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YAAEYC Conference Brochure 2014

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WWW. YAAEYC. ORG 800 East King St.

, York, PA 17403
S a t u r d a y , Oc t o b e r 2 5 ,
2 0 1 4

7 : 0 0 a m- 3 : 1 5 p m

P e n n S t a t e Y o r k Ca mp u s

1 0 3 1 E d g e c o mb A v e .
Y o r k , P A 1 7 4 0 3
York Area Association for the Education of Young Chi ldren
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YAAEYC Welcome
The York Area Association for the Education of Young Children (YAAEYC) is pleased to invite you and your colleagues to a day of
learning, networking and professional growth at our 2014 Early Childhood Conference on Saturday, October 25, 2014 at Penn State
York Campus.
This event is specifically designed for early childhood professionals and advocates who work with or on behalf of young children.
This years conference features three, two-hour long workshop sessions. The selection of the workshops was specifically chosen to
offer a wide variety of topics. Special care was taken to reach a variety of groups, including infant/toddlers teachers, SACC
teachers, master teachers (those who have been a lead teacher for 4 or more years), and administrators. Sessions have also been
coded to indicate if they meet specific Keystone Stars required training topics.
Attendees will be able to print online from their PD history (3 weeks after the conference) certificates of participation which have
been approved for six hours of DPW and PA Key professional development. ACT 48 credit can be received.
Also, we are once again using Event Brite for online registration and credit card payments. When using this system you will
immediately receive a registration confirmation.
We hope you will plan to join us and we look forward to seeing you on October 25, 2014!

The York Area Association
for the Education of Young
Children is committed to
providing exceptional early
education experiences for
every child in our
YAAEYC Members
As a professional in child care, preschool,
kindergarten, Head Start, elementary school, or any
other setting, you know the early years are learning
years. By joining YAAEYC well help you make sure the
early years count. YAAEYC is leading efforts to build
better futures for all young children. Our most
important effort is supporting you in the work you
We believe that early childhood educators are professionals
who should be valued and respected. Join us to promote
high professional standards, comprehensive training
opportunities, and equitable compensation and working
conditions so that qualified early childhood educators will
stay and grow in this important field. Together we can help
to increase understanding and support for high-quality early
childhood education among policymakers and the public
through a wide range of education, advocacy, and public
awareness activities, including our annual Week of the
Young Child celebration. To join YAAEYC visit
www.naeyc.org and click on membership.
President Debbie Riek
President Elect Heather Miller
Secretary Erica Heller
Treasurer Sara Bosley
Accreditation Sara Bradley
Conference co-chairs Wendy Latshaw
Ashley Zurawski
Membership Vacant
Program Lisa Young
Public Policy Vacant
Public Relations Lindsay Zeglen
Recognitions Wendy Latshaw
WOYC Vacant
Adams County Jennifer Hockensmith
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7-8 a.m. Registration
Main Classroom Building Main floor
Breakfast and Vendors- Main Classroom Building lower level
8-10 a.m. Session A
Main Classroom Building various assigned rooms
A.1 So Whats the Big Deal about Intentionality?!
A.2 High Quality Infant Care: What it takes and who can do it.
A.3 Toddler Treasures: Using Ordinary Stuff for Extraordinary Play
Stars Required
A.4 Inclusive Classrooms
A.5 Stress Less
A.6 The Visionary Director Framework
School Age
A.7 Teachable Moments Through Music: The Transformative Power of
A.8 Community Service Projects for SAC Programs
Master Teacher
A.9 Behavior Boot Camp for Teachers: Planning for Positive Change
A.10 Using Observations to improve communication with families to
better manage challenging behaviorsPart 1
A.11 Active Supervision
A.12 Growing Up WILD! Environmental Science for PreschoolGrade 2
A.13 Know Your Color and Keep Your Cool
A.14 Teaching & Parenting Emotionally Healthy Children
A.15 Sensory Fear Factor: An Autism Awareness Experience
10:15-12:15 p.m. Session B
Main Classroom Building various assigned rooms
B.1 The Happiest Baby on the Block
B.2 The ABCs of Infant Safe Sleep Practices
B.3 Red Flags of Infant Toddler Development and Sensory Regulation
Stars Required
B.4 Childhood Illness and Conditions
B.5 NAAEYC Accreditation Panel
School Age
B.6 STEM Challenges to Get the Juices of Your Brain Flowing
B.7 Voice and Choice Emergent Curriculum for SAC
Session B continued
Master Teacher
B.8 Attachment Focused Teaching
General Audience
B.9 Using Observations to improve communication with families to
better manage challenging behaviorsPart 2
B.10 Ethics in Early Childhood
B.11 Imagine That!
B.12 Diversity Awareness and Conflict Resolution
B.13 Stress Management PlusWellness for Adults & Children
B.14 I only looked away for a moment A look at supervision and
B.15 Families As Partners: Concrete Ways to Enhance the Relationships
12:15-1:15 p.m. Lunch and Visit with Vendors
Main Classroom Building lower level
1:15 3:15 p.m. Session C
Main Classroom Building various assigned rooms
C.1 Brain Development and Early Leaning
C.2 Great Music and Movement Especially for Infants & Toddlers
C.3 AssessmentNot Just Another Piece of Paper
Stars Required
C.4 Smile! The Importance of Promoting Oral Health in Young Children
Directors-Home Based Providers
C.5 I Thought I Was Supervising Adults...Not Children
C.6 Business Practices for Providers
School Age
C.7 Games, Games, and More Games
C.8 Strengthening SAC Family Relationships
General Audience
C.9 Sing Through Your Day: Integrating Music Across the Curriculum
C.10 Lets Go For Everything: High Quality ECE for ALL!
C.11 Lets Make A Circle
C.12 Stimulating the Mind and Body through fun, creative activities
C.13 Read Your Way Around the Plate
C.14 Communicating Concerns about Children with Parents
C.15 Discipline: A Balance Between Compromise and Consequences
*3:15- Individuals requiring Act 48 credit must return to the regis-
tration desk to complete additional paperwork.
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SESSION A (8 a.m.-10 a.m.)
A.1 So Whats the Big Deal About Intentionality?!
Presenter: Lou Warren-Groomes, M.Ed., Early Childhood Consultant, Caring
for Children
This seminar is designed particularly for infant/toddler practitioners to
address the what, why, and how questions related to becoming more
intentional and purposeful in providing optimal learning experiences for the
children in their care throughout the day.
CKC Code: K2.2 C2
Target Audience: Infant-Toddler
Presentation Method: Group Discussion

