Guías Infecciones Asociadas A Cateter IDSA 2009
Guías Infecciones Asociadas A Cateter IDSA 2009
Guías Infecciones Asociadas A Cateter IDSA 2009
Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis
and Management of Intravascular Catheter-Related
Infection: 2009 Update by the Infectious Diseases
Society of America
Leonard A. Mermel,
Michael Allon,
Emilio Bouza,
Donald E. Craven,
Patricia Flynn,
Naomi P. OGrady,
Issam I. Raad,
Bart J. A. Rijnders,
Robert J. Sherertz,
and David K. Warren
Division of Infectious Diseases, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island;
University of Alabama-Birmingham
Hospital, Birmingham, Alabama;
Tufts University School of Medicine, Lahey Clinic Medical Center, Burlington, Massachusetts;
St. Jude
Childrens Research Hospital, Childrens Infection Defense Center, Memphis, Tennessee;
National Institutes of Health, Critical Care Medicine
Department, Bethesda, Maryland;
Section of Infectious Diseases, University of Texas-Cancer Center, Houston;
Section of Infectious Diseases,
Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina;
Division of Infectious Diseases, Washington University School
of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri;
Servicio de Microbiolog a Cli nica y E. Infecciosas Hospital General Gregorio Maranon, Madrid, Spain;
Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
These updated guidelines replace the previous management guidelines published in 2001. The guidelines are
intended for use by health care providers who care for patients who either have these infections or may be
at risk for them.
Diagnosis: Intravenous Catheter Cultures
1. Catheter cultures should be performed when a
catheter is removed for suspected catheter-related
bloodstream infection (CRBSI); catheter cultures
should not be obtained routinely (A-II).
2. Qualitative broth culture of catheter tips is not
recommended (A-II).
3. For central venous catheters (CVCs), the catheter
Received 16 March 2009; accepted 18 March 2009; electronically published 2
June 2009.
It is important to realize that guidelines cannot always account for individual
variation among patients. They are not intended to supplant physician judgment
with respect to particular patients or special clinical situations. The IDSA considers
adherence to these guidelines to be voluntary, with the ultimate determination
regarding their application to be made by the physician in the light of each patients
individual circumstances.
Reprints or corresponence: Dr. Leonard Mermel, Div. of Infectious Diseases,
Rhode Island Hospital, 593 Eddy St., Providence, RI 02903 ([email protected]).
Clinical Infectious Diseases 2009; 49:145
2009 by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1086/599376
tip should be cultured, rather than the subcutaneous
segment (B-III).
4. For cultures of an anti-infective catheter tip, use
specic inhibitors in the culture media (A-II).
5. Growth of 115 colony-forming units (cfu) from
a 5-cm segment of the catheter tip by semiquantitative
(roll-plate) culture or growth of 110
cfu from a cath-
eter by quantitative (sonication) broth culture reects
catheter colonization (A-I).
6. When catheter infection is suspected and there is
a catheter exit site exudate, swab the drainage to collect
specimens for culture and Gram staining (B-III).
Short-term catheters, including arterial catheters.
7. For short-term catheter tip cultures, the roll plate
technique is recommended for routine clinical micro-
biological analysis (A-II).
8. For suspected pulmonary artery catheter infec-
tion, culture the introducer tip (A-II).
Long-term catheters
9. Semiquantitative growth of !15 cfu/plate of the
same microbe from both the insertion site culture and
2 CID 2009:49 (1 July) Mermel et al.
Figure 1. Methods for the diagnosis of acute fever for a patient suspected of having short-term central venous catheter infection or arterial catheter
infection. CFU, colony-forming units.
the catheter hub culture strongly suggests that the catheter is
not the source of a bloodstream infection (A-II).
10. If a venous access subcutaneous port is removed for
suspected CRBSI, send the port to the microbiology laboratory
for qualitative culture of the port reservoir contents, in addition
to the catheter tip (B-II).
Diagnosis: Blood Cultures
11. Obtain samples for blood culture prior to the initiation
of antibiotic therapy (gure 1) (A-I).
12. Where available, a phlebotomy team should draw the
blood samples (A-II).
13. Skin preparation for obtaining percutaneously drawn
blood samples should be performed carefully, with use of ei-
ther alcohol or tincture of iodine or alcoholic chlorhexidine
(10.5%), rather than povidone-iodine; allowadequate skincon-
tact and drying times to mitigate blood culture contamination
14. If a blood sample is obtained through a catheter, clean
the catheter hub with either alcohol or tincture of iodine or
alcoholic chlorhexidine (10.5%), allowing adequate drying time
to mitigate blood culture contamination (A-I).
15. For suspected CRBSI, paired blood samples, drawn from
the catheter and a peripheral vein, should be cultured before
initiation of antimicrobial therapy, and the bottles should be
appropriately marked to reect the site from which the samples
were obtained (A-II).
16. If a blood sample cannot be drawn from a peripheral
vein, it is recommended that 2 blood samples should be
drawn through different catheter lumens (B-III). It is unclear
whether blood cultures should be drawn through all catheter
lumens in such circumstances (C-III).
17. A denitive diagnosis of CRBSI requires that the same
organism grow from at least 1 percutaneous blood culture and
from a culture of the catheter tip (A-I), or that 2 blood samples
be drawn (one from a catheter hub and the other from a
peripheral vein) that, when cultured, meet CRBSI criteria for
quantitative blood cultures or differential time to positivity
(DTP) (A-II). Alternatively, 2 quantitative blood cultures of
samples obtained through 2 catheter lumens in which the col-
ony count for the blood sample drawn through one lumen is
at least 3-fold greater than the colony count for the blood
IDSA Guidelines for Intravascular Catheter-Related Infection CID 2009:49 (1 July) 3
sample obtained from the second lumen should be considered
to indicate possible CRBSI (B-II). In this circumstance, the
interpretation of blood cultures that meet the DTP criteria is
an unresolved issue (C-III).
18. For quantitative blood cultures, a colony count of mi-
crobes grown from blood obtained through the catheter hub
that is at least 3-fold greater than the colony count from blood
obtained from a peripheral vein best denes CRBSI (A-II).
19. For DTP, growth of microbes from a blood sample drawn
from a catheter hub at least 2 h before microbial growth is
detected in a blood sample obtained from a peripheral vein
best denes CRBSI (A-II).
20. Quantitative blood cultures and/or DTP should be per-
formed before initiating antimicrobial therapy and with the
same volume of blood per bottle (A-II).
21. Evidence is insufcient to recommend that blood cul-
tures be routinely performed after discontinuation of antimi-
crobial therapy for CRBSI (C-III).
General Management of Catheter-Related Infection
22. When denoting duration of antimicrobial therapy, day
1 is the rst day on which negative blood culture results are
obtained (C-III).
23. Vancomycin is recommended for empirical therapy in
heath care settings with an elevated prevalence of methicillin-
resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA); for institutions in
which the preponderance of MRSA isolates have vancomycin
minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values 12 mg/mL,
alternative agents, such as daptomycin, should be used (A-II).
24. Linezolid should not be used for empirical therapy (i.e.,
for patients suspected but not proven to have CRBSI) (A-I).
25. Empirical coverage for gram-negative bacilli should be
based on local antimicrobial susceptibility data and the severity
of disease (e.g., a fourth-generation cephalosporin, carbape-
nem, or b-lactam/b-lactamase combination, with or without
an aminoglycoside) (A-II).
26. Empirical combination antibiotic coverage for multi-
drug-resistant (MDR) gram-negative bacilli, such as Pseudo-
monas aeruginosa, should be used when CRBSI is suspected in
neutropenic patients, severely ill patients with sepsis, or patients
known to be colonized with such pathogens, until the culture
and susceptibility data are available and de-escalation of the
antibiotic regimen can be done (A-II).
27. In addition to coverage for gram-positive pathogens, em-
pirical therapy for suspected CRBSI involving femoral catheters
in critically ill patients should include coverage for gram-neg-
ative bacilli and Candida species (A-II).
28. Empirical therapy for suspected catheter-related candi-
demia should be used for septic patients with any of the fol-
lowing risk factors: total parenteral nutrition, prolonged use of
broad-spectrum antibiotics, hematologic malignancy, receipt of
bone marrow or solid-organ transplant, femoral catheteriza-
tion, or colonization due to Candida species at multiple sites
29. For empirical treatment of suspected catheter-related
candidemia, use an echinocandin or, in selected patients, u-
conazole (A-II). Fluconazole can be used for patients without
azole exposure in the previous 3 months and in health care
settings where the risk of Candida krusei or Candida glabrata
infection is very low (A-III).
30. Antibiotic lock therapy should be used for catheter sal-
vage (B-II); however, if antibiotic lock therapy cannot be used
in this situation, systemic antibiotics should be administered
through the colonized catheter (C-III).
31. Four to 6 weeks of antibiotic therapy should be admin-
istered to patients with persistent fungemia or bacteremia after
catheter removal (i.e., occurring 172 h after catheter removal)
(A-II for S. aureus infection; C-III for infection due to other
pathogens), to patients who are found to have infective en-
docarditis or suppurative thrombophlebitis, and to pediatric
patients with osteomyelitis; 68 weeks of therapy should be
used for the treatment of osteomyelitis in adults (gures 2 and
3) (A-II).
32. Long-term catheters should be removed from patients
with CRBSI associated with any of the following conditions:
severe sepsis; suppurative thrombophlebitis; endocarditis;
bloodstream infection that continues despite 172 h of anti-
microbial therapy to which the infecting microbes are suscep-
tible; or infections due to S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, fungi, or
mycobacteria (A-II). Short-term catheters should be removed
from patients with CRBSI due to gram-negative bacilli, S. au-
reus, enterococci, fungi, and mycobacteria (A-II).
33. For patients with CRBSI for whom catheter salvage is
attempted, additional blood cultures should be obtained, and
the catheter should be removed if blood culture results (e.g.,
2 sets of blood cultures obtained on a given day; 1 set of blood
cultures is acceptable for neonates) remain positive when blood
samples are obtained 72 h after the initiation of appropriate
therapy (B-II).
34. For long-term and short-term CRBSI due to less virulent
microbes that are difcult to eradicate (e.g., Bacillus species,
Micrococcus species, or Propionibacteria), catheters should
generally be removed after blood culture contamination is
ruled out on the basis of multiple positive culture results,
with at least 1 blood culture sample drawn from a peripheral
vein (B-III).
35. In uncomplicated CRBSI involving long-term catheters
due to pathogens other than S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, Bacillus
species, Micrococcus species, Propionibacteria, fungi, or my-
cobacteria, because of the limited access sites in many patients
who require long-term intravascular access for survival (e.g.,
patients undergoing hemodialysis or with short-gut syndrome),
4 CID 2009:49 (1 July) Mermel et al.
Figure 2. Approach to the management of patients with short-term central venous catheterrelated or arterial catheterrelated bloodstreaminfection.
CFU, colony-forming units; S. aureus, Staphylococcus aureus.
treatment should be attempted without catheter removal, with
use of both systemic and antimicrobial lock therapy (B-II).
36. After a positive blood culture result is reported that may
represent CRBSI, automated standardized treatment advice can
be formulated to improve compliance with Infectious Diseases
Society of America (IDSA) guidelines (B-II).
37. Urokinase and other thrombolytic agents are not rec-
ommended as adjunctive therapy for patients with CRBSI
38. If a catheterized patient has a single positive blood cul-
ture that grows coagulase-negative Staphylococcus species, then
additional cultures of blood samples obtained through the sus-
pected catheter and from a peripheral vein should be performed
before the initiation of antimicrobial therapy and/or catheter
removal to be certain that the patient has true bloodstream
infection and that the catheter is the likely source (A-II).
Recommendations related to the unique aspects of the follow-
ing subjects may also be found in the text: treating short-term
peripheral venous catheters, nontunneled and long-termCVCs,
implanted catheterrelated infections (other than infections re-
lated to hemodialysis catheters), treatment of pediatric patients
with catheter-related infections, and treatment of infections re-
lated to hemodialysis catheters. Recommendations are also
made regarding antibiotic lock therapy, pathogen-specic treat-
ment, management of suppurative thrombophlebitis, manage-
ment of persistent bloodstream infection, and detection and
management of an outbreak of CRBSI. A full listing of all
recommendations may be found in table 1.
In 2001, the IDSA published a clinical practice guideline on
the management of intravascular catheter-related infection [1].
IDSA updates its guidelines when new data or publications
might change a prior recommendation or when the Expert
Panel feels clarications or additional guidance are warranted.
For the 2009 Update, the indications for treatment and agents
of choice from the 2001 guideline were reviewed [1]. The pre-
vious document is a source for a more detailed review of earlier
The Expert Panel addressed the following clinical questions
in the 2009 Update:
I. Diagnosis: when and how should catheter cultures and
blood cultures be done?
II. How should catheter-related infections generally be
III. What are the unique aspects of treating infections as-
sociated with short-term peripheral venous catheters?
IV. What are the unique aspects of treating infections as-
sociated with nontunneled CVCs and arterial catheters?
V. What are the unique aspects of treating infections asso-
ciated with long-term CVCs or implanted catheterrelated in-
fections other than those related to hemodialysis catheters?
IDSA Guidelines for Intravascular Catheter-Related Infection CID 2009:49 (1 July) 5
Figure 3. Approach to the treatment of a patient with a long-term central venous catheter (CVC) or a port (P)-related bloodstream infection.
VI. What are the unique aspects of treating pediatric patients
who have catheter-related infections?
VII. What are the unique aspects of managing patients who
receive hemodialysis through catheters for whom catheter-re-
lated infection is suspected or proven?
VIII. What is antibiotic lock therapy, and how is it used to
manage patients with catheter-related infection?
IX. Are there pathogen-specic treatment recommendations?
X. How should you manage suppurative thrombophlebitis?
XI. How are persistent bloodstream infection and infective
endocarditis managed?
XII. How would you detect and manage a possible outbreak
Practice guidelines and update methodology. Practice
guidelines are systematically developed statements to assist
practitioners and patients in making decisions about appro-
priate health care for specic clinical circumstances [2, p. 8].
Attributes of good guidelines include validity, reliability, re-
producibility, clinical applicability, clinical exibility, clarity,
multidisciplinary process, review of evidence, and documen-
tation [2].
Expert Panel composition. The IDSA Standards and Prac-
tice Guidelines Committee convened a multidisciplinary panel
of experts in the management of intravascular catheter-related
infections. Expert Panel participants included representatives
from the following collaborating organizations: European So-
ciety of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Pediatric
Infectious Diseases Society, American Society of Nephrology,
Society for Critical Care Medicine, and the Society for Health-
care Epidemiology of America.
Literature review and analysis. For the 2009 update, the
Expert Panel completed the review and analysis of data pub-
lished from January 2001 through June 2008. Data published
after June 2008 were also considered in the nal preparation
of the guideline. Computerized literature searches of the
PubMed database were performed with combinations of the
following search terms: catheter-related, infections, cul-
tures, management, treatment, peripheral, non-tun-
neled, central venous catheter, arterial catheter, im-
planted catheter, pediatric, hemodialysis, antibiotic lock,
bacteremia suppurative thrombophlebitis, endocarditis,
and outbreak.
Process overview. In evaluating the evidence regarding the
management of intravascular catheterrelated infections, the
Expert Panel followed a process used in the development of
other IDSA guidelines. The process included a systematic
weighting of the quality of the evidence and the grade of rec-
ommendation (table 2) [3].
Consensus development on the basis of evidence. The
Expert Panel met face-to-face on 1 occasion and via telecon-
Table 1. Summary of recommendations for the diagnosis and management of intravascular catheter-related bloodstream infection
Recommendation Comments
Strength or
quality of
recommendation Reference(s)
Diagnosis: when and how should catheter cultures
and blood cultures be done?
