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Training Program: AVR Programming and Interfacing

Program Category: Embedded System & Communication

Program code: TES-302

Training Program Objective:
This Training program provides an introduction to fundamental technologies of the AVR Programming
and communications Marketplace. Designed with the technical/non-technical professional in mind, this
course provides Day-to-day examples of the intricacies and competitive landscape of the industry. This
program covers very brief description of AVR Controllers and its interfacing with various I/O devices.

What you will learn:
You will be able to understand A Detailed introduction to microcontrollers and its interfacing with
various I/O devices (LCD, ADC, Sensors, and Motors etc.).You will also get a detailed guidance related
to the implementation in various projects.

Training Program Outline:

Fundamental Concept of C - C -Keyword -Data types -Variables -Constants-Operators -
Statements-Decision control structure -Un conditional statements-Memory functions-Strings-
Array -Union -Functions -Pointers-Case control structure -Pointers-Linked list.

Functions - Functions without return type-with return type- no arguments- passing single
argument-multiple arguments-Miscellaneous issues advanced features-call by value-call
by reference-pointers- recursion-Memory functions.

Arrays - Declaration and initialization-Arrays in functions-Array of pointers-passing an
array element or an entire array to function- Bounds checking-Practical problems with
bounds checking -introduction of 2D-arrays- Strings-Declaration-Initialization-Pointers and
strings-string library functions.

Advanced C - Structures-Declaration-Memory allocation-Structures with pointers-Union-
difference between structure and union-Storage Classes-auto, static, register and extern[scope,
lifetime, memory problems]-Global Vs Extern-extern keyword- Type Casting -Pre-processor-
Macro Expansions-Pre-processor Directives.

Foundation of Embedded System - Definition of Embedded System -Characteristics-
Applications-Examples Language used in Embedded System -Assembly Language-Instruction set
-Embedded Programming-Embedded Programming using C-Difference between C & Embedded
C-Build Process Components -Assembler & Compiler.

Peripheral Devices - Different peripheral device -Difference types of display units -7 Segments
& its types -Principle of Operation-Common Anode mode-Common Cathode mode -16x2 LCD -
Applications-Hardware interfaces-Interfacing Circuits for LCD & LED -Pin diagram of 16x2-
working mechanism LCD using Arrays & Pointers.

Analyzing Analog & Digital Signal - Working Principle of ADC-Critical factors in ADC -
Method used in ADC -Different types of ADC (Serial and Parallel ADC)-Hardware interfacing
of ADC 0809 -PIN Description-Programming for reading the ADC value using port -Working
Principle of DAC-DAC Types-PIN Description-DAC interfacing Keyboard Interfacing-
Applications using keyboard interfacing. Communication - Serial Communication -Hardware
Description-Logical Level Converter-MAX 232 -design-Serial Port-Programming for serial
communication-Implementation with Real time application-Parallel communication -Parallel
port basics-Pin details-Interfacing with Microcontroller-PC to MC communication.

LCD, LED and 7 Segment Interfacing - LED interfacing-basic theory of the lcd interfacing-
implementation and programming for the LCD display- implementation and programming for
the 7 segment display.

ADC and Timer Implementation - ADC interfacing-basic theory of the ADC interfacing-
implementation and programming for the ADC and LCD display- Introduction of timer
peripheral - implementation and programming for timer peripheral.

UART Implementation - Definition for various protocols -UART -implementation-
Programming for UART communication. I2C Protocol Implementation - I2C -implementation-
Real time application using I2C- Advantages & Disadvantages Applications

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