A.2 High Quality Infant Care: What is takes and who can do it.
Presenter: Ann Schrack Beaver, Retired OCDEL Licensing Supervisor, Dept. of
Public Welfare, Commonwealth of PA
The workshop will discuss the personal characteristics that lend themselves to
quality infant caregiving. We shall look at infant care through the eyes of an
infant to help participants understand what babies NEED as well as what
babies CAN DO. Topics to be discussed will include the emotional climate of
the classroom, physical space and room arrangement.
CKC Code: K1.2 C2
Target Audience: Infant-Toddler
Presentation Method: Lecture

A.3 Toddler Treasures: Using Ordinary Stuff for Extraordinary
Presenter: Krista Girard, M.Ed., Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant,
Come learn some new fresh ideas and activities to incorporate into your
classroom! Learn how to make different activities and materials that are
simple and inexpensive. These ideas will allow you to spend your time having
quality interactions with the children in your classroom. Lets have fun
learning how to make toys!
CKC Code: K1.8 C2
Target Audience: Infant-Toddler
Presentation Method: Lecture/PowerPoint

A.4 Inclusive Classrooms
Presenter: Phuong H. Hoang, B.S., Instructor, TRAIN Educational Services
Why are children with special needs in your classroom? Examine the
theoretical and legal foundations of inclusive practices and consider the
benefits of inclusive programs. Explore adaptations of classroom methods and
materials to address the varying needs of children.
CKC Code: K2.3 C2
Target Audience: STARS Required Inclusion
Presentation Method: Lecture

A.5 Stress Less
Presenter: Helen Lehman, B.S., Health Educator & Coordinator for Safe Kids
York County, WellSpan Health
The stress and demands of modern life arent just confined to adults. This
hands-on workshop will help you and the children in your care learn to manage
and overcome daily stressors. Techniques for relaxing, breathing and a list of
proven stress reducers will be provided.
CKC Code: K7.3 C2
Target Audience: STARS Required Health and Safety
Presentation Method: Lecture

A.6 The Visionary Director Framework
Presenter: Bev Goodling, M.Ed., Early Childhood Consultant, Adjunct
Instructor, Messiah College
Are you a Center Director who would benefit from sharing leadership
strategies with others in the early childhood field? In this workshop,
participants will review and apply the leadership triangle from the book, The
Visionary Director by D. Curtis and M. Carter. This framework serves as a
model to provide a balanced approach to the multitude of responsibilities
directors face each day. Come prepared to share both successes and
CKC Code: K6.9 C2
Target Audience: Director
Presentation Method: Lecture

