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CDS Version 1.

Version 1.04 Release July 2000
This is a further incremental release which rectifys more bugs that have been reported in the last
year. This version is still supported and we will continue to release additional bug fixs when
Some of the more notable fixes are listed below.
Killing Jobs three of you somehow managed to be able to !ill a "ob by somehow having two
copies of the "ob# with the same name# but living in different locations# and having them both open
at the same time. $e believe that we have removed the possibility of this happening again#
although# we never cease to be ama%ed by the ingenuity of our clients when it comes to placing
your hard earned data in danger.
&s a side bar to this problem# it is '(T a bac!up if it is living on the same computer and open at
the same time as the original copy )))
*mport we have considerably speeded up the importing of files from other software. e.g. a +(SS
file which used to ta!e over , minutes to get in now ta!es around ,- seconds.
.xport /$0 symbols from 1/S are now exported as 2loc!s in &utocad.
1ontouring if you had a very long "ob name# 3over 4- characters5 1/S may have refused to
contour correctly. This has been rectified.
6oom 7revious and 6oom magnification have now been re8instated.
9eights were previously displayed and plotted to : decimal paces regardless of what you did.
now fixed.
7oints Select ;ange had problems if '<== was involved now fixed.
1ogo ;oad 1alcs Truncations 3the old Splays5 has been added
1ogo ;oad 1alcs &utoroad will now store calculated chainages and offsets if a ;oad 'umber
has been set.
1ogo ;oad 1alcs 8 &utoroad will now allow you to specify a height correction for each offset
if re>uired.
1ogo ;oad 1alcs 8 7arallel had problems with the half angle on some "obs# and# would not wor!
if you had a series of lines along the same straight both misdemeanours corrected.
1ogo Sta!eout you can now specify a series of Setup stations for the ;adial report.
1ogo : /istance *ntersection was putting the calculated points on =ayer - regarless of what
you had set as the current layer now re8educated.
Version 1.03 Release April 23 1999
&ny changes contained in this release have been documented in the ;elease 'otes shipped with this
1/ or /is! set.
The (n =ine manual has also been updated to reflect the changes in this release.
&ny things which have been noticed after the release notes and on8line manual were completed are
contained in this file.
7lease read through and '(T. the following items?
7revious versions of 1/S used $indows +etafiles. They use an extension of @$+A@. This
version will use any existing symbolsB but has the ability to use enhanced metafiles @.+A@.
.nhanced metafiles are recommended but you can still create new symbols in an $+A format if
you wish.
The enhanced metafile has the advantage that it !nows internally at what si%e it was created. The
symbol library in 1/S can use this when first registering the symbol. Cou can however overwrite
this si%e if you wishB but remember that rereading the symbol library will overwrite this si%e with
the creation si%e of the metafile.
*f you wish to retain the pre8existing symbols and si%esB and donDt want to install any new ones then
do a custom installation ma!ing sure that you tic! everything except the loc!ed files.
*f you browse the release 1/ you may notice a folder called @;T& symbols@. *f you want to use
these symbols then copy them as well to the @AoresiteEvariable@ folder. Cou will have to reread the
symbol library.
&ll the symbols supplied as default with 1/S have been created at a nominal scale of 4mm. *f you
want a different si%e you have two main options. Cou can change the magnification factor in any
code libraryDs you use. This is the preferred option. &lternatively you can redo the metafile. &
shareware program called metafile companion has been included on the release 1/. This allows
you to edit existing metafiles or create your own. There are other programs around if you so desire.
<se of +etafile 1ompanion
This is a shareware program. To install it run the setup program from the +etafile1ompanion
folder on the release 1/. *t allows you a number of free goes. &fter that you need to register for
about F,- <S. There is online help program.
Profiles & Se!ions
*f you load an old ;oad "ob into this version# you may need to redo your 7rofile G Section
*f your Section is displayed with a thic! line# you should access section plotting parameters# and
then select the =inetype tab for the relevant sections. 1hange the D$idthD bac! to H and when you
return to the display all will be well
Runnin" un#er $in#o%s &'
$indows 'T is the preferred environment for 1/S due to itDs more robust nature. &n additional
driver for the hardware dongle needs to be installed howeverB as 'T does not allow the program to
access the parallel port directly. 'ote you only have to install this driver once. *f your program
already runs under 'T nothing needs to be doneB as it has already been installed. The setup
program can be found in the 'T/is! folder on the 1/S 1/. Aor additional information and
further utility chec!ing programs you are best accessing the rainbow web site directly. *t can be
found at $$$.;'2(.1(+
& note about 9ardware =oc!sI/ongles
7lease note that if you do not have a valid dongle installed in one of
your 7rinter ports when you start the program# it will operate in @/emo@ mode.
This will allow you to process a limited part of your "ob# but all options
concerned with export or printingIplotting will be disabled.
&lso various design options which are not part of T;7S will be disabled.
*f you have a T;7S dongle /( '(T plug a 6ip drive into it 8 it is almost certain
to damage the loc!# and we will not carry the cost of any loc!s damaged in this fashion.
Cou should plug the 6ip directly into the computer# and then# if you must#
put the dongle into the bac! of the 6ip drive# and then plug the
7rinter cord into the dongle.
The 1/S dongles do not seem to have the same sensitivity to 6ip drives# but for safety
we recommend that you plug them into the 6ip drive rather than the computer.

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