The Success Principles
The Success Principles
The Success Principles
Your 30-Day Journey
From Where You Are to
Where You Want to Be
Jack Canfield
Janet Switzer
Success Is a Journey!
You lead participants on a journey of selfdiscovery that is fascinating and fun while being solidly
founded on research and experience. Your handouts
are eminently useful.
M.A. Armour, Director of Meeting Services
International Credit Association
The tradename The Success Principles, its associated logo and trade dress are trademarks belonging to Jack Canfield and Janet Switzer.
Chicken Soup for the Soul is a registered trademark of John T. Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. Audio portion recorded at Master Tracks,
Santa Barbara, California, Music written and performed by Douglas McKenna 2003 Douglas McKenna.
[email protected].
Media Contact:
think, the images you visualize and the actions you producing the more that you are seeking in life,
take. How you make the most of them determines the more would have already shown up. If you
the outcomes you experience in life.
want something different, youre going to have to
do something different!
If you dont like what you are producing and
While this audio program will give you the stratexperiencing, choose now to change your responses.
Change your negative thoughts to positive ones. egies and principles that are proven to help you acChange what you daydream about. If you dont like quire the success-filled life you want, ultimately, you
the way people treat you, say something about it or are the one who will execute these strategies and
spend your time with different people.
incorporate these principles into your everyday life
If you keep doing what youve always done,
The day you begin to do that is the day your
youll keep getting what youve always gotten. In life will begin to change for the better!
fact, if what you are currently doing was capable of
Successful people know that how they reBob Resnick, one of Jacks
can mean the difference between advanceearliestmentors,teaches a simple, yet powerful formula we believe should be the primary rule guiding ment and riches or regret about what could have
been. In fact, one of the greatest differences beyour successful life:
tween successful people and those who would merely
like to be, is how they respond to the opportunities
in their life.
Event + Response = Outcome
How often have you reacted with fear or I
cant when opportunity knocks? Have you walked
Stated succinctly, every outcome we experi- away from a life-changing opportunity? Or worse,
ence in life is a direct result of how we respond to did you fail to recognize and respond to opportunity
an individual event that occurs.
that actually appeared as a crisis or other disaster?
Sometimes that event is an unexpected opportunity that shows up. Other times, its a crisis
we didnt see coming. But in any case, its just the Event:
way things arethe existential reality of our life.
So how can we create the best possible outcome in relation to an event we have no control Response:
over? By taking responsibility and changing the
way we respond to that event. Take a look at these
two examples:
Can you see how your response and your response alone can significantly improve your life, or
alternatively, keep you exactly where you are today?
Take a look:
Your co-workers continually miss
deadlines, forcing you to work late
to bring projects in on time.
You grumble to your wife, but say
nothing to you co-workers or boss.
You end up working late most nights
straining your marriage and family
nals and events as they occur, life becomes much for outcomes that are both good and bad.
easier. The feelings of hopelessness and lack of
When you confront a guy in a bar who is twice
control go away. You start seeing two kinds of imyour size and say to him, Youre ugly! then find
proved outcomes both internal and external.
yourself in the hospital with a broken jaw its
Old internal dialogs like: I feel like a victim. I easy to see you created that outcome.
feel used. Only bad things happen to me, are transBut what about those outcomes that are more
formed into, I feel better. Im in control. I can
difficult to see?
make things happen.
Lets say you work late every night. You come
External outcomes like, Nobody comes to our
home tired and burned out. You eat dinner in a stustore. We missed our quarterly goals. People are
por, then sit down to watch television. You are too
complaining the new product doesnt work, betired and stressed out to do anything else like go
come outcomes like: I have more money in the
for a walk or play with the kids. This goes on for
bank. I lead the division in sales. Our product is
years. Your wife asks you to talk to her. Later,
flying off the shelves.
you say. Three years from now you come home to
Eventually, as you respond regularly to these an empty house and a find note that shes left you
yellow alerts, you begin to see events without need- and taken the kids.
ing these advance warnings. You begin to anticipate
You created that one, too!