A.7 Teachable Moments Through Music: The Transformative
Power of Song
Presenter: David and Jenny Heitler-Klevans, co-owners, Two of a Kind
Songs can be powerful tools for encouraging positive interpersonal interaction,
sparking valuable discussion, and providing a wealth of other teachable
moments in the classroom. Participants will come away with songs, activities
and resources for using music to transform individuals and groups.
CKC Code: K2.10 C2
Target Audience: School Age
Presentation Method: Lecture

A.8 Community Service Projects for SAC Programs
Presenter: Betsy O. Saatman, M.Ed., PQA Assessor PA Key
Together we will explore the Importance of Community Service Projects in SAC
Programs, and the value to each individual child. We will explore our own
challenges around offering community service and ways to meet the
challenges. Participants will create an action plan to begin community service
projects in their SAC program.
CKC Code: K2.15 C1
Target Audience: School Age
Presentation Method: Group Discussion

A.9 Behavior Boot Camp for Teachers: Planning for Positive
Presenter: Cele McCloskey, M.Ed., Disabilities Manager, Early Head Start/
Head Start of York County
Challenging behavior in children usually happens for a reason. When caregivers
can determine what this is and generate a plan based on that function, they
can improve and often solve the challenges that confront them. This workshop
will provide user-friendly tools as well as guided practice in analyzing/
minimizing troublesome behaviors.
CKC Code: K2.13 C3
Target Audience: Master Teacher
Presentation Method: Lecture/PowerPoint

A.10 Using Observations to improve communication with
families to better manage challenging behaviors, Part 1
Presenter: Mary Christine Shebish, M.Ed., Director, Sonshine Child
Development Center; adjunct instructor Penn State University
Unbiased observations, positive communication and a willingness to
collaborate can alleviate many challenging classroom situations. The teacher
who is willing to take the time to understand her own bias and go beyond
them can have a clear view of the child, develop a relationship of trust with
the family, and work together for the best of the child. This is part 1 of a 2
part series.
CKC Code: K4.15 C2
Target Audience: General
Presentation Method: Lecture/PowerPoint

A.11 Active Supervision
Presenter: Zachary Cohen, M.Ed., Trainer/Curriculum Specialist, Southeast
Regional Key at PHMC
Participants will be able to define at least three ways child development
influences supervision practices, recall the state regulations that apply to
active supervision, and create an action plan to implement active supervision
as defined by the Head Start National Center on Health.
CKC Code: K7.7 C2
Target Audience: General
Presentation Method: Lecture/PowerPoint
A.12 Growing Up WILD! Environmental Science for Preschool
Grade 2
Presenter: Karen Rucker, M.S., ECE Specialist & Early Childhood Instructor,
Growing Up WILD for ages 3-7 builds on childrens sense of wonder about
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nature and encourages them to explore the world around them. This
curriculum model features field-tested, hands-on activities about wildlife,
people and the environment. Activities are designed to address development
and learning in all developmental domains. Weather permitting, a portion of
this session will be held outdoors.
CKC Code: K2.18 C2
Target Audience: General
Presentation Method: Get Up and Move

A.14 Know Your Color and Keep Your Cool
Presenter: Amy Zoellner, M.Ed., Professional Development Instructor,
CAECTI, Penn State University
Did you know that every temperament can be paired with a color that helps
define and shape how we handle life? Come to this presentation to figure out
what color you are and how that molds your life both personally and
professionally. You will leave this session with ideas of how to embrace your
own color and work with those whose color (temperament) is different than
CKC Code: K6.3 C2
Target Audience: General
Presentation Method: Lecture/PowerPoint

A.15 Teaching & Parenting Emotionally Healthy Children
Presenter: Peter Moses, BA Ed., President, PJM Associates, Inc.
There is often a major neglect of emotional health in our schools and homes.
This empowering workshop offers wonderful insights and action plans to
improve our effectiveness as teachers and parents. Participants will be
inspired immediately toward meeting our childrens vital needs to feel
respected, important, accepted, included and secure.
CKC Code: K5.1 C1
Target Audience: General
Presentation Method: Group Discussion

A.16 Sensory Fear Factor: An Autism Awareness Experience
Presenter: Wendie Mancuso, Presenter, PAKeys Harrisburg
This presentation is an opportunity for participants to begin to know how a
person with Autism Spectrum Disorder may experience the world around them.
Through sensory activities we will explore what a person might experience on
a daily basis.
CBK Code: K1.3 C1
Target Audience: General
Presentation Method: Get Up and Move

