MAE103 Unit Guide (Download PDF
MAE103 Unit Guide (Download PDF
MAE103 Unit Guide (Download PDF
Deakin University
Faculty of Business and Law Unit Guide
Managerial Economics
2014 Trimester 2
This unit guide is applicable for the year and teaching period specified above only
WELCOME ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
CONTACT DETAILS ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Unit chair .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Unit chair details ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Other staff ................................................................................................................................................. 2
Administrative queries .............................................................................................................................. 3
YOUR RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES AS A STUDENT IN THIS UNIT .............................................. 3
IMPROVEMENTS IN RESPONSE TO STUDENT FEEDBACK .................................................................... 3
PART 1: UNIT OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................................. 4
Unit code ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Unit title .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Contact hours ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Study commitment .................................................................................................................................... 4
Unit prerequisite(s) .................................................................................................................................. 4
Unit corequisite(s) .................................................................................................................................... 4
Unit incompatible(s) ................................................................................................................................. 4
DESCRIPTION OF UNIT ................................................................................................................................. 4
ACADEMIC CALENDAR .................................................................................................................................. 5
UNIT TIMELINES ............................................................................................................................................ 5
UNIT LEARNING OUTCOMES ....................................................................................................................... 6
UNIT LEARNING ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................................................ 7
UNIT ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Hurdle requirements ................................................................................................................................ 7
Summative assessment ............................................................................................................................. 7
- Summative assessment task 1 ................................................................................................................ 8
- Summative assessment task 2 ................................................................................................................ 8
- Summative assessment task 3 ................................................................................................................ 8
- Summative assessment task 4 ................................................................................................................ 9
Formative assessment .............................................................................................................................. 9
Note .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Assignment submission ............................................................................................................................. 9
UNIT LEARNING RESOURCES .................................................................................................................... 10
Essential learning resources ................................................................................................................... 10
Recommended learning resources ......................................................................................................... 10
PART 2: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT LEARNING AT DEAKIN ............................................... 11
ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................................................................. 11
STUDY SUPPORT ........................................................................................................................................... 12
RESOURCES ................................................................................................................................................... 12
OTHER INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................ 12
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MAE103 - Managerial Economics 2014 / Trimester 2
21 July 2014 Page 2 of 13
Welcome to MAE103 Managerial Economics unit in T2 2104 . As your unit chair, I hope that you will find
this unit both intellectually stimulating and relevant to your studies in your current course and your future
directions as a Deakin graduate.
You may need to contact me as the unit chair at some stage during this trimester. Most communication will be
via the discussion boards on CloudDeakin. But for personal matters or in an emergency, you may need to
contact me directly; my contact details are below. If I am not in my office when you call, please leave a
message on my voicemail or email me and I will respond as soon as possible.
Have fun learning MAE103.
Unit chair
LB4.418, School of Accounting, Economics and Finance
Deakin University, Melbourne Burwood Campus
Phone: 9244 6645
Unit chair
P Bhattacharya
Unit chair details
Name Dr. Prasad S Bhattacharya
School Accounting, Economics and Finance
Faculty Business and Law
Melbourne Burwood Campus
Room no.: LB 4.418
Phone 92446645
Other staff
Burwood Teaching Staff Dr. Randy Silvers
Melbourne Burwood Campus
Room no.: LB4.411
Phone 92517376
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Geelong Teaching Staff Dr. Mokhtarul Wadud
Campus Geelong Waterfront Campus
Phone 52272051
Other Teaching Staff Ms. Sue Chua (Tutor for Melbourne Burwood Campus)
Campus Melbourne Burwood Campus
Phone use unit chairs contact phone
Administrative queries
Queries relating to administrative matters should be addressed to a Faculty Student Adviser, staff at the
Faculty Campus Office, Student Administration Group Manager or the Faculty General Manager. Enquiries
can be made via email to:
Undergraduate Students: (Burwood)
G (Geelong)
G (Warrnambool)
Postgraduate Students: (for all postgraduate students)
As a student of Deakin University, you have rights in relation to your study in this unit for example, to be
respected, stimulated, challenged and valued as an individual; to be taught by competent, motivating and
accessible teachers who provide timely and thoughtful feedback to you on your work; and to have access to
review and appeal processes should they be required.
