Eternal Dancing Queen
Eternal Dancing Queen
Eternal Dancing Queen
Yuri Futanari
Naga Shark
They had been searching here for three weeks so far and were
growing weary and running low on resources.
significance, and certainly not from the correct era.
They cried out for the rest of the crew to come down quickly
with all of their gear.
They scraped off the moss carefully with their fingers and
some plastic scrapes so as to not damage the face of the stone which
bore carved writing.
The team took hundreds of photos and radio calls were made,
and within the hour, specialized hydraulic excavation equipment had
been flown in by helicopter to their exact GPS coordinates and with
this special device they carefully extracted the tomb's very tightly
fitting seal without damaging it.
They carefully laid the door aside and instructed their support
team to begin measuring it and preparing it for transportation back to
Los Angeles.
Episode 1,
The Discovery of a Lifetime!
The tomb was clean, dry, lined in the original brilliant red and
gold silk, pinned carefully to the walls with small gold pins to many
centuries ago.
They actually took off their shoes when they realized just how
perfectly preserved the room was!
been eating on them because although few of them were still intact, the
greater part of them were merely cores and seed pits.
The casket had been sealed with a very fine layer of what
appeared to be beeswax and this was applied very carefully over each
seam, apparently to seal out moisture.
Finally came the greatest moment of them all when over the
radio they got confirmation from the Japanese Department of
Antiquities that they had permission to open the casket.
And it was apparently of an approximately eighteen year old
white, possibly European female!
Ep 1, Chapter 2
This massive blond person was definitely not the person they
intended to find!
Who are you? a man asked in Japanese, but she only looked
at him and frowned quizzically.
Who? Timothy managed in his best approximation of what
he hoped she would recognize as Chinese.
She looked at him and simply said in a very deep voice which
sounded as low as a lion's voice, Maddy.
Ep 1, Chapter 3
Beside her in the casket, a long sharp sword was tucked and
she suddenly became aware of it, looked at it, and with a frown, rolled
onto her side away from it for more comfort, propping her head on her
hand, and her elbow on the pillow at the bottom of the casket.
Yes. she rumbled in her droll, low tone, Who are you? she
He only made out the 'who' but he knew the question well
enough by the circumstances and replied, Timothy, while tapping his
chest and then pulling up his wife pointed at her and with an eager
smile said Yolanda.
Let her be! Timothy gestured to them with an angry face,
This is her property!
They did not believe him, but to their surprise, the young
woman peered at the pile of dried fruit and got a very distasteful look
and simply reached back and put the bowl back in its original place
and sighed as she lay back and wiped the hair from her eyes as it
seemed to be a matter of habit to brush her hair casually.
Unfortunately for him, she was so strong, the lapel of his jacket
came off in her hand.
Carefully helping the young woman to her feet, it finally
became apparent to everybody in the room, just how large she really
was as she stood up and bumped her head on the ceiling.
So you say, one of them protested, but even you can not
make out most of what she is saying.
But we both knew one word in common, he insisted, so
either way, it is DEFINITELY Chinese.
They all cried and protested, but they were handed cameras
without date cards or, if they had permanently mounted data recording
systems, they got a receipt for their equipment and all of them were
sent away without a single photo.
We can't let them film this young woman here on the site.
Historical Administrator Toka Hiato announced, call in the JDF and
have this airspace cleared for ten kilometers until we have this lady
safely away form this archaeological site, no matter who she is.
Until we know who she is and where she came from, the
administrator declared, I would assume she will be referred to the
Department of Social Services and kept out of the public eye until we
know more about her and can figure out why she was here to start
That is so CRUEL! Yolanda cried in a soft, pitiful tone,
Clearly she is not a threat to anybody or she would have used that
huge sword on us!
Ep 1, Chapter 4
They had only one week to get this young person out of the
country or they would be forced to give up the idea of taking her to the
USA as by then surely they would be found out as people were
watching them from every news agency in the country and several
from other places, including Los Angeles.
Still they had to leave the country right out in the open, so they
devised a crafty plan to swap cars in a crowded tunnel during rush
hour traffic, get on the most packed train in all of Tokyo, then change
rails as many as seven times, and finally ride a rail all the way to
Osaka where they would transfer to a private fishing vessel, then ride
this vessel posing as workers all the way out to Kagoshima Bay where
they had already booked a flight at the Kagoshima Airport.
They told the officials at the airport that she had a speech
impediment and was a learning disabled child they had adopted from
an expatriated American couple who just could not handle her any
She wanted to reach out and explore everything along the path
so she had to be constantly held onto.
Come along Maddy, was repeated many times as they led her
through the airport.
They finally got her to the boarding gate and then the ramp
where she had to duck to not hit her head on the door, and then
continued to have to duck to avoid the low ceiling of the plane.
She seemed totally unafraid as the aircraft noisily took off and
flew them away from Japan and continued to fidget tirelessly until it
finally occurred to the Yamaguchis, they had never once seen her
express the need to relieve herself!
to relieve herself where she sat!
She too turned red and gasped, then, trying to keep her
composure, she turned her back and carefully said, I did not know, I
am so terribly sorry. I shall let myself out now.
Okay, Yolanda braced herself, Okay, I will just face the door
while you are busy then. and she stood perfectly still through the
When Maddy had pulled up her undergarment she said, I am
finished now.
Ep 1, Chapter 5
scooped the woman into her massive arms, which, although quite
harmless, appeared to be an attempted abduction to the two children
raised in Los Angeles who began screaming.
She looked at them and they looked at her, then finally, they
nervously glanced at the part of the body of the giantess they could see
behind her with clear confusion in their eyes, even as airport guards
were coming their direction to see what all the screaming was about.
Episode 2,
A New Lease on Life
Nicolas giggled again.
Ep 2, Chapter 2
Yolanda had found a pair of pants she had worn when she was
pregnant with Jasmine and they were large enough to fit the huge girl.
She was not ugly but she was thickly featured in her face, and
she had light little freckles sprinkled on her skin, big, bright blue eyes,
and lush long hair.
Yolanda turned out the living room lights and returned to the
master bedroom and Maddy lay there in the dim light cast by the
outside street lamps and the light seeping from the master bedroom
under the door and continued to just lay there trying to think of
something...anything at all.
She did not even know why she knew there was a mirror in the
adjacent room, which troubled her.
Ep 2, Chapter 3
turned and said, breakfast will be ready soon, you should come eat.
Okay, she smiled again and rose, even though she was by no
means hungry, but when she stood up, the fragrance of blueberry
waffles wafted into her path and instantly hunger leapt up out of her
like a beast from a cave, growling as it charged Ohhh... she weakly
groaned in embarrassment even though there was nobody nearby to
see her..
In the boisterous teenage boy's hand, high over his head was a
pair of very expensive panties.
Aw, mo- the sixteen year old boy got out before Maddy, with
a determined look on her face lashed out and easily snatched the
panties from his grip before he even knew what had happened,
WHOA! his eyes wide in surprise.
Maddy gently handed the panties to the fourteen year old who
shy accepted them and humbly thanked the giantess.
Ep 2, Chapter 4
That's okay dear, the archaeologist replied, I've been doing
this for years, I'm used to it.
So she wandered back into the living room, bored, listless and
with nothing in particular to do.
She blushed and drew the curtain shut, but not before a buxom
blond saw her face and asked, Hey Nicholas! Who's the blond I saw
staring out of your livingroom window?
Wow, geez! the one jock replied, You lucky Chink you!
That's Nip you moron. the other jock said then they both
Yeah fuck you both, he smiled coyly, I got her and YOU
Just wait til you see her come first of the school year ass
holes. he retorted sportingly, not even knowing if she would be there
in the morning and not even caring..
That would be our grades too you pencil - the second jock
Maddy heard all of this but it really did not make any sense to
her and she simply watched through the hazy sheen of the semi trans-
passive open linen weave of the curtains.
The rest of the kids kept on playing in the pool, but she noticed
that the blond kept shooting furtive glances back toward her as if she
could see her even through the closed drapes.
Finally she went back to the couch and lay down there, her left
arm over her forehead and simply wondered what in the universe was
going on.
Ep 2, Chapter 5
She once again grouched into the SUV, only this time in the
front passenger seat.
When asked a question, she had the patent answers of, I'm not
sure, and I don't remember any such.
They went to the food bar where Yolanda said she could have
anything she wanted.
As they entered the food court, all eyes fixed on the seven foot
three inch tall blond dressed awkwardly in a too small yukata and too
short maternity sweats.
The amazon and the archaeologist walked down the line until
they encountered the small Chinese food section where she stopped,
transfixed, eyes wide, and as before having to catch herself in the act
of drooling.
She had a massive helping of bok choi and green beans to the
amazement of all.
She handily downed every bit of it and leaned back with a very
contented smile on her face, totally oblivious to the world around her.
She was utterly dumbstricken and had no idea what was going
on, and had no idea what was being pointed at her.
Maddy blushed and bowed her head while crossing her hands
before her and apologized, I am most sorry Mrs. Yamaguchi,
warriors, maiden. in ancient Chinese as she turned to address each.
Wow. the one girl marveled then in Chinese she said, Its a
pleasure to meet you! I'm Antoinette! extending her petite gloved
hand toward the massive girl.
The guards, along with most of the rest of the people in the
food court, especially the band leader who had been cowering on the
floor, gaped at this in awe.
Ep 2, Chapter 6
They did have a few words between them they did not quite
mesh on, but the two talked for hours, the other band members finally
giving up and leaving the mall without Antoinette, who Mrs.
Yamaguchi said could ride home with her since Maddy had no local
As they left there with a grateful bow from the huge blond,
they passed by a sports store and Mrs. Yamaguchi turned around and
went back.
Inside, there were all kinds of sports outfits, and naturally, a lot
of extra large clothing specially made for tall athletes.
Can you bounce the ball like basketball players do? the
Gothic Lolita styled girl asked.
Where did you live before you came here again? the native
Los Angelean asked.
That's odd. the smaller girl replied, then she turned to the
driver, Where did you find her Mrs. Yamaguchi?
avoid giving away too much while at the same time, she wanted to
give her a truthful answer, especially since it may come back to haunt
her at some point if she lied, let us just say we adopted her, okay?
Ep 2, Chapter 7
They dropped off Miss Connery at the end of her street and
then drove on home.
Timothy had spent the day with Nicholas' help cleaning out the
garage, which had been used for many years as storage for everything
except cars, making enough room for a bedroom.
Why don't you show Maddy what you've been doing while I
cook supper, she suggested, see if she has any ideas how she wants
the place to look.
She marveled at the light switch, slowly flipping it up, then
down a few times, looking at the light, finally smiling with a deep
sense of satisfaction.
I don't know where that is. she replied sadly, But the rock is
very nice. and she followed some of the curves in its highly
perforated and cavitated surface with her finger.
I am SO glad you like it! he wiped his brow with the now
damp paper towel again.
She saw a large spool of telecommunications wire in the corner
and she picked it up, walked it over and placed it in the middle of the
room, then proceeded to pick up the iron and nickel object from space
and gently place it atop the three foot high spool.
How did you pick up that eleven hundred, fifty nine pound,
twelve point two ounce meteorite?
Episode 3,
Casual Friendships, Deep Troubles
She knew just when to duck which cameras and when she got
to the right place in the alleyway, she found some decent stray items so
make a jump step out of and with a not too lengthy run, bound up the
pile of improvised junk and over the wrought iron spiked wall.
From there, she used her hand drawn map of the area she had
taped to the bottom of her skateboard, which, because of her lack of
planning and foresight, now had small gouges in the paper where she
had skid over a wooden pallet on her way over the wall.
Not having a printer handy totally sucked.
Ep 3, Chapter 2
There was a brief wait before the doorbell was answered by the
Japanese American Archaeologist who looked at the girl in utter
There's this young lady out here saying she knows Maddy!
he called back in confusion.
Don't you remember me from the other day? the girl asked
incredulously, I'm Antoinette! I went shopping with you and Maddy!
her name several times drifting through the house and then when she
saw Antoinette, she opened the door all the way and looked out
smiling, Hello Antoinette! her thick voice boomed out in Chinese.
Ep 3, Chapter 3
Oh. the big girl replied as she sat on a bed they had bought
for her, wearing the large sweat pants and top from the athletic store,
which overall disguised her muscular body.
Really, no. Maddy replied sadly, I try and try but nothing
I don't know.
Which high school are you going to this fall? the singer
No. the big blond replied, looking toward the floor, I'm
There was a soft knock on the door then Yolanda peeked in,
Maddy, dinner is ready. then she gave the kind of smile toward
Antoinette indicating she was really not invited and it would be
appreciated if she did not make an issue of it.
I'm not hungry right now. Maddy replied slowly.
Okay. the big girl stood as she accepted the card, apparently
sensing what was going on as a tear formed in her eye and she
impulsively scooped the smaller girl into a tight embrace before gently
releasing her and with a weak smile, indicated that she fully
understood that something was amiss and she would do her best to
keep in touch.
As Antoinette turned toward the door toward the street, she saw
alternating flashes of red and blue under the door sill.
She used that opportunity to slip out the side door behind the
privacy fence and with her skateboard as a body guard, she leapt up
over the divider fence into another back yard, and from there she
sprinted for the gate to the street as she leapt onto her board and
powered off into the evening as street lamps were beginning to start.
A buxom blond girl had looked up from her studies as the
flickering red and blue lights in the Yamaguchi's driveway caught her
eye and she saw a blue and gray youth half leap, half climb over the
fence dividing their yards.
Ep 3, Chapter 4
You're just pissed that none of them are interested in YOU
you dweeb.
Can you just meet us at the mall then? Yolanda asked in
If you don't mind, the boy asked, I would like to get a ride
with Mrs. Albertson's daughter who is going to be going there
While all this chatter was going on, Maddy finally relaxed
enough to decide she would eat and picked up her chopsticks, and
began nibbling at green beans.
Ep 3, Chapter 5
When the five foot tall girl saw the seven foot five inch Maddy
step out of the elevator, her knees trembled as she gaped in awe.
Ahhh...hi. the slack jawed buxom girl finally got out with a
weak sweeping one pass wave.
Yolanda spun with a fierce look on her face as the secret was
now out, somehow, and this undesirable ruffian was there, once again,
only this time, dressed in the lavish dress she had worn the first time
they met...or possibly one very much like it, but before she could get
out anything, she was blocked by Antoinette's next words.
I'm glad you did! the giantess replied, scooping the frilly
dressed girl off her feet in an enormous embrace.
Ep 3, Chapter 6
Nick was definitely feeling left out as the girls were paying no
attention to him at all.
Despite her looks, she was a dedicated reader, and often
deemed a book worm.
We each get to bring along one friend. Jasmine clarified, I
haven't decided who I want to come along with just yet.
In all, not only did Maddy stand out for her immense size and
basso voice, but she was wearing charcoal gray training sweats with
the word Reebok down the complete front, pants and top, and big
black and red striped Reebok basketball training shoes, and her hair
was braided behind her nearly dragging the floor.
She let Antoinette wrap an arm around hers while she walked
with her hands in her pockets.
Clarissa wanted so badly to latch onto the other hand, but she
realized she was already far behind in the running for the attentions
and affections of this massive blond.
That's fine with me, Yolanda replied, Just keep in mind you
would not be sharing a tent with him on the trip.
Nick intentionally put on a sour face which he then made a big
act of rubbing out, mostly to show his embarrassment at his mother's
needlessly stated words.
They went through the store and ordered the items they had
selected and then Mrs. Yamaguchi hurried to get herself and her
children away from Antoinette by saying, Well dearies, in a general
direction so as to not make it seem pointed at any one person, I really
must get home and prepare diner, Timothy hates it when his dinner is
late, she paused for effect, I'm sure you all understand.
You were at Maddy's house last night, weren't you?
Episode 4,
In the Mountains
She was often tempted to ask something but she felt she would
only embarrass herself and make herself look rather ignorant in the
eyes of Maddy, so she held her words and let the two converse without
barely good enough that she picked up words like rock, river, bird,
money, Chinese, and gold. It frustrated her to no end, knowing that
they were there having this intense and lively conversation and she
could scarcely make it out.
Ep 4, Chapter 2
They took a long guided tour of the facility, and with the
credentials of Mr. Yamaguchi got some special access to some limited
frustration, I REMEMBER something! she gritted her teeth, I just...
can't...see it all!
For the most part, no. the older man shook his head, I'm
sorry but back then, taking the names of Chinese slaves was not a
practice of the newspaper reporters.
No sir, the man shook his head regretfully, not for the
Thank you Mr. Cromwell sir, please continue with the tour.
Timothy thanked the man.
Yes sir, anything which will be of help to your dear friend
there with her memories. the elderly gentleman replied, And next we
have images of the first days of the Roselle Rail Yard, also known as
the J. R. Davis Yard, of the Union Pacific Trans Continental Railway,
The site of the Union Pacific J. R. Davis Yard first opened in 1906,
with the last renovation completed in 1952. In the largest renovation
since its opening at the turn of the century, more than 120 old
buildings were demolished to make way for three new buildings: a
hump crest building, a yard office, and a one-spot repair facility. Four
new bridges were built, signals were upgraded, utility and electrical
lines were put into place, and miles of pipe and fiber optic cable were
installed. ...
Ep 4, Chapter 3
She settled for some rice with soy sauce and bamboo shoots,
some ramen with leeks and a salad.
Is there something wrong with the food? she asked, We can
always find something else more to your liking -
The two girls, feeling really bad about how they had started
this both suddenly raised their hands at once and said, Its my fault-
then they stopped and leaned over to look past Maddy at one another is
if silently arguing over who was going to get the honor of taking the
Ep 4, Chapter 4
As they left the restaurant, the group would have been silent
had she not responded in English, but now all of a sudden, Nicholas
had a million questions, and Jasmine had a few as well, but Clarissa
was not going to let anybody outdo her for questions!
Antoinette felt she had suddenly lost the one very special thing
she felt that kept her tied tightly to Maddy as she walked beside the
giantess silently.
What surprised her though, was that Maddy put her arm around
her shoulders as they walked across the parking lot to the SUV, which,
if nothing else, showed that this special bond of being first and best
friends had not been broken JUST yet.