Of course, in this kind of situation, its easy to
And, you mature in your thinking.
gloss over the obvious with self-righteous arguments
Finally, you can accept the fact that you are like, I was working hard to make a better life for
the one who has created the way things are. You my family. Im entitled to watch a ball game every
took the actions, you thought the thoughts, you cre- now and then. I was a good provider, wasnt I?
ated the feelings and you made the choices that got
But perhaps the worst outcomes are those we
you to where you are now.
simply allow to happen, whether through inaction,
You are the one who ate the food. You are the neglect or unspoken agreement.
one who stayed in that job that you hate. You are
You didnt sign the petition when it came in the
the one who married him. You are the one who
mail, and now theres a microwave tower in your
wanted kids. You are the one who abandoned your
neighborhood. You didnt demand counseling the
dream. You are the one who ignored your intuition.
first time he hit you, and now the abuse has gotten
You are the one who decided to go it alone. You
worse. You didnt follow through on your threat to
are the one who decided you were damaged goods.
take away privileges, and now the kids rooms look
You are the one who trusted him.
like a war zone. You didnt go back to school, and
And, come to think of it, youre the one who now you are being passed over for a promotion.
said yes to the dogs, too.
You didnt demand an audit, and now your partner
has disappeared with the money. You didnt leave
It was you!
when you saw the drugs, and now you are in jail.
You Either Create It or
When you allow outcomes like these to hapAllow It to Happen
pen, be aware that you are not a victim. In fact, you
You alone have the power to make something can safely take credit for standing passively by and
happen in your life, whether you actively create it or letting it happen. You didnt say anything, make a
passively allow it to happen or continue. This goes demand, say no, or leave.
Like the yellow alerts we talked about before, Foreman once said,
there were signs that you chose to ignore.
Winners are those people who make a habit
You didnt acknowledge the alert or act upon of doing the things losers are uncomfortable doit because that would have required you to do some- ing.
thing uncomfortable. Whether its confronting your
Dont fail to respond to a yellow alert because
spouse or speaking up in a staff meeting or leaving
its easier, more convenient, less uncomfortable, less
the premises, you are the only one who can respond
confrontational, keeps the peace, doesnt require
to a yellow alert while there is still time to change it,
taking risks, or confirms your low self-image. Take
reverse it or save it.
action! Dont allow negative outcomes to be your
My good friend, former Congressman Ed fate.
The following scenarios include inappropriate responses and undesirable outcomes. How would you
respond differently in order to change the outcome?
Poor Response / Undesirable Outcome
Your Response:
You mindlessly eat snacks after dinner and balloon to 230 lbs. Following your lead, the kids
watch, too, instead of doing their homework. You
end up yelling at them and their schoolwork suffers for lack of concentration and help from you.
You lose your job and now the creditors are calling.
You ignore the calls and letters and dont
investigateoptions for reducing your payment or
negotiating better terms.
Your Response:
Better Outcome:
Your Response:
Better Outcome:
Your Response:
Better Outcome:
Your Response:
Better Outcome:
One of our favorite stories is about a mess like this, eventually you have to clean it up.
afamousresearch scientist who had made several So, how would you like to do that? We could use a
towel, sponge or mop. Which do you prefer?
veryimportant medical breakthroughs.
He was being interviewed by a newspaper
reporter who asked him why he thought he was able
to succeed so much more than the average person,
to be so much more creative than the average person? In other words, what set him so far apart from
He responded that, in his opinion, it all came
from a lesson his mother taught him when he was
two years old. Hed been trying to take a bottle of
milk out of the refrigerator, when he lost his grip and
spilled the entire contents on the kitchen floor. His
mother, instead of scolding him, said, What a wonderful mess youve made! Ive rarely seen such a
huge puddle of milk. Well, the damage is already
done. Would you like to get down and play in the
milk before we clean it up?
Taking Inventory of Your Life Successes: What Milk Have You Spilled?
try new things, when we move outside our
What did you learn each time you achieved
something new? How did you have to stretch in comfort zone, and when we make new contacts that
your ability? In other words, what skills did you ac- can help us in our journey.
quire, what techniques did you learn, and what relaThe more you acknowledge that you are suctionships did you form that helped you achieve sigcessful (and the more you acknowledge what you
nificant successes in your life?
already know), the better prepared youll be to benWell be inventorying your lifes successes in efit from the success training youll experience in this
just a moment, but as you do, remember that suc- workbook. Lets start working on your success
cess is a learned behavior. We succeed when we
To start the process of taking inventory: Di- to 15 years, 16 to 30 years and 31 to 45 years.
vide your life into three parts for example, if you Then list three successes for each time frame and
are 45 years old today, your three parts would be 0 list what you learned as you achieved that success.
