Learning by Solving Solved Problems
Learning by Solving Solved Problems
Learning by Solving Solved Problems
Random Thoughts . . .
ee if this one sounds familiar. You work through an
example in a lecture or tell the students to read it in
their textbook, then assign a similar but not identical
problem for homework. Many students act as though they
never saw anything like it in their lives, and if pressed they
will claim they never did. It is easy to concludeas many
faculty members dothat the students must be incompetent,
lazy, or incapable of reading.
A few of our students may be guilty of those things, but
something else is behind their apparent inability to do more
than rote memorization of material in lectures and readings.
The problem with lectures is that its impossible for most
people to learn much from a bad one, while if the lecturer is
meticulous and communicates well, everything seems clear:
the hard parts and easy parts look the same; each step seems
to follow logically and inevitably from the previous one; and
the students have no clue about the hard thinking required to
work out the fawless derivation or solution going up on the
board or projection screen. Only when they confront the need
to do something similar on an assignment do they realize how
much of what they saw in class they completely missed.
Its even worse when an instructor tells students to read the
text, fantasizing that they will somehow understand all they
read. There are two faws in this scenario. Many technical texts
were not written to make things clear to students as much as
to impress potential faculty adopters with their rigor, so they
are largely incomprehensible to the average student and are
generally ignored. On the other hand, if a text was written with
students in mind and presents things clearly and logically, we
are back to the frst scenariothe students read it like a novel,
everything looks clear, and they fail to engage in the intel-
lectual activity required for real understanding to occur.
A powerful alternative to traditional lectures and readings
is to have students go through complete or partially worked-
out derivations and examples in class, explaining them step-
by-step to one another. One format for this technique is an
active-learning structure called Thinking-Aloud Pair Problem
Solving, or TAPPS.
It goes like this.
1. Prepare a handout containing the derivation or solved
problem to be analyzed and have the students pick up a
copy when they come in to class. Tell them to form into
pairs (if the class has an odd number of students, have
one team of three) and designate one member of each
pair as A and one as B (plus one as C in the trio).
2. When theyve done that, tell them that initially A will be
the explainer and B (and C) will be the questioner(s).
Richard M. Felder is Hoechst Celanese
Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering
at North Carolina State University. He is co-
author of Elementary Principles of Chemical
Processes (Wiley, 2005) and numerous
articles on chemical process engineering
and engineering and science education,
and regularly presents workshops on ef-
fective college teaching at campuses and
conferences around the world. Many of his
publications can be seen at <www.ncsu.
Rebecca Brent is an education consultant
specializing in faculty development for ef-
fective university teaching, classroom and
computer-based simulations in teacher
education, and K-12 staff development in
language arts and classroom management.
She codirects the ASEE National Effective
Teaching Institute and has published articles
on a variety of topics including writing in un-
dergraduate courses, cooperative learning,
public school reform, and effective university
Copyright ChE Division of ASEE 2012
Education Designs, Inc.
North Carolina State University
Chemical Engineering Education 30
All of the Random Thoughts columns are now available on the World Wide Web at
http://www.ncsu.edu/effective_teaching and at http://che.uf.edu/~cee/
The explainers will explain a portion of the handout
to the questioners, line-by-line, step-by-step, and the
questioners will (a) ask questions (if the explainers say
anything incorrect or confusing), (b) prompt the ex-
plainers to keep talking (if they fall silent), and (c) give
hints (if the explainers are stuck). If both members of a
pair are stuck, they raise their hands and the instructor
comes over and helps. The second function is based on
the fact that vocalizing ones thinking about a problem
sometimes leads to the solution.
3. The students frst individually read the description of
the formula or model to be derived or the statement of
the problem to be solved; then the explainers explain it
in detail to the questioners and the questioners ask ques-
tions, keep the explainers talking, and offer hints when
necessary. Give the class 23 minutes for this activity.
4. Stop the students when the allotted time has elapsed,
randomly call on several of them to answer questions
about the description or problem statement they just
went through, and call for volunteers if additional
responses are desired. Add your own explanations and
elaborations (youre still teaching here). Then have the
pairs reverse roles and work through the frst part of
the derivation or problem solution in the same manner.
When results are obtained that are not in the handout,
write them on the board so everyone can see and copy
them. Proceed in this alternating manner through the
entire derivation or solution.
After going through this exercise, the students really un-
derstand what they worked through because they explained
it to each other, and if they had trouble with a tricky or con-
ceptually diffcult step they got clarifcation in minutes. Now
when they tackle the homework they will have had practice
and feedback on the hard parts, and the homework will go
much more smoothly for most of them than it ever does after
a traditional lecture.
Cognitive science provides an explanation for the effective-
ness of this technique.
Experts have developed cognitive
structures that enable them to classify problems in terms of
the basic principles they involve and to quickly retrieve appro-
priate solution strategies, much the way expert chess players
can quickly plan a sequence of moves when they encounter
a particular type of position. Noviceslike most of our
studentsdont have those structures, and so they have the
heavy cognitive load of having to fgure out how and where
to start and what to do next after every single step. Faced with
this burden, they frantically scour their lecture notes and texts
for examples resembling the assigned problems and focus
on superfcial details of the solutions rather than trying to
really understand them. They may learn how to solve nearly
identical problems that way, but even moderate changes can
stop them cold.
Sweller and Cooper
and Ambrose et al.
report studies
showing that students are indeed better at solving new prob-
lems when they have frst gone through worked-out examples
in the manner described. When they have to explain a solution
to a classmate, their cognitive load is dramatically reduced
because they dont have to fgure out every trivial detail in
every stepmost of the details are right there in front of them.
Instead, they have to fgure out why the steps are executed the
way they are, which helps them understand the key features
of the problem and the underlying principles. The effect is
even greater if they are given contrasting problems that look
similar but have underlying structural differences, such as a
mechanics problem easily solved using Newtons laws and a
similar one better approached using conservation of energy.
Having to explain why the two problems were solved in dif-
ferent ways helps equip the students to transfer their learning
to new problems.
Give it a try. Pick a tough worked-out derivation or solved
problem, and instead of droning through it on PowerPoint
slides, put it on a handoutperhaps leaving some gaps to be
flled in by the studentsand work through it as a TAPPS
exercise. Before you do it for the frst time, read Reference
2, note the common mistakes that reduce the effectiveness of
active learning (such as making activities too long or calling
for volunteers after each one), and avoid making them. After
several such exercises, watch for positive changes in your
students performance on homework and tests and in their
attitudes toward the class. Unless a whole lot of research is
wrong, you will see them.
1. Lochhead, J., and A. Whimbey, Teaching Analytical Reasoning
Through Thinking-Aloud Pair Problem Solving, in J. E. Stice (Ed.),
Developing Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Abilities: New
Directions for Teaching and Learning, No. 30. San Francisco: Jossey-
Bass (1987)
2. Felder, R.M., and R. Brent, Active Learning: An Introduction,
ASQ Higher Education Brief, 2(4), August 2009, <http://www.ncsu.
edu/felder-public/Papers/ALpaper(ASQ).pdf>, accessed 11/1/2011
3. Sweller, J., and G.A. Cooper, The Use of Worked Examples as a
Substitute for Problem Solving in Learning Algebra, Cognition and
Instruction, 2, 59-89 (1985)
4. Ambrose, S.A., M.W. Bridges, M. DiPietro, M.C. Lovett, and M.K.
Norman, How Learning Works: 7 Research-based Principles for Smart
Teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass (2010) p