She was content with this while they rode the next hundred and
twelve miles with a constant barrage of questions by all of the English
There was a big discussion because on the one hand, the family
already seen three of the eight trails and on the other hand, both
Nicholas and Jasmine felt for sure Maddy would enjoy seeing the
water falls on a trail they had already visited.
I'm fine either way everybody. the big blond finally declared,
I just want to get out of this machine and stretch my legs.
They all laughed and agreed to this and then agreed on the site
with the falls simply because it was the nearest one.
Ep 4, Chapter 5
After setting up the tents, then came the debate about who got
to sleep in whose tents.
She tried to put her foot down on the issue but they were
having nothing to do with this idea.
Why not let both of them share a tent with me, and you can
sleep with dad, and Nick can have a tent to himself? Maddy finally
Besides, he said, they're just young girls, what kind of
trouble could the get into?
Timothy finally realized what was really going on and with less
than a millisecond of recognition of this on his face, he leaned close to
Yolanda and whispered, I just hope they never decide to
Ep 4, Chapter 6
They walked around the camp site that evening, Maddy with a
girl on each arm, Timothy with Yolanda on his arm following close
behind, Jasmine and Nancy a distant 3 place and Nicholas
somewhere just within eyesight bringing up the rear.
big blond, who nodded and smiled sweetly, and her two friends.
Clarissa's shock and dismay at this did not show on her poker
face but in her mind she thought, You lucky DOG you! Able to
curtsey in boots like those!
So how did you come to adopt such a fine beauty as this? Mr.
Preston asked, quite impressed by what he saw as a potential WNBA
archeologists, and we were searching for one, which, she gave an
acquiescing nod while looking at the campfire, we did find, then she
looked up smiling broadly, and there under the overhang where the
tomb had been carved into the side of a mountain, there was poor little
-uh-I mean-big, Maddy, alone, cold and starving, she put up her
hands with a sheepish smile, We just fell in love with her and took her
home. and she looked to Timothy for backing on this story.
They were hoping they were buying this almost truth more than
the idea that they had actually excavated the mysterious girl from
INSIDE a tomb which had to have been sealed for at least 450 years!
I see. Mr. Preston said, So you don't know if she has ever
played basketball before then?
Its my job dear, the man said, pulling out a pipe and tobacco,
You folks mind if I smoke?
The man proceeded to stuff the pipe with the tobacco, then he
rolled the pouch up and put it down beside his chair, poured a glass of
Scotch whiskey and sipped it, then he went on to narrate how he was
the manager of a national basketball team.
the best seafood houses in Tokyo.
They saw a few shooting stars during the evening, Mr. Preston
would put a log on the campfire every so often and poke it with a
metal poker and they would take some more hot cocoa.
This went on until some time past midnight when Timothy got
a call from Japan.
Well that's a darned same. Mr. Preston grumbled, But it sure
was good getting to see you again Mr. Yamaguchi! the tall, lanky man
rose and extended his hand for Timothy to shake, Maybe next time
we can all hike route seven together!
Well children, Yolanda declared, its well past your bed time,
and that morning hike is going to come mighty early, so you had best
get some rest!
Good night Mr. and Mrs. Preston! Jasmine said softly while
running up and hugging them as if they were grandparents.
Episode 5
A Fine Mountain Day
They rose early and even though both of the girls were
technically still in their own sleeping bags, they awoke with an arm
apiece across Maddy's chest while each using one of her arms as a
When Yolanda stuck her head in the tent and said, Breakfast is
ready ladies. the two girls flinched, pulling back, but they were
pulling back from each other, not from Maddy.
They did not wish to either admit to what they were even
doing, let alone argue with Yolanda so they merely rolled out of their
sleeping bags and picked up their hygiene items to head for the camp
After a few minutes more, the big blond felt she had absorbed
the sensation properly and arose to meet the day.
Ep 5, Chapter 2
There are some really steep points along this trail, Yolanda
warned, you may find yourself wishing you had them at some point.
They were still on a relatively level grade for the first two
hours, scarcely seeming to climb at all, when they came upon a sign
that indicated that the grade was going to increase and that hikers
should be aware of the increased difficulty and either come prepared or
turn back.
I grew up doing ballet, Mrs Yamaguchi, Clarissa replied
confidently, my balance, stamina and tenacity can not be questioned.
Its okay, Maddy replied, if you both get tired, I can carry
Oh! the small blond threw her head back, resting her wrist
daintily upon her forehead, I am feeling faint already! Clarissa's
stilted act brought only laughter, but Maddy did smile appreciatively at
the ploy.
Two can play THAT game. the brunette replied, Just you
watch and see.
I'm not the kind who plays other people's games. Maddy said
over her shoulder softly, I expect sincerity and honesty from those
around me.
The two regarded one another blushing in the lash of the big
girl's strong and well placed rebuke.
embarrassed and self ashamed silence mulling over the sting of
Maddy's words.
Ep 5, Chapter 3
Ep 5, Chapter 4
At this altitude, there was an almost steady breeze, and an
occasional mild gust of wind.
There they ate peanut butter sandwiches, dried fruit, nuts and
drank bottled water.
I smell of peanut butter now. he grumbled.
Ep 5, Chapter 5
The next leg of the trip brought them to a truly beautiful view
of some lovely waterfalls.
The other two girls also gave their consent on the matter.
What's going on over THERE I wonder! he said aloud as he
intended to let whomever was over there know they were not hiding
their activities very well.
Mom... he protested.
You don't have the DECENCY to look away from such things
do you? she scolded her son.
The low soft moan was the sound of a hungry brown bear who
was sniffing the air and seemed intent on the scent of peanut butter on
his backpack.
The bear began to paw at the backpack and he did the only
thing he knew to do and that was to slowly get on his belly and let the
bear begin to devour the fabric after the peanut butter.
Stop. Maddy said softy as she began to approach the boy and
the bear.
Maddy kept walking and while stepping right over the terrified
teenager, executed three very sudden jabs with her fingertips and the
bear let out a grunt before falling on its rump then laying down as if
going to sleep.
She then lifted the boy off the ground by one arm and aimed
him back toward his family.
Go now bear, she said in the same quiet voice, I do not like
to hurt things.
Yolanda gaped at the girl in horror.
Even Clarissa was astounded that the giantess did not let such a
simple issue slide but immediately stood her ground and made the
point clear without even consideration of friendship or romance.
Ep 5, Chapter 6
After the snake moved away, she announced that the small
grove of densely growing redwood trees was safe for his use.
Sure. she replied flatly but turned her back to the thicket.
After he finished changing into dry shorts, he put the wet ones
into a ziplock bag and placed them at the bottom of the bag.
He then pulled out his insect repellant and sprayed his pants.
Oh...noooo! he moaned.
Why did you yourself again? It was just me. Maddy asked.
Why did you come crashing through her like an angry bear? It
was just ME! he whimpered, I don't have any more dry changes of
clothing on me!
The girls all smirked and giggled as they had clearly heard the
entire conversation.
Yolanda was trying very hard to restrain herself biting down
hard on a massive grin, feeling ashamed of herself.
You know if you tied them they would never come untied,
Clarissa's pointed out as she studied the fabric, I think you would
have to use them on the outside of the pants to hold them up.
Ep 5, Chapter 7
people who would see him from either direction, especially since, as it
is strangely human nature to look back at people you have passed, this
was most likely to happen when people looked unusual to begin with,
and with somebody like Maddy along, the stares were sure to come.
Don't worry about them, Yolanda tried to cheer him up, they
live in Minnesota! Who are THEY going to tell?
Ep 5, Chapter 8
The seating arrangement was a lot more relaxed with one less
person to fit into the vehicle, and this time, it was decided that Nick
should be seated closes to the door, just in case there was need for an
emergency stop.
might hit a bump, or meet up with a wild bunny rabbit...
Clarissa burst out in laughter at this and the two who had the
back seat to themselves giggled.
WHAT did you just say to me young lady? she turned her
rage filled eyes on the giantess.
A sudden look of shock and horror came across her face and
she said, After all I DID for you...
Did you? the giantess calmly countered, Did the doctors tell
you that? Or are you just trying to make yourself my benefactor so I
will be indebted to you because I'm a poor homeless hermaphrodite
with nowhere to go and a great big archeological secret hanging over
your head Mrs. Yamaguchi?
Oh my god mom look what you have gone and DONE now!
Jasmine began weeping, Now we're all going to go to jail!
You wouldn't- she began but then Maddy looked past her and
pointed at the state trooper just as he was about to impatiently knock
on her window.
Ep 5, Chapter 9
But how did you get onto the internet? he asked, You don't
have a computer.
Antoinette reached her hand over her head and tapped Morse
code on the glass baubles of her hair piece: They do not know that
you have that phone.
I looked out the back window of the garage and watched the
neighbor behind us browse. she replied lying.
Well THAT'S good news... the Japanese woman blew at her
bangs as she briefly looked heavenward.
What? the giantess asked, You didn't like my story that you
stopped short of hitting a deer crossing the road?
No- I mean yes, she corrected her words, that was fine but-
What did she just say? Clarissa leaned over and murmured to
She said, 'If you live rightly, you never have to fear the
judgment of gods or demons', Antoinette replied, which is from an
obscure philosopher who was often sought for his prized wisdom by
the kings and nobility but they were then sworn to secrecy about him
because he was supposed to be over five hundred years old and lived
in a very remote region of China, high in the mountains where it is
said he lived in harmony with nature and was friends with the giant
The big blond then closed her eyes and lay there 'absorbing'.
Episode 6,
Be Wary of Friends
She knew she had lost her cool and generally become a
complete ass in front of everybody.
She tossed and turned and relived the anger, then the fear and
then the humiliation.
At this very moment it seemed that everybody was suddenly
against her and she could not handle it, and she started weeping.
She wept and tossed and turned all the way until sunrise when
she heard people shuffling around in the kitchen down below, where
she should have already been half an hour ago.
Ep 6, Chapter 2
You call this fun? the tired, sleep deprived housewife asked
in surprise, At YOUR age?
Oh you do? suddenly the woman's eyes lit up, Would you
like to join me in my yoga class this afternoon?
I don't see why not, the big girl replied, I am open to learn
new things.
Yeah! Jasmine's eyes lit up, This is exceptionally good!
Ep 6, Chapter 3
I mean if you already know this stuff then don't come in like
you don't and then go off like an expert and make a fool of
everybody. she asked.
Look- she sat up and put the vehicle in drive before the
giantess could escape, she is intelligent, I will give you that, she
took a deep breath, but she is not from a well bred, financially secure
family like us.
Like us? Maddy asked, How do you know I'm not from
some impoverished family as well?
Ep 6, Chapter 4
Sooooo... the older white woman took in Maddy with open
arms as she crossed the room, THIS is the beauty you have been
telling me all about, is it? eyes wide, mouth as well as if gasping,
only it was more of a faux gasp, one of the more showy expressions
the high society types would use.
Well, the lady looked down gathering her thoughts for a
reply, no...its doesn't seem to match your appearance is all.
Ep 6, Chapter 5
The women had been staring at her all throughout the class and
she felt terribly uncomfortable being there.
While she was frowning and staring, a rather short, slender, and
actually frail looking young Chinese man came walking up in a Ghi
and asked, Excuse me, you are interested in this?
She turned and when he saw her face he was smitten by her
beauty because he had a penchant for blond, blue eyed women.
He was taken aback by her deep voice, but at the same time,
her words and how she said them compelled him to ask, You do?
Sure! his eyes beamed, come inside and see! and he picked
up a box marked in Chinese 'Pung Fau's Reliable Cleaners' and headed
toward the door which was opened by a young girl in a cheongsam
who then bowed deeply as the good luck door chimes tinkled.
Ep 6, Chapter 6
calls. and she placed her hands flat together before her and bowed.
Please hurry back soon! the young man replied, standing and
repeating the gesture.
As she hurried to the door where Yolanda asked her what she
was doing in English, the old lady said, You fancy her too much
grandson, she has a lot of bad people surrounding her, there is much
trouble following this one.
Just be sure you do not play the fool and end up the victim.
the old lady replied, That other woman is a famous Japanese
archaeologist. I know who she is and she is bad trouble.
Some times one must face great trials to obtain their dreams
grandmother, the young man would not be swayed, calling on a
famous saying, as it is written, 'the greater the prize, the greater the
foe one must vanquish'.
The old woman just shook her head and sighed as she picked
up her cup of hot tea and sipped it pondering the seventeen broken
bones the fool hardy youth had accumulated in previous romantic
Ep 6, Chapter 7
It is called 'Sword Utility Dance' Mrs. Yamaguchi, Maddy
replied almost exasperatedly, and yes, 'at a Kung Fu shop.
Why not learn Tai Chi then? she asked, I know a GREAT
But you are -! she began before she faltered looking at the
dead level stare which was not letting her get away with it.
No, Mrs. Yamaguchi, she turned back and propped her head
on her hand again, I have white European parents out there some
Can't you just go with the flow like everybody else? the
Japanese woman asked.
Oh boy. Mrs. Yamaguchi groaned, Does this mean you are
going to go off at all hours of the night on unsupervised dates and get
yourself I know what? she walked up to the
front door, I am not in the mood for this kind of discussion. I am
going to go in the house and cook dinner.
As they all left, she alone remained and she could hear
Maddy's deep voice drifting through the vent which fed both the
kitchen and the garage as the giantess spoke to Antoinette over the
Ep 6, Chapter 8
This seems really light. she said as she took hold of it, and! she regarded the floppy blade with astonishment, How
does this blade flip and flop around like that?
Many of the women were stiff, clumsy and many missed steps
along the way, one woman accidentally poked another one in the
behind, with the (quite luckily!) rubber tipped 'weapons', eliciting a
few laughs.
they all stood and watched in astonishment as Maddy worked the
guandao as if it were an extension of her spirit.
She did not stop until the music ended and then she seemed to
come out of a trance blinking
Ep 6, Chapter 9
None of that matters! the old woman squeezed her eyes shut
in frustration, I am TELLING you, for BOTH your sakes: 'PUT THIS
Maddy and Antoinette were the only ones who got the full
depth of the conversation, staring at one another in amazement.
Ep 6, Chapter 9
Yolanda did not waste time getting all of the fanciest outfits
any sword utility dancer would dream of wearing, asking all of the
experts, including Grandma Shi, who had a degree in teaching it as
well as once being an international champion in her youth.
I'm not going to any school but the one that Antoinette goes
to, or I'm simply not going. Maddy stubbornly refused.
I already did. Maddy replied, Antoinette goes to the public
high school and that is good enough for me.
How can you SAY that? Mr. Yamaguchi asked, eyes squinted
in deep emotional pain.
Huh. the giantess mused, I must be immune or something.
Somebody tricked you into going in there and eating that fruit
so you would be a personal concubine and guardian for the dead prince
in the after life! Mrs. Yamaguchi hissed.
Oh. the blond looked off across the table, Looks like it
backfired on them then.
Episode 7,
For Whom First Period Bell Tolls
enrollment into the private school her children attended.
Sure enough, she even agreed to pick her up and bring her to
As six students stepped onto the school grounds from the SUV,
Nicholas was quickly giving a lot of boys high fives, but even then,
they were all staring in astonishment as the gorgeous giantess stepped
out of the front seat of the car wearing high fashion athletic gear from
Foot Locker.
Her long blond braid hung to her knees and when she turned
her head, it swung like a pendulum.
Her brilliant blue eyes gleamed in the morning light and the
boys and girls froze in their tracks as she, along with the Gothic Lolita
who hung from her arm strode toward the main hall of the school.
The young people parted way for the famous archeologist with
her hair up in a professional looking bun, but they got as close as they
dared to the giantess who seemed oblivious to them all as she was tall
enough to look over all of them but two.
When they pushed their way through the shorter students to
greet her, however, she simply stopped, looked them up and down
without her expression changing then proceeded to follow Yolanda.
I bet. Sam wiped the corner of his mouth with his thumb
before trying to cold cock her from behind.
As she stood there waiting for Antoinette to catch up, her braid
was dangling behind her as if nothing had ever happened.
Ep 7, Chapter 2
He would not say how his blood, in the shape of his face, got
on the hallway floor.
There were no marks on him any place when the EMTs arrived
and set his broken nose and examined his teeth and checked for a
Do you have any enemies in the school that the staff should
know about? a counselor asked.
What was all that about? the taller player asked, Trying to-
he began.
the hall, Shut up man! he whispred, This is already embarrassing
enough without you running your mouth in front of Mrs. CSI back
there! a worried frown creased his face, I can handle this.
Whatever looser. she rolled her eyes and the pair of girls in
miniskirts and long sleeve tops kept on walking.
Ep 7, Chapter 4
After school, while Yolanda waited, the children all came out
to the SUV and piled in.
Are we going to take all night with this guys? Yolanda asked
as she rolled down the window, I need Maddy's help cooking dinner
tonight before her dance lessons.
Clarissa smirked and before she climbed into the SUV she
made a point of helping Maddy wrangle the seat belt around both her
and Antoinette.
Thank you Clarissa, Maddy called out appreciatively.
Ep 7, Chapter 5
Where DOES she live any way? Yolanda asked as she peered
down the empty street as the girl rounded the corner out of sight.
What's with all this hate you have for her anyways? Maddy
suddenly spun her massive body around in her seat, startling
everybody in the car.
was soft like normal, but yet held just a tinge of something else.
You know what I'm talking about, she said, I'm SURE you
don't want me to talk about this in public.
I'd rather not talk about this 'mom'. she said in a fuming tone,
for the first time ever, expressing what could be considered a youthful
expression of annoyance as she stared heavenward, But YOU best
stop what you're doing right now. she said in a face that seemed like a
pouty child of five rather than a full grown woman, as she addressed
the smaller blond.
With that, the Asian housewife put the SUV in drive and pulled
up from the curb to merge with traffic and they rolled on to their
Ep 7, Chapter 6
into her room silhouetting a massive shape.
I'm going to tell you this just once. Maddy's huge body
seemed to hover over Clarissa's bed, If you keep thinking evil
thoughts about Antoinette, you are going to be in a lot of trouble.
