Chapter 1. Requisites of Marriage

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Chapter 1.

Requisites of Marriage
Art. 1. ________ is a ________ contract ________ union ________ a ________ and a ________ entered into in
________ with ________ for the ________ of ________ and ________ life. It is the ________ of the ________
and an ________ social ________ whose ________, ________, and ________ are ________ by ________ and
not________to ________, except that ________ settlements ________ fix the ________relations ________ the
________ within the________provided by this Code. (52a)
Art. 2. No ________ shall be ________, unless these ________ requisites are ________t:
(1) Legal ________ of the ________ parties who must be a ________ and a ________; and
(2) ________ freely ________ in the ________ of the ________ officer. (53a)
Art. 3. The ________ requisites of ________ are:
(1) ________ of the ________ officer;
(2) A ________ marriage ________ except in the ________provided for in ________ 2 of this
________; and
(3) A ________ ceremony ________ takes ________ with the ________e of the ________ parties
before the ________ officer and their ________ declaration that ________ take ________ other as
________ and ________ in the ________ of ________ less than ________ witnesses of________age.
(53a, 55a)
Art. 4. The ________ of ________ of the ________ or formal ________ shall ________ the marriage
________, except as ________ in Article ________ (2).
A ________ in ________ of the ________ requisites ________ ________ the ________ ________ as provided
in article 45.
An _______ in the _______ _________ shall not _______ the ________ of the ________but the ________ or
parties ________ for the ________ shall be ________, ________ and ________ liable. (n)
Art. 5. Any ________or ________ of the ________ of ________ years or ________ not ________r any of the
________ mentioned in ________37 and ________, may ________ marriage. (54a)
Art. 6. No ________ form or ________ rite for the ________ of the ________ is ________. It shall be
________, _______, for the ________ parties to ________ personally________the ________ officer and
________ in the ________ of ________ less than ________ witnesses of ________ age that ________ take
________ other as ________and________. This ________ shall be ________ in the marriage ________ which
shall be ________ by the ________ parties and their ________and ________ by the ________ officer.
In ________ of a ________ in ________ ________,________the ________ at the ________of ________ is
________ to ________ the marriage ________, it shall be ________ for ________ of the ________ to the
________ to ________ the ________ of said ________, which ________ shall be ________ by the ________
officer. (55a)
Art. 7. ________ may be ________ by:
(1) Any ________ member of the ________ within the ________ ________;
(2) Any ________, ________, ________, or ________ of any ________ or ________ sect
________authorized by his ________ or ________ sect and ________d with the civil registrar
________, ________ within the ________ of the ________ authority ________ by his ________ or
________ sect and ________ that at________one of the ________ parties ________ to the ________
officer's ________ or religious________;
(3) Any ________ ________ or ________ chief ________ in the ________ mentioned in Article

(4) Any ________ ________ of a ________ to ________ a ________ is ________, in the ________ of
the ________, ________ ________ ________, ________ only in the cases ________ in Article
(5) Any c________-________, ________ or ________-________ in the case ________in Article
________. (56a)
Article. 8. The ________ shall be s________ ________ in the ________ of the ________ or in ________
________, in the ________, ________ or ________, or in the ________ the ________-________, ________ or
________-________, as the ________ may be, and not ________, except in cases of marriages ________ on
the ________ of ________ or in ________ places in ________ with Article ________of this Code, or where
________ of the parties ________ the solemnizing officer in ________ in which ________ the ________ may
be ________ at a ________ or ________ ________ by ________ in a ________ ________ to that ________.
Art. 9. A marriage ________ shall be ________ by the ________ ________ ________ of the ________ or
________ where ________ contracting party ________ ________, ________ in ________ where no ________
is ________ in ________ with Chapter 2 of this ________ (58a)
Art. 10. Marriages ________ Filipino ________ ________ may be ________ by a ________-________,
________ or ________-________ of the ________ of the ________. The ________ of the ________
________ and the ________ of the l________ civil ________ and of the solemnizing officer with ________ to
the ________ of ________ shall be ________ by said ________ official. (75a)
Art. 11. ________ a marriage ________ is ________, each of the c________ parties shall ________ ________
a ________ ________ for such ________ with the ________ local civil registrar which shall ________ the
(1) ________ ________ of the ________ ________;
(2) ________ of ________;
(3) ________ and ________ of ________;
(4) ________ ________;
(5) If ________ married, ________, ________ and ________ the ________ marriage was ________ or
(6) ________ ________ and ________;
(7) ________of ________ of the ________ parties;
(8) ________ name, ________and ________ of the ________;
(9) Full ________, ________ and ________ of the ________; and
(10) ________ name, r________ and ________ of the ________ or ________ having ________, in
________the _______ party has ________ father nor ________ and is ________ the age of ________________ years.
The ________, their ________ or ________ shall ________ be ________ to ________ their ________
________in any ________ in ________ with the ________of the ________ ________. (59a)
Art. 12. The local ________l registrar, upon ________ such ________, shall ________ the ________ of the
________ birth ________ or, in ________ thereof, the ________ certificates of the contracting parties or
________ of such ________ duly ________ by the ________ having ________of the ________. These
________ ________ copies of the ________ by this ________ need ________ be ________ to and ________
be ________ from the ________ stamp ________. The ________ and o________ l title of the ________
________ the ________ shall ________ ________ of its ________.

If ________ of the contracting parties is ________ to ________ his ________ or ________ certificate or a
________ copy of ________ because of the ________ or ________ of the ________ or if it is ________ by
an ________ of such ________ or of ________ other ________ that such ________ or ________ certificate
has ________ yet been ________ though the ________ has been ________ of the ________ having ________
thereof at ________ ________ days ________ to the ________ of the ________, such ________ may
________ in ________ thereof his ________ residence ________ or an ________ ________ ________ and
________ to ________ the local civil registrar ________ or any ________ ________ ________ to
________ oaths. Such ________ shall ________ the sworn ________ of ________ witnesses of________
age, ________ forth the ________ name________ and ________ of such contracting party and of his or her
________, if ________, and the ________ and ________ of ________ of such ________. The ________ of
________ of the contracting parties shall be ________ as ________, or, in their ________, ________ of
________ ________ in the ________ or ________.
The ________ of ________ or ________ certificate shall ________ be ________ if the ________ of the
contracting parties ________ ________ before the local civil registrar ________ and ________ to the
________ ________ of ________ age of said ________, as ________ in the ________, or when the local civil
________ shall, by ________ looking at the ________ upon their ________ ________ before him, be
________ that ________ or ________ of them have the ________ age. (60a)
Art. 13. In case e________ of the contracting parties has been ________ married, the ________ shall be
________ to ________, ________ of the ________ or ________ certificate ________ in the last ________
article, the ________ certificate of the ________ spouse or the ________ ________ of the ________
________ or the judicial decree of ________ or ________ ________ of his or her ________ marriage.
In ________ the ________ certificate ________ be ________, the ________ shall make an ________
________ forth this ________ and his or her ________ civil ________ and the ________ and ________ of
________ of the ________ spouse. (61a)
Art. 14. In case ________ or ________ of the contracting parties________having been ________ by a
________ marriage, are ________ the ________of ________ and ________-________, ________shall, in
________ to the ________ of the ________ articles, ________ to the local civil registrar, the ________ to their
marriage of their ________, ________, ________ parent or ________, or ________ having ________
________ of ________, in the ________ ________. Such ________ shall be ________ in ________ by the
________ party, who ________ ________before the ________ local civil registrar, or in the ________ of an
________ made in the ________ of two ________ and ________ before any ________ authorized by ________
to ________ oaths. The ________ ________ shall be ________ in both ________ for marriage ________, and
the ________, if ________ is ________ ________, shall be ________ to said ________. (61a)
Art. 15. ________ contracting party ________ the ________ of ________-________ and ________-________
shall be ________ to ________ their ________ or ________ for ________ upon the ________ marriage. If
________do not ________ such ________, or if it be ________, the marriage ________ shall ________ be
________ till after ________ months ________ the ________ of the ________ of the ________ therefor. A
________ ________ by the contracting parties to the ________ that such ________ has been ________,
________ with the ________ ________ given, if ________, shall be ________ to the ________ for marriage
license. Should the ________ or ________ ________ to ________ any ________, this ________shall be
________ in the ________ ________. (62a)
Art. 16. In the ________where ________ ________ or ________ ________ is ________, the ________ or
________ ________ shall, in ________ to the ________ of the ________ articles, ________ a ________
________ by a ________, ________ or ________ ________ to ________ marriage ________ Article
________ of this ________ or a ________ ________ duly ________ by the ________ ________ ________ to
the ________ that the contracting parties have ________ marriage ________. ________ to ________said
________ of ________ ________ shall ________ the ________ of the ________ license for a ________ of
________ ________ from the ________ of the ________ of the ________. ________ of the marriage license
________ the ________ ________ shall ________ the ________ officer to ________ ________ but shall not
________ the ________ of the ________.
Should ________ ________ of the contracting parties ________ parental ________ or parental ________, the
________ party ________ be ________ at the ________ ________ to in the ________ ________. (n)
Art. 17. The local civil registrar shall ________ a ________ which shall ________ the ________ names and
________ of the ________ for a marriage license and other ________ given in the ________. The ________

shall be ________ for ________ ________ days on a ________ board ________ the o________ of the local
civil registrar ________ in a ________ place ________ the ________ and ________ to the ________
________. This ________ shall ________ all ________ having ________ of any ________ to the marriage to
________ the local civil registrar ________. The marriage license shall be ________ after the ________ of the
________ of ________. (63a)
Art. 18. In ________ of any ________ ________ to the local civil registrar or ________ to his ________, he
shall ________ ________ the ________ thereof and his ________ thereon in the ________ for marriage
license, but shall ________ ________ said ________ after the ________ of the ________ of ________, unless
________ otherwise by a ________ court at his ________ ________ or that of any ________ party. No
________ ________ shall be ________ for the ________ nor a ________ ________ required for the
________ of the ________. (64a)
Art. 19. The local civil registrar shall ________ the ________ of the ________ ________ by ________ or
________ before the ________ of the marriage license. ________ other ________ shall be ________ in the
________ of a ________ or ________ of any ________ for the ________ of said license. It shall, however, be
________ ________ of ________ to ________ parties, that is those who have no ________ ________ of
________ or whose income is ________ for their ________ a ________ ________ by their ________, or by
their ________ before the local civil registrar. (65a)
Art. 20. The ________ shall be ________ in any ________ of the ________ for a ________ of one
________twenty ________ from the ________ of ________, and shall be ________ ________ ________ at
the ________ of the said ________ if the contracting parties have ________ made ________ of it. The
________ ________ shall be ________ in ________ ________ on the ________ of ________ license
________. (65a)
Art. 21. When ________ or ________ of the contracting parties are ________ of a ________ country, it shall
be ________ for ________ before a marriage license can be ________, to ________ a ________ of
________ ________ to ________ ________, ________ by their ________ ________ or ________
________ ________ or ________ from other ________ shall, in ________ of the ________ of ________
________ herein ________, ________ an ________ stating the ________ ________ such ________ to
________ marriage. (66a)
Art. 22. The marriage certificate, in which the ________ shall ________ that ________ take ________ other
as ________ and ________, shall also ________:
(1) The ________ ________, ________ and ________ of ________ contracting party;
(2) Their ________, ________ and ________ ________;
(3) The ________ and ________ ________ of the ________ of the ________;
(4) That the ________ marriage ________ has been ________ ________ to ________, except in
________provided for in Chapter ________of this Title;
(5) That ________ or ________ of the contracting parties have ________ the ________ ________ in
________ ________;
(6) That ________ or ________ of the contracting parties have ________ with the ________ ________
________ ________ ________ in ________ cases; and
(7) That the ________ have ________ into marriage ________, if any, ________ a ________ thereof.
Art. 23. It ________ be the ________ of the ________ solemnizing the ________ to ________ ________ of
the contracting parties the ________ of the ________ certificate ________to in Article ________ and to
________ the ________ and ________ copies of the ________ not later than ________ days ________ the
________, to the local civil registrar of the ________ where the ________ was ________. ________
________ shall be ________ by the local civil registrar to the ________ officer ________ ________of the
marriage ________. The solemnizing officer shall ________ in his ________ the ________ ________ of the

