Plant Gum Review

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Review Article

Recently Investigated Natural Gums and Mucilages as

Pharmaceutical Excipients: An Overview
Pritam Dinesh Choudhary and Harshal Ashok Pawar
Dr. L.H. Hiranandani College of Pharmacy, Smt. CHM Campus, Opp. Ulhasnagar Railway Station,
Ulhasnagar, Maharashtra 421003, India
Correspondence should be addressed to Harshal Ashok Pawar; [email protected]
Received 21 December 2013; Revised 5 March 2014; Accepted 10 March 2014; Published 7 April 2014
Academic Editor: Giuseppina De Simone
Copyright 2014 P. D. Choudhary and H. A. Pawar. Tis is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Due to advances in drug delivery technology, currently, excipients are included in novel dosage forms to fulfl specifc functions and
in some cases they directly or indirectly infuence the extent and/or rate of drug release and drug absorption. Recent trends towards
use of plant based and natural products demand the replacement of synthetic additives with natural ones. Today, the whole world
is increasingly interested in natural drugs and excipients. Tese natural materials have many advantages over synthetic ones as
they are chemically inert, nontoxic, less expensive, biodegradable, and widely available. Tis reviewdiscusses majority of the plant-
derived polymeric compounds (gums and mucilages), their sources, chemical constituents, uses, and some recent investigations as
excipients in novel drug delivery systems.
1. Introduction
In recent years, polymers those are derived from plant origin
have evoked tremendous interest because of their diverse
pharmaceutical applications such as diluent, binder, disinte-
grant in tablets, thickeners in oral liquids, protective colloids
insuspensions, gelling agents ingels, andbases insuppository
[1]. Tey are also used in cosmetics, paints, textiles, and paper
making [2]. Tese natural gums and mucilages are preferred
over the synthetic ones because they are biocompatible,
cheap, and easily available than the synthetic ones. Also
the natural excipients are preferred on the synthetic and
semisynthetic ones because of their lack of toxicity, low cost,
soothing action, availability, and nonirritant nature of the
excipients [36]. Demand for these substances is increasing
and new sources are being developed. India, because of its
geographical and environmental position, has traditionally
been a good source for such products among the Asian
1.1. Gums and Mucilages. Gums are considered to be patho-
logical products, formed by giving injury to the plant or due
to unfavourable conditions, such as drought, by breakdown
of cell walls (extra cellular formation: gummosis). Mucilages
are generally normal products of metabolism (physiological
products), formed within the cell (intracellular formation).
Gums readily dissolve in water, whereas, mucilage formslimy
masses. Both gums and mucilages are plant hydrocolloids
yielding mixture of sugars and uronic acids on hydrolysis [7].
Classifcation is based on source:
(a) marine origin/algal (seaweed) gums: agar, carrageen-
ans, alginic acid, and laminarin;
(b) plant origin:
(i) shrubs/tree exudates: gum arabic, gum ghatti,
gum karaya, gum tragacanth, and khaya and
albizia gums;
(ii) seed gums: guar gum, locust bean gum, starch,
amylose, and cellulose;
(iii) extracts: pectin, larch gum;
(iv) tuber and roots: potato starch;
(c) animal origin: chitin and chitosan, chondroitin sul-
fate, and hyaluronic acid;
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Journal of Pharmaceutics
Volume 2014, Article ID 204849, 9 pages
2 Journal of Pharmaceutics
(d) microbial origin (bacterial and fungal): xanthan,
dextran, curdian, pullulan, zanfo, emulsan, Bakers
yeast glycan, schizophyllan, lentinan, krestin, and
1.2. Isolation and Purifcation of Gums and Mucilages.
Mucilage can be extracted from plant parts by various
methods like heating, solvent precipitation, and microwave
assisted extraction. Te easiest method is solvent precip-
itation. In this method the part of the plant containing
gum/mucilage is selected followed by drying, grinding, and
sieving of that plant part. Tis is then stirred in distilled water
and heated for complete dispersion in distilled water and kept
for 68 hat roomtemperature. Te supernatant is obtainedby
centrifugation. Te residue is then washed with water and the
washings are added to the separated supernatant. Solvent for
precipitation is selected and, fnally, the supernatant is mixed
with twice the volume of precipitating solvent by continuous
stirring. Te precipitated material is washed with distilled
water and dried at 5060

C under vacuum. Plant material

must be treated with petroleum ether and chloroform (to
remove pigments and chlorophyll) and then with distilled
water [8, 9].