1. ______________________________________________________________________
if necessary)
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________________________________
7. ______________________________________________________________________
8. ______________________________________________________________________
9. ______________________________________________________________________
10. _____________________________________________________________________
Surprisingly, some of the greatest names in history have had some of the simplest personal mission
statements. Titans of industry, leaders of major world
governments, entertainment giants have all had a
definitive life purpose that drives their daily actions,
helping them create great successes and positively
impact generations of people.
Now we'd like to help uncover the same seTake Thomas Edison, for example: His stated
cret for you.
mission was to create inventions that people
needed, that people would pay for and that would
You see, without a purpose in life, it's easy to
be profitable. Imagine having that mission stateget side-tracked on your life's journey. It's easy to
ment as a road map to guide your daily actions! If
wander and drift, accomplishing little.
an activity didn't fit that formula, you wouldn't work
But with a purpose, everything in life seems to on it. Period. If something was getting you off track
fall into place. To be "on purpose" means you're in life, you'd be able to recognize its short-comings
doing what you love to do, doing what you're good before spending too much time, energy or resources
at and accomplishing what's important to you. When on it. If something didn't fit all the criteria, you'd move
you are on purpose, the people, resources and op- on to the next thing that did. See the kind of focus a
portunities you need naturally gravitate toward you. stated purpose or mission statement can give you?
The world benefits, too.
Let's look at other historical figures that have
With a life purposecarefully developed and had a stated purpose that guides their actions and
clearly statedyou suddenly have a basis for mak- energy:
ing all your major life decisions, for setting a lifetime's
John F. Kennedy: To put a man on the moon
worth of goals and for pursuing one activity or goal
in this decade.
versus another.
Andrew Carnegie, American steel industrialNot only will thinking about and pursuing your
ist, founder of the public library system, and at one
life purpose get you to where you want to be, it will
time the richest man in the world: To spend the first
make the journey more enjoyable!
half of my life making as much money as I can
In this chapter, you'll learn that your greatest and the second half giving it away.
challenge will be to discover and use your natural
Stanley Mason, inventor of the Band-Aid, distalents, resources and abilities to their highest and
posable diapers and other consumable consumer
best usefor youyour familyand the world.
products: Create one invention a year that will
Let's get started now!
generate $10 million a year in royalties forever.
What's In a Mission Statement?
Jack Canfield: To inspire and empower
The Life Purpose of Some of History's
people to live their higest vision in a context of
Greatest Names
love and joy.
2. List one or two ways you enjoy expressing those qualities when interacting with others, such as to support and to inspire.
3. Assume the world is perfect right now. What does this world look like? How is everyone interacting with everyone
else? What does it feel like? This is a statement, in present tense, describing the ultimate condition, the perfect
world as you see it and feel it. Remember a perfect world is a fun place to be. For example: Everyone is freely
expressing their own unique talents. Everyone is working in harmony. Everyone is expressing love.
4. Combine the three prior subdivisions of this paragraph into a single statement.
Example: My purpose is to use my creativity and enthusiasm to support and inspire others to freely express their
talents in a harmonious and loving way.
There are several ways to approach defining your purpose. We learned this version of the life purpose exercise from
Arnold M. Patent. You can reach Arnold Patent at 28172 Via Chabas, Mission Viejo, CA 92692. (949) 770-7769.
Finding Purpose in Your Career: Are You Where You Need to Be?
Why do I have the job I have? _________________________________________________________________
What purpose or higher good am I serving?________________________________________________________
Who does my work serve?____________________________________________________________________
Do those people need what I provide?
could easily do without it.
Yes, absolutely!
If I could wake up every morning, excited to face the day and eager to get to work, what would a day like this look like?
Finding Purpose in Your Family Relationships: What Were You Put on This Earth to Do?
Are you still close to your parents?
No Your grandparents?
What's the most important reason you stay in touch with these seniors?__________________________________
Do you participate in frequent family activities with these "seniors"?
Do you have children?
What are the most important lessons you'll teach them in your lifetime? ___________________________________
What's the greatest hope or aspiration you have for their future? _________________________________________
How important to you is that future? _____________________________________________________________
What steps do you regularly take to support that future? ______________________________________________
Does your family, including your children, support the activities or pursuits that interest you most? _______________
In what way do they support you? ______________________________________________________________
Does your family regularly participate in any activity that serves a goal or group of people outside your immediate
Finding Purpose in Your Civic Activities: Does Your Calling Shine Through?
