History of The Roman Republic

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Probably few whose duty it is to teach Roman history in
schools will deny that some such work as the present has
too long been needed. It is for men thus engaged to judge
whether this book meets their need. It would be alike
impertinent and superfluous to dilate on the merits of
Professor Mommsen's history : those merits have won
recognition from all qualified judges, and have long estab-
lished his position as the prince of Roman historians. Un-
fortunately the size of his history is beyond the compass
of ordinary schoolboys; nay, possibly, others besides school-
boys have shrunk from attempting so formidable a task.
Our abridgment of his history must of necessity give but
a feeble and inadequate idea of the original ; but something
will have been accomplished if we have given some con-
ception, however faint, of that original, and have induced
fresh inquirers to read for themselves those pages so
bright with wisdom and
imagination. There has been no
attempt to hold the balance between Professor Mommsen
and his rival Ihne, nor to answer the criticisms of Pro-
fessor Freeman. Such efforts, even if we had the ability
to make them, wonld be manifestly out
of place in such
a work as this. Occasionally, indeed,
conflicting views
have been indicated in a note; and the
authorities have
been studied, but our text contains the views of
Mommsen. Whatever merits may belong to this work
should be ascribed to another; we must be held
for its defects. Our object has been to present the salient
points clearly, and as far as possible to escape
the Nemesis of the abridger. Consequently we have tried
to avoid writing down to a boy's level, a process
resented by the boy himself. Inverted commas indicate
that the passage is directly taken from the original. The
requirements of space have necessitated the omission of
a special chapter on Literature, Art, Religion, Economy,
etc. ; nor have we thought it wise to insert a few maps or
illustrations of coins, works of art, etc. An atlas is really
indispensable, and one is, we believe, shortly to be pub-
lished specially designed to illustrate this period. We have
to express our great indebtedness to Professor Dickson for
allowing us to make free use of his translation, the merits
of which it would be difficult to overpraise. Our gratitude
is also due to Mr. Fowler, of Lincoln College, Oxford, and
to Mr. Matheson, of New College, Oxford. The former
kindly revised the proof sheets of the chapter on Autho-
rities, and gave valuable suggestions. The latter was
good enough to revise all the proof sheets of the history,
in the preparation of which we often found much assist-
ance from his very useful
Outline of Roman History."
We have also to thank Mr. H. E. Goldschmidt, of
Fettes College, Edinburgh, for a careful revision of a
large portion of the proofs.
While our history was in the press the third volume of
Professor Mommsen's
Romisches Staatsrecht" appeared.
Where possible, we have added references to it m our
lists of authorities.
At the close of each chapter we have subjoined, where
possible, a list of the chief authorities for the statements
therein contained, but a few remarks on the character
of such authorities will not be out of place.
Modern criticism has rudely shattered the romantic
legends of the origin and regal period of Rome, legends
given us in one form or another by all the ancient writers
whose works are still preserved. Any reconstruction of
the ruined fabric must necessarily rest in the main upon
conjecture, and, however great be the probability of such
conjecture, absolute certainty is impossible. Not only
does' darkness envelop the regal period of Rome, but we
have to move with great caution through the confused
accounts of the triumphs abroad and conflicts at home
which marked Rome's career during the first centuries
of the republic. The reason of this is plain : no records
except of the most meagre kind were at first preserved
by the Romans, and the earliest writer of Roman history
did not live until the time of the second Punic war, or
five hundred years after the foundation of the city.
Our inquiry into the sources of Roman
history naturally
falls into two divisions : firstly, as to
what were the
authorities of the Roman writers
as to what weight must be attached to the writers whose
works have come down to us.
Among the earliest records preserved at Rome were
the annales pontificii and the annales pontificum
maximi. The first-mentioned, although mainly devoted
to the various religious forms and ceremonies, doubtless
contained mention of historical events, while the annales
maximi contained a bare statement, by the pontifex
maximus, of the chief events of the year and the names of
the chief magistrates; and this statement was pu'blicly
exhibited every year.
In imitation of the records kept by the priest-
colleges, arose at a later time commentarii, or notes, kept
by the chief officers of the state, e.g by the consuls and
quaestors, and also the tabulae eensoriae or lists of the
censors. These were known under the wider term of
libri magistratuum, a special division of which is men-
tioned by Livy (iv.
etc.), under the name of libri
lintei, or books written on linen.
The pontifices also arranged calendars or fasti con-
taining the days set apart for the transaction of business
(dies fasti), in which were also enumerated the feasts,
games, markets, sacrifices, etc., and to which were gradu-
ally added the anniversaries of disasters and other brief
notices of historical events.
The name of fasti was subsequently given to lists
of years containing (a) the names of the chief magis-
trates (fasti consulares), (b) the triumphs held in each
year (fasti triumphales), and (c) the names of the priests
(fasti sacerdotales). Of these, the first-named, called
Fasti Capitolini from the fact that they are now pre-
served in the Capitol, are the most important, and con-
tain the names of the successive consuls, censors, dic-
tators, and magistri equitum.
In addition to the above-mentioned state documents,
which were in the keeping of the magistrates, there
existed private memorials and family chronicles of various
kinds. Some were in writing, and no doubt contained
gross exaggerations in glorification of particular houses.
To these belong the imagines or ancestral busts with the
attached inscriptions (elogia),the funeral eulogies (lauda-
tiones funebres), the songs (neniae) sung during funeral
processions or at funeral banquets, and the inscriptions
on votive presents, pillars, and tombs.
The most important legal monument is that of the
Twelve Tables, which were graven on iron and set up
in the Forum, and were, in Livy's words, "fons omnis
publici privatique iuris." The original probably perished
in the burning of Rome by the Gauls, but was either
replaced by copies preserved by the pontifices or was
restored from memory. We may add to this section the
so-called leges regiae, which, though purporting to give
decrees and decisions of the kings chiefly on religious
matters, were really a collection of old laws, set down
in. writing at a period later than the Twelve Tables.
Another source of information consisted of various
treaties of alliance. Dionysius mentions (a) an apocryphal
treaty between Romulus and the Veientines (ii.
one between Tullus Hostilius and the Sabines (hi.
(c) one between Servius Tullius and the Latins (iv.
(d) one between Tarquinius
Superbus) and Gabii (iv.
58). Polybius (iii. 2226) gives an account of three
ancient treaties between Rome and Carthage, Pliny
(N. H. xxxiv. 14) mentions the treaty with Porsena,
Cicero (pro Balbo,
mentions the treaty of alliance
with the Latins in 493 B.C., and Livy (iv.
mentions the
treaty made with Ardea, 410 B.C. To these may be added
mention by Festus
318) of the first tribunician law,
493 B.C., and the mention by Livy (iii.
and by Dio-
nysius (x.
of the Italian law De Aventino Publicando
in 456 B.C.
Such, then, were the sources open to the earliest
Roman annalists. We may now turn to them. Our first
list will give those writers whose works embraced the
early history of Rome but which have perished, with the
exception of a few fragments.
t (1)
Fabius Pictor,
born about 254 B.C., served in the Celtic war of 22o B.C.,
and wrote probably in Greek.
L. Cincius Aliraentus,
praetor 210 B.C., and taken prisoner by Hannibal, wrote
Festus' work is merely an abridgment of the lost work of
M. Verrius Flaccus, a freedman of the Augustine age
For the student of Roman history, Hermann Peter's
corum Romanorum Fragmenta " is invaluable. On the general
question of the sources of Roman history we may refer to Teuffel's
History of Roman Literature," Professor Seeley's
Introduction to
the First Book of Livy," and more especially to the
der Romischen Geschichte," by M. Schmitz, and the instructive
criticism by C. Peter, in his
Zur Kritik der Quellen der Aelteren
Romischen Geschichte." Cf. also Schwegler, R. G. i., c. 1, 2, 19,
whose work Mr. Fowler writes,
T have always thought it the
greatest masterpiece of detailed, clear, and rational criticism I have
ever read."
in Greek.
Gaius Acilius, flourished about 155 B.C.,
a senator, wrote in Greek.
Aulus Postumius Albinus,
consul 151 B.C., one of the commissioners sent to settle the
province of Greece, wrote in Greek.
Omitting the
poetical description by Gaius Naevius (264-194 B.C.) of
the first Punic war, and by Quintus Ennius (239-169 B.C.)
of the history of Rome from the earliest times down to
172 B.C.), we now come to the first historians who wrote
in Latin prose. Marcus Porcius Cato (234-149 B.c), author
of the Origines, is the first.
Lucius Cassius Hemina,
flourished 146 B.C.
Lucius Calpurnius Piso, consul
in 133 B.C.
Gaius Sempronius Tuditanus, consul in
129 B.C.
Cneius Gellius, flourished about 100 B.C.
Quintus Claud as Quadrigarius, flourished about
90 B.c
his history began at the capture of Rome by the
Valerius Antias, about 70 b.c.
Licinius Macer, tribune in 73 B.C. All these writers
preceded Livy, and in most cases are cited by him as
authorities. The other historians previous to Livy, such
as Gaius Fannius (consul in 122 B.C.), Lucius Coelius
Antipater, born in 170 B.C., Lucius Cornelius Sisenna
(120-67 B.C.), wrote on special and later periods
statesmen, such as M. Aemilius Seaurus (consul, 115-107
Lutatius Catulus (consul 102 B.C.), and Sulla the
dictator, did not disdain to write memoirs in self-defence.
We may now give a second list of those writers on the
early period of Rome, whose works are in part still extant.
Dionysius of Halicarnassus (70-8 B.C.), of whose
Antiquities" we possess nine complete books, and Titus
Livius (59-17 B.C.) stand practically alone. Other writers,
e.g. M. Velleius Paterculus (born about 19 B.C.),
(a.d. 46-120), Julius Florus (about a.d. 70-150), Aulus
Gellius (a.d. 125-175), Diodorus Siculus, Appian (about
130), and Dio Cassius (a.d. 155-230),
all throw more
or less light on the early history ; but practically our in-
formation is drawn from the works of Livy and Dionysius.*
Unfortunately, the latter's history, written as it was for
Greeks, and avowedly written to please the reader rather
than inform posterity, is disfigured by contradictions and
On the relation of Livy (a) to the Roman annalists, (b) to
Dionysius, the student is referred to the remarkably instructive
analysis by C. Peter, in his above-mentioned work,
rhetorical exaggeration. Difficulties are left unsolved,
and the superficial knowledge displayed throughout shows
that Dionysius was content with setting down the varying
statements of Roman annalists without attempting to
reconcile their contradictions. Livy, on the other hand,
has the great advantage of being well acquainted with
Roman traditions, and is thus able to blend with pictur-
esque language the colour of the Roman life and thought.
Nor was he wanting in judgment, although incapable of
scientific criticism. Yet the narrative of Rome as pre-
sented by him in the first decade, cannot be regarded as
serious history, built up as it is of the jejune records
preserved by the magistrates and of the absurd exaggera-
tions and pure fictions preserved in family documents and
embellished by family annalists. We do not, in truth,
reach real historical ground until the first Punic war, and
that we owe to the great work of Polybius. Our know-
ledge of the interval between the end of the first decade
of Livy and the beginning of the history of Polybius (i.e.
293-264 B.C.) is due to passages in Dionysius, Appian,
Plutarch, and Dio Cassius, but these extracts are either
confused and bare notices, or fabulous anecdotes in illus-
tration of the Roman virtues. Polybius (208-127 B.C.)
covers the ground extending from 264146 B.C. Unfortu-
nately, we only possess in completeness his books down to
216 B.C., but the fragments of the remaining books are
many and precious, and the influence he exerted on all suc-
ceeding historians was specially valuable in the interests
of truth. To quote Professor Mommsen,
Polybius is not
an attractive author
but as truth and truthfulness are
of more value tban all ornament and elegance, no other
author of antiquity perhaps can be named to whom we
are indebted for so much real instruction. His books are
like the sun in the field of Roman history ; at the point
where they begin the veil of mist which still envelops
the Samnite and Pyrrhic war is raised, and at the point
where they end a new and, if possible, still more vexatious
twilight begins." A comparison of passages describing
the same events shows that Livy made free use of the
writings of Polybius,* but even where the resemblance is
On this point, vide C. Peter, in his above-mentioned work,
closest we can detect signs of other sources used by Livy,
and unfortunately his love of rhetorical embellishment
and his carelessness as to historical connection often
obscured and perverted the more straightforward accounts
of Polybius. To Livy we have to turn for a detailed
account of Roman history for the years 216-167 B.C.,
although we can often correct his statement by the copious
fragments of Polybius.
From 167 B.C. onwards we depend upon Appian,
Plutarch, and Sallust's Jugurthine war. The books of
Appian which have come down to us contain notices of
the regal period, a history of Spain and of the second
Punic war, a history of Libya down to the destruction of
Carthage, a history of Syria and Parthia, the war with
Mithradates, and a history of the civil strife from the
Gracchi down to the death of Sextus Pompeius in 35 B.C.
His carelessness and inaccuracy, his tendency to sacrifice
truth to petty jealousy and party spirit, lessen the value
of his work.* Sallust, however, had the great advantage
over Appian and similar writers of being a Roman and
well versed in the politics of his time. He shows
freedom from party prejudice and a sense of historical
truth, and his work is not merely instructive with regard
to the Jugurthine war, but throws valuable light On the
inner circumstances of that period.
From the beginning of the Social War (91-88 B.C.), the
mass of contemporary material which in one form or
another must have been available for later writers is con-
tinually increasing. For the Sullan period, from the Social
War to the death of the dictator
(91-78 B.C.), we rely
chiefly on Plutarch's Lives of the chief actors on the
political stage ; but there are other works of various
worth. Of the writers already mentioned, Claudius
Quadrigarius treated of Sulla's campaign in Greece;
the work of Valerius Antias extended as far as the time
of Sulla; that of Sisenna embraced the Social War. They
appear to have written at great length, and to have incor-
speeches and letters in their works. In addition
to the sources mentioned above, there were
speeches, political and forensic, such as those of L. Licinius
Crassus (consul 95 B.C.), of
Scaevola (consul 95 B.C.),
Cf. C. Peter,
of C. Julius Caesar Strabo (killed 87 B.C.)
Sulla (ob. 78 B.C.) wrote an autobiography which was
completed after his death by his freedman Epicadus, and
which was largely used by Plutarch. Lucius Lucullus
(ob. 57 B.C.) wrote a history of the Social War in Greek.
C. Piso narrated the war between Sulla and Marius. L.
Voltacilius Pilutus, a freedman, wrote an account of the
doings of Cn. Pompeius, the triumvir, and of the father of
Pompeius, probably during the lifetime of the former.
Of still extant authorities the following are the most
Plutarch (lived probably from the reign
of Claudius to Trajan or Hadrian). Twenty-three lives
of Romans survive, few of which, those of Marius, Sulla,
Lucullus, and Sertorius, fall under this period. For later
times we have the lives of Crassus, Pompeius, Caesar,
Cato minor, Cicero, Antonius, and Brutus. Plutarch
writes with good sense and wide knowledge, but his aim
is biography, not history : hence important events are
often lightly touched, while trivialities characteristic of
the men are dwelt upon
and as a Greek he is often
defective in acquaintance with Roman institutions. He
used contemporary authorities largely, though his own
knowledge of Latin was slight, and he often reveals his
sources ; of 250 writers quoted by him 80 are wholly
or partially lost.
The epitomes of Livy,
attributed to Florus, which survive of all the lost books
except 136 and 137, and are valuable for the main points.
The compendia of several epitomists of late date have
come down to us, based largely, sometimes exclusively,
upon Livy. They are careful and accurate, and often
contain useful information not found elsewhere, but are
marked by a strong Roman bias. Such are the works of
Florus (flor. 2nd cent. A.D.), Eutropius and
Rufus Festus (4th cent. a.d.).
Justinus (date uncer-
tain) who made a collection of extracts from the Historiae
Philippicae of Trogus Pompeius (flor. 20 B.C.), apparently
a sound and solid work, based upon Greek sources
Justinus is the chief authority for the earlier years of
For the next eight years (78-70 B.C.), to the overthrow
of the Sullan constitution, we rely chiefly upon Plutarch,
Appian, the epitomes of Livy, Justinus, Dio Cassius,
some valuable fragments of the histories of Sallust dealing
with the Sertorian war and the outbreak of Lepidus, and
the recently discovered fragments of Granius Licinianus.
When we come to what may conveniently be called the
Ciceronian period (70-40 B.C.) the conditions are changed
A, mass of contemporary materialletters, speeches,

is still extant, though much has perished,

and the modern historian is in a position, if not to write
history from the original sources, at least to criticise with
effect the compositions of ancient writers. At the same
time, the spread of culture in Rome and Italy brought
with it a facility in composition which resulted in a
multitude of historical works ; and if all this mass of
literature is the work of partisans, on the other hand we
have the advantage of possessing the views of both sides.
We will now give some account, first of the contempo-
rary records whether lost or extant, secondly of the later
histories treating of this period, w
hich survive.
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 B c
is the most voluminous
and on the whole the most valuable writer of the period.
Advocate and partisan as he was, the naivete and volubility
of his character make him peculiarly useful as a historical
witness. Of his speeches, private and public, fifty-seven
survive, besides fragments of twenty more, and throw light,
not only on the political situation in all its constant varia-
tions, but on many other points, such as the working of
the Sullan laws, and of the numerous changes which fol-
lowed rapidly on the death of Sulla, on the social condition
of Italy, and the provincial administration. Incomparably
more valuable than even the speeches are the letters, 864
in number, including ninety addressed to Cicero, and ex-
tending from 68 to 43 B.C. It is hardly too much to say
that they are an inexhaustible storehouse of contemporary
history, such as exists for no other period ancient or modern.
A memoir of the year of his consulship is unfortunately
lost. His voluminous philosophical and rhetorical writings
contain valuable information on a great variety of sub-
jects, especially on the Roman law and constitution, for
which the De Republica and De Legibus are peculiarly
valuable. With Cicero should be mentioned his faithful
freedman, friend, and editor, M. Tullius Tiro, who edited
the speeches and letters, and wrote a life of his patron,
and also developed a system of stenography (notae
Tironianae) .
There were also published speeches by
Hortensius Hortalus (114-50 B.C.), Pompeius Magnus,
C. Scribonius Curio (killed 49 B.C.), M. Coelius Eufus
(killed 48 B.C.), M. Junius Brutus (ob. 42 B.C.), C. Licinius
Calvus (ob. ante 47 B.C.), and others.
Of historical com-
positions the most important in the earlier portion of this
period, down to 63 B.C., were the annals of T. Pomponius
Atticus (109-32 B.C.), a compendium of Boman history
from the earliest time, giving special attention to the
history of the great Boman families ; he also wrote an
account of Cicero's consulship, and a large number of
letters. There were also historical compositions by
Hortensius the orator, by Lucius Lucceius, a corre-
spondent of Cicero's, and by Lucius Tubero, a friend and
brother-in-law of Cicero, of which almost nothing is
In the later half of the Ciceronian period,
from 63 B.C. to the outbreak of the civil war, the most
important author is C. Julius Caesar (102-44 B.C.). His
speeches, letters, and the
(a political pamphlet
in answer to Cicero's panegyric on Cato Uticensis) are all
but there are extant (a) Commentarii de Bello
Gallico in seven books, which is at once a military report, a
history, and an apologia.
It is," says Mommsen,*
dently designed to justify as well as possible before the
public the formally unconstitutional enterprise of Caesar
in conquering a great country, and constantly increasing
his army for that object, without instructions from the
competent authority." It was published in 51 B.C., when
the storm was imminent. The work is very valuable for
the condition of Gaul, Germany, and Britain, and also for
the Boman military system and camp life. (b) The
Bellum Civile, in three books, is a much less careful work;
it extends to the beginning of the Alexandrine war in 47
B.C., and has equally a political purpose.
Caesar's death the histories of the Gallic and of the civil
war were continued by his friends. The eighth book of
the Gallic war and the Bellum Alexandrinum are generally
ascribed to Aulus Hirtius (killed 43 B.C.); the Bellum
Africanum and Bellum Hispanicum are by other and un-
Other friends of Caesar who treated
Vol. iv.,
p. 605.
of his life were C. Oppius (to whom the continuations of
Caesar's Bellum Civile are by some ascribed, and who also
wrote lives of Scipio Afrieanus the elder and other famous
Romans), and L. Cornelius Balbus of Gades.
Nepos (circ. 94-24 B.C.), besides other works, wrote lives
of Cato the elder and of Cicero, both lost.
Some of the works already mentioned were written
under the influence of the mighty struggle which preceded
the extinction of the republic : those which still remain
are nearly all directed to political objects, and are strongly
affected by the passion and turmoil of the time.
Gaius Sallustius Crispus (87-34 B.C.), who has been
mentioned above, wrote, besides his Jugui'thine war, an
account of the conspiracy of Catiline, to justify the demo-
cratic party,
on which in fact the Roman monarchy was
based, and to clear Caesar's memory from the blackest
stain that rested on it."
His Historiae were written as
a continuation of Sisenna, and extended over the twelve
years from 78 B.C. onwards: only fragments, together with
some letters and speeches extracted from the history,
Aelius Tubero (flor. circ. 46 B.C.) wrote
a histoi'y of Rome extending to his own time.
evidence of the feeling about Caesar in some literary
circles at Rome, and as an example of the warfare of
literature which raged alongside of the political struggle,
the attacks of the poet Catullus (87-54 B.C.) on Caesar
and his friend Mamurra are worth mention.
phlets in prose and verse were continually published on
either side
M. Varro, C. Scribonius Curio, and Aulus
Caecina wrote against Caesar. Funeral orations (lauda-
tiones) were used for the same purpose. The death of
Cato, and even of his daughter, called forth a regular
literature of its own
Cicero and Marcus Brutus were the
most famous of his champions, while on the other side
Aulus Hirtius, Metellus Scipio, even Caesar himself and,
later, Augustus deigned to enter the lists.
59 B.C. onwards the minutes of the senate (acta senatus)
and the chief events of the day (acta populi or acta
diurna) were regularly published as a sort of official
gazette: none of the latter survive.
Only two of great importance belong to this period, con-
Mommsen, iv. 184, note#
taining fragments of the Lex Rubria (Corp.
Inscrr. Lat.
I. 205)
and of the Lex Julia Municipalis
(C. I. L. I.
For others, on private or local matters, see Corp. Inscrr.,
especially No. I. 573-626 ;
and for one containing
a frag-
ment of Sulla's law De XX
(uaestoribus), ib. I. 202.*
There are also bullets used in sieges with rude inscrip-
tions (ib. I. 644-705), tesserae (ib. I.
717-827), bricks
(ib. I.
p. 202),
epitaphs (ib. 1. 1256).
Where contemporary material is so abundant
historians are less important, and may be merely
The most valuable is Dio Cassius
(circ. a.d. 155-229), whose history extended from
to a.d. 229, and is extant from the wars of Lucullus
a.d. 10. It is written with great knowledge and judgment
fragments of the earlier and a compendium
of the
portions are extant.
C. Suetonius Tranquillus
75-160) wrote Lives of the Caesars from C. Julius
to Domitian. The work is intelligent, honest, and rich in
information, and is based upon valuable
records of all kinds.
Tacitus is continually
useful for
the history of the last generation of the republic,
on constitutional and legal points.
B.C. to A.D.
wrote a compendium of universal
Memnon (not later than the Antonines),
history of Heraclea in Pontus, which survives in
extracts by Photius, and is useful for Pontic affairs
Granius Licinianus (temp, the Antonines),
annals, of
which fragments relating to 163 B.C. and to 78 B.C. have
recently been discovered.
Orosius (flor. first half
5th cent.), Historiarum adversus Paganos, libb. vii.,
religious polemic of no value when unsupported.
The following works upon special subjects often throw
light incidentally upon history, and may be consulted
passim as occasion requires. The order is approximately
M. Terentius Varro (116-28 B.C.), De Re Rustica
and De Lingua Latina
unfortunately, all that remain,
besides fragments, of the works of the most learned of the
but his writings, especially the Antiquitatum
Libri, were very largely drawn upon by later antiquarians
For legal fragments Bruns' Fontes Juris Romani Antiqui
may be consulted, as more convenient and accessible than the
Coipus iDScriptionum.
and grammarians, such as those mentioned
In the reign of Augustus, Fenestella, Sinnius Capito, and
Verrius Flaccus should be mentioned as antiquarians who
wrote under Varro's influence and on similar topics, and
who furnished a vast amount of information upon which
later writings are based. Flaccus survives in an abridg-
ment by Festus.
With Varro may be conveniently
mentioned two other writers on agriculture ; M. Poreius
Cato (234-149 B.C.), the most valuable of the three, and
Lucius Junius Moderatus Columella (1st cent. A.D.),
De Re Rusticaa work much less valuable than Varro's.
Strabo (temp. Augustus and Tiberius), a voluminous
work on Universal Geography.
Gaius Plinius
Secundus (major) (a.d. 23-79), Naturalis Historiaan
encyclopedia of the scientific knowledge of his time.
Vitruvius Pollio (temp. Augustus), De Architectura.
Asconius Pedianus
B.C. to a.d.
commentaries on
some speeches of Cicerovaluable especially for consti-
tutional points.
Valerius Maximus (temp, the early
Caesars), De Factis Dictisque Memorabilibuscontains
much unique information.
Sex. Julius Frontinus
(praetor a.d.
Strategematica Libb. iv., on military
science with many anecdotes of great commanders
and De
Aqueductibus Urbis Romanae.
M. Fabius Quintili-
anus (a.d. 40-118), De Institutione Oratoria Libb. xii.,
including a brief history of Roman literature in book x.
Gaius (circ. the Antonines), Institutes, in four books;
probably the earliest systematic work on Roman juris-
With Gaius should be mentioned the
works executed under the auspices of the Emperor Justi-
nian (a.d. 527-565) : (a) the New Code, superseding all
previous codes
(b) Pandecta or Digesta, a compilation of
all the valuable matter of preceding jurists
(c) the
Institutes, based chiefly upon Gaius.
Aulus Gellius
(temp, the Antonines), Noctes Atticae, a miscellany, con-
taining information on all manner of subjects and numerous
extracts from Roman writers.
Nonius Marcellus
(between 2nd cent, and 6th, a.d.), a voluminous work on
grammar, valuable as a repertory of quotations from lost
Servius (5th cent. A.D.), Commentary on
Macrobius (5th cent, a.d.), Saturnaliorum
Conviviorum Libb. vii.

dissertations on mythology,
history, etc.
The Period anterior to the Abolition of the Monarchy,
Ch. I.-V.
From the Abolition of the Monarchy in Rome to the Union
of Italy, Ch. VI.-XI.
From the Union of Italy to the Subjugation of Carthage
and the Greek States, Ch. XII.-XVIII.
The Revolution, Ch. XIX.-XXVII.
The Establishment of the Military Monarchy,
Ancient historyGeography of ItalyItalian historyPrimitive
racesRelation of Latins to Umbro-Samnites
and distinction between Greeks and Italians.
The division between ancient and modern history is not
one of mere convenience ; it has a reality, in that it marks
the distinction in point of time, place, and character
between the civilization of the old and new worlds.
Ancient history is in the main an account of the rise
and fall of those peoples whose civilization had a common
origin, and presented similar features. In each case, how-
ever, the individuality of each nation impressed its own
peculiar stamp on the character of that civilization.
The Mediterranean Sea was the theatre of the growth
and decay of the great nations who may be included in
the same cycle of civilization, and whose culture found its
highest point in Thebes in Egypt, Carthage in Africa,
Athens in Greece, Rome in Italy. When their work was
finished, new peoples arose, a new cycle of civilization was
begun, a new centre was found in the Atlantic Ocean in
place of the Mediterranean. The province of the Roman
historian is to record the closing scene of the great drama
of ancient history as enacted in Italy.
Geographically, this peninsula is formed by the mountain
chain of the Apennines breaking off in a southerly direction
from the Western Alps. The Apennines at first run south-
east, and reach their highest point in the Abruzzi. From
the Abruzzi the chain runs south, at first unbroken and
of considerable height ; but later it splits south-east and
south, forming narrow and mountainous peninsulas. It
must be specially remembered that the ancient boundary
of Italy on the north was not the Alps, but the Apennines
therefore, the flat country on the north, extending between
the Alps and the Apennines as far down as the Abruzzi,
does not belong geographically nor historically to the
Italy of our history. As the Apennines nowhere rise
precipitously, but enclose many valleys and table-lands
connected by easy passes, the country is well adapted
for human habitation. This is specially the case with
the adjacent slopes and coast-districts. On the east coast
stretches the plain of Apulia, only broken by the isolated
steep of Garganus ; again, on the south coast, well-
watered and fertile lowlands adjoin the hill country of
the interior ; and on the west coast we find, not merely
the extraordinarily rich and irrigated lands of Etruria,
Latium, and Campania, but, owing to the action of the
sea and of volcanoes, the country is varied with hill and
valley, harbour and island. As the Peloponnese is at-
tached to Greece, so the island of Sicily is attached to
Italy, the Sicilian mountains being but a continuation
of the Apennines, interrupted by
the narrow "rent"
(Pr/ytov) of the straits. Although Italy lacks the island-
studded sea which gave the Greeks their seafaring
character, and is deficient in bays and harbours, except
on the south-west coast, yet it resembles Greece in its
temperate climate and wholesome mountain air, while
it excels it in rich alluvial plains and grassy mountain
slopes. All Italian interests centre in the west ; the
reverse is the case with Greece. Thus, the Apulian and
Messapian coasts play a subordinate part in Italian, as
Epirus and Acarnania did in Greek
history. The two
peninsulas lie side by side, but turn their backs on each
other, and the Italians and Greeks rarely came into
contact in the Adriatic Sea.
The history of Italy falls into two
main sections :
Its internal history down to its union under the leadership
of the Latin stock;
The history of its sovereignty
over the world. It must be borne in mind that what has
been called the conquest of Italy by the Romans is really
the consolidation and union of the whole Italian stock

a stock of which the Romans were the most powerful

but still only a branch. Our attention must now
be fixed on the first of the two sectionson the settlement
of the Italian stock
; on its external struggles for exist-
ence against Greek and Etruscan intruders; on its
conquest of these enemies ; finally, on its internal strife
on the contest between the Latms and Samnites for the
leadership of Italy, resulting in the victory of the Latins,
at the end of the fourth century before Christ.
With regard to the earliest migrations into Italy we
have no evidence to guide us, not even the uncertain voice
of tradition. No monuments of a savage primitive race
have ever been unearthed, such as exist in France, Ger-
many, and England. But the remains of the Italian
languages show that the three primitive stocks were
Italian. The last is
divided into two main branches : (a) Latin
Samnite, or more fully that branch to which the dialects
of the Umbri, Marsi, Volsci, and Samnites belong.
As to the Iapygians, owing to the fact that no one has at
present been able to decipher the inscriptions in their
language, very little is known. Their dialect points to a
closer connection with Greek than that of other Italians
and this supposition is supported by the ease with which
they became Hellenized. From the feeble resistance they
made to foreign influences, and from their geographical
position, it is concluded that they were the oldest immi-
grants or historical autochthones of Italy. In the earliest
times immigrants came by land, not by sea, and the races
pushed furthest south were the oldest inhabitants.
The centre of Italy was inhabited, from a remote period,
by the two divisions of the Italian people. Philological
analysis of the Italian tongue shows that they belong
to the Indo-Germanic family, and that the Italians are
brothers of the Greeks, and cousins of the Celts, Germans,
and Slavonians. The same analysis further shows us
that the relation of the Latin dialect in the Italian
language to the Umbro-Samnite dialect is somewhat
similar to the relation of Ionic to Doric Greek
and the
differences between the Oscan (i.e. Samnite) and Umbrian
dialects may be compared to the differences between the
Dorism of Sicily and that of Sparta. Language thus
proves to us that, at some unknown period, from the
same cradle there issued a stock which included the
ancestors of the Greeks and Italians
that subsequently
the Italians branched off ; that the Italians divided into
Latin and Umbro-Samnite stocks, and that later the
Umbrians parted from the Samnites, or Oscans.
Language again shows to us what state of civilization
had been reached by the Greeks and Italians before they
separated. Their words for plough, field, garden, barley,
wine, are identical in both languages
their choice of
grain agrees, as also their methods of preparing it. The
name of
(OivwTpta) given by Greek voyagers
to Italy shows that vine-culture was not introduced
by the Greeks. Thus, the two peoples had passed from
the pastoral to the agricultural stage, and both nations
closely associated agriculture with their religion, laws,
and customs. Again, the Greek house, as described by
Homer, differs but slightly from the model followed in
Italy. In dress, also, the tunica corresponds to the chiton
of the Greeks, and the toga is only a fuller himation.
In fine, in language, manners, and all the material things
of primitive life, the same origin is apparent in both races.
When we turn to the graver problems of life, to the
moral, social, political, and religious development of the
Greeks and Italians, the distinction is far more marked
nay, it is almost difficult to believe that here too there is
a common basis. In the Greek world we see the full and
free play of individual life, and individual thought,
whether in the political arena or that of literature,
whether in the games at Olympia or in religious festivals.
The whole was sacrificed to its parts, the nation to the
township, the township to the citizen. Thus, solemn awe
of the gods was lessened and at last extinguished by that
freedom of thought, which invested them with human
and then denied their existence. The Romans,
on the contrary, merged the individual in the state, and
regarded the progress and prosperity of the latter as the
ideal for which all were bound to labour unceasingly.
With them the son was bound to reverence the father,
the citizen to reverence the ruler, all to reverence the
gods. This distinction becomes more evident, when we
consider the length to which paternal and marital au-
thority was carried by the Romans, and the merciless
rigour with which a slave was treated by them.
meagre and meaningless character of individual
among the Romans, when contrasted with the luxuriant
and poetic fulness of those among the Greeks, points to
the wish of the Romans to reduce all to one uniform level,
instead of promoting the development of distinctive
personality. But we must not forget that the basis was
the same with both nations. In both, the clan arose from
the family and the state from the clan
but, as the rela-
tions in a Roman household differed widely from those in
a Greek, so the position of a clan, as a separate power, in
a Greek, was far higher than in a Roman state. Again,
although the fundamental ideas of the Roman constitution
a king, a senate, and an assembly authorized merely to
accept or reject proposals submitted to itare also found
in Greek states, as in the earlier constitution of Crete, yet
widely different was the development which these ideas
received in each nation. So, too, in religion, both nations
founded their faith on the same common store of symbolic
and allegorical views of nature. But the Greek lost sight
of the spiritual abstractions, and gave all the phenomena
of nature a concrete and corporeal shape, clothing all
with the riches of his poetic fancy. The Roman, casting
aside all mythical legends of the gods, sanctified every
action of life by assigning a spirit to everything existing

a spirit which came into being with it, and perished with
it; and thus the very word Religio, "that which binds,"
shows what a hold this faith in the unseen and this power
of spiritual abstraction had upon the Roman mind.
Finally, even in art, where the greatest contrast was
developed, the original simple elements are identical.
The decorous armed dance, the
the masquerade of the
full people
satura) who in their sheep or goat-skins wound up the
festival with jests ; the pipe, which regulated the solemn
or merry dance, were common to both nations. But the
Greeks alone felt the power of beauty, and evolved a
system of education calculated to train mind and body
alike in conformity with that ideal.
Thus the two
nations, in which the civilization of antiquity culminated,
stand side by side, as different in development as they
were in origin identical. The points in which the
Hellenes excel the Italians are more universally intelli-
gible, and reflect a more brilliant lustre; but the deep
feeling in each individual, that he was only a part of the
community, a rare devotedness and power of self-sacrifice
for the common weal, an earnest faith in its own gods,
form the rich treasure of the Italian nation. Wherever
in Hellas a tendency towards national union appeared,
it was based not on elements directly political, but on
games and art; the contests at Olympia, the poems of
Homer, the tragedies of Euripides, were the only bonds
that held Hellas together. Resolutely, on the other hand,
the Italian surrendered his own personal will for the sake
of freedom, and learned to obey his father that he might
know how to obey the state. Amidst this subjection
individual development might be marred, and the germs
of fairest promise might be arrested in the bud ; the
Italian gained in their stead a feeling of fatherland and
of patriotism such as the Greek never knew, and, alone
among all civilized nations of antiquity, succeeded in
working out national unity in connection with a consti-
tution based on self-governmenta national unity which
at last placed in his hands the mastery, not only over the
divided Hellenic stock, but over the whole known world."
[N.B.Reference is made to Mommsen's
Romisches Staatsrecht
as Momms. R. St., and to Marquardt's
Rbmische Staatsver-
as Marq. Stv., and to his
Das Privatleben der Romer"
as Marq. P.l. Ramsay's
Manual of Roman Antiquities'' is also of
great value to the student, as also the article by Mr. Pelham on
Rome, in the "Encyclopaedia Britannica."]
Italy. Strab. 210-288. Polyb. ii. 14-24.
lapygians.Dionys. i. 11, 12, 22, 51. Strab. 279, 282.
Latin settlementsLatiumPrimitive societyLatin league-
Origin of RomeGeographical positionThe Palatine city;
Hill, or Quirinal Romans.
We have no data enabling us to accurately determine the
migration of the Italians into Italy, but that it took place
from the north and by land may be considered certain.
The fact that the Umbro-Sabellian stock had to content
themselves with the rough mountain districts, proves that
the Latins went first and settled on the west coast, in the
plains of Latium and Campania. The Italian names
Novla or Nola (new town), Campani, Capua, Volturnus,
Opsci (labourers), show that an Italian and probably
Latin stock, the Ausones, were in possession of Campania
before the Samnite and Greek immigrations. The Itali
proper, who were the primitive inhabitants of the country
subsequently occupied by the Lucani and Bruttii, were
probably connected with the Italian, not the Iapygian
stock, and possibly with the Latin branch of the Italian
but Greek influence and Samnite invasions completely
obliterated all trace of the Itali. So, too, ancient legends
connect the extinct stock of the Siculi with Rome. What-
ever the truth of this may be it is not improbable that the
Latins in primitive times spread over Latium, Campania,
Lucania, and the eastern half of Sicily. But those settled
in Sicily, Magna Graecia, and Campania came into con-
tact with the Greeks at a time when they were unable
to resist so superior a civilization, and were consequently,
as in Sicily, completely Helleniaed, or so weakened that
they fell an easy prey to Sabine hordes. Thus, the Siculi,
Itali, and Ausonians play no part in the history of Italy.
Ou the other hand, those settled in Latiuui, where no
Greek colony was founded, succeeded in maintaining their
ground against the Sabines and more northern foes.
Latium itself is a plain ti
aversed by the Tiber and Anio,
bounded on the east by the mountains of the Sabines
and Aequi, which form part of the Apennines ; on the
south, by the Volscian range, which is separated from
the main chain of the Apennines by the ancient territory
of the Hernici ; on the west, by the sea, whose harbours
on this part of the coast are few and poor ; on the north,
by the broad highlands of Etruria, into which it imper-
ceptibly merges. This plain is dotted with isolated hills,
such as Soracte in the north-east, the Circeian promontory
on the south-west, the lower height of Janiculum ;
the Alban range, free on every side, stands between the
Volscian chain and the Tiber. Here were settled the old
Latins (Prisci Latini), as they were later on called, to
distinguish them from the Latins settled outside Latium.
Bat in early times the Tiber formed the northern boundary,
and only the centre of the region between the Tiber, the
spurs of the Apennines, the Alban mount, and the sea,
consisting of some seven hundred square miles, formed
Latium properthe real plain land (7rAarus, flat), as it
seems from the height of the Alban mount. This plain
is broken by hills of tufa of moderate height, and by deep
fissures in the ground. Owing to this uneven character
lakes are formed in winter, and as there is no natural
outlet for the water, malaria arises from the noxious
exhalations in summer heat. This malaria the ancient
inhabitants avoided by wearing heavy woollen clothing,
and by keeping a constant blazing fire, and thus a dense
population existed where now no one can support a
healthy life.
The conditions of early society among the settlers in
Latium must be a matter of conjecture. The clan,* or
gens, served as the link between house, village, and canton.
Probably each canton was an aggregate of clan-villages,
villages were an aggregate of clan-houses, united
Ihne, i. 113, notes that "clan" does not adequately represent
gens, and prefers
together by locality and clanship ; and every political
community (civitas, populus) consisted of an aggregate
of cantons. No doubt each canton had its local centre,
which served alike as a place of meeting and of refuge :
these were called, from their position, mountain-tops
(capitolia) or strongholds (arces). In time houses began
to cluster round the stronghold, and were surrounded
with the
thus the nucleus of a town was
formed. There can be little doubt that the Alban range,
from its natural strength and advantages of air and water,
was occupied by the first comers. Here, among other
ancient canton-centres, stood pre-eminent Alba, the
mother-city of all the old Latin settlements. Therefore,
when the various cantons, though each independent and
governed by its own constitution of prince, elders, and
general assembly of warriors, expressed their sense of
the ties of blood and language by forming what is known
as the Latin League, it was but natural that Alba should
be the centre of that league, and therefore president
of the thirty cantons which composed it. We have no
certain knowledge as to the powers or legal rights this
confederacy exercised over the various members. Probably
disputes between cantons were settled by the league, wars
against foreign foes decided, and a federal commander-
in-chief appointed What we do know is that on the
annual day of assembly the Latin festival (Latinae feriae)
was kept, and an ox sacrificed to the Latin god (Jupiter
Latiaris). Each community had to contribute to the
sacrificial feast its fixed proportion of cattle, milk, and
cheese, and to receive in return a part of the roasted
victim. During this festival
a truce of God " was
observed throughout all Latium, and safe-conducts were
probably granted, even by tribes at feud with one another.
It is impossible to define the privileges of Alba, as pre-
siding canton. Probably it was a purely honorary position,
and had no political signification, certainly none as de-
noting any sort of leadership or command of the rest of
the Latin cantons. But, vague as the outlines of this
early canton life must necessarily be, they show us the
one great fact of a common centre, which, while it did
not destroy the individual independence of the cantons,
kept alive the feeling of national kinship, and thus paved
the way for that national union which is the goal of
every free people's progress.
In tracing the beginnings of Rome, her original consti-
tution, and the first changes it underwent, we are on
ground which the uncertain light of ancient tradition
and modern theory has made most difficult, if not im-
possible to traverse with any certainty. The very name
of Romans, with which the settlement on the low hills
on the left bank of the Tiber has so long been associated,
was originally not Romans, but Ramnes (possibly
men"). Side by side with this Latin settlement of
Ramnians two other cantons settled, and from the combi-
nation, or synoikismos, of these three arose Rome. It
must be specially noted that one of these other two
cantons, viz. the Tities, has been unanimously ascribed
to a Sabellian, not Latin, stock ; the third canton, viz.
the Luceres, was probably, like the Ramnes, a Latin
community. From the fact that this Sabellian mixture
and absorption in a Latin canton-union has left scarce
any trace of Sabellian elements in Roman institutions,
we may conclude that, at the remote period at which it
occurred, the Sabellian and Latin stocks were far less
sharply contrasted in language, manners, and customs
than was the case in a later age. A proof of the great
antiquity of this triple division is the fact that the
Romans regularly used tribuere and tribus in the simple
sense of "divide" and "a part." The unfavourable
character of the site renders it hard to understand how
Rome could so early attain its prominent position in
Latium. The soil is unfavourable to the growth of fig
or vine, and in addition to the want of good water-
springs, swamps are caused by the frequent inundations
of the Tiber. Moreover, it was confined in all land
directions by powerful cities : on
the east, by Antemnae,
Fidenae, Caenina, Collatia, and Gabii; on the south, by
Tusculum and Alba ; and on the south-west by Lavinium.
But all these disadvantages were more than compensated
by the unfettered command it had of both banks of the
Tiber down to the month of the river. The fact that
the clan of the Romilii was settled on the right bank
from time immemorial, and that there lay the grove of
the creative goddess (Dea Dia), the primitive seat of the
Arval festival and Arval brotherhood, proves that the
original territory of Rome comprehended Janiculnm and
Ostia, which afterwards fell into the hands of the Etrus-
cans. Not only did this position on both banks of the
Tiber place in Rome's hands all the traffic of Latium,
but, as the Tiber was the natural barrier against northern
invaders, Rome became the maritime frontier fortress of
Latium. Again, this situation acted in two ways.
Firstly, it brought Rome into commercial relations with
the outer world, cemented her alliance with Caere, and
taught her the importance of building bridges. Secondly,
it caused the Roman canton to become united in the city
itself far earlier than was the case with other Latin
communities. And thus, though Latium was a strictly
agricultural country, Rome was a centre of commerce
and this commercial position stamped its peculiar mark
on the Roman character, distinguishing them from the
rest of the Latins and Italians, as the citizen is dis-
tinguished from the rustic. Not, indeed, that the Roman
neglected his farm, or ceased to regard it as his home
but the unwholesome air of the Campagna tended to make
him withdraw to the more healthy city hills ; and from
early times by the side of the Roman farmer arose a
non-agricultural population, composed partly of foreigners
and partly of natives, which tended to develop urban
bfe. The town originally embraced only the Palatine,
or what was later known as
Square Rome " (Roma
quadrata), so called from the quadrangular form of the
Palatine Hill. The "Festival of the Seven Mounts"
(Septimontium) was a memorial of the growth of suburbs
and of the gradual extension of the city. Each suburb
was surrounded with its own ring-wall, and connected
with the original ring-wall of the Palatine. This ancient
Palatine city with its seven rings embraced the Palatine,
the Palatine slope called Cermalus, the Velia, or ridge
connecting the Palatine and the Esquiline, the three
peaks of the Esquiline, and the fortress of Subura, which
protected the new town.on the Carinae, in the low ground
between the Esquiline and the Quirinal. This ancient
city of the seven mounts has left no tradition of its
history, being completely absorbed in the mightier Rome.
That other ground was very early occupied, we may well
believe, such as the Capitol and Aventine, and the height
of the Janiculum
but as to the distribution of the three
component elements, the Ramnes, Tities, and Luceres,
we have no knowledge. There is, however, strong evi-
dence in favour of the view that, coexistent with the
Palatine Romans, was another settlement on the Quirinal,
facing the city on the Palatine, and independent of it.
The twofold worship of Mars on the Palatine and Quirinal,
the duplicate existence in later Rome of his two priest-
colleges of Salii and Luperci, representing the original
colleges of each priesthood on the two hills, and the fact
that the Romans on the Palatine called themselves
Montani and those on the Quirinal Collini, all point to
the coexistence of two separate and independent commu-
nities. That a distinction of race caused the founding
of these two cities is unproved. The Palatine Romans
soon overshadowed those on the hill, but it was the work
of Servius Tullius to comprehend both these small cities,
and also the heights of the Aventine and Capitoiine,
within a single ring-wall, and thus create the greater
Rome of history.
Alba Longa and Latins.Dionys. i. 66-67 ; iii. 1-34
iv. 49.
Early society.

Vide Marq. Stv. i. 1-20.

Triple settlement
Rome.Liv. i. 13.
Varro L. L. v. 51, 55,
Early city.Livy i. 44. Dionys. i. 88. Cic. de Rep. ii. 6. Anl. Gell.
xiii. 14. VaiTo L. L. v. 48, 50, 143. Festus 258, 348. Tac.
Ann. xii. 24.
On all topographical and archaeological questions, ride Middleton'a
"Ancient Rome
and his article in
Encyclopaedia Britannica."
On early Latium and Rome's position, cf. Momms. R. St. iii.
rome's original constitution.
FatherSlaveClientKingCommunityRights and burdens of
The basis of the Roman constitution was the family,
and the constitution of the state was but an expansion of
that of the family. The head of the household was of
necessity a man, and his authority alike as father or
husband was supreme, and in the eye of the law as
absolute over wife and child as over slave. Though a
woman could acquire property, she was under the absolute
dominion of her father, or, if married, under that of her
husband, or, if he died, under the guardianship (tutela) of
her nearest male relations. This authority of the pater
familias was alike irresponsible and unchangeable ; nor
could it be dissolved except by death. Although a grown-
uvp son might establish a separate household of his own,
all his property, however acquired, belonged legally to his
father ; and it was easier for a slave to obtain release from
his master than for a son to free himself from the control
of his father. A daughter, if married, passed out of her
father's hand into that of her husband, to whose clan or
gens she henceforth belonged. On the father's death the
sons still preserved the unity of the family, nor did it
become broken till the male stock died out , but, as the
connecting links became gradually weaker in succeeding
generations, there arose the distinction between members
of a family (agnati) and members of a clan (gentiles).
The former denoted those male members of a family who
could show the successive steps of their descent from a
common progenitor, the latter, those who could do longer
prove their degree of relationship by pointing out the
intermediate links of connection with a common ancestor.
Slaves belonging to a household were regarded by the law,
not as living beings, but as chattels, whose position was
not affected by the death of the head of the house.
Attached to the Roman household was an intermediate
class of person, called clientes (" listeners "), or dependants.
These consisted partly of refugees from foreign states;
partly of slaves living in a state of practical freedom
partly of persons who, though not free citizens of any
community, lived in a condition of protected freedom.
Although these formed with the slaves the familia,
body of servants," and were dependent on the will of
the head of the house or patron (patronus), their position
was practically one of considerable freedom ; and in the
course of several generations the clients of a household
acquired more and more liberty. Every one who was a
member of a Roman family, and therefore of one of the
gentes, or clanships, whose union formed the state, was a
true citizen or burgess of Rome. Every one born of
parents united by the ceremony of the sacred salted cake
(confarreatio) was also a full citizen
and therefore the
Roman burgesses called themselves "fathers' children"
(patricii), as in the eye of the law they alone had a
father. Thus the state consisted of gentes, or clans, and
the clans of families, and although the relations of the
various members of the household were not altered by
their incorporation with the state, yet a son outside the
household was on a footing of equality with the father in
respect of political rights and duties. So, too, the various
clients, though not admitted to the rights and duties
proper to true burgesses, were not wholly excluded from
participation in state festivals and state worship ; and
this would be specially true of those who were not clients
of special families, but of the community at large.
Since the family served as the model for the constitution
of the state, it was necessary to choose some one who
should stand in the same relation to the body-politic as
the head of the family did to the household. He who was
so chosen rex, or leader, possessed the same absolute power
over the state as the house-father had over his household,
and, like him, ruled for life : there was no other holder of
power beside him. His
(imperium) was all-
powerful in peace and war, and he was preceded by
lictores, or
summoners," armed with axes and rods on all
public occasions. He nominated priests and priestesses,
and acted as the nation's intercessor with the gods. He
held the keys of the public treasury, and alone had the
right of publicly addressing the burgesses. He was
supreme judge in all private and criminal trials, and had
the power of life and death : he called out the people for
military service, and commanded the army. Any magis-
trates, any religious colleges, any military officers, that he
might appoint, derived all their power from him, and only
existed during his pleasure. His power only ended with
death, and he appointed his successor, thus imparting a
sense of permanence to the kingship, despite the personal
change of the holders of the sovereign power. But,
although the king's authority was so absolute, he never
came to be regarded by the Romans as other than mortal,
nor, as by divine right, higher and better than his fellow-
citizens. This view of the kingship was at once the
moral and practical limitation of its power. The king was
the people's representative, and derived his power from
them, and was accountable to them for its use and abuse.
Moreover, the legal limitation to his power lay in the
principle that he was entitled only to execute the law,
not to alter it. Any deviation from the law had to
receive the previous sanction of the assembly of the
people and the council of eldei'S. There is no parallel
in modern life to the Roman family or Roman state or
Roman sovereign.
The principle on which the division of the burgesses
rested was that ten houses formed a clan, ten clans a
wardship (curia), ten wardships the community. Each
householder furnished a foot-soldier (mil-es, thousand-
walker), and each clan a horseman and senator. If com-
munities combined, each was a part or tribe (tribus) of
the whole community. Originally each household had its
own portion of land
but when households combined into
a gens, each clan had its lands, and this system naturally
extended to curies and communities, whether single or
combined. Thus clan-lands formed in primitive times the
smallest unit in the division of land. Although this
division into ten curies early disappeared in Rome, we
find it
in later Latin communities, which always had
one hundred acting councillors (centumviri), each of
whom was "head of ten households" (decurio). This
constitutional scheme did not originate in Rome, but was
primitive institution, common to all Latins. What the
precise object and value of this division was we cannot
now determine ; and it is clear that any attempt to
rigidly fix the number of households and clans must,
through ordinary human accidents, have failed. The really
important unit in the division was the curia, the members
of which were bound by religious ties, and had a priest
of their own (flamen curialis). Military levies and money
valuations were made according to curial divisions, and
the burgesses met and voted by curies. Although all full
citizens or burgesses were on a footing of absolute equality
as regarded one another, the distinction between those
who were burgesses and those who were not was most
sharply and rigidly defined. If a stranger were adopted
into the burgess-body (patronum cooptari or in patricios
cooptari, as patronus like patricius merely denoted the
"full citizen"), he could not retain his rights as citizen
elsewhere. If he did, he merely possessed honorary citizen-
ship at Rome, and was entitled to the privileges and
protection of a guest (ius hospitii), not to the exercise of
full citizen rights. There were no class privileges at
Rome. All wore the simple woollen toga in public,
although certain officers by virtue of their office were
distinguished by dress. As the Latin immigrants had no
conquered race to deal with, the nobility of Greece and
the caste of India were, unknown to them. The most
important duty of the burgesses was military service, as
they alone had the right of bearing arms. Hence the
name populus
body of warriors," connected with popular-i,
"to lay waste "), called in old litanies pilumnus populus,
spear-armed host
" hence, too, the name of quirites
(" lance-men "), given them by the king. Other duties in-
cumbent on the burgesses were such as the king laid upon
them ; among these was the all-important task of building
walls, to which the name of moenia ("tasks") was given.
On this word, cf. Momms. R. St. iii.
p. 5,
As there was no state pay for services so rendered, there
was no direct state expenditure or state taxation. The
very victims for sacrifice were provided by the deposit, or
cattle-fine (sacramentum), which the defeated party in a
law-suit was bound to pay. In cases of urgent need a
direct contribution (tributum) was levied ; but this was
regarded as a loan, and repaid when times improved.
Although the king managed the state exchequer, the
state property, e.g. the land won in war, was not identified
with the private property of the king. His exchequer
was filled partly by the land-taxes, i.e. the scriptura, or
pasture tribute, paid by those w
ho fed cattle on the
common pasture, and the vectigalia, or payment in kind in
place of rent, by those who were lessees of the state
lands; partly by gains in war; partly by harbour-dues
levied on the exports and imports of Ostia; partly,
perhaps, by the tax which the non-burgesses settled al
Rome (aerarii) paid him for protection. In addition
to these duties the burgesses had also rights. They
were convoked by the king
in formal assemblies
(comitia curiata) twice a year, or
in such meetings
(contiones) as the king thought fit to hold. They had no
power of speech on such occasions, unless the king saw
fit to grant it ; their duty was merely to listen and return
simple answers without discussion to the king's questions.
As long as the king was executor of existing laws, no
intervention was necessary on the part of the citizens
but where abnormal events arose which necessitated any
change of or deviation from existing laws, the co-operation
and assent of the burgess body was essential. The king
put the question (rogatio), and the people returned
answer ; and the lex, or law, which was the outcome of
this process, was not in its origin a command of a king
but a contract proposed by the king and accepted or
refused by his hearers. The citizens alone could allow a
man to make such a will as transferred his property on
his death to another ; they alone could sanction the
adoption of a man into the burgess body, or allow a
burgess to surrender his rights as citizen
they alone
could pardon a condemned criminal, whence arose the
right of appeal (provocatio), which was only allowed to
those who pleaded guilty.
Thus far the assembly of
the community, restricted and hampered as it first appears,
was yet from antiquity a constituent element of the
Roman commonwealth, and was in law superior to, rather
than co-ordinate with, the king."
The origin of the senate can with probability be asci'ibed
to that remote period w'len each clan in Latium was
under the rule of its own elder. As the clans became
amalgamated, the position of such an elder was necessarily
subordinated to that of the head or king of the community
but that the senate was not a mere conclave of trusty coun-
cillors called into being by the king, but an institution as
old as that of king and burgess-assembly, admits of little
doubt. It x'esembled the assembly of pi'inces and rulers,
gathered in a circle round the king as described by
Homer. The number was fixed at three hundred, corre-
sponding to the three hundred clans of which the three
primitive communities, forming the whole state, were
composed. All senators sat for life
they were chosen by
the king, and it is only natural to suppose that, if originally
the senate consisted of the ancient body of clan elders, the
king always chose, when a senator died, a man of the same
clan to fill his place. The senators were, therefore, so
many kings of the whole community, although the chief
power, as in the household, was vested in one of their body,
namely the king : their insignia, though inferior to those
of the king, were of the same character ; the purple border
(latus clavus) being substituted for the purple robe of the
king, and the red shoes of the senator being lower and less
striking than those which the king wore. Should the king
die without appointing a successor, one of the senators,
chosen by lot as interrex, exercised his authority for fire
days, and this interrex appointed the next, thus passing
on the five days' sovereign power to one of his own body.
Finally, one of these interreges, but never the one first
chosen, nominated the king, and his choice was ratified
by the whole assembly of the citizens. Thus the senate
was the ultimate holder of the ruling power, and was a
guarantee of the permanence of the monarchy. Further,
it was the guardian of the constitution, examining every
new resolution which the king suggested and the burgesses
adopted, and having the right of vetoing these resolutions,
should they appear to violate existing rights. The senate's
consent (patrum auctoritas) had also to be obtained before
war could be declared. And thus the senate's duty was to
guard against any innovation or violation of the constitu-
tion, whether coming from king or burgess-assembly. In
consequence of, or, at least, in close connection with, this
power of the senate, arose the very ancient custom of the
king's convoking the senate, and submitting to it the pro-
posals he intended to bring before the citizens. By thus
ascertaining the opinions of the individual members, the
king avoided the possibility of any subsequent opposition
from that body. On most questions, involving no breach
of the constitution, the senate's part Mas doubtless merely
that of compliance with the king's wishes. The senate could
not meet unless convoked by the king, and no one might
declare his opinion unasked : nor was the consultation of
the senate on ordinary matters of state business legally
incumbent on the king
but this consultation soon became
usual, and from this usage the subsequent extensive powers
of the senate were in great measure developed. To sum
up, "the oldest constitution of Rome was in some measure
constitutional monarchy inverted. In the Roman con-
stitution the community of the people exercised very much
the same functions as belong to the king in England. The
right of pardon, which in England is the prerogative of
the crown, was in Rome the prerogative of the community
while all government was vested in the president of the
state," whose royal power was at once absolute and limited
by the laws (imperium legitimum). Further, in the rela-
tions of the state to the individual, we find that the family
was not sacrificed to the community, but that, though
power of imprisonment or death was vested in the statp,
no burgess could have his son or his field taken from him,
or even taxation imposed on him. In no other community
could a citizen live so absolutely secure from encroach-
ment, either on the part of his fellows or of the state itself.
This constitution was neither manufactured nor borrowed
it grew and developed with the growth and development
of the Roman people, and "as long as there existed a
Roman community, in spite of changes of form, it was
always held that the magistrate had absolute command,
that the council of elders was the highest authority in the
state, and that every exceptional resolution required the
sanction of the sovereign, or, in other words, of the com-
munity of the people."
Roman household.Dionys. ii. 26, 27. Marq. Priv. leb.
King.Liv. i. 8, 22, 32,
iv. 7. Cic. de Legg. iii. 3. Appian
i. 98. Dionys. 4,
80. Momms. R. St. ii. 3-16. Schwegler R. G.
i. 646, sq.
Burgesses.Comit. Curiata Dionys. ii.
14; iii. 22. Liv. i. 26. Cic.
de Rep. ii. 13. A. Gell. v.
19 ; xv. 27. Gaius, ii. 101. Momms.
R. St. iii. 316-321.
Senate.Liv. i. 8,
17-22, 35, 41, 49. Dionys. ii.
12, 47 ;
iii. 67.
Plut. Rom. 13, 20. Nam. 2.
Populus.Cf. Momms. R. St. iii.
Gentes and adoption.

Momms. R. St. iii. 9-40.

Citizen rights.Momms. R. St. iii. 40-48.
Curies.-Momms. R.
St. iii. 89-103.

Rise of the plebsMilitary reforms of Servius TulliusPolitical
effectsRise of Rome to supremacy in LatiumHer relation to
LatiumExtension of Rome and Roman territoryTreatment
of conquered Latins.
We have already stated that the earliest amalgamation
in the history of Rome was that which blended together
the Ramnes, Tities, and Luceres. This was followed by the
union of the settlement on the Quirinal with that on the
Palatine. Traces of this union existed in the duplicate
I'eligious institutions retained in Rome, but politically it
left little mark. The town on the Quirinal counted as one
of the four divisions of the Palatine city, the other three
being the Suburan, Palatine, and Esquiline. No new tribe,
however, was added to the original three; and the new bur-
gesses were distributed among the existing tribes and curies.
Henceforth each of the three tribes contained two divisions
or ranks, and these ranks were denoted by the names
(priores) and
(posteriores) . But no increase was
made in the number of the senate, the primitive number
of three hundred remaining unchanged down to the seventh
century of the city's history. So also the magistrates or
king's deputies remained the same. If, then, the Quirinal
citizens furnished the posterior or
gentes of the
old tribes, this distinction must not be confused with the
subsequent maiores and minores gentes (greater and lesser
clans) who figure in history : these probably belonged
those communities which, beginning with Alba, were
sequently amalgamated with the Roman people. Thus the
incorporation of the Quirinal or Hill Romans with the Pala-
tine or Mountain Romaus marks an intermediate stage
between the earliest synoikismos, which united into one body
the Titles, Ramnes, and Luceres, and all subsequent incor-
porations. This amalgamation, then, increased the bulk,
but did uot change the character of the Roman state. But
another process of incorporation, the first steps of which
may be traced to this period, and which proceeded very
gradually, did profoundly affect the community. We
refer to the development of the plebsa problem most
intricate and elusive. In the previous chapter the posi-
tion of
was described as twofold :
that of
those dependent on and protected by the master of the
that of those dependent on and protected
by the state, i.e. by the king. Every fresh amalgamation
doubtless brought in an accession of clients, but the
principal increase must have been due
to the attraction
Rome, as a commercial centre, possessed for foreigners,
who became metoecs (peToiKoi)
or resident aliens;
the influence of war, which, while it transferred the citizens
of conquered towns to Rome, at the same time thinned
the ranks of the Roman citizens, who alone had the
doubtful privilege of bearing the brunt of such wars. In
truth this latter fact was the chief cause in promoting the
amalgamation of the clients and the citizens. With the
increase of the whole body of clients, and especially of
that portion consisting of foreigners, attached as clients to
the Roman state, but often retaining the citizenship of
other communities, the old restrictions, which were more
easily observed in the case of household clients, must have
broken down. Many, in fact, must have enjoyed practical
freedom, though, of course, not the full rights of Roman
citizens. The immemorial principle of Roman law that,
when once a master or owner had renounced his ownership
(dominium), he could never resume it over the freed-
man or the freedm m's descendants; the liberal concessions,
made by Roman law especially to foreignei*s, as regarded
marriage and the acquisition of property; the increasing
number of manumitted slaves ; the influx alike of traders,
and still more of Latins vanquished in war ; the corre-
sponding decrease of true Roman patricians
the constant
vexation of the relations between client and patron,these
and otber causes must have all sufficed to threaten a
revolution of the direst consequences to the Roman state.
The new name of plebes, or multitude, (from pleo, plenus),
by which the clients were now called, was ominous, signi-
fying, as it did, that the majority no longer felt so much
their special dependence as their want of political rights.
The danger was averted by the reform associated with
the name of Servius Tullius, although the new consti-
tution assigned the plebeians primarily only duties, not
rights Military service was now changed from a burden
upon birth to a burden on property. All freeholders,
from seventeen to sixty years of age, whether burgesses,
metoecs, or manumitted slaves, provided only they held
land, were bound to serve ; and they were distributed,
according to the size of their property, into five classes (lit.

classis, from calare). The first class, who

were obliged to appear in complete armour, consisted of the
possessors of an entire hide of land, and were called classici.
The remaining four classes consisted of the respective pos-
sessors of three-quarters, half, a quarter, or an eighth of a
nominal farm, i.e. of a farm whose size served as the
standard by which such divisions were regulated (probably
such a farm contained at least twenty jugera). The
cavalry was dealt with in the same way : its existing six
divisions, which retained their old names, were tripled
only the richest landholders, whether burgesses or non-
burgesses, served as horsemen. All those who held land
and were incapable of service, either from sex or age, were
bound to provide horses and fodder for special troopers.
To facilitate the levying of the infantry, the city was
divided into four parts (tribus),
the Palatine, com-
prising also the Velia
the Suburan, comprising also
the Carinae and Coelian;
the Esquiline;
the Colline,
i.e. the Quirinal and Viminal, Each of these four divi-
sions contributed a fourth part, not merely of the force
as a whole, but of each of its military subdivisions ; and
this arrangement tended to merge all distinctions of clan
and place, and also to blend, by its levelling spirit, bur-
gesses and metoecs into one people. The army was divided
into two levies : the first comprised the juniors, who
served in the field from their seventeenth to their forty-
sixth year; the second, the seniors, who guarded the walls
at home. The whole force of infantry consisted of four
legions ("musters," legiones), each of 4200 men, or 42
centuries, 3000 of whom were heavy armed, and 1200
light armed (velites)
two of these legions were juniors
and two seniors. Added to these were 1800 cavalry, thus
bringing the whole force to about 20,000 men. The
century, or body of one hundred, formed the unit of this
military scheme, and by the arrangement above indicated
there would be 18 centuries of cavalry and 168 of infantry.
To these, other centuries of supernumeraries (adcensi)
must be added, who marched with the army unarmed
(velati), and took the place of those who fell ill or died in
battle. The whole number of centuries amounted to 193
or 194; nor was it increased as the population rose. Out
of this military organization arose the census or register
of landed property, including the slaves, cattle, etc., that
each man possessed, and this was strictly revised every
fourth year. This reform, though instituted on purely
military lines and for military purposes, had important
political results. In the first place, every soldier, whether
a full citizen or not, would be certain to have it in his
power to become a centurion and, further, a military
tribune. In the second, those rights which the burgesses
had formerly possessed, not as an assembly of citizens in
curies, but as a levy of armed burgesses, would now be
shared by the whole army of centuries. These rights
conferred the power on the military centuries of authoriz-
ing soldiers to make wills before battle, and of granting
permission to the king to make an aggressive war. In
the third place, although the rights of the old burgess
assembly were in no way restricted, there thus arose three
classes :
the full burgesses or citizens
the clients
possessing freeholds, called later,
burgesses without the
right of voting
(cives sine suffragio), who shared in the
public burdens, i.e. military service, tribute, and task-
work, and were, therefore, called municipals (municipes)
those metoecs who were not included in the tribes,
and who paid protection-money, and were non-freeholders
(aerarii). The period at which this reform took place must
be a matter of conjecture, but it presupposes the existence
of the Servian wall, embracing the four regions of the
city : and the smallest extent to which the city must have
spread is 420 square miles
and we must assume that
not only the district between the Tiber and the Anio
had been acquired, but also the Alban territory. Analogy
from Greek states inclines to the view that this reform
was modelled on Greek lines, and produced by Greek
influence. The adoption of the armour and arrangements
of the Greek hoplite system in the legion, the supply
of cavalry horses by widows and orphans, point in this
direction ; moreover, about this time the Greek states in
Lower Italy adopted a modification of the pure clan
constitution, and gave the preponderance of power to the
The steps by which Rome rose to the proud position
of head state iu Latium, the union of the Latin com-
munities under her headship, the extension alike of Latin
territory and of the city of Rome, the splendour of that
regal period which shed a special lustre on the royal
house of Tarquin, cannot now be described, save in faint
outline. We may, however, briefly summarize the results,
the details of which have either been buried in oblivion or
falsified by mythical legend. Firstly, those Latin com-
munities situated on the Upper Tiber, and between the
Tiber and the AnioAntemnae, Crustumerium, Ficulnea,
Medullia, Caenina, Corniculum, Cameria, Collatia, which
on the east side sorely hampered Romewere very early
the only one which retained its independence
was Nomentum, probably by alliance with Rome. Con-
stant war was waged between the Romans and the
Etruscan people of Veii for the possession of Fidenae,
situate on the left (Latin) bank of the Tiber, about five
miles from Rome, but apparently without the Romans
becoming permanent masters of this important outpost.
Secondly, Alba was conquered and destroyed ; to her
position as the recognized political head and sacred
metropolis of Latium, Rome succeeded. Rome thus
became presideut of the Latin league of thirty cantons,
and the seat of the religious ceremonial observed at the
Latin festival. An alliance was concluded on equal terms
between Rome on the one hand and the Latin confederacy
on the other, establishing lasting peace throughout Latium,
and a perpetual league for offence and defence. Equality
of rights was established between the members of this
federation, alike as to commerce and intermarriage. No
member of the league could exist as a slave within the
league's territory, and, though every member only-
exercised political rights, as member of the community
to which he belonged, he had the private right of living
anywhere he liked within the Latin territory ; and,
further, although Latin law was not of necessity identical
with Roman, the league naturally brought the two into
more complete harmony with one another. The difference
between the position occupied by Rome and that formerly
held by Alba, was that the honorary presidency of the
latter was replaced by the real supremacy of the former,
Rome was not, as Alba, a mere member of the league, and
included within it, but rather existed alongside it ; this
is shown by the composition of the federal army, the
Roman and Latin force being of equal strength, and the
supreme command being held by Rome and Latium
alternately. In accordance with this principle, aTl land
and other property acquired in war by the league was
divided equally between Rome and Latium. Each Latin
community retained its own independent constitution and
administration, so far as its obligations to the league were
not concerned ; and the league of the thirty Latin com-
munities retained its independence, and had its own
federal council, in contradistinction to the self-government
and council of Rone. Thirdly, although Rome failed to
master Fidenae, it kept its hold upon Janiculum, and upon
both banks at the mouth of the Tiber In the direction
of the Sabines and Aequi, Rome advanced her position,
and, by the help of an alliance with the Hernici, held in
check her eastern neighbours. On the south, constant
wars, not without success, were waged against the
Volscians and Rutulians ; and in this quarter we first
meet with Latin colonies, i.e. communities founded by
Rome and Latium on the enemy's soil, which shows that
the earliest extension of Latin territory took place in this
direction. Lastly, in addition to this enlargement of the
Latin borders towards the east and south, the city of
Rome, owing to its increase of inhabitants, and com-
mercial and political prominence, needed new defences.
In consequence the Servian wall was constructed : this,
beginning at the river below the Aventine, embraced
that hill, the Coelian, the whole of the Esquiline, Viminal,
and Quirinal ; thence it ran to the Capitoline. and abutted
on the river above the island in the Tiber.* The Palatine,
which had hitherto been the stronghold, was now left
open to be built upon, and the stronghold
(arx, or capi-
tolium) was constructed on the Capitoline, which was
free on every side and easily defensible ; it was sometimes
called Mons Tarpeius ("
the Tarpeian hill"), and its lower
summit facing the Tiber was the famous Tarpeian rock,
a precipice, in ancient days, of some eighty feet. Here,
too, was the enclosed "well-house" (tullianum), the
treasury (aerarium), the prison, and the most ancient
place of assembling for the burgesses (Area Capitolina).
No stone dwelling-houses were allowed to be built on
the hill; and trees or shrubs covered the space between
the two hill summits, which was afterwards called the
Asylum. Thus the Capitol was the true Acropolis of
Rome, a castle of refuge when the city itself had fallen.
Janiculum, though outside the city limits, was fortified,
and embraced by the Servian wall, and connected with
the city by the bridge of piles (Pons Sublicins) which ran
across to the Tiber island. The great work of draining
the marshy valley between the Capitol and the Palatine
was undertaken in this regal period, and the assembly-
place of the community was transferred from the Area
Capitolina to the flat space (comitium) between the
Palatine and the Carinae. Not far from here was built
the senate-house (Curia Hostilia)
here stood the tribunal,
or judgment-seat platform, and the stage, whence the
burgesses were addressed (afterwards called rostra). In
the direction of the Velia arose the new market (Forum
Romanorum). To the west of the forum, beneath the
Palatine, was the temple of Vesta, the common hearth
of the city ; and in the valley between the Palatine and
Aventine was marked off a racecourse, the circus of later
times. Among the numerous temples and sanctuaries on
It is necessary to remark that this enlarged Rome was never
looked upon as the
city of seven hills," which title was exclusively
reserved for the narrower old Rome of the Palatine, described at the
end of Chapter II The modern list of the seven hills, as comprising
those embraced by the Servian wall, viz. Palatine, Aventine, Coelian,
Esquiline, Viminal, Quirinal, Capitoline, is unknown to any ancient
all the summits, were conspicuous the federal sanctuary of
Diana ou the Aventine, and the far-seen temple of Jupiter
Diovis on the Capitoline. That Greek influences, as in
the Servian military organization, can be traced in this
remodelling of the Roman state cannot well be doubted
but how far and in what way they did so cannot now be
shown. There may be some truth in the traditions which
ascribe to different kings the various improvements and
new buildings of Rome, but it is clear that in any case
they are to be assigned to the period when Rome re-
modelled her army and rose to the hegemony of Latium.
Reverting for a moment to the first two sections above
enumerated, we may briefly touch on the .treatment of
the conquered Latins by Rome. The circumstances of
each particular case doubtless decided the question, as to
whether the inhabitants of a conquered town were forced
to migrate to Rome, or allowed to remain in the open
villages of their old district. Strongholds in all cases
were razed, and the conquered country was included in
the Roman territory, and the vanquished farmers were
taught to regard Rome as their market-centre and seat of
justice. Legally they occupied the position of clients,
though in some cases of individuals and clans full burgess-
rights were granted ; this was specially the case with
Alban clans. The jealousy with which the Latin cantons,
and especially the Roman, guarded against the rise of
colonies as rival political centres, is well shown in Rome's
treatment of Ostia ; the latter city had no political in-
dependence, and its citizens were only allowed to retain,
if they already possessed, the general burgess-rights of
Rome. Thus this centralizing process, which caused the
absorption of a number of smaller states in a larger one,
though not essentially a Roman nor even Italian idea, was
carried out more consistently and perseveringly by the
Roman than by any other Italian canton ; and the success
of Rome, as of Athens, is doubtless due to the thorough
application of this system of centralization.
distinct from
clients and populus.Liv. ii. 35, 56, 64; ill.
vii. 18; xxv. 12. Dionys. vi. 45-47; ix.
41 ; x. 27. Momms.
R. St. iii. 71-75.
Clients.Liv. ii. 16. Dionys. ii.
10, 46; v.
40 ; ix.
5; x. 14. Marq.
P.l. i. 196, sq. Momnis. R. St. iii. 54-88.
Servian reforms.Liv. i. 42-43. Dionys. iv. 16, 18. Cio. de Rep.
ii. 22. Varro L. L. 46-54. Momms. R. St. iii. 240-267, 281-
Rome's extension and relation to Latium. Liv. i. 35-38,
45, 50-55.
Dionys. iii. 54. Plinv N. H. 36, 15. Marq. Stv. i. 21, eq.
Momms. R. St. iii. 609-617.
On the tribes, cf. Momms. R. St. iii. 161, sq.
The EtrnscansOriginSettlements in ItalyEtruriaRelations
with RomeConstitutionMaritime powerReligionArt