I sure do. the giantess said, I also cast a sleep spell on your
family so I could walk in the front door. she lied, actually she had
entered through the bedroom window which was much more direct.
Waf aw you tafin abah? she asked, Tah yur han off my
waou-th! she was once again surprised when Maddy actually did
remove her hand, but she remained composed, Thank you!
If you try to scream I will put you to sleep and take away your
memories. she warned.
I'm too scared to scream for one thing, the girl recounted,
and I'm blown away that you are a mind reader for another, and that
you use magic for a third, and that you are in my bedroom at three in
the morning for another!
Well, Maddy suddenly felt off balance and put up her guard,
don't get any ideas there either.
I bet you're blushing right now aren't you? the small blond
suddenly giggled.
No I'm not. the big blond denied it even though she could
feel the heat in her cheeks.
Oh geez Maddy! she protested, EVERYBODY thinks
thoughts like that!
As she rose up out of the bed, throwing off her cover and
dashed to the window, however, Maddy was not anywhere to be seen.
Ep 7, Chapter 7
Clarissa's father replaced the burned light bulb, but she insisted
on keeping it as a memento.
I hope this thing did not blow out because you... he frowned
inquisitively at her.
You can say THAT again! she rolled her eyes, I don't see
how you deal with it!
Clyde honey? the older woman stepped into the room, Did
you ever mention anything to her about being adopted?
Nope, the man said from behind his newspaper, never said a
word of it.
Ep 7, Chapter 8
YOUR honor!
No WAY! Jasmine gasped.
Ep 7, Chapter 9
You think so? the bass voiced girl asked with a calm,
somewhat distrusting expression on her face.
Why SURE! the Gothic Lolita cried out, You're the best of
BOTH worlds!
Uhhhhhh...I'll take your word for it. the blond gave her a
sidelong glance.
So you never showed her or told her. the smaller girl was
going at this like it were a Sherlock Holmes mystery as she rose up
and paced the floor, an intense look on her face.
Sit down please? the giantess asked, You're making way too
big, and way too crazy of a deal out of this. It just 'HAPPENED'
As she did that, Antoinette looked along the edge of her cheek
mischievously waiting for the precise exact moment to sit up briskly
and plant a kiss on the big slack lips.
PththththHEY! the giantess sputtered in surprise as she drew
back from the ambush kiss, wiping her face reflexively.
Antoinette burst into deep, gay, aristocratic laughter and fell off
Maddy's lap onto the floor laughing hysterically.
The brunette could do nothing but laugh for the longest time.
I'll show YOU how to laugh! Maddy slipped from the bed,
pinning the much smaller girl and tickling her mercilessly.
The two froze, then turned to look up, red faced and surprised
at the equally red faced and surprised adults.
Episode 8,
My Life as a Student
She would read the books and even look online, but it was
more of a cursory glance than what any normal student would be
She seemed to soak up information like a sponge.
The fact that she was seven feet, nine inches tall, however,
posed an unforeseen issue because not only did she not fit into the
desks, but the athletic director was on her case and Yolanda's case for
her to join the basketball team.
Maddy had no interest in sports and even said she was taking
dance classes after school and therefore had no time for the addition of
basketball practice.
Then why do you wear these fancy outfits you wear all the
time? Sarah Jones, the head of the womens basketball team
I'm not 'knocking' it, the big blond rebutted the tall African
American girl, I'm just not interested.
I can't believe you would walk away from such a bright career
as a WNBA Allstar like that. the coach sighed, But if it will get you
to at least give it a try, she paused, not believing she was about to say
this, sure, she took a deep breath and let it out in a defeated manner,
I'll agree to that.
Ep 8, Chapter 2
Anybody who thought they could get away with it had skipped
class and showed up trying to be there without being seen.
Maddy was very self conscious as she walked out there, her
thick arms and legs bulging with muscle, and her weighty breasts
swaying under the tight fitting jersey.
Its fine, Maddy declared, quietly I'm used to it.
Then I'll just not hit anybody with it. Maddy shrugged.
I warned you. Jasmine said and walked back off the court to
her seat beside Nancy, Antoinette and Clarissa.
First let me show you how its done. Susan said, getting all
The six foot, eleven inch African American girl began with a
slow casual dribble, then she picked up speed and began to make some
fancier moves, spinning and cross dribbling while moving side to side,
spinning and making all kinds of moves she had been practicing for
years, then she stopped at the top of the key and said, Now you come
take the ball from me and throw it through that hoop behind me there.
Oh. Maddy said, Is that all? and in a flash, her giant body
sped across the hardwood floor and just as she came right up to Susan,
instead of fouling her, she flipped over her and caught the ball on the
upward bounce as she her toes touched down on the free-throw line,
where she sprang back up into another somersault flip and slam
dunked the ball.
Ep 8, Chapter 3
Oh, Sam said, I'm just not too sure that taking on a helpless
girl was a fair thing for you to be doing MISTER Yamaguchi.
do so well as they did against our illustrious Ms. Lee there.
Did you hear that people? Sam called out to the student body
in the bleachers, Me against THIS thing here, to a hundred points, no
holds barred!
As they faced off, Sarah crouched to throw the ball and blow
the whistle.
Just as she sprang to launch the ball, Sam said, Hey beautiful
and winked at Maddy.
She froze for a moment and that fast the ball went up and Sam
slapped it away behind her.
She blinked again and spun chased after him.
Before she got there, he had already scored his first basket.
Sam raced to the half line to prepare his defense as the giantess
chased the ball down and slapped it over the out of bounds line with
just enough force to make it drop straight down.
With one rebounding step, she was already on her way back
and in six fast slamming bounds she crossed the court to the half line
where Sam was trying to intercept and cause her to fumble or perhaps
steal the ball from her.
She slipped the ball behind herself and continued down the
court for an easy slam as she was far faster than Sam expected her to
be and he could not keep up.
He kept the ball close to his body and kept her on a spread
stance so he would not have a close shot.
Still, there she was, waiting for him to retake possession of the
ball while suddenly coming up two points ahead.
Ep 8, Chapter 4
He put his might into the game and simply could not get
around the blond no matter what he tried!
She was moving one way and reaching another some times in a
manner he simply could not account for!
She would put her huge hands up in his face and a moment
later, she was dribbling away with the ball!
Time and time again, she would come up fast and come up so
close she was sure to foul him!
He motioned for James to spit a small piece of bubblegum out
onto the court so he could make the ball sticky, but to his amazement,
the gum somehow rolled completely off the court and stopped RIGHT
at Sarah's feet!
She pointed at James, and with one finger called him over.
Moments later he left the court with the escort of two school
security guards, the spat gum in his hand.
The game went through the end of third period as the bell rang
out, but not a soul moved except Sam and Maddy.
In fact for all the screaming and cheering, one would have been
hard pressed to have even heard it!
Sam tried more and more aggressive high risk shots, such as
from the three point line, and even from the half line, only to find
Maddy was able to take control without any effort whatsoever!
As Sarah blew the whistle calling the game, the whole student
body rushed the court.
Ep 8, Chapter 5
And after all that, Susan demanded, you still gonna tell me
you ain't interested in b-ball?
Well I'll be damned. she shook her head staring at the floor,
I was sure you were getting all into it.
Its just moves I use when I dance. the giantess replied, Its
not as fluid or graceful as dance, and its CERTAINLY not as artistic or
emotionally involved, but the moves are fairly much the same.
Wow, you sumthin' else girl, I swear. then she stopped and
asked, It IS 'girl', right?
Girl enough for ME. Antoinette came across the gym floor in
her huge platform shoes to scoop up the big blond's arm.
Hey get them clompers up off this floor! Susan cried out
pointing at the platform thigh boots the singer wore, What's WRONG
with you?
You owe me BIG time for that. the goth girl said in a slightly
seductive and very playful tone.
Why does everybody always WANT something out of me?
Maddy complained as they walked off the court.
Ep 8, Chapter 6
She made her way back to the back room with Antoinette in
tow and there in the room, along with Grandma Shi were three other
Chinese men who were dressed in fine black silk suits who all arose
and bowed to her when she entered the room, all of them beaming as if
they had been introduced to a goddess.
Ep 8, Chapter 7
Beijing this coming October! Wan beamed excitedly.
I detected that this was the case, the elderly lady said, so we
shall just have to help her overcome this. winking at the Gothic Lolita
who winked back.
Ep 8, Chapter 8
Basically, this was going to be their first real date, Maddy and
Antoinette were going to go to a fine restaurant, and then to a karaoke
house to practice singing, but somehow, word got leaked to Clarissa
who was having nothing of the sorts.
When she arrived demanding she be allowed to chaperone the
pair, Yolanda thought it was a splendid idea, seeing as how they had
been caught in such a compromising position the last time, and it is
known that they have some fairly roomy couches in some karaoke
booths where she and Timothy had gone when they were dating years
You know those booths are just a little too cozy for young
people these days. she declared.
Both girls cried out, Yay!
Ep 8, Chapter 9
Antoinette tried to reach behind Maddy and push her off, but
she just couldnt dislodge their uninvited guest.
Since the booths held only two people per side, however,
Maddy decided that to keep the kicking to a minimum, she would have
them seated beside one another.
The funniest part was when the waitress came up, not seeing
Maddy's face, but hearing her deep bass voice, and seeing the other
two girls, she assumed they were a family.
She took their orders, Maddy being the lead in this
arrangement, asking and doing the math in her head of how much it
would cost and so forth.
And what would your children like to drink sir? she asked
over Maddy's shoulder.
Ep 8, Chapter 10
They rode from the restaurant to the karaoke house in silence,
mostly because there seemed to not be that much to talk about any
more with their lives being so closely tied that they all knew what the
others were up to any more.
They did, however, agree that for the evening, Maddy should
keep quiet around people who did not know them to reduce the
Antoinette thanked the man and asked that he send some sodas
and snacks back to the room.
No! she exclaimed, I WROTE this song!
NOW I KNOW you're nuts! the short girl eyed her strangely,
This song is written by Lolibad of Bad Blood Lolitas!
Huh? the short girl turned, pulled glasses from her purse at
her side and gaped as she dropped the glasses and the mike with a
thunderous pop and ear splitting feedback screamed out,
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! and she fainted.
Episode 9
My Enemy? My Idol!
She would come over every time she could and even invited
the singer to her house.
This is NOT going to get you any closer to Maddy I hope you
realize. the brunette pointed out.
Well, the singer replied, the feeling is not mutual you
T-t-t-to your FRIENDS? the short girl cried out, wide eyed in
Ep 9, Chapter 2
Clarissa's demeanor returned to being hostile after this.
One day, just a week before a really big show Antoinette was
going to be headlining for, Regina was talking smack about the 'poor
wannabe lolita bitch who only got into this school because of the jap
You watch your nasty mouth you slut! Clarissa jumped at her
words, which was totally unlike her, usual, cool distanced, shy,
introverted response to bullying and general negativity around her.
We're NOT! the buxom blond cried out, Its just not right to
talk bad about people who are poor!
There is this awesome concert showing at the Staples Arena
and I got back stage passes to see it!
What if I said I'll give you these back stage passes if you can
prove it? the gothic girl smiled slyly waving the passes in the air
before them, making Clarissa's face turn to a worried expression.
Oh that's okay, Alice realized she was really stuck there, I'll
get my own, thank you.
In fact, now, she had a certain secret sense of pride, being there
watching these two high school hussies get their just desserts for all
the pain and grief they had given her and many other girls in school.
The three stood there until they were far down the hall and then
they all burst into giggling.
Ep 9, Chapter 3
she and the band always arrived an hour early and incognito, it was
arranged for the special guest list to include Mrs. Yamaguchi who was
there to drive the three girls and the two other band members to the
Also, by now, most people knew that these three students had
begun riding with the two Yamaguchi children to school at the start of
the year, so they could have said she was just there to drop them off for
the concert and decided to see the boat and RV show since it was there.
So while they all milled about and passed through the crowd,
when they got out into the huge hallway between sections B 21 and A
404, where a certain specific service hall passed through, Antoinette
slipped away from the group while pretending to use the restroom and
made her way to the concert hall undiscovered.
Eventually, she did spot them and they were all done up as
most concert goers would be, yet somehow, clearly, it did not look as if
they were comfortable in these get ups.
Oh you see them? Clarissa asked, not being able to see over
the milling crowd.
She wanted to say all kinds of things, but she was afraid it
would tip off the inattentive giantess to the fact she was holding her
like a child or that it gave her so much pleasure her body was
uncontrollably responding to it.
I'm not for sure WHAT you were thinking, the bigger blond
said, but I don't want slimy ooze on my arm!
Ep 9, Chapter 4
Finding the VIP entrance, they made it inside with Mrs.
Yamaguchi in tow, and she was not thrilled about being there.
She did not complain, but she had a glum look that could have
soured milk.
They sat in a set of seats very close to the stage, off to the left
hand side, away from the rest of the audience.
At first the two pretended not to notice them, but after a while,
it occurred to them that Antoinette was not with them.
Maddy saw them from the corner of her eye trying to be coy
and it made the giantess smirk softly.
They sat for at least thirty minutes before the lights finally
went down and the band came out on stage.
Antoinette was not wearing the usual platform boots one saw
her in, but these were glossy black, with bright pink ribbons on them,
with a gold skull set in the center of each little bow.
Instead of a little tilted hat to one side, she had a full stove pipe
hat, and it too had the pink bow and skull around its hatband.
Her outfit was a clashing black with pink trim and her guitar
was black with a pink skull on it.
Her head was tilted down so one could not see her face.
As the band came out on stage, the fans screamed and cheered.
Ep 9, Chapter 5
This alone was one of the biggest draws for a lot of lonely star-
stricken fans to spend a lot of time and effort, both to write letters and
travel long ways to attend the shows, because one never knew where a
fan lived, or who she would read, and if you were not there, there was
no rain check on the kiss.
As the crowd cheered, she reached up under her tall hat and
pulled out ten letters and they had already been numbered in the order
she wished to read them so she would read them and then pretend to
think over who she was going to pick.
not Alice Dodgeson, but that did not matter because it just happened to
be convenient to her plan.
As she read all ten of the letters, she did them in such a manner
that she began with Clarissa's old letter, which, for whatever reason,
she had never read on stage, and was therefore still valid by her own
Dear Lolibad,
I hope this dream does not upset you, I dream of you often,
and dream some day we can become one together for ever.
Yours truly,
(Oops the name got smudged somehow. Oh well.)
Dear Lolibad,
I am THE BIGGEST - ( she put that in caps )- fan of yours on
this entire planet!
I swear I would cut myself open and let you suck out my
innards if you wanted to!
Forever faithful,
Alice ( the last name was illegible from something wet
landing on the paper)
Well then! she raised her hand with the ten letters in them,
What sayeth the pack? she gazed out across the audience, Should it
be letter number one? holding up Clarissa's letter.
She dropped the letter in the fire. The special effects made a
small fireball rise out of it which made the crowd cheer.
Should it be letter number four? holding up a letter from a
married couple, who simply wanted a threesome with a famous person.
The crowd booed.
They were dead silent, and she laid the letter on the edge of the
brazier then gingerly nudged it, fraction of an inch at a time until it
finally flipped over into the flames.
Should it be letter number ten? and she held up the one from
the mysterious Alice.
So... she held out both letters, ONE of these two misfortune
drenched souls is about to receive the 'Kiss of Death'!
Maddy looked at her in the dim light and asked, Are you
getting sick hon?
She glanced briefly at the giantess and then back at the stage
I don't know... the big blond said softly but with a hint of
dramatic inflection of mystery and worry.
left hand.
The applause meters can not tell the difference people! the
singer declared, Let us find out if our mystery letter writers are here
with us tonight! and she gestured to the far side of the stage, and a
man dressed in a regular technicians shirt came out with a list of all of
the people in the crowd with similar names.
So, Alice dearie, she said, If you are out there some place in
the crowd, would you please step forth, and while you are at it, please
show the usher your ticket stub.
After a long wait, finally, thinking this was her true surefire
win, being the only letter with a name on it, Alice took the initiative to
raise her ticket stub to show the usher.
As the man came over and put a small laser scanner up to the
ticket, he nodded and waved for her to proceed through a door and turn
to her right and go up on the stage.
The crowd cheered for the mysterious Alice who now seemed
suddenly quite ecstatic and thrilled to be there.
And now then... opening up the letter from Clarissa,
Whereas I do not have a name on this letter that I can clearly make
out, the performer called out, she DID include a photograph of a
tattoo with the words, See? I secretly got the Bad Blood Lolitas logo
tattooed on my left breast!
So, she looked out across the crowd, if any of you lovely
young miscreants has been secretly wearing a tattoo of our band's logo
on your lovely bosom all of these long years, and you are not ashamed
to show yourselves to the usher, please present your tickets.
Picking up the smaller girl, she held out the ticket stub and then
asked the usher to follow her to a more discreet location.
As they stood near the stage entry, they discretely used the
barcode scanner as just enough light to see the tattoo and they waved
them both ahead to go up the steps.
As the lovely young blond was carried onto the stage by the
giant blond, she said, Now don't drop on the ground Claire, that will
only make this more embarrassing and you will be conceding victory
to Alice there.
This last idea gave the small girl the strength to face what she
had done.
Okay, that's the spirit, Maddy praised her softly, I'll hold
your hand for balance.
Okay people! Antoinette cried out, Here you have your two
On the one hand, she pointed to Alice, using the letter she
had from another Alice, we have a true blood and guts victim of the
heart, then she pointed with the other hand, we have a lovelorn
worshiper who branded her own soul with our curse!
Alice was now about to collapse because she realized that this
'lucky stroke' could well have been a ploy, had it somehow managed to
be that Clarissa actually DID know Lolibad somehow from some
Otherwise, it was merely a stroke of bad luck and fate had
played a cruel trick on her.
Well beasties, the skull faced figure held out the sheet, your
decision has come to my hands!
And the unlucky victim is..., as she eyed both of them with a
look of macabre madness, holding both letters over the brazier, THE
UNKNOWN TITTIE TATTO GIRL! and she dropped the letter from
the absent Alice into the fire.