Intravenous catheter cultures
1. Catheter cultures should be performed when a catheter
is removed for suspected CRBSI; catheter cultures
should not be obtained routinely
A-II [22, 26]
2. Qualitative broth culture of catheter tips is not
A-II [22, 23]
3. For central venous catheters (CVCs), the catheter tip
should be cultured, rather than the subcutaneous
B-III [20]
4. For cultures of an anti-infective catheter tip, use specic
inhibitors in the culture media
A-II [31, 32]
5. Growth of 115 cfu from a 5-cm segment of the catheter
tip by semiquantitative (roll-plate) culture or growth of
cfu from a catheter by quantitative (sonication)
broth culture reects catheter colonization
A-I [22, 23, 27]
6. When catheter infection is suspected and there is a
catheter exit site exudate, swab the drainage to col-
lect specimens for culture and Gram staining
B-III [1, 33]
Short-term catheters, including arterial catheters
7. For short-term catheter tip cultures, the roll plate tech-
nique is recommended for routine clinical microbiologi-
cal analysis
A-II [27]
8. For suspected pulmonary artery catheter infection, cul-
ture the introducer tip
A-II [21]
Long-term catheters
9. Semiquantitative growth of !15 cfu/plate of the same
microbe from both the insertion site culture and the
catheter hub culture strongly suggests that the cathe-
ter is not the source of a bloodstream infection
A-II [33]
10. If a venous access subcutaneous port is removed for
suspected CRBSI, send the port to the microbiology
laboratory for qualitative culture of the port reservoir
contents, in addition to the catheter tip
B-II [2830]
Blood cultures
11. Obtain samples for blood culture prior to the initiation of
antibiotic therapy (gure 1)
12. Where available, a phlebotomy team should draw the
blood samples
A-II [38]
13. Skin preparation for obtaining percutaneously drawn
blood samples should be performed carefully, with use
of either alcohol or tincture of iodine or alcoholic chlor-
hexidine (10.5%), rather than povidone-iodine; allow
adequate skin contact and drying times to mitigate
blood culture contamination
A-I [39, 40]
14. If a blood sample is obtained through a catheter, clean
the catheter hub with either alcohol or tincture of io-
dine or alcoholic chlorhexidine (10.5%), allowing ade-
quate drying time to mitigate blood culture
15. For suspected CRBSI, paired blood samples, drawn from
the catheter and a peripheral vein, should be cultured
before initiation of antimicrobial therapy, and the bot-
tles should be appropriately marked to reect the site
from which the samples were obtained
A-II [33, 44, 45]
16. If a blood sample cannot be drawn from a peripheral
vein, it is recommended that 2 blood samples
should be drawn through different catheter lumens
B-III [36]
It is unclear whether blood cultures should be drawn
through all catheter lumens in such circumstances
17. A denitive diagnosis of CRBSI requires that the same
organism grow from at least 1 percutaneous blood cul-
ture and from a culture of the catheter tip
Or that 2 blood samples be drawn (one from a catheter
hub and the other from a peripheral vein) that, when
cultured, meet CRBSI criteria for quantitative blood
cultures or DTP
A-II [35, 49]
Alternatively, 2 quantitative blood cultures of samples ob-
tained through 2 catheter lumens in which the colony
count for the blood sample drawn through one lumen
is at least 3-fold greater than the colony count for the
blood sample obtained from the second lumen should
be considered to indicate possible CRBSI
B-II [36]
In this circumstance, the interpretation of blood cultures
that meet the DTP criteria is an unresolved issue
C-III [36]
18. For quantitative blood cultures, a colony count of mi-
crobes grown from blood obtained through the cathe-
ter hub that is at least 3-fold greater than the colony
count from blood obtained from a peripheral vein best
denes CRBSI
A-II [35, 72]
19. For DTP, growth of microbes from a blood sample drawn
from a catheter hub at least 2 h before microbial
growth is detected in a blood sample obtained from a
peripheral vein best denes CRBSI
A-II [49]
20. Quantitative blood cultures and/or DTP should be per-
formed before initiating antimicrobial therapy and with
the same volume of blood per bottle
A-II [50]
21. Evidence is insufcient to recommend that blood cul-
tures be routinely performed after discontinuation of
antimicrobial therapy for CRBSI
How should catheter-related infections generally be
22. When denoting duration of antimicrobial therapy, day 1 is
the rst day on which negative blood culture results
are obtained
C-III [184]
23. Vancomycin is recommended for empirical therapy in
heath care settings with an elevated prevalence of
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA);
for institutions in which the preponderance of MRSA
isolates have vancomycin minimum inhibitory concen-
tration (MIC) values 12 mg/mL, alternative agents, such
as daptomycin, should be used
A-II [55, 56]
24. Linezolid should not be used for empirical therapy (i.e.,
for patients suspected but not proven to have CRBSI)
A-I [52]
25. Empirical coverage for gram-negative bacilli should be
based on local antimicrobial susceptibility data and the
severity of disease (e.g., a fourth-generation cephalo-
sporin, carbapenem, or b-lactam/b-lactamase combina-
tion, with or without an aminoglycoside)
26. Empirical combination antibiotic coverage for multidrug-
resistant (MDR) gram-negative bacilli, such as Pseudo-
monas aeruginosa, should be used when CRBSI is
suspected in neutropenic patients, severely ill patients
with sepsis, or patients known to be colonized with
such pathogens, until the culture and susceptibility
data are available and de-escalation of the antibiotic
regimen can be done
A-II [13, 258, 259]
27. In addition to coverage for gram-positive pathogens, em-
pirical therapy for suspected CRBSI involving femoral
catheters in critically ill patients should include cover-
age for gram-negative bacilli and Candida species
A-II [178]
28. Empirical therapy for suspected catheter-related candide-
mia should be used for septic patients with any of the
following risk factors: total parenteral nutrition, pro-
longed use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, hematologic
malignancy, receipt of bone marrow or solid-organ
transplant, femoral catheterization, or colonization due
to Candida species at multiple sites
B-II [178, 200]
29. For empirical treatment of suspected catheter-related
candidemia, use an echinocandin or, in selected pa-
tients, uconazole
A-II [186, 187, 194, 260]
Fluconazole can be used for patients without azole expo-
sure in the previous 3 months and in health care set-
tings where the risk of Candida krusei or Candida gla-
brata infection is very low
A-III [184, 260]
30. Antibiotic lock therapy should be used for catheter
B-II [114, 124]
However, if antibiotic lock therapy cannot be used in this
situation, systemic antibiotics should be administered
through the colonized catheter
31. Four to 6 weeks of antibiotics should be administered in
patients with persistent fungemia or bacteremia after
catheter removal (i.e., 172 h) and in patients found to
have infective endocarditis or suppurative thrombo-
phlebitis and pediatric patients with osteomyelitis
A-II for S. au-
reus; C-III for
other pathogens
[143, 146]
Six to 8 weeks of therapy should be used for the treat-
ment of osteomyelitis in adults (gures 2 and 3) (A-II).
32. Long-term catheters should be removed from patients
with CRBSI associated with any of the following con-
ditions: severe sepsis; suppurative thrombophlebitis;
endocarditis; bloodstream infection that continues de-
spite 172 h of antimicrobial therapy to which the in-
fecting microbes are susceptible; or infections due to
S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, fungi, or mycobacteria
A-II [144, 145]
Short-term catheters should be removed from patients
with CRBSI due to gram-negative bacilli, S. aureus, en-
terococci, fungi, and mycobacteria
33. For patients with CRBSI for whom catheter salvage is at-
tempted, additional blood cultures should be obtained,
and the catheter should be removed if blood culture
results (e.g., 2 sets of blood cultures obtained on a
given day; 1 set of blood cultures is acceptable for ne-
onates) remain positive when blood samples are ob-
tained 72 h after the initiation of appropriate therapy
34. For long-term and short-term CRBSI due to less virulent
microbes that are difcult to eradicate (e.g., Bacillus
species, Micrococcus species, or Propionibacteria),
catheters should generally be removed after blood cul-
ture contamination is ruled out on the basis of multiple
positive culture results, with at least 1 blood culture
sample drawn from a peripheral vein
B-III [202, 203, 261]
35. In uncomplicated CRBSI involving long-term catheters
due to pathogens other than S. aureus, P. aeruginosa,
Bacillus species, Micrococcus species, Propionibac-
teria, fungi, or mycobacteria, because of the limited
access sites in many patients who require long-term
intravascular access for survival (e.g., patients under-
going hemodialysis or with short-gut syndrome), treat-
ment should be attempted without catheter removal,
with use of both systemic and antimicrobial lock
B-II [114, 124]
36. After a positive blood culture result is reported that may
represent CRBSI, automated standardized treatment
advice can be formulated to improve compliance with
IDSA guidelines
B-II [57]
37. Urokinase and other thrombolytic agents are not recom-
mended as adjunctive therapy for patients with CRBSI
B-I [58, 59]
38. If a catheterized patient has a single positive blood cul-
ture that grows coagulase-negative Staphylococcus
species, then additional cultures of blood samples ob-
tained through the suspected catheter and from a pe-
ripheral vein should be performed before the initiation
of antimicrobial therapy and/or catheter removal to be
certain that the patient has true bloodstream infection
and that the catheter is the likely source
A-II [262, 263]
What are the unique aspects of treating short-term
peripheral venous catheters?
39. Peripheral intravenous catheters with associated pain, in-
duration, erythema, or exudate should be removed
40. Any exudate at the insertion site should be submitted
for Gram staining, routine culture, and additional cul-
ture for fungi and acid-fast organisms, as indicated,
when assessing immunocompromised patients
What are the unique aspects of treating nontun-
neled central venous catheters and arterial
41. For patients who are hospitalized in the intensive care
unit with a new onset of fever but without severe
sepsis or evidence of bloodstream infection, obtain
blood samples for culture from the nontunneled CVC,
the arterial catheter (if present), and percutaneously,
instead of performing routine catheter removal
B-II [70]
Consider culture of samples obtained from the insertion
site and catheter hubs, if available, as noted above
A-II [33]
42. The CVC and arterial catheter, if present, should be re-
moved and cultured if the patient has unexplained
sepsis or erythema overlying the catheter insertion
site or purulence at the catheter insertion site
43. For patients with unexplained fever, if blood culture re-
sults are positive, the CVC or arterial catheter was ex-
changed over a guidewire, and the catheter tip has
signicant growth, then the catheter should be re-
moved and a new catheter placed in a new site
What are the unique aspects of treating long-term
CVC or implanted catheter-related infections other
than hemodialysis catheters?
44. Patients with tunnel infection or port abscess require re-
moval of the catheter, incision and drainage if indi-
cated, and 710 days of antibiotic therapy in the ab-
sence of concomitant bacteremia or candidemia.
A-II [19, 264]
45. For patients with suspected exit site infection, obtain
cultures of any drainage from the exit site and blood
A-II [19]
46. Uncomplicated exit site infections (i.e., those without
systemic signs of infection, positive blood culture re-
sults, or purulence) should be managed with topical
antimicrobial agents on the basis of the exit site cul-
ture results (e.g., mupirocin ointment for S. aureus in-
fection and ketoconazole or lotrimin ointment for Can-
dida infection
47. If an uncomplicated exit site infection fails to resolve
with topical therapy or if it is accompanied by purulent
drainage, then systemic antibiotics should be adminis-
tered on the basis of the antimicrobial susceptibility of
the causative pathogen; the catheter should be re-
moved if treatment with systemic antibiotics fails
B-II [19]
48. If other vascular sites are unavailable and/or the patient
is at increased risk for bleeding diathesis in the setting
of CRBSI not complicated by an exit site or tunnel in-
fection, then exchange the infected catheter over a
B-III [73]
In such situations, an antimicrobial-impregnated catheter
with an anti-infective intraluminal surface should be
considered for catheter exchange
B-II [73]
What are the unique aspects of treating pediatric
patients with catheter-related infections?
49. Indications for catheter removal for children are similar
to those for adults (see recommendations 3032), un-
less there are unusual extenuating circumstances
(e.g., no alternative catheter insertion site). However,
the benets of catheter removal must be weighed
against the difculty of obtaining alternate venous ac-
cess for an individual patient
A-II [89]
50. Children treated without catheter removal should be
closely monitored with clinical evaluation and addi-
tional blood cultures; the device should be removed if
there is clinical deterioration or persistent or recurrent
B-III [89]
51. In general, empirical antibacterial therapy for children
with CRBSI should be similar to that for adults (see
recommendations 2123)
A-II [89]
52. Antibiotic lock therapy should be used for catheter
B-II [93]
However, if antibiotic lock therapy cannot be used in this
situation, systemic antibiotics should be administered
through the colonized catheter
What are the unique aspects of managing patients
receiving hemodialysis through catheters for
whom catheter-related infection is suspected or
53. Peripheral blood samples should be obtained for culture
from vessels that are not intended for future use in
creating a dialysis stula (e.g., hand veins)
A-III [265]
54. When a peripheral blood sample cannot be obtained,
blood samples may be drawn during hemodialysis
from bloodlines connected to the CVC
B-II [265]
55. In patients with suspected CRBSI for whom blood cul-
tures have been obtained and for whom antibiotic
therapy has been initiated, antibiotic therapy can be
discontinued if both sets of blood cultures have nega-
tive results and no other source of infection is
B-II [265]
56. When a peripheral blood sample cannot be obtained, no
other catheter is in place from which to obtain an ad-
ditional blood sample, there is no drainage from the in-
sertion site available for culture, and there is no clinical
evidence for an alternate source of infection, then pos-
itive results of culture performed on a blood sample
obtained from a catheter should lead to continuation
of antimicrobial therapy for possible CRBSI in a symp-
tomatic hemodialysis patient
B-II [100]
57. The infected catheter should always be removed for pa-
tients with hemodialysis CRBSI due to S. aureus,
Pseudomonas species, or Candida species and a tem-
porary (nontunneled catheter) should be inserted into
another anatomical site
A-II [115]
If absolutely no alternative sites are available for catheter
insertion, then exchange the infected catheter over a
B-II [265]
58. When a hemodialysis catheter is removed for CRBSI, a
long-term hemodialysis catheter can be placed once
blood cultures with negative results are obtained
B-III [265]
59. For hemodialysis CRBSI due to other pathogens (e.g.,
gram-negative bacilli other than Pseudomonas species
or coagulase-negative staphylococci), a patient can ini-
tiate empirical intravenous antibiotic therapy without
immediate catheter removal. If the symptoms persist
or if there is evidence of a metastatic infection, the
catheter should be removed
B-II [265]
If the symptoms that prompted initiation of antibiotic
therapy (fever, chills, hemodynamic instability, or al-
tered mental status) resolve within 23 days and there
is no metastatic infection, then the infected catheter
can be exchanged over a guidewire for a new, long-
term hemodialysis catheter
B-II [111]
60. Alternatively, for patients for whom catheter removal is
not indicated (i.e., those with resolution of symptoms
and bacteremia within 23 days after initiation of sys-
temic antibiotics and an absence of metastatic infec-
tion), the catheter can be retained, and an antibiotic
lock can be used as adjunctive therapy after each dial-
ysis session for 1014 days
B-II [99]
61. Empirical antibiotic therapy should include vancomycin
and coverage for gram-negative bacilli, based on the
local antibiogram (e.g., third-generation cephalosporin,
carbapenem, or b-lactam/b-lactamase combination)
A-II [265]
62. Patients who receive empirical vancomycin and who are
found to have CRBSI due to methicillin-susceptible S.
aureus should be switched to cefazolin
A-II [266]
63. For cefazolin, use a dosage of 20 mg/kg (actual body
weight), rounded to the nearest 500-mg increment, af-
ter dialysis
A-II [104]
64. A 46-week antibiotic course should be administered if
there is persistent bacteremia or fungemia (i.e., 172 h
in duration) after hemodialysis catheter removal or for
patients with endocarditis or suppurative thrombophle-
bitis, and 68 weeks of therapy should be adminis-
tered for the treatment of osteomyelitis in adults (g-
ures 3 and 4)
B-II [265]
65. Patients receiving dialysis who have CRBSI due to van-
comycin-resistant enterococci can be treated with ei-
ther daptomycin (6 mg/kg after each dialysis session)
or oral linezolid (600 mg every 12 h)
B-II [168, 170]
66. It is not necessary to conrm negative culture results
before guidewire exchange of a catheter for a patient
with hemodialysis-related CRBSI if the patient is
B-III [265]
67. Surveillance blood cultures should be obtained 1 week
after completion of an antibiotic course for CRBSI if
the catheter has been retained
B-III [99]
If the blood cultures have positive results, the catheter
should be removed and a new, long-term dialysis cath-
eter should be placed after additional blood cultures
are obtained that have negative results
B-III [265]
What is antibiotic lock therapy and how is it used to
manage patients with catheter-related infection?
