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The Educational Spanish Approach

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As regards of Education, the Spanish competences can be transferred to the autonomous

regions (regions in which Spain is divided in jurisdictions places), something that it is
reflected in the Spanish constitution of 1979.
The autonomous regions can adapt the laws of the central government to their particular

In 2006, a new law of education was approved by the Spanish Government and it has
been contextualized for the Community of Madrid in the next decree:

Decree 22/2007, Of May 10, of the Council of Government, by which there is
established for the Community of Madrid the Curriculum (didactic programme)
of the Primary Education ( from 6 to 12 years old)

Into the Decree, we can see an important article:

Art. 4 Aims of these educative stage (6-12)

The Primary education will help to develop in the student body the capacities that they
allow them:

A) To know and to estimate the values and the procedure of living together, to learn to
act in agreement with them, to be prepared for the active exercise of the citizenship
respecting and defending the human rights, as well as the own pluralism of a democratic
B) To develop habits of individual work and effort and responsibility in the study as
well as attitudes to trust in yourself. Critical sense, personal initiative, curiosity, interest
and creativity into the learning with that discover the satisfaction of the work well
C) To develop a responsible attitude and of respect for the others and create a
favourable atmosphere for the personal freedom and the learning, as well as to foment
attitudes that favor the living together to avoid the violence in the areas like school,
familiar and social community.
D) To know, understand and to respect the values of our civilization, the cultural and
personal differences, the equality of rights and opportunities of men and women and not
discriminate to pupil with disability.
E) To know and to use in an appropriate way the Castilian language, valuing all
communicative possibilities, because it mark the main condition of common language
to all the Spanish and it is a fundamental international language, and to develop habits
of reading as essential instrument for the learning of the rest of the areas.
F) To acquire in, at least, a foreign language the communicative basic competition that
allows them to express and to understand simple messages and to be unrolled in daily
G) To develop the mathematical basic competitions and to begin in the resolution of
problems that need the resolution of elementary operations of calculation, geometric
knowledge and estimations, as well as to be able to applying them to the situations of
the daily life.
H) To know the most relevant facts of the Spain history and of the universal history too.
To know and to value the social, natural and cultural environment, connecting it always
in a national, European and universal context, as well as the possibilities of action and
care of it, and starting in the knowledge of the geography of Spain and of the universal
I) To begin in the utilization of the information and the communication technologies,
developing a critical spirit with the messages that are received and elaborated.
J) To value the hygiene and the health, to know and to respect the human body, and to
use the physical education and the sport as way to improve the personal and social
K) To communicate across the means of verbal, corporal, visual, plastic, musical and
mathematical expression, developing the aesthetic sensibility, the creativity and the
capacity for enjoyment of the works and the artistic manifestations.
L) To know the cultural patrimony of Spain, to take part in its conservation and
improvement and to respect the linguistic and cultural diversity.
M) To develop all the areas of the personality, as well as an attitude opposite to the
violence and to the prejudices of any type.
N) To know and to value the animals and plants and to adopt comportment of behaviour
that favours its care.
O) To foment the traffic education and the respect to regulation to prevent the traffic

In addition, the innovation fact in this law is that introduce the basic competences (like
skills), the key for the permanent learning and defined by the European Union. The
basic competences are integral elements of the curriculum, which must be acquired at
the end of the basic education (at the age of 16). In the primary education (6-12, which
we have in our school) has to contribute to developed them across the different areas:
Maths, Spanish language, Music, Art, Natural and Historical Known, English language,

In the cultural European context, the educational systems tend to the convergence to
facilitate thus both the homologation of the academic degrees and the cultural
standardization of his members. From our Spanish perspective, there has joined to the
educational system from the Organic Law of the Education of 2006 (denominated
like LOE) the term of Basic Competences in the curriculum development already
proposed previously by the European Union, with the intention of reflecting in the
legislation all this ideology that has to go away assimilating for the different countries
of the Union. The basic competences that they propose are the following ones:

- Competition in linguistic communication
- Mathematical Competition
- Competition in knowledge and the interaction with the physical world
- Data processing and digital competition
- Social and civil Competition
- Cultural and artistic Competition.
- Competition to learn to learn.
- Autonomy and personal initiative.