The Greeks in ItalyDate of immigrationLeague of Achaean

citiesTarentumCumae Relations of Greeks with Latins,
Etruscans, and Phoenicians.
Before proceeding to describe the changes of Republican
Rome, it will be well to direct our attention to the other
races inhabiting Italy. For convenience, we will omit the
movements of the Umbro-Sabellian stocks for the present,
and only include in this chapter the two foreign races,
whose history is interwoven with our subject :
the Italian Greeks. A mystery shrouds
the first people as to their origin, language, race-classifica-
tion, and original home. Their heavy bodily structure,
gloomy and fantastic religion, strange manners and customs,
and harsh language, point to their original distinctness
from all Italian and Greek races. No one has been able
either to decipher the numerous remains of their language
or to classify with precision the language itself. Its
original soft and melodious character was by the weaken-
ing of vowels and loss of soft terminations, completely
changed. Tarquinius became Tarchnaf
Minerva, Menrva;
Menelaos, Menle
indistinct pronunciation confused owith
v, b with
d with t, and the termination al
son of" {e.g.
Canial = Cainia natus)
sa denoted
"wife of
wife of Licinius ")
became Turms
Aphrodite, Turan
Bacchus, Fufluns. All
fchijse present
not the remotest analogy to the tongues of
Greece or Italy. But the clan termination enas or cna (e.g.
Porsena, Maecenas, Spurinna) corresponds closely to that
found in Italian, especially Sabellian, names (compare Vi~
bius, or Vibienus,and Spurius with Vivenna and Spurinna).
The Etruscan names of divinities, which at first sight would
point to a close connection with the Latin language (e.g.
Usil, sun and dawn, connected with ausum, aurum, aurora,
sol, Menrva, and Minerva, etc.), probably arose from the
subsequent political and religious relations between the
Etruscans and Latins. Still, in default of anything more
certain, we may conclude that the Etruscans belonged to
the Indo-Germanic family, although standing strangely
isolated. Many conjectures have been hazarded as to their
original home before migrating into Italyall equally in
vain. The fact that their o'dest and most important
towns (with the exception of Populonia, which was not one
of the old twelve cities) lay far inland, and never on the
coast, makes it probable that they migrated by land from
the north or west of Italy
possibly they came over the
Raetian Alps, for the Raeti spoke Etruscan down to his-
torical times, and their name sounds similar to that of Ras,
bywhich the Etruscans called themselves. The old tradition
that they were Lydian emigrants from Asia has nothing
to support it, except the accidental resemblance of Tui*s-
ennae (which in Greek became Tvpcr-rjvot, Tvpprjvoi ; in
Umbrian, Tursci ; and in Latin, Tusci, Etrusci) to the
Lydian Topprj/3oi of the town Tvppa. These Torrhebi were
sometimes denoted by the word Tyrrhenians
and, as the
and especially the Torrhebians, were noted for
piracy, and the Etruscans for commerce by sea, this un-
fortunate error easily arose. Whatever, then, was their
original home, the fact of the Etruscan dialect being still
spoken in Livy's time by the inhabitants of the Raetian Alps,
and of Mantua remaining Tuscan to a late period, proves
that Etruscans dwelt in the district north of thePo, bounded
on the east by the Veneti, and on the west by the Ligu-
rians. To the south of the Po, and at its mouths, the Um-
brians, who were the older settlers, were mingled with and
under the supremacy of the Etruscan immigrants
the towns of Hatria and Spina, founded by the Umbrians,
and Felsina (Bologna) and Ravenna, founded by the
Etruscans, point to this joint settlement; but the irrup-
tions of the Celts forced the Etruscans early to abandon
their position on the left bank of the Po, and later that on
the right bank of that river.
The great settlement of the Tuscans in the land that
still bears their name completely effaced all traces of
Ligurian or Umbrian predecessors in that country, and
maintained its position with great tenacity down to the
time of the empire. Etruria proper was bounded on the
east by the Apennines, on the north by the Arnus, on
the south at first by the Ciminian forest, and later by the
Tiber. The land north of the Arnus, as far as the mouth
of the Macra and the Apennines, was debatable border
territory, held now by Ligurians, now by Etruscans.
The land between the Ciminian range and the Tiber, with
the towns of Sutrium, Nepete, Falerii, Veii, and Caere,
was occupied at a later date, possibly in the second century
of Rome; and the Italian population there held its ground,
especially in Falerii, though in a state of dependence.
When the Tiber became the boundary, the relations
between Rome and the Etruscan invader were on the
whole peaceful and friendly, especially with the town of
Caere. But where an Etruscan town threatened Rome's
commercial position on the Tiber, as was the case with
Veii, constant war naturally resulted. Any trace of
Etruscans to the south of the Tiber must be ascribed
to plundering expeditions by sea, never to regular land
invasions ; nor is there any reliable evidence of any
Etruscan settlement south of the Tiber being planted by
settlers who came by land.* The name of
Tuscan quarter
(Tuscus vicus) at the foot of the Palatine, and the un-
doubted fact that the last royal house of Rome, the
Tarquin, was of Etruscan origin (whether sprung from
Tarquinii or Caere), coupled with minor and similar tra-
ditions, prove that Tuscan settlements took place in
Rome ; but the fact that a house of Etruscan origin held
the royal sceptre does not warrant the conclusion that the
Etruscans ever were dominant in Rome. There is no
evidence that Etruria exercised any essential influence on

e.g. O. Miiller and Pelham (" Encyclopaedia Britan-

nica")hold the contrary
view, and base it on the evidence for
Etruscan rule over Rome and Latium found in Dionys. i. 29, 64, 65;
Plut. Q.
R. 18 ; Liv. i. 2.
tbe language or customs or political development of Rome.
The passive attitude of Etruria towards Rome was prob-
ably due to two causes :
to their struggles with the
Celtic hordes from the North
to their sea-faring
tendency, which is especially shown in their Campanian
The commercial instincts of the Etruscans caused them
to form cities earlier than any other Italian race. Hence
Caere is the first Italian town mentioned in Greek records.
This same instinct disposed them less to war, and led
them to employ mercenaries at a very early period. They
were governed by kings, or lucumones, with powers prob-
ably similar to those of Roman kings. They probably had
a system of clans not dissimilar from that of the Romans
the nobles were marked off strictly from the common
people. They were formed into loose confederacies, each
consisting of twelve communities, with a metropolis and
federal head, or high priest of the league. The whole
nation was not embraced in one confederation, as the
Etruscans in the north and those in Campania had
leagues of their own. Volsinii was the metropolis of the
league in Etruria proper. Of the rest of the twelve towns
we only know for certain Perusia, Vetulonium, Volci, and
Tarquinii. The laxity of the league allowed, or rather
preferred, that separate communities should carry on
ordinary wars
nor did all the towns join, when, in ex-
ceptional cases, a war was resolved on by the confederacy.
The Etruscan confederations appear to have been from
the first deficient in a firm and paramount central
When the tide of Greek invasion swept over Italy, it met
a firm but not bitter resistance from the Latins and the
inhabitants of the southern part of Etruria. Caere, in fact,
attained its early prosperity by its tolerance of, and benefit
from, commercial intercourse with the Greeks. But the
wild Tyrrhenians," alike on the banks of the Po and on
the west coast, proved a deadly foe to the Greek intruders
they dislodged them from Aethalia (Ilva, Elba) and Popu-
lonia. The depredations of Etruscan privateers were the
dread of all Greek merchants, and caused the Greeks to
call the western sea of Italy by their name (Tyrrhenum
mare). Although the Etruscans failed to effect a settle-
ment in Latium, or to dislodge the Greeks at Vesuvius,
they held sway in Antinm and Surrentum. The Volscians
became their clients, and they founded a league of twelve
cities in Campania. Their very piracy helped them to
develop their commercial instincts; and, though at war
with Italian Greeks, they were often on peaceful and
intimate relations with Greece proper and Asia Minor
Their position as inhabitants of Northern Italy from sea
to sea, and thus commanding the mouths of the Po on the
Adriatic and the great free ports on the western sea, as
holding the land route from Pisae on the western coast to
Spina on the eastern, and as masters in the south of the
rich plains of Capua and Nola, gave them exceptional
advantages; and the luxury thus speedily introduced was
doubtless no small factor in their rapid decline. The part
they played, as allies of the Phoenicians, and specially of
the Carthaginians, in opposing Hellenic influence, belongs
to another chapter
but the main result at first was to
increase their trade and establish their naval power.
Corsica, with the towns of Alalia and Nicaea, became
subject to them, while Carthage seized the sister island of
The subsequent decay of the Etruscan power must be
treated of elsewhere ; but we may conclude this account
with a brief estimate of their religious and artistic de-
velopment. Livy's statement that Etruscan culture was
in early times the basis of Roman education, as Greek
culture was in later days, is due to a false notion preva-
lent among ancient and modern scholars touching the
intellectual eminence of the Etruscans. The chief cha-
racteristics of Etruscan religion were a gloomy mysticism,
an insipid play on numbers, a system of fortune-telling,
by interpretation of all portents, especially lightning,
and by entrail-inspection, and a horrible conception of
a future world of torment, ruled over by malignant
deities, whose favour was to be appeased by the most
cruel worship. Etruscan art exercised very little influence
on the
development of that of the Italians ; and indeed
the Etruscans, except in tomb-painting, mirror-design-
ing, and graving on stone, showed but little genius ; and
even in these three branches it is probable that the best
works of Italian artists were superior. Barbaric extra-
alike in material
and design, an ostentatious love
costly eccentricity,
and an absence of all origi-
characterize Etruscan
art. The fact that no pro-
made by the
Etruscans after an early peril id
people to regard
Etruscan art as the mother
of the stunted
daughter of Greek art. A close
is visible
between the Etruscan and oldest
art, which arose doubtless from their commercial
relations ;
and the bronze candlesticks and gold cups
by tlie great technical skill of the Tyrrhenian
found a market
in Attica at an early time.
Fresco-painting, copper mirrors, bronze statues of colossal
painted vases
were also produced in great
by Etruscan artists. But it is specially to be
that it is in South Etruria, in the districts of
Tarquinii, and Volci, where Greek influence was
prevalent, and where the population was not
Etruscan, that the great treasures of so-called
Tuscan art have been preserved. What northern Etruria,
unassisted by Greek or Latin influence, was able to pro-
duce is shown by the copper coins which chiefly belong
to it. "Etruscan art is a remarkable evidence of dex-
mechanically acquired and mechanically retained
but it is as little as the Chinese an evidence even of
genial receptivity. As scholars have long since desisted
from the attempt to derive Greek art from that of the
Etruscans, so they must, with whatever reluctance, make
up their minds to transfer the Etruscans from the first to
the lowest place in the history of Italian art."
We now turn to the subject of the second and con-
cluding portion of this chapterthe position of the
Greeks in Italy. All civilizing influences reached Italy
by sea, and not by land; but it is remarkable that the
Phoenicians, who established trading stations on almost
every coast of the Mediterranean, have left only one trace
in Italy. Their factory at Caere, however, was probably
no older than the stations established by the Greeks on
the same coast ; and the name Poeni, which the Latins
gave to the Phoenicians, was borrowed from the Greeks,
and points to the probability that the Greeks introduced
the Phoenicians to Italian knowledge. The name of the
Ionian sea applied to the waters between Epirus and
Sicily, and that of Ionian gu*f, applied by early Greeks
to the Adriatic, prove that seafarers from Ionia first dis-
covered the southern and eastern coasts of Italy. Kyme
(Cumae), the oldest Greek settlement in Italy, was founded
by the town of the same name on the Anatolian coast.
The Phocaeans are said to have been the first to explore
the western sea
and doubtless they were soon followed by
other Greeks, not only from Asia Minor, but from Greece
itself and the larger islands of the Aegean. These, in
their new homes in southern Italy or Magna Graecia,
as it was called, and in Sicily, recognizing their com-
munity of character and interests, became blended to-
gether, as in our own time different settlers from the old
world have combined in their new home of Northern
America. These Greek colonies may be grouped in three
divisions :
The original Ionian group included in
Italy Cumae with the other Greek settlements at Vesuvius
and Rhegium, and in Sicily Zankle (later Messana),
Naxos, Catana, Leontini, and Himera.
The Achaean
group embraced Sybaris and most of the cities of Magna
The Dorian group comprehended Syracuse,
Gela, Agrigentum, and most of the Sicilian colonies
in Italy it only possessed Tarentum and Heraclea. As to
the period at which these several settlements took place,
we rely on the fact that, while in Homer's time Sicily
and Italy were practically unknown, in Hesiod's poems
the outlines of these two lands are more clearly defined
and in the literature subsequent to Hesiod a general and
fairly accurate knowledge appears to have been possessed
by the Greeks. That Cumae was the oldest Greek settle-
ment in Italy is generally allowed; that between that
settlement and the main Greek immigration into Sicily
and lower Italy a considerable period elapsed is also
probable : but the two first dates in Italian history which
can be regarded as fairly accurate are
the founding
of Sybaris by the Achaeans in 721 B.C., and
that of
the Dorian Tarentum in 708 B.C.
It is important to remember that the Italian and Sicilian
Greeks always retained the closest connection with their
old homes, and that therefore their history is always a
history of Greeks, never of true Italians or Sicilians.
This is most clearly shown by the league of the Achaean
cities, comprising Siris, Pandosia, Metapontum, Sybaris
with its offshoots Posidonia and Laus, Croton, Caulouia,
Temesa, Terina, and Pyxus ; which, like the Achaean
league in the Peloponnese, preserved its own nationality,
distinct alike from the barbarians of Italy and the other
Greek colonies. These Achaean Greeks attained a very
rapid prosperity, especially in the case of Sybaris, Croton,
and Metapontum
but they did so more from the fertility
of their soil, which they compelled the natives to cultivate
for them, than from their own efforts in commerce or
agriculture. This rapid bloom bore no fruit. Demora-
lized by a life of luxury and indolence, these Italian Greeks
produced no famous names in Greek art or literature
their political constitution, sapped in the first place by
the attempt of a few families under the guise of Pytha-
gorean philosophy to seize absolute power, and later torn
by party feuds, slave insurrections, and the grossest social
abuses, completely broke down Thus the Achaeans exer-
cised but little influence on the civilization of Italy; and
the bilingual mongrel people, that arose out of the
remains of the native Italians and Achaeans and the more
recent immigrants of Sabellian descent, never attained
any real prosperity."
The other Greeks settled in Italy had a very different
effect on that country. Although, unlike the Achaeans,
they founded their cities by the best harbours, and mainly
for trading purposes, they did not despise agriculture and
the acquisition of territory. The two cities of greatest in-
fluence on Italy were the Doric Tarentum and the Ionic
Cumae. The first named, from its possession of the only
good harbour on the southern coast, from the rich fisheries
on its gulf, from the excellence of its wool, and the dyeing
of it with the purple juice of the Tarentine murex, rapidly
acquired an unrivalled commercial position in the south
of Italy. The fact, moreover, that the Greeks planted
no colony on the Italian shore of the Adriatic, and only
two of importance on the Illyrian coast, viz. Epidamnus
and Apollonia, caused Tarentum to have no small share in
the Adriatic commerce, carried on by Corinth and Corcyra
and, as Ancona and Brundisium rose at a far later period,
the ports at the mouths of the Po were the only rivals of
Tarentum along the whole eat coast. Her intercourse
by land with Apulia sowed the seeds of civilization in
the south-east of Italy
but it is noteworthy that, as a rule,
the eastern provinces of Italy acquired the elements of
civilization, not from the scanty Greek settlements on the
Illyrian and Italian coasts of the Adriatic, but from the
more numerous colonies on the west coast of Italy. The
people of Cumae, and of the other Greek stations near
Vesuvius, attained a more moderate prosperity than either
the Achaeans or Tarentines. The district they occupied
was small, and they contented themselves with spreading
Greek civilization by peaceful commercial intercourse
rather than by a policy of conquest and oppression. The
sea-port of Dicaearchia (later Puteoli), and the cities of
Parthenope and Neapolis were founded by the settlers at
Cumae. There is no doubt that in very early times the
western coast north of Vesuvius was visited by Greek
voyagers ; the adventures of Ulysses himself have been
localized in this region. The name and architecture of
Pyrgi near Caere, the names of Aethalia (" the fire
island," Elba), Telamon in Etruria, and Alsium near
Pyrgi, all point to early Greek settlements
but, as we
have already observed, the Latins and Etruscans success-
fully resisted the intruders, and north of Vesuvius no
independent Greek community existed in historical times.
Nay, we may conclude that the danger from Greek depre-
dations first turned the attention of the Italians in central
Italy to navigation and the founding of towns ; Spina
and Hatria at the mouth of the Po, and Ariminum further
south, were Italian, not Greek foundations. Although
this firm resistance was offered to the Greeks, yet, as far
as Latium and southern Etruria were concerned, com-
mercial intercourse was welcomed and fostered. Caere,
Rome, and the cities at the mouth of the Po, not only
prospered commercially by this friendly connection, but,
as their earliest traditions show, enjoyed religious inter-
course with the Greek oracles of Delphi and Cumae.
The different treatment that Greek voyagers met with from
Etruscans proper has been already set forth : how the
Etruscans wrested, from their grasp the iron trade of
Aethalia, and the silver mines of Populonia, and did
not even allow individual traders to enter their waters.
This union of the Etruscans with the Phoenicians, and
the sndden rise of Carthage itself, arrested that Greek
colonization which had, up to the middle of the second
century of Rome, threatened to sweep the Phoenicians
out of the Mediterranean. The establishment of Massilia,
in 600 B.C., on the Celtic coast marks the limit of Greek
enterprise ; an attempt in 579 B.C. to settle at Liljbaeum
was frustrated by the natives and the Phoenicians, and a
similar fate befell the Phocaeans at Alalia in Corsica,
which they evacuated after a naval battle with the com-
bined Etruscans and Carthaginians in 537 B.C., pre-
ferring to settle at Hyele (Velia) in Lncania. In this
struggle between the Greeks and the combined Etruscans
and Phoenicians, Latium observed a strict neutrality,
being on friendly and commercial relations with Caere
and Carthage on the one hand, and Velia and Massilia on
the other. Although the Greeks did not give up the
struggle, and even founded fresh stations, they no longer
gained ground ; and, after the foundation of Agrigentum
in 580 B.C., they gained no important additions of terri-
tory on the Adriatic or on the western sea, and they
remained excluded from the Spanish waters as well as the
Atlantic ocean.
The part played by the Greeks, and in particular the
Sicilian Greeks, in revenging themselves at Himera in
480 B.C. upon the Etruscans and Carthaginians, must be
described when we reach the fall of the Etruscan power;
and the decline of the Greek colonies in Italy, and speci-
ally the oppression of the Greeks in Campania and
southern Italy by the Samnites, must belong to our
account of that race.
Etruscans.Dionys. i. 28-30; iii. 45-66; iv. 27.
Liv. i.
v. 33.
For fresh evidence of Etruscan supremacy in Rome, cf. Mod-
Greeks.Dionys. ii. 21
; viii. 22; xix. 1, 6,
14. Polyb. i.
ii. 39.
Liv. vii 25-26. Herod, i. 166.
Triple cause of political agitationExpulsion of the Tarquins
Powers of the consulsThe dictator
Comitia centuriataThe
senateChief results of the revolution.
The close of the regal period, and the causes which led to
the subsequent changes in the Roman constitution, render
it necessary for us to revert to the internal state of Rome
itself. Three distinct movements agitated the community.
The first proceeded from the body of full citizens, and
was confined to it : its object was to limit and lessen the
life-power of the single president or king ; in all such
movements at Rome, from the time of the Tarquins to that
of the Gracchi, there was no attempt to assert the rights
of the individual at the expense of the state, nor to limit
the power of the state, but only that of its magistrates.
The second was the demand for equality of political privi-
leges, and was the
cause of bitter struggles between the
full burgesses and those, whether plebeians, freedmen,
Latins, or Italians,
who keenly resented their political
inequality. The third movement was an equally prolific
source of trouble in Roman history ; it arose from the
relations between landholders and those who
had either lost possession of their farms, or, as was the
case with
many small farmers, held possession at the
of the capitalist or landlord. These three move-
must be clearly grasped, as upon them hinges the
history of Rome. Although often intertwined and
confused with one another, they were, nevertheless, essen-
tially and fundamentally distinct. The natural outcome
of the first was the abolition of the monarchya result
which we find everywhere, alike in Greek and Italian
states, and which seems to have been a certain evolution of
the form of constitution peculiar to both peoples. What is
remarkable in the change at Rome, is that violent measures
had to be adopted, and that the Tarquins, both the king
and all the members of his clan, had to be forcibly expelled.
The romantic details colouring this event do not affect
the fact itself, nor are the reasons assigned by tradition
undeserving of belief. Tarquin
the proud
is said to
have neglected to consult the senate, and fill up the
vacancies in it ; to have pronounced sentences of death
and confiscation without consulting his counsellors
have stored his own granaries, and exacted undue military
service and other duties from the citizens. The formal
vow registered by each citizen that no king should ever
again be tolerated, the blind hatred felt at Rome ever
afterwards for the name of king, the enactment that the
king of sacrifice
(rex sacrorum) should never hold any
other office,all these sufficiently testify to the exaspera-
tion of the people. There is no proof that foreign nations
took part in the struggle which ensued between the royal
house and its expel lers, nor can we regard the great war
with Etruria in that light, since, although successful, the
Etruscans neither restored the monarchy, nor even brought
back the family of the Tarquins. The change, violently
accomplished as it was, did not abolish the royal power
the one life-king was
simply replaced by two year-kings,
called either generals (praetores) or judges (iudices) or,
more commonly, colleagues (consules). Although, probably
from the first, the consuls divided their functionsthe one,
for instance, taking charge of the army, the other of the
administration of justicesuch a partition was not binding,
and each possessed and exercised the supreme power as
completely as the king had done. In consequence of this
each consul could forbid what the other enjoined, and
thus the consular commands, being both absolute, would,
if they clashed, neutralize one another. It is hard to
parallel this system of co-ordinate supreme authorities,
which, if not peculiarly Roman, was a peculiarly Latin
institution. The object clearly was to preserve the regal
power undiminished, but, by doubling the holder of this
power, to neutralize its effects. The limit of a year, fixed
for the duration of the consular office, was reckoned from
the day of entry upon office to the day of the solemn
laying down of power by the consuls
and, as the consuls
to a certain extent laid down their power of their own
free will, and as, even if they overstepped the year's limit,
their consular acts were still valid, they were not so much
restricted directly by the law, as induced by it to restrict
themselves. Still, the effect of this tenure of office for
a set term was to abolish the irresponsibility of the king,
who, as supreme judge, had been accountable to no tribunal
and liable to no punishment. The consul, on the other
hand, when his term had expired, and the protection
given by his office had been removed, was liable to be
called to account just like any other burgess. Together
with the abolition of the monarchy, the ancient privilege
of the king to have his fields tilled by the burgesses, and
the position which the metoecs held as special clients of
the king, naturally came to an end. The contrast between
the old royal power and the new consular office was brought
out more clearly by the following restrictions.
The old
right of appeal, which the king had granted or not at his
pleasure in all criminal procedure, was now established
by the Valerian law in 509 B.C. ; the consul was now
bound to grant this right to every criminal who was
condemned to suffer capital or corporal punishment;
unless, indeed, the sentence was pronounced under martial
law. In token of this right, which before 451 B.C. was
extended to cases of heavy fines, the consular lintors laid
aside the axes, which had been the sign of the king's
penal jurisdiction.
The need of deputies, which had
caused, but not compelled, the king to appoint a city-
warden (urbi praefectus) to act in his absence, ceased with
the substitution of two consuls for one king. If the
consul in time of war did entrust the supreme command
to a deputy, such a deputy was only adjutant or lieutenant
(legatus) of the consul. It is true that, in times of special
emergency, the consuls could nominate a third colleague,
who, under the name of dictator, revived the old single
supremacy of the king, and who for the time was obeyed
by the consuls and the whole state ;
but such an office
was a special creation to meet an exceptional state of
Although in the field a consul could delegate
his functions to a deputy, at home he had no free will in
the matter. The two quaestors (" trackers of murder"),
whose appointment by the king to deal with criminal cases
had not been obligatory although usual, became now
regular state officers. The consul was obliged to nominate
them, and their province was enlarged, so as to include
the charge of the state treasure and state archives ; their
tenure of office, like that of the consuls, lasted for one
year. On the other hand, the chief magistrate in the city
had to act in person, or not at all, in those cases in which
a delegation of his authority was not expressly incumbent
on him. Thus in the home government no deputy acting
for a city magistrate (pro magistratu) was possible, while
military deputies (pro consule, pro praetore, pro quaestore)
were only possible in the field, and had no power to act
within the community itself.
The consul retained
the right, which the king had exercised absolutely, of
nominating his successor, but he was bound to follow the
expressed wishes of the community in his nomination.
He might reject particular candidates, and at first even
limit the choice to a list of 'candidates proposed by him-
and, what was more important, the candidate, once
appointed, could never be deposed by the community.
The consuls had not the right, which had belonged to the
kings, of appointing the priests ; the colleges of priests
now filled up the vacancies in their own body, and the
appointment of the vestals and single priests passed into
the hands of the president, or Pontifex Maximus, now
nominated for the first time by the pontifical college.
Thus the supreme authority in religion was separated
from the civil power, and the semi-magisterial position
of the Pontifex Maximus is a further proof of the wish to
impose limits on the consular power.
The insignia
of the consul were markedly inferior to those which had
distinguished the king The lictor's axe was taken away,
the purple robe of the king was replaced by the purple
border of the consul's toga, the royal chariot was abolished,
and the consul was obliged, like every other citizen, to go
on foot within the city.
We have above alluded to the revival of the royal power
in the person of the dictator. His other title,
of the army
(magister populi), as also that of his chief
assistant (magister equitum, "master of the horse"),
coupled with what we know about the circumstances and
causes of his appointment, prove that the dictatorship was
an essentially military institution. No doubt it was
designed to obviate the disadvantage of divided power in
the field, and its restriction to a maximum limit of six
months indicates that the office was not to last longer
than the duration of a summer campaign. The dictator
was nominated by one of the consuls ; and, as their col-
league, he was obliged to lay down his office when they did.
All magistrates were subject to him, and no appeal was
allowed from his sentence ; the community had no part
in his election. The consuls, then, were, with certain
restrictions, what the kings had been, the supreme adminis-
trators, judges, and generals ; in matters of religion, too,
they offered prayers and sacrifices for the community, and
with the aid of skilled interpreters ascertained the will
of the gods. The very restrictions which hampered the
consuls could, in time of need, be broken through by the
dictatorship, and Rome could see again, under a new name,
the absolute authority of the king.
In this way the
problem of legally retaining and practically restricting the
regal authority was solved in genuine Roman fashion,
with equal acuteness and simplicity, by the nameless
statesmen who worked out this revolution."
A further change of great importance followed the new
powers given to the community as a whole. The right of
annually electing the consuls, and of deciding, upon appeal
from a criminal, the life or death of a citizen, gave the
public assembly something more than the passive formal
part in state-administration which it had played under the
kings. The growth, wealth, and importance of the plebs,
and the necessity of their help in making the reform,
rendered it impossible for all power to remain in the hands
of the smaller body of the patriciate, which by this time
had practically become an order of nobility. Therefore
the new community was extended, so as to embrace the
whole body of plebeians ; all the non-burgesses, who were
neither slaves nor citizens of foreign states, living at Rome
under the ius hospitii, were admitted into the curies, and
the old burgesses, who had hitherto formed the curies,
Joet the right of meeting and passing resolutions. Further,
the curiate assembly (comitia curiata) had thus lost its
fundamental character of burgesses belonging
to different
clans, and included many plebeians, who belonged to no
clan, but were legally on an equal footing with the most
aristocratic citizens. To obviate the results of such a
democratic levelling, all political power was taken away
from the comitia curiata, and was transferred to the
assembly of the centuries (comitia centuriata)
that is, to
the assembled levy of those bound to military service, who
now received the rights, as they had previously borne the
burdens, of citizens. This body, originally constituted for
pui-ely military purposes, now decided cases of appeal,
nominated magistrates, adopted or rejected laws. There
was no debate in this assembly, any more than in that of
the curies
but the constitution of the assembly gave the
preponderance of power to the possessors of property
the peculiar system, by which the decision of an election
was often determined by the voting of the first centuries,
gave a manifest advantage to the possessors of property,
whose centuries had the privilege of giving their votes first.
The prerogatives of the senate were increased by the
reform of the constitution. In addition to its old rights
of appointing the interrex, and of confirming or rejecting
the resolutions passed by the community, the senate could
now either reject or confirm the appointment of the magis-
trates elected by the pub.
c assembly. The senate was
still composed exclusively of patricians, but on occasions
when its advice was asked, side by side with the patres,
or true patrician senators, a number of non-patricians
were admitted and
added to the senate-roll " (con-
script!). These plebeians were not by this admission
placed on a footing of equality ; they did not become true
senators, and were not invested with the senatorial in-
they had no share in the magisterial prerogatives
of the senate (rmctoritas), nor were they allowed to express
their opinion on those occasions when the senate met in
the chnracter of a state-council, and discussed what advice
(consilium) should be tendered the community : they
were simply silent voters in the divisions of the house,
and called
(pedarii) by the proud nobility,
men who voted with their feet
(pedibus ire in
sententiam). Still, this admission of plebeians into the
senate-house was a most important step, and one fraught
with no slight consequences. Among the patres them-
selves distinctions of rank arose : those who had been
consuls, or were already designated as successors to the
outgoing consuls, occupied the first place on the senate-
roll, and voted first ; the position of the first of these, or
foremost man of the senate (princeps senatus), naturally
was much coveted. The consuls in office did not vote, but
they selected the new members of the senate, alike the
patres and the plebeian conscripti, although they were no
doubt more restricted by the opinions of the nobility in
their selection than the king had been. Two rules early

that the consulship entailed upon the holder
of it admission to the senate for life
; (2)
that vacancies
in the senate were not filled up at once, but on the oc-
casion of the census, taken every fourth year, when the
roll of senators was revised and completed. The number
of senators remained unchanged, and, from the fact that
the conscripti were included in the number, we may infer
the diminution of the number of patriciate clans. It is
easy to see what an immense preponderance of power
the revolution gave the senate. Its right of rejecting the
proposals of the comitia centuriata, its position as adviser
of the chief magistrate, its tenure of office for life, as
contrasted with the annual duration of magistracies,all
tended to place the government in its hands. But what
chiefly did so, was the fact that the consul ruled for but a
brief space, and was, on the expiry of his office, merely one
of the nobility
and thus, even if a consul were inclined to
question the senate's influence, he lacked the first element
of political power, viz. time ; while his authority was
paralyzed alike by the priestly colleges and his own col-
leagues, and, if need be, could be suspended by the dic-
tatorship. The result was that the senate became the real
governing power, and the consul subsided into a president,
acting as its chairman and executing its decrees. The
senate also drew into its own hands the management of
the state finances, by causing the consul to commit the
administration of the public chest to two quaestors, who
naturally became dependent on the senate.
The revolution thus accomplished at Rome was, as we
have seen, conservative in its character, in that the funda-
mental elements of the old constitution were retained. It
was, in fact, a compromise between the two state parties

the old burgesses and the plebeianswho, fur the time

being sank their party quarrels, and united, under the
pressure of the common danger of a despotism. The
necessity of their co-operation caused those mutual con-
cessions we have described above, and the importance of
the revolution lay far more in the indirect effects of those
concessions than in the limit of time imposed on the
supreme magistracy. The chief of these indirect effects
the rise of the Roman citizens in the later sense
of the term. The plebeians had hitherto been little better
than aliens or metoecs in the eye of the law. Now they
were enrolled in the curies as citizens, they voted in the
common assembly and in the senate, and they were pro-
tected by the right of appeal.
The elevation of the old
burgess-body, or patriciate, into an exclusive aristocracy.
The very incorporation of the plebeians into the burgess-
body caused the patres to close up their ranks, and hold
stubbornly to the privileges that remained to them : the
admission of new clans into their body, which had not been
very rare under the kings, now ceased. Although the
plebeians might become military officers and senators, they
could hold no public magistracy or priesthood : and the
patres still maintained the legal impossibility of marriage
between their order and the plebeians. ('6) It further
became necessary to define the distinction between the
enlarged burgess-body and those who were now the non-
To this epoch, therefore, we may trace back
in the views and feelings of the peopleboth the in-
vidiousness of the distinction between the patricians and
plebeians, and the strict and haughty line of demarcation
between cives Romani and aliens."
Further, at this period arose the separation between
law and edict. The principle of Roman law that every
command of a magistrate, even if illegal, was valid during
his tenure of office, must, owing to the official life-tenure
of a king, have caused the distinction between law and
edict to have been lost sight of. But it is obvious that
the annual change of consuls led to the two being clearly
The provinces of civil and military authority were
now finally separated. The power of the consul within
the city limits was restricted by law, as shown above
his power as general was absolute. Therefore the general
and the army could not in their military capacity enter
the city proper, unless allowed to do so. Thus the dis-
tinction between quirites and soldiers became deeply rooted
in the minds of the people.
Viewing the revolution as a whole, its immediate effect
was to establish an aristocratic government, by making
the senate practically supreme. But the germs of a more
representative constitution were visible. The enrolment
of the plebeians among the burgesses, the admission of
certain of them to the senate, were victories of happy
augury for the future. Those plebeian families admitted
on account of their wealth or position into the senate
naturally held aloof from the mass of the plebs. In
addition to this distinction in the plebeian body, there
arose another oat of the system of voting in the comitia
centuriata, which placed the chief power in that class of
fanners whose property was in excess of that of the small
freeholders, but inferior to that of the great proprietors
and this arrangement further enabled the seniors, although
less numerous, to have as many voting divisions as the
While in this way the axe was laid to the root
of the old burgess-body and their clan-nobility, and the
basis of a new burgess-body was laid, the preponderance
in the latter rested on the possession of land and on age,
and the first beginnings were already visible of a new
aristocracy, based primarily on the consideration in which
the families were heldthe future nobility."
Tarquins.Liv. i. 58-60. Dionys. i.
iv. 41-end
1-7, 13-15, 20-23, 31-34, 51-55.
Lex Valeria.Liv. ii.
; iii. 20. Cic. de Rep. ii. 31.
Consuls.Liv. ii. 1, 18, 27 ; iii.
36. Cic. de Rep. ii. 32. Momma. R.
St. ii. 71-132, 249-279.
Quaestors.Momms. R. St. ii. 511 sq.
Pontifex Maximus.Liv. iii. 32; xxxiii. 44; xl. 42. Dionys. ii. 73,
Momms. R. St. ii. 17-47.
Dictator.Liv. ii.
18 ;
29 ; viii. 32. Cic. cle Rep. i. 40. Polyb.
iii. 87. Momms, R. St. ii. 133, sq.
Comitia Centuriata.Dionys. iv. 20. Cic. de
Leg. Agr. ii. 2. Prof.
Seeley, Introd. to Liv. bk. i. Momtns. R. St. iii. 301-368.
Conscripti Senatores.Aul. Gell. iii.
Senate's power.Polyb. vi. 13, 16, sqq.
Land-tenure and agriculture

Public land

Evil influence of
capitalistsRuin of small farmersSecession to the
Mount"The tribunes and aedilesPowers of the tribunes

Political value of the tribunateFurther dissensionsAgrarian

law of Spurius CassiusThe DecemvirsTwelve TablesFall
of the DecemvirsThe Valerio-Horatian laws.
At the beginning of the last chapter we noted the im-
portance of the struggle which was intimately connected
with land-occupation. Before proceeding to describe the
constitutional changes which arose from this struggle, we
must revert for a time to the original laud-tenure among
the Romans, and, as far as possible, strive to clearly pre-
sent the main features of this most difficult and important
question. From the first, agriculture was felt to he the
main support and fundamental basis of every Italian
commonwealth. The Roman state in particular secured
by the plough what it won by the sword; it felt that the
strength of man and of the state lay in their hold over
the soil; and this feeling caused the state to avoid, if
possible, the cession of Roman soil, and caused the fai'mers
to cling tenaciously to their fields and homesteads. The
main object of war was to increase the number of free-
this object was also evident in the Servian con-
stitution, which showed the original preponderance of the
agricultural class in the state; and which, by its division
of the community into
(adsidui) and
ducers of children" (proletarii), without reference to their
political position, proved that a large portion of the landed
property had passed into the hands of non-burgesses.
This division, by imposing upon the freeholders the duties
of citizens, paved the way, as we have seen, to conceding
them political rights. In the earliest times no burgess
had any special property in land : all arable land was the
common possession of the several clans ; each clan tilled
its own portion and divided the produce among its con-
stituent households. When and how the distribution of
laud among the individual burgesses was made, we cannot
tellat any rate it was previous to the Servian constitu-
and that same constitution leads us to conclude that
the mass of the land was divided into medium-sized farms
of not less than 20 jugera, or
acres. Landed estates
were successfully guarded against excessive subdivision
by custom and the sound sense of the population. Evi-
dence is also furnished by the Servian constitution that
even in the regal period of Rome there were small
cottagers and garden proprietors, with whom the mattock
took the place of the plough. In addition to the ordinary
farmers, it is clear from the same constitution that large
landed proprietors had also come into existence

perhaps from the numerical inequality of the members of
the various clans, when the clan-lands were divided
among the members
partly, too, from the great influx of
mercantile capital into Rome. But, as we cannot suppose
that there were many slaves at this time, by whose labour
such large estates were afterwards worked, we must con-
clude that a landowner assigned lots to tenants of such
portion of his estate as he could not farm in person.
Such tenants were composed of decayed farmers, clients,
and freedmen, and formed the bulk of the agricultural
proletariate. They were often free men, and were then
called "tenants on sufferance" (precarii), as their pos-
session was only held at the pleasure of the owner. For
this usufruct of the soil the tenant did not necessarily pay
rent m kind, and, when he did, his position was not quite
the same as that of the lessee of later times. The relation
between the landlord and his tenants was all the closer,
because the landlords did not employ middlemen, but lived
themselves on their estates, and took the greatest interest
in the welfare of those dependent on them; their lodging
in the city was only for business purposes, and for avoid-
ing, at certain seasons, the unhealthy atmosphere of the
country Such slaves as were employed were, as a rule,
of Italian race, and must have occupied very different
relations towards their masters from those held by Syrians
and Celts in later days. It was from these large land-
owners, and the system above described, that there sprang
up in Rome a landed, and not an urban, nobility; and
further, these tenants-on- sufferance were of the greatest
service to the state, in furnishing trained and intelligent
farmers to carry out the Roman policy of colonization.
A sharp line divided arable from pasture land. The
latter belonged to the state and not to the clan, and was
consequently not subjected to the distribution, which has
been described above. The state used such land for its
own flocks and herds, which were intended for sacrifices
and other purposes, and which were kept up by cattle
fines : and such land was also used by individuals who
paid a certain tax (scriptura) for the right to graze their
cattle on the common pasture. This right was a special
privilege of the burgess, and never granted to a plebeian,
except under extraordinary circumstances. In the regal
period such common pasture land was probably not ex-
tensive, and, as a rule, any conquered territory was par-
celled out as arable land, originally among the clans, and
then among individuals. This description of land-tenure
in the earliest period now allows us to resume our history
at the point of our digression.
Although the new government at Rome passed certain
measuressuch as the reduction of port-dues
the state-
purchase of corn and salt, so as to supply the citizens at
reasonable prices ; the addition of a day to the national
festival ; the limitation of the magisterial power of fining,

which seemed intended for the good of the more numerous

and less wealthy classes, unfortunately such regulations
were exceptional The object of the kings had probably
been to check the power of capital, and increase the
number of farmers. The object of the new aristocratic
government was to destroy the middle classes, and espe-
cially the smaller independent farmers ; and thus to
develop the power of the capitalists, and of large land-
owners, and to increase the number of the agricultural
proletariate. Out of this action on the part of those in
power arose the evil influence of the capitalists. The
extension of the financial province of the state treasury to
such matters as the purchase of grain and salt, caused the
state to employ agents, or middlemen, to collect its indirect
revenues and more complicated payments. These men
pa-id the state a set sum, and farmed the revenues for their
own benefit.
Thus there grew up a class of tax-farmers
and contractors, who, in the rapid growth of their wealth,
in their power over the state, to which they appeared to
be servants, and in the absurd and sterile basis of their
moneyed dominion, are completely on a parallel with the
speculators on the stock-exchange of the present day."
The mismanagement of the public land (ager publicus)
brought out these evils most clearly. The patricians now
claimed the sole right of the use of the public pasture and
state lands : a right which, as shown above, belonged by
law to every burgess. Although the senate made excep-
tions in favour of the wealthy plebeian houses, the small
farmers and ten ants- on- sufferance, who needed it most,
were excluded from the common pasture. Moreover, to
oblige men of their own order, the patrician quaestors
gradually omitted to collect the pasture-tax (scriptura),
and thus diminished the state revenues. And further, in-
stead of making fresh assignations of land, acquired by
conquest, to the poorer citizens, the ruling class introduced
a pernicious system of what was practically permanent
occupation, on the condition of the state receiving from
the occupier one tenth of corn, or one fifth of oil and wine.
Thus the system of
precarium," or tenure-on-sufferance,
above described, was now applied to the state lands
not only did this tenure become permanent, but it was
only allowed to the privileged patricians and their
nor was the collection of the fifths or tenths
enforced with more rigour than that of the pasture-tax.
Thus the smaller landholders
were deprived of the
usufructs which were their right as burgesses
more heavily taxed in consequence of the lax collection of
the revenues from the use of the pnblic land
; (3)
and lost
the old outlet for their energies, which had been provided
by the assignations of land. Added to these evils was the
system of working large estates by slaves, which at this
time was introduced, and dispossessed the small agrarian
clients, or free labourers. Moreover, owing to the enforced
absence from his farm in time of war, and the exorbitant
taxation and other state-imposed works which war en-
tailed, the farmer often lost possession of his farm, and
was reduced to the position of bondsman, if not slave, of
his creditor. His creditor was often a capitalist, to whom
speculation in land offered a new and lucrative field ; if
left by his creditor as nominal proprietor, and actual pos-
sessor of the farm, he was perhaps saved from utter ruin,
but was demoralized by the consciousness that his person
and estate really belonged to another, and that he was
entirely dependent on his creditor's mercy. The misery
and distress caused by these evils thx-eatened to annihilate
the middle class of smaller farmers, and matters were not
long in coming to a crisis. In 495 B.C. (but this date is
probably too early), a levy was called for: owing to the
exasperation produced by the strict enforcement of the
law of debt, the farmers refused to obey. One of the con-
suls, Publius Servilius, induced them to do so, by sus-
pending the law and liberating the imprisoned debtors.
On their return from the field of victory, the other consul,
Appius Claudius, enforced the debtor-laws with merciless
rigour. The war was renewed in the following year ; and
this time the authority, attaching to the dictatorship, and
the personal popularity of the dictator, Manius Valerius,
were found necessary to win over the reluctant farmers.
Victory again was with the Roman army ; but, on its
return, the senate refused to agree to the reforms proposed
by the dictator. On the news of this refusal reaching the
army, arrayed outside the city gates, the whole force left
its general and encampment, and marched to a hill between
the Tiber and the Anio, in the district of Crustumeria.
This celebrated secession, to what was afterwards called
the sacred mount " (Mons Sacer), was terminated by
the mediation of the dictator and the submission of the
senate. The consequences of this secession, undertaken
by the multitude without a settled leader, and accom-
plished without bloodshed, were felt for many centuries.
It was the origin of the tribunate of the plebs. The law
which created this new office was deposited in a temple,
under the charge of two plebeian magistrates specially
appointed for the purpose, and called aediles, or
masters." These aedilcs were attached to the tribunes as
assistants, and their jurisdiction chiefly concerned such
minor cases as were settled by fines.
The following were the chief characteristics rf the
The two tribunes were of plebeian rank, and
elected by the plebeians assembled in curies.
power was confined to the city's limits, and thus could not
oppose the military imperium of the consul, which was all-
powerful outside those limits, nor the authority of the
dictator, whether exercised inside or outside the city.
Within these limits the tribunes stood on an equal
and independent footing with the consuls, and had the
right to cancel any command, issued by a magistrate, upon
a formal protest from the burgess aggrieved by such a
command. This power of intercession made it possible
for the tribunes to bring the ordinary administration and
execution of the law to a dead-lock while an appeal
against the sentence of a judge or decree of the senate
was being investigated.
Their judicial powers, owing
to the vague and ill-defined laws touching offences against
order, and crime against the community, were alike exten-
sive and arbitrary. They could by their messengers
(viatores) summon before them any burgess, even the
consul, arrest him on refusal, imprison him, or allow him
bail during investigation, and finally sentence him to death
or the payment of a fine. An appeal from their sentence
was heard, not by the whole body of burgesses, but by
the whole plebeian body, and the tribunes defended them-
selves before this assembly in case of such an appeal.
Out of this risrht of defence sprang the right of
holding assemblies of the people, and addressing them on
other matters

a right expressly guaranteed to the tri-
bunes by the Icilian law (b c. 492),
which rendered
liable to severe punishment any one who interrupted a
tribune while speaking, or who bade the assembly dis-
perse. They could take the vote of the people at such
meetings, and the "plebiscites" (plebi scita), or resolu-
tions thus passed, soon came to have a force and validity
which did not properly belong to them.
Lastly, the
persons of the tribunes were declared inviolable (sacro-
sancti), and the man who laid hands on them was counted
accursed in the sight of gods and men
This outline of the tribunician power serves to show that
it was really a copy of the consular power. In both cases
the Roman check of intercession, or veto, plays a prominent
part; as one consul could veto his colleague, so one tribune
could thwart the other. The special power of vetoing
the consul, or any other state magistrate, belonged to the
tribune, in virtue of his position as protector and counsel
of the plebs. Again, the duration of office was limited to
a year in both cases, and in both cases the holder of the
office could not be deposed. Further, in their criminal
jurisdiction, two aediles were associated with the tribunes,
just as two quaestors had been attached to the consuls
but the consul submitted to the prohibition of the tribune,
while the tribune was unrestricted by any such prohibi-
tion from the consul. Still, although a copy, tho tribuni-
cian power presente 1 a contrast to the consular. It was
essentially negative, while that of the consuls was essen-
tially positive. The consuls alone were magistrates of the
Roman people, as being elected by the whole burgess-
body, and not merely by the plebeians. Therefore the
consul alone had the outward insignia of office
the tribune
lacked official attendants, the purple border, and had no
seat in the senate.
Thus in this remarkable institution
absolute prohibition was in the most stern and abrupt
fashion opposed to absolute command
the quarx^el was
settled by legally recognizing and regulating the discord
between rich and poor."
It remains for us to consider what was the political
value of the tribunate. Springing
as it did from the
miseries caused by over-taxation, the baleful system of
credit, and the pernicious occupation of the state lands,
it yet pat no stop to these evils. The reason of this is
simply that the wealthy plebeians had as much interest
in these abuses as the patricians. The good that the office
might do in individual cases of hardship, and in helping
plebeians to gain admission to state offices, was more
than counterbalanced by the evil of rendering the ad-
ministration of criminal law subject to the party passion
of politics. For party purposes, too, the tribunes could
employ their power of veto, and throw out of gear the
machine of state, and thus pave the way for that very
tyranny which they were created to render impossible.
In the later days of the Republic we shall find that this
was the very course they pursued
and the odium thus
incurred found expression in the contemptuous definition
of the tribunate as a
pestiferous power, the offspring of
sedition, with sedition for its end and aim." The events
which followed the institution of the tribunes indicate a
state of organized civil war between the two parties of the
state. Among minor conflicts stands out the story of
Gaius Marcius, surnamed Coriolanus, from the storming
of Corioli. Romance has doubtless coloured his bitter
opposition to the tribunes in 491 B.C., his expulsion by
them from Rome, his return at the head of the Volscian
army, his withdrawal on the appeal of his mother, bis
death at the hands of the exasperated Yolscians
but the
truth of these disgraceful conflicts between the Roman
orders remains unshaken. The surprise of the Capitol by
a band of political refugees, led by a Sabine chief, Appius
Herdonius, in 460 B.C., the extirpation of the Fabii by the
Etruscans at Cremera in 477 B.C., and other events of
this period were connected with the same fanatical violence.
But the murder of the tribune, Gnaeus Genucius, who had
dared to impeach two men of consular rank in 473 B.C.,
had a more lasting result, giving rise two years later to
the Publilian law. The proposer of this law, Volero
Publilius, who was tribune in 471 B.C., established in the
first place the comitia tributa,* or plebeian assembly of
tribes. Hitherto the plebeians had voted by curies, and
numbers alone had determined their decision. The clients
of patrician families voted in these assemblies, and thus
enabled the nobility to exercise no small influence on the
result. The new plebeian assembly was composed solely
of those who were freeholders, and thus excluded the
great majority of freedmen and clients, as well as all
the patricians. Owing to this the comitia tributa was
practically an assembly of the independent middle class,
and was, owing to its exclusion alike of
patricians and
non-freeholder plebeians, less representative of the bur-
gesses than the assembly of curies had been. In the
The view here taken is the simplest one held by Schwegler,
Pelham, etc., that the comitia tributa was a development of the
concilium plebis tributum. Mommsen holds that the Publilian law
refers only to the latter.
second place we must ascribe, if not directly to the pro-
visions of the Publilian law, at least indirectly to its
effects, the fact that the resolutions
of theplebs (plebiscita)
were recognized as legally binding
on the whole commu-
nity, and had the same validity
as the decrees of the
comitia centuriata. Probably,
also, the increase of the
number of tribunes from two to five was due to this law, and
their election was now
transferred to the comitia
Previous to this outcome of party triumph and
legislation, a far wiser and far more serious attempt to
deal with the real source of evil was made by
Cassius, a patrician of the patricians, and personally illus-
trious by two triumphs. In his third consulate (486
he brought forward an agrarian bill, in which lie proposed
to have the state land measured, and to lease part of it for
the benefit of the public treasury, and to distribute a
larger part among the needy citizens. With an unwise
generosity he wished to give the Latin confederates a
share in this distribution of public land. This proposa.l,
aimed as it was at the control of the state lands by the
senate, and the selfish system of occupation, drew down on
its author the wrath of the nobles and the rich plebeians.
The cry of
was raised, and the commons, irritated
by the proposed association of the Latins in the distribu-
tion, and ever ready to believe that royal power was being
aimed at, refused to save their champion. Cassius fell,
his law was buried along with him
but its spectre
thenceforsvard incessantly haunted the eves of the rich,
and again and again it rose from the tomb against them,
until, amidst the conflicts to which it led, the common-
wealth perished."
Later, in 462 B.C., a further attempt to abolish
tribunate came from one holding that office. Gaius
Terentilius Arsa proposed to nominate a commission of
five men for the purpose of preparing a legal code
should bind the consuls in the exercise of their judicial
powers. Ten years of party strife elapsed before this
proposal was carried into effect, and during that strife
two concessions were made to induce the plebeians to give
up this legal code.
In 457 B.C. the tribunes were in-
creased from five to ten;
in 456 B.C. the Aventine,
which had hitherto been sacred ground and uninhabited,
distributed among the poorer burgesses, for them to
bnild on and occupy. But these concessions did not turn
the plebs. The legal code was agreed to, and in
451 B.C. ten men were elected by the centuries, for the
purpose of drawing it up (decemviri consulari imperio
legibus scribundis). These decemvirs had frill powers as
supreme magistrates in the place of the consuls
no appeal
was allowed in their case
the tribunate was suspended
and, what was more important, plebeians, as well as
patricians, were eligible for the new office. The first
plebeians were elected at the second electiou in 450 B.C.,
and these were the first non-patrician magistrates of the
Roman community. Although the proposal for the insti-
tution of the decemvirate was made in 454 B.C., no de-
cemvirs were elected for three years
during that interval
an embassy was sent to Greece to collect the more famous
Greek laws, and especially those of Solon
this embassy
did not return till 451 B.C. The object of this new creation
was to substitute a limitation of the consular powers by
written law for the more turbulent veto of the tribunes.
The pledge given by the decemvirs not to infringe the
liberties of the plebs did not, perhaps, imply the abolition
of the tribunate
but a wise compromise would doubtless
have brought this about, had the decemvirs retired when
their task was done. In 451 B.C. the law, engraven on
ten tables of copper, was affixed in the Forum to the rostra
in front of the senate-house. Two more tables were added
in the following year, and thus originated the first and
only legal code of Romethe Twelve Tables. The chanees
introduced by this code were of a comparatively slight
character; the maximum of interest was fixed at ten per
cent., and the usurer was rendered liable to heavy penalties.
The legal distinction between freeholders and non-free-
holders was retained, as also the invalidity of marriage
between patricians and plebeians. The chief feature was
the denial of appeal to the comitia tributa in capital cases,
and the confirmation of it in the case of the comitia
centuriata. The political significance of this code lay not
so much in the particulars of its legislation, as in the fact
that the consuls were now bound to administer justice
according to set forms and rules
while the exhibition of
the code in public subjected the administrator to the
control of the public eye. The downfall of the decemvirs,
who under various pretexts refused to abdicate their
office, has been ascribed by legend to the tyranny of their
chief, Appius Claudius. The murder of Lucius Siccius
Dentatus, the bravest soldier in Rome, and a former tri-
bune, was laid at the door of the decemvirs
and the act
of the centurion Lucius Verginius, who slew his own
daughter to save her from the brutal lust of Appius,
caused the storm of popular indignation to break forth.
The two armies, which a double war against the Sabines
and Volscians had called into the field, on hearing the
story from Verginius and Lucius Icilius, the betrothed
lover of the dead maiden, straightway left their camps,
and once more seceded to the Sacred Mount. They there
nominated their tribunes, and, as the decemvirs still re-
mained obstinate, returned to the city, and encamped on
the Aventine. The decemvirs now gave way, and Appius
Claudius and Spurius Oppius put an end to their lives,
while the remaining eight went into exile. It is hard to
believe that the decemvirate, one of the triumphs of the
plebs, was abolished by that body. Possibly the whole
story is a myth of the aristocrats. The overthrow of
the decemvirate would more naturally have come from the
patricians. A subsequent contest may possibly have
ensued to force the patricians to restore the tribunate,
resulting in the victory of the plebs, and in the com-
promise which was confirmed by the Valerio-Horatian
laws, the so-called Magna Charta of Rome.
At any rate the tribunate was restored, and, under
the Valerio-Horatian laws, gained the following new
powers in 449 B.C. :
The consuls were forced to
administer justice in accordance with the twelve tables
of the decemvirs.
To compensate for the loss of
right of appeal in capital cases to the comitia tri-
buta,* every magistrate, the dictator among the rest, was
obliged to allovv the right of appeal.
The tribunes
could, as before, inflict fines without limitation, and
submit their sentences to the comitia tribnta.
management of the military chest was taken from the
According to Mommsen it would be better to read in
"'the assembly of the plebs" for "comitia tributa," and to
reserve that name for
consuls, and entrusted to two quaestors, who were chosen
by the whole body of freeholders, both patrician and
the votes of this assembly were taken by dis-
tricts, which gave the plebeian farmers far more weight
than they possessed in the comitia centuriata.
tribunes were allowed to sit on a bench at the door of the
senate-house, and thus have a share in the proceedings of
that body. And from this important concession gradually
arose the principle, that the tribune could by his veto
stop any resolution of the senate or of the public assembly.
The persons of the tribunes were pronounced in-
violable (sacrosancti), and the most hallowed ordinances
of religion were employed to impart sacredness to their
No attempt to abolish this magistracy was ever
from this time forward made in Rome."
Land.Appian B. C. 1, 7. Plut. Tib. Gracch. 8. Dionys. ii.
7, 35,
50, 53. Liv. x. 1
xxxvi. 39. Varro de R. R. i. 10. Marq. Stv.
i. 96-99; ii. 149-159.
Publicani.Cic. ad Q. F. i.
1, 12, 35. Plut. de curios, viii. 60.
Marq. Stv. ii. 299-301.
First secession.Liv. ii. 23-33 Dionys. vi. 22-96.
Tribunate.Liv. ii. 33, 58;
iii. 55
iv. 6. Dionys. vii. 17. Varro de
L. L. 5, 81. Cic. in Corn.
pro Sest. 35, 79. Momms. R.
St. ii. 261-318.
Aediles.Dionys. vi. 90. Zonar.
15. Valer. Max. 22, 7- Momms.
R. St. ii. 462, sqq.
Struggles between plebs and patres.Liv. ii. 3440. Dionys. vii.
19-47; viii. 1-84 Plutarch G. Marcius (Coriol.).
Fabii.Dionys. ix. 15-27. Liv. ii. 48-50.
Appius Herdonius. Liv. iii. 15-18. Dionys. x. 14, 16, 37.
Spurius Cassius.Liv. ii. 41. Dionys. vi.
95 ; viii. 68-87. Festus.
Lex Publilia.Liv. ii. 56-60. Dionys. ix. 39-43.
Lex Terentilia.Liv. iii.
Decemvirate and Valerio-Horatian laws.

Liv. iii. 33-58. Dionys. x.

54-60 ; xi. 1-49.
Twelve Tables,
Schwegler R. G. iii. 1-47
Bruns fontes,
Dirksen's Review of the Explanations of XII. Tables, Schmitz
Comitia TributaMommsen (R. St. iii. 322, sq. ; Romische Forsch-
ungen, i. 165) holds that Roman writers confused the comitia
populi tributa with the concilium plebis tributum. Strachan-
Davidson (Historical Revieiv,
209, sq.) suggests a third view,
Union of the plebeiansLex Canuleia, 445 B.C.Military tribunes
with consular powersCensorship, 435 B.C.

421 B.C. Bitter resistance of the nobilitySocial distress

Attempted remediesLicinio-Sextian lawsDeath-blows of the

old aristocracyUtility of the Licinio-Sextian lawsNew
aristocracy and new oppositionIncrease of the powers of
burgessesDecreasing importance of the comitiaSubdivision
and diminution of the consular powerChanged character of the
tribunateThe senate all-powerful.
The contest between the patricians and plebeians was not
yet ended. For two hundred years the bitter strife con-
each successive struggle wrested from the old
aristocracy one or more of their deai'ly loved privileges,
until at last not one remained, save that which birth alone
gives and nought can take away, the exclusive pride of
caste. To present a continuous history of the internal
strife of parties, it will be necessary to confine this chapter
to a narrative of the inner life of Rome, and to summarize
as briefly as possible the events of each blow to the
patrician power, and the results of the conflict as a whole.
The history of Rome's foreign relations, although they
exercised no slight influence on her internal discord, must
be reserved for another place.
Social discontent, rather than political, had given rise
to the tribunician movement, a movement viewed with
suspicion by wealthy plebeians as well as by patricians.
Doubtless some of the leading plebeians had supported
their less powerful brethren in the struggle, whether from
motives of justice or self-interest. But, now that the
office of tribune was firmly established, the whole ple-
beian body, comprising both those wealthier families who
had already become members of the senate, and the
general mass of the citizens, became firmly united together,
and used the tribunate as a lever to remove the political
disabilities of their order. The first blow was dealt by
the Canuleian law in 445 B.C. This law
legalized the
validity of marriage between a patrician and plebeian,
giving the children of such a marriage the rank of their
It further created six military tribunes in
the place of consuls, with consular powers and consular
duration of office, whose election was intrusted to the
centuries. This office was open alike to plebeians and
patricians. As the creation of this magistracy was doubt-
less a compromise between the claim of the plebeians to
be admitted to the consulship and the opposition of the
patricians, we must seek for some reason why the patri-
cians practically conceded the claim of the plebeians, but
changed the form of the consulate to that of a military
tribunate. Certain honorary distinctions were associated
with the holding of the consular power, such as the honour
of a triumph, and the ius imaginum, or right which
allowed a consul's descendants to set up their ancestor's
image in the family hall, and to exhibit it on certain
occasions in public. These honours were not allowed to
the military tribunes. Further, a plebeian military tribune
did not have the right of speech in the senate, which
would of necessity have belonged to plebeian consuls
since the opinion of all chosen to fill the office of consul,
and of all who had filled it, had to be asked before that of
the other senators. It must be specially noted that the
old patrician consuls were not abolished by this new office
indeed, every year the struggle was renewed as to whether
military tribunes or patrician consuls should be elected.
During the period of nearly eighty years, i.e. from 444 B.C.
to the throwing open of the consulship to the plebeians by
the Licinian law in 367 B.C., we find that the military
tribunes were elected fifty times, and the patrician consuls
twenty-three times. The miserable shifts by which the
patricians thus sought to baffle their opponents found
further expression in the creation of the censorship in
435 B.C. The two officers, or "valuers" (censores), thus
created, were chosen from the patricians, and held office
for a period of not more than eighteen months. They had
charge of the registration of the whole body of citizens for
the purposes of taxation, and the duty of ascertaining the age
and property of each man, and of assigning him his proper
position on the burgess-roll. This task had hitherto been
managed by the consuls every fourth year. The censor-
ship, although at this period lacking its rubsequent im-
portance and moral supremacy, from its influence in filling
up the vacancies in the senate and the equites, and from
its power to remove persons from the lists of senators,
equites, and burgesses, came to be regarded as the palla-
dium of the aristocracy. The second great victory over
the patricians was gained in 421 B.C., when the quaestor-
ship was thrown open to the plebeians. Hitherto the
consuls had nominated the two city quaestors, who had
charge of the public money : their election was now trans-
ferred to the same body which elected their two colleagues
who had charge of the military chest (cf.
60). Thus
the plebeians became eligible for the first time to one of
the ordinary magistracies, although we do not find that
they were able to avail themselves of this privilege until
409 B.C., when they secured three places out of the four.
In their bitter resistance to the plebs the aristocracy had
resort to every artifice which could influence elections;
the aristocratic colleges of priests, under the guise of
religion, seconded the bribery and intimidation freely
practised on the electorate. Laws could be arrested,
elections made null and void, by the convenient discovery
of portentous omens, whether from the flight of birds or
other phenomena. The blood of Rome's best and bravest
citizens was shed in the vain hope of stemming the tide
of plebeian victory. We have already
the fall of Cassius ; to the same list of judicial murders
must be added the names of Spurius Maelius and Marcus
Manlius. The first of these, in a time of great distress
(b.c. 439) sold corn at greatly reduced prices for the
benefit of the sufferers. This roused the ire of the patri-
(praefectus annonae), Gaius Minu-
fius. The old cry of
king" was raised, and Maelius fell
by the hand of the master of the hnrse, Gaius Servilius
Ahala, because he refused to obey the summons of the
dictator Lucius Quinctius Cineinnatus. The house of
Maelius was pulled down, and the corn from his granaries
distributed among the people. The second victim was
Marcus Manlius, whose name, as the saviour of the Capitol
during the Gallic siege, was specially dear to the Roman
people. The same evils which had roused Spurius Cassius
now wrung the heart of his ill-fated successor. The
mismanagement of the state lands, the evil system of
credit, and the misery of the decaying farmers still called
loudly for reform. Assignations of conquered territory
had, indeed, been made, notably in the case of lands taken
from Ardea in 412 B.C., from Labici in 418 B.C., and from
Veii in 393 B.C., but the relief thus afforded was by no
means adequate. Attempts had been made, moreover, to
revive the law of Cassiusas, for instance, the proposal of
Spurius Maecilius and Spurius Metilius in 417 B.C. to
distribute all the state land ; but all such efforts had met
with the same success as that of Spurius Cassius. No
better fate befell the patrician Marcus Manlius. His noble
generosity in freeing with his own money a brave officer,
who was about to be led away to a debtor's prison, and
his bold utterance that such iniquities should not occur
as long as he had a foot of land to sell, roused against
him the hatred of the aristocrats and the blind credulity
and fanaticism of the multitude. The brave champion of
the oppressed was tried for high treason, and condemned
to death by those whom he had vainly tried to free, in
384 B.C. ; and thus once more the charge of aiming at
royal power exercised its deadly charm. Despite the
constant acquisition of fresh territory by successful wars,
the social distress among the farmers only deepened ; and
the severe war with Veii from 406-396 B.C., when the
soldiers remained under arms both summer and winter,
coupled with the burning of Rome by the Gauls in 390
B.C., added fresh horrors to the widespread misery.
At last
solution of the troubles arising from political
discontent and social wretchedness sprang out of the
combination of the chief plebeians with the farmers.
This solution was found in the famous proposals brought
forward in 377 B.C. by the tribunes Gaius Licinius and
Lucius Sextius. Their proposals were,
that the
military tribunes should be abolished, and that at least
one of the consuls should be a plebeian
; (2)
that plebeians
should be admitted to one of the three great priest-colleges,
viz. that of the decemviri (hitherto duoviri) sacris faci-
undis, or custodians of the oracles
; (3)
that no one should
keep on the common pasture-land more than a hundred
oxen and five hundred sheep, or hold more than five
hundred jugera (about three hundred acres) of the state
lands left free for occupation
that every landlord
should be obliged to employ in land cultivation a certain
number of frue labourers, in proportion to that of his
rural slaves
that debtors should be relieved by the
deduction of the intei'est already paid from the capital,
and by arranging set terms for the payment of arrears.
The three watch- words of this great movement were
clearly the abolition of privilege, social reform, civil
equality. The hereditary distinctions associated with the
curule magistracy, the right to speak in the senate-house,
p. 45),
the possession of spiritual dignities, were no
longer to be the exclusive property of the nobles. Social
distress was to be relieved, and the poorest burgess was
to have his rightful share in those lands from which the
selfishness of the rich had so long excluded him. That
the patricians struggled hard to prevent these proposals
becoming law is not surprising ; but that they were
passed, after a struggle of eleven years, in 367 B.C., proves
the strength of the united forces of the farmers and rich
plebeians. The passing of these laws was marked by the
founding of a temple of concord at the foot of the Capitol
the last act of the aged warrior and statesman Marcus
Furius Camillus, who perhaps trusted that the struggle,
too long continued, was now at an end. But the patrician
spirit still showed itself in the creation of a third consul,
or, as he was usually called, a praetor. However, this
office among others was thrown open to the plebeians in
337 B.C., having remained in the hands of the aristocracy
only twenty-nine years. The last blows which destroyed
aristocratic exclusiveness were
that by which the
dictatorship was thrown open to the plebeians in 356 B.C.
that which gave the plebeians access to the censorship
in 351 B.C.;
that dealt by the Publilian law in 339 B.C.,
which ordained that at least one of the censors must be a
plebeian, and which rendered it impossible for the senate
to reject a decree of the community. The result of this
was that the senate had to give their consent before-
hand to any measures which might be passed by the
comitia tributa.
The next blow, aimed at the religious
privileges of the patricians, fell later. In 300 B.C., the
Ogulnian law increased the number of pontifices from five
to eight, and that of the augurs from six to nine, and
distributed the stalls in the two colleges between the
patricians and plebeians.
Lastly, owing to another
secession of the plebs, the final blow was given by the law
of the dictator Quintus Hortensius, in 287 B.C. This law
declared that the decrees of the plebs, passed in their
tribal assembly, should have equal force with the decrees
of the whole populus, or community. Thus it was brought
about that those very burgesses, who had once exclusively
possessed the right of voting, no longer had even a vote
in that assembly whose resolutions were binding on the
whole state.
The end had at last come to a strife of two hundred
years. The clan nobility, as such, was no longer apolitical
factor in the Roman Republic; but, although its power and
privileges were gone, its exclusive patrician spirit was
ever a disturbing element of discontent in the public and
private life of Rome.
To understand rightly the history
of Rome in the fifth and sixth centuries, we must never
overlook this sulking patricianism ; it could, indeed, do
little more than irritate itself and others, but this it did
to the best of its ability."
It remains for us to estimate the result of these changes,
as to whether they checked social distress and established
political equality.
With regard to the first point, we should first consider
what relief was really given by the Licinio-Sextian laws,
passed in 367 B.C. No doubt a substantial benefit was
conferred upon the small farmer and free labourer by the
provisions of these laws, and this benefit was the more
felt as long as the regulations touching the maximum of
public land held by individuals, and the number of cattle
grazing on the public pasture, were strictly enforced. But
it is obvious that no legislation could really check the
system of large estates, or the employment of slave-labour,
without at the same time shaking the foundations of the
civil organization of that time, in a way that would entail
far-reaching consequences. Again, the maximum fixed
as to occupation of domain-land and the grazing of flocks
and herds was a high one, and in effect was a concession
to the wealthy, whose tenure, although liable to certain
restrictions, acquired a certain legal sanction. Moreover,
these laws provided no better means than had previously
existed for the collection of the pasture-tax and the tenths
or 6fths. No officer was appointed to revise the list of
those already holding such land, nor to ensure that, in
case of fresh territorial acquisitions, a distribution should
at once be made, nor to secure to those who already were
in possession, or should be so in future, full ownership.
The absence of these provisions, which the necessities of
the case demanded, is in itself suspicious. It seems only
too probable that the plebeian aristocracy, at whose in-
stance these laws were proposed, regarded their own selfish
interests rather than those of the poorer citizens. Indeed,
Gaius Licinius Stolo, one of the authors of these laws,
was among the first to be condemned for having exceeded
the maximum of land. Still some real good was done,
and other measures followed, of a beneBcial character. In
357 B.C., a tax was imposed by the Manlian law on the
manumissions of slaves
this was the first direct tax upon
the rich, and its object was to check the undesirable
multiplication of freedmen. Moreover, the usury laws
established by the Twelve Tables
were rendered
more stringent, and the maximum of interest, which the
law of Duilius Maenius had fixed at ten per cent, in 357
B.C., was lowered to five percent, ten years later; and later
on, the Genucian law in 342 B.C. forbade the taking of
interest altogether. This foolish law, though it remained
formally in force, was practically inoperative ; but the
maximum of interest at a rate of five or six per cent,
would, at this period, represent the usual rate of twelve
per cent., which obtained in later times. More important
were the restrictions introduced by the Paetelian and
Papirian law of 326 B.C. : by this law, no citizen of Rome
could be led away to prison for debt until he had been
sentenced by jurymen ; and the debtor could, after declar-
ing on oath that he was solvent, save his personal freedom
by giving up his property. Notwithstanding these measures
we have clear proof that the distress of the middle class
still continued. The appointment of a board to advance
money (quinqueviri mensarii) in 352 B.C., the violent in-
surrection and secession of the plebs to the Janiculum in
287 B.C., and the concessions thereby obtained, all point
to the same fact. The real relief came not from legisla-
tion, but from the successes of Rome, and the necessity
of sending out large colonies to consolidate tie Roman
rale in Italy. Added to this, the general increase of
prosperity from successful war and commerce, and the
flourishing condition of the state finances, must have
lightened the burdens, of the farmers, and diffused material
well-being among the whole community.
Again, as to the second point, political equality was now
practically attained. In the eye of the law, atr least, all
arbitrary distinctions were abolished. The different gra-
dations, which age, wisdom, and wealth always produce
in society, were lessened by the system that pervaded
Roman life. That system aimed rather at a uniform level
of ability, than at bringing into prominence those more
highly gifted. Rich and poor alike lived frugal lives,
avoiding even the luxury of silver plate. From the last
war with Veii down to that against Pyrrhus, the farmers
played a more important part than the old patriciate: the
exploits of a plebeian, like Decins, and of a poor farmer,
like Manius Curius, now began to
take equal rank with,
and even eclipse, those of the noblest aristocrat. But,
great as the strides to this republican equality were, the
government still remained aristocratic. The mere opening
of state magistracies to the humblest and poorest burgess
does not remove the difficulties which always hinder the
rise of a man from the ranks. Moreover, a new aristocracy,
consisting of the wealthy plebeians, had existed from the
first, and now developed fresh powers. Their policy had
always followed lines distinct from, and often
oppos< d to,
that of the plebs. This new aristocracy coalesced
the old patriciate, and largely adopted its views, and soon
practically took its place. A natural result of this develop-
ment was the rise of a new opposition. This new demo-
cratic party was formed no longer of plebeians, as such,
but of the lower classes and the small farmers. But,
fortunately for Rome, her struggles with foreign foes
caused the leaders of the two new state parties to forego
their quarrels in the face of a common danger; and thus
we find the patrician Appius Claudius uniting with his
personal foe, the farmer Manius Curius, for the purpose
of crushing Pyrrhus.
The breach was already formed
but the adversaries still shook hands across it."
Finally, let us consider what effect the political abo-
lition of the old nobility had upon the relations between
the burgesses, the magistrates, and the senate. It has been
already pointed out that the Hortensian law in 287 B.C.
had given great powers to the comitia tributa ; and
that in this assembly all voted ou a footing of equality,
without reference to their means, thus differing from
the practice in the comitia centuriata. The censor,
Appius Claudius, in 312 B.C., even struck a blow at the
old freehold basis of suffrage, and allowed landless
citizens to be enrolled in the tribes. His action was,
however, greatly limited by Quintus Fabius Rullianus,
the conqueror of the Samnites, in 304 B.C. He incor-
porated all free men who had no land, and also all
freedmen whose landed property was under thirty thou-
sand sesterces
in the four city tribes. But he
reserved the rural tribes, whose number gradually increased
from seventeen to thirty-one, for all freeborn freeholders,
and for those freedmen whose estate exceeded thirty
thousand sesterces in value. Thus he gave a great pre-
ponderance of power in the two assemblies of the citizens
to the holders of land and wealth, and he placed a check
upon the increasing importance of the freedmen. Although
the powers of the burgess assemblies were increased in
certain directions, chiefly with respect to the number of
magistrates nominated by them, they did not as a rule
interfere with the administration of government. They
kept a firm hold on their right to declare war, and oc-
casionally settled disputes between the governing powers,
when appealed to by the disputants, and in 390 B.C. they
even annulled a decree of the senate. The Hortensian
law probably marks the extension of the powers of the
comitia tributa, w
hich came to be consulted as to the
conclusion of peace and alliances. Still, the influence of
these assemblies on public affairs towards the close of this
period began to wane. This was mainly due to the ex-
tension of the bounds of Rome, whose burgess-body no
longer composed a city, but a state. Thus the interest
felt in their proceedings on ordinary occasions was com-
paratively slight, inasmuch as only those residing in the
capital as a rule attended. Moreover, the magistrate
who convoked the assembly could prevent all discussion
hence the assemblies became mere instruments in his
hands, and played a passive part, neither helping nor
hindering the administration of the government.
With regard to the Roman magistrates, a great loss of
power was the outcome of party contests. The close of
the struggle left the consular power subdivided and
weakened. Jurisdiction, city police, election of senators
and equites, the census and financial administration, were
all transferred to magistrates elected by the community,
and occupying a position co-ordinate with, rather than
subordinate to, the consuls. Further, although the consul-
ship ranked higher than the praetorship, aedileship, and
quaestorship, it ranked below the censorship, which office
now exercised a
wholly arbitrary control over the entire
community and every individual burgess. In addition
to this creation of collateral standing offices fuch as
the praetorship, the senate now annually defined, though
it did not directly assign, the different departments (pro-
vinciae) of the consuls
and the senate no longer allowed
the consuls to conclude peace, without first receiving in-
structions from the assembled senators. Lastly, the senate
could in emergencies suspend a consul by creating a
dictator ; and, although nominally designated by the
consul, the consul elect was, as a rule, really chosen by
the senate. Even the dictator's power was no longer
regarded as absolute and unlimited. The definition of the
functions of the dictator, as of that of the consul and other
magistrates, came to be regarded as a
necessity. Thus we find in 363 B.C., and again in 351
B.C., a dictator appointed for a special and limited duty,
such as the performance of a religious ceremony. More-
over, restrictions were imposed in 342 B.C. by plebis-
cites, enacting that no one should hold two magistracies
in the same year, and that the same man should not
hold the same office twice within a period of ten years.
Later, again, in 265 b.c, the Marcian law forbade any one
holding the censorship twice. Although the rule forbid-
ing pluralism, i.e. the holding of two offices at the same
time, was strictly observed, we frequently find instances
of a relaxation of the other restriction. Thus Quintus
Fabius Rullianus was five times consul in eight and twenty
years, and Marcns Valerius Corvus (370-271 B.C.) held
the consulship six timesthe first in his twenty-third,
and the last in his seventy-second year. The change,
which thus transformed the supreme power of the state
into a limited magistracy with definite functions, also
affected the tribunate. Now that this office had accom-
plished the purpose for which it had been used, by securing
the abolition of the legal disabilities of the commons and
of the privileges of the old nobility, the original object of
the tribunate as counsel and protector of the humblest
and weakest was as odious to the new plebeian aristocracy
as it had been to the patrician. Therefore, under the new
organization the office lost its old character of a weapon of
opposition, and became an instrument of government.
The tribunes no longer sat on a bench at the door of the
senate-house, but took their seats by the side of the other
magistrates, and took part in the discussions. Like the
other acting magistrates, they did not during their year of
office vote in the senate, but they had the right of con-
voking it, of consulting it, and of procuring decrees from
it. Thus, by becoming magistrates of the state, the tribunes
for the time lost their old revolutionary and obstructive
character, and paved the way for the steady growth of the
power of the new aristocracy
indeed, the tribunes were,
as a rule, members of that body. Yet the preservation
and the associations of the name of tribunate, might
well forbode danger in the future.
For the moment,
however, and for a long time to come, the aristocracy
was so absolutely powerful, and so completely possessed
control over the tribunate, that no trace is to be met
with of a collegiate opposition on the part of the tribunes
to the senate." What opposition did arise came from
single independent tribunes, and was easily crushed, often
by the aid of the tribune-college itself.
The real governing power became vested in the senate.
The Ovinian law, probably passed soon after the Sexto-
Licinian laws, regulated the composition of that body. All
who had been curule aediles, praetors, or consuls became
members. The action of the censors was in this way
greatly restricted, although it was still their duty to fill
up all the vacancies which remained after the above-
mentioned officers had been placed on the senatorial roll.
Even in making this selection the censors were bound by
oath to choose all the best citizens. Moreover, usage, if
not law, seemed to have ordained that burgesses, who had
filled a non-curule office, or who were eminent for personal
valour, or who had saved the life of a fellow-citizen, should
be selected for the honour. Those thus chosen by the
censor voted, but took no part in debate, and thus were
senatores pedarii (cf.
p. 45). The main part of the senate,
whose election was determined by the Ovinian law, and
not by the selection of the censors, and who held the reins
of government, were in this way indirectly elected by the
The Roman government in this way made some
approach to, although it did not reach, the great institu-
tion of modern times, representative popular government,
while the aggregate of the non-debating senators furnished
what it is so necessary, and yet so difficult to get in
governing corporations a compact mass of members,
capable of forming and entitled to pronounce an opinion,
but voting in silence." No magistrate submitted a pro-
posal to the people without, or in opposition to, the senate's
if he
did so, the senate, by means of the vetoing
power of the magistrates and the annulling powers of the
priests, easily thwarted him
and in extreme cases the
senate could refuse to execute the decrees of the people.
Through the presiding magistrate the senate practically
exerted a paramount influence on the elections, and, as
was shown above in the case of the consuls, bore no small
part in settling what was to be the special sphere of the
elected magistrates. Further, the senate acquired the
right, which by law belonged only to the community, of
extending the term of office to the consul or praetor, acting
outside the city's limits ; and the consul or praetor, whose
term was thus prolonged, was said to be acting
in a
consul's or praetor's stead
(pro consule, pro praetore).
From the year 307 B.C. the term of the commander-in-
chief was regularly prolonged by a mere decree of the
eenate. Finally, as regards administration, war, peace,
and alliances, the founding of colonies, the assignation of
lands, and the whole system of finance, the senate became
practically supreme. Great as the powers entrusted to
the senate were, the senate proved fully worthy of the
trust. Although it is clear that the steps above described
arrested the free action of the burgesses, and reduced the
magistrates to mere executors of the senate s will, the
assembly, by
its ability to govern, justified its usurpation
of power. Its members owed their position to merit and
the people's choice, not to birth
those unworthy of their
high position were liable to removal by the censors every
fifth year. Their life-tenure of office freed them from the
necessity of trimming their sails to the shifting breeze of
public opinion, and gave them a complete control over the
executive magistrates, whose office annually changed
hands. This continuity of existence rendered possible a
firm, unwavering, and patriotic foreign policy; and never
was a state more firmly and worthily represented in its
external relations than Rome in its best times by its
senate. We cannot deny that, in matters of internal ad-
ministration, the senate too often favoured the selfish
interests of the moneyed and landed aristocracy, which
was largely represented in that body. But, when we
consider its conduct as a whole, we mnst allow that
Roman senate was the noblest organ of the nation, and in
consistency and political sagacity, in unanimity and pa-
triotism, in grasp of power, and unwavering courage, the
foremost political corporation of all timesstill even now
"an assembly of kings," which knew well how to combine
despotic energy with republican self-devotion.
Lex Canuleia. Liv. iv.
Military tribunes cons. pot.Liv. iv.
7, 12, 55. Dionys. ii. 60-63.
Momms. R. St. ii. 173-184.

Liv. iv. 8. Momms. R. St. ii. 319, sqq.

Quaestorship thrown open.Liv. iv. 43.
Spurius Maelius. Liv. iv. 13,
Spurius Maecilius.Liv. iv. 48.
Marcus Manlius.Liv. vi. 11-20.
Veientine war.Liv. iv. 60-v. 22.
Licinio-Sextian laws.Liv. vi. 35-42. Appian B. C. i. 8. Marq. Stv.
Praetor.Liv. vi. 42
vii. 1.
Victories ofplebs.Liv.
17, 22;
12, 15; ix. 6. Epit. 59.
Publilian laiu.Liv. viii. 12.
Ogulnian law.Liv. x.
Quintus Hortensius.

Pliny N. H. xvi. 10. Gell. xv. 27.