SESSION B (10:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.)
B.1 The Happiest Baby on the Block
Presenter: Carolyn Kraft, M.A., Lecturer in Psychology, York College of
Learn how to help babies sleep longer and how to soothe even the fussiest of
infants in minutes...or less! Class information includes: The Missing 4th
Trimester, The Calming Reflex, The 5 Ss, and The Cuddle Cure. Based on the
work of Dr. Harvey Karp.
CKC Code: K1.9 C2
Target Audience: Infant-Toddler
Presentation Method: Lecture/PowerPoint

B.2 The ABCs of Infant Safe Sleep Practices
Presenter: Helen Lehman, B.S., Health Educator & Coordinator for Safe Kids
York County, WellSpan Health
This session will assist in identifying and analyzing best practices into the day-
to-day practice of caring for infants in both the child care facility and home
environment. Since the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has
recommended all babies should be placed on their backs to sleep, deaths from
SIDS have declined dramatically. But sleep-related death from other causes,
including suffocation, entrapment and asphyxia, have increased. This session
will review the guidelines for parents and caregivers on creating a safe sleep
CKC Code: K7.8 C2
Target Audience: Infant-Toddler
Presentation Method: Lecture/PowerPoint

B.3 Red Flags of Infant Toddler Development and Sensory
Presenter: Kimberly A. Alloway, B.S.E., Infant/Toddler Specialist South
Central Regional Key, Child Care Consultants
To provide a more in-depth look at Developmental Milestones/Red Flags and
sensory development. We will look at how these topics impact functioning and
development. Sensory Regulation issues will be addressed and discussed so
that practitioners will gain an understanding of how these differences may
impact how a child functions in the classroom.
CKC Code: K1.7 C1
Target Audience: Infant-Toddler
Presentation Method: Lecture/PowerPoint

B.4 Childhood Illness and Conditions
Presenter: Phuong H. Hoang, B.S., Instructor, TRAIN Educational Services
Examine characteristics of common childhood illnesses and conditions. Identify
conditions which are contagious and require immediate action. Consider ways
to prevent the spread of disease, including proper hand washing, diapering,
and sanitation.
CKC Code: K7.5 C2
Target Audience: Stars RequiredHealth and Safety
Presentation Method: Lecture/PowerPoint

B.5 NAAEYC Accreditation Panel
Presenter: Various Early Education Leaders
Interested in NAEYC Accreditation but dont know where to start? Have a
hurdle you want support overcoming? Attend this panel and ask your
questions. A team of early childhood leaders with insight into the process will
help answer your questions and brainstorm solutions to your challenges.
CBK Code: D8.1 C1
Target Audience: Directors
Presentation Method: Group Discussion

B.6 STEM Challenges to Get the Juices of Your Brain Flowing
Presenter: Karen Rucker, M.S., ECE Specialist & Early Childhood Instructor,
This interactive, hands-on session will present design challenges to exercise
your science/math/engineering muscles (or to grow new ones, I mean really,
who knew we had muscles in those areas?!). Session will include a brief
lecture followed by STEM activities, and ending with a debrief on how to use
the various activities in a school age program.
CKC Code: K2.15 C2
Target Audience: School Age
Presentation Method: Get Up and Move

B.7 Voice and Choice Emergent Curriculum for SAC
Presenter: Betsy O. Saatman, M.Ed., PQA Assessor PA Key
Together we will explore our current curriculum planning strategies and how
to get children involved in the process. Participants will use observation,
surveys and reflection to support School Age Care that is child focused and
child choice. Participants will brainstorm ways to begin the process and
implement the process.
CKC Code: K2.12 C2
Target Audience: School Age
Presentation Method: Group/Discussion

B.8 Attachment Focused Teaching
Presenter: Michele Walsh, MSW, LSW, ECMH Program Manager, PA Key
This session explores the concept of the teacher as an important attachment
figure in the life of a child. Participants will review basic attachment theory
and learn key strategies to foster positive attachment with the children in
their care.
CKC Code: K1.1 C3
Target Audience: Master Teacher
Presentation Method: Lecture/PowerPoint

B.9 Using Observations to Improve Communication with
Families to Better Manage Challenging Behaviors, Part 2
Presenter: Mary Christine Shebish, M.Ed., Director, Sonshine Child
Development Center; adjunct instructor Penn State University
Unbiased observations, positive communication and a willingness to
collaborate can alleviate many challenging classroom situations. The teacher
who is willing to take the time to understand her own bias and go beyond
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them can have a clear view of the child, develop a relationship of trust with
the family, and work together for the best for the child.
CKC Code: K3.02 C1
Target Audience: General
Presentation Method: Lecture/PowerPoint