1.3. Characterization of Gums and Mucilages. Preliminary
confrmatory tests for dried gums and mucilage powders are
summarised in Table 1 [10].
For characterization, analytical techniques can be classi-
fed according to the type of information generated.
Structural. Gums and mucilages are polysaccharides and they
contain sugars. So, confrmation of diferent sugars present
can be done by chromatography (TLC/HPLC) and structure
elucidation can be carried out by FTIR, mass, and NMR
Purity. To determine the purity of the selected gum and
mucilage, tests for alkaloids, glycosides, steroids, carbohy-
drates, favonoids, terpenes, amino acids, saponins, oils and
fats, and tannins and phenols are carried out.
Impurity Profle. Suitable analytical techniques can be used
for testing of impurities.
Physicochemical Properties. Colour, odour, taste, shape, tex-
ture, touch, solubility, pH, swelling index, loss on drying,
hygroscopic nature, angle of repose, bulk and true densities,
porosity, and surface tension can be estimated. Te microbial
load and presence of specifc pathogens are also determined.
Gums and mucilages are highly viscous in nature. So, the
rheological properties of excipients are important criteria for
deciding their commercial use.
Toxicity. Te acute toxicity of gums and mucilages are
determined by fxed-dose method as per OECDguideline no.
425. [11].
2. Some Recently Investigated Natural Gums
and Mucilages
2.1. Abelmoschus Gum. Te okra gum is obtained from
the fresh fruits of the plant Abelmoschus esculentus (family
Malvaceae). Te okra polysaccharide contains the major
polysaccharide componentdifering widely in the molar
ratios of galactose, galacturonic acid, and rhamnose and with
some fractions of glucose, mannose, arabinose, and xylose
[12]. Mucilage from the pods of Abelmoschus esculentus is
evaluated for its safety and suitability as suspending agent.
Mucilage extracted was found to be nontoxic and was used
for formulation of paracetamol suspension. Te mucilage was
found to be superior suspending agent than tragacanth and
its suspending efciency was similar to sodium CMC [13].
Mucilage was also evaluated for its disintegrating property.
Various concentrations of the mucilage were usedandbatches
of tablets were formulated and evaluated for dissolution,
wetting time, and disintegration time. Te study revealed
that Abelmoschus esculentus mucilage powder was efective
as disintegrant in low concentrations (4%) [14]. Gum of
Abelmoschus esculentus is used as a polymer for the devel-
opment of a gastric foating dosage form. In this study
tablet batches were prepared using Abelmoschus esculentus
mucilage and HPMC E15 in diferent combinations. It was
seen that formulation containing Abelmoschus esculentus
mucilage had poor foating capacity but showed sustained
release, whereas formulation containing HPMC had better
foating capacity but showed poor sustained release of the
drug, so in all it was seen that formulation containing okra
mucilage with HPMC gave better foating property as well as
better sustained release of the drug [15]. Okra polysaccharide
as a microbiallytriggered material for colon targeted tablet
formulation and also as the carrier. Te observations drive
to conclude that the okra polysaccharide under investigation
has the potential to carry the drug almost intact to the
intended site, that is, colon where it undergoes degradation
due to the presence of anaerobic microbes [16].
2.2. Albizia Gum. Albizia gum is obtained from the incised
trunk of the tree Albizia zygia (Family Leguminosae). It
consists of -1-3-linked D galactose units with some 1-6-
linked D-galactose units. Albizia gum has been investigated
as a possible substitute for gum arabic as a natural emulsifer
for food and pharmaceuticals [17, 18]. Tese gums were tried
as coating materials in compression-coated tablets, which
degraded, by the colonic microfora, thereby releasing the
drug [19].
2.3. Tamarind Seed Polysaccharide. Tamarind xyloglucan is
obtained from the endosperm of the seed of the tamarind
tree, Tamarindus indica (family Fabaceae). Tamarind gum
is a polysaccharide composed of glucosyl : xylosyl : galactosyl
in the ratio of 3 : 2 : 1. Te polysaccharide obtained from
tamarind seeds was made use of in formulating matrix tablets
by wet granulation technique and was evaluated for its drug
release characteristics. Tablets were prepared using diferent
concentration of the polymer. Increase in polymer content
Journal of Pharmaceutics 3
Table 1: Preliminary confrmatory tests for dried gums and mucilage.
