trctre, and tilitie%. Mi(ed %e% %hall
be allo'ed pro#ided the general character of the de#elop$ent cl%ter or %b-$nicipality i% not ad#er%ely
+e%idential, co$$ercial, in%tittional, recreational and tilitie% are con%idered light inten%ity %e% and
can therefore be $i(ed. Medi$ and high inten%ity %e% li)e ind%trial %hall be allo'ed only in de%ignated
+e%idential %hall be de%ignated 'ith corre%ponding den%itie%. !o'-den%ity re%idential area% 'ith +-7
di%trict% %hall ha#e a $ini$$ lot %ize of >D= %Bare $eter%. Medi$ den%ity re%idential area% on +-> di%trict%
%hall ha#e a $ini$$ of ;= %Bare $eter and high den%ity or +-, %hall ha#e lot %ize ,; %Bare $eter% and
belo'. *pgrading and contino% i$pro#e$ent of re%idential area% of the nati#e poplation of Da%$ari&a%
%hall be gi#en i$pet% by the go#ern$ent. 4t the %a$e ti$e, the $nicipality %hall be open to ne' re%idential
de#elop$ent and pro#ide the $igrant poplation area% for re%idential prpo%e%.
Co$$ercial area% to be tilized for pblic $ar)et% financial and co$$ercial ban)% and lending
in%tittion%, con#enience %hop% and %tore% %hall al%o be pro#ided. The%e are ai$ed at both pro$oting trading
and b%ine%% and at the %a$e ti$e pro#iding e$ploy$ent opportnitie% to the re%ident% of the $nicipality.
3n%tittional area% %hall al%o be pro#ided for additional %chool%, ho%pital% and other go#ern$ent
in%tittion% 'hile pgrading the facilitie% of e(i%ting one% al%o be a concern of the local go#ern$ent. Thi% i% to
frther enhance the ni#er%ity to'n role of the $nicipality relati#e to it% neighboring $nicipalitie%, citie% and
+ecreational area% and facilitie% %hall be pro#ided for the 'ell-ronded phy%ical fitne%% de#elop$ent of
it% poplation, %pecifically the yoth %ector.
En#iron$ental %anitation and $anage$ent i% a $aGor a%pect of thi% en#i%ioned de#elop$ent for the
$nicipality. 4n efficient garbage collection and di%po%al %y%te$, drainage and %e'erage %y%te$ i% a $%t in
a highly rbanized and de#eloped %ettle$ent area. Th%, the $nicipal go#ern$ent 'ill en%re that
en#iron$ental %anitation %y%te$% are ot in place and operating efficiently and effecti#ely.
3nd%trial de#elop$ent% 'ill be the bac)bone of the $nicipal1% econo$ic gro'th. The e$ploy$ent
opportnitie% 'ill operate, 'ill pro#ide li#elihood to the $igrant poplation a% 'ell a% the nati#e re%ident%. The
benefit% that $ay be deri#ed fro$ the%e ind%trie% 'ill help the go#ern$ent perfor$ it% re%pon%ibility to'ard%
the city in ter$% of %er#ice% and tilitie%.
Con%eBently, en#iron$ental $anage$ent of ind%trial 'a%te% i% al%o a pri$ary concern of the
go#ern$ent. The local go#ern$ent 'ill reBire ind%trie% locating in the $nicipality, to %ecre En#iron$ental
Co$pliance Certificate and en%re confor$ity 'ith the doc$ent and %trict adherence to the en#iron$ental
%afe gard% pro#ided therein. 3n%tallation of 4nti-polltion de#ice% %hall be %trictly reBired of the%e ind%trie%.
5ith the fll rbanization of the $nicipality, broght abot by the increa%e of poplation and their
corre%ponding increa%e in reBire$ent in ter$% of land area and %er#ice, the infl( of $igrant% indced both
by go#ern$ent policie% a% in the ca%e of relocation proGect% and pri#ate endea#or% de to $ar)et force% in the
ca%e of ne' pri#ate %bdi#i%ion% lot byer%, a% 'ell a% b%ine%% and ind%trial in#e%tor% broght abot by an
en#iron$ent created by the de#elop$ent-oriented local official and the %trategic location of the $nicipality,
agricltral area% 'ill be greatly affected. ProGected reBire$ent% in ter$% of land allocation for #ario% land
%e% 'ill con%$e a#ailable agricltral land%. !and reBire$ent% 'ithin the planning period e#en e(ceed%
the li$itation on land% for recla%%ification a% pro#ided by la'. The need% of the poplation are fir%t and
fore$o%t in the $ind% of the local official%. th% the plan realized that agricltral land% 'old be %ed p.
Ho'e#er, the plan ai$ed that the e(i%ting effecti#e agricltral area 'ill be retained 'ithin the planning period.
The e(i%ting effecti#e agricltral crop area 'ill be retained e#en belo' the recla%%ification li$it, to at lea%t
%ho' that intent of the local go#ern$ent to %tri)e a balance bet'een the need% of the poplation and the
pro#i%ion% of the la'.
5ith the en#i%ioned de#elop$ent of the $nicipality it i% a%%$ed, that the poplation 'ill be benefited
and that their %tandard of li#ing 'ill be pgraded and that they $ay be able to %ecre agricltral reBire$ent%
fro$ other $nicipalitie%. Since Da%$ari&a% i% a $e$ber of a larger co$$nity, it i% li)e'i%e a%%$ed that it
$ay pro#ide %er#ice% to neighboring co$$nitie% and #ice-#er%a, that relation%hip 'ill be %y$biotic and
%pporti#e of each other1% need% and reBire$ent% fro$ other $nicipalitie%.
4#ailability of a decent and affordable %helter for h$an habitation.
To pro#ide identified %fficient land to $eet the ftre need% for re%idential de#elop$ent.
To gide control the de#elop$ent of re%idential zone.
To pro#ide e%%ential facilitie%, %er#ice% and a$enitie% in re%idential co$$nitie% to enhance the
general li#ing condition% of the re%ident%.
4llocation of %itable area% for re%idential e(pan%ion to acco$$odate the e(pected increa%e in
poplation 'ithin the planning period. +e%idential de#elop$ent %hall inclde all e(i%ting re%idential
The local go#ern$ent %hall encorage both %elf-help ho%ing #entre and participation on ho%ing
#entre% %ch a% re%idential %bdi#i%ion de#elop$ent.
+e%idential e(pan%ion %hall be pro#ided 'ith ba%ic facilitie% and a$enitie%.
Strict ob%er#ance of the Mnicipal Foning /rdinance.
3$ple$entation of +4 :>:<.
3dentification of a#ailable lot% 'ithin the +e%idential Fone 4rea for planning and i$ple$entation of
ho%ing proGect.
Contino% coordination 'ith the pri#ate %ector for po%%ible fnding of ho%ing proGect.
Con%trction of additional one hndred %e#enty t'o tho%and one hndred %e#enty fi#e H7:>,7:;I
bac)log ho%ing nit.
Ho%ing ProGect
Ho%ing ProGect
Con%trction of 7:>,7:;
ho%ing nit%
De#elop$ent of three
H,I hectare $edi$
co%t ho%ing proGect for
$nicipal e$ployee
+e%idential 4rea
5ithin Da%$ari&a%
Pri#ate Sector
Enhance Bality edcation in the $nicipality
To pro#ide adeBate cla%%roo$ for the ele$entary and %econdary %chool %tdent%.
To pro#ide %fficient and pgrade co$petencie% teacher% to i$pro#e the Bality of teaching throgh
acti#e participation in all in-%er#ice training, %e$inar-'or)%hop, conference% rele#ant to their %bGect
area% ele$entary and %econdary %tdent% area%.
For$al and non-for$al edcation %hall be in%tittionalized a% a tool for national de#elop$ent throgh
better facilitie% and 'ell-trained teacher%.
+eBe%t DECS-+egion 3A for additional cla%%roo$ and laboratory eBip$ent.
Tap local and national official for financial a%%i%tance in the con%trction of %chool bilding.
De%ign of all ne' %chool bilding% $%t ha#e a pro#i%ion for at lea%t %econd floor de to li$ited %pace
Pro#i%ion of fnd fro$ the SEF for the con%trction of %chool bilding
+eBe%t 2ational official thr Sanggniang Bayan +e%oltion for fnding in con%trction of %chool
Ma)e a reco$$endation to concern agencie% regarding the pro#i%ion for %econd floor of ne' %chool
Con%trction of additional t'o H>I %torey cla%%roo$ in e#ery %chool co$pond% e%pecially tho%e o#er
poplated to $eet the reBire$ent ratio of 7K;=.
To hire $ore teacher% to $eet the reBire$ent %tandard ratio of 7K;=.
+epair% of all dilapidated cla%%roo$.
!/C4T3/2 S/*+CE /F F*2D T3ME F+4ME
Hiring of 4dditional
Cla%%roo$ Con%trction
Mnicipal College
Hiring of 7>>
Bantified teacher% for
pblic ele$entary
Con%trction of D=>
ne' bilding for
ele$entary %tdent%
and >>; ne' bilding
for pblic high %chool.
+epair and
$aintenance of 7=:
pblic ele$entary
%chool bilding and >8
pblic high %chool
Con%trction of ne'
bilding for Pblic
Mnicipal College.
4ll School Ca$p%e%
Different School
Barangay San 4g%tin
To pro$ote and $aintain a healthy co$$nity throgh efficient and eBitable deli#ery of health
%er#ice% to the poplation.
To pgrade the Bality of e(i%ting health facilitie% and to con%trct additional bilding facilitie% 'here
they are needed.
To $onitor health %tat% of the poplation in order to pro#ide early diagno%i% and treat$ent.
To i$pro#e ntritional %tat% particlarly the children throgh $ore effecti#e ntrition progra$%.
To con%trct additional Barangay Health Center% in Barangay% 'ith no e(i%ting health center%.
To condct reglar edcational0infor$ation ca$paign on per%onal hygiene and a'arene%% of
co$$nicable di%ea%e%.
To encorage 2"/ participation in the i$ple$entation of health progra$% and proGect%.
To ha#e a Sanitary !andfill for proper 'a%te di%po%al.
Con%trction of additional Barangay Health Center
*plift the general health condition of the re%ident% throgh effecti#e deli#ery of ba%ic health %er#ice%.
Encorage pri#ate practitioner% and in#e%tor% to acti#ely participate in the health de#elop$ent thr%t
of the go#ern$ent.
Maintain en#iron$ental %anitation and ecological balance throgh inten%i#e ca$paign on proper
'a%te $anage$ent.
4cBi%ition of a parcel of land for %anitary landfill.
P+/"+4MS 42D P+/JECTSK
+eno#ation of Main Health
CenterH+H* 3 J 33I
Health Center reno#ated >==>->==; !"*
Con%trction of +ehabilitation
+ehabilitation Center
>==7->==; !"*
Ser#ice #ehicle% for +H* 3
and 33 for acti#itie%
Ser#ice #ehicle a#ailable >===->==; !"*
4dditional Per%onnel 2eed%
a. ,; po%ition% for +ral
Health Mid'i#e%
b. ; Pblic Health 2r%e%
c. 7 Medtech
d. > Sanitary 3n%pector%
e. 7 (-ray Technician
f. 2r%ing 4ide%
g. > *tility 'or)er%
h. > Medical Doctor%
i. > Denti%t
4dditional Per%onnel pro#ided >==>->=7= !"*
*pgrading of facilitie% of Main
Health Center
+H* 3 facilitie% pgraded >==7->=7= !"*
Q-ray facility for Main Health
Q-ray facility a#ailable >==7->=7= !"*
Con%trction of 2tri-5ard 2tri-5ard con%trcted >==>->==, !"*
Con%trction of 4dditional
+H*1% H333I J BHS H7=I
+H*1% J BHS1% con%trcted >==;->=7= !"*
Sanitary land fill 4cBi%ition of lot and
>==>->=7= !"*
Health Center Con%trction of ne' bilding
at different barangay
>===->=7= Barangay De#elop$ent Fnd 0
To frther i$pro#e adeBate %ocial 'elfare %er#ice to the needy and enable the $arginalized %ector%
to beco$e %elf-reliant and %ocially re%pon%ible citizen% capable of contribting to the $nicipality1%
To %et-p inco$e prodcing #entre% for poor fa$ilie% of the $nicipality.
To contino%ly coordinate 'ith other go#ern$ent and non-go#ern$ent 'elfare agencie% for $ore
effecti#e and efficient deli#ery of %ocial 'elfare %er#ice%.
To en%re the a#ailability of %ocial 'elfare progra$%.
Pt-p additional day care center in different barangay%.
E%tabli%h lin)age% 'ith other go#ern$ent0non-go#ern$ent agencie% for po%%ible fnd %orcing and to
%peed-p referral %er#ice%.
4ttend different %e$inar% for the i$pro#e$ent in the deli#ery of %er#ice%.
Pt-p additional Pidi1% +olling Store in different barangay%.
Pt-p Senior Citizen Bilding.
Con%trction of additional daycare center in different barangay%.
Participation in the h$an de#elop$ent.
Coordination 'ith different go#ern$ent and non-go#ern$ent agencie%.
4dditional Pidi1% +olling Store to different barangay%.
Con%trction of Senior Citizen Bilding.
Con%trction of
Day Care Center
4ttendance to
%e$inar%0 'or)%hop
Con%trction of
Pidi1% +olling Store
Con%trction of
Senior Citizen1%
Bilding for Pre-
*pgrading the
Bality of %ocial 'elfare
%er#ice% being rendered
to clientele.
Training for
additional daycare
4cBi%ition of
%tore for different
Bilding for the
recreational edcation
health and %ocial
progra$% of all %enior
!"*0DS5D and
other go#ern$ent
Brgy. De#1t Fnd 0
To pro$ote the phy%ical 'ell being of all re%ident of the Mnicipality.
To pro#ide adeBate facilitie% for the phy%ical de#elop$ent of the re%ident.
To pro#ide clean and beatifl par)%0plaza.
3t %hall be the policy of the local go#ern$ent to contino%ly %pport, con%er#e and de#elop
recreational re%orce% to %ati%fy the %ocial and health goal% of the poplation.
The $nicipal go#ern$ent %hold appropriate fnd% for the i$pro#e$ent of e(i%ting par)% and
4ll %bdi#i%ion de#eloper% %hold pro#ide %port% facilitie% li)e Ba%)etball and Tenni% Cort, %'i$$ing
pool% etc.
Pri#ate entreprener% %hold be encoraged to pt p additional %port% and recreational facilitie% in
the $nicipality.
/rganizing and %trengthening of the Mnicipal Sport% De#elop$ent Concil 'ich %pearhead and
%per#i%e %port% related acti#itie%.
There %hall be con%tant con%ltation% 'ith concerned agencie%0grop%0barangay re%pon%ible for the
de#elop$ent, $aintenance and0or operation of recreation area% throgh $onthly $eeting%0dialoge%
for the prpo%e.
4l'ay% ha#e con%tant co$$nication 'ith all Sanggniang 6abataan Chair$en0Chair'o$en
regarding %port% acti#itie% in their re%pecti#e area%.
To repair and i$pro#e all e(i%ting Par)% and Playgrond in the $nicipality.
To allocate fnd for %port% related de#elop$ent acti#itie% %ch a% 3nter-Barangay Ba%)etball and
Aolleyball !eage and Che%% Torna$ent in the $nicipality dring %$$er.
To con%trct additional Ba%)etball Cort in different Barangay%.
ProGect Title !ocation De%cription
Ti$e Fra$e Co%t 3$ple$entation
Ba%)etball !eage
Mnicipality To pro$ote phy%ical fitne%% J
brotherhood a$ong yoth
4nnally P 9==,=== !"*
Aolleyball !eage
Mnicipality To pro$ote phy%ical fitne%% J
brotherhood a$ong yoth
4nnally P 7==,=== !"*
Mnicipality To prodce a talented player
'0c can repre%ent !"* in
2ational co$petition
4nnally P 7==,=== !"*
+epair and
3$pro#e$ent% of
Sala'ag To $aintain J i$pro#e the
e(i%ting Par)%0Plaza
May M Jne
P 7==,=== !"*
+epair and
3$pro#e$ent% of
Salitran 333 To $aintain J i$pro#e the
e(i%ting Par)%0Plaza
May M Jne
P 7==,=== !"*
+epair and
3$pro#e$ent% of
To $aintain J i$pro#e the
e(i%ting Par)%0Plaza
May M Jne
P 7==,=== !"*
Con%trction of
Ba%)etball Cort
To con%trct ne' Ba%)etball
>===->=7= P >==,=== !"*
Co#ered Cort Different
Con%trction of ne' Co#ered
>===->=7= - !"*
4 peacefl co$$nity throghot the entire $nicipality.
To enhance the capability and $orale of all police, fire and Gail per%onnel.
To le%%en the cri$e incidence and n%ol#ed cri$e.
To %trengthen the participation of Barangay Tanod in $aintenance of peace and order.
Con%trction of additional %b-%tation in different %trategic barangay.
Pro#i%ion of %fficient n$ber of +adio Co$$nication, Fire Trc), $obile #ehicle and other
nece%%ary %pplie% and eBip$ent.
Pro#i%ion of ne' Pro%ector and Jdge office and cortroo$.
Joint in%pection for po%%ible location, ne' fire hydrant bet'een Brea of Fire and D5D.
3ncrea%e the #i%ibility of police per%onnel and barangay tanod %pecially at night.
4llocation of fnd for P2P, Fire Depart$ent, Brea of fire, Jail and Manage$ent, and Barangay
3dentification0acBi%ition of a#ailable lot% for police %tation and %b%tation.
/rganize #olnteer fire brigade in e#ery barangay and different e%tabli%h$ent%.
Coordinate to Da%$ari&a% 5ater Di%trict for con%trction of additional fire hydrant.
Con%trction of police %b-%tation at barangay Sa$paloc, !ang)aan and Sala'ag.
Prcha%e of additional Fire Trc), Mobile car, Motor cycle and paraphernalia for barangay tanod% and
traffic aide.
Con%trction of roo$ for pro%ector and Gdge roo$ and cortroo$ at ne' $nicipal e(ten%ion
Con%trction of ne' fire hydrant.
DESC+3PT3/2 !/C4T3/2 SHED*!E /F
/F F*2D
2e' Police
Con%trction of
2e' Police %b-
Brgy. Sa$paloc,
333, Sala'ag J
>==>->=7= Engineering !"* ,,===,===
4cBi%ition of
2e' Fire Trc)
Prcha%e of 2e'
>7 Fire Trc)%
Fire Station >==7->=7= D3!"0!"* D3!"0!"* 9,,===,===
4cBi%ition of
2e' Mobile Car
Prcha%e of 2e'
>= Mobile car
Station >==7->=7=
4cBi%ition of
2e' Mobile
Prcha%e of 2e'
>= Motorcycle
Mnicipal Police
Station J TMB
>==7->=7= !"* !"* 7,>==,===
T'o 5ay +adio
for Brgy. Tanod
Prcha%e of 2e'
:;= nit% t'o 'ay
4ll Barangay% >==7->=7= Brgy. Concil0
Fire Hydrant Con%trction of ne'
fire hydrant 4ll Barangay% >==7->=7= D5D
To a%%re contino% agricltral prodction prior to fll rbanization.
To en%re long ter$ %%tainability of the $nicipality1% agricltral re%orce% ba%e.
To help %%tain %elf-%fficiency and food %ecrity in rice and corn.
To inten%ify prodction of highly co$petition co$$ercial crop% of do$e%tic and international de$and.
To pro$ote agri-b%ine%%
To e$po'er %$all far$er%
Pro#ide ba%ic food %tff to the poplation
3ncrea%e far$ inco$e fro$ the pre%ent indicati#e le#el of TPT D,=== $onthly to abot TPT >=,=== by
the end of the planning period in >=7=.
*pgrade e(i%ting far$ to $ar)et road% and con%trct additional ;.= )ilo$eter%.
Con%trction three H,I $lti-prpo%e i% drying pa#e$ent HMPDPI.
Con%trction HoneI %laghterho%e
Pro#ide technical training on crop%, li#e%toc), and training on technology both for far$er% and
e(ten%ion 'or)er%.
Pro$otion of rice prodction technology throgh the %e of hybrid rice #ariety.
Pro$otion on inten%ified and di#er%ified rice-ba%ed far$ing %y%te$ incorporating high #ale
Procre$ent, prodction and di%tribtion of Bality %eed% and planting $aterial% throgh
e%tabli%h$ent0$aintenance of $nicipal plant nr%ery.
E%tabli%h credit a%%i%tance facilitie%.
E%tabli%h$ent of prodction co%t redction technologie% %ch a% 3PM and organic far$ing
*pgrading of li#e%toc) and poltry genetic pool.
E%tabli%h$ent0$aintenance of $nicipal ani$al breeding center.
E%tabli%h$ent of carabao dairy prodction proGect.
Pro$otion and di%%e$ination of i$pro#ed technology on li#e%toc) and poltry prodction.
4ni$al health care and di%ea%e $anage$ent.
Pro#i%ion of year-rond irrigation to increa%e crop prodction.
Pro#i%ion of road lin)age% to facilitate tran%port of agricltral prodct% to $ar)et center%.
Pro#i%ion of po%t har#e%t facilitie% to redce lo%%e% and enhance #ale-added of agricltral
Pro$otion of infor$ation technology for 'ider acce%%e% of infor$ation.
Pro$otion0de#elop$ent0%trengthening of partner%hip cooperati#e, far$er organization%, pri#ate
and !"*1% %ector re%earch in%tittion% geared to'ard% agri-ind%try de#elop$ent.
Pro#i%ion of li#elihood a%%i%tance to far$er beneficiarie% throgh #iable cooperati#e
organization to alle#iate their %ocio-econo$ic %tanding.
De#elop$ent of entreprenerial capabilitie% of agri-ba%ed cooperati#e% throgh pro#i%ion of
training on leader%hip $anage$ent and agrib%ine%% and $ar)et and financial net'or)ing 'ith
pri#ate in%tittion%.
Creation of 4grib%ine%% grop co$po%ed of !"*1% and 2"/1% to prepare agri-in#e%t$ent
profile and e%tabli%h $ar)et infor$ation center%.
Pro$otion of co$petiti#e agricltral prodct% for do$e%tic and international de$and%.
*pgrading of %)ill% training and other edcational acti#itie% to enhance e(ten%ion deli#ery
Creation of $anage$ent infor$ation office in coordination progra$ i$ple$entation and
$onitoring acti#itie%.
To pro$ote adeBate and orderly de#elop$ent of co$$ercial0b%ine%% acti#itie% in %pport to the
o#erall progra$% of Da%$ari&a%.
To en%re fll de#elop$ent and rational di%tribtion of co$$ercial facilitie%.
To pro#ide %fficient land in appropriate location% 'ith nece%%ary %pport facilitie% for co$$ercial
de#elop$ent and area% for ftre e(pan%ion.
To reglate co$$ercial de#elop$ent %o a% to pro$ote%, %afe, healthy and plea%ant en#iron$ent,
'hich i% co$patible and co$pli$entary to the o#erall de#elop$ent of the $nicipality.
3dentification of e(pan%ion area for co$$ercial de#elop$ent.
Effecti#e i$ple$entation of traffic reglation% to $ini$ize the traffic proble$% in the co$$ercial
3$pro#e$ent 0 con%trction of acce%% road% and far$ to $ar)et road% to facilitate %$ooth tran%port of
De%ignation of $i(ed %ed area for re%idential, co$$ercial and in%tittional prpo%e% %bGect to
confor$ance 'ith defined de%ign %tandard and location reBire$ent.
The local go#ern$ent %hall concern it%elf 'ith the %trengthening and de#elop$ent of the econo$ic
%itation in the area. 3n %o doing, participation of pri#ate citizen% and entreprener% $%t be highly
encoraged. 3nfor$ation di%%e$ination and ca$paign on b%ine%% nderta)ing potential% in the area
$%t be organized and i$ple$ented. "o#ern$ent and pblic %pport $%t be e(tended for thi%
The local go#ern$ent %hall pro#ide incenti#e% to entreprener% 'hether re%ident% or non-re%ident% to
in#e%t in the econo$ic de#elop$ent of the area.
Enhance co$$erce and trade. The local go#ern$ent %hold pro#ide facilitie% and loan a#ailability.
Strengthen the role of the pblic $ar)et% in the co$$ercial and trading a%pect% of the $nicipality.
P+/JECT T3T!E DESC+3PT3/2 !/C4T3/2 4"E2CC
Enhance$ent of
Co$$erce and Trade
Encorage enterpri%ing
in#e%tor% to nderta)e and
trade in the area
Pro#i%ion of loan% and ta(
Pro#ide% a%%i%tance in ter$%
of facilitating ad$ini%trati#e
reBire$ent% of potential
Strengthen the role of pblic
Fnd %orce and loan%
!ocal "o#ern$ent
To enhance the gro'th and pro$ote the orderly de#elop$ent of ind%trie% in Da%$ari&a%.
To allocate adeBate area for ind%trial de#elop$ent 'hich are co$patible 'ith the other
de#elop$ent propo%al% 'ithin the $nicipality.
To encorage the e%tabli%h$ent of light to $edi$ and hea#y type of ind%trie% a% 'ell a% agro-
ind%trie% in the de%ignated zone%. To reglate ind%trial de#elop$ent %o a% to $ini$ize% ad#er%e
effect% in the en#iron$ent.
To pro#ide for alternati#e %orce% of li#elihood and inco$e for the poplace.
To de#elop propo%ed ind%trial area% at Barangay Paliparan, Sala'ag, part of Salitran and the
'e%tern portion of the $nicipality tra#er%ed by the Car$ona-Ternate +oad, and 4gro-ind%trial area%
in Barangay Paliparan and !ang)aan.
To effecti#ely encorage ind%trial de#elop$ent in the $nicipality, de#elop$ent of infra%trctral
%pport facilitie%.
E%tabli%h$ent of labor-inten%re ind%trie% to pro#ide Gob for the labor force.
Pro$otion of planned *nit De#elop$ent Strategy in ter$% of large tract% of o'ned land 'ithin the
identified ind%trial zone.
P+/JECT T3T!E DESC+3PT3/2 !/C4T3/2
3nd%trial De#elop$ent
Pro$otion of ind%trial
de#elop$ent of Brgy%.
Paliparan, Sala'ag and
5e%tern portion of the
$nicipality tra#er%ed by the
Car$ona-Ternate +oad. and
4gro 3nd%trial area% in
Brgy%. Paliparan and
E%tabli%h$ent of labor
inten%i#e ind%trie%.
3nfor$ation ca$paign in the
ind%trial potential of the
of infra%trctral %pport
Condct of %)ill% training
a$ong labor force
Barangay %tated in
ProGect de%cription
Barangay %tated in
ProGect de%cription
Barangay %tated in
ProGect de%cription
Barangay %tated in
ProGect de%cription
Strategic place
'ithin Mnicipality
!ocal "o#1t.
DT3, Pri#ate
!ocal "o#1t.
DT3, Pri#ate
!ocal "o#1t.
DT3, Pri#ate
DP5H, Pro#l J Mn.
"o#t. Pri#ate Sector
DP5H, Pro#l J Mn.
"o#t. Pri#ate Sector
To de#elop identified area% 'ith tori%$ potential in the $nicipality.
To $a)e the $nicipality a% the pri$e !ocal "o#ern$ent *nit in Ca#ite 'ith 'orld cla%%
e%tabli%h$ent for tori%t.
To ha#e a fir%t cla%% e%tabli%h$ent that 'ill offer good %er#ice% to all inco$ing tori%t 'ithin the
To de#elop and %%tain tori%$ de#elop$ent progra$ 'hich 'ill pre%er#e the natral re%orce% and
%ocio-cltral trait% of the people.
To opti$ize the phy%ical de#elop$ent of area% 'ith the $o%t %ignificant tori%$ potential 'ith de
regard for %ocial and en#iron$ental con%ideration.
Manpo'er training for tori%$ 'or)er% and $anager%.
3nten%ification of both local and foreign tori%$ pro$otion and infor$ation di%%e$ination to %pport of
local fe%ti#al%.
*pdating and pro$otion of tori%$-related facilitie% and %er#ice%.
3dentify the po%%ible %ite for the con%trction of condo$ini$0hotel.
P+/JECT T3T!E DESC+3PT3/2 !/C4T3/2
*pgrading of different
*pgrading of different
Mnicipal Par)% and
Con%trction of Fir%t cla%%
Hotel and Condo$ini$
*pgrading of different
Prin%a H$ini-da$I
+epair, Maintenance and
i$pro#e$ent% of different
+epair, Maintenance and
i$pro#e$ent% of
Mnicipal Par)% and Plaza
+epair, $aintenance and
i$pro#e$ent% of different
Prinza H$ini-da$I
- Different Brgy%.
- Paliparan
- Sala'ag
- Brol Main
- /ther Barangay
- San 4g%tin 3
Brgy. Sala'ag,
Paliparan, San
Jo%e and other
Pri#ate /'ner%
Pri#ate Sector%
4n efficient0con#enient tran%portation %y%te$ in Da%$ari&a% that 'ill be %pporti#e of the to'n1%
fnctional role a% a re%idential, co$$ercial, ind%trial and ni#er%ity to'n center.
To frther i$pro#e acce%%ibility 0 $obility 'ithin and ot%ide the $nicipality.
To ha#e adeBate tran%portation facilitie% in the locality.
To ha#e an efficient 0 %afe circlation net'or) in the area.
To properly $aintain e(i%ting road facilitie%.
+oad i$pro#e$ent and $aintenance progra$
+oad 'idening
+oad con%trction progra$
Bridge con%trction and i$pro#e$ent proGect.
Pro#i%ion for a tran%port ter$inal.