Are you active in organized civic groups?
YesService Organization(s)
YesSocial Club(s)
Yes, absolutely!
What kinds of surprising benefits have resulted from your club associations? ________________________________
What other groups might you join that would further your life goals? ______________________________________
Finding Purpose as an Individual: What's the Best Use of Your Time, Talent and Passion?
What are your best talents? ____________________________________________________________________
Are you using those talents every day?
If the world at-large could benefit from your talents, how would they benefit? ________________________________
How would they access your talent? ______________________________________________________________
How might you make your talent more available to the world? ___________________________________________
What takes up the majority of your time now? ________________________________________________________
What would be a better use of your time? ___________________________________________________________
How can you change your schedule so you have more time for this better use? _______________________________
Being very astute, this gal created a little magazine called Soap Opera Digest. Every week, she
watched all the soap operas, cataloged the plots and
wrote up little summaries, so that if a viewer missed
their soap operas that week, they would know who
got divorced from whom, who finally married the
doctor, and so on. Now, this woman makes a fortune watching and publishing information about soap
Take a look at the examples below, then write your own visualized goals in the blanks provided.
What I WantSpecifically
Why I Want It
Date I
Achieved It
By December 31, 2004, I will be earning $10,000 a month net pre-tax income.
By June 30, 2007, I will make the last mortgage payment on the house.
On September 1, 2004, I will begin saving $85/mo. for Matts college tuition.
So Abby can quit her job and stay home with Matt.
To be debt-free after 15 years of credit slavery.
To give Matt the best start for his future career.
What I WantSpecifically
Why I Want It
Date I
Achieved It
lic of China. We had to perform our high bar routines perfectly to win the gold medal.
I looked at Coach Mako, my coach for the
past twelve years. As focused as ever, he simply
said, OK, Peter, lets go. You know what to do.
Youve done it a thousand times, just like every day
back in the gym. Lets just do it one more time and
lets go home. Youre prepared.
He was right. I planned for this moment and
visualized it hundreds of times. I was prepared to
perform my routine. Rather than seeing myself actually standing in the Olympic arena with 13,000
people in the stands and 200 million watching on
television, in my mind I pictured myself back in the
UCLA gym at the end of the day with two people
left in the gym.
When the announcer said, From the United
States of America, Peter Vidmar, I imagined it was
my buddy Tim Daggett saying it. When the green
light came on indicating it was time for the routine I
imagined that it wasnt really a green light, but that it
was Tim shouting green light! And when I raised
my hand toward the superior judge from East Germany in my mind I was signaling my coach just like I
had signaled him every day at the end of hundreds
of workouts. In the gym, I always visualized I was
at the Olympic finals. At the Olympic finals, I visualized I was back in the gym.
our victory.
deck or the feeling of the warmth of the water as want to write yourself a check for $1,000,000 or
you sit in your hot tub looking out over the ocean at create a bank statement that shows your bank aca beautiful sunset.
count or your stock portfolio with a $1,000,000
What If I Dont See Anything When I
Some people are what psychologists refer to
as eidetic visualizers. When they close their eyes,
they see everything in bright, clear, 3D, technicolor
images. Most of us, however, are non-eidetic visualizers. That means we dont really see an image as
much as we just think it. That is perfectly okay. It
still works just as well if you are just thinking it
rather than actually seeing it. You need to still do
the visualization exercise twice a day every day. You
will be getting the same benefit as those people who
claim to actually see the image. Dont worry about
it-just do it!
