Modi gave his first speech as Prime Minister of India from the Red Fort in Delhi on Independence Day. The speech contained several populist themes and commitments that signal Modi is pursuing an economic orientation focused on growth while preserving established political structures. Notable promises included expanding banking access for poor families, developing model villages, and improving sanitation nationwide. Modi also emphasized federalism, education, technology, and replacing the Planning Commission with a new, decentralized organization. The speech suggests Modi is modifying rather than abandoning populism and is not following a radical free market ideology as some expected.
Modi gave his first speech as Prime Minister of India from the Red Fort in Delhi on Independence Day. The speech contained several populist themes and commitments that signal Modi is pursuing an economic orientation focused on growth while preserving established political structures. Notable promises included expanding banking access for poor families, developing model villages, and improving sanitation nationwide. Modi also emphasized federalism, education, technology, and replacing the Planning Commission with a new, decentralized organization. The speech suggests Modi is modifying rather than abandoning populism and is not following a radical free market ideology as some expected.
Original Title
View From Sri Lanka Modi and Populism Modified – Oped
Modi gave his first speech as Prime Minister of India from the Red Fort in Delhi on Independence Day. The speech contained several populist themes and commitments that signal Modi is pursuing an economic orientation focused on growth while preserving established political structures. Notable promises included expanding banking access for poor families, developing model villages, and improving sanitation nationwide. Modi also emphasized federalism, education, technology, and replacing the Planning Commission with a new, decentralized organization. The speech suggests Modi is modifying rather than abandoning populism and is not following a radical free market ideology as some expected.
Modi gave his first speech as Prime Minister of India from the Red Fort in Delhi on Independence Day. The speech contained several populist themes and commitments that signal Modi is pursuing an economic orientation focused on growth while preserving established political structures. Notable promises included expanding banking access for poor families, developing model villages, and improving sanitation nationwide. Modi also emphasized federalism, education, technology, and replacing the Planning Commission with a new, decentralized organization. The speech suggests Modi is modifying rather than abandoning populism and is not following a radical free market ideology as some expected.
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Modi addressing his frst ra! a"ter #eing de$ared as the Pri%e Ministeria $andidate o" the NDA at Re&ari' (ar!ana) So*r$e Wi+i,edia -o%%ons) .! Dr K*%ar Da/id0AU1US2 34' 3567 Nehr* in his frst #road$ast to the ,eo,e o" India as Pri%e Minister on 68 A*g*st 697: #egan &ith the &ords: ;2oda! I address !o* "or the frst ti%e o"f$ia! as the First Ser/ant o" the Indian ,eo,e' ,edged to their ser/i$e and their #etter%ent) I a% here #e$a*se !o* &ied it so and I re%ain here so ong as !o* $hoose to hono*r %e &ith !o*r $onfden$e<) It is ftting that Narendra Modi e$hoed his i*strio*s ,rede$essor and $o*d fnd no #etter ter% than First Ser/ant to introd*$e hi%se" on the o$$asion o" his frst s,ee$h as Pri%e Minister) (e did not see+ to %at$h the eo=*en$e o" Nehr*es=*e rhetori$> his is a %ore ho%es,*n idio% as s*its the %an) 2here &ere $o%%on the%es' %ost nota#! Nehr*?s $a to s,*rn di/isi/eness @;O*r frst and i%%ediate o#Ae$ti/e %*st #e to ,*t an end to a interna stri"e and /ioen$e' &hi$h disfg*re and degrade *s and inA*re the $a*se o" "reedo%<B resonated &ith Modi &hose eCe%,ar! re%ar+s I &ish Sri Lan+a?s eaders &ere $a,a#e o" e$hoing) We ha/e had $o%%*na tensions "or ages) 2his ed to the di/ision o" the $o*ntr!) We ha/e had to "a$e the ,oison o" $asteis% and $o%%*nais%) (o& ong these e/is &i $ontin*eD We ha/e had eno*gh o" fghts' %an! ha/e #een +ied) No#od! has #enefted> eC$e,t $asting a s*r on Mother India) I a,,ea to a &hether it is the ,oison o" $asteis%' $o%%*nais%' regionais% or dis$ri%ination' et *s reso/e to ,*t a %oratori*% "or 65 !ears<) Wh! on! 65 !ears> %a!