Coordination 'ith the different go#ern$ent agencie% regarding the fnding of reco$$ended
progra$% and proGect%.
P+/JECT T3T!E DESC+3PT3/2 !/C4T3/2
+oad Con%trction
Concreting of 4$ntay road fro$
City Ho$e% to "o#ernor% Dri#e. Barangay !ang)aan 33
!"* 0 Pro#incial
"o#ern$ent >===->==;
+oad Con%trction Concreting of all Barangay
+oad% 4ll Barangay%
"o#t.0CDF >===->=7=
+oad 3$pro#e$ent% 5idening of MaGor Mnicipal and
Barangay road%.
Congre%%ional +oad 2orth J Soth !"*0Pro#incial
"o#t. >===->=7=
Drainage Con%trction 3n%tallation of reinforced concrete
Cl#ert pipe
Congre%%ional +oad 2orth, Soth,
Ea%t J Don Placido Ca$p% 4#ene
"o#t. >===->=7=
Drainage +ehabilitation +epair and Maintenance
4ll Barangay%
Fnd% >===->=7=
Con%trction of /#er-Pa%% Con%trction of o#er-pa%% in )ey
area% H7= nit%I 4ginaldo High'ay
Con%trction of Pblic *tility
Aehicle Ter$inal%
Con%trction of terninal% for
pblic Geepney% and b%e% San 4g%tin 3 J Paliparan 333 Pri#ate0!"* >===->=7=
Bridge% 3$pro#e$ent 3$pro#e$ent of different Bridge%
Ca$erino 4#e. Bridge
Sltan E%$ael Bridge
Salitran Bridge
Paliparan Bridge
4ll Pala-pala Bridge
!ang)aan Bridge 7,>,,
!"*0DP5H >===->=7=
+oad Con%trction
Ea%t 5e%t +oad
B% 5ay +oad
Fone 3 J 33, Brol Main, Brol 3 J
Sa$paloc 3, San 4g%tin 33, Brol Main
and Salitran 33 and 333.
Metro Cala >===->=7=
+oad 3nterconnection 3nter-connection of different
%bdi#i%ion road%
St. Charbel and Tali%ayan Aillage,
Soth Plain and De(ter Aille
Co$pany0!"* >===->=7=
Traffic !ight% 3n%tallation of Traffic !ight% Pala-pala-Trece Martire% City Gnction
Paliparan +oad-"o#ernor%% dri#e and
other Strategie% place%
D/TC0!"* >===->=7=
To pro#ide the $nicipality 'ith adeBate and potable 'ater% %pply.
To efficiently di%tribte potable 'ater to the #ario% barangay% 'ithin the $nicipality.
3t %hall be the policy of the $nicipality to pro#ide 'ater %pply %er#ice% to all barangay%
To rehabilitate p$ping %tation% in #ario% barangay%.
To condct infor$ation di%%e$ination on 'ater con%er#ation and the protection of 'ater%hed% and
other 'ater re%orce%.
To con%trct additional 'ater re%er#oir and treat$ent plant in Barangay Sa$paloc HMalintaI.
To condct training for D5D per%onnel to i$pro#e Bality of 'or).
To pro#ide adeBate and efficient po'er %pply %pporti#e of the %ocial and econo$ic progre% in the
To pgrade0$aintain po'er %er#ice facilitie% and eBip$ent to $eet crrent and proGected %e%.
Pro#i%ion of po'er facilitie% in area% identified for ind%trial de#elop$ent.
Condct infor$ation ca$paign on energy con%er#ation and accident pre#ention for c%to$er%.
Mnicipal Electrification
Pro#i%ion0e(pan%ion of po'er
%er#ice and facilitie% to $eet
crrent and proGected reBire$ent%
of re%idential and ind%trial %er%
To e%tabli%h an efficient and reliable co$$nication% %y%te$ for Da%$ari&a%.
To $aintain and pgrade e(i%ting telephone %er#ice %y%te$.
To increa%e the percentage of area% co#ered by the teleco$$nication% net'or).
To i$pro#e po%tal %er#ice%.
Encorage pri#ate in#e%tor% to e%tabli%h carrier %tain% in the locality.
Coordinate 'ith concerned agencie% 0 fir$% for e(pan%ion of facilitie% 0 %er#ice%.
Hiring of additional letter carrier to i$pro#e Bality of po%tal %er#ice%.
7. Telephone Ser#ice
Modernization Progra$
>. 3$pro#e$ent of Po%tal
of a $odern direct dial
a.I +ecrit$ent0hiring of
additional ,9=
b.I Prcha%e of 7; Motor
!"* 0 P!DT
Pri#ate 3n#e%tor%
Phil. Po%tal Corp.
The total area of <,=7, hectare% of the $nicipality i% di#ided into for land %e%K rban0bilt-p area%,
agricltral area%, open gra%%land% and 'ater bodie%. H+efer to Table <= on E(i%ting !and *%e% U rban 0
bilt-p area%I.
*rban de#elop$ent a% e#ident in the bilt-p area%, 'hich con%titte abot D8.=9L of the total land
area. The%e co$pri%e of re%idential, co$$ercial, in%tittional, ind%trial, par)% and recreational area% a% 'ell
a% ce$etery, road%, d$p%ite and Special *%e or Planned *nit De#elop$ent 4rea.
Bilt-p area% are pre%ent in all barangay% 'ith the large%t concentration on Da%$ari&a% Bagong Bayan
HDBBI +e%ettle$ent 4rea, Fone 3, 3-4, 33, 333 and 3A portion of Barangay Sala'ag, Paliparan 3, 33 and 333, Sabang
and San Jo%e are fa%t de#eloping in re%idential area% 'ith ne' %bdi#i%ion locating therein.
DBB +e%ettle$ent 4rea% co$po%ed of DD barangay% do$inate the central portion. 3nflence area%
inclde Salitran 333 and 3A and portion of Sa$paloc 3A. Thi% i% a high den%ity bilt- p area, 'hich i% do$inantly
re%idential and being a re%idential area, it ha% a co$$ercial, in%tittional and ind%trial area% pro#ided to
encorage de#elop$ent a% a total %elf-reliant co$$nity.
/f the total bilt-p area, abot 9:.>=L are re%idential area%. The%e inclde cl%ter% of re%idential
nit% in the different barangay% and all e(i%ting re%idential %bdi#i%ion% in the $nicipality. There are a
total of abot 79: re%idential %bdi#i%ion% in the $nicipality. Barangay% Salitran 3-3A, Sabang, San
Jo%e, Brol Main, the 'hole Fone 3, 3-4, 33, 333, 3A, and San 4g%tin 3-333 are generally re%idential 'ith the
pre%ence of %e#eral %bdi#i%ion% proGect% that ag$ent% local re%idential area%. Portion% of !angcaan 3,
Sa$paloc 3-A and Paliparan 3-333 are al%o fa%t beco$ing %bdi#i%ion area%.
5ith the proGected poplation of DD>,;:> the gro%% re%idential area den%ity i% D<.7= per%on% or
abot <.;< ho%ehold% per hectare%. Thi% gi#e a#erage lot% %ize per ho%ehold of D9> %Bare $eter%.
The $nicipality then i% a lo' den%ity re%idential area.
Co$$ercial 4rea% co$pri%e appro(i$ately 7.7,L of the total bilt-p area%. The co$$ercial
acti#itie% are #ery e#idently di%tribted in the%e center%K The Fone 3, 3-4, 33, 333, 3A 'ith the Pblic Mar)et
and the area% along Ca$erino 4#ene, part of P. Ca$po% 4#eK the 4ginaldo High'ay fro$ Salitran to
Congre%%ional Ea%t 4#ene and the %ite of the ne' Pblic Mar)et and the co$$ercial %b-center at
DBB 'ith another pblic $ar)et, Congre%%ional +oad 2orth and Soth 4#ene fro$ Salitran 333 to
Tali%ayan Aillage at Sa$paloc 3A, DBB-3 Pblic Mar)et, 4rea% along Barangay road at Sta. Maria to
Fati$a 333, Fati$a 333 to Aictoria +eye% Property. MaGor road at Pblic E%tate 4thority HPE4I or Paliparan
Site and the Sala'ag 'et and dry $ar)et along Paliparan-Sala'ag +oad.
Co$$ercial acti#itie% range fro$ the retail trade type a% e#ident by pblic $ar)et% and
con#enience %tore to large co$$ercial center% and %hopping $all%. There are al%o financing,
in%tittion% %ch a% ban)% and lending fir$% that are pro$inent along 4ginaldo High'ay, P. Ca$po%
and "o#ernor1 Dri#e fronting of 3nd%trial 4rea. 5ell-)no'n ban)% and b%ine%% e%tabli%h$ent% in Metro
Manila open branch in the $nicipality.
The 9;-hectare co$$ercial area% of the $nicipality cater not only to re%ident% of Da%$ari&a% bt
al%o tho%e of the other $nicipalitie%.
3n%tittional area% co#er appro(i$ately 78=.,== hectare% or ,.7,L of the total bilt-p area.
School% occpy abot 799.979; hectare%. The%e inclde pblic and pri#ate ele$entary J %econdary
and tertiary le#el% in%tittion% of learning. The $nicipality i% the ho%t of the $aGor ni#er%itie% in Metro
Manila that e%tabli%h %chool branche% in the locality, the%e are De !a Salle *ni#er%ity-Da%$ari&a% and
School of Medicine. Philippine Chri%tian *ni#er%ity and Technological *ni#er%ity of the Philippine. 3n
ter$% College%, co$pter center and #ocational cor%e%, the $nicipality had three H,I college%, ,-
co$pter %chool and t'o H>I #ocational %chool. The pre%ence of the%e in%tittion% $a)e% the
$nicipality an alternati#e %ite for edcational need% of %tdent% all o#er the contry and a ni#er%ity
center in the region.
/ther in%tittion% %ch a% go#ern$ent bilding%, religio% center and health in%tittion are al%o
inclded in the%e area%. The $nicipal hall and the Catholic Chrch are 'ithin the central area. The
large%t health in%tittion% are the 7:=-bed *ni#er%ity Medical Center at Brgy. Brol 'hich %er#e% not only
the local re%ident% bt al%o tho%e of nearby pro#ince% and the 7==-bed Dr. Jo%e +izal 2ational Medical
+e%earch Center at Da%$ari&a% Bagong Bayan H4rea BI.
/pen %pace% that can be tilized for lei%re and pro$enade 'al)% and the different barangay J
%chool playgrond% a% 'ell a% $lti-prpo%e cort% are cla%%ified a% par)% J recreation area. The%e
con%titte only abot =.;9L of the total bilt-p area% or abot ,>.;> hectare%.
The $nicipal ce$etery ha% a total area of ,= hectare%, and thi% con%titte abot =.;>L of the
total bilt-p area, 3t i% %itated at the %othern part of Fone 3A, San 4g%tin 33 and San 2icola%. The
Manila Me$orial Par) i% not inclded beca%e it 'a% cla%%ified a% %pecial planed nit
+oad% occpy a total of :<=.:,7 hectare% of land or abot 7,.:DL of the total bilt-p area%. The
$ain road% are E$ilio 4ginaldo High'ay, "o#ernor1% Dri#e, Paliparan-Sala'ag +oad, Sala'ag-Molino
+oad and Salitran-Sala'ag +oad 'hile %econdary road% are 4$ntay +oad, Don Placido Ca$po%
+oad, Ca$erino 4#ene +oad, 3%idro Mangbat St. Congre%%ional +oad HEa%t, 2orth and SothI,
Salitran-San 4g%tin +oad, Sta. Maria-Fati$a +oad, Trinidad 4#ene +oad and Barangay Fati$a-
Paliparan +oad.
The area% pre%ently being tilized for ind%trial %e i% ,== hectare% or ;.>7L of the total land
area%. Fir%t Ca#ite 3nd%trial E%tate% i% the large%t ind%trial area in the $nicipality. 3t i% an ind%trial
e%tate of abot 7;D hectare% con%ider% a% a flag%hip ind%trial e%tate of C4!4B4+F/2. The D.,
hectare +eynold% Philippine% Corporation at Brgy. San 4g%tin i% an old ind%trial fir$. 5ith the
pre%ent ind%trial de#elop$ent along the "o#ernor1% Dri#e Hfor$erly Car$ona-Ternate roadI at
%oth'e%tern portion of the $nicipality $a)e% it the ind%trial hb of the $nicipality.
/ther ind%trial area% are al%o fond in Paliparan 3 and 33, Sa$paloc 3, 33, 333, 3A and Salitran 3 and
33. There are al%o identified ind%trial area% 'ithin Da%$ari&a% Bagong Bayan +e%ettle$ent 4rea.
There are ba%ically gar$ent% ind%trial ai$ed at pro#iding li#elihood to the re%ettled fa$ilie%. The%e
occpy abot 7.8< hectare%. 5ith the%e de#elop$ent the $nicipality can be con%idered a% an
ind%trial center in thi% %ide of the pro#ince and the region.
The $nicipal do$e%tic 'a%te are being d$p in a fi#e hectare pri#ate lot at the
Ea%tern Portion of Barangay Sala'ag hear the bondary of San Pedro to'n pro#ince of !agna.
4t pre%ent, an open d$p %ite 'here haling trc) directly d$p the garbage throgh the help of
blldozer and paylader
4gricltral area% total to >,=D;.;9 or >>.:=L of the total land area. /f the%e area, 7,8=D.99 hectare%
are prodcti#e 'hile the other% are %ea%onally %ed or are %carely planted to free crop% and been legally
con#erted to non-agricltral %e%. The 7,8=D.99 hectare% of prodcti#e agricltral land% are planted to food
crop% %ch a% palay, frit% and #egetable% and ind%trial crop% %ch a% %garcane and cocont.
3n Special *%e0Planned *nit, it inclde%, 4gro-3nd%trial, /rchard "olf Cor%e and Contry Clb, Manila
Me$orial Par), *tilitie% H24P/C/+I and "ra%%land.
The total area pre%ently tilized for agro M ind%trie% i% appro(i$ately D= hectare% or =.9<L of the
total bilt-p area%. The%e co$pri%e poltry, piggery and dairy far$% di%per%ed at #ario% barangay% in
the $nicipality. 4$ong the large far$% are Dali%ay Far$ at barangay Fone 333, Monterey Far$% at
Barangay !ang)aan and Jaro De#elop$ent Corporation Far$% at Paliparan 33. So$e large far$% ha#e
feed$ill% and %laghterho%e and $eat proce%%ing 'ithin their pre$i%e%.
T'o $aGor real e%tate proGect%, 'hich are, cla%%ified a% fnctional open %pace% boo%t the $nicipality1%
po%ition a% a $aGor de#elop$ent center in thi% part of the region. The%e proGect% cater pri$arily to foreigner%,
and tho%e rich and fa$o% Filipino%. Ho'e#er, thi% al%o open to local re%ident%. They $a)e the na$e of
Da%$ari&a% )no'n 'orld'ide and nation'ide.
The proGect% are 7,D.D>,> hectare% Manila Me$orial Par) Ha ce$eteryI and the /rchard1% "olf J
Contry Clb Ha recreational par)I occpying abot 78:.;= hectare%.
They are cla%%ified a% %pecial %e HPlanned *nit De#elop$entI area% beca%e of their i$pact to the total
de#elop$ent of the $nicipality, the total area they occpy %er#ice% they rendered to the poplation and
de#elop$ent% 'ithin their proGect %ite%.
4% $entioned earlier they boo%t the po%ition of the $nicipality nation'ide and 'orld'ide. They occpy
a total area of ,>7.<> hectare%, 'hich i% ;.;<L of the total bilt-p area are not generally open to the pblic.
De#elop$ent% 'ithin the proGect %ite% are planned and it can be con%idered a% $i(ed %e. Since real e%tate%
proGect% ha% it% o'n de#elop$ent plan for the %ite%. The de#elop$ent per$it i%%ed to the$ go#ern%
confor$ity of %e% 'ithin the %ite. Ho'e#er, confor$ity 'ith adGacent %e% i% go#erned by the zoning
ordinance of the $nicipality.
Da%$ari&a% i% the location of 2ational Po'er Corporation H24P/C/+I 'hich %pplie% the po'er
reBire$ent% of the 'hole Ca#ite, it occpy an area of abot 7>, hectare% inclding plant and right 'ay
for high-ten%ion line. Da%$ari&a%-Bi&an, Da%$ari&a%-Tayaba% and Da%$ari&a%-Calaca 'ith a pre%ent
capacity of >,= )#a each line.
/pen gra%%land total to :8;.:= hectare% or 8.:>L of the total land area. The%e are land% that are
#acant and not planted to any crop%. The%e are $o%tly fond on the northern and northea%tern portion%
of the $nicipality.
The different land %e of a% propo%ed and reflected in the $ap H"eneral !and *%e PlanI i% pre%ented in
Table no. <= inclding the D=L allo'ed by !a' to be recla%%ified for other prpo%e% fro$ the agricltral area.
Ho'e#er, there1% al'ay% a po%%ibility to e(ceed the 7=L reBired by la' de to high reBire$ent of %pport
%er#ice%. The need% of the 'hole poplation of the $nicipality area 'ere ta)en into con%ideration in the%e
allocation%. +eBire$ent% of all %ocio-econo$ic %ector% at the ti$e of for$lation i% acconted for and part of
the 'hole $nicipality a% 'ell a% to confor$ 'ith the role of the $nicipality a% Industrial, Residential and
University town of Cavite.
Table% no. <7 and <> %ho'% Total ProGected !and +eBire$ent% and 4dditional !and +eBire$ent% by
the end of planning period, year >=7=. The%e are ba%ed on !and %e planning %tandard% and poplation.
3t can be noted that the large%t %er% are the re%idential, ind%trial and road% reBire$ent. 3t i%
nder%tandable %ince, ho%ing and li#elihood interconnected 'ith each other throgh net'or) of road% are
ba%ic co$ponent% of h$an %ettle$ent%. +e%idential area reBire$ent% con%titte abot D8.<,L of the total
area reBired. ind%trial, >=.88L and road% >;.=;L.
/ther %er %ch a% co$$ercial, in%tittional, par)% and recreation, d$p%ite and ce$eterie% co$pri%e%
the re$aining ;.7DL of the total land reBire$ent.
Con%idering the e(i%ting land %er% a% pre%ented in Table no. <=, the additional reBire$ent% a%
pre%ented in Table no. <>, i% abot t'ice the %ize of the $nicipality. !i)e'i%e, a% per e(i%ting land %e, the
area% that ?$ay be $ade a#ailable@ for the%e reBire$ent% are open gra%% land and agricltral area%, totally
>, 8,7.>9 hectare% 'hich i% >>.>>L of the total additional reBire$ent%.
Cognizant of the need% of the poplation in ter$% of ho%ing, li#elihood, facility of $o#e$ent and other
%pport %er#ice% that reBire land allocation the $nicipality opted for con#er%ion of e(i%ting agricltral area%
on a pha%ing %che$e and the adoption of %itable de#elop$ent %trategie% and architectral de%ign that 'ill
$a(i$ize the %e of land to cope 'ith the reBire$ent.
!and *%e Cla%%ification Total !and +eBire$ent Percentage
HHectare%I HLI
+e%idential 8,:,,.:98 D8.<,
Co$$ercial 7:>.:== =.<:
3n%tittional 9>7.=9< ,.D8
3nd%trial ,,:>9.D7> >=.88
Par)% and +ecreation 7D.9== =.=8
+oad% D,D:7.9<D >;.=;
D$p%ite% 9>.7=: =.,;
Ce$etary D:.=== =.>9
Total 7:,8D<.,;= 7==.==
SorceK Co$ptation %ing H!+B !and *%e Standared and ProGected poplation and ho%ehold.
+e%idential >D= %Bare $eter per lot per ho%e%
Co$$ercial ,L of the bilt-p area inclding ind%trial area%
3n%tittional ; hectare% per 7;,=== poplation
3nd%trial > hectare% per 7,=== poplation for $edi$ ind%trie%
Par)% and +ecreation >,=== %Bare $eter per barangay or poc)et par)% for ha#ing an area of
;== %Bare $eter each.
+oad% >.D )ilo$eter% per 7,=== poplation at 7= $eter% 'ide
D$p%ite 7 hectare per ,=, === poplation
Ce$etery >.D %Bare $eter per brial lot per death
7<<; >9>,D=9 D<,7D<
>=7= 7,89,,>=9 ,9,,<=:
5ith the%e proGected total land reBire$ent 'ill be a% follo'%K
+e%idential-Co$$ercial-3n%tittional-3nd%trial-Mi( *%e 3 >,;77.8,= >:.8:L
+e%idential-Co$$ercial-3n%tittional-Mi( *%e 33 >8>.>9= ,.7,L
+e%idential 7,<=7.989 >7.7=L
Co$$ercial >>=.=== >.DDL
3n%tittional 7=9.,== 7.78L
Par) and +ecreation ;=.<9= =.;9L
+oad% 9<;.8D= :.:>L
Ce$etery D:.=== =.;>L
D$p%ite 9>.=== =.9<L
3nd%trial H3nclding 4gro-3nd%trialI D,;.=== D.8,L
Special *%e ,>7.<>= ,.;:L
24P/C/+ 7>,.=== 7.,9L
4gricltre 7,8,=.>=D >=.,7L
5ater bodie% D>;.=== D.:>L
TOTAL .11/( 1//A
The land %e plan for Da%$ari&a% 'a% for$lated in clo%e coordination 'ith the agencie% and official%
concerned 'ith planning and de#elop$ent of the $nicipality. 3t broadly delineate% the general location of
$aGor fnctional zone goe%0 4rea% in %pport of the identified fnctional role0de#elop$ent thr%t% of the
Ba%ed on preli$inary analy%i% and finding% re%lting fro$ %tdie% condcted regarding %ocio-econo$ic
profile, phy%ical characteri%tic% and de#elop$ent %itation% obtaining in the $nicipality, the plan propo%e%
allocating of land re%orce% in the follo'ing patternK
The plan propo%e% the de#elop$ent of re%idential area% into lo', $edi$ and high-den%ity di%trict%.
4rea% in%ide the follo'ing bondarie%, on the 2orth by Salitran-Sala'ag +oad, Ea%t by Paliparan-
Sala'ag +oad, Soth by Paliparan 3-33 bondarie%, Manila Me$orial Par), St. Charbel Sbdi#i%ion and
Aineyard Aillage of +obin%on "rop, 5e%t by 2ational Po'er Corporation, Sto. 2i&o Cree) and 3$% +i#er. 4ll
the%e area %hall be for high-den%ity re%idential %e% or +-, di%trict.
Detached and %e$i- detached fa$ily d'elling% %ch a% dple( and ro' ho%e%, apart$ent%, boarding
ho%e%, dor$itorie%, to'nho%e%, re%idential condo$ini$%, pen%ion ho%e, ho$etel, hotel apart$ent% or
apartel% are allo'ed. 4cce%%ory %e% %ch a% garage, %er#ant% Barter and gardho%e% are al%o allo'ed.
+ecreational facilitie% for the e(cl%i#e %e of the $e$ber% of the fa$ily re%iding 'ithin the pre$i%e% %ch a%
%'i$$ing pool, pelota cort and the li)e %hall be allo'ed. Ho$e occpation or ind%trie% and other
recreational facilitie% $ay be allo'ed ba%ed on the pro#i%ion% of the zoning ordinance. Par)% and playgrond
%hall be pro#ided ba%ed on the reBired area% per barangay.
E(i%ting %e% in%ide the rectanglar area %ch a% re%idential %bdi#i%ion%, in%tittional e%tabli%h$ent%
and ind%trial acti#itie%, and %pecial planned nit de#elop$ent proGect% are retained. E(pan%ion ho'e#er %hall
be %bGect to the pro#i%ion% of the ordinance.
Height% of bilding% %hall be arranged on an a%cending order, 'ith tho%e con%trcted on lot% abtting
road% being lo'er and going higher to'ard% the center. Bilding% con%trcted on the lot% abtting road'ay%
%hall not e(ceed 7; $eter% high or ; %torie%, 'hiche#er i% le%%er, follo'ed by bilding% 78 $eter% high or
abot 9 %torie%, 'hiche#er i% le%%er. The center bilding% can be higher.
4rea% ot%ide the rectanglar area %hall be for lo' den%ity re%idential %e%. /nly detached and %e$i-
detached fa$ily d'elling% %ch a% dple(, ro' ho%e% and to'nho%e% are allo'ed. Bilding height% %hall be
7> $eter% or D %torie% only 'hiche#er i% le%%er.
+e%idential area% %hall be pro#ided 'ith ba%ic facilitie% and %er#ice% inclding %chool%, recreational.
4rea%, health center% 0 health nit%, day care center%, li#elihood center% and %hopping area% a% 'ell a% a$ple
'ater and po'er %pply fire protection and police %er#ice% a$ong other%. 4cce%%ibility to $aGor fnctional
zone% %hall be affected throgh the e(i%ting road net'or) and propo%ed road% pa%%ing #ia fea%ible rote%.
The area% intended for co$$ercial %e inclde% the Co$$ercial B%ine%% Di%trict HCBDI 'here the
pblic $ar)et and the co$$ercial e%tabli%h$ent% are concentrated. The plan propo%e% the de#elop$ent of
abot 7== $eter% on both %ide% of "en. E$ilio 4ginaldo High'ay a% the Financial and co$$ercial Di%trict of
the Mnicipality. The pre%ent co$$ercial de#elop$ent% concentrated bet'een the Gnction of the High'ay
and Don Placido Ca$po% St. on the 'e%t and the Gnction of the 4ginaldo High'ay and 2. "e#arra St., on
the %oth i% e(pected to e(pand along the 'hole %tretch of the high'ay. The%e area% %hall be referred to a%
the Central B%ine%% Di%trict or C-7 area%. The%e %hall principally be for trade, %er#ice% and b%ine%%
4 ;=-$eter %trip on both %ide% of Congre%%ional 4#e. M Ea%t, 'hich at pre%ent i% de#eloping into a
co$$ercial area, i% al%o cla%%ified a% CBD or C-7 area%. 4nother ;= $eter% %trip on both %ide% of Paliparan-
Molino road fro$ "o#ernor1% Dri#e to the inter%ection of Salitran-Sala'ag road 'ill be con%idered a% CBD-7
de to the rapid ho%ing de#elop$ent.
4rea% 'ithin 7== $eter% fro$ the e(i%ting pblic $ar)et %hall be e(clded fro$ the C-7 area%
%pecifically the Financial and Co$$ercial Di%trict on the ea%tern %ide of 4ginaldo High'ay and be %ed for
Banitrade b%ine%% acti#itie% and %er#ice ind%trie% perfor$ing co$pli$entary0%pple$entary fnction% to
principally co$$ercial area%. The%e are cla%%ified a% C-> area%. Co$$ercial 4rea% 'ithin the DBB
+e%ettle$ent 4rea%, one H7I bloc) or 7== $eter% both %ide% along Congre%%ional 4#ene 2orth and Soth
fro$ Salitran-Sala'ag road to Fati$a 3 e(cept tho%e area% occpy by in%tittion.
To en%re free flo' of traffic, there %hall be adeBate pro#i%ion% for par)ing 'ithin the Co$$ercial %ite%,
for tho%e along the high'ay, ingre%%0engre%% to the high'ay %hall be controlled.
Bilding height %hall be in a%cending order fro$ tho%e lot abtting the high'ay going higher to'ard% the
inner lot% of 3n%tittional 4rea%.
3n line 'ith the fnctional role of the $nicipality a% a ni#er%ity to'n to pro#ide it% re%ident% 'ith %ocial
%er#ice% for health and religion, protecti#e %er#ice% and other cltral prpo%e%, the plan propo%e% the
allocation of %fficient land in appropriate location for in%tittional de#elop$ent. !and allo'ed for in%tittional
%e inclde% %ite% for %chool%, ho%pital%, chapel%0chrche% and co$$nity %er#ice center% integrated 'ith
re%idential %e.
2otable e(pan%ion% of in%tittional area% are at Brol Main northern part of Congre%%ional +oad Ea%t
and ea%tern part of Salitran-San 4g%tin +oad. !i)e'i%e fll tilization of the De !a Salle ca$p% at DBB
+e%ettle$ent 4rea% along the contribtion of 3$% +i#er and acce%%ible fro$ the Congre%%ional 4#e.
The realization of the plan% and progra$% e$bodied i% the Co$prehen%i#e !and *%e Plan and Foning
/rdinance greatly depend% on the 'ill and deter$ination of the Mnicipality1% /fficial% %pported by the
different go#ern$ent nit% and con%titent% to achie#e it% end goal 'hich i% effecti#e land %e $anage$ent.
Thi% %ector foc%e% on local ad$ini%tration and fi%cal $anage$ent in general, 'ith e$pha%i% on land
%e reglation%.
The Mnicipal "o#ern$ent of Da%$ari&a% i% being ad$ini%tered by con%cientio% pblic official% 'ho
are dedicated in the de#elop$ent and better$ent of the $nicipality.
The Chief E(ecti#e, Honorable Mayor Elpidio F. Barzaga, Jr., i% a re%pon%ible official 'ho%e $ain
concern i% the gro'th and de#elop$ent of $nicipality.