marriage certificate, the ________ of the ________ ________ , the ________ of the marriage license and, in
________ cases, the ________ of the contracting party ________ the ________ of the marriage in ________
other than those ________ in Article ________. (68a)
Art. 24. It ________ be the ________ of the local civil registrar to ________ the ________ ________ by this
________, and to ________ ________ to all ________ parties ________ any ________ in both ________. The
________ and ________ filed in ________ with ________ for marriage licenses shall be ________ from
________ ________ ________. (n)
Art. 25. The local civil registrar ________ shall ________ all ________ for marriage licenses ________ with
________ in a ________ book ________ in the ________ in ________ the ________ are ________. He shall
________ in said ________ the ________ of the ________, the ________ on ________ the marriage license
was ________, and ________ other ________as may be ________. (n)
Art. 26. ________ marriages ________ outside the ________, in ________ with the ________ in ________ in
the ________ where ________ were ________, and ________ there as ________, shall also be ________ in
this ________, ________ those ________ under Articles ________ (1), (4), (5) and (6), ________ and
________. (17a)
________ a ________ between a ________ ________ and a ________ is ________ ________ and a ________
is thereafter ________ obtained ________by the ________ spouse c________ him or her to ________, the
________ spouse shall have ________ to ________ under ________ law. (As amended by Executive Order
Chapter 2. Marriages Exempted from License Requirement
Art. 27. In case ________ or ________ of the contracting parties are at the ________ of ________, the marriage
may be ________ without ________ of a marriage license and ________ remain ________ even if the
________ party ________ ________. (72a)
Art. 28. If the ________ of ________ party is so ________ that ________ is no ________ of ________ to
________ such ________ to ________ ________ before the local civil registrar, the ________ may be
________ without ________ of ________ ________. (72a)
Art. 29. In the cases ________ for in the ________ preceding ________, the solemnizing officer shall
________ in an ________ ________ ________ the local civil registrar or any other ________ ________
________ to ________ ________ that the ________ was ________ in ________ ________ or that the
________ of ________ ________, ________ the ________ or ________, is so ________ that ________ is no
________ of ________ to ________ such ________ to ________ personally ________ the local civil registrar
and that the ________ took the ________steps to ________ the ________ and ________ of the contracting
parties and the ________ of ________ ________ to the ________. (72a)
Art. 30. The ________ of the ________ ________ in the last ________ ________, ________r with the
________ ________ of the ________ ________, shall be ________by the ________ ________ the ________ to
the local civil registrar of the ________ where it was ________within the ________ of ________ ________
after the ________ of the ________. (75a)
Art. 31. A ________ in ________ ________ between ________ or ________ ________ may also be
________by a ________________ or by an ________ ________ not ________ while the ________ is at
________ or the ________ is in ________, but also ________ ________ at ________ of ________. (74a)
Art. 32. A ________ ________ of a ________, who is a ________ ________, shall ________ have ________ to
________ marriages in ________ ________ between ________ within the ________ of ________ ________,
whether ________ of the ________ ________ or ________. (74a)
Art. 33. ________ among ________ or among ________ of the ________ ________ ________ may be
________ ________ ________ the ________ of ________ license, ________ they are ________ in ________
with their ________, ________ or ________. (78a)
Art. 34. No ________ shall be ________ for the ________ of a ________ and a ________ who have ________
________ as ________ and ________ for at ________ ________ ________ and ________ any ________
________ to ________ each ________. The ________ parties shall ________ the ________ ________ in an

________ before any ________ authorized by ________ to ________ ________. The ________ ________ shall
also ________ under ________ that he ________ the ________ of the ________parties are ________ ________
________ ________ to the ________. (76a)
Chapter 3. Void and Voidable Marriages
Art. 35. The ________ marriages shall be ________ from the ________:
(1) Those ________ by any party below ________ ________ of ________ even with the ________ of
________ or ________;
(2) Those ________ by any ________ not ________ ________ to ________ ________ ________ such
________were ________ with ________ or ________ parties ________ in ________ ________ that the
________ ________ had the ________ to do so;
(3) Those ________ without ________, ________ those ________ the preceding Chapter;
(4) Those ________ or ________ marriages not ________under Article ________;
(5) Those ________ through ________ of ________ contracting party as to the ________of the
________; and
(6) Those ________ marriages that are ________ under Article ________.
Art. 36. A ________ ________by ________ ________ who, at the ________ of the ________, was ________
________ to ________ with the ________ ________ ________ of ________, shall ________ be ________
even if ________ ________ ________ ________ only after its ________. (As amended by Executive Order
Art. 37. ________ between the ________ are ________ and ________ from the ________, whether ________
between the ________ be ________ or ________:
(1) ________ ________ and ________ of ________ ________; and
(2) Between ________ and ________, ________ of the ________l or ________ ________. (81a)
Art. 38. The ________ marriages shall be ________ from the ________ for ________ of public ________:
(1) Between ________ ________ ________ whether ________ or ________, ________to the ________
civil ________;
(2) Between ________-________ and ________-________;
(3) Between ________-in-________ and ________-in-________;
(4) Between the ________ ________ and the ________ ________;
(5) Between the ________ ________ of the ________ ________ and the ________ ________;
(6) Between the ________ spouse of the ________ ________ and the ________;
(7) Between an ________ ________ and a ________ ________ of the ________;
(8) Between ________ ________ of the ________ ________; and
(9) Between ________ where ________, with the ________ to ________ the ________, ________ that
other ________spouse, or his or her ________ spouse. (82)
Art. 39. The ________ or ________ for the ________ of ________ ________ shall not ________. ________, in
________ of ________ ________ before the ________ of this ________ and ________ under Article
________, such ________ or ________ shall ________ in ten years after this Code shall taken effect. (As
amended by Executive Order 227) (n)

Art. 40. The ________ ________ of a ________ ________ may be ________ for ________ of ________ on the
________________ of a ________ ________ ________ such ________ ________ ________. (n).
Art. 41. A ________ ________ by any ________ during ________e of a ________ ________ shall be
________ and ________, unless ________ the ________ of the ________ marriage, the ________ spouse had
been ________ for four ________________ and the spouse ________ has a ________-________ ________ that
the ________ ________ was ________ ________. In ________ of ________ where ________ is ________ of
________under the ________ set ________ in the ________ of Article ________ of the ________Code, an
a________ of ________ ________ ________ shall be ________.
________ the ________e of ________ the ________ ________ under the ________ paragraph the ________
________ must ________ a ________ proceeding as ________ in this ________ for the ________of ________
________ of the ________, without ________ to the ________t of ________ of the ________ ________. (83a)
Art. 42. The ________ marriage ________ to in the ________ Article shall be ________ ________ by the
________ of the ________ of ________ of the ________ spouse, unless there is a ________ ________ the
________ marriage or ________ it ________ ________ ________.
A ________ ________ of the ________ and ________ of ________ shall be ________in the ________ registry
of the ________ of the ________ to the ________ ________ at the ________ of ________ ________
________, with ________ ________ to the ________ of the ________ marriage and ________ ________ to the
________ of ________ being ________ ________ in ________ such ________ is ________. (n)
Art. 43. The ________ of the ________ marriage ________ to in the ________ Article shall ________ the
following ________:
(1) The ________ of the ________ marriage ________ ________________ to its t________ shall be
________ ________;
(2) The ________ ________ of ________ or the ________ ________, as the ________ may be,
________ be ________ and ________, but if ________ spouse ________ said ________ in ________
________, his or her ________ of the ________ ________ of the ________ ________ or ________
________ ________ shall be f________ in ________ of the ________ ________ or, if ________ are
________, the ________ of the ________ spouse by a ________ marriage or in ________ of ________,
the ________ spouse;
(3) ________ by ________ of ________ shall ________ ________, ________ that if the ________
________ the ________ in ________ ________, such ________ made to said ________ are ________
by ________ of ________;
(4) The ________ spouse may ________ the ________ of the other ________ who ________ in
________ ________ as ________ in any ________ ________, ________ if such ________ be ________
as ________; and
(5) The ________e who ________ the ________t marriage in ________ ________ shall be ________ to
________ from the ________ spouse by ________and ________ ________. (n)
Art. 44. If ________ spouses of the ________ marriage ________ in ________ ________, said ________e shall
be ________ ________ ________ and all ________ by ________ of ________ and ________ ________ made
by ________ in ________ of the other are ________ by ________ of ________. (n)
Art. 45. A ________ may be ________ for any of the following ________, ________ at the ________ of the
(1) That the ________ in whose ________ it is ________ to have the ________ ________ was
________ ________of ________ or ________ but below ________, and the ________e was ________
without the ________ of the ________, ________ or ________ having ________ ________ ________
over the ________, in that ________, ________ after ________ the ________ of ________, such
________ ________ ________ with the ________ and ________ lived ________ as ________ and

(2) That ________party ________ of ________ ________, ________ such ________ after ________ to
________, ________ ________ with the ________ as ________ and ________;
(3) That the ________ of ________ party was ________ by ________, ________ such ________
________, with ________l ________ of the ________ ________ the ________, ________ ________
with the ________ as ________ and ________;
(4) That the ________ of ________ party was ________ by ________, ________ ________ ________,
unless the same ________ ________ or ________, such party ________ ________cohabited with the
________ as ________ and ________;
(5) That ________ party was ________ ________ of ________ the ________ with the ________, and
________ ________ ________ and ________ to be ________; or
(6) That ________ party was ________ with a ________-________ ________ found to be ________
and ________to be ________. (85a)
Art. 46. ________ of the ________ ________ shall ________ ________ referred to in Number 3 of the
(1) ________of a ________ ________ by ________ ________ of the ________ party of a ________
________________ ________;
(2) ________ by the ________ of the ________ that at the ________ of the ________, she was
________ by a ________ other than her ________;
(3) ________ of ________ transmissible ________, ________ of its ________, ________ at the
________ of the ________; or
(4) ________ of ________ ________, ________ ________or ________or ________ existing at the
________ of the ________.
________ other ________ or ________ as to ________, ________, ________, ________ or ________ shall
________ such ________as will give ________ for ________ for the ________of ________. (86a)
Art. 47. The ________ for ________ of ________e must be ________ by the ________ persons and ________
the ________ ________ herein:
(1) For ________ mentioned ________1 of Article 45 by the ________ whose ________ or ________
did not ________ his or her ________t, within ________ years after ________ the ________ of
________, or by the ________ or ________ or ________ having legal charge of the minor, at any time
before such party has reached the age of ________;
(2) For ________ mentioned in ________ 2 of Article 45, by the ________ spouse, who had no
________ of the other's ________; or by any ________ or ________ or ________ having ________
charge of the ________, at any time ________ the ________ of ________ party, or by the ________
spouse ________ a ________ ________ or after ________ ________;
(3) For ________ mentioned in number 3 of Articles 45, by the ________ party, within ________ years
after the ________ of the ________;
(4) For ________ mentioned in number 4 of Article 45, by the ________ party, within ________ years
from the ________ the ________, ________ or ________ ________ ________ or ________d;
(5) For ________ mentioned in number 5 and 6 of Article 45, by the ________ party, within ________
years ________the ________. (87a)
Art. 48. In all ________ of ________ or ________ of ________ ________ of ________, the ________t shall
________ the ________ attorney or ________ ________to it to ________ on ________ of the ________ to take
________ to ________ ________ between the ________ and to take ________ that ________ is not ________
or ________.