Antibiotic lock therapy
68. Antibiotic lock is indicated for patients with CRBSI in-
volving long-term catheters with no signs of exit site
or tunnel infection for whom catheter salvage is the
B-II [114, 124]
69. For CRBSI, antibiotic lock should not be used alone; in-
stead, it should be used in conjunction with systemic
antimicrobial therapy, with both regimens administered
for 714 days
B-II [114, 124]
70. Dwell times for antibiotic lock solutions should generally
not exceed 48 h before reinstallation of lock solution;
preferably, reinstallation should take place every 24 h
for ambulatory patients with femoral catheters (B-II).
However, for patients who are undergoing hemodialy-
sis, the lock solution can be renewed after every dialy-
sis session
B-II [128]
However, for patients who are undergoing hemodialysis
the lock solution can be renewed after every dialysis
B-II [128]
71. Catheter removal is recommended for CRBSI due to S.
aureus and Candida species, instead of treatment with
antibiotic lock and catheter retention, unless there are
unusual extenuating circumstances (e.g., no alternative
catheter insertion site)
A-II [93, 114]
72. For patients with multiple positive catheter-drawn blood
cultures that grow coagulase-negative staphylococci or
gram-negative bacilli and concurrent negative periph-
eral blood cultures, antibiotic lock therapy can be given
without systemic therapy for 1014 days
73. For vancomycin, the concentration should be at least
1000 times higher than the MIC (e.g., 5 mg/mL) of the
microorganism involved
B-II [121]
74. At this time, there are insufcient data to recommend an
ethanol lock for the treatment of CRBSI
C-III [131]
Are there pathogen-specic treatment
Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus species
75. For uncomplicated CRBSI, treat with antibiotics for 57
days if the catheter is removed and for 1014 days, in
combination with antibiotic lock therapy, if the catheter
is retained
76. Alternatively, patients with uncomplicated CRBSI can be
observed without antibiotics if they have no intravas-
cular or orthopedic hardware, the catheter is removed,
and additional blood cultures (performed on samples
collected when the patient is not receiving antibiotics)
are obtained after catheter withdrawal to conrm the
absence of bacteremia
77. Catheter-related bloodstream infection due to Staphylo-
coccus lugdunensis should be managed similar to rec-
ommendations below for S. aureus.
B-II [132].
Staphylococcus aureus
78. Patients with S. aureus CRBSI should have the infected
catheter removed, and they should receive 46 weeks
of antimicrobial therapy, unless they have exceptions
listed in recommendation 80
B-II [139, 144]
79. Patients who are being considered for a shorter duration
of therapy should have a transesophageal echocardio-
graph (TEE) obtained
B-II [142, 150]
80. Patients can be considered for a shorter duration of anti-
microbial therapy (i.e., a minimum of 14 days of ther-
apy) if the patient is not diabetic; if the patient is not
immunosuppressed (i.e., not receiving systemic ste-
roids or other immunosuppressive drugs, such as
those used for transplantation, and is nonneutropenic);
if the infected catheter is removed; if the patient has
no prosthetic intravascular device (e.g., pacemaker or
recently placed vascular graft); if there is no evidence
of endocarditis or suppurative thrombophlebitis on TEE
and ultrasound, respectively; if fever and bacteremia
resolve within 72 h after initiation of appropriate anti-
microbial therapy; and if there is no evidence of meta-
static infection on physical examination and sign- or
symptom-directed diagnostic tests
A-II [135]
81. If a TEE is performed, it should be done at least 57
days after onset of bacteremia to minimize the possi-
bility of false-negative results
B-II [152]
82. Short-term catheters should be removed immediately for
patients with S. aureus CRBSI
A-II [139, 144]
83. For S. aureus CRBSI involving long-term catheters, the
catheters should be removed unless there are major
contraindications (e.g., there is no alternative venous
access, the patient has signicant bleeding diathesis,
or quality of life issues take priority over the need for
reinsertion of a new catheter at another site)
A-II [139, 144]
84. In the rare circumstance that the catheter is retained for
a patient with S. aureus CRBSI involving a long-term
catheter, the patient should receive systemic and anti-
biotic lock therapy for 4 weeks
B-II [99, 153]
Catheter guidewire exchange should be done, if possi-
ble, and if it is done, an antimicrobial-impregnated
catheter with an anti-infective intraluminal surface
should be considered for catheter exchange
B-II [73]
85. An additional TEE should be obtained for patients with
persistent fever or bloodstream infection 172 h after
catheter withdrawal and initiation of appropriate antibi-
otic therapy if the patient had an earlier TEE obtained
and it was without evidence of endocarditis and if
there is no evidence of an undrained metastatic
A-II [152]
86. Patients whose catheter tip grows S. aureus but whose
initial peripheral blood cultures have negative results
should receive a 57-day course of antibiotics and
close monitoring for signs and symptoms of ongoing
infection, including additional blood cultures, as
B-II [66]
87. Transthoracic echocardiograph ndings are insufcient to
rule out infective endocarditis
A-II [134, 152]
88. After a catheter has been removed as a result of S. au-
reus CRBSI, placement of a new catheter can proceed
when additional blood cultures show no growth
B-II [144]
Enterococcus species
89. Removal of infected short-term intravascular catheters is
B-II [166, 267]
90. Removal of infected long-term catheters should be done
in cases of insertion site or pocket infection, suppura-
tive thrombophlebitis, sepsis, endocarditis, persistent
bacteremia, or metastatic infection
B-II [162]
91. Ampicillin is the drug of choice for ampicillin-susceptible
enterococci; vancomycin should be used if the patho-
gen is resistant to ampicillin
A-III [164, 170]
92. The role of combination therapy (i.e., a cell wallactive
antimicrobial and an aminoglycoside) for treating enter-
ococcal CRBSI without endocarditis is unresolved
C-II [165] [170]
93. A 714-day course of therapy is recommended for un-
complicated enterococcal CRBSI in which the long-
term catheter is retained and antibiotic lock is used or
when the short-term catheter is removed
C-III [159]
94. For enterococcal CRBSI, a TEE should be done if the pa-
tient has signs and symptoms that suggest endocardi-
tis (e.g., new murmur or embolic phenomena); pro-
longed bacteremia or fever, despite appropriate
antimicrobial therapy (e.g., bacteremia or fever 172 h
after the onset of appropriate antibiotic therapy); radio-
graphic evidence of septic pulmonary emboli; or the
presence of a prosthetic valve or other endovascular
foreign bodies
B-III [160]
95. Patients with enterococcal CRBSI involving a long-term
catheter for whom the catheter is retained should
have follow-up blood cultures and catheter removal if
persistent bacteremia (172 h after the initiation of ap-
propriate antibiotic therapy) is detected
96. Antibiotic lock therapy should be used in addition to sys-
temic therapy if the catheter is retained
C-II [114, 124]
97. In cases of CRBSI due to ampicillin- and vancomycin-re-
sistant enterococci, linezolid or daptomycin may be
used, based on antibiotic susceptibility results
B-II [168, 170]
Gram-negative bacilli
98. Patients with possible CRBSI should receive empirical
antibiotic therapy to cover gram-negative bacilli if they
are critically ill, if they have sepsis, if they are neutro-
penic, if they have a femoral catheter in place, or if
they have a known focus of gram-negative bacillary
A-II [178]
99. Patients who are critically ill with suspected CRBSI and
who have recent colonization or infection with an
MDR gram-negative pathogen should receive 2 antimi-
crobial agents of different classes with gram-negative
activity as initial therapy; de-escalation of the initial
regimen to a single appropriate antibiotic is recom-
mended once culture and susceptibility results are
A-II [258, 268]
100. In patients with gram-negative bacillary CRBSI involving
a long-term catheter and persistent bacteremia or se-
vere sepsis despite systemic and antibiotic lock ther-
apy, the device should be removed, an evaluation for
endovascular infection and metastatic infection should
be pursued, and the duration of antibiotic therapy
should be extended beyond 714 days on the basis of
the ndings of these studies
Candida species
101. Catheters should be removed in cases of CRBSI due to
Candida species
A-II [188]
102. For patients with candidemia and a short-term CVC for
whom no source of candidemia is obvious, the cathe-
ter should be removed and the catheter tip sent for
A-II [190, 193]
Alternatively, for patients with limited venous access, ex-
change the catheter over a guidewire and perform
catheter cultures
If the catheter is colonized with the same species of
Candida as found in a percutaneous blood culture, the
CVC should be removed
A-II [190, 193]
103. Antifungal therapy is recommended for all cases of
CRBSI due to Candida species, including cases in
which clinical manifestations of infection and/or candi-
demia resolve after catheter withdrawal and before ini-
tiation of antifungal therapy
A-II [192]
Other gram-positive microorganisms
104. Diagnosis of CRBSI due to Corynebacterium, Bacillus
and Micrococcus species requires at least 2 positive
results of blood cultures performed on samples ob-
tained from different sites
A-II [269]
105. For the management of these infections, catheter re-
moval is indicated for patients with a short-term CVC,
and it is also indicated for patients with an infected
long-term catheter or implanted port, unless there are
no alternative intravascular access sites
B-III [202]
How should you manage suppurative
106. Suppurative thrombophlebitis should be suspected in pa-
tients with persistent bacteremia or fungemia (i.e., pa-
tients whose blood culture results remain positive af-
ter 3 days of adequate antimicrobial therapy) without
another source of intravascular infection (e.g.,
A-II [205, 206, 216]
107. A diagnosis of suppurative thrombophlebitis requires the
presence of positive blood culture results plus the
demonstration of a thrombus by radiographic testing
(e.g., computed tomography, ultrasonography, or other
A-II [216, 270]
108. Surgical resection of the involved vein for patients with
suppurative thrombophlebitis should be limited to pa-
tients with purulent supercial veins or patients in
whom the infection extends beyond the vessel wall,
as well as patients who experience failure of conser-
vative therapy with an appropriate antimicrobial
A-II [208, 220, 271]
109. The role of heparin use in this setting is unresolved C-III [220]
110. Patients with suppurative thrombophlebitis due to CRBSI
should receive a minimum of 34 weeks of antimicro-
bial therapy
How are persistent bloodstream infection and infec-
tive endocarditis managed?
111. Catheter withdrawal is required in the management of
catheter-related infective endocarditis
112. TEE should be done for patients with CRBSI who have
any of the following: a prosthetic heart valve, pace-
maker, or implantable debrillator; persistent bacter-
emia or fungemia and/or fever 13 days after initiation
of appropriate antibiotic therapy and catheter removal,
in addition to a search for metastatic foci of infection,
as indicated; and any case of S. aureus CRBSI in
which duration of therapy less than 46 weeks is be-
ing considered
A-II [134, 272, 273]
113. Unless the clinical condition of the patient dictates other-
wise, perform a TEE at least 1 week after the onset
of bacteremia or fungemia and consider repeating the
TEE for patients with a high index of suspicion for in-
fective endocarditis in whom the initial TEE had nega-
tive ndings
B-II [152, 274]
114. Assess for suppurative thrombophlebitis as noted above B-II
115. Infective endocarditis cannot be ruled out by negative
transthoracic echocardiograph ndings alone
B-II [150, 272, 273]
How would you detect and manage an outbreak of
116. When extrinsic contamination of infusate or catheter
ush or lock solutions is suspected, public health au-
thorities should be alerted and the suspected product
should be set aside for culture
A-II [227, 230]
117. Establish a case denition for patients who are likely to
have been exposed, including a time period, risk fac-
tors, and location of the patients
118. A case-control study should be used to establish risk
factors for infection and to help elucidate potential
sources of contamination
IDSA Guidelines for Intravascular Catheter-Related Infection CID 2009:49 (1 July) 15
119. Establish relatedness of the suspected organisms by re-
viewing the antibiotic susceptibility patterns, followed
by molecular ngerprinting, such as pulsed-eld gel
electrophoresis, polymerase chain reaction, or multilo-
cus sequence typing
120. Investigation of contamination involves a thorough re-
view of potential breaches in infection control prac-
tices in the hospital pharmacy and at the point of de-
livery of the infusate; this requires interviews with
health care personnel and observation of practices in
the health care setting
121. Cultures of potential point-source contaminants in the
environment should be performed, including intrave-
nous medications administered to patients
122. During the investigation, heightened surveillance to de-
tect new cases should be instituted
123. Following identication of a source, there should be on-
going surveillance to conrm eradication of the source
of infection
NOTE. cfu, colony-forming units; DTP, differential time to positivity; IDSA, Infectious Diseases Society of America.
ference on 8 occasions to complete the work of the guideline.
The purpose of the meetings was to discuss the questions to
be addressed, make writing assignments, and discuss recom-
mendations. All members of the Expert Panel participated in
the preparation and review of the draft guideline. Feedback
from external peer reviewers was obtained. All collaborating
organizations were also asked to provide feedback and endorse
the guidelines. The following organizations endorsed the guide-
lines: American Society of Nephrology, European Society of
Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Pediatric Infec-
tious Diseases Society, Society for Critical Care Medicine, and
the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America. The guide-
line was reviewed and approved by the IDSA Standards and
Practice Guidelines Committee and the Board of Directors
prior to dissemination.
Guidelines and potential conicts of interest. All members
of the Expert Panel complied with the IDSA policy on potential
conicts of interest, which requires disclosure of any nancial
or other interest that might be construed as constituting an
actual, potential, or apparent conict. Members of the Expert
Panel were provided with the IDSAs conict of interest dis-
closure statement and were asked to identify ties to companies
developing products that might be affected by promulgation
of the guideline. Information was requested regarding em-
ployment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, research
funding, expert testimony, and membership on company ad-
visory committees. The Expert Panel made decisions on a case-
by-case basis as to whether an individuals role should be lim-
ited as a result of a conict. Potential conicts of interest are
listed in the Acknowledgements section.
Revision dates. At annual intervals, the Expert Panel Chair,
the Standards and Practice Guidelines Committee liaison ad-
visor, and the Chair of the Standards and Practice Guidelines
Committee will determine the need for revisions to the guide-
line on the basis of an examination of current literature. If
necessary, the entire Expert Panel will be reconvened to discuss
potential changes. When appropriate, the Expert Panel will
recommend revision of the guideline to the Standards and Prac-
tice Guidelines Committee and the IDSA Board for review and
Each year in the United States, hospitals and clinics purchase
1150 million intravascular devices to administer intravenous
uids, medications, blood products, and parenteral nutrition
uids, to monitor hemodynamic status, and to provide he-
modialysis [4]. Different types of intravascular catheters are
currently being used (table 3), leading to a myriad of infectious
complications (table 4). The focus of these guidelines is on the
management of such complications, particularly CRBSI. In the
United States, 80,000 CVC-related bloodstream infections oc-
cur in intensive care units each year [5]. In addition, the risk
of bloodstream infection varies according to the intravascular
device [6], the type of and intended use for the catheter, the
insertion site, the experience and education of the individual
who installs the catheter, the frequency with which the catheter
is accessed, the duration of catheter placement, the character-
istics of the catheterized patient, and the use of proven pre-
ventative strategies [7, 8]. For the purpose of this guideline,
short-term catheters are dened as those devices that are in
situ for !14 days.