10. ___________________________________
2. _______________________________________
11. ___________________________________
3. _______________________________________
12. ___________________________________
4. _______________________________________
13. ___________________________________
5. _______________________________________
14. ___________________________________
6. _______________________________________
15. ___________________________________
7. _______________________________________
16. ___________________________________
8. _______________________________________
17. ___________________________________
9. _______________________________________
18. ___________________________________
Next, choose from the previous list those 1-3 things that you are brilliant at, things that very few other
people can do as well as you:
1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name the three activities from the previous list that generate the most income for you or your company:
1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Identify any individual activities that appear in both boxes above. In other words, list activities that you are
brilliant at and that generate the most income for you or your company. This is the activity or area of
expertise where youll want to focus the most time and energy:
1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name any toxic tasks from the list on page 30 that you especially dislike doing or that take too much of
your time activities you would gladly delegate to someone else if you could. Youll be transferring these
tasks to the Complete Delegation Exercise on the next page:
1. _____________________________________________
10. ____________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________
11. ____________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________
12. ____________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________
13. ____________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________
14. ____________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________
15. ____________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________
16. ____________________________________________
8. _____________________________________________
17. ____________________________________________
9. _____________________________________________
18. ____________________________________________
Why would you want to waste your time writing listings, doing lead generation, placing lock boxes,
If youre a professional earning $75 per hour and
and making videos of the property when you could
you pay a neighborhood boy $10 an hour to cut the
have a staff of assistants doing all that and freeing
grass, you save the effort of doing it yourself on the
you up to do more closing? Instead of doing just
weekend and gain one extra hour when you could profit
one deal a month, you could be doing a deal a week
by $65. Of course, while one hour doesnt seem like
because you delegated the less profitable activities.
much, multiply that by 52 weekends a year and you
discover youve gained 52 hours a year at $65 per
One of the strategies Jack routinely teaches in
hour or an extra $3,380 in potential earnings.
his seminars is called Complete Delegation. It simply means that you delegate a task once and comSimilarly, if youre a real estate agent, you need
pletely, rather than delegating it each time it needs to
to list houses, gather information for the multiple listbe done.
ing, attend open houses, do showings, put keys in
lock boxes, write offers and make appointments.
Identify your Area of Brilliance in the gray box
And, if youre lucky, you eventually get to close on the previous page, then use the chart below to
delegate other tasks in order to free up time to focus
on what you love to do.
But lets say that youre the best closer on the
# from
Page 28
Task To Be
To Whom?
Hours Now $ Value of What Will You Do With the Hours Date Youll When
Available Those Hours?
You Just Made Available?
Delegate? Delegated
They knew, as millions of others have discovIn short, mastermind is both that power comered since, that a mastermind group can focus spe- ing to us from abovefrom the God forcebut
cial energy on your effortin the form of knowl- also that power which comes to us from each other.
edge, resources and spiritual energy, too.
Together, we know more and can focus more energy than any one of us can alone.
While you must always do the work of becoming a great success, a mastermind group can How to Assemble a Mastermind Group
harness and maximize the spiritual focus behind
Choose people who are already where youd
your success. Its this spiritual aspect that Napolike to be could probably get the major real estate
leon Hill wrote about extensively. In fact, he said
developer in town. You could probably get a busithat if we are in tune with THE mastermindthat is,
ness owner. You could probably get the publisher
God, the Universal Power or whatever term you
of the local newspaper.
use for the all-powerful life force, we have significantly more positive energy available to uspower
But you wont know until you ask.
that can be focused on our success.
Start with your list and work down. Maybe
For Christians, the mastermind force that is youll end up with a local columnist instead of the
concentrated in mastermind groups is Christ him- publisher someone who might be a lot more helpful
self, as described in this Scripture:
to you in the long-run.
For where two or three are gathered toIf your goals are centered around a specific
gether in my name, there am I in the midst of subject like starting a new business or investing
money, you might start a mastermind group centered
around entrepreneurship or investments. You can
Matthew 18:20 (KJV)
always launch a general mastermind group plus a
For others, the Universal Force could be second mastermind group centered around a cer-
tain topic area where you invite people from the same
Accountability Partners
Instead of a mastermind group, you might
choose to work with a mastermind partner. The
two of you could agree to a set of goals that each is
working toward and agree to talk regularly by phone
to hold each other accountable for meeting deadlines, accomplishing goals and making progress.
They need to complete the Mind-Mapping exover 8 million copies in 39 languages. At a $1.20
in Chapter 13 (this is available in the full
royalty per book, it made Mark and I rich.
version of Success Principles) and talk to an exDid it happen overnight? No! We did not make pert in those areas.
the best-seller lists until over a year after the book
Take buying a house in Hawaii, for example:
came outa year! But it was the sustained effort of
The Rule of 5 for over two years that led to the You have to find out where the best locations are,
successone action at a time, one book at a time, decide which island, find out how much homes cost
one reader at a time. But slowly, over time, each there, determine how much money youll need to
reader told another reader, and eventually, like a save, where you can get your financing, where youll
slow-building chain letter, the word was spread and get your furniture, how expensive that isand on
the book became a huge successwhat Time maga- and on. Then you can begin taking these steps5
zine called the publishing phenomenon of the de- a day until you achieve your goal.
cade. It was less of a publishing phenomenon and
more of a phenomenon of unending persistent efTake Time to Plan How Youll
fort. Thousands of individual activities that all added
up to one large success.