The crowd roared and the ushers came along to escort the
vanquished Alice Dodgeson from the stage, and she literally collapsed
weeping in humiliation, glaring back at the trembling Clarissa who
stood there wide eyed as if she were in fact about to be killed.
Then she reached out, clasping Clarissa's face with her gloved
hands, leaned forward and planted a long deep kiss on the smaller
girl's lips.
Funny how you waited all this time for your wish to come true
and when it did, Antoinette said, the entire crowd hearing her say it,
it was NOTHING like you expected it to be!
Ep 9, Chapter 6
The three girls headed into the building and straightway went
to the journalism department.
That's funny, she scoffed, I didn't see you there, were you
She's here, Regina smiled sweetly, but with venom, Just did
an office run, to get more paper so we can print today's THRILLING
I just do, she declared, and you know what's good for you
and your girlfriend, you'll keep a secret or two. as she held up a video
card in front of the gossip girl, then she simply added, Come. Now.
and turned toward the door.
There were multiple clips of the two girls in the VIP seats from
before the show, with selected audio enhancement as they discussed
their plans with some of the guys from the football team, shared gossip
about various people at school, then Alice said how she had to be
home as soon as this event was over so her parents never found out she
was not at bible classes.
They fast forwarded to where Alice got up the courage to make
her false claim, and then skipped to the end where she collapsed
weeping on the stage, and then to the point where Regina helped her
out of the arena.
So. Maddy said, liking the side of her cheek for emphasis,
Still want to publish that article about Claire here?
Then why did you come up after it? she asked, Trying to
prove to me that you know Lolibad? she smirked, Come on, she
tilted her head and rolled her eyes, I knew you were too greedy to
turn down an offer, she smirked, that was a blank piece of paper.
destroy BOTH of your families. and she pulled the chip, slipping it to
Antoinette who put it in her cute little handbag as they turned and left
the two there.
Episode 10,
My First Competition
Maddy was having trouble with the stage guandao and finally
complained loudly.
I just can't control something that flips and flops all over the
place like that. she complained as she irresponsibly threw the fake
blade down on the floor with a soft plastic clatter, I need something
heavier, and more rigid. I need something with weight and balance.
You sure LOOK like you're doing great with it. Douglas
Ep 10, Chapter 2
voice, Guess what!
That's not funny mom... the giantess put her hands on her
hips with her head tilted to one side.
Fine then! she turned her back and threw down her hands, I
WON'T tell you then!
Its not like she NEEDS one. one of the women who attended
class giggled.
I'll back up THAT! another one chimed in, I think she could
tear a person in half if she wanted to.
that bear was pretty amazing. she shrugged, I guess she can't do
much worse with a razor sharp blade.
Ep 10, Chapter 3
She uses a WHAT? Timothy asked as they all sat at the
dinner table.
Sure dad. the boy rose and scampered off and was back in a
moment, holding out the costly alligator hide attache case.
Thank you. he nodded and accepted it, and began digging for
a small notebook, Ahh, here it is, he flipped to it, Jngzh Bi li
Ep 10, Chapter 4
She was motionless for a long time and the family all came in
to see what was going on.
Well come on! the singer railed back at her, How would
anybody KNOW their child would come out to be a GIANTESS?
Oh. the younger girl found herself stuck, Well, its a pretty
name anyway.
So we have a Celtic family member now! Nicholas
marveled, How cool is that?
I'm not sure exactly when I was born, the giantess replied,
my memories have not come back to me yet.
Ep 10, Chapter 5
The ministry says they will not release the weapon because
there is no possibility that it is yours. Timothy sighed as he sat at the
desk in his private office.
DNA testing! Clarissa exclaimed, Surely if she has handled
it, there are epitheliels on the body of the device SOME place, they use
it all the time in solving crimes!
Ep 10, Chapter 6
Still, they did admit that at least one set of DNA patterns
suggested strongly a Celtic person, and a female had handled the item,
however, they may or may not necessarily be the same person.
Only if you have the corpse on hand sir, the man on the other
side replied, and I don't recall anything about any corpses being
found in the tomb.
Ep 10, Chapter 7
The jet touched down in Tokyo and the girls were instructed to
pretend to be totally unrelated to the Yamaguchi's which they heartily
agreed to.
But don't get into trouble before you get to the hotel!
Yolanda cried out as they hurried off to a nearby taxi.
They all got into a taxi and followed the one which was already
almost out of sight with the three others who had already hopped in the
first one large enough to accommodate the giantess.
Seems like you should have trusted her all along. Timothy
declared, Poor people can be well mannered too you know.
Then what is she doing in that sick disgusting band getup she
does? Yolanda protested.
She knew better than to reply to this one, she was now quite
ashamed of how she had spent her teenage years, so she just blushed
and made a sour face.
Ep 10, Chapter 8
Fine. Whatever. Yolanda said, Lets just get this over with
before the world comes to an end, shall we?
Ep 10, Chapter 9
Even though the man declared his doubts that she was the
authentic owner and more likely had simply handled the weapon in the
past, he could not come up with any plausible explanations
Her eyes were wide and she stepped slowly, almost reverently
toward the ancient weapon, then as she reached her hand out over its
holder, it mysteriously leapt easily thirty centimeters into her huge
hand as if magnetized.
She was much smaller and she wore a leather outfit with boots,
breeches, a vest and a white silk shirt below that.
She had a head band on and her light blond hair flowed past
her face in a mild wind.
Suddenly she was back in the room with the others with a snap
that made her reel back and drop the ancient weapon as she grabbed
her face with both hands and cried aloud, Racheeeeeeellllllll!!! and
fall to her knees sobbing, Rachel, oh my GOD what have we
Ep 10, Chapter 10
Finally after several minutes, the giantess reached over to
scoop up the weapon which once again leapt into her open hand and
once again she went into another trance.
There was a Tall red haired woman with long flowing hair
green eyes and loads of freckles, a shorter, rounder woman with thick
golden blond hair, a frosting of freckles and brilliant blue eyes, and a
medium height, smooth dark skinned woman with dark brown hair and
brown eyes.
Delicate Iris! the red haired one called out in a thick brogue,
eyes wide with surprise.
I don't remember much Maddy, Delicate replied, which one
is maddy and who are the others?
And I be yer mum hoo bore ye part wee inta this world. the
blond continued, I woo ha kipt ya ba ye ws tekkin fro me hin greht
violence an thus we remen sipritid bhy ha gret goolf, e'en ta this deh.
Heu wou ha been born teu me ahn abouht Haypril thi heighth
of thah year oof hour lhoord twhelf hoondrid an sixty s-heven, ha you
nah been a tohrn frohm me very womb in cast inteu a dohl such es Hai
meself now be. she replied with great sadness and heaviness.
I don't understand. the giantess declared, This is not making
any sense.
You doona ha a SOUL milass. 'Twas treded teu tha divil for
limitliss magic pahwers! Patricia's face was pained, Were ye to die
here and now, she continued, there wounna be a resurrection fer ye.
Tis why we did hour bist teu keep heu haweh fromm violence
bicaus we ha na wheh teu sev heu froom heer.
When the vision faded, this time she was silent and somber,
kneeling with the weapon firmly clenched in her right hand.
Ep 10, Chapter 11
They had no choice but to let her past because there was no
way they could stop her even if they tried to stop the rest of the family.
The minister himself threatened this, but the reply was not
Call the police or the military and we will visit you in hell.
the giantess threatened even though she had just been told that she
would never make the journey if she died.
The way has been made clear for you now. he smiled as
sweetly as his old face could manage.
They did not let the public see the weapon, but instead, they
had it boxed up in a special armored container and tagged as cargo on
the flight, with Timothy riding all the way to the plane in the van and
seeing to it, nothing interfered with its departure from Japan along
with the family.
When the weapon was on board the plane, he made sure the
cargo hold was pre-flight inspected and sealed and signed for the
weapon with the Ministry of Antiquities as the cargo van was
preparing to leave.
The archaeologist did not relax even slightly until they were off
the ground headed for Los Angeles and then he slumped in mental
Ep 10, Chapter 12
Delicate came very nervously to the dance floor with a long list
of certifications and permits to carry a real weapon into a public
She was dressed in a beautiful flowing gown with her hair done
up in a bun, with flashy golden earrings, a tiara and anklets, and
carrying the large lethal polearm.
When the music began, she seemed to turn into a whole other
She stepped into a swirl of light and motion, her blade moving
as if on its own, her body merely there to observe the blade at several
points in the dance.
At one point, however, she leapt and spun, kicking out with her
silk slipper clad toes as high as the lowest lights on the overhead stage
rigging, and landing without an audible sound.
She twirled the blade to the right while spinning to the left,
then she reversed this without seeming to even actually stop moving.
Never once did the sheer veils get caught up in the sharp
pointed hooks of the weapon, never once did she slip on them, never
once did she even seem to slide except when she meant to slide on
one knee, with her other foot curved up so high it touched the back of
her head.
She was not merely technically perfect, she was fluidly perfect
as well.
She looked as if she had been performing this master art since
the thirteenth century to this day.
As the brief dance track ended, she stood on her hands, the
weapon positioned on top of her feet over her head in a Y splits
maneuver, where she then snapped back to a standing position as the
weapon seemed to gently float into a standing positioned in her right
Ep 10, Chapter 13
Delicate had won a small prize of one thousand dollars, and got
a pretty trophy, but that was not as great for her as simply being lauded
on with so much praise for her achievements in something she simply
loved doing.
The video went all over the internet and in hours was in the
The next day however was a Sunday, so they had all day to
sleep in.
Episode 11,
The Day After First Fame Strikes
What are you guys here for? Delicate asked, a long slack
face of displeasure presented as she had no interest in being
interrogated about her personal life
shove it.
Ep 11, Chapter 2
The guys already had a clue that they had no chances seeing as
the giantess was not making any effort to deflect females and had one
hanging off each arm, but occasionally one would make a desperate
move and come up saying something stupid thinking they could
perhaps cause some kind of doubt in her mind about her sexuality.
She tried to be polite, but one African guy started talking really
dirty and she reached out while he was doing some kind of rap about
his personal anatomy and caught him by the face, pulled him up short
and then shoved him on his behind in front of everybody, then walked
on her way without another word.
When he hopped up crying to the guards claiming everything
from racial discrimination to sexual assault, citing everything from
penis envy to being a member of the Klu Klux Klan, the guard dragged
him off to detention and called his parents.
The giantess was not mean, rude or spiteful, she just had no
intention of paying any of these children any attention.
Before the day was over, Alice and Regina posted photos of her
pushing the African boy down and set forth on an article to smear her
as a violent, cocky, self absorbed diva who didn't care about her school
Ep 11, Chapter 3
From 7:30 am when school started, until 11:30 am, the
venomous video was spreading like wildfire, and by 11:35 am, it was
selected to be a late breaking midday feature on the noon-day-news.
Two panicked girls ran for the AV media room, but more as a
knee jerk reaction to curse and cry.
There was nothing they could do now and they knew it.
Smart phones of all makes and models were tuning into the
news as the lunch hour rolled around and as they entered the AV
center, they were able only to get a much larger view of their own
selves at the concert, and in no way prevent that deed which had
already been done.
This just in, the oldest daughter of the televangelist Robert J.
Dodgeson was filmed at a seedy concert being held at the Staples
Center earlier this year and was apparently involved in cultist worship
and a lesbian affair with another student of the high profile
Williamsburgh Academy for Excellence in Education, a local private
school for the rich and powerful.
Since this video went viral at roughly nine thirty this morning,
over eleven million people have seen it and since that time, shares in
Dodgeson Ministries has plummeted thirty nine points.
Ep 11, Chapter 4
By the end of the day, both Alice and Regina had been
disenrolled from the school.
As they went home that evening, the main talk was not on her
victory in a dance championship, but her victory over the infamous
and seemingly invincible gossip girls.
Some people got the message and left off crowding them and
seeking attention, others simply took more care to be polite and remain
at arm's length.
Yolanda even remarked, You got here in a record short time!
looking around, Where's your fan club?
The farther they stay from me, Delicate sighed, the happier
I'll be! rubbing her eyes with a thumb ad forefinger, I don't like
Nick and Jasmine were less chatty and more subdued, just
amazed at the powerfully destructive force of what had happened
With that, they pulled out and went to drop of the three older
girls at dance class.
Ep 11, Chapter 5
After dance class, Maddy was in the mood to walk, so she and
the other two walked around the streets inside the gated community.
tell, she paused to take it all in, I'm over seven hundred years old!
What can you do? the blond asked, The law is the law.
If I had to put up with this for twelve whole years, you bet I
Well, the giantess slowed and looked down at the ground,
Ahhh I don't know.
For being so old, the brunette declared, You sure ACT like a
Ep 11, Chapter 6
I don't get this whole holiday thing. the giantess remarked at
lunch as she leaned back in her chair looking at the ceiling, It seems
like a whole lot of trouble for nothing.
We just gotta get the rest of them to agree now is all. the
hermaphrodite pondered, I wonder if they would go along with this.
You two... the giantess broke into chuckling and almost fell
over backwards, somehow seeming to stop tipping the moment her
braid hit the floor behind her, you guys are something else!
Ep 11, Chapter 7
We want to forgo this whole thanksgiving thing and go up to
the mountains instead. Maddy declared.
You did what? Timothy asked in shock.
Ep 11, Chapter 8
They said they have extras and can handle that seeing as they
have had camping expeditions with basketball players in the past.
Timothy replied with a huge cheery grin on his face.
Yolanda looked timid and reserved and did not say anything.
Her eyes were red from crying and her voice hoarse from screaming
and sobbing. On top of this, she was too ashamed to say anything else.
Ep 11, Chapter 9
The girls slept the last leg of the journey up highway 101 and
before they knew it, they were waking up to the odd electric motor
whine of the auto-leveling mechanism of the large motor home.
As long as I'm with...the group....I'm happy. Clarissa's
thoughts almost betrayed her.
Sure enough, there were three one person tents, barely wide
enough for one person each.
Ep 11, Chapter 10
The sun was still yellow in the east behind the mountain peaks
and there was frost on the grass as well as the tents, and people milling
around the camp ground were producing small puffs of fog as they
spake and breathed in general.
Rise and shine ladies, he called out, the best part of the day
is upon us!
Even though he saw them all crawl into the three individual
pup tents, they all managed to crawl like processionary caterpillars
from the middle one, Clarissa first, Antoinette second and Delicate
Ep 11, Chapter 11
They hiked up trail six, taking breaks at every rest point to look
around, snap photos and generally enjoy the trail.
Just watch out for the bears. Maddy remarked.
When they reached the intended elevation, they had lunch, took
more photos and shouted out into the open and listened for their
They chatted about the trees and the rocks, the wild life and
what it would have been like to live here as an early settler.
Well yeah, the big blond replied, I guess some things one
never really forgets.
Ep 11, Chapter
They made it back to the bottom well before dark and returned
to the Preston's camper before the evening meal was served, taking a
shower and getting all set up for the night.
After they ate, the three of them walked around the park
looking at the various historical markers, took photos of the park and
various friendly people who greeted them as they walked along
looking so distinctive in their fancy Los Angeles clothing.
They walked and talked about the stars you could see here that
could not be seen in the LA Basin for all of the light pollution, they
talked about what plans they had for the future and even talked about
children and the touchy edgy fringes of the idea of marriage and sex.
Episode 12,
When the Petty Sought First Revenge
The three of them had added extra items to their packs so they
could have a more enjoyable lunch today.
They checked their boot laces and looked around, taking a few
photographs of some interesting trees before moving on.
At 9:07 they made it to the second rest stop at 4973 feet and
took a water break.
Lets hope that's all it is. the singer offered.
Ep 12, Chapter 2
The girls crossed the summit and worked their way down a
steep switchback which was rated 5 on the difficulty scale with a lot of
loose rocks and rubble as they descended eleven hundred feet to the
prairie, hoping to get there in time for the noon meal.
The two smaller girls slipped and slid every now and then and
the giantess, who was sure footed had to be sure they did not slip and
fall all the way down the trail and get injured.
The three of them took their time and crept down the slope
slowly, leading to them not making it to the bottom until after 1:30 in
the afternoon.
They found the rest stop easily enough, only about a hundred
yards from the bottom, and began unpacking their lunch.
That's fine, the huge blond replied, better late than never.
I wonder if that steep slope was what had you bothered
before. the goth girl suggested.
Well we're past it now. Delicate said, The way the map
shows, we can come back on alternate trail '7-B' which is the rescue
trail and has easier pathways and less problem with falling rock and
the likes.
Ep 12, Chapter 3
The trail led the girls through the prairie where they looked
around and saw many kinds of late season flowers, many birds were
preparing to fly to some other place, but were at this moment hungrily
picking the seeds out of tall grasses which waved in the cool afternoon
They walked up the other side where the trail began to climb
again when they heard behind them a distant rumbling.
They stopped and looked back, and behind them they saw a
thin gray cloud of dust as it settled down the mountainside.
Sure enough, the path they had just taken had indeed collapsed.
You can see the future! Clarissa cried out, Not only can you
read minds but you can see the future!
Ep 12, Chapter 4
On it. the other voice replied and there was a small electronic
click as the connection was closed.
The rope bridge across the gorge was the only way back for
fifty miles either direction.
If they fell to their deaths, that would be fine, but, should they
somehow manage to survive this trap, they would be there on the far
side for possibly weeks without food or water while people searched
for them, and bears as well as wolves and coyotes would also be
looking for a meal.
Ep 12, Chapter 5
As the trio made their way along the side of the mountain
slope, traveling parallel to the slope where the trail was blazed with
trees marked with bared spots and painted in orange paint, the sun was
on the far side of this ridge and therefore it was already getting quite
That will change pretty fast I have to say, the larger blond
warned, at least put it around your shoulders so you're more ready
when you start to find it is comfortable and - she froze staring dead
ahead as if she had literally been frozen in time.
What's wrong? Clarissa's face grew worried instantly.
A few moments later, Maddy came out of her trance and said,
We're stuck.
Ration out any food we have left, trap birds, or whatever you
can, the giantess replied, Somebody just sabotaged the bridge we are
supposed to fall off of.