Most CRBSIs emanate from the insertion site, hub, or both
[9]. For long-term cathetersparticularly tunneled catheters
the catheter hub is a prominent source of microbes causing
bloodstream infection [10]. In order of prevalence, the 4 groups
of microbes that most commonly cause CRBSI associated with
percutaneously inserted, noncuffed catheters are as follows: co-
agulase-negative staphylococci, S. aureus, Candida species, and
enteric gram-negative bacilli. For surgically implanted catheters
16 CID 2009:49 (1 July) Mermel et al.
Table 2. Infectious Diseases Society of AmericaUS Public Health Service Grading System for
ranking recommendations in clinical guidelines.
Category, grade Denition
Strength of recommendation
A Good evidence to support a recommendation for or against use.
B Moderate evidence to support a recommendation for or against use.
C Poor evidence to support a recommendation.
Quality of Evidence
I Evidence from 1 properly randomized, controlled trial.
II Evidence from 1 well-designed clinical trial, without randomization;
from cohort or case-controlled analytic studies (preferably from 11
center); from multiple time-series; or from dramatic results from
uncontrolled experiments.
III Evidence from opinions of respected authorities, based on clinical
experience, descriptive studies, or reports of expert committees.
NOTE. Adapted and reproduced with the permission of the Minister of Public Works and Government Services
Canada [3].
and peripherally inserted CVCs, they are coagulase-negative
staphylococci, enteric gram-negative bacilli, S. aureus, and P.
aeruginosa [8].
CRBSIs independently increase hospital cost and length of
stay [1114]. Guidelines for the prevention of these infections
have been published [7].
Intravenous Catheter Cultures: Recommendations
1. Catheter cultures should be done when a catheter is re-
moved because of suspected CRBSI; catheter cultures should
not be obtained routinely (A-II).
2. Qualitative broth culture of catheter tips is not recom-
mended (A-II).
3. For CVCs, culture the catheter tip, not the subcutaneous
segment (B-III).
4. For cultures of an anti-infective catheter tip, use specic
inhibitors in the culture media (A-II).
5. Growth of 115 cfu from a 5-cm segment of the catheter
tip by semiquantitative (roll-plate) culture or growth of 110
cfu from a catheter by quantitative (sonication) broth culture
reects catheter colonization (A-I).
6. When catheter-related infection is suspected and there is
a catheter exit site exudate, swab the drainage to obtain samples
for culture and Gram staining (B-III).
Short-term catheters, including arterial catheters
7. For short-term catheter tip cultures, the roll plate tech-
nique is recommended for routine clinical microbiological anal-
ysis (A-II).
8. For suspected pulmonary artery catheter-related infec-
tion, culture the introducer tip (A-II).
Long-term catheters
9. Semiquantitative growth of !15 cfus/plate of the same
microbe from both the insertion site culture and catheter hub
culture strongly suggests that the catheter is not the source of
a bloodstream infection (A-II).
10. If a venous access subcutaneous port is removed because
of suspected CRBSI, send the port to the microbiology labo-
ratory for qualitative culture of the port reservoir contents, in
addition to the catheter tip (B-II).
Evidence Summary
Clinical ndings are unreliable for establishing the diagnosis of
intravascular devicerelated infection because of their poor sen-
sitivity and specicity. The most sensitive clinical nding, fever,
has poor specicity. Inammation or purulence around the
insertion site has greater specicity but poor sensitivity [4, 15].
Blood cultures that are positive for S. aureus, coagulase-negative
staphylococci, or Candida species, in the absence of other iden-
tiable sources of infection, should increase the suspicion for
CRBSI [1618]. Improved symptomatology within 24 h after
catheter removal suggests but does not prove that the catheter
is the source of infection [19].
Laboratory criteria for diagnosing intravascular catheter-re-
lated infections are precise, but differences in denitions and
IDSA Guidelines for Intravascular Catheter-Related Infection CID 2009:49 (1 July) 17
Table 3. Types of intravascular devices and comments on their use.
Type of intravascular device Comment
Peripheral venous catheter Usually inserted into the veins of the forearm or the hand; the
most commonly used short-term intravascular device
Peripheral arterial catheter For short-term use; commonly used to monitor hemodynamic
status and to determine blood gas levels of critically ill patients;
risk of bloodstream infection may approach that of CVCs
Midline catheter Peripheral catheter (size, 7.620.3 cm) is inserted via the antecubi-
tal fossa into the proximal basilic or cephalic veins, but it does
not enter central veins; it is associated with lower rates of in-
fection, compared with CVCs
Short-term CVC Most commonly used CVC; accounts for the majority of all cathe-
ter-related bloodstream infections
Pulmonary artery catheter Inserted through a teon introducer and typically remains in place
for an average duration of only 3 days
Pressure-monitoring system Used in conjunction with arterial catheter; associated with both
epidemic and endemic nosocomial bloodstream infections
Peripherally inserted central catheter Provides an alternative to subclavian or jugular vein catheteriza-
tion; is inserted via the peripheral vein into the superior vena
cava, usually by way of cephalic and basilar veins; similar risk of
infection as CVCs in patients hospitalized in intensive care units
Long-term CVC Surgically implanted CVC (e.g., Hickman, Broviac, or Groshong
catheter) with the tunneled portion exiting the skin and a dacron
cuff just inside the exit site; used to provide vascular access to
patients who require prolonged chemotherapy, home-infusion
therapy, or hemodialysis
Totally implantable device A subcutaneous port or reservoir with self-sealing septum is tun-
neled beneath the skin and is accessed by a needle through in-
tact skin; associated with low rates of infection
NOTE. CVC, central venous catheter
methodologies among various studies have made data difcult
to compare [4, 18]. When a catheter segment is submitted for
culture, it is adequate to culture only the catheter tip and not
the subcutaneous portion of the catheter [20]. If a pulmonary
artery catheter is removed because of suspected infection, the
highest yield is to culture the introducer, rather than the cath-
eter itself [21]. Semiquantitative (roll plate) or quantitative
catheter culture techniques (luminal ushing or sonication
methods) are the most reliable diagnostic methodologies and
have much greater specicity than qualitative broth cultures
[2225]. A recently inserted catheter (i.e., one that had been
indwelling for !14 days) is most commonly colonized from a
skin microorganism along the external surface of the catheter.
Thus, the roll-plate method has high sensitivity. Intraluminal
spread of microbes from the catheter hub into the bloodstream
is increasingly important for long-term catheters (i.e., those
that have been indwelling 14 days). In some studies, the roll-
plate method was less sensitive than other methods that also
sampled the internal surface of such catheters [10, 26], but
other studies have not found this to be the case [27]. For
subcutaneous ports, culture of the material inside the port res-
ervoir is more sensitive than catheter tip culture for the di-
agnosis of CRBSI [2830].
Antimicrobial coatings may lead to false-negative culture re-
sults [31, 32]. For silver sulfadiazine or chlorhexidine-coated
catheters, specic inhibitors can abrogate this effect, but this
is not the case for minocycline- or rifampin-coated catheters
[31, 32]. The specic components of the inhibitor solution to
be used when culturing silver sulfadiazine or chlorhexidine can
be found elsewhere [31].
Various methods have been used to diagnose a catheter-
related infection without catheter removal. In one method, a
moist cotton swab can be used to do a semiquantitative culture
of a 3-cm radius around the catheter insertion site, and alginate
swabs can be used to sample the inner surface of each catheter
hub (1 swab per hub). Swab samples are streaked on blood
agar plates. Growth of 115 cfu/plate of the same microbe from
the insertion site swab sample and hub swab sample cultures
and from a peripheral blood culture suggests CRBSI [33]. This
approach also has good negative predictive value for CRBSI
when !15 cfu/plate are detected on insertion site and hub swab
sample cultures.
Blood Cultures: Recommendations
11. Obtain blood cultures prior to initiation of antibiotic
therapy (gure 1) (A-1)
18 CID 2009:49 (1 July) Mermel et al.
Table 4. Commonly used clinical denitions of intravascular catheter-related infections.
Infection Denition
Catheter colonization Signicant growth of 1 microorganism in a quantitative or semiquantitative culture of the catheter
tip, subcutaneous catheter segment, or catheter hub
Phlebitis Induration or erythema, warmth, and pain or tenderness along the tract of a catheterized or re-
cently catheterized vein
Exit site infection
Microbiological Exudate at catheter exit site yields a microorganism with or without concomitant bloodstream
Clinical Erythema, induration, and/or tenderness within 2 cm of the catheter exit site; may be associated
with other signs and symptoms of infection, such as fever or purulent drainage emerging from
the exit site, with or without concomitant bloodstream infection
Tunnel infection Tenderness, erythema, and/or induration 12 cm from the catheter exit site, along the subcutaneous
tract of a tunneled catheter (e.g., Hickman or Broviac catheter), with or without concomitant
bloodstream infection
Pocket infection Infected uid in the subcutaneous pocket of a totally implanted intravascular device; often associ-
ated with tenderness, erythema, and/or induration over the pocket; spontaneous rupture and
drainage, or necrosis of the overlying skin, with or without concomitant bloodstream infection
Bloodstream infection
Infusate related Concordant growth of a microorganism from infusate and cultures of percutaneously obtained blood
cultures with no other identiable source of infection
Catheter related Bacteremia or fungemia in a patient who has an intravascular device and 11 positive blood culture
result obtained from the peripheral vein, clinical manifestations of infection (e.g., fever, chills, and/
or hypotension), and no apparent source for bloodstream infection (with the exception of the
catheter). One of the following should be present: a positive result of semiquantitative (115 cfu
per catheter segment) or quantitative (110
cfu per catheter segment) catheter culture, whereby
the same organism (species) is isolated from a catheter segment and a peripheral blood culture;
simultaneous quantitative cultures of blood with a ratio of 13:1 cfu/mL of blood (catheter vs. pe-
ripheral blood); differential time to positivity (growth in a culture of blood obtained through a cath-
eter hub is detected by an automated blood culture system at least 2 h earlier than a culture of
simultaneously drawn peripheral blood of equal volume). Note that this denition differs from the
denition of central lineassociated bloodstream infection used for infection-control surveillance
NOTE. Adapted in part from Pearson [18]. cfu, colony forming units.
For surveillance purposes, patients with positive results of blood culture would be classied as having central lineassociated bloodstream
12. Where available, a phlebotomy team should draw the
blood samples for culture (A-II).
13. Skin preparation for percutaneously drawn blood sam-
ples should be carefully done with either alcohol or tincture of
iodine or alcoholic chlorhexidine (10.5%), rather than povi-
done-iodine; allow adequate skin contact and drying time to
mitigate blood culture contamination (A-I).
14. If a blood sample is obtained through a catheter, clean
the catheter hub with either alcohol or tincture of iodine or
alcoholic chlorhexidine (10.5%) and allow adequate drying
time to mitigate blood culture contamination (A-I).
15. For suspected CRBSI, paired blood samples drawn from
the catheter and from a peripheral vein should be cultured
before initiation of antimicrobial therapy, and the bottles
should be appropriately marked to reect the site from which
the cultures were obtained (A-II).
16. If a blood sample for culture cannot be drawn from a
peripheral vein, it is recommended that 2 blood samples
should be obtained through different catheter lumens (B-III).
It is unclear whether blood samples for culture should be
obtained through all catheter lumens in such circumstances
17. A denitive diagnosis of CRBSI requires that the same
organism grow from at least 1 percutaneous blood sample cul-
ture and from the catheter tip (A-I) or that 2 blood samples
for culture be obtained (1 from a catheter hub and 1 from a
peripheral vein) that meet CRBSI criteria for quantitative blood
cultures or DTP (A-II). Alternatively, 2 quantitative blood cul-
tures of samples obtained through 2 catheter lumens in which
the colony count for the blood sample drawn through one
lumen is at least 3-fold greater than the colony count for the
blood sample obtained from the second lumen should be con-
sidered to indicate possible CRBSI (B-II). In this circumstance,
the interpretation of blood cultures that meet the DTP criteria
is an unresolved issue (C-III).
18. For quantitative blood cultures, a colony count of mi-
crobes grown from blood obtained through the catheter hub
that is at least 3-fold greater than the colony count from blood
IDSA Guidelines for Intravascular Catheter-Related Infection CID 2009:49 (1 July) 19
samples obtained from a peripheral vein best denes CRBSI
19. For DTP, growth of microbes from blood drawn from
a catheter hub at least 2 h before microbial growth is detected
in blood samples obtained from a peripheral vein best denes
20. Quantitative blood cultures and/or DTP should be done
before initiation of antimicrobial therapy and with the same
volume of blood per bottle (A-II).
21. Evidence is insufcient to recommend that blood cul-
tures be routinely obtained after discontinuation of antimicro-
bial therapy for CRBSI (C-III).
Evidence Summary
Blood culture general issues. Although catheter colonization
with accompanying systemic signs of infection suggests cath-
eter-related infection, a denitive diagnosis of CRBSI requires
positive percutaneous blood culture results with concordant
microbial growth from the catheter tip or catheter-drawn cul-
tures that meet the above-described quantitative culture or DTP
criteria. The accuracy of all diagnostic microbiologic methods
greatly increases with increasing pretest probability. Thus, di-
agnostic tests for vascular catheter-related infection should not
be done unless there is a high index of suspicion. Overall,
quantitative blood cultures are the most accurate method by
which to diagnose CRBSI [34, 35]. No single test is clearly
superior for short-term CRBSI diagnosis. For diagnosis of
CRBSI in patients with long-term catheters, quantitative blood
cultures are the most accurate test, but DTP also has a high
degree of accuracy. Neither method requires catheter removal.
If a blood sample for culture cannot be obtained from a pe-
ripheral vein, 2 catheter blood samples for culture should be
drawn through different catheter lumens [36].
It is important to remember that the denition of CRBSI
used in the current document, which deals with management
of infections related to intravascular devices, differs from sur-
veillance denitions used to dene central lineassociated
bloodstream infection [37].
Blood culture contamination issues, peripheral blood sam-
ples, and paired peripheral and catheter-drawn bloodsamples.
Contamination rates are lower if a dedicated phlebotomy team
collects the blood samples for culture [38]. Skin preparation
with either alcohol, alcoholic chlorhexidine (10.5%), or tinc-
ture of iodine (10%) leads to lower blood culture contami-
nation rates than does the use of povidone-iodine [39, 40].
Contamination rates among blood samples obtained through
newly inserted intravenous catheters are higher than contam-
ination rates among blood samples obtained from peripheral
veins [41, 42]. Blood samples obtained through catheters that
are in use are associated with a higher rate of false-positive
results, compared with cultures of percutaneous blood samples
[43]. Thus, there is higher specicity and a greater positive
predictive value when blood samples are obtained from a pe-
ripheral vein for culture, compared with when blood samples
are obtained through catheters for culture [44, 45]. Negative
predictive values are excellent for cultures of blood samples
obtained from either a peripheral vein or a catheter.
DTP for CVC versus peripheral blood cultures. DTP uses
continuous blood culture monitoring for growth (e.g., radio-
metric methods) and compares the DTP for qualitative blood
culture samples obtained from the catheter and from a pe-
ripheral vein. The greater the inoculum of microbes inoculated
into blood culture bottles, the shorter the incubation required
to detect microbial growth [46].
When studied among patients with cancer and patients hos-
pitalized in intensive care units who had both long-term and
short-term catheters, this method has been shown to have ac-
curacy comparable to that of quantitative blood cultures, as
well as greater cost-effectiveness [35, 4749]. Most microbi-
ology laboratories do not perform quantitative blood cultures,
but many laboratories are able to determine DTP. DTP may
not discriminate between CRBSI and non-CRBSI for patients
who are already receiving antibiotics [50].