In the cases ________ to in the ________ paragraph, no ________ shall be based ________ a ________ of
________ or ________ of ________. (88a)
Art. 49. ________ the ________ of the ________ and in the ________ of ________ provisions in a ________
________ between the ________, the ________shall ________ for the ________ of the ________ and the
________ and ________ of their ________ ________. The ________shall give ________ ________ to the
________and ________ ________ of said ________ and their ________ of the ________ with ________they
________ to ________ as ________ to in Title ________. It shall also ________ for ________ ________
________ of the other ________. (n)
Art. 50. The ________ provided for by ________ (2), (3), (4) and (5) of Article 43 and by Article 44 shall also
apply in the ________ cases to ________s which are ________ ab initio or ________ by ________ ________
under Articles 40 and 45.
The ________ ________ in such ________ shall ________ for the ________, ________ and ________ of the
________ of the ________, the ________and ________ of the ________ ________, and the ________ of
________ ________ ________, unless such ________ had been ________ in ________ ________ ________.
All ________ of the ________ as ________ as of the ________ ________ or the ________ ________ shall be
________ of the ________ for ________.
In the ________, the ________ dwelling and the ________ on ________ it is ________, shall be ________ in
________ with the ________ of Articles 102 and 129.
Art. 51. In said ________, the ________ of the ________ ________ of all ________ ________, ________ as of
the ________ of the ________ ________ of the ________ ________, shall be ________ in ________,
________ or ________ ________, unless the ________, ________ agreement ________ ________, had
________ provided for such ________.
The ________ or their ________ or the ________ of their ________ may ________ for the ________ of the
The ________ of the ________ ________ herein ________ shall in ________ way ________ the ________
________ ________ of the ________ ________ upon the ________ of ________ of ________ of the
________; but the ________ of the ________ already ________ under the ________ of ________ or ________
nullity shall be ________ as ________s on their ________. (n)
Art. 52. The ________ of ________ or of ________ ________ of the ________, the ________ and ________ of
the ________ of the ________and the ________ of the children's ________ ________ shall be ________ in the
________ civil ________ and ________ of ________; ________, the ________ shall not ________ third
________. (n)
Art. 53. ________ of the ________ spouses may ________ ________ after ________ with the ________ of the
________ preceding ________; otherwise, the ________ marriage shall be ________ and ________.
Art. 54. ________ ________ or ________ before the ________of ________ or ________ ________ of the
________e under Article 36 has ________ ________ and ________ shall be ________ ________. ________
________ or ________ of the ________ marriage under Article 53 shall ________ be ________.
Art. 55. A ________for ________ ________ may be ________ on ________ of the following ________:
(1) ________ ________ or ________ ________ ________ directed ________ the ________, a
________ ________, or a ________ of the ________;
(2) ________ ________ or ________ ________ to ________ the ________ to ________ ________ or
_______ _________;
(3) ________ of ________ to ________ or ________ the ________, a ________ ________, or a
________ of the ________, to ________ in ________, or ________ in such ________ or ________;

(4) ________ ________ ________ the ________ to ________ of more than ________ years, ________
if ________;
(5________ ________ or ________ ________ of the ________;
(6) ________ or ________of the ________;
(7) ________ by the ________ of a ________ ________ marriage, ________ in the ________ or
(8) ________ ________ or ________;
(9) ________ by the ________ against the ________ of the ________; or
(10) ________of ________ by ________ without ________ cause for more than ________ year.
For ________ of this ________, the term "________" shall ________ a ________ by ________ or by
________. (9a)
Art. 56. The ________ for ________ separation shall be ________ on any of the following grounds:
(1) Where the ________ party has ________ the ________ or act c________ of;
(2) Where the aggrieved ________ has ________ to the ________ of the ________ or act ________ of;
(3) Where there is ________ between the ________ in the ________ of the ________ or act ________
the ________ for legal separation;
(4) Where ________ parties have ________ ________ for legal separation;
(5) Where there is ________ between the ________ to ________ ________of legal separation; or
(6) Where the ________ is ________ by ________. (100a)
Art. 57. An ________ for legal separation shall be filed within ________ years from the ________ of the
________ of the ________. (102)
Art. 58. An ________ for legal separation shall in ________ case be ________ before ________ ________
shall have elapsed since the ________ of the ________. (103)
Art. 59. ________ legal separation may be ________ unless the ________ has taken ________ toward the
________ of the ________nd is ________ ________, ________ such ________, that ________ is ________
________. (n)
Art. 60. No ________ of legal separation shall be ________ upon a ________ of ________ or a ________ of
In any ________, the ________shall ________ the ________ attorney or ________ ________ to it to take
________ to ________ ________ between the ________ and to take ________ that the ________ is not
________ or ________. (101a)
Art. 61________ the ________ of the ________for legal separation, the ________ shall be ________ to
________ ________ from ________ ________
The ________, in the ________ of a ________ agreement ________ the ________, shall ________ either of
________ or a ________ person to ________ the ________ ________ or ________ ________ ________. The
________ ________ by the ________ shall have the same ________ and ________ as those of a ________
under the ________ of ________. (104a)
Art. 62. ________ the ________ of the ________ for legal separation, the ________ of Article 49 shall
________ ________ to the ________ of the ________ and the ________ and ________ of the ________
children. (105a)

Art. 63. The ________ of legal separation shall have the following ________:
(1) The ________ shall be ________ to ________ ________ from each other, but the ________
________ shall ________ be ________;
(2) The ________ community or the ________ ________ shall be ________ and ________ but the
________ spouse shall ________ no ________ to any ________ of the ________ profits ________ by
the ________ community or the ________ partnership, which shall be ________in ________ with the
________ of Article ________(2);
(3) The ________ of the ________ children shall be ________ to the ________ spouse, ________ to the
________of Article ________of this Code; and
(4) The ________ spouse shall be ________ from ________ from the ________ spouse by ________
________. ________, provisions in ________ of the ________ spouse made in the ________ of the
________ spouse shall be ________ by ________ of ________. (106a)
Art. 64. ________ the ________ of the ________ of legal separation, the ________ spouse may ________ the
________ made by ________ or by ________ in ________ of the ________ spouse, as ________ as the
________ of the ________ as ________ in any ________ ________, ________ if such ________ be ________
as ________. The ________ of the ________ shall be ________ in the ________ of ________ in the ________
where the ________ are ________. ________, ________ and ________ ________ in ________ ________
before the ________ of the ________ for ________ in the ________ of ________ shall be ________. The
________ of or ________ in the ________ of the ________ ________ shall take ________ upon ________
________ thereof to the ________.
The ________ to ________ the ________ under this ________ must be ________ within ________ years
________ the ________ the ________ of legal separation ________ ________. (107a)
Art. 65. If the ________ should ________, a ________ ________ ________ under ________ duly ________ by
them shall be ________ with the ________ in the same ________ for legal separation. (n)
Art. 66. The ________ ________ to in the ________ Articles shall have the following ________:
(1) The legal separation ________, if still ________, shall ________ be ________ at w________ stage;
(2) The final ________ of legal separation shall be set ________, but the ________ of ________ and
________ ________ of the ________ of the ________ spouse ________ ________ shall ________,
unless the ________ ________ to ________ their ________ property ________.
The ________ order ________ the ________ shall be ________ in the ________ civil ________. (108a)
Art. 67. The ________ to revive the ________property ________ referred to in the ________ Article ________
be ________ under ________ and shall ________:
(1) The ________ to be ________ anew to the ________ ________;
(2) Those to be ________ as ________ ________ of each ________; and
(3) The ________ of all their ________ ________, their ________ and the ________ ________ to
The ________ of ________ and the ________ for its ________ shall be ________ with the ________ in the
same ________ for legal separation, with ________ of both ________ to the ________ named ________.
________ due ________, the ________ shall, in its ________, take ________ to ________ the ________ of
________ and such ________ shall be ________ in the ________ ________ of ________.
The ________of the ________ in the ________ of ________ shall ________ ________ any ________ not
________ or ________ ________, ________ the ________-spouse has ________ separate ________ to
________ the ________ ________. (195a, 108a)

Art. 68. The ________ and ________ are ________ to ________ ________, ________ mutual ________,
________ and ________, and ________ ________ ________ and ________. (109a)
Art. 69. The ________ and ________ shall ________ the ________ ________. In ________ of ________, the
________ shall ________.
The ________ may ________ one ________ from ________ with the ________ if the ________ should
________ ________ or there are other ________ and ________ ________ for the ________. However, such
________ shall ________ ________ if the ________ is _______ _________ with the ________ of the
________. (110a)
Art. 70. The ________ are ________ ________ for the ________of the ________. The ________ for such
________ and other ________ ________ shall be ________ from the ________ ________ and, in the ________
thereof, from the ________ or ________ of their ________ properties. In ________ of ________ or ________
of said ________ or ________, such ________ shall be ________ from the separate ________. (111a)
Art. 71. The ________ of the ________ shall be the ________ and the ________ of ________ spouses. The
________ for such ________ shall be ________ in ________ with the ________of Article 70. (115a)
Art. 72. When ________ of the ________ ________ his or her ________ to the ________ ________ or
________ ________ which ________ to bring ________, ________ or ________ to the ________ or to the
________, the ________ party may ________ to the ________ for ________. (116a)
Art. 73. ________ spouse may ________ any ________ ________, ________, ________ or ________ without
the ________ of the ________. The ________ may ________ only on ________, ________, and moral
In ________ of ________, the ________shall ________ whether or ________:
(1) The ________ is ________, and
(2) ________ has ________ to the ________ ________ to the ________ or ________. If the ________t
________ ________ to the ________, the ________ ________ shall be ________ ________ the
________ property of the ________ who has not ________ ________.
The ________ ________ shall not ________ the ________ of ________ who ________ in ________
________. (117a)
Chapter 1. General Provisions
Art. 74. The property relationship between husband and wife shall be governed in the following order:
(1) By ________ ________ ________ before the ________;
(2) By the ________ of this Code; and
(3) By the ________ ________. (118)
Art. 75. The ________ spouses may, in the marriage ________, agree upon the ________ of ________
community, ________ partnership of ________, ________ separation of ________, or ________ other
________. In the ________ of a marriage settlement, or when the ________ ________ upon is ________, the
________ of absolute community of property as ________ in this Code shall ________. (119a)
Art. 76. In ________ that any ________ in the marriage settlements may be ________, it ________be
________ before the ________ of the marriage, ________ to the ________ of Articles 66, 67, 128, 135 and
136. (121)

Art. 77. The marriage settlements and any ________ thereof shall be in ________, ________ by the ________
and ________ before the c________of the ________. They shall not ________ ________ ________ unless
________ are ________ in the local civil registry where the marriage ________ is ________as well as in the
proper ________ of ________. (122a)
Art. 78. A ________ who ________ to ________ may ________ marriage may also ________ his or her
marriage ________, but ________ shall be ________ ________ if the ________ ________ in Article 14 to
________ ________ to the marriage are ________parties to the ________, ________ to the ________ of Title
IX of this ________. (120a)
Art. 79. For the ________ of any ________ ________ ________ by a ________ upon whom a ________ of
civil ________ has been ________ or who is ________ to any other ________, it shall be ________ for the
________ ________ by a ________ court to be made a ________ thereto. (123a)
Art. 80. In the ________ of a ________ ________ in a marriage ________, the ________ ________ of the
________ shall be governed by ________ laws, ________ of the ________ of the ________ of the ________
and their ________.
This ________ shall ________ apply:
(1) Where ________ spouses are ________;
(2) With ________ to the ________ ________ of ________ ________ property not ________ in the
Philippines and ________ in the ________ where the ________ is ________; and
(3) With ________ to the ________ ________ of ________ ________ into in the Philippines but
________ property ________ in a ________ country whose ________ require ________ ________ for
its ________ ________. (124a)
Art. 81. ________ ________ in the ________or ________ referred to in the ________ articles in ________ of a
________ marriage, including ________ between the ________ spouses made ________, shall be ________
________ if the ________ does ________ take ________. However, ________ that do not ________ upon the
________ of the ________ shall be ________. (125a)
Chapter 2. Donations by Reason of Marriage
Art. 82. ________ by ________ of ________ are ________ which are ________ before its ________, in
________ of the ________, and in ________ of ________ or ________ of the ________ spouses. (126)
Art. 83. These ________ are ________ by the________________ on ________ ________ ________ in Title
III of Book III of the Civil Code, ________ as ________ are not ________ by the following ________. (127a)
Art. 84. If the ________ spouses ________ upon a ________ other than the ________ community of ________,
they ________ ________ to ________ other in their marriage ________ more than ________of their ________
property. Any ________ shall be ________ ________.
________ of ________ property shall be ________ by the ________ on ________ ________ and the ________
of ________. (130a)
Art. 85. ________ by ________ of marriage of property ________ to ________ shall be ________. In case of
________ of the ________ and the ________ is ________ for less than the total ________ of the ________
________, the ________ shall not be ________ for the ________. If the ________is ________ for more than
the total ________ of said ________, the ________ shall be ________ to the ________. (131a)
Art. 86. A ________ by ________ of marriage may be ________ by the ________ in the following ________s:
(1) If the ________ is not ________ or ________ ________ void ab initio except ________ made in the
________ settlements, which shall be governed by Article 81;
(2) When the ________ takes place ________ the ________ of the ________ or ________, as ________
by ________;