Importantly, you also have responsibilities as a member of the University community for example, to accept
and act on advice and feedback on your academic performance; to participate constructively in learning in
class and online; and to treat staff and other students with respect and courtesy.
These are just some of the student rights and responsibilities that are set out in Deakin University's Student
Charter. You should be familiar with the Charter so that you have a clear understanding of our obligations to
you and your obligations to other students and staff while studying this unit. You will find the Charter and
o t h e r i n f o r ma t i o n a b o u t y o u r r i g h t s a n d r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s a t
http: / / www. deaki n. edu. au/ students/ enrol ment- f ees- money/ ri ghts- and- responsi bi l i ti es.
Not applicable as this is the first offering of this unit.
Towards the end of the teaching period you will be emailed a link to the eVALUate survey for this unit. I
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encourage you to complete this as the results are used to help assess curriculum, teaching and assessment
directions in this unit.
Unit code
Unit title
Managerial Economics
Contact hours
1x2 hour class, 1x1 hour seminar per week
Study commitment
Students will on average spend 150 hours over the trimester undertaking the teaching, learning and
assessment activities for this unit. This will include 3 face-to-face contact hours per week (1 x 2-hour class and
1 x 1-hour seminar) and online problem-based exercises.
Unit prerequisite(s)
Unit corequisite(s)
Unit incompatible(s)
Managerial economics examines how changes in the macroeconomic environment influence management
decisions. The unit focuses on economic concepts, tools of analysis and their relevance in management
decision making. Starting with an overview of changes in macro- economic indicators such as national income,
population, interest rates, exchange rates and business cycles. The unit proceeds to examine how managers
respond to these through changes in price, investment plans, production, sales, inventory and overall resource
utilisation. A particular focus of the unit is to collect, analyse and interpret economic data to assist business
decision making.
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Trimester 2 teaching period begins Monday 14 July 2014
Intra-trimester break Monday 11 to Sunday 17 August 2014
Teaching period ends Friday 3 October 2014
Study period Monday 6 to Friday 10 October 2014
Examinations begin Monday 13 October 2014
Examinations end Friday 24 October 2014
Inter-trimester break Monday 27 October to Friday 7 November 2014
Results released Friday 7 November 2014, 6 pm
due date
1 14 July
Introduction (including graphical
analysis), production possibilities and
opportunity cost [chapters 1 and 2]
2 21 July
Market demand and supply, markets in
action; policy issue => climate change
[chapters 3 and 4 and second part of
chapter 10]
3 28 July
Elasticity of demand and supply
[chapter 5]
4 4 August Production costs [chapter 6]
Online Test 1 (covering
materials from weeks 1, 2
and 3).
Exact date of the test as well
as the test opening and
closing times to be
announced in CloudDeakin.
5 18 August
Overview of market structures and
policy issue => resource tax
[chapters 7, 8, 9 and first part of
chapter 10]
6 25 August
Measuring the size of the economy and
long run economic growth
[chapters 11 and 12]
7 1 September
Short run issues in macroeconomics:
Business cycles, inflation and
[chapters 12 and 13]
Online Test 2 (covering
materials from weeks 4, 5
and 6)
Exact date of the test as well
as the test opening and
closing times to be
announced in CloudDeakin.
8 8 September
A simple model of the macro economy
[chapter 14]
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9 15 September
The monetary and financial system
[chapter 15]
Online Test 3 (covering
materials from weeks 7 and 8)
Exact date of the test as well
as the test opening and
closing times to be
announced in CloudDeakin.
10 22 September
Macroeconomic policy: monetary
[chapter 16]
Assignment due on 22
September, Monday by
11.59pm in CloudDeakin.