B.10 Ethics in Early Childhood
Presenter: Amy Zoellner, M.Ed., Professional Development Instructor,
CAECTI, Penn State University
Come to this class as we investigate out ethical responsibilities as ECE
professionals. We will explore the NAEYC code of Ethical Conduct and we will
work together to come up with solutions to come of our real life ethical
CKC Code: K6.6 C2
Target Audience: General
Presentation Method: Group Discussion

B.11 Imagine That!
Presenter: Mary E. Lykens, B.S., Professional Development Instructor
Research has shown that creativity and problem solving are necessary tools for
todays work force. Children are naturally creative. Experience ways to
enhance that creativity and utilize the rich imagination that children bring to
CKC Code: K2.14 C2
Target Audience: General
Presentation Method: Group Discussion

B.12 Diversity Awareness and Conflict Resolution
Presenter: David and Jenny Heitler-Klevans, co-owners, Two of a Kind
Through songs, games and activities, participants will learn ways to use music
to help their students celebrate diversity and resolve conflicts peacefully.
CKC Code: D5.1 C2
Target Audience: General
Presentation Method: Lecture/PowerPoint

B.13 Stress Management Plus Wellness for Adults & Children
Presenter: Peter Moses, B.A. Ed., President, PJM Associates Inc.
Joy, creativity, relaxation and peace are our birthrights. Teachers, parents
and children can learn to work and play for optimum health and productivity.
Participants will rediscover innate and powerful abilities to adapt to changing
professional and personal circumstances. Enjoy practical relaxation, present-
tense orientation, time & information management and more stress-free
CKC Code: K6.4 C1
Target Audience: General
Presentation Method: Group Discussion

B.14 I only looked away for a moment A Look at
Supervision and Safety
Presenter: Ann Schrack Beaver, M.A., Retired, OCDEL Licensing Supervisor,
Dept. of Public Welfare, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Supervision is a key component of safety! Watching, being aware, counting
heads, and double checking are all basic components of early childhood care.
During this session we will identify areas of concern and then explore some
techniques to improve your supervision skills. Please bring a copy of the
OCDEL Regulations for reference!
CKC Code: K7.7 C3
Target Audience: General
Presentation Method: Group Discussion

B.15 Families As Partners: Concrete Ways to Enhance the
Presenter: Lou Warren-Groomes, M.Ed., Early Childhood Consultant, Caring
for Children
Having a collaborative relationship between families and child care
practitioners is essential to meeting the needs of children. Yet, this does not
happen by itself. Time, planning, communication, and cultural sensitivity are
key elements is establishing rapport. How equipped are you to take on this
task? Participants in this workshop will explore specific strategies to develop,
enhance and maintain a partnering relationship.
CKC Code: K3.2 C2
Target Audience: General
Presentation Method: Group Discussion
SESSION C (1:15 p.m.-3:15 p.m.)
C.1 Brain Development and Early Learning
Presenter: Phuong H. Hoang, B.S., Instructor, TRAIN Educational Services
Early interactions directly affect the way the brain develops, setting the stage
for lifelong learning. This session briefly explains brain development in
children without the scientific jargon. Well also identify the optimal periods
for specific types of learning so we can best plan activities which promote
healthy cognitive, emotional, and social development.
CKC Code: K1.4 C2
Target Audience: Infant-Toddler
Presentation Method: Lecture/PowerPoint

C.2 Great Music and Movement Especially for Infants & Toddlers
Presenter: Peter Moses, B.A. Ed., President, PJM Associates Inc.
Through interactive performance, discussion, handout resources and group
experience, participants will gather lots of great songs, finger-plays and
dances to inspire music and fun for young children in their first few years.
Themes will include joyful expression, coordination, silliness, rhythm,
cognitive/affective enrichment, and celebrating life.
CKC Code: K2.1 C1
Target Audience: Infant-Toddler
Presentation Method: Get Up and Move

C.3 Assessment Not Just Another Piece of Paper
Presenter: Kimberly A. Alloway, BSE, Infant/Toddler Specialist South Central
Regional Key, Child Care Consultants
Assessments shouldnt be just about paperwork and data needed. They are
useful tools that should include observation, and input from all caregivers, so
that classroom planning is more appropriate. We will look at how assessments
can help us identify childrens possible developmental delays and how to
communicate concerns to parents and caregivers.
CKC Code: K4.12 C1
Target Audience: Infant-Toddler
Presentation Method: Lecture/PowerPoint