Rapid diagnostic techniques. PCR to target bacterial 16S
ribosomal DNA is sensitive and specic for diagnosing catheter-
related infection but is not routinely used in clinical micro-
biology laboratories [51].
22. When denoting the duration of antimicrobial therapy,
day 1 is the rst day on which negative blood culture results
are obtained (C-III).
23. Vancomycin is recommended for empirical therapy in
heath care settings with an increased prevalence of methicillin-
resistant staphylococci; for institutions with a preponderance
of MRSA isolates that have vancomycin MIC values 12 mg/mL,
alternative agents, such as daptomycin, should be used (A-II).
24. Linezolid should not be used for empirical therapy (i.e.,
in patients suspected but not proven to have CRBSI) (A-I).
25. Empirical coverage for gram-negative bacilli should be
based on local antimicrobial susceptibility data and the severity
of disease (e.g., a fourth-generation cephalosporin, carbape-
nem, or b-lactam/b-lactamase combination, with or without
an aminoglycoside) (A-II).
26. Empirical combination antibiotic coverage for MDR
gram-negative bacilli, such as P. aeruginosa, should be used
when CRBSI is suspected among neutropenic patients, severely
ill patients with sepsis, or patients known to be colonized with
such pathogens, until the culture and susceptibility data are
Table 5. Intravenous antimicrobial treatment of intravenous catheter-related bloodstream infection in adults according to the specic pathogen isolated.
antimicrobial agent
antimicrobial agent Comment
Gram-positive cocci
Staphylococcus aureus
Meth susceptible Penicillinase-resistant
Naf or Oxa, 2 g q4h Cfaz, 2 g q8h; or Vm, 15 mg/kg
Penicillinase-resistant Pen or Csps are preferred
to Vm.
For patients receiving hemodialysis, ad-
minister Cfaz 20 mg/kg (actual weight), round
to nearest 500-mg increment, after dialysis
Meth resistant
Vm Vm, 15 mg/kg q12h Dapto, 68 mg/kg per day, or linezo-
lid; or Vm plus (Rif or Gm); or
TMP-SMZ alone (if susceptible)
Strains of S. aureus with reduced susceptibility or
resistance to Vm have been reported; strains
resistant to linezolid and strains resistant to
Dapto have been reported
Coagulase-negative staphylococci
Meth susceptible Penicillinase-resistant
Naf or Oxa, 2 g q4h First-generation Csp or Vm or TMP-
SMZ (if susceptible)
Vm has dosing advantages over Naf and Oxa, but
the latter are preferred because of concerns
about increasing Vm resistance
Meth resistant Vm Vm, 15 mg/kg iv q12h Dapto 6 mg/kg per day, linezolid, or
For adults !40 kg, linezolid dose should be 10
mg/kg; strains resistant to linezolid have been
Enterococcus faecalis/Enterococ-
cus faecium
Amp susceptible Amp or (Amp or Pen)
Amp, 2 g q4h or q6h;
or Amp Gm, 1
mg/kg q8h
Vm Vm may have dosing advantages over Amp, but
there are concerns about Vm resistance
Amp resistant, Vm susceptible Vm aminoglycoside Vm, 15 mg/kg iv q12h
Gm, 1 mg/kg q8h
Linezolid or Dapto 6 mg/kg per day Quin/Dalf is not effective against E. faecalis
Amp resistant, Vm resistant Linezolid or Dapto Linezolid, 600 mg
q12h; or Dapto 6
mg/kg per day
Quin/Dalf 7.5 mg/kg q8h Susceptibility of Vm-resistant enterococci isolates
varies; Quin/Dalf is not effective against E.
Gram-negative bacilli
Escherichia coli and Klebsiella
ESBL negative Third-generation Csp Ctri, 12 g per day Cipro or Atm Susceptibility of strains varies
ESBL positive Carbapenem Erta, 1 g per day; Imi,
500 mg q6h; Mero,
1 g q8h; or doripe-
nem, 500 mg q8h
Cipro or Atm Susceptibility of strains varies
Enterobacter species and Serratia
Carbapenem Erta, 1 g per day; Imi,
500 mg q6h; Mero,
1 g q8h
Cefepime or Cipro Susceptibility of strains varies
Acinetobacter species Amp/Sulb or
Amp/Sulb, 3 g q6h; or
Imi, 500 mg q6h;
Mero, 1 g q8h
Susceptibility of strains varies
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia TMP-SMZ TMP-SMZ, 35 mg/kg
Tic and Clv
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Fourth-generation Csp
or carbapenem or
Pip and Tazo with or
Cefepime, 2 g q8h; or
Imi, 500 mg q6h; or
Mero, 1 g q8h; or
Pip and Tazo, 4.5 g
q6h, Amik, 15 mg/kg
q24h or Tobra 57
mg/kg q24h
Susceptibility of strains varies
Burkholderia cepacia TMP-SMZ or
TMP-SMZ, 35 mg/kg
q8h; or Imi, 500 mg
q6h; or Mero, 1 g
Other species, such as B. acidovorans and B.
pickieii, may be susceptible to same antimicro-
bial agents
Candida albicans or other Candida
Echinocandin or uco-
nazole (if organism is
Caspo, 70-mg loading
dose, then 50 mg
per day; micafungin,
100 mg per day; ani-
dulafungin, 200 mg
loading dose fol-
lowed by 100 mg
per day; or ucona-
zole, 400600 mg
per day
Lipid AmB preparations Echinocandin should be used to treat critically ill
patients until fungal isolate is identied
Uncommon pathogens
Corynebacterium jeikeium (group
Vm Vm, 15 mg/kg q12h Linezolid (based on in vitro activity) Check susceptibilities for other corynebacteria
Chryseobacterium (Flavobacteri-
um) species
Fluoroquinolone, such
as Lvfx
Lvfx 750 mg q24h TMP-SMZ or Imi or Mero Based on in vitro activity.
Ochrobacterium anthropi TMP-SMZ or
TMP-SMZ, 35 mg/kg
q8h; or Cpfx, 400
mg q12h
Imi, Mero, Erta, or Dori plus
Cefazolin Intravenous dosing: neonates, postnatal age 7 days: 40 mg/kg/day divided every 12 h; postnatal age 17 days and
2000 g: 40 mg/kg/day divided every 12 h; postnatal age 17 days and 12000 g: 60 mg/kg/day divided every 8 h
Infants and children: 50 mg/kg/day divided every 8 h
Cefepime Neonates 14 days of age: 30 mg/kg every 12 h
Infants 1 14 days of age
and Children 40 kg in weight: 50 mg/kg every 12 h
No recommendation available for infants 2 weeks to 2
months of age.
Ceftazidime Neonates: 04 weeks of age and !1200 g, 100 mg/kg/day divided every 12 h; postnatal age 7 days and 12002000 g,
100 mg/kg/day divided every 12 h; postnatal age 7 days and 12000 g: 100150 mg/kg/day divided every 812 h;
postnatal age 17 days and 1200 g, 150 mg/kg/day divided every 8 h
Infants and children 12 years of age: 100150 mg/kg/day divided every 8 h
6 g
Cefotaxime Intravenous dosing: neonates aged 04 weeks and !1200 g: 100 mg/kg/day divided every 12 h; postnatal age 7 days
and 12002000 g: 100 mg/kg/day divided every 12 h; postnatal age 7 days and 12000 g: 100150 mg/kg/day di-
vided every 812 h; postnatal age 17 days and 12002000 g: 150 mg/kg/day divided every 8 h; postnatal age 17 days
and 12000 g: 150200 mg/kg/day divided every 68 h
Infants and children !50 kg: 100200 mg/kg/day divided every 68 h; 112 years and 50 kg: 12 g every 68 h
Ceftriaxone Neonates: postnatal age 7 days, 50 mg/kg/day given every 24 h; postnatal age 17 days and 2000 g, 50 mg/kg/day
given every 24 h; postnatal age 17 days and 12000 g, 5075 mg/kg/day given every 24 h
Infants and children: 5075 mg/kg/day divided every 1224 h
Should not be used in hyperbilirubinemic neonates.
Ciprooxacin Neonates: 740 mg/kg/day divided every 12 h
Infants and children: 2030 mg/kg/day divided every 12 h
800 mg Experience in neonates is limited. The risks and benets of
uoroquinolones in children should be assessed prior to
Fluconazole Neonates aged 114 days, infants, and children: 12 mg/kg/day once daily
Gentamicin Neonates: premature neonates and !1000 g, 3.5 mg/kg every 24 h; 04 weeks and !1200 g, 2.5 mg/kg every 1824 h;
postnatal age 7 days: 2.5 mg/kg every 12 h; postnatal age 17 days and 12002000 g, 2.5 mg/kg every 812 h;
postnatal age 17 days and 12000 g, 2.5 mg/kg every 8 h; once daily dosing for premature neonates with normal renal
function, 3.54 mg/kg every 24 h; once daily dosing for term neonates with normal renal function, 3.55 mg/kg every
24 h
Infants and children !5 years of age: 2.5 mg/kg every 8 h; once daily dosing in patients with normal renal function,
57.5 mg/kg every 24 h
Children 5 years of age: 22.5 mg/kg every 8 h; once daily dosing in patients with normal renal function, 57.5 mg/kg
every 24 h
Some patients may require larger or more frequent doses
(e.g., every 6 h) if serum levels document the need (i.e.,
cystic brosis, patients with major burns, or febrile neutro-
penic patients).
Imipenem-cilastatin Neonates: 04 weeks of age and !1200 g, 20 mg/kg every 1824 h; postnatal age 7 days, and 12001500 g, 40 mg/
kg/day divided every 12 h; postnatal age 7 days and 11500 g, 50 mg/kg/day divided every 12 h; postnatal age 17
days and 12001500 g, 40 mg/kg/day divided every 12 h; postnatal age 17 days and 11500 g, 75 mg/kg/day divided
every 8 h
Infants !3 months of age: 100 mg/kg/day divided every 6 h
Infants 3 months of age and children: 60100 mg/kg/day divided every 6 h
4 g
Levooxacin Children 6 months to 5 years of age: 10 mg/kg every 12 h
Children 5 years of age: 10 mg/kg every 24 h with a maximum dose of 500 mg
500 mg Experience in children is limited. The risks and benets of u-
oroquinolones in children should be assessed prior to use.
Linezolid Neonates: 04 weeks of age and birthweight !1200 g: 10 mg/kg every 812 h (note: use every 12 h in patients !34
weeks gestation and !1 week of age); !7 days of age and birthweight 1200 g, 10 mg/kg every 812 h (note: use
every 12 h in patients ! 34 weeks gestation and ! 1 week of age); 7 days and birthweight 1200 g, 10 mg/kg
every 8 h
Infants and children !12 years of age: 10 mg/kg every 8 h
Children 12 years of age and adolescents: 10 mg/kg every 12 h
600 mg
Meropenem Neonates: postnatal age 07 days, 20 mg/kg every 12 h; postnatal age 17 days and 12002000 g, 20 mg/kg every 12 h;
postnatal age 17 days and 12000 g, 20 mg/kg every 8 h
Infants 3 months of age and children: 20 mg/kg every 8 h
1 g
Micafungin Children 12 years of age: 14 mg/kg/day 150 mg Younger children, infants, and neonates are likely to require
higher doses, but no recommendation is currently available.
Nafcillin Neonates: 04 weeks of age and !1200 g, 50 mg/kg/day in divided doses every 12 h; 7 days and 12002000 g, 50
mg/kg/day in divided doses every 12 h; 7 days of age and 12000 g, 75 mg/kg/day in divided doses every 8 h; 17
days of age and 12002000 g, 75 mg/kg/day in divided doses every 8 h; 17 days of age and 12000 g, 100 mg/kg/day
in divided doses every 6 h
Infants and children: 100200 mg/kg/day in divided doses every 46 h
12 g
Oxacillin Neonates: 04 weeks of age and !1200 g, 50 mg/kg/day in divided doses every 12 h; postnatal age !7 days and
12002000 g: 50100 mg/kg/day in divided doses every 12 h; postnatal age !7 days and 12000 g, 75150 mg/kg/day
in divided doses every 8 h; postnatal age 7 days and 12002000 g: 75150 mg/kg/day in divided doses every 8 h;
postnatal age 7 days and 12000 g, 100200 mg/kg/day in divided doses every 6 h
Infants and children: 150200 mg/kg/day in divided doses every 46 h
12 g
Quinupristin-dalfopristin Infants and children: 7.5 mg/kg every 8 h Experience in children is limited. Recommended dosage
based on 0.1 to 18 years of age.
Ticarcillin Neonates: postnatal age 7 days and 2000 g, 150 mg/kg/day in divided doses every 12 h; postnatal age 7 days and
12000 g, 225 mg/kg/day in divided doses every 8 h; postnatal age 17 days and !1200 g, 150 mg/kg/day in divided
doses every 12 h; postnatal age 17 days and 12002000 g, 225 mg/kg/day in divided doses every 8 h; postnatal age
17 days and 12000 g, 300 mg/kg/day in divided doses every 68 h
Infants and children: 200300 mg/kg/day in divided doses every 46
24 g
Tobramycin Neonates: preterm neonates !1000 g, 3.5 mg/kg every 24 h; 04 weeks of age and !1200 g, 2.5 mg/kg every 18 h;
postnatal age 7 days and 12002000 g, 2.5 mg/kg every 12 h; postnatal age 7 days and 12000 g, 2.5 mg/kg
every 12 h
Infants and children !5 years of age: 2.5 mg/kg every 8 h
Children 5 years of age: 22.5 mg/kg every 8 h
Some patients may require larger or more frequent doses
(e.g., every 6 h) if serum levels document the need (i.e.,
cystic brosis, patients with major burns, or febrile neutro-
penic patients).
TMP-SMX Infants 12 months of age and children: mild-to-moderate infections, 612 mg TMP/kg/day in divided doses every 12 h;
serious infection, 1520 mg TMP/kg/day in divided doses every 68 h
Vancomycin Neonates: postnatal age 7 days and !1200 g, 15 mg/kg/day given every 24 h; postnatal age 7 days and 12002000
g, 1015 mg/kg given every 1218 h; postnatal age 7 days and 12000 g, 1015 mg/kg given every 812 h; postna-
tal age 17 days and !1200 g, 15 mg/kg/day given every 24 h; postnatal age 17 days and 12002000 g, 1015 mg/kg
given every 812 h; postnatal age 17 days and 12000 g, 1520 mg/kg given every 8 h
Infants and children: 40 mg/kg/day in divided doses every 68 h
Voriconazole Children 12 years of age: 6 mg/kg every 12 h for 2 doses on day 1 (loading dose) followed by 4 mg/kg every 12 h
(note: doses as high as 8 mg/kg every 12 h have been reported
NOTE. Intravenous dosing is given according to Pediatric Lexi-Comp Drugs Web site [279], unless otherwise indicated. Neonates are !4 weeks of age and infants are 4 weeks to 1 year of age, unless
otherwise specied. TMP-SMZ, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.
Benjamin et al. [280].
From [281].
28 CID 2009:49 (1 July) Mermel et al.
Table 7. Unique features of catheter-related bloodstream infec-
tion among patients who are undergoing hemodialysis.
Usually outpatient status
The ability to provide parenteral antibiotics during hemodialysis
Dialysis units are frequently at geographically remote sites and not
adjacent to a hospital
A physician is not usually present
Blood samples for culture are usually sent to a remote laboratory
with the potential for delayed incubation of blood culture bottles
Antibiotic drug levels are determined at a remote site and are not
available promptly
Peripheral venous access is often unavailable or needs to be
It is unclear if quantitative peripheral blood and catheter cultures
differ if samples are obtained during a dialysis session
Catheter removal poses logistical issues, because it may require
urgent placement of a new dialysis catheter
Peripherally inserted central venous catheter lines cause venous
stenosis that precludes future access in the ipsilateral extremity
Preference is given to antibiotics that can be administered during
hemodialysis treatments
Quantitative blood cultures and/or determining differential time to
positivity are frequently unable to be done or determined
Limited drug formulary exists in outpatient dialysis units
Pharmacy support is unavailable in outpatient dialysis units
diatric dosing information, toxicities, route of administration,
and formulations.