Practice the Rule of 5
What might you accomplish if you were to do
a little bitfive thingsevery day for the next 40
years toward the accomplishment of your goal? If
you wrote 5 pages a day, that would be a total of
73,000 pages of text or about 243 books. If you
invested $5.00 a day 6% interest, at the end of 40
years youd have amassed a small fortune of
10. ________________________________________________________________________________
11. ________________________________________________________________________________
12. ________________________________________________________________________________
13. ________________________________________________________________________________
14. ________________________________________________________________________________
15. ________________________________________________________________________________
16. ________________________________________________________________________________
17. ________________________________________________________________________________
18. ________________________________________________________________________________
19. _______________________________________________________________________________
20. _______________________________________________________________________________
21. _______________________________________________________________________________
(Xerox a copy of this blank sheet before completing this exercise for each one of your goals.)
a. _________________________________________________________
| _______________________
b. _________________________________________________________
| _______________________
c. _________________________________________________________
| _______________________
d. _________________________________________________________
| _______________________
e. _________________________________________________________
| _______________________
f. _________________________________________________________
| _______________________
g. _________________________________________________________
| _______________________
h. _________________________________________________________
| _______________________
i. _________________________________________________________
| _______________________
j. _________________________________________________________
| _______________________
k. _________________________________________________________
| _______________________
l. _________________________________________________________
| _______________________
m. ________________________________________________________
| _______________________
n. _________________________________________________________
| _______________________
o. _________________________________________________________
| _______________________
p. _________________________________________________________
| _______________________
q. _________________________________________________________
| _______________________
r. _________________________________________________________
| _______________________
s. _________________________________________________________
| _______________________
t. _________________________________________________________
| _______________________
u. _________________________________________________________
| _______________________
v. _________________________________________________________
| _______________________
| _______________________
x. _________________________________________________________
y. _________________________________________________________
| _______________________
z. _________________________________________________________
| _______________________
Repeat this process for the other goals you set for yourself on page 40!
On-Course, Off-Course,
On-Course, Off-Course
When Jack conducts trainings in self-esteem
and peak performance, one of the most illustrative
exercises is one that actually shows participants what
its like to take action. A volunteer acts as the Goal,
while Jack zig-zags his way toward it from the opposite end of the room. The Goal is responsible for
providing constant feedbackwhen Jack walks
straight at the Goal, the volunteer exclaims, On
course! When Jack veers away from the Goal, Off
course! is the reply.
Who cares.
Is the feedback helpful to him? Absolutely.
So feedback is simply information.
Perhaps its easier to think of feedback as the
guidance system on an airplane. The planes computer constantly takes in data and automatically adjusts the controls and other guidance systems. When
you drive your car, your arms are never absolutely
steady. In fact, youre constantly making tiny adjustments to your steering at all times.
word of their faults will get out. Unfortunately, evIt could be over the past week, two months,
erybody usually knows your failings already.
the length of your stay, the two weeks of your honeymoonwhatever it might be, the basic question
If youre a teacher in school and the kids sneer,
asks What has been your experience using this
Oh, you got Mrs. Smith. Shes mean. Youre gonna
product or service? How have we met your
hate her, you can rest assured everyone else is talking
needs? Is our relationship what you expected?
about you. If youre not getting along with your
wife, you can be sure shes talking to her sister, her
mother, the next-door neighbor, her co-worker
For any answer less than 10, follow-up with,
everybody but the person who needs to knowher
We often dont give others feedback for fear
of their response. Similarly, we dont ask people for
feedback for fear of what well hear.
dering business, andinstead of generating new done, simply ask, What would have to happen in
accounts as everyone expectedspent his first 6 order for you to ____________?
months on the job calling former customers and reLets say youre not allowed to change your
capturing their business.
airline ticket, but you approach the ticket counter
anyway and ask, What would have to happen in
order for you to change this ticket?