Wouldn't being beside the bridge be the best place for them to
find us too? Antoinette asked.
Good point. the giantess replied, Lets see if we can get there
before dark.
Ep 12, Chapter 6
No. Maddy reached out and pulled her back.
I saw them using powerful acids to corrode the bolts that hold
the far side of the bridge to the rock face. the giantess replied, They
even went on to 'age' them with another chemical which would make it
look like nothing more than a lot of severe rusting.
You sure know a lot about all of this for somebody who came
from seven centuries back! Antoinette declared.
stuff though.
Then, she took a sharp piece of granite from beside the trail
and gouged into the wood deeply, WARNING! UNSAFE BRIDGE!
Ep 12, Chapter 7
There was a wind storm during the night as a cold front blew in
from the north that night, but the girls slept fairly warmly, if a little bit
cramped, on the layers of green branches of smaller redwood trees
Maddy had picked for both padding and insulation from the cold hard
The fire eventually smoldered out, but the stack of rocks held
in a lot of heat.
Maddy had closed over the top when the fire had gotten low
enough she knew it would be safe, and she pulled some branches in
front of the entry to reduce heat loss as well.
Three young males between the ages of eighteen and twenty
five where here yesterday and used chemical corrosives to erode the
bolts so they would fail when anybody stepped on them! she shouted
Why did you not stop them if you saw them? the man asked.
Did you see which way they went? the ranger asked.
They went west down that direction where the gorge can be
crossed I am assuming, she pointed past the ranger's right shoulder
off where the gorge would indeed narrow where a really daring cyclist
might attempt to cross it.
What make and model were these cycles? the ranger asked.
By this time the other two girls had been awakened by all of
the loud sounds as well as the sudden drop in temperature from
Maddy's absence.
Why did you not take the regular trail? the mounted ranger
As the two younger girls climbed out, the man asked, Are
these your daughters?
Just get somebody here to fix those bolts there and everything
will be just fine! the giantess called out, We can wait for now, but
don't let ANYBODY on that bridge until you have a crew thoroughly
test it out!
Me too! Antoinette agreed with a yawn, also latching on to
the hermaphrodite.
Ep 12, Chapter 8
The Prestons were soon on the scene, they had first tried
following the original trail that previous evening until a storm warning
had the rangers dragging them back to camp.
This morning they were there worried as if the three were their
own newborn babies.
Are you girls alright over there? Mr. Preston worried like a
mother hen.
Somehow, nobody had even thought of that.
Ep 12, Chapter 9
The three girls enjoyed the rest of their four day weekend
without a hitch, and hiked trails eight and nine before it was time for
them to go home.
Episode 13
The Day the Word Leaked Out
Somebody's snooping around got them into the giantess's
personal medical files, which was illegal, but nonetheless it had
Now it was spreading all over school that she was anything
from a man to a horse to a zombie.
Maddy made no effort to deny it, but she did want to know
how they planned to prove the claim.
Don't you DARE use words like that with my family mister!
she pointed a finger in his face, eyes livid and threatening.
Timothy, who was usually the quiet peace maker said, Mr.
ummmm... he looked at the plaque on his desk, Shelby, he raised a
finger as if calling timidly for attention, Might I call into your
memory that it was I who arranged the close ties between this school
and the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History?
Let me just say here, Mr. Yamaguchi said softly, this is very
close to turning into an international incident.
Ep 13, Chapter 2
Delicate was not terribly upset about this at first, even though
people looked at her strangely because the number of girls flocking all
around her decreased sharply to just Antoinette, Clarissa and three
others, albeit now those three others seemed emboldened because the
competition had declined so sharply.
The boys, one and all faded away, which really pleased her the
The funny thing was that Sam, James, and a few of the other
basketball players were prone to be standing around a set distance
from her locker virtually every day, just leaning there watching,
talking and making strange smirks one could not clearly read.
She tried getting images from their minds, but it seemed they
were so mentally scattered that the only thing they gave clear images
of were her as she stood there at her locker pretending to ignore them.
As the days wore on, however, she finally walked over to them,
Antoinette and Clarissa by her side, and asked, Am I really that much
more interesting to you now?
Oh, Sam looked down toward her groin region, you know.
and he winked again, Its a guy thing though. he said in a slightly
condescending tone, I'm sure you wouldn't understand.
Ep 13, Chapter 3
Hear hear. Clarissa's tone was glum, That man is such a
sicko, I can only assume he worships the devil or something.
Ep 13, Chapter 4
The practice sessions for the giantess at night had been moved
back later in the night just so Delicate's advanced level training could
proceed without having to try to train two different levels of dancers at
the same time, as clearly this would not work.
Grandma Shi played an instrument known as a zheng or more
commonly guzheng, and together, they made a lovely, haunting
melody for the giantess to dance to.
Her face was a study of peace, and her eyes seemed at once to
see nothing and see the entire universe all at once.
She floated, fluttered and flew as the music and the dance told
some long ago forgotten tale of love and betrayal, war and heroic
Not an eye could move from her movements as she wove this
mystical tale of a vanished lover.
emotions of this performance brought forth intense emotional
upwellings within her own self.
The women all cheered and applauded, eyes filled with tears.
Ep 13, Chapter 5
performances by her as their own unique imaginations saw it slightly
All three men gasped and looked at one another, and at their
mother Grandma Shi with shocked, astonished looks.
I'm jealous. Antoinette grumbled.
Ep 13, Chapter 6
Three days after she had met with the three sons of Shi, a meta
crawler dug up her name as well as a photo of her because somebody
felt that they needed to give her previous dance competition status.
Now, several of those who had previously slunk off when they
heard all of the various rumors were back, even though they were at a
more timid distance.
Groupies. Antoinette tried to correct her.
Oh I'M not cheap. the dancer replied, Cheap people look for
an easy place to 'lay' for the night was my point.
Ep 13, Chapter 7
Regina's family having many ties with the aerospace industry
were relatively unfazed by this scandal.
If there was anything they could exploit from this event, they
were going to use it to their best possible advantage.
Ep 13, Chapter 8
Her hair was done up into a bun on top, she wore stylized
makeup, as well as her custom made silk slippers.
The floor had been protected with a special super fiber and
rubber mat that Yolanda agreed to help pay for, which had been
specially commissioned by an aerospace company which also made
such items as ballistic armor.
This was the only way they would allow the dancer to use a
real bladed weapon on this extremely expensive stage.
She danced with more room tonight, so she could let go in her
leaps and really leap high.
She did the chase scene, then the final battle scene, furiously
slicing the air as if defeating real soldiers, and finally coming to take a
fatal blow against the enemy general, when she swung, something
totally amazing happened.
The dance continued until the sad death of the lonely bereaved
warrior where she fell down and breathed her last, and then as the last
note faded, so too did the stage lights and the curtain closed.
The crowd roared with wild applause, except for the two press
agents whom she had so powerfully humiliated in the past.
They sat there recording notes and making any possible critical
remark they could dream up, even if it was never to be used.
Maddy was so elated as she rose and stepped off of the stage,
until two men from the crew stepped up with concerned expressions
on their faces, and she could see in their mind's eyes, they were
imagining that the guandao was some kind of specially rigged stage
Ms. DeBlair, the one man asked, May we see that weapon
Ep 13, Chapter 9
Yes momma. the big blond replied as she trembled all over.
I'll explain when I get there! Mr. Yamaguchi kept the
pressure on, I'm on the road to you right now! Don't do ANYTHING
whatsoever to the weapon OR the girl, who happens to be my adopted
daughter or there will be DIRE consequences! Do you understand me
We will sit tight and wait until you arrive. the man sighed.
She wailed in her deep basso voice as she sunk to the floor
clutching the weapon with both hands as if her life depended on it,
They think I cheated!
Ep 13, Chapter 10
Using their press passes, they had carefully snuck along behind
these two, and now had what they were looking for.
They had the video and now they had the behind the scenes
scuttlebutt that there was suspicions of cheating from the expected
They were asked to step aside as the Yamaguchis came past,
being escorted by the directors of the program as well as some others
who were far up in the management of the program.
The door was shut behind them, and this closed the two out.
Still, most of the words inside were too low or too muffled to
make out.
After some time, with voices raising and lowering, one person
declared 'But that's impossible!' loudly enough it filtered through the
sound deadening door.
After some time and more vocal variations, it got very quiet in
the room.
When the door flung open, both girls were slammed against the
wall and their recorder was crushed as the giantess stormed out of the
room in fury with the weapon in tow.
Maddy ran out the back, found the SUV and sat on the front
bumper crying inconsolably.
Annie and Claire simply clung to her, not saying a word.
Episode 14
What Will You Do Now?
The gossip girls had their smear campaign already written up.
They had a lot of holes in their stories, and certain parts were
vague, but clearly, there was enough for a cheating allegation, more
than enough to go on the air with.
Ep 14, Chapter 2
CHEATER on her locker.
They're just jealous nobodies who love the shit they print in
the tabloids is all. Claire said.
Trust me, Sam called out from his gang of jocks across the
hallway, you're an overnight sensation babe! winking and smiling
his phony smile while pointing a pistol finger at her.
You should have joined the basketball team. Susan came up,
a duffel bag in one hand, a ball in the other, which she shoved at the
big blond, We still have an opening.
Ep 14, Chapter 3
I can dance anywhere I want, any time I want. the
hermaphrodite replied as she walked down the hall toward class,
basketball in one hand, book in the other.
But this is going to get in the way of your training! the small
blond persisted.
My life changes every time I wake up. the steel eyed giantess
replied, Tomorrow I may be here and all of you gone for all I know.
Well no. the small girl replied, But the way you're acting
and stuff, she reached up higher on the giantess's arm, you're scaring
my own past. But in either case, she took a deep breath, the only
thing that is certain is change. I have to deal with that terrible fact.
Maddy was caught off guard by this and broke into a softly
chuckling smirk, You two are something else. shaking her head,
Come on girls. And no more of this glum talk. she turned and
pointed at each one like a mother lecturing them.
Ep 14, Chapter 4
I'll be there this weekend and we can take a little time to talk
it over then. came over the phone.
Thank you so much Mr. Preston, she replied into the phone,
giving Maddy and the girls a big thumbs up, we look forward to it.
Good night. she concluded, and then waited until he said 'good night'
before disconnecting.
Sorry. she replied, while the girls in the room all giggled,
Just an automatic reaction on my part.
I could tell they were not buying it dad, she refused to let
him go that way, I can handle this, seeing as competition was never
my idea to begin with.
So then how and where can you even take dancing then?
Yolanda asked.
Nicholas was too busy trying to blot the tea from his pants to
be paying attention, I think I missed something there.
Nancy said, You ALWAYS miss something. which made
Jasmine giggle and made him frown in dismay.
Ep 14, Chapter 5
When Mr. Preston came, he brought another man with him, the
coach of the team he managed.
Mr. David White had been coaching for seventeen years and
was quite famous for picking out and training winners.
Sure, why not? the big blond replied simply, Can't be any
worse than marching the Himalayas in the dead of winter.
For a second he sat there frozen, trying to first of all, figure out
what she had just said, second of all, what relevance it had to do with
his question, and thirdly keep his composure in front of all of these
people while directing this conversation the way he intended it to go,
then he asked, What did what you just said have to do with what I just
Excuse me? she asked, eyebrows up a little bit, sucking her
lips into her mouth and leaning forward expectantly.
He froze again, once again trying to mull this all over, without
embarrassing all of these wealthy, famous, powerfully connected
people, Well if that don't beat all I have ever heard! and he slapped
his knee while turning to his team's manager, Can you believe that?
If this little lady says the moon is made of green cheese, the
normally gentle looking older man suddenly developed a steel hard
expression in his eyes, you'd better take her word for it.
the home entrainment theater and she said Everybody be warned, I'm
turning off the lights now. and she pressed a button on the remote and
the room went dark and the projection screen dropped from the ceiling,
producing a fine curtain of very fine droplets.
The camera obviously was not fully set up before the two
began playing and it was over before the person recording could get
the camera set up like they wanted.
The voices of the people in the gym could be heard, and there
was eventually a young man who came down, challenging the big
blond to a one-on-one to a hundred points.
As the game played out, the coach's jaw dropped and his eyes
bugged out.
The girls all did their best not to snicker or giggle at his
Ep 14, Chapter 6
They were all sworn to secrecy, seeing as she could not begin
before she graduated high school or else it would look inappropriate.
The whole family was giddy and couldn't help their feelings of
excitement as they went about their daily routines.
That looks mighty cold. the giantess declared.
Sure its a little chilly here, Mr. Preston replied over the
phone, But it 'can't be any worse than marching the Himalayas in the
dead of winter', right? he broke into loud laughter.
But- she began and then remembered that her memories were
not common knowledge, and diverted herself with a sigh,'re right.
I said I'll go, she replied again, can I hand you back to
Alright, bye Mr. Preston, here's mom. and she handed the
phone to Yolanda who picked it up.
the couch and went to her room and closed the door.
Ep 14, Chapter 7
She was there, cold and miserable because people in the north
seemed to be accustomed to a lot cooler weather, and she was always
asked if she was okay when she put on a sweater or anything to help
offset the cold.
The man was stricken to a loss and could not imagine how to
else respond, so he looked at the coach who was there at his house and
said, What do you think? looking over at the glum faced giantess,
Should we call up the girls now?
Well it looks like you get your wish young lady! the
mustached man chuckled merrily.
This is sort of unfair you know, Delicate shrugged as she
stepped out onto the ball court, Just five of you like that.
Who's being cocky? the big blond asked, I'm being polite.
I say, he shrugged, if she thinks she's that great, then lets see
her prove it! and walked over to the coach's box.
Okay, you all ready? the hermaphrodite asked, rubbing her
hands together, slightly bent in anticipation, If you need more time to
warm up that's fine too.
Oh no, Ms. Sikes said, her face curling up into a very angry
frown, you did NOT just say what you think you said to me!
I'll show you - the woman came running at her raising a fist
until the whistle blew and the coach called out 'Ball in play!' and she
looked around to see the ball coming down the court and was suddenly
unsure what to do.
Maddy was like a brief flicker as she blinked past the WNBA
star center, sprang three angled steps through the forward guard, stole
the ball and made an easy layup.
She then threw the ball back at the opposing team members,
and waited in defensive position.
Ep 14, Chapter 8
Focus! Angela Richter called out, She's good, you best be
Thinking she had the drop on the speedster, Julie Jones did a
back-pass to Angela, only to find that the giantess simply changed
directions and intercepted the ball in mid-pass and continued in a few
brief steps to pass through the back of the group and make a flying
slam dunk from the top of the key.
As the only two real observers, Claire and Annie cheered and
whistled their approval of the speed and skill of the one hermaphrodite
basketball army.
Time after time, Maddy simply passed the ball to them then
once they moved one step forward, she took the ball away from them
regardless of who had it or what they tried to do to keep her from
getting it.
As she rolled around on the floor in pain, the giantess held the
ball over head, then lowered it to the floor where she stood, then
dashed to the side of the fallen woman.
Don't touch me, you BEAST! the angered woman cried out.
First she looked around as if not sure she was still awake or
perhaps she was delusional, then she looked at the flat, expressionless
face of the blond who had a huge hand extended to help her up.
I think that's enough for the day ladies, the coach said
clapping his hands over his head as he walked out onto the court, I
think you ran them all into the ground young lady, as he walked over
to Delicate, I really think you need to go lighter on them in the
The women all just stood there speechless hearing her sincerely
humble promise to treat them like inexperienced children.
Antoinette and Clarissa leapt up and dashed out onto the court
to latch hold of the giantess and Antoinette cried out, CHINESE
FOOD! throwing a fist into the air.
Ep 14, Chapter 9
Three of the players joined Maddy, her girls, the coach and the
Prestons at a Chinese buffet and the staff and patrons all went crazy
snapping photos of the group since they were all well recognized,
Maddy not the least thereof!
The fact that the giantess was socializing in public with the
team members, coach and manager alone was reason enough to shout.
It was not long before news reporters from all over were
swarming the restaurant.
Episode 15
Now the Word is Out
Keep our eyes open and our mouths shut. Delicate replied.
Ep 15, Chapter 2
Even though Maddy had not been attending night classes since
making her decision to move into basketball, she often rehearsed at
home in her spacious garage turn bedroom, Antoinette and Clarissa
They would often be there until the late hours of the night
when the parents of Clarissa would call or else the Yamaguchi's would
be needing to go to bed.
Ep 15, Chapter 3
With graduation on the horizon, the three girls convened on
where to go in celebration of their graduation before Clarissa went off
to UCLA, Antoinette went into full time recording and touring, and
Delicate headed north like a migratory bird to join the WNBA.
That may be, the short blond conceded, but still, some
bonds are meant to be for a lifetime.
about you Maddy?
The two girls looked at one another shocked and feeling hurt,
at a complete loss for words.
Ep 15, Chapter 4
They ended up not being sure where to go, so they opted for
the one place they had been as a group together, and that was the
With that out of the way, they merely had to make plans.
hook out of various types of wood and even how to use thorns from
the various thorny trees, such as the Russian Olive.
I said we just need some fun. she raised her voice to cover
her words.
Yeah, Maddy replied, I hear that the view of the ocean from
the cliffs is simply superb.
Well you guys get some sleep, Yolanda said, I'll take you to
the airport at 6:30 tomorrow morning.
Ep 15, Chapter 5
They arrived at the camp site early in the day this time because
they reached the Sacramento International Airport around 10:00 am
and much of the usual traffic they would have encountered was
another two hours off, leaving the freeway north bound free all the
way out of the city.
The Prestons had been given strict orders to keep a very close
eye on the girls and make sure they did not do anything foolish or get
Mr. Preston simply promised he would do what he could, and
he would have some serious rescue equipment on hand should it be
They studied the map and pointed out the trail to the Prestons
so they would know where to search, should they get delayed from
coming back on time.
If we are not blocked from reaching the camp site like last
time, Maddy promised, we'll make it if I have to carry both of
Mrs. Preston got a very alarmed look as he grabbed his pack
and trekking poles and quickly geared up to go with them,
Honeyyyyyy she protested.