Conventional treatment for CRBSI has not been established
to be different from that previously described for adults (table
6 and gures 14), but certain procedures may not apply to
infants and young children. For example, as noted in gures
3 and 4, echocardiographic examination is not used commonly
for small infants and children with CRBSI who do not have
other indicators of endocarditis. The optimal duration of ther-
apy has not been established for treating catheter-related in-
fection in children with or without catheter removal [89, 90].
Therefore, recommendations regarding the duration of therapy
for pediatric patients with CRBSI should mirror adult rec-
ommendations. Lastly, antibiotic lock therapy should also be
used, with the recognition that dwell times may be variable,
based on limited venous access and the necessity to use the
53. Peripheral blood samples should be obtained for culture
from vessels that are not intended for future use in creating a
dialysis stula (e.g., hand veins) (table 7) (A-III).
54. When a peripheral blood sample cannot be obtained,
blood samples may be drawn during hemodialysis from blood-
lines connected to the CVC (B-II).
55. In patients with suspected CRBSI for whom blood cul-
tures have been obtained and for whom antibiotic therapy has
been initiated, antibiotic therapy can be discontinued if both
sets of blood cultures have negative results and no other source
of infection is identied (B-II).
56. When a peripheral blood sample cannot be obtained, no
other catheter is in place from which to obtain an additional
blood sample, there is no drainage from the insertion site avail-
able for culture, and there is no clinical evidence for an alternate
source of infection, then positive results of culture performed
on a blood sample obtained from a catheter should lead to
continuation of antimicrobial therapy for possible CRBSI in a
symptomatic hemodialysis patient (B-II).
57. The infected catheter should always be removed for pa-
tients with hemodialysis CRBSI due to S. aureus, Pseudomonas
species, or Candida species and a temporary (nontunneled
catheter) should be inserted into another anatomical site (A-
II). If absolutely no alternative sites are available for catheter
insertion, then exchange the infected catheter over a guide-
wire (B-II).
58. When a hemodialysis catheter is removed for CRBSI, a
long-term hemodialysis catheter can be placed once blood cul-
tures with negative results are obtained (B-III).
59. For hemodialysis CRBSI due to other pathogens (e.g.,
gram-negative bacilli other than Pseudomonas species or co-
agulase-negative staphylococci), a patient can initiate empirical
intravenous antibiotic therapy without immediate catheter re-
moval. If the symptoms persist or if there is evidence of a
metastatic infection, the catheter should be removed (B-II). If
the symptoms that prompted initiation of antibiotic therapy
(fever, chills, hemodynamic instability, or altered mental status)
resolve within 23 days and there is no metastatic infection,
then the infected catheter can be exchanged over a guidewire
for a new, long-term hemodialysis catheter (B-II).
60. Alternatively, for patients for whom catheter removal is
not indicated (i.e., those with resolution of symptoms and bac-
teremia within 23 days after initiation of systemic antibiotics
and an absence of metastatic infection), the catheter can be
retained, and an antibiotic lock can be used as adjunctive ther-
apy after each dialysis session for 1014 days (B-II).
61. Empirical antibiotic therapy should include vancomycin
and coverage for gram-negative bacilli, based on the local an-
tibiogram (e.g., third-generation cephalosporin, carbapenem,
or b-lactam/b-lactamase combination) (A-II).
62. Patients who receive empirical vancomycin and who are
found to have CRBSI due to methicillin-susceptible S. aureus
should be switched to cefazolin (A-II).
IDSA Guidelines for Intravascular Catheter-Related Infection CID 2009:49 (1 July) 29
Table 8. Antibiotic dosing for patients who are undergoing
Empirical dosing pending culture results
Vancomycin plus empirical gram-negative rod coverage based
on local antibiogram data
Vancomycin plus gentamicin
(Cefazolin may be used in place of vancomycin in units with a
low prevalence of methicillin-resistant staphylococci)
Vancomycin: 20-mg/kg loading dose infused during the last hour
of the dialysis session, and then 500 mg during the last 30
min of each subsequent dialysis session
Gentamicin (or tobramycin:) 1 mg/kg, not to exceed 100 mg af-
ter each dialysis session
Ceftazidime: 1 g iv after each dialysis session
Cefazolin: 20 mg/kg iv after each dialysis session
For Candida infection
An echinocandin (caspofungin 70 mg iv loading dose followed
by 50 mg iv daily; intravenous micafungin 100 mg iv daily; or
anidulafungin 200 mg iv loading dose, followed by 100 mg iv
daily); uconazole (200 mg orally daily); or amphotericin-B
NOTE. iv, intravenous.
63. For cefazolin, use a dosage of 20 mg/kg (actual body
weight), rounded to the nearest 500-mg increment, after dialysis
64. A 46-week antibiotic course should be administered if
there is persistent bacteremia or fungemia (i.e., 172 h in du-
ration) after hemodialysis catheter removal or for patients with
endocarditis or suppurative thrombophlebitis, and 68 weeks
of therapy should be administered for the treatment of oste-
omyelitis in adults (gures 3 and 4) (B-II).
65. Patients receiving dialysis who have CRBSI due to van-
comycin-resistant enterococci can be treated with either dap-
tomycin (6 mg/kg after each dialysis session) or oral linezolid
(600 mg every 12 h) (B-II).
66. It is not necessary to conrm negative culture results
before guidewire exchange of a catheter for a patient with
hemodialysis-related CRBSI if the patient is asymptomatic
67. Surveillance blood cultures should be obtained 1 week
after completion of an antibiotic course for CRBSI if the cath-
eter has been retained (B-III). If the blood cultures have positive
results, the catheter should be removed and a new, long-term
dialysis catheter should be placed after additional blood cultures
are obtained that have negative results (B-III).
Evidence Summary
It is frequently not feasible to obtain a peripheral blood sample
for culture from patients who are receiving dialysis [99]. In
some patients, the peripheral veins have been exhausted as a
result of multiple failed dialysis stulas or grafts. Moreover, it
is important to avoid drawing blood from peripheral veins that
will be used for future creation of a stula or graft, because
venipuncture may injure the vein.
A substantial proportion of patients who receive dialysis who
have CRBSI are treated successfully in the outpatient setting.
Hospitalization is only indicated for patients with severe sepsis
or metastatic infection. CRBSI in patients who are undergoing
hemodialysis has several unique features that may dictate dif-
ferences in their management, compared with that of other
patients (tables 7 and 8 and gure 4).
CRBSI in patients who are undergoing hemodialysis may be
caused by several different pathogens, but such cases are most
often due to coagulase-negative staphylococci or S. aureus [99
101]. If possible, antibiotic selection should be made on the
basis of pharmacokinetic characteristics that permit dosing after
each dialysis session (e.g., vancomycin, ceftazidime, or cefa-
zolin) [102], or antibiotics that are unaffected by dialysis (e.g.,
ceftriaxone) should be used. The majority of gram-negative
organisms causing CRBSI in patients who are undergoing he-
modialysis are susceptible to aminoglycosides and third- or
fourth-generation cephalosporins [99, 100], but cephalosporins
are preferred, because aminoglycosides carry a substantial risk
of inducing irreversible ototoxicity [103]. Validated dosing
schedules for cefazolin and vancomycin to ensure therapeutic
concentrations have been published (table 8) [104, 105].
Among patients who are undergoing hemodialysis who have
CRBSI involving long-term catheters, not only is the catheter
the source of the infection, but it is also the vascular access for
providing ongoing dialysis. The 4 potential treatment options
for such patients are (1) intravenous antibiotics alone, (2)
prompt catheter removal with delayed placement of a newlong-
term catheter, (3) exchange of the infected catheter with a new
one over a guidewire, or (4) use of systemic antibiotics and an
antibiotic lock in the existing catheter (gure 4 and table 9)
[102]. Administration of intravenous antibiotics alone is not a
satisfactory approach, because bloodstream infection recurs in
the majority of patients once the course of antibiotics has been
completed [101, 106109]. Moreover, the risk of treatment fail-
ure among patients who are undergoing hemodialysis whose
CRBSI is treated with antibiotics alone is a 5-fold higher, com-
pared with the risk among patients who undergo catheter re-
moval [110]. For patients whose symptoms resolve after 23
days of intravenous antibiotic therapy and who do not have
evidence of metastatic infection, guidewire exchange of the
catheter is associated with cure rates that are comparable to
those associated with immediate removal and delayed place-
ment of a new catheter [7476, 111, 112]. Patients with he-
modialysis-associated CRBSI due to gram-negative pathogens
or CRBSI due to coagulase-negative staphylococci may have
the catheter retained and be treated with adjunctive antibiotic
lock therapy for 3 weeks, or they may have the catheter ex-
changed over a guidewire and then receive the same antibiotic
course (gure 4).
30 CID 2009:49 (1 July) Mermel et al.
Table 9. Final concentrations of antibiotic lock solu-
tions used for the treatment of catheter-related blood-
stream infection.
Antibiotic and dosage
Heparin or
saline, IU/mL Reference(s)
Vancomycin, 2.5 mg/mL 2500 or 5000 [100, 275]
Vancomycin, 2.0 mg/mL 10 [275]
Vancomycin, 5.0 mg/mL
0 or 5000 [276, 277]
Ceftazidime, 0.5 mg/mL 100 [123]
Cefazolin, 5.0 mg/mL 2500 or 5000 [100, 277]
Ciprooxacin, 0.2 mg/mL
5000 [130]
Gentamicin, 1.0 mg/mL 2500 [100]
Ampicillin, 10.0 mg/mL 10 or 5000 [275]
Ethanol, 70%
0 [131]
NOTE. These antibiotic lock solutions will not precipitate at the
given concentrations. Cefazolin is the preferred agent for treatment
of methicillin-susceptible staphylococci, and vancomycin is the pre-
ferred agent for treatment of methicillin-resistant staphylococci. Cef-
tazidime, gentamicin, or ciprooxacin can be used for treatment of
gram-negative microorganisms. Ampicillin is the preferred agent for
infections due to ampicillin-sensitive Enterococcus species, and van-
comycin is the preferred agent for treatment of ampicillin-resistant
enterococci other than vancomycin-resistant enterococci. The use
of an ethanol lock can be considered for the treatment of a mixed
gram-positive and gram-negative infection. NA, not applicable.
Vancomycin at 5 mg/mL is more efcacious than at 1 mg/mL in
eradicating staphylococci embedded within biolm [276]. A precip-
itate appears when mixing a 10 mg/mL of vancomycin with 10,000
IU/mL of heparin; however, by agitating the solution for 10 s, the
precipitation resolves and the solution remains precipitate-free for
72 h at 37C [277]. The lock solution in 2500 IU/mL heparin can be
made as follows: using vials containing 50 mg/mL of vancomycin in
water, remove 2 mL and dilute in 8 mL 0.9% NaCl, resulting in 10
mg/mL of vancomycin. Place 1 mL of 5000 IU/mL heparin in a glass
test tube and mix with 1 mL of the 10-mg/mL vancomycin solution
(B. J. Rijnders and R. Mathot, personal communication).
The maximum concentration of ciprooxacin is limited because
of precipitation at higher concentrations.
An in-vitro study demonstrated the compatibility of ethanol 70%
and silicone or polyetherurethane catheters [278].
For antibiotic lock therapy, the antibiotic is combined with
heparin and instilled into each catheter lumen at the end of
each dialysis session (table 9) [99, 113, 114]. The success rate
is 87%100% for infection due to gram-negative pathogens
and 75% 84% for infection due to Staphylococcus epidermidis,
but it is only 40%55% for hemodialysis-associated CRBSI due
to S. aureus [100, 114, 115].
68. Antibiotic lock is indicated for patients with CRBSI in-
volving long-term catheters with no signs of exit site or tunnel
infection for whom catheter salvage is the goal (B-II).
69. For CRBSI, antibiotic lock should not be used alone;
instead, it should be used in conjunction with systemic anti-
microbial therapy, with both regimens administered for 714
days (B-II).
70. Dwell times for antibiotic lock solutions should generally
not exceed 48 h before reinstallation of lock solution; preferably,
reinstallation should take place every 24 h for ambulatory pa-
tients with femoral catheters (B-II). However, for patients who
are undergoing hemodialysis, the lock solution can be renewed
after every dialysis session (B-II).
71. Catheter removal is recommended for CRBSI due to S.
aureus and Candida species, instead of treatment with antibiotic
lock and catheter retention, unless there are unusual extenu-
ating circumstances (e.g., no alternative catheter insertion site)
72. For patients with multiple positive catheter-drawn blood
cultures that grow coagulase-negative staphylococci or gram-
negative bacilli and concurrent negative peripheral blood cul-
tures, antibiotic lock therapy can be given without systemic
therapy for 1014 days (B-III).
73. For vancomycin, the concentration should be at least
1000 times higher than the MIC (e.g., 5 mg/mL) of the mi-
croorganism involved (B-II).
74. At this time, there are insufcient data to recommend
an ethanol lock for the treatment of CRBSI (C-III).
Evidence Summary
Antibiotic lock therapy for CRBSI is used in conjunction with
systemic antibiotic therapy and involves installing a high con-
centration of an antibiotic to which the causative microbe is
susceptible in the catheter lumen. In 14 open trials of CRBSI
involving long-term catheters with catheter retention and ad-
ministration of standard parenteral therapy without the ad-
junctive use of antibiotic lock therapy, the mean success rate
was 67%. The likelihood of success varies with the site of in-
fection (e.g., tunnel or pocket infection are unresponsive to
salvage) and with the microbe causing the infection (e.g., co-
agulase-negative staphylococci are likely to respond; S. aureus
is not). Recurrent bacteremia after parenteral therapy is more
likely to occur if that therapy is administered through a retained
catheter than if the catheter is removed [116]. This likely reects
the inability of most antibiotics to achieve therapeutic concen-
trations needed to kill microbes growing in a biolm [117
122]. Antibiotic concentrations must be 100 to 1000 times
greater to kill sessile bacteria within a biolm than to kill plank-
tonic bacteria [117122]. Because the majority of infections
involving long-term catheters or totally implanted catheters are
intraluminal, eradication of such infections is attempted by
lling the catheter lumen with supratherapeutic concentrations
of antibiotics and leaving them indwelling for hours or days,
thereby creating an antibiotic lock. In 21 open trials of anti-
biotic lock therapy for CRBSI involving long-term catheters,
with or without concomitant parenteral therapy, catheter sal-
vage without relapse occurred in 77% of episodes. Two con-
IDSA Guidelines for Intravascular Catheter-Related Infection CID 2009:49 (1 July) 31
trolled clinical trials of the use of antibiotic lock therapy to-
gether included only 92 patients, and treatment was successful
in 58% of the control subjects and 75% of the patients treated
with an antibiotic lock [123, 124]. Compared with bacterial
infection, Candida CRBSI is more difcult to eradicate with
antibiotic lock therapy [93, 125127]. In the largest published
series on the use of antibiotic lock for CRBSI due to S. aureus,
treatment failure was observed in one-half of the cases [114].
Antibiotic lock solutions contain the desired antimicrobial con-
centration (table 9), and they are usually mixed with 50100
units of heparin or normal saline in sufcient volume to ll
the catheter lumen (usually 25 mL). Rapidly decreasing an-
tibiotic concentrations may occur over time in the distal lumen
of catheters instilled with an antibiotic lock, especially among
ambulatory patients with femoral catheters [128]. Thus, to
maintain a concentration of vancomycin that is 11000 times
the MIC
of staphylococci during the entire dwell time, a con-
centration of 5 mg/mL is preferred, and the antibiotic lock uid
should be changed at least every 48 h.