(3) When the ________is ________, and the ________ acted in ________ ________;
(4) Upon legal separation, the ________ being the ________ spouse;
(5) If it is with a ________ ________ and the ________ is ________ with;
(6) When the ________ has ________ an ________ of ________ as ________ by the ________ of the
________ Code on ________ in ________. (132a)
Art. 87. Every ________ or ________ of ________ ________, ________ or ________, between
the________________ during the ________ shall be ________, except ________ ________ which the
________ may ________ each other on the ________ of any family ________. The ________ shall also
________ to ________ ________ together as ________ and ________ without a ________ marriage. (133a)
Chapter 3. System of Absolute Community
Section 1. General Provisions
Art. 88. The ________ community of ________ between spouses shall ________ at the ________ ________
that the marriage is c________. Any ________, ________ or ________, for the ________ of the ________
________ at any other ________ shall be ________. (145a)
Art. 89. No ________ of ________, ________ and ________ of the absolute community of ________ during
the ________ can be made ________ in case of ________ separation of ________.
When the ________ takes ________ upon a ________ separation of property, or ________ the ________ has
been ________ or ________, the ________ shall ________ in a ________ ________t and shall be ________ as
provided in Article ________. The ________ of the ________ who made such ________ may ________ the
________ to ________ the ________ to the ________ of the ________ ________ to ________ the ________ of
their ________. (146a)
Art. 90. The ________ on ________ shall ________ to the absolute community of property ________ the
spouses in all ________ not ________ for in this ________. (n)
Section 2. What Constitutes Community Property
Art. 91. Unless ________ ________ in this ________ or in the marriage ________, the community property
shall ________of all the property ________ by the spouses at the ________ of the ________ of the ________
or ________ thereafter. (197a)
Art. 92. The ________ shall be ________ from the c________ property:
(1) ________ ________ during the ________ by ________ title by ________ spouse, and the f________ as
well as the ________ thereof, if any, ________ it is ________ provided by the ________, ________ or
________ that they shall ________ ________of the ________ property;
(2) P________ for ________ and ________ use of ________ spouse. However, ________ shall form ________
of the community property;
(3) Property ________before the ________ by ________ spouse who has ________ ________ by a
________marriage, and the ________ as well as the ________, if ________, of such ________. (201a)
Art. 93. Property ________ during the marriage is ________ to ________ to the ________, unless it is
________ that it is ________of those ________ therefrom. (160)
Section 3. Charges and Obligations of the Absolute Community
Art. 94. The absolute community of ________ shall be ________ for:
(1) The ________ of the ________, their ________ children, and legitimate ________ of ________
spouse; however, the ________ of ________ children shall be ________ by the ________ of this Code
on ________;

(2) All ________ and ________ contracted ________ the ________ by the ________ ________-spouse
for the ________of the ________, or by ________spouses, or by ________ spouse with the ________
of the other;
(3) ________ and ________ ________ by ________ spouse ________ the ________ of the ________ to
the ________ that the ________ may have been ________;
(4) All ________, ________, ________ and ________, including ________ or ________ ________,
upon the ________property;
(5) All ________ and ________ for mere ________ made ________ marriage ________ the separate
property of ________ spouse used by the ________;
(6) ________ to ________ ________ spouse to c________ or ________ a ________ or ________
________, or other ________ for ________;
(7) ________ ________ of ________ spouse ________ as ________ have ________ to the ________
of the ________;
(8) The ________ of ________ is ________ or ________ by ________ spouses in ________ of their
________ legitimate ________ for the ________ ________ of ________ or ________ a ________ or
________ ________ or other ________for ________;
(9) ________ ________ of ________ spouse other than those ________ under paragraph (7) of this
________, the ________ of ________ children of ________ spouse, and ________ ________ by
________ spouse by ________ of a ________ or a ________, in case of ________ ________ of the
________ property of the ________spouse, the ________ of which shall be ________ as ________to be
________d from the ________ of the debtor-spouse upon ________ of the ________; and
(10) ________ of ________ between the ________ unless the ________ is ________ to be ________.
If the ________ property is ________ to ________ the ________ ________, except those ________ under
paragraph (9), the ________ shall be ________ liable for the ________ ________ with their ________
properties. (161a, 162a, 163a, 202a-205a)
Art. 95. ________ may be ________ ________ the ________ in any ________ of ________, ________,
________, or any other ________ of ________, whether ________ or ________ by ________, shall be
________ by the ________ and shall ________ be ________ to the ________ but any ________therefrom shall
________ part of the ________ property. (164a)
Section 4. Ownership, Administrative, Enjoyment and Disposition of the Community Property
Art. 96. The ________ and ________ of the community property shall ________ to ________ spouses
________. In case of ________, the husband's ________ shall ________, ________ to ________ to the
________ by the ________ for ________ ________, which must be ________ of within ________ years from
the ________ of the ________ ________ such ________.
In the ________ that ________ spouse is ________ or ________ ________ to ________ in the ________ of the
________ properties, the other ________ may ________ ________ ________ of ________. These ________ do
not ________ ________ or ________ without ________ of the ________ or the ________ ________ of the
________ spouse. In the ________of such ________ or ________, the ________ or ________ shall be
________. However, the ________ shall be ________ as a ________ offer on the ________of the ________
spouse and the ________ person, and ________ be ________ as a ________ ________ upon the ________ by
the ________ spouse or ________ by the ________ before the ________ is ________ by ________ or both
________. (206a)
Art. 97. ________ spouse may ________ by ________ of ________ or her ________ in the ________ property.
Art. 98. ________ spouse may ________ any community property ________ the ________of the other.
However, ________________ may, ________the ________ of the other, make ________ ________ from the
________ property for ________ or on ________ of family ________ or family ________. (n)

Section 5. Dissolution of Absolute Community Regime

Art. 99. The absolute community ________:
(1) ________ the ________ of ________ spouse;
(2) When there is ________of ________ separation;
(3) When the ________ is________ ________ or ________ ________; or
(4) In ________ of ________ separation of ________ during the ________ under Article 134 to 138.
Art. 100. The s________ in ________ between ________ and ________hall not ________ the ________ of
________ community except that:
(1) The ________ who ________ the conjugal ________ or ________ to ________ therein, without
________ cause, shall ________________ the ________ to be ________
(2) ________ the ________ of one ________ to any ________ of the ________ is ________ by
________, ________ ________ shall be ________ in a ________ ________;
(3) In the ________ of ________ community property, the ________ property of ________ spouses
shall be ________ ________ for the ________ of the ________. The spouse ________shall, upon
________ ________ in a ________ ________, be given ________ ________ to ________ or ________
any ________ ________ property of the other spouse and ________ the ________ or ________ thereof
to ________ the l________ ________. (178a)

Art. 101. If a _______________without _______________ cause _____________ the ___________ or _____________

to __________ with his or her __________ to the ___________, the ___________ spouse may ___________ the court for
_________, for ________ separation of __________ or for ___________ to be the ___________ administrator of the
__________ community, __________ to such _________ conditions as the court may ___________.

The ___________ to the ___________ mentioned in the ___________ paragraph refer to ___________, parental or
property ___________.
A spouse is ___________ to have ___________ the other when her or she has ___________ the conjugal ___________
without ___________ of ___________. The spouse who has left the conjugal dwelling for a ___________ of
___________ months or has ___________ within the ___________ period to give any ___________ as to his or her
___________ shall be ___________ facie ___________ to have no ___________ of ___________ to the ___________l
dwelling. (178a)
Section 6. Liquidation of the Absolute Community Assets and Liabilities
Art. 102. Upon ___________of the absolute community regime, the following ___________ shall apply:
(1) An ___________ shall be ___________, listing ___________ all the properties of the absolute community
and the ___________ properties of ___________ spouse.
(2) The ___________ and ___________ of the absolute community shall be ___________ out of its
___________. In case of ___________ of said assets, the spouses shall be ___________ liable for the
___________ balance with their separate properties in ___________ with the ___________ of the second
paragraph of Article ___________.
(3) Whatever ___________ of the ___________ properties of the ___________ shall ___________ be
___________ to each of them.
(4) The net ___________ of the properties of the absolute community shall ___________its net ___________,
which shall be ___________ equally between husband and wife, unless a ___________proportion or
___________ was ___________upon in the marriage ___________, or unless there has been a ___________
waiver of such ___________ provided in this ___________. For ___________ of ___________ the net
___________ subject to f___________e in accordance with Articles ___________, No. (2) and ___________,
No. (2), the said ___________ shall be the ___________ in ___________ between the ___________ value of the
community property at the ___________ of the ___________ of the ___________ and market value at the time
of its ___________.
(5) The ________ ________ of the ___________ children shall be ___________ upon ___________, in
accordance with Article ___________.
(6) Unless otherwise ___________ upon by the ___________, in the ___________ of the properties, the
conjugal ___________ and the ___________ on which it is ___________ shall be ___________ to the spouse
with whom the ___________ of the common children ___________ to ___________. Children ___________ the
age of ___________ years are ___________ to have ___________ the ___________, unless the court has
___________ otherwise. In case there in no such ___________, the court shall ___________ ___________ into
___________ the best ___________ of said children. (n)
Art. 103. Upon the ___________ of the ___________ by ___________, the community property shall be ___________
in the ___________ proceeding for the ___________ of the ___________ of the ___________.
If no ___________ settlement proceeding is ___________, the ___________ spouse shall ___________ the community
property either ___________ or ___________within ___________months from the ___________ of the ___________
spouse. If upon the lapse of the ___________ months period, no ___________ is made, any ___________ or
___________ involving the community property of the ___________ marriage shall be ___________.
Should the ___________ spouse ___________ a subsequent marriage without ___________ with the foregoing
___________, a ___________regime of ___________ separation of property shall ___________ the property relations of
the ___________marriage. (n)

Art. 104. ___________ the ___________ of the community properties of ___________ or ___________ marriages
___________ by the same person before the ___________ of this Code is carried out ___________, the respective
___________, ___________ and ___________ of each community shall be ___________ upon such ___________as may
be ___________ according to the rules of ___________. In case of ___________ as to which c___________ the
___________ properties ___________, the same shall be ___________between the ___________communities in
___________ to the ___________ and ___________ of each. (189a)
Chapter 4. Conjugal Partnership of Gains
Section 1. General Provisions
Art. 105. In case the ___________ spouses ___________ in the marriage settlements that the regime of ___________
partnership ___________shall govern their property relations ___________ marriage, the provisions in this
___________ shall be of ___________ application.
The provisions of this Chapter shall also ___________ to conjugal partnerships of gains already ___________
between spouses before the ___________ of this Code, without ________ to vested ___________ already
___________ in accordance with the Civil Code or other laws, as provided in Article ___________. (n)
Art. 106. Under the ___________ of conjugal partnership of gains, the husband and wife place in a common
___________ the ___________, ___________, ___________ and ___________ from their ___________ properties and those
a___________ by either or both spouses through their ___________ or by ___________, and, upon ___________ of the
marriage or of the ___________, the net ___________ or ___________obtained by either or both spouses shall be
___________ ___________ between them, unless otherwise agreed in the marriage settlements. (142a)
Art. 107. The ___________ provided in Articles ___________ and ___________ shall also ___________ to conjugal
partnership of gains. (n)
Art. 108. The conjugal partnership shall be ___________ by the ___________ on the ___________ of ___________ in
all that is ___________in ___________with what is ___________ determined in this Chapter or by the spouses in their
marriage settlements. (147a)
Section 2. Exclusive Property of Each Spouse
Art. 109. The following shall be the exclusive property of each spouse:
(1) That which is ___________ to the marriage as his or her own;
(2) That which each ___________ during the marriage by ___________title;
(3) That which is acquired by ___________ of ___________, by ___________ or by ___________ with property
belonging to only one of the spouses; and
(4) That which is ___________ with exclusive ___________ of the wife or of the husband. (148a)
Art. 110. The spouses ___________ the ___________, ___________, ___________ and ___________ of their exclusive
Either spouse may, during the marriage, ___________ the ___________ of his or her exclusive property to the other
by means of a public ___________, which shall be ___________ in the registry of property of the ___________ the
property is ___________. (137a, 168a, 169a)
Art. 111. A spouse of age may ___________, ___________, ___________ or otherwise ___________ of his or her
___________ property, without the ___________ of the other spouse, and appear ___________ in court to ___________
with regard to the same. (n)
Art. 112. The ___________ of any exclusive property of a spouse ___________ by the other ___________ ___________
the ___________over such property and the ___________ of the alienation shall be ___________ over to the
___________. (n)
Art. 113. Property ___________ or ___________ by ___________ to the spouses, ___________ and with ___________ of
determinate shares, shall ___________ to the ___________ as his or her own exclusive property, and in the