Gaius i. 3.
Appius Claudius and Quintus Rullianus.Liv. ix. 46.
Genucian law.Liv. vii. 42.
Papirian laws.Liv. viii. 28.
Quinqueviri mensarii. Liv. vii. 21.
plebs.Liv. Epit. 11.
Com. tributa.Liv. ii. 56. Dionys. vii.
59 ; ix. 41. Momms.
E. St.
iii. 340, sqq.
Plebiscites limiting number
magistracies. Liv. vii. 42.
Marcian law.Pint. Coriol. i. Valer. Max.
1. Liv. xxiii. 23.
Ovinian law.Liv. xxiii. 23. Festus, 246.
Proconsul.Liv. viii. 23
ix. 42
x. 22. Momms. R. St. i. 615-622.
On the difficulties connected with the Publilian and Hortensian laws,
cf. Strachan Davidson, Historical Review,
p. 210, etc.
Maritime supremacy of the allied Etruscans and Carthaginians

Etruscan subjugation of and expulsion from Latium. Effects of
victories at Salamis and HimeraRise of maritime power of
Tarentum and SyracuseWars between Rome and Veii
between Samnites and Campanian EtruscansCharacter of the
CeltsCeltic migrationsFall of Veii, 396 B.C.Celtic attack
and capture of RomeEffects of Celtic victory Conquest of
South Etruria by RomePacification of North Italy
Decline of
Etruria proper.
The last three chapters have been devoted to the internal
struggles of Rome, and their political results : we can
now turn to the external history both of Rome and of
Italy. Two notable events meet our eyesfirstly, the
collapse of the Etruscan power ; secondly, the incursions
of the Celts. The history of the rise of the Etruscans has
been given in the fifth chapter
it is here resnmed. About
500 B.C. they had reached their zenith of prosperity. Allied
with the Carthaginians, who were absolute masters of
Sardinia, and had a firm foothold in Sicily, they ruled the
Etruscan and Adriatic seas. Although Massilia retained
her independence, the seaports of Campania and of the
Volscian land, and the island of Corsica, were in the
hands of the Etruscans. The possession of Latium, which
interposed a firm barrier between Etruria proper and the
Tuscan settlements in Campania, was naturally of the
ntmost importance
and, for a short time, the conquest of
Rome by Lars Porsena in 507 B.C. seemed to open out a
prospect of the realization of Tuscan supremacy in Italy.
But the advance of the victorious Etruscans into Latium
received a check beneath the walls of Aricia, from the
timely succour of the people of Cuma3 in 506 B.C. The
end of this war is unknown
possibly the disgraceful
terms of the peace, which Rome had concluded with Lars
Porsena the previous year, were somewhat modified
for a time at least, Latium was in imminent danger of being
reduced to subjection by Etruscan arms. Fortunately,
however, for Rome, the main strength of the Etruscan
nation was diverted from Latium, and called to do battle
elsewhere ; while Veii and the neighbouring towns grappled
with Rome, the rest of the Etruscans were engaged in
another cause.
The arrest of Greek colonization by the combined
Etruscans and Carthaginians has been already described
a more deadly blow, on a far grander scale, if we may
believe tradition, threatened the whole Greek world.
The simultaneous defeat of the Persians at Salamis
and the Carthaginians at Himera by the rulers of Syra-
cuse and Agrigentum, Gelon and Theron, in 480 B.C.,
utterly crushed the great combination of Persians, Cartha-
ginians, and Etruscans against liberty and civilization.
Six years later, the Cumaeans and Hiero of Syracuse
vanquished the Etruscan fleet off Cumae ; and the rise of
Syracuse to the chief power in Sicily, and of Tarentum to
the leading position in the south of Italy, put an end to
the maritime supremacy of both Etruscans and Cartha-
ginians. Syracuse in 453 B.C. ravaged the island of Corsica
and the Etrurian coast, and occupied Aethalia ; and later,
in 415 to 413 B.C., the Athenian expedition against Syracuse.
which received support from Etruscan galleys, ended in
ignominious failure, and left Syracuse free to turn on her
old enemy with redoubled vigour. Dionysius, who reigned
from 406 to 367 B.C., founded Syracusan colonies on the
Illyrian coast at Lissus and the island of Issa, and on
the eastern coast of Italy at the ports of Ancona, Numana,
and Hatria ; thus ousting the Etruscans from the Adriatic.
In addition to this, he captured, in 358 B.C., Pyrgi, the rich
seaport of Caere, a blow from which the Etruscans never
recovered. Later, too, when the death of Dionysius and
the ensuing political troubles of Syracuse opened the way
to Carthaginian arms, we find that the revival of maritime
supremacy by Carthage brought no similar revival to their
old allies the Etruscans. On the contrary, the relations
between the two powers had become so strained, that in
310 B.C. Tuscan men-of-war assisted Agathocles of Syracuse
in his war against Carthage, and the old alliance was thus
severed. This rapid collapse of the naval power of the
Etruscans was due in great measure to the fact that, at
the same time that they were struggling with the Sicilian
Greeks by sea, they were assailed on all sides by foes on
land. During the period of the combination of Persians,
Carthaginians, and Etruscans, above alluded to, a bitter
war raged between Rome and Veii from 483 to 474 B.C.
This war is memorable for the extermination of the Fabian
clan at Cremera in 477 B.C., which clan, doubtless owing
to the party struggles, had voluntarily banished itself from
Rome, and undertaken the defence of the frontier. The
result of this war was so far favourable to Rome that
the Etruscans gave up Fidenae, and the district they had
won on the right bank of the Tiber Moreover, the
Samnites attacked the Etruscan settlements in Campania
Capua fell in 424 B.C., and the Etruscan population was
extirpated or expelled. But in northern Italy a new
nation was knocking at the gates of the Alps . it was the
Celts ; and the brunt of their inroad fell first upon the
The character of the Celtic nation, their origin, and the
part they played in Italian history at this period, now
claim our attention. Nature, though she lavished upon
the Celts her most brilliant gifts, had denied them those
more solid and enduring qualities which lead to the
highest human development, alike in morality and politics.
The mainspring of their life and action was a boundless
vanity. Whether we regard their chivalrous feats of
bravery, their impetuous generosity, and ready acceptance
of new impressions, or their want of perseverance, hatred
of discipline and order, constant discord, love of ostenta-
tion, and extreme instability,to all these many-sided
manifestations of the Celtic temperament egotism supplies
the key. They preferred a pastoral life to an agricultural,
and had none of that attachment to their native soil
which characterized the Italians and the Germans.
fondness for congregating in towns and villages did not
lead them to develop political constitutions. As a nation
they had little sense of unity
their individual communities
were equally deficient in sincere patriotism, consistent
purpose, and united effort. Ever ready to rove, they were
the true soldiers-of-fortune of antiquity, and possessed
all the qualities of good soldiers, hut of bad citizens,

qualities which explain the historical fact that the Celts

have shaken all states and founded none. "All their
enterprises melted away like snow in spring; and nowhere
did they create a great state, or develop a distinctive
culture of their own." Sprung from the same cradle as
the Hellenic, Italian, and Germanic peoples, the Celts at
a very early period settled in modern France
from there
they crossed over to Britain in the north, and in the south
passed the Pyrenees, and contested the possession of Spain
with the Iberian tribes. Our history is immediately
concerned with their movements in the opposite direction,
when, leaving their homes in the West, they retraced their
steps and poured over the Alps in ceaseless streams.
Their hordes, on passing the Graian Alps (the little St.
Bernard), first formed the Celtic canton of the Insubres,
with Mediolanum (Milan) as its capital. The canton of
the Cenomani, with the towns of Brixia (Brescia) and
Verona, soon followed. The Ligurians were dislodged, and
the possessions of the Etruscans on the left bank of the
Po were soon wrested from their grasp ; Melpum fell, and
soon the invaders crossed the Po, and assailed the Etruscans
and Umbrians in their original home. The Boii, and later
the Senones, were the chief assailants in this quarter:
the former took the Etruscan town Felsina, and changed
its name to Bononia ; the latter settled along the Adriatic
coast from Rimini to Ancona. Isolated roving bands no
doubt reached the borders of Etruria proper, and about
the middle of the fourth century the Tuscan nation were
practically restricted to that land, which still bears their
name. About the year 426 B.C., the Etruscans were thus
engaged in war with three enemies : in the north with the
encroaching Celts
in the south with the Samnites, who
had invaded Campania
and with the Romans. A fresh
outbreak of hostilities between Rome and Veii was due to
the revolt of the people of Fidenae, who had murdered
the Roman envoys and called in the help of Lars Tolum-
nius, king of Veii. This king was slain by the corsul
Aulus Cornelius Cossus, and the war ended favourably to
the Romans. After a truce, daring which the position of
Etruria grew moi'e and more critical, war broke out again
in 406 B.C. between Rome and Veii : the latter received
support from Capena and Falerii, but, owing to their
struggles with the Celts, and their dislike for the regal
form of government in Veii, the Etruscan nation as a
whole gave no aid to the hard-pressed Veientines. The
city fell in 396 B.C., and was destroyed by the triumphant
Romans, to whom the heroism of Marcus Furius Camillus
had first opened up the brilliant and perilous career of
foreign conquest.
Tradition tells us that Melpum and
Veii fell on the same day
whether this be so or not,
the double assault from the north and the south, and
the fall of the two frontier strongholds, were the beginning
of the end of the great Etruscan nation." For a momeut,
however, it seemed as if the folly of Rome was destined
to turn aside from the head of the Etruscans the sword of
the foreign barbarian. In 391 B.C., Clusium, situated in
the heart of Etruria, was hard pressed by the Celtic
Senones ; so low was Tuscan pride, that Clusium
aid from the destroyers of Veii. Rome, however, in place
of substantial help, despatched envoys, who attempted to
impose on the Celts by haughty language
when this
failed, the envoys violated the law of nations by fighting
in the ranks of the men of Clusium. To the demand of
the barbarians for the surrender of these envoys the
Romans refused to listen. Then the Brennus, or king of
the Gallic host, abandoned the siege of Clusium, and turned
against Rome. The battle of the Allia in 390 B.C., and
the capture and destruction of Rome, taught the Romans
a bitter lesson. The horrors of this catastrophe, the
burning of the city, the saving of the Capitol by the
sacred geese and the brave Marcus Manlius, the scornful
throwing down into the scale of the Gallic sword, have
left a lasting impression on the imagination of posterity
but the victory of the Gauls had no permanent conse-
quencesnay, it only served to knit more closely the ties
of union between
Latium and rebuilt Rome. The Gauls
often returned to Latium during this century.
indeed, crowned his great career by defeating them at
Alba in 367 B.C. ; the dictator Gaius Sulpicius Peticus
routed a Gallic host in 358 B.C., and, eight years later,
Lucius Furius Camillus, the son of the celebrated general,
dislodged the Gauls from the Alban mount, where they
had encamped during the winter. But these plundering
incursions only served to make all Italy regard Rome as
the bulwark against the barbarians, and thus to further
her claim, not only to supremacy in Italy, but also to
universal empire. The Etruscans had attempted to recover
what they had lost in the Veientine war, while the Celts
were assailing Rome. When the barbarians had departed,
Rome turned once more on her old enemy. The whole of
southern Etruria, as far as the Ciminian range, passed
into Roman hands, and the advanced frontier line was
secured by the fortresses of Sutrium and Nepete, estab-
lished respectively in 383 and 373 B.C. Moreover, four
new tribes were formed in the territories of Veii, Capena,
and Falerii, in 387 B.C., and the whole country became
rapidly Romanized. A revolt of Tarquinii, Falerii, and
Caere, about 358 B.C., against Roman aggression was soon
crushed; and Caere had to cede half its territory, and
withdraw from the Etruscan league. The relation of
political subjection in which Caere stood to Rome was
citizenship without the power of voting" (civitas
sine suffragio)
thus the state lost its freedom, but could
still administer its own affairs. This occurred in 351 B.C.;
and eight years later Falerii withdrew from the Etruscan
league, and became a perpetual ally of Rome. Thus the
whole of southern Etruria became subject to Roman
Gradually the conflicts in northern Italy ceased, and
the various nations settled side by side within more
defined limits. The stream of Celtic immigrations over
the Alps flowed back
whether from the desperate efforts
of the Etruscans, and the strong barrier of the Romans,
or from some causes operating On the other side of
the Alps, we cannot determine. In a general way the
Celts now rulel between the Alps and the Apennines,
and as far south as the Abruzzi : but their dominion did
not sink deep into the land, nor had it the character of
exclusive possession. It is certain that the Etruscans
still remained in the modern Grisons and Tyrol, the
Umbrians in the Apennine valleys, the Veneti in the
north-eastern valley of the Po, and the Ligurian tribes in
the western mountains, dividing Celt-land proper from
Etruria. Even in the flat country occupied by the Celts
Etruscan settlements still existed. Mantua was a Tuscan
city even in the days of the empire, as also was Hatria
on the Po
and Etruscan corsairs still rendered the
Adriatic unsafe far on into the fifth century. Further,
although mere fragments of the former supremacy of the
Etruscans were now left in these districts, such civilization
as we find among the Celts and Alpine peoples was due to
Tuscan influence. To this we must ascribe the fact that
the Celts in the plains of Lombardy abandoned their
roving warrior-life, and permanently settled in that district.
But the Etruscan nation was now hemmed in on all sides.
Its possessions in Campania, and in the district north of
the Apennines and south of the Ciminian forest, were lost
for everits day of power had passed away. Socially
and politically the whole nation had completely degene-
rated. Unbounded luxury and gross immorality had eaten
out the heart of the people. Gladiatorial combats
came into vogue among the Etruscans
sensual indulgence
of every sort sapped the nation's vigour. The abolition
of royalty, which had been carried out in every city about
the time of the siege of Veii, introduced the worst form
of aristocratic government. The federal bond had always
exercised but little restraint ; now the abuse of power by
the nobles caused social revolution and bitter distress.
When the aristocrats of Arretium in 301 B.C., and of
Volsinii in 266 B.C., called in the Romans to put an end
to the disorder, the Romans answered the call-in such a
way as to extinguish the lingering sparks of independence.
The energies of the nation were broken from the day of
Veii and of Melpum. Earnest attempts were still once or
twice made to escape from the Roman supremacy, but in
these instances tbe stimulus was communicated to the
Etruscans from withoutfrom another Italian stock, the
Himera.Plut. Camill. 138. Timol. 23.
Dionysius and Agathocles.

Polyb. i.
6, 7, 82
ii. 39
viii. 12
ix. 23
xii. 4, 10, 15
xv. 35.
Capua taken by Samnites.

Liv. iv. 37.

Celts.Polyb. "ii. 17-22, 32-35; iii.
70, 79. Liv. v. 33-55.
xiii. 6-12.
Celts.Liv. vi. 42
vii. 12-15, 25-26.
South Etruria.

Liv. vi. 3-10. Dionys. xii. 10-15.


Liv. vii. 17-20, 38.

Arretiwm.Liv. viii. 3-5.
MeVpum.Pbn. N. H. iii. V,
Encroachment on the rights of the Latins by RomeExtension of
Roman and Latin territory by wars with the Sabines, Aequi, and
VolsciLeague with the HeiniciRevolt of Latin towns against
RomeClosing of the Latin confederationPractical subjection
ofLatiumEarly history of the Umbro-Sabellian migrations
The SamnitesTheir political development and conquests in
southern ItalyTheir relations with the GreeksThe Cam-
panian SamnitesSamnium properFirst collision with Rome
Revolt of the Latins and Campanians against RomeBattle of
Trifanum, 340 B.C.Its effectsOutbreak of thirty-seven years'
war between Samnium and RomePart played by Tarentum,
the Etruscans, central Italy, and the GaulsBattles of Sentinum
and AquiloniaComplete triumph of Rome.
We have now reached a turning-point in the fortunes
of Rome. In the last chapter it was shown that she had
abandoned her old defensive attitude towards Etruria,
and had succeeded in annexing the southern portion of
that country, and in repelling the restless Celtic hordes.
Her next foes are no longer foreign intruders, but men
of her own stock, or of Italian
We may briefly summarize the steps by which Rome
became mistress of Italy as follows :
The subjuga-
tion of the Latins and Campanians.
The gallant
of the Samnites, both on their own behalf and
on behalf of the rest of the still independent Italians.
invasion and defeat of Pyrrhus. With regard to the
point, we must for a moment revert to the old posi-
of Rome in Latium, as exercising a hegemony, based
complete equality between the Roman state on the
one hand and the Latin confederacy on the other. That
these relations were violently shaken by the abolition of
the monarchy at Rome we know from tradition, which
has painted in glowing colours the victory at Lake
Regillus, gained by the Romans about 499 B.C. More
certain proof is afforded by the renewal of the perpetual
league between Rome and Latium by Spurius Cassius
six years later. At what time the rest of Latium fol-
lowed Rome's lead and abolished the regal power we do
not know, but probably this took place at an early period.
Although we are without definite information on each
point, it is easy to understand how the basis of equal
rights soon became impracticable ; how Rome not only
bore the brunt of most of the wars, but also naturally
appropriated the substantial fruits of the victories ; how
she not only decided the question of war or peace, but
practically appointed from her own body the federal
generals and chief officers, and assumed the direction of
every campaign, and how in founding colonies she supplied
most of the colonists. Although the public rights of the
federal Latins were thus encroached upon, their private
rights remained the same. To whatever federal town a
Latin migrated, he was a passive burgess (municeps),
could hold property, marry, make wills ; and, though not
eligible for office, he shared in all other political rights
and duties, and could vote in the comitia tributa, if not
in the other assemblies. Long before the allied Latins
dared to penetrate Etruria, they successfully extended
their power towards the east and south. The Sabines
between the Tiber and Anio offered but a feeble resistance
to the confederate arms, possibly owing to the fact that
the Sabine hordes were pouring into lower Italy. It was
not even found necessary to plant colonies in this Sabine
land to keep it in subjection. Their neighbours, the
Aequi, on the upper Anio, and the Volscians on the coast,
proved far tougher foes. In their constant struggles with
these two peoples, the Romans and Latins made it their
chief aim to sever the Aequi from the Volsci. This object
they partly obtained by planting Latin colonies at Cora,
Norba, and Signia, about 495 B.C., and still more by form-
ing a league with the Hernici in 486 B.C. ; the accession
of this state isolated the Volscians, and formed a bulwark
against the Sabellian tribes on the south and east. The
power of the Aequi was thus broken, but it was not till
the system uf fortresses or colonies had been extended
throughout the Volscian land that the Volsci ceased to
resist. Chief among these colonies were Velitrae, founded
in 49 i B.C., Suessa Pometia and Ardea in 442 B.C., Circeii in
393 B.C. ; and Bnally, after two great victories, won by the
dictator Camillus in 389 B.C., and the dictator Aulus Cor-
nelius Cossus in 385 B.C., the Pomptine territory was secured
by the founding of the fortresses Satricum in 385 B.C., and
Setia in 382 B.C., and the territory itself was distributed
into farm allotments and tribes about 383 B.C. These suc-
cesses of the league, which now embraced Rome, Latium,
and the Hernici, only rendered it more liable to disunion.
The allies felt all the more acutely the overshadowing
burden of Rome's inci'eased power, and were naturally
indignant at her overbearing acts of injustice. A glaring
instance of wrong was the appropriation by Rome of a
border territory between the lands of the people of Aricia
and Ardea, to which both cities laid claim, and had called
in Rome to act as arbiter in 446 B.C. Dissensions, owing
to this, arose in Ardea between the aristocratic party,
which held to Rome, and the popular party, which sided
with the Volscians. The chief cause of the disruption
of the league was the absence of a common foe. The
capture of Rome by the Celts, and the appropriation by
Rome of the Pomptine territory caused the most famous
Latin towns to break off from their alliance. Separate
wars, in consequence, occurred with the revolted towns

with Lanuvium, 383 B.C. ; Praeneste, 382-380 B.C. ; and

Tusculum, 381 B.C. The latter was reduced to the posi-
tion of a
municipality (municipium), and was incor-
porated in the Roman state with the full rights of Roman
citizenship, retaining certain powers of self-government.
This was the first instance of a municipium in its later
sense. In addition to these towns, Tibur, in 360 B.C., and
some of the colonies planted in Volscian land, such as
Velitrae and Circeii and Satricum, all revolted from
and Tibur even made common cause with the again
advancing Celtic hordes, whom the dictator Ahala de-
feated in 360 B.C. But, owing to the want of concert
between the various Latin cities, Rome subdued each
separately, and also proved victorious in the later and
severer struggle with her allies, the Hernicans, from 362-
358 B.C. In the latter year, the treaty between Rome and
the Latins and Hernicans was renewed, but the terms were
doubtless greatly to Rome's advantage.
To this period must be referred the closing of the Latin
confederation, which took place about 384 B.C. Probably
this was in no small degree the cause of the revolt of
Latium above described. The league, as now constituted,
included thirty towns with full Latin rights, some of
which were old Latin towns, viz. Nomentum, between the
Tiber and Anio ; Tibur, Gabii, Scaptia, Labici, Pedum
and Praeneste, between the Anio and the Alban hills
Corbio, Tusculum, Bovillae, Aricia, Corioli, and Lanuvium,
on the Alban range ; and lastly, Laurentum and Lavinium
in the plain by the coast. In addition, there were the
colonies founded by Rome and the Latin league, viz.
Ardea in the territory of the Rutuli, and Velitrae, Satri-
cum, Cora, Norba, Setia, and Circeii in what had been
Volscian territory. A second class of seventeen towns,
whose names are not known, had no right of voting, but
shared in the Latin festival. Such communities as were
subsequently founded, e.g. Sutrium, Nepete, Cales, and
Tarracina, were not incorporated in the league ; nor were
those communities whose independence was afterwards
taken away, such as Tusculum and Satricum, erased from
the list. The geographical limits of Latium were fixed
by the closing o'" the league. Moreover, in the case of all
Latin communities subsequently founded, right of com-
merce and marriage was granted to them only in relation
to Rome ; they could not enjoy the interchange of these
privileges with any other Latin community.
Further, all
special leagues between Latin communities, irrespective
of Rome, were for the future prevented, as being dan-
gerous to Rome's pre-eminence. Owing also to Rome's
influence, aediles were created in the Latin
and their constitutions were remodelled on the Roman
pattern. After the fall of Veii and the conquest of the
Pomptine land, Rome tightened the reins of government
over the practically subject Latins
and the exasperation
arising therefrom caused Latin volunteers to join foreign
foes in their conflicts with Rome; and, in 349 B.C., the
Latin league refused the Romans its regular contingent*
The defeat of the Aurunci and the capture of Sora
in 345 B.C. had advanced Roman arms to the Liris.
Thus Rome was brought into contact with the Samnites,
and the struggle with this brave people now claims our
attention. Before, however, we give the details of this
conflict, we must revert to the early movements of the
Umbro-Sabellian stocks.
With regard to the Umbrians and their movements
our information is of the most meagre kind. They
probably migrated into Italy at a later period than
the Latins, and, while moving south, kept in the centre
of the peninsula and along the east coast. At a remote
period they occupied the greater part of northern Italy;
and the Italian names of towns in the valley of the Po,
e.g. Hatria and Spina, and of other places in southern
Etruria, e.g. Camars, the old name of Clusium, the river
Umbro, etc., point to the fact that an Italian population
preceded the Etruscan alike in the valleys of the Po
and in southern Etruria (cf.
p. 31).
Inscriptions found
in the district of Falerii indicate that an Italian lan-
guage long kept its hold in that townan inference
which is supported by the statement of Strabo, and
the religious ceremonies of Falerii point in the same
direction. The probability that an Umbrian population
existed in southern Etruria after the Tuscan conquest is
supported by the remarkable rapidity with which that
part of Etruria became Latinized (cf.
32 and 81).
The pressure exerted on the Umbrians
by the victorious
Etruscans confined them in the narrow mountainous
country between the two arms of the Apennines, which
was called by their name, and also drove them south
along the mountainous ridges, as the plains were already
occupied by the Latins. The absorption of a Sabellian
element in the Roman community at an early period
marks the fact that during the progress south-
ward of the Umbro-Sabellian stocks such mixtnres often
took place ; and we infer from this circumstance, and
from the ease with which Sabina became Latinized, and
from the numerous relations between the Volscians and
that in remote times the Latins and Umbro-Sabel-
lians w
ere not markedly distinct in language and customs.
But the chief branch of the Umhrian stcck turned east-
ward from Sabina into the mountains of the Abruzzi and
the adjacent hill-country to the south. Owing to external
pressure the Sabines are said to have vowed a ver sacrum,
which oath bound all the children born in a particular
year of war to emigrate as soon as they reached maturity.
Owing to this the Safini, or Samnites, went forth from
the Sabine land, and settled first on the mountains near
the river Sagrus, and later in the plain on the east of the
Matese chain, near the sources of the Tifernus. The sign
that led them was the Ox of Mars, and in consequence
they named both the places of their public assembly
Bovianum. The Samnites were followed by other tribes
the Picentes, who occupied the district near Ancona, and
the Hirpini, who settled near Beneventum. Smaller tribes
also branched off, among wdiom were the Frentani on the
Apulian frontier, the Paeligni near the Majella mountains,
and the Marsi about lake Fucinus. Their secluded and
isolated position in mountain valleys and steep table-lands
not only protected these settlers from external assaults,
but also rendered all internal intercourse, whether com-
mercial or political, very difficult. Thus their communi-
ties never formed a single state, nor were their leagues
ever closely knit together. Cut off from the rest of Italy
and communicating but little with one another, despite
their bravery,
they exercised less influence than any
other portion of the Italian nation on the development of
the history of the peninsula." But the Samnites were an
exception to the other Sabellian tribes in their genius for
political development. The subsequent strength of the
Samnite nation proves that their league was of long
standing, though as to its formation we have no know-
ledge. No one community preponderated as Rome did in
Latium, and no one town served as a centre. The healthy
life of the Samnite nation of husbandmen was its strength
their assembly of representatives appointed in time of need
a federal commander-in-chief. The policy
they pursued
was the exact opposite of that of Rome. They
were con-
tent with the defence of their territory, and rarely sought
to enlarge it ; any new lands gained were the result of
adventurous bands who left their homes in search of
plunder, and were left to their own resources by
native state. Thus their gains were not direct gains to
the Samnite nation, while Rome secured every success by
a system of colonization. The movements of the Samnites
had hitherto been pai'tly checked by the Dannians, whose
town of Arpi had attained no small degree of prosperity
and power, but still more by the Greeks and Etruscms.
The rapid collapse of the Etruscans, and the decline of
the Greek colonies from 450-350 B.C., left them free to
march west and south. We have already narrated their
capture of Capua in 424 B.C. (cf.
p. 78) ;
four years later
they dealt a fatal blow to the Campanian Greeks by taking
Cumae. It is about this time that another Samnite stock,
called Lucanians, made its appearance in southern Italy.
The Lucanians proved too powerful for the demoralized
and, despite the united efforts of the chief Achaean
cities, who reconstructed their league in 393 B.C., in a very
short time but few Greek towns remained. Their speedy
downfall was due in great measure to the fact that
Dionysius the elder, of Syracuse., sided with the Lucanians
against his countrymen. Even Tarentum, powerful and
warlike as she was, was forced to turn for aid to her
mother country. Thus, at the period when Rome began
to advance southward, the Samnites and their kinsfolk
the Lucanians and Bruttians had practically swept over
the whole of southern Italy. Isolated Greek towns con-
tinued to exist, such as Tarentum, Thurii, Croton, Meta-
pontum, Heraclea, Rhegium, and Neapolis ; some of these
retained their independence. Other Greek cities, such as
Cumae, Posidonia, Laus, and Hipponium, were under
Samnite rule. In this way mixed populations arose
was specially the case with the bilingual Bruttii, and in a
lesser degree with the Samnites in Lucaniaand Campania.
The very extent of the Samnite conquests, owing to the
want of a settled policy, and of some bond by which the
Lucanians, Bruttians, and Samnites proper might be
closely united, proved a source of weakness rather than
strength. The space they occupied was out of proportion
to their numbers, and the hold they exercised over their
possessions was loose and insecure. Moreover, Greek
culture exercised a fatal influence on the Samnite nation.
Thus in Campania the Samnite population of Capua, Nola,
Nuceria, and Teanum adopted Greek manners, and a
Greek form
(if constitution. Capua became notorious for
its wealth and luxury, for its gladiatorial combats, and its
warlike, if dissolute, youth ; whose plundering excursions
to Sicily and other places had no small effect on the
history of Italy. The Campanian Samnitesespecially in
Capua, where Etruscan influences still lingeredthus com-
pletely changed their old habits of life
; and, though they
did not lose their love of enterprise and bravery, they were
nnable to resist the demoralizing influences with which
they were there smrounded. The same result in a lesser
degree is ebservable in the Lucanians and Bruttians.
Treasures of Greek art have been discovered in their
tombs, and they abandoned their old national mode of
writing for that of the Greeks. The stock inhabiting
Samnium proper alone retained its old character, and was
free from all the debasing effects of a superior but immoral
civilization. The Hellenized Samnites of Campania soon
learned to fear their hardier and purer kinsmen in Sam-
nium, who, pouring down from their mountain strong-
holds, ravaged the rich plains of their weaker brethren.
Roman interference sprung from this very cause. The
Sidicini in Teanum, and the Campanians in Capua, called
in Rome to protect them against the Samnites in 343 B.C.
When Rome at first refused, the Campanians offered to
submit to Roman supremacy
this offer was too tempting
to be rejected. Rome and Samnium, whether after a
campaign or not is doubtful, came to terms ; Capua was
left under Roman, and Teanum under Samnite sway, and
the upper Liris was left in Volscian hands. Both sides
were glad to lay down armsthe Samnites, because
Tarentum was threatening her Sabellian neighbours
Romans, because a fresh storm was brewing in Latium.
The old grievances of the Latin towns were aggravated
by the prospect of Roman rule extending to the south of
them, and once more they broke into open revolt. All
the original Latin communities, except the Laurentes,
took up arms against Rome
but all the Roman colonies
in Latium, except Velitrae, remained firm to the Roman
side. Capua seized the opportunity to get rid of Roman
rule, and other Campanian cities joined the revolted
Latins. The Volscians also felt that still another chance
was given them of recovering their liberty ; but the
Hernici and the Campanian aristocracy did not unite with
the insurgents. The battle of Trifanum in 340 B.C., gained
by Titus Manilas Torquatus over the joint forces of the
Latins and Campanians, broke the neck of the rebellion.
The old Latin league was dissolved in 338 B.C., and was
changed from a political federation into a mere association
for religious purposes. The Latin communities were
isolated from one another by the application to the whole
of Latium of the principle which was introduced in the
case of those colonies founded after the closing of the
Latin league in 384 B.C. (cf.
p. 87). Moreover, each com-
munity had to form a separate alliance with Rome, as the
old confederacy no longer existed. In certain cases harsh
measures were adopted. Tibur and Praeneste had to give
up part of their territory to Rome. Colonists Avere sent
to Antium, the most important and strongest town of the
and the town was treated as Tusculum had
been in 381 B.C. (cf.
p. 86). Lanuvium, Pedum, Aricia,
and Nomentum also lost their independence and became
Roman municipia. Velitrae lost its walls, and its senate
was deported to the interior of South Etruria, while the
town was probably treated as Caere had been in 351 B.C.
p. 81).
The land thus acquired by Rome was partly
distributed among Roman citizens, and two new tribes
were instituted in 332 B.C., thus bringing the total up to
twenty-nine. The decoration of the orators' platform in
the Forum with the beaks of the galleys of Antium by the
dictator Gaius Maenius, in 338 B.C., and the erection of a
column in the Forum to his honour, attested the Roman
sense of the great results achieved by this war. Roman
rule was secured in similar fashion in the Volscian and
provinces. A number of towns, among which
were Capua, Fundi, Formiae,and Cumae, became dependent
on Rome in the same way that Caere was. Privernum,
under Vitruvius
Vaccus, struck the last blow for Latin
freedom ; but in 329 B.C. the town was stormed, and its
leader executed. About ten years later, two new tribes
were formed out of the numerous settlers planted in the
Falernian and Privernate territories. The two strong
colonies of Cales, in the middle of the Campanian plain,
and Fregellae, commanding the passage of the Liris, finally
secured the newly won land. These were founded in
334 and 328 B.C. respectively. The Romans even estab-
lished a garrison in Sora, which properly belonged to
Samnite territory. This steady pursuit of a far-reaching
policy of colonization secured to Rome what she won on
the field of battle, and contrasts strongly with the un-
steady violence and loose grasp of the Samnite nation.
It is clear that the Samnites must have been alarmed at
the advance of the Romans, but with the exception of
garrisoning Teanum they did little to prevent it.
Samnite confederacy allowed the Roman conquest of
Campania to be completed, before they in earnest opposed
it ; and the reason for their doing so is to be sought partly
in the contemporary hostilities between the Samnite nation
and the Italian Hellenes, but principally in the remiss and
distracted policy which the confederacy pursued."
While Rome had been securing her hold in the centre
of Italy, the Samnite tribes of the Lucanians and Bruttians
had been engaged in constant struggles with the Italian
Greeks in the south, and especially with Tarentum. So
hard pressed was the latter city that she called in the aid
of the Spartan king, Archidamus, who was defeated by
the Lucanians on the same day as Philip conquered at
Chaeronea, in 338 B.C. Alexander, the Molossian, uncle
of Alexander the Great, proved far more successful in his
championship of the Greek cause in southern Italy. Not
only did he capture Consentia, the centre of the Lucanians
and their confederates, but he defeated the Samnites who
brought aid to the Lucanians, and subdued the Daunians
and Messapians who had made common cause with the
Sabellian tribes against the Greeks. His successes, how-
ever, alarmed the Tarentines, who turned against their
commander ; and his scheme of founding a new Hellenic
empire in the West was cut short by the hand of an
assassin in 332 B.C. His death left the Lucanians and
other Sabellian tribes again paramount in the south of
Italy, and destroyed all hopes of a combined resistance
from the Greek cities.
We have already shown that war was sooner or later
unavoidable between Rome and the Samnites, as the latter
were the only power capable of disputing with Rome the
supremacy of Italy. Had the Samnites been able to count
on the active co-operation of all Sabellian tribes, of the
Lucanians and Bruttians, as well as of the smaller cantons,
such as the Vestini, Frentani and Marrucini,had they,
further, been able to persuade the Greeks of Campania and
of southern Italy to sink minor differences in the face of a
common danger,had they been able to rouse at once the
Etruscans in the north, and the still chafing and indignant
Latins, Volscians, and Hernicans, Rome might no doubt
have succumbed. But such combinations belong rather
to the imagination of the historian than to the facts of
history. The immediate cause of the outbreak of war lay
in the two independent Greek cities of Campania, Palaeo-
polis and Neapolis. Rome was scheming to obtain posses-
sion of these towns, and the Samnites combined with
the Tarentines to prevent them. A strong garrison was
placed in Palaeopolis by the Samnites. The Romans laid
siege to the town
and thus war began, nominally against
the people of Palaeopolis, really against the Samnites, in
327 B.C. Palaeopolis, weary alike of the foes without and
the Samnite garrison within, got rid of the latter by
stratagem, and concluded peace with Rome on the most
favourable conditions in the following year. The Cara-
panian Greeks generally followed the example of Palaeo-
polis, and held to the Roman side
and Rome still further
attained her object of isolating Samnium, by detaching
the Sabellian towns to the south of the VolturnusNola,
Nuceria, Herculaneum, and Pompeiithrough the influence
of the aristocratic party in those cities. By the same means
Rome secured an alliance with the Lucanians, who were
the natural allies of the Samnites. This alliance was of
great importance, as it left Rome free to turn all her
attention to Samnium, while the Samnite ally,
was occupied with guarding herself against Lucanian
It is not necessary to recount in detail all the events of
this war, which lasted seven and thirty years. The isolated
position of the Samnites, the disasters that befell
in quick succession, the humble request they
made for
peace in 322 B.C., the rejection of the same by the Romans;
the desperate resistance and brief success of
arms at the Caudine Pass, under the brave Gavius
in 321 B.C. ; the refusal of the senate to recognize the
ment made by the defeated generals, mark the first
of the war. When it was renewed, the Samnites occupied
Luceria in Apulia, the attempt to relieve which town had
caused the Romans the disaster in the pass of Candium
and they captured Fregellae, aud gained over the Satricans.
Lucius Papirius Cursor now was placed in command of
the Roman forces, which divided, part marching by Sabina
and the Adriatic coast, part proceeding through Samnium.
They united again before the walls of Luceria, and took
the town in 319 B.C., having received no small assistance
from the people of Arpi and other Apulians. Roman
successes followed this important capture, and Satricum
was recovered and severely punished. For a moment,
indeed, fortune deluded the Samnites with hopes of
victory. The frontier towns of Nuceria and Nola sided
with them. Sora, on the upper Liris, expelled the Roman
garrison. The Ausonians on the coast and at the mouth
of the Liris threatened to rise, and the Samnite party in
Capua began to bestir itself. But the recapture of Sora
in 314 B.C., the cruel suppression of the Ausonian revolt,
the execution or voluntary death of the leaders of the
Saranite party in Capua, the defeat of the Samnite army
before the walls of that city, the treaty with Nola which
detached that city for ever from the Samnites in 313 B.C.,
and the fall of Fregellae in the same year, turned the tide
of war once more in Rome's favour, and placed Apulia
and Campania in her hands. Her position was secured
by the usual process of founding new fortresses ; e.g.
Luceria in Apulia, Saticula on the frontier of Campania
and Samnium, Interamna and Suessa Aurunca on the road
from Rome to Capua. Appius Claudius, the censor, com-
pleted in 313 B.C. the great military road from Rome to
Capua, across the Pomptine marshes. Thus by roads and
fortresses Samnium was now cut off, and the ultimate
object of the subjugation of Italy was within Rome's
grasp. The close of the second period of the war ex-
hibits to us an attempt at that coalition which at the
outset might have rescued Italy. Tarentum, indeed,
practically continued an inactive spectator of the con-
with childish arrogance its rulers had. in 320 B.C.,
ordered the Roman and Samnite armies in Apulia to lay
down their arms ; but, when Rome refused, Tarentum
lacked the courage and sense of honour to declare war.
Towards the close of the war she once more invoked
Greek aid against the Lucanians, and the Spartan prince
Cleonymus succeeded in compelling the latter to make
peace with Tarentum ; but he did not dare to enter
on the more perilous course of actively siding with the
Samnites against Rome. But in the north and centre of
Italy the ignoble example of Tarentum found no imitators.
The Etruscans in 311 B.C. made one more fiery effort for
freedom, and for two years the Roman frontier-fortress of
Sutrinm was hotly besieged. But all was in vain ; in
310 B.C. Quintus Fabius Rullianus penetrated for the first
time Etruria proper, marching through the Ciminian
forest, and at the Vadimonian lake crushed the roused
Etruscans. The three most powerful towns, Perusia,
Cortona, and Arretium, made peace with Rome ; and two
years later, after another defe it, Tarquinii followed their
example; and the Etruscans laid down their arms. Mean-
while the Samnites abated not their exertions
but their
hopes, based on Etruscan aid, were rudely dashed to the
ground by the terrible battle in 309 B.C., in which the
very flower of their armythe wearers of striped tunics
and golden shields, and the wearers of white tunics and
silver shieldswas extirpated by Lucius Papirius Cursor.
Too late to save them came the allied forces of the Urn-
brians, the Marsi, and Paeligni, and, later, the Hernicans,
who all rose against Rome,too late, for the Etruscans
had already cowered back into inaction. The first three
peoples were soon mastered by Roman arms
but for a
moment the rising of the Hernicans in the rear of the
Roman army threatened destruction. But Anagnia, the
chief Hernican city, fell ; and two consular armies pene-
trated the fastnesses of Samnium, and took the Samnian
Bovianum, by storm in 305 B.C. A brief peace,
on moderate terms, ensued, not only with Samnium, but
with all the Sa,bellian tribes ; and about the same time,
owing to the withdrawal of the Spartan Cleonymus to
Corcyra, Tarentum, whose part in the contest we have
already described, came to formal terms with Rome.
Rome lost no time in turning her victory to good
account. In the first place, she dissolved the Hernican
league, and punished those communities which had re-
volted, by taking away their autonomy and giving them
citizenship without voting power. Those Hernican com-
munities which had not joined in the revolt, viz. Aletrium,
Verulae, and Ferentinum, remained with their old rights.
In carrying out her wise policy of subjugating central
Italy, Rome severed the north of Italy from the south,
and prevented the inhabitants from being in direct touch
with one another The old Volscian land was completely
subdued and soon Romanized, by planting a legion of
four thousand men in Sora on the upper Liris, by making
Arpinum subject, and taking away a third of its terri-
tory from Frusino. Two military roads ran through the
country separating Samnium from Etruria , the northern
one, which was afterwards the Flaminian, covered the line
of the Tiber, passing through Ocriculum to Nequinum,
which was later called Narnia, when the Romans colonized
it in 299 B.C. The southern road, afterwards called the
Valerian, commanded the Marsian and Aequian land, run-
ning along the Fucine lake by way of Carsioli and Alba,
in both of which towns colonies were planted. Thus,
when we remember the roads and fortresses which already
commanded Apulia and Campania, it is easy to see that
Samnium was enclosed by a net of Roman strongholds.
Such a peace was more ruinous than war, and the proud
and heroic Samnites viewed it in that light. We have
now reached the third and final period of their brave
but ill-fated struggle. This time the Samnites, taught
by former experience, brought pressure to bear on the
Lucanians, and secured their alliance ; strong hopes were
entertained, not only of a rising in central Italy, but
of active aid from the Etruscans and from mercenary
Gauls. War broke out afresh in 298 B.C., and the first
move was the suppression of the Lucanians by Roman
arms, and two Samnite defeats in the following year.
The superhuman efforts of the Samnite nation put three
fresh armies into the field, and their general, Gellius
Egnatius, who led an army into Etruria, caused the
Etruscans to rise once more and take into their pay
numerous Celtic bands. The Romans strained every
nerve to meet the threatened danger ; and, by sending
part of their forces into Etruria, drew off a large portion
of the Etruscan forces which were encamped with the
Samnites and Cauls near Sentinum, in Umbria, on the
eastern slope of the Apennines, in 295 B.C. It was here
that the two consuls Publius Decius Mus and the aged
Quintus Fabius Rullianus encountered the confederate
army ; and it was here that the heroic death of Publius
Decius rallied the Roman legions when wavering before
the Gallic hordes, and at the cost of nine thousand Roman
lives gained a victory, which broke the coalition and made
Etruria sue for peace. The Samnites, however, met their
fate with a spirit unbroken by disaster, and in the follow-
ing year gained some successes over the Roman consul,
Marcus Atilias; but m 293 B c.
the battle of Aquilonia dealt
a blow to the Samnites from which they never recovered
and, though in their mountain strongholds they continued
the struggle till 230 B.C., deserted by all to whom they
looked for aid, decimated and exhausted by a war which
had lasted thirty-seven years, they at last concluded an
honourable peace with their great antagonist. Rome was
too wise to impose disgraceful or ruinous conditions. Her
object was to secure for ever what she had already sub-
jugated. With this end in view, two fortresses, Minturnae
and Sinuessa, were established on the Campanian coast in
295 B.C. All the Sabines were forced to become subjects
in 290,
and the strong fortress of Hatria was established
in the Abruzzi, not far from the coast, in 289 B.C. Still
more important was the colony of Venusia, founded with
twenty thousand colonists in 291 B.C., which, standing on
the great road between Tarentum and Samnium, at the
borders of Samnium, Apulia, and Lucania, kept in check
the neighbouring tribes, and interrupted the communi-
cations between Rome's two most powerful enemies in
southern Italy.
Thus the compact Roman domain at
the close of the Samnite wars extended on the north to
the Ciminian forest, on the east to the Abruzzi, on the
south to Capua, while the two advanced posts, Luceria
and Venusia, established towards the east and south on
the lines of communication of their opponents, isolated
them on every side. Rome was no longer merely the
first, but was already the ruling power in the peninsula
when, towards the end of the fifth century of the city,
those nations which had been raised to supremacy by the
favour of the gods and by their own capacity, began to
come into contact in council and on the battle-field
as at Olympia the preliminary victors girt themselves for
a gecond and more serious struggle, so on the larger arena
of the nations, Carthage, Macedonia, and Rome now pre-
pared for the final and decisive contest."
Rome and Latium. Liv. ii. 19-20. Dionys. vi. 3-14. Marq. Sfcv.
21-35. Momnts. R. St. iii.
619, sq.
Wars u-itli Aequi and Volsci.

Liv. bks. ii. and iii.

League ivith Hernici.Liv. ii. 41.
Ardea and Aricia.Liv. iii. 71-iv. 11.
Wars with Lanuvium, etc.Liv. vi. 21-29.
War with Hernici and closing
league.Liv. vii. 6-19,
28; viii.
Dionys. v. 61.
Municipia.Marq. Stv. i. 28. Momms. R. St. iii. 231, sq.
Umbrians.Strab. 214-219, 227, 235, 240, 250, 376.
Lucanians, etc.Strab. 249-251.
Teanum and Capua, Latin revolt.Liv. vii. 29-viii. 16.
First Samnite war.Liv. viii.
17, 23-ix. 15.
Second war.

Liv. x. 11-end.
Rising of Italians against RomeAnnihilation of the Senones

Outrage of the Tarentines, who invoke aid of Pyrrhus Early

history and character of PyrrhusHe lands, 280 B.C.Battle of
HeracleaNegotiations with RomeBattle of Ausculum, 279 B.C.

League between Rome and Carthage

Pyrrhus master of

Returns to Italy

Battle of Beneventum, 275 B.C.

Capture of TarentumNaval power of RomeTreatment of the

Italians.New position of Rome.
The preceding chapter presented the chief features of
that career of conquest which left Rome without a rival
in Italy. But before her position was firmly and per-
manently established, and before the various Italian races
were united under her rule, one more step remained, and
one more struggle had to be decided. The interest of
this final phase in the subjugation of Italy is chiefly due
to the romantic charm of the name of Pyrrhus. The
personal qualities and adventurous enterprises of Pyrrhus
himself cannot but excite our imagination and kindle our
sympathies. Of still greater moment is the fact that
this was the first
occasion on which Roman and Greek
influences met in conflict ; that from Pyrrhus date Rome's
direct relations with Greece ; that
the struggle between
phalanxes and cohorts, between a mercenary army and a
militia., between military monarchy and senatorial govern-
ment, between individual talent and national vigour, was
first fought out in the battles between Pyrrhus and the
Roman generals." The victory on this occasion, as on
all others, rested with Roman arms, but the victory was
of a different character from that over Gauls and Phoeni-
for in the end the subtle charm of Hellenic ideas
and Hellenic life amply avenged the physical and political
inferiority of the Greek to the Roman.
For the sake of chronological sequence it will be well
to reach the causes which brought Pyrrhus to Italy before
we narrate his previous career or estimate his position in
The peace with Samnium had scarce been concluded
when the storm broke out afresh, and this time from a
new quarter. The Romans had granted the Lucanians,
in consideration of their services in the Samnite war,
the Greek cities in their territory. In consequence of
this, Thurii, among other cities, was attacked by the
Lncanians and Bruttians, and reduced to great extremities.
Thurii appealed for protection to Rome ; and Rome, feel-
ing that the fortress of Venusia enabled her to dispense
with the Lucanian alliance, granted the appeal. The Luca-
nians and Bruttians, thus foiled by the Romans, proceeded
to form a new coalition against their old allies, and at
the same time opened the campaign by a fresh attack
on Thurii about 285 B.C. This coalition was at once
joined by the Etruscans, Gauls, Umbrians, and Sam-
nites. The last-named, exhausted and hemmed in on all
sides as they were, could render but little assistance.
But in the north, under the walls of Arretium, the Roman
army, led by the praetor Lucius C^ecilius, was annihi-
lated by the Celtic Senones, who were in the pay of the
Etruscans. A terrible revenge was executed on the
Senones in 283 B.C., by the consul Publius Cornelius
Dolabella, who carried fire and sword through their terri-
tory, and completely expelled the whole Celtic tribe from
Italy. Their Celtic kinsmen and neighbours, the Boii.
at once joined the Etruscans, and a mighty combined
army marched to wreak vengeance on Rome ; but two
battles, one near Lake "Vadimo in 283 B.C., and another
near Populonia in the following year, crushed this com-
bination, and caused the Boii to conclude a separate peace
with Rome. The Romans were now free to prosecute
with vigour the war in southern Italy. Thurii was
relieved and the Lucanians utterly defeated in 282 B.C. ,
the most important placesLocri, Croton, Thurii, and
Rhegiumwere garrisoned. That part of the Adriatic
coast which had been occupied by the Senones was secured
by a colony planted in the seaport of Sena, the former
Senonian capital. A Roman fleet sailed from the Tyrrhene
sea to take up its station in the Adriatic, and, on its way,
anchored in the harbour of Tarentum. The time had at
last arrived for the supine people of Tarentum to shake
off their lethargy ; but their awakening came too late.
Old treaties had forbidden Roman men-of-war from sailing
beyond the promontory of Lacinium. Fiery appeals by
mob-orators excited the Tarentine multitude to sucb a
degree of senseless passion that it rushed down to the
harbour, fell upon the unsuspecting Romans, and seized
their ships and crews after a sharp struggle This wanton
outrage was followed up by the surprise of Thurii and the
severe punishment of its inhabitants. Notwithstanding
this violent breach of all civilized law, the Romans dis-
played great moderation and forbearance in the terms they
offered Tarentum. But all negotiations failed, and the
Roman consul, LuciusAemilius, entered Tarentine territory
in 281 B.C. It was clear that Tarentum could not resist
Rome single-handed, and the fear of the demagogues as
to the vengeanee which Rome would exact drove them to
urge the completion of the alliance with Pyrrhus on the
terms proposed by the Epirot king.
At this point we must revert to the previous history
of the man whose name has cast a halo of romance upon
this war. Born in 320 B.C., Pyrrhus, when but six years
old, was by his father's downfall deprived of his hereditary
throne among the Molossians of Epirus, and subjected to
the many vicissitudes that befell all those engaged in
Macedonian polities. Trained in the campaigns of the
veteran Antigonus, one of Alexander's chief generals,
universally admired by the Alexandrian court of Ptolemy,
whither the battle of Ipsus brought him as a host-
age, he was restored to his native land and kingdom
of Epirus in 296 B.C., through the influence of Ptolemy,
who wished to counteract the growing power of the
ruler, Demetrius Poliorcetes. Aided by the
brave Epirots, whose loyalty and enthusiasm were fired
by their young ruler,
the eagle of Epirus," as they styled
him, extended his dominions. Wh.n Demetrius was
driven from his throne in 287 B.C., Pyrrhus was sum-
moned to wear the royal diadem of Philip and of
Alexander. No worthier successor could have been found.
But Macedonian jealousy, and that national feeling which
could not brook a foreign leader, caused him to resign
the kingdom after a short reign of seven months. The
colourless life of an Epirot king could not satisfy the
ambition of such a man as Pyrrhus. Conscious of his
great powers as a general, fired with a desire to imitate
the great Alexander, Pyrrhus eagerly embraced the oppor-
tunity that now offered itself of founding an Hellenic
empire in the West. In estimating the possibilities of
success, and the historical position of Pyrrhus himself,
we cannot but feel that the attempt to draw a comparison
between him and Alexander completely fails. Alexander
was at the head of a powerful and well-officered Mace-
donian army ; he was the foremost general and most
gifted statesman of his time ; his own dominions were
secured by the powerful army he left behind him ; the
foes he went to encounter were such as, long inured to
despotism, knew nothing of national independence and
national vigour, and regarded with indifference a change
of despots. In the case of Pyrrhus none of these advan-
tages existed. Despite his noble descent, his strategic
ability, his pure and chivalrous nature, he was but a
soldier of fortune, a king of mountain-tribes, a man whose
chances of success depended on mercenaries and foreign
alliances, and on his ability to keep together a coalition of
secondary states. Wide-reaching as was his scheme of
founding a great Hellenic empire in the West, it was
the unreal dream of a romantic adventurer, not the
possible and practicable aim of a powerful conqueror and
When once Tarentum had signed the treaty with
Pyrrhus, the arrival of Cineas, the confidential adviser of
Pyrrhus, and of his general, Milo, in 281 B.C., with three
thousand Epirots, put an end to all further vacillation.
Pyrrhus himself landed early in the following year, with
a mixed force of various Greek tribes, amounting in all to
about twenty thousand infantry, two thousand archers,
five hundred slingers, three thousand cavalry, and twenty
elephants. The boasts which the Tarentine envoys had
made, of the huge confederate army ready to take the field
in Italy, were soon proved to be utterly fallacious. In the
north, the Etruscans alone were still in arms, but misfor-
tune attended every effort they made. The Tarentines,
who had hoped that Pyrrhus would take all the blows
while they shared the spoil, found their master in the
eagle of Epirus. They were called upon to serve
the foreign soldiers were quartered in their houses, and
foreign guards set over their gates. The strictest military
government everywhere prevailed ; and all the clubs,
theatres, and amusements of the pleasure-loving Taren-
tines were ruthlessly suspended.
Special exertions were made by Rome to meet the new
danger. In 280 B.C., on the banks of the Siris, near
Heraclea, the Roman consul, Publius Laevinus, first
measured swords with a Greek army under the greatest
general of the day. After a stubborn contest, varied by
many vicissitudes of fortune, the elephants of Pyrrhus
decided the issue. The losses of the Romans, estimated
from fifteen to twenty thousand, were almost equalled by
those of Pyrrhus. But the value of winning the first
battle was at once shown by the fact that the Lucanians,
Bruttians, Samnites, and all the Greek cities joined
Pyrrhus. The Latins, however, remained firm
and the
frontier fortress, Venusia, although completely hemmed in
by enemies, refused to desert Rome. Pyrrhus saw that
his hopes lay iu securing favourable terms from the
Romans, while the impressions of the battle of Heraclea
were still vivid. He commissioned Cineas, whose rhetori-
cal powers were famous, to go to Rome and demand the
freedom of all Greek towns, and the restitution of the
territory taken from the Samnites, Daunians, Lucanians,
and Bruttians. The leniency and respect shown by
Pyrrhus towards his Roman prisoners, and the persuasive
arts of Cineas, made the senate waver , but the undaunted
energy of the blind and aged Appius Claudius, who had
been censor in 312, and consul in 307 and 296 B.C., and
who had caused himself to be carried into the senate-
house at this critical moment, revived the true Roman
spirit in the hearts of his audience. The proud answer
was given that Rome could not negotiate with foreign
troops as long as they were on Italian soil. This answer,
then heard for the first time, passed thenceforth into a
maxim of state.
Pyrrhus now marched upon Rome, hoping by this step
to shake the allegiance of her allies and to terrify the
capital. Roman courage, however, was proof alike against
the flatteries of Cineas, and the armed threats of Pyrrhus.
No Latin ally, no Campanian Greek state joined him
moreover, the Etruscans at this time concluded peace with
Rome, and thus set free the army of the consul Tiberius
Coruncanius. Three armies, one in his rear under Laevinus,
and two in the vicinity of the capital, barred his progress.
After surprising Fregellae and reaching Anagnia, the king
was forced to retrace his steps without striking a decisive
blow. At the approach of winter he returned to his old
quarters in Tarentum. In the spring of 279 B.C., Pyrrhus
resumed the offensive, and met the Roman army in Apulia
near Ausculum. The allied forces of Pyrrhus amounted
to about seventy thousand infantry, eight thousand cavalry,
and nineteen elephants. The Romans with their con-
federates were not inferior in number ; and as a protection
against the elephants they had invented a sort of war-
chariot, armed with projecting iron poles and movable
masts, capable of being lowered, and fitted with an iron
spike Pyrrhus also had copied the Roman system of
maniples, and placed companies on the wings of the
phalanx, with spaces between them, in imitation of the
cohorts. For two days the battle raged ; at last the ele-
phants, as at Heraclea, forced back the Roman line, and
Pyrrhus remained in possession of the field. This defeat
cost the Roman forces some six thousand lives ; but
Pyrrhus himself was wounded. Nor was the victory
decisive enough to break up the Roman confederacy, and
thus further the political designs of the Epirot king.
Forced by his wound to renounce the campaign and
remain inactive in Tarentum, Pyrrhus soon perceived that
the losses he had sustained, and the petty quarrels and
hatred of discipline which characterized his allies, rendered
all chance of ultimate success with his present resources
out of the question. The condition of the Sicilian Greeks
gave him an opportunity of leaving Italy, and of this he
gladly availed himself.
After the death of Agathocles of Syracuse, in 289 B.C..
Carthage had made great strides in the subjugation of
Sicily. No resistance could be offered by the smaller
Greek cities, whose government, whether under dema-
gogues or despots, was always equally incapable. Agri-
gentum had fallen, and Syracuse was now hard pressed
by the victorious Carthaginians. In the hour of her peril
Syracuse acted as Tarentum had done
she offered the
supreme power to Pyrrhus. Thus fortune, by placing in
his hands at the same moment Tarentum and Syracuse,
seemed to give to Pyrrhus a great opportunity of realizing
his mighty schemes. One effect of this union of Italian
and Sicilian Greeks under one head was to bring into
closer relations Carthage and Rome. An offensive and
defensive treaty was concluded between them, in 279 B.C.,
against Pyrrhus, binding each party to assist the other in
case of attack, and binding both states not to conclude a
separate peace with Pyrrhus. Messana, which had pre-
viously been seized by the Manertines, who were the
Campanian mercenaries of Agathocles (cf.
p. 78),
in fear
of the vengeance of Pyrrhus joined the Romans and
Carthaginians, and thus secured for them the Sicilian side
of the straits. But Rhegium, on the Italian side, which
had been wrested from the Romans by a mutiny of the
Campanian troops stationed there in 281 B.C., could not
be allowed by Rome to follow the example of their
Mamertine kinsmen
and a combined attack of Cartha-
ginians and Romans failed to capture the city. A strong
Carthaginian fleet proceeded to blockade Syracuse, while
at the same time a land army laid siege to it, in 278 B.C.
Pyrrhus was therefore forced to desert the Lucanians and
Samnites, and content himself with occupying Tarentum
by a garrison under Milo, and Locri with a force under
his son Alexander. He himself set sail with the rest of
his troops for Syracuse in the spring of 278 B.C. During
his absence from Italy the Romans, exhausted by their
previous struggles, allowed the war to drag on, without
being able to completely expel the troops left behind by
Pyrrhus. Heraclea, indeed, made peace with Rome in 278,
and Locri slaughtered its Epirot garrison in 277 B.C.
but Milo retained his hold of Tarentum, and made success-
ful sorties against the Romans. Ignorance of the art of
besieging towns, and the want of a fleet, made the capture
of Tarentum almost impossible
and the Carthaginians,
owing to their disasters in Sicily, were unable to render
any real assistance. Pyrrhus, on landing at Syracuse,
met with complete success. At the hend of the Greek
cities he wrested from the Carthaginians almost all that
tbey had won. To cope with their powerful fleet and
capture the all-important position of Lilybaeum, Pyrrhus
built himself a fleet, and in 276 B.C. seemed to have within
his grasp the realization of his aims. But his methods of
governing Sicily were those which he had seen Ptolemy
practise in Egypt: personal favourites, not native Greeks,
exercised absolute authority as magistrates and judges in
the various cities; his own troeos acted as garrisons, and his
own acts were arbitrary and despotic to the last degree.
His reign thus became more detested than even the
threatened Carthaginian yoke had been, and negotiations
were entered into by the principal Greek cities with the
Carthaginians. To this error Pyrrhus added a second.
Instead of securing his s ule in Sicily, expelling the Cartha-
ginians and capturing Lilybaeum, he turned his thoughts
once more to Italy. Possibly a sense of honour and the
cry of his old allies, the Lucanians and Samnites, moved
him to do so ; but the folly of the step was at once
apparent. When once it was known that he had set sail
for Italy, towards the close of 276 B.C., all the Sicilian
cities revolted, and refused to grant him money or troops
thus the enterprise of Pyrrhus was wrecked, and
the plan of his life irretrievably ruined, he was thence-
forth an adventurer who felt that he had been great, and
was so no longer." Foiled in an attack on Rhegium, he
surprised Locri, and avenged himself on the treacherous
inhabitants. In the spring of 275 B.C. he marched to the
aid of the hard-pressed Samnites, and near Beneventum,
on the Campus Arusinus, he fought his final battle on
Italian soil. The very elephants, which had won his
previous victories, proved the cause of his defeat by
attacking their own side. Unable any longer to keep the
field, or to get reinforcements from abroad, Pyrrhus left
Italy, and once more took part in Greek politics. He
even succeeded in recovering the whole of his former
kingdom, and in paving the way for a return to the throne
of Macedonia.
But his successes bore no lasting fruit,
and he perished ingloriously in a street fight at Argos, in
272 B.C.
With the battle of Beneventum and the departure of
Pyrrhus the war in Italy came to an end. Milo, who had
been left behind in Tarentum, made over that city to the
Roman consul Lucius Papirius in 272 B.C., on hearing of
his master's death. He thus prevented the citizens from
surrendering the town to the Carthaginians, who had
entered the harbour with a fleet, and secured for himself
and his troops a free departure. The Carthaginians, thus
frustrated in their attempt to gain a foothold in Italy,
pretended that their presence was merely due to their
wish to help the Romans. The gain to Rome from the
act of Milo can scarcely be overestimated. In the same
year, the Samnites, Lucanians, and Bruttians laid down
their arms. Rhegium was at last stormed in 270 B.C., and
the remnant of the mutineers who had so long held the
town were scourged and executed. Rome was now mis-
tress of all Italy. New colonies and new roads held in a
firm grip the cunquered territories. Paestum and Cosa
in Lucania, Beneventum and Aesernia to command Sam-
nium, Ariminum, Firmum in Picenum, and Castrum
Novum to hold in check the Gauls, were all established
in the ten years from 273-264
B.C. Preparations were
made to continue the southern highway to the seaports of
Tarentum and Brundisium, to colonize the latter seaport
and make it the rival of Tarentum. Wars with small
tribes, whose territory was encroached upon, were caused
by the construction of these fortresses and roads : w
the Picentes in 269-268 B.C., with the Sallentines and the
Umbrian Sassinates in 267-266 B.C. Rome's dominion
was thus extended from the Apennines to the Ionian sea.
Nor did she solely confine her attention to the development
of her power by land. At this time Carthage was
cally paramount in the western waters of the Mediter-
ranean. Even Syracuse gradually ceased to compete
with her ; Tarentum, owing to the Roman occupation, was
no longer formidable ; the naval power of Etruria had
long been broken, and the Etruscan island of Corsica lay
open to the ships of Carthage. The constant struggles
by land had caused the Roman fleet to dwindle in neglect,
until about 350 B.C. it reached its lowest point of ineffi-
ciency. A treaty with Carthage in 348 B.C. bound Roman
ships not to sail beyond the Fair Promontory (Cape Bon)
on the Libyan coast ; a like stipulation with Tarentum
excluded Roman ships from the eastern basin of the
Mediterranean. As soon as she was able, Rome made
efforts to free herself fro- 1 this humiliating position.
The chief towns along the Tyrrhene and Adriatic seas
were colonized, and thus protected the coasts from in-
vasion and pillage. The Roman navy was in part revived,
and the war-ships taken from Antium in 338 B.C. served
as a nucleus for this purpose. Such Greek cities as were
admitted into a state of dependence on Rome furnished a
certain number of vessels as a war contribution. In 311
B.C., two masters of the fleet (dnoviri navales) were created
by a special resolution of the burgesses, and the Roman
fleet lent assistance in the Samnite war at the siege of
Nuceria. But the renewal of the treaty with Carthage in
306 B.C. shows how little Rome really accomplished.
Carthage only allowed the Romans to trade with Sicily and
Carthage, but prohibited their navigation of the Atlantic,
and thus restricted them to the narrow space of the
western Mediterranean. Although obliged to acquiesce in
the conditions imposed by Carthage, the Romans continued
to improve the state of their navy. Four quaestors of
the fleet (quaestores classici) were appointed in 267 B.C.,
for the purpose of jointly guarding the coasts and creating
a navy for their protection. The first was stationed at
Ostia, the Roman port ; the second at Cales, the capital
of Roman Campania ; the third at Ariminum, to w-atch
over the ports on the Adriatic ; the province of the fourth
is not known.
The lukewarm alliance formed with Carthage against
Pyrrhus did not lessen the wish of Rome to free herself
from the fetters imposed by Carthage on the growth of
her maritime power. To further this object she attached
herself closely to such Greek maritime states as could
counterbalance the Carthaginian ascendency by sea
: to
Massilia, whose citizens held a position of honour at the
Roman games ; to Rhodes, and Apollonia on the Epirot
coast ; above all to Syracuse, after the Pyrrhic war was
ended. Nature herself favoured the growth of her naval
power. Latium supplied the finest timber for ships, and
the commercial and geographical position of Rome was
specially adapted for the development of a war marine.
Although, indeed, so far Rome had not availed herself of
these advantages, yet at this period signs were not wanting
that the old indifference to naval matters was a thing of
the past ;
and, considering the great resources of Italy,
the Phoenicians might well follow her efforts with anxious
It remains for us to consider the political effect of the
mighty changes consequent upon the establishment of
Roman supremacy in Italy. We do not know with
exactness what privileges Rome reserved for herself as
sovereign state. It is certain that she alone could make
war, conclude treaties, and coin money
and that, further,
any war or treaty resolved upon by the Roman people
was legally binding on all Italian communities, and that
the silver money of Rome was current everywhere in
The relations of the Italians to Rome cannot in all
cases be precisely defined, but the main features are as
follows. In the first place, the full Roman franchise was
extended as far as was compatible with the preservation
of the urban character of the Roman community. Those
who received this franchise may be divided into three
classes :
All the occupants of the various allotments
of state lands, which now embraced a considerable portion
of Etruria and Campania.
All the communities
which, after the method first adopted in the case of
Tusculum, were incorporated and completely merged in
the Roman state. As above mentioned
course had been followed in the case of many of the
original members of the Latin league : it was now, in
268 B.C., pursued with regard to all the Sabine com-
munities and many of the Volscian.
Further, full
Roman citizenship was possessed by
the maritime or
burgess colonies which had been instituted for the pro-
tection of the coast ; the names of these were Pyrgi. Ostia,
Antium, Tarracina, Minturnae, Sinuessa, Sena Gallica,
and Castrum Novum. In these towns the young men
were exempted from service in the legions, and devoted
all their attention to guarding the coasts.
Thus the title of Roman citizen in its fullest sense was
possessed by men dwelling as far north as Caere,* as far
east as the Apennines, and as far south as Formiae.
within these limits isolated communities, such as Tibur,
Praeneste, Signia, and Norba, were without
the Roman
while beyond them other communities, such as
Sena, possessed it.
In the next place, we must distinguish the various
grades of subjection which marked all the communities
not honoured with the full Roman franchise.
As in
the case of the recipients of full citizenship, so here
may make a threefold division. To the first division
belong the Latin towns : these retained their Latin rights
that is, they were self-governing and stood on an equal
footing with Roman citizens as regards the right of trad-
ing and inheritance. But it is important to observe that
the Latins of the later times of the Republic were no longer
for the most part members of the old Latin towns, which
had participated in the Alban festival, but were colonists
planted in Latium by Rome, who honoured Rome as their
capital and parent city, and formed the main supports of
Roman rule in Latium. Indeed, the old Latin communities,
with the exception of Tibur and Praeneste, had sunk into
insignificance. It was but natural that the Latin colonies,
issuing as they did from the burgess-body of Rome, should
not rest content with mere Latin rights, but should aim
at the full rights of Roman citizens. Rome, on the other
hand, new that Italy was subjugated, no longer felt her
former need of these colonies
nor did she deem it prudent
to extend the full franchise with the same freedom as she
hitherto had done. A lin~ was now strictly drawn, and
all members of autonomous communities founded after
268 B.C. could no longer by settling in Rome become
municipes or passive burgesses with the power of voting
in the comitia tributa (cf.
p. 85).
Men of eminence, e.g.
public magistrates, in such communities were alone in
future eligible to the Roman franchise. By these means
the old power of migration to Rome was somewhat
restricted, and a jealous guard was set upon the privilege
of becoming a full Roman citizen.
To the second division belong those towns w
hose in-
Of course Caere is not meant to be included, but men living
uear it had full citizen rights.
habitants were passive citizens of Rome (cives sine suf-
fragio). They were liable to service in the Roman legions,
and to taxation, and were included in the Roman census.
A deputy or praefect appointed annually by the Roman
praetor administered justice according to laws which
were subjected to Roman revision. In other respects they
retained their old form of government and appointed their
own magistrates. Caere (cf.
p. 81)
was the first town to
be placed on this footing; afterwards Capua and other
more remote towns were treated in the same way.
In the third and last division we may include all allied
communities which were not Latin states
the relation of
these towns to Rome was defined by separate treaties, and
therefore varied in accordance with the terms imposed by
such agreements.
No doubt all national leagues, such as the Samnite and
Lucanian, shared the fate which had earlier befallen the
Latin and Hernican confederations
and any movements
which might tend to hind one community with another,
whether by rights of intermarriage or of acquisition of
property or by common council-chambers, were doubtless
suppressed by the vigilance of Rome. Further, all the
Italian communities were obliged to equip and furnish at
their own expense contingents in time of war. Those
Latin towns classified above in the first division furnished
a definitely fixed number of infantry and cavalry which
acted on the wings of the Roman legion and were there-
fore named "wings" (alae) and
winged cohorts" (cohortes
alariae). The same duty was imposed on most of the
allied communities classified in the third division, such as
Apulians, Sabellians, and Etruscans. Further, the passive
citizens defined in the second division were, as above
stated, bound to serve in the ranks of the Roman legions,
while the duty of supplying ships of war fell almost
entirely on the Greek cities. Such w^ere the leading
features of the Roman government of Italy, the details of
which can no longer be ascertained. In addition to break-
ing up all existing confederacies, and thus splitting up the
subject states into a number of smaller communities, Rome
fostered schisms and factions among them. In pursuance
of the same object the government of all dependent com-
munities was now placed in the hands of the wealthy and
leading families, whose interests were naturally opposed
to those of the multitude, and who were inclined to favour
Roman views. Capua, whose nobles had sided with Rome
throughout the war against the revolted Latins and Cam-
panians, furnished a notorious instance of this policy.
Special privileges and pensions were granted by Rome to
the Campanian aristocracy. But the great wisdom and
moderation of Rome is shown by the fact that she either
extended to these dependent states the Roman franchise,
or allowed them to retain a certain amount of self-govern-
ment, and gave them a share in the successes of Rome.
Thus in Italy, at least, no community of Helots existed,
nor, which was equally important, was there any tributary
for Rome with a wise magnanimity never assumed
that most dangerous of rights, the right of taxing any of
her Italian subjects. Rome exercised control and super-
vision over the various Italian communities by means of
the four quaestors of the fleet, who had a district and resi-
dence outside Rome assigned them by law. In addition, the
chief magistrate of every community had to take a census
of his state every fourth or fifth year ; by this means the
Roman senate was kept informed of the resources in men
and money of the whole of Italy.
Politically united under the leadership of Rome, the
various tribes inhabiting Italy now began to realize more
completely and feel more intensely their unity as a nation.
This feeling must have first sprung into existence from
the contrast presented by the Greeks, and must have been
heightened by the danger with which the Celts threatened
all Italians equally. It found expression in two names,
which now began to be applied to all the peoples inhabit-
ing Italy. The name of Italians, which was originally
a Greek term, became current everywhere, and Italia,
originally limited to the modern Calabria, was now used
of the whole land. The name of Togati, or "men of the
toga," was now for the first time used to designate all the
Italians, and thus sharply contrasted them with the Celtic
"men of the hose" (Braccati). The common use by all
of the Latin toga seemed to point to the day when the
Latin language would be regarded as the mother-tongue
of every Italian : the germs of the Latinization of the whole
peninsula were already planted
time alone was needed
for their development.
The recognition of Rome's new position as one of the
great powers in the political world was first marked by
an embassy sent from Alexandria to Rome in 273 B.C.,
primarily with a view to settling commercial relations.
Egypt was at that time at variance with Carthage touch-
ing Cyrene, and with Macedonia touching the predominat-
ing influence in Greece ; the complications that were
eventually to arise between Rome and Carthage for the
possession of Sicily, and between Rome and Macedonia
for the sovereignty of the Adriatic coasts, were doubtless
foreshadowed even then, and may well have suggested
an alliance with Es:ypt.
The new struggles, which were
preparing on all sides, could not but influence each other;
and Rome, as mistress of Italy, could not fail to be drawn
into the wide arena, which the victories and projects of
Alexander the Great had marked out as the field of conflict
to his successors."
Thurii and Celtic war.Dionys. xix. 13. Polyb. ii. 19-20. Appian
Sp. 6; G. 1, 11. Strab. 212, 216.
Tarentine mob.Dionys. xix. 3-10.
Pyrrhus.Dionys. xix. 8-13, 17
xx. 1-12. Plut. Pyrrh. and
Alexand. Appian Sp.
Tarentum captured.Zonar.
Rhegiwm Dio. Cass. Fr. 39-40.
Picentine war.Dio. Cas. Fr. 98,
Neiv colonies.Liv. Epit. xi. 14, 16. Veil. i. 14. Marq. Stv. i.
Liv. viii. 14; ix. 30.
Treaty with Carthage.Polyb. iii. 22-25.
Quaestores class.Lydns de Magistr. i. 27. Momms. R. St. ii. 556.
Italians to Rome.Marq. Stv. i. 21-103. Momms. R. St.
iii. 645, sq.
Cives sine suffragio. Momms. R. St. iii. 570, 8q.
Praefecti.Momms. R. St. iii. 581.
The PhoeniciansPosition of CarthageOpposition to the Greeks-
EmpireConstitutionFinancial positionComparison between
Rome and Carthage.
We now turn our eyes to a race of people widely differing
from any in Italy in nature and origin, viz. the Cartha-
ginians. Belonging to the great Semitic race, which has
ever, as though from some instinctive sense of its wide
diversity, kept itself severed from the Indo-Germanic
nations, Carthage was one of the numerous settlements
of the enterprising Phoenicians. This particular branch
of the Semitic stock issued forth from its native land of
Canaan or
the plain," and spread further west than any
other people of the same race. Utilizing to the full the
excellent harbours, and the bountiful supply of timber and
metals of their own country, the Phoenicians early attained
an unrivalled position in the ancient world as the pioneers
of commerce, navigation, manufacture, and colonization.
In the most remote times we find them in Cyprus and
Egypt, Greece and Sicily, Africa and Spain, and even on
the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea.
The field of
their commerce reached from Sierra Leone and Cornwall
in the west, eastward to the coast of Malabar."
But the one-sided character that marks the develop-
ment of the great nations of antiquity is specially visible
in the case of the Phoenicians. We cannot ascribe to
them the credit of having originated any of the intellectual
or scientific discoveries which have been the glory of
other members of the Semitic family. Their religious
conceptions were gross and barbarous
their art was not
comparable to that of Italy, still less to that of Greece
their knowledge of astronomy and chronology, of the
alphabet, of weights and measures, was derived from
Babylon. No doubt, in their commercial dealings, the
Phoenicians spread valuable germs of civilization, but
rather as a bird dropping grain than a husbandman
sowing seed. They never civilized and assimilated to
themselves the nations with which they came into con-
Moreover, politically, the Phoenicians were, like the
rest of the Aramaean nations, without the ennobling idea
of self-governed freedom. A policy of conquest was never
in their eyes to be compared with a policy of commerce.
Their colonies were factories. The power to trade with
natives was bought too dear if it entailed constant war
and the interruption of peaceful barter. Thus they
allowed themselves to be supplanted in Egypt, Greece,
Italy, and the east of Sicily, almost without resistance
and in the great naval battles at Alalia in 537 B.C., and
at Cumae in 474 B.C., for the supremacy of the western
Mediterranean, the brunt of the struggle with the Greeks
fell upon the Etruscans, and not on the Phoenicians. In
the great Sicilian expedition, which ended in their defeat
at Himera by Gelo of Syracuse in 480 B.C., the African
Phoenicians only took the field as subjects of the Great
King, and to avoid being obliged to aid him in the East
instead of the West. This was not from want of courage
or national spirit ; indeed, the tenacity and obstinacy w
which the Aramaeans have ever held to their feelings and
prejudices as a nation far exceeds the pertinacity of any
I n do-Germanic race: it was rather due to their want of
political instinct and of the love of liberty. No Phoenician
settlements attained a more rapid and secure prosperity
than those established by the cities of Tyre and Sidon on
the south coast of Spain and the north coast of Africa.
Here they were out of the reach of the great king and of
Greek rivals, and held the same l'elation to the natives as
the Europeans held to the American Indians. Although
not the earliest settlement, by far the most prominent was
the new town," or Carthage. Situated near
the mouth of the river Bagradas, which flows through the
richest corn district in North Africa, on rising ground
which slopes gently towards the plain and ends in a sea-
girt promontory, commanding the great roadstead of
North Africa, the Gnlf of Tunis, Carthage owed its
sudden rise to pre-eminence even more to the natural
advantages of its situation than to the character of its
inhabitants Even when restored, Carthage at once became
the third city in the Roman empire
and in our day, on
a far worse site, and under far less favourable conditions,
a city exists in that district, whose inhabitants number
one hundred thousand. We need no explanation, then, of
the commercial prosperity of ancient Carthage ; but we
must answer the question raised by its development of
political power, a development never attained by any
other Phoenician city.
At the outset Carthage pursued the usual passive policy
of Phoenician cities. She paid a ground-rent for the
space occupied by the city to the native Berbers, the tribe
of Maxitani or Maxyes ; and she recognized the nominal
supremacy of the great king by paying tribute to him on
different occasions. It gradually, however, became clear
to the Carthaginians that, unless they undertook the task
of repelling Greek influences and Greek migrations, the
Phoenicians would be supplanted in Africa, as they had
already been in Greece, Italy, and Sicily. The colony of
Cyrene threatened their very stronghold and imperilled
their existence. The Carthaginians, therefore, undertook
the task
, and by about 500 B.C., after a long and obstinate
struggle, they had to a great extent effected their purpose,
and set bounds to Greek invasion. These successes changed
the character of the city itself ; it no longer aimed at
being merely pre-eminent in commerce, but at establishing
an empire as mistress of Libya and of part of the Mediter-
About the year 450 B.C. the Carthaginians refused
any longer to pay rent for the soil they occupied to
the natives, and were thus enabled to prosecute agri-
culture on a greatly extended scale. Capital thus found
a new outlet, and the rich soil of Libya was cultivated on
a system similar to that employed by modern planters.
Single landowners appear to have employed on their
estates no fewer than twenty thousand slaves. Moreover,
the native Libyan farmers were subdued, and reduced to
the position of fellahs, who paid a fourth of the produce
of their soil as tribute to their new masters, and served as
a recruiting' ground for the Carthaginian armies. The
Nomades, or roving pastoral tribes, were driven back into
the deserts and
mountains, or were compelled to pay-
tribute and supply soldiers. The capture of their great
town Theveste took place about the time of the first
Punic war. These two classes of subjects gave rise to the
expression found in Carthaginian state treaties of
and tribes of subjects;
the first refers to the dependent
Libyan villages, the second to the subject Nomades.
Thirdly, the
Carthaginian rule embraced the other
Phoenician settlements in Africa, or the so-called Liby-
Phoenicians. These consisted partly of the older Phoenician
colonies, such as Hippo, Hadrumetum, Thapsus, and the
Little and Great Leptis
partly of colonies sent from
Carthage itself. These states, with the exception of
Utica, the ancient protectress of Carthage, lost their
independence, and had to pull down their walls and to
contribute a fixed sum of money and a definite number of
soldiers. But they did not pay a land-tax, nor were they
subject to the recruiting system like the subject Libyans
and they enjoyed equal legal privileges and right of
intermarriage with the Carthaginians.
Thus Carthage became the capital of a great North
African empire, extending from the desert of Tripoli to
the Atlantic ocean
on the west (Morocco and Algiers),
indeed, she merely held a belt along the coast, but on the
east (Constantine and Tunis) she extended her sway far
into the interior. In the words of an ancient writer, the
Carthaginians were changed from Tyrians into Libyans.
The Phoenician tongue and civilization were, at any rate
among the more advanced natives, adopted in Libya.
These changes have been associated with the name of
Hanno ; but they were no doubt gradual, and cannot,
therefore, be assigned to any period with precision. The
rise of Carthage was
synchronous with a decline of the
great cities in the mother-country of Tyre and Sidon
and from the first-named most of the powerful families
emigrated to their prosperous daughter city.
In addition to the empire in Libya we must bear in
mind tlie parallel growth of the maritime and colonial
dominion of Carthage. The early Tyrian settlement at
Gades (Cadiz) was the chief Phoenician colony in Spain.
By a chain of factories on the west and east of Gades, and
by the possession of the silver mines in the interior, the
Phoenicians occupied nearly all the modern Andalusia
and Granada. Although not strictly under the rule of
Carthage, no doubt Gades and the other stations in Spain
fell under her hegemony. The island of Ebusus and the
Baleares were early occupied by the Carthaginians, partly
as fishing-stations, partly as outposts against the Greek
colony of Massilia, with which Carthage was ever at war.
Moreover, about 500 B.C., the Carthaginians established
themselves in Sardinia, the natives of which island retired
before them into the mountainous interior, just as the
Numidians withdrew to the borders of the African desert.
The fertile districts of the Sardinian coast were cultivated
by imported Libyans, and colonies were planted at Cavalis
(Cagliari) and other points. They also held the west and
north-west coast of Sicily, together with the smaller
adjacent islands of the Aegates, Melita, Gaulos, Cossyra
the station at Motya, and later at Liljbaeum, preserved
their communication with Africa, as those at Panormus
and Soluntum did with Sardinia. For a long period,
down to the Athenian expedition to Sicily (415413
B.C.), the Greeks and Carthaginians seem to have agreed
to tolerate one another in Sicily. All these posses-
sions served not only as commercial centres, but as
pillars of the Carthaginian supremacy by sea. The
western straits of the Mediterranean were practically
closed to other nations, and in the Tyrrhene and Gallic
seas alone the Phoenicians had to endure the rivalry of
foreign fleets. As long, indeed, as the Etruscan power
counterbalanced the Greek in those waters, Carthage
could afford to remain passive ; but on the fall of the
Etruscans and the rise of the naval power of Syracuse,
a great contest ensued between Dionysius of Syracuse
(406-865 B.C.) and Carthage, in the course of which all
the smaller Greek cities in Sicily were either totally
destroyed, e.g. Selinus, Himera, Agrigentum, Gela, and
Messana, or reduced to a state of utter prostration. The
island was partitioned between the Syracusans and
Carthaginians, and on several occasions eauli side in turn
was on the point of completely expelling its rival from
the island. But gradually the balauce inclined iu favour
of the Carthaginians, and, after the failure of the attempt
of Pyrrhus to restore the Syracusau fleet, the Carthagi-
nians commanded Avithont a rival the whole western
Mediterranean ; and their efforts to occupy Syracuse,
Rhegium, and Tarentum, show the extent of their power,
and the objects they had in view. They shrank from no
violence in their attempt to monopolize the whole trade
of the West ; any foreigner sailing towards Sardinia and
Gades, if apprehended, was thrown into the sea , and the
treaty of 306 B.C. closed every Phoenician port except that
of Carthage against Roman vessels, which forty-two years
before had been allowed to trade with the ports in Spain,
Sardinia, and Libya.
The constitution of Carthage was described by Aristotle
as having chauged from a monarchy to an aristocracy, or
as a democracy inclining towards oligarchy. The conduct
of affairs was directly vested in the hands of a council of
elders, which consisted, like the Spartan gerusia, of two
kings, annually nominated by the citizens, and of twenty-
eight elders also annually chosen by the same body. All
the chief business of state was transacted by this council,
and the general and his chief officers, who were always
elders," were appointed by it. The kings seem to have
had compai'atively little power, and acted as supreme
judges. The general was much more of an autocrat, and
is described by Roman writers as a dictator ; the term of
his office was not fixed, but the gerusiasts attached to him
as sub-commanders must have restricted his power, and
on laying down his office he had to give an official account
of his actions.
But over the gerusia and the magistrates was the body
of the Hundred and Four, or the judges, the bulwark of
the Carthaginian oligarchy. Its origin was due to the
danger that threatened Carthage of all the power being
concentrated in the hands of a single family. Public
offices could be bought, and, as the supreme board con-
sisted originally of only a few members, this result was
not only possible, but did actually occur in the case of the
Mago family. The aristocratic opposition brought about
a reform and created this body of the judges. Although,
there is considerable obscurity as to the mode of their
election and the length of their tenure of office, we may
infer from the name of senators, given them by the
Greeks and Romans, that they practically held office for
life, and that they were elected by some method of
co-optation. At first intended to act as political jurymen
and hear the accounts of, and, if necessary, punish the
general, or any of the gerusiasts, the judges gradually
came to interfere in all legislation and thus usurp the
functions of those gerusiasts whom they controlled. We
can thus easily understand how the generals and states-
men of Carthage were perpetually hampered in council
and action by the fear of this control.
The body of citizens seems to have exercised very little
influence in Carthage. Open corruption prevailed in the
election of gerusiasts ; and, although the people were
consulted in the election of a general, their opinion was
only taken after the general had been nominated by the
gerusia. On other questions the people were only con-
sulted if the gerusia thought fit to do so. The citizens
possessed no assemblies with judicial functions ; they
were split up into political coteries or mess associations,
like the Spartan pheiditia, and these were probably guilds
under oligarchical management.
Viewing the Carthaginian constitution as a whole, we
may conclude that the government was one of capitalists,
such as would arise in a city where there was no rich
middle class, but merely a city rabble on the one hand
and a class of great merchants, planters, and noble
governors on the other. Beguiled by the bribes of the
rich governing class, the needy nobles did not, for a long
time at least, play the part of leaders of a democratic
revolution, and thus, up to the time of the first Punic
war, no influential party representing a democratic
opposition had arisen. At a later time, due in some
measure to the defeats sustained by the Carthaginian
arms, such a party arose to prominence, and by its
rapidly increasing influence broke down the power of the
Carthaginian oligarchy. At the close of the second Punic
war Hannibal carried a proposal that no member of the
Council of a Hundred should hold office for two consecutive
years ; and thus a complete democracy was introduced
but, owing to the corruption prevalent at Carthage, and
the ungovernable nature of the body of citizens, such
revolutions were powerless to effect the good they brought
about in other states.
Regarded from a financial point of view, Carthage
pre-eminent among the states of antiquity. Poly-
bius calls it the wealthiest city in the world, and indeed
it rivalled the London of our own times. The high pitch
reached by the Carthaginians in the art of husbandry is
attested by the agricultural treatise of Mago, the text-
book not only of Carthage but of Rome, which was
translated into Greek and edited in Latin by the express
order of the Roman senate, for the benefit of Italian
landholders. The close connection between agriculture
and the management of capital was a special feature of
their enlightened system
no one held more' land than he
could thoroughly manage. Thus enriched at home by the
well-nigh inexhaustible resources of fertile Libya, whose
horses, oxen, sheep, and goats excelled those of all other
lands, and drawing a huge rental from her subjects, while
abroad she held in her hands the trade and manufactures
of the interior as well as of the coasts of the western
Mediterranean, Carthage occupied a commercial position
up to that time unrivalled in the ancient world; and the
whole carrying trade between east and west became
more and more concentrated in her single harbour. For
science and art Carthage was chiefly indebted to Hellenic
influences, and rich treasures were carried off to Carthage
from Sicilian temples. Native intellect was subservient
to the interests of capital : and therefore her literature
bore chiefly upon agriculture and geography, and such
subjects as advanced commerce. The same utilitarian
view of education caused the Carthaginians to pay special
attention to the knowledge of foreign languages. In
consequence of the huge accumulation of wealth in the
city no direct taxation was found necessary
and after
the second Punic war, when the power of Carthage was
broken, it was found possible, by a stricter administration
of the finances, to meet the current expenses and pay the
yearly instalment of 48,000 to Rome without levying
any tax. Carthage anticipated the economical principles
of a later epoch in her financial management of loans and
In fact, if government had resolved itself
into a mere mercantile speculation, never would any state
have solved the problem more brilliantly than Cartliage."
Some comparison between the resources of Rome and
Carthage will be a fitting close to this chapter. Both
cities were purely agricultural and mercantile, art and
science in both playing a subordinate and wholly practical
part. In Rome the landed interest still preponderated
over the moneyed : in Carthage the reverse was the case.
In the former the great mass of citizens tilled their own
fields, in the latter the agricultural interest was centred
in the hands of large landholders and slave-owners. Thus
at Rome, ow
ing to the fact that most of the citizens held
property, the tone was conservative ; in Carthage the
majority held no property, and were therefore moved
alike by the bribes of the rich and the reform-cries of the
democrats. Rome still prescribed pristine frugal sim-
plicity in her mode of life ; Carthage was the victim of
opulence and luxury.
Politically, the constitution of both was aristocratic.
The judges of Carthage and the senate of Rome governed
on the same system of police-control. In both cities the
individual magistrate was subject to the control of the
governing board, but the cruel severity and absurd
restrictions visible in the Carthaginian system contrast
very unfavourably with the milder and more reasonable
powers of the Roman council. Moreover, the Roman
senate was open to and filled by men of eminent ability,
representatives of the nation in the truest and best sense,
while the Carthaginian senate exercised a jealous control
on the executive, and represented only a few leading
families, and was inspired
by a sense of mistrust of all
above and below it. Hence the steady unwavering policy
of Rome, and the confidence and good understanding
generally existing between the senate and its magistrates
while at Carthage a wavering half-hearted policy was
pursued, and the best officers were generally at feud with
the governing body at home, and were thus forced to join
the reform or opposition party. Again, as to their treat-
ment of subject states, Rome threw open her citizenship to
one district after another, and made it even legally attain-
able by the Latin communities : Carthage never allowed
such a hope to be entertained, still less to be realized
Rome granted a share in the fruits of victory, and sought
to create a party in each state favourable to her own
Carthage reserved to herself all the spoils of
victory, and took away from all cities the freedom of
trade. Rome allowed a shadow of independence even to
the lowest grade of her subject states, and imposed a
fixed tribute on none
Carthage enforced a heavy tribute
on even the old Phoenician cities (with the exception of
Utica), and treated subject tribes as state slaves. Thus
every African community (with the above exception)
would have profited by the fall of Carthage, whereas
every state in Italy would have lost rather than gained
by a rebellion against Rome. The strength of the Roman
alliance was shown in the war against Pyrrhus; the
landing of Agathocles and Regulns in Africa, and the
mercenary war, proved the hollow and rotten nature of
the Carthaginian confederacy. In Sicily alone Carthage
pursued a wiser and milder policy, owing to her inability
to take Syracuse, and thus there was always a party
there favourable to her interests.
The state revenues of Carthage were far superior to
those of Rome, but the sources of that revenuetribute
and customswere exhausted far sooner than those of
Rome, and the Carthaginian mode of conducting war was
far costlier than the Roman.
Though very different, the military resources of the two
rivals were not unequally balanced. Carthage, at the
time of her conquest, still numbered 700,000 citizens, and
at the close of the fifth century she could put into the
field an army of 40,000 hoplites. Rome's advantage lay
not so much in the superiority of numbers, as in the
superior physique and character of the Roman husband-
man. Neither the Carthaginians nor the Libj-Phoenicians
were naturally soldiei's ; the flower of the Carthaginian
armies consisted of the Libyans, who made good infantry,
and were unsurpassed as light cavalry. Aided by the
forces of the dependent tribes of Libya and Spain, and by
the famous slingers of the Baleares, as well as by merce-
nary foreigners, the Carthaginians could raise their armies
to almost any strength ; but a long and dangerous interval
must elapse before such hosts could be collected, and,
when assembled, they lacked that unity of interests and
ties of fatherland which made the Roman army so formid-
able. Moreover, the relations between the Carthaginian
officers and the mercenary and Libyan troops were
marked by a callous indifference on the one hand, and
a dangerous and mutinous dissatisfaction on the other.
Officers broke their word to the troops, and even betrayed
them,wrongs which were bitterly avenged by Libyan
insurrections. Great efforts were always made by the
Carthaginian government to remedy the defects of their
military system. Not only were the army chests and
magazines kept fully stored, but special attention was
paid to all machines of war, aud to the use of elephants.
As the Carthaginians did not dare to fortify their de-
pendent cities, owing to their fear of their subject states,
they spared no pains in making Carthage impregnable.
Rome, on the other hand, allowed most of the subject
towns to retain their walls, and secured her power by a
chain of frontier fortresses throughout Italy. The great
strength of Carthage lay in her war-marine, composed of
ships and sailors unrivalled in the world. Ships with
more than three banks of oars were first built at Carthage,
and her quinqueremes were better sailers than the Creek
ships of war. In this point Rome was no match, and
could not at this period venture into the open sea against
her rivals.
To sum up, the resources of the two great powers were
at the outset very equally matched ; but the danger of
Carthage lay in the want of a land army of her own,
and of a confederacy of states resting on a secure and
self-supporting basis. It was plain that neither Rome
nor Carthage could be seriously attacked except in the
home of her power : but, in the one case, almost insu-
obstacles met the invader; while, in the other, half
is task was accomplished as soon as he had set foot
on African soil.
Phoenicians.Strab. 756-760. Thuc. i. 8, 13, 16, 100 ; viii.
81, 87.
position, etc.Strab. 832, sqq. Polyb. i. 73-75. Appian,
Lib. i. sqq. Plat. Timol. 8.
Colonies.Appian Sp.
Constitution.Polyb. vi.
51, sqq. Aristot. Pol. ii. 11.
Resources.Strab. 833, sqq. Polyb. iii. 39, vi. 52.
State of SicilyCause of rupture between Rome and Carthage-
Roman fleet Naval victories of Mylae, 260 B.C., and Ecnomus,
256 B.c.Regulus in AfricaSiege of Lilybaeum, and Roman
defeat off Drepana, 249 B.C. Despondency at RomeVictory at
Aegusa, 2-A1 B.C.Terms of peaceRoman administration of the
new provincesSuppression of Illyrian piracyConquest of the
Italian Celts.
As was but natural, the first conflict between Rome and
Carthage had its origin in the island which lay between
Italy and Africa. After Pyrrhus had been driven from
Sicily and Italy in 275 B.C., the Carthaginians were left
masters of more than half the island, and were in pos-
session of the important town of Agrigentum. Syracuse
retained nothing but Taui*omenium and the south-east of
the island. We have above
alluded to the roving
and mercenary character of the Catnpanian youth, who,
feeling no strong attachment to their native land, had
ever been willing to join the forces of Greek adventurers.
On the death of Agathocles a band of these mercenaries
had, by an act of odious treachery, seized Messana (cf.
p. 106),
and in a short time these Mamertines, or men of
Mars, as they styled themselves, became the third power
in Sicilv. Their increasing strength was not unwelcome
to the Carthaginians, who gladly saw a new and hostile
power established close to Syracuse. Hiero, the new
ruler and able general of Syracuse, made great efforts
to rest-ore the city to its former eminence, and to unite

