Topic For Writing Ielts

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Topic 1: Does modern technology make life more convenient, or was life better when

technology was simpler?

Modern technology brings many benefits and plays a very important role in our life. In fact,
advancement of technology really helps us in different ways. It really changed the way how
people live, learn, work and communicate. For example, technology has consisted of many
products which are very useful for us to save our time. Time is precious and modern technology
helps us to manage our time. It makes our life convenient and we can work faster. So in one
day, we can do a lot of things now compared to the past. eople !ust have self"discipline and be
responsible enough in using these modern technologies. #e should know how to limit ourselves
so that we can live a better and healthy living. It is not only in communication, transportation but
also some other things like mobile, computer, T$, air"conditioning, etc. which makes our life very
easier. In conclusion, I believe that technology makes our modern life more convenient.
Topic 2: Today more people are travelling than ever before. What are the benefits of
travelling for the traveller.
Travel has become part of almost everyone's life. There are many advantages of travelling
ranging from exploring new places, culture and people to relaxation and fun with family. First, a
great benefit of travelling is the relaxation. Going on vacation helps travelers refresh themselves
by disconnecting them from their stressful life. Second, traveling increases our knowledge and
widens our perspective. iscovering different cultures is really interesting. !ou visit exotic new
places and discover what this wonderful world has to offer. "t gives us a new perspective about
life and especially our life. #hen traveling with friends or family it creates memories for a
lifetime. These memories will create a bond that nothing can erase no matter what happens with
the friendship$relationship. "t also gives nice stories to tell people afterwards, you can create
photo albums about your trips. To conclude, in today%s busy life people have to travel by choice
or no choice. Travelling has become a part of our life and it brings clear advantages ranging from
cultural experiences to strengthening family bonds.
Topic &' "t is generally accepted that families are not as close as they used to be
There are many differences between families today and they used to be before. (ow families are
not normally as close as they used to be. The family ties has been gradually broken down and
spent less time together. There are several reasons for this issue such as working competition,
transport development and business improvement. First of all, our demands have been increased
rapidly, and then we need to work hard to be able to supply ourselves. Therefore, it is difficult for
us to arrange a time to stay with our family. )nother reason is that traveling now becomes easier
than it used to be. #orking is the most important thing in life, so people would like to live near
their workplace. They do not worry about how far from their house to their parents% house. (ow
they can move from place to place fast and easily by car or by public transports. "n conclusion,
people now need to work hard, then they may work far away from their family. Therefore,
families are not now so close as they used to be.
Topic 4:
)s a result of the development of technology, people have a good chance to watch movies from
overseas. The reason why movies from overseas are watched more than local movies is that, the
vast ma*ority of people are reluctant to watch movies and see nothing new and they are keen on
watching foreign people as well as the traditions shown on T+ that they are unaccustomed. "n
addition, we must acknowledge that as the world is globali,ed people have a brilliant chance for
learning foreign languages. For example, a student who studies -nglish is eager to watch movies
in -nglish rather than in his native language. .erhaps the principal reason for the popularity of
foreign made films is the globali,ation of culture. "n the past, children growing up only had
access to the culture and traditions of their own country and so preferred to watch films about
their own land. (ow in the era of !ouTube, young people grow up with easy access to an
international culture and so when they go to the cinema, they expect to see films that reflect that
international culture.
Topic 5:
#hen people's standard of living increase, they often think about improving their knowledge for
a better life. To do that, they choose to study in developed countries where they can get
progressive education. The first advantage of studying abroad would be the motivation to learn a
new language or improving your existing language knowledge. /iving in a new any country,
whether studying or working, you are not able to get by with your mother language therefore0
you are forced to learn that country%s language. 1onse2uently, studying abroad improves
2uickest student%s skills in speaking new language and indeed learns more of that language.
3ther benefit of studying abroad would be the experiencing a different culture. Getting to know a
new country where you are staying, seeing a different way of life and experiencing the way other
people do things such as the way they talk and behave would encourage and nurture one%s
independence as well as e2uip the student with resourcefulness needed to be self4sufficient in a
foreign country. 5oreover, the common reason for people to choose a foreign country to study is
gaining education of high 2uality and enlarging their knowledge span.
Topic 6:
.eople often say the earth is getting sick because of natural environmental problem. " think the