Although the duration of antibiotic lock therapy has varied
substantially among different studies (330 days), most studies
have used a 2-week duration. Vancomycin, cefazolin, and cef-
tazidime remain stable in heparin solutions at 25C and 37C
for several days [129]. Not all antibiotic-heparin combinations
can be used, because precipitation occurs when some antibiotics
are mixed with heparin, especially with increasing antibiotic
concentrations [130]. Table 9 lists antibiotic lock solutions that
can be used without the risk of precipitation.
The use of an antibiotic lock does not obviate the need for
systemic antimicrobial therapy. However, when blood cultures
have become negative and signs of sepsis have resolved, systemic
antimicrobial therapy can be given orally in some patients. The
combination of an orally administered, well-absorbed antibiotic
(e.g., a uoroquinolone or linezolid) and an antibiotic lock that
can be left in place for 2448 h may be more practical in some
cases of outpatient management of CRBSI with coagulase-neg-
ative staphylococci [129].
Catheters that are in place for !2 weeks are most often in-
fected extraluminally, and patients with catheters in place for
longer periods may also have evidence of extraluminal infection
[10]. Antibiotic lock therapy is unlikely to have any impact on
extraluminal infection.
Other antimicrobial locks are being evaluated for the treat-
ment of CRBSI. One pediatric CRBSI study had a high success
rate using a 70% ethanol antimicrobial lock [131].
On occasion, symptomatic patients with catheters have mul-
tiple catheter-drawn blood cultures that are positive for co-
agulase-negative staphylococci or, more rarely, gram-negative
bacilli, but also have concurrent percutaneous blood cultures
with negative results. Such patients can be considered to have
an intraluminally colonized catheter. If these colonized cath-
eters are left in place, patients may go on to develop a true
CRBSI. Therefore, if such catheters cannot be removed, anti-
biotic lock therapy without systemic therapy can be given
through the retained catheter.
Coagulase-Negative Staphylococcus Species
75. For uncomplicated CRBSI, treat with antibiotics for 5
7 days if the catheter is removed and for 1014 days, in com-
bination with antibiotic lock therapy, if the catheter is retained
76. Alternatively, patients with uncomplicated CRBSI can be
observed without antibiotics if they have no intravascular or
orthopedic hardware, the catheter is removed, and additional
blood cultures (performed on samples collected when the pa-
tient is not receiving antibiotics) are obtained after catheter
withdrawal to conrm the absence of bacteremia (C-III).
77. CRBSI due to Staphylococcus lugdunensis should be man-
aged in a manner similar to CRBSI due to S. aureus (B-II).
Evidence summary. Coagulase-negative staphylococci are the
most common cause of catheter-related infection. Most patients
have a benign clinical course; rarely, patients develop sepsis
with a poor outcome. For example, S. lugdunensis is an un-
common cause of catheter-related infection; however, it can
cause endocarditis and metastatic infections similar to those
caused by S. aureus [132].
The interpretation of blood cultures positive for coagulase-
negative staphylococci remains problematic, because they are
the most common contaminant and, at the same time, they
are the most common cause of CRBSI. A high proportion of
positive blood cultures performed on samples drawn frommul-
tiple sites remains the best indication for true CRBSI due to
coagulase-negative staphylococci [17, 133].
No randomized trials have evaluated the treatment of co-
agulase-negative staphylococcal CRBSI. Such infections may
resolve with removal of the catheter without antibiotic therapy,
and some experts recommend that no antibiotic therapy be
administered to patients without endovascular hardware unless
fever and/or bacteremia persist after catheter withdrawal. Other
experts recommend that such infections be treated with anti-
biotics. Specic management strategies for coagulase-negative
staphylococcal infection associated with different catheters and
devices are summarized in table 5 and gures 24.
32 CID 2009:49 (1 July) Mermel et al.
S. aureus
78. Patients with S. aureus CRBSI should have the infected
catheter removed, and they should receive 46 weeks of anti-
microbial therapy (B-II), unless they have exceptions listed in
recommendation 80.
79. Patients who are being considered for a shorter duration
of therapy should have a transesophageal echocardiograph
(TEE) obtained (B-II).
80. Patients can be considered for a shorter duration of
antimicrobial therapy (i.e., a minimum of 14 days of therapy)
if the patient is not diabetic; if the patient is not immunosup-
pressed (i.e., not receiving systemic steroids or other immu-
nosuppressive drugs, such as those used for transplantation,
and is nonneutropenic); if the infected catheter is removed; if
the patient has no prosthetic intravascular device (e.g., pace-
maker or recently placed vascular graft); if there is no evidence
of endocarditis or suppurative thrombophlebitis on TEE and
ultrasound, respectively; if fever and bacteremia resolve with-
in 72 h after initiation of appropriate antimicrobial therapy;
and if there is no evidence of metastatic infection on physical
examination and sign- or symptom-directed diagnostic tests
81. If a TEE is performed, it should be done at least 57
days after onset of bacteremia to minimize the possibility of
false-negative results (B-II).
82. Short-term catheters should be removed immediately for
patients with S. aureus CRBSI (A-II).
83. For S. aureus CRBSI involving long-term catheters, the
catheters should be removed unless there are major contrain-
dications (e.g., there is no alternative venous access, the patient
has signicant bleeding diathesis, or quality of life issues take
priority over the need for reinsertion of a new catheter at an-
other site) (A-II).
84. In the rare circumstance that the catheter is retained for
a patient with S. aureus CRBSI involving a long-term catheter,
the patient should receive systemic and antibiotic lock therapy
for 4 weeks (B-II). Catheter guidewire exchange should be done,
if possible, and if it is done, an antimicrobial-impregnated cath-
eter with an anti-infective intraluminal surface should be con-
sidered for catheter exchange (B-II).
85. An additional TEE should be obtained for patients with
persistent fever or bloodstream infection 172 h after catheter
withdrawal and initiation of appropriate antibiotic therapy if
the patient had an earlier TEE obtained and it was without
evidence of endocarditis and if there is no evidence of an un-
drained metastatic infection (A-II).
86. Patients whose catheter tip grows S. aureus but whose
initial peripheral blood cultures have negative results should
receive a 57-day course of antibiotics and close monitoring
for signs and symptoms of ongoing infection, including ad-
ditional blood cultures, as indicated (B-II).
87. Transthoracic echocardiograph ndings are insufcient
to rule out infective endocarditis (A-II).
88. After a catheter has been removed as a result of S. aureus
CRBSI, placement of a new catheter can proceed when addi-
tional blood cultures show no growth (B-II).
Evidence summary. There are no data from randomized
trials with adequate sample size to determine the optimal du-
ration for the treatment of S. aureus CRBSI. Traditionally, S.
aureus bacteremia has been treated with a 4-week course of
therapy because of concern about the risk of infective endo-
carditis [134, 135]. However, several studies have suggested that
the risk of infective endocarditis or other deep tissue infection
related to S. aureus bacteremia may be sufciently low among
selected patients with uncomplicated CRBSI to recommend a
shorter course of therapy (i.e., a minimum of 14 days of ther-
apy) [136140]. Identifying patients without risk factors for
hematogenous complications and pursing an aggressive eval-
uation which may include TEE is important before proceeding
to short-course therapy [141].
Many patients (25%30%) with S. aureus bacteremia will
have hematogenous complications, including cardiac or mus-
culoskeletal involvement [142146]. Clinical identiers can be
helpful in determining which patients with S. aureus bacteremia
have a complicated infection [143, 144, 146]. One of the most
consistent predictors of hematogenous complications is positive
blood culture results 72 h after initiation of appropriate anti-
microbial therapy and catheter removal [143146]. Additional
predictors of hematogenous complications include commu-
nity-acquired infection and skin changes consistent with septic
emboli [143, 144]. Failure or delay in removing the catheter
increases the risk for hematogenous complications [144]. In
addition, removal of vascular catheters infected with S. aureus
has been associated with a more rapid response to therapy and/
or a higher cure rate, compared with catheter retention [139,
144, 147, 148].
Patients with S. aureus CRBSI have a signicantly higher risk
of hematogenous complications if they have a retained foreign
body, if they are hemodialysis-dependent, if they have AIDS,
or if they are diabetic or receiving immunosuppressive medi-
cations [144]. For this reason, a longer course of therapy is
prudent for immunosuppressed patients with S. aureus CRBSI.
Many cases of infective endocarditis are not suspected clin-
ically and are therefore not detected [149]. Studies using TEE
to identify infective endocarditis among patients with S. aureus
bacteremia have shown high rates of valvular vegetations (25%
32%) [142, 150, 151]. TEE is superior to transthoracic echo-
cardiography in detecting valvular vegetations [134]. Addition-
ally, TEE is most sensitive when performed 57 days after the
onset of bacteremia [152].
IDSA Guidelines for Intravascular Catheter-Related Infection CID 2009:49 (1 July) 33
A combination of antibiotic lock therapy and systemic ther-
apy has been used to salvage infected ports and long-term (e.g.,
hemodialysis) catheters for some patients with S. aureus CRBSI
[99, 107, 153]. Although some catheters without evidence of
exit site infection or tunnel infection may be salvaged, most
patients with S. aureus CRBSIs eventually experience relapse
and require removal of the catheter [99, 107].
Patients with catheters that are colonized with S. aureus who
are not bacteremic are at risk for subsequent S. aureus bacter-
emia [66, 154], and administering antistaphylococcal therapy
within 24 h after removal of the catheter may reduce the like-
lihood that the patient will develop bacteremia.
In the largest randomized, published study assessing treat-
ment of CRBSI in adults, a group of patients who received
linezolid was compared with a control group that received non
weight-based vancomycin (for MRSA infection) or oxacillin (2
g every 6 h) or dicloxacillin (500 mg orally every 6 h); for
suspected gram-negative bacteremia, aztreonam or amikacin
was recommended [52]. The rate of successful microbiologic
outcome at test of cure for patients with methicillin-susceptible
S. aureus CRBSI was 82% for the linezolid group and 83% for
the control group (95% condence interval [CI], 16 to 14);
for patients with MRSA CRBSI, it was 81% for the linezolid
group and 86% for the control group (95% CI, 26 to 16). A
successful clinical outcome at test of cure for patients with
methicillin-susceptible S. aureus CRBSI was achieved in 67%
in the linezolid group and 67% in the control group (95% CI,
19 to 19); for patients with MRSA CRBSI, it was 79% in the
linezolid group and 76% in the control group (95% CI, 21
to 27). Kaplan-Meier survival curves for intention-to-treat pop-
ulations found that there was no statistically signicant differ-
ence between the 2 treatment groups among patients with S.
aureus bacteremia (hazard ratio [HR], 0.70; 95% CI, 0.341.44)
or among patients who had gram-negative bacteremia (HR,
1.94; 95% CI, 0.784.81). However, patients without bacteremia
at baseline were less likely to survive in the linezolid group
than in the control group (HR, 2.20; 95% CI, 1.074.50). Thus,
linezolid has not been recommended for empirical therapy in
this guideline (i.e., for patients in whom CRBSI is suspected
but not conrmed). Specic management strategies for S. au-
reus CRBSI are summarized in table 5 and gures 24.
Enterococcus Species
89. Removal of infected short-term intravascular catheters
is recommended (B-II).
90. Removal of infected long-term catheters should be done
in cases of insertion site or pocket infection, suppurative throm-
bophlebitis, sepsis, endocarditis, persistent bacteremia, or met-
astatic infection (B-II).
91. Ampicillin is the drug of choice for ampicillin-suscep-
tible enterococci; vancomycin should be used if the pathogen
is resistant to ampicillin (A-III).
92. The role of combination therapy (i.e., a cell wallactive
antimicrobial and an aminoglycoside) for treating enterococcal
CRBSI without endocarditis is unresolved (C-II).
93. A 714-day course of therapy is recommended for un-
complicated enterococcal CRBSI in which the long-term cath-
eter is retained and antibiotic lock is used or when the short-
term catheter is removed (C-III).
94. For enterococcal CRBSI, a TEE should be done if the
patient has signs and symptoms that suggest endocarditis (e.g.,
new murmur or embolic phenomena); prolonged bacteremia
or fever, despite appropriate antimicrobial therapy (e.g., bac-
teremia or fever 172 h after the onset of appropriate antibiotic
therapy); radiographic evidence of septic pulmonary emboli;
or the presence of a prosthetic valve or other endovascular
foreign bodies (B-III).
95. Patients with enterococcal CRBSI involving a long-term
catheter for whom the catheter is retained should have follow-
up blood cultures and catheter removal if persistent bacteremia
(172 h after the initiation of appropriate antibiotic therapy) is
detected (B-II).
96. Antibiotic lock therapy should be used in addition to
systemic therapy if the catheter is retained (C-II).
97. In cases of CRBSI due to ampicillin- and vancomycin-
resistant enterococci, linezolid or daptomycin may be used,
based on antibiotic susceptibility results (B-II).
Evidence summary. Enterococci account for 10% of all
nosocomial bloodstream infections [155, 156], many of which
are caused by intravascular catheters. Sixty percent of Entero-
coccus faecium and 2% of Enterococcus faecalis nosocomial
bloodstream infections are resistant to vancomycin [156]. An-
timicrobial resistance to newer agents, such as linezolid, has
been reported [157, 158].
The risk of endocarditis as a complication of enterococcal
CRBSI is relatively low. In a multicenter study involving 1205
cases of CRBSI due to vancomycin-resistant enterococci, only
1.5% had denitive evidence of endocarditis [159]. However,
signs and symptoms of endocarditis, persistent bacteremia, or
enterococcal bacteremia in the presence of a prosthetic valve
warrant further evaluation with TEE [160, 161]. Enterococcal
bacteremia that persists for 14 days is independently associated
with mortality [162, 163].
There are no data from randomized trials with adequate
statistical power to determine the role of combination anti-
microbial therapy or the optimal treatment duration for en-
terococcal CRBSI. Several retrospective cohort studies found
no statistically signicant differences in outcomes among pa-
tients with uncomplicated enterococcal bloodstream infection
treated with combination therapy versus monotherapy [164,
34 CID 2009:49 (1 July) Mermel et al.
165]. However, one large series found that combination therapy
with gentamicin and ampicillin was more effective than mono-
therapy when the catheter was retained in cases of enterococcal
CRBSI [166]. The combination of ampicillin and high-dose
ceftriaxone was used successfully in a nonrandomized study of
enterococcal endocarditis for patients in which use of an ami-
noglycoside was precluded because of either antimicrobial re-
sistance or nephrotoxicity [167].
An open-label clinical trial among solid-organ transplant re-
cipients reported a 63% success rate in treating vancomycin-
resistant enterococci bloodstream infections with linezolid
[168]. Quinupristin-dalfopristin has been reported for use in
treating bloodstream infections due to E. faecium, with an over-
all clinical response rate of 69% in the small subset of patients
with CRBSI [169]. An open-label study of neutropenic patients
found a 44% cure rate in an intention-to-treat analysis of en-
terococcal bacteremia treated with daptomycin [170]. In a ret-
rospective cohort study, chloramphenicol treatment of van-
comycin-resistant enterococci bloodstream infections had a
clinical response rate of 61% [171]. Specic management strat-
egies for enterococcal CRBSI are summarized in table 5 and
gures 24.
Gram-Negative Bacilli
98. Patients with possible CRBSI should receive empirical
antibiotic therapy to cover gram-negative bacilli if they are
critically ill, if they have sepsis, if they are neutropenic, if they
have a femoral catheter in place, or if they have a known focus
of gram-negative bacillary infection (A-II).