#e a"ter an a#ste%io*s de$ade re$idi/is% is i%,ossi#e) 2ho*gh this essa! is not a#o*t ,araes &ith Nehr*' #*t et %e snea+ in that Modi e/en *sed the Edestin!? &ord @;I ass*re !o* that this $o*ntr! has a destin!<B and no Indian is *n"a%iiar &ith the ;tr!st &ith destin! ) ) ) at the %idnight ho*r< in the -onstit*ent Asse%#! on A*g*st 67068 697:) A ,o,*ist not a neo0i#era One $annot A*dge Modi "ro% one s,ee$h to the nation' or to #e %ore a$$*rate one #*dget and one s,ee$h' tho*gh e/iden$e is %o*nting) Li+e others &ho &ere dee,! angered #! the re,*tation that r*##ed o"" on hi% "ro% the 1*Aarat riots' I a% sti *n&iing to dro, %! g*ard) .*t "a$ts are "a$ts> the #*dget and this inde,enden$e0da! s,ee$h "ro% the ra%,arts o" Red Fort' are not &hat one &o*d eC,e$t "ro% a hardened neo0i#era> &e in Lan+a see this as Indian ,o,*ar de%o$ra$! in %otion) @-a it ,o,*is% i" !o* are in the $a%, that is disgr*nted that it is not right&ing eno*ghB) Prior to the ee$tions and in %! essa!s a"ter&ards' I insisted the .FP0Modi go/ern%ent &o*d not #e a#e to a#andon a %iCed0e$ono%! nor $annot t*rn its #a$+ on the eC,e$tations o" a #iion ,eo,e) Western e$ono%i$ and ,oiti$a ,*ndits' the E$ono%ist' Finan$ia 2i%es' WSF and s*$h tra$ts' and Indian and Lan+an $o%%entators &ho I heard or read' ,redi$ted &ith deight that .FP0Modi &o*d s&ing India &a! o*t to the right) A ha/e #een ,ro/ed &rong) Wh! $o*d the! not see the o#/io*sD Sear$h %eG I &o*d o/e to thin+ that the Pri%e Minister o" India reads %! essa!s) On 35 F*! @;Poiti$a!0$a*tio*s gro&th0oriented #*dget<B I dre& attention to and ,ro/ided a #ar0 $hart de$r!ing that 89: %iion Indians de"e$ate in the &ide o*tdoors) As i" #! %agi$ he see%s to ha/e res,ondedG Modi s,ent a "* se/en %in*tes @to A*dge "ro% the Engish trans$ri,tB on sanitation' /o&ing to %a+e o*tdoor de"e$ation a thing o" the ,ast' and ,ro%ising se,arate toiets "or the seCes in s$hoos) (e $o%%itted his go/ern%ent and i%,ored States and #*siness $or,orations to Aoin in #! in/esting in sanitation to end *#i=*ito*s a "res$o $ra,,ing) Modi is a doer and i" he gets this done &ithin a "e& !ears' India &i o/erta+e -hina' at east in ,*#i$ sanitation) I a% not #eing "a$etio*s> these are the ,eo,e?s needs> these are the *rgent tas+s that an! good ,o,*ist eader %*st ta$+e) 2here &ere n*%ero*s ,o,*ist the%es in the H8 %in*te Inde,enden$e Da! s,ee$h' the %ost nota#e are as "oo&s) Lo$a $!ni$s &i sa! ;Don?t #eie/e a &ord<> I sa! &e need to &ait and see) A commitment to Pradhanmantri Jan-Dhan Yojana, a scheme to open bank accounts on a mass scale for the poorest families in India. Government ill !uarantee the accounts to the tune of "s #$$,$$$. %he scheme, if it comes to fruition, ill much increase the scope for informal economic activit& and enhance national savin!s for productive investment albeit throu!h the populous small accounts sector. %he 'ansad Aadarsh Gram Yojana scheme under hich members of the (ok 'abaha and "aja 'abaha ill choose one villa!e each, of population )$$$ to *$$$ and build it into a model villa!e b& +$#,, to more beteen this date and the +$#- !eneral elections, and .ve more durin! the tenure of the ne/t parliament. %he parameters of a model villa!e are bein! orked out. I do not kno hether this 0I(( !et done, but it I' eminentl& doable and the knock on e1ect ill spread far be&ond the ,$$$ villa!es as 2hinese e/perience has shon. A stron! statement of opposition to, and an appeal to families and the medical profession to stand a!ainst female abortion and infanticide. A stand a!ainst se/ual harassment of omen and a demand that parents take education and instruction of their sons in hand, because this lacuna is the source of the canker. I &as not #orn !esterda! and I $on$ede that ,ro%ises o" ,oiti$ians need to #e Ia/o*red &ith $artoads o" sat) I" that is the tho*ght ,assing thro*gh readers %inds I &i not hesitate to $on$*r) M! ,oint here' ho&e/er' is so%e&hat di""erent> the h*ge =*estion o" ho& %*$h o" a this &i get