the Sicilian Greeks. Being

at peace for the time with
Carthaginians, he turned his arms against Messana,
at the very time that Rome was taking vigorous measures
against the Campanian kinsmen of the Mamertines, who
established themselves in Rhegium. Hiero succeeded
in shutting up the Mamertines in their city, and was on
point of successfully terminating
a siege which had
lasted some years, when the Mamertines in their dire
turned for help to Rome, and offered to deliver
their city into her hands.
It was a moment of the
significance in the history of the world, when
the envoys of the Mamertines
appeared in the Roman
senate." If the Romans acceded to their request, they
would not only do violence to their own feelings of right
and wrong, by receiving into alliance a band of adven-
turers stained with the worst crimes, whose very kinsmen
in Rhegium they had just punished for the same offence,
but they
would throw aside their views of establishing
a mere
sovereignty in Italy for the wider and more
policy of interference with the outside world

a policy
which could not fail to bring them into compli-
relations with powers strictly outside their own
land. A war with Carthage, serious as it might prove,
was not the only result that might follow such a step;
no one could calculate the consequences of so bold a leap
in the dark. After long deliberation the senate referred
the matter to the citizens; and they, fired by a con-
sciousness of what they had already achieved, and by a
belief in their future destiny, authorized the senate to
receive the Mamertines into the Italian confederacy, and
to send them aid at once265 B.C.
The question now was, what would be the action of Car-
thage and of Hiero, both nominally allies of Rome, when
the news came that the Mamertines were under Roman
protection, and that therefore Hiero must desist from
his siege of Messana. We have already pointed out
10S) that the relations between Carthage and Rome had
been somewhat strained by the Carthaginian attempt to
occupy Tarentum in 272 B.C. Envoys were now sent
to Carthage to demand explanations of this act; but the
Carthaginians avoided an open rupture, and did not
threaten to regard the meditated Roman invasion of Sicily
as a casus belli. When, however, the Roman fleet, to-
gether with the vanguard of the land army under Gaius
appeared at Rhegiura in the spring of 274 B.C.,
news came that Hiero and the Mamertines had accepted
the mediation of Carthage, that the siege of Messaua was
raised, and the town in the hands of Hanno, the Cartha-
ginian admiral. The Mamertines, while thanking Rome
for her speedy aid, said that they no longer required it.
The Roman general, however, refused to acquiesce in this
arrangement, and, despite the warnings of the Cartha-
ginians, set sail. Although at first foiled by the Car-
thaginian fleet, he succeeded in crossing on the second
attempt, and seized the town of Messana, which the
cowardly Carthaginian admiral evacuated. Carthage
declared war 264 B.C., and a strong fleet under Hanno,
the son of Hannibal, blockaded Messana. At the same
time a Carthaginian land army laid siege to the town
on the north side, and Hiero undertook the attack on
the south side of the city. But the Roman consul, Appius
Claudius Caudex, crossed over from Rhegium, and, uniting
his forces with those of Claudius, surprised the enemy, and
succeeded in raising the siege. In the following year
(263 B.C.) Marcus Valerius Maximus, afterwards called
Messalla, "the hero of Messana," defeated the allied
armies of Carthage and Syracuse. Upon this Hiero went
over to the Roman side, and continued to be the most im-
portant and the firmest
ally the Romans bad in the island.
The desertion of Hiero and the success of Roman arms
forced the Carthaginians to take refuge in their fortresses;
and the succeeding year (262 B.C.) practically saw the
close, for the time being, of the war in Sicily. The siege
of Agrigentum, which was held by
Hannibal, son of Gisgo,
and the flower of the Carthaginian army, was the main
episode in this year. Unable to storm so strong a city,
the Romans strove to reduce it by famine, but were
themselves cut off from provisions by the arrival of a
Carthaginian fleet under Hanno. At last a severe battle,
in which both sides suffered heavily, gave Rome
coveted town; although the besieged Carthaginians,
during the confusion and exhaustion of their conquerors,
managed to escape to their fleet at Heraclea. This victory
placed the whole island in the hands of the Romans, with
the exception of the maritime fortresses, held by the firm
grip of Hamilcar, and the coast towns, which were awed
into obedience by the all-powerful Carthaginian fleet.
The real difficulties of the war were at last beginning
to be realized by the Romans, and the necessity of a fleet
was clearly recognized. Not only was it impossible for
them completely to subdue Sicily while Carthage ruled
the sea, but their own coast was continually ravaged by
Carthaginian privateers, and their commerce was well-
nigh ruined. Therefore they resolved to build a fleet
of one hundred quinqueremes and twenty triremes. A
stranded Carthaginian man-of-war served as a model to
the Roman shipbuilders, and in the spring: of 260 B.C.
the great task was accomplished, and the fleet launched.
We have above shown in what poor estimation the Romans
held naval matters (cf.
p. 108),
and, even now, not only
the sailors but also the naval officers were almost ex-
clusively drawn from their Italian allies. To compensate
for their ignorance of nautical tactics and manoeuvres,
the Romans made great use of soldiers
and by lowering
flying-bridges on to the Carthaginian ships, and fastening
them with grappling-irons, they reduced the fight to a
land conflict, making it possible to board and capture
the enemy's ships by assault. The first great trial of
strength took place at Mylae, a promontory to the north-
west of Messana, where the Roman fleet under Gaius
Duilius encountered the Carthaginian fleet under the
command of Hannibal. The Carthaginians, despising
their awkward-looking opponents, fell upon them in
irregular order; but the boarding-bridges gave the
Romans a complete victory, the moral effect of which was
far greater than the victory itself.
Rome had suddenly
become a naval power, and held in her hand the means
of energetically terminating a war, which threatened to
be endlessly prolonged, and to involve the commerce of
Italy in ruin." In the following year
B.C.) the
consul Lucius Scipio captured the port of Aleria in
Corsica ; but no permanent hold was gained in Sardinia,
although the coast was plundered. In Sicily, Hamilcar
showed great skill and energy in his conduct of the war,
and by political proselytism, as well as by force of arms,
baffled the Romans in their attempts to completely oust
the Carthaginiaus. The small towns inland continually
returned to their Carthaginian allegiance, while the
fortresses on the coast, of which Panormus and Drepana
were the chief, were practically impregnable. The war
dragged on without any decisive action. At last, weary
of this unsatisfactory state of things, the Romans deter-
mined to strike at Carthage in her native land. In the
spring of 256 B.C. a powerful fleet of 330 ships set sail for
Africa ; on the way, it received on board at Himera, on the
south coast of Sicily, four legions under the command of
the two consuls, Marcus Atilius Regulus and Lucius
Manlius Volso. The Carthaginian fleet, consisting of
some 350 ships, had taken up its station at Ecnomus to
protect its native shores ; thus, when the two fleets met,
each side must have numbered little less than one hundred
and fifty thousand men. After an obstinate struggle, in
which both sides suffered heavily, the Romans gained the
day ; and the consuls, having deceived the Carthaginians
as to their place of landing, disembarked, without any
hindrance from the enemy, on the eastern side of the gulf
of Carthage, at the bay of Clupea. An entrenched camp
was formed on a hill above the harbour ; and so confident
were the Romans rendered by the success of their plan,
that half the army and most of the fleet were recalled
home by the senate. Regulus remained in Africa with
40 ships, 15,000
infantry, and 500 cavalry. The terror-
stricken Carthaginians did not dare to face the Romans
in the field; the towns everywhere surrendered, and the
Numidians rose in revolt against Carthage. Cowed by
this accumulation of disasters, the proud Phoenician city
sued for peace, but the exorbitant terms proposed by
Regulus were little calculated to render such a solution
possible. Under the spur of dire necessity, Carthage
evinced that energy and enthusiasm which on such
occasions often marks Oriental nations. Hamilcar, the
hero of the guerilla war in Sicily, appeared on the scene
with the flower of his Sicilian troops
gold purchased
the support both of Numidian cavalry and of Greek
mercenaries, among whom was the Spartan Xanthippus,
famous for his knowledge and skill in the art of war.
During the energetic preparations of Carthage, Regulus
remained idle at Tunes ; he still pretended to besiege
Carthage, and did not even take measures to secure his
retreat to the naval camp at Clupea. His folly cost him
dear. In the spring of 255 B.C. the Carthaginians wen
in a position to take the field ; and Regulus accepted
battle without waiting for reinforcements. Roman cour-
age availed not against the superior tactics of Xanthippus.
Outflanked and surrounded by the Numidian horse, crushed
and completely broken up by the elephants, the Romans
were almost annihilated. The consul was one of the few
prisoners ; about two thousand fugitives reached Clupea
in safety. On the news of this disaster reaching Rome,
a large fleet at once started to save the remnant shut up
in Clupea. After defeating the Carthaginians off the. Her-
maean promontory, the Roman ships arrived at Clupea, and
carried off what remained of the army of Regulus. Content
with accomplishing this, they sailed horaewanls, and thus
evacuated a most important position, and left their African
allies to Carthaginian vengeance. To crown the misfor-
tunes of Rome, a terrible storm destroyed three-fourths of
their fleet, and only eighty ships reached home iu safety
Carthage took a stern vengeance on the revolted Nu-
midians, and filled her exhausted treasury with the
heavy fines in money and cattle Avhich she exacted from
her rebellious subjects. Able now to assum3 the offen-
sive, she despatched Hasdrubal, so.i of Hanno, to Sicily,
with a force especially strong in elephants. He landed
at Lilybaeum, and Sicily once more became the theatre of
the war. A new Roman fleet of three hundred ships was
despatched thither in the
incredibly short space of three
months ; and the Carthaginian stronghold of Panormus,
with many other places of minor importance, fell into the
hands of the Romans. But by land no progress was
made, and the Romans did not dare to risk a battle in
the face of the overwhelming numbers of Carthaginian
elephants. The year 254 B.C. passed by
and the next
year, while returning from a plundering expedition to the
coast of Africa, the Romans lost 150 vessels in another
storm, owing to their obstinate refusal to allow the pilots
to take their own course. The senate, utterly downcast
by this disaster, reduced their fleet to sixty sail, and
limited themselves to the defence of the coast and the
convoy of transports. The land war in Sicily was more
successful. In 252 B.C., Thermae, the last Carthaginian
position on the north coast, and the island of Lipara,
yielded to Roman arms
and in the following year the
consul Gaius Caecilius Metellus gained a great victory
over the Carthaginian army under the walls of Panormus,
owing to the disorder of the elephants, which charged
their own side. The Carthaginians could no longer take
the field, and in a short time they only retained their
hold on Drepana and Lilybaeum. The Romans refused
the Carthaginian proposals for peace in 249 B.C., and con-
centrated all their efforts on the capture of Lilybaeum.
This was the first great siege undertaken by Rome; but
the greater adroitness of the Carthaginian sailors and the
ability of Himilco, the commander of Lilybaeum, parried
all the efforts of the Romans both by sea and land. Foiled
in their efforts to take the city by assault, they were
forced to attempt to reduce it by blockade ; but they
were unable to completely prevent Carthaginian ships
from running into the harbour with supplies from Drepana,
while the light Numidian cavalry made all foraging both
difficult and dangerous on land. In addition, disease,
arising from the malaria of the district, thinned the ranks
of the Roman land army. Weary of the tedious blockade,
the new consul, Publius Claudius, attempted to surprise
the Carthaginian fleet as it lay at anchor before Drepana.
Completely outmanoeuvred by the Phoenician admiral,
Atarbas, the Roman consul fell into the trap set for him,
and only escaped by prompt flight himself. Ninety-three
Roman vessels, with the legions on board, were captured;
and the Carthaginians won their first and only great naval
victory over the Romans. Lilybaeum was thus set free
from the blockade by sea ; in fact, the remains of the
Roman fleet were in their turn blockaded by the Car-
thaginian vice-admiral, Carthalo. The latter also took
advantage of the folly of the second consul, Lucius Junius
Pullns, who was in charge of a second Roman fleet, in-
tended to convey supplies to the army at Lilybaeum.
Carthalo met this fleet off the south coast, sailing in two
squadrons at some distance from each other; interposing
his own ships between the squadrons, he forced both to
run on shore. A violent storm completed the work begun
by Carthaginian assaults, and both squadrons were com-
pletely wrecked, while the Carthaginians easily weathered
the storm out on the open sea.
Now, if ever, was the time for Carthage to humble
her great antagonist. During a war of fifteen years the
Romans had lost four fleets, three with armies on board;
and one land army had been destroyed in Libya. This,
added to the many minor losses by disease, guerilla war-
fare, battles by sea and land, had reduced the burgess-
roll, from the years 252-247 B.C. alone, by about forty
thousand men, without reckoning the losses of the allies,
who bore the whole brunt of the war by sea. The loss of
ships and war-material, and the utter paralysis of trade,
had inflicted incalculable damage. Moreover, every method
and every plan had been tried, and Rome was no nearer
the end than she was at the outset of the war. In utter
despondency the senate no longer felt equal to the task of
subduing Sicily
the fleet was discarded, and the state
ships were placed at the disposal of privateer captains,
whose unaided valour might perhaps compensate in some
degree for the feebleness of the senate. The miserable
indolence and weakness of the Carthaginian government
alone saved Rome : relieved of the necessity of self-
defence, the Carthaginians imitated the example of their
enemy, and confined their operations by land and sea to
the petty warfare in and around Sicily
The next six years of uneventful warfare, from 248-243
B.C., reflect little credit on Carthage, and still less on Rome.
Hamilcar, named Barak or Barca (i.e. lightning), the
Carthaginian commander in Sicily, alone showed proper
energy and spirit. Aware that the infantry of Car-
thage were no match for the Roman legions, and aware
that his mercenaries cared as little for Carthage as for
Rome, he proved that
personal attachment to a general
could compensate in the minds of his soldiers for the
want of ties of nation and country. He established
himself on mount Ercte (Monte Pellegrino), and later
captured the town of Eryx, and from these strong posi-
tions he
carried on a plundering warfare, and levied con-
from the plains, while Phoenician privateers
the Italian coast. The Romans were unable to
him from either of his positions, and every day
to bring fresh defeat and disgrace to the
Roman arms. No Roman general was a match for Hamil-
car, and the Carthaginian mercenary had learnt to look
the Roman legionary in the face. This gloomy aspect
of affairs was completely changed, not by the energy of
the Roman government, but by the noble patriotism of
individuals. By private subscription a fleet of two hundred
ships, manned by sixty thousand sailors, and fitted out
with the greatest care, was raised and presented to the
state. This fleet, under the consul Gaius Lutatius Ca-
tulus, had no difficulty in occupying the harbours of
Drepana and Lilybaeum, and prosecuted the siege of both
places with great vigour. Carthage, taken by surprise,
despatched a weak fleet with supplies to the beleaguered
towns, and hoped to effect a landing without interference
from the Romans. They were, however, intercepted and
forced to accept battle off the small island of Aegusa, in
the spring of 241 B.C. The result was never doubtful,
and the Romans gained a complete and decisive victory.
The last effort of the Roman patriots had borne fruit
it brought victory, and with victory peace."
Peace was concluded at last on terms not wholly un-
favourable to Carthage. Sicily, however, had to Le
abandoned, and Hamilcar was forced by the incapacity of
others to descend from the positions he had occupied for
seven years with such conspicuous success. In addition
to Sicily, Carthage ceded all the islands between Sicily
and Italy. She was also condemned to pay a war in-
demnity of 790,000, a third of which was to be paid
down at once, and the remainder in ten annual instal-
ments. But Hamilcar refused to accede to certain de-
mands of the Roman consul ; and the independence and
integrity of the Carthaginian state and territory were
expressly guaranteed. Both Rome and Carthage bound
themselves not to enter into a separate alliance with any
dependency of the other, nor in any way to encroach on
the rights which each exercised in her own dominions.
The dissatisfaction of the patriotic party at Rome was so
great, that at first the public assembly refused to sanction
the proposed terms of peace. But a commission was
appointed to settle the question on the spot in Sicily
and practically the proposals of Catulus were adopted,
and Hamilcar, the unconquered general of a vanquished
nation, delivered up to the new masters of Sicily the
fortresses which had been in the possession of the Phoeni-
cians for at least four hundred years
and in 241 B.C. the
West had peace.
The severe struggle, which thus ended in the extension
of Roman dominion beyond Italy, throws a strong and by
no means favourable light on the Roman military and
political system. Notwithstanding the noble patriotism
and heroic energy often exhibited by the citizens, we
cannot fail to mark the miserable vacillation shown by
Rome in the conduct of this war. The fact is that the
organization of the Roman senate and of the military
system were only adapted for a purely Italian policy, and
a purely continental war. The wide area of the battle-
field, the necessity of a fleet, the siege of maritime
fortresses, were all hitherto unknown to the Romans.
For the solution of such problems the senate, from its
composition and ignorance, was quite unfitted : moreover,
the system of choosing a new commander every year,
often to reverse the plans of his predecessor, was mani-
festly absurd. The noble creation of this wara Roman
was never truly Roman ; Italian Greeks com-
manded, and subjects, nay even slaves and outcasts,
composed the crews ; naval service was always held in
slight esteem when compared with the honour of the
legionary. The general, again, as we see in the case of
Regulus, could not change his tactics to suit the exigen-
cies of the moment. The old idea that any citizen was
fit to be a general wa3 true only in rustic warfare, while
the notion that the chief command of the fleet should be
regarded as a mere adjunct of the chief command of the
land army excites our wonder and ridicule. To the
energy of her citizens, and still more to the terrible
blunders of her adversaries, Rome owed her victorious
issue from the first Punic war.
In the years that followed this peace Rome gradually
extended her dominion to what we may term the natural
of Italy, to the Alps in the north and to Sicily
in the south. On the expulsion of the Phoenicians, Rome
contented herself with allowing her steadfast ally, Hiero,
to retain his independence as ruler of Syracuse, and of the
neighbouring districts of Elorus, Neetum, Acrae, Leontini,
Megara, and Tauromenium
the rest of Sicily she per-
manently appropriated. Meanwhile Carthage, in con-
sequence of her cowardly and miserly attempt to dock
the pay of the mercenaries of Hamilcar, was engaged in
a deadly conflict with her revolted soldiers and her Libyan
dependencies, among whom the revolution spread far and
wide. The city of Carthage itself was besieged, and not
only in Libya but even in Sardinia the insurgents looked
to Rome for aid. Some, although she refused to succour
the revolted Libyans, availed herself of the treachery
of the Sardinian garrisons, and seized possession of that
island in 23S B.C.
shortly afterwards she added Corsica
to her new possessions. Carthage, restored by the genius
of Hamilcar to her full sovereignty in Africa, demanded
in 237 B.C. the restitution of Sardinia; but she did not
dare to take up the gage of battle which was promptly
thrown down by Rome; and therefore she had to submit
to the cession of Sardinia, and, in addition, to pay 1200
The acquisition of Sicily and Sardinia caused an im-
portant change in the Roman method of administration,
and one which marked the difference between Italy and
the provinces, between the conquests of Rome in her own
proper land of Italy and those she made across the sea. The
necessity of some special magistrate for these transmarine
regions caused the appointment of two provincial praetors,
one for Sicily, and one for Sardinia and Corsica
the coasts
of these latter islands alone were occupied, and with the
natives of the wild interior perpetual war was waged.
The two praetors exercised powers very similar to those of
the consuls in early times
the praetor was commander-in-
chief, chief magistrate, and supreme judge. One or more
quaestors were assigned to each praetor, to look after
the finance-administration. With the exception of this
difference in the chief power, the same principles were
adhered to as those which Rome had observed in organiz-
ing her dependencies in Italy. All independence in
external relations was taken away from the provincial
communities; every provincial was restricted, as
the acquisition of property, and, perhaps, the right of
marriage, to his own community. But in Sicily, at least,
the cities retained their old federal organization, and
their harmless federal diets : the power of coining money
was probably withdrawn. The land, however, was left
untouched, and each Sardinian and Sicilian community
retained self-administration and some sort of autonomy.
A general valuation corresponding to the Roman census
was instituted every fifth year, and all democratic con-
stitutions were set aside in favour of aristocratic councils.
Another de facto
distinction, of great importance, between
the Italian and transmarine communities, was that the
latter furnished no fixed contingent to the army or fleet
of Rome ; they lost the right of bearing arms, and could
only use them in self-defence when called upon by the
praetor. In lieu of a contingent they paid a tithe of
their produce and a tax of five per cent, on all articles of
commerce exported or imported
these taxes were not
new to the Sicilian Greeks, who had paid them to the
ruling power, whether the Persian king, Carthage, or
Syracuse. Certain communities were no doubt exempted
from these imposts ; Messana, for instance, was enrolled
in the Roman alliance, and furnished its contingent of
ships ; other towns, such as Segesta and Halicyae, Centu-
ripa and Alaesa, and Panormus, the future capital of
Roman Sicily, though not admitted as confederates of
Rome, were exempted from taxation. But on the whole
the position of Sicilian and Sardinian communities was
one of tributary subjection, not of dependent alliance.
By the possession of Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica,
Rome might now call the Tyrrhene sea her own. On the
east coast, the founding of Brundisium in 244 B.C. had
from the first established Roman supremacy
the quarrels
of the Greek states prevented any rival power arising in
Greece itself. But the Adriatic Sea was a prey to Illyrian
pirates, and hordes of these tribes, in their dreaded Libnr-
nian galleys, defied all authority and ravaged every coast.
They established themselves in Phoenice, the most flourish-
ing town in Epirus, and at length took possession of the
rich island of Corcyra. Urgent appeals from hard-pressed
Greek settlements on the Adriatic coast, and constant
complaints from Italian mariners, at last caused Rome
to interfere, and to send an embassy to Agron, king of
Scodra and Illyria, with demands that he should put the
evil down. His refusal was met with an insulting threat
from one of the Roman envoys, for which all the ambas-
sadors paid with their lives. A Roman fleet, with an
army on board, appeared to succour the hard-pressed
town of Apollonia in 229 B.C., and the corsairs were
completely vanquished and their strongholds razed to the
ground. The territory of the sovereigns of Scodra was
greatly restricted by the terms imposed by Rome
much of the Illyrian and Dalmatian coasts, together with
several Greek cities in that quarter, was practically
reduced under Roman sway, or attached to Rome under
forms of alliance. The Greeks submitted with a good
grace to the humility of seeing their countrymen delivered
from the scourge of piracy by barbarians from across the
sea, and admitted the Romans to the Isthmian games and the
Eleusinian mysteries. Macedonia was too weak to protest
aught but words, and that part she disdained to play.
With the exception of a six-days' war with Falerii in
241 B.C., nothing broke the peace of Italy proper. But
matters were not so settled in the northern district
between the Alps and the Apennines, where strong Celtic
races still held their ground. South of the Po were the
Boii and Lingones, and other minor tribes
the Ligurians,
mingled with isolated Celtic tribes, occupied the Apen-
nines to the west, near the sources of the Po ; while the
eastern part of the plain to the north of that river, from
Verona to the coast, was held by the Veneti, an Illyrian
race. Besides these, were the Cenomani, settled near
Cremona and Brescia, and the most important of all the
Celtic tribes in Italy, the Insubres, who were established
around Milan. It was but natural that Rome should now
wrest the gates of the Alps from the grasp of the bar-
barian, and make herself mistress, not only of the mighty
river, navigable for 230 miles, but of the largest and
most fertile plain in the then civilized Europe. The
Celts, indeed, had begun to stir in 238 B.C., and two years
later the army of the Boii, united with the Transalpine
Gauls, encamped before the walls of Ariminum. Fortu-
nately for Rome, exhausted as she then was by her
struggle with Carthage, the two Celtic hosts turned on
one another, and thus freed Rome from the threatened
danger. In 232 B.C., the Celts, weary of waiting for the
outbreak of that contest for Lombardy, which they per-
ceived was inevitable, resolved to strike the first blow.
All the Italian Celts, except the Cenomani and Veneti,
took part in the war against Rome ; advancing to the
Apennines in 225 B.C., from which quarter the Romans
did not expect an attack, they ravaged Etruria up to the
walls of Clusium ; and by a clever strategy almost
succeeded in cutting off one Roman army before the
other could relieve it. Failing in this attempt, the Celts
retreated, bat were intercepted at Telamon by some
legions which had crossed from Sardinia and landed at
Pisae. The consul Gaius Atilius Regulus commanded
this force, and at once made a flank attack with his
cavalry ; he fell in the engagement, but his colleague,
Papus, at the head of the Italian army, now came into
action. Despite their desperate resistance against the
double attack, the Celts were utterly defeated; and all
the tribes south of the Po submitted in the following
year (224; B.C.). The next year saw the struggle renewed
on the northern side of the river. The valour of the
Roman soldiers redeemed the blunder of their general,
Gaius Flaminius, and turned what nearly proved a defeat
into a glorious victory over the Insubres. Many conflicts
took place in 222 B.C., but the capture of the Insubrian
capital, Mediolanum, by Gnaeus Scipio, put an end to
their resistance. Thus the Celts of Italy were completely
vanquished ; and, though in the most northern and remote
districts Celtic cantons were allowed to remain, in all the
country south of the Po the Celtic race gradually dis-
appeared. By extensive assignations of land in the
country between Picenum and Ariminum; by carrying
the great northern highway, or
Flaminian road," on
from Narnia across the Apennines to Ariminum on the
Adriatic coast; by planting fortresses and Roman town-
ships, e.g. Placentia and Cremona on the Po itself, in the
newly acquired territory, the Romans showed their
determination to reap the fruits of their late conquests
but a sudden event checked them while in the full tide
of their prosperity.
First Punic loar. Polyb. i. 5-end
ii. 22-35. Appian. Sic. 2, sq.;
3-5. Dio. Cass. Fr.
43, sq.
Provincial government.Marq. Stv. i. 242, sqq.
Hamilcar BarcaFounds kingdom in SpainHannibalCapture of
SaguntumRome declares warHannibal reaches Gaul

Passage of the AlpsRise of the Italian CeltsBattles on the

Ticinus and TrebiaCrossing of the ApenninesBattle at Lake
TrasimeneWar in ApuliaBattle of CannaeIts results

State of things in Spain, Africa, Macedonia, and SicilyAttitude

of Rome.
The most shallow-minded Carthaginian can scarcely
have regarded the peace with Rome in 241 B.C. as likely
to prove lasting. Carthage had, no doubt, long been
divided into two parties, the one eager for political reform,
the other striving to retain the close oligarchical con
stitution. These two parties were now further rent
asunder by the cry for war and the demand for peace.
To the latter, or peace-party, belonged the gerusia and
Council of a Hundred, under the leadership of Hanno; to
this party the timorous and
indolent, the worshippers of
money and place, naturally attached themselves. The
war-party found its chief support in the democratic leaders
and military officers, among whom Hasdrubal and Hamil-
car were pre-eminent ; the wisest, most
far-seeing, and
most patriotic Carthaginians lent their aid to this section
of the state. The successful conclusion of the war against
the revolted Numidians, while it made clear to all the
genius of Hamilcar Barca, brought out in odious contrast
the miserable incapacity of Hanno, and the utterly corrupt
and pernicious character of the ruling oligarchy. Great
prominence was thus given to the patriotic party ; and,
although political reform was impracticable, while Rome
was all-povvenul and gave her countenance to the
treacherous oligarchs, important changes were effected
in the military system of Carthage. Hanno was deposed
from his command, and Hamilcar was nominated com-
mander-in-chief of all Africa for an indefinite period. He
could only be recalled by the vote of the popular assembly,
and the choice of a successor was made to depend, not on
the magisterial board at home, but on the decision of the
officers serving in the army. Apparently Hamilcar wa9
invested with these dictatorial powers for the purpose of
superintending the border-warfare with the Numidians
but we shall see what a different view he took of the
charge committed to him.
The task set Hamilcar of saving the state by means
of the army was calculated to try to the uttermost the
abilities of that great man. Not only had he to con-
struct an army out of poor material, and to pay his
mercenaries out of an ill-supplied chest, but he had also,
as leader of a party, to please and delude in turn the
venal multitude at home, whose fickle devotion he knew
but too well how to appraise. Although still a young
man, Hamilcar possibly foreboded his premature fate;
and, ere he left Carthage, he bound his son Hannibal,
then nine years of age, by the most solemn oath to swear
eternal enmity to Rome, and thus he transmitted to his
children his schemes, his genius, and his hatred. At the
head of a strong army, and accompanied by a fleet under
his son-in-law, Hasdrubal, Hamilcar marched westwards,
apparently against the Libyans in that quarter ; suddenly,
without any authority from
the government, he crossed
over into Spain, and there laid the foundations of the
Spanish kingdom of the Barcides. Of his personal achieve-
ments we have no details, save that Cato the elder, on
seeing the still fresh traces of his work, exclaimed that no
king was worthy to be named by the side of Hamilcar
Barca. After nine years of constant war with the Spanish
native tribes, when he was beginning to see the result of
all his labours, he fell fighting, in 228 B.C.
For the next eight years, his son-in-law, Hasdrubal,
carried on his plans in the same spirit. The adroit
statemanship of Hasdrubal consolidated the Carthaginian
kingdom in Spain, which the generalship of Hamilcar had
founded. The fairest regions of Spain, the southern and
eastern coasts, became Carthaginian provinces ; towns
were founded, chief of which was Cartagena on the only-
good harbour on the south coast, whose silver mines, then
first discovered, a century later produced a yearly yield of
more than 360,000.
The revenues of the province not
only paid for the maintenance of the army, but enabled
Hasdrubal to remit a large sum to Carthage every year.
The native chiefs were by every means attached to Car-
thage, and all the subject communities served as an
excellent recruiting-ground for the Carthaginian army.
Constant conflicts with the Iberians and Celtic tribes in
Spain greatly improved the character of the Carthaginian
infantry. The revival of commerce, which thus recouped
in Spain what it had lost in Sicily and Sardinia, w
as in
itself a sufficient reason for the non-interference of the
home government with the plans of Hamilcar and Has-
We must ascribe the inaction of Rome during such a long
period of brilliant Carthaginian successes to the ignorance of
the Romans, who knew very little of so remote a country as
Spain, and who, no doubt, at first regarded with contempt
the reports furnished them by their spies in Carthage.
In 226 B.C., however, the senate warned Hasdrubal not to
pass the Ehro, and received into alliance the two Greek
towns on the east coast of Spain. Saguntum and Emporiae
by fixing this limit to the Carthaginian advance, the
Romans intended to secure a basis of operations in the
country between the Ebro and the Pyrenees, should
occasion arise for their active interference in Spain. The
delay of the Romans in beginning the second Punic war
was due to many causes, but chiefly to their inability to
form a true conception of the great scheme which the
family of Barca was pursuing with such success.
policy of the Romans was always more remarkable for
tenacity, cunning, and consistency, than for grandeur of
conception or power of rapid organization."
So far fortune had smiled on the Carthaginians. It was
not fated that Hasdrubal should attempt to realize the
dream of his great predecessor. In 220 B.C., he fell by an
assassin's hand, and his place was filled by Hannibal, the
eldest son of Hamilcar, then in his twenty-ninth year.
Despite his youth, the man thus chosen by his comrades,
in-arms, was fully worthy of their confidence. Nature
had bestowed upon him gifts both mental and physical,
which were no mean qualifications for his mighty task
education and association had completed nature's work.
Brought up from his infancy to cherish thoughts of
vengeance on Rome, trained as a soldier in early youth
under his father's eye, already highly distinguished, as
the commander of the Spanish cavalry, alike for personal
bravery and for the higher qualities of a leader, Hannibal
was specially fitted to carry out the great projects of his
father. Anger, envy, and meanness have written his
history, but have not been able to mar the pure and noble
image which it presents. Combining in rare perfection
discretion and enthusiasm, caution and energy, Hannibal
was marked in a peculiar degree by the Phoenician cha-
racteristic of inventive craftiness.
Every page of the
history of the period attests his genius as a general ; and
his gifts as a statesman were, after the peace with Rome,
no less conspicuously displayed in the reform of the
Carthaginian constitution, and in the unparalleled in-
fluence which, as a foreign exile, he exercised in the
cabinets of the eastern potentates. The power which he
wielded over men is shown by his incomparable control
over an army of various nations and many tonguesan
army which never, in the worst times, mutinied against
him. He was a great man
wherever he went, he riveted
the eyes of all."
Hannibal resolved at once to begin the war, while the
Celts in Italy were still unsubdued, and while a war
between Rome and Antigonus Doson, the far-seeing ruler
of Macedonia, seemed imminent. Unfortunately the death
of the latter reduced Macedonia to silence ; while the death
of Hasdrubal had again brought the peace-party in Car-
thage to the helm of the state. But Hannibal was not
to be deterred by the opposition of the miserable politicians
at home. Having in vain tried to provoke the people of
Saguntum to break the peace, he attacked the town in
219 B.C. on the pretext that the Saguntines were oppress-
ing the Torboletes, a native tribe subject to Carthage.
The authorities at home, whose sanction Hannibal had
purposely refused to wait for, did not dare to oppose the
war thus begun. Owing to the supineness of the Romans,
who were engaged in war with the Illyrian brigands,
Sascuntum fell after a siege of eight months ; and the rich
spoils sent home to Carthage roused the people to such a
pitch of enthusiasm that they accepted the challenge of
war from the Roman envoys, who had been sent to demand
the surrender of Hannibal, in the spring of 218 B.C.
Hannibal entrusted the safety of Spain to his younger
brother, Hasdrubal, and sent home about 20,000 men to
defend Africa. The fleet remained in Spain to secure the
communications between that country and Africa. Two
smaller fleets were despatched, the one to ravage the coast
of Italy, the other to attempt to surprise Lilybaeum, and
to renew the war in Sicily. Hannibal himself, relying on
the enmity of the Celts and Ligurians to Rome, determined
to make northern Italy the meeting-place, where all foes
of Rome might unite and aid him in the achievement
of his great enterprise. It is not clear why he chose
the land-route, the old pathway of Celtic hordes, in pre-
ference to that by sea ; for neither the maritime supre-
macy of the Romans, nor their league with Massilia,
could have prevented a landing at Genoa.
In the spring of 218 B.C., with a force of
90,000 infantry,
12,000 cavalry, and 37 elephants, he set out from Cartagena
to cross the Ebro ; and he inspired all his soldiers with
enthusiasm by pointing out the main plan and object of
his undertaking. Distracted by the unexpected nature
of the danger which threatened them, the Romans seem
to have been but little prepared with a settled plan of
war, and to have fatally delayed both in aiding Saguntum
and in meeting Hannibal on the Ebro
the losses inflicted
on Hannibal by the native tribes, when he forced the
passage of that river, show clearly where the Romans
ought to have first opposed him. Part of
his troops he
left behind to secure the newly won country
between the
Ebro and the Pyrenees, part he sent
home on reaching
that chain of mountains
with the rest, amounting to
50,000 infantry and 9000 cavalry, all veterans, he crossed
the Pyrenees, nor did he meet with any serious resistance
until he reached the Rhone, opposite Avignon
there a
levy of Celts, raised by the consul Publius Cornelius
Scipio, but not yet united to the consular army, threatened
opposition. Hannibal, however, by buying up all the
available boats, and constructing rafts with great speed,
crossed the Rhone at the same moment that the Celts
were taken in the rear by a detachment under Hanno,
which had three days previously crossed the Rhone much
higher up. Scipio, although warned by the Celts of
Hannibal's arrival, had delayed fatally at Massilia
at last he did move to Avignon, he found that the Cartha-
ginians had passed on into the Celtic territory on the
Roman side of the Rhone, and could not now be prevented
from reaching the Alps. Hannibal had the choice of
three routes in crossing the Alps. The coast-route was,
however, out of the question, as it was not only barred by
the Romans, but would also have taken him away from,
his destination. The remaining two routes at that time
consisted of the pass of the Cottian Alps (Mont Genevre),
which route, though shorter, passes through a difficult
and poor mountain country, and of the pass of the Graian
Alps (the little St. Bernard). This, though longer, is far
the easiest to traverse
and the route by this pass leads
through the broadest and most fertile of the Alpine
valleys ; moreover, the Celts favourable to Hannibal in-
habited the country on the Italian side of the little
St. Bernard, while the Cottian pass led directly into
the territory of the Taurini, a Celtic tribe at feud with the
Insubres, who were Hannibal's allies. Thus every cir-
cumstance tended to make Hannibal choose the pass of
the Graian Alps.*
The march along the Rhone towards the valley of the
upper Isere, through the rich country of the Allobroges,
brought the Carthaginian army, after sixteen uneventful
days, to the foot of the Alps, and there the first dangers
were encountered from some cantons of the Allobroges,
who made constant assaults on the army during its ascent
of the first Alpine chain, and during the descent of the
precipitous path that trends sheer down to the lake of
Bourget. A welcome rest in the fertile valley of Cham-
The question as to the Alpine route of Hannibal is still open.
For an able summary of the various views, see
362-372 of Mr.
W. T. Arnold's edition of the third volume of his grandfather's history.
Strong arguments are there advanced in favour of the Mont Genevre
and of the Col d'Argentiere passes.
bery gave Hannibal time to repair his losses in beasts
of burthen and horses. Marching up the Isere, the army
now entered the territory of the Ceutrones, whose cour-
teous hospitality did but mask their coming treachery.
On reaching the narrow track that led to the summit of
the St. Bernard, Hannibal found the pass occupied on both
sides, and in the rear, by the perfidious Ceutrones. His
forethought in sending forward the baggage and cavalry
saved him from the intended robbery of his supplies
all along the line of his ascent constant conflicts caused
not only loss of men and beasts, but confusion and utter
despondency in his soldiers' hearts. At last, however, the
summit was reached, and, after a brief rest, the perilous
descent began
here the late season, "with its fresh mantle
of September snows, proved more terrible than the
treacherous attacks of barbarians. But all difficulties
gave way hefore the iron will and unshaken confidence of
the great general
and at last the shattered army enjoyed a
nobly earned repose in the plain of Ivrea, quartered in the
villages of the friendly Salassi, clients of the Insubres.
Fortunately for Hannibal, no Roman troops were stationed
so far north to await his arrival. The Alps were crossed,
and Hannibal had attained his object; but to this end
he had sacrificed more than half his infantry and three
thousand cavalry. The military value of this wonderful
achievement may well be called in question, but the courage,
skill, and masterly execution of the plan by Hannibal
himself admit of no doubt.
The grand idea of Hamilcar,
that of taking up the conflict with Rome in Italy, was
now realized. It was his genius that projected this ex-
and the unerring tact of historical tradition has
always dwelt on the last link in the great chain of pre-
paratory steps, the passage of the Alps, with a greater
admiration than on the battles of the Trasimene lake
and of the plain of Cannae."
Hannibal's airrival in Italy disconcerted the Roman
plans. The army of Publius Scipio had already landed
Spain, under the command of Gnaeus, the brother of
Publius. The latter, on being foiled by Hannibal at the
passage of the Rhone, had himself returned to Pisae with
a few troops, and was now in command of the Roman
force in the valley of the Po. A fortunate delay had
prevented the army of the other consul, Tiberius Semprc-
nius, from reaching its destination in Africa. Owing to
the futile attempt of the Carthaginian squadron to surprise
Lilybaeum, and the threatened attack on the Italian coast,
Sempronius had passed the summer in securing the
Sicilian and Italian coasts against the possibility of sur-
prise by Carthaginian fleets. Urgent orders from the
senate now recalled him to the defence of Italy. The
Boii and Insubres, who had been driven to revolt before
the time agreed upon with Hannibal, by the erection of
the Roman fortresses in their country, fully occupied the
attention of the hard-pressed colonists and of the two
legions sent to their aid. Thus Hannibal bad time both
to rest his troops, capture the capital of the Taurini, and
bring over to his side all the Ligurian and Celtic commu-
nities in the upper basin of the Po, before Publius Scipio
encountered him.
The two armies met in the plain between the Ticino
and the Sesia, not far from Vercellae, and Scipio was
decisively beaten, owing to the overpowering force of the
light Numidian cavalry. Scipio himself was severely
wounded, and only saved by the spirited devotion of his
son, then a youth of seventeen. Scipio at once wisely
recrossed the Po, and broke down the bridge over it.
But despite his able precautions Hannibal easily crossed
the river higher up on a bridge of boats, and again
confronted the Roman army, which had withdrawn from
its previous position in the plain before Placentia to
a very strong position on the hills behind the Trebia.
although unable to save Clastidium from being
plundered, or to extinguish the torch of insurrection now
passed on from Celtic canton to Celtic canton, had by this
move completely checked the advance of Hannibal ; more-
over, he had thus given an opportunity to the second
army, which, under Sempronius, had marched by land
from Messana to Ariminum, to unite with his own force
at Placentia. The Roman army, thus strengthened and
occupying a highly advantageous position, might await
with confidence the next move of Hannibal. Fortunately
for the latter, Scipio's wound caused the sole command to
devolve on Tiberius Sempronius, who was fired with im-
patience to avenge the previous defeat on the Ticinus,
and the desolation of the villages of such Celts as still
remained loyal to Rome. Drawn on by the simulated
flight of the enemy's cavalry, the Romans crossed the
Trebia* in hot pursuit, and suddenly found themselves
face to face with the whole army of Hannibal drawn up
for battle. The Roman cavalry proved no match for their
opponents ; but the stubborn courage of the infantry
resisted every attack both of foot and horse, until a picked
force of two thousand Carthaginians under Mago by an
attack in the rear decided the day. Even then the first
division of the Roman infantry, ten thousand strong, cut
their way through the midst of the enemy and succeeded
in reaching the fortress of Placentia. The losses of
Hannibal in battle fell chiefly on the Celts ; but many of
his veterans and all his elephants, except one, perished
afterwards of fatal diseases caused by the cold and wet of
that bitter December day. This victory made Hannibal
master of northern Italy, and the Celtic insurrection
spread far and wide without let or hindrance from Roman
arms. Hannibal bivouacked for the winter where he
was, and organized the Celtic accessions to his army,
which are said to have numbered more than sixty thou-
sand infantry and four thousand cavalry.
Despite this brilliant success Hannibal was probably
well aware of his true position in Italy. He knew that
his chance of ultimate victory depended rather on political
than military achievements, upon the gradual loosening and
breaking up of the Italian confederation : as long as that
confederation remained united, and confronted him with its
vaoily superior resources, he no doubt felt that with his
inferior infantry, with his precarious and irregular support
from home, with the capricious aid of the fickle Celts, he
had no hope of humbling to the dust his proud antagonist.
Owing to this conviction, Hannibal's conduct of the war
in Italy is marked by a constant change both of the
theatre of war and of the plan of operations, and also by
an earnest endeavour to turn every success to good
account by posing as the liberator of Italian cities from
On the geographical questions raised by the battles of Trebia,
Trasimene, Cannae, and by the passage of the Apennines and the
escape from Fabius, see able notes by Mr. W. T. Arnold in his edition
above referred to,
the tyranny of Rome. With this object in view he released
all the Italian prisoners without a ransom, and charged
them to report that he waged war against Rome, not
Italy, whose saviour and restorer of ancient powers and
independence he professed himself. The Roman prisoners,
on the other hand, he loaded with chains as slaves.
In the early spring of 2L7 B.C., Hannibal set out from
the Po
aud at a point as far west as possible, while the
new consul, Gaius Flaminius, lay idle at Arretium, he
crossed the Apennines.* His army suffered terrible hard-
ships on the other side of the mountains when struggling
through the low-lying and flooded country extending be-
tween the Serehi o and Amo, and Hannibal himself lost
the sight of one eye from ophthalmia. However, at last
he reached the rich laud at Faesulae, where he encamped,
having thus completely baffled the consul Flaminius.
The latter, raised by the popular party at Rome to a
second consulship, did not wait for his colleague, Gnaeus
Servilius, to leave his useless post at Ariminum, and join
him. Fired by his ambition to justify the good opinion of
the democrats, and stung by the sight of the devastation
which marked far and wide the line of Hannibal's march
through Etruria, Flaminius hastily followed, and overtook
Hannibal in the district of Cortona. Here Hannibal
had chosen his field of battlea narrow defile between two
mountains, closed at its outlet by a high hill, and
its entrance by the lake Trasimene.* The outlet was barred
by the Libyan infantry, and on both sides the cavalry and
light troops of Hannibal were posted in concealment.
The unsuspecting Romans in the thick mist advanced into
the pass. When they drew near the hill at the outlet, the
cavalry of Hannibal, at a given signal, closed the entrance,
and the mist rolling away revealed the enemy on all sides.
There was no battle
it was a mere rout. Fifteen thou-
sand Romans fell, and among them the consul
and as
many more were captured : while Hannibal's loss was but
fifteen hundred. The vanguard of the Romans, six thou-
sand strong, proved once more the irresistible might of
the legion, and cut its way through the opposing infantry;
but they were next day surrounded and made prisoners
of war by Maharbal, at the head of a squadron of cavalry.
See note on preceding page.
About the same time the cavalry of the army of Servilius,
which had been sent forward to support Flaminius, fell in
with the enemy and was cut to pieces. All Etruria was
lost ; and the Romans broke down the bridges over the
Tiber, and nominated Quintus Fabius Maximus dictator,
to make all preparations for the defence of the city, upon
which it was supposed Hannibal would at once march.
Hannibal, however, knew better; suddenly marching
through Umbria, he carried fire and sword through the
territory of Picenum, and then gave a much-needed rest
to his army on the shores of the Adriatic. More than this,
he here adopted the marvellously bold experiment of
reorganizing his Libyan infantry, after the Roman fashion,
and of equipping them with the arms taken from the
Roman spoils. From here, too, he sent messages of his
victory by sea to Carthage. After a sufficient rest and
practice of the new method of warfare, he marched slowly
along the coast into southern Italy. His hope that the
Italian confederacy would now break up was not fulfilled :
not a single community entered into alliance with the
A new general of very different tactics now confronted
Hannibal, in the person of the dictator Quintus Fabius.
Elected to counteract the demagogic spirit, which had
given the consulship to Flaminius, he was as opposed
in strategy as in policy to his predecessor. Determined
to avoid a pitched battle, and to wear out Hannibal
by small conflicts and deprivation of provisions, Fabius
followed Hannibal, as he marched over the Apennines
into the heart of Italy and made a futile attempt on
the loyalty of Capua. Bitter indeed must have been
the feelings of the Roman soldier as from the heights
along which Fabius marched was visible the flaming track
of ruin and desolation thi'oughout Samnium and Cam-
pania, beneath the devastating blight of the Numidian
horsemen. At last, however, the patient policy of Fabius
seemed to grasp its reward. When Hannibal, foiled in
his attempt on Capua, be<*an to retreat, Fabius inter-
cepted his route near Casilinum by strongly garrisoning
that town on the left bank of the Volturnus, and occupying
the heights commanding the right bank with his main
army, while a division blockaded the road along that river.
All his efforts were, however, baffled by the famous ruse
of Hannibal, who caused his light-armed troops to climb
the heights immediately above the road, and drive before
them a number of oxen with lighted faggots on their
horns. The Romans, thinking that they saw the whole
Carthaginian army marching off during the night by torch-
light, abandoned their blockade of the road, and made for
the heights. Hannibal thus gained a free passage for his
main army, and on the morrow easily disengaged his light
troops ; then marching north-east, and laying all the
country under contribution as he marched, he proceeded
to entrench himself for the winter in the plains of Apulia
at Gerunium. Huge stores of grain and supplies were
daily amassed by detachments sent out for that purpose.
Marcus Minucius, the master of the horse, in the absence
of the dictator formed a camp not far off, in the territory
of the Larinates ; and by some successful engagements
with Carthaginian detachments he caused the storm, which
had long been brewing at Rome, to break out against
Fabius and his policy. The Roman legions felt that they
had borne long enough the passive attitude of vigilant
observation, and had too long acquiesced in the sight of
all Italy spoiled by the invader without striking a blow
in her defence. Indeed, the policy of Fabius not only did
not save Rome, but never really hindered Hannibal from
carrying into execution any single operation he had
planned. The outcry at Rome gave rise to the absurd
resolution of the people, by which Minucius was appointed
co-dictator with the same powers as Fabius, but with a
diametrically opposite policy. Minucius, in his eagerness
to give effect to his spirited policy, was soon lured into
a foolish attack, and only escaped annihilation by the
timely rescue of Fabius. Rome, now thoroughly aroused,
haughtily declined the offers of money from Hiero of
Syracuse, and from the Greek cities in Italy, and deter-
mined to send out such a force as had never before been
seen : consisting of eight legions, each raised a fifth above
the normal strength, with a corresponding number of allies
Weary of the dictatorship, and bitterly distrusting the
senate, the people elected, in 216 B.C., as consul, Marcus
Terentius Varro, whose sole recommendation was his
low origin and hot-headed zeal for the popular cause. His
colleague was the able Lucius Aemilius Paullus, whose
candidature was supported, and with great difficulty
carried, by the senatorial party.
Hannibal had already resumed the offensive in Apulia,
and, marching south from Gerunium, took the citadel
of Cannae, which commanded the plain of Canusium.
Hither came the two new consuls with a united army
of eighty thousand infantry and six thousand cavalry,
as compared with the forty thousand infantry and ten
thousand cavalry of Hannibal. Paullus saw that the
wide, open plain was very favourable to the superior
horse of his enemy, and therefore constructed two camps
higher up the river, the larger on the right bank,
the smaller on the left of the Aufidus, hoping thus to
compel Hannibal to retire from his position. But the
soldiers and his hot-headed colleague were impatient of
camp-work, and longed to measure swords with the hated
foe. At early dawn, on one of the days on which Varro
held the supreme command, the Romans crossed over the
river, then almost dry, and took up position near their
smaller camp in the wide plain that stretches westward
from Cannae. The Carthaginians followed them, and
Hannibal formed his infantry in crescent shape, with the
Celtic and Iberian troops in the centre to meet the first
shock of the serried ranks of the enemy ; the light
Numidian horse occupied the open space in the plain
facing the Italian cavalry under Varro
the heavy cavalry
under Hasdrubal occupied the ground near the river on
the right, and faced the less numerous Roman horse under
Paullus. The Roman legions easily overthrew the Celts
and Iberians, and pressed on into the centre to complete
their success. On the left wing the cavalry action was
undecided, but on the right Hasdrubal completely scattered
and cut down the Roman horse. Meanwhile the Roman
infantry had become wedged in by their eager efforts to
follow up their first success, and were unable to deploy
their ranks so as to meet the attacks of the Libyan
infantry, who closed in upon all sides. At this crisis,
Hasdrubal, who had previously completely routed the
horse under Varro and left their pursuit to the light
Numidian horse, made a third and final charge on the
confused ranks of the Roman infantry. All was lost, and
the Romans merely stood to be butchered. The army
was annihilated: seventy thousand Romans lay on the
field, while Hannibal lost but six thousand, two-thirds of
whom were Celts. Paullus was among the slain, as also
the pro-consul Gnaeus Servilius, who had led the infantry,
and eighty men of senatorial rank. Varro was not
ashamed to survive the disaster, and, saved by his swift
steed, reached Venusia ; and the senators, with a noble, if
to us ironical, generosity, met him at the gates of Rome,
and thanked him for not having despaired of the safety
of the state. In addition to those slain on the field of
battle, most of the division guarding the Roman camp
were made prisoners ; and, as if to crown the disasters of
Rome, a little later a legion sent to Gaul fell into an
ambush, and was completely destroyed, together with its
general, Lucius Postumius, the consul-designate for the
coming year.
Now at last there seemed good hope of realizing that
great political combination for the sake of which Hannibal
had invaded Italy ; his army had nobly performed its
task, and opened the way for the union of the eastern and
western foes of the proud city. In one essential quarter,
indeed, all chance of succour had been for the time
destroyed. Gnaeus Soipio had met with great success
in Spain, and was not only master of the country north
of the Ebro, but with the aid of his brother Publius, had
in 217 B.C. crossed that river, after inflicting a severe
defeat on the Carthaginian fleet it its mouth, and advanced
as far as Saguntum. Further, in the following year, almost
at the same time as the great victory of Cannae, the two
Scipios totally defeated Hasdrubal, when attempting to
cross the Ebro and bring a fresh army across the Pyrenees
to his brother's aid. As far as Africa was concerned,
Hannibal had received all the assistance he could hope for
from home, though he was continually pinched for want
of money wherewith to pay his soldiers. The news of the
victory of Cannae made Carthage resolve to send him
reinforcements of money and men, and to prosecute the
war with energy both in Italy and Spain. Now, too,
Philip of Macedon formed his long-deferred alliance with
Carthage, and undertook to land an army on the east
coast of Italy, in return for the restoration of the lands in
which had been wrested from Macedonia by the
Moreover, Hieronynius, the young and incapable
of the shrewd fiiero, joined the side of the
Carthaginians ;
and the ivnited
fleet of Syracuse and
at once rendered the position of the Romans at
most critical. But, above all, signs were at
last visible that the Italian
confederacy was losing its
cohesion, and throwing off its allegiance to Rome. Arpi
in Apulia, and Uxeutum in Messapia, all the towns of the
must of the Lucanians, the transplanted Picentes
Salernum, the Birpini, the Samnites with the excep-
tion of the Pentri, and Capua, the second city in Italy,
with the neighbouring towns of Atella and Calatia, passed
over to the side of Hannibal. The aristocratic party in
all these places vehemently opposed the change of sides,
and their bitter opposition, especially in Capua, produced
internal conflicts, which greatly lessened the advantage
derived by Hannibal from these secessions. On the other
hand, the south Italian and Campanian Greeks remained
firmly loyal to Rome, despite their perilous position and
the attacks of Hannibal ; naturally, too, all the Latin
colonies in southern and central Italy presented an un-
yielding front to-thc enemy.
Such were the direct consequences of the day of
Cannae, a cruel but just punishment for the grave political
errors of the Roman people. The war with Hannibal
had revealed, with fatal clearness, the absurdity of the
method of electing generals, and the still greater danger
of such a method when, as in the case of the two con-
suls Flaminius and Varro, it became the tool of party
and the two-edged instrument, of deuuagogisin. It was
clear that, to work the deliverance of the state, the
breach between the senate and the citizens must be
healed, and that the government and the governed must
unite in the great cause with a trustful confidence in each
other. It was clear, too, that the selection of generals
must depend upon the one stable element in the state,
the senate
and that their choice, no longer subject to
the suspicion of party favouritism, but based upon the
necessary qualities of a leader, must be heartily ratified
by a united people. The noble and patriotic manner in
which the senate performed its task, and healed the party
quarrels by abstaining from all recriminations, constitutes
its glorious and imperishable
honour. Quintus Fabius
took the lead in all the defensive
measures, aud the
Claudius Marcellus, whose destination previous to
battle of Cannae had been Sicily, was appointed to
the chief command of the hastily collected army. Every
nerve was strained to gather troops aud supply arms.
All those above boyhood were ralWl
out, debtor-serfa
criminals were armed, and even eight thousand slaves
were incorporated in the array. All proposals from
Hannibal touching a ransom of captives were contemptu-
ously rejected
no word, no action, was suffered to have
even the semblance of a thought of peace, while Hannibal
was still in Italy and Cannae unavenged.
Punic war

Cannae.Pol vb. ii.

1, 36 ; iii. 8-21, 29-end
58. Liv. xxi. xxii. xxiii.-c. 30. Plut.
Fabius. Appiaa Sp.
3, sqq. ; Harm.
Lib. 0, sqq.
Harcei^sWar in Campania and ApuliaSiege of SyracuseEnd
of war in Sicily Philip of MacedoniaSpanish warDefeat
and death of the ScipiosPublius ScipioCapture of New
Carthage Conquest of SpainWar in Italy Fall of Capua