Test Observation Inferences
Molischs test:
(100 mg dried mucilage powder + Molischs reagent +
conc. H
on the side of a test tube)
Violet green colour observed at the
junction of the two layers
Carbohydrate present
Ruthenium test:
Take a small quantity of dried mucilage powder, mount
it on a slide with ruthenium red solution, and observe it
under microscope.
Pink colour develops Mucilage present
Iodine test:
100 mg dried mucilage powder + 1 mL 0.2 N iodine soln.
No colour observed in solution
Polysaccharides present
(starch is absent)
decreased drug release [20]. Potentials of tamarind seed
polysaccharide as a biodegradable carrier for colon specifc
drug delivery was studied. It was seen that the matrix tablets
prepared by using tamarind gum were able to carry most of
the drug to the colon and restrict the release in upper GIT
2.4. Locust Bean Gum. Locust bean gum (LBG) (also known
as carob gum) is obtained from the refned endosperm of
seeds from the carob tree Ceratonia siliqua (family: Legumi-
nosae). Te polymer is neutral, slightly soluble in cold water
and requires heat to achieve full hydration, solubilisation,
and maximum viscosity [22]. Te gum contains D-galacto-
Dmannoglycan, pentane, proteins, and cellulose. Superdisin-
tegrant property of this gum was studied by oral dispersible
tablets containing locust bean gum and evaluating it against
standard superdisintegrant that is croscarmellose sodium
[23]. Tis gum has also been investigated for its controlled
delivery property [24] and also as a compression coat which
when applied over core tablets acts as a suitable carrier for
colonic drug delivery, as it proves capable of protecting the
core tablet and thus is a potential carrier for drug targeting to
the colon [25].
2.5. Fenugreek Mucilage. Mucilageis obtained fromseeds of
Trigonella foenum-graceum (family: Leguminosae). Its seeds
contain a high percentage of mucilage and do not dissolve
in water but form viscous tacky mass and swell up when
exposed to fuids [26]. Gum contains mannose, galactose,
and xylose. Te mucilage obtained fromfenugreek was found
to be better release retardant compared to hypromellose at
equivalent content [27].
2.6. Hibiscus Mucilage. Mucilage is obtained from fresh
leaves of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (family: Malvaceae). Mucilage
of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis contains L-rhamnose, D-galactose,
D-galacturonic acid, and D-glucuronic acid [28]. Te use of
its mucilage for the development of sustained release tablet
has been reported [29].
2.7. Honey Locust Gum. Te gum is obtained from the seeds
of the plant Gleditsia triacanthos (family: Leguminosae). Seeds
contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and fbres. Honey locust
gum has been used to produce matrix tablets at diferent
concentrations (5% and 10%) by wet granulation method
2.8. Tara Gum. Tara gum is obtained from the endosperm
of seed of Caesalpinia spinosa (family: Leguminosae or
Fabaceae). Te gum mainly contains galactomannans. Te
ratio of mannose to galactose in tara gumis 3 : 1 and produces
highly viscous solutions, even at 1% concentration [31].
Te use of tara gum as a controlled release carrier in the
formulation of gastroretentive controlled release tablets due
to swelling of the gum. Using tara gum in combination
increases foating time of the dosage form thus showing
good gastroretentive property [32]. Tara gum was also used
formulation of emulsions [33].
2.9. Almond Gum. Almond gum is obtained from the tree
Prunus amygdalus (family: Rosaceae). It is a water soluble
gum extrudes from wounds on almond tree. Gum contains
aldobionic acid, L-arabinose, L-galactose, D-mannose, etc.
Almond gum contains diferent components which have
emulsifying, thickening, suspending, adhesive, glazing, and
stabilizing properties. Gum obtained from almond tree was
studied for its binding property in tablet formulations. Te
drug release increased with almond gum when compared
to synthetic gum concentration and the release mechanism
was found to be non-Fickian difusion. Te almond gum was
found to be useful for the preparation of uncoated tablet
dosage form [34].
2.10. Cashew Gum. Cashew gum is the exudate from the
stembark of Anacardiumoccidentale (family: Anacardiaceae).
