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ACI 522R-10

Reported by ACI Committee 522

Report on Pervious Concrete
Report on Pervious Concrete
First Printing
March 2010
ISBN 978-0-87031-364-6
American Concrete Institute

Advancing concrete knowledge

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ACI 522R-10 supersedes ACI 522R-06 and was adopted and published March
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Report on Pervious Concrete
Reported by ACI Committee 522
ACI 522R-10
This report provides technical information on pervious concretes application,
design methods, materials, properties, mixture proportioning, construction
methods, testing, and inspection.
The term pervious concrete typically describes a near-zero-slump,
open-graded material consisting of portland cement, coarse aggregate,
little or no fine aggregate, admixtures, and water. The combination of
these ingredients will produce a hardened material with connected pores,
ranging in size from 0.08 to 0.32 in. (2 to 8 mm), that allow water to pass
through easily. The void content can range from 15 to 35%, with typical
compressive strengths of 400 to 4000 psi (2.8 to 28 MPa). The drainage
rate of pervious concrete pavement will vary with aggregate size and
density of the mixture, but will generally fall into the range of 2 to 18 gal./
(81 to 730 L/min/m
). Pervious concrete is widely recognized as a
sustainable building material, as it reduces stormwater runoff, improves
stormwater quality, may recharge groundwater supplies, and can reduce
the impact of the urban heat island effect.
Keywords: construction; design; drainage; green building; LEED

permeability; pervious concrete pavement; stormwater; sustainability; testing.
Chapter 1Introduction and scope, p. 522R-2
Chapter 2Notation and definitions, p. 522R-3
Chapter 3Applications, p. 522R-3
3.2Building applications: history
3.3Pavement applications
3.4Other applications
Chapter 4Materials, p. 522R-6
4.3Cementitious materials
Chapter 5Properties, p. 522R-7
5.2Compressive strength
William L. Arent Aly Ibrahim Eldarwish Frank Lennox David M. Suchorski
Bob J. Banka Bruce K. Ferguson John R. Love III Diep T. Tu
William D. Brant Dale Fisher Kamyar C. Mahboub Robert Louis Varner
Heather J. Brown Bruce A. Glaspey Narayanan Neithalath
Marty Wanielista
Manoj Chopra Liv Haselbach Scott M. Palotta W. Jason Weiss
Michael S. Davy Omer Heracklis Joseph A. Rottman Peter T. Yen
Norbert J. Delatte Daniel J. Huffman George W. Seegebrecht
Chair of editorial subcommittee.
Matthew A. Offenberg
Don J. Wade
Vice Chair
Charles A. Weiss Jr.
5.3Flexural strength
5.4Void content/density
5.5Pore sizes
5.6Percolation rate
5.9Acoustic absorption
Chapter 6Pervious concrete mixture
proportioning, p. 522R-12
6.3Water-cementitious material ratio
6.4Void content
6.5Amount of coarse aggregate
6.6Paste volume, cement, and water contents
6.7Proportioning procedure
6.8 Typical ranges of materials
Chapter 7Pervious pavement design, p. 522R-15
7.2Structural design
7.3Stormwater management design
7.4Other considerations
Chapter 8Pervious pavement construction,
p. 522R-20
8.1General construction principles
8.2Subgrade/subbase preparation
8.6Curing and protection
8.7Cold weather protection
8.8Hot weather protection
8.9Repairing pervious concrete pavements
Chapter 9Quality control inspection and testing,
p. 522R-26
9.2Preconstruction inspection and testing
9.3Inspection and testing during construction
9.4Post-construction inspection and testing
Chapter 10Performance, p. 522R-27
10.2Changes in infiltration rates
10.3Structural distress
10.4Surface distress
10.5Resistance to freezing and thawing
Chapter 11Limitations, potential applications,
and research needs, p. 522R-29
11.1Pervious concrete in cold climates
11.2Strength determinations and limitations
11.3Characterization of the material structure
11.4Freezing-and-thawing and cold climate applications
11.5Porous grout
11.6Stormwater management
11.7Environmental filtering/remediation potential
11.8Surface deterioration and repair
11.9Development and standardization of broader
testing methods
11.10Non-destructive determination of performance
and properties
11.11Urban heat island effect, carbonation, and other
thermal properties
11.12Other novel applications and uses
Chapter 12The environment and pervious
concrete, p. 522R-33
12.1 Pervious concrete and the LEED

green building
rating system
Chapter 13References, p. 522R-35
13.1Referenced standards and reports
13.2Cited references
This report provides technical information on pervious
concretes application, design methods, materials, properties,
mixture proportioning, construction methods, testing, and
The term pervious concrete typically describes a near-
zero-slump, open-graded material consisting of portland
cement, coarse aggregate, little or no fine aggregate,
admixtures, and water. The combination of these ingredients
will produce a hardened material with connected pores
(Fig. 1.1), ranging in size from 0.08 to 0.32 in. (2 to 8 mm),
that allow water to pass through easily. The void content can
range from 15 to 35%, with typical compressive strengths of
400 to 4000 psi (2.8 to 28 MPa). The drainage rate of
pervious concrete pavement will vary with aggregate size
and density of the mixture, but will generally fall into the
range of 2 to 18 gal./min/ft
(81 to 730 L/min/m
) or 192 to
1724 in./h (0.14 to 1.22 cm/s).
Concern has been growing in recent years toward reducing
the pollutants in water supplies and the environment. In the
Fig. 1.1Pervious concrete pavement texture on parking lot.

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