English and the Key Competences (Basic competences LOE)

Access to information, rapid changes in the world of work and the increasing diversity
of societies require different competences from all people- they need to be active,
concerned, able to adapt and learn continuously.

A European framework of basic skills to be provided through lifelong learning was
originally requested in the Lisbon conclusion in 2000. The proposal is one of the
concrete outcomes of the Education and Training 2010 work programme and aims to
encourage and facilitate national reforms by providing, for the first time at the European
level, a reference tool on key competences that all citizens should have for a successful
life in a knowledge society. The Recommendations calls for Members States to ensure
that all young people are given the possibility to develop the package of 8 key
competences by the end of initial education and training and that specific attention is
paid to disadvantaged learners. They Key Competences Framework, prepared by
experts from 31 countries, will help policy makers, education and training providers,
employers and learners themselves in reforming education and training systems to
respond to these challenge.

The RD 1513/2006, 7
December, following the Recommendations of the European
recommendations for education, sets out the minimum requirements for Primary
Education as the LOE stipulated. In its article 6 establishes the Basic
Competences or Key Competences the terminology used within the Europena frame).

Basic competences represent a transferable, multifunctional package of knowledge,
skills and attitudes that all individuals need for personal fulfilment and development,
inclusion and employment. These should have been developed by the end of
compulsory schooling or training, and should act as a foundation for further learning as
part of lifelong learning.

How English contributes to develop the Basic Competences

Communication in foreign languages broadly shares the main skill dimensions of
communication in the mother tongue: it is based on the ability to understand, express
and interpret thoughts, feelings and facts in both oral and written form (listening,
speaking, reading and writing) in an appropriate range of societal contexts work,
home, leisure, education and training according to ones wants or needs.

Communication in foreign languages helps to improve learning to learn. Learning a
second language is much more effective if the contents are based on a reflection on the
learning process. Language programme encourages the development of self-
management skills both when students are working independently and as part of a team.
It also develops cognitive skills and encourages learners to engage in a critical dialogue
with themselves, the materials and their peers. This favours their own autonomy.

The new Technology gives us the opportunity to communicate all over the world and
also we are exposed to a wide range of information. The knowledge of a foreign
language offers us the possibility to communicate using the new technology and it
creates real and functional contexts. In this way it contributes to improve the digital

Social and civic competence: language learning has the potential to help learners to
develop their identities as cosmopolitan citizens in a global context. Communicative
methodology is itself democratic. Skills developed in language classes are thus directly
transferable to citizenship education, i.e. discussing in pairs, expressing opinion,
working with others, taking part in public discourse. Languages are the vehicle to
communicate and get to know other cultures. Learning about other cultures favours the
understanding of our own language and own culture too.

All the linguistic models have a cultural and artistic component.


We are a preferential School of attention to pupils with Serious Disorders of the
Development and with tradition in the pupils' integration with educational specific
needs. We understand that all the human beings are different and unrepeatable, for what
we try to give an as personalized as possible response to the needs that are coming up.

Our school has a very complex organization and we have to consider several
characteristics, not only physical. Spaces, materials, resources All of that compose
the Agapito Marazuelass Educational Community.
The system of personal and professional relations that is established between all they
affect in the possibilities of success of a program like this, in which we look for to
attending to the individual needs of our pupils from an educational point of view. One
of the principles that base our ideology as for the education is the attention to the

From the pedagogic point of view, our school has the difference as a fundamental base,
therefore everything what we can do at school or into the class, must to have it in mind.
In this way any type of difficulty into learning, different children characteristic, origin
or ethnic will be a difficulty. We try to create an organizational system of internal and
external communication that it facilitates to find the necessary resources depending on
the new demands.

What do we understand for attention to the diversity?
To attend to the diversity is to recognize the singular character of every person, and a
process of education tries to offer learning that answers to the educational needs of the
pupils, of agreement with our possibilities (material, human, etc). We try to prevent
especially difficulties, though in some cases it is necessary to correct them. Only
working like a big team we will be able to attend to the diversity.

How do we understand it?
To speak about attention to the diversity we use normally the following terms (words):
Integration and Normalization, defined, according to Bank-Mikkelsen, as the
possibility of access to a normative as less-restrictive environment as possible, which
means to provide the necessary resources to every person depending on his needs, In
order that one could develop the most possible thing in normal environments.

