This document discusses the use of coal blending at the Dahanu Thermal Power Station (DTPS) in India to address problems associated with low quality coal. It provides background on DTPS and describes issues with high ash "F" grade coal including high costs, equipment damage, and environmental impacts. The document evaluates DTPS's use of blending "F" grade coal with imported coal. This led to benefits like lower ash, higher energy content, reduced auxiliary power consumption, less equipment erosion, and lower fuel costs. Performance indicators like plant load factor exceeded 100% after blending was implemented. Overall, coal blending improved operations and generation costs at DTPS.
This document discusses the use of coal blending at the Dahanu Thermal Power Station (DTPS) in India to address problems associated with low quality coal. It provides background on DTPS and describes issues with high ash "F" grade coal including high costs, equipment damage, and environmental impacts. The document evaluates DTPS's use of blending "F" grade coal with imported coal. This led to benefits like lower ash, higher energy content, reduced auxiliary power consumption, less equipment erosion, and lower fuel costs. Performance indicators like plant load factor exceeded 100% after blending was implemented. Overall, coal blending improved operations and generation costs at DTPS.
This document discusses the use of coal blending at the Dahanu Thermal Power Station (DTPS) in India to address problems associated with low quality coal. It provides background on DTPS and describes issues with high ash "F" grade coal including high costs, equipment damage, and environmental impacts. The document evaluates DTPS's use of blending "F" grade coal with imported coal. This led to benefits like lower ash, higher energy content, reduced auxiliary power consumption, less equipment erosion, and lower fuel costs. Performance indicators like plant load factor exceeded 100% after blending was implemented. Overall, coal blending improved operations and generation costs at DTPS.
This document discusses the use of coal blending at the Dahanu Thermal Power Station (DTPS) in India to address problems associated with low quality coal. It provides background on DTPS and describes issues with high ash "F" grade coal including high costs, equipment damage, and environmental impacts. The document evaluates DTPS's use of blending "F" grade coal with imported coal. This led to benefits like lower ash, higher energy content, reduced auxiliary power consumption, less equipment erosion, and lower fuel costs. Performance indicators like plant load factor exceeded 100% after blending was implemented. Overall, coal blending improved operations and generation costs at DTPS.
Case study of Dahanu TPS 2 confidential Flow of Presentation q About DTPS q Power sector scenario q DTPS Performance. q Problem associated with F-Grade coal q Blending as solution q Evaluation of performance q Conclusion. 3 confidential DTPS Geographical Location q Well connected by Western Railway & National Highway No. 8. q On the bank of Arabian Sea q Surrounded by two natural creeks. q Nearby Surya River dam (32 kms). Dahanu 4 confidential LAND q Total land F 821.58 hectares q Land For Plant F 351.58 hectares q Land for Ash disposal F 370.00 hectares q Land for Colony F 100.00 hectares Background 2 5 confidential RESOURCE REQUIREMENT q Total Coal F 2.1 Million tons q Wash coal F 1.7 Million tons q Imported coal F 0.4 Million tons q Sea Water (M3/Hr.) F 84,000 q Sweet Water (M3/Hr.) F 300 Background 6 confidential Salient Features Of Dahanu TPS q First 250 MW sets in the Country q Indigenous technol ogy of BHEL q Coastal power plant far away from Coal Mines q Sea Water Open Cycle cooling system q Tallest Chimney in the Country q High efficiency Electrostatic Precipitator for Ash collection q Advanced process control equipments q SCADA based Islanding system for reliable supply 7 confidential DTPS Vision To be amongst the world class power plants, delivering reliable generation of electricity at competitive costs, with international standards of environmental emission. To set new benchmarks in standards of performance through the pursuit of operational and financial excellence. 