Aice Mayor !ciano S. Canti$bhan o#er the Sanggniang Bayan, the !egi%lati#e body that legiti$ize%
ordinance% and reglation% nece%%ary to carryot the re%pon%ibilitie% a% $andated by la' %ch a% health,
%afety, co$fort%, 'elfare pro#i%ion%. /fficial $e$ber% of the body are the follo'ingK
7. A3CT/+ T. C4+*2"C/2" - Co$$ittee on Pblic /rder and Safety
- Co$$ittee on Health, Sanitation and
En#iron$ental Protection
>. A4!E+342/ S. E2C4B/ - Co$$ittee on !and *tilization
- Co$$ittee on Finance J 4ppropriation
- Co$$ittee on "ood "o#ern$ent,
Pblic Ethic% and 4ccontability
,. TE/F3!/ B. !4+4 - Co$$ittee on !i#elihood J Cooperati#e
D. +E24!D/ J/SE 4. C4MP/S, J+. - Co$$ittee on 4gricltre, !abor and
- Co$$ittee on Edcation and Cltre
;. F*!"E2C3/ C. DE!4 C*EST4, J+. - Co$$ittee on Pblic 5or)%,
Tran%portation and Co$$nication
- Co$$ittee on +le% and Pri#ilege%
9. D/M324D/+ P. 4!A4+42 - Co$$ittee on Trade and 3nd%try
:. F!/+E2CE C. C4ST3!!/ - Co$$ittee on 5o$en and Fa$ily
8. HE+ME2E"3!D/ S. ME2D/F4 - Co$$ittee on H$an +ight% and
H$an +e%orce%
<. C+ESE2C342/ S. E2C4B/ M MC!B Pre%ident - Co$$ittee on Barangay 4ffair%
7=. M4. C+3ST324 P*C4T M S6F Pre%ident - Co$$ittee on Coth J Sport%
Their re%pecti#e chair$an and concil 'ho coordinate 'ith all the local official% are handling Barangay .
De#elop$ent progra$% in their le#el% 'hich are then 'ell i$ple$ented.
The different local go#ern$ent office% a%%i%ting the elected official% in the realization of a progre%%i#e
$nicipality are the follo'ingK
7. /ffice of the Mnicipal 4d$ini%trator
>. /ffice of the Mnicipal 4ccontant
,. /ffice of the Mnicipal 4gricltre
D. /ffice of the Mnicipal 4%%e%%or
;. /ffice of the Mnicipal Bdget
9. /ffice of the Econo$ic Enterpri%e% and De#elop$ent Manage$ent
:. /ffice of the Mnicipal Engineer
8. /ffice of the H$an +e%orce Manage$ent
<. /ffice of the !ocal Ci#il +egi%trar
7=. /ffice of the Mnicipal Planning and De#elop$ent Coordinator
77. /ffice of the +ral Health *nit
7>. /ffice of the Mnicipal Social 5elfare and De#elop$ent
7,. /ffice of the Mnicipal Trea%rer
7D. /ffice of the Mnicipal Aeterinary
There are al%o national and pro#incial per%onnel %tationed in the $nicipality %ch a% P2P, B3+, D4+,
and D3!".
4% of Dece$ber 7<<<, Da%$ari&a% ha% a total of ,87 plantilla po%ition%, of 'hich, ;<L or >>; are filled-
p 'hile D7L or 7;9 po%ition% are #acant.
!3ST /F B4+42"4C C4PT432S
Da27ar!Ba21 CaC!$e
7. Felipe 4. Bati%ta Fone 3 >D. Teodorico S. +e$lla !ang)aan 3
>. Florencio F. Canan Fone 3-4 >;. Fernando T. !adato !ang)aan >
,. +ey$ndo D. +entoy Fone > >9. "a#ino C. Mercado Brol Main
D. +oberto +eye% Fone , >:. 2orberto 4. Dela Crz Brol 7
;. Carlo% F. Pal$a Fone D >8. Sal#ador 4. Beato Brol >
9. "erardo 3. Mendoza San Jo%e ><. Macario M. Ca$erino Brol ,
:. 4rtro M. Monzon Sabang ,=. Panfilo ". Pregoner San Dioni%io
8. Manolito M. +ebong Sala'ag ,7. 4delina S. Ma(i$o San E%teban
<. +e%titto C. 3lano Salitran 7 ,>. Fe B. +$baoa Sta. Fe
7=. 4$ado 3. +eye% Salitran > ,,. Ce%ar P. Bondad San Jan
77. Mode%to B. Balerite Salitran , ,D. Feliciano S. 2a#e Sta. !cia
7>. !i%ito M. Bati%ta Salitran D ,;. !eopoldo 5. Ben#iaGe Sta. Maria
7,. Cre%enciano S. Encabo San 4g%tin 7 ,9. Johnny D. !ca&a San Mateo
7D. Danilo He$brador San 4g%tin > ,:. Jo%efina C. Ca%ta&a% San Si$on
7;. +eynaldo C. Sayo% San 4g%tin , ,8. Melito 4. 4&ano San +oBe
79. Condrado !. Toledo Sa$paloc 7 ,<. !acongan /. E%$ael, Sr. Sltan E%$ael
7:. Teofilo F. Ca$pano Sa$paloc > D=. 4rtro M. !abarda, Sr. San 4ndre% 7
78. Do$ingo A. Aillane#a Sa$paloc , D7. Tita C. !ibanan San 4ndre% >
7<. +o$eo E. Jo%on Sa$paloc D D>. Brendan 4lcantara Sto. Cri%to
>=. Edardo C. "tierrez Sa$paloc ; D,. Concepcion !abayante San Franci%co 7
>7. Federico S. Bati%ta Paliparan 7 DD. Sal#acion Dngca San Franci%co >
>>. To$a%ito B. Martinez Paliparan > D;. Prdencio Baco$o, Sr. Sta. Cri%tina 7
>,. 2$eriano T. Bcal Paliparan , D9. Federico M. Cahidoy Sta. Cri%tina >
D:. Edilberto 4l$enario San Migel 7
D8. Cirilo C. Magno San Migel >
D<. Bernaldo M. Jordan Sta. Crz 7
;=. Do$ingo Paa&o Sta. Crz >
;7. Franci%co 6. Barretto San 4ntonio De Pada 7
;>. "eorge /l$o San 4ntonio De Pada >
;,. Jo#ito 4. Pacione% San 2icola% 7
;D. 4r%enio D. Calda San 2icola% >
;;. Diony 4. Elia% San !i% 7
;9. Erlindino Patalbo San !i% >
;:. !e#i B. Frcto%o San Manel 7
;8. 4lberto S. 2ieto San Manel >
;<. Perlita +. "aco% San !orenzo +iz 7
9=. 2onilon P. 4dena San !orenzo +iz >
97. Ma. 4ida +. /lpot St. Peter 7
9>. 4lfredo S. Santiago St. Peter >
9,. Edardo Marinda San 3%idro !abrador 7
9D. 4nita C%i San 3%idro !abrador >
9;. +odolfo Sa$onte !z#i$inda 7
99. +onnie B. 4bayon !z#i$inda >
9:. Cecilio Deda%e, Jr. E$anel Bergado 7
98. +odolfo Bornale%, Sr. E$anel Bergado >
9<. Aictorina M. !areano Sto. 2i&o 7
:=. !orde% M. Te#e% Sto. 2i&o >
:7. Dante M. Feli%$ino Fati$a 7
:>. Pablito M. Fabrigel Fati$a >
:,. +ogelio Slat, Hr. Fati$a ,
:D. Danilo Da'ang Barangay H->
:;. Dic) Preza Aictoria +eye%-Property
3. F*2CT3/24! ST4TEME2T
7. E(erci%e general %per#i%ion and control o#er all progra$%, proGect, %er#ice%, and acti#itie% of the
Mnicipal "o#ern$ent.
>. Enforce all la' and ordinance% relati#e to the go#ernance of the Mnicipality and the e(erci%e% of
it% corporate po'er% pro#ided for nder Section >> of the !ocal "o#ern$ent Code, 3$ple$ent all
appro#ed policie%, progra$%, proGect%, %er#ice% and acti#itie% of the Mnicipality.
,. 3nitiate and $a(i$ize the generation of re%orce% and re#ene, and apply the %a$e to the
i$ple$entation of de#elop$ent plan%, progra$ obGecti#e and prioritie% a% pro#ided for nder
Section 78 of the !ocal "o#ern$ent Code, particlarly tho%e re%orce% and re#ene% progra$$ed
for agro- ind%trial de#elop$ent and contry'ide gro'th and progre%%.
D. En%re the deli#ery of ba%ic %er#ice% and the pro#i%ion of adeBate facilitie% a% pro#ided for nder
Section 7: of the !ocal "o#ern$ent Code.
;. E(erci%e% %ch other po'er% and perfor$% %ch other dtie% and fnction% a% $ay be pre%cribed
by la' or ordinance%.
7. To pro#ide the ele#en ba%ic need% of $an.
>. To $aintain peace and order 'ithin the Mnicipality in coordination 'ith the Philippine 2ational
Police, Philippine Con%tablary and Peace and /rder Concil.
,. To initiate a horizontal integrated area of de#elop$ent 'ith the neighboring to'n% along 4ginaldo
D. To encorage cottage, %$all and $edi$ %cale ind%trie%.
;. To $ini$ize $alnori%h$ent a$ong the pre- %chool and %chool children.
9. To i$pro#e the fi%cal condition of the Mnicipality throgh a contino% progra$ of i$pro#ing local
re#ene collection efficiency.
:. To %afegard the health and %anitation of the co$$nity thr Pri$ary Health Care.
8. To pro$ote %port% and cltral de#elop$ent.
<. To accelerate $anpo'er de#elop$ent in %elected %)illed occpation.
7=. To pro#ide the Mnicipality 'ith an efficient %pply $anage$ent and other related a(iliary or
general %er#ice%.
77. E(erci%e% direct and i$$ediate %per#i%ion, ad$ini%tration and control o#er pblic $ar)et and
per%onnel thereof inclding their dtie% 'hich concern the $aintenance and p)eep of the $ar)et
and $ar)et pre$i%e%.
7. 3nitiate, re#ie' and reco$$ended change% in policie% and obGecti#e%, plan% and progra$%,
techniBe%, procedre% and practice% in infra%trctre de#elop$ent and pblic 'or)% in general of
the !ocal "o#ern$ent *nit concerned.
>. 4d#ice the Mayor for the infra%trctre, pblic 'or)%, and other engineering $atter%.
,. 4d$ini%ter, coordinate, %per#i%e, and control the con%trction, $aintenance, i$pro#e$ent, and
the repair of proGect% of the !ocal "o#ern$ent *nit.
D. Pro#ide engineering %er#ice% to the !ocal "o#ern$ent *nit inclding in#e%tigation and %r#ey,
engineering de%ign%, fea%ibility %tdie% and proGect $anage$ent.
;. E(erci%e %ch other po'er% and perfor$% %ch other dtie% and fnction% a% $ay be pre%cribed
by la'.
To ta)e charge of the engineering office and pro#ide engineering %er#ice% to the Mnicipality of
7. De#elop plan% and %trategie% and pon appro#al of the Mayor, i$ple$ent the %a$e, particlarly
tho%e in connection 'ith agricltral progra$% and proGect% in 'hich the Mayor i% e$po'ered to
i$ple$ent and 'hich the Sanggnian i% e$po'ered to pro#ide for nder the !ocal "o#ern$ent
>. En%re that $a(i$$ a%%i%tance and acce%% to re%orce% in the prodction, proce%%ing and
$ar)eting of agricltral and aBa M cltral and $arine prodct% are e(tended to far$er%,
fi%her$en, and local entreprener%.
,. Condct or ca%e to be condcted location M%pecific agricltral re%earche% and a%%i%t in $a)ing
a#ailable the appropriate technology ari%ing ot of and di%%e$inating infor$ation on ba%ic
re%earch on crop%, pre#ention and control of plant di%ea%e% and pe%t%, and other agricltral
$atter% 'hich 'ill $a(i$ize prodcti#ity.
D. 4%%i%t the Mayor in the e%tabli%h$ent and e(ten%ion %er#ice% of de$on%tration far$% or aBa-
cltre and $arine prodct%.
;. Enforce rle% and reglation% relating to agricltre and aBa-cltre.
9. Coordinate 'ith go#ern$ent agencie% and non- go#ern$ental organization%, 'hich pro$ote
agricltral prodcti#ity throgh appropriate technology co$patible 'ith en#iron$ental integrity.
:. Be in the frontline of the deli#ery of ba%ic agricltral %er#ice%, particlarly tho%e needed for the
%r#i#al of the inhabitant% dring and in the after$ath of $an-$ade and natral di%a%ter% and
8. +eco$$end to the Sanggnian and ad#ice the Mayor on all other $atter related to agricltre and
aBa-cltre, 'hich 'ill i$pro#e the li#elihood and li#ing condition% of the inhabitant%.
To for$late $ea%re% for the appro#al of the Sanggnian and pro#ide technical a%%i%tance and
%pport to the Mayor in carrying ot %aid $ea%re% to en%re the deli#ery of ba%ic %er#ice% and
pro#i%ion% of adeBate facilitie% relati#e to agricltral %er#ice% a% pro#ided for nder Section 7: of the
!ocal "o#ern$ent Code.
7. De#elop plan% and %trategie% and pon appro#al of the Mayor, i$ple$ent the %a$e, particlarly
tho%e in connection 'ith Social 5elfare progra$% and proGect% in 'hich the Mayor i% e$po'ered
to i$ple$ent and 'hich the Sanggnian i% e$po'ered to pro#ide for nder the !ocal "o#ern$ent
>. 3dentify the ba%ic need% of the needy, the di%ad#antage and the i$po#eri%hed and de#elop and
i$ple$ent appropriate $ea%re% to alle#iate their proble$% and i$pro#e their li#ing condition%.
,. Pro#ide relief and appropriate cri%i% inter#ention for #icti$% of ab%e and e(ploitation and
reco$$end appropriate $ea%re% to pre#ent frther ab%e and e(ploitation.
D. 4%%i%t the Mayor in i$ple$enting the barangay le#el progra$ for the total de#elop$ent and
protection of the children p to %i( year% of age.
;. Facilitate the i$ple$entation of 'elfare progra$% for the di%able, elderly and #icti$% of drg
addiction, the rehabilitation of the pri%oner% and parolee%, the pre#ention of G#enile delinBency
and %ch other acti#itie% 'hich 'old eli$inate or $ini$ize the ill-effect% of po#erty.
9. 3nitiate and %pport yoth 'elfare progra$% that 'ill enhance the role of the yoth in nation
:. Coordinate 'ith go#ern$ent agencie% and non- go#ern$ental organization% 'hich ha#e for their
prpo%e the pro$otion and the protection of the needy, di%ad#antaged, i$po#eri%hed grop% or
indi#idal%, particlarly tho%e identified to be #lnerable and high ri%) to e(ploitation, ab%e and
8. Be in the frontline of %er#ice deli#ery, particlarly tho%e that need i$$ediate relief dring in the
after$ath of $an-$ade and natral di%a%ter% and cala$itie%.
To for$late $ea%re% for the appro#al of the Sanggnian and pro#ide technical a%%i%tance and
%pport to the Mayor on carrying ot $ea%re% to en%re the deli#ery of ba%ic %er#ice% and pro#i%ion of
adeBate facilitie% relati#e to %ocial 'elfare and de#elop$ent %er#ice%.
7. De#elop plan% and %trategie% and pon appro#al of the Mayor, i$ple$ent the %a$e, particlarly
tho%e in connection 'ith Social 5elfare progra$% and proGect% in 'hich the Mayor i% e$po'ered
to i$ple$ent and 'hich the Sanggnian i% e$po'ered to pro#ide for nder the !ocal "o#ern$ent
>. 4ccept all regi%trable doc$ent% and Gdicial decree% affecting the ci#il %tat% of per%on%.
,. File, )eep and pre%er#e in a %ecre place the boo)% reBired by la'.
D. Tran%cribe and enter i$$ediately pon receipt all regi%trable doc$ent% and Gdicial decree%
affecting the ci#il %tat% of per%on% in the appropriate ci#il regi%try boo).
;. Tran%$it to the /ffice of the Ci#il +egi%trar-"eneral 'ithin the pre%cribed period. dplicate copie%
of regi%tered doc$ent% reBired by la'.
9. 3%%e certified tran%cript% or copie% of any certificate or regi%tered doc$ent% pon pay$ent of the
pre%cribed fee% to the trea%rer.
:. +ecei#e application for the i%%ance of a $arriage licen%e and, after deter$ining that the
reBire$ent% and %pporting certificate and pblication% thereof for the pre%cribed period ha#e
been co$plied 'ith, i%%ed the licen%e pon pay$ent of the athorized fee to the trea%rer.
8. Coordinate 'ith the 2ational Stati%tic% /ffice in condcting edcational ca$paign% for #ital
regi%tration and a%%i%t in the preparation of the de$ographic and other %tati%tic% for the !ocal
"o#ern$ent *nit.
To ta)e charge of the /ffice of the Ci#il +egi%try and be re%pon%ible for the ci#il regi%tration
progra$ in the !ocal "o#ern$ent *nit, pr%ant to the Ci#il +egi%try !a', the Ci#il Code, and other
pertinent la'%, rle% and regi%tration% i%%ed to i$ple$ent the$.
7. 3n%tall and $aintain an internal adit %y%te$ in the !ocal "o#ern$ent *nit.
>. Prepare and %b$it financial %tate$ent to the Mayor and the Sanggnian concerned.
,. 4pprai%e the Sanggnian and the other !ocal "o#ern$ent /fficial% on the financial condition% and
operation% of the !ocal "o#ern$ent *nit.
D. Certify to the a#ailability of bdgetary allot$ent of 'hich e(penditre% and obligation% $ay be
properly charged.
;. +e#ie' %pporting doc$ent% before preparation of #ocher% to deter$ine co$ple$ent
9. Prepare %tate$ent of ca%h ad#ance%, liBidation, %alarie%, allo'ance%, rei$br%e$ent and
re$ittance% pertaining to the !ocal "o#ern$ent *nit.
:. Prepare %tate$ent of Gornal, #ocher% and liBidation of the %a$e and other adG%t$ent related
8. Po%t indi#idal di%br%e$ent% to the %b%idiary ledger and inde( card%.
<. Maintain indi#idal ledger% for official% and e$ployee% of the !ocal "o#ern$ent *nit pertaining to
payroll% and dedction%.
7=. +ecord and po%t to inde( card% the detail% of prcha%ed frnitre%, fi(tre%, and eBip$ent,
inclding di%po%al% thereof, if any.
77. 4ccont for all i%%ed reBe%t for obligation% and $aintain and )eep all record% and report% related
7>. Prepare Gornal% and the analy%i% of obligation% and $aintain and )eep all record% and report%
related thereto.
7,. E(erci%e %ch other po'er% and perfor$% %ch other dtie% and fnction% a% $ay be pro#ided by
la' or ordinance.
To ta)e charge of both acconting and internal adit %er#ice% of the !ocal "o#ern$ent *nit.
7. En%re that all la'% and policie% go#erning the apprai%al and a%%e%%$ent of real propertie% for
ta(ation prpo%e% are properly e(ected.
>. 3nitiate, re#ie' and reco$$end change% in policie% and obGecti#e%, plan% and progra$%,
techniBe% and procedre% and practice% in the #alation and a%%e%%$ent of real propertie% for
ta(ation prpo%e%.
,. E%tabli%h a %y%te$atic $ethod of real property a%%e%%$ent.
D. 3n%tall and $aintain a real property identification and acconting %y%te$.
;. Prepare, in%tall and $aintain a %y%te$ of ta( $apping, %ho'ing graphically all propertie% %bGect to
a%%e%%$ent and gather all data concerning the %a$e.
9. Condct freBent phy%ical %r#ey% to #erify and deter$ine 'hether all real propertie% 'ithin the
Mnicipality i% properly li%ted in the a%%e%%$ent role%.
:. E(erci%e the fnction% of apprai%al and a%%e%%$ent pri$arily for ta(ation prpo%e% of all real
propertie% in the !ocal "o#ern$ent *nit.
8. Prepare a %chedle of fair $ar)et #ale for the different cla%%e% of real propertie%, in accordance
'ith title >, Boo) 33 of the !ocal "o#ern$ent Code.
<. 3%%e, pon reBe%t of any intere%ted party, certified copie% of a%%e%%$ent record% of real
a%%e%%$ent pon pay$ent of a %er#ice% charge or fee to the trea%rer.
7=. Sb$it e#ery %e$e%ter a report of all a%%e%%$ent a% 'ell a% cancellation and $odification of
a%%e%%$ent% to the !ocal Chief E(ecti#e and the Sanggnian concerned.
77. E(erci%e %ch other po'er% and perfor$ %ch other dtie% and fnction% a% $ay be pre%cribed by
la' or ordinance.
To pdate the a%%e%%$ent and apprai%al of all real propertie% in the Mnicipality for ta(ation
prpo%e% nder direct and i$$ediate %per#i%ion of the Pro#incial 4%%e%%or.
7. Prepare for$%, order% and circlar% e$bodying in%trction% on bdgetary and
appropriation $atter% for the %ignatre of the $ayor.
>. +e#ie' and con%olidate the bdget propo%al% of different depart$ent% and office% of the local
go#ern$ent nit.
,. 4%%i%t the $ayor in the preparation of the bdget and dring bdget hearing%.
D. Stdy and e#alate bdgetary i$plication% of propo%ed legi%lation and %b$it co$$ent% and
reco$$endation thereon.
;. Sb$it periodic bdgetary report% to the depart$ent of Bdget and Manage$ent.
9. Coordinate 'ith the trea%rer, the accontant, and the planning de#elop$ent coordinator for the
prpo%e of bdgeting.
:. 4%%i%t the Sanggnian concerned in re#ie'ing the appro#ed bdget% of co$ponent local
go#ern$ent nit%.
8. Coordinate 'ith the planning and de#elop$ent coordinator in the for$lation of the local
go#ern$ent nit de#elop$ent plan.
To pro#ide technical and %taff %er#ice% to the $ayor and other local official% on bdgetary
7. Condct contining %tdie%, re%earche% and training progra$% nece%%ary to e#ol#e plan% and
progra$% for i$ple$entation.
>. 3ntegrate and coordinate all %ectoral plan% and %tdie% nderta)en by the different fnctional
grop% or agencie%.
,. Monitor and e#alate the i$ple$entation of the different de#elop$ent progra$%, proGect% and
acti#itie% in the !ocal "o#ern$ent *nit concerned in accordance 'ith the appro#ed de#elop$ent
D. Prepare co$prehen%i#e plan% and other de#elop$ent planning doc$ent% for the con%ideration of
the !ocal De#elop$ent Concil.
;. 4nalyze the inco$e and e(penditre% pattern%, and for$late and reco$$end fi%cal plan% and
policie% for con%ideration of the finance co$$ittee of the !ocal "o#ern$ent *nit concerned.
9. Pro$ote people participation in de#elop$ent planning 'ithin thee !ocal "o#ern$ent *nit
:. E(erci%e %per#i%ion and control o#er the %ecretariat of the de#elop$ent concil.
To for$late integrated econo$ic, %ocial, phy%ical, and other de#elop$ent plan% and policie% for
con%ideration of the !ocal "o#ern$ent De#elop$ent Concil.
7. 4d#i%e the Mayor and other !ocal "o#ern$ent and 2ational /fficial% concerned regarding
di%po%ition of !ocal "o#ern$ent Fnd% and %ch other $atter% relati#e to pblic finance.
>. Ta)e c%tody and e(erci%e proper $anage$ent of the fnd of the !ocal "o#ern$ent *nit.
,. Ta)e charge of the di%br%e$ent of all !ocal "o#ern$ent Fnd% and %ch the other fnd% the
c%tody of 'hich $ay be entr%ted to hi$ by la' or other co$petent athority.
D. 3n%pect pri#ate co$$ercial and ind%trial e%tabli%h$ent 'ithin the Gri%diction of the !ocal
"o#ern$ent *nit in relation to the i$ple$entation of ta( ordinance% pr%ant to the pro#i%ion%
nder Boo) 33 of the !ocal "o#ern$ent Code.
;. Maintain and pdate the ta( infor$ation %y%te$ of the !ocal "o#ern$ent *nit.
9. E(erci%e %ch other po'er% and perfor$ %ch other dtie% and fnction% a% $ay be pre%cribed by
the la' or ordinance%.
7. To pro#ide the Mnicipal Mayor, Me$ber% of the Sanggniang Bayan, and other official% technical
%er#ice% or financial $atter%.
>. To pro#ide the Mnicipality 'ith efficient and progre%%i#e organization for fi%cal $anage$ent,
particlarly in the collection of ta(e%, c%tody and di%br%e$ent of fnd%, bdgeting, local ta(ation
and acconting.
,. To %tabilize the finance% of the $nicipality throgh a contino% progra$ of i$pro#ing local
re#ene collection efficiency and $anage$ent of ca%h re%orce%.
7. Sper#i%e the per%onnel and %taff of %aid office, for$late progra$ i$ple$entation gideline% and
rle% and reglation% for the operation of %aid office for the appro#al of the Mnicipal Mayor, in order
to a%%i%t hi$ the efficient, effecti#e and econo$ical i$ple$entation of a health %er#ice% progra$
geared to i$ple$entation of health- related and proGect% and acti#itie%.
>. For$late $ea%re% for the con%ideration of the %anggniang and pro#ide technical a%%i%tance and
%pport to the Mnicipal Mayor in carrying ot acti#itie% to en%re the deli#ery of ba%ic %er#ice% and
pro#i%ion of adeBate facilitie% relati#e to health %er#ice% pro#ided nder Section 7: of the !ocal
"o#ern$ent Code.
,. De#elop plan% and %trategie% and pon appro#al thereof by the Mnicipal Mayor, i$ple$ent the
%a$e, particlarly tho%e 'hich ha#e to do 'ith health progra$% and proGect% 'hich the Mayor i%
e$po'ered to i$ple$ent and 'hich the Sanggniang Bayan i% e$po'ered to pro#ide nder the local
go#ern$ent code.
7. To pro#ide the co$$nity 'ith $edical and dental %er#ice%.
>. To control and pre#ent %pread of co$$nicable di%ea%e%.
,. To gi#e i$$nization to %chool children and adlt%.
D. To a%%i%t and teach proper ntrition in the co$$nity.
;. To )no' the #ital %tati%tic of the Mnicipality.
9. To a%%i%t parent% in proper fa$ily planning.
:. To pro#ide pre- $aternal con%eling and ad#i%e% to cople%.
8. To help the co$$nity in en#iron$ental %anitation.
<. To teach the co$$nity to proper di%po%al of 'a%te.
7=. To attend to e$ergencie% and accident%.
77. To contine training and retaining of Barangay Health 5or)er% HBH5I and Fa$ily Health Care
5or)er% HFHC5I.
7>. To %trengthen lin)age% 'ith other go#ern$ent agencie% 'ith acti#e co$$nity participation.
7,. To inten%ify infor$ation Edcation and Co$$nication acti#itie% thereby increa%ing the le#el of the
health )no'ledge of the people.
7. To enact ordinance% and $a)e %ch re%oltion% and0or reglation% not repgnant to la', a% $ay
be nece%%ary to carry into effect and di%charge the po'er% and dtie% conferred pon the
Sanggniang Bayan by la'.
>. To enact %ch ordinance% a% $ay be nece%%ary and proper for the health, %afety, pro$ote the
pro%perity, i$pro#e the $orale, peace and order, co$fort and con#enience of the Mnicipality and
the inhabitant% thereof, and for the protection of the property therein.
,. To deliberate on i$portant $atter% and0or i%%e% affecting the re%ident%.
D. To frni%h the people 'ith the infor$ation regarding act%, re%oltion% and other ordinance%
perfor$ed by the Sanggniang Bayan.
;. To deliberate and appro#ed the bdget.
9. To ad#i%e the Mnicipal Mayor on policie% regarding pblic 'or)%, co$$nity de#elop$ent a% 'ell
a% %ocial condition% of the to'n people.
:. To pro#ide needed a%%i%tance to the Mnicipal Mayor and to the to'n people.
8. To %per#i%ed the di%trict% and barangay% of the to'n.
<. To a$end, re#o)e or repeal ordinance%, re%oltion%, contract% and %ch other act%, 'hich are not
benefiting the co$$nity and people.
7=. To pro$ote cooperation and coordination a$ong the people.
To enact %ch ordinance% and $a)e %ch reglation% not repgnant to la', a% $ay be nece%%ary
to carry into effect and di%charge the po'er% and dtie% conferred pon it by la' and %ch a% %hall
dee$ nece%%ary and proper to pro#ide for the health and %afely, pro$ote pro%perity, i$pro#e $orale,
peace and order, co$fort and con#enience of the Mnicipality and the inhabitant% thereof, and for the
protection of propertie% therein.
7. Be the pre%iding officer of the Sanggniang Bayan and %ign all 'arrant% dra'n on the Mnicipal
trea%ry for all e(penditre% appropriated for the operation of the Sanggniang Bayan.
>. SbGect to ci#il %er#ice la', rle% and reglation%, appoint all official% and e$ployee% of the
Sanggniang Bayan, e(cept tho%e 'ho%e $anner of appoint$ent i% %pecifically pro#ided in the
!ocal "o#ern$ent Code.
,. 4%%$e the /ffice of the Mnicipal Mayor for the ne(pired ter$ of the latter in the e#ent of
per$anent #acancy a% pro#ided for in Section DD, Boo) 3 of the !ocal "o#ern$ent Code.
D. E(erci%e the po'er% and perfor$ the dtie% and fnction% of the Mnicipal Mayor in ca%e% of
te$porary #acancy a% pro#ided for in Section D9 of the Code.
;. E(erci%e %ch other po'er% and perfor$% %ch other dtie% and fnction% a% $ay be pre%cribed
by la' or ordinance.
The Mnicipality of Da%$ari&a% i% a fir%t cla%% Mnicipality. 3t% total inco$e a% of 7<<< i%
3nco$e data fro$ 7<<; to 7<<< %ho'% an increa%ing trend. Table 2o. <8 %ho'% the trend of gro'th of
inco$e of the $nicipality.