Ep 15, Chapter 6
The early morning seemed cool enough, they made the first
mile by 1:00 pm and the trees were still offering plenty of shade.
The grade suddenly rose from a three to a five, and before they
reached the summit, the temperature had climbed from the sixties into
the eighties.
At 3:25 pm, they reached the ridge and there they began back
down, finding a rest point eighty meters from the high point.
Well why not! Mr. Preston smiled after he caught his breath,
If one sticks to nothing but trails, what kind of explorer is he?
Good point! the giantess agreed, Then when you all are
rested, up, lets! and she quickly and efficiently stuffed her pack back
together and shouldered it.
Not wanting them to see, he waited until they were facing away
to raise up, where he knew he would be wincing in pain.
This was a very bad idea and he knew it, but pride would not
allow him to lose face before any of them.
Ep 15, Chapter 7
The summit was not terribly exciting, and there were remains
of a camp fire from some point in the past, as well as claw marks from
a bear.
Hmmm... the old man regarded the claw marks, Looks like
the bears are out and hungry.
You did not hear what happened LAST time, did you?
Antoinette grinned.
Don't tell everybody! the giantess pleaded while dropping
her hands in a despairing gesture.
Looks like fate has given you the chance. the sullen eyed
giantess slowly looked up as the bear who had recently been here to
mark its territory came up huffing and sniffing the air, sensing food in
the backpacks of the hikers.
The bear raised its snout and sniffed the air and huffed deeply.
The giantess slowly spread her arms wide, fingers splayed and
as she approached, began to pick up speed, grunting deeply from her
She was in another place and did not even hear him.
As the bear took the challenge, it rose to its hind paws and
The bear, in intense, but temporary pain, did its best to regain
its footing, but instead wallowed away from the scene on its belly,
moaning softly and grunting heavily.
The big blond shouldered her pack then she headed back down
the trail in silence as the others looked on, each thinking a host of
thoughts about the event.
Ep 15, Chapter 8
They proceeded down the western slope of the mountain trail,
aiming to get to the overlook by sunset.
The descent was rapid, but for all but the hermaphrodite, it was
Small animals scurried away from the trail as the four of them
noisily made their way down it.
Delicate was the only one not using trekking poles as she was
clearly not experiencing either fatigue or need for any additional help
balancing herself.
The sun was almost setting as the three exhausted members sat
down on the benches.
More tears fell from her eyes as she looked and breathed
shakily feeling some long lost feeling well up within her as she
ignored the request/invitation by the other girls to come sit with them
during this lovely once in a lifetime sunset.
Ep 15, Chapter 9
All she could do was lean her head against the arm she clung to
and hope she would be able to continue to do so for a long long time.
All three girls were sniffling as this silent reverie of the past,
present and unknown future collided in a jumble of youthful emotions.
Finally, as the sun winked out of sight with a rare green flash,
the big blond blinked a few times, took a deep breath and summoned
the emotional fortitude to put the present emotions out of her mind and
attend to the situation at hand.
Yeah, Mr. Preston, who had no idea about the big blond's
history agreed, as it is, it will be well past midnight when we get
You seem mighty certain I won't make it, the man spryly
grinned at her, I may be an old nag but don't count me out of this race
JUST yet young filly!
Ep 15, Chapter 10
Mr. Preston radioed in that they had reached the far end of the
trail without incident and were on their way back.
They had head lamps in their packs and three of the four made
haste to put them on as the twilight passed into star light.
I see just fine without it. the giantess shrugged, I've... she
began to say, 'I've lived in an era without electrical devices', but then
she remembered that Mr. Preston knew nothing of her mysterious past
and said, just always had good night vision.
The four of them trudged into the darkness while night birds,
frogs, crickets and the breeze made welcoming sounds.
He asked for a rest break and they all waited while he sat down
on the thick soft coating of needles dropped over the centuries by the
redwoods and caught his breath.
They waited ten minutes before he was comfortable moving
Ep 15, Chapter 11
Above them up on the peak they had visited earlier, the cry of
wolves filtered down toward them.
there are other those five there. pointing down the path
at 'those five there' wolves which were there staring up at them with
latency in their eyes.
Ep 15, Chapter 12
The girls were out of their packs already and reaching for their
blades shakily.
Maddy, who had a knife of her own, did not bother to pull it
out, but merely lowered her backpack to allow more freedom of
The giantess knew that the pack would begin to circle as was
how wolves attacked, unless she could keep their attention on her at
one side.
This also allowed her to move away from the light somewhat,
which would keep some of what was about to happen from being
clearly seen or understood by those watching.
The wolves took the bait and proceeded to circle her, looking
for an unguarded rear to attack.
She would spin to frustrate them because this would keep them
eager to leap, but always being unable to get behind her in the
vulnerable location.
forward so if there are more of them below we won't have to face them
from both sides.
What the heck did you just do to those things? the manager
She replied as she helped Clarissa into her pack as her small
hands were shaking with fear, They'll be alright. and then she
helped the brunette into her pack as well, I merely stunned them sir.
Ep 15, Chapter 13
Despite being tired and achy, he had made it back with more
energy and enthusiasm than anyone would have expected.
Maddy did not like people talking about it so once she had
finished her late supper, she did not hesitate to say, Excuse me please,
I think I should go to bed now and get some rest. then head for the
extra long couch in the front of the motor home which conveniently
folded out into a wide, comfortable futon.
She pulled out her small travel pack and reached inside before
asking, What's THIS in here? raising up a very sheer lace teddy with
black and red ribbons before blushing deeply, WHO PUT THIS IN
HERE!? which silenced everybody.
Alright, she held it out angrily facing the two girls, shaking it
in her fist, this is not funny.
Episode 16
I Should Have Seen it Coming!
Well, she shrugged, I know how you young people are these
Then, after a moment of thinking about it, she pulled out the
battery and the SIM card, handing one to each of the girls saying,
Here! Keep these for now! and stalked off, trying very hard not to
hurl the phone in her frustration while growling something
unintelligible under her breath in Chinese.
Ep 16, Chapter 2
So you are sure now beyond any doubt its 'The Elusive
Dancing Flame' as I have been telling you? a voice distorted by an
electronic scrambler asked.
Oh no! the voice groaned, You had better NOT have fallen
for that damned hermaphrodite! They have been the bane of our clan
for centuries! I FORBID you even THINK such detestable thoughts!
But REMEMBER! the voice insisted, If the Flame knows
we are the culprits, it will seek out revenge and will never be
summonable by our clan forever!
Then find better minions you fool! the voice berated, If you
are discovered in this, it will all be for nothing!
Ep 16, Chapter 3
The three girls slept in the following morning, not because they
were tired, but because it was raining and there was no point going out
in the rain to hike on dangerously slippery trails with an increased risk
of rock slides, avalanches and lightning strikes.
Maddy was not particularly hungry, but she did eat both
bunches of bananas Mrs. Preston had brought and a pound basket of
She then proceeded to amble back to the couch and curl up and
look out at the dull gray sky and watch individual drops hit the glass of
the motor home.
You would scarcely know those two really don't like each
other. the giantess marveled.
Mr. Preston finally piped up and said, Lets hope it only gets
better from here on out.
on her side to regard the two peacefully sleeping girls, I'd like that.
Ep 16, Chapter 4
You two fell asleep almost as soon as you got back from the
shower house, she shrugged, Don't you remember?
Preston asked.
She didn't say anything except, ' You would scarcely know
those two really don't like each other' to herself, the grandmother
declared apologetically, and I just figured out the rest on my own.
Oh. she looked down sullenly and at the same time sleepily,
finding the blond still the first thing nearest to her, then suddenly
looking around uncomfortably she declared, I need to get up.
Ep 16, Chapter 5
The weather report for the weekend called for intermittent rain,
occasionally heavy and potentially severe.
Me? she asked with what appeared like mild surprise then it
vanished back into her bland expressionless face, No. I was just being
considerate seeing as I gathered you two were here on our accounts is
Heh, the old man grinned, We MET here! reaching out and
taking his wife's hand.
Well THAT one was a doozie I admit, she smiled, but even
when we had our tent flooded and our six kids were all cold and wet,
she beamed at her husband, we still had a great time.
Can't say as the kids enjoyed it none too much though. his
grin was mischievous behind his gray mustache.
Ep 16, Chapter 6
It was too late to register for a trail that day as the park
regulations did not technically permit night hiking, so they just walked
along the creek below the park and watched families playing in the
Huh? the hermaphrodite did a re-take at the suddenly angry
I WHAT?! the giantess leaned down into her face and roared,
somehow remaining deadpan in the face, much like a highly
experienced military drill instructor.
Well, uh, the eyes of the singer suddenly could not meet
those of the accused and she found herself looking away as the
pressure was on, I just thought...maybe you...were...ummm... her
voice trailed off.
then she suddenly spun and bore down on the short blond, Have YOU
anything more you wish to add to this FARCE?!
Well, I uhhh, you, uhhh, its just that, when you, said you, had know....peeking in on - she faltered until she was cut off.
Oh MAN! the giantess stood up, threw her head back and
covered her face with her hands, then peeled two fingers back and
stared at the sky thinking it all through, then she took a deep breath,
exhaled, leaned forward and shook her head, You two... she sighed,
I just don't know what I'm gong to do with you two jealous bugs!
I'm sorry too Delicate. the buxom blond said with more
clarity, apparently still competing for the top spot in this struggle.
Well, this lady here, she umm... the ranger trailed off when
she realized that both girls still clinging tightly to the giantess glared at
her jealously, You three young ladies have a wonderful evening and
enjoy your stay at our camp ground! she forced the sunniest smile she
could and then turned and walked away briskly, hands clenched
talking nervously to herself in Spanish looking over her shoulder.
The elderly lady who had stood there for a moment expecting
the ranger to do or say something to reprimand the three for causing
such a scene, suddenly became upset and trailed off after the fleeing
park ranger, finger pointed into the heavens crying, But ranger, this
was clearly a disturbance of the peace!
Ep 16, Chapter 7
The girls found that the water hole was indeed secluded, they
had to navigate a very steep cliff with slippery moss, mud, loose rocks
and tangled roots to make it to the hidden destination.
The water fell down a fifty seven foot drop making a lovely
water fall on its way to the pool.
The pool was in the shadow of the deep, steep walled box
canyon, so there were few ways into the place.
They found a gravel bar where they could strip off their clothes
and trust them to remain dry, unless something or somebody of
mischievous intent were to have slipped up and moved them.
Muscles rolled up and down when she moved, but she still was
not the 'hard-body' type.
She had reasonable sized C cup breasts for an athlete, and an
ample derriere, giving her the 'all around fitness girl' look, only
somewhat magnified over a human of normal height.
The only possible detail which might have thrown off the
illusion was the somewhat extra large bulge in the front of her briefs
where something more than the normal feminine layout resided behind
the tight breathable sports fabric.
The water was cold and Maddy almost spasmed on contact, but
she held her self taught and flowed with it as the rush of cold swept
over her, causing her skin to shrink and making her nipples almost
painfully tight.
That's not funny! Clarissa rebuked as she hurried over to
help Antoinette out of the water only to step on a soft spot in the gravel
and land on her rump in the cold water, causing her to squeal bug eyed
and scramble for the safety of dry land..
This made the giantess roar with laughter, which caused her to
slip beneath the surface.
Antoinette, who was already wet all over began to swim in the
general direction of where the hermaphrodite had last been seen.
Surely Delicate was far too athletic and physically fit to merely
drown just like that!
She soon had to resurface and when she did, she found only
Clarissa, who had mustered up enough courage, or more specifically
fear, to come out and help search.
Did you see her? the blond asked through chattering teeth.
and I think we're going to get hypothermia here in a minute too!
Its too deep for me to see the bottom. the singer declared.
I can't believe she would sink down and just disappear like
that! the shorter girl cried out, I hope she is okay!
Lets be rational about this: the goth girl proposed, She can't
stay down forever if this is a prank.
Ep 16, Chapter 8
Taking a gamble that these girls were the type to venture far
from safety, people had summoned a water wyvern and gave a certain
rookie park ranger false memories knowing the powers and tendencies
of Dancing Flame elementals.
Being the ever curious types, they were always looking into
everything, both for protection as well as amusement.
Now, here, at the bottom of this deep cold pit of water, the
giantess found herself grappling with the clawed otherworldly beast
which had suddenly snaked up from the depths and yanked her under.
the powerful beast, frustrating its best efforts to kill her.
Despite not wanting to harm the beast, Maddy knew that this
beast was intent on killing her and might also seek the lives of the two
Ep 16, Chapter 9
From the surface, the girls had seen bubbles arise, thinking
perhaps it was either Maddy's final breath or she was about to surface,
but before they could get back into the water, the surface of the water
suddenly flashed as bright as the sun and then erupted skyward in a
thunderous jet and over ten million gallons of water leapt from its
resting place.
When it finally stopped, the pool was thirty feet away from
them and forty feet down.
With their eyes to dazzled they could not really see what was
going on, it seemed as if an angel of pure flame were scaling the wall
of the pool on the far side before it vanished into the blue-green
overwash of their retinal bedazzlement.
Ep 16, Chapter 10
Both girls cried and clung to the giantess as she carried them
down stream like babies in her powerful arms, hands filled with wet
She had managed to get into her soaking wet sneakers, which
although better than walking on sharp rocks, were annoyingly squishy
and made squelching noises with every step.
I don't know how any woman would want to get pregnant and
bear up under this for eighteen or more years of their lives. she
Did I say something out loud? the giantess asked in
Ep 16, Chapter 11
We know you're not crazy Maddy, Clarissa said with the
most earnest expression one could possibly have, the whole rest of
the world may be crazy, she offered, but you're the sanest, most
realistic, and reliable person we have ever met.
You can come out and greet them Astra. the giantess said
without looking in any direction.
Ep 16, Chapter 12
There was a fire elemental.
And not merely ANY fire elemental, but the ultra rare 'Dancing
Flame' fire elemental, also known as a 'Sun Drop'.
That's more like it. Delicate declared, But one little thing...
she pulled her long braid forward and said, let there be light. and
suddenly a beam of light leapt from the tip of the braid and the wet
wood burst into steaming flames, I expect we will be seeing a
helicopter soon. she concluded, May as well enjoy the fire while we
Ep 16, Chapter 13
Well that's the third catastrophe you guys have met up here in
these mountains! the basketball team manager shouted as the
helicopter lifted off, leaving a large crowd around the three still damp
Clarissa and Antoinette alone knew that she literally meant,
Lets have supper then and we can try and make the best of
what's left of this weekend then, shall we? Mrs. Preston offered.
Delighted to get in out of the cold air, damp clothes and enjoy
a hot meal, Antoinette cried, Sure thing! as they all aimed for the
motor home and the modern luxuries which waited inside.
Episode 17
If I Had Any Other Choice
She did not want to frighten them with the knowledge that
there were people out to take her life.
I dunno, the giantess replied honestly, I just assume I will
continue to know how to just like I always have and go from there for
now. she shrugged, If I remembered after seven hundred and thirty
eight years, she reasoned, a few months or even years away from it
won't hurt me too much I assume.
Sure! she continued, All those graceful leaps and spins, just
replace your guandao with the basketball and you'll be able to continue
your dancing while you play the game!
That's the spirit! Clarissa's face beamed with pride.
Well I'M not! Clarissa's little head raised back up, I'll kick
their -
Stop please. the big blond reached out and put a large finger
on the small blond's lips, I forbid you from doing anything violent or
foolish in my name or on my behalf.
Ep 17, Chapter 2
That's odd. she murmured, regarding the fact a text message
came to her.
Opening the message she read, I know your secret and what
you did in the mountains last weekend. If you want to keep it secret,
meet me at the ball court right now or I will tell people who will make
it international news. it ended with, Come alone or the deal is off.
there was an address and GPS coordinates on the message for her to
follow included below the text.
Ep 17, Chapter 3
Maddy paid the cab fare with the card she had been given by
Timothy and Yolanda and pocked it in her fanny pouch, along with the
receipt and strode out onto the old, cracked asphalt court where a lone
figure stood on the court, a ball under their arm.
She looked as far as her eyesight would allow her, and she
looked at the images of the person who stood before her.
adequately dressed for this.
Because I feel this is the best place to tell you the truth. the
man holding the ball said.
As she leaned forward to hear him out, being ready for some
kind of punch or kick or the likes, she was not prepared for what
happened next.
Her mind was totally unprepared for this and as the images in
his mind suddenly burst with rancid and lascivious images of sexual
acts, this put her in a state of mental shock that sent her mind reeling.
Ep 17, Chapter 4
She went to the restroom and then went to the ushers asking if
they had seen the giantess.
They said she had slipped out the back door 'for something' but
never said what, merely saying she would 'be back shortly.'
Maddy's in trouble, I'll keep you advised! and she hurried out
the door of the venue looking for any clues.
Ep 17, Chapter 5
You let your guard down little one. Patricia's voice was stern,
You should have been prepared for this.
Ep 17, Chapter 6
MADDY! she cried and took off running toward the rolling
Ep 17, Chapter 7
Sirens were wailing down nearby streets and as she looked out
on the VIP box, she realized that neither Maddy nor Claire were in the
She realized that this event was in fact the work of Astra and
she dropped her guitar with a clamorous crescendo as she raced toward
the exit.
Oh god please no!!! she cried as she raced to find out what
had happened.
Ep 17, Chapter 8
Clarissa's little legs could not get her there before the first
police cruisers which were at the same venue managing parking.
The fence around the ball court was melted and strewn away
from the blast, the backboard and pole were flattened, the net was
entirely gone, the asphalt all around the lone potential survivor was
ablaze and the grass for a hundred yards in all directions was burnt to
white ash to the soil which smoldered.
It looked like hell had risen up from the earth and left only the
one survivor in its wake, right in the dead center of the carnage.
As she held back from this at the edge of the wooded area
where the trees had finally stopped burning, she looked on as fire
trucks and other emergency vehicles began pulling up.
She screamed when a hand clasped her shoulder from behind,
but thankfully, Antoinette, in her Lolibad outfit, had the presence of
mind to also reach around and cover her mouth so the police did not
notice them.