done aside' there is no& the +e! iss*e o" o$ating the ideoog! o" Modi0no& as Pri%e Minister) 2his s,ee$h' the #*dget and the re"*sa' so "ar' to retreat in the "a$e o" W2O0US ,ress*re on se$*re s*#sidised "ood "or the ,oor' do not $o%e thro*gh as the $anon o" a i$+0s,itte stooge o" IMF neo0i#erais% or the "aith0#ase o" an anti0M*si% fre0#reathing (ind*t/a ideoog*e) It is %ore the ideoog! o" ,o,*is% and an e$ono%i$ orientation to oi the &hees o" gro&th &hie #road! ,reser/ing esta#ished ,oiti$a str*$t*res) 2he /ie& "ro% -oo%#o is that Modi is %odi0"!ing' not doing a&a! &ith the e$ono%i$ initiati/es that -entre and States %*st ead &ith' and he is retaining' not atte%,ting to %odi"! the "*nda%entas o" India?s se$*ar de%o$ra$!) I" this assess%ent is right' it is heartening "or those on this side o" the Pa+ Strait) 2here $ertain! &as a $a to "oreign in/estors ;-o%e %an*"a$t*re in India> ,a,er to ,asti$s' sateites to s*#%arines' a*to%o#ies to agro ,rod*$ts<) Interesting! these ,assages a,,eaing to "oreign $a,ita &ere #ended &ith a,,eas to s%a ind*str!' te$hno0sa//! !o*th and the need "or te$hni$a ed*$ation and I2 $o%,eten$e) Modi see%s to #e =*ite sod on I2' there &ere ength! re"eren$es to te$hnoog! and an interesting ,assage that &ent ;O*r drea% is there"ore o" Digita India) When I ta+ o" Digita India I don?t s,ea+ o" the eite' it is "or the ,oor ,eo,e<) 2his $annot a #e hog&ash and ,reten$e "ro% start to fnish> this Modi is not &hat &e o" radi$as and the e"t tho*ght he &as) It?s ti%e to set aside o*r ,reA*di$es and gi/e the #o+e a $han$e) In the frst instan$e' in his frst ter%' one sho*d #e $a*tio*s! $oo,erati/e> &hat other $hoi$e do &e in Lan+a ha/e an!&a!G 2here &as the eC,e$ted e%,hasis on ed*$ation' ee$troni$ %an*"a$t*ring' e0 go/ernan$e' de"en$e and the %iitar!) For Modi %odernisation is in the air ;India is no onger a nation o" sna+e $har%ers<) Fro% a ,rogressi/e Sri Lan+an ,ers,e$ti/e a $o%%it%ent that &as %ost en$o*raging &as Modi?s "aith and ,ro%ise to dee,en "ederais% and re,a$e the Panning -o%%ission #! a de$entraised instr*%ent) India?s "edera str*$t*re is %ore i%,ortant toda! than in the ast H5 !ears) 2o strengthen o*r "edera str*$t*re' to %a+e o*r "edera str*$t*re /i#rant' to ta+e o*r "edera str*$t*re as a heritage o" de/eo,%ent' a tea% o" -hie" Ministers and the Pri%e Minister sho*d #e there' a Aoint tea% o" the -entre and the States sho*d %o/e "or&ard) We &i ha/e to thin+ a#o*t gi/ing the Panning -o%%ission a oo+> it is a /er! od s!ste% and ha/e to #e reA*/enated and $hanged a ot) We &i re,a$e the ,anning $o%%ission &ith a ne& instit*tion ha/ing a ne& design and str*$t*re' a ne& #od!' a ne& so*' a ne& thin+ing' a ne& dire$tion' a ne& "aith to&ards "orging a ne& dire$tion to ead the $o*ntr! #ased on $reati/e thin+ing' ,*#i$0,ri/ate ,artnershi,' o,ti%*% *tiiJation o" reso*r$es' *tiiJation o" !o*th ,o&er o" the nation' to ,ro%ote the as,irations o" State go/ern%ents see+ing de/eo,%ent' to e%,o&er the State go/ern%ents and to e%,o&er the "edera str*$t*re<) 2here is a reIeC negati/e rea$tion a%ong od e"tists &hen dis%anting the Panning -o%%ission &hi$h has $ra"ted %an! f/e0!ear ,ans' is %entioned) .*t it is aso tr*e that it is an od instr*%ent and needs re/a%,ing) It is e/en tr*er that $entraised ,anning has to gi/e &a! to de$entraised instr*%ents that $an #etter ser/e India?s ,o&er"* State go/ern%ents to ad/an$e e$ono%i$ de/eo,%ent) Indian readers %a! +no& o" Lan+a?s %ote! $ir$*s o" Pro/in$ia -o*n$is' #*t the /ie& here is that Indian State go/ern%ents are energeti$ and ro#*st tho*gh ,er/aded #! horrendo*s $orr*,tion in %ost $ases) I" Modi %a+es an i%,a$t on sanitation' #an+ a$$o*nts "or $o*ntr!?s ,oorest 73K &ho ha/e none' se/era tho*sand %ode /iages' strengthening "ederais% and ad/an$ing &o%en?s iss*es' he &i go do&n in histor! as a ,otent grass0roots ,o,*ist) 2he -entre and the States &i ha/e to ,* together in these initiati/es) Foreign in/ests ha/e an i%,ortant ,art to ,a! and ,*#i$0,ri/ate ,artnershi,s are %*$h needed' #*t these &i not set the nationa agenda or the ,oiti$a tone> the! &i not #e the deter%ining ee%ent) Poiti$a hege%on! &i not reside in the neo0i#era "ore$o*rt i" the readings in this essa! are $orre$t) Posted by Thavam