Of Being And: Esson
Of Being And: Esson
Of Being And: Esson
*January 20-26
Of Being and Time
Read for This Weeks Study: Ecclesiastes 3.
Memory Text: I said in mine heart, God shall judge the right-
eous and the wicked: for there is a time there for every purpose
and for every work (Ecclesiastes 3:17).
For I have known them all already, known them all / Have known
the evenings, mornings, afternoons, / I have measured out my life with
coffee spoons.T. S. Eliot, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.
aybe we all dont measure our lives out with coffee spoons,
but we do measure out our lives, and for most of us, if
blessed, that measurement comes out to about threescore
years and ten and, if especially blessed, fourscore. As those who
already have seen a good portion of their years pass by, its not a lot.
Time is, therefore, a precious commodity for mortal beings.
For that reason, maybe, chapter 3 opens up a theme important to us
all: time. Beginning with some of the most beautiful poetry ever writ-
ten, Solomon touches on various themes all related one way or another
with the question of time: How important is the timing of the things
we do? What does the concept of eternity mean to human beings, who,
in and of themselves, are left behind by eternity? When will all the
evil and iniquity in the world be judged by God? Whats the ultimate
difference between humanity and animals if, in the end, all wind up in
the same place?
Heavy themes for just one chapter. But, as weve been saying all along,
they can be understood only through looking at these verses in the con-
text of all Scripture, which has much to say on these crucial topics.
*Study this weeks lesson to prepare for Sabbath, January 27.
January 21
The God of Time
How accurate is your watch? Probably not as accurate as a cesium-
beam clock, which measures time down to the 9,192,631,700th of a
secondthe frequency at which certain atoms absorb and emit radia-
tion. In other words, thats the timing that God has built into that part
of nature. Talk about precise!
At the NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center in the United States,
scientists have a chart on which they have written down all the
eclipses from about 2000 B.C. until A.D. 3000. In other words, the tim-
ing that God has built into this aspect of nature is so accurate that we
are able to know not only when past eclipses occurred but when future
ones will, as well.
As nature shows, the Lord is in control of time. As Adventists, peo-
ple who are particularly interested in prophecy, this comes as no sur-
prise. After all, many of the prophecies that have helped us understand
our identity and mission as a movement are tied in with time.
Reviewthe following time prophecies that have meant so much to
us as a people, prophecies that have been fulfilled (Dan. 7:25, 8:14,
9:24-27, Rev. 12:14). What do these prophecies tell us about the
power and sovereignty of God over human affairs?
In numerous places the Bible talks about the role of time in Gods
plans. Jesus appeared in Galilee declaring that the time is fulfilled
(Mark 1:15). Paul, in reference to the first coming of Jesus, wrote
that when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son
(Gal. 4:4); in reference to the Second Coming, he wrote: until our
Lord Jesus Christs appearing, which He will manifest in His own
time (1 Tim. 6:14, 15, NKJV). An angel appeared to John and said
to him, Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book, for the
time is at hand (Rev. 22:10, NKJV). We can see that God works
through time in order to bring about His will.
Are there any issues you are struggling with regarding the tim-
ing of events? If so, you must get on your knees, surrender your
will to the Lord, and trust in Him who has shown that He is in
control of time. What else can you do to learn to trust in the
Lords timing of events?
I Have to Teach Tomorrow . . .
Key Text: Ecclesiastes 3:17
Teach the Class to:
Know: Lives in harmony with Gods will are lives fulfilled.
Feel: In spite of lifes stresses and insecurities, Gods will is being
Do: Amid the confusion of modern life, respond to Gods invitation: Be
still, and know that I am God (Ps. 46:10, NIV).
Lesson Outline:
I. A Time for Everything (Eccles. 3:1-8)
What does the Bible have to say to those who struggle with heartache
and disappointment?
What is meant by the statement God will call the past to account
(Eccles. 3:15, NIV)? Did Solomon view this as a threat that inspired fear
or a promise that inspired hope?
How has Satan turned around the Eden curse that humans were to
toil (work) for a livelihood into something so pleasurable that for many the
goal is to achieve status and power?
Application Question:
As I review Solomons list of contrasts (Eccles. 3:2-8), for which appro-
priate times do I have no sense of timing at all?
Invite the class to set aside some quiet alone time to list the phrases in
which they feel exceptionally weak. They may invite a relative to identify
phrases in which they see the asker as strong. As members privately
THURSDAY January 25
Of Men and Beasts
Read Ecclesiastes 3:18-22. Keeping in mind, again, the whole mes-
sage of Scripture, not to mention the context in which Solomon
was writing, what important point is he making here? What mes-
sage is here that we all should pay heed to?