Ep 17, Chapter 9
The girls had phoned Yolanda and with all of their pre-panic
fortitude told her what little they knew.
They asked that she simply come meet them at the venue and
pick them up because the police had the area cordoned off.
Get in. Timothy called as he pulled up lurching on the
The girls leapt into the open door, almost crushing Nicholas
who had foolishly not gotten into the back seat and the SUV sped
toward the hospital the emergency medivac had taken the brutally
ravaged dancer.
Ep 17, Chapter 10
The surgery took all of the night and all of the next day.
Episode 18
I Bleed From My Heart
ligaments and virtually every millimeter of her body was bruised.
I can't believe the patient is even alive at this time. the chief
surgeon remarked several times during the operation.
Clarissa's parents called for her over fifty times and left voice
mails, she had pulled the battery from her phone when the first call
came in looking for her at 1:30 am.
Antoinette had no such troubles because the flop house she and
the others illegally inhabited held only vagrants and people such as
those three.
Ep 18, Chapter 2
Antoinette sat on the right side and Clarissa on the left, after a
bit of a debate on who got which side, which was interrupted by the
ward nurse who threatened to kick them out if they did not settle their
disagreement peacefully.
Well you best not tell anybody anyhow. the brunette insisted
with a wary, sulking tone.
I bet I have more secrets than you do Ann. the short girl
You think so, huh? the singer felt defensive now, You live in
a well to do family. I'MMM and orphan.
I knew that. Clarissa replied casually, almost smugly, But I
never once told a soul.
I had you tailed once and found out you live in an abandoned
building on eighty seventh street along with the rest of your band and a
bunch of other young homeless people. she replied, And still I've
never told a soul.
I found out from my adopted aunt who helped me find all the
paperwork. she replied, I just never really said anything to them
about it until recently and even then I just hinted that I might be and
they just about peed their britches.
Wow! Clarissa exclaimed, They put me on that junk when I
was younger because they said it would help my anxiety!
Sure! the taller girl replied, Beats the hell out of being
depressed all the time!
hearted manner as she involuntarily blushed deeply.
Yes? the taller girl, still blushing, now got a bit nervous as
she was anticipating something extremely emotional to follow.
Ep 18, Chapter 3
I've been thinking of this a long time actually, the blond
declared softly, I bought these before our last trip to the mountains
and was going to talk to you both about it then but with all of the scary
things going on then, I was just too out of it to speak about it.
Oh, she regarded the rings, they're real alright, and they've
already been sized.
How long have you been planning this? the bigger girl
murmured, still in shock and totally unsure of what to think.
Ep 18, Chapter 4
protested in their equally distorted voice.
I have one who can do this. the voice mused and then
chuckled, Oh yes, it persisted, I know JUST the PERFECT one for
this job now! and the connection broke as the villainous person on the
other side of the screen quietly chuckled and pressed the 'end' icon.
Until the moment the screen flashed, 'call ended' the hooded
figure seemed determined to remain devoted to the person on the other
end, but as this call ended, so too, they knew, had their standing within
the clan.
Ep 18, Chapter 5
Grandma Shi had gotten a really bad feeling and had a dream
that Delicate had fallen while dancing and had fallen right through the
stage floor, where she kept falling and falling and falling as if on her
way directly to hell.
The elderly lady hung up the old time push button phone as she
said to Douglas who was in the living room of their apartment above
the Do Jo playing Kung Fu video games, Dear, with a very somber
face, I have some bad news.
Ep 18, Chapter 6
The Shi family was related to the Wu family, who was, in turn,
related to the Dushu family, and by way of them, had connections to a
specific monk in the desert region of the Xinjiang province.
This monk was a seer of the eleventh elemental plane and also
related to the ancient Han family which had gone into hiding hundreds
of years ago.
She prayed over the letter seven times, burned incense and cast
several protective spells over it to ensure it would arrive there as
swiftly and safely as possible.
She then instructed Douglas to send the letter via the highest
priority method there was, regardless of the price.
Douglas then, hurried in his Mazda RXT 380 to the post office
and processed her instructions.
Ep 18, Chapter 7
They had inserted a feeding tube into her nose and fed her
small portions of amino acids for her body to absorb which would not
require any digestion.
The two girls had no other places they had to be in their minds,
and if they had to, they would remain here forever if need be.
They were there watching over the big blond when suddenly
she coughed and reflexively reached up, yanking the feeding tube from
her nose.
This led to her crying out in extreme pain as the tube caused
both a friction burn as well as it led a small amount of stomach acid up
into her tender nasal cavity.
The two girls first screamed then broke into sobbing as they
lunged on top of the giantess and began kissing her despite the
bandages which nearly enshrouded her head and the one nostril
oxygen tube up her other nostril.
Wait-wait-wait! GIRLS! she waved her arms around
desperately trying to make sense of her situation, What's going on
here?! as she began ripping off patches and bandages in annoyance.
The nurses burst into the room and one ran right back out to
call security, then thought it more needful to page the on duty
physician in charge.
Ep 18, Chapter 8
Not only that, but upon examination, they realized that in those
few days, the giantess had grown quite remarkably!
When she had last been measured, she stood seven feet, nine
and one eighth inches tall, but now she was eight feet and one and a
half inches tall.
She had gained forty seven pounds and three ounces as well!
This was medically impossible and yet the scales were all in
utterly perfect on every test.
Well if that don't beat everything I've ever seen! Mr. Preston
Ep 18, Chapter 9
Its a good thing this room has ten foot ceilings. Maddy
declared when she entered her bedroom at the Yamaguchi's.
This bed seems too small, she frowned as she leaned on her
pillow and pushed testingly at the foot board, Don't you think?
Oh well, Delicate yawned, next week I'll be heading up to
training camp. looking first left then right at the two girls, I asked
for some more time off to recuperate because I just don't feel like
going and leaving you two behind.
Not legally. the big blond yawned again, You're both under
age until practically the end of summer.
Catching her breath from the rush of being knocked away then
scooped back up, the smaller girl said,
Wait...while...I...get...over...that...whatever you call it there. while
holding her hand to her chest.
Then she slowly got off the bed and picked up her purse, where
she fished out the box she had shown Antoinette and she handed it to
What's the matter? they both cried as they burst in the door.
Maddy looked up face wet with tears, and sobbed, I'm getting
Ep 18, Chapter 10
I have less than a week before we leave now, and it will likely
be a week after we leave before this is all entered in at the
courthouse. then she leaned forward with a half knowing, half
warning stare, I for one, don't want any statutory rape charges on my
record. as she pointed upward with her index finger for emphasis.
It may be, the giantess countered, but its going to wait until
I'm ready for it.
Ep 18, Chapter 11
Grandma Shi got a letter, not in the mail, but literally, right out
of the air.
As she peered at it, though, she realized it was sent from the
monk she had written.
Episode 19
With All My Love
With the wedding only 2 days off, gowns were being hastily
The gowns had hundreds of real fresh water pearls on them and
they weighed a lot.
laughter and she went to the floor, in a semi-sitting position laughing
at the top of her lungs.
Ep 19, Chapter 2
First time she's not sat in your lap since... Yolanda mused as
they drove down the freeway.
I'm fine with it. Clarissa purred, taking up the empty lap as
they cruised along in the SUV.
I can't help it! the singer protested, I'm sure YOU have
something YOU'RE afraid of.
I'm sure I do too! the big girl giggled, Just haven't met it
I think more things fear HER than the other way around!
Clarissa declared, keeping silent about the night the hermaphrodite
backed out of an open window at the suggestion of a little private
romantic interlude.
Are you scared of me? she lightly jostled the smaller blond.
You know the tale of the elephant and the mouse, Delicate
proposed, do you not?
Yeah, I get it. she grumbled, You two have a secret you're
not telling me.
Ep 19, Chapter 3
Clarissa's choice was tuna fish salad and potato chips.
What? Did you get in a wrestling match with the lawn mower
or something? Yolanda asked her son.
Maddy's face slowed from chewing and grew flat and serious
as she heard all of this.
Swallowing her food, she set her plate aside and rose, walked
over to the sliding glass door and looked out at the yard.
Under the spell of the cat, she scanned the world around her
and sure enough, there was a thin, stick-like creature which was trying
to hide behind the shrubs.
She knew if she gave it warning it would run before she could
close in on it.
Knowing that the being was about to bolt she whispered just
barely out loud, Now! and as her hair exploded into flames, she
rushed with superhuman speed to the left side of the bush while a
small, blindingly brilliant being materialized on the right side of the
bush and they collided in the middle on top of the beast.
This terrified the being worse than even death! Its kind was a
free roaming being which hated all confinement and the idea of
endless imprisonment was tantamount to hell.
The being admitted that there was an enemy clan in China who
had sent it there, it did not know all of the details, except that its
master was some place nearby in something they call a 'high school'
and that it was a person of extreme power in the black arts because, as
the being prided its self, it too was a very powerful being, therefore,
anybody who could have captured it had to be of extreme abilities.
When the giantess was satisfied she had everything the being
could reveal to her, she performed a counter spell which shattered the
enemy's spell, quite literally, causing something to explode into fine
dust off the body of the being, allowing it instantly to vanish of its own
free will.
What did you find back there sweetie? Yolanda asked trying
to sound casual.
People screamed and fled back into the house as she lifted the
eleven foot reptile up over her head.
They need not know that the creature helped cover for its self
by bringing the mysterious snake from a nearby neighbor's house and
provided the superficial surface injuries.
reaching for his smart phone, I'll call the neighbor and let them know
we have their snake.
Ep 19, Chapter 4
So how did they find you after all this time? Clarissa asked.
Ep 19, Chapter 5
The night before the wedding, the three girls donned quickly
assembled black outfits made of black designer sheets hastily
purchased at the mall and slipped out in the night.
The four of them softly rumbled away toward the high school.
Setting their awe aside with nothing but bulging eyes and a
good shake of their heads to keep their minds focused, the three
observers did their best to just accept that this was the Maddy they had
grown to love.
items she had dreamed of using some day, and now, she hoped they all
worked since many of them had been in her bedroom closet inside
priceless dolls for years.
They scurried down the main hallway, keeping low to the left
where the camera was least likely to show them in the dim light and
there would be no shadows crossing the floor to give them away.
They heard the lock on the front door of the building softly
click as a guard entered the building, and they slipped into a room
filled with rolling files using the electronic lock pick.
Crouching down behind the desk, Delicate's body JUST fit into
the tightly cramped cavity.
The other three, she had lifted up on top of the rolling shelves
where they all lay as far from the doorway as possible in the room
while they waited.
They still had to wait a while longer before he would finish his
rounds and fully exit the building.
Ep 19, Chapter 6
They waited twenty more minutes to be sure the guard was
gone before Clarissa's little borescope looked out and around from the
crack under the door.
With the hallway clear, she slipped along down the hall to the
next corner where their goal was around the bend and in direct view of
a camera.
The only way into and out of this room they had before them
was that one single door.
I think I have just the solution for that. the giantess offered,
Only you all need to go back into that other room until I call for you.
Trust me, the big blond said, when I call, you'll have plenty
of time to do what we gotta do!
They kept looking back hesitantly, and she kept waving for
them to get in the room with an aggravated expression.
After they finally entered the room, she slipped around the
opposite corner, in another place the cameras were not aimed, and
where even with the borescope, nobody could observe what she did
Then she undid the invisibility spell and walked back around
the corner, where, seeing the borescope, she waved for them to come
Ep 19, Chapter 7
The short blond had the data of the entire school network
including the encrypted 'Crypto-nite' files copied onto flash chips.
More specifically a morgue. Clarissa's senses began tingling.
Ep 19, Chapter 8
This snapped them from their frozen reveries of horror, but did
not prevent her from bodily grabbing them and pushing them out the
opening left by the defunct door.
The heavy laughter behind her was that of something far more
powerful than a modern day high school administrator!
When something like black ink began seeping from the corners
of the Jiangshi's mouth, with that twisted evil grin, and inky black
eyes, the two guards rapidly unloaded their side arms into the monster.
into laughter, even though some of the air was exiting in gruesome
bubbles from the chest cavity, You can't kill a Jiangshi! the
otherworldly voice laughed out loud, But a Jianghsi can sure kill
YOU! and an evil black mist began swirling around the four of them
as the monster laughed maniacally.
The men tried to run but fell choking and crying out!
Jngzh realized that if she did not act right now, people were
going to die and she could not save them without using magic.
Her hair exploded into flames and the little sun bright girl
appeared, saying softly, I wondered what took you so long! in
The Jiangshi lunged at the fire elemental with its horrid looking
blade, but the fire elemental was far too fast and sidestepped it.
Lancing out with a beam of white hot light, the little elemental
blasted the monster into large flaming chunks, splattering the room
and its contents in black gore.
Its clean now Jngzh. the fire elemental assured, You are
safe to handle it.
evil or doom comes into the hands of the Shng dush, it is the duty
of the Shng dush to ensure the weapon is safely guarded from
future access by evil forces'.
You sure know a lot for just being in my hair all the time. the
hermaphrodite marveled in the old dialect of her upbringing.
I agree, the elemental replied, but we do not have a safe
means to transport them there.
Let me take care of that for you! said the young man who
helped Bad Blood Lolitas set up their stage equipment, and he
managed to produce a roll of large plastic garbage bags, I once was
an assistant janitor at this school. he beamed proudly.
Ep 19, Chapter 9
The three girls crossed over the fence without their black robes,
which were burned, along with the brass shells and the deformed
bullets from the guard's pistols, in a collapsed room in the abandoned
building by a brief flash of energy from the elemental.
What had happened in the high school would just simply have
to remain a secret.
They had all left there, and dropped off the two ailing guards
with Grandma Shi, who was actually standing with the door open in
the dark of the night, in a ceremonial healer's robe.
You have done well and made us proud tonight Jngzh, the
old lady said in Chinese, go get some rest before your big day
lady give her a warm embrace.
Where were you three all night? Yolanda asked in the dim
light from the night light, while sitting with arms folded on Maddy's
neatly made bed.
Episode 20
Its Not What You Think!
membership card.
I really don't get you two at all. she handed the singer back
her card.
Ep 20, Chapter 2
Gently opening the door, Maddy let Clarissa in, and the smaller
blond immediately began mirthfully giggling at the nose up singer who
was making quite a ruckus with her snoring.
The book worm's face froze in a startled mask of horror before
she said, The wedding's off!
Ep 20, Chapter 3
The three girls made their way into the kitchen where
pancakes, fresh fruit, steamed rice, fresh tuna, salmon and a large bowl
of cheddar cheese smothered scrambled eggs sat.
appreciation of them.
The doorbell rang and Jasmine hopped up and ran to the front
door, letting Nancy in, saying, You're LATE. before turning and
skipping back into the kitchen.
Yes mom. Jasmine said as she plunked back into her chair
and immediately scooped up rice on her chopsticks as if she had never
gotten up.
Nancy thanked her for it and measured out three cubes of sugar
as the mother of the house returned to her seat at the far end of the
large mahogany table.
Ep 20, Chapter 4
upon deaf ears.
He had no idea until this morning where he was going or what
was about to happen.
The three sons all wore their usual pinstriped black silk
business suits, which, because of their high fashion and quality, still
stood out as befitting this type of ceremony.
They were seated in the second row, right behind those who
would be classified as 'family of the betrothed'.
Uh...sure grandmother. he complied both unsurely and
Ep 20, Chapter 5
Douglas was relived when the matre 'd announced that 'the
wedding ceremony would begin shortly' and 'would everybody please
be finding their seats'.
what will transpire here today, she had to once again
swallow, will be but the beginning of a joyous new future for the
beloved family we have invested our hearts and prayers into.
We all pray for these young people, that they will only grow
more and more in love with each and every passing year, and that the
trials of life will not overcome their love, but prove them to be strong
and compassionate one for another.
We pray that their lives are filled richly with every possible
kind of blessing and happiness there is for young married people to
enjoy, and not only while they are young, but on through life.
He knew is was rude to stand one one's tip toes, and besides,
that would not give him any real advantage in this tightly packed
He could only see the back of her, especially with the pearl and
iridescent plastic flower studded veil which virtually blocked all view
of the person inside.
Soon, another white gowned lady came up in the same style
gown and veil, only taller, and with darker hair which contrasted more
underneath the veil.
As the tallest one came up, it was clear one thing for sure, she
was uncomfortable in high heeled shoes!
on her toes which were inside a pair wedge shaped torture devices.
Ep 20, Chapter 6
But before they could successfully detain the small, wiry Kung
Fu student, he flipped over, throwing his uncle against the dias,
causing him to roll through the thin wood trellis covered in white
roses, thankfully thornless ones however, and under the platform the
pastor stood upon.
He rolled in such a manner that his father and uncle Wan were
between him and his target, so he simply dashed off away from them
and came careening around from the platform on the other side of the
Dazed and bruised, but not deterred, while his father and uncles
all dashed to grab him, he once again turned to evade them, only this
time, a hand dull of silk led to the loss of his outer shirt.
The three men gave chase as Kim threw down the shirt.
As they followed, he rounded the entire seated crowd and came
charging up the main aisle.
A walking cane was poked out at his feet at the last instant and
he slid up the aisle for ten feet before he could stop and scramble to his
goal again, which was just enough time for uncle Wan to grab him by
his silk trousers.
The boy did not hesitate to leap right out of these, both feet
wheeling into the air, throwing shoes in two directions as they tumbled
out of the pant legs behind him.
shirt, the twig thin young man made is greatest effort to throw himself
at the betrothed giantess.
Both girls shook their pained hands for a second, but then
looked at each other and high fived one another with their good hands.
Ep 20, Chapter 7
After Douglas was carted away, bound and gagged with the
soiled silk neck ties of five angry elders of the now humiliated Shi
clan, the wedding gracefully proceeded.
While his adopted sister and brides rode away in the limousine,
the crowd waved until they were out of sight and then they all turned
back as if poor Nick didn't even exist.
Episode 21
Some Fairy Tales Don't Have Happy Endings
The three of them packed their belongings and rode with the
Prestons to Minneapolis, Minnesota where a modest three bedroom
house waited not far from the club headquarters.