Weariness of Roman alliesHasdrubal in ItalyBattle of the

MetaurusScipio in AfricaRecall of HannibalBattle of
ZamaPeaceResults of the war in and out of Italy.
The closing act of the second Punic war shifts the scene
of active operations once more to Sicily, where the petty-
jealousy of Carthaginian generals was as potent a factor
in the final triumph of Rome as the ability of her com-
manders and the prowess of her soldiers. From Sicily we
turn again to Spain, where the genius and good fortune
of Publius Scipio revived the drooping spirits of his
countrymen by a series of brilliant successes : finally, with
Hannibal, we strain our anxious gaze to the mighty Alpine
wall, and await the coming of Hasdrubal to join hands
with his great brother, and shake Rome to her foundations
in her native land.
In Italy itself the war flagged. The gradual decline
of Hannibal's power dates really from his victory at
Cannae. He had gained all that he could hope for by
mere force of arms, but the Roman confederation in
central Italy still presented an unbroken front to his.
invincible army. The support of the Sabellian com-
munities was not such a gain to Hannibal as it would
have been in earlier days, when the Sabellian youtn was
trained to arms and when their land was not over-awcd
by Roman fortresses. The great difficulty of taking
fortified towns prevented a single battle from being so
decisive as it is in our own days. Further, Rome had
grown wiser, and the selection of Marcus Claudius Mar-
cellus as commander of the forces in Italy contributed
in no small degree to Rome's preservation. Hannibal
could no longer hope that Roman armies would remain
inactive spectators on mountain heights, while he laid
waste the valleys below
nor that rash and inexperienced
generals would leave the protection of their own fortresses
and meet him on battle-fields specially chosen by himself.
At first, indeed, Hannibal's advance into Campania from
the field of Cannae met with conspicuous success. Capua,
Nuceria, Acerrae, joined him
Casilinum, the key of the
Volturnus, fell after an obstinate siege in 215 B.C. But
the important ports of Neapolis, Cumae, and Nuceria
remained faithful to Rome, and Nola was secured in its
fidelity by the activity of Marcellus, who repulsed Hannibal
with considerable loss in 216 B.C. The winter of this year
was passed by Hannibal in Capua, and the luxury of this
town had a pernicious effect on his troops, who for three
years had not been under a roof.
In 215 B.C., the Romans took the field with three armies :
one, under Marcellus, posted near Nola ; a second, under
the veteran Qaintus Fabius Maximus, encamped near
Cales ; a third, under Tiberias Sempronius Gracchus,
covering the coast and the ports of Neapolis and Cumae.
Thus Hannibal was watched on all sides, and the invest-
ment of Capua was threatened. An attempt by the Cam-
panians to surprise Cumae was completely frustrated by
Gracchus, who not only defeated the Campanians, but
even worsted Hannibal when he appeared to avenge the
defeat of his allies.
A fourth Roman army meanwhile, under the praetor
Marcus Valerius, had taken up its position at Luceria,
and in conjunction with the force under Marcellus caused
great annoyance to Hannibal's allies in Apulia and Lu-
cania. To relieve these, Hannibal again attacked Mar-
cellus, and again suffered defeat beneath the walls of
This succession of misfortunes obliged Hannibal to
evacuate Campania and march to Arpi, where he might
in person put a stop to the further progress of the
Romans in Apulia. Gracchus followed him, leaving the
other two Roman armies to arrange for the attack on
Capua in the coming spring.
It was clear to Hannibal that the offensive was no
longer possible, and that the defensive became daily-
more difficult. The accomplishment of his great purpose
depended on the strenous co-operation of the govern-
ment at Carthage, on the success of the Carthaginian
generals in Spain, and on the long-promised aid of
Philip of Macedon. But the peace party in Carthage,
after the first impressions of the victory of Cannae had
died away, regained the ascendancy, and, with the ex-
ception of a small force of four thousand Africans, no
adequate reinforcements reached Hannibal from Carthage.
To this miserable short-sightedness and indolence of the
Carthaginian citizens the safety of Rome was in no small
measure due. Compelled to turn for help from his
native land to Spain, Macedonia, and Sicily, Hannibal
caused the interest of the war, so far as active operations
were concerned, to centre in those countries ; his allies
there renewed their exertions to reach out to him the help
his own country refused, while the Romans strained every
nerve to confine Hannibal's allies to their respective
countries and to prevent reinforcements reaching him.
Thus, although Italy plays a somewhat passive part in the
future events of the war, "all efforts were directed towards,
as all interest centred in, the removal or the continuance
of Hannibal's isolation in southern Italy." Had Hannibal
been able to bring into play the united forces of Carthage,
Spain, Sicily, and Macedonia, the overthrow of Rome
would have been well-nigh certain
but in no quarter did
matters go well for him. The activity and success of the
two Scipios in Spain held Hasdrubal in check ; and the
reinforcements sent thither from Carthage failed to produce
much effect. An attempt to secure Sardinia was baffled
by Titus Manlius Torquatus, who completely destroyed
the Carthaginian force in 215 B.C. The assassination of
Hieronymus at the close of the same year left the state
of Syracuse in great confusion ; and Hippocrates and
Epicydes, emissaries of Hannibal, counteracted a tendency
on the part of the chief Syracusans to return to their old
alliance with Rome. Marcellus himself was sent over to
finish the war in Sicily in 214 B.C. Owing to the dread
of Roman vengeance and the passionate enthusiasm for
liberty which Hannibal's emissaries had excited in the
Syracusan multitude, Marcellus was obliged to lay siege
to the city, and after eight months to convert the siege
into a blockade.
The defence of Syracuse was notable alike for the
famous ingenuity of the great engineer, Archimedes,
and for the efforts made by Carthage in its behalf. A
strong army landed under Himilco, and occupied Asrri-
this army was joined by a force under Hip-
pocrates, the able commander of Syracuse. A combined
attack on the Roman besieging army failed, and the
relieving armies were compelled to encamp on the low,
marshy grounds along the Anapus. The deadly pestilence
engendered in those districts swept off the troops, while
the Romans remained unscathed in their quarters, winch
they had transferred to a part of the suburbs, surprised by
them not long before during a festival of the Syracusans.
The survivors of the Carthaginian and Syracusan armies
dispersed into the neighbouring towns, and Epicydes, the
successor of Hippocrates as commander of Syracuse, aban-
doned the city as lost. Shortly afterwards, Syracuse
surrendered, in 212 B.C., and was completely sacked by
the soldiers of Marcellus, Archimedes being among the
slain. Syracuse was deprived of its freedom and was
classed among the communities that paid tribute to Rome.
All Sicily seemed lost t
> the Carthaginians, whose force
at Agrigentum, under Hanno and Epicydes, dared not
make a move against the triumphant Romans. But
Hannibal's influence, and the ability of one of his Libyan
cavalry officers, Mutines, whom Hannibal sent from Italy,
carried on a guerilla warfare throughout the island with
great success. Mutines, at the head of the Nnmidian
cavalry, even succeeded in worsting Marcellus himself.
Hanno, however, as appointed by the Carthaginian govern-
ment, was jealous of the success of one of Hannibal's
insisting upon giving battle to Marcellus against
the advice of Mutines, he was utterly beaten. Mutines
still gained brilliant successes, which only served to
aggravate the stupid jealousy of Hanno
the latter even
deposed him from his command of the cavalry, and gave
it to his own son. In indignation at such treatment,
Mntines delivered up Agi'igentum to the Roman general
Marcus Valerius Laevinus, and thus put an end to the
war in Sicily in 210 B.C. Carthage made no further effort
to regain her former position in that island, which was gra-
dually reduced to order and tranquillity under Roman rule.
Hannibal might with good reason have looked for more
substantial aid from Macedonia. In Greece generally
there was a strong outburst of national patriotism
internal discord had been healed and peace established
in 217 B.C. between Philip and the Aetolian league.
But in Greece, as in Carthage, a national leader was
wanting to give effect to the national ardour of the
moment. Philip of Macedon lacked that enthusiasm and
faith in the Greek nation which alone could have fitted
him for such an enterprise.
He knew not how to solve
the arduous problem of transforming himself from the
oppressor into the champion of Greece." After a futile
attempt to take Apollonia in 216 B.C., and after constantly
threatening but never daring to carry out his promised
descent on the east coast of Italy, he made a useless
attack on the Roman possessions in Epirus in 214 B.C.
The energetic action of the Romans, who crossed over from
Brundisium and stormed his camp, cowed him back into
inaction. Nor was he roused out of this inertness until
a coalition, headed bv the Aetolians, and joined by the
old Greek enemies of Macedonia, and supported by Rome,
forced him to bestir himself. In the long and dreary war
that followed, Philip repelled the attacks of his foes with
vigour and success, but Hannibal soon ceased to look
eastward for aid. The war itself bore no fruit, except
that it exhausted the Greek states and rendered them the
easier prey to Roman oppression. Worn out by useless
conflicts, at last Philip made peace with the Aetolians in
205 B.C., and then with Rome : a peace favourable, indeed,
to Philip, in so far as it left matters in much the same
position as they were at the beginning of the war
disastrous to him and to the Greek nation as a whole,
since by it "the grand and just combination, which
Hannibal had projected and all Greece had for a moment
joined, was shattered irretrievably."
In Spain the struggle was sharpest, and was marked by
the vicissitudes incidental to the character of the country
and habits of the people. Neither Rome nor Carthage had
brought into Spain a force sufficiently powerful to termi-
nate the contest ; therefore both sides had to have recourse
to native help; but the natives regarded neither side with
ardent partisanship, and they were never to be depended
upon for persistent and united action. For a time, indeed,
the two Roman generals, Publins and Gnaeus Scipio, were
brilliantly successful. Not only did they firmly secure
the barrier of the Pyrenees, but they established a new
Rome, as a rival to Nova Carthago, in the city of Tarraco,
and penetrated Andalusia in 215 and 214 B.C. In the
latter year they almost reached the Pillars of Hercules,
and extended the Roman protectorate in southern Spain, and
regained and restored the important town of Saguntum
at the same time they raised up a powerful enemy to
Carthage, in the African prince Syphax, who ruled in the
modern provinces of Oran and Algiers. A revolt was
excited by Syphax among the Libyan dependencies of
Carthage, to quell which Hasdrubal Barca took the flower
of his Spanish troops in 212 B.C. Syphax was defeated
by the brave Massinissa, son of Gala, king of the modern
Constantine and ally of Carthage, and was compelled to
make peace with Carthage. The Libyan revolt was easily
quelled, and Carthage wreaked her usual vengeance on the
Hasdrubal proceeded to Spain in 211 B.C., followed
by Massinissa, who commanded the Numidian cavalry,
and three Carthaginian armies took the field. The two
Scipios were thus surprised while plundering the Cartha-
ginian territory in Spain. Instead of retreating, they
took into their pay
20,000 Celtiberians, and divided their
forces so as to face the three armies of the enemy. Has-
drubal easily induced the Celtiberians by a sum of money
to leave the Romans to their fate. Hemmed in on all
sides, while attempting to retreat, the two armies, with their
commanders, were cut to pieces. The result of this
twofold disaster was that Carthage was again paramount
in all Spain south of the Ebro.
In the following year, Rome was enabled, by the fall of
Capua, to despatch a force of 12,000 men, under the pro-
praetor Gaius Claudius Nero, to check the Carthaginian
advance in Spain. Nero was not unsuccessful on the field,
but his strategic ability was more than counterbalanced by
his harshness and inability to deal with the natives. The
senate, aware of the great exertions which were being
made in Carthage to send Hasdrubal and Massinissa with
a powerful army across the Pyrenees to Italy, resolved to
send an extraordinary general with a numerous force to
Spain. His nomination, if we may credit the story, was left
to the people. At first no one in Rome offered himself as a
but at last Publius Scipio, son of the Publius
Scipio who had fallen in Spain, although not properly
qualified for the office, came forward. The youth, personal
beauty, enthusiasm, military distinctions gained on the
fields of Trebia and Cannae, and political eminence of
Publius Scipio were of themselves calculated to deeply
impress the people of Rome : the thought that a youth of
twenty-seven, who had merely held the offices of aedile
and miltary tribune, was thus suddenly raised to the
highest and proudest office in the state at a time of
great peril, and was going forth to avenge a father's death,
rendered that impression indelible, and has coloured the
story with romantic details. Although lacking the energy,
and iron will, and statesmanlike grasp of such men as
Caesar and Alexander, Publius Scipio was eminently cal-
culated to inspire others
with his own enthusiasm. His
personal qualities, both of appearance and manner ; his
graceful oratory
his happy union of Hellenic culture and
Roman patriotism ; above all, his intense belief in himself
as one specially favoured by the gods, served to cast a
romantic glamour round his name, and to kindle in men's
hearts a fervent belief that a true prophet and divinely
inspired saviour had arisen to give victory and peace to
his country.
On being elected general, Scipio proceeded to Spain
in 210 B.C., accompanied by the propraetor Marcus Si-
lanus, and by his friend Gaius Laelius as admiral, with
a strong force and well-filled chest. He at once suc-
cessfully executed one of the boldest coups-de-main known
in history. All the three Carthaginian generals were at
least ten days' march from Nova Carthago. Suddenly,
early in the spring of 209 B.C., Scipio appeared before the
weakly garrisoned town with his whole army and fleet. By
engaging the attention of the garrison with an attack from
the land side, Seipio had no difficulty in scaling the un-
defended walls from the harbour side, where at ebb-tide a
land passage was left open to his troops. The capture of
the Carthaginian capital, apart from the immense stores
thus thrown into the conqueror's hands, completely re-
stored Roman prestige in Spain. Scipio's command was
indefinitely prolonged, and not only were the passes of
the Pyrenees, and all the country north of the Ebro,
secured, but incui'sions were successfully made into Anda-
lusia. Rendered over-confident by success, Seipio ex-
tended his operations over too large an area, and, when
in Andalusia, he encountered Hasdrubal Barca at Baecula,
in 208 B.C., on his march northward to his brother's aid.
Seipio claimed the victory, but Hasdrubal attained his
object, and succeeded in crossing the Pyrenees, and taking
up his quarters in Gaul for the winter. On Hasdrubal's
departure, the two other Carthaginian generals retired to
positions of safety, and left all active warfare to the light
cavalry of Massinissa.
Fresh armies were sent from Carthage in 207 and
206 B.C.
but in both years the Romans were successful.
In the latter year, Seipio fought a second battle at Baecula
against the enemy, who numerically were far superior,
and by this battle decided the question as to
power should rule in Spain. Hasdrubal, the son of Gisgo,
and Mago, the youngest of Hamilcar's sons, were com-
pletely defeated, and escaped to Gades. Mago held the
latter place, and for a moment the illness of Seipio
and mutiny of one of his
corps, owing to arrears of pay,
encouraged the hope that
a national insurrection would
take place in Spain
against the Romans, and restore to
Carthage her lost
supremacy. Seipio, however, speedily
recovered, and quelled the tumult ; and Mago, by order of
the Carthaginian government, collected what ships and
troops he could, and set sail for Italy. Gades, the first
and last of Carthaginian possessions in Spain, submitted
on favourable terms to the Romans ; and thus Spain, after
a struggle of thirteen years, became a Roman province.
Seipio resigned his command, and returned to Rome in
206 B.C.
Meanwhile the great conflict in Italy had been continued
without interruption. After Hannibal's departure, the
north of Italy had been reoecupied by the Romans,
whereas all lower Italy, as far as Mount Garganus and
the river Volturnus, with the exception of the fortresses
and most of the ports, was in Hannibal's hands. His
main army lay at Arpi, and was confronted by four legions,
under Tiberius Gracchus ; further south, and as yet
opposed by no Roman force, a second Cartbaginian army,
under Hanno, held possession of all the Bruttian land.
The main Roman army, under the two consuls Quintus
Fabius and Marcus Marcellus, was occupied with the
attack on Capua. An estimate of all the Roman forces
employed at this time in Italy, Sicily. Spain, and Sardinia,
can scarcely fix the number at less than 200,000 men.
The finances of Rone, especially those derived from the
land-tax, were terribly embarrassed
and the culture of
the fields, where possible, must have been left to slaves,
old men, women, and children. Still, Rome gradually re-
covered what she had so rapidly lost ; her forces increased,
those of Hannibal diminished
her commanders were no
longer mere citizen -generals, but experienced and able
officers of the stern school of Marcellus.
Hannibal, unable even to protect his Italian allies, had
to play the waiting game, until Philip of Macedon or his
brothers in Spain should come to his aid.
We hardly
recognize in the obstinate defensive system which he now
began, the same general who had carried on the offensive
with almost unequalled impetuosity and boldness : it is mar-
vellous in a psychological, as well as in a military point of
view, that the same man should have accomplished the two
tasks prescribed to himtasks so diametrically opposite
in their characterwith equal completeness." His efforts
were at first chiefly directed to preventing the investment
of Capua, in which for a time he was successful. But in
214 B.C., among other towns, the important position of
Casilinum was retaken by the consular army
and Hanni-
bal failed in an attempt to capture Tarentum. In the
same year, Tiberius Gracchus gained several successes over
Hanno's Bruttian army, and, after a victory near Bene-
ventum, he gave liberty and citizenship to the slave-
soldiers fighting in the ranks. The following year was
equally favourable to Rome. Arpi was recovered, and
several Bruttian towns passed over to Rome ; even a
Spanish division deserted the Carthaginian army and
enlisted on the Roman side. In 212 B.C. Rome outraged
Greek feeling by putting to death all the hostages of
Tarentum and Thurii, who had been induced by Hannibal
to attempt to escape. As a result of this senseless revenge,
Tarentum opened her gates to Hannibal, though her
citadel still remained in possession of the Romans ; and
Heraclea, Thurii, and Metapontum, shortly afterwards
followed her example. The same year saw the death of
Tiberius Gracchus and the dispersion of his army, which
had been posted on the Appian Way to prevent Hannibal's
approach to Capua. Betrayed by a Lucanian, Gracchus
fell, and Hannibal raised the blockade of Capua, which the
other two consuls had begun. Various cavalry successes
were also gained by the Phoenician horse, and two Roman
forces were completely defeated in Apulia and Lucania.
Despite these successes, as soon as Hannibal left Capua
for Apulia, three Roman armies, under Appius Claudius,
Quintus Fulvius, and Gaius Claudius Nero, gathered and
strongly entrenched themselves round the doomed Capua.
Towards the close of the winter 212-211 B.C. provisions
were almost exhausted, and urgent messages were sent to
Hannibal at Tarentum requesting his immediate succour.
Hannibal at once set out and encamped on Mount Tifata,
close to Capua ; but the Romans refused to stir from their
entrenchments, despite the insulting onset of the Numidian
and Campanian cavalry as they dashed against their
lines. As a last resource, Hannibal tried to draw off the
Roman armies by a rapid march towards Rome. Passing
through Samnium, and along the Valerian Way past
Tibur, he crossed the bridge over the Anio, and encamped
on the opposite bank, five miles from the city. The two
legions in the capital prevented any successful operations
against Rome itself. In truth there was no real danger.
Hannibal had never hoped to surprise the city, but merely
to draw off the legions around Capua, and raise the
blockade. But the Roman generals refused to be lured
from their Capuan lines.
The consul Publius Galba followed Hannibal on his
retreat from Rome ; suddenly Hannibal turned on him
and utterly defeated him, capturing his camp by storm.
This was but a poor compensation for the inevitable fall
of Capua. This city, after a siege of two years, capitu-
lated, and suffered a terrible revenge at the hands of the
exasperated Romans. Her chief magistrates were scourged
and executed, many citizens were sold into slavery, the
property of the rich was confiscated, and the old consti-
tution abolished. The fall of Capua gave a tremendous
shock to the respect and confidence which Hannibal had
enjoyed among the Italian allies, and Roman arms straight-
way recovered that ascendancy which the secession of
Capua had shown them to have lost. The citadel of
Tarentum still held out, and an attempt of Hannibal to
Rhegium had previously failed.
Rome now felt confident as to the issue of the war in
Italy, and was for the first time able to reduce the
number of her legions, and also to despatch large rein-
to Spain. The following year, 210 B.C.,
saw Rome prosecute the war in Italy with less vigour.
infused his wonted energy into the struggle in
209 B.C., and, after a two-days' battle, gained a costly
victory over
Hannibal. Tarentum soon after was sur-
rendered by the treachery of its garrison to the veteran
Quintus Fabius, then consul for the fifth time. The city
was pillaged, and the inhabitants sold as slaves. Hannibal
arrived too late for its relief, and retired to Metapontum.
By the fall of Tarentum, and the loss of all his most im-
portant acquisitions, he was gradually hemmed in to the
south-western point of the peninsula.
In the following year, Marcus Marcellus, chosen as
consul with Titus Quintius Crispinus, hoped to strike a
decisive blow. Fortune, however, willed otherwise, and
robbed the aged general of the laurels which he, more
than any other Roman, deserved. Surprised during a
reconnaissance near Venusia by a strong force of African
cavalry, Marcellus fell fighting, and his colleague died
afterwards of his wounds. The war had now reached its
eleventh year. The material distress of Rome was
terrible : the exchequer was utterly impoverished, the
lands lay fallow, and starvation was only averted by corn-
supplies from Egypt ; the pay of the soldiers was greatly
in arrear, and the country villages, no longer smiling
homes of farmers, were nests of beggars and brigands.
Still more ominous was the fact that the allies of Rome
began to weary of the struggle, and even Latium to waver
in her allegiance. In 20D B.c many of the Latin com-
munities announced that henceforth they would neither
send contingents nor contributions, and that Rome must
carry on the struggle single-handed. Fortunately the
colonies in Gaul, Picenum, and southern Italy, with
Fregellae at their head, refused to adopt so short-sighted
a policy. Arretinm gave dangerous signs that the Etrus-
cans were preparing to rise once more in aid of Hannibal.
In the midst of all these difficulties and signs of coming
trouble, the news arrived that Hasdrubal had crossed the
Pyrenees in the autumn of 208 B.C., and that Rome would
have to face, next year, both sons of Ilamilcnr in Italy.
Thus, at last, it seemed as if Hannibal was destined to
reap the reward of his long and patient waiting Rome
once more called out twenty-three legions. Hasdrubal,
however, was too quick for them, and, ere the Romans
could occupy the outlets of the Alpine passes, news came
that he had reached the Po, that the Gauls were flocking
to his standard, and that Placentia was invested. Marcus
Livius hastened to the northern army : while his colleague
Gaius Nero, with the aid of the force at Venusia under
Gaius Hostilius Tubulus, barred the advance of Hannibal.
The latter marched from the Bruttian territory and fought
an indecisive engagement with Nero at Grumentum ; he
succeeded, however, in his object, and by a flank march
reached Apulia, and encamped at Canusium. Nero
followed, and took up his position opposite to him.
While the two armies remained idly facing one another,
Nero had the good fortune to intercept the all-important
despatch from Hasdrubal, acquainting Hannibal with his
intention to meet him at Narnia. Nero thereupon made
his bold and famous march with a picked force of seven
thousand men, and joined Marcus Livius in the north at
Sena Gallica: he left behind him the bulk of his army
strongly entrenched against attack, and, what was more
important, he left Hannibal unconscious of his departure
and ignorant of Hasdrubal's intention. The two consuls
at once marched against Hasdrubal, and found him cross-
ing the Metaurus. Hasdrubal tried to avoid a battle, but,
being deserted by his guides, made the best provision for
the inevitable. A flank attack by Nero decided the hotly
contested day. Hasdrubal scorned to survive the disaster,
and his army was destroyed.
The defeat and death of Hasdrubal, in 207 B.C., solved
the mighty question of the triumph or humiliation of Rome.
After fourteen days' absence, Nero again reached his old
station at Canusium, and confronted the unconscious Han-
nibal in
Apulia. With him, in ghastly fashion, he brought
the news of Hasdrubal's defeat, and the overthrow of all
Hannibal's plans and hopes. Hannibal retired to the
Bruttian territory
while Rome, overjoyed at the relief
from the terrible strain of past years, and conscious that the
peril was over, resumed business and even pleasure as in
time of peace, and made no great effort to finish the war.
Thenceforth the w
ar languished in Italy, nor could all
the superior force of his opponents compel Hannibal to
shut himself up in fortresses or to leave Italian soil. The
next few years are marked by the lethargy of Rome, and
the gradual retreat of Hannibal into the southernmost
corner of Italy. The Carthaginian government, alarmed
at the prospect of an African invasion, showed some vigour
in 206-205 B.C., and sent reinforcements to Hannibal and
an embassy to Philip, and commissioned Mago to revive
the war in the north of Italy. Philip, however, had
already made peace with Rome. Mago, indeed, prosecuted
the war with vigour. Landing at Genoa with the remains
of the Spanish army, he sacktd the town, and formed a
new army of Gauls and Ligurians. But the exertions of
the Carthaginian government and its adoption of the
views of Hannibal came too late.
We have now reached the final scene of this great
contest. Publius Scipio, who had returned from Spain
in the previous year, was chosen consul in 205 B.C. His
popularity with the multitude made him no favourite
with the senate, whose members viewed with suspicion
his Greek refinement and modern culture, and not un-
criticized his leniency and indulgence towards his
officers and his conduct of the war in Spain. Moreover,
the senate was averse from an expedition to Africa as long
as Hannibal
was in Italy, and was specially disinclined
to intrust it to Scipio, who had shown too clearly a
tendency to slight the constitutional authority of the
senate and to rely on his fame and popularity with the
masses. At last, however, Scipio was intrusted with
the task of building a fleet in Sicily, and raising an army,
of which the two legions in Sicily formed the nucleus.
The fleet was ready in forty days, and seven thousand
volunteers responded to the call of their beloved com-
In the spring of 204 B.C., Scipio set sail with 30,000
men, 40 ships of war, and 400 transports, and landed
unopposed at the Fair Promontory near Utica. He was at
once joined by his old foe Massinissa, who had been driven
from his kingdom by the combined armies of Carthage
and Syphax. The latter had embraced the side of
Carthage, and, as a reward, had caused Carthage to
renounce her old ally Massinissa. The arrival of Syphax
with a powerful army, and his junction with the Car-
thaginian force stationed to oppose Scipio, caused the
Roman general to abandon the siege of Utica, and to
entrench himself for the winter on a promontory between
Utica and Carthage. Fortune, however, never failed to
smile on Scipio, and, under cover of proposals for peace,
Scipio succeeded in surprising both camps on the same
night, and in utterly routing the two armies. Reinforce-
ments at this moment arrived, consisting of a Macedonian
corps under Sopater, and of Celtiberian mercenaries. The
Carthaginians, thus strengthened, resolved to venture on
a pitched battle in the
Great Plains," five days' march
from Utica. Scipio was completely successful, and
Syphax fell into his hands.
The peace party at Carthage now tried to reverse the
Barcid policy, and sued for peace. The terms proposed by
Scipio were so moderate that the peace faction were for
accepting them at once. But the patriotic party had not
lost hope, and during the negotiations recalled Hannibal
and Mago from Italy. The latter, however, after striving
for three years to form a coalition in northern Italy
against Rome, h^d just been defeated near Milan, and
during his voyage home died of a wound received in
that battle. Hannibal at once embarked at Croton, and,
after an absence of thirty-six years, returned once more
to his native land in 203 B.C.
The Roman citizens
breathed freely, when the mighty Libyan lion, whose
departure no one even now ventured to compel, thus
voluntarily turned his back on Italian ground." To
mark the occasion, a grass wreath, the highest distinction
possible in the Roman state, was presented to the veteran
Quintus. Fabius, then nearly ninety,his last honour, for
in the same year he passed away.
Hannibal's arrival in Africa ignited the torch of war
once more. The people of Carthage refused to ratify the
peace practically concluded, and the seizure of a ship of
war with Roman envoys on board broke the armistice.
Scipio, in just wrath, ravaged the valley of the Bagradas,
and penetrated the interior, when his course was arrested
by Hannibal. After fruitless negotiations both armies
prepared for a decisive battle at Zama, in 202 B.C. By
a skilful disposition Scipio managed that the elephants
of the enemy should pass through his lines without
breaking them : forcing their way to the side, these
unwieldy creatures threw the cavalry of Hannibal into
disorder, and the far more numerous horse of Massi-
easily scattered the Carthaginian squadrons. , The
battle was most bloody and severe : nor did the
veterans of Hannibal ever flinch until the cavalry of
returning from pursuit, surrounded them on
all sides. The Phoenician army was annihilated and
Cannae avenged.
Hannibal with a few men escaped to
Peace was now inevitable if Carthage was to be saved
from destruction. The terms proposed by Scipio, and sub-
sequently ratified by the senate, were:
the cession of
the Spanish possessions and the islands of the Mediter-
the transference of the kingdom of Syphax to
the surrender of all ships of war except
twenty, and an annual contribution of two hundred talents
for the next fifty years
an engagement not
to make war against Rome or her allies, and not to wage
war in Africa beyond the Carthaginian boundaries without
the permission of Rome. The practical effect of these terms
was to render Carthage tributary and to deprive her of
her political independence. The terms of this peace have
often been considered too light, and they served as a handle
to the charge that Scipio, in his eagerness to secure for
himself the glory of finishing the war, forgot what was
due to Rome. A true estimate of the peace aud of its
effect on the future position of Carthage inclines rather
to the view that these terms were the outcome of the
nobleness of the two greatest men of the age, and a recog-
nition on the part of Scipio of the crime of blotting out
one of the main props of civilization merely to gratify
the petty ferocity of his fellow-countrymen.
The noble-
mindedness and statesmanlike gifts of the great antagonists
are no less apparent in the magnanimous submission of
Hannibal to what was inevitable, than in the wise
abstinence of Scipio from an extravagant and insulting
use of victory."
It remains for us to sum up the results of this terrible
war, which for seventeen years had devastated the lands
and islands from the Hellespont to the Pillars of Hercules.
Rome was henceforth compelled by the force of circum-
stances to assume a position at which she had not directly
aimed, and to exercise sovereignty over all the lands of
the Mediterranean. Outside Italy, there arose the two new
provinces in Spain, where the natives lived in a state of
perpetual insurrection : the kingdom of Syracuse was now
included in the Roman province of Sicily : a Roman instead
of a Carthaginian protectorate was now established over the
most important Numidian chiefs : Carthage was changed
from a powerful commercial state into a defenceless
mercantile town. Thus all the western Mediterranean
passed under the supremacy of Rome. In Italy itself,
the destruction of the Celts became a mere question of
time : the ruling Latin people had been exalted by the
struggle to a position of still greater eminence over the
heads of the non-Latin or Latinized Italians, such as
the Etruscans and Sabellians in lower Italy. A terrible
punishment was inflicted on the allies of Hannibal.
Capua was reduced from the position of second city to
that of first village in Italy : the whole soil, with a few
exceptions, was declared to be public domain-land, and
was leased out to small occupiers. The same fate befell
the Picentes on the Silarus. The Bruttians became in a
manner bondsmen to the Romans, and were forbidden to
carry arms. All the Greek cities which had supported
Hannibal were treated with great severity : and in the
case of a number of Apulian, Lucanian, and Samnite
communities a loss of territory was inflicted, and new
colonies were planted. Throughout Italy the non-Latin
allies were made to feel their utter subjection to Rome,
and the comedy of the period testifies to the scorn of the
victorious Romans.
It seems probable that not less than three hundred
thousand Italians perished in this war, the brunt of which
loss fell chiefly on Rome. After the battle of Cannae it
was found necessary to fill up the hideous gap in the
senate by an extraordinary nomination of 177 senators:
the ordinary burgesses suffered hardly less severely.
Further, the terrible strain on the resources of the state
had shaken the national economy to its very foundations.
Four hundred flourishing townships had been utterly
ruined. The blows inflicted on the simple morality of the
citizens and farmers by a camp-life worked no less mis-
chief. Gangs of robbers and desperadoes plundered Italy
in dangerous numbers. Home agriculture saw its existence
endangered by the proof, first given in this war, that the
Roman people could be supported by foreign grain from
Sicily and Egypt. Still, at the close and happy issue
of so terrible a struggle, Rome might justly point with
pride to the past and with confidence to the future. In
spite of many errors she had survived all danger, and the
only question now was whether she would have the
wisdom to make a right use of her victory, to bind still
more closely to herself the Latin people, to gradually
Latinize all her Italian subjects, and to rule her foreign
dependents as subjects, not as slaves,whether she would
reform her constitution and infuse new vigour into the
unsound and fast-decaying portion of her state.
Cannae to Zama.Polyb. vii. 1-4; viii. 1, 3-9, 26-end ; ix. 3-11,
44; x. 1-20, 32-40; xi. 1-3, 19-33; xiv. 1-10; xv.
Liv. xxiii. 31-end of xxx. Pint. Marcell. P. Scipio. Appian
Sp. 15-38 ; Hann. 28-end ; Lib. 7-67.
Celtic warsRoman colonization of North ItalyTreatment of
CarthageFlight of HannibalMassinissaWars with the
Spaniards and government of SpainMacedoniaAsiaEgypt
Powers of Asia MinorState of GreecePhilip of Macedon
Causes of Roman interference with and declaration of war
against PhilipEvents of the warBattle of Cynoscephalae,
197 B.C.Terms of the peaceSettlement of Greece by Flami-
The war with Hannibal had interrupted "Rome in the
extension of her dominion to the Alpine boundary of
Italy; that task was now resumed. The Celts, aware
of the coming vengeance, had again taken up arms in
201 B.C. The insurrection spread far and wide, and Celtic
and Ligurian bands, under the leadership of the Boii and
Insubres, sacked Placentia and invested Cremona in the
following year. A great battle before the latter city
ended in the overthrow of the Celts ; but the struggle
continued, nor was it till the Boii and Insubres quarrelled,
and the Cenomani turned traitors on the field of battle
and attacked their old allies, that the Insubres submitted
in 196 B.C. The Romans, though they excluded them
from Roman citizenship for ever, allowed the Cenomani
and Insubres to retain their national constitution and
cantonal independence, and exempted them from tribute.
They intended that these Transpadane Celts should serve
as a bulwark against the incursions of northern tribes.
It seems that the Celtic nationality in these districts
rapidly became submerged in the all-absorbing spread
of Latin influence. The terror of the Roman name pene-
trated even beyond the Alps, and by the founding of
Aquileia, about 183 B.C., the Romans showed their deter-
mination to close the gates of the Alps for ever against
the Celtic nation.
The resolve of the senate, in 194 B.C., to incorporate
the region south of the Po with Italy roused the Boii
to a last struggle ; but the bloody battle of Mutina,
in the succeeding year, crushed their expiring efforts,
and the war became a slave-hunt. Even in the terri-
tory still allowed them by the Romans the Boii soon
disappeared, and became amalgamated with their con-
querors. The old fortresses of Placentia and Cremona
ere re-established, and new coloniesPotentia and
Pisaurum in the old land of the Senones, Mutina and
Parma in the lately conquered soil of the Boii were
planted in 184-183 B.C. New means of communication
were opened up by the extension of the Flaminian road,
under the name of the Aemilian, from Ariminum to Pla-
centia, and by the reconstruction of the Cassian Way
from Rome to Arretium. The result of these steps was
that the Po, and not the Apennines, now divided Celtic
from Italian land, and that south of the Po the old name
of Ager Celticus, applied to the district between the Po
and the Apennines, ceased to have any meaning.
The same policy was pursued with the Ligurian tribes
occupying the hills and valleys in the north-western high-
lands of Italy. Some were extirpated, others transplanted,
and the mountainous country between the valley of the
Po and the Arno was practically cleared. The fortress of
Luna was established in 177 B.C., to act as a bulwark
against the Ligurians, and as a port for ships sailing to
Massilia or Spain.
With the more western Ligurian tribes in the Genoese
Apennines and the Maritime Alps conflicts were incessant,
but no permanent results were effected
possibly they
served to keep the coast road from Luna to Emporiae
comparatively clear. Wars, too, of a similar character
were waged in Corsica and Sardinia, where the natives
in the interior were continually hunted down by Roman
With regard to Carthage, Rome's great aim was to
over her head the fear of a declaration
of war.
Massinissa was established close at her doors
as a
powerful Numidian
chief, and
exposed to the
of the
Libyan and Numidian
tribas, who
exulted in
retaliating ou their old tormentors for their former
Carthage bore every insult with true Phoe-
patience. Her embassies and complaints to Rome
had no effect, save that of making her
resolved in this short-sighted policv of
humiliation. One
however, still remained at Carthage, a
jnst object
of dread to his enemies. Hannibal had already over-
thrown the rotten oligarchy and instituted
the most
beneficial political and financial reforms. By checking
the embezzlement of the public moneys it was soon found
that the tribute to Rome could be paid without extra-
ordinary taxation. Hannibal was doubtless reorganizing
Carthage to be ready for the complications which he saw
must arise for Rome in the East. We cannot wonder that
the Romans at last insisted on the surrender of Hannibal,
in 195 B.C.,
which demand he anticipated
by a speedy
flight to the East, and thus
left to his ancestral city
merely the lesser disgrace of banishing its greatest citizen
for ever from his native land, of confiscating his property,
and of razing his house. The profound saying, that those
are the favourites of the gods on whom tbey lavish
infinite joys and infinite sorrows, thus verified itself in
full measure in the case of Hannibal." Even after his
withdrawal, Rome, still not content, adopted a course of
perpetual irritation against Carthage. Jealous of her
financial prosperity, which remained unshaken by the loss
of political power, Rome was ever the credulous receptacle
of every rumour of Carthaginian perfidy and intrigue.
Unwilling to have any possessions of her own in
Africa, Rome established the great Berber chief Massi-
nissa in his new
Numidian kingdom. This remarkable
man was in every
way fitted for the post. Thoroughly
conversant with Carthage, in which city he had been
educated, and with whose armies he had fought both
as friend and foe, fired with bitter hatred of the Cartha-
ginian oppressor, both as a native African and as a prince
personally wronged, gifted with a physique which knew
no fatigue, and with a nature that recked not of scruple
or honour, Massinissa became the soul of his nation's
; and, during ninety years of unimpaired life and
sixty years of vigorous reign, was completely successful
in consolidating the vast kingdom of which he was the
founder. By the addition of the Massaesylian kingdom
of Syphax, who died in captivity in Rome, Massinissa
extended his sway, not only far into the interior and over
the upper valley of the Bagradas, but, by occupying the
old Sidonian city of Great Leptis and other districts, he
held rule from the Manretanian to the Cyrenaean frontier,
and enclosed the Carthaginian territory on all sides
indeed, he fixed his eyes on Carthage as his future capital.
Under his example the Berber became converted from a
nomad shepherd into a farmer and settled citizen ; the
Numidian hordes of plunderers became trained soldiers,
worthy to fight by the side of Boman legions ; Cirta, his
capital, became the seat of Phoenician civilization, which
the king specially fostered, with a view, perhaps, to the
future extension of his power over Carthage. Thus the
Libyan language, nationality, and manners, after so many
years of degradation, reasserted their position, and made
themselves felt even in the old Phoenician cities.
In Spain the Greek and Phoenician towns along the
coastiat once submitted to the Romans, and were absorbed
in their civilization. On the other hand, the natives,
especially in the west and north and the interior, were a
perpetual thorn in the side of the Romans, nor was it
even safe for a Roman governor to travel without a strong
escort. In the southern and eastern districts, where the
natives were more civilized, Roman culture was more
readily adopted
this was specially the case with the
unwarlike Turdetani, situated round Seville, who are said
to have evinced no small literary development, and to
have practised agriculture with great success. But this
was never true of the mass of Spain. Bound together by
all-powerful laws of chivalry, proud of their military
honour, fired with a love of war and change, the barbaric
Spaniards were utterly devoid of political instinct, and
could neither submit to military discipline nor political
combination. Thus in Spain there was no serious war
nor real peace.
The Romans divided the peninsula into two provinces,
and while the governor of Hither Spain, the modern
Arragon and Catalonia, was ever occupied with quelling
Celtiberian revolts, his colleague in Further Spain,
which comprised the modern Andalusia, Granada, Murcia,
and Valencia, was similarly busy in attempts to hold
in check the Lusitanians. Necessity thus compelled the
Romans to adopt a new policyto maintain a standing
army of four legions in the country ; hence it was in
Spain that the military occupation of the land on a large
scale first became continuous, and that the military ser-
vice first acquired a permanent character. The obvious
danger of withdrawing or even changing every year a
large portion of the forces in so remote and
tui'bulent a
country as Spain forced the Romans to adopt this course
Thus service in Spain became very odious to the Roman
people, who now learnt that dominion over a foreign
nation is a burden not only to the slave but also to the
Wars in Spain lasted during the whole of the second
Punic war, and in 197 B.C. a general insurrection broke
out, which was only quelled by a complete victory
gained by the consul Marcus Cato in 195 B.C. Owing to
a false report of his return to Italy the insurgents again
rebelled, and this time Cato sold numbers into slavery,
disarmed all the natives of Hither Spain, and ordered all
the towns in the disturbed districts to pull down their
walls. Two more Roman victories, in 189 and 185 B.C.,
were necessary to reduce the Lusitanians to a state of
tranquillity. Reality was first given to the Roman rule
in Further Spain by the valour of Quintus Fulvius
Flaccus in 181 B.C. ; and, two years later, his successor,
Tiberius Gracchus, achieved results of a permanent cha-
racter, not merely by force of arms, but by his adroit
comprehension of the Spanish character. By inducing
Celtiberians to serve in the Roman army, by settling free-
booting tribes in towns, by wise and
equitable treaties,
Gracchus made the Roman name not only feared but
liked, and his own memory was ever held dear by the
The Spanish provinces were governed on
similar to those which were observed in Sicily and Sar-
dinia; but the Romans proceeded with great caution,
and often conceded considerable privileges to Spanish
towns, such as the right of coining their own money.
The old Carthaginian imposts of fixed money payments
and other contributions were retained, instead of the
tithes and customs paid by Sicilian and Sardinian com-
munities. The grave fault of changing the praetors every
year was still committed, and that in spite of the Baebian
law, which in 192 B.C. specially prolonged the command
of Spanish governors for two years. On the whole, Spain,
notwithstanding its mines both of iron and silver, was
a burden rather than a gain to the Roman state ; but
probably the chief reason for its retention as a province
was the fear that, if left unoccupied, it might serve
another foe as it had served Hannibal, and act as a basis
of operations against the sovereignty of Rome.
We must now turn our eyes eastward, and see how
those complications arose which involved Rome in the
Macedonian and Asiatic wars. Macedonia, alone of all
the Greek states, had preserved that national vigour
which made the Greek race so famous in earlier days.
Philip V. ruled not only over Macedonia proper, but over
all Thessaly, Euboea, Locris, Phocis, and Doris, and held
many isolated and important positions in Attica and the
Pelopbnnese, of which the chief were Demetrias in Mag-
nesia, Chalcis in Euboea, and Corinth,
the three fetters
of the Hellenes." His real strength, however, lay in his
hereditary kingdom of Macedonia proper. It is true that
this land was very sparsely populated, but the national
character of its loyal and courageous people, never shaken
in their fidelity to their native land and hereditary form
of government, places the Macedonians almost on a level
with the Romans themselves
in particular, the regenera-
tion of the state after the storm of Celtic invasion was as
honourable as it was marvellous.
The huge unwieldy empire of Asia, pretending to stretch
from the Hellespont to the Punjab, was in reality an
aggregate of states in different stages of dependence, or
rather a conglomeration of insubordinate satrapies and
half-free Greek cities. Along the coast the great king
vainly endeavoured to expel the Egyptians
on the eastern
frontier he was perpetually harassed by Parthians and
while in Asia Minor the Celtic hordes had
settled on the north coast and the eastern interior, and on
the west the Greek cities were constantly trying to assert
and make good their independence. Indeed, in Asia Minor
the king's authority was little more than nominal except
in Cilicia, Phrygia, and Lydia, for the powerful kingdom
of Pergamus embraced a large portion of the "west, and a
number of cities aud native princes practically owned no
Egypt, on the other hand, presented a marked contrast
to the loose organization of Asia. Under the prudent
Lagidae, Egypt had been welded into a firmly united and
compact state, incapable of revolt or disruption under
the worst misrule. The objects of the Ptolemies' policy
were not, like the Macedonian or Persian, vague dreams
of universal empire, but definite and capable of realiza-
tion. The whole traffic between India and the Mediter-
ranean was in the hands of the rulers of Egypt, and
owing to their excellent geographical position, whether
for defence or attack, the Egyptians established them-
selves not only in Cyrene, bnt in Cyprus and the Cyclades,
on the Phoenician and Syrian coast, on the whole of the
south and west coast of Asia Minor, and even in the
Thracian Chersonese. The finances of Egypt were most
flourishing, and Alexandria, the seat of the Ptolemies,
attracted all the learning, whether scientific or literary,
of the time. The mutual relation of these three great
Eastern powers was naturally one of antagonism and
rivalry ; but Egypt, as a maritime power, and the pro-
tectress of the Asiatic Greek towns and minor states, was
the foe of both Macedonia and Asia, while the two latter
powers, though rivals, were ready to combine against
Egypt, their common enemy.
In addition to the various states of the second rank in
Asia Minor, such as Atropatene, Armenia, Cappadocia,
Pontus, and Bitbynia, there were the three powerful Celtic
tribes of the Tolistobogi, Tectosages, and Trocmi, who
had settled with their national customs and constitution
in the interior. From their barbarous strength and free-
booting habits they were the constant terror of the more
degenerate Asiatics. It was due to his successful oppo-
sition t<-> these hordes that Attalus was raised from the
position of a wealthy citizen to that of king of Pergamus.
His court was a miniature Alexandria, and, as the patron
of art and science, and from his retention, when king, of
his simple citizen character, Attalus may not inaptly be
styled the Lorenzo de' Medici of antiquity.
In Greece proper we find a great decay of national energy.
The Aetolian league, whose policy was alike hostile to the
Achaean confederacy and to Macedonia, would have proved
of far more service to the Greek nation had not its
members pursued a system of organized robbery, and by
their unfortunate policy prevented any union of the whole
Hellenic race. In the Peloponnese, the Achaean league
had knit together the best elements of Greece, and
breathed new life and true patriotism into the nobler
portion of the Hellenes. But, owing to the selfish diplo-
macy of Aratus and the foolish invocation of Macedonian
interference to settle its disputes with Sparta, the league
had become entirely subject to Macedonian influence, and
had admitted Macedonian garrisons into its chief for-
tresses. Sparta alone of the other Peloponnesian states
showed any vigour, and under the unscrupulous Nabis
daily increased its strength. The commercial prosperity
enjoyed by Byzantium, the mistress of the Bosporus, and
by Cyzicus, on the Asiatic side of the Propontis, was at
this time very considerable ; but they were both eclipsed
by Rhodes, which had secured the carrying trade of all
the eastern Mediterranean. Aided by her fleet and the
courageous temper of her citizens, Rhodes was the cham-
pion of all the Greek maritime cities, and, though as a
rule pursuing a policy of neutrality and of friendly rela-
tionship with the neighbouring powers, she did not shrink,
if need be, from adopting sterner measures. The Rho-
dians became the leaders of a league of the chief Greek
cities scattered along the coasts and. islands of Asia Minor
and elsewhere, such as Sinope, Lampsacus, Halicarnassus,
Chios, Smyrna, etc. This league upheld with success the
cause of freedom against the attacks of neighbouring
tyrants, and securely fostered the arts of peace and the
old Greek spirit, uncontaminated by the tyranny of a
dissolute soldiery or the corrupt atmosphere of an Eastern
Such, then, was the state of things in the East wheD
Philip of Macedon was induced to break down the wall
of political separation, and to interfere in the West. The
miserable incompetence he had shown in the first Mace-
donian war, 215-205 B.C., and the contemptible indolence
which caused him to utterly disappoint Hannibal at a
critical period, have been already pointed out. Now,
however, though Philip was not the man needed at this
juncture, he exhibited none of those faults which had
marred his first war with Rome. Philip was a true king
in the worst and best sense of the term. Inflated with
arrogance and pride, incapable of taking advice or brook-
ing opposition, he was utterly callous to the lives and
sufferings of those about him
bound by no sense of moral
tie or obligation, the slave of passion, combining in
singular fashion sagacity and resolution with supineness
and procrastination, he was yet gifted with the valour of
a soldier and the
eye of a general
jealous of his honour
as a Macedonian king, he could rise to a spirited and
dignified public policy ; full of intelligence and wit, he
won the hearts of all whom he wished to gain.
At the present moment Philip directed his attentions
to Egypt. About 205 B.C. he had formed an alliance with
Antiochus of Asia to break np the Egyptian state, now
ruled over by Ptolemy Epiphanes, a child of five years
old, and to divide the spoil. In 201 B.C. Philip had begun
his task of plunder. By the aid of his ally Prusias, king
of Bithynia, Philip crossed to Asia and proceeded to make
war upon the Greek cities on the coast. Chalcedon saved
itself by submission, but Cius and Thasos were stormed
and sacked. Rhodes, at the head of her league, declared
war against Philip
she was joined by Byzantium and
Attalus of Pergamus. Several indecisive battles were
fought at sea ; towards the close of the year Philip with-
drew to Macedonia, where his presence was urgently
At this point the Romans thought right to interfere.
They could not view with indifference the possible
extension of Philip's power, the conquest of Rhodes
and Egypt, the fall of Cyrene, and the future peril
of all the Greek citie9, whose protectors they claimed to
be, and they could not honourably refuse aid to Attalus
of Pergamus, who had been their staunch ally since the
first Macedonian war. The policy of interference in the
East was not actuated by greed for further conquest, but
was dictated by necessity ; it redounds to the senate's
honour that it resolved to prepare for war with Philip at
a time when the Roman citizens were thoroughly weary
of and exhausted by one transmarine war, and when such
a war was sure to rouse a storm of popular disapprobation.
At first, indeed, the Romans lacked a pretext for war.
Their ambassador, sent to Abydus, after the capture of
that city by Philip in 200 B.C., was politely reproved by
the Macedonian king for attempting to interfere with his
designs. The Athenians, however, had at this time put
to death two Acarnanians who strayed into their mysteries.
The Acarnanians at once invoked Philip's aid, and he
proceeded to lay waste Attica. Athens applied for help
to Rome, and the popular assembly was at length induced
by various concessions to ratify the declaration of war by
the senate, in 200 B.C. These concessions were chiefly
made at the expense of the allies, who had to supply the
garrison service in Gaul, Lower Italy, Sicily, and Sar-
dinia: volunteers alone, as was alleged, were enrolled for
the Macedonian campaign. Two of the six legions, thus
called out, embarked at Brundisium under the leadership
of the consul Publius Sulpicius Galba.
The position of Philip was very critical. Antiochus
stood aloof ; Egypt, despite its anxiety to keep a Roman
fleet out of Eastern waters, was utterly estranged from
Philip by his recent scheme of partition ; the Rhodian
confederacy of Greek cities was also, owing to recent
events, a pronounced enemy
while in Greece itself many
of the most powerful states were ready to welcome the
Romans as deliverers, and the Acarnanians and Boeotians
alone remained the steadfast allies of Macedonia. The
Achaean league, previously estranged by the murder of
Aratus, had, under the able leadership of Philopoemen,
revived its military power and freed itself from the
oppressive influence of Macedonia. Aware of the danger
to Greece of invoking Roman aid, this league attempted
in vain to mediate between Philip and Rhodes, and in
despair remained neutral, awaiting the coming of the
Roman troops with undisguised but inactive dread. Thus
Philip, by his cruelty and arrogance, had alienated all
those Eastern powers which at this critical hour should
have proved his staunchest allies in repelling the common
danger to Greek freedom and independence.
The land army under Galba at first effected very little
of importance, though a division of the fleet under Cento
surprised and captured Chalcis in Euboea, the chief
stronghold of Philip in Greece, but from want of troops
was unable to retain it. Philip, in revenge, made two
futile attempts on Athens, and laid waste Attica.
In the spring of 109 B.C. a joint invasion of Macedonia
was concerted by Galba with the wild races of the
Dardani and Illyrians on the north, and the Athamanes
and Aetoliaus on the south. Galba with his various allies
advanced from the west into Macedonia, and made every
effort to
draw Philip into a decisive engagement. Aided
by his knowledge of the country and his ease in procuring
supplies, Philip for a long time avoided an engagement,
and continually harassed the Romans. Compelled at last
to withdraw, by the news that the barbarians from the
north had entered his territory, and that the Aetolians
had joined the Athamanes in an incursion into Thessaly,
Philip easily evaded the pursuit of Galba, and took up his
position in a narrow pass on ground favourable, as he
thought, to his troops. But in the battle that followed,
Galba was victorious. The result of this victory was not
great, as Galba feared to pursue his foe in a difficult
and unknown country, and, after laying waste the land
and capturing Celetrum, he retreated to Apollonia.
Philip now turned his arms with great effect against
the Aetolians and Athamanes, while his officer Athena-
goras chased the Dardani back over the mountains.
The Roman fleet was scarcely more successful than the
land army.
On the whole, then, the result of the first campaign was
favourable to Philip. Elated by his success, and by
hopes, never realized, of active assistance from Antiochus,
Philip next year encamped in a narrow pass on the Aous,
where he was confronted by the Roman army strongly
reinforced, and by a much abler officer in the person of
the consul Titus Quinctius Flamininus. After much
delay, caused both by
fruitless negotiations and by the
strength of Philip's position, Flamininus was enabled, by
the treachery of some Epirot chiefs, to take the Mace-
donians both in front and rear, and rout them with
considerable loss. Philip retreated to the pass of Tempe,
and, with the exception of certain fortresses in Thessaly,
and of the Acarnanian territory, all northern
speedily fell into the hands of the Romans. In the south,
the strong fortresses of Chalcis and Corinth still kept the
Macedonian influence paramount, but the exertions of the
allied fleet which threatened Corinth, and the action of
the Achaean league in joining the victorious Romans, soon
made Philip aware of the desperate nature of his position.
Negotiations with Flamininus, and afterwards with the
Roman senate, ended in the determination of Philip to
risk another battle
and in 197 B.C. he encountered the
enemy in the district of Scotussa. The battle takes its
name from the steep height of Cynoscephalae, which,
lying between the two camps, was the scene of the first
encounter between the vanguard of both armies. Owing
to the success of the Macedonians at the outset, Philip
was encouraged to risk a battle with his whole force, and,
after a fierce conflict, in which the phalanx exhibited its
ancient prowess, Philip was utterly defeated, and escaped
to Larissa.
At this defeat, even his most staunch allies, the
Acarnanians, submitted to Rome ; resistance was no
longer possible. The terms imposed do honour to the
Romans. They gave no ear to the malignity of the
Aetolians, who demanded the annihilation of the Mace-
donian kingdom
for they clearly saw that it alone could
serve as a bulwark against the encroaching Celts and
Thracians. A commission of ten was appointed, at the
head of which was Flamininus, to settle the complicated
affairs of Greece. The result of their deliberations was
the decision that Philip should give up all his possessions
in Asia Minor, Thrace, Greece, and the islands of the
that he should pay a contribution of a thousand
(244,000) ;
that he should conclude no foreign
alliances without Rome's consent, and wage no foreign
that he should enter into the Roman alliance, and
send a contingent when required
that the Macedonian
army should not exceed five thousand men, nor its fleet
five decked ships ; that the territory of Macedonia should
remain unimpaired, with the exception of some small
strips and of the revolted province of Orestis.
With regard to the disposition of the possessions thus
ceded by Philip, Rome, having learnt by experience in
Spain the doubtful value of transmarine provinces, kept
none of the spoil for herself, and decreed freedom to the
Greek states,a freedom rather in name than deed, when
we consider the value of it to a nation devoid ot all
union and unity. Athens received the three islands of
Paros, Scyros, and Imbros, as a reward for the hardships
she had suffered and for the many courtesies she had shown
to Rome. All Philip's possessions in the Peloponnese and
on the Isthmus were ceded to the Achaean league, which
was thus practically made ruler of the Peloponnese : but
scant favour was accorded to the boastful and greedy
Aetolians, who incorporated Phocis and Locris, but were
not suffered to extend their power to Acarnania and
Nabis of Sparta obstinately refused to give up Argos to
the Achaean league, and only yielded to a powerful display
of Roman arms ; and, though his banditti were dispersed
and Sparta captured, both the city and Nabis himself
were left intact, the conquerors only requiring the cession
of his foreign possessions and his adherence to the usual
stipulations touching the right of waging war and of
forming foreign alliances.
Peace was thus, outwardly at any rate, established
among the petty Greek states. Flamininus acted with
great fairness and patience throughout, and strove as far
as possible to mete out justice to the claims of each Greek
state. He showed an especially wise and tolerant mode-
ration in his punishment of the rebellious Boeotians, who,
in their eagerness to attach themselves again to Mace-
donia, did not refrain from putting to death isolated
bands of Roman soldiers.
In 194 B.C. Flamininus, after holding a conference of
all the Greek states at Corinth, withdrew his troops
from every fortress and departed homeward, thus giving
the lie to the Aetolian calumny that Rome had inherited
from Philip
the fetters
of Greece.
We cannot doubt the nobleness and sincerity of the
Roman endeavour to set Greece free ; the reason of its
failure was the complete demoralization of the Greek
nation. In truth, the necessities of the case demanded
the permanent presence of a superior power, not the
pernicious boon of a fictitious freedom
the feeble policy
of sentiment, with all its apparent humanity, was far
more cruel than the sternest occupation.
History has
a Nemesis for every sinfor an impotent craving after
freedom, as well as for an injudicious generosity." The
Nemesis in this case was the war with Antiochus of Asia.
Celtic wars, etc.Polyb. xxxiv. 10, 11. Liv. xxxi. 10 ; xxxii. 29-31
xxxiii. 22-23, 36-37; xxxiv. 22, 48-47; xxxv. 3-5, 11, 40;
xxxvi. 38-40 ; xxxix.
21-23, 54-55 ; xl. 25-28 ; xli.
16, 18, 20.
Hannibal.Liv. xxxiii. 45-49.
Massinissa.Polyb. xxi. 11, 21; xxxii. 2; xxxvii. 10. Liv. xxx. 44;
xxxi. 1, 11, 19 ;
xxxii. 27
xxxiv. 62
xxxvi. 4.
Spam.Liv. xxxi. 40 ; xxxiii. 21, 25, 44 ; xxxiv. 10-21 ; xl. 30-34,
39-40, 44, 47-LO ; xli 6-7. Appian Sp. 39-43.
Macedonian ivars.Polyb. viii. 10-16; ix. 28-41; xv. 20-24; xvi.
1-12, 24-35
xvii. xviii. 1-28, 33-40, 43-48. Liv. xxiii. 33-39
xxiv. 40
; xxvii. 29-32 ; xxviii. 5-8 ; xxix.
xxx. 42
5-8, 14-18, 24-44; xxxii. 4-13, 19-23, 32-38; xxxiii. 3-25.
Appian. Maced. 1-9
Syr. 1.
Egypt.Polyb. iii.
Greece.Polyb. iv. and v. Liv. xxxiv. 22-41, 48-52. Diod. xxviii.
13. Plut. Flamininus and Aratui.
Rupture between Rome and AntiochusDeclaration of war, 192 B.C.
Antiochus in GreeceScipio in AsiaBattle of Magnesia,
190 B.C. Settlement of Asia and GreeceDeaths of Hannibal
and ScipioAnger of PhilipHis successor PerseusWar with
Rome, 172 b.c.Conduct of Perseus and of the Roman generals
Battle of Pydna, 168 B.C. Roman treatment of Macedonia and
the Eastern powersPosition of Rome.
Antiochus had long fixed his eyes upon the Syrian coast,
which had been wrested from Asia bj the Egyptians, and
had seized the occasion of Philopator's death, in 205 B.C.,
to concert measures with Philip for the partition of the
kingdom of the Ptolemies. But he lacked the foresight
to make common cause with Philip in repelling Roman
interference, and had taken advantage of the second
Macedonian war to secure Egypt for himself. At first he
attacked the Egyptian possessions in Cilicia, Syria, and
Palestine, and by a victory gained in 198 B.C., near the
sources of the Jordan, he became absolute master of the two
latter countries. He then proceeded with a strong fleet
to occupy all the districts on the south and west coasts of
Asia Minor, which had formerly belonged to Egypt, but
had virtually fallen under the dominion of Philip. Rome
had, however, bidden Philip to withdraw from these
possessions, and to leave them free and untouched, and
now Antiochus came forward to take Philip's place as the
oppressor of the Greek cities and free kingdoms in those
Already, in 198 B.C., Attalus of Pergamus had applied
to Rome for aid against Antiochns; and in the follow-
ing year the Rhodians openly protected the Carian cities
of Halicarnassus, Caunus, Myndus, and the island of
Samos against the attacks of the great king. Other
cities, such as Smyrna and Lampsacus, took heart to
resist Antiochus, and they, one and all, called upon Rome
to give effect to her promise that they should be free, and
to prove that neither Macedonian tyrant nor Asian despot
should be suffered to endanger Greek life and liberty.
Rome, however, was slow to answer such a call ; nor did
she resort to other measures than those of diplomacy,
when Antiochus, in 196 B.C., landed in Europe and invaded
the Thracian Chersonese, and took active measures to
convert Thrace into a dependent satrapy on the plea that
he was merely reasserting his claim to the land conquered
by his ancestor Seleucus.
The delay of the Romans in forcibly opposing Antiochus,
who plainly showed his designs not only on Asia Minor
but also on Greece, may be ascribed partly to their weariness
of war, but chiefly to the vain wish of Flamininus to pose
as the liberator of Greece and the extinguisher of the war
in the East. Flamininus was thus induced to withdraw
all the Roman garrisons from Greece in 194 B.C., and to
blind the Romans to the fact that the embers of war still
smouldered, soon to be rekindled into a flame by his own
vanity and by the senate's culpable negligence.
In the year previous to the withdrawal of the Roman
troops from Greece, Antiochus had accorded an honourable
reception to the exiled Hannibal, which in itself was
tantamount to a declaration of war; but Flamininus re-
fused to regard it as such, and contented himself with
addressing mere verbal remonstrances and demands
Antiochus. The latter did not fail to profit by the respite
unexpectedly granted him by the Roman evacuation
Greece. He gave one daughter in marriage to the young
king of Egypt
; another to Ariarathes, king of Cappadocia
and offered a third to Eumenes, who had succeeded his
father Attalus on the throne of Pergamus, on the condi-
tion of his abandoning the Roman alliance : he also adopted
conciliatory measures towards the Greek cities in Asia
Minor. In Greece itself the Aetolians were eager to join
a plan was even formed on the suggestion of Han-
nibal by which the Western world was to unite with the
East, and war to blaze anew throughout Italy, Africa,
and Spain, as well as Greece, Egypt, and Asia. To the
vanity and impatience of the Aetolians was due the first
spark which ignited the train of war. By their attempt
to take Sparta and attach it to their league, and by their
failure both there and at Chalcis, they caused almost the
whole of the Peloponnese to unite against Antiochus
result diametrically opposite to that which they wished to
Events had now reached such a pass that a rupture
between Rome and Antiochus was inevitable. At length,
after some fruitless discussion at Ephesus between the
Roman envoys and the great king, war was declared in
192 B.C., and in the summer of that year a Roman fleet
appeared to secure Greece in its allegiance, while an army
under Marcus Baebius landed at Apollonia in the autumn.
About the same time, Antiochus crossed over into Greece
with such troops as he could at once collect, and occupied
Demetrias. All hopes of success depended on the realiza-
tion of the coalition planned by Hannibal. But a mean
jealousy of the latter's greatness was as fatal in the court
of Antiochus as it had been in the councils of Carthage to
the execution of his mighty schemes ; and the victor of
Cannae was entrusted with subordinate and ill-fitting
The attitude of Philip of Macedon, of Eumenes, of the
Achaean league, Rhodes, and Egypt, who all sided with
Rome, showed at once how futile would be the attempts of
Antiochus in Europe. At first, indeed, Antiochus antici-
pated the Romans by occupying Euboea, and by an attempt
to gain over Thessaly
but he soon wearied of w
ar, and
retired to Chalcis, where he spent his time in writing
letters to the Greek states and in idle amusement. In
the spring of 191 B.C. the Roman general Manius Acilius
Glabrio arrived, accompanied by several noted officers and
strong reinforcements ; in all, the Roman force reached
about forty thousand men. Antiochus, whose own forces
had suffered considerably from sickness and desertion, and
who had been grossly deceived by the Aetolians as to
the amount of their contingent, foolishly resolved to en-
trench himself at Thermopylae, and to await there the
arrival of the great army from Asia. Owing to the
remissness of the Aetolians posted on the heights, and to
their surprise by Marcus Cato, Antiochus was easily
routed, and escaped to Chalcis, whence he took ship to
Ephesus. At once all the strong fortresses, with the
exception of Heraclea and Naupactus, where the Aeto-
lians for a while held out, surrendered to the Romans, and
all the Greek states tendered their submission.
Thus ended, for the present, all resistance in Greece
but the coming war in Asia, owing to the great distance
and difficulty of
communications, appeared to the Romans
far more dangerous. Gaius Livius, the Roman ndmiral,
gained a signal victory over the enemy's fleet between
Ionia and Chios, and cooped up their ships in the harbour
of Ephesus ; but he was obliged, on the approach of
winter, to retire to the harbour of Cane, near Pergamus.
Tn the winter, Smyrna and many Greek cities in Asia
Minor welcomed the Romans, and Antiochus made great
exertions to equip two fleets supported by a powerful
land army, and thus to prevent the Romans from landing
in Asia.
Early in. the following year, 190 B.C., the Roman
admiral proceeded towards
the Hellespont, to pave the
way for the passage of the land army by the capture of
Sestus and Abydus. He had almost effected his pur-
pose when he was recalled by the news that the fleet of
the Rhodians, his allies, had been destroyed by the
the latter, however, on the arrival of Livius, shut
themselves up in the harbour of Ephesus and refused
battle. The Roman fleet now took up its station at
Samos, and Livius was replaced by the new admiral
Lucius Aemilius Regillus, who for a time effected nothing
of importance. The second fleet of Antiochus, led by
Hannibal, which had long been detained by
winds, at last threatened to join the fleet at Ephesus
but at the mouth of the Eurymedon, off Aspendus in
Pamphylia, it was utterly defeated by a squadron of
Rhodian ships. It was the first naval battle and the last
battle fought by Hannibal against Rome. This victory
was followed up by another, at the promontory of Myon-
nesus over the Asiatic fleet stationed at Ephesus, in which
the Romans took or sank forty-two of the enemy's ships,
and swept the sea of all opposition to the crossing of the
Romau land army.
The conduct of the war on land had been entrusted to
the conqueror of Zama, who practically acted as supreme
commander in the place of his brother Lucius Scipio,
the nominal commander-in-chief, a man of no ability. On
landing in Greece the Scipios had at first been detained
by a renewal of hostilities on the part of the Aetohaus,
which inconvenient obstacle was only removed by an
armistice for six months. As the Aegean was not yet
clear of the enemy's ships, Scipio marched by the coast
through Macedonia and Thrace, intending to cross the
Hellespont. The victory of Myonnesus and the foolish
terror of Antiochus proved that Scipio's good fortune
had not deserted him. By order of Antiochus the strong
fortress of Lysimachia on the Thracian Chersonese was
evacuated, and thus no opposition was offered to the
crossing of the Hellespont, nor was any preparation made
to receive Scipio on the Asiatic coast. Scipio refused to
accept the terms of submission proposed by Antiochus,
and the Romans met the army of the great king near
Magnesia, at the foot of mount Sipylus, not far from
Smyrna, in the autumn of 190 B.C. The cumbrous masses
of the Asiatic troops proved their own destruction : the
flower of their army, drawn up in Macedonian phalanx,
was foiled in its efforts to reach the Roman legions by the
confusion of their own light troops, and by the absence of
the heavy cavalry nnder Antiochus, which had rushed
off in pursuit of a small Roman squadron. At last the
phalanx was broken up by its own elephants, and the
whole army scattered in utter rout.
The losses of Antiochus have been estimated at fifty
thousand, those of the Romans at three hundred foot
soldiers and twenty-four horsemen. Peace was concluded
on the terms proposed by Scipio before the battle, by
which Antiochus was condemned to pay all the costs of
the war and to surrender the whole of Asia Minor. Anti-
ochus himself was soon after (in 187 B.C.) slain, while
plundering a temple of Bel in Elymais, at the head of the
Persian Gulf.
With the day of Magnesia Asia was
erased from the list of great states ; and never perhaps
did a great power fall so rapidly, so thoroughly, and so
ignominiously as the kingdom of the Seleucidae under this
Antiochus the Great."
The Celts of Asia Minor who had supplied mercenaries
to Antiochus now met with severe punishment. The new
Roman commander, Gnaeus Manlius Yolso, who had suc-
ceeded Lucius Scipio in 189 B.C., turned his arms against
the two cantons of the Tolistob< gi and the Tectosages.
In both cases the mountain heights to which the Celts
had retired were scaled, and both cantons were completely
broken up and dispersed.
The final settlement of Asia was determined by a com-
mission presided over by Volso. The sum to be paid by
Antiochus was fixed at fifteen thousand Euboic talents
(3,600,000) ;
all possessions in Europe, and all the
country in Asia Minor west of the river Halys and the
mountain chain of the Taurus, were now ceded by
the great king ; lastly, certain restrictions were imposed
upon his rights of waging war and of navigating the sea.
Even beyond the boundaries of the Roman protectorate,
Ariarathes, king of Cappadocia, though mulcted in a
light fine for his alliance with Antiochus, retained his
kingdom and was practically independent of Antiochus;
moreover, the two satrapies of Armenia now rose under
Roman influence into independent kingdoms. Prusias,
king of Bithvnia, was allowed to keep his possessions
intact; nor were the Celts ousted from their territory,
though bound to refrain in the future from sending out
armed bands and levying black-mail from the Asiatic
Greeks. The Greek cities, which were free and had
joined the Romans, were confirmed in their ancient free-
dom and exempted from tribute to the various dynasts of
Asia Minor ; this exemption was not, however, extended
to those which paid tribute to Eumenes. Rhodes obtained
Lycia and the greater part of Caria as a reward for her
zealous assistance. But the largest share of the spoil fell
to the king of Pergarnus. Eumenes received the Thracian
Chersonese and the greater part of Asia Minor west of
the Halys, the protectorate over and right of receiving
tribute from such Greek cities as were not made absolutely
free, and a contribution of nearly five hundred talents from
Antiochus. Thus he was nobly recompensed
for his
sufferings and devotion to the Roman cause, and thus the
kingdom of the Attalids became in Asia what Numidia
was in Africaa powerful state dependent on Rome,
capable of acting as a check upon Macedonia and Syria
without needing Roman support. Rome thus adhered
strictly to its policy of acquiring no transmarine posses
sions, and in 188 B.C. the fleet and land army evacuated
The war with Antioclms had naturally agitated the
ever quarrelsome and excitable states in European Greece.
The Aetolians, who had tried to rekindle tbe flame of war
by attacks on Philip of Macedon, were soon compelled to
utter submission by the combined arms of the Roman
consul, Marcus Fulvius Nobilior, and the Macedonians
and Achaeans. The possessions taken from the Aetolians
were divided among tbe allies of Rome, who reserved for
herself nothing but the two islands of Cephallenia aud
Zacynthus. Neither Philip nor the Achaeans were satisfied
with their share of the spoil. The last-named were foolish
enough to attempt to display their independence of Rome,
and with a quasi- patriotic zeal to desire an extension of
their power ; though indignant at the advice of Flami-
ninus to content themselves with the Peloponnese, and at
the refusal of Rome to enlarge the territory of their
league, they proved their incapacity to govern the Pelo-
ponnese by constant quarrels with Sparta and Messene.
The senate, after vain attempts to arbitrate, at last grew
weary of these petty disputes, and left the Achaeans and
the Greek states generally to settle such trifles among
After the defeat of Antiochus, Hannibal had taken
refuge with Prusias, the king of Bithynia, and had success-
fully aided him in his wars with Eumenes. Now he, the
only being on earth who was still a source of terror to
Rome, was hunted down by his old enemies in a way
unworthy of so great a nation, and compelled to take
poison, dying in 183 B.C., at the age of sixty-seven
About the same time died his great rival and lucky
victor, Publius Scipio. The favourite of fortune, he had
added to the empire of Rome, Spain, Africa, and Asia; and
yet he, too, like Hannibal, spent his last years in bitter
trouble and disappointment, a voluntary exile from the
city of his fathers, for which lie had spent his life, but in
which he had forbidden his own remains to be buried.
We do not exactly know A\h;;t drove him from Rome.
The charges of peculation brought against him and his
brother Lucius were no doubt empty calumnies, but his
arrogance and proud belief that he was not as other men
had doubtless raised many enemies, while his wish to
sacrifice everything to the promotion of his own family
caused general distrust of his political aims. "It is,
moreover, the distinguishing characteristic of such natures
as that of Scipiostrange mixtures of genuine gold and
glittering tinselthat they need the good fortune and
the brilliance of youth in order to exercise their charm,
and, when this charm begins to fade, it is the charmer
himself that is most painfully conscious of the change."
Thus ended this Asiatic war. A significant indication
of the feeble and loose organization of the kingdom of the
Seleucidae is the fact that it, alone of all the great states
conquered by Rome, never after the first conquest made
a second appeal to arms. But Rome had not yet done
with her troubles in the East; and her unjust treatment
of Philip of Macedon in return for his staunch support
during the war with Antiochus soon caused another out-
break in that quarter. All the states in Greece now
seized the opportunity of damaging their ancient oppressor,
and of reviving the anti-Macedonian feeling by constant
complaints to the Roman senate ; but the irritation and
annoyance thus caused to Philip was as nothing compared
with the indignation he felt at the extension of the
kingdom of Eumenes. The Attalids had ever been the
bitterest foes of Macedonia, and, now that their power
was revived and increased under the protecting arm of
Rome, Philip's thirst for revenge went beyond all limits
of prudence. On hearing of some fresh invectives which
had been launched against him in the Thessalian assem-
blies he replied with the line of Theocritus: "HSt; yap
cf>pdo$ei iravB aXiov a/J-fii SeSikeiv
("What! thinkest thou
that all my suns are set? ")
a reply which showed that
he had determined once more to put all to the hazard. In
these later days, however, Philip displayed a caution and
an earnest perseverance in his preparations which at an
earlier date might have changed the world's history. He
even curbed his proud temper so as to pretend complete
submission to Rome, and delayed the breaking out of war
by the agency of his son Demetrius, who during his
residence as a hostage at Rome had won great popularity
with the loading Romans. Perseus, the eldest son, fear-
ing that Philip would disinherit him in favour of Deme-
trius, persuaded his father to put the latter to death, on
the false charge that he was intriguing with Rome against
Macedonia. Philip learned too late the plot of the fratri-
cide, but died himself, in 1 79 B.C., before he could punish
the crime.
Thus Perseus succeeded to the throne, a man remark-
able for his personal prowess and steady perseverance,
and incapable of being turned aside, as his father had
been, by the vicious allurements of pleasure. He entered
on all his father's schemes with resolute determination,
and to the outward eye of his countrymen he seemed the
man needed for the great work of liberation from the
yoke of Rome. But he lacked the genius and elasticity
of Philip. He could devise plans and persevere in his
preparations for their execution, but when the time came
for action he was frightened at his own handiwork. As
is the case with all narrow minds, the means became to
him the end , when imminent peril demanded the use of
the treasures which he had amassed for the war with
Rome, Perseus could not find the heart to part with his
golden pieces.
The wise measures of Philip, in founding towns, en-
couraging marriage, and in developing the finances of his
country during twenty years of peace, had rendered the
power of Macedonia at least twice as strong as it had
been at the outbreak of the second Macedonian war.
Perseus now possessed an army of thirty thousand troops,
independent of auxiliaries, a treasury capable of paying
both this army and ten thousand mercenaries for ten
years, and, above all, a devoted and loyal people. The
attempts, however, to raise a coalition against Rome, and
thus carry out the schemes of Hannibal, failed. In Greece
it is true that the sentiments of every state were gradually
veering round to the side of Perseus, whose name was not
stained, as that of his father had been, by atrocious and
bloodthirsty deeds. Every Greek now saw the true
meaning of the freedom granted by Koine, and that the
restoration of Hellenic nationality by a foreign power
involved a contradiction in terms. The efforts of Eu-
menes, who tried by gifts and favours to conciliate the
Greeks in Asia Minor, and to reconcile them to the
arrangements made by Rome, were received with every
sign of scorn and contempt.
But tl e support from the Greek cities and states, whether
of Greece proper or Asia Minor, was but a broken reed
whereon to lean. More important was the success which
attended the efforts of Perseus to stir up the barbarian
tribes living near the Danube and in Illyria, and the close
alliance he formed with the brave Cotys, ruler of the
Odrysians and of all eastern Thrace. By public proclama-
tion he gained over to his side all the Greeks who, owing
to political and other offences, and still more owing to
debt, had been exiled. From these and other causes the
whole of Greece was once more in a state of ferment.
Rome saw that she could delay no longer; and the advent
of Eumenes in person, with a long list of grievances and
a true account of the state of affairs in Greece, caused the
senate to resolve on war in the autumn of 172 B.C.
Perseus, instead of acting at once and occupying Greece
by the aid of the Macedonian party in each state, frittered
away his time in discussions with Quintus Marcius Philip-
pus, whose aim was to cause Perseus to delay active
operations until the Roman legions arrived. This foolish
delay on the part of Perseus ruined his chance of support
from the Greek states and confederacies. The Aetolian
league chose Lyciscus as its new strategus, a thorough
partisan of Rome
and the Boeotian confederacy suddenly
collapsed completely on the complaint of a Roman envoy
touching two of their cities, Haliartus and Coronea, which
had entered into engagements with Perseus.
In June, 171 B.C., the Roman legions landed, and Perseus,
owing to his utter remissness, found himself alone. For-
tunately for him, the Roman consul, Publius Licinius
Crassus, was grossly incompetent, and, had Perseus
followed up his first success, gained near Larisa, by
assuming the offensive, no doubt all Greece would have
at once followed the example of the Epirots and revolted.
Crassus signalized his shameful command
by forcing the
small Boeotian town of Coronea to capitrulate, and by
selling its inhabitants into slavery. His successor, Aulus
Hostilius, was equally unsuccessful, and was twice easily
repulsed in attempting to enter Macedonia ; while his
colleague, Appius Claudius, commanding the western
army, met with nothing but reverses. Moreover, the
Roman name, hitherto distinguished in the East by the
honourable probity of its political transactions, was now
stained by treacherous and underhand dealing with
various Greek states. Two campaigns had served to
show the completely demoralized and disorganized con-
dition of the Roman army, which was only saved from
destruction by the inability of Perseus to change his plan
of defensive warfare to one of a vigorous offensive.
The third campaign was opened in 169 B.C., by the new
Roman commander, Quintus Marcius Philippus. He
succeeded in entering Macedonia by the pass of Tempe, but
was prevented from advancing by the entrenched position
which Perseus occupied on the stream of the Elpius , and
the Roman army remained idle in the extreme corner of
Thessaly. Genthins, king of Illyria, was bribed by Perseus
to break with Rome, the bribe, however, the miserly
Perseus never paid, nor would he part with his beloved
gold to hire twenty thousand Celts who volunteered to
serve in his army
In 168 B c a very different Roman general appeared on
the scene, in the person of Lucius Aemilius Paullus, son
of the consul who fell at Cannae, a man full of vigour
despite his sixty years, and utterly incorruptible. He
soon turned the position of the enemy and forced them to
retreat to Pydna. Here the decisive battle was fought,
and the Macedonian phalanx, after dispersing the Roman
vanguard and endangering the whole army, lost its forma-
tion on the uneven ground, and was cut down to a man
twenty thousand Macedonians fell, and eleven thousand
were made prisoners Perseus fled with his cavalry and
treasure to Samothrace, and soon after surrendered, weep-
ing, to the Romans ; he died a few years later, at Alba on
the Fucine lake.
Thus perished the empire of Alexander the Great, 144
years after his death. Macedonia was henceforth abolished,
and the united kingdom was broken up into four republi-
can leagues, which paid to Rome half the former land-tax
right of intermarriage between the members of different
leagues was forbidden, and every measure was taken to
prevent a revival of the ancient monarchy. The Romans
gained their object, and from that day to this Macedonia
has possessed no history.
Illyria, whose king Genthius was taken prisoner, and
whose capital Scodra was captured by the praetor Lucius
Anicius, was treated in the same way as Macedonia had
been. It was split up into three free states; its piratical
fleet was confiscated, and an end was thus put to the
depredations of Illyrian corsairs.
In the treatment of the rest of the Greek world,
Rome now discarded the sentimental policy of Fla-
mininus, and determined to reduce all Greek states to
the same hnmble level of dependence. It was clear
that with the abolition of Macedonia the kingdom of
Pergamus, as exercising a check on Macedon, ceased to
be a necessity. The Romans therefore proceeded to cir-
culate strange, though utterly unfounded, reports as to
the loyalty of Eumenes
they attempted to set his brother
Attalus against him by granting Attalus favours and
inciting him to establish a rival throne
they declared
Pamphylia independent, and, when the Galatians overran
Pergamus, they, after a pretence of mediation, declared
them independent also. Eumenes set sail for Italy to
remonstrate ; but the senate suddenly decreed that no
kings in future were to come to Rome, and sent a quaestor
to meet Eumenes at Brundisium. Eumenes, taking the
hint, declared that he was satisfied, and returned home
he clearly saw that all equality of alliance was at an end,
and that the time of impotent subjection to Rome had
now come for himself as for all other free states.
The high-spirited Rhodians were the next to suffer.
Deluded by the consul Quintus Marcius, who had pre
tended to wish for their mediation in the war with Per-
seus, they just before the battle of Pydna sent envoys
to the Roman camp and the Roman senate, saying that
the Macedonian war was injurious to their commercial
interests, and that they would declare war against the
side which refused at once to make peace. This miserable
republican vanity soon changed to humble entreaty, when
the .Romans, after the battle of Pydna, threatened the
Rhodians with war. The senate, glad of an excuse to
humiliate the haughty merchant city, deprived Rhodes of
all her possessions on the maiuland, and, by the erection
of a free port at Delos, so damaged Rhodian commerce
that the yearly receipts from customs sunk at once from
41,000, to 6000.
Iu Greece itself severe measures were taken. Seventy
towns in Epirus were plundered, and the inhabitants, to
the number of 150,000,
were sold into slavery. Trials for
high treason took place in all parts of Greece, owing to
the existence of a Macedonian party in every city. A
very large number of suspects from Achaia, Aetolia,
Acarnania, and Lesbos were deported to Italy, partly,
perhaps, to escape the bloodthirsty zeal of such men as
the Aetolian strategus Lyciscus.
An opportunity had, moreover, been given Rome to
interfere once more in the East. During the third Mace-
donian war, Antiochus Epiphanes, king of Asia, or, as it
was now called, Syria, seized the occasion to carry out
the traditional policy of the Seleucidae and to conquer
Egypt. When he was on the eve of success, and was
lying encamped before Alexandria, a Roman envoy arrived
shortly after the battle of Pydna, aud drawing a circle
round the king, warned him at once to restore all that he
had conquered and to evacuate Egypt. With this warn-
ing Antiochus was forced to comply ; and Egypt at once
submitted to the Roman protectorate.
Every state in the world now did homage to Rome, and
the most obsequious flattery met the ears of the Roman
senate. Nor was the moment ill-chosen
from the battle
of Pydna Polybius dates the full establishment of Rome's
universal empire. All
subsequent struggles were rebel-
lions, or wars with nations beyond the pale of Romano-
Greek civilization. The whole civilized world recognized
in the Roman senate the supreme tribunal for kings and
; to acquire its language and manners foreign
princes and noble youths resided in Rome. Only once
was a real attempt made to get rid of Roman dominion

by Mithradates, king of Pontus.

The battle of Pydna marks the last occasion on which
the senate still adhered to the state ma?im that Rome
should, if possible, hold no possessions and maintain no
garrisons beyond the Italian seas, but should keep in
check the numerous dependent states by a mere political
supremacy. The treatment of Macedonia and other states
after the battle of Pydna shows that Rome had at last
recognized the impracticable nature of this protectorate
the necessity of her constant intervention had proved to
Rome that the effort to preserve vanquished states, even
at the cost of faithful allies, was a failure Signs were
now forthcoming that by gradual steps these client-states
would be reduced to the position of subjects. When we
review the extension of Rome's power from the conquest
of Sicily to the battle of Pydna, it becomes clear that the
universal empire of Rome was a result forced upon the
Roman government, without, and even in opposition to
its wish ; certainly it was not a gigantic plan contrived
and carried out by a thirst for territorial aggrandizement.
All that the Roman government wished for was the sove-
reignty of Italy ; and they earnestly opposed the exten-
sion of this sovereignty to Africa, Greece, and Asia, from
the sound view that they ought not to suffer the kernel
of their empire to be crushed by the shell. Their blind
hatred of Carthage led them into the error of retaining
Spam, and of assuming in some measure the guardianship
of Africa
their still blinder enthusiasm for Greek freedom
made them commit the equal blunder of conferring liberty
everywhere on the Greeks.
The policy of Rome was not projected by a single
mighty intellect and bequeathed by tradition from gene-
ration to generation
it was the policy of a very able but
somewhat narrow-minded deliberative assembly, which
had far too little power of grand combination, and far too
much of an instinctive desire for the preservation of its
own commonwealth, to devise projects in the spirit of a
Caesar or Napoleon
The universal empire of Rome was, in fact, based on the
political development of antiquity in general. In the
ancient world, balance of power was unknown, and every
nation's aim was to subdue his neighbour or to render
him harmless. Though we may sentimentally mourn the
extinction of so many richly gifted and highly developed
nations by the supremacy of Rome, we must bear in mind
that that supremacy was not due to a mere superiority of
arms, but was a necessary consequence of the international
relations of antiquity generally ; and therefore the issue
was not one of mere chance, but the fulfilment of an
unchangeable and therefore endurable destiny.
War with Antiochus, Asia, etc.Polyb. xx. 1-12; xxi. ; xxii. 1-14,
xxiv.-xxxii. Liv. xxxiii. 19, 35, 38-44, 40 ;
13, 15, 23,
43-47, 51 ; xxxvi. 6-12, 15, 21, 41 ;
3, 8, 19,
21, 25, 26,
30-31, 34, 37,
39-45, 55
xxxviii. 15-27, 38. Appian
Philip, and Scipio.Liv. xxxiv. 60-61 ; xxxv. 14, 19
xxxvii. 23-24
xxxviii. 50-56
xxxix. 51.
Third Macedonian war.Appian Maced. 11-end. Liv. xxxvi.
4, 8, 13,
xxxvii. 7;
xxxviii. 1-2
xxxix. 23-28, 34-35
21-24, 50-56: xli. 2,
27-28; xlii. 5-6, 11-18, 36-42, 46, 50-67;
xliii. 4-5, 20-21 ; xliv. 2, 4, 6, 10, 23-27, 40-46
xlv. 6-8,
39, 42.
jilyria.Appian Illyr. 9-10. Liv. xlii.
26 ; xliv 23,

Liv. xliv. 13, 20,

Rhodes.Liv. xxxviii. 39;
xliv. 14-15, 35; xlv. 10,
Greece.Liv. xxxvi. 35
xliii. 19
xlv. 28, 31, 34.
Egypt.Liv. xlv. 11-13.
also Plat. Aem. Paullus and Philopoemen.
state-partiesAristocratic character of the senate and equites
The censorshipUsurpation of power by familiesTreatment
of the LatinsThe provinces and their governorsThe comitia
Rise of a city rabble

-Cato and his reformsDemagogism

Management of land and of capitalDecline of the population.

Amid the din of arms and constant succession of victories,
it is difficult to trace the secret and silent growth of those
changes which were fraught with such momentous con-
sequences to the Roman constitution. The new aris-
tocracy, consisting of the old patrician families and of
those plebeians who had become united with the old
patricians, gradually gathered in its grasp the reins of
government The leaders of the plebeian element of the
aristocracy were most zealous in maintaining the barrier
of caste, and in assigning a political significance to those
outward badges, such as the ius imaginum, the laticlave,
the gold rings, and the bulla, which had originally merely
distinguished the higher from the lower patrician fami-
lies. The senate and the equestrian order were no longer
organs of the whole state, but organs of the aristocracy.
In each case this change was due to the power of the
censorship. Every one who had held a curule magistracy
had a legal claim to a vote and seat in the senate ; but
the censor had the power of summoning men to become
members of that body, and of striking off the names of
such as were unworthy of so high a position. Inasmuch
as the election to a curule office and the choice of censor
really lay in the hands of the senate, it was but natural
that curule magistrates and censors were chosen out of
the ranks of the nobility, and thus practically gave a
strong aristocratic character to the composition of the
senate. So, too, the censors selected the members of the
equestrian centuries, and no doubt, as a rule, had regard
to the birth and position of the members they selected,
rather than to their military capacity. Thus the eques-
trian order became a stronghold of the aristocracy. The
distinction between classes was further rendered more
marked by the unwise change introduced by the great
Scipio in 19-1
B.C. This change separated the special
seats assigned to the senatorial order from those occupied
by the mass of the people at the national festivals.
The office of censor, owing to these changes, became
invested with a peculiar glory of its own, as the palladium
of the aristocratic order, and great efforts were made to
resist attacks on the censorship or judicial prosecution of
unpopular censors, and to prevent opponents of the aris-
tocracy from holding this office. An important check,
moreover, was placed upon the censor himself by the
usage which obliged him to specify the grounds on which
he erased the name of senator or knight. The nobility,
in order to keep the government in their own hands, was
naturally averse from appointing more magistrates than
the growth of Roman power rendered unavoidable. The
appointment, in 243 B.C., of two praetors in the place of
one, and the assignation of all lawsuits between Roman
citizens to the city praetor (praetor urbanus) and of all
law-suits between men who were not Roman citizens to
his colleague (praetor peregrinus) was manifestly inade-
quate to the growing needs of the state. Further, the
attempt to govern the four transmarine provinces bv the
appointment of four praetors in 197 B.C., showed a desire
to limit the number of magistrates who were outside the
immediate control of the senate, rather than a real grasp of
the requirements of the new empire. A more serious evil
was the election of the twenty-four military tribunes, i.e.
of the whole military staff, by the comitia tributa
the choice of officers became subject to the evils of
popular election, and every effort was made by the aris-
tocracy to secure the position for members of their own
order, and to make the military tribunate the stepping-
stone in the political career of young nobles. In serious
wars, e.g. in 171 B.C., it was found necessary to suspend
this system, and to restore to the general the power of
electing his own staff.
Owing to the aristocratic spirit that pervaded every
section of the government, the chief magisterial offices of
consul and censor not only centred in the hands of a
limited number of gentes, but, what was worse, in the
hands of particular families. This was markedly the case
in the policy of the Scipios and the Flaminini. Moreover,
a serious laxity began to prevail in the management of
the public money ; and, although embezzlement was still
rare among Roman officials, the corruption prevalent in
the provinces could not fail to react with pernicious effect
on the praetors and their retinue. The relations of Rome
to her allies and dependents, both within and outside
Italy, gradually underwent a change. In the first place,
such communities as had been passive burgesses of Rome,
and had sided with Hannibal, e.g. Capua, lost their Roman
citizenship, while other communities which had remained
true to Rome acquired the full franchise
thus, except in
isolated cases, the position occupied by passive burgesses
ceased to exist. Admission to the Roman franchise be-
came more and more difficult ; and the tendency arose on
the part of the Roman citizens to separate themselves, not
only from the mass of Italians, but even from their old
Latin allies, whose staunch support had saved the state
in the war with Hannibal. The chief burdens of war, of
garrison duty, and of the Spanish service, now fell upon
the allies, while the Roman citizens appropriated most of
the spoil and of the honours and advantages that accrued
from the successes won by the arms of their allies.
Indeed, the Latins, though of course far removed from the
servile position held by the Bruttians and other com-
munities, felt that the distinction between themselves and
the mass of the Italian confederacy was being abolished,
and that they were fast becoming the subjects, instead of
the privileged allies, of Rome.
A far graver error was the retention of the old consti-
tution, which Carthage had established in Sicily, Sardi-
nia, and Spain : by retaining the tribute imposed by their
predecessors, the Romans renounced their old policy of
having no tributary subjects ; and by applying this
method to Hither Spain, Macedonia, and Illyria, they
clearly adopted the dangerous and demoralizing expedient
of making money out of their new possessions. It is true
that the governors were legally bound to administer their
office with honesty and frugality, and it is equally true
that many, like Cato in Sardinia, scrupulously observed
the legal injunction. But the temptation was too great;
the control exercised by the senate over the governors was
of necessity very lax, and the complaints of the governed,
unless the severity and rapacity of the praetor had ex-
ceeded all ordinary limits, met with but scant attention.
Moreover, the governor could not be called to account
during his term of office, and the charges laid against him
"were, as a rule, heard by a jury consisting of men of his
own order, and therefore little inclined to visit the offender
with severe punishment. We can, then, scarcely doubt
that, owing to the feeble control exercised by
the senate,
and the absolute nature of the governor's provincial office,
and, still more, owing to the corrupt servility of those
whom he governed, it was a rare thing for governors to
return home with clean hands.
A wholesome corrective to the abuse of the senatorial
power, theoretically at least, still existed in the assemblies
of the people. But this period exhibits to us the growing
unimportance, nay impotence, of the popular comitia.
The reason is plain. With the extension of the Roman
suffrage, not only throughout Latium, Sabina, and a part
of Campania, but to the new colonies founded in Picenum
and across the Apennines, the burgess-body no longer con-
sisted of farmers living within easy distance of the capital.
Thus the decision of the great questions of foreign policy
rested with men scattered over Italy, who met together
in the capital by mere chance, and who were unable by
previous consultation to arrive at some joint course of
action and to show an intelligent grasp of the weighty
questions submitted to their judgment. As a rule, then,
the people played a passive part on such occasions, and
ratified without discussion the proposals made to them by
the senate.
Again, out of the old clients of powerful houses now
arose a city rabble, whose votes in the comitia were
becoming of even more importance than those of the
scattered burgesses, and were employed by the aristocracy
to counterbalance the independence of the farmers.
Systematic corruption began to be practised upon these
clients by the sale of grain at low prices, by an increase
of festivals and holidays, and by gladiatorial
shows, in
order that the aristocratic candidate might secure his
election to the offices of state at the expense of his poorer
rival. The spoils of war were even employed to corrupt
the soldiers, and the stern refusal of Lucius Paullus to
turn his victory at Pydna to such base uses almost cost
him the honour of a triumph. It was but natural that
such corruption should work the decay of the old warlike
spirit, and that cowardice should stain the honour of the
Koman officers and soldiers.
Another sign of the universal degeneration was the
miserable love for petty distinctions : triumphs were
granted to the victor of Ligurian or Corsican robbers
statues and monuments became so common that it was
said to be a distinction to have none ; men received
permanent surnames from the victories they had won
and among the lower orders equal anxiety was manifested
to mark their social grade by trifling badges.
The party of opposition in the state was composed of
two elements of widely different character. In the first
place, there was the patriotic party, whose cry for reform
arose from a genuine distrust and hatred of the prevailing
corruption. The moving spirit and typical representative
of this party was Marcus Porcius Cato (234-149 B.C.).
This rough Sabine farmer had been induced to enter
upon a political career by a noble of the old stamp,
Lucius Valerius Flaccus. He saw active service through-
out the whole of the second Punic war, and in all
countries and in every capacity had won equal dis-
He was the same in the Forum as in the
battlefield. His prompt and intrepid address, his rough
but pungent rustic wit, his knowledge of Roman law and
Roman affairs, his incredible activity and his iron frame,
first brought him into notice in the neighbouring towns
and when at length he made his appearance on the
greater arena of the Forum and the senatr-house in the
capital, constituted him the most influential pleader aud
public orator of his time. Thoroughly narrow in his
political and moral views, and having the ideal of the good
old times always before his eyes and on his lips, he
cherished an obstinate contempt for everything new.
Deeming himself entitled, by virtue of his own austere
life, to manifest an unrelenting severity and harshness
towards everything and everybody; upright and honour-
able, but without a glimpse of any duty beyond the sphere
of police discipline and of mercantile integrity ; an enemy
to all villainy and vulgarity as well as to all genius and
refinement; and, above all things, a foe to those who were
his foes, he never made an attempt to stop evils at their
source, but waged war throughout life against mere
symptoms, and especially against persons." Not only did
he attack the most powerful aristocrats, such as the Scipios
and the Flaminini, but he never shrank from abusing his
own supporters did he deem they deserved it. Still, so
staunch were the farmers in their support, that wheu Cato
and his friend and colleague, Lucius Flaccus, stood as
candidates for the censorship in 184 B.C., all the exertions
of the aristocrats were powerless to prevent their return.
The reforms introduced by Cato and his party were
aimed at arresting the spread of decay and at checking
the preponderating influence of the aristocracy in politics.
In view of the first object, police regulations were enacted
to restrict the luxurious style of living, and to introduce
a frugal economy into Roman households. More success-
ful and more practical were the efforts made to revive the
farmer class by founding Latin colonies in the north, and
by large and numerous assignations of the domain land.
Although Cato failed to carry his proposal to institute
four hundred new equestrian stalls, and thus remedy the
decline of the burgess cavalry, the necessities of war had
long before compelled the government to reduce the
rating, which allowed a man to serve in the army, from
43 to 6, and to abolish the other qualification of free
birth. The admission of the poor and of freedmen into the
army gave them a new importance in the state, and was
one of the chief causes of the changes introduced into the
comitia centuriata. These changes, accomplished about
241 B.C., at the close of the first Punic war, placed all five
classes composing the comitia on an equal footing as
regarded number of votes, and took away from the
equites their old prioi'ity in voting, and gave the freed-
men the same power as the freeborn.
This reform was the first victory won by the new
democracy over the aristocracy, but its effects were
greatly neutralized by the fact that, though priority of
votiug was taken away from the equites or aristocratic
voters, it was still confined to a division chosen by lot
from the first or richest class ; and further, the equaliza-
tion of the freedmen with the freeborn was set aside
twenty years later, in 220 B.C., by the censor Gaius Flami-
nius, and the freedmen were excluded from the centuries.
A proof that the reform did not at any rate greatly affect
the power of the aristocracy is furnished by the fact that
the second consulship and second censorship, although in
law open to both patricians and plebeians, were almost
invariably filled by patricians
the second consulship
was held by patricians down to 172 B.C., and the second,
censorship down to 131 B.C.
Viewed as a whole, the reforms of Cato and his party,
distinguished as they were by great energy and a noble
wish to counteract the evident evils of the time, were
unfortunately marred by a want of clear insight into the
source of those evils, and by the failure to devise, in a
large and statesmanlike spirit, some comprehensive plan
for their remedy.
In the second place, the party of opposition contained
a far less reputable element, the outcome of the city
rabble. The spirit of demagogism was abroad ; men,
cursed with a love of empty speechmaking, pretended to
be ardent reformers, but in their harangues dwelt only on
the excessive powers of the aristocratic government and
on the rights of the citizens, not on the urgent need for
moral reform in every section of the state. The evils
which arose out of this new spirit have already been
indicated in the history of the war with Hannibal : the
appointment of mere party leaders, such as Flaminius and
Varro, to the supreme command ; the absurd decree which
made Minucius codictator with Fabius in 217 B.C., and
which gave the deathblow to the dictatorship
the charge
of embezzlement laid against Marcellus in 219 B.C.,these
and other acts all proceeded from the wanton interference
of the demagogues. The citizens were even tempted to
interfere with the administration of the finances, the
oldest and most important prerogative of the government
and, in 232 B.C., Gaius Flaminius, owing to the fatal
obstinacy of the senate, went to the burgesses with his
proposal to distribute the domain-lands in Picenum. Nor
was this new system of politics confined to its author,
Gaius Flaminius ; aristocrats, such as Scipio, in their
efforts to place themselves and their families in a position
superior to that of the rest of the senate, condescended
to vie with demagogues in their flattery of the city rabble.
We have already pointed out the impotence of the comitia
as a rule, indeed, the burgesses had the good sense and
sufficient patriotism to give a hearty support to that
senate which had weathered the storm of Hannibal's in-
vasion. But appeals to selfishness and avarice could not
fail to demoralize the best citizens
and sudden caprice
or violent outbursts of jealousy or hatred from time to
time showed that the old foundations of the Republic were
being undermined. "To the later generations, who sur-
vived the storms of revolution, the period after the
Hannibalic war appeared the golden age of Rome, and
Cato seemed the model of the Roman statesman. It was
in reality the calm before the storm, and the epoch of
political mediocrities." The seeming outward stability of
the R >man constitution, during the years 266-146 B.C., was
a sign, not of health, but of incipient sickness and
A review of this period would be incomplete unless it
presented a brief notice of the economic troubles produced
by the system of farming on a large scale, and by the power
of capital. The importation of corn from the provinces,
and the sale of it at a merely nominal price for the benefit
of the idle proletariat of the capital, naturally ruined the
market for the growers of Italian corn. The evil was all
the worse and all the more inexcusable in a country like
Italy, where there were hardly any manufactures, and,
consequently, no large industrial population whose needs,
as in England, could not be supplied by home-grown grain.
On the contrary, agriculture was the mainstay of the
Roman state, and the short-sighted policy of the govern-
ment in this matter sacrificed the soundest to the most
worthless part oi
the nation. The small farmers were
gradually ruined, and their holdings became merged in the
large estates of the landlords,
who, by cultivating their
lands by means of large gangs of slaves, were able to pro-
duce at a cheaper rate than the farmer. But even the large
landlord was unable to compete with foreign grain, and
devoted himself almost entirely to stock-raising and the
production of oil and wine : and thus it was that arable land
to a great extent was converted into pasture, while, owing
to the increased use of slaves, free labour became almost
unknown. The power of the
capitalist was alike evinced
in the speculative management
of land, in the increase of
money-lenders, and in the enormous extent of all mercantile
and, as in the end the gains from commercial
enterprise flowed into Rome, the result was that Rome,
compared w
ith the rest of the world, stoed as superior in
point of wealth as in political and military power. In fact,
the whole Roman nation btcame possessed with the mer-
cantile spirit, and, while money served to create a new
social barrier between rich and poor, "that deep-rooted
immorality, which is inherent in an economy of pure
capital, ate into the heart of society and of the common-
wealth, and substituted an absolute selfishness for humanity
aud patriotism."
Moreover, the very population of Italy began to decline,
and Cato and Polybius agree in stating that at the end of
the sixth century Italy was far weaker in population than
at the end of the fifth
"and although it was, in the fiist
instance, the two long wars with Carthage that decimated
and ruined both the burgesses and the allies, the Roman
capitalists beyond doubt contributed quite as much as
Hamilcar and Hannibal to the decline in the vigour and
the numbers of the Italian people."
Liv. xxii.
7, 34; xxvi.
1; xxxv. 42, 48; xxxvi.
; xxxviii.
xlv. 18. Polyb. vi. 13
; xxviii. 45. Sail. Jug. 41.
Momms. R. St. iii. 458, sqq.
Equites.Liv. xxiii.
48, 49; xlii. 61. Polyb. vi. 20. Momms. E.
St. iii.
458, sqq.
Liv Epit. 20, 32.
Military tribunes.Liv. ix. 30;
xliv. 21. Sail. Jug. 63.
Marq. Stv. ii.
365, sqq.
Romans.Liv. xli. 13; xlii. 4. Veil.
Bribery.Cic. in Verr. ii.
3, 7 ;
iii. 6, 12. Gains, ii. 7. Liv. Epit. 43.
Cato.Liv. xxix. 25;
xxxii. 7, 8, 27;
xxxiii. 43; xxxiv. 2,
; xxxvi. 17-21
xxxviii. 54 ; xxxix. 40-44 ; xliii. 2
25. Plut. Cato. Cato M. 36, 40, 42. Polyb. xxxi. 24 ;
imported corn

arable land turned to pasture.