___________ of ___________,
___________. (150a)

share and share ___________, without ________ to the right of ___________ when

Art. 114. If the ___________ are ___________, the ___________ of the ___________ shall be ___________ by the
exclusive property of the ___________ spouse, whenever they have been ___________ by the conjugal partnership
of gains. (151a)
Art. 115. ___________ benefits, ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________ and similar ___________ shall
be ___________ by the rules on ___________ or ___________ ___________ as may be proper in each case. (n)
Section 3. Conjugal Partnership Property
Art. 116. All property ___________ during the marriage, whether the ___________ appears to have been made,
___________ or ___________ in the name of one or both spouses, is ___________ to be conjugal unless the
___________ is ___________. (160a)
Art. 117. The following are conjugal partnership properties:
(1) Those ___________ by ___________ title during the marriage at the ___________ of the common
___________, whether the acquisition be for the ___________, or for ___________ one of the spouses;
(2) Those ___________ from the ___________, ___________, ___________ or ___________ of either or both of
the spouses;
(3) The ___________, ___________, ___________, or ___________, ___________ or ___________ during the
marriage from the common property, as well as the net ___________ from the exclusive property of each
(4) The ___________ of either spouse in the ___________ ___________ which the ___________ awards to the
___________r or ___________ of the property where the ___________ is ___________;
(5) Those ___________ through ___________ such as ___________ or ___________;
(6) ___________ existing upon the ___________ of the partnership in ___________ of the ___________ of each
___________ ___________ to the marriage by either spouse; and
(7) Those which are ___________ by ___________, such as ___________ from ___________ or ___________.
However, ___________ therefrom shall be ___________ exclusively by the ___________. (153a, 154a, 155,
Art. 118. Property bought on ___________ paid partly from exclusive ___________ of either or both spouses and
___________ from conjugal ___________ belongs to the buyer or buyers if full ___________ was ___________ before
the marriage and to the conjugal partnership if such ownership was vested during the marriage. In either case,
any amount ___________ by the ___________ or by either or both spouses shall be ___________ by the owner or
owners upon ___________ of the ___________. (n)
Art. 119. Whenever an ___________ or ___________ payable within a period of ___________ belongs to one of the
spouses, the ___________ which may be ___________ during the marriage in ___________ payments or by
___________ on the principal shall be the exclusive property of the spouse. However, ___________ falling due
during the marriage on the ___________ shall belong to the conjugal partnership. (156a, 157a)
Art. 120. The ___________ of ___________, whether for ___________ or ___________, made on the separate property
of the spouses at the ___________ of the partnership or through the ___________ or ___________ of either or both
spouses shall ___________ to the conjugal partnership, or to the ___________ owner-spouse, ___________ to the
following rules:
When the ___________ of the ___________ made by the conjugal partnership and any resulting ___________ in
___________ are more than the value of the property at the ___________ of the ___________, the ___________
property of one of the spouses shall belong to the conjugal partnership, subject to ___________ of the value of the
property of the ___________ at the time of the ___________; otherwise, said property shall be ___________ in
ownership by the ___________, likewise ___________to ___________ of the cost of the ___________.

In either case, the ___________ of the ___________ property shall be ___________ upon the ___________, which shall
be made at the ___________ of the ___________ of the conjugal partnership. (158a)
Section 4. Charges Upon and Obligations of the Conjugal Partnership
Art. 121. The conjugal partnership shall be liable for:
(1) The ___________ of the spouse, their common children, and the legitimate children of either spouse;
however, the support of illegitimate children shall be governed by the provisions of this Code on
(2) All ___________ and ___________ contracted during the marriage by the ___________ administratorspouse for the ___________of the conjugal partnership of gains, or by both spouses or by one of them with
the ___________of the other;
(3) ___________ and ___________ contracted by either spouse without the ___________ of the other to the
extent that the ___________ may have ___________;
(4) All ___________, ___________, ___________, and ___________, including ___________ or ___________
repairs upon the conjugal partnership property;
(5) All ___________ and ___________ for mere ___________ made during the marriage upon the separate
property of either spouse;
(6) ___________ to ___________ either spouse to ___________e or complete a ___________ ___________, or
other ___________ for ___________;
(7) ___________ debts of either spouse insofar as they have ___________ to the ___________ of the family;
(8) The ___________ of what is ___________ or ___________ by both spouses in ___________ of their
common legitimate children for the exclusive purpose of ___________ or ___________ a professional or
vocational course or other activity for self-improvement; and
(9) ___________ of ___________ between the spouses unless the ___________ is found to ___________.
If the conjugal partnership is ___________ to cover the foregoing ___________, the spouses shall be ___________
liable for the ___________ balance with their separate properties. (161a)
Art. 122. The ___________ of personal ___________ contracted by the husband or the wife before or ___________
the marriage shall not be ___________ to the conjugal properties ___________ except insofar as they ___________ to
the benefit of the family.
Neither shall the ___________ and ___________ indemnities ___________ upon them be ___________ to the
However, the payment of personal ___________ contracted by either spouse ___________ the marriage, that of
___________ and ___________ imposed upon them, as well as the ___________ of illegitimate children of either
spouse, may be ___________ against the ___________ assets after the ___________ enumerated in the preceding
Article have been covered, if the spouse who is ___________ should have no ___________ property or if it should
be ___________; but at the time of the ___________ of the partnership, such spouse shall be charged for what has
been ___________ for the purpose above-mentioned. (163a)
Art. 123. Whatever may be ___________during the marriage in any game of chance or in ___________,
___________, or any other kind of ___________ whether ___________ or ___________ by law, shall be ___________ by
the ___________ and shall not be ___________ to the conjugal partnership but any ___________ therefrom shall form
part of the conjugal partnership property. (164a)
Section 5. Administration of the Conjugal Partnership Property
Art. 124. The ___________ and ___________ of the conjugal partnership shall ___________ to both spouses
___________. In case of ___________, the husband's decision shall ___________, subject to ___________ to the court

by the wife for proper ___________, which must be ___________ of within ___________ years from the date of the
contract ___________ such ___________.
In the ___________ that one spouse is ___________ or otherwise unable to ___________ in the ___________ of the
conjugal properties, the other spouse may ___________ sole powers of administration. These powers do not
___________ disposition or ___________ without ___________ of the court or the ___________ consent of the other
spouse. In the ___________ of such authority or ___________, the ___________ or ___________ shall be ___________.
However, the ___________ shall be ___________ as a ___________ offer on the part of the ___________ spouse and
the ___________ person, and may be ___________ as a ___________ contract upon the ___________ by the other
spouse or ___________ by the court before the offer is ___________ by either or both ___________. (165a)
Art. 125. Neither spouse may ___________ any conjugal partnership property without the ___________ of the
other. However, either spouse may, ___________ the ___________ of the other, make ___________ donations from
the conjugal partnership property for ___________ or on ___________ of family ___________ or family ___________.
Section 6. Dissolution of Conjugal Partnership Regime
Art. 126. The conjugal partnership terminates:
(1) Upon the ___________ of ___________ spouse;
(2) When there is a ___________ of legal ___________;
(3) When the marriage is ___________ or declared ___________; or
(4) In case of ___________separation of property during the marriage under Articles ___________ to
___________ (175a)
Art. 127. The separation in fact between ___________ and ___________ shall not affect the ___________ of conjugal
partnership, except that:
(1) The spouse who ___________ the conjugal home or ___________ to live therein, without ___________
cause, shall not have the right to be ___________;
(2) When the ___________ of one spouse to any ___________ of the other is ___________ by law,
___________ authorization shall be ___________ in a summary proceeding;
(3) In the ___________ of ___________ conjugal partnership property, the separate property of both spouses
shall be ___________ liable for the support of the family. The spouse ___________ shall, upon ___________
in a summary proceeding, be given ___________ authority to ___________ or ___________ any ___________
separate property of the other spouse and ___________ the ___________ or ___________ thereof to
___________ the latter's share. (178a)
Art. 128. If a spouse without ___________ cause ___________ the other or ___________ to comply with his or her
___________ to the family, the ___________ spouse may ___________ the court for ___________, for ___________
separation of property, or for ___________ to be the ___________ administrator of the conjugal partnership
property, subject to such ___________ ___________ as the court may ___________.
The ___________ to the family mentioned in the preceding paragraph refer to ___________, ___________ or property
A spouse is ___________ to have ___________ the other when he or she has left the conjugal ___________ without
___________ of ___________. The spouse who has ___________ the conjugal ___________ for a period of ___________
months or has ___________ within the same ___________ to ___________ any ___________ as to his or her
whereabouts shall be prima facie ___________ to have no ___________ of ___________ to the conjugal dwelling.
(167a, 191a)
Section 7. Liquidation of the Conjugal Partnership Assets and Liabilities
Art. 129. Upon the dissolution of the conjugal partnership regime, the following procedure shall apply:

(1) An ___________ shall be prepared, listing ___________ all the properties of the conjugal partnership
and the exclusive properties of each spouse.
(2) ___________ advanced by the conjugal ___________ in payment of personal debts and obligations of
either spouse shall be credited to the conjugal partnership as an ___________ thereof.
(3) Each spouse shall be ___________ for the use of his or her ___________ funds in the ___________ of
property or for the ___________ of his or her exclusive property, the ___________ of which has been
___________ by law in the conjugal partnership.
(4) The ___________ and ___________ of the conjugal partnership shall be ___________ out of the conjugal
___________. In case of ___________ of said ___________, the spouses shall be ___________ liable for the
___________ balance with their separate properties, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (2) of
Article ___________.
(5) Whatever ___________ of the exclusive properties of the spouses shall thereafter be ___________ to
each of them.
(6) Unless the owner had been ___________ from whatever source, the ___________ or ___________ of
movables used for the benefit of the ___________, ___________ to either spouse, even due to ___________
event, shall be paid to said ___________ from the conjugal ___________, if any.
(7) The ___________ remainder of the conjugal partnership properties shall ___________ the ___________,
which shall be ___________ equally between husband and wife, unless a ___________t proportion or
division was ___________ upon in the marriage ___________ or unless there has been a ___________ waiver
or ___________ of such share as provided in this Code.
(8) The ________ ________ of the common children shall be ___________ upon the ___________ in
accordance with Article ___________.
(9) In the ___________ of the properties, the conjugal ___________ and the ___________ on which it is
___________ shall, unless otherwise agreed upon by the ___________, be ___________ to the spouse with
whom the ___________ of the common children choose to ___________. Children below the age of
___________ years are ___________ to have chosen the ___________, unless the court has ___________
otherwise. In case there is no such ___________, the court shall ___________, taking into ___________ the
best ___________ of said children. (181a, 182a, 183a, 184a, 185a)
Art. 130. Upon the ___________ of the marriage by ___________, the conjugal partnership property shall be
___________ in the same proceeding for the ___________ of the ___________ of the ___________.
If no ___________ settlement proceeding is instituted, the ___________ spouse shall ___________ the conjugal
partnership property either ___________ or ___________within ___________ months from the ___________ of the
___________spouse. If upon the lapse of the ___________-month period no ___________ is made, any ___________ or
___________e involving the conjugal partnership property of the ___________ marriage shall be ___________.
Should the ___________ spouse contract a ___________ marriage without ___________ with the ___________
requirements, a ___________ regime of complete separation of property shall ___________ the property
___________ of the ___________ marriage. (n)
Art. 131. Whenever the ___________ of the conjugal partnership properties of two or more marriages ___________
by the same person before the ___________ of this Code is carried out ___________, the respective ___________,
___________and ___________ of each ___________ shall be determined upon such ___________ as may be
___________ according to the rules of ___________. In case of ___________ as to which ___________ the ___________
properties belong, the ___________ shall be ___________ between the ___________ partnerships in proportion to the
___________ and ___________ of each. (189a)
Art. 132. The Rules of Court on the ___________ of ___________ of deceased persons shall be ___________ in the
___________ and ___________ of property of the conjugal partnership, and other ___________ which are not
___________ determined in this Chapter. (187a)
Art. 133. From the common ___________ of property ___________t shall be ___________to the surviving spouse and
to the children ___________ the ___________ of the ___________ property and ___________ what ___________ to them

is ___________; but from this shall be ___________ that amount ___________ for support which ___________ the
___________ or ___________ pertaining to them. (188a)
Chapter 5. Separation of Property of the Spouses and Administration of Common Property by One
Spouse During the Marriage
Art. 134. In the ___________ of an ___________ ___________ in the marriage settlements, the separation of property
___________ spouses ___________ the marriage shall not take place ___________t by ___________ order. Such
judicial separation of property may either be ___________ or for ___________ cause. (190a)
Art. 135. Any of the following shall be considered ___________ cause for judicial separation of property:
(1) That the spouse of the ___________ has been ___________ to a ___________which carries with it
___________ ___________;
(2) That the spouse of the petitioner has been ___________ declared an ___________;
(3) That ___________ of ___________ authority of the spouse of petitioner has been ___________ by the
(4) That the spouse of the petitioner has ___________ the latter or ___________ to ___________ with his or
her ___________ to the family as provided for in Article ___________;
(5) That the spouse ___________ the ___________ of ___________ in the marriage settlements has
___________ that power; and
(6) That at the ___________ of the ___________, the spouses have been ___________ in ___________ for at
least ___________ year and ___________ is highly ___________.
In the cases provided for in Numbers (1), (2) and (3), the ___________ of the ___________ judgment ___________
the ___________ or ___________ spouse shall be ___________ basis for the ___________ of the ___________ of judicial
separation of property. (191a)
Art. 136. The spouses may ___________ file a ___________ petition with the court for the ___________ ___________
of the absolute community or the conjugal partnership of gains, and for the ___________ of their common
All ___________ of the absolute community or of the conjugal partnership of gains, as well as the ___________
creditors of the spouse, shall be ___________ in the ___________ and ___________ of the ___________ thereof. The
court shall take ___________ to ___________ the creditors and other ___________ with ___________ interest. (191a)
Art. 137. ___________ the separation of property has been ___________, the absolute community or the conjugal
partnership of gains shall be ___________ in ___________ with this Code.
the ___________ of the proceedings for separation of property, the absolute community or the
conjugal partnership shall ___________ for the ___________ of the spouses and their children. (192a)