11 29 September
Macroeconomic policy: fiscal policy
[chapter 17]
Online Test 4 (covering
materials from weeks 9 and
Exact date of the test as well
as the test opening and
closing times to be
announced in CloudDeakin.
The Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs) listed below describe what you are expected to have achieved on
completion of this unit. Each ULO relates to one or more of the Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs)
which describe the knowledge and capabilities you should acquire and be able to apply and demonstrate at the
completion of your course (see below). Not all of the GLOs are developed and assessed in every unit.
ULO: At the successful completion of this unit students can: The ULO relates to
the following GLO/s:
ULO1 Apply and understand basic economic concepts and theories
GLO 1, GLO2, GLO4,
Demonstrate, apply and understand how demand and supply interact to
influence consumer and managerial decision making
GLO 1, GLO2, GLO4,
Identify and understand how the global economy impacts on consumers and
producers in small open economies
GLO 1, GLO2, GLO4,
Critically evaluate effects of changes in economic policies on consumers and
business decision making
Collect appropriate data, analyse and assess effects of changes in economic
policies on consumers and business decision making
Cohesively articulate how the dynamics of the economy works on individuals
and businesses using a variety of communication platforms
Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs) are systematically integrated into courses by contextualising
them as Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) which are then mapped to the units of study that make up the
course. Up to six Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs) are developed and assessed for each unit that describe what
students are expected to have achieved on successful completion of the unit. All ULOs should be assessed via
summative assessment. For more information about the development of CLOs and ULOs see the Guide to
Co u r s e E n h a n c e me n t a t :
http: / / www. deaki n. edu. au/ l earni ng/ course- enhancements/ course- enhancements- stage- 2.
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GLO1 Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities:
appropriate to the level of study related to a
discipline or profession
GLO5 Problem solving: creating solutions to authentic
(real world and ill-defined) problems
GLO2 Communication: using oral, written and
interpersonal communication to inform,
motivate and effect change
GLO6 Self-management: working and learning
independently, and taking responsibility for
personal actions
GLO3 Digital literacy: using technologies to find,
use and disseminate information
GLO7 Teamwork: working and learning with others
from different disciplines and backgrounds
GLO4 Critical thinking: evaluating information using
critical and analytical thinking and judgment
GLO8 Global citizenship: engaging ethically and
productively in the professional context and
with diverse communities and cultures in a
global context
All learning and assessment resources (lecture notes, tutorial questions, answers to tutorial questions,
assignment, online tests) will be available online via CloudDeakin. Student queries will also be answered via
CloudDeakin apart from face-to-face consultations at Burwood and Waterfront campuses. The face-to-face
consultation hour timings will be posted in CloudDeakin.
Assessment 1 (Individual) - Online tests - 20%
Assessment 2 (Individual) - Written assignment- Economic Report (1500 words) - 30%
Examination 2 hours - 50%
Hurdle requirement: achieve at least 50% of the marks available on the examination.
Hurdle requirements
Brief summary of hurdle requirement Rationale
The School has a 50% hurdle requirement for all
undergraduate units offered by the School for students
to meet the unit learning objectives.
The School has a 50% hurdle requirement for all
undergraduate units offered by the School for
students to meet the unit learning objectives.
Summative assessment
This information must be consistent with the Handbook entry.
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- Summative assessment task 1
Summative assessment tasks 1, 2, 3 and 4
Online Test 1, Online Test 2, Online Test 3, Online Test 4
Brief description of assessment task
Multiple choice questions need to be answered online
individually during the online test opening time period.
Detail of student output
Need to prepare based on the syllabus provided in the unit
guide as well as in CloudDeakin.
(% total mark for unit)
Unit Learning Outcome(s) assessed ULO1, ULO2, ULO3, ULO4, ULO5, ULO6
Deakin Graduate Learning Outcome(s)
(GLO) assessed
What early feedback will student get,
how and when?
We will discuss the answers in tutorials and students can get
the detailed feedback via these discussions.
Due date and form of submission All specific details will be provided in CloudDeakin.