Te gum contains galactose, arabinose, rhamnose, glucose,
glucuronic acid, and other sugar residues, while hydrolysis
of the gum yields L-arabinose, L-rhamnose, D-galactose, and
glucuronic acid [35]. Studies were performed on cashew
gum for its gelling property. Te gels prepared with 5.0%
of mucilage were found to be ideal and comparable with a
commercial preparation. Te prepared gels did not produce
any dermatological reactions. Te gels were found to be
stable with respect to viscosity, drug content, and physical
appearance at all temperature conditions for 3 months [36].
Cashew gum was also studied for its binding property. In
this study binding property of cashew gum was compared
with acacia. It was observed that the disintegration time of
4 Journal of Pharmaceutics
the tablet increased with increase in concentration of cashew
gum [37] and controlled release property wherein study
showed that increase in the polymer ratio retarded the drug
release to a greater extent [38].
2.11. Neem Gum. Neem gum is obtained from the trees
of Azadirachta indica (family: Meliaceae). Gum contains
mannose, glucosamine, arabinose, galactose, fucose, xylose,
and glucose [39]. Studies were performed on neem gum
for its binding property [39] and sustained release property.
Results show that as the proportion of Azadirachta indica
fruit mucilage increases, the overall time of release of the drug
from the matrix tablet also increases [40].
2.12. Aloe Mucilage. Aloe mucilage is obtained from the
leaves of Aloe barbadensis (family: Liliaceae). It contains ara-
binan, arabinorhamnogalactan, galactan, galactogalacturan,
glucogalactomannan, galactoglucoarabinomannan, and glu-
curonic acid containing polysaccharides [41]. A controlled
delivery system of glibenclamide using aloe mucilage was
studied. Various formulations of glibenclamide with Aloe
barbadensis Miller leaves mucilage were prepared by direct
compression technique. Te formulated matrix tablets were
found to have better uniformity of weight and drug content
with low statistical deviation. Te swelling behaviour and in
vitro release rate characteristics were studied. Te dissolution
study proved that the dried Aloe barbadensis Miller leaves
mucilage canbe used as a matrix forming material for making
controlled release glibenclamide matrix tablets [42].
2.13. Moringa oleifera Gum. Gum is obtained from exudes
of stem of Moringa oleifera (family: Moringaceae). Te gum
is a polyuronide constituting of arabinose, galactose, and
glucuronic acid in the preparation of 10 : 7 : 2, rhamnose
present in traces [43]. Studies were performed on this gum
for its gelling property. Te gelling concentration of the gum
was found to lie between 7 and 8.5%w/v. Te gels exhibited
pseudoplastic fow and viscosity were found to be ideal for
topical application [43], binding property [44], and release
retardant property. Diferent batches of tablet were prepared
and evaluated for drug release. It was observed that drug
release increased with increasing proportions of the excipient
and decreased proportion of the gum. Release mechanism
was found to be Fickian [44]. Gum was also studied for
its disintegrating property. Diferent batches of tablets were
formulated varying them by quantity of the gum. It was
observed that wetting time decreased with the increase in
concentration of gum in formulation; thus disintegration
time of tablet formulation prepared from gum was found
lesser as compared to tablet formulation prepared from
synthetic disintegrant like starch, sodium glycolate (SSG),
and croscarmellose sodium (CCS) [45].
2.14. Gum Damar. Gum damar is a whitish to yellowish
natural gum produced by tapping trees of Shorea wiesneri
(Family: Dipterocarpaceae). It contains about 40% alpha-
resin (resin that dissolves in alcohol), 22% beta-resin, 23%
dammarol acid, and 2.5% water. Studies were performed on
gum damar for its sustained release matrix forming property.
Drug release fromthe matrix showed sustained drug delivery
beyond 10 hour. [46]. Microencapsulating property of the
gum was also evaluated. Te increase in gum: drug ratio
showed an increase in particle size, encapsulation efciency
and decrease in drug release rate [47]. It has been used also
for water-resistant coating and in pharmaceutical and dental
industries for its strong binding properties.
2.15. Gum Copal. Gum copal is a natural resinous mate-
rial of plant Bursera bipinnata (family: Burseraceae). Copal
resin contains agathic acid along with ciscommunic acid,
transcommunic acid, polycommunic acid, sandaracopimaric
acid, agathalic acid, monomethyl ester of agathalic acid,
agatholic acid, and acetoxy agatholic acid [48]. Copal gum
has been evaluated as matrix-forming material for sustaining
the drug delivery. In an independent study copal resin was
used as a flm forming agent. Films showed good swelling
property. It was concluded that it can be used as a coat-
ing material for sustained release and colon targeted drug
delivery. Film was prepared using gum copal and its swelling
studies were performed in diferent phosphate bufer (pH4.5,
pH 6.0, and pH 7.4); signifcant swelling was found in pH 7.4
so colon can be targeted [49].