What Would Have to Happen
Its impossible to change it, they might anMarcia Martin, an executive coach and comswer.
munications consultant, uses a similar technique for
eliciting feedback that leads instantly to the result
Yes, but if it were possible, what would have
she is seeking.
to happen? you reply. Be persistent. Youd be surprised how often you get the assistance you need.
Stated plainly, whenever you want something
Respond to Feedback:
Adjusting Your Success Roadmap
Asking for feedback is really only the first part neglected to file the correct forms with the county,
of the equation. Once you receive feedback, you wouldnt you want someone to tell you?
have to be willing to respond to it. You have to be
In cases like these, negative feedback can be
willling to change if you want a result.
very beneficial. Its how you respond that makes all
It doesnt mean you have to act upon all of the the difference.
feedback you hear. In fact, you may simply decide
When Jack conducts his On-Course, Offyou dont want your intended result after all. SomeCourse seminar exercise with the volunteer at the
times, you get so much feedback to the contrary,
other end of the room, he sometimes asks, Why
you abandon your approach altogether in favor of
arent you saying anything?
re-thinking the original goal or strategy.
The volunteer replies, Because you havent
Asking for feedback, then responding, gets
moved yet. If you dont move, I cant give you
you closer to your goal. The trouble is many people
arent willing or able to listen to feedback and get
So Lesson #1 is that, in order to get feedback,
on with what works. Their ego gets in the way. Or
their emotions do. They might hear negative feed- you have to take action. You have to take that first
step. It may not be the right thing, but at least its a
back that immobilizes them.
start. Perhaps you make your first sales call and reBut the reality is, often negative feedback is
ally mess it up. As youre leaving the prospects
extremely beneficial.
office, you say to yourself, Boy, I shouldnt have
said that. I should have said this instead. And I
certainly shouldnt have kept quiet then. I should
Ask Yourself These Questions
have told them aboutand so on. Thats feedHave you ever had negative feedback that was back.
useful? If you only got positive feedback might that
Dont beat yourself up over itjust let it in.
be a disadvantage?
Could you accept that positive feedback is
Ways of Responding to
good because it tells you youre on-course, but that
Feedback That Dont Work
negative feedback might also be good since it merely
tells you youre off-course? If you knew you were
While there are many ways you can respond
doing something that wasnt working, wouldnt negato feedback, some responses simply dont work:
tive feedback make it easier to adjust your plans
(1) Over-Emotionalize the Feedback.
and move forward?
Sometimes during the seminar exercise, as Jack is
If you are considering moving to another state
walking toward the Goal, he hears Off-course! so
to take a new job, but suddenly hear that your inmany times, he breaks down, sobbing, I cant take
tended employer is on the brink of bankruptcy,
it anymore. This is too hard. Youre so mean to me.
wouldnt you look at that negative feedback as benYoure so negative. I give up!
How many times have you received negative
And if you started a home-based business, but
In his book, The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom, Don Miguel Ruiz
details the four life strategies taught by the Toltec
shamans of Mexico. One of the agreements is to
never take anything personally. By taking things personally, Ruiz teaches, we actually get in the way of
the Universal Power moving us toward our ultimate
and best destiny. If we get out of the way and simply
see feedback as data, we work with the Universe
as it helps move us where we want to go.
How successful people think and how to change your own thinking and behavior so you can get the same results they do.
The common reasons why people have difficultiesthe same difficulties youve probably hadand how you can easily avoid or overcome them.
About what things in your past that have created subconscious roadblocks to your success.
The real power of visualization and how to use it to get what you
want in life. Dont worry if youve tried it before and couldnt seem
to make it work, Ill show you exactly how to do it, based on the
latest research, in a way that guarantees it will work for you.
My proven ways to find and attract all the resources you need
All about the power of mastermind groups and how to get nearly
anyone you want to happily join your group and take an active interest in helping you get what you want.
How successful people deal with setbacks, failures, and defeats. Once you learn this secret, youll not only be able to
deal with adversity, youll take any adversity and turn it into
an equal or greater benefit.
How bad habits, negative thoughts, procrastination, lack of motivation hold you back and how to solve all of these problems once and
for all so they never come back to haunt you.
Understand this...
My 7-day success training is NOT just another feel-good experience where you leave with a high but realize a few weeks later that nothing has really changed.
Now lets talk about the investment it takes for you to join me...