8 confidential Plant Performance 3 9 confidential National PLF (Average Thermal units) : 73.6% Plant Performance 100.34 101.35 101.79 101.53 98.7 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 Plant Load Factor (%) Average PLF for last 5 years = 100.74% (Above 100%) 10 confidential Plant Performance 96.84 94.71 96.79 96.7 96.88 2003-04 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 Availability (%) National Availability (Average Thermal units) : 81.78% 11 confidential Plant Performance 103.61 104.22 105.17 104.99 104.61 2003-04 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 Loading Factor (%) Average Loading for last 5 years = 104.52% (Above 100%) 12 confidential 2288 2305 2320 2373 2272 2268 2261 2286 2278 2279 FY2003-04 FY2004-05 FY2005-06 FY2006-07 FY2007-08 HEATRATE WITH AGEING EFFECT ACTUAL HEAT RATE Plant Performance 4 13 confidential National Sp. Oil Consumption : 1.37ml/KWH 0.11 0.18 0.11 0.13 0.13 2003-04 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 Specific Oil Consumption(ml/Kwh) Plant Performance 14 confidential 0.39 0.38 0.24 0.22 0.37 2003-04 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 DM Makeup (%) Design Norm : 3% Plant Performance 15 confidential 0.112 2393 7.23 101.62 96.52 98.02 Dadari NTPC 0.68 NA 8.82 101.79 95.77 97.49 Sabarmati AE CO 0.28 NA 7.33 100.38 97.30 97.67 Jindal SW JINDAL 0.13 2471 8.03 103.12 97.39 101.43 Budge Budge CESC 0.13 2279 7.67 104.99 96.70 101.53 Dahanu REL Sp.Oil (ml/KWH) Ht rate (Kcal/KW H) Aux. Power % Loading (%) Availability (%) PLF (%) Station Company Name Benchmarking 2007- 08 0.14 2393 6.66 100.54 92.25 92.75 Vindhyachal NTPC 0.19 2355 5.56 99.63 92.44 92.10 Simhadri NTPC 1.74 NA 8.96 99.39 94.69 95.59 Unchahaar NTPC 0.126 2466 8.13 102.81 97.04 99.77 Budge Budge CESC 0.11 2278 7.64 105.17 96.79 101.79 Dahanu REL Sp.Oil (ml/KWH) Ht rate (Kcal/KW H) Aux. Power % Loading (%) Availability (%) PLF (%) Station Company Name Benchmarking 2006- 07 16 confidential 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 T P M
E m i s s i o n
i n
M g / N M 3 TPM Limit given by MPCB (150mg/Nm3) TPM Emission f romDTPS Environment PerformanceTPM Emission 5 17 confidential 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 S O 2
E m i s s i o n
( T o n / D a y ) SO2 Emission from DTPS (Ton/Day) SO2 Limit by MPCB (80.4 Ton/Day) Environment Performance..SO2 Emission 18 confidential SO 2 Emission SO2 EMISSION (Station) 0.5 10.5 20.5 30.5 40.5 50.5 60.5 70.5 80.5 90.5 A p r-0 7 M a y -0 7 J u n -0 7 J u l-0 7 A u g -0 7 S e p -0 7 O c t-0 7 N o v -0 7 D e c -0 7 J a n -0 8 F e b -0 8 M a r-0 8 A p r-0 8 M a y -0 8 J u n -0 8 J u l-0 8 A u g -0 8 S e p -0 8 Actual SO2 (T/Day) (Station) MPCB Limit FGD Commissioned 19 confidential 65 85 105 125 145 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 N O x
E m i s s i o n
( P P M ) Actual NOx Emission from DTPS NOx Emission Limit by MPCB (150 ppm at 15% excess O2) Environment Performance..NOx Emission 20 confidential 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 Year u g / m 3 MPCB Limits : SO 2 = 30 ug/m 3 , NOx = 30 ug/m 3 , SPM = 100 ug/m 3 AAQM Stations 6 21 confidential Power Sector Scenario 22 confidential Total Installed Capacity- 1,43,061 MW (as on March 31, 2008 ) Fuel wise distribution in MW Sector wise Distribution in MW q More than 70% electricity generation by Thermal Power Plants q Plant load factor is 78% & Availability is @84% (National Average) q @8 % non-availability on account of forced outage q More than 50% outage on account of boiler auxiliaries which are related to coal quality-DTPS faced similar problems during initial operation 23 confidential Problems With F Grade Coal-During initial Operation q Poor coal quality 3300 Cal orific Value and 45% ash q 75% Of Generation Cost Is Fuel Cost. q High freight cost Leading to high landed cost of coal q Very high erosion rate & Forced Outage q Availability loss due to poor coal quality. q Higher O&M Cost. q High Ash of generation disposal problems and costs q Adverse Impact On Environmental Performance q Extraneous material damage to the equipment q Strain on railway system q Erratic delivery and uncertainty regarding availability 24 confidential Alternatives to Resolve above Problems q Change of fuel Modification-Non-availability q Import coal for total consumption Design limitation q Use beneficiated coal from Indian mines Feasible - Establishing washery q Try blending of various coals avail able -Feasible 7 25 confidential Advantages of Coal Blending q Lower ash less erosion &related breakdowns q Higher G.C.V. less coal to handle, grind and fire q Reduced Auxiliary consumption q Reduced air and solid effluents q Location Most suitable q Started Blending with F grade & evaluation in 1996-subsequently washed 26 confidential Blended coal 27 confidential 28 confidential Blending Process at DTPS Various ways of Bunkering q Wagon Tippler And S/R # 1 To Bunker q Wagon Tippler And S/R # 2 To Bunker q Wagon Tippler And Vf. To Bunker q Emergency Stock Pile And S/R # 1 To Bunker q Emergency Stock Pile And S/R # 2 To Bunker q S/R # 2 And S/R # 1 to Bunker q Where :- S/R : Stacker And Reclaimer Vf : Vibrating Feeder. 