Zombicide Mission A4 en
Zombicide Mission A4 en
Zombicide Mission A4 en
Doug has a dream. Before the zombie apocalypse,
he used to spend a lot of time with the owner of a
small gun shop. This guy told Doug about a custom
submachine gun that makes our fellow survivor
dream a lot. Doug isn t sure if his friend had the
gun in his shop or if he had only heard of it, but
either way he wants to go there and check. We
have no reason to refuse. Plundering a gun shop!
It s Christmas time!
Unfortunately, Doug hasn t got much information.
We don t expect the shop to be open, and it probably
has strong doors that an axe or a crowbar won t
be able to crack. We will need the gunsmith s key,
which is probably around his home. At least Doug
knows the building in which his friend lived.
What we won t do for a huge load of weapons.
You will need the following tiles for this Mission: 7B, 2B,
4B, 5E, 1C & 4C.
You just have three things to do:
Find the gun shops key. The gunsmith lived in the nearby
building. Doug doesnt remember where exactly, but you
can search each place until you nd the right one. There are
red crosses where the key could be. Take each red Objective
until you nd the blue one. It's not necessary to take any
remaining red Objective tokens after that, though you're free
to do it.
Search the gun shop. The nice part of this plan. Doug has
put a green mark on the map to indicate the store. At the
moment the green Objective is taken, all Survivors currently
in the Objective's Zone (beginning with the one who took the
token) immediately draw Equipment cards to completely ll
their inventories. Ignore and discard all cards that are not
Plenty of Ammo (any type), a weapon or a Scope. Keep on
drawing until all Inventories are full.
Let's go back home. We cant nd Dougs dream weapon,
but we have enough guns and ammo to make him forget this
little disappointment. Reach the Exit Zone with all remaining
Survivors. Any Survivor may escape through this Zone at the
end of his turn, as long as there are no Zombies.
Dougs map and Objectives. Each Objective token gives
5 experience points to the Survivor who takes it.
I found the k Whats this noise?!? Put the blue Objec-
tive token randomly among the red Objective tokens, face
down. When this token is taken, the blue door can be ope-
ned. Unfortunately, the gunsmith set an alarm on the box
holding the key. It makes a lot of noise. The blue spawn
Zone activates when the blue Objective token is taken and
starts spawning Zombies every turn.
Closed rooms. Some building Zones are isolated by
doors. They are considered as separate buildings for Zom-
bie spawning purpose only.
You cannot use cars.
Gunsmith pimpmobile! You can Search the pimpmobile
only once per game. It contains either Mas Shotgun, or the
Evil Twins (draw randomly).
Hey, a police car. Policemen generally have lots of guns!
You can Search the police car more than once. Draw
cards until you nd a weapon. Discard the other cards.
The Aaahh! cards trigger the appearance of a Walker as
usual and interrupt the Search.
Locked door
starting area
(5 XP)
5 XP.
Spawn Zone
Exit Zone
Blue door
Zombie blue
Spawn Zone.
Police Car