2.16. Moi Gum. Moi gum is obtained from leaves, stems,
fruits, and bark of the stem Lannea coromandelica (family:
Anacardiaceae). Tis gum is yellowish white colour in fresh
and on drying becomes dark. Gum ducts are present in
leaves, stems, and fruits and are most abundant in the bark of
the stem [50]. Te roots contain cluytyl ferulate; heartwood
gives lanosterol; bark, dlepi-catechin, and (+)-leucocyanidin;
fowers and leaves, ellagic acid, quercetin, and quercetin-3
arabinoside. Flowers also contain isoquercetin and morin.
Leaves in addition contain beta-sitosterol, leucocyanidin, and
leucodelphinidin. Moi gum was evaluated as microencap-
sulating agent and release rate controlling material. Micro-
spheres were prepared by solvent evaporation technique.
Moi gum produced microspheres having acceptable size
and morphology. Microspheres formulated using moi gum
showed sustained release beyond 10 hours in comparison to
guar gum but when used in 1 : 1 ratio microspheres showed
more sustained release [51].
2.17. Kondagogu Gum. Kondagogu gum or hupu gum is a
naturally occurring polysaccharide derived as an exudate
from the tree Cochlospermum religiosum (family: Bixaceae).
Gum contains rhamnose, galacturonic acid, glucuronic acid,
b-D galactopyranose, a-D-glucose, b-D-glucose, galactose,
arabinose, mannose, and fructose [52]. Studies were per-
formed on kondagogu gum for its gastric foating property.
Te polymer concentration, concentration of sodium bicar-
bonate, and that of pharmatose to the weight of drug and
polymer were selected as independent variables. Cumulative
percent drug released at 12 hrs was selected as dependent
variable. Te release rate decreased as the proportion of
hupu gum increased [53]. Hupu gum was also evaluated
for its mucoadhesive microcapsule forming property. All
Journal of Pharmaceutics 5
microspheres showed good mucoadhesive property in in
vitro wash of test. In vitro drug release studies showed that
the guar gum had more potentiality to retard the drug
release compared to other gums and concentrations. Drug
release from the microspheres was found to be slow and
following zero order release kinetics with non-Fickian release
mechanism, stating that release is depended on the coat : core
ratio and the method employed [54].
2.18. Phoenix Mucilage. Phoenix mucilage is obtained from
the dried fruit of Phoenix dactylifera (family: Palmaceae).
Carbohydrates make up to 4488%of the fruit which include
mainly reducing sugars such as fructose, sucrose, mannose,
glucose, and maltose in addition to small amounts of polysac-
charides such as pectin (0.53.9%), starch, and cellulose.
Binding properties of date palm mucilage were successfully
evaluated. Te tablets manufactured using phoenix mucilage
were found to be less friable than tablets manufactured
using acacia and tragacanth. As the concentration of the
gum increased the binding ability improved, producing good
uniformity in weight and hardness of the tablets [55].
2.19. Cassia tora Mucilage. Cassia tora mucilage derived
from the seeds of Cassia tora (family: Caesalpiniaceae). Te
primary chemical constituents of Cassia include cinnamalde-
hyde, gum, tannins, mannitol, coumarins, and essential oils
(aldehydes, eugenol, and pinene); it also contains sugars,
resins, and mucilage among other constituents [56]. Studies
were performed on Cassia tora mucilage for its binding
property. It was observed that increasing the concentration of
mucilage increases hardness and decreases the disintegration
time of the tablets which were formulated with diferent
concentrations of cassia tora gum[57]. Tis mucilage was also
evaluated for its suspending agent. Te suspending ability of
Cassia tora mucilage was compared with that of tragacanth,
acacia, and gelatin. Te suspending ability of all the materials
was found to be in the order: Cassia tora > tragacanth gum>
acacia gum. Gelatin results suggest that suspending action of
the mucilage is due to high viscosity of the gum [58].