C.4 SMILE! The Importance of Promoting Oral Health in Young
Presenter: Karen Rucker, M.S., ECE Specialist & Early Childhood Instructor,
Did you know that you are not born with the germ that creates cavities? You
probably had it passed onto you at a very young age. Dental caries is actually
the most common chronic preventable early childhood disease. Based on the
Free Kids campaign, join us as we explore the importance of oral health and
how to promote dental care with children and families.
CKC Code: K7.3 C2
Target Audience: Stars RequiredHealth and Safety
Presentation Method: Group Discussion

C.5 I Thought I Was Supervising Adults...Not Children
Presenter: Lou Warren-Groomes, M.Ed., Early Childhood Consultant, Caring
for Children
As a director/leader of an early childhood program, you are in a key position
to set the tone for positive interactions by the way you relate to staff. Yet,
how do we successfully manage and guide some of the challenging behaviors
of staff without treating them like a child or feeling like Attila the Hun? In this
seminar, we will examine ways to apply specific principles and management
techniques that are appropriate for young children as a base for clarifying our
role in supervising/managing staff.
CKC Code: D6.1 C2
Target Audience: Director
Presentation Method: Group Discussion

C.6 Business Practices for Providers
Presenter: Samantha Gray, M.A., Mentor, Luthercare
Participants will explore the different policies and procedures needed to run
an effective business. Topics covered will include contracts, handbooks,
enrollment, record keeping and legal issues.
CKC Code: K8.8 C1
Target Audience: Director and Home-Based Providers
Presentation Method: Group Discussion

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C.7 Games, Games, and More Games
Presenter: Dennis Groomes, School-Age Child Care Consultant
This workshop will offer some tricks of the trade for developing team spirit
and non-competitive play for school-age children. Participants will play a
variety of cooperative games that can utilized with multi-age groups, as well
as large and small groups of children. Come and recapture your child like
spirit! Play, learn and have some FUN!
CKC Code: K2.14 C2
Target Audience: School Age
Presentation Method: Get Up and Move

C.8 Strengthening SAC Family Relationships
Presenter: Betsy O. Saatman, M.Ed., PQA Assessor PA Key
Together we will explore how to get families more involved in our School Age
Care program. We will explore our own attitudes, different parent values and
ideals, and six stages of parenting. Participants will brainstorm strategies to
make positive connections with families.
CKC Code: K3.6 C1
Target Audience: School Age
Presentation Method: Group Discussion

C.9 Sing Through Your Day: Integrating Music Across the
Presenter: David and Jenny Heitler-Klevans, co-owners, Two of a Kind
This workshop will present practical ideas for integrating music to promote
enrichment and build community in the classroom. Two of a Kind will provide
specific examples of classroom activities, songs, chants and other resources.
CKC Code: K2.10 C2
Target Audience: General
Presentation Method: Lecture/PowerPoint

C.10 Lets Go for Everything: High Quality ECE for ALL!
Presenter: Pamela Haines, Director, Public Policy, DVAEYC
Were told that high quality early childhood education for all is simply a
dream. Lets go for everything! Learn about the two-year goals of the Pre-K
for PA campaign, and interact with the rich pool of data on the need, the
possibilities, and the compelling logic of investing in high quality ECE.
CKC Code: K6.9 C2
Target Audience: General
Presentation Method: Group Discussion

C.11 Lets Make a Circle
Presenter: Theresa E. Cocci, B.S., Early Childhood Music and Movement
Instructor, Yocum Institute of the Arts, Albright Learning Center
Circle Games will focus on encouraging community spirit while developing
cooperation and team work. These games will ensue in a variety of
developmentally appropriate behaviors that become part of the play and part
of the game. The process and language of the games also provide a journey
into literacy.
CKC Code: K1.8 C1
Target Audience: General
Presentation Method: Get Up and Move

C.12 Stimulating the Mind and Body Through Fun, Creative
Presenter: Junko Wright, Owner/Early Childhood Educator, Juns Day Care
Participants will be exposed to a variety of unique ideas and will be taught
how to create fun activities and cooperative games from common household
items. By incorporating dance, music and movement, math, science, and
language learning, these activities will stimulate childrens imagination and
creativity while developing their cognitive skills, social skills, and self-esteem.
Expand the learning opportunities in your classroom and learn how to boost
childrens creativity while having a terrific time!
CKC Code: K2.11 C2
Target Audience: General
Presentation Method: Get Up and Move

C.13 Read Your Way Around the Plate
Presenter: Mary E. Lykens, B.S., Professional Development Instructor
Discover ways to use books to introduce children to healthy eating. Experience
familiar stories in new and different ways. Learn how to make simple snacks
that you can use in your classroom.
CKC Code: K2.7 C2
Target Audience: General
Presentation Method: Get Up and Move