The increa%e i% inco$e by ;<.97L in 7<<: 'a% deri#ed fro$ $nicipal b%ine%% ta(e%, a%ide fro$ the
local go#ern$ent %hare fro$ 3+4. +eport of re#ene and receipt% for 7<<; to 7<<< i% %ho'% on Table 2o.
Ta&#e No. .-
7<<; 9=,9;=,9D=.>, - -
7<<9 9<,D>,,;9:.DD 8,::>,<>:.>7 7D.D9L
7<<: 77=,8=,,;>,.,> D7,,:<,<;;.88 ;<.97L
7<<8 7>,,778,79D.77 7>,,7D,9D=.:< 77.77L
7<<< 797,D89,97=.,= ,8,,98,DD9.7< ,7.==L
SorceK /ffice of the Mnicipal 4ccontant
To $a(i$ize the in%tittional capacity of the local go#ern$ent nit inclding it% ad$ini%trati#e, fi%cal
and technical co$petencie% in order to effecti#ely $eet the challenge% of rbanization.
To rationalize %er#ice deli#ery %y%te$ thr i$pro#e$ent of capability and $oti#ation of local
go#ern$ent per%onnel a% 'ell a% increa%ed prodcti#ity.
To i$pro#e e(i%ting %trctre% procedre% and infor$ation %y%te$ in progra$0plan i$ple$entation
and $anage$ent.
3n%tallation of a net'or) Co$pter-ba%ed Manage$ent 3nfor$ation Sy%te$ HM3SI for ea%y %torage,
acce%% and retrie#al of infor$ation by the different local go#ern$ent office% and pri#ate %ector.
3$ple$entation of a re%pon%i#e h$an re%orce de#elop$ent progra$% for local go#ern$ent
per%onnel particlarly on area% of Health, Social Ser#ice%, Sanitation, Traffic Manage$ent and *rban
De#elop$ent Planning.
To plift the tie-p bet'een the local go#ern$ent, non-go#ern$ental organization H2"/1%I and pri#ate
%ector for the i$ple$entation of priority de#elop$ent progra$% and proGect%.
Pa%%age of an /rdinance %pporting the for$lation and i$ple$entation of a $nicipal rban
de#elop$ent policy.
Hiring of additional Balified per%onnel to all #acant po%ition of different depart$ent.
Fini%h the con%trction of Mnicipal Hall Bilding, 'hich 'ill gi#e %oltion to the o#er cro'ded
proble$ of e(i%ting bilding.
T3T!E /F P+/JECT DESC+3PT3/2 !/C4T3/2 4"E2CC 32A/!AED T3ME F+4ME
H$an +e%orce
Con%trction of
Mnicipal Hall Bilding
!ot 4cBi%ition
- Cada%tral Sr#ey
- Ta( Mapping
- "eographical
3nfor$ation Sy%te$
Co$pter ba%ed
Manage$ent 3nfor$ation
Sy%te$ HM3SI
Training of per%onnel of
Hiring of additional
Fini%h the con%trction
4cBi%ition of lot for
%anitary land fill
3$pro#e$ent% of land
Mnicipal Bilding
Training center%
V Mnicipal Hall
Mnicipal Hall
Sala'ag 0 Paliparan 333
Rep3&#!" o4 $e P!#!pp!%e2
ProC!%"e o4 CaC!$e
Ho%. L3"!a%o S. Ca%$!7&3a% - M3%!"!pa# <!"e Ma5or8Pre2!6!%g
Ho%. <a#er!a%o S. E%"a&o - 6o -
Ho%. Teo4!#o B. Lara - 6o -
Ho%. F3#ge%"!o C. 6e#a C3e2$a1 ;r. - 6o -
Ho%. Do7!%a6or P. A#Cara% - 6o -
Ho%. F#ore%"e C. Ca2$!##o1 M.D. - 6o -
Ho%. Her7e%eg!#6o S. Me%6oGa - 6o -
Ho%. Cre2e%"!a%o S. E%"a&o - MCLB Pre2!6e%$
Ho%. Ma. Cr!2$!%a D. P35a$ - SK Fe6era$!o% Pre2!6e%$
Ho%. <!"$or T. Car3%g"o%g - Sa%g. Ba5a% Me7&er
Ho%. Re5%a#6o ;o2e A. Ca7po21 ;r. - 6o 9
ORDINANCE NO. '/// - //.
WHEREAS, the i$ple$entation of Co$prehen%i#e !and *%e Plan 'old reBire the enact$ent of reglatory
$ea%re% to tran%late it% planning goal% and obGecti#e% into reality.
WHEREAS, Foning /rdinance i% one %ch reglatory $ea%re nece%%ary for the i$ple$entation of the
Co$prehen%i#e !and *%e Plan of the Mnicipality.
WHEREAS, the !ocal "o#ern$ent Code of 7<<7 athorize% !"*1% to enact Foning /rdinance% %bGect to
and in accordance 'ith e(i%ting la'%.
WHEREAS, the Sanggniang Bayan of Da%$ari&a%, follo'ing directi#e% fro$ the 2ational agencie%
particlarly the D3!" and the H!*+B and in coordination 'ith the Pro#incial "o#ern$ent of Ca#ite and
other concerned %ector% hereby adopt% the Foning /rdinance of Da%$arina%, Ca#ite.
NOW THEREFORE1 on $otion of SBM Aaleriano S. Encabo dly %econded by all Sanggniang Bayan
Me$ber% pre%ent, be it WW..
ORDAINED by the Sanggniang Bayan in a %e%%ion dly a%%e$bled thatK
Se"$!o% 1. T!$#e o4 $e Or6!%a%"e. Thi% /rdinance %hall be )no'n a% the +e#i%ed Co$prehen%i#e Foning
/rdinance of the Mnicipality of Da%$ari&a%, Ca#ite and %hall be referred to a% the /rdinance.
4+T3C!E 33
Se"$!o% '. A3$or!$5. Thi% /rdinance i% enacted pr%ant to the pro#i%ion of the 2e' !ocal "o#ern$ent
Code, +4 :79= Section DD: HaI H>I H#ii-i(I dated 7= /ctober 7<<7, athorizing the Mnicipality throgh the
Sanggniang Bayan to adopt Foning /rdinance %bGect to the pro#i%ion% of e(i%ting la'%, and in confor$ity
'ith E./. 2o. :>.
Se"$!o% (. P3rpo2e2. Thi% /rdinance i% enacted for the follo'ing prpo%e%K
7. "ide, control and reglate ftre gro'th and de#elop$ent of Da%$ari&a% in accordance 'ith it%
Co$prehen%i#e !and *%e Plan.
>. Protect the character and %tability of re%idential, co$$ercial, ind%trial, in%tittional, fore%try, agricltral,
open %pace and other fnctional area% 'ithin the locality and pro$ote the orderly and beneficial
de#elop$ent of the %a$e.
,. Pro$ote and protect the heath, %afety, peace, co$fort, con#enience and general 'elfare of the
inhabitant% in the locality.
Se"$!o% ). Ge%era# Fo%!%g Pr!%"!p#e. Thi% Foning +eglation i% ba%ed on the appro#ed Co$prehen%i#e
!and *%e and De#elop$ent Plan a% per +e%oltion 2o. >79-%->=== dated Dece$ber 78, >=== for the
Mnicipality of Da%$ari&a%.
Se"$!o% 1. !and i% a li$ited natral re%orce and %ch $%t be $anaged for the 'elfare of all in accordance
'ith the co$$nity1% co$prehen%i#e de#elop$ent plan.
Se"$!o% '. The en#iron$ent pro#ide% $an 'ith life %pporting %y%te$% and a% %ch it $%t be con%er#ed and
de#eloped to enhance Bality of life.
Se"$!o% (. Man1% 'ell being i% the lti$ate con%ideration of de#elop$ent. Thi% being the ca%e there i% a need
for reglatory $ea%re%, 'hich %hall en%re the protection of hi% i$$ediate en#iron$ent.
Se"$!o% ). 4n integrated national h$an %ettle$ent% go#ern$ental Planning and Foning %y%te$ progra$
'hich i% e%%ential to the de#elop$ent of %elf-reliant co$$nitie% and the nderlying philo%ophy thereof i%
hereby adopted a% part of thi% /rdinance.
Se"$!o% *. !and $%t be %ed in a $o%t beneficial, rational and $o%t efficient $anner% %o a% to pre#ent the
$i(tre of inco$patible land %e%, en#iron$ental hazard% blight, depre%%ion and artificial %carcity of land
re%orce%. Th%, there i% a need for reglatory $ea%re%, 'hich %hall pro$ote %ch pattern% of de#elop$ent.
Se"$!o% +. Thi% Co$prehen%i#e Foning /rdinance i% one %ch reglatory $ea%re 'hich i% enacted to
identify the #ario% land %e% in the area, de%ignate allo'able %e% therein and pre%cribed the phy%ical
%tandard ba%ed on the de#elop$ent plan for Da%$ari&a%, Ca#ite and Fone and Di%trict Plan% prepared by it%
Mnicipal De#elop$ent Staff and adopted by the Sanggniang Bayan.
The definition of technical ter$% %ed in thi% Foning /rdinance %hall carry the %a$e $eaning gi#en to the$ in
already appro#ed code% and reglation%, %ch a% bt not li$ited to the 2ational Bilding Code, 5ater Code,
Philippine En#iron$ental Code and other 3$ple$enting +le% and +eglation%, pro$lgated by the H!+B.
The 'ord%, ter$% and phra%e% en$erated herender %hall be nder%tood to ha#e corre%ponding $eaning
indicated a% follo'%K
7. 4cce%%oria M 4 ho%e of not $ore than t'o %torey%, co$po%ed of a ro' of d'elling nit% entirely
%eparated fro$ one another by party 'all or 'all% and 'ith an independent entrance for each d'elling
>. 4cce%%ory Bilding M 4 bilding %bordinate to the $ain bilding on the %a$e lot and %ed for prpo%e%
c%to$arily incidental to tho%e of the $ain bilding %ch a% %er#ant% Barter%, garage, p$p ho%e
landry, etc.
,. 4ddition M 4ny ne' con%trction 'hich increa%e% the height or area of an e(i%ting bilding %trctre%.
D. 4gricltral Fone H4"FI M an area 53TH32 4 M*23C3P4!3TC 32TE2DED for clti#ation0fi%hing and
pa%toral acti#itie% e.g. fi%h, far$ing, clti#ation of crop%, goat0cattle rai%ing, etc.
;. 4gro-3nd%trial Fone H43FI M an area 53TH32 4 M*23C3P4!3TC 32TE2DED pri$arily for li#e%toc)
prodction li)e piggery, poltry, ranch, etc. and operation of %laghterho%e.
9. 4lley M 4ny pblic %pace or thoroghfare 'hich ha% been dedicated or deeded to the pblic or pblic
%e a% a pa%%age-'ay 'ith a 'idth of not $ore than three $eter%.
:. 4lteration M Con%trction in a bilding0%trctre in#ol#ing change% in the $aterial% %ed, partitioning,
location0%ize of opening%, %trctral part%, e(i%ting tilitie% and eBip$ent bt doe% not increa%e the
o#erall area thereof.
8. 4part$ent M 4 roo$ or %ite of t'o or $ore roo$%, de%igned and intended for, or occpie% by one
fa$ily for li#ing, %leeping, and coo)ing prpo%e%.
<. 4part$ent Ho%e M 4ny bilding or portion thereof, 'hich i% de%igned, bilt, rented, lea%e, let or hired
ot to be occpied, or 'hich i% occpied a% the ho$e or re%idence of three or $ore fa$ilie%.
7=. 4%%e$bly Bilding or Hall M 4 bilding or a portion of bilding %ed for the gathering together of fifty or
$ore per%on% for %ch prpo%e% a% deliberation, 'or)%hop, entertain$ent, a$%e$ent, or a'aiting
tran%portation or of a hndred or $ore per%on% in drin)ing and dining e%tabli%h$ent%.
77. Beerho%e M 4ny bilding or %trctre %ed to %ell into(icating liBor%.
7>. Boarding Ho%e M 4 ho%e 'ith fi#e or $ore %leeping roo$% 'here boarder% are pro#ided 'ith lodging,
and $eal% for a fi(ed %$ paid by $onth or 'ee), in accordance 'ith pre#io% arrange$ent.
7,. Boiler +oo$ M 4ny roo$ containing a %tea$ or hot 'ater boiler.
7D. Botanical "arden M 4 tract of land %ed for the cltre and %tdy of plant%, collected and gro'n for
%cientific and di%play prpo%e%.
7;. Bffer 4rea M the%e are C4+DS, P4+6S /+ open %pace% 32TE2DED to %eparate inco$patible
ele$ent% or %e% to control polltion0ni%ance and for identifying and defining de#elop$ent area% or
zone% 'here 2/ PE+M42E2T ST+*CT*+ES 4+E 4!!/5ED.
79. Bilt-*p 4rea M a contigo% groping of ten H7=I or $ore %tctre%.
7:. Bilding M 4ny %trctre bilt for %pport, %helter, or enclo%re of per%on%, ani$al%, chattel%, or property
of any )ind.
78. Bilding Height M The #ertical di%tance fro$ the e%tabli%hed grade ele#ation to the highe%t point of the
coping of a flat roof, to the a#erage height of the highe%t gable or a pitch or hip roof, or to the top of the
parapet if the roof i% pro#ided 'ith parapet. 3n ca%e of %loping rond, the a#erage grond le#el of the
bildable area %hall be con%idered the e%tabli%hed grade ele#ation.
7<. Bilding !ength M 3t% general linear di$en%ion% %ally $ea%red in the direction of the bearing 'all for
>=. Bilding 5idth M 3t% %horte%t linear di$en%ion% %ally $ea%red in the direction of the floor, bea$% or
>7. B% Ter$inal M 4 %tation or de%ignated place 'here pblic tility b%e% are repaired and $aintained.
>>. Central B%ine%% Di%trict M %hall refer to area% de%ignated principally for trade, %er#ice% and b%ine%%
prpo%e% HCo$$ercial 7 FoneI.
>,. Certificate of 2on-Confor$ance M certificate i%%ed T/ /52E+S /F all %e% e(i%ting prior to the
appro#al of Foning /rdinance 'hich do not confor$ in a zone a% per pro#i%ion of the %aid /rdinance.
>D. Co$patible *%e M %e% or land acti#itie% capable of e(i%ting together har$onio%ly e..g. re%idential %e
and par)% and playgrond.
>;. C/MP/2E2T C3T3ES0M*23C3P4!3T3ES M C3T3ES 5H3CH D/ 2/T MEET THE +EN*3+EME2TS
F/+ H3"H!C *+B423FED C3T3ES SH4!! BE C/2S3DE+ED C/MP/2E2T C3T3ES /F THE
P+/A32CE 32 5H3CH THEC 4+E !/C4TED.
>9. Co$prehen%i#e !and *%e Plan HC!*PI M a doc$ent e$bodying %pecific propo%al% for giding,
reglating gro'th and0or de#elop$ent. The $ain co$ponent% of the Co$prehen%i#e !and *%e Plan in
thi% %age are the %ectoral %tdie% i.e. De$ography, Socio-Econo$ic, 3nfra%trctre and *tilitie%, !ocal
4d$ini%tration and !and *%e.
>:. Conflicting *%e% M %e% or land acti#itie% 'ith contra%ting characteri%tic% %ited adGacent to each other
e.g. re%idential nit% adGacent to ind%trial plant%.
>8. Confor$ing *%e M a %e 'hich i% in 4CC/+D42CE 'ith the zone cla%%ification a% pro#ided for in the
><. Cottage 3nd%try- 4ny e%tabli%h$ent or fir$ 'hich confor$% to the %tandard %et forth by the 2ational
Cottage 3nd%try De#elop$ent 4thority H24C3D4I.
,=. Cort M 4n occpied %pace bet'een the bilding line% and lot line% other than a yard. free, open and
nob%trcted by appendage% fro$ the grond p'ard.
,7. Dor$itory M 4 bilding 'here $any per%on% are pro#ided 'ith board and lodging facilitie% in co$$on
hall% for a co$pen%ation.
,>. D'elling M 4ny bilding or any portion thereof 'hich i% not an ?apart$ent ho%e,@ ?lodging ho%e,@ or a
?hotel@ 'hich contain% one or t'o ?d'elling nit%@ or ?ge%t% roo$%,@ %ed, intended or de%igned to be
bilt, %ed, rented, lea%ed, let or hired ot to be occpied or 'hich are occpied for li#ing prpo%e%.
,,. D'elling 3ndigeno% Fa$ily M 4 d'elling intended for the %e and occpancy by the fa$ily of the o'ner
only. 3t i% one con%trcted 'ith nati#e $aterial% %ch a% ba$boo, nipa, log%, or l$ber, the total co%t of
'hich doe% not e(ceed fifteen tho%and pe%o%.
,D. D'elling, /ne-Fa$ily, Se$i-Detached M 4 one-fa$ily d'elling 'ith one %ide yard and a party 'all.
,;. D'elling, /ne-Fa$ily, Detached M 4 one-fa$ily d'elling ha#ing t'o %ide yard%.
,9. D'elling, T'o-Fa$ily, Detached M 4 ho%e or %trctre di#ided into t'o %eparate and independent li#ing
Barter% by a 'all e(tending fro$ the floor to the ceiling and pro#ided 'ith t'o %ide yard%. Each portion
pro#ide% co$plete li#ing facilitie% for one ho%ehold.
,:. D'elling, T'o-Fa$ily, Se$i-Detached M 4 t'o-fa$ily d'elling a% abo#e defined e(cept that it i% pro#ided
'ith one %ide yard and a party 'all.
,8. D'elling, Mlti-Fa$ily M 4 bilding %ed a% a ho$e or re%idence of three or $ore fa$ilie% li#ing
independently fro$ one another, each occpying one or $ore roo$% a% a %ingle ho%e)eeping nit%.
,<. D'elling *nit M /ne or $ore habitable roo$% 'hich are intended or de%igned to be occpied by one
fa$ily 'ith facilitie% for li#ing, %leeping, coo)ing and eating.
D=. Ea%e$ent M open %pace i$po%ed on any land %e0acti#itie% cited along 'ater'ay%, road-right-of-'ay%,
ce$eterie%0$e$orial par)% and tilitie%.
D7. E2A3+/2ME2T4!!C C+3T3C4! 4+E4S M +EFE+S T/ TH/SE 4+E4S 5H3CH 4+E
E2A3+/2ME2T4!!C SE2S3T3AE 42D 4+E !3STED 32 P+ES3DE2T34! P+/C!4M4T3/2 >7D9
D4TED DECEMBE+ 7D, 7<87. H+EFE+ T/ 422EQ 4I
D>. E2A3+/2ME2T4!!C C+3T3C4! P+/JECTS M +EFE+S T/ TH/SE P+/JECTS 5H3CH H4AE H3"H
P/TE2T34! F/+ 2E"4T3AE E2A3+/2ME2T4! 3MP4CTS 42D 4+E !3STED 32 P+ES3DE2T34!
P+/C!4M4T3/2 >7D9 D4TED DECEMBE+ 7D, 7<87. H+EFE+ T/ 422EQ 4I
D,. E(ception M a de#ice 'hich grant% a property o'ner relief fro$ certain pro#i%ion% of a Foning /rdinance
'here beca%e of the %pecific %e 'old re%lt in a particlar hard%hip pon the o'ner a% di%tingi%hed
fro$ a $ere incon#enience or a de%ire to $a)e $ore $oney.
DD. Fa$ily M 4 grop of indi#idal% related by blood, li#ing nder one roof and con%idered a% part of a %ingle
ho%ehold nit.
D;. Filling Station M 4 retail %tation %er#icing ato$obile% and other $otor #ehicle% 'ith ga%oline and oil only.
D9. F!//+ 4+E4 +4T3/ /+ ?F4+@ M 3S THE +4T3/ BET5EE2 THE "+/SS F!//+ 4+E4 /F 4
B*3!D32" 42D THE 4+E4 /F THE !/T /2 5H3CH 3T ST42DS, DETE+M32ED BC D3A3D32" THE
"+/SS F!//+ 4+E4 /F THE B*3!D32" 42D THE 4+E4 /F THE !/T. THE "+/SS F!//+
4+E4 /F 42C B*3!D32" SH/*!D 2/T EQCEED THE P+ESC+3BED F!//+ 4+E4 +4T3/ HF4+I
M*!T3P!3ED BC THE !/T 4+E4. THE F4+ /F 42C F/2E SH/*!D BE B4SED /2 3TS C4P4C3TC
T+42SP/+T4T3/2 42D /THE+ *T3!3TC 2ET5/+6 C42 S*PP/+T. H+EFE+ T/ 422EQES B-EI.
D:. "arage M 4 bilding or portion thereof in 'hich $otor #ehicle0% i%0are %tored, repaired, or )ept.
D8. "arage, Co$$ercial M 4 garage 'here ato$obile% and other $otor #ehicle% are ho%ed, $aintained,
eBipped, repaired, or )ept for ren$eration%, hire or %ale.
D<. "arage, Pri#ate M 4 bilding or a portion of a bilding in 'hich only $otor #ehicle% %ed by the tenant of
the bilding or bilding% on the pre$i%e% are %tored or )ept.
;=. "eneral Co$$ercial Fone H"CFI M an area 'ithin a city or $nicipality for trading0%er#ice0b%ine%%
;7. "eneral 3n%tittion Fone H"3FI M an area 'ithin a city or $nicipality principally for general type of
in%tittional e%tabli%h$ent% e.g. go#ern$ent office%, %chool%, ho%pital%0clinic%, acade$ic0re%earch,
con#ention center%.
;>. "eneral Foning Map% M a dly athenticated $ap delineating the different zone% in 'hich the 'hole
city0$nicipality i% di#ided.
;,. "rade H4dGacent "rond Ele#ationI M The lo'e%t point of ele#ation of the fini%hed %rface of the grond
bet'een the e(terior 'all of a bilding and a point 7.;= $eter di%tance fro$ %aid 'all, or the lo'e%t point
of ele#ation of the fini%hed %rface of the grond bet'een the e(terior 'all of a bilding and a property
line if it i% le%% than 7.;= $eter di%tance fro$ %aid 'all.
;D. "+/SS F!//+ 4+E4 H"F4I M THE "F4 /F 4 B*3!D32" 3S THE T/T4! F!//+ SP4CE 53TH32 THE
PE+3METE+ EQTE+24! B*3!D32" 54!!S, /CC*P3ED BCK
/FF3CE 4+E4S.
+ES3DE2T34! 4+E4S.
AE+T3C4! PE2ET+4T3/2S, 5H3CH SH4!! ME42 ST43+S, F3+E ESC4PES, E!EA4T/+
SH4FTS, F!*ES, P3PE SH4FTS, AE+T3C4! D*CTS, 42D THE !36E, 42D THE3+ E2C!/S32"
+EST +//MS /+ T/3!ETS.
M4CH32E +//MS 42D C!/SETS.
ST/+4"E +//MS 42D C!/SETS.
C/AE+ED B4!C/23ES 42D TE++4CES.
32TE+3/+ 54!!S 42D C/!*M2S, 42D /THE+ 32TE+3/+ FE4T*+ES.
C/AE+ED 4+E4S *SED F/+ P4+632" 42D D+3AE54CS, 32C!*D32" AE+T3C4!
PE2ET+4T3/2S 32 P4+632" F!//+S 5HE+E 2/ +ES3DE2T34! /+ /FF3CE *23TS 4+E
*2C/AE+ED 4+E4S F/+ 4C C//!32" T/5E+S, /AE+HE4D 54TE+ T426S, +//F
DEC6S !4*2D+C 4+E4S 42D C4"ES, 54D32" /+ S53MM32" P//!S, 5H3+!P//!S /+
J4C*FF3S, "4+DE2S, C/*+TS /+ P!4F4S.
;;. "ard Ho%e M 4n acce%%ory bilding or %trctre %ed by a %ecrity gard 'hile on dty.
*+. HeaC5 I%632$r!a# Fo%e ?I (@ - a %bdi#i%ion of an area principally for the follo'ing type% of ind%trie%K
a. highly pollti#e0non-hazardo%
b. highly pollti#e0hazardo%
c. highly pollti#e0e(tre$ely hazardo%
d. pollti#e0e(tre$ely hazardo%
e. non-pollti#e0e(tere$ely hazardo%
;:. HIGH DENSITY COMMERCIAL FONE ?C (@ M 42 4+E4 53TH32 4 C3TC /+ M*23C3P4!3TC
32TE2DED F/+ +E"3/24! SH/PP32" CE2TE+S S*CH 4S !4+"E M4!!S 42D /THE+
C/MME+C34! 4CT3A3T3ES 5H3CH 4+E +E"3/24! 32 SC/PE /+ 5HE+E M4+6ET 4CT3A3T3ES
"E2E+4TE T+4FF3C 42D +EN*3+E *T3!3T3ES 42D SE+A3CES TH4T EQTE2D BEC/2D !/C4!
B/*2D4+3ES 42D +EN*3+ES MET+/P/!3T42 !EAE! DEAE!/PME2T P!42232" 42D
3MP!EME2T4T3/2. H3"H +3SE H/TE!S, SP/+TS ST4D3*M /+ SP/+TS C/MP!EQES 4+E 4!S/
4!!/54B!E 32 TH3S F/2E.
*-. H!g De%2!$5 Re2!6e%$!a# Fo%e ?R-(@ M a %bdi#i%ion of an area principally for d'elling0ho%ing
prpo%e% 'ith a den%ity of 99 or $ore d'elling nit% per hectare.
;<. H!+B0B/4+D M SH4!! ME42 THE H/*S32" 42D !42D *SE +E"*!4T/+C B/4+D.
9=. Ho$e /ccpation M 4n occpation or b%ine%% condcted 'ithin the d'elling nit.
97. Ho%pital M 4n in%tittion pro#iding health %er#ice, pri$arily for in-patient, and $edical or phy%ical care of
the %ic) or the inGred, inclding, a% integral part thereof, %ch related facilitie% a% laboratorie%, ot-
patient depart$ent, training facilitie% and %taff office%.
9>. Hotel, 4part$ent M an apart$ent ho%e 'hich $ay frni%h dining roo$ %er#ice and other %er#ice% for
the e(cl%i#e %e of it% tenant.
9,. I%%oCa$!Ce De2!g% M 3ntrodction and0or application of ne'0creati#e de%ign% and techniBe% in
de#elop$ent proGect% e.g. P!422ED *23T DEAE!/PME2T HP*DI, 2e'to'n, etc.
+). L!g$ I%632$r!a# Fo%e ?I-1@ M a %bdi#i%ion of an area principally for the follo'ing type% of ind%trie%K
a. non-pollti#e0non-hazardo%
b. non-pollti#e0hazardo%
9;. !ine Bilding M The line for$ed by the inter%ection of the oter %rface of the enclo%ing 'all of the
bilding and the %rface of the grond.
++. Lo"a$!o%a# C#eara%"e M a clearance i%%ed to a proGect that i% allo'ed nder the pro#i%ion% of thi%
Foning /rdinance a% 'ell a% other %tandard%, rle% and reglation% on land %e.
9:. !odging Ho%e M any bilding or portion thereof, containing not $ore than fi#e ge%t% roo$% 'hich are
%ed by not $ore than fi#e ge%t% 'here rent i% paid by $oney, good%, labor or other'i%e.
98. !ot M 4 parcel of land on 'hich a principal bilding and it% acce%%orie% are placed or $aybe placed
together 'ith the reBired open %pace.
9<. !ot, Corner - 4 lot %itated at the Gnction of t'o or $ore %treet% for$ing an angle of not $ore than one
hndred thirty -fi#e degree%.
:=. !ot, Depth of M The a#erage horizontal di%tance bet'een the front and the rear lot line%.
:7. !ot !ine M The line of de$arcation bet'een either pblic and pri#ate property.
,'. LoH De%2!$5 Co77er"!a# Fo%e ?C-1@ M an area 53TH32 4 C3TC /+ M*23C3P4!3TC principally for
trade, %er#ice% and b%ine%% acti#itie% ordinarily referred to a% the Central B%ine%% Di%trict.
,(. LoH De%2!$5 Re2!6e%$!a# Fo%e ?R-1@ M an area 53TH32 4 C3TC /+ M*23C3P4!3TC principally for
d'elling0ho%ing prpo%e% 'ith a den%ity of >= d'elling nit% and belo' per hectare.
:D. MaGor +oad M +oad, %treet, bole#ard, a#ene, high'ay 'hether national, pro#incial, $nicipal or
barangay 'hich pro#ide acce%% to co$$ercial, in%tittional and0or ind%trial area% or pro#ide acce%%
bet'een Mnicipality of Da%$arina% and any of it% adGacent $nicipalitie%.
:;. Manfactring 3nd%try M 4n ind%try 'hich in#ol#ed the che$ical or $echanical tran%for$ation of
inorganic prodct% 'hether it i% done in a factory or in the 'or)er1% ho%e.
:9. Me6!37 De%2!$5 Co77er"!a# Fo%e ?C-'@ M an area 53TH32 4 C3TC /+ M*23C3P4!3TC 'ith Ba%i-
trade b%ine%% acti#itie% and %er#ice ind%trie% perfor$ing co$ple$entary0%pple$entary fnction% to
principally co$$ercial zone HCBDI.
,,. Me6!37 De%2!$5 Re2!6e%$!a# Fo%e ?R-'@ M an area 53TH32 4 C3TC /+ M*23C3P4!3TC principally for
d'elling0ho%ing 'ith a den%ity of >7 to 9; d'elling nit% per hectare.
,-. Me6!37 I%632$r!a# Fo%e ?1-'@ M an area 53TH32 4 C3TC /+ M*23C3P4!3TC principally for the
follo'ing type% of ind%trie%K
a. pollti#e0non-hazardo%
b. pollti#e0hazardo%
,.. M!$!ga$!%g DeC!"e M a $ean% to grant relief in co$plying 'ith certain pro#i%ion% of the /rdinance.