When they arrived, Maddy began daily practice for ten hours a
Its... the smaller girl squinted as she peered off into the
distance, Its just not how I imagined it would be.
What did you imagine life would be like with a seven hundred
and fifty year old teenager? Yolanda asked her bluntly.
I don't know how to put it. Clarissa's face was pained, Its
not that I don't love Delicate.
You just had a wrong idea about her is all. the archaeologist
said, You should have counseled about all of this before you
committed to it.
That's because she IS, bird brain. Antoinette cut her off,
She's WAAAAAAAAAAY older than we are. Get used to that.
Tears welled up in the short blond's eyes and she started off
into space.
What she is really trying to say, the singer said, is that she
knows that Maddy is still in love with somebody else.
Ep 21, Chapter 2
The elderly Chinese woman sent out messages as she had done
When his grandmother was not looking one day, he set forth
and used what little magic he had secretly learned while his
grandmother was not paying close enough attention and went about
tracking down those who had used the jiangshis to kill Jingshi, the one
he swore his life to.
Ep 21, Chapter 3
The team was not notified of this strange event, so when they
asked where she was, the coach said he was 'looking into it'.
Momma, she said over the phone, , call Grandma Shi right
now. I can't get through to her.
What else? Yolanda asked suddenly, There is something
else, isn't there?
Ep 21, Chapter 4
Douglas got out of his car far out in the remote region of the
desert beyond Lancaster, in the high desert wearing a midnight blue
kung fu ghi and light weight sandals which were tightly lashed to his
His cuffs and sleeves were tightly bound to his wrists and
ankles, and he had a silk sash triple knotted around his waist.
He took out a vial of something which glowed pure blue,
pulled off the small cork and with a toss of his head, let the bottle drain
down his throat.
The last few drops, he let drip on the seat of his car where they
caused the seat to glow dimly for a few moments before being
Ep 21, Chapter 5
She reached for her phone the same instant Yolanda's phone
caused it to ring.
the phone, I've never sensed fear from her before!
I know. the old lady replied, I just sensed it. That fool boy
has gone right into the viper's pit.
Ep 21, Chapter 6
I have more tricks than that, the big blond replied, it just
took me a while to remember them all.
With a wave of her hand, she began formulating runes into the
air and suddenly they were in a nearby parking lot.
Its not perfect, she eyed the two seat super car with distaste,
but it will do, lets go!
With a few more sudden runes in the air, they were all three
crammed into the small cabin of a black FT-GSX1200 BHP twelve
cylinder, six wheel speed demon.
The two girls, sharing one passenger seat gasped again, and
then screamed, not only for being once again teleported to a new
location, but because they were suddenly accelerating right at a solid
concrete wall.
Ep 21, Chapter 7
somebody else, he figured this was the one last, best act he could do to
show them this love, or at least show heaven that they had unjustly
turned him a cruel twist of fate.
Stepping slowly across the sand, feeling each step for some
kind of trap, he knew that his life was not long once the battle began.
casually on a box near the center of the room, a blade, possibly a
katana, resting beside her on the box.
Ep 21, Chapter 8
The two girls screamed until they realized they were already on
the street without so much as scratching the paint.
Screaming up the merge lane, she shot past three state troopers
who were already in a high speed chase and streaked past the suspect
at such a speed the man lost his nerve and slowed down enough the
police spun him out behind them in the distance.
Shut up! Antoinette cried, I'm already car sick, if you make
me any more upset I'm gong to barf all over you!
They burned down the 134 making the dotted lines like a
staccato pulse.
Ep 21, Chapter 9
Sadly, this barely made the door grumble and move enough for
him to squeeze through.
Even though the heavy door was beyond his physical prowess,
slipping between the enraged dogs with lightning speed was not.
In seconds his blades whirled and the dogs fell silent with little
more than whimpers.
Even as he finished off the last of the six dogs, to his surprise,
the shadowy figure slowly stood, and merely applauded softly.
blond hair and big blue eyes which seemed all of their own to smile.
Episode 22,
What Waits in the Darkness
The car sped along at the top possible speed that the engine
could endure without exploding, reaching speeds of up to 298 MPH
along the straight stretch, leaving even the helicopters behind.
This was finally figured out when the owner of the Ferrari shop
was notified that a car was out on the road with dealer plates coming
from the general direction of his one and only exclusive dealership in
all of the Los Angeles Basin.
The car's ID was found, but the car was never quite close
enough for them to get within signal range to use the shut down
At the Cajon Pass, she peeled off the freeway and, using every
little bit of the 4 front tire's traction drifted onto the eastbound lane of
state highway 138 and gunned the engine once again.
As she approached state road 3W45, she slid onto the road,
tearing out some of the grasses along the right hand side as the car
never slowed down under 204 MPH.
As this road was thin and narrow, the girls tightly packed into
the passenger seat squealed nervously with each sliding turn.
The street came into a small town and at this point it was clear
Maddy would have to slow down a bit, potentially losing some of the
headway she had gained by taking them off of the freeway.
Still, she made a quick 'rolling stop' at 59 MPH and took off
northeasterly up the main street of the small unnamed community.
The road became scarcely more than a wide sand trail at one
point and she was losing speed painfully as the road was offering more
drag than she could magically compensate for, especially without
compromising the already limited traction the tires were getting on the
low density, highly mobile medium.
One major advantage for the girls was that the total elevation
of the high desert was such that the downhill slope was very little and
not only did not allow the police much decent, but then it left them
almost pinned directly to the freeway, which made spreading out or
regaining elevation to be sure they were not some place else
functionally impossible since to climb now would drastically reduce
their speed even more and widen the lead the escaping driver already
The police were actually hoping that the car would soon be
running out of fuel.
The lead chopper, in fact, had already gotten to its critical point
and had to divert to refuel at the Southern California Logistics Airport,
northwest of Victorville.
This almost led to them discovering the car because the fact
they broke off from the pursuit in search of a higher, straighter, more
fuel efficient path, led them to head almost due north, where the car
was actually headed.
Although there was some dispute about how fast this car
should theoretically be able to go, and despite rigorously interrogating
the dealer about any kinds of special, rare, or even illegal
modifications made to the car, he insisted that no such modifications
had ever been made, at least not with his authorization and besides, if
they had been, he would have stood not only to take the fall for it, but
also to lose any illegal profits from their installation and sales to any
particular wealthy client desirous of such.
This small section of road was rutted and pitted, but at least it
was not sand.
The girls screamed and squealed in fear and agony as the car
bounded and lurched violently along the horribly uneven ground,
maliciously named a road.
At the end of this road, she had to carefully slow down again
and slide onto the larger, smoother, sand covered road known as
Farmington St, where she headed directly west, and there she could
see the approaching helicopters from the south and west of her.
Seeing how close they were, she turned off all of the headlights
and running lights and ran in relative darkness.
Don't worry, the huge blond replied calmly, I see just fine.
Ep 22, Chapter 2
You're not much of one for words, are you Douglas? she
asked playfully.
How do you -? he began, looking around for others, as if
somehow the more people there were, the more likely the answer
would somehow make more sense.
Why Douglas Allen Shi. the woman shook her head slowly
looking at the floor, You TRULY amaze me.
I know.... she tilted her head to one side, reaching out to the
dumbstricken young man, tracing a pleasantly cool, blood red painted
fingernail along the line of his trembling jaw, and up to his quivering
lips breathed with reckless relish, EVERY...thing...Douglas.
Ep 22, Chapter 3
The helicopters were well within sight in the air, but apparently
they had not detected her, either because of her lack of headlamps, the
fact that the otherwise glossy black car was dulled down by the
accumulated desert dust, or merely that somehow they failed to look
for it any place other than the interstate, assuming that there was no
way this kind of car would be deliberately abused so badly as to be
driven across the washboard rutted pig trails of the high desert, since
most people who stole cars like this were either intent on a full on joy
ride, or, had at some point a buyer waiting for it, preferably in pristine
As she ripped north up highway 395, regaining 12 gear, she
had to exert much more magical power to reduce the car's drag, now
that she had ripped some noteworthy portions of its streamlined
undercarriage loose, increasing its surface aspect ratio.
Its saying I broke this thing and good. the giantess replied
almost in annoyance.
Are we upsetting you? the smaller blond asked timidly.
I'm sorry, the huge blond rubbed her face as she realized the
situation, its not your fault sweetie, she breathed as they blazed
along, neither of yours' fault.
Yes ma'am. the smaller blond replied quietly over the scream
of the engine.
Ep 22, Chapter 4
Grandma Shi had indeed located Douglas, but now, what could
she do about it?
He had slipped away hours ago and gone off into the heart of
the enemy's stronghold after secretly refining many forbidden elixirs
and stealing a few of her own potions.
You're a fine mage Dou, she shook her head as she regarded
the missing items from her special cabinet, but a warrior you will
never be.
They all made a lot of prayers and a lot of incense was being
burned until it was so smoky they had to open the doors and turn on
the ventilation to keep from choking on it.
This long running secret war had for a great part, determined
the path for not only all of China, but potentially the whole continent,
possibly the world.
The DeBlair clan was less 'secret' albeit quite secretive, being
known in the public eye as traveling warriors as the Gaelic name
'DeBlair' translated directly to 'of the battlefield', or 'one born of strife'
or 'born a warrior'. They went around seeking out well known evil
forces such as demons, monster and cursed people, even occasionally
dealing with common bandits and radical political factions who
threatened to cause readily recognizable harm to China.
They never took sides with any major political faction, never
fought for any one side on a major political dispute and never
themselves made any effort to influence the changes taking place in
China, but rather sought to be a stabilizing force for peace and safety
in China where possible.
Their one true and stated purpose and living goal, was simply
the death of all humans.
Its worse now. Grandma Shi said, Now they are getting so
bold they are coming out into the open and acting brazenly.
They are all around us now, the elderly lady sighed, pulling a
single stray strand from her forehead and re-pinning it to her hair bun
with a small hairpin, and recently many of the terrible incidents your
child has been involved with were incited and orchestrated by them.
Ep 22, Chapter 5
The nervous young man clenched the two swords, fully aware
that it may not even be possible to fight such a powerful foe, and in
fact that she might have the power to simply strike him down here and
now at any moment.
As he peered across the large, well lit, in fact, glaringly over lit
building, he could still not make her out amongst the many stacks of
boxes, or behind any of the various shelves of boxes and old looking
items, most likely from old aircraft, or some kind of mechanical items,
he had no idea nor the desire to know.
Then why... he asked the taunting woman, did she come for
Oh, she sighed in disgust, you poor deluded boy you. she
rode her hand over his shoulders gently, she is here to make sure you
don't go home with ME you silly child. and then she mirthfully
chuckled almost like musical notes, She doesn't WANT you, the
woman said, she just doesn't want ME to have you.
Ep 22, Chapter 6
Ignoring the car and the evil spirits, however, the giantess
simply said to the girls, No matter what, pointing a finger at them,
do NOT leave this car. and then she teleported herself away, leaving
them literally clutching one another in fearful anxiety.
Well, Antoinette said, her teeth chattering from fear, she did
say that the real nightmares are here some place ahead.
clutched one another as they waited quietly trembling in the night.
Ep 22, Chapter 7
I see how you are. the big blond chuckled in her basso voice,
I wonder if lover boy does or not.
See how little she respects you? the evil woman hissed softly
into his ear, She thinks of you only as an object and not even as a
human being.
Oh, the giantess's eyes looked pained, give the 'I'm your
only true friend' gag a rest you worthless whore.
Holy. the woman spat it like a curse, I'll show YOU holy!
and she pinched the nerves on the back of the totally unsuspecting
Douglas, sending a powerful wave of evil magic directly into his brain
past every one of his magical barriers, taking total control of his body
from him and saying, Go make that FREAK HOLY for me Douglas
my love!
That was a smart move. Maddy chuckled, Get out and fight
The warrior was indeed truly mastering the entire situation
without effort.
The woman tried to lash out with evil magic, but the moment
she did, she felt her grasp on Douglas slipping and she wanted
desperately to have him slay the beast for her as it would give her the
deepest satisfaction.
This time, the woman began to roar in pain and fury only to
begin coughing violently on her own blood and a piece of chipped
tooth which had somehow made its way into her windpipe.
Her head was splitting, her entire vision was blurred, her grip
on her puppet was slipping, she was feeling her consciousness slipping
and she was clearly nowhere near defeating this monstrous magic
She once again tried to use magic, and once again retreated as
she felt her grip on the young man slipping.
Can't quite do it, can you? the giantess grinned, Can't strike
at me and hold onto Dougie boy at the same time, huh?
He had felt the control over his body begin to slip the second
time, and even though to this point, his body was acting purely on its
own, he was by no means sure how to stop it.
Ironically, in the past, she had always been so polite and sweet.
Never before had she ever once said even the remotest thing to
disrespect him!
The clear mind has its place. his grandmother used to say,
But the enraged mind has its place as well.
Face after painful face came up, event after painful event,
defeat after painful defeat came to remembrance.
And there...right in the middle of that peace...he stepped, stood,
bowed to Maddy and thanked her before sitting down in a lotus
In the real world, his body glowed a brilliant blue as the magic
potions he took previously were now finally activated the proper way,
and the spell connection between he and the evil puppeteer was
The evil mage now knew she had lost the connection and
would never get it back.
Also, she knew she was about to now be sorely humiliated and
soundly defeated, if she did not do something quite drastic.
Episode 23,
What Comes With the Summoning
She already knew that this was a secret base by its runes,
spells, the demons outside, the stench of multiple Jiangshi shen gu
Ww and the awareness that this one was by no means the most
powerful person here.
To truly root out this pit of evil and shut it down, she had to
reach down deep into this sick and darksome pit of evil and pull out
the vile fiend at its core.
Ep 23, Chapter 2
The last thing the giantess had done once she left the car, was
to reactivate the theft protection devices in the Ferrari.
This would send out a tracking signal that would carry for three
hundred miles.
The doors on the car were locked, so that no matter what, they
could not be opened from either the inside, nor from the outside.
The two girls, both needing terribly badly to pee, found out this
terrible fact the hard way.
They would have to either hold it, or pee right there in the car
with themselves.
I know! Antoinette cried in agreement.
Then, to make things even worse, they heard the distant sound
of approaching police helicopters.
Ep 23, Chapter 3
Deep down under the ground, the magic of the summoning had
There, where the corpses of many people had been turned into
Jiangshi shen gu Ww, the magical powers were beginning to
assemble and fill the lifeless shrunken dolls, making them swell up
into their former sizes and appearances.
I'M FINE little one! she said in a half ordering, half pleading
tone, Take the girls and take them to Grandma Shi so she can protect
them...AND YOU!
READY TO GO! she shouted out before forcibly teleporting
him into the seat of his own car.
Driving down the road away from the little smudge in the
desert known as Atolia.
This car seats four. he replied, I am not going home without
a full car.
Ep 23, Chapter 4
The undead spirit ghost dolls seemed to just keep coming, even
as she was pressed about on all sides, using a magical barrier to keep
them from touching her.
packed so that there was standing room only.
She could hear the bones of rib cages crackle and then other
bones would crack and the bodies would distort, but being undead
dolls, they did not even react to their own bodies being mutilated.
Soon, the dolls were so tightly packed that those who were still
coming up out of the tunnels could not get out without clawing their
way through their fellow dolls.
This led to some in the rear mutilating those above them, and
little by little, they began to mindlessly tear one another apart to get to
They did not actually fight one another, simply those in the
back would rip those in front of them open to claw their way to the
Ep 23, Chapter 5
As the helicopters circled outside, state police were coming on
their way and soon the whole area would be crawling with law
Once you are out of the way, he raised his hand to strike her
with a powerful bolt of black anti-mana, they will be no problem to
clear away.
The dancing figure of blazing light quickly lifted up into the air
and began shooting small bursts of light at the black magician.
The battle was not terribly loud, so it could not be heard very
well over the sound of hundreds, if not thousands of undead slowly
dismantling one another into skeletons and piles of black anti-mana
goo which would then attempt to reassemble its self, only being
merely a magically motivated mass of goo, it had no direct sense of
identity and would try to assemble its self anywhere it could, and
eventually piled up on the floor as one huge mass of goo which was
slowly stripped off of the skeletons of the long since dead people.
without their summoning puppet master to control and unify them and
the supporting puppet master, the main puppet master too occupied
with defending his own life.
She had to see this battle with the high master of darkness here
to its completed end, no matter what.
Soon she would have to leave, but she would have to have left
only the right things.
She could not actually help her elemental to fight from here as
that would leave her physically undefended, so the only thing she
could do was wait and make sure that the police could not get into the
building or in any manner interfere with the battle in progress.
She made sure to push the door fully closed and check that all
the other doors around the building were already secured, at least until
the end of the battle.
As the police called out on bullhorns and even tried to force the
doors of the building open, she realized she had to act somehow to
speed this all up.
The one thing she figured out she could do now was to cast a
mirror spell around her enemy.
This would not drain her shield too much and it gave the
elemental the distinct advantage.
Now the elemental could fire bolts of light at many more
angles and they would reflect back at her enemy from all sides.
He was aware that he was totally trapped and would soon die
here in the middle of this morass if he did not do something very
Near the edges, the goo relaxed and began to seep out the
various doorways toward the outside world, however, and it was still
virulent enough to kill an unprotected human!
The elemental took this as her cue to rise directly over her
enemy and let loose with an ear splitting blast of light-fire.
That boy, she shook her head with a soft grin, I swear!
Ep 23, Chapter 6
Ep 23, Chapter 7
The security system, phone lines and internet all suddenly went
down as well.
Once the strange looking quartet left the premises and entered
Douglas' car, however, suddenly they all resumed normal operation.
They all collapsed onto the bed except Douglas who stood in
the center of the room nervously.
The girls were too tired to think about how they looked and
soon rose and followed them.
You'd like it too much. the big blond replied flatly, I'd have
Nick spank you instead.
Eternal Dancing Queen
copyright 2012,
Delicious Vodka DeBlair,
pen name
Yuri Futanari,
Pentagon Recording Specialties Unlimited
Yellville, Arkansas, USA