It is true: At one level whats the difference between a dead person
and a dead dog? And the longer theyre dead, the harder it is to tell
them apart, for eventually both become nothing but crumbled bones.
Solomon is, again, looking at the meaninglessness of life lived apart
from God, a life lived only for the immediate pleasures of this world.
It has to be meaningless because when its all done, humans and beasts
all go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again
(vs. 20). As we saw in Tuesdays lesson, thats a conclusion most
humans find unsettling, one that makes all that comes before death not
only hebel but even worse. One atheist author wrote about the absurd-
ity of life: It taunts us with the hope and promise of meaning, and yet
in the end we all end up in the same meaningless place as the beasts.
What Bible texts can you find that would answer each of the verses in
Ecclesiastes 3:18-22?
vs. 18 (for example, Ps. 8:5-8)
vs. 19 (for example, John 3:16)
vs. 20
vs. 21
vs. 22
Life itself, even in the best of circumstances, can be hard. We all
struggle, one way or another. How thankful we should be for the hope
that awaits us once this is all said and done.
Which is your favorite Bible text that talks about life for the
redeemed after the Second Coming? Read it over, pray over it,
and then write out in your own words what the text says to you.
Learning Cycle
compare their own two lists, a profile should appear.
There is something peculiar in the temper of the House [of
Representatives], said James Garfield. A clear strong statement of a case
if made too soon or too late fails. If well made at the right time it is effec-
tive. It is a nice point to study the right time.Respectfully Quoted: A
Dictionary of Quotations Requested from the Congressional Research
Service (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1988, p. 342,
italics supplied.)
Consider This: As I gently lead others to the Water of Life, am I pray-
ing for the right time to hand them a drinking straw? Or, as a bad example
of witnessing, do I try to draw of the cisterns of earth from their straw?
For example: There is a saying, Dont work for your money; make your
money work for you. Is this possible without taking advantage of others?
Is this the appropriate application of wit in witnessing?
STEP 4Apply!
Just for Teachers: In this fourth and final step of the Natural
Learning Cycle, you will want to encourage class members to make a
life response to the lesson. Help them answer this question: With
Gods help, what can I do with what I have learned from this lesson?
Solomon concludes in his final verse today that people should be happy
in their work (Eccles. 3:22, TLB). An enthused church-employed organ-
ist once exclaimed, I cant believe I actually get paid for this!
Consider This: If you are young, have you prayerfully considered your
work/career choices, or are you merely planning to go find a job once
faced with responsibilities? How can those somewhat older and happy in
their work counsel and minister to the youth, and even to those who feel
trapped? (Recall Evangelism, p. 495, in lesson 2.)
Earlier Solomon had profited by exploiting those around him. Does this
conclusion indicate a change of heartthat not just the king deserves to be
happy in work?
Invite a class member to close with prayer.
Further Study: Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, pp. 662678.
True, refined independence never disdains to seek counsel of the
experienced and of the wise, and it treats the counsel of others with
respect.Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 4, p. 240.
The timing of things may tell much in favor of truth. Victories are
frequently lost through delays. There will be crises in this cause.
Prompt and decisive action at the right time will gain glorious tri-
umphs, while delay and neglect will result in great failures and posi-
tive dishonor to God.Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church,
vol. 3, p. 498.
Christ was treated as we deserve, that we might be treated as He
deserves. He was condemned for our sins, in which He had no share,
that we might be justified by His righteousness, in which we had no
share. He suffered the death which was ours, that we might receive the
life which was His. With His stripes we are healed. Ellen G.
White, The Desire of Ages, p. 25.
Discussion Questions:
G As a class, discuss your answer to Wednesdays question. What
can you learn from what each other wrote?
G It has been said that a right decision at the wrong time is still
a wrong decision. Is there anyone in your church about to make
an important decision? If so, and that person is open to counsel,
what could you do as a class to help that person know not only
what decision to make but to know the best timing for it?
G As a class, talk about death, about what it means to us as
Christians, about how we should face it, about the hope that we
have despite death, about why even with the promises of God its
still so painful.
G What are some of the great injustices that you have seen in
your lifetime? How should the knowledge that God will bring
final and perfect justice help you deal with so much human
injustice here? Also, as a class, discuss this question: Should the
fact that God promises to bring final justice hinder us in our
pursuit of justice in this life now?
January 26