Cic. in Verr.
ii. 2, 5. Liv. xxvi. 40. Pliny, N. H. xviii. 29. Colum.
4. Marq. Stv. ii. 112, sqq.
SpainThe Lusitanian and Celtiberian wars
The protected statesCause of the third and last war with
CarthagePreparations of CarthageScipio Aeniiliaims

Capture and destruction of CarthageProvinces of Africa and

MacedoniaThe Achaean warDestruction of CorinthState
of the EastThe Parthian empirePiracyGeneral result.
Before we enter upon the period of change which takes
its name from the family of the Gracchi, it is necessary to
present a picture of the state of things in the subject
countries. Trivial and dreary as the separate conflicts in
these remote lands between weakness and power may seem,
yet collectively they are of great historical significance ,
and the reaction which the provinces exercised on the
mother country alone renders intelligible the condition of
Italy at this period.
At first the only two recognized provinces of Rome, if we
except what may be regarded as the natural appendages of
Italy, i.e. Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia, were the two Spains
and they were the scene of many wars and the cause of
much trouble to Rome. In 154 B.C. the
peaceful state of
the Spanish provinces, which had lasted for nearly thirty
years, was broken by the successful invasion of the Lusi-
tanians. The complete defeat of the praetor Lucius
mius, governor of Further Spain, in 153 B.C.,
the Celtiberians to join against the common foe ; and the
successes achieved by the powerful tribe of the Arevacae
over the consul Quintus Fulvius Nobilior even eclipsed
previous victories of the Lusitanians. But the advent
Marcus Claudius Marcellus, who combined skilful general*
ship with humane treatment, terminated the Celtiberian
war in 161 B.C. His peaceful and honourable arrange-
ment with the Arevacae did not, however, suit the ideas of
the new consul, Lucius Lucullus, who made a sudden and
unprovoked assault on the friendly tribe of the Vaccaei,
and enslaved or massacred the inhabitants of the unoffend-
ing town of Cauca. This new method of warfare found an
apt disciple in the praetor Servius Sulpicius Galba, who
made a treaty with three Lusitanian tribes under the
promise of giving them better settlements, and, having
separated them into three divisions, either put to the
sword or carried off into slavery seven thousand men.
Despite the unequalled perfidy, cruelty, and avarice with
which these two generals waged war, they were able to
purchase immunity from condemnation on their return to
The outbreak of the fourth Macedonian and the third
Punic war, in 149 B.C., caused the withdrawal of all special
Roman forces from Spain. The Lusitanians at once renewed
their invasions of Turdetania, and, when about to capitulate
after a defeat by the governor Gaius Vetilius, they were
roused to fresh vigour by the eloquence and example of
the famous Viriathus. It seemed as if at last Spain had
found a champion able to break the fetters of Rome
general after general, army after army, both in northern
and southern Spain, recoiled in utter discomfiture before
the ability and enthusiasm of the Spanish leader. For
about ten years (148-139 B.C.) Viriathus was the acknow-
ledged king of the Lusitanians, though never distinguished
by any badge from the meanest soldier
a true hero,
remarkable alike for his physical and mental qualities. In
the end his brilliant and noble career was, as often happened
in Spain, cut short by the hand of the assassin, three of
his intimate friends having sold the life of their lord to
the Roman consul, Quintus Servilius Caepio, in return for
their own safety. With the death of Viriathus the war in
Lusitania came to an end. But the successes of Viriathus
had once more ignited the torch of war in the North, and
the Celtiberian Arevacae again revolted, in 144 B.C. The
ability of the consul Quintus Caecilius Metellus reduced
the northern province to obedience in two years.
Far more serious was the struggle with the town of
Numantia. The incapable consul, Quintus Pompeius,
after several severe defeats, agreed to come to terms with
its invincible inhabitants
but, in fear of the reckoning
that awaited him at home for thus concluding peace, he at
the last moment took refuge in a base falsehood, and denied
the agreement he had made. The matter was referred to
the senate, who supported their guilty consul, and ordered
his successor Marcus Popilius Laenas to continue the war.
The total incompetence of the Roman generals and the
demoralized condition of their armies caused the war to
drag on, amid disgrace and disaster, from 137-134
B.C. In
the latter year Scipio Aemilianus, the first general in Rome,
was sent out, and, after reorganizing the Roman army by
treatment alike severe and contemptuous, he set about the
task of subduing the brave Numantines. After a heroic
defence, the city, utterly exhausted by famine and pesti-
lence, fell, in the autumn of 133 B.C., and its fall re-
established the supremacy of Rome in Hither Spain. A
senatorial commission was shortly after sent to Spain, and
the provinces were reorganized. Thanks to the efforts of
Scipio and other governors Spain gradually became ex-
ceedingly prosperous, and, despite the guerilla warfare
ever waged by the half-subdued native tribes, it was the
most nourishing and best-organized country in the Roman
Par more insupportable was the conditionintermediate
between formal sovereignty and actual subjectionof the
African, Greek, and Asiatic states. These had neither
independence nor peace. In Africa there was constant war
between Carthage and Numidia
in Egypt the rulers of that
country and Cyrene were ever disputing for the possession
of Cyprus; in Asia almost every petty kingdom was torn
by intestine struggles, and several were at war with one
another. The interference of Rome, constantly invoked,
only made matters worse. Rome neither resigned its
authority nor displayed sufficient force to bring the ruled
into subjection.
It was the epoch of commissions."
Commissioners went to and fro, reporting and giving
orders, to which the Asiatic states, feeling secure from
their very remoteness, as a rule paid no attention. The
Roman government conferred neither the blessings of
freedom nor of order. It was clear that this state of things
must be put an end to, and that the only way to do so was
by the conversion of the client states into Roman provinces.
The only question was whether the Roman senate would
perceive the necessity of the task, and would put its hand
to the work with the requisite energy.
In Africa we have to record the last act of the terrible
Carthaginian drama. The Romans saw with ill-concealed
envy the increasing prosperity of their old rival, though
hampered in every way by the encroachments of Massi-
nissa. At the head of the second commission, sent from
Rome in 161 B.C., to settle points of dispute between the
Numidian king and Carthage, was the aged Cato, whose
inveterate hatred of Carthage was aroused afresh by the
sight of her great commercial prosperity. Opposed
though he was by the larger-minded Scipio Nasica, Cato
had no difficulty in finding men at home ready to support
his view that Rome could know no security until Car-
thage was destroyed ; and among his most ardent sup-
porters were the bankers and rich capitalists of Rome,
who saw that the wealth of Carthage must revert to
An opportunity for putting the policy of Cato into
effect soon arose. In 154 B.C. Massinissa appealed to
Rome to act once more as arbiter between him and Car-
thage, and pointed out that the leaders of the patriotic
party in Carthage, Hasdrubal and Carthalo, were amass-
ing stores and collecting troops in violation of the treaty
with Rome. The Carthaginians were ordered to destroy
their naval stores and dismiss their troops
but the spirit
of the people was roused, and the demand was rejected
and preparations made to wage war against Massinissa.
In 152 B.C. hostilities began, and, owing to the miserable
incapacity of Hasdrubal, Massinissa gained a complete
The Romans now conceived that the hour had come to
deal the deathblow to their old antagonist. By making
war upon Massinissa, an ally of Rome, Carthage had
broken one of the stipulations of their treaty, and had
thus given Rome a plausible pretext for w
ar, and from
the feeble display of arms she had made against Mas-
sinissa, Carthage seemed a certain and easy victim. In
vain the Carthaginians made every submission to avert
the threatened blow, and war was declared in 149 B.C.
After dallying with the wretched envoys sent from Car-
thage, and after making the severest demands, the Roman
consul Lucius Marcius Censorinus, who had landed at
Utica, at last revealed the dire purpose of the senate, and
bade the envoys tell the Gerusia that Carthage must be
evacuated and surrendered to destruction. At this the
frenzied enthusiasm of the Phoenician race once more
blazed forth. The most marvellous efforts were made to
secure the defences of the city, and to repair the blunder
which had surrendered all the arms and dismantled the
battlements in obedience to the Roman demands.
Meanwhile, the Roman consuls were deluded by pre-
tended embassies, and, though but a few miles distant,
had no idea what was happening in the Phoenician capital.
The precious respite was turned to good account: day
and night the work of forging arms and catapults never
flagged. Young and old, women and children, were all
fired with the same zeal and the same hatred. With in-
credible speed the work was finished, and the city and
its inhabitants ready for the struggle. Art had rendered
the naturally strong site of Carthage well-nigh impreg-
and the two consuls, Manius Manilius and Lucius
Censorinus, on realizing their blunder and attempting to
prosecute the siege, soon found out how utterly incom-
petent they were for the task. After losses by assaults
and disease the Romans were compelled, by the death of
Massinissa in 149 B.C., to suspend all offensive operations.
The youthful Scipio, who was serving as a military tri-
bune, alone retrieved the honour of the Roman name,
both by his personal bravery and his politic dealings with
the native Numidians ; and to him the aged Cato, who
died the same year, applied the Homeric line, olos iriTrvvrat,
Tol Se o-Kiai aiaa-ovatv
(" He only is a living man, the
rest are gliding shades").
The following year saw two new commanders,
Piso at the head of the land army, and Lucius Mancinus
in charge of the fleet : they achieved even less than their
predecessors, and neglected the siege of Carthage for
attacks on smaller towns, which as a rule were unsuc-
cessful. A Numidian sheik passed over to the Cartha-
ginian side with eight hundred horse, and negotiations
were entered into with the kings of Numidia and Maure-
tania. At this juncture the Romans adopted the extra-
ordinary measure of giving the command to Scipio
Aemilianus, and thus made him consul without his having
held the preliminary office of aedile. His arrival, in
147 B.C., completely changed the aspect of affairs. Man-
cinns was rescued from a position of great danger on an
isolated cliff, and the siege of Carthage was once more
begun in real earnest. Scipio first constructed a large
camp across the isthmus which connected Carthage with
the mainland, and then blocked up the entrance to the
harbour by a mole of stone ninety-six feet in breadth.
This latter operation the Carthaginians neutralized by
cutting a
new canal, thus gaining a new outlet into the
harbour. But Scipio at last succeeded in his object,
and completely blockaded the city by land
and sea, leaving
famine and pestilence to complete what he had be^un.
In the spring of 146 B.C. the city wall was scaled, and
for six days the famished inhabitants continued a terrible
but hopeless
struggle from house to house and street to
street. Even then the steep citadel-rock, held by Has-
drubal and the remnant of the garrison, remained
clear the approaches, Scipio ordered the city to be set on
fire and the ruins to be levelled. The garrison at last
capitulated, and life was granted to the survivors, a bare
tenth part of the former population. Hasdrubal, to whose
gluttony and bragging incapacity the fall of Carthage
was in no small measure due, gained the boon of life for
which he prayed Scipio on his knees
but his wife scorned
to survive her city's destruction, and plunged with her
children into the flames of a burning temple. Despite
the protests of Scipio, the senate ordered the consul to
raze Carthage to the ground, to pass the plough over its
site, and to curse the ground for ever.
Where the
industrious Phoenicians had bustled and trafficked for five
hundred years, Roman slaves henceforth pastured the
herds of their distant masters. Scipio, however, whom
nature had destined for a nobler part than that of an
executioner, gazed with horror on his own work ; and,
instead of the joy of victory, the victor himself was
haunted by a presentiment of the retribution that would
inevitably follow such, a misdeed." The Carthaginian
territory, as possessed by the city in its last days, became
a Roman province under the name of Africa, and the
boundaries of the enlarged Numidian kingdom were
clearly denned. Utica was the capital of the new pro-
vince, and thither Roman merchants flocked to turn to
account the new acquisition.
About the same time, Macedonia also experienced the
common fate. The four small confederacies, into which
Roman wisdom had parcelled out the ancient kingdom,
soon showed how impracticable such an arrangement was.
A pretender, calling himself Philip the son of Perseus,
met with support from Thrace and Byzantium, and was
accepted as king by the Macedonian nation. He even
extended his rule over Thessaly by a victory over the
Roman praetor Juventius in 149 B.C., but in the following
year he was crushed by Quintus Caecilius Metellus. Mace-
donia was now converted into a Roman province, and this
province, including as it did the Roman protectorate over
Greece proper, covered much the same area as had
formerly been subject to Macedonian sway. One more
movement was made by Alexander, another pretended
son of Perseus, to break the Roman yoke, but it was
easily quelled in 142 B.C.
In Greece itself all Roman efforts at conciliation
and at last, despite the warnings of the Roman envoys,
the Achaean league declared war against Sparta about
146 B.C. This action, combined with the insulting attitude
of the Greeks towards Rome, caused the senate to send
Lucius Mummius to crush the pretensions of Critolaus,
the Achaean strategus. A battle at Leucopatra was utterly
disastrous to the Achaeans, and was followed by the con-
version of Greece into the province of Achaia. On the
whole, Mummius seems to have acted with justice and
moderation in his administration of Greek affairs ; but
the Roman senate showed a hideous severity in the
destruction of Corinth, the first commercial city in Greece,
and the last precious ornament of a land once so rich in
cities. Doubtless this barbarous act was due to the
political influence of the Roman merchants, who gladly
seized the opportunity to rid themselves of a commercial
In Asia Minor, the bequest of Pergamus to the Romans
by the last of the Attalids, in 133 B.C., gave Rome a new
province, though she had to vindicate her right by the
sword, as Aristonicus, a natural son of one of the former
kings of Pergamus, succet-ded for a time in making good
his claim to the throne. Most of the small states and
cities in western Asia remained unchanged, but both
Cappadocia and Pontus received some additional territory
on the dissolution of the Attalid kingdom. Roman
authority in Syria and Egypt became weaker and weaker,
owing to the negligent and spasmodic manner in which
the senate attempted to settle the various disputes that
arose. Many causes had combined to destroy the once
huge empire of Asia : the battle of Magnesia had wrested
western Asia from the great king ; the two Cappadocias
and the two Armenias had become independent kingdoms
lastly, Antiochus Epiphanes (175-164 B.C.) had adopted the
course, equally foolish and fatal, of introducing Roman
and Greek ideas both in manners and religion throughout
his dominions. This step, enforced as it was by religious
persecution and plundering of temples, drove the Jews to
revolt in 167 B.C., and the successful issue of their rebellion
was mainly due to the brave and nrudent conduct of the
house of the Maccabees.
A still more important result of the folly of Antiochus
was the founding of the Parthian kingdom, the outcome
of a reaction on the part of the native religion and
manners against Hellenism. Mithradates I. (175-133 B.C.)
laid the foundations of this empire by his successes over
the Bactrian kingdom, and in all the countries west of the
great desert. Aided by the internal dissolution of the
kingdom of the Seleucidae, from which Persia, Babylonia,
aud Media were for ever severed, this new empire reached
from the Oxus and the Hindu Khush to the Tigris and
the desert of Arabia. The foundations of its strength rested
not merely on the revival of the wild physical forces of the
East, on the bow and arrow and the whirlwind rush of
the cavalry of the desert, but far more on the revival of the
national customs and national religion
on the old Iranian
language, the order of the Magi and the worship of Mithra.
From the founding of the Parthian empire dates the ebb
of that great Hellenic movement which had reached its
height under Alexander the Great. The East once more
reasserted itself, and re-entered the world of politics : the
world had again two masters. Thus
the Roman senate
sacrificed the first essential result of the policy of Alex-
ander, and thereby paved the way for that retrograde
movement whose last offshoots ended in the Alhambra of
Granada and in the great Mosque of Constantinople."
If we glance at the maritime relations of this period,
we find that practically no naval power existed. Rome
had no fleet, and her maritime police, once so effective,
ceased to control the piracy everywhere prevalent. A
check no doubt was kept on the buccaneers of the Adriatic
and Tyrrhene seas ; but Crete and Cilicia became the
recognized home of organized bands of pirates. The
Roman government merely looked on, and the Roman
merchants kept up a friendly traffic with the pirate
captains, who furnished them with that marketable
We have now reviewed Rome's position in and dealings
with the outer world. The problem of governing this new
empire was not wholly misunderstood, though it was by no
means solved. The idea of Cato's time that the state
shonld not extend beyond Italy, and that outside that limit
a mere protectorate should be exercised, had proved unten-
the necessity of substituting a direct sovereignty, that
should preserve the liberties of the various communities,
was generally recognized. But this policy was not adopted
firmly and uniformly : provinces were annexed from time
to time, according as convenience, caprice, interest, or
chance suggested ; but the majority of dependent states
remained in the intolerable uncertainty of their former
position, or, as was the case with Syria, even withdrew
entirely from Roman influence. Showing themselves often
stern masters where leniency was needed, and lenient
where sternness was required, the Romans governed from
one day to another with feeble and selfish hands, merely
transacting the current business of the hour. Senators
had learnt to despise the old maxim that office was its
own reward, and that such office was a burden and duty
rather than a privilege and benefit ; and we find that
foreign powers constantly bribed influential senators by
enormous gifts. The Roman fleet was allowed to go to
ruin ; the decay of the old military spirit and prestige
was no less marked. The better classes had begun to
disappear from the army, and officers for the Spanish
wars were found with great difficulty. In truth the
Roman senate had solved the problem of acquiring the
sovereignty of the world, but had broken down under
the more difficult task of its government.
Spanish wars. Polyb. xxxv. Appian Sp. 44-100. Liv. Epit. 53-57,
59. Dio Cass.'Fr. 73,
Third Punic war.Polyb. xxxvi ; xxxvii. 1-2 ; xxxviii. 1-2
3-o. Liv. Epit, 47-51. Appian Lib. 67-135. Strab.
832, sq.
Africa.Sail. Jug. 19. Marq. Stv. i. 464, sqq.
MacedoniaPolyb. lxxxvi. 8-9 Liv. xlv. 17-18, 29, 30. Epit.
45, 50.
Floras, i. 30, 32. Marq. Stv. i. 316, sqq.
Achaean war.Polyb. xxxviii. 7-11; xxxix. 7-17 Liv. Epit. 52. Cic.
in Verr. i. 21. Marq. Stv. i. 321-333.
Miihradates (Arsaces).Polyb. x.
28-31. Strab. 515, 669. Joseph.
Antiq. Jew. xii. 5. Mommsen Provinces, ii.
1, sqq.
Fleet.Marq. Stv. ii.
500, sqq.
Spread of decayAttempts at reformPublic electionsSocial
crisisSlavery and slave-warsItalian farmersScipio Aemi-
lianusTiberius GracchusTribune, 134 B.C.His agrarian
law and further plans

His death Criticism oi: his measures and

methodsSuspension of the land commissionMurder of Scipio
AemilianusThe democratic leadersWar with Fregellae

Gaius Gracchus tribuneHis measures and objectsThe Livian

lawsOverthrow and d^athof Gaius Gracchus.
We have now reached the epoch in Roman history for
ever rendered famous by the revolutionary reforms of
Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus. It is our duty to trace the
causes which called for those reforms, and to form some
judgment both of the measures and their authors. In the
preceding chapter we have sketched the evils underlying
the outward calm which pervaded the whole Roman
empire for a full generation after the battle of Pydna.
Cato's question as to the future of Rome, when she no
longer had a state to fear, had a profound significance now.
The younger generation of aristocrats thought no more
of foreign foes, but of maintaining and, if possible, of
increasing the privileges they had usurped. The various
measures of the opposition

e.g. (a) the institution of a

standing senatorial commission by Lucius Calpurnius Piso,
in 149 B.C., to try the complaints of provincials touching
the extortion of Roman governors
the introduction
of the vote by ballot in the burgess assemblies, primarily
adopted for the election of magistrates by the Gabinian law
in 149 B.C., then applied to the law courts, in 137 B.C., by
the Cassian law, and finally applied to all 'egisjative pro-
posals, in 131 B.C., by the Papirian law
(c) the exclusion, a
little later, of the senators from the equestrian centuries,

failed entirely to emancipate the electors from aristocratic

influence, and to restore to the comitia the power and
independence they had once possessed. The Romans
lacked what alone compensates for the evils of party life,
the free and common movement of the masses to some
definite aim. Politics were, as a rule, merely partisanship
for individuals, not for great principles, and the people
arrayed itself now on the side of this aristocratic coterie,
now on the side of that. Hence spr.mg that despicable
canvassing of the mob by an aspirant for public office
hence, too, those demagogic cries for reform and attacks
on eminent persons to catch the popular ear
hence, again,
arose the necessity for providing costly popular amuse-
ments, the long recognized duty of any candidate for the
consulship. A still graver evil was the miserable position
which the government, by thus cringing for the favour of
the mob, was forced to occupy towards the governed. The
burgesses became used to the dangerous idea that they were
exempt from all direct taxation, and they were no longer
forced to enter the hateful military service across the sea.
The two factions, which now became known by the names
of Optimates and Populares, fought alike for shadows,
being completely destitute of political morality and politi-
cal idea?. It would have been better for Rome had the
Optimates substituted hereditary rotation for election by
the burgesses, or had the Populares developed a real
democratic government.
The crisis with which the Roman revolution opened
arose from the old evil, the land question. The warfare
which had for centuries been waged between the small
farmer and the capitalist had at last produced the most
disastrous results
and as formerly the farmer had been
ruined by the chain of debt, so now he was crushed by
the competition with transmarine and slave-ffrown
The ultimate result was in both cases the same : Italian
farms sank in value; small holdings became
merged in
large estates
agriculture gave place to stock-raising and
the growing of olives and vines
and, finally, free labour
was supplanted in Italy, as in the provinces,
that of
slaves. The new and huge
system of slavery row intro-
duced owed its rise to the
all-powerful capitalist. In
earlier days captives taken in war and the hereditary
transmission of slavery had sufficed
but the demand now
exceeded the supply, and, as in America, man was hunted
down on a regular system. The "negro-lard
of that period
was western Asia, and the Cretan and Cilician corsairs,
professional slave-hunters and slave-dealers, robbed
the coasts of Syria and the Greek islands. Their example
was imitated by the Roman revenue-farmers, who insti-
tuted similar human hunts to such an extent that they
well-nigh depopulated certain provinces. At the great
slave- market at Delos it is said that as many as ten
thousand slaves were disembarked in the morning and
sold before the evening of the same day. We have
previously shown that eveiy financial arrangement, every
speculation, and every trade, were carried on by means
of slaves.
Pastoral husbandry, now so common, was
entirelv performed by armed and often mounted
slaves. But far worse than any previous form of slavery
was the plantation system properthe cultivation of
fields by chained gangs, who v\orked under overseers
and were locked up together at night in the common
labourers' prison. This system, introduced from Ihe
East into Carthage and thence into Sicily, was deve-
loped in that island earlier and more fully than in any
other part of the Roman dominions. In fact, for the
present, Italy was still substantially free from this worst
form of slave husbandry, though the Roman government
was soon aroused to the danger which the system deve-
loped elsewhere.
It requires but little imagination to picture the hideous
sufferings of the slaves themselves, far exceeding the sum
of all negro misery. Slave wars and slave insurrections
now became frequent, not only in the provinces but in
Italy itself, but, as was natural, it was in Sicily that the
evil results of slavery were most conspicuous. At Enna,
the slaves rose en masse, murdered their masters, and
crowned a Syrian juggler as king. His general Achaeus,
a Greek slave, traversed the island, and united under his
standard both slaves and free labourers. Agrieentum
was seized by another band, under Cleon, a Cilician slave;
and the united forces utterly defeated the praetor Lucius
Hypsaeus, and reduced the whole island under their sway.
It was not until three successive consuls and armies had
been despatched from Rome (134-132 B.C.) that the servile
war was ended by the capture of Tauromenium and Euna,
the latter stronghold being reduced by famine rather than
by Roman arms, after a siege of two years. Such results
were due partly to the lax control of the Roman police-
system as worked by the senate and its officials in the
provinces, partly to the disinclination of the government
to disoblige Italian p'anters, to whom revolted slaves were
often surrendered for punishment.
The real remedy for these evils doubtless was to be found,
not in the severe repression of such revolts, but in the
elevation, by the government, of free labour, a natural con-
sequence of which would be the restriction of the slave
proletariate. But the difficulty of this measure was
beyond the capacity of the senate. In the first social crisis
the landholder had been forced by law to employ a number
of free labourers in proportion to the number of his slaves.
Now the government caused a Punic treatise on agriculture
to be translated for the use of Italian speculators, the
solitary instance of a literary undertaking suggested by
the senate! The same wisdom was shown in the matter of
colonization. It was quite clear that the only real remedy
against an agricultural proletariate consisted in a compre-
hensive and regular system of emigration. Hitherto the
constant assignations of land and the establishment of new
farm allotments had proved a fairly effective remedy for
the evil. But after the founding of Luna in 177 B.C., no
further assignations took place for a long time, for the
simple reason that no new territory was acquired in Italy,
with the exception of the unattractive Ligurian valleys.
Therefore there was no other land for distribution except
the leased or occupied domain land, with which the aris-
tocracy was as loth to part now as it had been three
hundred years before. For political reasons it was deemed
impossible to distribute the land in the provinces : Italy
was to remain the ruling country, and the wall of partition
between the Italian masters and the provincial servants
was not to be broken down. The result was inevitable

the ruin of the farmer-class in Italy. Even as early as

134 B.C. not a free farmer existed in Etruria, where the
old native aristocracy combined with the Roman capitalist
and in the very capital one could hear it said that the beasts
had their lairs but the burgesses had nothing left but air
and sunshine, and that the so-called masters of the world
had no longer a clod they could call tbeir own. The
census list supplies a sufficient commentary. From the
close of the war with Hannibal down to 159 B.C. the-
numbers of the burgesses steadily rose, owing to the dis-
tributions of the domain land; while from 159 to 131 B.C.
they declined from 324,000 to 319,000 an alarming result
for a period of profound peace at home and abroad.
The urgent need of reform was patent to every eye ; and
no one seemed more directly called to the task of reforma-
tion than Publius Scipio Aemilianus, the adopted grandson
of the great Scipio. He resembled his father Aemilius
Paullus in his temperate and healthy mode of life.
Passionately devoted to hunting, yet he did not neglect
to steep his mind in the highest Greek culture, and his
thorough probity and noble simplicity of life contrasted
with the mercantile spirit of so many of those around
him. His military ability had been proved in his suc-
cessful conclusion of the third Punic war, in which,
moreover, as an officer he had gained the wreath be-
stowed upon those who saved a fellow-countryman's life
at the risk of their own. Though no genius, he seemed
from his moral worth the man needed for the work of
reform ; all the more significant is the fact that he did not
attempt it. Nor was this from want of courage ; for he
supported Lucius Cassius against the Optimates in carrying
his law for the introduction of the ballot into the law-
courts, and he showed the greatest severity in restoring the
old military discipline before the walls of Carthage and
Numantia. But, as to the land question, the remedy,
proposed and then withdrawn by his friend Gains Laelius,
of distributing the unallotted domain land in Italy among
the farmers was in Scipio's opinion worse than the disease
and so he held a middle course between the two parties of
state, and on his death was claimed as champion by both
When laying down the censorship in 142 B.C., Scipio
called on the gods to deign to preserve the state, whereas
ftll his predecessors had prayed for increased glory to flome.
His whole confession of faith lies in that painful excla-
mation." But, where he despaired, Tiberius Sempronius
Gracchus, a youth unmarked by any achievement, dared
to hope. His father had been the true model of a Roman
aristocrat, and had given proof of his noble and generous
feelings both as consul and ceisor, but, above all, had by
his strict integrity and humane governorship of the pro-
vince of the Ebro not only rendered service to his country
but also endeared himself to the subject Spaniards. His
famous mother, Cornelia, was the daughter of tli j conqueror
of Zama, and had been given in marriage to Gracchus in
return for his generous intervention on behalf of his politi-
cal opponent, Scipio, when a petty and miserable charge
had been got up against the Scipionic house. Thus Tiberius,
who had taken part in the storming of Carthage under
his cousin and brother-in-law Scipio Aemilianus, had been
brought up in all the political ideas and social and intel-
lectual refinement of the Scipionic circle. Nor were he
and his brother Gaius the only members of that circle who
regarded the abandonment by Laelius of his scheme of
reform as weak rather than judicious. Ap-piu&.JHaudius,
consul in 143 B.C. and censor in 136 B.C., the father-in-law
of Tiberius, censured the Scipionic circle for their desertion
of the state with bitter vehemence
the pontifex maximus
Publius Crassus Mucianus, father-in-law of Gaius Gracchus,
the revered warrior Quintus Metellus, and other men of
note were known to favour the cause of reform. Tiberius
brooded over the lofty ideals of statesmanship which he
had imbibed in the atmosphere around him, and public
placards often summoned the grandson of Africanus to
think of the poor people and of the deliverance of Italy.
He was elected tribune in 134 B.C., at a time when one of
the consuls had met with disaster in his attempt to quell the
rebellion of the Sicilian slaves, and when a small Spanish
town had defied for months the efforts of Scipio Aemilianus.
Not only had Tiberius the support and counsel of his
father-in-law, but he also hoped for the influence of the
new consul, Publius Mucins Scaevola, the founder of
scientific jurisprudence in Rome, and a man whose absten-
tion from party conflict gave his opinion the greater
At the outset Tiberius proposed what was in a certain
sense hut the renewal of the Licinio-Sextian
law of 307
Under it all the state lands held and enjoyed without
remuneration were to be resumed on behalf of the state,
with the restriction that each occupier should reserve for
himself 500 jugera and for each son 250 (so as, however,
not to exceed a total of 1000 jugera) in peimarent and
guaranteed possession
moreover, compensation was to
be given to an ejecteel occupier for any improvements
executed by him. The domain land thus resumed was to be
broken up into lots of o0 jugera, and to be distributed
among burgesses and Italian allies on permanent lease at a
moderate rent, and th e new holders were bound to use the
land for agriculture. A board or "college
of three men,
regarded as ordinary state magistrates and annually elected
by the people, was intrustfd with the work of confiscation
and distribution; and, later, the same board had the difficult
and important ta.^k of detei mining what was domain land
and what private property.
This permanent executive, the absence of v.hioh had
chiefly caused the Licinian rogations to remain in abeyance,
was the special point of difference between the Sempronian
and the older proposals. "War was thus declared against
the great landholders, whrse organ now, as three centuries
ago, was the senate. The old plan was adopted of silencing
Tiberius. His colleague JVfarens Octavius interposed his
veto when the measure was about to be put to the vote
Gracchus replied by snsperding all public business and
administration of justice. Graechus again brought his law
to the vote, Octavius again vetoed it. The senate now
induced Gracchus to discuss the matter further in the
senate-house, but no fruit came or could come of such
discussions. Gracchus, now feeling that all constitutional
means were exhausted, began a revolution by proposing to
the burgesses that they should vote whether be or Octavius
should retire from office. Such deposition v as impossible
according to the Roman constitution
but Gracchus per-
severed, and was, of course, backed up by the almost
unanimous vote of the assembled multitude. Gracchus
then had his opponent removed from the tribunes' bench,
and, amid great rejoicing, the law was carried.
The first three commissioners elected were Tiberius
Graccli us, his brpyiii
_amLhis-iather-in^law-A|4)ius. Such
a family Selection only irritated the aristocratic party still
more, and the strife was carried into every district where
the commissioners' task lay. Gracchus' very life was in
danger, and he appeared in public with a retinue of 3000
mena step possibly necessary, but the cause of bitter
words from senators as well disposed to him as Metellus.
H.; clearly saw that he was a lost man unless he continued
indispensable to the people, and that his only course lay in
forming fresh plans and introducing still wider reforms.
So he proposed that the treasures ofPergamus, which had
just been bequeathed to Rome, slfould. be^dTvided among
the new landholders for the purchase of the necessary
farming implements and stock. What his other proposals
were we do not know, but it is certain that he was well
aware that re-election to the tribunate could alone secure
his safety. At the meeting 01 the tribes to elect tribunes,
the aristocratic party opposed its veto with the effect that
the assembly broke up on the first and second day without
accomplishing its object, though on both occasions the first
divisions voted for Gracchus. To attain his object at the
second meeting of the tribes Gracchus had resorted to
every art, and even employed force to expel his opponents :
they, in their turn, spread abroad that he had deposed all
the other tribunes and was aiming at sole power. On the
assembling of the senate, the consul Scaevola refused the
urgent request for the death of Tiberius ; whereupon
Pnhlina Spjjno
Nasica, at the head of an aristocratic follow-
ing armed with legs of benches and clubs, began the civil
bloodshed. Tiberius wasstruck^ down on the slope of the
/Capitol, and his body, wrthTKeTcorpses of three hundred
{adherents, was thrown into the Tiber. Such a day had
never before been seen
in Rome. The more moderate
aristocrats had not only
to acquiesce in but even to defend
the deed of blood,
as was the case with Publius Scaevola
and even Scipio
and official sanction was given
to the assertion
that Gracchus had aimed at the crown.
It remains
for us to form some judgment touching
so momentous. In the first place,, the
of an
official commission, though a sign of the unhealthy
state of things, was a judicious and necessary step. In the
second place, the distribution ofthe domain lands was not
in itself a question affecting the existing constitution or the
government of the aristocracy
nor, seeing that the state
was admitted to be the owner of the occupied land, was it
a violation of rights. But, inasmuch as many of these
lands had been in private hereditary
possession for as long
as three centuries, the state's
proprietorship in the soil
had virtually lost its character of private right and become
extinct Therefore, though legally defensible, the resump-
tion of these lands by the state was regarded as an ejection
of the great landholders for the benefit of the agricultural
proletariate. Still, strong as the objections to such a
course might be, the fact remains that no other plan
seemed capable of checking the extinction of the faimer-
class in Italy. But, whatever view wise men took of the
aims of Tiberius Gracchus, none could approve of his
method. He practically began a revolution with regard
to the spirit of the constitution when he submitted his
agrarian proposals to the people
and it was a revolution
with regard to the letter, when he destroyed for all time
the tribunician veto, by which the senate rid itself of inter-
ference with its government, by the unconstitutional deposi-
tion of his colleague. Yet even this was not the moral
and political mistake of Gracchus; for a revolutionist
may be at the same time a sagacious and praiseworthy
statesman. The essential defects of the Graechan revolu-
tion lay in the nature of the burgess assemblies at that
time. The sovereign assembly of Rome was what it would
be in England, if, instead of sending representatives, the
electors of England were to meet together in Parliament.
Not only was the assembly a chance conglomeration of
men assembled in the capital, incapable of intelligent
action and agitated by every interest and passion, aud,
therefore, as a rule, ready to accept and ratify the decree
of the proposing magistrate
but it was also, in no small
degree, under the influence of the opinion of the street.
Although the contiones, or meetings of the street populace,
had legally no power, and consisted of the lowest rabble, of
Egyptians, Jews, street boys, and slaves, yet the opinion
of the masses, evinced by the loud shouts of approval or
disapproval, began to be a power in Rome. It was bad
enough that the demoralized and disorganized comitia
should be made use of for the elections and legislation
but when they were allowed to interfere with the govern-
ment, and when the senate lost the instrument to prevent
interferenceswhen they
could decree themselves
lands, and when a single person
by his influence with the
proletariate could thus play the part of ruler and dictate
to the senatethen Rome had
reached the end of popular
freedom, and had arrived, not at democracy, but at mon-
archy. For that reason, all such Questions had hitherto
been discussed in the senate alone
and even the very
supporters of Gracchus, who
afterwards carried out his
policy of distribution, abandoned
its author to his fate.
The very fact that Tiberias Gracchus never harboured the
thought of deposing the senate
and making himself sole
ruler, but was the victim of events which irresistibly urged
him into the career of demagogue tyrant, was only a fresh
ground of charge against him rather than a justification.
The infamous butchery which slew him condemns the
aristocratic party, and has cast a halo of martyrdom
round his namea glory undeserved both in the opinion
of his mother and of Scipio Aemilinnus, the latter of
whom uttered the words of Homei-/fis ut-oXolto kcll aAAos
otis ToiauTa ye pepoi.
Though Tiberius was deid, his two works, the land distri-
bution and the revolution, survived their author. Indeed,
the moderate party in the senate, headed by Metellus
and Scaevola, in combination with the adherents of Scipio,
gained the upper hand
and, in the place of Tiberius
Gracchus, Publius Crassus Mucianus, the father-in-law
of Gaius Gracchus, was appointed on the commission.
In 130 B.C., owing to the death of Appins Claudius and
the defeat and death of Mucianus by the Thracian bands
of Aristonicus, Gaius Gracchus was left triumvir, with
Marcus Flaccus and Gaius Carbo as coadjutors, two of
the most active leaders of the reform party. The census
furnishes the strongest evidence that the distribution of
the domain lands went on very vigorously, an increase of
76,000 burgesses being noted in six years (from 131-T25
B.C.). No doubt in some cases acts of injustice occurred
and private property wns confiscated, but the senate did
not interfere, albeit loud complaints arose as to the manner
of the distribution. But the commissioners, in their
ardour, overreached themselves. They attacked that part
of the lands which had been assigned by decrees to Italian
communities, or which had been occupied with or without
permission by Latin burgesses.
The senate could not dis-
regard the complaints of those communities who were
already smarting under other wrongs
and the Latins
appealed for protection to the most prominent man in
Rome, Scipio Aemilianns. Through his influence the
people, in 129 B.C., decreed that the commissioners' juris-
diction should be suspended, and that the consuls should
decide what were domain lands and what private property.
Thus practically the hind distribution ceased, and the
reform party were bitterly indignant
at Scipio's interven-
tion. Shortly afterwards Scipio was found dead in his
bed, murdered, no doubt, by some assassin, at the instiga-
tion of the Gracchan party. The matter was hushed up
as far as possible, both parties in the state being glad to
let it rest ; but all men of moderate views were horrified
at so atrocious a crime.
Thus perished a man to whose character Roman history
presents no parallel, in the utter absence of political selfish-
ness, in generous love of country, and in the tragic part
assigned him by destiny.
Comcious of the best inten-
tions and of no common abilities, he was doomed to see
the ruin of his country carried out before his eyes, and to
repress within him every serious attempt to save it, be-
cause he clearly perceived that he could only thereby
aggravate the evil." Yet due to him, as much as to
Tiberius Gracchus, was the increase of nearly 80,000 new
farm allotments
and that he put a stop to the distribu-
tion at the right moment is shown by the fact that Gaius
Gracchus never attempted to recur, after Scipio's death,
to those lands which might have been but were not
distributed under his brother's law.
The revolution still went on under the leadership of the
orator Carbo, Flaccus, aud Gaius Gracchus. The first-
named nearly carried a proposal that the same person
might hold the office of tribune two years in succession
and this was carried a few years later. The chief object
of the revolution party was to revive the allotment com-
mission, and to this end they proposed to confer the rights
of citizenship on the Italian allies. Marcus Pennus,
tribune in 12(3 B.C., and member of the aristocratic party,
carried his proposal that all non-burgesses should leave
the city. Flaccus, consul in 125 B.C., made a counter-
proposal that every ally should take the vote of the
comitia on the subject of his request to be entitled to
Roman citizenship. But Carbo had ratted, and joined
the aristocratic party ; and Gaius Gracchus was away as
quaestor in Sardinia ; so Flaccus' proposal found no sup-
port, and he left Rome to take command against the Celts.
Still, his action bore fruit in the revolt of Fregellae, at
that time the second city in Italy and the mouthpiece of
the Latin colonies, situated on the borders of Latium
and Campania at the chief passage of the Liris. This
was the first instance, for one hundred and fifty years, of
a serious insurrection in Italy against Rome, without the
instigation of foreign powers. But, before it spread,
Fregellae was surprised, owing to the treachery of a
native, and was seriously punished by the loss of its walls
and all its privileges, in 124 B.C. The democratic party
was regarded as implicated in the revolt of Fregellae, and
Gaius Gracchus, who had returned from Sardinia, was
tried but acquitted. He now threw down the gauntlet,
and, by being elected tribune in 123 B.C., declared open
war upon the aristocracy.
Gaius resembled his brother only in his dislike for
vulgar pleasures and pursuits, in his culture and personal
bravery, but was decidedly his superior in talent, character,
and passion. His ability as a statesman was evinced in his
clearness and self-possession, in his grasp of details and
practical powers. His lovable nature was proved by the
devotion of his intimate friends. Disciplined by suffering,
he masked the terrible energy of his nature and the bitter
indignation he felt against the aristocracy by a compul-
sory reserve. At times, indeed, his passion mastered him,
and caused his brilliant oratory to become confused and
faltering ; but he was one of the greatest speakers Rome
ever saw. He had none of the sentimental good-nature
of his brother ; fully and firmly resolved, he entered on
the career of revolution with vengeance as his goal and
aim. To attain this end he counted not too great the
price of his own fall and the ruin of the state. His
mother's creed, that the country should at all cost be
saved, was nobler ; but posterity has been right in
lamenting than blaming the course taken by her
The proposals now mad by Gracchus were
nothing less
than a new constitution, the foundation-stone of
rested upon the legal right of the same man to be
tribune for two or more years in succession. This
been carried, the next object was to attach the multitude
of the capital to the holder of the tribunate. This was first
of ail effected by distributions of corn. Gaius enacted
that every burgess, on personal application, should re-
ceive a monthly allowance of five ruodii
at the extremely low rate of three-pence per modius
this measure would both attract into the capital the
whole mass of the burgess proletariate, and would make
them dependent on the tribune, and supply him with a
body-guard and a firm majority in the comitia. He also
changed the method of voting in the comitia centuriata,
according to which the five property classes in each tribe
voted one after the other, and made the order of voting
depend upon lot. Tet, though thus securing his position
in Rome, he did not neglect to legislate for the existing
social evils. His agrarian law only revived that of his
brother, and he did not proceed any further in the distri-
bution of domain land. But by establishing colonies at
Tarentum and Capua, he rendered that land, which had
been let on lease by the state and had been exempt from
distribution, liable to be divided; and no doubt he in-
tended these colonies to aid in defending the revolution
to which they owed their existence. He also opened a
new outlet for the Italian proletariate by sending six thou-
sand colonists to the site of Carthagecolonists chosen
from Italian allies as well as Roman
citizens. Moreover,
he introduced several modifications of the military system,
by reviving the law which enacted that no one should be
enlisted before his seventeenth year, and by
the number of campaigns requisite for full exemption
military duty : the state also supplied the soldiers,
for the
future, with their clothing free of charge.
Gracchus attempted to restrict capital punishment as far
as possible, by withdrawing the cognizance of such
as poisoning and murder from the popular assemblies and
intrusting it to permanent judicial commissions. These
tribunals could only sentence a man to exile, and their
sentence could not be appealed from, nor could they, like
the tribunals of the people, be broken up by the interces-
sion of a tribune.
In order to work the ruin of the aristocracy, Gracchus
took advantage of the already existing elements favourable
to a rupture in that body. The aristocracy of the rich
consisted of two classes :
of the governing senatorial
families, who bore some resemblance to our peers, and whose
capital was invested in land
of the wealthy merchants
and speculators, who conducted all the money transactions
of the empire, and who had gradually risen to take their
place by the side of the older aristocracy. At the present
time this class was generally known as the equestrian
order, which title had gradually come to be used of all who
possessed an estate of at least 400,000 sesterces, aud, as such
were liable to cavalry service. Already senators had been
marked off from this body by a law passed in 129 B.C.
many members of senatorial families, not yet members of
the senate, were included in the equites. The natural
antipathy between the aristocrats of blood and those of
wealth was adroitly increased by Gracchus, until the
equestrian order ranged itself on his side. Partly by con-
ferring on them various insignia, but still
more by
them the revenues of Asia and the
won over the clas&~o_Jpaaterial interests. Hitherto the
direct taxes of each province had been farmed by the pro-
vincials themselves, and thus the Roman publicani had
been kept at a distance. . Gracchus now enacted that Asia
should be hardened with the heaviest taxes, both direct
and indirect, and that these taxes should be put up for
auction in Rome
he thus excluded the provincials from
participation, and gave the capitalists ah opening for the
farming gf these various taxes, of which they did not fail
to avail themselves.
Having thus opened up a gold-mine for the merchant
princes, Gracchus gave them a sphere for public action in
the jury courts. Most processes, alike civil and criminal,
were up to this time decided by single jurymen or by com-
missioners, whether permanent or extraordinary
and in
both cases the members had been exclusively taken from
the senate. Gracchus now transferred the functions of
jurymen, both in strictly civil
processes and in the various
commissions, to the equestrian order, and directed a new-
list of judices to be made out annually
from all persons of
equestrian rating. The result of these measures was that
not only was the moneyed class united
into a compact and
privileged order on the solid basis of material interests,
but that also, as a judicial and controlling power, it was
almost on a footing of equality with the ruling- aristocracy.
All the old antipathies found expression in the sentences
of the new jurymen
and the senator,
on his return from
governing a province, had no longer to pass the scrutiny of
his brother peers, but of merchants and bankers.
For the complete overthrow of the senate, Gracchus not
only had to deprive it of the substance of its powers by
legislative changes, but also to ruin the existing aristocracy
by m<;re personal and less permanent measures. He did
both. For not only did he deprive the senate of adminis-
trative power by settling questions by comitial laws, dictated
as a rule by the tribune, but also by taking the business of
the state into his own hands. He had meddled with the
state finances by his distributions of corn ; with the domain
lands by sending out colonies, not at the decree of the
senate, but of the people
with the provincial administration
by overturning the provincial constitution of Asia and sub-
stituting his own for that of the senate. The marvellous
activity Gracchus showed in all his new functions quite
threw into the shade the lax administration of the senate,
and began to make it clear to the people that one vigorous
man cnuld control the business of the state better than a
college of effete aristocrats. Still more vigorous was his
interference with the jurisdiction of the senate. He forbade
their appointing any extraordinary commission of high
treason, such as had tried his brother's adherents
and he
even planned to reinforce the senate by three hundred new
members, to be elected by the comitia from the equestrian
Such was the political-constitution projected and carried
by Gaius Gracchus, as tribune, in 123 and 122 B.C., without
any serious resistance or recourse to force. It is clear that
he did not -wish to place the Roman Republic on a new
democratic basis, but that he wished to abolish it and
introduce in its stead an absolute despotism, in the form of
an unlimited tribuneship for life. Nor can he be blamed
for it ; as, though an absolute monarchy is a great mis-
fortune for a nation, it is a less misfortune than an
absolute oligarchy. Still, it is clear that his whole legis-
lation was marred by the fact that it was pervaded by
conflicting aims, now seeking the public good, now minis-
tering to the personal objects and personal vengeance
of its framer.
On the very threshold of his despotism
he was confronted by the fatal dilemma, moral and po-
litical, that the same man had at one and the same time
to hold his ground as a captain of robbers, and to lead
the state as its first citizena dilemma to which Peri-
cles, Caesar, and Napoleon had also to make dangerous
sacrifices." Besides this, he was fired with the passion for
a speedy vengeance, and was in fact a political incendiary,
the author not only of the one hundred years' revolution,
which dates from him, but the founder of that terrible
urban proletariate which, utterly demoralized by corn-
largesses and the flattery of the classes above it, and at
the same time conscious of its power, lay like an incubus
for five hundred years on the Roman commonwealth, and
only perished with it.
Many of the fundamental maxims of Roman monarchy
may be traced to Gracchus. He first laid down that all
the land of subject communi^es_was_-to be regarded as the
private property of the statea maxim first applied to
vindicate the right of the state to tax the land and then to
send out colonies to it, afterwards established as a funda-
mental principle of law under the Empire. He invented
the tactics by which his-SncGesaora broke down the govern-
ing aristocracy, and substituted strict and judicious ad-
ministration for the previous misgovernment. He first
opened the way to a reconciliation between Rome and the
and his attempt to rebuild Carthage and to
give an opportunity for Italian emigration to the provinces
was the first link in the chain of that beneficial course of
Right and wrong, fortune and misfortune, were
so inextricably blended in this singular man and in this
marvellous political constellation, that it may well beseem
history in this casethough it beseems her but seldom

to reserve her judgment."

Having thus established his new constitution. Gracchus
turned to the task of enfranchising the Italian allies, which
had been proposed and rejected in 125 B.C.
But a con-
siderable section of the mob, thinking that their own
interests would be seriously injured bj a new influx of men
to share the profits they were enjoying, combined
with the
senate in rejecting the proposal, made by Gracchus in 122
B.C., that the Latins should receive the full franchise. This
encouraged the senate to work his ruin. The method of
attack was the clumsy one of offering the proletariate more
than Gracchus had done. At the instigation of the senate,
Marcus Livius Drusus proposed to release those who
received land under the law of Gracchus from their rent,
and to declare their allotments free and inalienable pro-
perty, and to give relief to the proletariate by planting
twelve Italian colonies, each of three thousand men. Prob-
ably, owing to the non-existence elsewhere in Italy of
domain land to the extent required, this plan would have
to be carried out at the expense of the Latins
and Drusus
passed several enactments coufei'rins; privileges on the
Latins with the intention of indemnifying them for their
losses. Drusus himself refused to be nominated as an
executor of his own laws, perhaps knowing well that no
such extent of domain land existed, even if those assigned
to the Latins were confiscated. But the clumsy bait took.
Gracchus was away at the time in Africa, founding the Car-
thaginian colony, and the incapacity of his lieutenant,
Marcus Flaccus, made all easy for his opponents. The
people ratified the Livian laws as readily as they had the
Sempronian, and then declined to re-elect Gracchus, when
he stood for the third time candidate for the tribunate of
121 B.C. Lucius Opimius, one of the most pronounced
chiefs of the aristocratic party, was also elected consul,
and the time had now come when a blow might safely be
struck at the democratic despot. On the 10th of December,
122 B.C., Gracchus ceased to be tribune of the people ; on
the 1st of January of the ensuing year Opimius entered on
his consular office.
The first, attack was directed against the most unpopular
measure of Gracchus, the restoration of Carthage. National
superstition was invoked, and the senate proposed a law to
prevent the planting of tho colony of Junonia. Gracchus,
attended by an armed crowd of partisans, appeared on the
day of voting at the Capitol, to procure the rejection of
the law. The sight of his armed adherents, and the intense
excitement which prevailed, could hardly have failed to
result in a collision between the two sides. Quintus An-
tullius, the attendant of Lucius Opimius during the usual
ceremony of sacrifice, ordered all bad citizens to quit the
porch of the Capitoline temple, and seemed even to threaten
whereupon a Gracchan cut him down.
A fearful tumult arose, and Gracchus, by addressing the
people, broke an old statute, which forbade any one to
interrupt a tribune while speaking to the people, on pain
of the severest penalties. The consul Lucius Opimius
took vigorous measures to put down the insurrection by
force of arms, and next day was attended by a large armed
including all the aristocracy, and commanded by
Decimus Brutus, an officer trained in Spanish warfare.
senate-house was crowded with senators, and outside
its doors lay the corpse of Antullius stretched upon a bier.
The Gracchan party, under the command of Flaccus, en-
trenched itself upon the Aventine. Gracchus was averse to
resistance, but Flaccus hoped to come to a compromise with
his foes. But the aristocrats rejected all his proposals,
arrested his son Quintus, who was sent to mediate,
and ordered an attack on the Aventine. The defenders of
mount were speedily dispersed, and Flaccus was killed
after vainly seeking concealment. Gracchus was persuaded
to fly, but sprained his foot in the attempt. The devotion
of two of his attendants, who sacrificed their lives to give
him time to escape, enabled him and his slave to cross the
here, in a grove, both he and his slave were found
dead. The Gracchan party was hunted down by prosecu-
tions, and three thousand are said to have been strangled
in prison. The memory of the Gracchi was officially pro-
and Cornelia was forbidden to put on mourning for
the death of her son
but, despite the precautions of the
police, the common people continued to pay a religious
veneration to the spots where the two leaders of the
revolution had perished.
Rome before revolution. Polyb. iii. 4.
Calpurnian law.Cic. Brut. 27; de Offic. ii. 21; in Verr. iii.
iv. 25.
Gabinian and Papirian laws.Cic. de Legg. iii. 16
Lael. 16 ; Brut.
25, 27
pro Sest. 48.
Optimates and populares.Veil. ii. 3. Cic. pro Sest. 48.
Slavery.Appian B. 0. i. 7-10. Cic. de Offic. i. 42. Strab. 608.
Marq. Stv. i. 164-184.
Plantation system.Colum. i.
6, 9. Cato de r. r. 56. Plin. N. H. xviii.
21, 36.
Slave wars.Liv. xxxi.
26 ; xxxii. 1; xl. 38. Epit- 46, 56, 58.
Diod. xxxiv. 23. Strab. 272-273.
Land, etc. Liv. xlii. 1. Marq. Stv. i. 103, sqq.
Publius Scipio and Tiberius Gracchus. Liv. Epit. 54, 58-61, 71.
Plut. Lives of Gracchi and Aem. Paull. Dio Cass. Fr. 83-85.
Gaius Gracchus.Appian Lib. 136. Veil. ii. 6, 13. Tac. Ann. xii.
60. Diod. xxxiv. 25. Cic. in Verr. 3, 6. Wordsworth Lat. Inscr.
424, 441.
Equestrian jury-courts.Appian B. C. ii. 22. Momma. R. St. iii.
528 sqq.
Social state of Italy and the provincesSecond slave-war in Sicily'
War of the Numidian successionCapture of Cirta by Jugurtha

The JugurthinewarIts political resultsTrausalpine relations

of RomeConquest of the Arverni and AllobrogesProvince of
NarboConflicts with tribes in the North- EastThe Cimbri

Their movementsBattle of ArausioVictories of Marius at

Aquae Sextiae and Vercellae.
Gracchus had fallen, and with him the structure he had
reared ; nor was there any one left fit to take the lead of
the Gracchan party. But, though the aristocracy once
more ruled, it was the rule of a restoration, which is
always in itself a revolution ; and in this case it was not
so much the old government as the old governor that was
restored. The senate practically continued to govern
with the constitution of the Gracchi, though no doubt
resolved to purge it in due time from the elements hostile
to its own order. The distributions of grain, the taxation
of Asia, and the new arrangements as to jurymen and
tribunals remained as before ; nay, the senate exceeded
Gracchus in the homage it paid to the mercantile class,
and, more especially, to the proletariate. But the noble
scheme of Gracchus to introduce legal equality, first
between the Roman burgesses and Italy, and then between
Italy and the provinces, and also his attempt to solve the
social question by a comprehensive system of emigration,
were alike disregarded by the aristocrats. They still
held fast to the principle that Italy ought to remain the
ruling land, and Rome the ruling city in Italy.
colony of Narbo, founded in 118 B.C., was the sole excep-
tion to the success of the government in
assignations of land outside Italy.
So also the Italian
colonies of Gracchus were cancelled, and, where already
planted, were again broken up
those who had received
domain lands, not by virtue of being members of a colony,
retained their possessions. With regard to those domain
lands, which were still held by the right of occupation,
and from which to a great extent the thirty-six thousand
new allotments promised by Drusus were to have been
formed, it was resolved to maintain the rights of the
present occupier, so as to preclude the possibility of future
The allotment commission was abolished in 119 B.C.,
and a fixed rent imposed on the occupants of the domain
land, the proceeds of which went to benefit the populace
of the capital.
The final step was taken in 111 B.C., when the occupied
domain land whs converted into the rent-free private
property of the former occupants. It was added that in
future domain land was not to be occupied at all, but was
either to be leased or lie open as public pasture
thus too
late the injurious character of the occupation system was
officially recognized, when the state had lost almost all its
domain lands. The aristocracy thus converted all the
occupied land they still held into private property, and
pacified the Italian allies by preserving their rights with
resrard to the Latin domain land, though they did not
actually confer it upon them.
But practically the restored government was powerless
in the presence of the dread forces evoked by Gracchus.
The proletariate of the capital continued to have a recog-
nized claim to being kept by largesses of corn
and the
attempt by the consul Quintus Caepio in 106 B.C., to
transfer the judicia back again to the senatorial order,
resulted in failure. The miserable condition of the senate
at this period is only too apparent : its rule rested on the
same basis as that of Gracchus, and its strength lay only in
its league with the city rabble or with the mercantile order
confronted with either, it was powerless.
It sat on the
vacated throne with an evil conscience and divided hopes,
indignant at the institutions of the state which it ruled,
and yet incapable of even systematically assailing the in,
vacillating in all its conduct except where its own ma-
terial advantage prompted
decision, a picture of faithless-
ness towards its own as well as the
opposite party, of
inward inconsistency, of the most pitiful impotence, of
the meanest selfishnessan unsurpassed ideal of misrule."
Moral and intellectual decay had fallen upon the whole
nation, and especially on the upper classes. The aris-
tocracy returned to power with the curse of restoration
upon it, and it returned neither wiser nor better. Incom-
petency marked alike its leaders in the world of politics
and on the field of battle. Social ruin spread apace
small farm-holders quickly disappeared ; and in 100 B.C.
it was said that among the whole burgesses there were
scarce two thousand wealthy families. Slave insurrec-
tions became almost annual in Italy, the most serious of
which was in the territory of Thurii, headed by a Roman
knight named Titus Vettius, whom his debts had driven
to take this step in 104 B.C. Piracy was practised in the
Mediterranean by the magisterial and mercantile classes
of Rome as well as by professional freebooters. At last
the government was forced to despatch a fleet, in 102 B.C.,
and occupy stations on the coast of Cilicia, the main seat
of the pirates, and this was the first step to the establish-
ment of the province of Cilicia ; but piracy flourished in
spite of these precautions.
Throughout the provinces slaves constantly rose in
insurrection ; and the most terrible tumults occurred, as
usual, in Sicily, wdiich swarmed with slaves brought from
Asia Minor to work on the plantations. Practically,
too, the free natives were little better than slaves, and
many had become enrolled "as such. Publius Nerva, the
governor of Sicily, in 104 B.C. was ordered by the senate
to hold a court at Syracuse, and to investigate the cases of
those who applied for freedom. Numbers were declared
free, and, in alarm, the planters succeeded in causing Nerva
to suspend the court and to order the rest of the appli-
cants to return to their former masters. This set ablaze
the smouldering embers of revolt. A band of slaves
defeated part of the garrison at Enna, and thus supplied
themselves with arms ; they placed a slave at their
head with the title of king Tryphon. The open country
between Enna and Leontini was overruu by tlieir forces,
and they defeated a hastily
collected force of militia
under the Eoman governor with ridiculous ease.
On the west coast a still more serious revolt arose
under the leadership of Athenion, who had been a robber
captain in Cilicia, and was alike versed in military tactics
and in the superstitious arts so necessary for gaining a
hold on vulgar minds. He avoided jealous quarrels by
submitting to king Tryphon, and the two ruled all the
flat country in Sicily and laid siege to many towns, Mes-
sana itself being all but captured by Athenion. Rome
was at that time engaged with the war against the Cimbri,
but in 103 B.C. it sent a large force under Lucullus, who
gained a victory but did not follow it up. Nor was his
successor Servilius any more fortunate
and, on the death
of Tryphon, Athenion, in 102 B.c
stood sole ruler of the
greater part of the island. In lOi B.C., Manius Aquillius,
who had gained distinction in the war with the Teutones,
arrived, and, after two years of hard struggles, quelled
the revolt and killed Athenion, thus terminating the war
after five years.
A clear proof of the gross incompetency of the senate
is furnished by the origin and conduct of this second
Sicilian slave-war. If we turn our eyes to Africa, this is
still more clearly proved by the fourteen years' insurrec-
tion and usurpation successfully achieved hy Jugurtha.
Numidia included the greatest poi'tion of the territory
held by Carthage in its days of prosperity, as well as
several old-Phoenician cities, and thus embraced the
largest and best part of the rich seaboard of northern
Africa. The three sons of Massinissa had, by Scipio's
arrangement, divided the functions of sovereignty between
them. At this time Micipsa, the eldest, reigned alone, a
feeble and peaceful old man. As his sons were not grown
up, Jugurtha, an illegitimate nephew, practically ruled.
Naturally gifted, Jugurtha was, both on the field of battle
and in the council chamber, no unworthy grandson of
Massinissa. Micipsa arranged that he with his own two
sons should govern the kingdom. On Micipsa's death,
in 118 B.C., a quarrel arose as to the division. Hiempsal
was assassinated by Jngurtha's orders, and a civil war
arose between Adherbal, the remaining brother, and
Jugurtha, in which all Numidia took part. Jugurtha
was victorious, and seized the whole kingdom, while
Adherbal escaped and made his complaints in person at
Rome. Jugurtha's envoys, however, bribed the senators,
and, notwithstanding the disgust of the leading men in
Rome, the senate divided the kingdom equally between
the two, and sent
Ijftciua_Qpimius to arrange the division.
An unfair distribution gave Jugurtha far the best half of
the kingdom. But Jugurtha, not content, tried to pro-
voke Adherbal to war, and, finding this impossible, made
war upon him, and laid siege to Cirta, which was defended
more vigorously by the resident Italians than by Adher-
bal's troops. In answer to Adherbal's complaints, the
senate sent a commission of inexperienced youths, whose
demands Jugurtha contemptuously rejected. At last,
when matters were getting desperate at Cirta, Rome sent
another commission, headed by the chief man of the aris-
tocracy, Marcus Aemilius Scaurus ; but the conference
at Utica en"cted without any result. In the end, Cirta
capitulated, and Jugurtha put air the males, whether
Italian or African, to the sword, in 112 B.C. This was too
much for the people in Italy
a storm broke out against
the government, headed by Gaius Memmius, tribune
designate for the next year, and war was declared against
Jugurtha. A Roman army was sent to Africa, and
Bocchus, the father-in-law of Jugurtha and king of Mau-
retania, took the R >man side, but he neglected to bribe
the Roman commanders, and so his alliance fell through.
Jugurtha, on the other hand, more wisely made free use
of the treasures left by Massinissa, and gained a peace
on most favourable terms, being merely condemned to
pay a moderate fine and give up his war elephants. On
this the storm again broke out in Rome ; all men now
knew that even Scaurus, who was serving in Africa,
was amenable to bribes, and Gaius Memmius pressed for
the appearance of Jugurtha to answer the charges made
against him. The senate yielded, and granted a safe-con-
duct to Jugurtha ; but his gold was as powerful as ever,
and the colleague of Memmius interposed his veto,
the latter addressed his first question to the king. End-
less discussions took place in the senate as to the validity
of the peace, and Massiva, a grandson of Massinissa,
living in Rome, was induced to claim the throne of Nu-
midia. He was at once assassinated by Bomilcar, one
of Jugurtha's confidants. This new outrage caused the
senate to cancel the peace and dismiss Jugurtha from the
city, at the beginning of 110 B.C. War was resumed
under the command of the consul Spurius Albinus
owing to the utterly demoralized state of the African
army, and, possibly, to the gold of Jugurtha, Albinus
could effect nothing. His brother, however, rashly con-
ceived the plan of storming the town of Suthul, where
Jugurtha kept his treasures. The attack failed, and the
Roman general pursued the troops of Jugurtha, who pur-
posely decoyed him into the desert. In a night attack
the Roman army v\as utterly routed, and the terms dic-
tated by Jugurtha were accepted, 109 B.C., which involved
the passing of the Romans under the yoke, the evacuation
of Numidia, and the renewal of the cnncelled peace.
On news of this peace, the fury of the popular party,
allied for the time with the mercantile classes at Rome,
swept away by public prosecutions many of the highest
aristocrats. But the chief of sinners, Scaurus, was too
powerful and too prudent to be attacked, and was both
elected censor and cliosen as one of the presidents of the
extraoidinary commission of treason, instituted to try
those who were
guilty of the disgraceful conduct of the
African war. The second treaty of peace was cancelled,
and Quintus Metellus, an aristocrat inaccessible to bribes
and experienced in war, had the conduct of the campaign
in Africa. Gaius Marius accompanied him as one of his
Metellus speedily reorganized the army in Africa, and
in 108 B.C., led it over the Numidian frontier. He returned
an evasive answer to Jugurtha's proposals for peace, and
tried to end the war by having Jugurtha assassinated.
The latter prepared to await the Romans on a ridge of
hills, which intersected a plain eighteen miles in breadth
to the river Muthul. Despite the skilful
dispositions of Jugurtha, the Roman infantry utterly
scattered the Numidians, and Jugurtha restricted himself
to a guerilla warfare. Numidia was occupied by Metellus,
but his object was not gained, and the Roman army had
to retire into winter quarters. Proposals of peace were
made and almost agreed to, had it not been for the
treachery of Bomilcar, the chief adviser of Jugurtha, who
promised to deliver up his king, alive or dead, into the
hands of the Romans . this plot and others were dis-
covered by Jugurtha, and only leave a stain on the name
of Metellus. The capture of Jugurtha was all-important.
Vaga, one of the Numidian cities occupied by the Romans,
revolted early in 107 B.C., and put to death the whole
Roman .garrison ; and, although Metellus surprised the
town and gave it over to martial law, such a revolt
sufficiently indicated the difficulty of the Roman enter-
In 107 B.C. the war in the desert went on, but Jugurtha
nowhere withstood the Romans
now here, now there, he
was perpetually appearing and then vanishing from the
scene. Metellus took Thala, a city situated on the edge
of the great desert and only to be reached with great
difficulty, where Jugurtha had placed his treasures,
children, and the flower of his troops. But Jugurtha
escaped with his chest, and, though Numidia was virtually
in the hands of the Romans, the war only seemed to
extend over a wider area.
Bocchus seemed again disposed to aid his son-in-law.
He received him at his court, and, by his power over
Jugurtha's person, held the key of the position. Probably
he was undecided whether to play the traitor or side
against Rome, but his ambiguous position had its advan-
Metellus had now to resign the command to his lieu-
tenant Marius. The Litter had gained his consulship, in
spite of the sneers of Metellus and the whole aristo-
cratic party, by appealing to the credulity of the Roman
mob and by misleading them with the most unfair and
absurd misrepresentations of the conduct by Metellus of
the African war. He succeeded Metellus in 106 B.C. In
spite of his boast that he would deliver Jugurtha bound
hand and foot, he spemed to abandon all hope of his
capture, and turned his attention to storming towns and
strongholds. Still more aimless was his expedition to the
river Molochath, by which, as he almost entered Maure-
tanian territory, king Bocchus was roused to give active
aid to his son-in-law. Indeed, on his return from that
river, Marius found his army surrounded by immense
swarms of cavalry, and, had it not been for the skill and
bravery of Lucius Sulla, he might never have reached his
winter quarters at Cirta in 105 B.C. Sulla manifested his
bravery and adroitness still more conspicuously in the
negotiations which followed between Marius and Bocchus,
and at last induced the latter to make his choice between
the Romans and his son-in-law. By an act of treachery
the traitor fell, and Jugurtha was given up to Sulla ; and
thus the war which had lasted for seven years came to an
end. Jugurtha was brought to Rome on the first of
January, 104 B.C., and perished in the old tullianum in the
Capitol, which the Numidian king grimly termed the
bath of ice.
There can be little doubt that Marius cuts but a sorry
figure, when contrasted with either his
Metellus, or his still more brilliant officer, Sulla. The
fatal consequences produced by the praise lavished on
both these men at the expense of Marius bore bitter fruit
in succeeding history.
Contrary to the usual policy, Numidia was not converted
into a province, probably because a standing army would
have been necessary to protect its frontier. The most
westerly district was annexed, and the kingdom of
Numidia was handed over to the last surviving grandson
of Massinissa, a man feeble alike in mind and body. But
politically the results of the Jugurthine war were more
important. It had made clear to all, not only the utter
baseness and venality of the restored senatorial govern-
ment, but also the complete nullity of the opposition.
It was not possible to govern worse than the restoration
governed in 117-109 B.C.
it was not possible to be more
defenceless and forlorn than was the senate in 109 B.C.
had there been in Rome a real opposition, that is to say,
a party which wished and urged a fundamental alteration
of the constitution, it must at least have made an attempt
to overturn the restored senate ; but no such attempt
took place." The so-cilled popular party, as such, neither
could nor would govern, and the only two possible forms
of government were a despotism or an oligarchy. The
appearance of Marius on the scene indicated clearly the
danger which threatened the oligarchy. Probably he was
of the real significance of his action when he
the people for the supreme command in Africa
but there was evidently an end of the restored aristocratic
when the comitia began to make generals, or
when every popular officer could legally nominate himself
general. As might be expected, the new element
introduced into politics was the part played by military
men. It could now be foreseen that the new despot would
not be a stateman like O-^'is
Gracchus, hut a soldier like
Gaius Marius.
The contemporary reorganization of the
military systemwhich Marius introduced when, in form-
ing his army destined for Africa., he
disregarded the
property qualification and allowed even the poorest
bm'gess to enter the legion as a volunteermay have
been projected by its author on purely military grounds;
but it was none the less a momentous political event, that
the army was no longer, as formerly, composed of those
who had much, no longer even, as in the most recent
times, composed of those who had something, to lose, but
gradually converted into a host of people who
had nothing but their arms and what the general bestowe I
on them. The aristocracy ruled in 104-
B.C. as absolutely
as in 134 B.C. ;
but the signs of the impending catastrophe
had multiplied, and on the political horizon the sword had
besfnn to appear by the side of the crown."
Let us now for a while turn our attention outside
Rome and its political crises, and consider what was
taking place to the north of Italy. Behind the mighty
mountain screen, nations were moving uneasily to and fro,
and reminding the Graeco-Roman world that it was not
the sole possessor of the earth. In the country between
the Alps and Pyrenees Rome found her chief mainstay in
the powerful city of Massilia, whose mercantile and
political connections extended in all directions. Ligurian
tribes were defeated and placed under tribute by the
Massiliots in 154 B.C. ; and again a tribe, named the Salassi,
was conquered by Appius Claudius in 143 B.C., and forced
to surrender the gold mines of Victimulae. But Marcus
Fulvius Flaccus, consul in 125 B.C., was the first to
systematically and seriously enter on a career of Trans-
alpine conquest. At that time the Arverni, under their
brilliant and almost civilized ruler, Luerius, had reached
a high state of military power and wealth, and between
them and the Aedui lay the hegemony of the various
Celtic races. At first Flaccus subdued minor Celtic tribes
and then the Allobroges, who came from the Isere valley
to aid these tribes, were drawn into the struggle in 122 B.C.
The Arverni at the outset, under Betuitus, son of Luerius,
remained spectators of the conflict, but at last sided with
the Allobroges, while their rivals, the Aedui, embraced
the cause of Rome. Near the confluence of the Isere with
the Rhone, in 121 B.C. the Arvernian king was utterly
defeated by the consul Quintus Fabius Maximus : and the
Allobroges at once submitted. The Arverni once more
met the Roman troops under Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobar-
bus, and were again discomfited.
The result of these wars was the creation of the
province of Narbo between the Alps and the Pyrenees,
Narbo being the seat of the governor of this province, in
which several Roman settlements were formed at Aquae
Sextiae and elsewhere. The policy which gave rise to
this new field for colonization was checked by the death
of Gaius Gracchus, but the mercantile class at Rome
proved strong enough to protect the colony of Narbo from
the narrower policy of the restored optimates.
A similar problem had to be solved in the north-east of
Italy, but there Rome contented herself with taking the
strong town of Delmium, and subduing the Dalmatians,
in 155 B.C. The conversion of Macedonia into a province
in 146 B.C., and the acquisition of the Thracian Cherso-
nese in 133 B.C., brought Rome into close relations with
the various tribes of the north-east, but also gave her the
double basis of the Po valley and the province of Mace-
donia, from which she could
now advance in earnest
towards the Rhine and Danube. Of the various Celtic
tribes in these regions, the Helvetii, who occupied both
banks of the Upper Rhine, were the most
powerful ; near
them were the Boii, settled in Bavaria and Bohemia. To
the south-east came the Taurisci, next to whom were the
Iapydes, partly Ulyrian, partly Celtic
while in the interior
the powerful and cruel Celtic tribe of the Scordisci roamed
hither and thither, leaving a path marked by crime and
Although Roman expeditions against Alpine tribes were
frequent, no adequate scheme of conquest was attempted,
so as to create a barrier strong enough to ward off the
constant inroads of barbarism. Marcus Aemilius Scaurus
was the first to cross the eastern Alps, in 115 B.C., and to
compel the Taurisci to a friendly alliance with Rome ; the
first Roman, general to reach the Danube was Marcus
Livius Drusus, in 112 B.C.; and, two years later, Marcus
Minucius utterly defeated the Scordisci and reduced
them to harmless insignificance.
But these victories only brought upon the scene a still
more terrible foe in the Cimbri, or
champions." Whence
this people really came and the causes of their migration,
are matters of which we cannot be certain. That they
were in the main of German race, as wore their brothers-
in-arms the Teutones, is shown (a) by the existence of
two small tribes of the same name, left behind, probably,
in their primitive seatsthe Cimbri in Denmark and the
Teutones in the north-east of Germany, near the Baltic
(b) by the insertion of the Cimbri and Teutones in the
list of Germanic peoples among the Ingaevones, by the
side of the Chauci
(c) by the judgment of Caesar, who
first showed the difference between Celts and Germans,
and who includes the Cimbri among the Germans
(d) by
their names and the account given of their physical
appearance and habits.
No doubt a number of Celts joined these hordes, and
thus men of Celtic name directed their armies, and the
Celtic tongue was spoken among them. The invasion was
not one of mere plunder, but that of a whole nation
seeking a new home, with their wives and children drawn
along in wagons, which served as house and means of
locomotion. Their army was accompanied by priestesses
a truly Germanic custom. They came like lightning,
like lightning they vanished ; and in that dull age no
observer traced this marvellous meteor. Thus the first
Germanic movement that came in contact with civiliza-
tion passed away unnoticed till it was too late to have
any accurate knowledge of it. Owing to Roman at-
tacks on the Danubian Celts the Cimbri broke through
the barrier which had prevented their advance, and
reached the passes of the Carnian Alps in 113 B.C., where
the consul Gnaeus Papirius Carbo was posted to meet
them, not far from Aquileia. He ordered them to evacuate
the territory
of the Taurisci, and they
complied and
followed his guides into an ambush. But the betrayed
utterly worsted tbe betrayer, and then they
turned west-
ward, and reached the left bank of the Rhine and passed
over the Jura. There, some years after the defeat of
Carbo, they again threatened Roman territory. In 109 B.C.,
Marcus Junius Silanus appeared with an army in southern
Gaul, and replied to the Cirabrian request for land to
settle in by an attack ; he was completely defeated.
The Cimbri now occupied themselves with subduing
the neighbouring Celtic cantons, and for a time left the
Romans unmolested. But, fired by the example of the
Cimbri, the Helvetii rose, under their leader Divico, and
sought new and more fertile settlements in western Gaul.
The consul Longinus with most of his army was decoyed
by the Helvetii into an ambush, and fell fighting, in
107 B.C. Then for a time all was quiet, but in 105 B.C.,
under their king Boiorix, the Cimbri again moved on-
wards, this time with the serious purpose of invading Italy.
Their first assault fell on IVlarcus Aurelius Scaurus,
whose corps was easily overthrown. Then, owing to the
foolish discord between the two Roman commanders,
Maximus and the proconsul Caepio, and through
the rash haste of the latter, the battle of Arausio (OrangeJ,
on the left bank of the Rhone, took place. Both Roman
armies were utterly
annihilated. Such a calamity materi-
ally and morally far surpassed tbe day of Cannae. Allia
and. the burning of Rome recurred to men's minds, and
every Italian capable of bearing arms was bound by oath
not to leave Italy. But, happily for Rome, tbe Cimbri
turned upon the Arverni, and then set out to the Pyrenees.
As after the African defeats, so now, the storm of
popular indignation at Rome fell upon
individuals, not
on the rotten system of senatorial government.
Caepio barely escaped with his life. Gaius Marius was
now, in defiance of the law, nominated as consul, and given
the chief commaud not merely for one year, but was rein-
vested with the consulship for five years in succession
(104-100 B.C.). The traces of this unconstitutional step
remained vis.ble for all time.
Owing to the disappearance of the Cimbri from the
stage, Marias had time to reduce revolted tribes and to
reassure the wavering. At last the wave of the Cimbri,
having broken itself on the resistance of the brave Celt-
iberians, flowed back over the Pyrenees. Near Ronen
they received reinforcements from the Helvetii, and were
also joined by their kinsmen the Teutones. Having
failed to overcome the brave Belgae, they now resolved
to invade Italy. But for some reason they broke up
again into two hosts, one of which, the Cimbri, was to
recross the Rhine and invade Italy by way
of the Rhaetian
Alps, while the other, the Teutones, together with some
of the bravest Cimbrian troops, was to invade Italy by
way of Roman Gaul and the western passes of the Alps.
In 102 B.C., the latter host attacked the camp of Marius
at the confluence of the Isere and Rhone, for three days,
but in vain
they then marched onward to Italy, occupy-
ing six days in defiling past the Roman camp. Marius
followed them to the district of Aquae Sextiae, and defeated
the rear-guard. On the third day after this success,
Marius drew up his army on a hill ; the barbarians rushed
up with hot impatience. For a long while the struggle
was terrible, but, owing to the heat of the sun and a false
alarm raised in the rear by Roman camp-boys,
the bar-
barian ranks broke and were utterly cut to pieces.
The Cimbri, meanwhile, owing to a panic which seized
the army of the consul Quintus Lutatius Catulus, had
passed the Alps and reached the plain between the Po
and the Alps in the summer of 102 B.C., when their
brethren were annihilated
at Aquae Sextiae. Fortunately
for Rome, they remained in the rich land for the winter,
and thus gave the Romans time to prepare for the coming
struggle. Marius, having refused a triumph for his first
victory, returned in the spring and crossed the Po with
his army. On the invitation of the Cimbri he named the
Raudine plain as the place for battle. There, in a dense
morning mist, the Celtic cavalry of the barbarians were
driven back on to the infantry
and thus taken by surprise
and thrown into disorder, the whole Cimbrian host fell an
easy victim. Thus the battle of Vercellae, in 101 B.C.,
ended the dreaded invasion of these Germanic peoples.
Marius was justly regarded as the conqueror of the Cimbri,
although Catulus, a polished art-critic and member of the
aristocracy, had overthrown the centre of the Cimbrian
hosts and captured thirty-one standards, while Marius took
bat two. Bat the victory of Vercellae was only rendered
possible by that of Aquae Sextiae. With the victories of
Marius were associated hopes of the overthrow of the
detested government. Could it be that the rough farmer
of Arpinum was destined to be the avenger of Gracchus,
and to continue the revolution which
he had begun ?
Narbo.VeYl. i. 15. Eutrop.
23. Cic. Brut. 43.
Domain land.Appian B. C. i. 27. Sail. Jug, 32, 33. Marq. Stv. 1.
108, sqq.
Quint us Caepio. Liv. Epit. 70. Tac. Ann. xii. 60.
Titus Vettius.Diod. Sic. Fr. 30.
Liv. Epit. 68.
Slave insurrections.Liv. Epit. 69. Dio Cass. Fr. 93. Diod. Sic.
36, p. 536, 608. Florus.
3, 19.
Jugurthine war.Appian Numid. Dio Cass. Fr. 89. Plut. Marina,
Sulla. Liv. Epit. 62, 64, 65, 66. Sail. Jug.
Salassi.Dio Cass. Fr. 74.
Arverni.Liv. Epit. 61.
Gallia Narbonensis.Liv. Epit.
47, 60, 61. Polyb. xxxiii.
5, 7,
Strab. 185, 191. Marq. Stv. i. 262.
Delmium.Liv. Epit. 62. Appian Illyr. 5.
Scordisci.Liv. Epit. 63, 65.
Cimbri and Tentones.Liv. Epit. 63-68. Appian Gall. 13
Plut. Marius and Seitorius. Dio Casa. Fr.
90, 91, 94.
HariusHis army reform and its significanceHis political position
and alliance with Glaucia and SaturninusThe Appuleian laws

Rupture between Marius and his colleagues

Overthrow of
Saturninus and his partyAction of the equestrian jury-courta
Reform proposals ot Livius DrususHis murder.
Such were the fears and hopes that moved the people in
the capital on the nevvs of the final overthrow of the
Germanic invaders. These hopes were raised afresh when
the saviour of Rome himself returned, late in 101 B.C., by
far the first man in Rome, atid yet a mere tyro in politics.
Born in 155 B.C., Gaius Marius had, as a poor day-labourer's
son, schooled his frame to bear hunger and thirst, cold
and heat. His early training had fitted him to rise rapidly
from the ranks and to gain distinction, first as a mere
soldier, and then as governor of Further Spain. His sub-
sequent military career in Africa and Gaul has been
already described. Success in speculation had given him
wealth, and a union with one of the ancient Julian gens
had given him powerful connections. But he never rid
himself of the taint of his plebeian origin. No one was
ever so popular with the masses, either before or after,
both on account of his thorough honesty and disinterested-
ness, and of his boorish uncouthness.
The time had now come to test the power of the rustic
soldier to realize the expectations of the people, and to
justify the extraragmt joy manifested at his return.
The newly organized army might prove a formidable
weapon in his hand, though the day was hardly yet come
for the
sword to achieve what it afterwards did in the
world of politics. His military revolution was as fol-
lows. Before his time the old Servian constitution had
undergone considerable relaxation
and the minimum
census, which bound a man to serve in the army, had been
lowered from eleven thousand to four thousand asses
(from 43 to
17). The cavalry was still drawn from the
wealthiest and the light-armed troops from the poorest
citizens, but the arrangement of the infantry of the line
was no longer determined by property, but by duration of
service in the three divisions of hastati, principes, and
triarii. Moreover, the Italian allies had long taken part in
the military service. Still, the primitive organization was
in the main the basis of the Roman military system, and
it was no longer suited to the altered circumstances of the
state. The better classes held aloof more and more from
service, and the middle class of both Romans and Italians
was fast disappearing ; while the allies and subjects out-
side Italy, as well as the Italian proletariate, were available
to fill up the gaps thus caused. The cavalry formed of
the wealthiest burgesses had acted as a guard of honour
in the Jugurthine war, and thenceforth it ceases to appear.
In ordinary circumstances it was a very difficult task to
fill up the legions with properly qualified persons
times of emergency, as after the battle of Arausio, it was
impossible. Already the cavalry, as a rule, came from
Thrace and Africa, while the light Ligurian infantry
and Balearic slingers were employed in daily increasing
numbers. Moreover, owing to the dearth of properly
qualified citizens, non-qnalified and poorer men pressed
into the service, nor could it be hard to find plenty of
volunteers for so lucrative a profession. Thus it was a
necessary result of the social and political changes that
the old system of the burgess levy should give place to
that of contingents and enlisting, that the cavalry and
light troops should mainly consist of subject contingents,
and that every free-born citizen should be admitted to
the line service, as was, in fact, first allowed by Marius in
107 B.C.
Marius also abolished all the old aristocratic distinctions,
whether of definite rank and place or of standards and
equipments, which had hitherto obtained among the four
divisions of the army. All were uiiif^mjv^iiaiiied, under
the new method of drill devfsed Tly PuBlms Rufus
in 105 B.C., and
hnrrnupd f
flip gln.rlia+ojMgl gnTinnla

and thus the infantry of the line were reduced to a
common level. The thirty maniples, or companies, of the
legion were now replaced by ten cohorts, each cohort
having its own standard and being formed of six or five
sections of one hundred men apiece. The light infantry
were suppressed, but the numbers of the legion were raised
from 4200 to 6000 men. Although the custom of fighting
in three divisions was retained, yet the general could
distribute his cohorts in the three lines as he thought
fit. The old four standards of the wolf, the ox with a
man's head, the horse, the boar, gave place to the new
standard of the silver eagle, given by Marius to the legion
as a whole. Thus all the old civic and aristocratic dis-
tinctions were abolished, and all future distinctions were
purely military. The praetorian cohort, or body-guard
of the general, owed its existence to a pure accident.
In the Nnmanti
war Scipio Aemilianus had been
obliged, owing to the insufficiency and unruly nature of
the soldiers with which he was supplied, to form out of
volunteers a band of five hundred men, into which he
afterwards admitted his ablest soldiers. This cohort had
the duty of serving at the praetorium, or headquarters,
and was exempt from encamping and entrenching service,
and enjoyed higher pay and greater prestige.
This revolution in the military system probably saved
the state, in a military point of view, from destruction,
but it involved a complete political revolution, the effects
of which time could alone develop.
The republican con-
stitution was essentially based on the view that the citizen
was also a soldier, and that the soldier was, above all, a
citizen; it .was at an end, so soon as a.
soldier class was
formed." Under the new system of drill, the military ser-
vice-became gradually a profession. The admission, though
at first restricted, of the proletariate to the service speedily
took effect, the more so as the general had a right to
reward the successful soldier and give him a share in the
spoil. To the burgess in old times the service had always
been a burden and duty, but little alleviated by the rewards
it might give him. To the proletarian this was far from
the case. All his hopes, both of pay, rewards, and citizen-
ship lay in his success in war and in his general ; thus the
camp became his only home and hope. Marios defended
his action in giving Roman citizenship to two Italian cohorts
on the Raudine plain, by saying that amid the din of battle
he could not distinguish the voice of the laws. So, if once
the interests of the general and army concurred in pro-
ducing unconstitutional demands, it was unlikely that any
law would be of much avail amid the clashing cf arms.
They had now the standing army, the soldier class, the
body-guard : as in the civil constitution, so also in the
military, all the pillars of the future monarchy were already
in existence
the monarch alone was wanting. When the
twelve eagles circled round the Palatine hill, they ushered
in the kings ;
the new eagle which Gaius Marias bestowed
on the legions proclaimed the advent of the emperors."
Marios, in the eyes of the populace, who still mourned
the death of Gaius Gracchus, was the one man capable alike
from his military and. political position of averting the ruin
of the state, and of substituting in the place of the effete
oligarchy a new and vigorous administration. It remains
for us to see how he realized the expectations so confidently
formed of him. Two methods of operation were apparently
open to him : one, to overthrow the oligarchy by means of
the army
the other, to follow the example of Gracchus
and effect his object in a constitutional manner. The first
plan, perhaps, he never entertained, relying, maybe, on his
immense popularity and on the support of his discharged
soldiers, but still more on the weakness of his opponents,
whose downfall he probably thought could be more easily
compassed than proved to be the case. Moreover, the
army was still in a state of transition, and as yet ill adapted
for effecting a coup d'etat, and at the beginning of this
crisis the use of such an instrument might well have re-
coiled upon the user. Having therefore discharged his
army, Marios depended for further action upon the leaders
of the popular party, which now once more sprang into
active existence. This party had much deteriorated during
the interval between Gaius Gracchus and Marios
of the enthusiasm, faith, and purity of aim had been rubbed
off in the years of confusion and turmoil ;
and the popular
leaders were, for the most part, either political novices, or
men who had nothing
to lose in respect of property, in-
fluence, or even honour, and who, from personal motives
of malice or a wish to attract notice, busied themselves
with inflicting- annoyance and damage on the government.
To the first class belonged Gaius Memmius and the noted
orator, Lucius Crassus
to the second, and these were the
most notable leaders, belonged
Gaius Glaucia, the Roman
Hyperbolus, as Cicero called him, and his better and abler
colleague, Lucius Appuleiua
Saturniuus. The latter,
owing to a personal slight at the senate's
hands, had
joined the ranks of the opposition. As tribune of the
people in 103 B.C. he excited popular indignation by his
public speeches touching the briberies practised in Rome
by the envoys of Mithradates, and also by his invectives
against Quintus Metellus, when he was a candidate for
the censorship in 102 B c. Moreover, he had canned the
election of Marius as consul for 102 B.C. in the teeth of
a fierce opposition. His violence and nnscrupulousness
marred his very considerable powers both as a politician
and orator, but he was the most prominent and dreaded
enemy of the senate. He and Glaucia now entered into
partnership with Marius, and it was agreed that the
latter should become a candidate for his sixth consulship,
Satnrninus for a second tribunate, and Glaucia for the
praetorship, for the year 100 B.C., in order to carry out
the intended revolution.
Despite all the opposition of the senate, they sncceeded
in effecting their object

partly by craft, partly by violence.