99. Patients who are critically ill with suspected CRBSI and
who have recent colonization or infection with an MDR gram-
negative pathogen should receive 2 antimicrobial agents of dif-
ferent classes with gram-negative activity as initial therapy (A-
II). De-escalation of the initial regimen to a single appropriate
antibiotic is recommended once culture and susceptibility re-
sults are available (A-II).
100. In patients with gram-negative bacillary CRBSI involv-
ing a long-term catheter and persistent bacteremia or severe
sepsis despite systemic and antibiotic lock therapy, the device
should be removed, an evaluation for endovascular infection
and metastatic infection should be pursued, and the duration
of antibiotic therapy should be extended beyond 714 days on
the basis of the ndings of these studies (C-III).
Evidence summary. During the past 2 decades, rates of
gram-negative bacillary intravascular device infection and sec-
ondary bacteremia among adults have decreased, supplanted
by infections due to coagulase-negative staphylococci, S. aureus
(often MRSA), and Candida species [172]. The incidence of
infections due to antibiotic-resistant gram-negative pathogens
has increased over the past decade [86, 173], and patients with
CRBSI due to MDR gram-negative pathogens are at greater risk
for inappropriate initial antibiotic therapy, which results in in-
creased morbidity and mortality [172177]. Risk factors for
infection due to MDR gram-negative bacilli include being crit-
ically ill, being neutropenic, having received prior antibiotic
therapy, and having a femoral catheter [172, 178180].
Over the past decade, the incidence of gram-negative bacilli
resistant to third- and fourth-generation cephalosporins has
increased [15, 86, 173]. MDR Klebsiella pneumoniae and Esch-
erichia coli expressing extended-spectrum b-lactamases have
been associated with poor clinical outcomes when treated with
cephalosporins or piperacillin-tazobactam versus carbapenems,
even when the organisms appear to be susceptible in vitro [173,
177]. In addition, there is increasing concern over the evolution
of MDR gram-negative bacilli having carbapenemases that con-
fer resistance to carbapenems, and many of these enzymes are
active against cephalosporins [173]. No randomized, controlled
trials have evaluated various treatments for gram-negative ba-
cilli that produce these b-lactamases or carbapenemases and
require therapy with polymyxin (colistin) or an aminoglycoside
[181]. Treatment failure among patients with Enterobacter bac-
teremia who are administered cephalosporins has also been
observed [172].
Most of the recommendations for the management of CRBSI
due to MDR gram-negative bacilli have been limited by small
numbers of cases derived from outbreaks or small clusters of
infections, concerns over the accuracy and interpretation of in
vitro susceptibility data, and confounding by concurrent use
of combinations of antibiotics. When culture and susceptibility
data are available, the initial antibiotic regimen can be adjusted
to a single agent for the remainder of the therapeutic course,
usually for 714 days [182]. Recommendations and guidelines
for the management of sepsis have been recently published
[176]. Recommendations for antimicrobial therapy for specic
gram-negative pathogens are shown in table 5.
Several studies have advocated the removal of an infected
catheter for patients with CRBSI due to MDR gram-negative
bacilli that have a propensity for biolm production, such as
Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas species, and Stenotro-
phomonas maltophilia [172, 179, 180, 183]. However, these
studies are limited by small numbers of patients and lack data
on the efcacy of combination therapy with an antibiotic lock
and systemic antibiotics. Recent studies in which antibiotic lock
and systemic antibiotics were used to treat gram-negative rod
CRBSI have found high success rates [99, 114]. Specic man-
agement strategies for gram-negative bacillary CRBSI are sum-
marized in table 5 and gures 24.
IDSA Guidelines for Intravascular Catheter-Related Infection CID 2009:49 (1 July) 35
Candida Species
101. Catheters should be removed in cases of CRBSI due to
Candida species (A-II).
102. For patients with candidemia and a short-term CVC
for whom no source of candidemia is obvious, the catheter
should be removed and the catheter tip sent for culture (A-II).
Alternatively, for patients with limited venous access, exchange
the catheter over a guidewire and perform catheter cultures (B-
II). If the catheter is colonized with the same species of Candida
as found in a percutaneous blood culture, the CVC should be
removed (A-II).
103. Antifungal therapy is recommended for all cases of
CRBSI due to Candida species, including cases in which clinical
manifestations of infection and/or candidemia resolve after
catheter withdrawal and before initiation of antifungal therapy
Evidence summary. Fluconazole administered at a dosage
of 400 mg daily for 14 days after the rst negative blood culture
result is obtained is equivalent to amphotericin B in the treat-
ment of candidemia caused by Candida albicans and azole-
susceptible strains [184]. For Candida species with decreased
susceptibility to azoles (e.g., C. glabrata and C. krusei), echino-
candins (caspofungin administered with a 70-mg intravenous
loading dose, followed by 50 mg daily administered intrave-
nously; micafungin at a dosage of 100 mg daily administered
intravenously or anidulafungin with a 200-mg intravenous
loading dose followed by 100 mg daily administered intrave-
nously) or lipid formulations of amphotericin B (ambisome or
amphotericin B lipid complex) administered intravenously at
a dosage of 35 mg/kg daily are highly effective [185187].
Conventional amphotericin B therapy is also effective but is
associated with more adverse effects.
The impact of CVC removal on the outcome of candidemia
has been evaluated in 6 prospective studies [188193]. All 6
prospective studies showed that CVC retention worsened out-
come [188193].
There are limited clinical data to suggest that antifungal lock
therapy with amphotericin B may result in catheter salvage for
patients with candidemia [93, 127]. Echinocandins [194], lipid
formulations of amphotericin B [194, 195], or ethanol-based
lock solutions [196, 197] eradicate biolm-containing Candida
in vitro, but catheter retention in combination with antifungal
lock therapy is still investigational at the present time.
If Candida is grown from blood samples obtained from a
patient with a long-term catheter or implantable port, the de-
cision regarding catheter removal should be based on predictors
of a catheter-related candidemia versus another source of in-
fection (e.g., the gastrointestinal tract). Predictors of CRBSI
involving long-term catheters include the following: a 13:1
quantity of Candida growing from the catheter-drawn blood
cultures, compared with percutaneous blood cultures; catheter-
drawn blood cultures growing 12 h before percutaneous blood
cultures [36, 48, 49, 198]; candidemia in a patient who has not
received chemotherapy or steroid therapy within 1 month be-
fore the onset of infection and who has no dissemination or
other apparent source for the bloodstream infection except the
intravascular catheter; candidemia in a patient receiving hy-
peralimentation through the catheter; and persistent candide-
mia unresponsive to systemic antifungal therapy [199, 200].
Any of these conditions should raise suspicion for Candida-
related CRBSI and the need to remove the catheter. Manage-
ment of candidemia and other fungal infections is summarized
in table 5 and gures 24, and in the recent IDSA guidelines
for the management of candidiasis [201].
Other Gram-Positive Microorganisms
104. Diagnosis of CRBSI due to Corynebacterium, Bacillus
and Micrococcus species requires at least 2 positive results of
blood cultures performed on samples obtained from different
sites (A-II).
105. For the management of these infections, catheter re-
moval is indicated for patients with a short-term CVC, and it
is also indicated for patients with an infected long-termcatheter
or implanted port, unless there are no alternative intravascular
access sites (B-III).
Evidence summary. Isolation of these microorganisms
from a single blood culture set does not prove true bloodstream
infection. Conrmation by multiple percutaneous blood cul-
ture results positive for the same organism is required before
meaningful conclusions can be drawn as to the signicance of
the culture results. CRBSIs due to Micrococcus and Bacillus
species are difcult to treat successfully unless the infected cath-
eter is removed [202, 203]. A high incidence of CRBSI due to
Micrococcus species has been reported among patients treat-
ed for pulmonary arterial hypertension with continuous epo-
prostenol [204]. Specic management strategies for treating
CRBSI due to these pathogens are summarized in table 5.
106. Suppurative thrombophlebitis should be suspected in
patients with persistent bacteremia or fungemia (i.e., patients
36 CID 2009:49 (1 July) Mermel et al.
whose blood culture results remain positive after 72 h of ad-
equate antimicrobial therapy) without another source of in-
travascular infection (e.g., endocarditis) (A-II).
107. A diagnosis of suppurative thrombophlebitis requires
the presence of positive blood culture results plus the dem-
onstration of a thrombus by radiographic testing (e.g., com-
puted tomography, ultrasonography, or other methods) (A-II).
108. Surgical resection of the involved vein for patients with
suppurative thrombophlebitis should be limited to patients
with purulent supercial veins or patients in whom the infec-
tion extends beyond the vessel wall, as well as patients who
experience failure of conservative therapy with an appropriate
antimicrobial regimen (A-II).
109. The role of heparin use in this setting is unresolved
110. Patients with suppurative thrombophlebitis due to
CRBSI should receive a minimum of 34 weeks of antimicrobial
therapy (B-III).
Evidence Summary
Suppurative thrombophlebitis may involve central or periph-
eral veins or arteries and result in high-grade and persistent
bacteremia or fungemia [205210]. Patients who undergo che-
motherapy for malignancy and patients with solid tumors who
develop S. aureus CRBSI may be at increased risk for suppu-
rative thrombophlebitis, because S. aureus is the most common
offending organism [207, 211214]. Septic pulmonary emboli
and other metastatic infections may complicate this condition
[207, 215]. Patients may remain febrile and bacteremic or fun-
gemic for prolonged periods of time despite the initiation of
appropriate antimicrobial therapy; however, few patients have
physical examination ndings that suggest the diagnosis of
suppurative thrombophlebitis [216]. Only a minority of pa-
tients require surgery for the denite resolution of suppura-
tive thrombophlebitis.
Because infected intravascular thrombus and intraluminal
abscess may remain intact after catheter removal, this infection
may become manifest after catheter removal [209]. When pe-
ripheral veins are involved, many older children and adult pa-
tients have localized pain, erythema, and edema, and a smaller
subset of patients demonstrate an abscess, palpable cord, or
purulent drainage [206, 217, 218]. A patient with suppurative
thrombophlebitis caused by a peripheral arterial catheter may
present with a pseudoaneurysm or embolic lesions of the in-
volved hand [205, 210]. Patients with suppurative thrombo-
phlebitis of the great central veins may have ipsilateral neck,
chest, or upper extremity swelling [208, 209, 219]. There are
no randomized studies to guide the optimal choice or duration
of antibiotics, use of anticoagulants, thrombolytic agents, or
excision of the involved vessel, but anticoagulationwithheparin
should be considered [220]. Specic management strategies for
suppurative thrombophlebitis are summarized in gures 2
and 3.
111. Catheter withdrawal is required in the management of
catheter-related infective endocarditis (A-II).
112. TEE should be done for patients with CRBSI who have
any of the following: a prosthetic heart valve, pacemaker, or
implantable debrillator; persistent bacteremia or fungemia
and/or fever 172 h after initiation of appropriate antibiotic
therapy and catheter removal, in addition to a search for met-
astatic foci of infection, as indicated; and any case of S. aureus
CRBSI in which duration of therapy less than 46 weeks is
being considered (A-II).
113. Unless the clinical condition of the patient dictates oth-
erwise, perform a TEE at least 57 days after the onset of
bacteremia or fungemia and consider repeating the TEE for
patients with a high index of suspicion for infective endocarditis
in whom the initial TEE had negative ndings (B-II).
114. Assess for suppurative thrombophlebitis as noted above
115. Infective endocarditis cannot be ruled out by negative
transthoracic echocardiograph ndings alone (B-II).
Evidence Summary
Colonized intravascular catheters are the most commonly iden-
tied source of nosocomial endocarditis and account for one-
to two-thirds of reported cases [24, 25, 34, 221224]. Staph-
ylococci are the main etiologic agents, followed by Enterococcus
and Candida species [24, 25]. The risk of nosocomial endo-
carditis is greatest among patients with S. aureus bacteremia
who have prosthetic heart valves, pacemakers, malignancy, or
who are receiving dialysis through a catheter [24, 25, 34, 44,
225, 226].
There are no data from randomized clinical trials to establish
the indications for TEE, but clinical examination has a low
sensitivity for diagnosing infective endocarditis. A TEE should
be offered to all patients with S. aureus bacteremia, with the
possible exception of patients whose fever and bacteremia re-
solve within 72 h after catheter removal who have no underlying
cardiac predisposing conditions for endocarditis and no clinical
signs of endocarditis [135].
Repeatedly positive blood culture results and/or unchanged
clinical status for 72 h after catheter removal usually reects
serious sequelae of CRBSI, such as suppurative thrombophle-
bitis, endocarditis, or metastatic foci of infection. Specic man-
agement strategies for infective endocarditis due to CRBSI are
IDSA Guidelines for Intravascular Catheter-Related Infection CID 2009:49 (1 July) 37
summarized in gures 2 and 3, and general guidelines can be
found elsewhere [272].
116. When extrinsic contamination of infusate or catheter
ush or lock solutions is suspected, public health authorities
should be alerted and the suspected product should be set aside
for culture (A-II).
117. Establish a case denition for patients who are likely
to have been exposed, including a time period, risk factors, and
location of the patients (A-II).
118. A case-control study should be used to establish risk
factors for infection and to help elucidate potential sources of
contamination (B-II).
119. Establish relatedness of the suspected organisms by
reviewing the antibiotic susceptibility patterns, followed by
molecular ngerprinting, such as pulsed-eld gel electropho-
resis, polymerase chain reaction, or multilocus sequence typing
120. Investigation of contamination involves a thorough re-
view of potential breaches in infection control practices in the
hospital pharmacy and at the point of delivery of the infusate.
This requires interviews with health care personnel and obser-
vation of practices in the health care setting (A-II).
121. Cultures of potential point-source contaminants in the
environment should be performed, including intravenous med-
ications administered to patients (A-II).
122. During the investigation, heightened surveillance to de-
tect new cases should be instituted (A-II).
123. Following identication of a source, there should be
ongoing surveillance to conrm eradication of the source of
infection (A-II).
Evidence Summary
Outbreaks of CRBSI occur infrequently and are most com-
monly caused by contaminated infusate [4]. These infections
can be difcult to recognize and are sufciently uncommon
that they may go unnoticed by clinicians. Any uids admin-
istered through an intravenous catheter can become contam-
inated, either during the manufacturing process or while being
prepared or administered in the health care setting. Numerous
outbreaks of bloodstream infection related to contaminated,
intravenously administered products have been reported [227
237]. In addition, medical equipment can become contami-
nated because of inadequate infection-control practices [238
254]. In some instances, health care workers have adulterated
intravenous narcotics for illicit use and have contaminated the
narcotics in the process [255].
Bacteria that are most often implicated in contamination of
infusate include gram-negative bacilli capable of reproducing
at room temperature, such as Klebsiella species, Enterobacter
species, Serratia species, Burkholdaria cepacia, Ralstonia pick-
ettii, and Citrobacter freundii [4]. Gram-negative bacilli that are
unusual human pathogens or that are frequently found in the
environment should alert the clinician to the possibility of con-
taminated infusate.
Because the clinical picture of contaminated infusate is the
same as that of bloodstream infection due to other causes,
contamination of infusate often will not be detected unless there
is a cluster of unusual bloodstream infections or several patients
develop a bloodstream infection due to the same organism.
Contaminated infusate should be suspected when no other in-
fection is present that would account for a bloodstream infec-
tion or when the abrupt onset of shock occurs in association
with infusion of parenteral medication or uid.
Contamination in the hospital pharmacy should be suspected
if an increase in bloodstream infection due to the same mi-
croorganism occurs among patients on different hospital units.
Suspected contamination should prompt an immediate and
thorough investigation. Assistance from public health author-
ities may be required, especially if related outbreaks occur in
multiple health care settings.
Prior guidelines call for negative TEE ndings for all patients
with S. aureus CRBSI to allow for a treatment duration of
only 2 weeks [1]. However, some experts believe that a TEE
is not needed for patients without intravascular hardware
who have rapid resolution of bacteremia and signs and symp-
toms of acute infection.