We base on a not deficit model. We depart from the educational possibilities of the
pupil. What can we do to bring him over to the curriculum? We have to think into the
environment where the pupil develops: the family, the school, the people(village)...
Trying to offer an included a global treatment, into-school and out-of-school real

The integration takes place into the reference classroom, the break time and in the group
activities (school and complementary), when the teacher-staff have adapted their
methodology, it(he,she) adjusting the times of learning, working in group.... to allow
that the pupil could take part in the life of the classroom. How, when, where or with
whom? It is what the educational team determines.
We must offer always the vision of a professional team without internal contradictions,
indispensable in order that we help them and help us.

1. Methodological principles.
Our educational community emphasizes the need to base our teaching on the
experiences of our students, so contents will always be contextualized. Students use the
language in authentic situations, such as shopping, playing in the school, classroom
language, etc.
We point out the need of an early intervention to detect any problems that might affect
the students learning process. It also pays especial attention to cater for diversity and
on individual attention.
We also emphasize the need of including reading and writing and Information and
Communication Technology within all the subjects.
The different methods that we will use, will be based on the trend towards student-
centered, active learning. It reinforces the teachers primary role as a coach and
facilitator in addition to being a teacher and presenter of knowledge.
To guarantee the continuity in their learning process, there will be a coordination with
the teachers involved in their education in the previous or future cycles or stages.

Here are some of the basic methodological principles in which we will base our
a. As Decroly, Claparde and Piaget stated on their investigations on how children
learn best, contents will be organized around global themes which are close to the
students world experiences.
b. The learning of a language must be meaningful. As Ausubel (1978) stated in his
investigations about the teaching-learning process, there should be a connection
between the previous knowledge and the new information given, so that the student
can integrate it in his/her memory. For this reason contents must be logic and
coherent. Ausubels research on meaningful learning is responsible for the
importance given nowadays to previous knowledge.
c. As well as the meaningful learning is important, it is the individual attention to our
students. Their productions will vary very much depending on their personal
characteristics, their own cognitive styles of learning and their social background.
Not all the students can do the same task at the same pace.
d. The learning of a second language must be functional establishing a connection of
what the students have to learn with their reality: they enjoy learning about things
that are relevant to their own everyday experiences and personal interests.
e. The topics and activities in this annual planning provide an interdisciplinary
approach to language learning, enabling teachers to link the study of English with the
work in other areas of the curriculum such as music, drama, mathematics, science,
f. Methods should integrate different learning experiences; students bring multiple
intelligences and learning styles to the classroom. In order to cover these needs, we
will base our teaching in an eclectic approach, bringing a broad range of
instructional strategies and a variety of materials (written, visuals, oral, as (1) images
an items from real life that can sharpen perception; (2) physical activities and games
that reinforce lessons kinesthetically; (3) role plays and dramatic activities; (4) music
in both receptive and participatory modes; an (5) a range of tasks that require
sequencing, memorizing, problem solving and inductive as well as deductive
g. We will act upon overcoming specific educational needs, through personal or
material aid to students who need support on a provisional or permanent basis in
order to reach the goals of the educational level. Activities design an group
distribution will be planned toward success in overcoming these difficulties. The
teacher will coordinate with the Special Need teacher and teachers of the cycle to
implement measures to help those students.
h. The four skills will be practiced in a systematic and integrated way, focusing on
realistic communicative situations.
i. The role of the teacher is fundamental to the learning process. Central to this role is
to oversee, for example, how students interact in given classroom situations and how
they use the material at their disposal.
j. Correcting: students will always be given the opportunity to correct themselves. If
they do not recognize their error, then we will ask other student to help them. If they
do not find the correct answer, then the teacher will correct the student. When doing
oral tasks, it is best to make a note of spoken errors so as to avoid interrupting the
flow of conversation.
k. Positive reinforcement: it is very important to congratulate students efforts and
creative initiative, not only the results they may achieve.
l. The teaching process will be developed in a secure atmosphere for the students The
teacher will promote the relationship among the students, coordinating different
interests and opinions through the dialogue and cooperation. It is very important to
point out, that this safe atmosphere does not imply the non existence of rules and
limits. On the contrary, rules are necessary to the whole development of the student
and they are very positive if they have been established in a affective atmosphere and
the application of them is consistent. At the same time we will encourage the
students effort and responsibility in their learning process.

