Cathode-Ray Oscilloscopes
Cathode-Ray Oscilloscopes
Cathode-Ray Oscilloscopes
Cathode-Ray Oscilloscopes
The oscilloscope is the basic instrument for the study of all
types of waveforms.
It can be employed to measure such quantities as peak
voltage, frequency, phase difference, pulse width, delay time, rise time, and
fall time.
An oscilloscope consists of a cathode-ray tube (!T" and its
associated control and input circuitry.
In the !T, electrons generated at a heated cathode are shaped
into a fine beam and accelerated toward a fluorescent screen.
The screen glows at the point at which the electrons strike.
The electron beam is easily deflected vertically and
hori#ontally by voltages applied to deflecting plates.
$sually, the beam is swept hori#ontally across the screen by a
ramp voltage generated by a lime base circuit, and the waveform to be
investigated is applied to deflect the beam vertically.
This results in a voltage-versus-time display of the input
%ost oscilloscopes are dual-trace (or multitrace" instruments
capable of displaying two or more waveforms simultaneously.
The basic construction and biasing of a cathode-ray tube are
shown in &igure '.
The filament heats the cathode, which emits electrons.
The triode section of the tube consists of a cathode, a grid, and
an anode.
The cathode is typically held at appro(imately -) k*, and the
grid potential is ad+ustable from appro(imately -),,, * to -),-, *.
The grid-cathode potential controls the electron flow from the
cathode and thus controls the number of electrons directed to the screen.
A large number of electrons striking one point will cause the
screen to glow brightly. a small number will produce a dim glow.
Therefore, the grid potential control is a brightness control.
The grid voltage controls the flow of electrons to anodes A',
A), and A/ which focus the beam to a fine point at the screen.
The focusing electrodes A', A), and A/ are sometimes
referred to as an electron lens.
The function of the electron lens is to focus the electrons to a
fine point on the screen of the tube.
*oltages applied to the vertical and hori#ontal deflecting
plates move the electron beam around the screen.
A beam of electrons is generated by the cathode and directed
to the screen, causing the phosphor coating on the screen to glow where
the electrons strike.
The electron beam is deflected vertically and hori#ontally by
e(ternally applied voltages.
&igure '. 0asic cathode-ray tube construction.