2.20. Bhara Gum. Bhara gum is a yellowish natural gum
extracted from the bark of Terminalia bellerica (family: Com-
bretaceae). Main chemical constituents are tannins which
mainly include -sitosterol, gallic acid, ellagic acid, ethyl gal-
late, galloyl glucose, and chebulaginic acid. A new sustained
release microencapsulated drug delivery system employing
bhara gum has been proposed. Te microcapsules were
formulated by ionic gelation technique using famotidine as
the model drug. Te efect of diferent drug: bhara gum ratio
drug release profle was examined and compared with guar
gum. Microcapsules employing bhara gum exhibited slow
release of famotidine over 10 hour [59].
2.21. Mimosa Mucilage. Gum is obtained from seeds of
Mimosa pudica (family: Mimosaceae). Seed mucilage is com-
posed of D-xylose and D-glucuronic acid. Mimosa seed
mucilage hydrates and swells rapidly on coming in contact
with water. A controlled delivery system for diclofenac
sodium using Mimosa seed mucilage was studied. In this
study diferent batches of tablets were formulated and their
drug releases were checked. It was observed that as the
proportion of the Mimosa pudica seed mucilage increases,
there is a decrease inrelease of drug, the mechanismof release
being difusion for tablets containing higher proportion of
mucilage, and a combination of matrix erosion and difusion
for tablets containing smaller proportion of mucilage. Studies
showed that as the proportion of the mucilage increased,
there was a corresponding increase in increase in percent
swelling and decrease in percent erosion of the tablets [60].
2.22. Mimosa scabrella Gum. Gum is obtained from seeds
of Mimosa scabrella (family: Mimosaceae). Gum is highly
hydrophilic galactomannan that provides 2030% of galac-
tomannan (G) with a mannose : galactose ratio of 1.1 : 1.
Studies were performed on Mimosa scabrella gum for its
controlled release matrix forming property. In this study it
was observed that drug release decreased with the increase
of polymer concentration and 25%w/w of gum showed
excessive sustained release efect. Te release mechanismwas
a combination of difusion and relaxation [61].
2.23. Dendrophthoe Mucilage. Dendrophthoe mucilage is
obtained from dried as well as fresh stem parasite of
Dendrophthoe falcate (family: Loranthaceae) on Magnifera
indica (family: Anacardiaceae). Mucilage of Dendrophthoe
falcata was evaluated as a binder for pharmaceutical dosage
forms wet granulation was employed to make tablets with
Dendrophthoe falcate mucilage. Diferent concentrations of
mucilage were used in formulation. It was observed that
6%w/w binder concentration showed more optimum results
as tablet binder [62].
2.24. Cocculus Mucilage. Mucilage is obtained from leaves
of Cocculus hirsute (family: Menispermaceae). Mucilage con-
tains polysaccharides and a gelatinous type of material.
Leaves are used topically as emollient and demulcent. It
has been nontoxic to human skin [63]. Gelling property of
this mucilage was studied. Tis was a comparative study.
Flurbiprofen was used as a model drug for the formulation of
gel. Marketed furbiprofengel and gel prepared fromCocculus
hirsute leaf powder were compared and both the gels were
evaluated for anti-infammatory property. It was observed
that the quantity of drug released from prepared test gel and
its anti-infammatory activity was found to be more than that
of marketed gel [64].
2.25. Hakea Gum. Hakea gum is a dried exudate from
the plant Hakea gibbosa (family: Proteaceae). Gum contains
glucuronic acid, galactose, arabinose, mannose, xylose which
is 12 : 43 : 32 : 5 : 8. Te exuded gum is only partly soluble
in water [65]. Gum was investigated as a sustained release
and mucoadhesive component in buccal tablets. Tese results
demonstrate that Hakea gibbosa, not only may be used to
sustain the release but also can act as bioadhesive polymer.
In this study, time required for 90% of the drug was used as
basis for comparison. It was observed that formulation which
6 Journal of Pharmaceutics
did not contain hakea gum showed 90% release of the drug
in about 14 minutes. While when hakea gum was used in
concentration of 32 mg per tablet, it was seen that 90%release
of the drug took place in around 165 minutes. Also when
tablets were directly compressed using hakea gum, for 32 mg
gum per tablet, 90% release took place in 405 minutes [66].