m. Learning by doing : some learners learn best through physical involvement (TPR)
and also by doing tasks which involve doing things with their hands.
n. We will use the information and communication technology (I.C.T). We will
integrate audio, video, multimedia and computer technology into English instruction.
2. Activities
When planning activities, we will bear in mind the activities the school has included in
its Annual planning (P.G.A) to try to work themes like Peace day, Carnivals, Reading
week, Christmas festival
a) Activitydesign criteria
Variety of activities allows all pupils to fulfill their maximum potential. Activities must
be appropriated to the development level, learning style and work pace of each student,
taking into consideration their diversity in the time they need to solve problems, how
they process the information, their concentration capacity, the effort they need to make
to finish the activity and the most suitable grouping style.
All the activities will be organized taking into consideration the previous knowledge of
the students.
.They must stimulate the students wish to learn, so students make the
necessary effort to learn.
.They should be very well organized and presented to our students .
.They will leave space for the students to develop their creativity.
Many of the activities used in the teaching-learning process will have a playful
character. This theory is based on the belief that learning is most effective when it is
fun and moreover that enjoyment provides motivation and encourages pupils to
continue their studies.

b.)Type of teaching learning activities:
Depending on the aim we tend to achieve, we will use different activities such as:
Lead-in and motivation activities, aimed to revise and consolidate previous
knowledge related to the present unit or section. They must stimulate the students
and make them active and interested in the new learning contents.
Development and learning activities which will involve: searching, filling
gaps exercises, written work, verifying, reading. We will use ICT resources,
using CD in the computer room.
Summaryzing activities: they will be conducted at the end of each didactic
unit, so that students realize the progress they made.
Reinforcement and follow-up activities, for those students who need to
reinforce some concepts or for the fast finishers.
Evaluation activities: self evaluation sheets and tests given by the teacher.

3 . Grouping, space , seating arrangements
Grouping :depending on the type of activity, the objective and the characteristics of our
students , we will group our students one way or another. According to Coll and
Colomina there are 3 types of interaction: co-operative, competitive and individual.
The activities have been designed to foster interaction and the negotiation of meaning
through cooperative learning, and communicative language teaching. By sharing ideas
and information in pairs or groups, the students are given the opportunity to use their
knowledge of the language in a non-threatening environment.
Language will be used to interact meaningfully with others in real-life situations, so our
objective in the classroom will be to create realistic scenarios in which students interact
in pairs, in small groups, and as a whole class.
Whole-class: work involving the whole class is particularly recommended when
the teacher is giving instructions or explanations, when doing drills or listening
activities, when answers are being checked after an activity or when students
opinions are being given.
Pair work: to ensure effective pair work, several factors should be considered.
First there should be a real purpose for the exchange of information the other
partner has got in order to complete the activity. Second, tasks will motivate the
students more if there is an end product ( a completed chart, a survey) Third, the
abilities and language backgrounds of the students should be considered when
forming the pairs. For some activities, stronger students may be paired with
weaker students; for others, students of like ability may be paired.
Small group: for effective group activities, group size, student roles and task
goals should be considered. The group size and the student roles will vary
according to the activity. Task goals will be made clear to the students, as well as
procedures and time frames. Type of activities such as projects, games will be
done in small groups.
Individual work: for reinforcing concepts, doing individual worksheets,
detecting difficulties, readings, evaluating, etc.
While the students are working in small groups or pairs, the teacher will circulate and
monitor the students progress. The teacher will check that the students are using
English and are on task. Regarding error correction, it is best to take note of major
mistakes heard and re-teach or review them after the activity has finished. Interruptions
for correction impede the communicative flow and draw attention away from the

