Henry Ford Biography

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Henry Ford had an interest in machinery from a young age and left home at 16 to become an apprentice machinist. He later founded the Ford Motor Company and revolutionized automobile production with the assembly line.

Ford's first job was as an engineer for Edison Illuminating Company in 1891, where he was promptly promoted to Chief Engineer.

Ford created the Quadricycle, the first 'horseless carriage' powered by gasoline and riding on four bicycle wheels. This invention led to the founding of Ford Motor Company.

Henry Ford Biography


Ford was born the first of six children July 30, 1863 to
prosperous farmers in Wayne County, near Dearborn,
Michigan. When Ford was 13 years old, his father gifted
him a pocket watch, which the young boy promptly took
apart and reassembled. Friends and neighbors were
impressed, and requested that he fix their timepieces

Unsatistfied with farm work, Ford left home the
following year, at the age of 16, to take an
apprenticeship as a machinist in Detroit. In the
years that followed, he would learn to skillfully
operate and service steam engines, and would
also study bookkeeping (Goldsmith, Bryant &
Stratton Business ).
After his experience he went back to his home in
Dearborn working only part time for
Westinghouse Engine Company (this company
was historically rival General Electric) and
spending his spare time working in a small
machine shop that he put together on the familys

Fords marriage to Clara Bryant in 1888
required him to get a better paying job. In 1891
he started as an engineer for Edison Illuminating
Company and was promptly promoted to Chief
Engineer. The job required Ford to be on call 24
hours a day. In his on-call time he began to
experiment with internal combustion engines
and created the Quadricycle, the first "horseless carriage", powered by gasoline
and riding on four bicycle wheels. This invention led to the founding of Ford Motor
Ford Motor Company
Within the same year, he attended a meeting with Edison
executives and found himself presenting his automobile
plans to Thomas Edison. The lighting genius encouraged
Ford to build a second, better model.

Ford died on April 7, 1947 in Dearborn Michigan.

Los primeros aos:
Ford naci el primero de seis hijos 30 de julio 1863 a los agricultores prsperos en
el Condado de Wayne, cerca de Dearborn, Michigan. Cuando Ford tena 13 aos,
su padre le regal un reloj de bolsillo, que el joven tom rpidamente aparte y
vuelto a montar. Amigos y vecinos estaban impresionados, y solicitaron que
arreglar sus relojes tambin.
Unsatistfied los trabajos del campo, Ford sali de su casa el ao siguiente, a la
edad de 16, para tomar como aprendiz de maquinista en Detroit. En los aos que
siguieron, l aprendera a manejar con habilidad y motores de vapor de servicio, y
sera tambin estudiar contabilidad (Goldsmith, Bryant & Stratton Business).
Despus de su experiencia regres a su casa en Dearborn trabajando slo a
tiempo parcial para Westinghouse Motor Company y pasar su tiempo libre
trabajando en un pequeo taller de mquinas que form en las tierras de la familia.
El matrimonio de Ford a Clara Bryant en 1888 le obligaba a conseguir un trabajo
mejor remunerado. En 1891 se inici como ingeniero para Edison Illuminating
Company y fue promovido rpidamente al jefe de mquinas. Requiere el trabajo
de Ford que estar de guardia las 24 horas del da. En su tiempo de atencin que
comenz a experimentar con motores de combustin interna y cre el cuadriciclo,
el primer "carruaje sin caballos", impulsado por la gasolina, y cabalgando sobre
cuatro ruedas de bicicleta. Esta invencin se llev a la fundacin de Ford Motor
En el mismo ao, asisti a una reunin con los ejecutivos de Edison y se encontr
que presenta sus planes de automviles a Thomas Edison. El genio de la
iluminacin anim Ford para construir un segundo modelo mejor,.
Ford Motor Company
Ford falleci el 7 de abril de 1947 en Dearborn Michigan.

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