Art. 138. After ___________ of the absolute community or of the conjugal partnership, the ___________ on
___________ separation of property shall ___________. (191a)
Art. 139. The ___________ for separation of property and the ___________ judgment granting the same shall be
___________ in the ___________ local civil registries and ___________ of property. (193a)
Art. 140. The separation of property shall not ________ the rights ___________ acquired by ___________. (194a)
Art. 141. The spouses may, in the ___________ proceedings where separation of property was decreed,
___________ a ___________ in court for a ___________ ___________ the property regime that ___________ between
them before the separation of property in any of the following ___________:
(1) When the civil interdiction ___________;
(2) When the ___________ spouse ___________;

(3) When the court, being s___________ that the spouse ___________ the ___________ of ___________ in the
marriage settlements will not ___________ abuse that power, ___________ the ___________ of said
(4) When the spouse who has ___________the conjugal home without a ___________ of legal separation
___________ common life with the other;
(5) When parental authority is judicially ___________ to the spouse ___________ ___________ thereof;
(6) When the spouses who have separated in ___________ for at least ___________ year, ___________ and
___________ common life; or
(7) When ___________ voluntary dissolution of the absolute community of property or conjugal
partnership has been judicially decreed upon the ___________ petition of the spouses, they ___________ to
the ___________ of the ___________ property regime. No ___________ separation of property may
___________ be ___________.
The ___________ of the former property regime shall be governed by Article ___________. (195a)
Art. 142. The ___________ of all ___________ of exclusive property of either spouse may be ___________ by the
court to the other spouse:
(1) When one spouse ___________ the ___________ of the other;
(2) When one spouse is ___________ declared an ___________;
(3) When one spouse is ___________to a ___________which carries with it civil ___________; or
(4) When one spouse becomes a ___________ from ___________ or is in ___________ as an ___________ in a
___________ case.
If the other spouse is not ___________ by ___________ of ___________, ___________ of ___________, or any other
___________ cause, the court shall ___________ a ___________ person to be the administrator. (n)
Chapter 6. Regime of Separation of Property
Art. 143. Should the ___________ spouses ___________ in the marriage settlements that their property ___________
during marriage shall be governed by the regime of separation of property, the provisions of this ___________
shall be ___________. (212a)
Art. 144. ___________ of property may ___________ to ___________ or ___________ property or ___________. It may
be ___________ or ___________. In the latter case, the property not ___________ upon as separate shall ___________
to the absolute community. (213a)
Art. 145. ___________ spouse shall ___________, ___________ of, ___________, ___________ and ___________ his or
her ___________ separate ___________, without ___________ of the ___________ of the other. To each spouse shall
belong all ___________ from his or her ___________, business or ___________ and all ___________, ___________,
___________ or ___________, ___________ or ___________ during the marriage from his or her separate property.
Art. 146. Both spouses shall ___________ the family ___________ in ___________ to their ___________, or, in case of
___________or ___________ thereof, to the ___________ market value of their separate properties.
The ___________ of the spouses to ___________ for family ___________ shall, however, be ___________. (215a)
Chapter 7. Property Regime of Unions Without Marriage
Art. 147. When a ___________ and a ___________ who are ___________ to marry each other, live ___________ with
each other as husband and wife ___________ the ___________ of marriage or under a ___________ marriage, their
___________ and ___________ shall be ___________ by them in ___________ shares and the property ___________ by
both of them through their ___________ or ___________ shall be governed by the rules on ___________.

In the ___________ of ___________ to the ___________, properties acquired while they ___________ together shall be
___________ to have been ___________ by their joint ___________, ___________ or ___________, and shall be
___________ by them in ___________ shares. For ___________ of this ___________, a ___________ who did not
___________ in the ___________ by the other party of any property shall be ___________ to have ___________ jointly
in the ___________ thereof if the ___________ efforts ___________ in the ___________ and ___________ of the
___________ and of the ___________.
___________ party can ___________ or ___________ by acts ___________ ___________ of his or her ___________ in the
property ___________ during ___________ and ___________ in ___________, without the ___________ of the other,
until ___________ the ___________ of their ___________.

When ___________ one of the ___________ to a ___________ marriage is in ___________ faith, the ___________ of the
party in ___________ faith in the ___________ shall be ___________ in ___________ of their common children. In
case of ___________ of or ___________ by any or ___________ of the common children or their ___________, each
___________ share shall belong to the ___________ ___________ ___________. In the absence of ___________, such
share shall belong to the ___________ party. In all cases, the ___________ shall take ___________ upon termination
of the ___________. (144a)
Art. 148. In cases of ___________ not falling under the preceding Article, ___________ the properties ___________
by both of the parties through their actual ___________ ___________ of ___________, ___________, or ___________
shall be ___________ by them in common in ___________ to their ___________ contributions. In the ___________ of
___________ to the ___________, their ___________ and ___________ shares are ___________ to be ___________. The
same ___________ and ___________ shall ___________ to joint ___________ of ___________ and ___________ of
If one of the parties is ___________ married to another, his or her ___________ in the ___________shall ___________
to the absolute community or conjugal partnership ___________ in such ___________ marriage. If the party who
___________ in ___________ faith is not ___________ married to another, his or her shall be ___________ in the
manner provided in the ___________ paragraph of the preceding ___________.
The foregoing ___________ on ___________ shall likewise ___________ even if both parties are in ___________ faith.
Chapter 1. The Family as an Institution
Art. 149. The ___________, being the ___________ of the ___________, is a basic ___________ institution which
public policy ___________ and ___________. Consequently, ___________ relations are governed by ___________ and
no ___________, ___________ or ___________ ___________ of the family shall be ___________ or given ___________.
(216a, 218a)
Art. 50. Family relations include those:
(1) Between husband and wife;
(2) Between parents and children;
(3) Among brothers and sisters, whether of the full or halfblood. (217a)
Art. 151. No ___________ between ___________ of the ___________ family shall ___________ unless it should
___________ from the ___________ ___________ or ___________ that ___________efforts toward a ___________have
been ___________, but that the same have ___________. If it is ___________ that no such ___________ were in fact
___________, the same ___________ must be ___________.
This ___________ shall not ___________ to cases which may not be the ___________ of ___________ under the Civil
Code. (222a)
Chapter 2. The Family Home

Art. 152. The family ___________, constituted ___________ by the husband and the wife or by an ___________ head
of a family, is the ___________ house where they and their family ___________, and the ___________ on which it is
___________. (223a)
Art. 153. The family home is ___________ ___________ on a house and ___________ from the ___________ it is
___________ as a family ___________. From the ___________ of its ___________ and so ___________ as any of its
___________ actually ___________ therein, the family home ___________ to be such and is ___________ from
___________, ___________ sale or ___________ except as ___________ provided and to the ___________ of the
___________ allowed by ___________. (223a)
Art. 154. The ___________ of a family home are:
(1) The husband and wife, or an ___________ person who is the head of a family; and
(2) Their ___________, ___________, ___________, brothers and sisters, whether the r___________be
legitimate or illegitimate, who are ___________ in the family home and who ___________ upon the head of
the family for ___________ ___________. (226a)
Art. 155. The family home shall be ___________ from ___________, forced ___________ or ___________ except:
(1) For ___________ of ___________;
(2) For ___________ incurred prior to the ___________ of the family home;
(3) For ___________ secured by ___________ on the ___________ before or ___________ such constitution;
(4) For debts ___________ to ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________ and others
who have ___________service or ___________ material for the ___________ of the ___________. (243a)
Art. 156. The family home must be ___________ of the ___________ of the absolute community or the conjugal
partnership, or of the exclusive properties of ___________ spouse with the latter's ___________. It may also be
___________ by an ___________ head of a family on his or her ___________ property.
Nevertheless, property that is the ___________ of a c___________ sale on ___________ where ___________ is
___________ by the ___________ only to ___________ payment of the ___________price may be ___________ as a
family home. (227a, 228a)
Art. 157. The ___________ value of the family home shall not ___________, at the ___________ of its constitution,
the ___________ of the ___________ hundred thousand pesos in ___________ areas, and ___________ hundred
thousand pesos in ___________ areas, or such ___________ as may ___________be fixed by ___________.
In any ___________, if the ___________ of the ___________ changes after the ___________ of this Code, the
___________ most ___________ for the constitution of a family home shall be the ___________ of ___________.
For ___________of this Article, ___________ areas are ___________ to ___________ chartered ___________ and
___________ whose ______________________ at least ___________ that ___________ required for ___________ cities.
All others are ___________ to be ___________ areas. (231a)
Art. 158. The family home may be ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________ or ___________ by the
owner or owners thereof with the ___________ consent of the person ___________ the same, the latter's spouse,
and a ___________ of the ___________ of legal ___________. In case of ___________, the court shall ___________.
Art. 159. The family home shall ___________ despite the ___________ of ___________ or both ___________ or of the
___________ head of the family for a period of ___________ years or for as long as there is a ___________
beneficiary, and the ___________ cannot ___________ the ___________ unless the court ___________ ___________
reasons therefor. This rule shall ___________ regardless of ___________ owns the property or ___________ the
family home. (238a)
Art. 160. When a ___________ whose claims is not among those mentioned in Article ___________ obtains a
___________ in his ___________, and he has ___________ grounds to ___________ that the family home is

worth more than the ___________ amount ___________ in Article ___________, he may ___________ to
the court which ___________ the ___________ for an order ___________ the sale of the property under ___________.
The ___________shall so order if it ___________ that the ___________ value of the family home ___________ the
maximum amount allowed by ___________ as of the time of its ___________. If the ___________ actual value
exceeds the ___________ allowed in Article ___________ and ___________ from ___________ voluntary ___________
introduced by the person or persons constituting the family home, by the owner or owners of the property, or by
any of the ___________, the same ___________ and ___________ shall ___________.