Space distribution and seating arrangements: Each teachers choice will depend on
the space available, furniture mobility, teachers timetables , students needs and the
number of students.
With the lower levels, it is important to seat them in groups, since they need to
cooperate more into groups (pupils are sitting around tables).
With higher levels pupils can be seated in rows, in this way, pupils can always turn to
work with the person behind them easily
We will create different corners (listening corner, library, games space to sit
down and tell a story). There will be a space on the classroom to display their projects.
Also we will use the computers room and the video room.
4.- Resources:
Materials will be varied to develop different skills and to cover the students needs.
There are many different types of materials provided, to accommodate both those
students who need more reinforcement and those who finish early and need extra work.
The materials range from the most traditional to the most sophisticated: chalk and a
blackboard, notes, worksheets, reading books, games, flashcards, overhead projector,
slides, video, cassettes, ICT resources..
For the fast finishers there will be games students can do on their own (memory games,
matching pictures and words, wheels the wheel food, body; individual white boards
for them to write words or phrases, picture dictionaries, the library, the listening
When we choose a material we should follow this criteria:
The material must be safe (free from any toxic products or cutting surfaces)
Easy to use it.
It must be attractive (colorful, with clear pictures).
There will be enough material for all the children in the class (enough books,
small white boardsetc)
It will be located in a place with an easy access for the student (not too high, not
too low )
It will be organized in thematic groups (numbers, shapes, colors, reading
books, picture dictionaries, games)
The teacher should have all the materials prepared before starting the class
(photocopies ready, tapes, video, computers, the overhead projector)
The teacher should have a good command of the materials she-he is using.

5.- Information and Communication Technology
Special emphasis will be laid on these materials for several reasons:
a) They belong to the students real world nowadays, and they will be necessary
for them in the future, regarding both their education and their professional
b) Resources are means and take part in the teaching-learning process and this
process must be functional.
c) Their use is a motivating factor for the students.
d) They contribute to increase participation of the students in the teaching
learning process.

( the teacher who is the guide of a class)

The tutor is the guide of the pupil towards his personal maturity and constitutes a modal
as counsellor and as integrator of experiences. It is at the same time to have to
programme individual and community activities.

The tutorial action, the educational support and the intervention psycho and pedagogic,
form a network of support to the pupil related and guided to the integral development
of the personality of the pupil as individual and as member of a community.

With the following aims:

To help the pupil to be a person of agreement with the guidelines marked in the
Educational Community, family, school and near environment that is immersed and,
that are reflected in the Educational Project of the school.
To help the pupil to whom finds his own goals.
To qualify him to be known and to be understood of himself and to be able to choose
for a line of action.
To qualify the pupil in order that he could adapt satisfactorily to diverse means.

Functions Activities Material of the
Teacher Tutor.

1.To know the pupil:

- Physical conditions
- academic precedents
- personality and character.
- interests and aspirations.
- degree of integration.
-systematic etc.

- Observation and annotation of events or
important characteristics.
- Review of the academic pupils process .
- To ask for information to other teachers and
record of information of the meetings.
- To stimulate the interesting about school .
- To take part in technologies skills, motivating
s to pupils with negative attitude.
- To observe the integration in the group and the
role of every one.
- meetings To control with isolated pupils,
- Meetings with the schools psychologist

- Cards of follow-
up of the pupil.

-Cards of follow-
up of meetings
with the families.

2. To facility the integration into
the class group.
- Organization activities of reception, works in
group, in pairs, excursions ...

3. To .Do the follow-up of the
learning processes to detect
-Doing systematic observation of the pupil work
-recording all dates of continue evaluation.
-registering of information in the annual report.
-learning formless annual follow-up

-Following up of
working notebook
-Annual Report
4. To request the study of the
pupil on the part of the school
psychology, to look for a
diagnosis or advices.
- To fill the actuation protocol for the pupils'
evaluation and to deliver it to the boss of chess
- To meet the psychologist or the social worker
to find strategies that can help the pupil with
- Meeting to those professionals who works
with the pupil and are related to the education of
these ones, as well as the record of the
information obtained in these meetings, in several

-Acting Protocol
of evaluation
-card with
information of the
-pupils' follow-up
notebook of

5. To made the didactic
adjustments, corresponding to
the disorder and to the
characteristics of the pupil
-In coordination with the support team, to
program the pedagogic action.

Document of

6 Asesor of the pupil - To coordinate the learning process with the
teachers of the different areas, to give and to
receive information about the pupil. It will serve
to establish a few lines of work that help to the
formation of the same one.