8 29 confidential Blending Ratio- criterion q GCV of coal q Cost of imported coal q Availability of imported coal q Cost of as fired coal q Ash percentage in coal q Efficiency q cost optimization. 30 confidential Proximate Analysis Of Blended Coal COAL 'F' Grade Blended (F:A) Washed Blended W:A GCV (Kcl/Kwh) 3500 4250 4100 4250 TM (%) 10.20 11.18 12.60 14.00 VM (%) 22.00 27.00 26.00 28.00 ASH (%) 40 33 30 26 Imported Coal parameters GCV 5300-6400,TM 22 -26,VM 30 31 confidential q Operation performance parameters q Equipment performance q Cost of Generation Criteria for Performance Evaluation of Various Coal 32 confidential Operation Performance q Main Steam & Reheat temperature-No appreciable difference q Unburnt Carbon in bottom ash and fly ash.-Reduced q Flue Gas outlet temperature.-On lower side q Mill outlet temperatures.-maintained q Fouling, Slagging and Flame characteristics. q Overall Boil er efficiency.-Improved 9 33 confidential Equipment Performance q Less Erosion q Less Aux. Power Consumption q Reduced down time q Reduced Maintenance cost 34 confidential Equipment Performance Details- Coal mill q Reduced ball consumption to 80 to 90 mg/Ton coal from 150-170 mg/T observed normally. q Increased screw conveyor life to 2 years from 6 months. q Increased liners life. q Reduced initial ball charge reducing Aux.Power consumption. q Reduced mill down time. 35 confidential q Increased coal burner life to 4 years from 1 years observed. q Reduced boil er tube leakages due to less erosion. q Increased APH baskets reversal time to 7 years from 2 years. q Virtually no erosion of ducts. q Virtually no erosion of ID Fan blades. Equipment Performance Details-Boiler 36 confidential Coal Handling Plant q Crusher operation eliminated. q No consumption of crusher hammers. q Reduced Aux. Power Consumption. Ash Handling Plant q Only one system operation required for deashing q Reduced Aux. Power reduction. Equipment Performance Details 10 37 confidential 26 33 30 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 F Grade Washed Blended (F:A) Blended (W:A) ASH (%) Ash Content in various Coal 38 confidential 15352 8189 9405 10611 7416 7574 7660 9216 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 " F" GRADE COAL WASHED BLENDED COAL (F: A) BLENDED COAL (W: A) POWER FOR AHP(KWH) P OWE R F OR C H P ( K WH ) 68784 69432 71568 73200 66000 68000 70000 72000 74000 " F" GRADE COAL WASHED BLENDED COAL (W: A) BLENDED COAL (F: A) Auxiliary Power Consumption CHP / AHP BOILER 39 confidential Total Particulate Matter 124 110 90 80 60 80 100 120 140 FGRADE WASHED BLENDED (F,A) BLENDED (W,A) mg/Nm3 40 confidential Indicative Fuel Cost 11 41 confidential UNBUR NT CAR BON LOSSE S 10 8 30 16 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 FGRADE WASHED BLENDED (F, A) BLENDED (W,A) KC AL 42 confidential DTPS has developed cost optimization model for decision making regarding blending ratio. 43 confidential q Reduction in fuel cost. q Higher GCV- less coal to handle and grind. q Lower ash Less erosion & breakdown. q Better equipment performance. q Stable generation of power at 262 MW against 250MW. q Better environmental performance q Gcv Of Coal Can Be Controlled. q Low Ash Content. q Aux. Power Cons. Can Be Reduced. q Ash Pond Life Can Be Increased. q Soot Blowing Freq.. Can Be Decreased. q Saving in DM Water Makeup . q Maintenance Cost Can Be Decreased. q Clinkers Formation Can Be Decreased. Benefits of coal blending process 44 confidential Conclusion q DTPS is first plant using optimized blending of coal governed by efficiency and cost. q Top Plant Performance from successive five years is indicative of Blending effectiveness of DTPS. q Major benefits due to effective blending are :- q Saving up in fuel cost by - Selecting proper coal. - Selecting optimum blending ratio. q Provides Customer low cost power q Minimum expenditure--Man days q Stabilised process of blending Emulated by power plants 12 Thank you