Operating Procedures For Derricks Including Union Purchase

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Operating Procedures for derricks including Union Purchase

Ships' derricks should be properly rigged and employers and masters should ensure
that rigging plans are available containing the following information:-
(1) position and size of deck eye-plates
(!) position of inboard and outboard booms
(") ma#imum headroom (i$e$ permissible height of cargo hook above hatch coaming)
(%) ma#imum angle between runners
(&) position' size and safe working load of blocks
(() length' size and safe working load of runners' topping lifts' guys and preventers
()) safe working load of shackles
(*) position of derricks producing ma#imum forces
(+) optimum position for guy and preventers to resist ma#imum forces as at (h)
(1,) combined load diagrams showing forces for a load of 1 tonne or the safe working
(11) guidance on the maintenance of the derrick rig$
-he operational guidance in the remainder of this section applies generally to the
conventional type of ship's derrick$ .or other types' such as the /0allen/ and /Stulken/
derricks' manufacturers' instructions should be followed$
1unner guides should be fitted to all derricks so that when the runner is slack' the
bight is not a hazard to persons walking along the decks$ 2here rollers are fitted to
runner guides' they should rotate freely$
3efore a derrick is raised or lowered' all persons on deck in the vicinity should be
warned so that no person stands in' or is in danger from' bights of wire and other
ropes$ 4ll necessary wires should be flaked out$
2hen a single span derrick is being raised' lowered or ad5usted' the hauling part of
the topping lift or bull-wire (i$e$ winch end whip) should be ade6uately secured to the
drum end$
-he winch driver should raise or lower the derrick at a speed consistent with the safe
handling of the guys$
3efore a derrick is raised' lowered or ad5usted with a topping lift purchase' the hauling
part of the span should be flaked out for its entire length in a safe manner$ Someone
should be available to assist the person controlling the wire on the drum and keeping
the wire clear of turns and in making fast to the bitts or cleats$ 2here the hauling part
of a topping lift purchase is led to a derrick span winch' the bull-wire should be
handled in the same way$
-o fasten the derrick in its final position' the topping lift purchase should be secured to
bitts or cleats by first putting on three complete turns followed by four crossing turns
and finally securing the whole with a lashing to prevent the turns 5umping off due to
the wire's natural springiness$
2hen a derrick is lowered on a topping lift purchase' someone should be detailed for
lifting and holding the pawl bar' ready to release it should the need arise the pawl
should be fully engaged before the topping lift purchase or bull-wire is released$ -he
person employed on this duty should not attempt or be given any other task until this
operation is complete in no circumstances should the pawl bar be wedged or lashed
4 derrick with a topping winch' and particularly one that is self-powered' should not
be topped hard against the mast' table or clamp in such a way that the initial heave
re6uired to free the pawl bar prior to lowering the derrick cannot be achieved without
putting an undue strain on the topping lift purchase and its attachments$
4 heel block should be secured additionally by means of a chain or wire so that the
block will be pulled into position under load but does not drop when the load is
-he derrick should be lowered to the deck or crutch and properly secured whenever
repairs or changes to the rig are to be carried out$
7f heavy cargo is to be dragged under deck with ship's winches' the runner should be
led directly from the heel block to avoid overloading the derrick boom and rigging$
2here a heavy load is to be removed' a snatch block or bull wire should be used to
provide a fair-lead for the runner and to keep the load clear of obstructions$
Use of derricks in union purchase
2hen using union purchase the following precautions should be strictly taken to avoid
e#cessive tensions:-
(i) the angle between the married runners should not normally e#ceed +,8 and an
angle of 1!,8 should never be e#ceeded
(ii) the cargo sling should be kept as short as possible so as to clear the bulwarks
without the angle between the runners e#ceeding +,8 (or 1!,8 in special
(iii) derricks should be topped as high as practicable consistent with safe working
(iv) the derricks should not be rigged further apart than is absolutely necessary$
-he following e#amples will show how rapidly loads increase on derricks' runners and
attachments as the angle between runners increases:
a) 4t (,8 included angle' the tension in each runner would be 5ust over half the load
b) 4t +,8 the tension would be nearly three-6uarters of the load
c) 4t 1+&8 the tension would be nearly 1! times the load$
2hen using union purchase' winch operators should wind in and pay out in step'
otherwise dangerous tensions may develop in the rig$
4n ade6uate preventer guy should always be rigged on the outboard side of each
derrick when used in union purchase$ -he preventer guy should be looped over the
head of the derrick' and as close to and parallel with the outboard guy as available
fittings permit$ 9ach guy should be secured to individual and ade6uate deck or other
:arrow angles between derricks and outboard guys and between outboard guys and
the vertical should be avoided in union purchase as these materially increase the
loading on the guys$ -he angle between the outboard derrick and its outboard guy
and preventer should not be too large and may cause the outboard derrick to 5ack-
knife$ 7n general' the inboard derrick guys and preventer should be secured as nearly
as possible at an angle of +,8 to the derrick$
Use of stoppers
2here fitted' mechanical topping lift stoppers should be used$ 2here chain stoppers
are used' they should 4;24<S be applied by two half-hitches in the form of a cow
hitch suitably spaced with the remaining chain and rope tail backed round the wire
and held taut to the wire$
4 chain stopper should be shackled as near as possible in line with the span downhaul
and always to an eyeplate' not passed round on a bight which would induce bending
stresses similar to those in a knotted chain$
:o stopper should be shackled to the same eyeplate as the lead block for the span
downhaul this is particularly hazardous when the lead block has to be turned to take
the downhaul to the winch or secure it to bitts or cleats$
-he span downhaul should always be eased to a stopper and the stopper should take
the weight before turns are removed from the winch' bitts or cleats$
Overhaul of cargo gear
2hen a cargo block or shackle is replaced' care should be taken to ensure that the
replacement is of the correct type' size and safe working load necessary for its
intended use$
4ll shackles should have their pins effectively secured or seized with wire$
4 special check should be made on completion of the work to ensure that all the split
pins in blocks etc$ have been replaced and secured$
=n completion of the gear overhaul' all working places should be cleaned of oil or

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