7 To foment in the group
participative attitudes inside the
class and out of its.
- To create a good climate of work, respect,
collaboration and participation into the class.
- To accept reasonable suggestions of the pupil.
- To collaborate in the democratic choice of the
delegate and sub delegate of the class.
- To favour the assistance of the representatives
of the class to the meetings and to allow that they
inform to others or gather information.

8 To foment the auto-esteem of
the pupils and the auto reflection
of his facts or attitudes.
- to use the positive aid.
- To help to the reflection that lead to the
comprehension of the own and others.

9 To notify the not justified
absence of the pupils in order to
guarantee right to the education
and to avoid the absenteeism .
- to notify to the chess boss the not justified
absence to establish the opportune actions to
remedy the problem.
- to register the monthly absenteeism of the
pupils and to deliver them to the chess of studi to
remedy this problem
-leaf of annual record.

The tutorial action in pre-school has a very important preventive labour. Detect the
difficulties as quickly as possible, it will allow us to attend them as soon as possible. In
addition it must take care of the incorporation of the pupils and their parents to the
center. Their labour will include the actions previously detailed and by the
characteristics of the pupils the following points will be born in mind:

The Period of adaptation
The Period of adaptation, it is the time that is given to the new pupils who come to this
pre-school stage. At the beginning it was designed for the three-year-old pupils, but
more often there are students who arrive to the school once the course has started. We
contemplate a period of adaptation that will change depending on their features and
Periodic meetings (trimester meetings)
In order that the communication is fluid, the school has been organized taking into
account the force legislation.

Teacher-parents meeting.
There will be three meetings during the course. Their aims are:
To introduce the teachers who will work with the children.
To communicate the aims, contents, methodology and evaluation criteria to the families.
To communicate the out-school activities calendar.
To give orientations about the students development.
And so on
A summary is written after each meeting to be given to every family.
Then, the teacher will make, at least, an individual interview with the parents of every
pupil during the year to solve some doubts they could have or to work together in the
learning process.

Having in mind that we conceive the school as a place of reception and "safety",
especially for the new children. Therefore, it is necessary to acquaint these pupils with
the physical, social and school environment.
The basic aim of this cycle is the learning of the writing-reading with a development of
the suitable language, specially of the vocabulary and joint.
We bear in mind that pace of learning of the pupils is changed, slower when there
appear problems of learning derived from aptitudes or social conditionings.
We are going to reinforce the small obtained achievements and to re-drive, in possible
the failures, being this base of any learning and, therefore of the whole education.
We will penetrate into the physical development, into the widespread and automated
domain(control) of the corporal scheme and of the sexual education.
Advice will be sought across the psychologist , if clinical problems were persisting as
the control of the urine, anxiety, fears and phobias, problems with the eaten ones, and to
report to the families in order that they could solve these small problems that sometimes
determine the familiar(family) dynamics.
Organizacin in the space:
The pupils with difficulties will be near the table of the teacher and next to companions
who could help them.
If we consider necessarily, these pupils will be reinforced in the acquisition of the
instrumental skills, out of the classroom, in small groups of two or three pupils.

Organization of the materials:
So much for the pupils with difficulties like for those with high capacities, one will
propose a didactic material adapted to them level, since it is detailed later:
- classroom library
- Computer Material
- Logic games: mathematical reasoning, of organization and spatial structure.

Or cooperative Learning and shared education: The pupils who finish their activities,
will help the companions to have difficulties to finish his task.
Or From an agreement with the family, the pupils who present a delay in the acquisition
of the instrumental skills, will take a material adapted to realize in house. Or The family
will control it and every day will check and prepare by the teacher in the class.

Adjustments in the activities:
- There are a selection of activities of extension for those pupils with major
capacity and other one of reinforcement for pupils who present delay in the
- In the common activities for the whole class, the teacher will realize an
explanation and an individual control for the pupils with difficulties in the

Adjustments in the contents:
Dare they will select the contents bearing the characteristics of the pupils in mind. One
will give priority to the acquisition of the instrumental technologies(skills) in the pupils
who have delay. For the pupils with major capacity there will be contributed a few
contents of deepening and enrichment.
Dare they will introduce contents attitudinally with regard to:
- The great importance to stay in attentive form in class
- The concentration in the accomplishment of the individual work.
- La valuation of the well-maded work
- The effort realized
- El mistake like way to improve not like a problem
- The auto estimates.
- The collaboration and helping to the companion.

