Religions of India Syllabus
Religions of India Syllabus
Religions of India Syllabus
Course Title and No. Religion in India RELGST 1500/IST 1!5!
Classes Meet: T TH 9:30AM to 10:45AM 1500 Posvar Hall
Instructor: Dr. Milica a!ic"Ha#den$ %&1& C'
())ice Hours: T TH 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM$ or *# a++oint,ent:
Teac-in. /ello0: 'ian.-au 'u$ e,ail: lil1&
())ice Hours: 3 1:00PM to %:30PM. 1504A C'
Co"r#e $e#%ri&'ion(
/e0 countries can *oast suc- an e4tensive and diverse reli.ious -erita.e as
India. It is t-e *irt-+lace o) Hinduis,$ udd-is,$ 5ainis, and 6i!-is,$ -o,e to a
lar.e Musli, co,,unit#$ as 0ell as to t-e s,all$ *ut ancient$ co,,unities o)
6#rian C-ristians$ Parsis and 5e0s. T-e course .ives a *rie) -istorical overvie0
o) t-ese reli.ious traditions$ introduces students to *asic conce+ts related to
eac- o) t-e,$ and illustrates t-eir ric- +ractices t-rou.- +ri,ar# and secondar#
readin.s$ )il,s$ art and ,usic.
Co"r#e O)*e%'i+e#(
At t-e end o) t-is course students are e4+ected to ,aster t-e !e# conce+ts and
+ractices associated 0it- reli.ions covered in class$ as 0ell as to .ain
understandin. o) t-e co,+le4 net0or! o) inter"reli.ious relations in Indian
su*continent. 'ast *ut not t-e least is t-e a*ilit# to evaluate criticall# t-e i,+act
and i,+lications o) colonialis,$ ,odernit# and .lo*ali7ation on t-e stud# o)
reli.ion in India +ast and +resent.
,e'-od# o. E+al"a'ion(
Midter, e4a, 8359:;
T0o s-ort +a+ers 8109 4 %: related to re<uired readin.s +osted on Course0e*""
one due *# (ct. 1$ and t-e ot-er *# Dec. %.
/inal e4a, 8359::
Attendance and +artici+ation 8109:.
Re/"ired Boo0#(
Clot-e#$ /red 3. Religion in India. 'ondon and Ne0 =or!: >outled.e$ %00&
8I6N 91?"0"415"940%4"5:
1B 2 Additional required and recommended readings are &o#'ed on
Co"r#e3e) and are mar0ed 3i'- n"m)er# .or ea%- 3ee04 S'"den'# are
e5&e%'ed 'o read '-e reading# 3i'-in '-e 3ee0 .or 3-i%- '-e6 are a##igned4
Please note that this is only a short, printer friendly version of the Course Syllabus; the full version
containing more detailed information on course readings, requirements and policies may be found on
CourseWeb. You must read the W!"# Syllabus online to learn $hat is e%pected of you in this class.
7ee0/$a'e O"'line o. Le%'"re To&i%# and A##ignmen'#
7ee0 1
Au.. %&$ %?
Intro: A++roac-es @ +ro*le,s in t-e stud# o) reli.ion in India
Clot-e#$ c-. 1; Course3e*: readin.s A1 @ %$ 'i+ner:
7ee0 2
6e+t. %$ 4
6ources )or t-e stud# o) Hinduis,: Indus valle# @ Bedic cultures
Clot-e#$ c- %. CC3e*: readin. A38/lood: and : readin. A4 8(livelle:;
7ee0 8
6e+t. 9$ 11
Ne0 Bedic trends 8Upanishads:; Clot-e#$ c- 3 8+.14"3&:; 5ina and
udd-a:; Clot-e#$ c-. 3 8+.3&"50:; CC3e*: readin. A5 8Dalr#,+le:
7ee0 4
6e+t. 1&$ 1?
5ainis, and udd-is,$ cont. Clot-e#$ c-. 4 8+. 51"5& and 1?"?5::
>eadin. A& 8art-olo,eus7:
7ee0 5
6e+t. %3$ %5
/our .oals o) li)e; Course3e* readin. A 1
smrti literature; e+ics$ shastras, darshanas, etc. Clot-e#$ c- 4 8+. 5&"1?::
CC3e*: A? 8Delliot:
7ee0 9
6e+t. 30E(ct. % 3o,en in Hindu societ# 8/il,: Fiven to Dance:; Course3e* readin. A9
8Gnnit-an"Hu,ar: Hins-i+:; C3 readin. A10 8Fold: Fender:
7ee0 !
Oct. 1
O%'4 :
>evie0; S-or' &a&er ;1 d"e on O%'4 !
,id'erm e5am
7ee0 <
Oct, 14
(ct. 1&.
1o %la## on T= O%'4 144
-a!ti"6out-; Clot-e#$ c-. 5 8?1"101:;
-a!ti"Nort-; Clot-e#$ c-. 5 8101"1%0:; course0e*: readin. A11 8>a,an:
7ee0 :
(ct. %1$ %3
Isla, in India; Clot-e#$ c-. &; Course3e* readin. A1% 8Pinto:
/il,: ein. Musli, in India
7ee0 10
(ct. %?$ 30
'ate Medieval Period: )urt-er develo+,ents o) -a!ti; Clot-e#$ c- 1;
6i!-is,. Course0e*: readin. A13E13a
7ee0 11
Nov. 4$ &
>eli.ious Minorities: 5e0s$ Parsis and C-ristians; Clot-e#$ c-. ? 8+. 1&%"
111:; Course3e*: readin. A14 8Doroastrians:; /il,: 5e0s in India
7ee0= 12
Nov. 11$ 13 Colonial I,+act; Clot-e#$ c-. ? 8+. 111"19%:; CC3e*: -utalia on Partition;
Article on 5inna-
7ee0 18
Nov. 1?$ %0
>eli.ion in conte,+orar# India; Clot-e#$ c-. 9
>eli.ion and conte,+orar# culture; Course3e*: readin. A 15
7ee0 14
Nov.%5$ 1o+ 2!4
Indian Diaso+ra. /il,
T-an0#gi+ing re%e##>no %la##e#
7ee0 15
Dec. %
$e%4 4
>evie0; S-or' &a&er ;2= d"e on $e%4 24
Final E5am