Actually there are two investments youll be required to make. One
is actually quite easyits the financial one. And Ill address it in a minute.
The other is the personal investment. Its the one that will make the
biggest impact in your life.
Please dont confuse my training with one of those magic pills.
You know what I mean... the type of thing where you just take the pill (or
attend a training) and wake up the next morning a whole new you...better
looking... slimmer... smarter...and suddenly rich!
Oh, dont worry, you will get dramatic results. I absolutely guarantee it. But youre going to have to put some effort into it. Youve got to go
home and actually apply what youll learn in Las Vegas.
Sure, itll take some work. But if you put even a modest amount of
effort into it, the results will absolutely astound you.
If, after attending the entire event, you dont think it was the best
experience of your life, that it gave you everything you need to create the
life youve always wanted, or in any other way you arent totally satisfied,
just say so before you leave, and Ill refund your entire tuition. No hassle,
no pressure. Look, I cant think of a more risk free opportunity. Im going
to work personally with you for seven full days. Ill share with you all of
my most powerful success secrets, techniques, systems, and my 30 year
track record of results generating experience. And, you can attend the
entire training and still get all your money back if youre not 100% blown
away. What could be fairer than that?
Okay, now lets talk about
the financial investment...
It normally takes a $3,500 investment to attend my 7-day Las Vegas Success Training. And frankly, I know in my heart that it would be a
terrific bargain at twice that.
But then, I had a chat with my friend, Bill Harris (hes the founder of
Centerpointe Research Institute and youll meet and learn something quite
valuable from him in Vegas).
Anyway, during that conversation he convinced me that it was more
important to me to remove any financial barrier standing in your way of
success, a sense of accomplishment, the ability to help others, and a real sense of purpose and satisfaction in your lifewell, that possibility is right here, right now.
Just for fun, imagine what it would be like to have enough money to never deny yourself, or your family,
anything you want or need. Imagine having the additional resources you can use to, quite literally save or
dramatically improve someone elses life.
Finally, imagine what it would be like to know that whatever happens, you have, inside of you, everything you need to succeed in anything you do.
All of this is truly possible for you, no matter
who you are and no matter what your
past or present circumstances.
For the cost of a couple of coffee drinks, or a hamburger once a month, you can totally change the
direction of your life.
To reserve your spot in this seven day live event with me and all the other great presenters, just fill out
the easy online registration form, below. Or, you can call 1-800-237-8336 x10 and ask for Jesse.
This event has an absolute upper limit to how many can attend. There are only 400 seats, and theyre
filling up fast.
Nearly 25,000 people are participating in my series of teleseminars during which I describe and make
available my Las Vegas event. If only 2% of them decide to attend, the event will be sold out.
If you want what this seminar will give you, and I assume you do, please dont wait to reserve your
Youve taken the first step in living your dreams. Do keep going, and please dont let anything stop you.
Ive done everything I can think of to motivate you to be at this event. Now its up to you to make a
decision. I hope youll decide in favor of you.
For hotel and schedule info and to fill out the easy online registration form, go to
Or call 800-237-8336 x10,
Or, complete and mail or fax the order form on the next page.
Heres where it all happens...Las Vegas Hilton Hotel3000 Paradise Road, Las Vegas, Nevada 89109.To
reserve a room, call 1-800-732-7117Room rates are $89 per night single or double occupancy, August 715. Call before July 7 to receive the conference rate. It is possible the rooms will sell out before July 7, so
reserve your room today. Request rooms for the Living Your Highest Vision Seminar. Each reservation
requires one nights deposit (with credit card). Deposit is non-refundable if not cancelled 72 hours prior to
Program Schedule
The event starts on Saturday, August 7th, with an optional (no extra cost), evening session with Nashville singer, songwriter Jana Stanfield from 8:00-9:00 PM
Jack Canfields
7-Day Success Training
August 7-14, 2004
In Las Vegas, Nevada
Fax it to:
Or mail it to:
YES, Jack. I want to participate in this amazing event. I look forward to working with you and
learning how to take advantage of al your success secrets.
I understand my participation is covered by your Iron-Clad Risk Free Guarantee which says... If,
after attending the entire event, you dont think it was the best experience of your life, that it gave you
everything you need to create the life youve always wanted, or in any other way you arent totally
satisfied, just say so before you leave, and I'll refund your entire tuition. No hassle, no pressure.
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