At the ___________ sale, no ___________ below the ___________ allowed for a family home shall be ___________.
The ___________ shall be ___________ ___________ to the ___________ mentioned in Article ___________, and then
to the ___________ under the ___________ and the ___________. The ___________, if any, shall be ___________ to the
judgment ___________. (247a, 248a)
Art. 161. For ___________ of ___________ of the ___________of a family home as provided for in this ___________,
a person may ___________, or be the ___________ of, only one family home. (n)
Art. 162. The provisions in this Chapter shall also govern ___________ family ___________ insofar as said
provisions are ___________. (n)
Chapter 1. Legitimate Children
Art. 163. The ___________ of children may be by ___________ or by ___________. ___________ filiation may be
legitimate or illegitimate. (n)
Art. 164. Children ___________ or ___________ during the marriage of the parents are ___________.
Children ___________ as a ___________ of ___________ ___________ of the wife with the ___________ of the husband
or that of a ___________ or both are likewise legitimate children of the husband and his wife, provided, that both
of them ___________ or ___________such ___________ in a ___________ instrument ___________ and ___________ by
them before the ___________ of the child. The ___________ shall be ___________ in the civil registry together with
the ___________ certificate of the child. (55a, 258a)
Art. 165. Children ___________ and ___________ outside a ___________ marriage are ___________, unless otherwise
provided in this Code. (n)
Art. 166. ___________ of a child may be ___________ only on the following ___________:
(1) That it was ___________ ___________ for the husband to have ___________ intercourse with his wife
within the first ___________ days of the ___________ days which ___________ ___________ the ___________
of the child because of:
(a) the ___________ ___________ of the husband to have sexual ___________ with his wife;
(b) the ___________ that the husband and wife were living ___________ in such a way that sexual
intercourse was not ___________; or
(c) ___________ ___________of the husband, which ___________ ___________ sexual intercourse;
(2) That it is ___________ that for ___________ or other ___________ ___________, the child could not have
been that of the husband, except in the ___________ provided in the second paragraph of Article
___________; or
(3) That in case of children ___________ through artificial ___________, the written ___________ or
___________ of either parent was ___________ through ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________,
or ___________ ___________. (255a)
Art. 167. The ___________ shall be ___________ legitimate although the ___________ may have ___________ against
its ___________ or may have been ___________ as an ___________. (256a)

Art. 168. If the marriage is ___________ and the mother ___________ another marriage within ___________ hundred
days after such ___________ of the ___________ marriage, these ___________ shall govern in the ___________ of
___________ to the ___________:
(1) A child born before ___________ hundred eighty days ___________ the ___________ of the ___________
marriage is considered to have been ___________ during the ___________ marriage, provided it be born
within ___________ hundred days after the ___________ of the ___________ marriage;
(2) A child born after ___________ hundred eighty days ___________ the celebration of the subsequent
marriage is considered to have been conceived during such marriage, even though it be born within the
___________ hundred days after the termination of the former marriage. (259a)
Art. 169. The ___________ or ___________ of a child born after ___________ hundred days following the
termination of the marriage shall be ___________ by whoever ___________ such legitimacy or illegitimacy. (261a)
Art. 170. The ___________ to ___________ the ___________ of the child shall be ___________ within ___________ year
from the ______________________ of the ___________ or its ___________ in the civil register, if the ___________ or, in
a ___________ case, any of his ___________, should ___________ in the ___________ or ___________ where the
___________ took ___________ or was ___________.
If the husband or, in his ___________, all of his ___________ do not ___________ at the ___________ of birth as
___________ in the first paragraph or where it was ___________, the period shall be ___________ years if they
should ___________ in the Philippines; and ___________ years if abroad. If the ___________ of the child has been
___________ from or was ___________ to the husband or his heirs, the period shall be counted from the
___________ or ___________ of the birth of the child or of the ___________ of ___________ of said birth, ___________
is ___________. (263a)
Art. 171. The ___________ of the husband may ___________ the ___________of the child within the period
________ in the preceding article only in the following cases:
(1) If the husband should ___________ before the ___________ of the period fixed for ___________ his
(2) If he should die ___________ the ___________of the ___________ without having ___________ therefrom;
(3) If the child was born ___________ the ___________ of the husband. (262a)
Chapter 2. Proof of Filiation
Art. 172. The ___________ of ___________ children is ___________ by any of the following:
(1) The ___________ of birth ___________ in the civil register or a ___________ judgment; or
(2) An ___________ of legitimate filiation in a ___________ ___________ or a ___________ ___________
___________ and ___________ by the parent ___________.
In the ___________ of the foregoing ___________, the legitimate filiation shall be ___________by:
(1) The ___________ and c___________ ___________ of the ___________ of a ___________ child; or
(2) ___________ other ___________ allowed by the Rules of Court and special laws. (265a, 266a, 267a)
Art. 173. The ___________ to claim ___________ may be ___________ by the child ___________ his or her
___________and shall be ___________ to the ___________ should the child ___________ during ___________ or in a
state of ___________. In these cases, the ___________ shall have a ___________ of ___________ years within which to
___________ the ___________.
Art. 174. ___________ children shall have the ___________:
(1) To ___________ the ___________ of the ___________ and the ___________, in ___________ with the
provisions of the Civil Code on ___________;

(2) To ___________ ___________ from their parents, their ___________, and in proper cases, their brothers
and sisters, in ___________ with the provisions of this Code on ___________; and
(3) To be ___________ to the ___________ and other ___________ ___________ granted to them by the Civil
Code. (264a)
Chapter 3. Illegitimate Children
Art. 175. ___________ children may establish their illegitimate ___________ in the same ___________ and on the
same ___________ as legitimate children.
The ___________ must be ___________ within the same ___________ specified in Article ___________, except when
the ___________ is based on the ___________paragraph of Article ___________, in which case the action may be
brought during the ___________ of the ___________ parent. (289a)
Art. 176. Illegitimate children shall ___________ the ___________ and shall be under the parental ___________ of
their mother, and shall be ___________ to ___________t in conformity with this Code. The ________ of each
illegitimate child shall consist of ___________ of the ________ of a legitimate child. Except for this ___________,
all other provisions in the Civil Code governing successional rights shall ___________ in ___________. (287a)
Chapter 4. Legitimated Children
Art. 177. ___________ children ___________ and born ___________ of ___________ of parents who, at the
___________ of the ___________ of the former, were not ___________ by any ___________ to marry each other may
be ___________. (269a)
Art. 178. ___________shall take place by a ___________ valid marriage between parents. The ___________ of a
___________ marriage shall not affect the ___________. (270a)
Art. 179. ___________ children shall ___________ the same ___________ as legitimate children. (272a)
Art. 180. The ___________ of ___________ shall ___________ to the time of the child's ___________. (273a)
Art. 181. The legitimation of children who ___________ before the ___________ of the marriage shall ___________
their ___________. (274)
Art. 182. Legitimation may be ___________ only by those who are ________ in their ___________, within
___________ years from the time their ___________ of action ___________ (275a)
Art. 194. ___________ ___________ everything ___________ for ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________
___________, ___________ and ___________, in ___________ with the ___________ ___________ of the family.
The ___________ of the person ___________ to be supported ___________ to in the preceding paragraph shall
___________ his ___________ or ___________ for some ___________, ___________ or ___________, even ___________
the ___________ of ___________. ___________ shall include ___________ in going to and from ___________, or to and
from ___________ of ___________. (290a)
Art. 105. ___________ to the provisions of the ___________ articles, the following are ___________ to support each
other to the ___________ ___________ set forth in the preceding article:
(1) The ___________;
(2) Legitimate ___________ and ___________;
(3) ___________and their ___________ children and the ___________ and ___________ children of the latter;
(4) Parents and their ___________ children and the ___________ and ___________ children of the latter; and
(5) Legitimate ___________ and ___________s, whether of ___________ or half-blood (291a)

Art. 196. Brothers and sisters not ___________ related, whether of the full or half-blood, are likewise ___________
to ___________each other to the ___________ extent set forth in Article ___________, except only when the
___________ for support of the brother or sister, being of ___________, is due to a cause ___________ to the
___________ ___________ or ___________. (291a)
Art. 197. In case of ___________ ascendants; descendants, whether legitimate or illegitimate; and brothers and
sisters, whether legitimately or illegitimately related, ___________ the ___________ property of the person
___________ to ___________ support shall be ___________ provided that in case the ___________ has ___________
separate property, the absolute community or the conjugal partnership, if ___________ ___________, shall
___________ the support, which shall be ___________ from the ___________ of the spouse obliged upon the
___________ of the absolute community or of the conjugal partnership. (n)
Art. 198. ___________ the ___________ for legal separation or for annulment of marriage, and for declaration of
nullity of marriage, the spouses and their children shall be ___________ from the properties of the absolute
community or the conjugal partnership. ___________ the ___________ judgment ___________ the ___________, the
___________ of ___________support between the spouses ___________. However, in case of legal separation, the
court may order that the ___________ spouse shall give support to the ___________ one, ___________ the
___________ of such order. (292a)
Art. 199. Whenever ___________ or ___________ persons are ___________ to give ___________, the ___________ shall
___________ upon the following persons in the order herein provided:
(1) The ___________;
(2) The descendants in the ___________ ___________;
(3) The ascendants in the nearest degree; and
(4) The brothers and sisters. (294a)
Art. 200. When the ___________ to give support falls upon two or more persons, the ___________ of the same shall
be ___________ between them in ___________ to the ___________of each.
However, in case of ___________ ___________ and by ___________ circumstances, the ___________ may order
___________ one of them to ___________ the support ___________ without ________ to his______________________to
___________ from the other ___________ the share due from them.
When two or more ___________ at the same ___________ claim support from one and the same person ___________
obliged to give it, should the latter not have ___________ means to ___________ all ___________, the order
___________ in the preceding article shall be ___________, unless the ___________ ___________should be the spouse
and a ___________ ___________ to parental authority, in which case the child shall be ___________. (295a)

Art. 201. The amount of support, in the cases referred to in Articles 195 and 196, shall be in proportion to the
resources or means of the giver and to the necessities of the recipient. (296a)
Art. 202. Support in the cases referred to in the preceding article shall be reduced or increased proportionately,
according to the reduction or increase of the necessities of the recipient and the resources or means of the
person obliged to furnish the same. (297a)
Art. 203. The obligation to give support shall be demandable from the time the person who has a right to receive
the same needs it for maintenance, but it shall not be paid except from the date of judicial or extrajudicial
Support pendente lite may be claimed in accordance with the Rules of Court.
Payment shall be made within the first five days of each corresponding month or when the recipient dies, his
heirs shall not be obliged to return what he has received in advance. (298a)
Art. 204. The person obliged to give support shall have the option to fulfill the obligation either by paying the
allowance fixed, or by receiving and maintaining in the family dwelling the person who has a right to receive
support. The latter alternative cannot be availed of in case there is a moral or legal obstacle thereto. (299a)
Art. 205. The right to receive support under this Title as well as any money or property obtained as such support
shall not be levied upon on attachment or execution. (302a)
Art. 206. When, without the knowledge of the person obliged to give support, it is given by a stranger, the latter
shall have a right to claim the same from the former, unless it appears that he gave it without intention of being
reimbursed. (2164a)
Art. 207. When the person obliged to support another unjustly refuses or fails to give support when urgently
needed by the latter, any third person may furnish support to the needy individual, with right of reimbursement
from the person obliged to give support. This Article shall particularly apply when the father or mother of a
child under the age of majority unjustly refuses to support or fails to give support to the child when urgently
needed. (2166a)
Art. 208. In case of contractual support or that given by will, the excess in amount beyond that required for
legal support shall be subject to levy on attachment or execution.
Furthermore, contractual support shall be subject to adjustment whenever modification is necessary due to
changes of circumstances manifestly beyond the contemplation of the parties. (n)
Chapter 1. General Provisions
Art. 209. Pursuant to the natural right and duty of parents over the person and property of their unemancipated
children, parental authority and responsibility shall include the caring for and rearing them for civic
consciousness and efficiency and the development of their moral, mental and physical character and well-being.
Art. 210. Parental authority and responsibility may not be renounced or transferred except in the cases
authorized by law. (313a)
Art. 211. The father and the mother shall jointly exercise parental authority over the persons of their common
children. In case of disagreement, the father's decision shall prevail, unless there is a judicial order to the
Children shall always observe respect and reverence towards their parents and are obliged to obey them as long
as the children are under parental authority. (311a)
Art. 212. In case of absence or death of either parent, the parent present shall continue exercising parental
authority. The remarriage of the surviving parent shall not affect the parental authority over the children, unless
the court appoints another person to be the guardian of the person or property of the children. (n)