8=. M%e$ M 4 non-profit, non-co$$ercial e%tabli%h$ent operated a% a repo%itory, or a collection of
natral, %cientific, literary of cltral obGect% of intere%t% %ch a% 'or)% of art. Thi% doe% not inclde the
reglar %ale or di%tribtion of the obGect% collected.
87. 2on-Confor$ing Bilding M 4 bilding 'hich doe% not confor$ 'ith the reglation of the $nicipality
'here it i% %itated a% to height, year% reBire$ent, lot area, and percentage of occpancy.
8>. 2on-Confor$ing *%e M e(i%ting non-confor$ing %e%0e%tabli%h$ent% in an area allo'ed to operate
in%pire of the non-confor$ity to the pro#i%ion% of the /rdinance %bGect to the condition% %tiplated in the
Foning /rdinance.
8,. 2r%ery0Day Care Center M 4 place 'here children are te$porarily cared for and trained in the parent%1
8D. /pen Space M 4n area retained 'ith #egetation, either for the prpo%e% of land re%orce and0or
con%er#ation, tilization, recreation, or a% bffer zone%, to %eparate inco$patible %e% fro$ one another
and a% land %e control for e(pan%ion.
8;. /'ner M 4ny per%on, co$pany, or corporation o'ning the property or propertie% nder con%ideration or
the recei#er or tr%tee thereof.
89. ParE28P#aGa8Spor$2 Are%a a%6 Re"rea$!o% Fo%e ?PRF@ M an area de%igned for di#er%ion0a$%e$ent%
and for the $aintenance of ecological balance of the co$$nity.
8:. Par)ing !ot M 4n off-%treet open area, principally %ed for par)ing $otor #ehicle% 'hether for
co$pen%ation of not, by the pblic client% or c%to$er%.
--. P#a%%e6 U%!$ DeCe#op7e%$ ?PUD@ M it i% a land de#elop$ent %che$e 'herein proGect %ite i%
co$prehen%i#ely planned a% an entity #ia nitary %ite plan 'hich per$it% fle(ibility in planning0de%ign,
bilding %iting, co$ple$entarily of bilding type% and land %e%, %able open %pace% and the
pre%er#ation of %ignificant natral land featre%.
8<. Profe%%ional /ffice M The office of the per%on engaged in any occpation, #ocation or calling, nor prely
co$$ercial, $echanical, or agricltral in 'hich a profe%%ed )no'ledge of %)ill% in %o$e depart$ent of
%cience or learning i% %ed to %er#e the intere%t or 'elfare of other% by it% practical application.
<=. +ecreational Center M 4 place, co$pond, or bilding or a portion thereof, open to the pblic for
recreational and entertain$ent prpo%e%.
.1. REFONING M 4 P+/CESS /F 32T+/D*C32" 4ME2DME2TS T/ /+ 4 CH42"E 32 THE TEQT
42D M4PS /F THE F/232" /+D3242CE. 3T 4!S/ 32C!*DES 4ME2DME2T /+ CH42"E 32
A3E5 /F+EC!4SS3F3C4T3/2 *2DE+ SECT3/2 >= /F +4 :79=.
<>. +ingle$an Chart M 4 chart %ed to co$pare %$o)e fro$ an ob%er#ed chi$ney 'ith %haded card%. The
card% #ary in %hade fro$ light gray to inten%e blac) and graded fro$ 7 to D.
<,. Ser#ice Station M a bilding and it% pre$i%e% 'here ga%oline, oil, batterie%, tire% and car acce%%orie%
$aybe %pplied and di%pen%ed at retail and 'here in addition the follo'ing %er#ice% $aybe rendered
a$ong other%K
<,.7 Sale and %er#icing of %par) plg%, batterie% and di%tribtor.
<,.> Tire %er#icing and repair, bt not recapping or regroo#ing.
<,., +adiator clean%ing and fl%hing.
<,.D 5a%hing and poli%hing and %ale of ato$oti#e 'a%hing and poli%hing $aterial%, grea%ing
<,.; Sale% of %oftdrin)%, pac)aged food, tobacco and %i$ilar con#enient good% for %er#ice %tation
c%to$er% a% acce%%ory and incidental to the principal operation%.
<,.9 Pro#i%ion% of road $ap% and other infor$ational $aterial% to c%to$er%.
<,.: Pro#i%ion of re%t roo$ facilitie%.
.). Se$&a"E M the open %pace left bet'een the bilding and lot line%.
<;. Shopping Center M 4 grop of not le%% than 7; contigo% retail %tore%, originally planned and
de#eloped a% %ingle nit, 'ith i$$ediate adGoining of-%treet par)ing facilitie%.
<9. Sl$ M Blighted area. Eye%ore M 4n area 'here the #ale% of real e%tate tend to deteriorate beca%e of
the dilapidated ob%ole%cent, and n%anitary condition of the bilding 'ithin the area. 4ny eye%ore i% a
bilding or area 'hich i% $ar)edly nplea%ant to loo) at.
H/*S32"0D5E!!32" P*+P/SES F/+ THE *2DE+ P+3A3!E"ED 42D H/ME!ESS 4S DEF32ED
32 +4 :>:<.
.-. Spe"!a# I%2$!$3$!o%a# Fo%e ?SIF@ M an area 53TH32 4 C3TC /+ M*23C3P4!3TC principally for particlar
type% of in%tittional e%tabli%h$ent% e.g. 'elfare ho$e%, orphanage%, ho$e for the aged, rehabilitation
and training center%, $ilitary ca$p%0re%er#ation0ba%e%0training grond%, etc.
<<. Store M 4 bilding or %trctre de#oted e(cl%i#ely to the retail %ale of a co$$odity or co$$oditie%.
7==. Street - 4ny thoroghfare or pblic %pace 'hich ha% been dedicated or deeded to the pblic for pblic
7=7. Theater M 4 %trctre %ed for dra$atic, operatic, $otion pictre and other perfor$ance% for ad$i%%ion
to 'hich entrance fee or $oney i% recei#ed bt no adience participation and $eal %er#ice are allo'ed.
1/'. TOURIST FONE ?TF@ M 4+E S3TES 53TH C3T3ES 42D M*23C3P4!3T3ES E2D/5ED 53TH 24T*+4!
/+ M42M4DE PHCS3C4! 4TT+3B*TES 42D +ES/*+CES TH4T 4+E C/2D*C3AE +EC+E4T3/2,
!E3S*+E 42D /THE+ 5H/!ES/ME 4CT3A3T3ES.
7=,. Tori%t 3nn or Pen%ion Ho%e M 4ny bilding or %trctre reglarly catering to tori%t and tra#eller%,
containing %e#eral independent roo$%, pro#iding co$$on facilitie% %ch a% toilet%, bathroo$%, li#ing and
dining roo$% and )itchen, and 'here a co$bination of board and lodging $aybe pro#ided.
1/). URBAN AREA ?S@ MTHE 5H/!E M*23C3P4!3TC C/2S3DE+ED 4S 42 *+B42 4+E4.
1/*. Ur&a% Fo%!%g Map M a dly athenticated $ap delineating the different zone% into 'hich the rban and
it% e(pan%ion area are di#ided.
1/+. <ar!a%"e M 4 SPEC34! !/C4T3/24! C!E4+42CE 'hich grant% a property o'ner relief fro$ certain
pro#i%ion% of Foning /rdinance 'here, beca%e of the particlar, phy%ical %rronding, %hape or
topographical condition% of the property, co$pliance on height, area, %etbac), bl) and0or den%ity 'old
re%lt in a particlar hard%hip pon the o'ner, a% di%tingi%hed fro$ a $ere incon#enience or a de%ire
to $a)e $ore $oney.
1/,. Wareo32e M refer% to a %torage and0or depo%itory of tho%e in b%ine%% of perfor$ing 'areho%e
%er#ice% for other%, for profit.
1/-. Wa$er Fo%e ?WF@ M are bodie% of 'ater 53TH32 C3T3ES 42D M*23C3P4!3T3ES 'hich inclde ri#er%,
%trea$%, la)e% and %ea% e(cept tho%e inclded in other zone cla%%ification.
7=<. Card - 4n open %pace at grade bet'een a bilding and the adGoining lot line%, noccpied and
nob%trcted by any portion of a %trctre fro$ the grond p'ard.
11/. Fo%e8D!2$r!"$ M an area 'ithin a city or $nicipality for %pecific land %e a% defined by $an$ade or
natral bondarie%.
111. Fo%!%g A67!%!2$ra$or8FONING OFFICER M $nicipal0city0go#ern$ent e$ployee re%pon%ible for the
i$ple$entation0enforce$ent of the Foning /rdinance in a co$$nity.
11'. Fo%!%g Or6!%a%"e M a local legal $ea%re 'hich e$bodie% reglation% affecting land %e.
4+T3C!E A
F/2E C!4SS3F3C4T3/2S
Se"$!o% *. D!C!2!o% !%$o Fo%e2 or D!2$r!"$2. To effecti#ely carry ot the /rdinance, the $nicipality i%
hereby di#ided into the follo'ing zone% or di%trict% a% %ho'n in the /fficial Foning Map%. H+efer to 4nne( F
and C for appropriate color code%I
7. Medi$ Den%ity +e%idential Fone H+->I
>. High Den%ity +e%idential Fone H+-,I
,. Co$$ercial Fone HC-7 and C->I
D. 3nd%trial Fone H!ight and Medi$I
;. 3n%tittional Fone H3FI
9. 4gricltre04gro-3nd%trial Fone H4"F and 43FI
:. Par)% and other +ecreation Fone HP+FI
8. 5ater Fone H5FI
<. Special Fone
7=. +e%idential, 3nd%trial, 3n%tittional, Co$$ercial M Mi(ed *%e Fone 3
77. +e%idential, 3n%tittional, Co$$ercial M Mi(ed *%e Fone 33
Se"$!o% +. Fo%!%g Map2. 3t i% hereby adopted a% an integral part of thi% /rdinance, the /fficial Foning Map%
for the 'hole $nicipality H"eneralI, 'herein the de%ignation, location and bondarie% of the di%trict%0zone%
herein e%tabli%hed are %ho'n and indicated.
Sch /fficial Foning Map% %hall be %igned by the local chief e(ecti#e and dly athenticated by the
H!+B0S42""*2342" P42!4!453"42.
Se"$!o% ,. Fo%e Bo3%6ar!e2. The location% and bondarie% of the abo#e $entioned #ario% zone% into
'hich the $nicipality ha% been di#ided are hereby identified and %pecified a% follo'%K
7. +ES3DE2T34! 4+E4S
A. Me6!37 De%2!$5 Re2!6e%$!a# Area2 ?R-'@
7. 4rea% in Barangay Sala'ag bonded on the north by propo%ed !ight 3nd%trial 4rea, on the
ea%t by Doncella +i#er, on the 'e%t by co$$ercial %trip along Paliparan M Sala'ag +oad
and on the %oth by 2ational Po'er Corporation High Ten%ion !ine inclding the area
occpied by Mabhay City.
>. 4rea% in Barangay Salitran 3A bonded on the north and ea%t by /rchard "olf Cor%e and
Contry Clb, on the 'e%t by Bacao Cree) and on the %oth by Sala'ag MSalitran +oad.
,. 4rea% in Barangay Salitran 333 occpied by S$$er'ind Aillage.
D. 4rea% in Barangay Salitran 3, bonded on the north by /rchard "olf Cor%e and Contry
Clb, on the ea%t by 3$% +i#er, on the %oth by Salitran M Sala'ag +oad and 'e%t by
Financial and Co$$ercial Di%trict.
;. 4rea% in Barangay Salitran 3 and 33, bonded on the north by Da%$ari&a% M 3$% bondarie%,
on the ea%t by Financial and Co$$ercial Di%trict, on the 'e%t and %oth by Tobong Cree).
9. 4rea% in Barangay Salitran 33 ea%t of 4ginaldo High'ay e(cept the Financial and
Co$$ercial Di%trict along 4ginaldo.
:. 4ll area% in Barangay Brol Main e(cept tho%e area% occpied by in%tittion%, Da%$arina%
Technological Center 3ncorporated. co$$ercial %trip along Congre%%ional 4#ene M Ea%t and
agricltral area along Sto. 2i&o cree).
8. 4ll area% of Barangay% San 4g%tin 33 and 333 on the ea%tern %ide of 4ginaldo High'ay e(cept
the Financial and Co$$ercial Di%trict and all in%tittion.
<. 4ll area% in Barangay San 4g%tin 33 and 333 on the 'e%tern %ide of 4ginaldo High'ay e(cept
the Financial and Co$$ercial Di%trict and the Sacred Heart Me$orial Par).
7=. 4ll area% in Barangay San 4g%tin 3 on the ea%tern %ide of 4ginaldo High'ay e(cept the
area occpied by 2ational Po'er Corporation and the Financial and Co$$ercial Di%trict
along 4ginaldo High'ay.
77. 4rea% in Barangay San 4g%tin 3 bonded on the north by San 4g%tin 3 M Fone 333
bondarie% and San 4g%tin 3-San 4g%tin 33 bondarie%, on the ea%t by Financial and
Co$$ercial Di%trict on the 'e%t by Ha%aan Cree) and %oth by "o#ernor1% Dri#e e(cept the
area occpied by +eynold% Ca$bil and !eader Cable.
7>. 4rea% in Barangay Sa$paloc 3A occpied by St. Charbel Sbdi#i%ion and !a Mediterrenea
7,. 4rea% in Barangay Sa$paloc 3 occpied by 6ing%land Aillage, Do&a Mercede% Aillage, Metro
"ate 33 and Cardinal% Da%$a#ille.
7D. 4rea% in Barangay Sa$paloc 33 bonded on the north by t'o H>I )ilo$eter radi% fro$
"o#ernor1% Dri#e, on the ea%t by Financial and Co$$ercial Di%trict, on the %oth by Silang M
Da%$ari&a% bondarie% and on the 'e%t by Da%$ari&a% +i#er.
7;. 4rea% in Barangay Sa$paloc 33 bonded on the north by Philippine Chri%tian *ni#er%ity, on
the ea%t by 3$% +i#er, on the %oth by 4gricltral 4rea, and on the 'e%t by Financial and
Co$$ercial Di%trict along 4ginaldo High'ay.
79. 4ll area% in Sa$paloc 333 e(cept the property o'ned by 2iagara 3nd%trial Co$pany, Mr%.
!i$, Mr. Henry Sy along "o#ernor1% Dri#e and 4gricltral 4rea% at Sitio Manalo.
7:. 4rea% in Barangay Paliparan 3, bonded on the north by Paliparan 3 and 33 bondarie%, on the
ea%t by co$$ercial %trip along Paliparan M Sala'ag +oad, on the %oth by "o#ernor1% Dri#e
and the 'e%t by Balctot +i#er.
78. 4ll area% in Barangay Paliparan 3 bonded on the north by "o#ernor1% Dri#e, on the ea%t by
barangay road Hold 2ia roadI, on the %oth by Da%$ari&a%- Silang bondarie% and the 'e%t
by Balctot +i#er.
7<. 4rea% in Barangay !ang)aan 3 bonded on the ea%t by Ha%aan Cree), on the north by
!an)aan 3 and 33 bondarie%, on the 'e%t by a fir%t cree) fro$ !ang)aan M H$ayao
Mnicipal +oad and on the %oth at the bondary of !ang)aan 3 and 33 along $nicipal road
going ea%t ntil Ha%aan Cree).
>=. 4rea% in !ang)aan 33 bonded on the %oth by !ang)aan 3 and 33 bondarie%, on the 'e%t by
Fir%t Cityland Hea#y 3nd%trial E%tate and Clang-Clang +i#er, on the ea%t by Ha%aan Cree)
and the %oth by Mr. Ponce1% Property or the agricltral area.
>7. 4ll area% in Barangay San Jo%e e(cept the irrigated lot at the 'e%tern part or along Clang-
Clang +i#er.
>>. 4ll area% in Barangay Sabang e(cept the irrigated lot at the 'e%tern part or along Clang-
Clang +i#er.
4ll the%e area% are colored 5e##oH in "eneral !and *%e Plan
B. H!g De%2!$5 Re2!6e%$!a# Area ?R-(@
7. 4ll area% in%ide the follo'ing bondarie% on the north by Salitran-Sala'ag +oad, on the ea%t
by co$$ercial %trip along Paliparan-Sala'ag road, on the %oth by Paliparan 3-33 bondarie%,
Manila Me$orial Par), St. Charbel Sbidi#i%ion and Aineyard Aillage, on the 'e%t by 2ational
Po'er Corporation, Sto. 2i&o Cree) and 3$% ri#er e(cept area% occpied by /rchard "olf
Cor%e and Contry Clb, De !a Salle *ni#er%ity-Da%$ari&a%, J.P. +izal Ho%pital and all other
in%tittion%, ind%trial co$pany, the identified co$$ercial and financial area along $aGor
road%. The%e inclde% portion of Sala'ag, Paliparan 3 J 33 along Paliparan-Sala'ag road,
Sa$paloc 3A, part of Salitran 333 and Salitran 3A and all barangay% in Da%$ari&a% Bagong
Bayan +e%ettle$ent area%. The%e area% are colored yello' green in "eneral !and *%e Plan.
A. Co77er"!a# Area pr!%"!pa##5 4or Tra6e1 SerC!"e2 a%6 B32!%e22 ?C-1@
7. 4rea of abot 7== $eter% on both %ide% of 4ginaldo High'ay rnning the 'hole %tretch of
%aid road fro$ the Da%$ari&a% M 3$% bondarie% M on the north p to the
Da%$ari&a%-Silang bondarie% e(clding the Central Pblic Mar)et and an area of abot
7== $eter% radi% fro$ %aid $ar)et and an area co#ered by $i(ed %e 3 and 33.
>. 4rea of abot one bloc) deep or 7== $eter% on both %ide of congre%%ional road north and
%oth e(clding tho%e area at DBB pblic $ar)et, Brol 3. 4nother ;= $eter% %trip both %ide%
of Congre%%ional road ea%t.
,. 4rea of abot fifty H;=I $eter% fro$ both %ide of Paliparan-Sala'ag road e(cept tho%e area%
at Sala'ag 'et and dry $ar)et.
D. 4ll area% one lot deep on both %ide of barangay road fro$ Sta. Maria to Fati$a 33.
B. Co77er"!a# Area2 4or >3a2! 9 Tra6e a%6 B32!%e22 A"$!C!$5 a%6 SerC!"e I%632$r!e2 ?C-'@.
7. E(i%ting Da%$arina% Central pblic $ar)et at Fone 3A and area% abot 7== $eter radi%
fro$ %aid $ar)et.
>. 4ll e(i%ting pblic $ar)et% at DBB +e%ettle$ent 4rea.
,. E(i%ting pri#ate 'et and dry $ar)et at Sala'ag.
4ll co$$ercial area% are colored red in "eneral !and *%e Map and Plan.
4. 4ll area% occpied by e(i%ting go#ern$ent office%, %chool% Hpri#ate and pblicI, ho%pital%,
chapel, chrche%, religio% in%tittion% and the li)e.
B. 3n%tittional E(pan%ion 4rea% are allo'ed at Brol Main and San 4g%tin 3 'here the
propo%ed %ite for the tran%fer of Mnicipal Bilding are being %ited0identified.
4ll in%tittional area% are colored e in "eneral !and *%e Map and Plan.
4. 4ll area% occpied by e(i%ting ind%trial e%tabli%h$ent at the ti$e of adoption of the plan.
B. 4rea% at Paliparan 3 bonded on the ea%t by Da%$ari&a%- "eneral Mariano 4l#arez
H"M4Ibondarie% HMala)ing 3log +i#erI, on the 'e%t by Paliparan-Sala'ag road co$$ercial
%trip, on the %oth by "o#ernor1% Dri#e and on the north abot t'o )ilo$eter% H > )$%.I fro$
"o#ernor1% Dri#e.
C. 4rea% in Paliparan 3 bonded on the north by "o#ernor1% Dri#e on the ea%t by E$barcadero
+i#er, on the 'e%t by Paliparan 3 barangay road and on the %oth abot t'o )ilo$eter% H >
)$%.I fro$ "o#ernor1% Dri#e.
D. 4rea% occpied by +eynold% 4l$in$ Corporation and adGacent ind%trie%.
E. 4rea% occpied by Fir%t Cityland% Hea#y 3nd%trial Sbdi#i%ion at !angcaan 33.
F. 4rea% occpied by Fir%t Ca#ite 3nd%trial E%tate HFC3EI at !ang)aan 3 and 33.
". 4rea% occpied by Ero$ed !aboratorie%.
H. 4rea% in Sala'ag bonded on the north by Da%$ari&a%-Bacoor bondarie%, on the ea%t by
Da%$ari&a%-Mntinlpa City bondarie% and Da%$ari&a%-San Pedro bondarie%, on the
'e%t by Sala'ag-Molino road and on the %oth by a %traight line Hgoing ea%tI fro$ the
Gnction of Salitran-Sala'ag road and Paliparan- Sala'ag road going to San Pedro-
Da%$ari&a% bondarie%.
3. 4rea% in Sala'ag bonded on the north by Da%$ari&a%-Bacoor bondarie% on the ea%t by
Sala'ag-Molino road, on the 'e%t by Pa%ong B'aya Cree) and on the %oth by Salitran-
Sala'ag road.
J. 4gro ind%trial area% occpied by JDC Far$% and Monterey Far$%.
4ll area% are colored C!o#e$ in "eneral !and *%e Map and Plan e(cept in $i(ed %ed zone.
4. The /rchard% "olf and Contry Clb
B. Manila Me$orial Par)
The%e t'o Special Planned nit% are colored ora%ge in "eneral !and *%e Map and Plan.
7. 4rea% in Barangay% Paliparan 33 and Paliparan 333 bonded on the north by 2ational Po'er
High Ten%ion !ine, on the 'e%t by E$barcadero +i#er and Mnicipality of San Pedro, on the
%oth by t'o )ilo$eter% H>)$%.I radi% fro$ "o#ernor1% Dri#e and on the 'e%t by
co$$ercial %trip along Paliparan M Sala'ag +oad.
>. 4rea% in Barangay% Paliparan 333 and Sala'ag bonded on the 'e%t by Doncella +i#er and
Mabhay City, on the north by !ight 3nd%trial Par), on the ea%t by Mnicipality of San Pedro
and on the %oth by High Ten%ion !ine of 24P/C/+.
,. 4rea% in Barangay Sala'ag bonded on the north by Da%$ari&a% M Bacoor and Da%$ari&a%
M 3$% bondarie%, on the 'e%t by Balctot +i#er, on the %oth by Salitran M Sala'ag +oad
and on the ea%t by Balctot +i#er.
D. 4rea% in Barangay Brol 333 bonded on the north by /rchard "olf Cor%e, on the ea%t by
Balctot +i#er, on the %oth by 4cacia Ho$e% and on the 'e%t by a cree) before 5in'ard
Sbdi#i%ion and To'n and Contry Ho$e%.
;. 4rea% in Barangay Salitran 333, encircled by 3$% +i#er, Bacao Cree) and S$$er'ind
9. 4rea% in Barangay Sabang bonded on the 'e%t by Clang-Clang +i#er, on the north by
Mary-Cri% Ho$e%, on the ea%t by a cree) and on the 'e%t by Par)lane Contry Ho$e%.
:. 4rea% in Barangay San Jo%e o'ned by Salog fa$ily and adGoining lot.
8. 4rea% in Barangay San Jo%e and Fone 33 encircled by Clang-Clang +i#er, Da%$ari&a% +i#er,
Fone 33-333 bondarie% and Ha%aan Cree).
<. 4rea% in !an)aan 33 encircled by Clang-Clang +i#er, Ha%aan Cree) and Cityho$e%
7=. 4rea% in Brol $ain bonded on the %oth by t'o )ilo$eter H>)$%.I radi% fro$ "o#ernor1%
Dri#e, on the 'e%t by S$$er'ind Aillage 3A and Salitran M San 4g%tin +oad, on the north
by a co$$ercial %trip along Congre%%ional +oad and on the ea%t by 3$% +i#er and Sto.
2i&o cree).
77. 4rea% in !ang)aan 33 %oth of Fir%t Ca#ite 3nd%trial E%tate HFC3E I p to Da%$ari&a%
M Silang bondarie% e(cept the area% occpied by the ele$entary %chool co$pond and a
re%idential area $ore or le%% fi#e hndred $eter% H;== $t%.I fro$ %othern part of FC3E and
$ore or le%% fifty $eter% deep both %ide% of barangay road,
7>. 4rea% in !ang)aan 3 bonded on the north by t'o )ilo$eter H>)$%.I radi% fro$ "o#ernor1%
Dri#e, on the ea%t by Cala$ia% Cree), on the %oth by Da%$ari&a% M Silang bondarie% and
on the 'e%t by FC3E and !ang)aan 3 and 33 bondarie%.
7,. 4rea% in Sa$paloc 33 bonded on the north by t'o )ilo$eter H>)$%I radi% fro$ "o#ernor1%
Dri#e, on the ea%t by Da%$ari&a% +i#er, on the %oth by Da%$ari&a% M Silang bondarie%
and on the 'e%t by Cala$ia% cree).
7D. 4rea% in Barangay Sa$paloc 33 bonded on north by t'o )ilo$eter H>)$%I radi% fro$
"o#ernor1% Dri#e, on the ea%t by 3$% +i#er, on the %oth by 3nternational 3n%titte for +ice
+e%earch H33++I and Ble%%ed Aille Sbdi#i%ion and on the 'e%t by Financial and Co$$ercial
7;. 4rea% in Sitio Manalo, Sa$paloc 333 bonded on the north by t'o )ilo$eter H>)$%.I radi%
fro$ "o#ernor1% Dri#e, on the ea%t by High Ten%ion !ine of 2apocor, on the %oth by
Da%$ari&a% M Silang bondarie% and on the 'e%t by 3$% +i#er e(cept the re%idential area
occpy by pre%ent inhabitant%.
79. 4rea% in Paliparan 3 bonded on the north by t'o )ilo$eter H>)$%.I radi% fro$ "o#ernor1%
Dri#e, on the ea%t by E$barcadero +i#er, on the %oth by Da%$ari&a% M Silang bondarie%
and on the 'e%t by a barangay road Hold 234 road I.
4ll the%e area% are colored gree% in "eneral !and *%e Map and Plan.
<II. MI:ED USE FONE I ?Re2!6e%$!a# 9 I%632$r!a# 9 I%2$!$3$!o%a# 9 Co77er"!a#@
Thi% area co#er% the t'o )ilo$eter% H>)$%.I radi% $ore or le%% both %ide% along "o#ernor1%
Dri#e not inclded0$entioned in any other Foning *%e. Ho'e#er, before the i%%ance of per$it,
e(i%ting !and *%e of adGoining lot $%t be ta)en into con%ideration.
The%e area% are colored p!%E in "eneral !and *%e Plan.
<III. MI:ED USE FONE II ?Re2!6e%$!a# 9 I%2$!$3$!o%a# 9 Co77er"!a#@
Thi% area co#er% the 'hole Poblacion na$ely Fone 3, 34, 33, 333 and 3A. The%e area are
colored &roH% in "eneral !and *%e Plan.
4. 4ll 'ater bodie% and tribtarie% and ea%e$ent of abot three H,I $eter% on both %ide% of
ri#er% and cree)%.
The "eneral !and *%e Map %hall be dra'n to the %cale of 7K7=,=== $ to 7K8=,=== $ and the
"eneral !and *%e Map %hall be dra'n to the %cale of 7K7=,=== $ to 7K8=,=== $.
Se"$!o% -. I%$erpre$a$!o% o4 $e Fo%e Bo3%6ar5. 3n the interpretation of the bondarie% for any of the
zone% indicated on the Foning Map, the follo'ing rle% %hall applyK
7. 5here zone bondarie% are %o indicated that they appro(i$ately follo' the center of %treet% or high'ay, the
%treet or high'ay right-of-'ay line% %hall be con%tred to be the bondarie%.
>. 5here zone bondarie% are %o indicated that they appro(i$ately follo' the lot line%, %ch lot line% %hall be
con%tred to be the bondarie%.
,. 5here zone bondarie% are %o indicated that they are appro(i$ately parallel to the center line% or right-of-
'ay line% of %treet% and high'ay%, %ch zone bondarie% %hall be con%tred a% being parallel thereto and
at %ch di%tance there fro$ a% indicated in the zoning $ap. 3f no di%tance i% gi#en, %ch di$en%ion %hall be
deter$ined by the %e of the %cale %ho'n in %aid zoning $ap.
D. 5here the bondary of a zone follo'% a %trea$, or other bodie% of 'ater, %aid bondary line %hall be
dee$ed to be at the li$it of the political Gri%diction of the co$$nity nle%% other'i%e indicated.
;. 5here a zone bondary line di#ide% a lot of one o'ner%hip, a% of record at the effecti#e date of thi%
/rdinance, the lot %hall be con%tred to be 'ithin the zone 'here the $aGor portion of the lot i% located. 3n
ca%e the bondary line bi%ect% the lot, it %hall fall in the zone 'here the principal %trctre fall%.
9. 5here zone bondary i% indicated a% one-lot-deep, %aid depth %hall be con%tred to be the a#erage lot
depth of the lot% in#ol#ed 'ithin each particlar $nicipality bloc). 5here, ho'e#er, any lot ha% a depth
greater than %aid a#erage, the re$aining portion of %aid lot %hall be con%tred a% co#ered by the one-lot-
deep zoning di%trict pro#ided the re$aining portion ha% an area le%% than fifty percent H;=LI of the total
area of the entire lot. 3f the re$aining portion ha% an area eBi#alent to fifty percent H;=LI or $ore of the
total area of the lot then the a#erage lot depth %hall apply to the lot 'hich %hall beco$e a lot di#ided and
co#ered by t'o or $ore different zoning di%trict%, a% the ca%e $ay be.