The laws of Saturninus, known as the Appuleian, revived
the chief objects of Gaius Gracchus. Marius was called
upon to conduct the assignations of land which had been
promised his soldiers, firstly in Africa, and then in all
provincial land, and even in that beyond the Alps, which
was still occupied by independent Celtic tribes. As the
Italian allies were to receive these assignations together
with Roman burgesses, this was practically a first step to
placing them on an equality with Romans
and thus not
only the extensive schemes of transalpine and transmarine
colonization, as sketched by Gaius Gracchus, were revived,
but also his project of gradually giving first the Italians
and then all Roman subjects the same political privileges.
For this work of land distribution it was, doubtless,
necessary that Marius should have his consulship annually
renewed, and thus practically he king of Rome. The main
difference between his case and that of Gracchus was that
he occupied a military as well as civil position. Following
the example of Gracchus, Marius and his confederates
made advances to the equites and the proletariate. They
extended the powers of the former as jurymen, and gave
them greater control over the extortions of provincial
magistrates, while to the latter they now sold grain at
the merely nominal price of five-sixths of an as, instead
of six asses and a half, per modius. Still their real power
lay in the discharged Marian soldiers, and this fact lent a
strong military colour to their attempt at a revolution.
In spite of the vehement opposition of the aristocrats,
by means of the tribunician veto, the invocation of portents,
and the armed interference of the urban quaestor Quintus
Caepio, the Appuleian laws were ratified. This was partly
due to the firmness of Saturninus, and still more to the
appearance of the dreaded soldiers of Marius. Quiutus
Metellus, rather than take the oath which bound every
senator to observe the new laws, went into exile, but that
was only a gain to his opponents. Wl en, however, the
plans came to be executed, it was soon clear that a politi-
cally incapable general, and a violent street demagogue
could not long be allies. In the first place, Marius, from
his utter incapacity as a statesman, was unable either to
keep his own party in check or to gain over his opponents.
The wealthy classes had no liking for Saturninus and his
nay, the equites had skirmishes with his aimed
bands, and he was only with difficulty elected tribune in
100 B.C. Thus this powerful body began to side with the
aristocracy, when they saw that Marius was practically the
tool of his more violent associates.
But the attitude of Marius not only alienated those who
should have been his most powerful supporters, but, what
was more important, caused Saturninus and Glaucia to
lose all trust in him. His refusal to go the lengths that
they went, his negotiations with his own party and the
senate at one and the same time, his reservation when he
swore as a senator to observe the Appuleian laws, "so far
as they were really valid," soon caused a total rupture
between himself and the most violent democrats. But
Saturirui$ and Glauciajhad gone too far to recede; they
now reSoWed to grasp the sovereignty for themselves.
They arranged that the former should again seek the
tribuneship, the latter the consulship, for which he was
not legally eligible till two years had elapsed. For the
latter office Gaius Memmius was t he
nment candidate
he was suddenly murdered. Hereupon the senate called
upon the consul Marius to interfere : he complied, and a
hasty levy of young men was drawn up in array, while
the senators appeared armed in the Forum, led by Marcus
Scaurus. The democrats saw their danger, and set free
all the slaves in prison; on the 10th of-DeeembeivlOO
B.C., a great battle took place in the market-place, the first
ever fought within the walls of the capital. It ended in
the utter overthrow of the popular party. Saturninus
was stoned to death with a number of other prisoners,
who were shut up in the senate-house. Glaucia was
likewise put to death
and thus, without sentence or trial,
perished on one day four Roman magistrates, a praetor,
quaestor, and two tribunes, together with a number of
other notable men, in some cases of good family. The
victory of the government was complete. Not only were
its noisest opponents dead, but the one man who might
have proved really dangerous had publicly and completely
effaced himself ; and, what was perhaps still more im-
portant, the two chief elements of the oppositionthe
capitalists and the proletariate

emerged from the
struggle bitter enemies.
Thus the force of circumstances, and, still more, the
incapacity of Marius, had completely destroyed the fabric
reared by Gaius Gracchus. Pitiful, indeed, was the
position of the great general ; he retired to the East so as
not to witness the return of his rival Metellus. When he
came back to Rome his counsel was not sought, and the
continuance of profound peace rendered vain his hopes
that the time would come when his strong arm would be
needed. But his superstitious soul ever kept in mind
the oracular promise of seven consulships, and, though in
the eyes of all insignificant and harmless, he brooded over
his schemes of vengeance, and in moody sullenness bided
his time. In addition to this, the current of popular
feeling now set in strongly against the remnants of the
party left behind by Safurninus. The tribunals of the
equites condemned with the utmost severity every one
who professed the views of the Populares ; nay, they even
assailed men on the ground of injuries years old against
toe aristocrats. Moreover, abroad the Roman arms were
everywhere successful. In Spain, a serious rising of the
Lusitanians and Celtiberians was
quelled by the consuls,
Titus Didius and Publius Crassus, in the years 98-93 B.C.
In the East, too, much greater energy was displayed than
had been shown for many years. At home the government
was more popular and secure thaa it had ever been since
the restoration. The l:tws of Saturninus were, of course,
cancelled, aud the transmarine colonies of Marius dwindled
down to a small settlement in Corsica. When the tribune
Sextos Titius reintroduced and carried the Appuleian
agrarian law in 99 B.C., the senate annulled it on religious
grounds, and the equites punished Titius for bringing it
In 98 B.C., the two consuls passed a law which made an
interval of seven days between the introduction and passing
of a bill obligatory, and forbade the combination in a single
proposal of several enactments differing in their nature.
Thus the government was protected from being taken by
surprise by new laws, and some restriction was placed on
the initiative power in legislation.
It was clear that the Gracchan constitution, which had
rested on the union of the multitude and the moneyed
aristocracy, was on the eve of perishing, and that the hour
had come to re-establish the governing oligarchy in undis-
puted possession of political power. All depended on the
recoverv by the senate of the nomination of jurymen
of late the governors of provinces had administered them,
not for the senate, but for the order of capitalists and
merchants. But the latter fiercely resisted all attempts to
wrest their power from them
and even Quir.tus Mucius
Scaevola, one of the most eminent jurists and most noble-
minded men of the time, was rewarded for his stern
repression of all crime, and for his scrupulous justice in
administering the province of Asia., by seeing his legate,
Publius Rufus, brought to trial before the equites on the
most absurd charge of maladministration. Rufus refused
to submit to the moneyed lords, and was condemned and
had his property confiscated. He retired to the province
which he was accused of plundering, and was there
welcomed with every honour by all men, and there spent
the rest of his life. Soon after, Marcus Scaurus, seventy
years of age, and for twenty years the chief of the senate,
was tried for unjust extortions
and it was evident tbat
neither nobility of descent, blamelessness of life, nor age
itself were any screen against the wildest charges preferred
by men who made a regular profession of reckless accusa-
tion. The very commission touching exactions, became the
scourge instead of the shield of the provincials ; the vilest
scoundrel, provided that he satisfied the claims of his
fellow-robbers, went unpunished
while those who trusted
to their innocence, and attempted to do their duty by the
provinces they governed, were found guilty by the juries
whom they neglected to bribe.
Marcus Livius Drusus, tribujifi_iifc-2J^.C., son of the
overtBrower ot Gtartns GraccEusV a conservative of the con-
servatives, the proudest and noblest of the aristocrats,
vehemently earnest, pure of life, and an object of respect
to the humblest citizen, felt that the time had come to
attack the equestrian jury-courts. He was aided by
Marcus Scaurus and Lucius Crassus, the famous orator;
but*agaTrTsrhim were not only the consul Lucius Philippus
and the reckless Quintus^ Caepio, but also thelnore corrupt
and cowardly mass of the aristocracy, who, sooner than
lose all chance of plunder, were quite content to share the
spoils of the provinces with the equites. Drusus proposed
to take away the functions of jurymen from the equestrian
order, and to restore them to the senate, and to add three
hundred new members to the senate, in order to enable it
to meet its increased obligations. Moreover, a special
criminal commission was to be appointed to try all jury-
men who had been or should be guilty of taking bribes.
But he also had a wide and well-considered scheme of
reform. He proposed (l}_to_incxase the largesses of corn
and to cover the increased expense by the permanent issue
of copper-plated.
reserve all the still undistributed arable land of Italy, and
the best part.pf Sicily, for the settlement of burgess
; (3)
lastly, he bound himself to give the Italian
allies the Roman franchise.
There is a marked similarity of means and aims in the
cases of Drusns and Gains Gracchus
both relied on the
proletariate, and both had practically the same measures
of reform in view. The great difference was as to who
should be the governing power in the state
in all other
points the best men of both political parties had much in
common, widely different as often were the processes of
reasoning by which they arrived at such views.
In order to carry his laws, Drusus wisely kept in the
background his proposal touching the Italian franchise,
and embodied all his other measures in one law
thus he
caused those interested in largesses of corn and distribu-
tions of land to also carry the proposal touching the
transference of the jury-courts. He was stoutly opposed,
especially by the consul Philippus, whom he caused to be
imprisoned. Though the Livian laws were carried, the
consul summoned the senate to reject them. On its
refusal, Philippus declared he would seek another state
council, and seemed to meditate a coup d'etat. Many of
the senate now began to waver, and their fears were still
further aroused by the sudden death of Lucius Crassus in
September, 91 B.C. Gradually the connections of Drusus
with the Italians became known, and a furious cry of high
treason was raised. The opposition grew more powerful,
and the senate at last issued a decree cancelling the Livian
laws on the ground of informality. Drusus refused to
interpose his veto, and thus the senate once more became
subject to the yoke of the capitalists.
Shortly after, Drusus perished by the hand of an assassin,
who escaped undetected ; nor was the crime investigated.
Thus the same end which swept away the democratic
reformers was the fate of the Gracchus of the aristocracy.
The weakness of the aristocracy frustrated reform, even
when the attempt came from their own ranks.
Drusus had staked his strength and his life in the
attempt to overthrow the dominion of the merchants, to
organize emigration, to avert the impending civil war
himself saw the merchants ruling more absolutely than
ever, found all his ideas of reform frustrated, and died with
the consciousness that his sudden death would be the
signal for the most fearful civil war that ever desolated
the fair land of Italy."
Marius's reforms.
Sail. Jug. 86. Pint. Mar. 9. Appian B. C. v. 17.
Val. Max. 2, 3. Plin. N. H. x. 4. Marq. Stv. ii. 354, 430-442.
Political alliances.Liv. Epit. 69. App. B. C. i. 28-36. Cic. pro
Balb. 21.
Appuleian laics.Cic. de Orat. ii. 25, 27, 39
pro Sest. 16, 47 ;
85. Marq. Stv. i. 110.
Titian law.Cic. de Legg. 2, 6,
Equestrian jury-courts. Liv. Epit. 70. Veil. ii. 13.
Drusus.Appian B. C. i. 35. Cic. de Orat. i.
25; de Domo,
Domo, 16. Liv. Epit. 71. Diod. Sic. xxxvii. 10.
91 B.C. Death of Drusus.90 B.C. First year of the warLex Julia
and Lex Plautia Papina.89 B.C. Second year of the warLatin
rights conferred on the Transpadani.88 B.C. Outbreak of the
Mithridatic warThe Sulpician lawsOccupation of Eome by
Sulla.87 B.C. Departure of Sulla for the East.
Just as the failure of the previous attempt of Flaccus,
in 125 B.C., to confer the citizenship on the Italians was
followed by the revolt of Fregellae, so the despair of the
subjects of Rome after the death of Drusus broke forth in
a revolt of all Italy.
The Italian allies had two inducements to revolt ; they
wished to obtain the enjoyment of certain privileges; they
wished also to free themselves from many disabilities and
wrongs. The voting power was perhaps the chief, but by
no means the only privilege which they sought. There
were others, such as immunity from taxation and flogging.
On the other hand, they were subject to vexation and
oppression in many forms from which Roman citizens
were exempt. The rigour of martial law, largely modified
for the burgess soldiers, remained unsoftened for them.
Italian officers of any rank might be condemned and
executed by sentence of court-martial, while the meanest
burgess-soldier could appeal to the civil courts at Rome.
The contingent furnished by the allies to the army was
disproportionate to their number, and the disproportion
was increasing. In civil matters the general super-
intendence of the Roman government over the dependent
communities was extended till the allies were at the mercy
of the caprice of any Roman magistrate. At Teanum
Sidicinum, the chief magistrate had been scourged by
order of the Roman consul for supposed remissness in
gratifying a whim of the consul's wife. In the Latin
colony of Venusia a free peasant was whipped to death
for a laugh at the passing litter of a young Roman
holding no office. Incidents like these must have been
frequent ; and all non-citizens, from Latins downwards,
became united by the bond of a common oppression. Since
the completion of the Roman conquests the Roman citi-
zenship had become the one thing worth having; it alone
could give protection from tyranny and a status in the
world ; for the Roman empire by this time embraced all
civilization, and to be outside the Roman state was to
be outside the world.
The privilege was thus more valuable than it had ever
been before ; but it was also becoming more and more
difficult to acquire. The tendency of the body of Roman
citizens was to close their ranks. The practice of bestow-
ing the franchise on whole communities had ceased
right of individuals to acquire it by residence at Rome was
and in 126 B.C. all non-burgesses were expelled
from the city by decree of the senate.
It might have been thought that the senate and the
conservative party objected, not to the demands of the
Italians, but to the revolutionary schemes of those by
whom these demands were supported
but in 95 B.C. the
deliberate policy of the oligarchy was made clear by a
consular law (Lex Licinia-Mucia) which prohibited under
penalties any non-burgess from laying claim to the
franchise. With Drusus hope arose once more for the
Italians; Drusus accomplished nothing but his own
destruction, and now no resource was left but an appeal
to arms.
The chief difficulty with which rebellions always have to
contend is waut of organization. They have to contend
against an established government completely equipped
and organized, and to create their own organization during
the course of the struggle. The Italian peoples were not
entirely unprepared in this respect. In the first place, a
secret league had been formed in connection with the
attempt of Drusus, with members in all the most important
Italian towns, bound by oath to be faithful to each other
and to the common cause. Again, each allied town
furnished a contingent to the Roman army, and these
trained troops formed a valuable nucleus for the allied
army. Thirdly, there were the old Roman confederacies
of the various Italian peoplesof the Marsians, Paelig-
nians, and others,which had of course lost all political
significance after the conquest by Rome, but which still
existed for purposes of common sacrifice.
The revolt broke out prematurely at Asculum in
Picenum, where all the resident Romans were massacred.
The flame spread rapidly through all central and southern
Italy. The Marsians were the first to declare war, and
round them gathered the Paeligni, the Marrucini, the
Frentani, and the Vestini, while the Samnites were the
centre of the southern group of peoples, from the Liris to
Apulia and Calabria.
On the other hand, the Romans had many adherents
where the richer classes were influential. Thus the whole
of Umbria and Etruria, where the middle class had entirely
disappeared, remained faithful : so also many isolated
communities in insurgent districts, such as Pinna in the
Vestini. Lastly, many of the most favoured of the allied
communities, such as Nola, Nuceria, and Neapolis in Cam-
pania, and Rhegium
and Latin colonies, such as Alba and
Aesernia remained steadfastly loyal. The strength of the
revolt was in the middle classes and the small farmers
the moneyed and aristocratic classes held with Rome.
After the first blood had been shed at Asculum the in-
surgents still made an attempt at negotiation : they offered
even now to lay down their arms if Rome would grant
them the citizenship. Instead of complying, the Roman
government instituted a commission (quaestio Varia), on
the proposal of the tribune Varius, to investigate the con-
spiracy set on foot in connection with the agitation of
Drusus. The result was the banishment of many members
of the moderate senatorial party who were favourable to
compromise, including Gaius Cotta and Marcus Scaurus.
Great preparations were made for the struggle. Officers
of all parties, including both Sulla and Marius, offered
themselves to the government. The largesses of corn
were curtailed in order to husband supplies ; and all
business, except military preparations, was at a standstill.
The Italians on their side were preparing not merely to
secede from Rome, but to crush her and form a new state.
Corfinium, a town of the Paeligni, was to be the head of
the new government, under the new name of Italica. All
burgesses of insurgent communities were declared citizens
of Italica. A new forum and senate-house were made ; a
senate, consuls, and praetors appointed. The Latin and
Samnite languages were placed on an equality as the
official tongues
and the imitation of the Roman constitu-
tion was carried out in the minutest details. The most
important feature of the new organization is thisthat
Italica, like Rome, was to remain merely a governing city-
state. The Italians, like Rome itself, were unable to rise
above the conception of the 7ro\is. No idea occurred to
them of any means, such as modern representative insti-
tutions, by which a vast population could be welded into
a united nation.
Their plan of campaign was settled for the Romans
the character and extent of the revolt. They had to
relieve the many fortresses which held out for them in
various parts of the insurgent districts, and they had to
combat a numerous enemy at widely distant points.
Accordingly, two consular armies were formed, one under
Publius Rutilius Lupus, to confront the Italian consul,
Quintus Silo, in the northern group of insurgent states
other under Lucius Julius Caesar, who commanded against
the Samnite, GaiusPapius Mutilus,in the southern districts.
Under each consul on both sides were several lieutenant-
generals, who were responsible for particular districts.
The war was begun in the south by the attack of
Mutilus on the important Latin fortress of Aesernia in
Samnium, which offered the most obstinate resistance.
Caesar, after securing Capua, advanced to its relief, but
was driven back with severe loss. The town of Venafrum
and its garrison was taken by the Italians and the road
to Aesernia blocked against the Roman advance. Aesernia
accordingly fell by famine at the end of the season.
In Lucania, Caesar's lieutenant, Publius Crassus, was
shut up in the town of Grumentum, which fell after a long
In Campania, Nola and almost all the country except
Nuceria fell before Mutilus. The Numidian troops of
Caesar deserted to the enemy. An attack npon Caesar's
camp was victoriously repelled, but his army was soon
after disastrously defeated by Marius Egnatius, and had
to retire to Teanum. Acerrae was closely besieged by the
Samnite army.
The war in central Italy was most favourable to the
Romans. Their main army, under Lupus, was massed on
the Marsian frontier to protect the capital, separated from
the enemy by the stream Tolenus. Lupus crossed the
stream in two divisions, and was himself destroyed with
eight thousand of his troops
but the other division, under
Marius, occupied the enemies' camp, and was able to
prevent them from gaining further successes. Quintus
Caepio, who was associated with Marius in the command,
was drawn into an ambush and cut to pieces. But Marius,
now sole commander, gradually pressed the enemy back,
and finally defeated them in two important engage-
In Picenum, a corps under Strabo advanced to threaten
Asculum, but was defeated and shut up in Firmum, while
a portion of the Italian army entered Apulia, and induced
Canusium and Venusia to join the revolt. But another
Roman division, under Servius Sulpicius, after defeating
the Paeligni advanced to the relief of the Romans The
insurgents were taken front and rear, and driven to take re-
fuge in Asculum, which was closely besieged by the Romans.
The course of the war had induced many communities
in Umbria and Etruria to declare against Rome, but here
the Roman divisions maintained a decided superiority.
The campaign was, on the whole, adverse to the
Romans. They had lost the important towns of Nola
and Venusia ; the Umbrians and Etruscans had joined
the revolt, and communications with the southern army
could only be maintained by a chain of posts from Cumae
to Rome, which strained to the utmost the resources of
the city.
The change in popular feeling at Rome was shown in
the law of the tribune Marcus Plautius Silvanus with
regard to the Varian commission. This body had sent
into exile many prominent men of the party favourable to
concession. The equites of whom it was composed were
now dismissed, and a new commission elected by the
tribes without class distinction.
The new commission became a scourge of the extreme
non-concession party, and, amongst others, its original
author, Quintus Varius, w
ho was charged with the
murder of Drusus, was banished.
About the same time a policy of concession was adopted.
The Lex Julia of the consul Lucius Julius Caesar (end of
90 B.C.) granted the citizenship to all Italian communities
which had not declared against Rome. The Lex Plautia
Papiria (December, 90 or beginning of 89 B.C.) granted the
citizenship to all allies who presented themselves before a
Roman magistrate within sixty days.
At the same time, the effect of these concessions was
largely nullified by the restriction which allowed the new
citizens to be enrolled in eight only of the thirty-five
tribes. These laws applied to all Italy south of the Po
while the Celts between the Po and the Alps were in-
vested with the inferior privileges which had hitherto
belonged to Latin towns. The aim of these measures was
to secure the loyalty of the allies who had hitherto re-
mained faithful, and to draw over deserters from the
enemy. But they by no means constituted a complete
capitulation ; only
so much of the existing political
institutions had been pulled down as seemed necessary to
arrest the progress of the conflagration."
In the second year of the war, Lucius Porcius Cato com-
manded against the Marsians, Lucius Sulla in the south,
while Gnaeus Strabo retained his command in Picenum.
The insurgents began their northern campaign by an
attempt to send a body of fifteen thousand men to aid the
insurrection in Etruria, but it was totally defeated by
Cato invaded the Marsian territory, but was defeated
and slain ; and the whole central command now fell upon
Strabo. A great battle was fought at Asculum, where the
garrison sallied out to meet a relieving army under Juda-
cilius. Victory remained with the Romans, and, after a
protracted siege, Asculum was compelled to surrender.
The Marrucini, Apulia, the Marsi, were successively sub-
dued, and in the next year the Vestini and Paeligni. The
revolt in central Italy was at an end, and Italica once
more became the country town of Corfinium.
In Campania, Stabiae and Herculanenm were captured,
and Sulla totally defeated the Samnite general, Cluentius.
He then invaded Samnium, surrounded and defeated the
Samnite army under Mutilus, and compelled the capital
Bovianum to surrender Thus, at the close of the second
year, the revolt was on the whole overpowered. Venusia
in Apulia and Nola in Campania still held out ; but besides
these isolated towns, only the Samnites and Lucaniaus
remained unsubdued. The Samnites made great efforts
to continue the struggle
a fresh army was raised with
the Marsian Silo in command, and Aesernia became the
head-quarters of the final campaign.
In Apulia, Venusia was captured by
Metellus Pius.
In Samnium, Bovianum was recaptured by Silo, but he
was soon defeated and slain by Mamercus Aemilius. In
Campania, Nola was invested and smaller towns cap-
tured. In Lucania the Roman general was defeated, and a
desultory warfare was still carried on
the siege of Nola,
too, was unfinished : but with these exceptions the war
was at an end.
While the war was progressing favourably to Rome,
the internal condition of the city was becoming more
and more critical. At the end of 89 B.C. it had become
necessary to declare war against Mithradates, and Rome
was by no means prepared. The treasury was ex-
no new army could be raised, but that of
Sulla was destined to embark as soon as it could safely
be spared ; money was raised by the sale of unoccupied
sites within the city In Rome and in Italy all classes
were seething with discontent. The Varian prosecutions
had embittered the strife between the moderate and the
extreme parties. The former was dissatisfied with the con-
cessions already made to the Italians, the Italians them-
selves were dissatisfied with an enfranchisement which
limited their influence to eight tribesa limitation all
the more galling that it found
a precedent in the restric-
tion of the freedmen to four tribes. The revolted com-
munities who had been subdued were in the position of
dediticiithat is, in the eye of the law they were as
prisoners of war, absolutely at the mercy of their con-
they were not yet admitted to the citizenship,
and they had forfeited their
ancient treaties; where these
treaties had been restored they had been made revocable at
the will of the Roman people. It was desirable to recall the
men exiled by the Varian
commission, who included many
of the best men of the senatorial order ; bnt the cancel-
ling of a legal verdict by a decree of the people was seeu to
be * most undesirable precedent. Lastly, Marius was thirst-
ing tor a fresh command to recover his lost influence, and
was ready to go to any length to accomplish his purpose.
To all these elements of
disorder must be added tho
decay of military discipline and an economic crisis The
social war had necessitated the enrolment of every avail-
able man in the army, and had carried party spirit imo
the ranks. The result was an appailmg slackness of dis-
and more than one Rnman division had put its
commander to death and escaped all punishment.
At the same time the old cry of the oppression of capital
was heard again. Debtors unable to pay the interest on
their loans had applied to the urban praetor Asellio for
time to realize their property, and w Te trying
to get the
obsolete laws against, usury eufo eeJ. Asellio sanctioned
actions to recover interest under Qiese laws, and was
murdered by the offended creditors under the leader-
ship of the tribune Lucius Cassius. The debtors now
clamoured for novae tabulaethe cancelling of all ex-
isting debts.
At this critical point the tribune Publius Sulpicius Rufus
came forward and proposed three laws :
That every
senator who owed more than two thousand denarii (c.
S2) should be expelled from the senate.
That those
who had been exiled by the Varian commission should be
That the new burgesses and the freedmen
should be distributed among all the tribes.
Sulpicius was no revolutionary ; by these laws he
attempted simply to carry out the traditional policy of
the moderate senatorial party, of the party of Crassus
and Drusus. During the early period of his office he had
been a supporter of constitutional forms, had opposed the
recall of the Varian exiles, and had vehemently resisted an
attempt of Gaius Caesar to stand for the consulship before
he had been praetor. Nor was the tendency of his pro-
posals towards revolution The first was necessary on
account of the venality of the senate and the dependence
of the poorer senators upon their richer colleagues. The
second was necessary if there was to be a moderate party
at all. The third, so far as it concerned the allies, was
merely a measure of justice, and necessary to render the
Roman concessions a reality
and the admission of the
freedmen into all the tribes would extend the influence
of a class largely dependent on the great aristocratic
houses. But though the proposals of Sulpicius need not
have alarmed the senate, he became exasperated by oppo-
sition, kept a hired bodyguard in his pay, and carried on
the struggle with great violence.
The proposals were strongly resisted by the senate
and the consuls, Sulla and Pompeius Rufus, suspended all
popular assemblies on pretence of extraordinary religious
observances. Sulpicius replied by a violent tumult.
The consuls then yielded, and the proposals became law.
But Sulpicius could not yet feel secure ; Sulla had de-
parted to the army in Campania, and Sulpicius feared
lest he might lead his legions to overthrow the recent
laws. Accordingly a fourth Lex Sulpicia was brought
forward, and by decree of the people the supreme com-
mand against Mithradates was transferred from Sulla to
On the arrival of two tribunes from Rome to take over
the command of the army, Sulla refused to submit. The
command had been conferred upon him legally and con-
he knew that he could count upon the
devotion of the legions, and he had no scruple about
using force against his country. He laid the matter
before the troops, and hinted to them that Marius would
raise a fresh army for service in the East. The superior
officers held aloof, but the common soldiers tore the tri-
bunes in pieces, and clamoured to be led to the city. Sulla
availed himself of their enthusiasm, and for the first time
a Roman army was led against Rome, The city was
reached by forced marches, and troops posted at the bridge
over the Tiber and at the gates ; the sacred boundary
was crossed by two legions in battle array. Stones were
thrown from the roofs, but Sulla brandished a blazing
torch and threatened to fire the city, and the legions
steadily advanced. The forces of Marius and Sulpicius
were overcome ; when they summoned the slaves to arms,
not more than three appeai-ed, and in a few hours Sulla
was master of Rome.
Sulla's first step was to declare the Sulpician laws null
and void
his next, to proscribe Sulpicius and twelve of
his most strenuous adherents. Sulpioius was captured at
Laurentum, and put to death, and his head was exposed in
the Forum before the rostra. The adventures of Marius
are well known. After escaping successively the cavalry
of Sulla, the magistrates of Minturnae, and the treachery
of the Numidian king, he found a temporary rest in a
small island off the coast of Tnui.3.
The legislation which Sulla now undertook aimed at
relieving the debtors and strength -ning the power of the
senate. His chief measures were
A lex unciaria,
which probably revived the old law fixing the maximum of
Schemes for a number of new colonies were
set on foot.
The reduced numbers of the senate
were filled up by the addition of three hundred new
The old Servian arrangement for voting
in the cornitia centuriata was restored, giving nearly one
half of the votes to the first class alone, eon,, sting of those
who possessed an estate of a hundred thousand sesterces.
The full probouleutic power of the senate was restored
no proposal could henceforth be submitted to the people,
unless it had first been approved by the senate.
Formally these laws of Sulla appeared revolutionary
in the extreme. The proscription of Sulpicius and his
adherents was a violation of the sacred laws of appeal.
The initiative in legislation was taken from the magis-
trates and given to the senate, which had legally no
privilege but that of giving advice. The old voting
arrangements in the centuries, now revolutionized by
Sulla, had existed unchanged for a century and a half.
But in substance these changes contained little which
violated the spirit of the constitution. In occupying
Rome and in proscribing the adherents of Sulpicius,
Sulla merely accepted actual facts and repelled violence
with violence. The extension of the power of the senate
was but giving legal sanction to a power which it had
always exercised until recent times by means of the tri-
buuician or augural veto ; and the later practice, accord-
ing to which any magistrate proposed a law to the tribes
without previous deliberation in the senate, was already
seen to be fraught with great inconvenience and danger.
The measures with regard to interest and colonization
show that Sulla was not indifferent to the wrongs of the
poorer classes, and they were proposed by him after the
victory, and of his own free will. Lastly, it is important
to remember not only what he changed, but what he left
unchanged. The principal foundations of the Gracchan
constitution, the corn largesses and the equestrian jury
courts, were left untouched.
Meanwhile, affairs in the East grew more threatening
every day, and Sulla could no longer postpone his depar-
ture. He endeavoured to insure the permanence of his
measures by procuring the election of consuls favourable
to the restored government, and by transferring the armv
of the north from the doubtful Strabo to his own devoted
friend, Quintus Rufus.
Bnt one of the new consuls was Cinna, a most deter-
mined opponent of Sulla, and Rufus had no sooner taken
over his command than he was murdered by the soldiers,
and Strabo resumed the leadership. Sulla himself, on the
expiration of his consulship, was summoned to appear on
his defence before the people.
Notwithstanding these ominous incidents, Sulla merely
exacted an oath from the consuls to maintain the exist-
ing constitution, and immediately embarked for the East
(beginning of 87 B.C.).
Social War.Plut. Sull.
7-10 ; Marins, 32-40. Liv. Epit. 72-77.
Veil. ii. 15-19. Appian B. C. i. 37-64. Flor. iii. 18. Eutrop.
v. 3-5.
Lex Licinia Mucia.Cic. de Off. iii. 11.
Cic. de Off. iii. 11. Festus, s.v. Respublica.
Quaestio Varia.Appian B. C. i. 37. Cic. pro Scaur, i. ; Brut.
pro Corn. fr. 27. Ascon in Scaur, in Corn.,
79. Val. Max.
viii. vi. 4.
Asellio. Liv. Ep. 74. Val. Max. ix. vii. 4.
Leges Sulpici<ie.
Plut. Sull. 8.
Liv. Epit. 77.
B. C. i. 55.
Sulla's laws.Appian B. C. i. 59. Fest. s.v. Unciaria.
89 B.C. Declaration of war by Rome.88 b.c. Occupation of Asia
Minor by Mithradates Massacre of Roman citizens. 87 B.C.
Pontic invasion of GreeceArrival of SullaSiege of Athens
and the Piraeeus.86 b.c. Battle of Chaeronea.85 B.C. Battle
of Orchomenus.84 B.C. Conclusion of Peace.
Ever since the beginning of the revolution under Tiberius
Gracchus, Rome had been too much occupied with her
internal affairs to bestow much attention upon the pro-
vinces. During this period important changes had taken
place in the East The two kingdoms of Armenia, which
dated their existence from the war with Antiochus. had
been united under Tigranes, originally king of the north-
eastern portion ; and to him the title of Great Kin<; and the
titular supremacy of Asia now passed Phrygia became,
in the time of Gaius Gracchus, an independent kingdom
in connection with the Roman province of Asia ; but other-
wise Asia remained unchanged, except for the oppression
of the Roman tax-farmers, which was ever growing more
merciless and more intolerable.
The ruler of the kingdom of Pontus was, at that time,
Mithradates VI., surnamed Eupator. After the death of
his father he became a fugitive and a wanderer for seven
years. Eastern legend ascribed to him a stature more
than human, strength and swiftness surpassing that of all
other men, and a constitution inured alike to any fatigue
or excess. He collected Greek and Persian antiquities
and works of art, and kept Greek poets and philosophers
in his train.
As a ruler he does not rise beyond the ordinary
Eastern sultan :
of higher elementsdesire to advance
civilization, earnest leadership of national opposition,
special gifts of geniusthere is no distinct trace."
government is marked by all the ruthless crime usual to
an Eastern despot
the execution or life-long captivity
of mother, brothers, daughters, sons, and of his most
confidential servants.
"What really distinguishes Mithra-
dates is his boundless activity and energy. He extended
the limits of his dominions in every direction, founded
a new empire on the northern sbores of the Black Sea,
and, alone among the princes of the East, was able seri-
ously to contend with the Roman power.
His ancestral
dominion was Pontus, or Cappadocia on
the Black Sea, between Bithynia on the west and Armenia
on the east. It was a iich and fertile country, producing
large quantities of grain and fruit, but almost entirely
destitute of towns properly so called, though there were
numerous fortresses where the peasants might take refuge,
and where the king's treasure was deposited. The real
basis of his wealth and power lay in the flourishing
Greek seaports of Trapezus, Amisus, and Sinope.
Instead of developing the resources of his dominions,
Mithradates devoted himself to extending them. His
first conquest was the district of Colchis with the Greek
town of Dioscurias, east of Pontus. His next enterprise,
which was begun though not completely executed before
the first Roman war, was the foundation of the Bosporan
kingdom in the region of the modern Crimea.
The country north of the Caucasus and the Black Sea
was inhabited by Scythian and Sarmatian tribes, who led
a pastoral life and fought on horseback with sword, lance,
and bow, the ancestors of the modern Cossacks. It was
the relations of the Greek settlements in the Tauric Cher-
sonese with these barbarians which gave
Miihradates his
opportunity. The most important of the Greek cities
were Chersonesus, a free town at the south of the penin-
sula, and Panticapaeum on the European side of the
Cimmerian Bosporus, which ruled the eastern division of
the peninsula, together with Phanagoria and the district
of Sindice on the opposite coast. The inhabitants of these
cities purchased peace from the barbarians by payment
of a tribute, but the exactions and oppressions to which
they had to submit grew heavier and heavier, and they
were glad to be delivered bj the arms of Mithradates, and
to acknowledge his supremacy. The new kingdom, based,
like Pontus, on a number of Greek cities, was called the
Bosporus. It embraced the peninsula and the opposite
coast, and paid an annual tribute of two hundred talents
besides enormous quantities of grain, to the
king. The barbarian tribes acknowledged some sort of
dependence upon Mithradates, and supplied a valuable
recruiting ground.
At the same time Lesser Armenia was annexed to
Pontus. Mithradates gave his daughter in marriage to
Tigranes, king of Greater Armenia, and it was by his help
that Tigranes established his supremacy in Asia.
The king now turned his attention to Paphlagonia and
Cappadocia, and it was his conduct with regard to these
countries which made Roman interference at length
Paphlagonia was claimed by Mithradates as having
been left to his father, Mithradates Euergetes, by will.
He gained over the king of Bithynia by allowing him to
occupy the western half of the kingdom. Cappadocia had
once been united with Pontus, and after the murder of the
Cappadocian king Ariarathes, brother-in-law of Mithra-
dates, and of his young son, the reunion was practically
accomplished. Nominally the country was ruled by a
pseudo-Ariarathes, actually by Gordius, a Cappadocian
instrument, of Mithradates
The Roman senate had been entirely passive during all
these aggressions. Their first interference was in the
wrong direction. In response to an appeal of the Tauric
chieftains, they had ordered Mithradates to restore these
to their old supremacy over the Greek citiesso far were
they from fulfilling their duties to the Hellenic name.
The reunion of Cappadocia at last aroused them to energy.
Paphlagonia was declared independent, and Mithradates
was commanded to evacuate Cappadocia. No army was
sent to enforce these decrees, but the energy of Sulla, the
governor of Cilicia, compelled Mithradates to submit at
all points. The Cappadocian Ariobarzanes was elected
king by the people. Sulla marched to the Euphrates, and
gained great fame by a conference in which, as repre-
sentative of Rome, lie arranged the relations between
Tigranes and the Parthians. This was the first time that
the Romans came into contact with the great nation with
which they were destined to dispute the sovereignty of
the world. Thus the status quo in the East was restored
(b.c. 92).
But Sulla had no sooner retired than Mithradates' ally
Tigranes expelled Ariobarzanes from Cappadocia. This
was followed by fresh disturbances in Bithynia. In
91 B.C.
Nicomedes III. had been recognized as legitimate
king by the Romans ; but his younger brother, Socrates,
displaced him and assumed the throne. In Paphlagonia
the sea-coast was still occupied by Mithradates, and in the
Bosporus he even extended his dominions. Again order
was restored by the commissioner Manius Aquillius, with
the aid of the small Roman force in Asia and the native
levies. Mithradates made no resistance, though he did not
furnish the contingents of troops required of him (b.c.
Though the Italian insurrection was at its height,
Mithradates did not use the opportunity to make open
war on the Romans
none the less did he prosecute his
schemes of territorial conquest. He seems to have fluctu-
ated between a sense of his own weakness and a greedy
desire of aggrandizement. He gave ample excuse for
war to the Romans had they desired it, but yielded at the
first show of energy.
Aquillius was determined to put an end to this unsatis-
factory condition of things
he resolved to make use of
Nicomedes of Bithynia to compel his government to
declare war. Accordingly Nicomedes was instigated to
he occupied the frontier districts of Pontus, and
his ships closed the Bosporus against those of Mithradates.
The latter contented himself with appealing to the Romans.
He was ordered, in any case, to refrain from war against
Nicomedes. Then the king's decision was taken.
son Ariobarzanes was ordered to invade Cappadocia, and
envoys were sent to the Roman envoys to demand their
ultimatum. War now ensued as a matter of course
(B.C. 89).
Mithradates made the most energetic preparations : he
obtained a promise from Tigranes of an auxiliary army
to the Greeks he presented himself, like Philip of Mace-
don, as a deliverer from an alien yoke
and he had hopes
of the revolt of Numidia and Syria, of risings in Thrace
and Macedonia. The Mediterranean swarmed with Pontic
privateers : a foreign corps, composed chiefly of Italian
refugees, was formed in Asia, armed and equipped in the
Roman fashion. The king's infantry is said to have
amounted to 250,000,
and his cavalry to 40,000, while his
fleet numbered 400 vessels.
For the Romans the moment was most unfavourable.
The Italian insurrection was yet unsubdued, and it was
impossible for a Roman army from Italy to arrive, at
earliest, till the summer of 88 B.C. Besides the native
levies there was but a small Roman force in Asia
the Roman officers hoped to protect the Roman province
and maintain their present positions. The Bithynian fleet
still blockaded the Bosporus.
The war began in 88 B.C., and the first operations were
all in favour of Mithradates. He defeated the Bithynians
and captured their military chest. The Roman officers
were everywhere worsted, and had to shut themselves up
in fortified townsin Apamea, in the Phrygian Laodicea,
and in Pergamus. To conciliate the inhabitants, all Asiatic
prisoners were immediately dismissed by the king. The
whole country, to the Maeander, was in his hands. The only
hope of the Romans was in Sulla, and now news arrived of
the Sulpician revolution and of Sulla's march upon Rome.
The Asiatics everywhere sided with Mithradates ; the Ro-
man officers, Quintus Oppius and Aquillius, were delivered
into his hands. In the hour of conquest the savagery of the
king broke forth in a stupendous crime. Orders were issued
from Ephesus that on one and the same day all Italians,
bond and free, should be put to death. Severe penalties
were threatened against any who should shelter the pro-
scribed, and while one half of their property was to go to
the royal treasury, the other half was given over to the
murderers. The orders were strictly carried out, and by
the smallest computation eighty thousand persons perished
in the massacre. The act was one of brutal and impolitic
revenge. By striking not merely at Romans but at all
Italians the king alienated his most important allies.
The new conquests were now organized. Pergamus
became the new capital, the old Pontus was given over to
the sons of
Mithradates, and the other provinces of Asia
Minor became Pontic satrapies. All arrears of taxes were
forgiven, and exemption from all taxes for five years was
promised. Besides the petty ruler of Paphlagonia, the
only communities still adhering to Rome were the city
leagues of Caria and Lycia and the cities of Rhodes and
of Magnesia on the Maeander, which successfully with-
stood all attempts to reduce them.
The king now determined to carry war into Europe and
to occupy Hellas. During the last few years there had
been several inroads of Thracian tribes into Macedonia,
with which Mithradates was probably not unconnected. His
son now advanced by land, subduing the country before
him, and parcelling it into Pontic satrapies. Abdera and
Philippi were made the principal bases for operations, and
the whole Aegean was occupied by the Pontic fleet. All
the islands were occupied and the mainland was soon
attacked. At Athens, Aristion, a philosopher by trade, per-
suaded the people to renounce Roman rule
the Piraeeus
became a Pontic harbour ; and the other free states

Achaia, Boeotia, Laconiafollowed the example of Athens.

The position of the Roman government was critical
three armies were required to keep down Rome, Italy, and
Asia; only one, that of Sulla, was available. Sulla had
to choose between these three tasks. He chose Asia, and in
the spring of 87 B.C., he landed in Epirusbut with only
thirty thousand men : he was without a single ship and
his treasury was empty. But his action was none the
less vigorous : as soon as his proposals for peace on the
basis of the status quo before the war were rejected, he
advanced into Boeotia, defeated the Pontic generals, and
quickly possessed himself of the whole of the mainland
except Athens and Piraeeus, which he failed to carry by
assault. He then established camps at Eleusis and
Megara, and proceeded to besiege the city and port of
Athens. The siege of Athens was long and tedious. The
Pontic relieving army was overthrown under the walls of
the city; but abundant supplies arrived at the Piraeeus
by sea, and considerable quantities even reached Athens.
The winter passed without result : all the Roman assaults
on the Piraeeus were repulsed, and the siege was turned
into a blockade. Athens at length made overtures of
surrender; but when there was delay in accepting Sulla's
terms, the city was captured by escalade. It was plundered
and the ringleaders of the insurrection executed ; but
the Athenians were allowed to retain their liberty and their
possessions, including Delos, just presented to them by
Mithradates. Thus once more was Athens
saved by
its illustrious dead" (86
The Piraeeus still held out, and a fleet became impera-
tively necessary to prevent supplies from entering by sea.
Lucullus had been despatched to raise ships, but the
Egyptian court refused his request for aid. Sulla was
compelled to confiscate the temple treasures to supply his
needs, and compensated the gods by devoting to them one
half of the territory of Thebes. The worst blow was the
news of the democratic revolution at Rome, and the trans-
ference of the Eastern command from Sulla to Flaccus.
From these difficulties Sulla was extricated by the rash-
ness of Mithradates, who forbade his generals to act on the
defensive, and ordered them to crush Sulla at once. An
army of over 100,000 men, under Taxiles, arrived at
Thermopylae ; Archelaus evacuated the Piraeeus and joined
the main army. In the plain of the Cephissus the great
battle of Chaeronea was fought. The Pontic forces were
three times as numerous as the Roman, and were especially
superior in cavalry, so that Sulla had to protect his flank
by trenches ; and in front, between his first? and second
lines, palisades were erected.
The battle began with the advance of the Pontic war
chariots ; the Roman first line immediately retired behind
the palisade, while the Roman slingers and archers poured
their missiles on the enemy, and drove them back upon
their own line, which was thus broken. Arihtlaus hur-
riedly brought up his cavalry from the flanks and made
them charge, to give time for the infantry to recover. The
Roman line was broken, but still offered stubborn resist-
ance. At this moment Sulla, on the right, charged with his
cavalry the exposed flank of the enemy ; the confusion
into which their infantry were thrown spread to the
cavalry, and the Roman infantry seized the moment for a
general charge. The rout was complete
the Pontic camp
was captured and the remnant of the army pursued to the
The effect of the victory was slight

partly for want of

a fleet, partly because of the approach of Flaccus, who was
now in Thessaly. For some days the two Roman armies
were encamped opposite to each other
but the soldiers of
Flaccus began to desert, and he turned northwards, intend-
ing to march through Thrace to Asia. Sulla, from what-
ever motives, remained at Athens for the winter.
In the spriug of the next year a second Pontic army
reached Boeotia by way of Euboea, where it was joined by
the relics of the army of Archelaus ; the latter
was suspected of treason by his master, and the most
peremptory orders were given to fight a derisive battle.
The armies met in the same plain of the Cephissusnear
Orchomenus. The Pontic cavalry caused the Roman line
to waver by the fury of its charges
but Sulla rallied
his soldiers in person,the horse were driven back and the
defeat of the infantry was then an easy task. The Pontic
camp was stormed on the next day ; the army was almost
annihilated. The Boeotian communities were severely
punished for their defection, many being almost totally
destroyed. The way was now open through Macedonia
and Thrace
Philippi and Abdera were occupied, and the
winter, 85-84 B.C., was consumed by Sulla in preparing
fleet for the next year's campaign in Asia.
During the course of the war in Europe circumstances
had greatly changed in Asia Minor. The hopes with
which the Asiatic communities had hailed their deliverer
were bitterly disappointed : the Roman whips
were as
nothing to the Pontic scorpions, and even the long suffering
Asiatics were driven to revolt. The most anarchical decrees
were issued by the new sovereign, giving independence to
the revolting communities, full remission of debts to debtors,
lands to the poor and liberty to slaves. All manner of
outrage and violence was the consequence. The most im-
portant mercantile cities, Smyrna, Ephesus, Snrdes, revolted
from the king. At Adramyttium the whole of the senate
were put to death by his ordei-s. The Chians, suspected of
disloyalty, were first heavily fined, and then deported to
the coast of Colchis. A massacre of Celtic chiefs in Asia
was- planned and carried out, in order to convert Galatia
into a Pontic province. But those who escaped raised the
powerful Celtic tribes and expelled the Pontic governor.
At the same time, the king was hard pressed by the
Romans by sea and land. Lucullus Lad at length suc-
in raising a considerable fleet, and Lad wrested
several islands from the enemy. The army of Ftaccus had
reached CLalcedon in 86 B.C., but a mutiny Lad deposed
Flaccus and placed Fimbria in command, and tLe new
general Lad defeated tLe youngerMitLradates and dislodged
tLe king himself from Pergamus
and it was only tLrough
tLe refusal of tLe Optimate Lucullus to co-operate witL tLe
democrat Fimbria tLat MitLradates was enabled to escape to
Mitylene. TLus, by tLe end of 85 B.C., Europe was entirely
lost to MitLradates ; and of Asia Minor tLe greater part
was in revolt or occupied by the Romans. TLe fleet of
Lucullus fougLt two successful engage ments off tLe
Trojan coast, and, wLen joined by tLe fresL vessels
equipped by Sulla in Tbessaly, completely commanded tLe
MitLradates now opened negotiations for peace. He
applied to botL Sulla and Fimbria, but Le knew well that
it was Sulla with whom Le Lad really to reckon.
TLe king offered Sulla Lis aid against the democratic
party at Rome in return for tLe cession of Asia to himself.
But Sulla refused to cede one foot of ground, and would
take nothing but the following terms :
Restoration of
all the king's conquests, both continental and insular.
Surrender of prisoners and deserters, and of the Pon-
tic fleet.
Pay and provisions for the army, and a war
indemnity of three tbousand talents
("4) TLe
CLians to be restored to tbeir homes, and the Macedonian
refugees, friendly to Rome, to be allowed to return.
Tbese negotiations were carried on at Delium, but
Archelaus could not at first persuade his master to agree.
Sulla meanwhile proceeded to settle Macedonian affairs,
and set out witL fleet and army for tLe Hellespont. At
last MitLradates was brougbt to consent. But Sulla's march
was still continued
he crossed the Hellespont, and at
Dardanus concluded peace, orally, with MitLradates. At
lengtL Le encamped close to Fimbria, at TLyntira, near
Pergamus. Fimbria's troops refused to attack tLe Sullan
army, and an attempt to assassinate Sulla failed. When
Sulla refused a conference, Fimbria gave up all for lost,
and fell upon his sword
the main body of the troops
joined Sulla, while those who were most deeply com-
promised repaired to Mithradates.
The settlement of Asia was now proceeded with. Two
legions were left under command of Lucius Licinius
Murena, and their interference was, in some cases, neces-
sary to enforce the Sullan regulations The most impor-
tant of these were as follows:
The revolutionary
decrees of Mithradates were cancelled.
The most
prominent adherents of the king and the authors of the
massacre of the Italians were put to death.
arrears of tithes and customs for the last five years were
exacted, together with a war indemnity of twenty thousand
(4,880,000) (4)
The few faithful communities
Rhodes, the province of Lycia, Magnesia on the Maeander
wererewarded, and compensation was made to the Chians
and to the people of Ilium for the exceptional cruelty with
which they had been treated.
During the winter of 84-83 B.C. Sulla allowed his troops
to enjoy luxurious winter quarters in Asia, and in the
spring transferred them across the Aegean and the Adriatic
to Brundisium.
Pint. Sull. 11-27. Lucull. 2-4. Appian Mithr. 1-63. Liv. Epit.
76-78, 81-83. Flor. iii. 5. Veil. ii. 18. Justin, xxxvii. i. 7-m.
xxxviii. i.-viii. Plin. N. H. xxv. 2. Gell. xvii. 17. Val. Max.
7 ;
ix. 2. Strab. xii. 545 ; vii. 306, 307, 309-312 ; xi. 499
xii. 540, 541, 555, 562. Eutrop. v. 5. Memn. v. 5. Dio. fr.
99-105. Pro L. Manil. 3. Pro Flacc. 24, 25. Tac. Ann. iv. 14.
peace.Appian Mithr. 55.
Asia.Appian Mithr. 61, 62.
87 B.C. Cinnan revolutionReturn of MariusReign of terror.

86-84 b.c. Despotism of CinnaMost of the provinces adhere

to the senate.

83 b.c. Sulla lands at BrundisiumHis modera-

tion and military successes.82 B.C. Further Sullan successes
Battle of the Colline Gate. 82-80
B.C. Remaining opposition
to Sulla crushed in various quarters.
The departure of Sulla left Italy full of the discontented
elements from which revolution might be expected to
arise. The Italian revolt still smouldered dangerously in
many quarters, and the principal army was in the hands
of a general whose loyalty to the senate was doubtful
The capitalists had suffered greatly through the severe
financial crisis. The insurgents who had laid down their
arms since the expiration of the sixty days
appointed by
the Lex Plautia et Papiria were in the position of dedi-
ticiithat is of subjects entirely destitute of rights. The
new citizens and the freedmen were exasperated by the
cancelling of the Sulpician laws
while the large class of
those who adhered to the men outlawed by Sulla after
the revolution of Sulpicius were bent on obtaining the
recall of their banished friends.
So far as the malcontents had a common aim, they were
united upon this last point of the recall of the exiles
the movement was mainly one of pure discontent, and had
no distinct political object. Its aimlessness is shown by
the character of the person chosen to lead itLucius Cor-
nelius Cinna. He was unknown except as an officer in the
social war; he had no political aim but that of vulgar
selfishness, and is said to have been bought over by the
party of Marhis merely because the restriction of the
power of tribunes made it necessary for the conspirators
to have a consul as their instrument. There were abler
men in the second rank of the conspiracyGnaeus Papirius
Carbo, a powerful popular orator, and Quintus Sertorius,
a man of the highest ability and integrity.
Immediately on Sulla's departure
B.C.) the conspira-
tors took action. Cinna, supported by the majority of the
tribunes, proposed two laws :
the re-enactment of
the Sulpician law permitting the enrolment of the freed-
men and the new citizens in any of the tribes :
the Sulpician exiles should be recalled and restored to
"their rights.
On the day of voting both sides appeared in arms. The
senatorial tribunes vetoed the new law. When swords
were drawn, the bands of the other consul, Octavius, cleared
the Forum, and committed the most frightful atrocities on
the assembled multitude. Ten thousand persons are said
to have been slain. There was no legal means of proceed-
ing against the conspirators, but a prophet opportunely
gave out that the banishment of Cinna and of six tribunes
was necessary for the peace of the country, and a decree of
outlawry was accordingly passed by the senate against these
persons. Lucius Cornelius Merula was chosen consul in
place of Cinna.
But the senate omitted to expel the new exiles from
Italy, and they appeared in Tibur, in Praeneste,and in all the
new burgess communities of Latium and Campania, asking
money and arms for the common cause. The army besieging
]N"ola, induced partly by their own democratic leanings,
partly by the bribes of the exiles, made common cause
with Cinna, and furnished a valuable nucleus for the
recruits who soon flocked in. Cinna now moved towards
Rome, and was soon joined by fresh forces from the north.
Marius and the refugees of the previous year had landed
in Etruria with a body of five hundred horse. He now
ordered the ergastula, or prisons in which the slaves were
confined at night, to be broken open
and soon gathered
round him a force of six thousand men
he also contrived
to collect a force of forty ships, with which he intercepted
the corn supply of Rome. He placed himself at the
disposal of Cinna, though the wiser leaders, like Sertorius,
saw the imprudence of associating themselves with so
dangerous a man.
democratic forces gathered round the city, and the
senate appealed to Strabo for protection. He pitched his
camp at the Coliine Gate, but refrained from battle, and
allowed the
insurgents to invest the city Cinna was
posted on the right bank of the river, opposite the Jani-
Sertorius on the left bank, by the Servian wall.
Marius increased his fleet and his army, and gained pos-
session of Ostia, which was plundered. Strabo, though he
resisted the attack of the insurgents, remained inactive, and
demanded the consulship for the next year But this the
senate refused, and sought help elsewhere. A decree was
passed conferring the franchise on all the Italian allies
who had forfeited their old treaties. This was meant to
gratify one large and important class of malcontents, but
the concession did not produce more than ten thousand
men. Negotiations were opened with the Samnites, in
order to make the troops of Metellus in that quarter
available for the defence of the city
but the Samnite
terms were too humiliating, and when Metellus marched
to Rome, leaving behind him a small division, the latter
was at once attacked and defeated. Moreover, Cinna and
Marius granted all that the Samnites required and were
reinforced by a Samnite contingent.
The insurgents were already in
possession of the sea,
and the land communications were soon cut off by the
capture of Ariminum, which shut off the supplies of food
and men expected from the region of the Po
they also held
Antium, Lanuvium, and Aricia, which closed all approaches
from the south. At the same time a terrible pestilence
broke out among the troops of the city, by which seventeen
thousand men perished. The sudden death of Strabo was,
no doubt, a relief to the government ; his troops were
incorporated with those of Octavius, but their temper was
such that the consul dared not fight. The Optimates were
at variance with each other : Octavius opposed all con-
cession, while Metellus was in favour of compromise. The
soldiers first besought
Metellus to take over the command,
then, on his refusal, deserted in large numbers. At length
the government was
compelled to think of surrender.
Envoys were sent to Cinna, but, while the negotiations
dragged on, Cinna moved close up to the city gates, and
desertions became so common that the senate was reduced
to unconditional surrender. Cinna promised, at the
entreaty of the senate, to abstain from bloodshed ; but
Marius kept an ominous silence.
Marius scoffingly refused to set foot in the city till his
sentence of exile had been revoked ; and a hurried assembly
was held m the Forum, and the necessary decree passed.
The old man at length entered, and the work of blood-
shed began The gates were closed, and the slaughter
was uninterrupted for five days , but, for months after-
wards, individuals who had escaped at first were put to
death. Gnaeus Octavius was the first victim , others of
the illustrious slain were Lucius Caesar, consul in 90 B.C.,
and the victor of Acerrae ; Marcus Antonius, the first
pleader of his time , Lucius Merula, Cinna's successor
and Quintus Catulus, Marius' colleague in the Cimbiian
wars. The fury of Marius amounted to madness
he could
scarce be restrained from hunting out the bitterest of his
enemies and slaying them with his own hand ; he forbade
the burial of the bodies, and had the corpse of Caius
Caesar stabbed afresh at the tomb of Quintus Varius.
The man who presented to him, as he sat at table, the head
of Antonius was publicly embraced. His own associates
were appalled at his frenzy, but rone had the courage or
the power to oppose him, and he was even elected consul
with Cinna for the following year He lived to enter upon
his seventh consulship ; the few remaining days of his
life were passed in a delirium which ended in a burning
fever He expired on the 13th of January, 86 B.C.
died in full possession of what he called power and
honour, and in his bed , but Nemesis assumes various
shapes, and does not always requite blood with blood.
Was there no sort of retaliation in the fact that Rome
and Italy now breathed more freely on the news of the
death of the famous deliverer of the people, than at the
tidings of the battle on the Randine plain ?
With the death of Marius the massacre ceased ; though
there were individual instances of murder. Thus Fimbria
attempted to kill the revered pontifex maximus, Quintus
Scaevola, whom even Marius had spared ; but Sertorius
secured the public tranquillity by calling together the
Marian slaves, to the number of four thousand, and having
them cut down by his Celtic troops.
During the next three years Cinna enjoyed a power as
absolute and despotic as any ever exercised by the tyrant
of a Greek city. He was consul each year, and nominated
himself and his colleague without going through the form
of consulting the people. During this period he gave no
sign of any definite political plan or aim : no attempt was
made to reorganize the constitution and to place the new
government on a firm basis. Only the reactionary measures
of Sulla were annulled, and a few laws passed as the
exigencies of the moment demanded.
1. The law of Sulpicius, granting to the new burgesses
and to the freed men equality with the old citizens, was
revived and confirmed by the senate, and censors were
appointed to distribute the Italians among the thirty-five
2. It was at this time probably that the restrictions on
the largesses of corn, introduced on the outbreak of the
Social war, were removed.
3. The old design of Gracchus for the colonization of
Capua was carried out.
4. All debts were reduced to one-fourth of their nominal
No steps were taken to secure the support of either
senate or equites, or to regulate the position of the
Samnites, who, though nominally Roman citizens, were
really Rome's bitterest enemies, and whose one aim was
still their country's independence. The real strength of
the government lay in the new citizens, with whose
privileges its existence appeared bound up
while many
of the old citizens acquiesced, because they saw that a
restoration of the Sullan constitution meant a fresh reign
of terror under the opposite party.
Most of the provinces adhered to the oligarchy. Quintus
Metellus and the young Marcus Crassus attempted to hold
Africa for the same party," but were compelled to submit
to the revolutionary governor. Most of the senatorial
refugees fled to Macedonia, which was to some extent in
Sulla's power. Sulla, like many of the refugees, was
outlawed and deprived of his command ; but the govern-
rnent took no adequate steps to enforce its decrees, so that
Sulla was enabled to finish his work: in the East without
serious opposition. In 8-4 B.c he addressed a letter to the
senate, announcing his return to Italy. He promised to
respect the rights of the new
burgesses, and that the
inevitable punishment, should fall, not on the rank and file,
but on the leaders of the revolution.
On the arrival of
this letter, Cinna hastily set out for Ancora, intending to
cross the Adriatic , but his troops mutinied and he
himself was killed. His colleague, Carbo, abandoned the
idea of carrying war iuto Greece, and went into winter
quarters at Ariminum. Meanwhile the moderate party
had tried to bring about a compromise, but without
success, Sulla's envoys were not admitted into the city,
and he was summoned to lay down his arms. For
the year 83 B.c consular elections were once more held :
the choice fell upon Lucius Scipio and Gains Norbanns

neither of them men of capacity The delay caused by

Sulla's crossing into Asia was utilized at Koine in making
energetic preparations for war, and 100,000 men are said
to have been under arms at Sulla's landing.
Against this force Sulla had barely forty thousand men,
all of them veterans, it is true, and devoted heart and soul
to their leader and to him alone. But still Sulla saw that
these numbers would be powerless against a united Italy,
and he took measures to gain over the strength of the
nationthe mass of respectable men who desired nothing
but peace and quiet, and the new burgesses who feared for
their new privileges. Accordingly he offered unconditional
pardon to all who would break off from the revolutionary
government; he made the most binding declarations to
maintain the privileges of the new citizens, and caused his
soldiers to swear singly to welcome all Italians as friends
and fellow-citizens.
In the spring of 83 B.C. Sulla landed at Brundisium with-
out opposition ; the town opened its gates to him, and all
Apulia followed its example. Many members of the
oligarchical party, like Quintus Metellus and Marcus
Crassus, and some deserters from the democratic ranks,
repaired to Sulla's camp, but brought no appreciable
increase to his numbers.
By far the most important accession was that of the
Gnaeus Pompeius, by whose exertions the district of
Piceuum was induced to declare for Sulla. Pompeius had
made bis peace with the revolution, but the part which
father, Strabo, had played against Cinna was not
forgotten : an indictment, charging him to give up the
booty said to have been embezzled by his father at
Asculum, threatened his ruin, from which he was only
saved by the protection of Carbo As soon as Sulla
itiuaed in Italy, Pompeius repaired to Picenum, raised
the oligarchical standard at Auximum, and gathered
ronnd him a force of three legions, with which he
skilfully effected a junction with Sulla in
Apulia Sulla
received him with great honour, and rebuked
the slack-
ness of the rest of his partisans by greeting
the young
commander with the title of Imperator
Thus reinforced, Sulla advanced into Campania ; the
army of Norbanus was at Capua, that of Scipio was
advancing along the Via Appia from Rome But before its
arrival Norbanus had been crushed, and the remnants of
his army were blockaded in Capua and Neapolis. Sulla
hurried to Teauum, where Scipio was posted, and made
proposals for peace; an armistice was concluded, and a
personal conference took place between the two generals,
while the soldiers of the two armies mingled as they
pleased. An agreement was almost concluded, and envoys
were sent to procure the opinion of Norbanus at Capua
but the negotiations, after all, fell through, and Scipio
denounced the armistice. Sulla hereupon maintained that
the agreement had already been actually concluded The
imprudence of allowing the common soldiers to fraternize
was now forcibly demonstrated, and Scipio's soldiers passed
over to Sulla in a body The consul was required to
resign his office, and was escorted to a place of safety.
Sulla and Metellns took up winter quarters in Campania,
and maintained the blockade of Capua.
Thus the first campaign had ended in the submission of
Apulia, Picennm, and Campania, and the discomfiture of
both consular armies. The Italian communities already
began to negotiate with Sulla, and had their rights secured
to them by separate formal treaties. Sulla boasted that
in the next year he would march into Rome, and overthrow
the revolutionary government.
The government made the greatest preparations for
the next campaign. The consuls were Carbo and the
younger Marius
Sertorius was sent to raise new levies
in Etruria
the gold and silver in the temples was melted
new divisions came from Umbria and the Po. But,
most important of all, the most strenuous exertions were
made in Samnium and Lucania. It was well understood
that Sulla would not, like the Cinnan government,
acquiesce in the independence of these districts, and they
made ready for a renewal of their old struggle against the
hated Latin race.
For the campaign of 82 B.C. the army of the Optimates
was divided : Metellus, resting on Picenum, advanced
towards Upper Italy
the main body, with Sulla, marched
straight upon Rome. Near Signia he came upon the
enemy under Marius, who retired to Sacriportus and drew
up his line of battle. The icaue was not long doubtful,
and was made certain by the desertion of one of the
divisions of Marius. By this battle the capital was lost,
and Marius sent orders to the praetor Lucius Brutus
Damasippus to evacuate it, after putting to death all the
notable men of the other party. Among the victims of
this latest massacre were the pontifex maximus, Quintus
Scaevola, who had so narrowly escaped the vengeance of
Fimbria. Sulla left behind Quintus Ofella to blockade
Praeneste, into which Marius had thrown himself, and
pushed on to Rome, which offered no resistance ; he then
hurried on to Etruria.
This march of Sulla northward altered the position of
affairs, and three Sullan armies, from Gaul, Umbria, and
Rome, were now advancing upon Carbo in Etruria. On
the side of Gaul, Metellus
sailed with the fleet to
Ravenna, cut off the communications of the enemy with
Ariminum, and sent forward a division to Placentia.
Pompeius and Crassus penetrated from
Picenum into
Umbria, and shut up the lieutenant of Carbo at Spole-
tium, whence however he subsequently escaped to join
Carbo. Lastly, Sulla, advancing from Rome in two divi-
sions, fell in with Carbo near Clusium, but was so far
unsuccessful that he was unable to continue his advance.
Meanwhile the democratic party were making every
effort to relieve Praeneste, but without success ; help was
sent from Sicily and from Carbo, but did not reach the
town. In the south, however, a large force of Samnites
and Lueanians, which, with reinforcements from Capua,
is said to have amounted to seventy thousand men,
could not be prevented from marching to the relief;
and Sulla was obliged to hurry from Etruria, and take up
a strong position south of Praeneste to intercept them;
and in this position both sides for the present remained.
In the region of the Po the Sullans had -rained great
successes. Marcus Lucullus, the lieutenant of Metellus, was
at first shut up in Placentia, while Norbanus advanced
upon Metellus himself. But Xorbanus was completely
defeated, and deserted by his Lueanian troops
and Lu-
cullus was emboldened to make a sally in which he
defeated the troops left behind to blockade him. Arinii-
n um was occupied by Metellus, and the whole country
from the Apennines to the Alps was reduced to sub-
The troops of Metellus were now available for service
in Etruria
but Carbo, on receiving the news, departed
secretly and embarked for Africa. His abandoned troops
either dispersed or were destroyed by the enemy ; only a
small remnant joined the army of Praeneste.
The democratic army of Praeneste was now in danger
of being caught in a net
the arrival of Metellus it
might be completely surrounded. In his desperation,
Pontius of Telesia, the Samnite general, resolved to throw
himself upon Rome, which was but one day's march distant.
From a military point of view the step was ruinous ; even
if successful the democratic army must be crushed at
Rome, wedged in between the armies of Sulla and of
Metellus. But the measure was dictated, not by policy,
but by revenge
it was the last outbreak of revolutionary
fury and of Samnite hatred.
On the 1st of November, Pontius, with the Lueanian
general Lamponius, and the democratic commanders
Damasippus and Carrinas, encamped close to the Colline
Gate. The force which sallied from the city was scattered
like chaff, and the citizens gave way to despair. But
before morning a body of horse appeared, which proved
to be Sulla's advanced guard under Balbus, and before
noon Sulla arrived in person. He had set out imme-
diately on hearing of the departure of the Samnites, and,
in spite of his forced march, immediately drew up his
army in line, and ordered the attack. The battle lasted
the whole night through, and into the following morning.
The left wing, under Sulla, was driven back, aud the battle
was reported to be lost; but the right wing, under Crassus,
its opponents and pursued them to Antemnae, and
gradually the left wing likewise gained ground. The defec-
tion of a division of three thousand of the enemy decided
the issue, and Rome was saved. The insurgents were all
but extirpated. The three or four thousand prisoners
who were takenincluding Damasippus, Carrinas, and
Pontiuswere, on the third day after the battle, massacred
Sulla's orders, in the Campus Martius.
Praeneste surrendered on the news of this disaster, and
the leaders put themselves to death. Of the twelve
thousandprisoners, alltheRoman senators, all the Simnites,
and most of the Praenestines were slaughtered, and the
town was given up to pillage. Capua was voluntarily
surrendered, but other towns made the most obstinate
resistance. Nola was not evacuated till the year 80 B.C.
As to S imnium, Sulla declared that the very name ought
to be extirpated; he invaded the country, and made it a
as it has remained to this day. In Etruria a long
resistance was offered by some towns. Volaterrae stood
a siege of nearly three years, and the garrison was mas-
sacred after a free departure had been granted to it.
Of the provinces there still remained Sicily, Spain, and
Africa to be subdued. Gnaeus Pompeius was seut to
Sicily with six legions, and the island was immediately
evacuated by the governor Perpenna
B.C.). Pompeius
then proceeded to Africa where he defeated the forces
of the governor Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus,and Hiarbas
the usurping king of Numidia, and captured their camp.
Hiempsal was restored to the kingdom of Numidia, and
various Gaetulian tribes, hitherto independent, were made
subject to him. In forty days the war in Africa was at
an end
In Spain, Sertorius was too weak to resist the
Sullan officers, and, on his departure, both provinces
willingly submitted
At the close of the African campaign Pompeius had
been ordered to break up his armya command at which
both general and soldiers were discontented. Pompeius
desired a triumph, though, as an extraordinary officer,
he had no legal claim to the honour. Sulla, however,
yielded to his wish, and Pompeius could boast of having
been the first Roman who had enjoyed a triumph before
he was a senator. It was now that Pompeius was saluted
by Sulla by the surname of Magnus.
In the East there had been no cessation of warfare;
the carrying out of Sulla's regulations had in many cases
to be accomplished by force ; and fresh difficulties had
arisen with Mithradates. The king was preparing an
expedition into his Bosporan kingdom
and Murena, the
governor of Asia, perhaps fearing lest the preparations
were really directed against Rome, had crossed the
Pontic frontier. Mithradates complained to the Roman
government; and Sulla had sent envoys to dissuade the
governor, who nevertheless continued his advance Mithra-
dates now resolved to repel him by force, and Murena was
driven over the frontier with great loss
(82 B.C.).
Peace was now renewed with Mithradates ; and at last
the ten years of war and insurrection which had convulsed
the whole Roman world were at end.
General.Liv. Epit. 79, 80,
82-89. Appian B. C. i. 64-96. Licin-
ianus fragg. Plut. Marius, 40-end ; Sull. 27-32
Sertor. 4-7
Pomp. 5-8. Flor. iii. 21. Veil. ii. 18, 20, 23, 24, 28. Dio, fr.
102, 106-109. Eutrop. v. 4-9. Cic. Philipp. viii. 2.
Cinna's proposed laws.Appian B. C. i. 63, 64. Dio. fr. 102-108.
Veil. ii. 20.
Civitas conferred on dediticii.Liv. Epit. 80. Cic. Phil. xii. 11, 27.
Capua.Cic. de Leg. Agr. ii.
33, sqq
debts. Veil. ii. 23.
Bulla'8 promise to maintain rights

Liv. Epit. 86.