- Summative assessment task 2
Summative assessment Task
see before
Brief description of assessment task
Detail of student output
(% total mark for unit)
Unit Learning Outcome(s) assessed
Deakin Graduate Learning Outcome(s) (GLO) assessed
What early feedback will student get, how and when?
Due date and form of submission
- Summative assessment task 3
Summative assessment task 3
Assignment; Written report
Brief description of assessment task
Individual written report on a specific issue to be provided
by the unit team.
Detail of student output 1500 words
(% total mark for unit)
Unit Learning Outcome(s) assessed ULO1, ULO2, ULO3, ULO4, ULO5, ULO6
Deakin Graduate Learning Outcome(s)
(GLO) assessed
What early feedback will student get, how
and when?
We will provide feedback before the final exam so that
students can identify their mistakes and rectify.
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Due date and form of submission
22nd September, online submission via CloudDeakin by
- Summative assessment task 4
Summative Assessment Task 4
Final examination
Brief description of assessment task Individual, closed book Final written examination.
Detail of student output
Combination of multiple choice questions and short
answer questions.
(% total mark for unit)
Unit Learning Outcome(s) assessed ULOS 1 to 6.
Deakin Graduate Learning Outcome(s) assessed GLOs 1, 4 and 5.
What early feedback will student get, how and
Due date and form of submission
Checking final examination dates are the
responsibility of students.
Formative assessment
Formative assessments (which are designed to provide students with feedback on progress and inform
development, but for which no marks are allocated)
Full details of assessment tasks will normally be published in CloudDeakin by the week before the beginning of
Assignment submission
You must keep a backup copy of every assignment you submit, until the marked assignment has
been returned to you. In the unusual event that one of your assignments is misplaced, you will need to
submit your backup copy.
Any work you submit may be checked by electronic or other means for the purposes of detecting collusion
and/or plagiarism.
All assignments are submitted through CloudDeakin. When you submit an assignment you should
receive an email to your Deakin email address confirming that it has been submitted.You must check to
ensure that you have received this email after uploading your assignment documents.
1. Full details regarding assessment tasks will be provided online in CloudDeakin. You must read these
details - the information provided in the handbook and in the table above provide only a summary.
2. All assignments are to be submitted online in an area provided in CloudDeakin. They are counted as "on
time" if submitted by the specified time AEST or AEDT on the due date. If necessary, you can look up your
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local time.
When submitting online, you must check that you have submitted work correctly by following the instructions
provided in CloudDeakin.
Submission of a printed copy of assignments via the Faculty Office may also be required for some tasks - any
such information is provided with the assessment details available online in CloudDeakin.
3. The following declaration relating to academic honesty must be made and submitted along with any
"I certify that the attached work is entirely my own (or, where submitted to meet the requirements of an
approved group assignment, is the work of the group), except where material quoted or paraphrased is
acknowledged in the text. I also declare that it has not been submitted for assessment in any other unit or
An Assignment Attachment Sheet containing this declaration is available online in CloudDeakin. Unless
otherwise instructed in the assignment details, a copy of this sheet must be completed and attached with the
online submission. If a printed submission is required, on campus students must print out this same sheet, sign
and attach to the printed version of the assignment. Cloud (online) students submitting a printed assignment
should attach the form provided with your unit materials.
4. Extensions to the dates for submission of assignments and other assessment tasks conducted during the
trimester will be considered only if a written request is submitted and negotiated with the designated Unit
5. Assignments or other assessment tasks conducted during the trimester submitted late without an extension
being granted will not be marked. These will be held until final grading and may be taken into consideration in
a pass/fail situation.
Cloud (online) students
When assignments are submitted via the postal or courier system the post mark or courier receipt date is
regarded as the date the assignment is submitted.
Essential learning resources
Economics for Today
Fourth Asia Pacific Edition
by Allan Layton, Tim Robinson and Irvin B Tucker
ISBN: 978-0170190855
Cengage Learning
Additional learning resources (if needed) will be provided via CloudDeakin.