C.14 Communicating Concerns about Children with Parents
Presenter: Carolyn Kraft, M.A., Lecturer in Psychology, York College of
When you suspect a problem, it can by very difficult to communicate your
concerns with parents. This workshop will give you the tips to make this
communication successful and productive, information to be prepared for
typical parent reactions, and ideas on how to care for yourself during the
CKC Code: K3.5 C3
Target Audience: General
Presentation Method: Lecture/PowerPoint

C.15 Discipline: A Balance Between Compromise and
Presenter: Dr. John R. Hranitz, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus-Early Childhood
and Elementary Education, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
When time out fails, what do I do, asked a teacher one day. This session will
review characteristics of children, contributors to early education and provide
a listing of techniques to aid in handling compromise and consequence
situations in the center or school setting with children from birth to
CKC Code: K2.2 C2
Target Audience: General
Presentation Method: Group Discussion

Yor k Ar ea As s oc i at i on f or t he Educ at i on of Young Chi l dr en
Page 8
Additional Information
If any session does not meet minimum participation require-
ments the session will be canceled. Should this happen, a
conference representative will contact you regarding an
alternate session choice.

Act 48
Participants who would like Act 48 credit must return to the
registration table after the final session. Act 48 credit will
available at no extra cost, but requestors must provide their
PPID # to obtain credit. Certified teachers may obtain their
PPID number by going to https://
then click on Get your Professional Personal ID. Fill in the
information on the next screen and it will generate the
number for you.

A light breakfast snack will be available in the Conference
Center until 8 a.m. A box lunch consisting of a six-inch sub
or salad, chips, fruit, dessert and a drink will be provided
during the lunch hour. Please indicate your sandwich/salad
choice when you register. Participants are welcome to bring
personal beverages or snacks to supplement the provided

Photos taken at the conference may be used in YAAEYC

A variety of exhibitors/vendors will be available throughout
the day and are providing door prizes. Our current list of
vendors are:
Books Are Fun
Early Intervention
Eastern University
Greene Bark Press
Keystone STARS
Penn State HDFS Program
Penn State York Library
YAAEYC Membership
Conference Registration Information
YAAEYC Early Childhood Conference
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Conference space is limited to 400 partcipants and many of the workshops will be
limited in size. Workshops will be flled as registratons are received. To be sure you
receive your frst choice, register online soon or return your form today. If you require
further informaton or have questons, please call Wendy Latshaw at 717-873-7067 or
email [email protected].

Registraton Deadline: October 10, 2014.
Mailed registratons will not be processed untl payment is received.

A 40% discount is given to all YAAEYC Members. Must be a member at tme of regis-
traton to receive discount.

YAAEYC will honor a group rate of $50 per person for 4 or more non-YAAEYC mem-
bers registering together from the same site by the early bird deadline. In order to
register as a group, all persons in the group must register at the same tme and pay-
ment must accompany registraton.
Workshop Choices: Please select three choices for each workshop session. Workshops
will be flled as registratons are received. Note: If you do not select three session
choices and your indicated choice is not available, you will be placed in a session ran-

Two ways to register:
Register online at yaaeyc.org using VISA or MasterCard. Click on YAAEYC Conference
and follow the links, or type the address below into your web browser.
*When registering large groups on Eventbrite, please separate them into orders
of 8 registrants or less.
Register by mail. Complete the registraton form next to this panel and return with
payment to :
Oterbein Early Educaton Center
Atn: Wendy Latshaw
PO Box 386
Mount Wolf, PA 17347
(Please make checks payable to YAAEYC)

Cancellaton: Cancellaton/substtuton requests must be received in writng on or
before October 17, 2014. Refunds or substtutons will incur a $10 handling fee. Send
requests to Wendy Latshaw at the email address above. No substtutons will be hon-
ored afer October 17, 2014.
Conference Fee (includes contnental breakfast and lunch):
Early bird
Afer Sept. 26,
NAEYC/YAAEYC Member $33.00 $39.00
Non-Members $55.00 $65.00
Yor k Ar ea As s oc i at i on f or t he Educ at i on of Young Chi l dr en
Page 9
How to get the most out of your conference experience
1. Register early: Many classes have limited space. Registering early ensures you get your first choice. Also,
there is a discount for early bird registration.
2. Register online: When you register on http://yaaeyc2014.eventbrite.com, you can see in real time which
classes are full and which still have availability. That way, if your first choice is full, you can find the next
best thing. If you mail in your registration, you are relying on someone else to pick a session on your
3. Pay attention to the CKC Code: The CKC Code lets you know what topics the class will focus on as well as
the skill level. Use your PDR, your administrators assessments and self reflection to pinpoint the topics
that are the most valuable to your professional growth. Also, look for a skill level that will be challenging
but not overwhelming.