main factor of the problem is related to the ever increased cars. " absolutely agree the idea that
the use of the public transportation would be helpful to the solution of the traffic *am and
pollution by following reasons.
Firstly, if people would use the mass transit such as buses, trains, and metros, the number of cars
would decrease resulting in that there would be traffic *ams. "t could bring the favor effect to the
air purification. Secondly, if people would use less cars, the natural resources would less
consume. "t could evade the situation in 2uick danger of depletion of natural resources. The less
use of oil, aluminum, and iron could be helpful to healthy nature. "n conclusion, " support the
idea that people should use more buses and trains than cars. This idea would become in reality by
government%s support. "ndividually and nationally we try to use the public transport.
Topic 7:
3ver recent years, more and more people have been attending university and arguments have
persisted as to whether students should pay for this privilege not. )lthough there are convincing
arguments on both sides, " strongly believe that it should be free.
Firstly, it will encourage more people to attend and this will benefit our society. This is because it
will lead to a more productive and educated workforce. "n addition, there is the issue of e2uality
of opportunity. "f all students are re2uired to pay, those on a low income may be dissuaded from
attending, thus making it unfair. The reason for this is that they will likely not be able to secure
financial support from their family so they will be concerned about the debts they will incur in
the future.
"n conclusion, " am of opinion that all education should remain e2ually available to all regardless
of their economic status. This is not only fair, but will also ensure that countries can prosper and
develop into the future with a well4educated workforce.
Topic 8:
.laying sports is something most of us love, isn't it6 7ndoubtedly, sports are a fun activity but
they offer several health benefits too. "n fact, there are many advantages of playing sports.
Firstly, playing sports can give you a healthy life and a fit body. 8ecause sports re2uire physical
activity, it is a good exercise for the body to control weight. !ou will be more active and
healthier by playing sports. To illustrate, you can have a lower chance of getting a serious illness
such as a heart attack or high blood pressure. "n other words, it increases your resistance to
illness. "n leisure time, you can play sports with your friends or your relatives, this not only helps
you but also motivates everyone around you to take part in sports and have good health.
Furthermore, there are some sports which you can play easily such as table tennis, tennis or
football and after that, you feel completely relaxed or even free from your stress. "n conclusion,
playing some sports regularly goes a long way in maintaining your physical and mental well4
Topic 9:
"t is true that children today spend far more time indoors than in previous generations. " would
say that this has both a positive and negative side.
1hildren today seem to spend far too long inside with computer games, watching T+ and videos.
This is definitely bad in some ways because children should develop outdoor pursuits such as
football, cricket and basketball that would make them healthy now and in their future lives. "f
they don't learn to play sports when they are young, it is unlikely that they will develop these
healthy habits later in life and the results can be seen today in the higher levels of obesity and
related illnesses such as diabetes.
3n the other hand, the world today is dominated by computers and electronics so it's important
that children learn to like and understand computers and technology early in life. The older
generation didn't have the opportunity to have this electronic entertainment and so don't
understand the attraction.
"n conclusion " would certainly agree that it is bad and unhealthy for children to spend all their
time indoors with electronic entertainment. " don't think all children are too dependent on
electronic entertainment but too many definitely are. #e cannot expect though that children will
totally ignore today's technologies. " believe it is up to parents to guide and encourage a
reasonable mixture of both indoor and outdoor pursuits.
Topic 10:
#hen it comes to the huge earnings of some famous athletes and entertainers, although some
people think that these figures do not deserve such high salaries, they fail to see these famous
persons' hard working, talent and contributions. " am one of those who argue that famous athletes
and entertainers do deserve such high salaries.
To begin with, famous persons should put in a lot of hard work, whether in the sports industry or
in the movie industry, in order to become and maintain being well4known. 8efore becoming
famous, they must train for many years to make it to the degree of a professional. "n addition,
these figures also have to give up their privacy to serve the public. #hatever they do, even their
private life, such as going shopping, meeting friends and having a date, might be pestered by
reporters and be taken as the topic on the next day's newspaper. Furthermore, these successful
people in sports or entertainment industry are full of talent. Their flair for sports, music or
movies is 2uite valuable and rare. )ccording to their talent, it is fair to give them such high
)ll in all, according to the hard working, talent and contribution of famous athletes and
entertainers, we can safely draw the conclusion that they do merit such high salaries.

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