Art. 213. In case of separation of the parents, parental authority shall be exercised by the parent designated by
the Court. The Court shall take into account all relevant considerations, especially the choice of the child over
seven years of age, unless the parent chosen is unfit. (n)
Art. 214. In case of death, absence or unsuitability of the parents, substitute parental authority shall be exercised
by the surviving grandparent. In case several survive, the one designated by the court, taking into account the
same consideration mentioned in the preceding article, shall exercise the authority. (355a)
Art. 215. No descendant shall be compelled, in a criminal case, to testify against his parents and grandparents,
except when such testimony is indispensable in a crime against the descendant or by one parent against the
other. (315a)
Chapter 2. Substitute and Special Parental Authority
Art. 216. In default of parents or a judicially appointed guardian, the following person shall exercise substitute
parental authority over the child in the order indicated:
(1) The surviving grandparent, as provided in Art. 214;
(2) The oldest brother or sister, over twenty-one years of age, unless unfit or disqualified; and
(3) The child's actual custodian, over twenty-one years of age, unless unfit or disqualified.
Whenever the appointment or a judicial guardian over the property of the child becomes necessary, the same
order of preference shall be observed. (349a, 351a, 354a)
Art. 217. In case of foundlings, abandoned neglected or abused children and other children similarly situated,
parental authority shall be entrusted in summary judicial proceedings to heads of children's homes, orphanages
and similar institutions duly accredited by the proper government agency. (314a)
Art. 218. The school, its administrators and teachers, or the individual, entity or institution engaged in child are
shall have special parental authority and responsibility over the minor child while under their supervision,
instruction or custody.
Authority and responsibility shall apply to all authorized activities whether inside or outside the premises of the
school, entity or institution. (349a)
Art. 219. Those given the authority and responsibility under the preceding Article shall be principally and
solidarily liable for damages caused by the acts or omissions of the unemancipated minor. The parents, judicial
guardians or the persons exercising substitute parental authority over said minor shall be subsidiarily liable.
The respective liabilities of those referred to in the preceding paragraph shall not apply if it is proved that they
exercised the proper diligence required under the particular circumstances.
All other cases not covered by this and the preceding articles shall be governed by the provisions of the Civil
Code on quasi-delicts. (n)
Chapter 3. Effect of Parental Authority
Upon the Persons of the Children
Art. 220. The parents and those exercising parental authority shall have with the respect to their unemancipated
children on wards the following rights and duties:
(1) To keep them in their company, to support, educate and instruct them by right precept and good
example, and to provide for their upbringing in keeping with their means;
(2) To give them love and affection, advice and counsel, companionship and understanding;
(3) To provide them with moral and spiritual guidance, inculcate in them honesty, integrity, selfdiscipline, self-reliance, industry and thrift, stimulate their interest in civic affairs, and inspire in them
compliance with the duties of citizenship;

(4) To furnish them with good and wholesome educational materials, supervise their activities,
recreation and association with others, protect them from bad company, and prevent them from
acquiring habits detrimental to their health, studies and morals;
(5) To represent them in all matters affecting their interests;
(6) To demand from them respect and obedience;
(7) To impose discipline on them as may be required under the circumstances; and
(8) To perform such other duties as are imposed by law upon parents and guardians. (316a)
Art. 221. Parents and other persons exercising parental authority shall be civilly liable for the injuries and
damages caused by the acts or omissions of their unemancipated children living in their company and under
their parental authority subject to the appropriate defenses provided by law. (2180(2)a and (4)a )
Art. 222. The courts may appoint a guardian of the child's property or a guardian ad litem when the best
interests of the child so requires. (317)
Art. 223. The parents or, in their absence or incapacity, the individual, entity or institution exercising parental
authority, may petition the proper court of the place where the child resides, for an order providing for
disciplinary measures over the child. The child shall be entitled to the assistance of counsel, either of his choice
or appointed by the court, and a summary hearing shall be conducted wherein the petitioner and the child shall
be heard.
However, if in the same proceeding the court finds the petitioner at fault, irrespective of the merits of the
petition, or when the circumstances so warrant, the court may also order the deprivation or suspension of
parental authority or adopt such other measures as it may deem just and proper. (318a)
Art. 224. The measures referred to in the preceding article may include the commitment of the child for not
more than thirty days in entities or institutions engaged in child care or in children's homes duly accredited by
the proper government agency.
The parent exercising parental authority shall not interfere with the care of the child whenever committed but
shall provide for his support. Upon proper petition or at its own instance, the court may terminate the
commitment of the child whenever just and proper. (391a)
Chapter 4. Effect of Parental Authority
Upon the Property of the Children
Art. 225. The father and the mother shall jointly exercise legal guardianship over the property of the
unemancipated common child without the necessity of a court appointment. In case of disagreement, the father's
decision shall prevail, unless there is a judicial order to the contrary.
Where the market value of the property or the annual income of the child exceeds P50,000, the parent
concerned shall be required to furnish a bond in such amount as the court may determine, but not less than ten
per centum (10%) of the value of the property or annual income, to guarantee the performance of the
obligations ________ for general guardians.
A verified petition for approval of the bond shall be filed in the proper court of the place where the child
resides, or, if the child resides in a foreign country, in the proper court of the place where the property or any
part thereof is situated.
The petition shall be docketed as a summary special proceeding in which all incidents and issues regarding the
performance of the obligations referred to in the second paragraph of this Article shall be heard and resolved.
The ordinary rules on guardianship shall be merely suppletory except when the child is under substitute parental
authority, or the guardian is a stranger, or a parent has remarried, in which case the ordinary rules on
guardianship shall apply. (320a)

Art. 226. The property of the unemancipated child earned or acquired with his work or industry or by onerous
or gratuitous title shall belong to the child in ownership and shall be devoted exclusively to the latter's support
and education, unless the title or transfer provides otherwise.
The right of the parents over the fruits and income of the child's property shall be limited primarily to the child's
support and secondarily to the collective daily needs of the family. (321a, 323a)
Art. 227. If the parents entrust the management or administration of any of their properties to an unemancipated
child, the net proceeds of such property shall belong to the owner. The child shall be given a reasonable
monthly allowance in an amount not less than that which the owner would have paid if the administrator were a
stranger, unless the owner, grants the entire proceeds to the child. In any case, the proceeds thus give in whole
or in part shall not be charged to the child's ________. (322a)
Chapter 5. Suspension or Termination of Parental Authority
Art. 228. Parental authority terminates permanently:
(1) Upon the death of the parents;
(2) Upon the death of the child; or
(3) Upon emancipation of the child. (327a)
Art. 229. Unless subsequently revived by a final judgment, parental authority also terminates:
(1) Upon adoption of the child;
(2) Upon appointment of a general guardian;
(3) Upon judicial declaration of abandonment of the child in a case filed for the purpose;
(4) Upon final judgment of a competent court divesting the party concerned of parental authority; or
(5) Upon judicial declaration of absence or incapacity of the person exercising parental authority. (327a)
Art. 230. Parental authority is suspended upon conviction of the parent or the person exercising the same of a
crime which carries with it the penalty of civil interdiction. The authority is automatically reinstated upon
service of the penalty or upon pardon or amnesty of the offender. (330a)
Art. 231. The court in an action filed for the purpose in a related case may also suspend parental authority if the
parent or the person exercising the same:
(1) Treats the child with excessive harshness or cruelty;
(2) Gives the child corrupting orders, counsel or example;
(3) Compels the child to beg; or
(4) Subjects the child or allows him to be subjected to acts of lasciviousness.
The grounds enumerated above are deemed to include cases which have resulted from culpable negligence of
the parent or the person exercising parental authority.
If the degree of seriousness so warrants, or the welfare of the child so demands, the court shall deprive the
guilty party of parental authority or adopt such other measures as may be proper under the circumstances.
The suspension or deprivation may be revoked and the parental authority revived in a case filed for the purpose
or in the same proceeding if the court finds that the cause therefor has ceased and will not be repeated. (33a)
Art. 232. If the person exercising parental authority has subjected the child or allowed him to be subjected to
sexual abuse, such person shall be permanently deprived by the court of such authority. (n)

Art. 233. The person exercising substitute parental authority shall have the same authority over the person of the
child as the parents.
In no case shall the school administrator, teacher of individual engaged in child care exercising special parental
authority inflict corporal punishment upon the child. (n)
Art. 234. Emancipation takes place by the attainment of majority. Unless otherwise provided, majority
commences at the age of twenty-one years.
Emancipation also takes place:
(1) By the marriage of the minor; or
(2) By the recording in the Civil Register of an agreement in a public instrument executed by the parent
exercising parental authority and the minor at least eighteen years of age. Such emancipation shall be
irrevocable. (397a, 398a, 400a, 401a)
Art. 235. The provisions governing emancipation by recorded agreement shall also apply to an orphan minor
and the person exercising parental authority but the agreement must be approved by the court before it is
recorded. (n)
Art. 236. Emancipation for any cause shall terminate parental authority over the person and property of the
child who shall then be qualified and responsible for all acts of civil life. (412a)
Art. 237. The annulment or declaration of nullity of the marriage of a minor or of the recorded agreement
mentioned in the foregoing. Articles 234 and 235 shall revive the parental authority over the minor but shall not
affect acts and transactions that took place prior to the recording of the final judgment in the Civil Register. (n)
Chapter 1. Prefatory Provisions
Art. 238. Until modified by the Supreme Court, the procedural rules provided for in this Title shall apply as
regards separation in fact between husband and wife, abandonment by one of the other, and incidents involving
parental authority. (n)
Chapter 2. Separation in Fact
Art. 239. When a husband and wife are separated in fact, or one has abandoned the other and one of them seeks
judicial authorization for a transaction where the consent of the other spouse is required by law but such consent
is withheld or cannot be obtained, a verified petition may be filed in court alleging the foregoing facts.
The petition shall attach the proposed deed, if any, embodying the transaction, and, if none, shall describe in
detail the said transaction and state the reason why the required consent thereto cannot be secured. In any case,
the final deed duly executed by the parties shall be submitted to and approved by the court. (n)
Art. 240. Claims for damages by either spouse, except costs of the proceedings, may be litigated only in a
separate action. (n)
Art. 241. Jurisdiction over the petition shall, upon proof of notice to the other spouse, be exercised by the proper
court authorized to hear family cases, if one exists, or in the regional trial court or its equivalent sitting in the
place where either of the spouses resides. (n)
Art. 242. Upon the filing of the petition, the court shall notify the other spouse, whose consent to the transaction
is required, of said petition, ordering said spouse to show cause why the petition should not be granted, on or
before the date set in said notice for the initial conference. The notice shall be accompanied by a copy of the
petition and shall be served at the last known address of the spouse concerned. (n)

Art. 243. A preliminary conference shall be conducted by the judge personally without the parties being assisted
by counsel. After the initial conference, if the court deems it useful, the parties may be assisted by counsel at the
succeeding conferences and hearings. (n)
Art. 244. In case of non-appearance of the spouse whose consent is sought, the court shall inquire into the
reasons for his failure to appear, and shall require such appearance, if possible. (n)
Art. 245. If, despite all efforts, the attendance of the non-consenting spouse is not secured, the court may
proceed ex parte and render judgment as the facts and circumstances may warrant. In any case, the judge shall
endeavor to protect the interests of the non-appearing spouse. (n)
Art. 246. If the petition is not resolved at the initial conference, said petition shall be decided in a summary
hearing on the basis of affidavits, documentary evidence or oral testimonies at the sound discretion of the court.
If testimony is needed, the court shall specify the witnesses to be heard and the subject-matter of their
testimonies, directing the parties to present said witnesses. (n)
Art. 247. The judgment of the court shall be immediately final and executory. (n)
Art. 248. The petition for judicial authority to administer or encumber specific separate property of the
abandoning spouse and to use the fruits or proceeds thereof for the support of the family shall also be governed
by these rules. (n)
Chapter 3. Incidents Involving Parental Authority
Art. 249. Petitions filed under Articles 223, 225 and 235 of this Code involving parental authority shall be
verified.. (n)
Art. 250. Such petitions shall be verified and filed in the proper court of the place where the child resides. (n)
Art. 251. Upon the filing of the petition, the court shall notify the parents or, in their absence or incapacity, the
individuals, entities or institutions exercising parental authority over the child. (n)
Art. 252. The rules in Chapter 2 hereof shall also govern summary proceedings under this Chapter insofar as
they are applicable. (n)
Art. 253. Titles III, IV, V, VI, VIII, IX, XI, and XV of Book 1 of Republic Act No. 386, otherwise known as the
Civil Code of the Philippines, as amended, and Articles 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 39, 40, 41, and 42 of
Presidential Decree No. 603, otherwise known as the Child and Youth Welfare Code, as amended, and all laws,
decrees, executive orders, proclamations, rules and regulations, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are
hereby repealed.
Art. 254. If any provision of this Code is held invalid, all the other provisions not affected thereby shall remain
Art. 255. This Code shall have retroactive effect insofar as it does not ________ or impair vested or acquired
rights in accordance with the Civil Code or other laws.
Art. 265. This Code shall take effect one year after the completion of its publication in a newspaper of general
circulation, as certified by the Executive Secretary, Office of the President.
Done in the City of Manila, this 6th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and eighty-seven.

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