Recommended learning resources
The lecturers may require you to read some additional articles from time to time. This will be communicated
via CloudDeakin.
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Various writing and referencing styles are used within the Faculty of Business and Law. All assignments MUST
be properly referenced as outlined in the Guide to Assignment Writing and Referencing. This is distributed
free to all beginning students, may be purchased from the Deakin bookshop, or can be downloaded from
Avoiding plagiarism and collusion
Plagiarism is the use of other people's words, ideas, research findings or information without
acknowledgement, that is, without indicating the source. These sources may include other students, internet
sites, textbooks or journals. Plagiarism is a very serious offence and Deakin University has procedures and
penalties to deal with instances of plagiarism and with collusion (acting with another person with the intention
to deceive, for example submitting someone elses work). This link provides further information on how to
avoid plagiarism and collusion:
Note too that you cannot submit for assessment an assignment or part of an assignment of your own that has
already been submitted for assessment at any educational institution. Penalties for plagiarism are detailed in
Schedule A to the Student Academic Misconduct procedure. Further information can be found in Regulation
04.1(2) - Academic Misconduct
Submission of Assignments
Extensions for Assignments
For all Business & Law unit assessment tasks in a trimester (other than examinations), requests for extensions
of time for submission should be directed to the Unit Chair in the first instance.
Penalties for late submission in Business & Law units
Assignments or other assessment tasks conducted during the trimester submitted late without an extension
being granted will not be marked. These will be held until final grading and may be taken into consideration
in a pass/fail situation.
Results common questions
If you have any questions or concerns about your assessment, or about the mark you are awarded for an
individual assessment task, it is best to speak to your Unit Chair or Unit Coordinator in the first instance.
There is also a formal process to apply for a review of your overall unit result through the relevant Faculty
Committee. Applications must be submitted within five working days of the release of results. For Faculty
Commi ttee contacts and the answers to some common questi ons about resul ts, go to:
www. deaki n. edu. au/students/assessments/common-resul ts-questi ons
Special consideration
If you have an on-going issue (medical or personal) which may impact on your academic performance
throughout the trimester you should contact the Disability Resources Centre for advice and support. See
If your performance in an assessment task was, or is likely to be, adversely affected by serious and exceptional
circumstances beyond your control, you may be eligible for special consideration on medical, compassionate or
hardship/trauma grounds. If it is granted, special consideration may provide an opportunity for a student to
undert ake anot her assessment t ask or t o have hi s or her marks adj ust ed. See
www. deaki n. edu. au/ students/ assessments/ speci al - consi derati on.
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Academic progress
Academic progress is a student's progress towards successful completion of the academic requirements of the
Course in which they are enrolled. Information on academic progress processes can be found here:
Other information about exams and assessment (including submission of assignments, exams, release of
Workshops and seminars
During the trimester, Language and Learning Advisers offer a comprehensive range of workshops and
seminars that provide you with an opportunity to enhance your academic skills.
Peer learning
Deakin has a number of free peer support programs to assist you with your studies.
Academic skills resources
Disability Resource Centre
The Disability Resource Centre provides access to services and supports that assist students with disability or
health conditions short- or long-term to make the most of their study.
Health, safety and wellbeing
Deakin offers a range of services to help students and staff stay health and safe physically, mentally and
Deakin University Library
Library Resource Guides (subject-based guides to academic journals, databases, e-reading and websites)
Library help services
University Bookshop (to buy prescribed texts)
Phone: 1800 686 681 (freecall)
Email:; or order online:
CloudDeakin and IT support and information
Software library (including Endnote bibliographic software)
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2014 Handbook
The Handbook provides general information about studying at Deakin, key dates and a search facility for
courses and units
Your personal gateway to your student record, including information about enrolment, fees, timetables,
Policies and procedures
Customer service
G or go to Deakin Central
Student complaints
Add links to additional Faculty-specific information as required, e.g. Student Manuals/Guides.