2.26. Grewia Gum. Grewia gum is a polysaccharide derived
from the inner bark of the edible plant Grewia mollis (family:
Tiliaceae). Te gum consists of glucose and rhamnose as the
main monosaccharide components and galacturonic acid as
the main sugar acid [67]. Studies were performed on grewia
gum for its binding property, compressional property. In this
study it was found that formulations containing grewia gum
exhibited higher degree of packing than those containing
PVP. Grewia gumwas also found to improve fuidity granules
than PVP. [68]. Studies were also carried out on matrix
forming property of this gum. In this study tablets containing
diferent concentrations of grewia gum were compressed by
direct compression technique and were evaluated. In vitro
drug release studies reveal that grewia gum can control the
release of cimetidine from tablets for up to 12 hours. Tere
was synergy between grewia gum and HPMC in delaying
the release of cimetidine from tablets [69] and flm forming
property [70].
2.27. Mango Gum. Mango gum is a dried gummy exudate
polysaccharide obtained from the bark of Mangifera indica
(family: Anacardiaceae). Studies were performed on mango
gumfor its binding [71], sustained release [72]. Disintegrating
property of this gumwas also studied. Tablets containing this
gum showed good appearance and better drug release. Te
study further revealed a poor relation between the swelling
index and disintegrating efciency [73]. Mouth dissolving
tablets were prepared using this gum [73].
2.28. OlibanumGum. Olibanumgumis a dried, gummy exu-
dation obtained from Boswellia serrate (family: Burseraceae).
Gum olibanum is used as an anti-infammatory remedy and
recent studies have found positive infuence of olibanum on
rheumatism. Its composition and chemical characteristics
depend on its three principal origins: Aden/Somalia, Eritrea,
and India which contains approximately 59% oil con-
tent, 1317% resin acids, 2030% polysaccharides, 4060%
boswellic acid. Studies were performed on olibanum gum
for its sustained release matrix forming [74], binding [75].
Olibanum resin coated microcapsules were formulated by
emulsifcation solvent evaporation method. It was observed
that drug release from the resin-coated microcapsules was
slow over 24 hours and depended on core : coat ratio, wall
thickness, and size of the microcapsules [76].
2.29. Terminalia Gum. Terminalia gumexudates are fromthe
incised trunk of the tree Terminalia randii (family: Combre-
taceae). Extracts of the stemand bark of Terminalia randii are
used in the treatment of dysentery, diarrhea, hemorrhoids,
and wounds. Gum exudates obtained from Terminalia randii
have been evaluated as binding agent. Te results showed
that the crushing strength and crushing strength friability
ratio increased with increase in polymer concentration while
friability decreased [77].
2.30. Cordia Mucilage. Cordia mucilage is obtained from
raw fruits of Cordia obliqua (family: Boraginaceae). Cordia
mucilage can be used as expectorant, is efective in treating
lung disease and raw gum can be used in gonorrhoea.
Studies were performed on cordia mucilage for binding and
emulsifying properties [78].
2.31. Ocimum Mucilage. Ocimum mucilage is obtained from
the seeds of Ocimum americanum commonly called Ocimum
canum (family: Lamiaceae). Mucilage contains xylose, arabi-
nose, rhamnose, and galacturonic acids [79]. Te mucilage
was found to have disintegrating property. Te disintegra-
tion time for tablet formulations prepared using ocimum
mucilage was less than tablets that were prepared by using
starch as a disintegrant [80].
2.32. Konjac Glucomannan. Konjac glucomannan is
extracted from the tubers of Amorphophallus konjac (family:
Araceae). Konjac glucomannan contains D-glucose and
D-mannose in the ratio 1 : 1.6 [81]. Studies were performed
on konjac glucomannan for its gelling properties [82].
3. Conclusion
Te use of natural gums for pharmaceutical applications
is attractive because they are economical, readily available,
nontoxic, capable of chemical modifcations, potentially
biodegradable, and with few exceptions, also biocompatible.
Majority of investigations on natural polymers in drug
delivery systems centre around polysaccharides. Natural
gums can also be modifed to have tailor-made products
for drug delivery systems and thus can compete with the
synthetic excipients available in the market. Tough the use
of traditional gums has continued, newer gums have been
used, some of them with exceptional qualities. Tere is huge
scope for research on newer gums and mucilages obtained
fromplants and could be further exploited in future as a novel
natural polymer for development of diferent drug delivery
systems in pharma industry.
Conflict of Interests
Te authors declare that there is no confict of interests
regarding the publication of this paper.
Te authors are very much thankful to Dr. P. S. Gide,
Principal, Hyderabad (Sindh) National Collegiate Boards Dr.
L. H. Hiranandani college of pharmacy, Ulhasnagar for his
continuous support, guidance, and encouragement.
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