3n ca%e of any re$aining dobt a% to the location of any property along zone bondary line%, %ch
property %hall be con%idered a% falling 'ithin the le%% re%tricti#e zone.
:. The te(tal de%cription of the zone bondarie% %hall pre#ail o#er that of the /fficial Foning Map%.
4+T3C!E A3
Se"$!o% .. Ge%era# ProC!2!o%2. The %e% en$erated in the %cceeding %ection% are neither e(ha%ti#e nor
all-incl%i#e. The !/C4! F/232" B/4+D /F 4DJ*STME2T 42D 4PPE4!S H!FB44I %hall, %bGect to the
reBire$ent% of thi% 4rticle, allo' other %e% not en$erated herender pro#ided that they are co$patible 'ith
the %e% e(pre%%ly allo'ed.
4llo'ance of frther %e% %hall be ba%ed on the intrin%ic Balitie% of the land and the %ocio-econo$ic potential
of the locality 'ith de regard to the $aintenance of the e%%ential Balitie% of the zone.
Specific %e%0acti#itie% of le%%er den%ity 'ithin a particlar zone H+-7I $ay be allo'ed 'ithin the zone of
higher den%ity H+->,+-,I bt not #ice #er%a, nor in another zone and it% %bdi#i%ion% He.g. "C, C-7,C->I, e(cept
for %e% e(pre%%ly allo'ed in %aid zone%, %ch that the c$lati#e effect of zoning %hall be intra-zonal and not
Se"$!o% 1/. U2e Reg3#a$!o%2 !% LoH De%2!$5 Re2!6e%$!a# Fo%e ?R-1@ . 4n +-7 %hall be %ed principally
for ho%ing0d'elling prpo%e% %o a% to $aintain the peace and Biet of the area 'ithin the zone 'ith a den%ity
of >= d'elling nit% and belo' per hectare. The follo'ing are allo'able %e%.
7. Detached fa$ily d'elling
>. Se$i-detached fa$ily d'elling e.g. dple(, ro'ho%e
,. C%to$ary acce%%ory %e% li)eK
a. Ser#ant% Barter
b. Pri#ate garage
c. "ardho%e
D. Ho$e occpation for the practice of one1% profe%%ion or for engaging an in-ho%e b%ine%% %ch a%
dre%%$a)ing, tailoring, ba)ing, rnning a %ari-%ari %tore and the li)e, pro#ided thatK
a. The n$ber of per%on% engaged in %ch b%ine%%0ind%try %hall not e(ceed fi#e H;I, incl%i#e of the
b. There %hall be no change in the ot%ide appearance of the bilding or pre$i%e%.
c. 2o ho$e occpation %hall be condcted in any c%to$ary acce%%ory %e% cited abo#e.
d. 2o traffic %hall be generated by %ch ho$e occpation in greater #ol$e than 'old nor$ally be
e(pected in a re%idential neighborhood and any need for par)ing generated by the condct of %ch
ho$e occpation %hall be $et off the %treet and in a place other than in a reBired front yard.
e. 2o eBip$ent or proce%% %hall be %ed in %ch ho$e occpation 'hich create% noi%e, #ibration,
glare, f$e%, odor% or electrical interference detectable to the nor$al %en%e% and #i%al or adible
interference in any radio or tele#i%ion recei#er% or ca%e% flctation in line #oltage off the pre$i%e%.
;. Ho$e ind%try cla%%ified a% cottage ind%try pro#ided thatK
a. Sch ho$e ind%try %hall not occpy $ore than thirty percent H,=LI of the floor area of the d'elling
nit. There %hall be no change or alteration in the ot%ide appearance of the d'elling nit and %hall
not be a hazard0ni%ance.
b. 4llotted capitalization %hall not e(ceed the capitalization a% %et by the Depart$ent of Trade and
3nd%try HDT3I.
c. Shall con%ider %a$e pro#i%ion% a% en$erated in letter% c, d and e of n$ber D, Ho$e /ccpation,
thi% %ection.
9. +ecreational facilitie% for the e(cl%i#e %e of the $e$ber% of the fa$ily re%iding 'ithin the pre$i%e%,
%ch a%K
a. S'i$$ing pool
b. Pelota cort
c. /ther%
:. +eligio% %e
8. Mlti-prpo%e0Barangay hall
<. Pre-%chool
7=. Sport% clb
77. Clinic, nr%ing and con#ale%cing ho$e, health center
7>. Plant nr%ery
Section 7=a. *%e +eglation% in Medi$ Den%ity +e%idential H+->I Fone. +-> zone% %hall be for
ho%ing0d'elling prpo%e% i.e. >7 to 9; d'elling nit% per hectare. The follo'ing are the allo'able %e%K
7. all %e% allo'ed in +-7 zone
>. apart$ent
,. boarding ho%e%
D. dor$itory
;. branch library and $%e$
9. ele$entary %chool
:. high %chool
Se"$!o% 1/&. U2e Reg3#a$!o%2 !% H!g De%2!$5 Re2!6e%$!a# ?R-(@ Fo%e. 4n +-, %hall be for
ho%ing0d'elling prpo%e% of high den%ity i.e. 99 or $ore d'elling nit% per hectare. The follo'ing are the
allo'able %e%K
7. all %e% allo'ed in +-7 and +-> Fone%
>. re%idential condo$ini$
,. pen%ion ho%e
D. ho$etel
;. #ocational %chool
9. hotel apart$ent% or apartel%
:. high %chool and #ocational %chool%
Se"$!o% 1/". U2e Reg3#a$!o%2 !% So"!a#!Ge6 Ho32!%g Fo%e ?SHF@ - 4n SHF %hall be %ed principally for
%ocialized ho%ing0d'elling prpo%e% for the nderpri#ileged and ho$ele%% a% defined in +4 :>:<. 4llo'able
7. 4ll %e% allo'ed in "eneral +e%idential Fone, +7,+> and +, Fone%
Se"$!o% 11. U2e Reg3#a$!o%2 !% Ge%era# Co77er"!a# Fo%e ?GCF@. 4 "C Fone %hall be for
b%ine%%0trade0%er#ice %e%. 5ithin the zone the follo'ing type% of e%tabli%h$ent% %hall be allo'edK
7. /ffice% li)eK
a. office bilding
b. office condo$ini$
>. "eneral retail %tore% and %hop% li)eK
a. depart$ent %tore
b. boo)%tore and office %pply %hop
c. ho$e appliance %tore
d. car %hop
e. photo %hop
f. flo'er %hop
,. Food $ar)et% and %hop% li)e K
a. ba)ery and ba)e %hop
b. 'ine %tore
c. grocery
d. %per$ar)et
D. Per%onal %er#ice %hop% li)eK
a. beaty parlor
b. barber %hop
c. %ana bath and $a%%age clinic
d. dre%%$a)ing and tailoring %hop%
;. +ecreational center0e%tabli%h$ent% li)eK
a. $o#ie ho%e0theater
b. play cort e.g. tenni% cort, bo'ling lane, billiard hall
c. %'i$$ing pool
d. day and night clb
e. %tadi$, coli%e$, gy$na%i$
f. other %port% and recreational e%tabli%h$ent
9. +e%tarant% and other eaterie%
:. Short ter$ %pecial edcation li)eK
a. dancing %chool%
b. %chool for %elf defen%e
c. dri#ing %chool%
d. %peech clinic%
8. Storeroo$% bt only a% $ay be nece%%ary for the efficient condct of the b%ine%%
<. Co$$ercial condo$ini$ H'ith re%idential nit% in pper floor%I
7=. Co$$ercial ho%ing li)eK
a. hotel
b. apart$ent
c. apartel
d. boarding ho%e
e. dor$itory
f. pen%ion ho%e
g. clb ho%e
h. $otel
77. E$ba%%y0con%late
7>. !ibrary $%e$
7,. Filling Station0%er#ice %tation
7D. Clinic
7;. Aocational0technical %chool
79. Con#ention Center and related facilitie%
7:. Me%%engerial %er#ice
78. Secrity agency
7<. Janitorial %er#ice
>=. Ban) and other financial in%tittion%
>7. +adio and tele#i%ion %tation
>>. Bilding garage, par)ing lot
>,. Ba)ery and ba)ing of bread, ca)e, pa%trie%, pie% and other %i$ilar peri%hable prodct%
>D. C%to$ dre%%$a)ing %hop
>;. C%to$ tailoring %hop
>9. Co$$ercial and Gob printing
>:. Typing and photo engra#ing %er#ice%
>8. +epair of optical in%tr$ent% and eBip$ent and ca$era%
><. +epair of cloc)% and 'atche%
,=. Manfactre of in%ignia, badge% and %i$ilar e$ble$% e(cept $etal
,7. Tran%portation ter$inal%0garage 'ith and 'ithot repair
,>. +epair %hop% li)eK
a. ho%e appliance% repair %hop%
b. $otor #ehicle% and acce%%ory repair %hop%
c. ho$e frni%hing %hop%
,,. Printing0pbli%hing
,D. Machinery di%play %hop0center
,;. "ra#el and %and
,9. !$ber0hard'are
,:. Manfactre of ice, ice bloc)%, cbe%, tbe%, cr%h e(cept dry ice
,8. Printing and pbli%hing of boo)% and pa$phlet%, printing card% and %tationary
,<. Manfactre of %ign% and ad#erti%ing di%play% He(cept printedI
D=. Chicharon factory
D7. Manfactre of 'ood frnitre inclding phol%tered
D>. Manfactre of rattan frnitre inclding phol%tered
D,. Manfactre of bo( bed% and $attre%%e%
DD. 5elding %hop%
D;. Machine %hop %er#ice operation Hrepairing0rebilding, or c%to$ Gob order%I
D9. Medi$ %cale Gn) %hop
D:. +epair of $otorcycle%
D8. !echon or 'hole pig roa%ting
D<. Bi%cit factory M $anfactre of bi%cit%, coo)ie%, crac)er% and other %i$ilar dried ba)ery prodct%
;=. Doghnt and hopia factory
;7. /ther ba)ery prodct% not el%e'here cla%%ified Hn.e.c.I
;>. +epac)ing of food prodct% e.g. frit%, #egetable%, %gar and other related prodct%
;,. Plant nr%ery
;D. Fneral parlor%, $ortarie% and cre$atory %er#ice% and $e$orial chapel%
;;. Par)ing lot%, garage facilitie%
;9. /ther co$$ercial acti#itie% not el%e'here cla%%ified
Se"$!o% 11a. U2e Reg3#a$!o%2 !% C-1 Fo%e. +eferred to a% the Central B%ine%% Di%trict HCBDI, a C-7 Fone
%hall be principally for trade, %er#ice% and b%ine%% acti#itie%. En$erated belo' are the allo'able %e%K
7. /ffice% li)eK
a. office bilding
b. office condo$ini$
>. "eneral retail %tore% and %hop% li)eK
a. depart$ent %tore0%hopping center
b. boo)%tore and office %pply %hop
c. car %hop
d. ho$e appliance %tore
e. photo %hop
f. flo'er %hop
,. Food $ar)et% and %hop% li)eK
a. ba)ery and ba)e %hop
b. 'ine %tore
c. grocery
d. %per$ar)et
D. Per%onal %er#ice% %hop% li)eK
a. beaty parlor
b. barber %hop
c. %ana bath and $a%%age clinic
d. dre%%$a)ing and tailoring %hop%
;. +ecreational center0e%tabli%h$ent% li)eK
a. Mo#ie ho%e0theater
b. play cort e.g. tenni%, bo'ling, billard
c. %'i$$ing pool
d. day and night clb
e. %tadi$, coli%e$, gy$na%i$
f. other %port% and recreational e%tabli%h$ent%
9. +e%tarant% and other eaterie%
:. Short ter$ %pecial edcation li)eK
a. dancing %chool%
b. %chool% for %elf-defen%e
c. dri#ing %chool%
d. %peech clinic%
8. Storeroo$ and 'areho%e bt only a% $ay be nece%%ary for the efficient condct of the b%ine%%.
<. Co$$ercial ho%ing li)eK
a. hotel
b. apart$ent
c. apartel
d. boarding ho%e
e. dor$itory
f. pen%ion ho%e
g. clb ho%e
h. $otel
7=. Co$$ercial condo$ini$ H'ith re%idential nit% in pper floor%I
77. E$ba%%y0con%late
7>. !ibrary, $%e$
7,. Filling %tation0%er#ice %tation
7D. Clinic
7;. Aocational0technical %chool
79. Con#ention center and related facilitie%
7:. Me%%engerial %er#ice
78. Secrity 4gency
7<. Janitorial %er#ice
>=. Ban) and other financial in%tittion
>7. +adio and tele#i%ion %tation
>>. Bilding garage
>,. Co$$ercial Gob printing
>D. Typing and photo engra#ing %er#ice%
>;. +epair of optical in%tr$ent% and eBip$ent and ca$era%
>9. +epair of cloc)% and 'atche%
>:. Manfactre of in%ignia, badge% and %i$ilar e$ble$% e(cept $etal
>8. Tran%portation ter$inal0garage
><. Plant nr%erie%
,=. Scientific, cltral and acade$ic center% and re%earch facilitie% e(cept nclear, radioacti#e, che$ical
and biological 'arfare facilitie%.
Se"$!o% 11&. U2e Reg3#a$!o%2 !% C-' Go%e. 4 C-> Fone %hall be for Ba%i-trade, b%ine%% acti#itie% and
%er#ice ind%trie% perfor$ing co$pli$entary0%pple$entary fnction% to principally Co$$ercial Fone HCBDI.
5ithin the C-> Fone the follo'ing %e% are allo'edK
7. 4ll %e% in C-7 $ay be allo'ed in C->
>. +epair %hop% li)eK
a. ho%e appliance%
b. $otor #ehicle% and acce%%ory
c. ho$e frni%hing %hop%
,. Tran%portation ter$inal0garage 'ith repair
D. Pbli%hing
;. Medi$ %cale Gn) %hop
9. Machinery di%play %hop0center
:. "ra#el and %and
8. !$ber0hard'are
<. Manfactre of ice, ice bloc)%, cbe%, tbe%, cr%h e(cept dry ice
7=. Manfactre of %ign% and ad#erti%ing di%play% He(cept printedI
77. Chicharon factory
7>. 5elding %hop%
7,. Machine %hop %er#ice operation% Hrepairing0rebilding, or c%to$ Gob order%I
7D. +epair of $otorcycle%
7;. !echon or 'hole pig roa%ting
79. Bi%cit factory- $anfactre of bi%cit%, coo)ie%, crac)er% and other %i$ilar dried ba)ery prodct%
7:. Doghnt and hopia facotry
78. /ther ba)ery prodct% not el%e'here cla%%ified
7<. +epac)ing of food prodct% e.g. frit%, #egetable%, %gar and other related proGect%
>=. Fneral parlor%, $ortarie% and cre$atory %er#ice% and $e$orial chapel%
>7. Par)ing lot%, garage facilitie%
>>. /ther co$$ercial acti#itie% not el%e'here cla%%ified
Se"$!o% 1'. U2e Reg3#a$!o% !% L!g$ I%632$r!a# Fo%e ?I-1@ .4n 3-7 zone %hall be for non-pollti#e0non-
hazardo% $anfactring0proce%%ing e%tabli%h$ent%. En$erated belo' are the allo'able %e%K
a. 2on-Pollti#e02on-Hazardo% 3nd%trie%
7. Drying fi%h
>. Bi%cit factory-$anfactre of bi%cit%, coo)ie%, crac)er% and other %i$ilar dried ba)ery prodct%
,. Doghnt and hopia factory
D. Manfactre or $acaroni, %paghetti and #er$icelli and other noodle%
;. /ther ba)ery prodct% not el%e'here cla%%ified Hn.e.c.I
9. !ife belt% factory
:. Manfactre of lggage, handbag%, 'allet% and %$all leather good%
8. Manfactre of $i%cellaneo% prodct of leather and leather %b%titte and n.e.c.
<. Manfactre of %hoe% e(cept rbber, pla%tic and 'ood
7=. Manfactre of %lipper and %andal e(cept rbber and pla%tic
77. Manfactre of foot'ear part% e(cept rbber and pla%tic
7>. Printing, pbli%hing and allied ind%trie% and tho%e n.e.c.
7,. Manfactre or a%%e$bly of type'riter%, ca%h regi%ter%, 'eighing, dplicating and acconting
7D. Manfactre or a%%e$bly of electronic data proce%%ing $achinery and acce%%orie%
7;. +eno#ation and repair of office $achinery
79. Manfactre or a%%e$bly of Mi%cellaneo% office $achine% and tho%e n.e.c.
7:. Manfactre of ro'boat%, banca%, %ailboat%
78. Manfactre of ani$al dra'n #ehicle%
7<. Manfactre of children #ehicle% and baby carriage%
>=. Manfactre of laboratory and %cientific in%tr$ent%, baro$eter%, che$ical balance, etc.
>7. Manfactre of $ea%ring and controlling eBip$ent, pl$b bo$b, rain gage, ta(i $eter,
ther$o$eter, etc.
>>. Manfactre or a%%e$bly of %rgical, $edical, dental eBip$ent and $edical frnitre
>,. Nic) freezing and cold pac)aging for fi%h and other %eafood%
>D. Nic) freezing and cold pac)aging for frit% and #egetable%
>;. Popcorn0rice factory
>9. Manfactre of $edical0%rgical %pplie%K adhe%i#e tape%, anti%eptic dre%%ing, %anitary nap)in%,
%rgical gage, etc.
>:. Manfactre of orthopedic and pro%thetic appliance% Habdo$inal %pporter, an)le %pport%, arch
%pport, artificial li$b, )neecap %pporter%, etc.I
>8. Manfactre of photographic eBip$ent and acce%%orie%
><. Manfactre or a%%e$bly of optical in%tr$ent%
,=. Manfactre of eyegla%%e% and %pectacle%
,7. Manfactre of optical len%e%
,>. Manfactre of 'atche% and cloc)%
,,. Manfactre of piano%
,D. Manfactre of %tring in%tr$ent%
,;. Manfactre of 'ind and perc%%ion in%tr$ent%
,9. Manfactre of a%%e$bly of electronic organ%
,:. Manfactre of %porting glo#e% and $itt%
,8. Manfactre of %porting ball% Hnot of rbber or pla%ticI
,<. Manfactre of gy$ and playgrond eBip$ent
D=. Manfactre of %porting table% Hbilliard%, pingpong, poolI
D7. Manfactre of other %porting and athletic good%, n.e.c.
D>. Manfactre of toy% and doll% e(cept rbber and $old pla%tic
D,. Manfactre of pen%, pencil% and other office and arti%t $aterial%
DD. Manfactre of $brella and cane%
D;. Manfactre of btton%, e(cept pla%tic
D9. Manfactre of broo$%, br%he% and fan%
D:. Manfactre of needle%, pen%, fa%tener% and zipper%
D8. Manfactre of in%ignia, badge% and %i$ilar e$ble$% He(cept $etalI
D<. Manfactre of %ign% and ad#erti%ing di%play% He(cept printedI
;=. S$all-%cale $anfactre of ice crea$
b. 2on-Pblic0Hazardo% 3nd%trie%
7. Manfactre of ho%e frni%hing
>. Te(tile bag factorie%
,. Can#a%% bag% and other can#a%% prodct% factory
D. Jte bag factory
;. Manfactre of $i%cellaneo% te(tile good%, e$broiderie% and 'ea#ing apparel
9. Manfactre of fiber batting, paddling and phol%tery filling e(cept choir
:. Men1% and boy1% gar$ent factory
8. 5o$en1% and girl%1 and ladie%1 gar$ent factory
<. Manfactre of hat%, glo#e%, hand)erchief, nec)'ear and related clothing acce%%orie%
7=. Manfactre of raincoat% and 'aterproof oter gar$ent% e(cept Gac)et%
77. Manfactre of $i%cellaneo% 'earing apparel e(cept foot'ear and tho%e n.e.c.
7>. Manfactre of $i%cellaneo% fabricated $ill 'or) and tho%e n.e.c.
7,. Manfactre of 'ooden and cane container%
7D. Sa'ali, nipa and %plit cane factory
7;. Manfactre of ba$boo, rattan and other cane ba%)et% and 'are%
79. Manfactre of cor) prodct%
7:. Manfactre of 'ooden %hoe%, %hoe lace and other %i$ilar prodct%
78. Manfactre of $i%cellaneo% 'ood prodct% and tho%e n.e.c.
7<. Manfactre of $i%cellaneo% frnitre and fi(tre e(cept pri$arily of $etal% and tho%e n.e.c.
>=. Manfactre of paper %tationary, en#elope% and related article%
>7. Manfactre of dry ice
>>. +epac)ing of ind%trial prodct% e.g. paint%, #arni%he% and other related prodct%
Se"$!o% 1(. U2e Reg3#a$!o%2 !% HeaC5 I%632$r!a# Fo%e ?I-(@. 4n 3-, Fone %hall be for highly pollti#e0non-
hazardo%. highly pollti#e0hazardo%. highly pollti#e0e(tre$ely hazardo%. non-pollti#e0e(tre$ely
hazardo%. and pollti#e0e(tre$ely hazardo% $anfactring and proce%%ing e%tabli%h$ent%. En$erated
belo' are the allo'able %e%K
a. Highly Pollti#e02on-Hazardo% 3nd%trie%
7. Meat proce%%ing, cring, pre%er#ing e(cept proce%%ing of ha$, bacon, %a%age and chicharon
>. Mil) proce%%ing plant% H$anfactring filled, rocon%titted, or reco$bined $il), conden%ed or
,. Btter and chee%e proce%%ing plant%
D. 2atral flid $il) proce%%ing Hpa%terizing, ho$ogenizing, #ita$inizing, bottling of natral ani$al
$il) and crea$ related prodct%I
;. /ther dairy prodct%, n.e.c.
9. Canning and pre%er#ing of frit% and frit Gice%
:. Canning and pre%er#ing of #egetable% and #egetable Gice%
8. Canning and pre%er#ing of #egetable %ace%
<. Mi%cellaneo% canning and pre%er#ing of frit% and #egetable%, n.e.c.
7=. Fi%h canning
77. Pati% factory
7>. Bagoong factory
7,. Proce%%ing, pre%er#ing and canning of fi%h and other %eafood%, n.e.c.
7D. Manfactre of de%%icated cocont
7;. Manfactre of %tarch and it% prodct%
79. Manfactre of 'ine% fro$ Gice% of local frit%
7:. Manfactre of $alt and $alt liBor%
78. Manfactre of %oft drin)% carbonated 'ater
7<. Manfactre of in%tant be#erage% and %yrp%
>=. /ther non-alcoholic be#erage%, n.e.c.
>7. /ther %laghtering, preparing and pre%er#ing $eat prodct%, n.e.c.
b. Highly Pollti#e0Hazardo% 3nd%trie%
7. Aegetable oil $ill%, inclding cocont oil
>. Manfactring of refine% coo)ing oil and $argarine
,. Manfactre of fi%h, $arine and other ani$al oil%
D. Manfactre of #egetable and ani$al oil% and fat%, n.e.c.
;. Sgar cane $illing Hcentrifgal and refinedI
9. Sgar refining
:. M%co#ado %gar $ill
8. Di%tilled, rectified and blended liBor%, n.e.c.
<. Cotton te(tile $ill
7=. +a$ie te(tile $ill
77. +ayon and other $an $ade fiber te(tile $ill
7>. Bleaching and drying $ill%
7,. Manfactre of narro' fabric%
7D. Tannerie% and leather fini%hing plant%
7;. Plp $ill
79. Paper and paperboard $ill%
7:. Manfactre of fiberboard
78. Manfactre of inorganic %alt% and co$pond%
7<. Manfactre of %oap and cleaning preparation%
>=. Manfactre of hydralic ce$ent
>7. Manfactre of li$e and li$e )iln%
>>. Manfactre of pla%ter
>,. Prodct% of bla%t frnace%, %teel 'or)% and rolling $ill%
>D. Prodct% of iron and %teel fondrie%
>;. Manfactre of %$elted and refined non-ferro% $etal%
>9. Manfactre of rolled, dra'n or a%trded non-ferro% $etal%
>:. Manfactre of non-ferro% fondry prodct%
c. Highly Pollti#e0E(tre$ely Hazardo% 3nd%trie%
7. Manfactre of ind%trial alcohol
>. /ther ba%ic ind%trie% che$ical%, n.e.c.
,. Manfactre of fertilizer%
D. Manfactre of pe%ticide%
;. Manfactre of %ynthetic re%in%, pla%tic $aterial% and $an $ade fiber% e(cept gla%%
9. Petrole$ refinerie%
:. Manfactre of reclai$ed, blended and co$pond petrole$ prodct%
8. Manfactre of $i%cellaneo% prodct% of petrole$ and coal, n.e.c.
d. Pollti#e0E(tre$ely hazardo% 3nd%trie%
7. Manfactre of paint%
>. Manfactre of #arni%he%, %hellac and %tain%
,. Manfactre of paint re$o#er%
D. Manfactre of other paint prodct%
;. Manfactre of $atche%
9. Manfactre of tire% and inner tbe%
:. Manfactre of proce%%ed natral rbber not in rbber plantation
8. Manfactre of $i%cellaneo% rbber prodct%, n.e.c.
e. 2on-Pollti#e0E(tre$ely Hazardo% 3nd%trie%
7. Manfactre of co$pre%%ed and liBefied ga%e%
Se"$!o% 1). U2e Reg3#a$!o%2 !% Ge%era# I%2$!$3$!o%a# ?GIF@ Fo%e. 3n "3 Fone, the follo'ing %e% %hall be
7. "o#ern$ent center to ho%e national , regional or local office% in the area
>. College%, ni#er%itie%, profe%%ional b%ine%% %chool%, #ocational and trade %chool%, technical %chool%
and other in%tittion% of higher learning
,. "eneral ho%pital%, $edical center%, $ltiprpo%e clinic%
D. Scientific, cltral and acade$ic center% and re%earch facilitie% e(cept nclear, radioacti#e, che$ical and
biological 'arfare facilitie%
;. Con#ention center% and related facilitie%
9. +eligio% %trctre% e.g. chrch, %e$inary, con#ent%
:. M%e$%
8. E$ba%%ie%0con%late
<. Stdent ho%ing e.g. dor$itorie%, boarding ho%e
Se"$!o% 1*. U2e Reg3#a$!o%2 !% Spe"!a# I%2$!$3$!o%a# ?SIF@ Fo%e. 3n S3 Fone%, the follo'ing %e% %hall be
7. 5elfare ho$e%, orphanage%, boy% and girl% to'n, ho$e for the aged and the li)e
>. +ehabilitation and #ocational training center for e(-con#ict%, drg addict%, n'ed $other%, phy%ically,
$entally and e$otionally handicapped, e(-%anitaria in$ate% and %i$ilar e%tabli%h$ent%
,. Military ca$p%0re%er#ation%0ba%e% and training grond%
D. Penitentiary and correction in%tittion
Se"$!o% 1+. U2e Reg3#a$!o%2 !% ParE2 a%6 Re"rea$!o% Fo%e ?PRF@. The follo'ing %e% %hall be allo'ed in
Par)% and +ecreation Fone%.
7. Par)%0garden%
>. +e%ort area% e.g. beache%, inclding acce%%ory %e%
,. /pen air or otdoor %port% acti#itie% and %pport facilitie%, inclding lo' ri%e %tadia, gy$%, a$phitheater%
and %'i$$ing pool%
D. "olf cor%e%, ball cort%, race tract% and %i$ilar %e%
;. Me$orial0Shrine% $on$ent%, )io%)% and other par) %trctre%
9. Sport% Clb
:. *2DE+"+/*2D P4+632" ST+*CT*+ES0F4C3!3T3ES
Se"$!o% 1,. U2e Reg3#a$!o%2 4or Agr!"3#$3ra# ?Agr.@ Fo%e ?AGF@ 3n 4gr. Fone% the follo'ing %e% %hall be
7. Clti#ation, rai%ing and gro'ing of %taple crop% %ch a% rice, corn, ca$ote, ca%%a#a and the li)e
>. "ro'ing of di#er%ified plant% and tree%, %ch a% frit and flo'er bearing tree%, coffee, tobacco, etc.
,. Sil#icltre, $%hroo$ cltre, fi%hing and fi%h cltre, %na)e cltre, crocodile far$, $on)ey rai%ing and
the li)e
D. C%to$ary %pport facilitie% %ch a% palay dryer% and rice tre%her% and %torage barn% and 'areho%e%
;. 4ncillary d'elling nit%0far$ho%e% for tiller% and laborer%
9. 4gricltral re%earch and e(peri$entation facilitie% %ch a% breeding %tation%, fi%h far$%, nr%erie%,
de$on%tration far$%, etc.
:. Pa%toral acti#itie% %ch a% goat rai%ing and cattle fattening
8. Ho$e occpation for the practice of one1% profe%%ion or engaging ho$e b%ine%% %ch a% dre%%$a)ing,
tailoring, ba)ing, rnning a %ari-%ari %tore and the li)e, pro#ided thatK
a. 2$ber of per%on% engaged in %ch b%ine%%0ind%try %hall not e(ceed fi#e H;I, incl%i#e of the
b. There %hall be no change in the ot%ide appearance of the bilding pre$i%e%.
c. 2o ho$e occpation %hall be condcted in any c%to$ary acce%%ory %e% cited abo#e.
d. 2o traffic %hall be generated by %ch ho$e occpation in greater #ol$e than 'old nor$ally be
e(pected in a re%idential neighborhood and any need for par)ing generated by the condct of %ch
ho$e occpation %hall be $et off the %treet in a place other than the reBired front yard.
e. 2o eBip$ent or proce%% %hall be %ed in %ch occpation 'hich create% noi%e, #ibration, glare,
f$e%, odor% and electrical interference detectable to the nor$al %en%e% and #i%al or adible
interference in any radio or tele#i%ion recei#er or ca%e% flctation% in line #oltage off the pre$i%e%.