K 1: Child Growth & Development C 1: Introductory
K 2: Curriculum and Learning Experiences C 2: Developing
K 3: Families, Schools and Community C 3: Mastery
Collaboration and Partnerships
K 4: Assessment
K 5: Communication
K 6: Professionalism & Leadership
K 7: Health, Safety & Nutrition
K 8: Program Organization & Administration
4. Come prepared: To get the most of each session, you should be ready to listen, interact, take notes and
ask questions. Please bring any materials necessary to do so. Also, some sessions require outside
resources (standard books, regulations, manuals, etc.) Please read the descriptions carefully and bring
any materials the presenters requested. They will be unable to present their topic adequately without
these resources.
Yor k Ar ea As s oc i at i on f or t he Educ at i on of Young Chi l dr en
Directions to Penn State York and Campus Map
Directions to Penn State York, 1031 Edgecombe Avenue, York, PA
From the PA Turnpike: Exit the Harrisburg/York interchange (Exit 242) and follow I-83 south. Exit I-83 at exit 18 and follow
directions below.

From the east or west via Route 30: Take Route 30 to I-83 and follow I-83 south to exit 18 and follow directions below.

From Exit 18 off I-83: Proceed west on Route 124 for approximately 1 mile. Turn left on Albemarle Street. Follow Albemarle
Street to campus entrances on right. Enter at Irving Road or Springdale Avenue for conference parking.

From City of York: Travel south on Queen Street to Rathton Road. Turn left on Rathton Road and proceed for approximately
one mile to Albemarle Street. Turn left on Albemarle and turn left at Irving Road or Springdale Avenue for conference park-

****Please park in areas marked D****







Albemarle St.




Parking: Lots D
Building #2: John J. Romano Administraton
Building/Nitany Success Center/Ralph G. and
Madeline B. Swenson;
Building #3: Main Classroom Building/
Admissions/Advising and Career Development/
Bursar Ofce/Conference Center/Registrar


Yor k Ar ea As s oc i at i on f or t he Educ at i on of Young Chi l dr en
Conference Registration Form
Register online at http://yaaeyc2014.eventbrite.com

Check One:
Registering as an individual.
Registering as part of a group. Groups of 4 or more registering together will receive a group registration rate. Each person register-
ing in the group must complete a registration form. Registration forms and payment must be submitted together. (Groups may register

Registration Information

First and Last Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

E-mail Address: _________________________________________

Organization: ______________________________________________________________________________________

DOB: _____/_____/_______

Last 5 digits SSN: ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

Contact phone: ( ) __________________________________
I am a: ______Infant/Toddler Teacher ______Preschool Teacher ______School Age Teacher
______Administrator ______Other

Workshop Selections
First Second Third
Choice Choice Choice
Session A: ______ ______ ______

Session B: ______ ______ ______

Session C: ______ ______ ______

Lunch Choice
Sub: _____Ham _____Turkey _____Tuna
Salad: _____Chef _____Veggie

Amount Paid
Registered/Postmarked by September 26, 2014 Registered/Postmarked after September 26, 2014
$33 NAEYC/YAAEYC Member Individual Rate $39 NAEYC/YAAEYC Member Individual Rate
$55 Non-member Individual Rate $65 Non-member Individual Rate
$60 Non-member Group registration rate until Sept. 26 All registrations must be postmarked by October 10, 2014

YAAEYC Member? _____Yes _____No If yes, Individual YAAEYC Membership Number: ________________________________

Complete and Return with Payment to: Otterbein Early Education Center
ATTN: Wendy Latshaw
PO Box 386
Mount Wolf, PA 17347
(Make Checks Payable to YAAEYC)
If you received an Outstanding ECE Provider Award at
the Week of the Young Child Banquet: In order to
receive your discount when you register, you must
mail your registration. If you choose to register
online, you will be refunded your $10 at the
When registering large groups on EventBrite, please separate
them into orders of 8 registrants or less.
Yor k Ar ea As s oc i at i on f or t he Educ at i on of Young Chi l dr en
YAAEYC wishes to thank all of our
sponsors for supporting our conference!
Yor k Ar ea As s oc i at i on f or t he Educ at i on of Young Chi l dr en

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