Adjustments in the evaluation:
- Diary and individual control of the work realized and with the pupils with
- Observations in class and analysis of the activities.
- Individual interviews and accomplishment of controls.


The pupils of third course begin to understand the reality around theirs. They are able to
construct their perception dominating progressively the notions of space and time. They
control their own physical movements through the progressive control of speed, quickly
and simultaneousness.
All of this is going to facilitate progressively the comprehension of the phenomenas
chance. According to the space, they have to distinguish the notion of right-left,
moving it to the objects and peoples.
The children are becoming more introverted and cautious than in the initial cycle: a
process of interiorization begins.
From the sexual point of view, their interests are focus on the exploration of the adults
world, essentially in social aspects: family composition, how do we born
Their own adventure starts, in the real life without having their parents next to them.
Selective friendship appears and they organise them in groups.
It is a cycle where the group makes cohesion and integration in it self; the class teacher
will support those students with problems in their integration. It is a good moment to
elaborate rules in their class, and the assembly is the right way to make reflection
Their thought is very concrete, for what they must not raise abstract topics.
They have an enormous curiosity, so it is a good moment to initiate them in interests
that later can be their own hobbies.

* Space organization:

The space in class will be most adapted to every type of activity and will bear in mind
the pupils needs being near to the teacher or near to someone who could help them.
If we consider that it is necessary, these pupils will be reinforced in the acquisition of
the instrumental skills, out of the classroom or in small groups of two or three pupils.

* Material organization:

So much for the pupils with difficulties as for those with high capacities, adapted
material will be proposed according to their level, like it is detail here:

Classroom library
Computer resources.
Games about logical skills, mathematic, organization and space distribution
Work about enlargement.


The class teacher will insist on the basic contents, trying to help the student to follow
the class, adapting the methodology according to the students needs. There are lots of
teachers who go into the class to pick up the students with educative needs. For that
reason, the support inside of the classroom or the training in flexible groups will be
carried out only in case that the other measures that have been taken dont work.
From an agreement with the family, the pupils who present a delay in the acquisition of
the instrumental skills will take a material adapted to realize at home. The family will
collaborate checking every day and preparing materials with the teacher in class.

Adjustments in the activities:

* There is a selection of extension activities for those pupils with high capacities and
other one of reinforcement for pupils who present delay in the learning.

* In the common activities for the whole class, the teacher will realize an explanation
and an individual control to the pupils with learning problems.

Adjustments in the contents:
They will be selected the contents taking into account the pupils characteristics. One
will give priority to the acquisition of the instrumental skills in the pupils who have
delay. Pupils with high capacities will have contributed a few contents of deepening and

Adjustments in the evaluation:
* Daily and individual control of the work realized at home by the pupils with
* Individual attention in class, checking that everything been understood.
* Individual interviews and accomplishment of controls.


This cycle has pupils with very diverse characteristics, as well as by they age and by
their level of development.

The class teacher must have a deep comprehension about the attitudes and values of his
students, and about the great emotional load that the pupils demonstrate in this stage. (It
must be shared for all the teachers).

These pupils present in a short time a great biological change, as well as from the
physical and by the emotional point of view. They start developing what will be their
own identity as an adult.

They demonstrate, in general, impulsive conducts, often associated with difficulties of
reflection and few skills of communication, which impede their interactions.
It is suitable to talk in small groups, analyzing the conduct that they express across their
actions (after a recording, staging...) The search of their identity in relation with their
equal ones and with adults, is in the habit of being associated with an attitude of
rebelliousness and examination, which the pupil of these ages feels necessary for their
personal affirmation.

In this stage the step of concrete thinking is taking place into the formal thought, and at
the same time specific attitudes are being developing, which are going to serve as
orientation for the next studies or for their insertion in the labour world on having
finished the Secondary Obligatory Education.

Their interest is in the reproduction in strict sense, possessing an information mixes of
taboos and of prejudices that in the mostly of times determine their personal relations
with other sex.

It suits to advise the parents in order that they could understand the changes that are
taking place in their children, who are in the habit of taking in addition changes inside
the family dynamics with the objective of facilitate this process.

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