<. Ho$e ind%try cla%%ified a% cottage ind%try e.g. $at 'ea#ing, pottery $a)ing, food pre%er#ation, etc.
pro#ided thatK
a. Sch ho$e ind%try %hall not occpy $ore than thirty H,=LI of floor area of the d'elling nit. There
%hall be no change or alteration in the ot%ide appearance of the d'elling nit and %hall not be a
hazard or ni%ance.
b. 4lloted capitalization %hall not e(ceed the capitalization a% %et by the Depart$ent of Trade and
3nd%try HDT3I.
c. Sch %hall con%ider %a$e pro#i%ion% a% en$erated in letter% c, d and e of Ho$e /ccpation, thi%
7=. Bac)yard rai%ing of li#e%toc) and fo'l, pro#ided thatK
a. For li#e%toc) M a $a(i$$ of 7= head%
b. For fo'l M a $a(i$$ of ;== bird%
Se"$!o% 1-. U2e Reg3#a$!o%2 !% Agro-I%632$r!a# Fo%e ? AIF@. 3n 4gro.M 3nd%trial Fone% the follo'ing %e%
%hall be per$ittedK
7. 4ll %e% allo'ed in agricltre
>. +ice0corn $ill% H%ingle pa%%I
,. Drying, cleaning, cring and pre%er#ing of $eat and it% by prodct% and deri#ati#e%
D. Drying, %$o)ing and airing of tobacco
;. Flor $ill
9. Ca%%a#a flor $ill
:. Manfactre of coffee
8. Manfactre of nprepared ani$al feed%, other grain $illing, n.e.c.
<. Prodction of prepared feed% for ani$al%
7=. Cigar and Cigarette factory
77. Cring and re drying tobacco lea#e%
7>. Mi%cellaneo% proce%%ing tobacco lea#e%, n.e.c.
7,. 5ea#ing he$p te(tile
7D. Jte %pinning and 'ea#ing
7;. Manfactre of charcoal
79. Mil) proce%%ing plant% HManfactring filled, recon%titted or reco$bined $il), conden%ed or
7:. Btter and chee%e proce%%ing plant%
78. 2atral flid $il) proce%%ing Hpa%terizing, ho$ogenizing, #ita$inizing, bottling of natral ani$al
$il) and crea$ related prodct%I
7<. /ther dairy prodct%, n.e.c.
>=. Canning and pre%er#ing of frit% and frit Gice%
>7. Canning and pre%er#ing of #egetable% and #egetable Gice%
>>. Canning and pre%er#ing of #egetable %ace%
>,. Mi%cellaneo% canning and pre%er#ing of frit and #egetable% n.e.c.
>D. Fi%h canning
>;. Pati% factory
>9. Bagoong factory
>:. Proce%%ing, pre%er#ing and canning of fi%h and other %eafood% n.e.c.
>8. Manfactre of de%%icated cocont
><. Manfactre of %tarch and it% prodct%
,=. Manfactre of 'ine% fro$ Gice% of local frit%
,7. Aegetable oil $ill%, inclding cocont oil
,>. Sgarcane $illing Hcentrifgal and refine%I
,,. Sgar refining
,D. M%co#ado %gar $ill
,;. Cotton te(tile $ill
,9. Manfactre0proce%%ing of other plantation crop% e.g. pineapple, banana%, etc.
,:. /ther co$$ercial handicraft% and ind%trial acti#itie% tilizing plant or ani$al part% and0or prodct%
a% ra' $aterial%, n.e.c.
,8. /ther acce%%ory %e% incidental to agro-ind%trial acti#itie%
Se"$!o% 1.. U2e Reg3#a$!o%2 !% Wa$er Fo%e2 ?WF@
7. THE *T3!3F4T3/2 /F THE 54TE+ +ES/*+CES F/+ D/MEST3C 42D 32D*ST+34! *SE SH4!! BE
4!!/5ED P+/A3DED 3T 3S 32 C/2S/242CE 53TH THE DEAE!/PME2T +E"*!4T3/2S /F THE
DE2+, P+/A3S3/2S /F THE 54TE+ C/DE, 42D THE +EA3SED F/+EST+C C/DE /F THE
PH3!3PP32ES, 4S 4ME2DED, 42D P+/A3DED F*+THE+, TH4T 3T 3S S*BJECTED T/ 42
E2A3+/2ME2T4! 3MP4CT 4SSESSME2T P+3/+ T/ THE 4PP+/A4! /F 3TS *SE.
>. /THE+ *SES 4S +EC+E4T3/2 42D +E!4TED 4CT3A3T3ES, F!/4T4"E0T+42SP/+T4T3/2 42D
M3232" SH4!! 4!S/ BE 4!!/5ED P+/A3DED 3T 3S 32 C/2S/242CE 53TH THE P+/A3S3/2S
S*CH B/D3ES /F 54TE+ SH4!! 32C!*DE +3AE+S 42D ST+E4MS.
Se"$!o% '/. Reg3#a$!o%2 !% To3r!2$ Fo%e ?TF@
2/ T/*+3SM P+/JECT /+ T/*+3ST +E!4TED 4CT3A3T3ES SH4!! BE 4!!/5ED 32 T/*+3ST F/2ES
*2!ESS DEAE!/PED /+ *2DE+T46E2 32 4CC/+D42CE 53TH THE DEP4+TME2T /F T/*+3SM
HD/TI "*3DE!32ES 42D ST42D4+DS 42D "+42TED 4PP+/A4! BC THE T/*+3SM EST4TE
4+T3C!E A33
D5E!!32" *23TS 42D BE!/5 PE+ HECT4+E.
T/ S3QTC-F3AE H>7 to 9;I D5E!!32" *23TS PE+ HECT4+ES.
M/+E D5E!!32" *23TS PE+ HECT4+E.
C/MP+EHE2S3AE !42D *SE P!42.
Se"$!o% ''. HE3"HT +E"*!4T3/2S. B*3!D32" HE3"HT M*ST C/2F/+M T/ THE HE3"HT
+EST+3CT3/2S 42D +EN*3+EME2TS /F THE 43+ T+42SP/+T4T3/2 /FF3CE H4T/I 4S 5E!! 4S THE
+EN*3+EME2TS /F THE 24T3/24! B*3!D32" C/DE, THE ST+*CT*+4! C/DE 4S 5E!! 4S 4!!
!45S, /+D3242CES, DES3"2 ST42D4+DS, +*!ES 42D +E"*!4T3/2S +E!4TED T/ !42D
DEAE!/PME2T 42D B*3!D32" C/2ST+*CT3/2 42D THE A4+3/*S S4FETC C/DES.
A.1 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL FONES ?R-1@ M 32 +-7 F/2E, 2/ B*3!D32" /+ ST+*CT*+E F/+
H*M42 /CC*P42CC 5HETHE+ P*B!3C /+ P+3A4TE SH4!! BE H3"HE+ TH42 TE2 H7=I METE+S
4B/AE H3"HEST 24T*+4! "+4DE !32E 32 THE P+/PE+TC /+ F+/2T S3DE54!6 HM432 E2T+CI
!EAE!. !/5 +3SE D5E!!32"S 4+E *P T/ TH+EE ST/+ECS.
A.' MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL FONES ?R-'@ M 32 +-> F/2E , 2/ B*3!D32" /+ ST+*CT*+E
F/+ H*M42 /CC*P42CC 5HETHE+ P*B!3C /+ P+3A4TE SH4!! BE H3"HE+ TH42 T5E2TC-/2E
H>7I METE+S 4B/AE H3"HEST 24T*+4! "+4DE !32E 32 THE P+/PE+TC /+ F+/2T S3DE54!6
HM432 E2T+CI !EAE!. M3D-+3SE D5E!!32" 4+E F/*+ T/ SEAE2 ST/+ECS.
A.( HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL FONES ?R-(@ M 32 +-, F/2E, H3"H +3SE D5E!!32" *23TS /F
E3"HT /+ M/+E ST/+ECS 4+E 4!!/5ED P+/A3DED 3T C/2F/+MS 53TH THE F/2E RS
P+ESC+3BED F!//+ 4+E4 +4T3/ HF4+I. THE F4+ /F 42 +-, F/2E SH4!! BE B4SED /2 THE
T+42SP/+T4T3/2 /FF3CE H4T/I 42D /THE+ "/AE+2ME2T +E"*!4T3/2S. 53TH32 THESE
F/2ES,B*3!D32" HE3"HTS SH4!! BE B4SED /2 THE P+ESC+3BED F!//+ 4+E4 +4T3/ HF4+I.
H+EFE+ T/ 422EQES B-F F/+ 3!!*ST+4T3/2 /2 H/5 F!//+ 4+E4 +4T3/ 3S *SED 32 4 F/232"
Se"$!o% '(. EDe7p$!o%2 4ro7 He!g$ Reg3#a$!o% !% R-1 a%6 R-'. E(e$pted fro$ the i$po%ition of
height reglation% in re%idential zone% are the follo'ingK to'er%, chrch %teeple%, 'ater tan)% and other
tilitie% and %ch other %trctre% not co#ered by the height reglation% of the 2ational Bilding Code 42D0/+
THE 43+ T+42SP/+T4T3/2 /FF3CE.
Se"$!o% '). Area Reg3#a$!o%2. 4rea reglation in all zone% %hall confor$ 'ith the $ini$$ reBire$ent of
the e(i%ting code% %ch a%K
a. P.D. .*, M the @Sbdi#i%ion and Condo$ini$ Byer%1 Protecti#e !a'.@ 4n it% re#i%ed i$ple$enting
rle% and reglation%.
&. B. P. ''/ - ?Pro$lgation of Different !e#el% of Standard% and Technical +eBire$ent% for
Econo$ic and Socialized Ho%ing proGect%@ and it1% re#i%ed i$ple$enting rle% and
c. P.D. 7=<9 9 Na$!o%a# B3!#6!%g Co6e
6. F!re Co6e
4. P#37&!%g Co6e
h. E(ecti#e /rder 2o. 9D8
i. /ther rele#ant gideline% pro$lgated by the national agencie% concerned.
Se"$!o% '*. Roa6 Se$&a"E Reg3#a$!o%2. The follo'ing road %etbac) reglation% %hall be appliedK
+/4D SETB4C6
K MaGor K Secondary K Tertiary
F/232" C!4SS3F3C4T3/2 K Thoroghfare K +oad K +oad
K ,=$. J abo#e K K 9$. J belo'
K Di#er%ion0+ail'ay% K Pro#incial K Mn.0Brgy.
'. Re2!6e%$!a# 0 1/ 7. 0 1/ 7. 0 ( 7.
Co$$ercial K >= $. K >= $. K : $.
3nd%trial K ,= $. K >; $. K 7= $.
4gricltre K >= $. K >= $. K : $.
4gro-3nd%trial K ,= $. K >; $. K 7= $.
3n%tittional K >= $. K >= $. K 7= $.
Par)% J +ecreation K 7= $. K 7= $. K , $.
Fore%t K ,= $. K >; $. K 7= $.
SorceK DP5H
Se"$!o% '+. Ea2e7e%$. P*+S*42T T/ THE P+/A3S3/2S /F THE 54TE+ C/DEK 7.I THE B426S
/F +3AE+S 42D ST+E4MS 42D THE SH/+ES /F THE SE4S 42D !46ES TH+/*"H/*T THE3+
E2T3+E !E2"TH 42D 53TH32 4 F/2E /F TH+EE H,I METE+S 32 *+B42 4+E4S. T5E2TC H>=I
METE+S 32 4"+3C*!T*+4! 4+E4S 42D F/+TC HD=I METE+S 32 F/+EST 4+E4S, 4!/2" THE3+
M4+"32S, 4+E S*BJECT T/ E4SEME2T /F P*B!3C *SE 32 THE 32TE+EST /F +EC+E4T3/2,
24A3"4T3/2, F!/4T4"E, F3SH32" 42D S4!A4"E.
2/ PE+S/2 SH4!! BE 4!!/5ED T/ ST4C 32 TH3S F/2E !/2"E+ TH42 5H4T 3S 2ECESS4+C F/+
SP4CE /+ +EC+E4T3/2, 24A3"4T3/2, F!/4T4"E, F3SH32" /+ S4!A4"E /+ T/ B*3!D
ST+*CT*+ES /F 42C 632D.
>I M42D4T/+C F3AE-METE+ E4SEME2T /2 B/TH S3DES /F THE M4+36324 F4*!T T+4CE 42D
S*CH /THE+ F4*!T T+4CES /2 THE "+/*2D 3DE2T3F3ED BC PH3A/!CS.
Se"$!o% ',. B344er Reg3#a$!o%2. 4 bffer of , $eter% %hall be pro#ided along entire bondary length
bet'een t'o or $ore conflicting zone% allocating 7.; $eter% fro$ each %ide of the di%trict bondary. Sch
bffer %trip %hold be open and not encroached pon by any bilding or %trctre and %hold be a part of the
yard or open %pace.
Se"$!o% '-. Spe"!4!" ProC!2!o%2 !% $e Na$!o%a# B3!#6!%g Co6e. Specific pro#i%ion% %tiplated in the
2ational Bilding Code HP.D.7=<9I a% a$ended thereto rele#ant to traffic generator%, ad#erti%ing and b%ine%%
%ign%, erection of $ore than one principal %trctre, d'elling or rear lot%, acce%% yard reBire$ent% and
d'elling grop%, 'hich are not in conflict 'ith the pro#i%ion% of the Foning /rdinance, %hall be ob%er#ed.
Se"$!o% '.. Per4or7a%"e S$a%6ar62 - 4ll land %e%, de#elop$ent% or con%trction %hall confor$ to the
follo'ing %tandard%K
1. No!2e a%6 <!&ra$!o%2
4ll noi%e% and #ibration-prodction $achinery %hall be enclo%ed by a bilding and %hall be pro#ided 'ith
Effecti#e noi%e-ab%orbing $aterial%, noi%e %ilencer% and $ffler%, and open yard of a di%tance of not le%% than
t'enty H>=I $eter% fro$ the %treet or adGoining property planted to den%e tree% a% baffler%. To $ini$ize
#ibration%, $achinery %hold be $onted on %hoc)-ab%orbing $ontain%, %ch a% cor) %et or reinforced
concrete to redce all noi%e and #ibration% to a rea%onable $ini$$. 2oi%e 'hich i% obGectionable de to the
inter$ittence, heat freBency on high pitch %hall not be allo'ed nle%% enclo%ed in a %ond proof bilding a%
te%ted and appro#ed by the $nicipal official% concerned.
'. S7oEe
4ny %$o)e e$itted fro$ any %orce for period aggregating %e#en H:I $inte% in any thirty $inte%
particlarly 'hen %tarting a ne' fire, %hall ha#e a den%ity not greater than 2o. > of the +ingle$en Chart.
(. D32$1 D!r$ a%6 F#5 A2 4ro7 a%5 A"$!C!$5
The e$i%%ion of d%t, dirt or fly a%h fro$ any %orce of acti#ity 'hich %hall pollte the air and render it
nclear, detri$ental, and healthfl or hazardo%, or ca%e #i%ibility to be i$paired, %hall not be per$itted. 3n
no ca%e 'hat%oe#er %hall d%t, dirt or fly a%h be allo'ed to e(ceed =., gra$% per cbic $eter of fel ga% at
%tac) and te$peratre of ten H7=I centigrade to create a haze 'ith opaBene%% eBi#alent to or greater than
2o. 7 of the +ingle$en Chart.
). O6or2 a%6 Ga2e2
The e$i%%ion of fol odor and ga%e% deleterio% to pblic health, %afety and general 'elfare %hall not be
per$itted. 4irtight bilding% pro#ided 'ith air conditioning %y%te$, filter%, deodorizer% and other air cleaning
eBip$ent %hall enclo%e bilding% and acti#ity e$itting fol odor% of obno(io% ga%e%.
*. G#are a%6 Hea$
"lare and heat fro$ any operation of acti#ity %hall not be allo'ed to be radiated, %een or felt fro$ any point
beyond the li$it% of the property.
+. I%632$r!a# Wa2$e2
3nd%trial0plant 'a%te% %hall be di%po%ed of only in a $anner 'hich 'ill not create any ni%ance
to adGoining propertie%, 'ater'ay% or to the co$$nity in general.
,. SeHerage D!2po2a#
Perfor$ance %tandard% of the Di%po%al of Manfactring 3nd%trie% %hall co$ply 'ith the +ecei#ing
Standard% %et by the En#iron$ental Manage$ent Brea.
2o %e'erage dangero% to the pblic health, %afety and general 'elfare %hall be di%charge into any pblic
%e'er %y%te$, natral 'ater or any drainage channel. 4ll ind%trial 'a%te and efflent% fro$ do$e%tic and
$nicipal %orce% %hall confor$ to the #ie'% 'ater %tandard% %et by EMB rle% and reglation%.
Se"$!o% (/. E%C!ro%7e%$a# I7pa"$ A22e227e%$8S$a$e7e%$ - En#iron$ental i$pact a%%e%%$ent0%tate$ent
%hall be reBired only fro$ tho%e ind%trie% certified by the En#iron$ental Manage$ent Brea a% reBiring
%ch %tate$ent a% 'ell other acti#itie% a% $ay be deter$ined by the Board a% reBiring %ch a%%e%%$ent.
Te app#!"a%$ 2a## 23&7!$ $e 4o##oH!%g reI3!re7e%$2.
7. Detailed de%cription of the propo%ed de#elop$ent or action con%trction.
>. Detailed de%cription of the phy%ical, biological, %ocial en#iron$ent 'ithin 'hich the
de#elop$ent0con%trction 'ill occr.
,. Detailed de%cription of e(i%ting plan% 'hich 'ill be affected by the propo%ed de#elop$ent0action.
D. Detailed de%cription of other planned, or in the cor%e of realization, 'hich 'ill interact 'ith the propo%ed
action, %o a% to increa%e or redce the en#iron$ental i$pact.
;. Detailed de%cription of the probable direct and indced, i$pact of the propo%ed action on the phy%ical,
biological, %ocial en#iron$ent.
9. Co$pari%on of i$pact alternati#e action%.
:. Special e$pha%i% on ad#er%e effect%, long ter$ effect%, re%orce co$$it$ent, co%t benefit analy%i%.
Se"$!o% (1. Po##3$!o% Co%$ro# M For effecti#e polltion control, all $anfactring ind%trie% $%t apply for
location clearance fro$ the Ho%ing and !and *%e +eglatory Board and proper certificate of anti-polltion
co$pliance fro$ the En#iron$ental Manage$ent Brea of the Depart$ent of En#iron$ent and 2atral
Se"$!o% ('. C3#$!Ca$!o%8U$!#!Ga$!o% o4 R!Cer Be62 a%6 Sa%6 Bar2 - 2o ri#er bed% or %and bar% %hall be
%bGect of clti#ation or tilization e(cept pon prior reco$$endation of the !ocal De#elop$ent Staff and pon
prior per$i%%ion of the Secretary of the Depart$ent of Pblic 5or)% Tran%portation and Co$$nication.
Pro#ided frther that no per$i%%ion %hall be granted if it ob%trct% the flo' of 'ater. or if it %hall increa%e the
flood le#el% %o a% to ca%e da$age to the%e area%.
Se"$!o% ((. I%%oCa$!Ce Te"%!I3e2 or De2!g%. For proGect% that introdce fle(ibility and creati#ity in de%ign
or plan %ch a% B*T 2/T !3M3TED to Planned *nit De#elop$ent, H/*S32" proGect% co#ered by 2e'
De#elop$ent nder +4 :>:<, B!3SS Co$$ercial Co$ple(e%, etc., the Foning 4d$ini%trator0F/232"
/FF3CE+ %hall on grond% of inno#ati#e de#elop$ent techniBe% for'ard application% to H!+B for
appropriate action, *2!ESS THE !/C4! "/AE+2ME2T *23TS C/2CE+2ED H4S THE C4P4C3TC T/
4+T3C!E Q
B/4+D 4S P+/JECTS /F 24T3/24! S3"23F3C42CE P*+S*42T T/ SECT3/2 , /F E/ :>. 5HE2 THE
2ED4 B/4+D 4S 4 P+/JECT /F 24T3/24! S3"23F3C42CE DEC!4+ES 4 P+/JECT THE !/C4T3/24!
C!E4+42CE SH4!! BE 3SS*ED BC H!+B P*+S*42T T/ E/ :>.
3SS*42CE /F !/C4T3/24! C!E4+42CE *2DE+ SECT3/2 ,: /F TH3S /+D3242CE, 2/
E2A3+/2ME2T4!!C C+3T3C4! P+/JECTS 2/+ P+/JECTS !/C4TED 32 E2A3+/2ME2T4!!C
Se"$!o% (+. SUBDI<ISION PRO;ECTS. 4!! /52E+S 42D0/+ DEAE!/PE+S /F S*BD3A3S3/2
P+/JECTS SH4!! 32 4DD3T3/2 T/ SEC*+32" 4 !/C4T3/24! C!E4+42CE *2DE+ SECT3/2 ,: /F
TH3S /+D3242CE BE +EN*3+ED T/ SEC*+E 4 DEAE!/PME2T PE+M3T P*+S*42T T/ P+/A3S3/2S
/F PD <;: 42D 3TS 3MP!EME2T32" +*!ES 42D +E"*!4T3/2S /+ BP >>= 42D 3TS 3MP!EME2T32"
+*!ES 42D +E"*!4T3/2S 32 THE C4SE /F S/C34!3FED H/*S32" P+/JECT 32 4CC/+D42CE 53TH
THE P+/CED*+ES !43D D/52 32 E/ :7, SE+3ES /F 7<<,.
4+T3C!E Q3
Se"$!o% (,. DeC!a$!o%. E(ception%, #ariance% or de#iation% fro$ the pro#i%ion% of thi% /rdinance $ay be
allo'ed by the !ocal Foning Board of 4dG%t$ent and 4ppeal% H!FB44I only 'hen the follo'ing ter$% and
condition% are e(i%tingK
1. <ar!a%"e
a. The property i% niBe and different fro$ other propertie% in the adGacent locality and beca%e of
it% niBene%%, the o'ner0% cannot obtain a rea%onable retrn on the property.
Thi% condition %hall inclde at lea%t , of the follo'ing pro#i%ion%.
Confor$ing to the pro#i%ion% of the /rdinance 'ill ca%e nde hard%hip on the part of the o'ner
or occpant of the property de to phy%ical condition% of the property Htopography, %hape, etc.I
5H3CH i% not %elf created.
The propo%ed #ariance i% the $ini$$ de#iation nece%%ary to per$it rea%onable %e of the property.
The #ariance 'ill not alter the phy%ical character of the di%trict or zone 'here the property for
'hich the #ariance %oght i% located, and 'ill not %b%tantially or per$anently inGre the %e of
the other propertie% in the %a$e di%trict or zone.
That the #ariance 'ill not 'ea)en the general prpo%e of the /rdinance and 'ill not ad#er%ely
affect the pblic health, %afety or 'elfare.
The #ariance 'ill be in har$ony 'ith the %pirit of thi% /rdinance.
'. ED"ep$!o%2
a. The e(ception 'ill not ad#er%ely affect the pblic health, %afety and 'elfare and i% in )eeping
'ith the general pattern of de#elop$ent in the co$$nity.
b. The propo%ed proGect %hall %pport econo$ic ba%ed acti#itie%0pro#ided li#elihood, #ital
co$$nity %er#ice% and facilitie% 'hile at the %a$e ti$e po%ing no ad#er%e effect on the
". Te eD"ep$!o% H!## %o$ a6Cer2e#5 a44e"$ $e appropr!a$e 32e o4 a6Jo!%!%g proper$5 !% $e
2a7e 6!2$r!"$
d. The e(ception 'ill not alter the e%%ential character and general prpo%e of the di%trict 'here the
e(ception %oght i% located.
Se"$!o% (-. Pro"e63re2 4or Gra%$!%g ED"ep$!o%2 a%6 <ar!a%"e2. The procedre for the granting e(ception
and0or #ariance i% a% follo'%K
7. 4 'ritten application for an e(ception or #ariance SH4!! be filed 53TH THE !/C4! F/232"
B/4+D /F 4DJ*STME2T 42D 4PPE4!S H!FB44I citing the %ection of thi% /rdinance nder
'hich the %a$e i% %oght and %tating the grond0% thereof.
>. *pon filing of application, a #i%ible proGect %ign, Hindicating the na$e and natre of the propo%ed
proGectI %hall be po%ted at the proGect %ite.
,. The !/C4! F/232" B/4+D /F 4DJ*STME2T 42D 4PPE4!S %hall condct preli$inary
%tdie% on the application.
D. 4 'ritten affida#it of non-obGection of the proGect by the o'ner% of the propertie% adGacent to the
proGect %hall be filed by the applicant 'ith the !FB44 at lea%t fifteen H7;I day% prior to the deci%ion
for e(ception0#ariance.
;. 3n ca%e of obGection, THE !FB44 %hall hold pblic hearing.
9. 4t the hearing, any party $ay appear in per%on, or be repre%ented by agent0%. 4ll intere%ted
partie% %hall be accorded the opportnity to be heard and pre%ent e#idence% and te%ti$onie%.
:. The !FB44 %hall render a deci%ion 'ithin thirty H,=I day% fro$ the filing of the application,
e(cl%i#e of the ti$e %pent for the preparation of 'ritten affida#it on non-obGection and the pblic
hearing in ca%e of any obGection to the granting of e(ception0#ariance.
Section ,<. Te$porary *%e Per$it
The Foning 4d$ini%trator, pon the prior reco$$endation of the planning and de#elop$ent %taff,
$ay allo' in a particlar area a %e other than tho%e e(pre%%ly or i$pliedly allo'ed by the Fone *%e
+eglation% applicable to %ch area, pro#ided the follo'ing ter$% and condition% are co$plied 'ith.
7. The %e i% te$porary in natre, that i%, the %trctre%, eBip$ent, $achinery, operation% and
per%onnel are capable of or a$endable to being ter$inated, tran%ferred or relocated el%e'here 'ithin
the co$$nity after the e(piration of the per$it or 'ell condition% ha#e beco$e %ch that their
tran%fer, relocation or ter$ination i% nece%%ary in order to pro$ote the pblic health, %afety or general
'. The area in 'hich the propo%ed te$porary i% %oght to be located i% not yet bild-p that i% the
de%ignated %e ha% not yet been con%$ed or %ed p a $aGor portion of the zone, and there i% %till
%fficient a#ailable land that 'ill acco$$odate the need% or de$and% of the de%ignated %e% for the
(. There i% no predictable pattern of gro'th or increa%e, in the de%ignated %e% of the area, not of any
other particlar de#elop$ent.
). The propo%ed te$porary %e 'ill not ad#er%ely affect pblic health, %afety or general 'elfare, nor the
appropriated %e of adGacent or %rronding %e% in the #icinity of at lea%t one H7I )ilo$eter radi%
fro$ it% location.
*. The propo%ed te$porary %e %hall be allo'ed to e(i%t for a $a(i$$ period of one year, 'hich $ay
be re#ie'ed once $ore for a period not e(ceeding the $a(i$$ pre%cribed herein nder the
follo'ing condition%K
7. The proGect0%e0acti#ity cannot rea%onably be e(pected to beco$e profitable or reco#er capital
otlay and operating e(pen%e% 'ithin one H7I year, in 'hich ca%e, the nece%%ary n$ber of
additional year% %hall be deter$ined by the zoning ad$ini%trator ta)ing into con%ideration the
propo%al of the o'ner0operator, the planning and de#elop$ent %taff, e(pert% and other
intere%ted per%on or.
>. The ter$ination of the %e at the end of %ch period 'old re%lt in %e#ere di%location or
per%onnel e#en if the reBired pha%e ot progra$ for the lay off per%onnel i% carried ot.
,. There i% %till no deter$inable pattern of land %e or the te$porary %e ha% %ho'n %o$e
potential of %itability and de%irability in the area.
4ll application of te$porary %e per$it %hall be acted pon on ca%e to ca%e ba%i%. 3f at any ti$e
dring the period that a te$porary %e had been in e(i%tence it appear% that trend of de#elop$ent
definitely e%tabli%he% a pattern of gro'th in fa#or of %ch cla%% and it i% de%irable to retain and e#en
encorage %ch cla%% of %e%, the Foning 4d$ini%trator $ay reco$$end to the planning and
de#elop$ent board and the Sanggnian appropriate $ea%re% for the recla%%ification% and rezoning of
the area, 'hich %hall be adopted in the %a$e $anner a% that for all other a$end$ent% to thi% /rdinance.
Se"$!o% )/. ProC!2!o% Co77o% To A## DeC!a$!o%2
5hene#er a de#iation in the for$ of #ariance or e(ception a% to %e i% to be allo'ed. the follo'ing
additional condition% %hall be ob%er#ed.
7. The de#iant %e of %trctre $%t not be a traffic generator and $%t pro#ide for adeBate par)ing
%pace% in the area. and
>. there %hall be ob%er#ed adeBate $ea%re% to protect and enhance the en#iron$ental Bality of the
area in 'hich they are located.
3n addition, the o'ner% %hall %b$it reglar acti#ity %tat% report to the Foning 4d$ini%trator
prpo%e% of $onitoring their i$pact on the area a% their co$pliance 'ith the condition% pre%cribed herein.
Se"$!o% )1. Spe"!a# Per7!$ U2e2
*%e% or %trctre% that reBire the i%%ance of Special *%e Per$it before they $ay be per$itted are
tho%e 'hich.
7. Ha#e %ignificant i$pact on health, %afety and the en#iron$ent.
>. 4re generally %pporti#e of the %e% in other zone% and the %trctre% allo'ed therein bt ha#e
%ignificant phy%ical and en#iron$ental effect% that 'old $a)e the nreglated allo'ance of %ch
%e% nde%irable%.
,. Ha#e %ignificant of %trategic econo$ic, %ocial or en#iron$ental i$pact% on the area bt are n$ero%
enogh to 'arrant their incl%ion or incorporation into a %pecific zone, or %ch incorporation i% not
de%irable on accont of the need for e#alation of each particlar application for the %a$e cla%% of
the %e according to it% $erit%.
Con%onant 'ith the follo'ing foregoing criteria the follo'ing %e% %hall be %bGect to %pecific %e per$it%K
1. D37p!%g S!$e
7.7 4deBate fencing %hall be pt p to pre#ent nder %cattering of 'a%te%.
7.> Poi%oning of rat% and %praying of 'a%te%.
7., The d$ping %ite %hall not be located ot%ide of the applicant1% pre$i%e% if pri#ate, and %hall be
located 'ithin a 7== $eter% fro$ 'ater %orce% and re%idential zone, if pblic.
'. I%"!%era$or P#a%$
>,7 They %hall not, a% far a% practicable be located at re%idential zone%.
>.> 4 %ite in%pection %hall be reBired to deter$ine that the propo%ed plant doe% not pro$ote %afety
hazard% to the adGacent land %e% to the co$$nity in general
>., Their %ond $aintenance %hall be the %ole re%pon%ibility of the applicant and on per%on rnning the$.
(. Ce7e$er!e2
,.7 They %hall be located in in%tittional or open %pace zone, in addition, they %hall be %itated at lea%t
fifty $eter% H;= $I fro$ neare%t re%idence, and an a%%e%%$ent0bffer zone of ;= $eter% fro$ the
ban)% of ri#er or other bodie% of 'ater tra#er%ing or adGoining the %a$e %hall be ob%er#ed.
,.> The de%ign% or %trctre %ch a% $%e$%, arcade%, %hall blend 'ith the %rronding%.
,., Their proper $aintenance %hall be the e(cl%i#e dty of the applicant or per%on% rnning the$.
,.D They %hall be located or %hall pro#ide for an ea%e$ent or bffer zone% of at lea%t fifty $eter% H;=$I
a'ay fro$ the actal or potential arond 'ater %orce%, ban) or ri#er% or other bodie% of 'ater
tra#er%ing or adGoining the %a$e.
,.; 4deBate drainage %y%te$ %hold be pro#ided for liBid rn-off fro$ decaying or degrading $atter%.
,.9 Fa%t control $ea%re% %hold be applied to pre#ent conta$ination of %rronding area%.
,.: Shrbbery and tree% %hold be planted arond the %ite and an open %pace a% bffer %trip, to pre%er#e
ecological balance.
,.8 They %hall not ad#er%ely affect the appropriate or profitable %e of other propertie% in the area.
,.< Sanitary reBire$ent% of the Sanitation Code, The +ral Code and other e(i%ting la'%, particlarly
tho%e referring to final procedre% in ca%e% of the incidence of epide$ic% or co$$nicable di%ea%e%
%hall be co$plied 'ith.
,.7= Their proper $aintenance %hall be the e(cl%i#e dty of the applicant or per%on% rnning the$.
,.77 They %hall co$ply 'ith other %anitary reBire$ent% pre%cribed by e(i%ting la'%.
). Ra6!o Tra%27!$$!%g S$a$!o%2
D.7 They %hall be located at co$$ercial or in%tittional tility zone%.
D.> Their %ond $aintenance %hall be the e(cl%i#e re%pon%ibility of the applicant and0or per%on% rnning
D., 5here the pblic 'elfare de$and%, ho'e#er, they $ay not be denied location in %o$e re%idential
zone% pro#ided the preceding condition% i% co$plied 'ith pro#ided ho'e#er, that po'erfl high
#oltage tran%$itter0antenna% 'hich $ay ca%e electric interference or e(ce%%i#e electro$agnet
radiation, 'hich 'old be hazardo% to health or %afety a% deter$ined by the +adio
Control0Teleco$$nication Control Brea and other co$petent athoritie% %hall not be allo'ed.
*. Pr!Ca$e La%6!%g S$r!p21 R3%Ha521 He#!por$2 a%6 He#!pa62
;.7 They %hall not be located 'ithin re%idential zone%.
;.> They $%t be 7== $eter% fro$ the neare%t re%idential zone%, and %hall not pa%e hazard% to the
%afety of re%ident% therein.
;., They $%t co$ply 'ith all reBire$ent% of the Ci#il 4eronatic% 4d$ini%tration HC44I. 4 'ritten
athority to operate %hall be obtained fro$ the C44 by the applicant at lea%t <= day% before the
intended date of operation, and the daily ne'%paper preparatory to a pblic hearing to deter$ine
pblic oppo%ition to the propo%ed bilding %ite.
+. F!##!%g S$a$!o%
9.7 They %hall not be located 'ithin at lea%t fifty H;=I $eter% fro$ the neare%t %chool%, chrche%,
ho%pital% and other %i$ilar bilding%.
9.> They %hall not con%titte %afety hazard% in a co$$nity de#eloped entirely into re%idential prpo%e%.
9., The pre$i%e %hall not be %ed for o#ernight par)ing of tran%port #ehicle% and tility ter$inal% or body
bilding prpo%e%.
9.D The n$ber of %tation% allo'ed $%t confor$ 'ith the %tandard %et by the Energy +eglatory Board.
9.; Filling %tation% %hall be located at lea%t 7== $eter% fro$ each other, and %hold ha#e adeBate fire
fighting eBip$ent.
,. Ope% S$orage
:.7 They %hall be located 'ithin rea%onable di%tance fro$ %chool%, chrche%, ho%pital% and other %i$ilar
bilding, preferably 7== $eter% a'ay or $ore.
:.> Sond $aintenance %hall be the %ole re%pon%ibility of the applicant.
Spe"!a# Per7!$20
-. Co"Ep!$
-.1 Co"Ep!$ 2a## &e a##oHe6 o%#5 !% a""or6a%"e H!$ $e proC!2!o% o4 $e Co"E F!g$!%g LaH.
-.' Te5 2a## &e #o"a$e6 %o$ #e22 $a% '// 7e$er2 4ro7 2"oo#21 "3r"e21 o2p!$a#2 a%6
2!7!#ar &3!#6!%g2.
-.( A6eI3a$e o44-2$ree$1 parE!%g1 parE!%g 2pa"e1 %o!2e re63"!%g 4a"!#!$!e2.
Se"$!o% )'. Lo"a$!o%a# C#eara%"e. 4ll o'ner%0de#eloper% %hall %ecre !/C4T3/24! C!E4+42CE fro$
the Foning 4d$ini%trator0F/232" /FF3CE+ /+ 32 C4SES /F A4+342CES 42D EQEMPT3/2S, F+/M
THE !/C4! F/232" B/4+D /F 4DJ*STME2T 42D 4PPE4!S H!FB44I prior to condcting any acti#ity or
con%trction% on their property0land.
Se"$!o% )(. BUILDING PERMIT. 2/ B*3!D32" PE+M3T SH4!! BE 3SS*ED BC THE !/C4! B*3!D32"
/FF3CE+ 53TH/*T 4 A4!3D !/C4T3/24! C!E4+42CE 32 4CC/+D42CE 53TH TH3S /+D3242CE.
Se"$!o% )). NON-USER OF LOCATIONAL CLEARANCE. *P/2 3SS*42CE /F 4 !/C4T3/24!
C!E4+42CE, THE "+42TEE THE+E/F SH4!! H4AE /2E CE4+ 53TH32 5H3CH T/ C/MME2CE /+
P+/PE+TC. 2/2-*SE /F S43D C!E4+42CE 53TH32 S43D PE+3/D SH4!! +ES*!T 32 3TS 4*T/M4T3C
EQP3+4T3/2, C42CE!!4T3/2 42D THE "+42TEE SH4!! 2/T P+/CEED 53TH H3S P+/JECT
53TH/*T 4PP!C32" F/+ 4 2E5 C!E4+42CE.
Se"$!o% )*. Cer$!4!"a$e o4 No%-Co%4or7a%"e. 4 certificate of 2on-Confor$ance %hall be applied for by the
o'ner of the %trctre or operator of the acti#ity in#ol#ed 'ithin %i( H9I $onth% fro$ the ratification of the
zoning ordinance by the H!+B or S42""*2342" P42!4!453"42 HSPI. Failre on the part of the o'ner to
regi%ter0apply for a Certificate of 2on-Confor$ance %hall be con%idered in #iolation of the Foning /rdinance
and i% %bGect to fine0penaltie%.
*P/2 4PP+/A4! /F TH3S /+D3242CE, THE F/232" 4DM323ST+4T/+0F/232" /FF3CE+ SH4!!
3MMED34TE!C 2/T3FC /52E+S /F 62/52 EQ3ST32" 2/2-C/2F/+M32" *SE T/ 4PP!C F/+ 4
CE+T3F3C4TE /F 2/2-C/2F/+M42CE.
Se"$!o% )+. ED!2$!%g No%-Co%4or7!%g U2e2 a%6 B3!#6!%g2. The la'fl %e% of any bilding, %trctre or
land at the ti$e of adoption or a$end$ent of thi% /rdinance $ay be contined, althogh %ch %e% do not
confor$ 'ith the pro#i%ion of thi% /rdinance, pro#idedK
7. That no %ch non-confor$ing %e %hall be enlarged or e(tended to occpy a greater area of land
than that already occpied by %ch %e at the ti$e of the adoption of thi% /rdinance or $o#ed in
'hole or in part, to any other portion of the lot or parcel of land 'here %ch non-confor$ing %e
e(i%t% at the ti$e of the adoption of thi% /rdinance.
>. That no %ch non-confor$ing %e 'hich ha% cea%ed operation for $ore than one H7I year be again
re#i#ed a% non-confor$ing %e.
,. 4n idle0#acant %trctre $ay not be %ed for non-confor$ing acti#ity.
D. That any non-confor$ing %trctre, or %trctre% nder one o'ner%hip 'hich ha% been da$aged
$aybe recon%trcted and %ed a% before pro#ided that %ch recon%trction i% not $ore than fifty
percent H;=LI of the replace$ent co%t.
;. That no %ch non-confor$ing %e $aybe $o#ed to di%place any confor$ing %e.
9. That no %ch non-confor$ing %trctre $ay be enlarge or altered in a 'ay 'hich increa%e% it%
non-confor$ity, bt any %trctre or portion thereof $ay be altered to decrea%e it% non-confor$ity.
:. That %hold %ch %trctre be $o#ed for any rea%on to 'hate#er di%tance, it %hall thereafter
confor$ to the reglation of the di%trict in 'hich it i% $o#ed or relocated.
32 4DD3T3/2, THE /52E+ /F 4 2/2-C/2F/+M32" *SE SH4!! P+/"+4M THE PH4SE-/*T 42D
+E!/C4T3/2 /F THE 2/2-C/2F/+M32" *SE 53TH32 TH+EE H,I CE4+S F+/M THE EFFECT3A3TC
/F TH3S /+D3242CE.
Se"$!o% ),. Re2po%2!&!#!$5 4or A67!%!2$ra$!o% a%6 E%4or"e7e%$. Thi% /rdinance %hall be enforced and
ad$ini%tered by THE !/C4! CH3EF EQEC*T3AE TH+/*"H the Foning 4d$ini%trator0F/232" /FF3CE+
'ho %hall be appointed BC THE F/+ME+ 32 4CC/+D42CE 53TH EQ3ST32" +*!ES 42D +E"*!4T3/2S
Se"$!o% )-. PoHer2 a%6 F3%"$!o%2 o4 a Fo%!%g A67!%!2$ra$or8FONING OFFICER. Pr%ant to the
pro#i%ion% of E/ :> i$ple$enting +4 :79= in relation to Sec. ;, Paragraph a and d, and Section : of
E(ecti#e /rder 2o. 9D8 dated =: Febrary 7<87. The Foning 4d$ini%trator0F/232" /FF3CE+ %hall perfor$
the follo'ing fnction%, dtie% and re%pon%ibilitie%.
I. E%4or"e7e%$
4. 4ct on all application% for locational clearance% for all proGect%.
7. 3%%ance of !ocational Clearance for proGect% confor$ing 'ith zoning reglation%.
>. +EC/MME2D T/ THE !/C4! F/232" B/4+D /F 4DJ*STME2T 42D 4PPE4!S
,. H!FB44I the grant or denial of application% for #ariance% and e(e$ption% and the
i%%ance of Certificate of 2on-Confor$ance for non-confor$ing proGect% la'flly
e(i%ting at the ti$e of the adoption of the zoning ordinance, inclding clearance% for
repair%0reno#ation% on non-confor$ing %e% con%i%tent 'ith the gideline% therefore.
B. Monitor on-going0e(i%ting proGect% 'ithin their re%pecti#e Gri%diction% and i%%e notice% of
#iolation and %ho' ca%e order to o'ner% de#eloper%, or $anager% of proGect% that are
#iolati#e of zoning ordinance and 3F 2ECESS4+C, P*+S*42T T/ SEC. , /F E/ :> 42D
SEC. > /F E/ :7 refer %b%eBent action% thereon to the H!+B.
C. Call and coordinate 'ith the PH3!3PP32E 2ational Police for enforce$ent of all order% and
P+/CESSES i%%ed in the i$ple$entation of thi% ordinance.
D. Coordinate 'ith the City Fi%cal0Mnicipal 4ttorney for other legal action%0re$edie% relati#e to
the foregoing.
II. P#a%%!%g
4. Coordinate 'ith the +egional /ffice of the H!+B regarding propo%ed a$end$ent% to the
zoning ordinance% prior to adoption by the Sanggniang Bayan0Pangln%od.
Se"$!o% ).. A"$!o% o% Co7p#a!%$2 a%6 Oppo2!$!o%2. 4 C/MP!432T F/+ A3/!4T3/2S /F 42C
P+/A3S3/2 /F THE F/232" /+D3242CE /+ /F 42C C!E4+42CE /+ PE+M3TS 3SS*ED P*+S*42T
THE+ET/ SH4!! BE F3!ED 53TH THE !FB44.
H/5EAE+, /PP/S3T3/2S T/ 4PP!3C4T3/2 F/+ C!E4+42CE, A4+342CE /+ EQCEPT3/2
SH4!! BE T+E4TED 4S 4 C/MP!432T 42D DE4!T 53TH 32 4CC/+D42CE 53TH THE P+/A3S3/2 /F
F*2CT3/2S 42D +ESP/2S3B3!3T3ESK
4CT /2 4PP!3C4T3/2S /F THE F/!!/532" 24T*+EK
7. Aariance%
>. E(ception%
,. 2on-Confor$ing *%e%
D. C/MP!432TS 42D /PP/S3T3/2 T/ 4PP!3C4T3/2S
4DM323ST+4T/+0F/232" /FF3CE+.
Deci%ion% of the !ocal Foning Board of 4dG%t$ent and 4ppeal% %hall be appealable to the H!+B.
SH4!! 4CT 4S THE !FB44 C/MP/SED /F THE F/!!/532" MEMBE+SK
7. Mnicipal Mayor a% Chair$an
>. Mnicipal !egal /fficer
,. Mnicipal 4%%e%%or
D. Mnicipal Engineer
;. Mnicipal Planning and De#elop$ent Coordinator Hif other than the Foning 4d$ini%tratorI.
9. T'o H>I repre%entati#e% of the pri#ate %ector, no$inated by their re%pecti#e organization% and
confir$ed by the $nicipal $ayor. 3n the e#ent of non-a#ailability of any of the official% en$erated
abo#e, the Sanggniang Bayan0Pangln%od %hall elect the n$ber of it% $e$ber% a% $ay be
nece%%ary to $eet the total n$ber abo#e %et forth, a% repre%entati#e%.
:. T'o H>I repre%entati#e% fro$ non-go#ern$ent organization%, no$inated by their re%pecti#e
organization% and confir$ed by the $nicipal $ayor. 3n the e#ent of non-a#ailability of any of the
official% en$erated abo#e, the Sanggniang Bayan %hall elect the n$ber of it% $e$ber% a% $ay
be nece%%ary to $eet the total n$ber abo#e %et forth, a% repre%entati#e%.
F/+ P*+P/SES /F P/!3CC C//+D324T3/2, S43D C/MM3TTEE SH4!! BE 4TT4CHED T/ THE
M*23C3P4! DEAE!/PME2T C/*2C3!.
Se"$!o% *'. I%$er!7 ProC!2!o%. *ntil %ch ti$e that the !/C4! F/232" B/4+D /F 4DJ*STME2T 42D
4PPE4!S %hall ha#e been con%titted, the H!+B %hall act a% the !/C4! F/232" B/4+D /F
4DJ*STME2T 42D 4PPE4!S. 4% an appellate Board, the H!+B %hall adopt it% o'n rle% of procedre to
go#ern the condct of appeal% ari%ing fro$ the ad$ini%tration and enforce$ent of thi% /rdinance.
Se"$!o% *(. ReC!eH o4 $e Fo%!%g Or6!%a%"e. The Mnicipal De#elop$ent Concil %hall create a %b-
co$$ittee, the !ocal Foning +e#ie' Co$$ittee H!F+CI that %hall re#ie' the Foning /rdinance con%idering
the Co$prehen%i#e !and *%e Plan, a% the need ari%e%, ba%ed on the follo'ing rea%on%0%itation%K
a. Change in local de#elop$ent plan%
b. 3ntrodction of proGect% of national %ignificance
c. Petition for rezoning
d. /ther rea%on% 'hich are appropriate for con%ideration
Section ;D. Co$po%ition of the !ocal Foning +e#ie' Co$$ittee H!F+CI. The !ocal Foning +e#ie' Co$$ittee
%hall be co$po%ed of %ectoral e(pert%.
The%e are the !ocal /fficial0Ci#ic !eader% re%pon%ible for the operation, de#elop$ent and progre%% of all
%ectoral nderta)ing in the locality, e.g.K
a. Mnicipal Planning and De#elop$ent Coordinator
b. Mnicipal Health /fficer
c. Mnicipal 4gricltri%t
d. Pre%ident, 4%%ociation of Barangay Captain%
e. Mnicipal Engineer
f. Co$$nity En#iron$ent and 2atral +e%orce% /fficer HCE2+/I
g. Mnicipal 4grarian +efor$ /fficer HM4+/I
h. Di%trict School Sper#i%or
i. Three H,I Pri#ate Sector +epre%entati#e% H!ocal Cha$ber of Co$$erce, Ho%ing 3nd%try
and Ho$eo'ner1% 4%%ociationI
G. T'o H>I 2"/ +epre%entati#e%
F/+ P*+P/SES /F P/!3CC 42D P+/"+4M C//+D324T3/2, THE !F+C SH4!! BE 4TT4CHED T/
THE M*23C3P4! DEAE!/PME2T C/*2C3!.
Se"$!o% **. F3%"$!o%2 o4 $e LOCAL FONING RE<IEW COMMITTEE. The !/C4! F/232" +EA3E5
C/MM3TTEE %hall ha#e the follo'ing po'er% and fnction%K
4. +e#ie' the Foning /rdinance for the follo'ing prpo%e%K
7. Deter$ine a$end$ent% of re#i%ion nece%%ary in the Foning /rdinance beca%e of change%
that $ight ha#e been introdced in the Co$prehen%i#e !and *%e Plan.
>. Deter$ine change% to be introdced in the Co$prehen%i#e !and *%e Plan in the light of
per$it% gi#en, and e(ception% and #ariance% granted.
,. 3dentify pro#i%ion% of the /rdinance difficlt to enforce or are n'or)able.
B. +eco$$end to the Sanggniang Bayan nece%%ary legi%lati#e a$end$ent% and to the local
planning and de#elop$ent %taff the needed change% in the plan a% a re%lt of the re#ie'
C. Pro#ide infor$ation to the H!+B that 'old be %efl in the e(erci%e of it% fnction%.
Se"$!o% *+. A7e%67e%$2 $o $e Fo%!%g Or6!%a%"e. Change% in the Foning /rdinance a% a re%lt of re#ie'
by the !ocal Foning +e#ie' Co$$ittee %hall be treated a% an a$end$ent, pro#ided that any a$end$ent to
the Foning /rdinance or pro#i%ion% thereof %hall be S*BJECT T/ P*B!3C HE4+32" 42D +EA3E5
EA4!*4T3/2 /F THE !/C4! F/232" +EA3E5 C/MM3TTEE 42D SH4!! BE carried ot throgh a
re%oltion of three forth% #ote of the Sanggniang Bayan. Said a$end$ent% %hall ta)e effect only after
appro#al and athentication by H!+B or S42""*2342" P42!4!453"42.
Se"$!o% *,. <!o#a$!o% a%6 Pe%a#$5. 4ny per%on 'ho #iolate% any of the pro#i%ion% of thi% /rdinance, %hall,
pon con#iction, be pni%hed by a fine of not le%% than F3AE H*2D+ED PES/S HP;==.==I bt not $ore than
T5/ TH/*S42D F3AE H*2D+ED PES/S HP>,;==.==I or i$pri%on$ent of not le%% than one H7I $onth bt
not e(ceeding %i( H9I $onth% or both at the di%cretion of the cort. Each day that the offen%e contine% %hall
be con%idered a% a %eparate offen%e. 3n ca%e of #iolation by a corporation, partner%hip or a%%ociation, the
penalty %hall be i$po%ed pon the erring officer1% thereof.
Se"$!o% *-. S3pp#e$or5 E44e"$2 O4 Te O$er LaH2 M The pro#i%ion% of thi% ordinance %hall go#ern the %e,
direction, pattern and inten%ity of land %e% in the co$$nity. Ho'e#er, in area% %pecially re%er#ed by
e(i%ting la'% a% falling 'ithin the %per#i%ion% and ad$ini%tration a particlar agency or agencie%, the
pro#i%ion% of %ch %pecial la'% %hall re$ain in force and in effect, and %hall go#ern %ch $atter% not toched
pon by thi% ordinance. Sch la'% ha#e %ppletory effect o#er the pro#i%ion% hereof.
Se"$!o% *.. B3!#6!%g Per7!$2 I223e6 pr!or To Te ApproCa# O4 T!2 Or6!%a%"e M E(cept a% other'i%e
pro#ided in the 2ational Bilding Code, nothing herein contained %hall reBire any change in the plan%,
con%trction, %ize or de%ignated %e of any bilding, %trctre or part thereof for 'hich a bilding per$it ha%
been dly granted prior to the adoption of the ordinance, pro#ided thatK
7. The con%trction of the bilding, %trctre or part thereof %hall ha#e been %tarted at the ti$e of the
enact$ent of thi% ordinance, and not later than %i( H9I $onth% after the i%%ance of %ch bilding
per$it. and
>. the %trctre or bilding 'ill not be inco$patible 'ith the de%ignated %e% in the zone in 'hich it i% to
be located and 'ill not affect the pblic health, %afety or general 'elfare.
Se"$!o% +/. Separa&!#!$5 C#a32e M Shold any %ection or pro#i%ion of thi% /rdinance be declared by
co$petent athoritie% the cort% to be ncon%tittional or in#alid, %ch deci%ion %hall not affect the #alidity of
the ordinance a% a 'hole or any part thereof other than the part %o declared to be ncon%tittional or in#alid.
Se"$!o% +1. Repea#!%g C#a32e M 4ll other ordinance, rle% or reglation that are in conflict 'ith the pro#i%ion%
of thi% ordinance are hereby repealed. pro#ided %ch right% that ha#e #e%ted pon the effecti#ity of thi%
/rdinance %hall not be i$paired.
Se"$!o% +'. EFFECTI<ITY CLAUSE M Thi% /rdinance %hall ta)e effect pon appro#al by the Ho%ing and
!and *%e +eglatory Board0Sanggniang Panlala'igan.
APPRO<ED by the Sanggniang Bayan of Da%$arina%, Ca#ite on the 78
of Dece$ber, >===.
3 hereby certify to the correctne%% of the abo#e-Boted ordinance.
FE S. J4A3E+
Secretary to the Sanggnian
4TTESTED and CE+T3F3ED to be dly adoptedK
!*C342/ S. C42T3MB*H42
Mnicipal Aice Mayor
Pre%iding /fficer
Sanggniang Bayan Me$ber%K
4ppro#edK Dece$ber XXXXXXXXXXXXX, >===
4TTC. E!P3D3/ F. B4+F4"4, J+.
Mnicipal Mayor
422EQ 4
WHEREAS, it i% the national policy to attain and $aintain a rational and orderly balance bet'een %ocio-
econo$ic gro'th and en#iron$ental con%er#ation and protection.
WHEREAS, there i% an rgent need to bring abot an inten%i#e, integrated progra$ of en#iron$ental
protection throgh a reBire$ent of en#iron$ental i$pact a%%e%%$ent% and %tate$ent%.
WHEREAS1 the en#iron$ental i$pact %tate$ent %y%te$ e%tabli%hed nder Pre%idential Decree 2o.
7;89 call% for the proper $anage$ent of en#iron$entally critical area%.
WHEREAS1 the pr%it of co$prehen%i#e and integrated en#iron$ental protection progra$ nece%%itate%
the e%tabli%h$ent and in%tittionalization of a %y%te$ 'hereby the e(igencie% of %ocio-econo$ic nderta)ing%
can be reconciled 'ith the reBire$ent% of en#iron$ental protection and con%er#ation.
WHEREAS1 the national leader%hip $andate% the e%tabli%h$ent of %ch a %y%te$ to reglate and
$ini$ize the en#iron$ental i$pact% of proGect% and nderta)ing% 'hich $ay %ignificantly affect the Bality of
the en#iron$ent in Pre%idential Decree 2o. 7;89. and
WHEREAS1 in the effecti#e i$ple$entation of %ch a %y%te$, there ari%e% the need to identify and
declare certain proGect% deter$ined to be en#iron$entally critical.
NOW1 THEREFORE1 3 FE+D3242D E. M4+C/S, pre%ident of the Philippine%, by #irte of the po'er%
#e%ted in $e by la', hereby proclai$ the follo'ing area% and type% of proGect% a% en#iron$entally critical
'ithin the %cope of the En#iron$ental 3$pact State$ent Sy%te$.
4. En#iron$entally Critical ProGect%
3. Hea#y 3nd%trie%
a. 2on-ferro% $etal ind%trie%
a. 3ron and %teel $ill%
b. Petrole$ and petro-che$ical ind%trie% inclding oil% and ga%
c. S$elting plant%
33. +e%orce E(tracti#e 3nd%trie%
a. MaGor $ining and Barrying proGect%
b. Fore%try proGect%
7. !ogging
>. MaGor 'ood proce%%ing proGect%
,. 3ntrodction of fana He(otic ani$al%I in pblic0pri#ate fore%t%
D. Fore%t occpancy
;. E(traction of $angro#e prodct%
9. "razing
c. Fi%hery ProGect%
7. Di)e% for0and fi%hpond de#elop$ent
333. 3nfra%trctre ProGect%
a. MaGor da$%
b. MaGor po'er plant% Hfo%%il-feled, nclear feled, hydroelectric or geother$alI
c. MaGor recla$ation proGect%
d. MaGor road% and bridge%
B. En#iron$entally Critical 4rea%
7. 4ll area% declared by la' a% national par)%, 'ater%hed re%er#e%, 'ildlife pre%er#e% and
>. 4rea% %et a%ide a% ae%thetic potential tori%t %pot%.
,. 4rea% 'hich con%titte the habitat for any endangered or threatened %pecie% of indigeno%
Philippine 5ildlife Hflora and fanaI.
D. 4rea% of niBe hi%toric, archeological, or %cientific intere%t.
;. 4rea% 'hich are traditionally occpied by cltral co$$nitie% or tribe%.
9. 4rea% freBently #i%ited and0or hard-hit by natral cala$itie% Hgeologic hazard%, flood%, typhoon%,
#olcanic acti#ity, etc.I.
:. 4rea% 'ith critical %lope%.
8. 4rea% cla%%ified a% pri$e agricltral land%.
<. +echarged area% of aBifer%.
7=. 5ater bodie% characterized by one or any co$bination of the follo'ing condition%K
a. tapped for do$e%tic prpo%e%
b. 'ithin the controlled and0or protected area% declared by appropriate athoritie%
c. 'hich %pport 'ildlife and fi%hery acti#itie%
77. Mangro#e area% characterized by one or any co$bination of the follo'ing condition%K
a. 'ith pri$ary pri%tine and den%e yong gro'th.
b. adGoining $oth of $aGor ri#er %y%te$%.
c. near or adGacent to traditional prodcti#e fry or fi%hing grond%
d. 'hich act a% natral bffer% again%t %hore ero%ion, %trong 'ind% and %tor$ flood%
e. on 'hich people are dependent for their li#elihood
7>. Coral reef characterized by one or any co$bination of the follo'ing condition%K
a. 5ith ;=L and abo#e li#e coralline co#er
b. Spra'ning and nr%ery grond% for fi%h
c. 5hich act a% natral brea)'ater of coa%tline%
Thi% Procla$ation %hall ta)e effect i$$ediately.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 3 ha#e herento %et $y hand and ca%ed the %eal of the +epblic of the
Philippine% to be affi(ed.
Done in the City of Manila, thi% 7D
day of Dece$ber, in the year of /r !ord, nineteen hndred and
Pre%ident of the Philippine%
B5 $e Pre2!6e%$0
Pre%idential E(ecti#e 4%%i%tant