Solla's officeMeasures of punishment and rewardConstitutional
changesThe senateThe comitiaThe magistratesReform
of criminal jurisdictionReform of the municipal system

Sulla's retirementHis character and career

His workHis
The problem which lay beyond Sulla after his victories
was vast beyond conceptionit was the reconstruction of
a whole state in ruins.
About the time," says Mommsen,
when the first pitched battle was fought between Romans
and Romans, in the night of the 6th July, 83 B.C., the
venerable temple which had been erected by the kings,
dedicated by the youthful republic, and spared by the
storms of five hundred years,the temple of the Roman
Jupiter in the Capitol,

perished in the flames. It was no

augury ; but it was an image of the state of the Roman
Constitution That, too, lay in ruins, and needed reconstruc-
tion." The mass of the aristocratic party had no idea of
the magnitude of the task. They imagined that now, when
the revolution had been suppressed, it would be enough to
return to the old lines, taking precautions against similar
outbreaks in future. Hence it was that Sulla chose his
instruments, with the exception of Quintus Metellus, from
the moderate party, or from the deserters from the demo-
cratic campLucius Flaccus, Lucius Philippus, Quintus
Ofella, Gnaeus Pompeius. Sulla was quite in earnest
about restoring the old constitution
bnt he alone saw the
enormous difficulties of restoration. He saw clearly that
comprehensive concession and energetic repression were
alike necessary. He also saw that the senate would
mutilate every measure of either kind, and that it was
necessary to accomplish the work by his own hand, with-
out check or hindrance. At the same time, even Sulla
was far from grasping the whole truth about the condition
of the empire
otherwise he must have given up the work
in despair. In fact, the constitution was past reconstruc-
the ancient polity had broken down irretrievably;
economic causes had corrupted or destroyed every class in
the statearistocracy, middle class, and lower class
where no class in the state remained sound, absolute rule
by the authority and intelligence of a single man alone
remained possible. But not for another generation was
this truth to be brought home in all its remorseless
The authority with which Sulla was at present provided
was the purely military proconsulship. It was necessary
that he should be endowed with an office which should
preserve as far as possible constitutional forms, and yet be
powerful enough to coerce both friends and foes. Sulla
accordingly requested the senate to place the regulation of
the state in the hands of a single man with unlimited
powers, and intimated that he considered himself qualified
for the task. The senate directed the interrex Lucius Vale-
rius Flaccus to propose a law to the people, conferring upon
Sulla the
dictatorship for the making of laws and the
regulation of the commonwealth," and approving, retrospec-
tively, of all his acts as consul or proconsul. His office
was unlimited in point of time, and included absolute
power to dispose of the lives and property of the citizens
and of the state lands. He might alter the boundaries of
the city, of Italy, or of the empire; dissolve or establish
communities in Italy ; regulate the provinces and depen-
confer the imperium on whom he pleased, and
nominate proconsuls and propraetors. Lastly, he might
regulate the state by new laws. This new office took its
name from the old dictatorship, obsolete since the Hanni-
balian war. The boundlessness of its power recalled the
old decemviri legibus scribundis
but in reality it was
nothing but the monarchy.
The protector of the oli-
garchic constitution had himself to come forward as a
tyrant, in order to avert the ever-imper.ding tyrannies.
There was no little of defeat in this last victory of the
The work of punishment was first taken in hand. Sulla
was not of a vindictive temperament
even after his
landing in Italy he had shown himself ready to forget and
forgive,but the democrats had used their last moments of
power to set on foot fresh massacres, and henceforth Sulla
showed no mercy. He immediately outlawed all civil and
military officers who had taken part in favour of the revo-
lution after the convention with Scipio, and any other
citizens who had actively aided the cause. A reward of
twelve thousand denarii
was offered to the
murderer of any of these outlaws
sheltering them was
forbidden under the severest penalties
their property was
forfeited to the state, their children and grandchildren
excluded from a political career; and this confiscation was
also extended to the property of those who had fallen
during the war. Sulla caused a list of the proscribed to
be posted up, and fixed the 1st of Jnne, 81 B.C., as the day
for closing it. It was said at last to have amounted to
4700 names.
The fury of the persecution fell primarily upon the
Marians. The tomb of Marius himself was broken open,
and his ashes scattered. His nephew was executed with
torments at the tomb of Catulus. Of the leaders of the first
rank few remained
but other classes suffered severely.
Sixteen hundred equites who had speculated in the
Marian confiscations were upon the list, and the profes-
sional accusers were largely represented. The heads
of the slain were publicly piled at the junction of the Vicus
Jugarius with the Forum. Bands of soldiers ravaged all
Italy to earn the rewards of murder, and many, even of
the oligarchy, fell victims to private revenge.
In the disposal of the confiscated property the greatest
abuses prevailed. Sulla himself, and his immediate
dependents and connections, bought largely, and bad the
purchase-money wholly or partially remitted. If there
was any difference between the Marian and the Sullan
reign of terror, it was that Marius murdered to satisfy his
personal vengeance, while Sulla showed no personal
feeling, but regarded the work almost as a political
With regard to the new citizens, the general rule was
laid down that every citizen of an Italian community was
ipso facto
a citizen of Rome
all distinctions between
citizens and alliesbetween citizens old and newwere
abolished. Bat the freedmenwere restricted, as before, to
their old four tribes. There were, however, exceptions to
the general rule
particular communities were punished,
or, less frequently, rewarded. For instance, Brundisium
obtained exemption from customs
but, of the guilty com-
munities, many had to pay fines, to raze their walls, or to
forfeit a part or the whole of their lands. Praeneste and
Spoletium,Florentia, Faesulae, Arretium,Volaterrae,all fell
under the last penalty. The dispossessed burgesses were
placed in the position of Latins of the lowest class, with
the additional hardship that they were attached to no
particular community, but were without either home or
The lands thus confiscated were mainly utilized in
settling the soldiers of the victorious army, mostly in
Etruria, Latium, and Campania ; and in many cases, as
in the Gracchan colonies, the settlers were attached to
existing communities. The number of allotments is stated
at 120,000. This arrangement was made by Sulla with
varied objects. Firstly, he redeemed the pledge given to
his soldiers ; secondly, he carried out the idea of the
moderate conservative party of strengthening the class of
small proprietors in Italyan idea which he had attempted
to realize in 88 B.C. To accomplish this object the settlers
were forbidden to sell their allotments Lastly, and this
was no doubt the strongest reason, the new colonists
formed standing garrisons, as it were, for the support of
the restored constitution ; and for this reason, where they
were attached to an old community, as at Pompeii, the new
citizens were not amalgamated with the old, but formed
a separate body within the same enclosing wall. Very
similar in its aim was the object of another act of Sulla's
the manumission of a body of ten thousand of the
slaves of the proscribed, who formed a body-guard in
support of the oligarchy, and a garrison for the capital.
Sulla now destroyed at one blow the constitution so
carefully built up by Gaius Gracchus, and restored in all
its plenitude the rule of the senate. Gracchus had bribed
the mob of the capital into quiescence by introducing
free distributions of corn
these were now
abolished. Gracchus had organized the order of equesv
trians, and tried to give them a definite place in the con-
stitution by introducing the system of farming
the taxes
of the provinces, by entrusting to them the functions of
jurymen, and by assigning them a special place in the
theatre at popular festivals. Sulla abolished the farming
system, and converted the former taxes into fixed tributes
the jurymen were now taken from the senatorial order
alone , and the equites were deprived of their seats of
honour in the theatre, and relegated to the ordinary
benches. The senate was henceforth to be the only
privileged order.
In order to fill up the fearfully reduced numbers of the
senate, probably also with the intention of permanently
increasing the number of its members, three hundred new
senators were nominated by the tribes from men of
equestrian censuschiefly from the younger men of the
senatorial houses, and from Sullan officers whom the late
events had brought into prominence. At the same time,
the mode of admission to the senate was changed.
Hitherto, men had entered the senate either by summons
from the censors, or by holding one of the curule magis-
traciesthe consulship, the praetorship, or the aedileship
the tribunate and quaestorship gave no right to a seat, but
the choice of the censors was generally directed towards
men who had held these offices. The censorial functions
of appointing to the senate and of deleting from its roll
were now set aside ; the senatorial seat was taken from
the aediles and given to the quaestors, who were now
raised from eight to twenty in number. Several im-
portant results followed from these regulations. In the
first place, the abolition of the censorial deletion made the
senator irremovable. Secondly, the number of members
was considerably increased : hitherto the average number
had probably been something below three hundred ; in
Cicero's time a full meeting consisted of 417 members.
Thirdly, as both the new extraordinarily nominated senators
and the augmented body of quaestors were nominated
the comitia tributa, the senate was now thoroughly
on popular election.
The comitia tributa remained, as before, formally
sovereign ; but the initiative of the senate in all legislation
was solemnly enacted. This was sufficient to exclude the
people from interference in administration, or in criminal
jurisdiction, and the voice of the people was confined
practically to giving assent to alterations in the consti-
The right of the people to elect magistrates in the
comitia centuriata was not interfered with by Sulla, nor
did he even attempt, as in 88 B.C., to restore the old Servian
voting arrangements ; but the election to the priestly
offices was entirely taken from the tribes, and the right of
co-optation restored to the sacerdotal colleges. At the same
time, various restrictions were imposed or confirmed afresh
with regard to the qualifications for office. The limit of
age for holding each office was strictly enforced ; and the
first step in the gradation of offices was in future to be the
quaestorship instead of the aedileship, so that the quaestor-
ship was now the necessary step to the praetorship, and
the praetorship to the consulship. Two years at least must
elapse between the holding of any office and of the next
above it ; while a ten-years interval was required before
re-election to the same office.
The senate was originally, and was still in theory, a
council, from which the magistrates might seek advice
but it had gradually acquired the right, not merely of
advising, but of controlling the magistrates. It was Sulla's
aim to consolidate this power, and, accordingly, all magis-
tracies emerged from his hands with diminished rights.
The heaviest blow fell upon the tribunate, an office
naturally most independent of the senate. The original
right of the tribunes to veto the official acts of magistrates,
and the further right to fine and punish all who disregarded
their veto, were still left to them ; but the abuse of the
right of intercessio was punished by a heavy fine. At
the same time the power and influence of these magistrates
were heavily fettered by two ordinances, which forbade
them to consult the people or submit laws to them without
permission from the senate ; and made the holding of the
tribunate a bar to the holding of any curule magistracy.
The power of the consuls and praetors was restricted by
the complete separation of their civil and military functions,
an arrangement for which the practice of recent times
had formed a precedent. Hitberto there had devolved
upon the two chief magistrates, besides the proper consular
functions, all official duties for which no special magistrates
were appointed. The administration of justice in the
capital, aud the government of the four transmarine pro-
vinces, Sicily, Sardinia, and the two Spains, was provided
for by the six praetorships, and with these functions the
consuls had nothing to do. There remained the non-
judicial business of the capital, and the military command
in the continent of Italy. At times, when these eight
magistrates did not suffice, and when there were extra-
ordinary commands to be provided for, there were two
usual expedients : a particular military command was
prolonged after its term had expired, or non-military
functions were combined
as, for instance

the two
judicial departments at Rome might be managed by one
praetor instead of two, or the duties of the consul in the
capital might be performed by the praetor urbanus, and
so one magistrate set at liberty for extraordinary duties.
But in such cases the senate merely defined the sphere
and function of the extraordinary office
the particular
person who was to fill it was left to the magistrates them-
selves to decide by agreement or by lot.
Within the last century six new official departments had
been created,the governorships of the five new provinces
Macedonia, Africa, Asia, Narbo, Cilicia, and the pre-
sidency of the quaestio de repetundis of Calpurnius
yet the number of magistrates had not been increased.
The senate preferred to fill up vacancies by prolonging
the term of office ; for this prolongation might be granted
or refused, and thus the senate kept a hold over the
magistrates. Usually those magistrates who during their
year of office were confined to the city were appointed for
a second year to a transmarine command.
This expedient of prolongation was seized upon by Sulla
as the basis for a complete separation between the political
authority of the magistrate over Roman citizens and his
military authority over non-citizens. The consulship and
praetorship were in future uniformly extended for a second
year ; the first year was devoted to civil, the second to
military functions. Moreover, as the Roman citizen body
now embraced all Italy south of the Rubicon, the military
jurisdiction of the magistrate did not extend south of that
river, and it was a fundamental principle of the constitution
that there should ordinarily be no troops and no command-
ant within that district.
The praetors were now increased from six to eight
and according to the new arrangement the ten chief
magistrates devoted themselves in the first year of their
office to the business of the capital ; the two consuls to
government and administration; two praetors to the admin-
istration of civil lawthe other six to the administration
of the newly organized criminal justice. During the second
year, they were invested with the command of the ten chief
governorships, Italian Gaul having been added to the list
of provinces.
The effect of these regulations was very largely to
increase the power of the senate over the magistrates. In
the first place, all offices, whether at home or abroad, were
for the future strictly limited to one year , whereas in
former times the same man had held the same office for two
or even more years. Secondly, by the arrangement as to
military commands, no one could in future be, as Marius
had been, both commander-in-chief and supreme civil
magistrate. Thirdly, the whole military power became,
formally at least, dependent on the senate ; the people
chose the consuls and praetors, but it was the senate that
conferred on them the military authority by prolonging
their term of office for a second year as proconsuls or
The censorship was not formally abolished, but its chief
functions were taken from it. The new arrangement as
to the quaestorship provided for the filling up of the senate,
and the register for purposes of taxation and military
service was unnecessary now that Italy was tax free,
and the army was raised by enlistment ; there remained
only the financial functions, which were in future to be
performed by the consuls.
The finances of the state were largely affected by three
of Sulla's acts : the first, the con version of the Asiatic taxes
into a fixed tribute, certainly produced no gain to the state,
though the tax-payers were greatly benefited : but the
resumption of the Campanian domain lands to the state,
and the abolition of the corn largesses, secured an ample
revenue for the future.
But the most important and enduring part of Sulla's
work was the reform of the criminal law.
As Sulla found it the judicial system was threefold. The
whole citizen body formed a court of appeal from sentences
of the magistrate affecting the caput of a citizen. Then
there was the ordinary procedure for all cases civil or
criminal, except crimes directed against the state. In
these cases, one of the two praetors investigated the general
character of the case, and determined the law under which
it was to be tried
he then nominated a single judex, who
decided the case on the lines laid down by the praetor.
Thirdly, there was the extraordinary procedure applicable
to particular cases or groups of cases of importance,
whether civil or criminal. For such cases, not a single
judex, but a special body of judices was appointed by a
special law. Such were the special tribunals appointed in
110 B.C. for the investigation of the alleged treason in
connection with Numidian affairs, and in 103 B.C. with
regard to the treason of the Roman generals in Gaul, in 105
B.C. Such also were the standing commissions for the
investigation of special crimes, the earliest of which was
the quaestio Calpurnia de repetundis of 149 B.C., and the
court of the centumviri, or spear-court (hasta), (so called
from the shaft of a spear used as a symbol in processes
affecting property, and really consisting of 105 menthree
being elected by each of the thirty-five tribes) , for dealing
with cases with regard to inheritances. Special provision
was made for the presidency of each of these courts, in the
law constituting them,to some a praetor was assigned, to
others an ex-aedile or ex-quaestor.
The reforms introduced by Sulla were also threefold.
First, he largely increased the number of standing com-
missions or jury-courts. Henceforth there were at least
eight of these quaestiones, called respectively, quaestio de
repetundis (exaction), de majestate (treason), de vi et
injuriis (injuries to person or honour), inter sicarios
(murder), de ambitu (bribery at elections), de falsis
(fraud), de peculatu (embezzlement), de adulteriis
(adultery). By these reforms the judicial power, both of
the citizen body and of the ordinary courts, was curtailed,
since the crime of majestas was withdrawn from the
jurisdiction of the former, and many of the most serious
crimes from that of the latter.
Secondly, the presidents of these new courts were six
of the praetors and other specially appointed officers. The
power to appoint special commissions for special cases of
course still remained.
Thirdly, the jurymen (judices) were in future drawn,
not from the equites, but from the senate. The constitu-
tion of the spear-court remained unchanged.
The political aim of these measures was, of course, to
exclude the equites from any share in the government
but they also constituted a most valuable system of legal
reform. From this time dates the distinction, hitherto
unknown, between civil and criminal causes
the former
were now such as came before a single judex, the latter
such as came before a jury. Moreover, Sulla's legislation
may be regarded as forming the first Roman code since
the Twelve Tables, and the first criminal code which had
ever been issued at all. Among other noteworthy results
of Sulla's arrangements were these : that capital punish-
ment fell into abeyance ; for the whole body of citizens
could alone pronounce sentence of death, and the cogni-
zance of cases of high treason was now withdrawn from
it, and given to a special commission, which could sentence
neither to death nor imprisonment : and that the appoint-
ment of special commissions for particular cases of high
treason, such as the quaestio Varia during the social war,
was minimized, now that there was a special court for
trying the offence.
It may be added that new sumptuary laws were enacted,
to restrain luxury at funerals and banquets, so that the
law now attempted to perform what had formerly been
the functions of the censors.
To the Sullan period, though perhaps not to Sulla,
belongs an important development of the municipal system
of Italy. Hitherto the government of Italy had been
completely centralized in Rome
but from this period
dates a great advance in the direction of local self-govern-
ment by each particular community. "Antiquity was
certainly as little able to dovetail the city into the state
as to develop of itself representative government and
other great principles of our modern state life
but it
carried its political development up to those limits at
which it outgrows and bursts its assigned dimensions, and
this was the case especially with Rome, which in every
respect stands on the line of separation between the old
and the new intellectual worlds." The social war was
a sufficiently striking proof that the old Roman polity
was outgrown, and the subsequent arrangements were a
great stride in the advance from the city-state to the
Before the social war the dependent communities
were either allowed to keep their municipal constitution
by being formally declared sovereign independent states
of non-citizens, or, if they obtained the franchise, they
were deprived of all local municipal rights, so that even the
administration of justice and the charge of building
devolved upon the Roman praetors and censors. The
utmost concession ever made was that the most urgent law
cases might be settled on the spot by a deputy nominated
from Rome. After the social war, when all Italy became
one civic community by the extension of the franchise, it
was necessary to form smaller communities within the
larger , it was impossible that the local affairs of all Italy
should be settled by the magistrates of the city of Rome.
These new communities were formed very much on the
model of Rome; there were the same institutions but
with different names, and names such as implied In-
feriority to the institutions of the capital. There was
a citizen-assembly, which passed laws and chose the local
magistrates, and a council of one hundred members repre-
senting the Roman senate. The duumviri
to the Roman consuls ; two quaestors
managed the local
funds, and there were the local colleges
of pontifices and
The imperial authority of Rome, however, existed side
by side with the municipal constitution. Taxation might
be imposed or public buildings set on foot by the Roman
authorities as well as by those of the town ; and in event
of collision the town, of course, gave way. It is probable
that in judicial matters a formal division of functions was
made to avoid the extreme inconvenience of a collision of
authority. The more important cases, both civil and
would probably be reserved for the Roman
authorities, while minor suits, or such as were most
urgent, were decided on the spot.
Such was the constitution which Sulla now presented
to the Roman state. He had used the power which he had
gained by the sword to introduce really valuable reforms,
and to compel all classes in the state, and especially the
soldiery, to submit once more to civil authority. The
mass of the community, if they did not welcome the
Sullan arrangements, at any rate acquiesced in them
without open
opposition. But not so the military officers.
The two most trusted lieutenants of Sulla, Gnaeus Pom-
peius and Quintus Ofella, were the first to rebel. The
former had resisted the command of the senate to disband
his army, and had only been conciliated by the concession
of the honour of a triumph. The latter, in defiance of
the new ordinance, became a candidate for the consul-
ship without passing through the inferior magistracies.
In his case no lenience was shown. Sulla had him cut
down in the Forum, and then explained to the assembled
citizens his reasons for the act.
On the completion of his work, Sulla abdicated the
extraordinary office conferred on him by the Valerian
Although endowed with absolute power, he had, in
the case of many of his enactments, consulted the people
or the senate.
Consuls had been elected for 81 B.C. ; and
for the next year Sulla himself was consul with Quintus
Metellus, retaining the regency but without exercising it
for the time.
For 79 B.C. the elections were left entirely
free, and early in that year he resigned the regency,
dismissed his lictors, and invited any citizen who wished
to call him to account to speak.
The family to which Sulla belonged had remained for
many generations in comparative obscurity, and his
character at first gave no promise of an extraordinary
career. Personally he was blue-eyed and of a fair com-
plexion, with piercing eyes. His tastes made him incline
to a life of cultivated luxury, sometimes descending to
debauchery. He was a pleasant companion in city or in
camp, and even in the days of the regency would unbend
after the business of the day. One of the most curious
traits in his character was a vein of cynicism, which
showed itself in the playful but dangerous irony of many
of his acts. Thus he ordered a donation from the spoil of
the proscribed to be given to a wretched author, who had
written a panegyric upon him, upon condition of never
singing his praises again. When he seized the treasures
of the Greek temples he declared that the man could never
fail whose chest was replenished by the gods themselves.
He displayed great vigour both of body and mind
in his last years he was devoted to the chase, and, after
the conquest of Athens, he could remember to bring with
him the writings of Aristotle to Borne. In religion he
followed the general tendency of the age towards unbelief
and superstition. He nattered himself that he was the
chosen favourite of the gods, and believed that he held
intercourse with them in dreams and omens. When at
the summit of his power, he formally adopted the surname
of Felix, and used it from that time forward.
Sulla's brilliant career seemed to come to him rather by
caprice of fortune than by any seeking of his. He passed,
like the ordinary aristocrat, through the usual routine of
office ; and in 107 B.C. the quaestorship under Marius in
Africa fell to his lot. He soon made himself master of
the military art, and, after the close of the Jugurthine
war, performed the task of organizing supplies for the
Roman army in the war with the Cimbri. During his
praetorship, in 93 B.C., the first Roman victory over Mithra-
dates and the first treaty with the Parthians took place.
He took a prominent part in the social war, and, as
consul, suppressed the Sulpician revolution with startling
energy Wherever Sulla and Marius had come into
competition the result had always been loss of renown
to the elder general, and increase of reputation to the
younger; and the revolution of 88 B.C., which ended in
the outlawry and flight of Marius, gave to Sulla the most
important position within the empire. Then came the
Mithradatic war and the Cinnan revolution,and it was
Sulla who crushed the enemies of Rome abroad, and put
down anarchy at home. Now absolute autocrat of the
state, he abolished the Gracchan constitution which had
fettered the oligarchy for forty years, and compelled all
orders and classes to yield a common obedience to the
law; he established the oligarchy with all the stability
tliat laws and constitution can give, and provided it
with a body-guard and an army. He was one of the few
generals who never lo.st a battle, nor in his political career
was he ever compelled to retrace a single step
capricious goddess of fortune seemed in his case to have
exchanged caprice for steadfastness, and to have
a pleasure in loading her favourite with successes
honours whether he desired them or not.
There is nothing original in the character of Sulla's con-
and the reason is to be found in the very nature
of his work. His task was to restore, not to create : the
germ at least of every one of his institutions existed
they had grown up out of the previous regime,
and were merely regulated and fixed by Sulla. Even the
horrors attaching to his work are but a larger edition of
the doings of Nasica, Opimius, Caepio, the traditional
oligarchic mode of getting rid of opponents. Sulla was
but the instrument of the oligarchy to which he belonged,
and for the Sullan restoration, not Sulla alone, but the
body of the Roman aristocracy and its government in
the past must be held responsible. When the work was
done, Sulla readily gave back the power which had been
conferred upon him ; and if his motive was rather ennui
public spirit, he at any rate must be acquitted of
the charge of political self-seeking His constitution
could not last, because of the worthlessness of the aris-
Sulla might
erect a fortress," but could not
create a garrison." The gratitude of posterity is due to
the man who, in the course of his hopeless task, carried
out such admirable isolated reforms as those of the
Asiatic revenue system and of criminal justice.
Sulla's worst fault was the unscrupulous and cynical
violence with which his work is defiled. The public posting
of the lists of the proseribed
the exposure of heads in the
public streets ; the public auction of confiscated goods, as
though of the spoils of an enemy
the cutting down of a
refractory officer in the Forum,these things surpassed
all that previous revolutions had known. Uncertainty
and frivolity marked many of his public acts. He could
be culpably lenient or brutally severe, as his personal likes
or dislikes prompted ; the worst enormities which were
perpetrated in his name were permitted through indiffer-
ence and carelessness
he punished with the same non-
chalance with which he pardoned.
The short remainder of his life was passed in the strictest
retirement ; in a little more than a year he died, at the age
of sixty, in full vigour of body and mind. Immediately
after his death, voices were raised in opposition to the pro-
posal of a public burial ; but his memory was still too
fresh, and he was honoured with, perhaps, the grandest
funeral procession Italy had ever seen.
Sulla's character and life.Plutarch.
Dictatorship.Appian B. C. i.
98, 99. Plut. 33. Liv. Epit. 89. Veil.
ii. 28. Cic. De L. Agr. iii. 2.
ProscriptionsAppian B. C. 95, 96,
103. Plut. 31. Val. Max. ix. 2.
1. Liv. 88, 89. Flor. ii. 9. Veil. ii. 28, 29 ; Cic. pro Rose. Am.
43, 44.
New citizens.Liv. 86. Cic. pro Dom. 30
pro Caecina, 33, 35. Sail.
frag. i. Or. Lep.
Allotments.Liv. 89. Appian B. C. i. 100, 104. Cic. de L. Agr. i.
ii. 28, 29
iii. 2, 3
pro Dom. 30.
Lex frumentaria.Sail. Hist. frag. i. Or. Lep.

seats in the theatre; probable because restored by Lex

Roscia, 67 B.C.
Farming system abolished.Cic. pro Flacc. 14, 32
; in Verr. i. 35, 89
F. i. 1, 11, 23. Momm. H. of R. iv. c. 5,
note. Marq.
Stv. i.
338 and note.
Judicia.Veil. ii. 32. Tac. Ann. xi. 22.
Senate increased. Appian B. C. i. 100. Liv. 89.
Comitia Tributa.Cic. pro Clu. 40.
Priestly colleges.Dio. xxxvii. 37.
Lex Annalis.Appian B. C. i. 100,
101. Cic. Phil. xi. 5.
Tribunate.Caes. B. C.
i. 7. Appian B. C.
i. 100. Liv. 89. Veil. ii.
30. Cic. de Leg. iii. 4, 9, 19
pro. Clu. 40 ; in Verr. i. 60.
Ascon. in Cor.
78. Sail. Hist. fr. i. Or. Lep. Tac. Ann. iii. 27.
Mom. H. of R. iv. c. 10,
Provincial governorships.Cic. ad Fam. i. 9 (Watson,
29) ;
iii.6, 8
Att. vi. 3.
Quaestors.Tac. Ann. xi. 22. Lex. Corn. C. I. L. 1168, n. 202.
Bruns, pt. i. c. i. 12.
Italy.Seneca de Brev. Vit. 14. Dio. xliii,
50. Momm. H. of R. iv. c. 10, note.
Praetors.Pomponius Dig. i. 2,
32. Suet. Jul. 41. Dio. xlii. 51.
Cisalpine Gaul.Momm. iv. c. 10,
Censorship.Schol. ad Cic. Div. in Caec. 3 (Gronov.).
Criminal law.Cic. in Verr. Act. i.
13, 16. Lex. Cor. Bruns, pt. i. c.
iii. 13.
Centumviri.Festus, s.v. Centumviralia.
Sumptuary laws.Gell. ii. 24. Plut. 35. Cic. ad Att. xii.
35, 36.
Macr. bk. ii.
Municipal system.Cic. De L. Agr. ii. 31; in Pis.
c. 23;
pro Sest.
14; Philipp. xiii. 8. Tac. Hist. iii. 34. Caes. B. C. iii. 22.
Momms. B. St. iii.
797, 815.
Revenue : from Italy ; from the provinces.

Expenditure : for mili-

tary purposes ;
for public works.AgricultureTrade and
commerceSocial life.
The general tendency and result of the revolution period
are evident from the history of the time and from the
legislation of Sulla. The financial condition of the empire
is worth more particular attention, and will furnish valu-
able evidence on many points with regard to the social and
political relations of the time.
I. From Italy. The land-tax, with other minor imposts
upon Italians, had for some time been in abeyance
so that from Italy, including Cisalpine Gaul, the Roman
exchequer drew nothing but
the produce of the state-
lands, chiefly those in Campania, and of the gold mines in
the north
; (2)
customs dues on goods imported for
trading purposes
taxes levied on the manumission
of slaves.
II. From the provinces.
(i.) State lands. These were either the lands belonging
to cities destroyed by martial law, such as Leontini,
Carthage, Corinth ; or domain lands which had belonged
to former rulers dispossessed by the Romans, such as the
lands of the kings of Macedonia, Pergamus, Cyrene, and
the mines in Spain. All such property was leased, like
the state lands in Italy, by the state to tenants, and the
rents formed a large part of the public revenue.

(ii.) Taxation. Within the bounds of the empire there

were some states, like the kingdoms of Numidia and
Cappadocia, which were recognized as fully sovereign and
independent ; there were others, like Rhodes, Massilia,
Gades, which enjoyed a free and equal alliance by special
treaty with Rome, (civitates foederatae). Both classes
were exempt from ordinary taxation, and were merely
bound to supply ships and men at their own expense in
time of war. Besides these there were a few scattered
cities, like Narbo, on which the Roman franchise had been
specially conferred ; and others such as Centuripa in
Sicily (civitates immunes), which were specially exempted
from taxation ; but with these four exceptions the whole
extent of the empire contributed to the Roman exchequer.
The taxes fall under three principal heads

1. Decumae and scriptura. The first was a tenth of the

produce of arable land; the second, a corresponding tax
upon pasture land. Of these kinds were the taxes levied
in the fertile islands of Sicily and Sardinia.
2. Stipendium, or tributum

i.e. a fixed sura paid

annually by a community to the Roman exchequer
amounting, for Macedonia, to about 24,000 of our
money ; for Gyaros, a small island near Andros, to about
6 4s. This tax was usually lower than that paid by the
community to its former rulers before the Roman con-
quest : the amount was fixed by the Roman authorities,
while the magistrates of each community were responsible
for collecting and paying over the amount to the Roman
3. Customs. The Romans recognized the right of each
community to levy its own customs at its own ports and
frontiers, and made no attempt to set up a general tariff
for the whole empire. Dues were levied by the Romans
themselves at all the ports of Italy ; most of the subject
communities in the same way levied dues on their own
frontiers, which would have to be paid even by Roman
citizens, unless special exemption was secured by treaty.
Bnt in the provinces proper, like Sicily and Asia, where
the Roman state was sole ruler and sovereign, the
customs, of course, went into the imperial coffers. The
amount raised was five per cent, on all imports or
exports in Sicily, and two and a half in Asia. The
customs, like the decumae and scriptura, were invariably
leased to tax-farmers.
These, with the unimportant item of tolls from roads,
bridges, canals, etc., were the only regular taxes imposed
upon the provincials by the Roman government. But
they are far from representing the full amount of the
burdens borne by the provinces.
In the first place, the expenses of collection were large
so that the amount paid by the contributors was much
greater than that received by the government.
hj middlemen is well known to be the most expensive
system of all ; and at Rome the lettings were so large that
only a few capitalists could undertake them, and con-
sequently the competition was small, and the profits of
the lessees large.
Secondly r there were the military
requisitions in time
of war , frequently, also, in time of peace. Legally, all
transport pay and provisions for the soldiers were provided
the Roman government; the provincial communities had
only to furnish housing, wood, hay, and such things. But
in time of war the governor demanded from them grain,
ships, money, or anything he required
and though such
requisitions were considered as advances to be made good
by the government, yet practically they became a serious
burden. This is proved by frequent laws restricting
requisitions, fixing their maximum amount and the rate of
compensation. At extraordinary times of course requisi-
tions assumed the form of a punishment, as when Sulla com-
pelled the subjects of Asia to give forty-fold pay to every
common soldier among them, and seventy-five fold to every
Thirdly : there were all kinds of extortions, legal or
illegal, for which the Roman official had ample opportunity.
The right of requisition, the free quartering of soldiers
and of the clerks and lictors and innumerable officials in
the train of a Roman governor, gave him sufficient pre-
text for amassing a princely fortune. The existence of a
standing commission for the trial of such offences shows
their frequency.
Lastly, it must be remembered that Rome undertook
the military expenses only of her subjects : all other
burdensthe maintenance of roads and buildings, the pay
of fleets and of the local contingent to the Roman army

were supported by the subject community, and must have

formed a considerable addition to their taxation. For
instance, in Judea, the Jews paid a tenth to their native
princes in addition to the temple tribute and to their
payments to Rome.
The general conclusion at which we must arrive with
regard to provincial taxation is, that, though moderate in
theory, it must have been extremely oppressive in practice.
Expenditure. I. Military and administrative
The taxation of the Roman empire, like the tribute paid
to Athens by her subject allies, was in the main meant
to defray the expense of the military system alone. Hence
its comparatively small amount,
200,000,000 sesterces
only two-thirds of the annual revenue of
the King of Egypt. Hence, too, it may be guessed that the
surplus revenue after payment of expenses was small, and
that provinces like the Spains and Macedonia, which
required a large garrison, cost more than they yielded.
Still, in the times before the revolution, the surplus was
large enough to defray the expenses of public buildings
and to form a reserve fund. But the old principle, that
the Roman hegemony should not be treated as a privilege
from which profit might be derived, was infringed upon in
the latter portion of this period in several ways : the
customs in conquered territories were appropriated by
Rome, and the mode of levying them was oppressive. By
Gaius Gracchus Roman citizenship was treated as a
privilege conferring a right to a certain amount of corn
and to provide the money for these largesses the soil of
Asia was declared to belong absolutely
to the Roman state,
and was taxed accordingly.
II. Public works. The earlier portion of this epoch was
an era of vast public undertakings. A new road was made,
in 132 B.C.,from Capua to the Straits of Sicilybranching
from the great road which led from Rome through Capua
to Tarentum and Brundisium. The coast road on the east
was completed by extension southwards to Brundisium and
northwards to Aquileia. About Rome itself, the Mulvian
bridge over the Tiber was rebuilt of stone. In North Italy
the Via Postumia was constructed in 148 B.C., from Genua
to Aquileia through Placentia, Cremona, and Verona, thus
connecting the two seas. Gaius Gracchus provided for the
maintenance of the roads by assigning pieces of ground by
the side of them to which was attached the duty of keep-
ing them in repair.
To the same period belong the great provincial high-
ways : the Via Domitia, connecting Italy with Spain
Via Egnatia and the Via Gabinia, connecting the ports of
the East coast of the Adriatic with the interior. The
draining of the Pomptine marshes was undertaken in 160
B.C. The two ancient aqueducts were thoroughly repaired,
and two new ones, the Marcia and the Calida, constructed.
Not only were these stupendous works carried out, but paid
for in cash
the Marcian aqueduct, which cost two millions
of our money, was paid for in three years. Nor did these
costly undertakings prevent the accumulation of a reserve,
which at the very beginning of the period amounted to
At the same time, it must be said that, even in the early
part of this epoch, before the revolution, other duties of
the government at least as imperative as these were entirely
neglected. Brigands infested the frontier countries, and
even the valley of the Po. There was no Roman fleet, and
the vessels raised by the provincials were not numerous
enough to check piracy, much less to carry on a naval
war. The traffic of Rome had still to depend upon the
old wooden Janicnlau bridge over the Tiber, and the
roadstead of Ostia was allowed to become blocked with
But from the time of the revolution the picture is far
worse. Public works were at a standstill ; either because
the corn largesses drained the treasury, or because the
oligarchy were bent upon accumulating a large reserve
fund in self-defence. (The reserve is said to have reached
its highest point in 91 B.C.) The Social war was the first
severe strain to which the Roman state had been subjected
since the Hannibalic war. During the latter the reserve
as not touched till the tenth year, when the resources
of taxation were exhausted ; the Social war was sup-
ported from the first from the reserve, and when this was
exhausted the government preferred to sell the public
sites in the city to imposing a tax upon the citizens.
Agriculture.During this epoch the forces previously at
work are visible in increased activity, and already produced
startling results. The smaller holdings were absorbed by
the large estates,
as the sun absorbs the drops of rain."
The senatorial government rather favoured than opposed
this process, which the opposition constantly endeavoured
to counteract. The two Gracchi gave 80,000 new farmers
to Italy, and Sulla settled 120,000 of his veterans on the
land, but the process still went on ; the small farms were
constantly being absorbed, while the creation of new
farmers was only intermittent. In the provinces the same
evils existed, and not the slightest attempt was made to
check them
hile they were attended with this additional
disadvantage, that the rents were of course sent out of
the country to Italy.
In Trade and Commerce, there is little but inactivity to
the Romans destroyed the industries of Corinth,
and created nothing in their place. Building was, perhaps,
an exception to the general stagnation, but produced little
benefit to the commonwealth, as only slave labour was
Commerce was exclusively in the hands of the Romans,
and the political ascendancy of Rome was unscrupulously
used to favour this monopoly. Usury was one of the most
lucrative of trades : for instance, the indemnity imposed
by Sulla upon the province of Asia was advanced by the
Roman capitalists, and swelled in fourteen years to six
times the original amount; public buildings, woi'ks of art,
their children, had to be sold by the unfortunate
communities to meet their claims. Next in importance to
money dealing came the export of wine and oil from Italy
to all parts of the Mediterranean, and the import of all
kinds of articles of luxury. The importation of slaves was
enormous, especially from Syria and Asia Minor. The chief
emporia for the reception of imports were Ostia and
Puteoli, which traded chiefly with Alexandria and the
cities of Syria, in the valuable commodities of the East.
Thus, side by side with the political oligarchy of sena-
torial families, there was a financial oligarchy of capital-
ists. These men absorbed the rents of the soil of Italy,
and of the richest parts of the provinces
the usury and
the commerce of the whole empire were in their hands, and
even of the state revenue itself they drew a considerable
share by their profits as lessees. Their influence in the
state is clearly seen in the destruction of Corinth and
Carthage, the commercial rivals of Rome ; and it is to
be remembered that their wealth was based, not upon
sound economic principles, but upon the political supre-
macy of Rome ; hence every political crisis was attended
by a financial crisis.
Oue important result of the commercial monopoly of
Rome was an interchange of population, greatly to the dis-
advantage of the Roman state. Everywhere in the pro-
vinces there were large numbers of Italians temporarily
settled, mostly for commercial reasons. We have seen that
80,000 Italians perished in a single day in Asia Minor, and
20,000 in Delos. Again, the population of Italy suffered
enormous diminution during the Social wars, when
persons are said to have perished. In return for the loss
of these citizens Italy received vast numbers of provincials,
chiefly oriental Greeks, who acted as physicians, school-
masters, and priests, or who came to her ports as traders
and mariners ; while the proportion of slaves to freemen was
continually increasing. The servile insurrectionsthe
appeals to slaves, in times of disturbance, to take up arms
against their masters, are plain enough signs of the times.
"If we conceive of England with its lords, its squires,
above all its city, but with its freeholders and farmers
converted into proletarians and its labourers and sailors
converted into slaves, we shall gain an approximate image
of the population of the Italian peninsula in those days."
Social Features.Socially, no less than politically or
financially, the period is one of decadence, and is marked
by growing extravagance and frivolity. Enjoyment lost all
freshness and spontaneity, and became a laborious and
pedantic study. Animal hunts and gladiatorial games
became the chief feature in the public festivals. Huge
sums were expended at every great
funeral on public
gamesMarcus Aemilius Lepidus left strict injunctions
to his children to avoid empty show, and not to spend more
at his obsequies than
1,000,000 asses (10,200).
and gardens reached fabulous prices
gambling and extra-
vagance in dress were fashionable foibles
but the favourite
mode of expenditure was on the luxuries of the table.
Every villa along the coast had its tanks for securing a
constant supply of fish. At the best entertainments, not
whole birds, but only the most delicate portions were served
up ; and the guests were expected merely to taste of the
multitude of dishes presented to them. There were
sumptuary laws totally prohibiting certain delicacies,
regulating the price <>f meals and the amount of plate, but
of all the Roman nobles only three are said to have kept
laws, and that on account of regard for the prin-
ciples of Stoic philosophy, not for the law. A century
earlier, few houses contained any silver plate beyond the
traditional salt dish, but in Sulla's time there were 150
silver dishes at Rome of 100 lb. weight. Some of it was
of such
workmanship as to be valued at eighteen
times its
weight of metal, and Lucius Crassus gave 100,000
sesterce3 (1050)
for a pair of silver cups.
Perhaps the most significant mark of the corruption of the
a^e is the
frequency of divorce and the general aversion to
Even Metellus Macedonicus, censor in 131 B.C., a
man renowned
for his honourable domestic life, urged the
duty of
marriage upon his fellow-citizens in the following
terms :
If we could, citizens, we should indeed all keep
clear of this burden. But as nature has so arranged it that
we cannot either live comfortably with wives or live at all
without them, it is proper to have regard rather to the
weal than to our own brief comfort." These
facts are important, for it is only by trying to realize the
private life of the time that we can comprehend
the political
corruption which prevailed. There were
especially among the rural towns, but immo-
rality was the rule. One of the censors of 92 B.C. publicly
reproached his colleague with having shed tears over a pet
murena ; the other retaliated on the former that he had
buried three
wives and shed tears over none of them.
In 161 B.C., an orator in the Forum gave the following
description of the senatorial juryman

They play hazard, delicately perfumed, surrounded by
their mistresses. As the afternoon advances, they summon
the servant and bid him make inquiries at the comitium,
what has occurred in the Forum, who has spoken in favour
of or against the new project of law, what tribes have
voted for and what against it. At length they go them-
selves to the judgment seat, just early enough not to bring
the process down on their own neck. Reluctantly they
come to the tribunal and give audience to the parties.
Those who are concerned bring forward their cause. The
juryman orders the witness to come forward ; he himself
goes aside. When he returns, he declares that he has heard
everything, and asks for the documents. He looks into the
writingshe can hardly keep his eyes open for wine.
When he thereupon withdraws to consider his sentence, he
says to his boon companions,
What concern have I with
these tiresome people ? Why should we not rather
go to
drink a cup of mulse mixed with Greek wine, and accom-
pany it with a fat fieldfare, and a good fisha veritable
pike from the Tiber island ?
All this
was, no doubt, very ridiculous
but was it
not a very serious matter that such things were subjects of
ridicule ?
Italian Domains.Cic. de L. Agr. ii. 28 and passim. Liv. xxvi.
App. B. C. i. 7.
Mines.Pirn. N. H. 33, 34, 37. Liv. xxxiv. 21; xxxix. 24; xlv.
18, 29. Strab. iii. 146 ; v. 151.
Taxation generally.Marq. Stv. 182-203, 247-252, 298-301.
Manumission tax.Cic. ad Att. ii. 16. Liv. xxvii. 10.
Provincial Domains,
civitates foederatae, immunes, liberae : decumae.
Cic. in Verr. ii iii.
6, 8, 9,
and passim; Caes. de B. Afr.
cap. ult.
Scriptura.Fest. saltum, scriptuarius. Varro R. R. II. i. Cic. in
Verr. ii.
2 ; ad Fam. xiii. 65
pro L. Manil. 6. Plin. N. H. xix.
3, 15.
Tributum.Cic. in Verr. ii. 53, 55, sqq. ; ad Att. v. 16 ; ad Fam.
iii. 8. Appian B. C. v. 4.
Cic. in Verr. ii. 75. Plin. N. H. xii. 14. Liv. xxxii.
xl. 51. Cic. de L. Agr. ii. 29
pro L. Manil. 6.
Societates. Tac. Ann. iv. fi. Cic. in Verr. ii. 3, 64, 70;
iii. 41: ad
Att. i.
17 ; xi. 10 : ad Fam. xiii.
9, 65
Brans, pt. i. c. v.
6, SC. De
Requisitions and exactions.Cic. pro L. Manil. 14. Div. in.
10; in Verr. i.
34, 38; ii. 60; iii.
5, 81, 86, 87;
17, 23, 31,
38, 52
pro Flacc.
12, 14 ; Philipp. xi. 12.
revenue.Pint. Pomp. 45.
Public works.Frontin. de Aqneductibus. Plin. N. H. xxxi.
3, 6;
xxxvi. 15. Vitrnv. de Aq. vii. ; viii. 6, 7. Plut. C. Grac.
Aur. Vic. de V. I. Ixxvii. 8.
Trade and Agriculture.Rei Rusticae Scriptores (vid.
xviii.). Plin. N. H. xvii., xviii.
Usury.In Verr. iii. 70. Hor. Sat. I. ii. 14.
Social features. Cic. ad. Att. ii. 19; xi. 23; xii. 35, 36; ad. Fam.
viii. 7
pro Mur. 18 ; de Orat. 40, 56
de Legg. ii.
24 ; de Off. ii.
Seneca de Brev. Vit. 20 ; Liv. Epit. 48. Gell. i. 6 ;
ii. 24 and
passim. Macrob. ii. 13 and passim. Plut. Sulla 35. Cic. 41.
Val. Max. iii. 10, 15
; ix.
and passim. "Suet. Ang. 89. Nero, 2.
Plin. N. H. x. 50, s. 71
; xxxvi. 3
viii. 16, s. 20; xvii. 1. Aelian.
Hist. Anim. viii. 4. Cic speeches and letters passim, esp. pro
Cluent. pro Caul.
Classes which composed the Opposition, and characters of ite
leading men, after the death of Sulla.Insurrection of
Lepidus (78-77
B.c.).^Sertorian war (80-72 B.C.).
Sulla's arrangements had been acquiesced in by all the
chief classes in the state, and on his death his constitution
had nothing to fear from any organized body of opponents.
There was, however, a large but heterogeneous body of
malcontents opposed to the present condition of things
for widely different reasons.
1. There were the juristsmen of strict legal training,
who detested Sulla's arbitrary mode of procedure, and who
even during his life had ventured to disregard several of
his laws; for instance,
those depriving certain Italian
communities of the franchise.
2. There was the liberal minority in the senate, who
had always favoured reform and compromise
with the
democratic party and the Italians.
3. The thorough-going democrats, who clung
to the
traditional watch-words of the party, and
aim w
as the restoration of the tribunician power-
these, there were many important classes of
Sulla's enactments had either injured or left
4. The population who lived between the Po and
Alps (Transpadani), upon whom Latin rights had
conferred, and who were eager for the full Roman
5. The freedmen, who swarmed in the capital,
whose political influence had been annihilated by
relegation to the old four city tribes.
6. The capitalists, chiefly of equestrian rank, for whose
grievances see
7. The populace, who had been deprived of their free
8. All that numerous class of burgesses whose property
had been curtailed or confiscated to furnish allotments for
Sulla's veterans.
9. The proscribed and their children and connections.
It was a point of honour with the friends of these to
procure the recall of the living, and the removal, in the case
of the dead, of the stigma attaching tc their memory.
10. To all these classes one more remains to be added

the men of ambition and the men of ruined fortunes. The

latter included alike the aristocratic lords, who had lost
their patrimony by riotous living, and the Sullan colonists,
who refused to settle down to a life of husbandry and were
eager for fresh spoil. The former included men, outside
the senatorial circle, who were eager to force their way into
office by popular favour
and men of more daring ambition,
who might perhaps emulate Gaius Gracchus.
It is most necessary, for the understanding of the history
of the following years, that all these elements of opposition
should be fully grasped
and it may be well here to recall
to mind the two great and constant difficulties of the Roman
governmentthe difficulty of controlling its military
governors in the provinces
and the difficulty of managing
the masses of slaves and freedmen in the capital, without
either police or troops at its disposal.
It was, perhaps, the greatest misfortune of all that
there was everywhere at this period a dearth of political
leaders. The management of parties was in the hands of
political clubs, or hetaeriae, a system which had existed for
centuries at Rome, but which was now seen in its worst
and most aggravated form. These clubs were formed
among optimates and populares alike; and even the
mass of burgesses was formed into societies according to
voting districts, under the direction of officers called
divisores tribuum.
Everything with these political
clubs was bought and sold
the vote of the electors above
all, but also the votes of the senator and the judge
fists, too, which produced the street riot, and the ring-
leader who directed it. The associations of the upper and
of the lower classes were distinguished only in the matter
of tariff. The hetaeria decided the elections
the hetaeria
decreed the impeachment ; the hetaeria conducted the
defence ; it secured the distinguished advocate ; and it
coutracted, in case of need, respecting an acquittal with one
of the speculators who prosecuted on a great scale the
lucrative traffic in judges' votes." One of the most expert
wire-pullers of these caucuses was Publius Cethegus.
Among the Optimates the most notable men were
Quintus Metellus Pius, consul in 80 B.C.; Quintus Luta-
tius Catulus, son of the victor of Vercellae ; Lucius and
Marcus Lucullus, who had shown considerable military
talents. But none of these men had any conception of
the greatness of the crisis ; their political creed did not go
beyond the maintenance of the oligarchy and the sup-
pression of demagogism
their ambition was satisfied by
consulship and a
Three men alone are worth a longer consideration. The
first is Ghiagas
Pompeius. born 106 B.C. He had raised
troops and fought for Sulla in the second civil war, and
had enjoyed the titles of imperator and triumphator before
his age permitted him to stand for any office. Already
he began to be known by the title of Magnus. He was
an able soldier but no genius ; cautious to timidity, and
averse to strike till he had established an immense
superiority over his opponent. In culture, as well as in
integrity of character, he was at least up to the level of
the time ; he was a good neighbour, a good husband and
father. His temperament was kind and humane
and he
was the first to depart from the custom of putting to
death captive kings and generals after a triumph. Yet
he sent a divorce to the wife whom he loved, at the
command of Sulla, because she belonged to an outlawed
family. For politics he had little
aptitude. He was
awkward and stiff in public ; easily
managed by his
freedmen and clients ; eager for power, but affecting to
despise it. His relations to the parties of the time was
peculiar. Though a Sullan officer he was opposed to Sulla
personally. Nor was he in sympathy with the senatorial
government ; for his family was not yet fully established
among the aristocracy, and Pompeius himself had once
been a Cinnan adherent. He had no political sagacity,
and little political courage.
He might have had a
definite and respectable position, had lie contented himself
with being the general of the senatethe office for which
he was from the beginning destined. With this he was
not content, and so he fell into the fatal plight of wishing
to be something else than he could be. He was constantly
aspiring to a special position in the state, and when it
offered itself he could not make up his mind to occupy it.
He was deeply indignant when persons and laws did not
bend unconditionally before him, and yet he bore himself
everywhere with no mere affectation of modesty, as one of
many peers, and trembled at the mere thought of under-
taking anything unconstitutional. . . Constantly tormented
by an ambition which was frightened at its own aims,
his deeply agitated life passed joylessly away in a per-
petual inward contradiction."
Marcus Crassus was famed for his boundless activity,
especially in the acquisition of wealth : he was contractor,
builder, banker, and usurer, and carried on numerous
other trades through his freedmen. Unlike Pompeius, he
was unscrupulous in the means he employed. He was
proved to have committed a forgery in the matter of
the Sullan proscription lists; he did not refuse a legacy
because the will which gave it him was known to be
forged; and he allowed his bailiffs to dislodge the small
farmers adjoining his estates by force and by fraud.
He soon became the richest man in Rome ; and at his
death, after expending enormous sums, he was still worth
But his wealth was
only a means to the gratification of his ambition ; he
extended his connection by every possible means ; he
could salute every burgess of the capital by name ; never
refused his services as an advocate, and, though without
any gift of oratory, overcame all obstacles by his pertina-
city in speaking. He advanced money on loan to in-
fluential men without distinction of party, and thus
acquired a power which none dared to provoke. His
ambition knew no bounds ; while he stood alone the
crown of Rome was beyond his grasp, but it was not
impossible that with the aid of a suitable partner he
might attain to supremacy in the state.
In the ranks of the democrats the revolution had made
such havoc that scarcely a man of note survived. Of the
rising generation, Gaius Julius Caesar was now only
twenty-four years of age, but was already perhaps the
third most important man in Rome. His family connec-
tions naturally inclined him towards the democratic
party ; for his father's sister had been the wife of Marius, /
and his own wife was the daughter of Cinna ; while his
own early career had so far been one of opposition to the
senatorial rule. He had refused to divorce his wife at
the bidding of Sulla, and with difficulty escaped pro-
scription at the intercession of his relatives.
But Caesar could only be the hope of the future, and
the actual leadership of the democratic party fell into
the hands of Marcus Aprpilina TiPpidns
who had been an
optimate, but had joined the opposition to escape im-
peachment for extortion during his government of Sicily.
He was a vehement orator, but had none of the qualities
of a leader, whether in the council or in the field. How-
ever, he was elected as the democratic leader to the con-
sulship of 78 B.C.
Thus the death of Sulla found the opposition leader in
possession of the chief magistracy ; while, by a train of
events to be shortly described, the important province of
Spain was practically abandoned to the enemies of the
Lepidus resolved to strike an immediate blow. An out-
break at the very funeral of the regent was hardly pre-
vented by the influence of Pompeius, and by fear of the
Sullan veterans ; and preparations were at once begun for
a new revolution. The conspirators aimed at the over-
throw of Sulla's constitution ; at the revival of the free
distributions and of the tribunician power; at the recall of
the banished, and the restoration of confiscated lands.
The' exiles already began to return. Many noted Marians,
such as Graius Perpenna and Lucius Cinna, joined the plot,
but Caesar more prudently abstained. All this went on
under the very eye of the senate, which was too indolent
to take the advice of the other consul, Catulus, and crush
the plot at its birth. They allowed a limited corn-law to
be enacted, probably permitting a definite number only of
poorer citizens to purchase corn at a low ratea measure
which emboldened without satisfying the opposition.
The war broke out first in Etruria, where the dispos-
sessed Faesulans resumed their estates by force, several of
the Sullan veterans being slain in the tumult. The senate
adopted the worst possible course of sending both consuls
to Etruria to raise an armya proceeding which was
scarcely likely to be efficacious when they thought it
necessary to bind them over by a solemn oath not to turn
their arms against each other. Lepidus, of course, armed
for the insurrection, not for the senate, and evaded the
efforts of the latter to induce him to return. When at
length, in 77 B.C., he was peremptorily ordered to proceed
to Rome, he refused, and demanded
that the tribuni-
cian power should be restored
that those who had
been deprived of their rights of citizenship or of their
property should be reinstated
his own re-election as
consul for the current year.
The senate could rely upon the Sullan veterans and upon
the army raised by Catulus
and the latter was entrusted
with the defence of the capital and the conduct of the war in
Etruria, while Pompeius was sent to crush the democrats
under Marcus Brutus in the valley of the Po. Lepidus
meantime advanced upon the capital, and made himself
master of the right bank of the Tiber, and was even able
to cross the river. A battle followed in the Campus
Martius, in which Lepidus was defeated. He retreated to
Etruria, while another division of his army shut itself up
in Alba. By this time Pompeius had accomplished his
work in the north, and was marching southward, so that
Lepidus w
as enclosed between two armies. He succeeded
in reaching Sardinia with most of his army, but soon
afterwards died. The flower of his troops, under Perpenna,
joined Sertorius in Spain.
Spain was now the only province of the empire where
opposition to the senate still existed. It only remains to
trace the steps by which Sertorius had there established
a power which taxed the whole strength of the govern-
ment to subdue it. Sertorius was a native of Nursia, in
the Sabine land, a man of tender sensitive nature, and at
the same time of the most chivalrous courage. Although
untrained in speaking, he had considerable oratorical gifts
and in the revolutionary war his military talent and his
genius for organization presented a striking contrast to the
incapacity of the other democratic leaders. His Spanish
followers called him the New Hannibal, and indeed his
adroitness and versatility, in politics and in war, savour
far more of the Phoenician than of the Roman genius. On
being driven from Spain, he led a life of adventure, chiefly
along the African coasts. Among his other exploits he
besieged and took Tingis (Tangiers), though the native
prince was aided by the Romans. His fame spread abroad,
and he was soon invited to Spain by the Lusitanians, who
in spite of nominal submission maintained a practical
independence. Sertorius was well acquainted with the
resources of the country, and accepted the invitation,
though he had to fight his way through the Roman
squadron which commanded the straits.
80 B.C.Upon his arrival, Sertorius found that he had
only 2600 men armed in Roman fashion. He immediately
raised his force to a full legion by levying four thousand
infantry and seven hundred cavalry, and, accompanied by
swarms of Lusitanian auxiliaries, gave battle to the Roman
governor Lucius Fufidius, who was defeated with the loss
of two thousand men on the Baetis.
79 B.C.Tn this year Quintus Metellus was sent to relieve
Fufidius ; but further misfortunes awaited the Roman
arms. Calvinus, governor of the Ebro province, was
defeated and slain by Hirtuleius, the lieutenant of Serto-
and Lucius Manlius, governor of Transalpine Gaul,
who had crossed the Pyrenees, had to return to his province
after suffering a disastrous defeat. Metellus himself in
Further Spain penetrated into Lusitanian territory, and
besieged Longobriga, near the mouth of the Tagus ; but
one of his divisions was lured into an ambush, and the
siege had to be raised ; another division was defeated
during the retreat, and great damage was inflicted on the
main army by the harassing tactics of Sertorius.
Sertorius had been careful always to act, not as ring-
leader of the Lusitanian revolt, but as Roman governor of
the province
and he had already begun to organize the
country in the same spirit, though the work was probably
carried out chiefly in later years. He formed the chief
men of the exiles into a senate to conduct affairs and to
magistrates. The officers of the army were
Roman ; to the Spaniards he was the Roman
governor who levied troops by virtue of his office. At the
same time he endeavoured to attach the provincials to
Rome and to himself. After the custom of the country,
numbers of the noble Spaniards swore to stand by him to
the death, and formed the life-guard of the general. Even
superstition was enlisted on his side, and he allowed it to
be believed that he received counsel from the gods through
the medium of a white fawn. The strictest discipline was
maintained in the army, and the inhabitants were relieved
from all fear of outrage on the part of the soldiers. The
tribute of the province was reduced, and the soldiers were
made to build winter barracks for themselves, to avoid the
necessity of quartering them on the inhabitants. The
children of the noble Spaniards were educated in an
academy at Osca, where they learned to speak Latin and
Greek, and adopted the Roman dressthe first attempt
to Romanize the provinces by Romanizing the provincials
78 B.C.
the end of this year Further Spain was
completely in the hands of Sertorius, except the places
actually occupied by the troops of Metellus. In Hither
Spain there was no Roman army, and the agents of Ser-
torius roamed through Gaul, urging the communities to
revolt. The passes of the Alps became insecure, and the
sea was commanded by the insurgents through their
alliance with the pirates in the western Mediterranean
these corsairs had a fixed station on the coast whence
they intercepted supplies, and maintained communications
with Italy and Asia Minor.
77 B.C.After the suppression of the revolt of Lepidus,
it was absolutely necessary to send a capable general to
Spain. This office Pompeius demanded for himself, and
as there was no one else fit for the command, and Pompeius
was at the head of an army, the senate resolved to yield.
The first task of Pompeius was to quiet the disturbances
which had already begun in Gaul, and to lay out a new
road over the Alps, in order to secure a shorter
tion with Italy. In the autumn he crossed the Pyrenees.
Meanwhile Sertorius, leaving Hirtuleius to keep Metellus
in check, had been completing the subjection of Hither
Spain, and had reduced one after another the towns
adhering to the senate. Perpenna, who had hitherto
maintained his command independently of Sertorius, was
forced at the approach of Pompeius to put himself under
the orders of his colleague.
76 B.C.Perpenna with a strong force stood ready to
oppose Pompeius if he should attempt to cross the Ebro,
and to march southwards. Herennius was in command
of another division to support Perpenna, while Sertorius
continued to subdue the districts friendly to Rome.
Pompeius, however, forced the passage of the Ebro,
defeated Herennius, and took Valentia. Sertorius now
appeared on the scene, and besieged Lauro, south of
Valentia, which had declared for Pompeius. The latter,
at the moment when his efforts to relieve the town seemed
on the point of success, was outmanoeuvred by Sertorius,
and saw the town captured and the inhabitants carried off
before his eyesan event which confirmed many wavering
towns in their adherence to the insurgents.
Meanwhile, Metellus had defeated Hirtuleius at Italica,
near Seville, and driven him into Lusitania.
75 B.C. The next year, Metellus marched to join Pom-
peius at Valentia, and defeated and killed Hirtuleius, who
endeavoured to intercept him. But Pompeius, anxious to
wipe out the disgrace of Lauro before Metellus arrived, gave
battle on the Sucro to Sertorius. Pompeius was defeated
on the right wing, while his lieutenant, Afranius, was
victorious on the left. The latter, however, was suddenly
attacked by Sertorius while occupied in pillage, and com-
pelled to retreat. By the next day, Metellus had over-
thrown Perpenna and joined Pompeius, who was now too
strong to be attacked.
For a time the fortune of Sertorius languished, and his
army melted away ; but he soon appeared with a new
army south of Saguntum, while his privateers prevented
supplies from reaching the Romans. There was a long
and doubtful battle in the plains of the river Turia
(Guadalaviar), the result of which was unfavourable to
Sertorius. His army melted away, and Valentia was
taken and razed to the ground. The general himself was
besieged at Clunia (on the Upper Douro), but escaped,
and at the end of the year was once more at the head of
an army.
As the result of the campaign, southern and central
Spain had been recovered by the Romans, and their con-
quests were secured by the occupation of the towns of
Segobriga and Bilbilis. But the country was so exhausted
that Metellus had even to spend his winter quarters in
74 B.C.With two fresh legions from Italy, the Romans
again took the field ; but Sertorius confined himself
entirely to guerilla warfare. Metellus reduced the Ser-
torian towns in southern Spain, and carried away the
male population with him.
In the province of the Ebro Pompeius was prevented
Sertorius from taking Pallantia, and was defeated
before Calagurris.
73 B.C.During this year the warfare was of the same
uneventful character ; but Pompeius succeeded in induc-
ing many communities to withdraw from the insurrection.
The war had now continued for eight years. The losses
of the state in men and treasure are difficult to estimate
not only were the Spanish revenues lost, but vast suras
h;:d annually to be sent for the support, of the army in
The province itself was devastated ; whole com-
munities had frequently perished, and the towns which
adhered to Rome had countless hardships to endure.
Gaul suffered scarcely less from the constant requisitions
of men and money, and from the burden of providing
winter quarters. Generals and soldiers were alike dis-
the former because victory was difficult and of
a kind that brought no fame
the latter because the booty
was poor, and even their pay irregular. At the same time
the government was contending against its enemies all
over the Mediterranean
on the sea, in Macedonia and
in Asia Minor ; while Sertorius was already in open
league with the pirates, and was negotiating with Mithra-
dates on the basis of mutual assistance.
But the position of Sertorius was even less enviable.
His influence waned as he was compelled more and more
to stand on the defensive. The Spanish militia was un-
stable as water, melting away at the first disaster; and
the Roman emigrants were insubordinate and stubborn.
It was difficult to maintain an adequate force of cavalry,
the training of which required considerable time. The
best of his lieutenants and the flower of his troops had
perished in the war, and the most trustworthy
ties showed signs of wavering. Like Hannibal.
knew that one day he must fall, and was always ready to
lay down his command, if he might be allowed to live
peaceably in Italy. Soon projects were formed
his life, and Sertorius withdrew the custody of his person
from Romans and entrusted it to select Spaniards,
the suspected were punished with fearful severity. A
second conspiracy was quickly formed among his own
staff, and only partially discovered, and the conspirators
were induced to hurry on the catastrophe. At the
instigation of Perpenna a great victory was announced
to the general, and a banquet was held to celebrate it.
At the banquet an altercation took place, and a wine-cup
was dashed on the floorthe signal for assassination.
Sertorius and his faithful attendants were slain
(72 B.C.).
History loves not the Coriolani ; nor has she made
any exception even in the case of this, the most mag-
nanimous, most gifted, most worthy to be regretted of
them all."
Perpenna succeeded to the command, but at the first
encounter the despondent ranks of the insurgents were
broken, and Perpenna with many other officers captured.
The correspondence of Sertorius, which implicated many
of the leading men at Rome, was burnt by Pompeius
unread. The emigrants dispersedmany to join the
but soon the Plotian law allowed them to return.
The Sertorian towns surrendered or were captured by
force, and the two provinces were regulated anew. The
tribute of the most guilty communities was increased,
and others lost their independence. One band of Ser-
torians was settled by Pompeius near Lugdunum as the
community of the Convenae.
At the close of 71 B.C. Metellus and Pompeius returned
to Rome.
The good fortune of Sulla seemed still to be
with his creation after he had been laid in the grave, and
to protect it better than the incapable and negligent
watchmen appointed to guard it. The opposition in Italy
had broken down owing to the incapacity and precipita-
tion of its leader, and that of the emigrants from dissen-
sion within their Own ranks. . . . The curule chairs were
rendered once more secure."
Lepidus.Liv. Epit. 90. Plut. Sul!.
34, 38
15, 16.
Licinianus, fragg. Flor. iii. 23. Sail. Hist. frag. bk. i.
pian B. C. i. 105, 107. Tac. Ann. iii. 27. Cic. in Cat. in.
Plin. N. H. vii. 36, 54.

Liv. Epit. 90-94, 96 ; frag. bk. 91. Pint. Sertor. 8-end

Pomp. 17-21. Flor. iii. 22. Veil. ii. 29, 30. Eutrop. vi. 1.
Appian B. C. i. 108-115. Hisp. 101. Orosius v.
10, 23. Frontin.
I. ii. 13. Caes. B. G. iii. 20. Sail., frag. lib. iii.
Sulla's la;s.Cic. pro Dom.
30; pro Caec. 33-35.
Hetaeriae.Cic. pro Plauc. 15, 18, 23, 37, and passim
pro Cluent.
26; ad. Att. i. 16; ad
Q. F. ii.
Ascon. in Corn. 75 (Bruns, pt.
iii. 4).
Note on Caesar's age.The year of Caesar's birth is usually given
as 100 B.C., because Suetonius (Jul.
Plutarch (Caes.
69), Appian
(B. C. ii. 149)
all state that he was at his death
Mar. 41 B.C.) in
his fifty-sixth year. But this account would make him enter upon
the three offices of aedile, praetor, and consul, which he held in
and 59 B.C. respectively, in his thirty-fifth, fortieth, and forty-
third years, that is, in each case, two years before the legal time.
The fact that this irregularity is nowhere noticed, suggests that the
statements of Suetonius, Plutarch, and Appian are errors derived
from a common source, especially as such errors must have been
common before the commencement of the acta diurna. The date
102 B.C. would agree better than 100 b.c. with the statement
Velleius, that Caesar was appointed Flamen Dialis when paene puer
since the latter date would make him thirteen years six months old,
i.e., not almost, but actually a boy. Further, the number til. on the
coins struck by Caesar about the outbreak of the civil war would
agree with the years of his life if he was born in 102 B.c.
Subjection of Thrace and Dalmatia.ii. Rise of Tigranes in the
East; third Mithradatic war (74-65 B.C.)
war with Tigranes;
invasion of Armenia.iii. The pirates : their organization, and
the Roman attempts to destroy them.iv. The Servile war
(73-71 B.C.).
The Sullan constitution had thus survived the dangers
which beset it on the death of its author. It remains to
be seen how the senate fulfilled the duties of government
during its new lease of power. In order to do this it is
necessary to go back a little, and to review the condition
of other parts of the empire during the last years of Sulla's
regency and the first years after his death in 78 B.C.
The condition of Spain had thrown all other questions
into the shade: but there were other serious dangers
threateningespecially from Thrace and Macedonia, from
the East, and from the pirates of the Mediterranean.
In Thrace and the adjacent regions there was warfare
for the space of twelve years, the result of which was
that the pirates of the Dalmatian coast and the tribes
between Macedonia and the Danube were subdued, while
Thrace became a portion of the province of Macedonia.
The most important feature in the history of the East,
during the years succeeding the settlement of Sulla,
was the rapid increase of the power and territory of
Tigranes, king of Armenia, and so-n-in-law of Mithra-
dates. The Parthians, who were at this time torn by
internal dissensions, were deprived by him of several
of their dependent kingdomsCordueue, Atropatene, and
Nineveh: of Mesopotamia the northern half was subject
to him. But it was on the west that his proceedings
necessarily affected the Romans. He took Melitene from
Cappadocia ; and after Sulla's death he advanced into
Cappadocia itself, and carried off the inhabitants of the
capital and of other towns Even by 83 B.C. he had subdued
eastern Cilicia, reduced Upper Syria and the greater part
of Phoenicia, and threatened the Jewish state. Antioch
became one of the residences of the great king. It was
the aim of Tigranes to become supreme monarch of the
East ; and it is always as an Oriental sultan, not as a
Western ruler, that he appears. His conquests were
accomplished by huge heterogeneous hosts gathered from
all parts of his dominions. The inhabitants of many of
the conquered cities were carried off to found a new great
city, Tigranocerta, near the frontier of Mesopotamia, in
the most southern province of Armenia.
In other
respects, too, the new great king proved faithful
to his
part. As amidst the perpetual childhood of the East the
childlike conception of kings with real crowns on their
heads has never disappeared, Tigranes, when he showed
himself in public, appeared in the state and costume of a
successor of Darius and Xerxes, with the purple caftan,
the half-white purple tunic, the long plaited trousers, the
high turban, and the royal diadem,attended, moreover,
and served in slavish fashion, wherever he went or stood,
by four
Mithradates had been careful to give the Romans no
provocation, but at the same time he strengthened himself
by every means not forbidden by treaty. He greatly
extended his dominions in the Black Sea, and devoted
himself to arming and training his troops in the Roman
fashion, in which he was aided by the Roman emigrants
at his court.
But the Romans were anxious to avoid interference in
the East. In 81 B.C., King Alexander II. died, leaving
by will his kingdom of Egypt to the Romans ; but Pto-
lemy Auletes and Ptolemy the Cyprian were allowed to
assume the kingship in Egypt and in Cyprus, though
these princes had notoriously no legal claim. Nor did
the Romans interfere with the conquests of Tigranes,
and if they did not recognize his title, they did nothing
to deprive him of his provinces. There were special
reasons why they should not interfere in Egypt, but, in
allowing an Asiatic king to establish himself on the
Mediterranean, they abandoned the very basis of the
Roman power.
Thus there was no desire for war on either side ; but
the third Mithradatic war, like the first, grew out of
mutual suspicion and distrust. It was the policy of Rome
to pursue every war, not merely to the conquest, but to
the annihilation of her opponents ; and the Romans were
discontented with the peace of Sulla, as they had been dis-
contented with the terms granted by Scipio Africanus to
the Carthaginians. It was ominous, too, that the new
preparations of Mithradates coincided with a serious civil
war, and with difficulties m other parts of the empire.
In 77 B c. it was declared in the senate that the king was
only waiting his opportunity, and the garrisons of Asia
and Cilicia were reinforced
Mithradates, on his side, felt that a war between the
Romans and Tigranes was inevitable, and that he would
not be able to remain neutral ; and his suspicions were
roused by the fact that he was unable to obtain from the
Romans the documentary record of the terms of the last
peace. If there was to be war no moment could be more
the Sertorian v ai was at its height, and the
king knew that instead of a single-handed struggle against
the whole Roman power, he w
ould have the alliance of an
important section within it. Just at this time75 B.C.

Bithynia was occupied by the Romans, in virtue of the

will of King Nicomedes III., who died heirless ; and
Cyrene, which had also been bequeathed, was made a
Roman province The fears of the king lest the Romans
meant henceforth to pursue an aggressive
policy turned
the scale, and he yielded to the persuasions
of the Roman
emigrants, and declared war in the winter of 7574
Tigranes declined the overtures of his father-in-law
but an alliance was at once concluded w
ith Sertorius and
with the pirates. From the former, the king obtained
officers for his army; from the latter, a large force of
ships ; as for stores, the royal granaries contained two
million medimni of grain.
74 B.C.The war began with the advance of Diophantus
into Cappadocia to close the road to Pontus against the
Romans, while agents were sent to rouse the Roman
province and Phrygia to revolt. The main army of
infantry and 16,000 cavalry advanced along the
coast to occupy Paphlagonia and Bithynia.
On the Roman side, the consul Lucius Lucullus, with
thirty thousand infantry and sixteen hundred cavalry, was
ordered to invade Pontus : his colleague, with the fleet and
a body of troops, was sent to the Propontis, to cover Asia
and Bithynia. A general arming of the coast was ordered,
and the task of clearing the seas of the pirates was en-
trusted to Marcus Antonius, praetor for the year.
Fortunately for the Roman government the power of
Sertorius began from this moment to decline, and it
was able to devote itself exclusively to the Asiatic war
At first, many cities opened their gates to the officers of
the Roman families in them were massacred
and the Pisidians, Isaurians, and Cilicians took up arms.
Something was done by individual energetic men like
Gaius Caesar, who hurried from Rhodes and raised volun

teers to oppose the insurgents ; and Deiotarus, tetrarch of

the Tolistoboii, fought against them with success
still Lucullus was delayed for some time in restoring
order in the province before he could advance.
Meantime Cotta was besieged by Mithradates in Chalce-
don, and, anxious to distinguish himself before his col-
league could arrive to relieve him, was not only repulsed
in a sally which he made by land, but suffered the loss of
all his ships, which were burnt in the harbour by the
enemy. On the approach of Lucullus, Mithradates moved
towards the Hellespont and besieged Cyzicus. The citizens
defended themselves with heroic vigour. The town is on
an island connected with the mainland by a bridge
though the royal army was able to occupy the Dindymene
heights on the island itself, all efforts to storm the town
were in vain. Meanwhile Lucullus established himself in
the rear, and the besieging army was itself blockaded, and
could only procure supplies by sea. A storm destroyed
a large portion of the siege works, and the scarcity of
provisions became intolerable. The greater part of the
cavalry, which was sent to convoy some of the beasts
of burden, was cut to pieces as it attempted to make its
way out of the lines, and another body was forced to Teturn
to the camp, which suffered fearfully from famine and
73 B.C.In the spring the besieged redoubled their exer-
tions, and the king could only try to escape and save a
portion of his army. He went in person with the fleet to
the Hellespont. The land army under Hermaeus and the
Roman Marius succeeded in retreating, after considerable
losses, to Lampsacus, which was in the hands of the king.
Here the arcny and all the citizens embarked and sailed
The enemy had lost 200,000 men, but their fleet still
commanded the sea. With it they besieged Perinthus
and Byzantium on the European coast, pillaged other
towns, and established their head-quarters at Nicomedia.
A squadron of fifty sail, with ten thousand men on board,
destined, it is said, to effect a landing in Italy, sailed into
the Aegean. But Lucullus had by this time collected some
new ships, and captured the whole squadron at the island
of Neae, between Lemnos and Scyros. At the same time
the legates of Lucullus continued the war in Bithynia,
and after capturing many towns attacked the king himself
at Nicomedia. The king hastily fled by sea and occupied
Heraclea, which was betrayed to him ; but a storm sank
sixty of his ships and destroyed the rest, and he arrived at
Sinope almost alone.
Lucullus now assumed the offensive. Leaving his
lieutenants to blockade the Hellespont and besiege
Heraclea, he advanced into Pontus. The king retired
in order to draw Lucullus into the
interior, but the
Romans rapidly followed him, leaving
detachments to
blockade the towns which they passed.
72 B.C.Winter stopped the advance of the army,
not the blockades, which were continued in
spite of the
murmurs of the soldiery. In the spring,
Lucullus im-
mediately advanced against Cabira, where a
army under Diophantus and Taxiles had assembled.
Romans, with only three legions, were too weak to attack
and the two armies lay fronting each other, both in great
straits to procure supplies. Mithradates had organized a
flying column under the two generals mentioned above, to
scour the country and intercept the Roman convoys
the lieutenant of Lucullus, Marcus Fabins Hadrianus, who
was escorting a store-train, not only defeated the band
which lay in wait for him, but, when reinforced, defeated
the whole column. This defeat determined the king to
retreat from Cabira ; but on his determination becoming
known a panic seized his troops, during which Lucullus
attacked and massacred them, as they scarcely offered
resistance. Had the legions been less eager for plunder,
not a man could have escaped The great king escaped
through the mountains, and finding himself pursued, took
refuge with his son-in-law in Armenia, where he remained
in a sort of honourable captivity
All the flat country of Pontus and Lesser Armenia was
now overrun by the Romans, and the treasure and stores
of the king fell into their hands. But the towns, especially
those on the coast, offered an obstinate resistance, many
of them holding out for two years. Amisus, Sinope,
Amastris, and Heraclea, not only defended themselves
desperately, but even sent out snips, which did great
damage by cutting off Roman supplies
partly because
they were attached to the king, who had protected their
free Hellenic constitution,

partly overawed by the pirates,

who fought for the king. The reduction of these towns
was left to lieutenants, while Lucullus devoted himself
to the task of reorganizing the province of Asia. The
cause of Mithradates appeared hopeless Tigranes showed
no intention of restoring him to his kingdom
the best of
the Roman emigrants had fallen, or had made their peace
with Lucullus, and were serving in his army
was killed in the year of the battle of Cabira
the king's ships, as they returned from Crete and Spain,
were attacked and destroyed by the Romans
and even his
son Machares, governor of his Bosporan kingdom, deserted
him and made a separate peace with the Romans. Lucullus
applied himself to redressing the grievances of the pro-
vincials of Asia, and only awaited the arrival of a commis-
sion from the senate to reduce the Pontic kingdom into a
A far more difficult question presented itself in the
relations between the kingdom of Armenia and Rome.
Lucullus saw clearly that the aggressions of the new
great king must be stopped, and the dominion of Rome
over the Mediterranean re- established. Moreover, as a
Philhellene, he felt that, as the heritage of Alexander in the
East had at length come to the Romans, so they could not
escape the obligation of being, like Alexander, the shield
and sword of the Greeks in the East. But he knew that
the timid and incapable government at home would not,
unless compelled, undertake an expedition so costly and so
vast. Antiochus Asiaticus and his brother, the represen-
tatives of the Seleucidae, had already implored interference
in the affairs of Syria, but without result. If the war was
to be undertaken, it must be over the head of the home
There were pretexts enough for a declaration of war
but, as the mission of Lucullus had reference to Mithra-
dates alone, he preferred to take the preliminary step of
sending an officer to Tigranes to demand the surrender of
Mithradates. The resolution was bold to rashness. In
the first place, Lucullus had but thirty thousand men
he must leave behind him a large force to hold Pontus,
and to secure his communications. Nor, under the circum-
stances, could he ask for reinforcements from home
so that
after incorporating in his army some of the Pontic mer-
cenaries, he found himself compelled to cross the Euphrates
with not more than fifteen thousand men. Secondly, the
temper of the soldiers was most dangerous. The general
himself was of a haughty aristocratic demeanour, un-
popular with the soldiers on account of the strict dis-
cipline which he maintained and the tremendous toils
which he imposed upon them. Moreover, many of his best
troops had served continuously ever since their arrival
in the East under Flaccus and Fimbria in the first Mithra-
datic war
B.C.), and justly demanded their discharge.
Thirdly, Lucullus had made himself widely
unpopular in
the pi-ovince of Asia by the stern justice with which he
checked the usury of the Roman capitalists.
69 B.C.The demand for the surrender of Mithradates
was of course refused, and in the spring of 69 B.C. the
Euphrates was crossed. Lucullus marched direct for
whither the great king had shortly before
returned from Syria, after having temporarily deferred
the prosecution of his plans of conquest on the Mediter-
ranean on account of the embroilment with the Romans.
He was just projecting an inroad into Roman Asia from
Cilicia and Lycaonia, and was considering whether the
Romans would at once evacuate Asia, or would previously
give him battle, possibly at Ephesus, when a messenger
interrupted him with the tidiugs of the advance of Lu-
cullus. He ordered him to be hanged, but the disagree-
able reality remained unaltered
so he left his capital and
resorted to the interior of Armenia to raise a forcewhich
had not yet been doneagainst the Romans." Lucullus
held the newly raised forces of the king in check with a
division of his troops, and himself vigorously prosecuted
the siege of the city.
Mancaeus, the governor, held out bravely till Tigranes
had raised a huge army of relief from all parts of his
empire, with which he advanced to the city. Taxiles,
the old general of Mithradates, advised him to avoid battle
and starve out the enemy
but Tigranes, seeing the
ridiculously small number of the Romansnot much
more than ten thousand men,resolved to accept the
engagement which Lucullus offered him. As the
Armenians were forming line, Lucullus noticed that they
had omitted to occupy a height which commanded the
position of their cavalry. He hastened to occupy it,
diverting attention from the movement by a flank attack
with his cavalry. As soon as the height was reached, he
threw this division of his troops on the rear of the enemy's
cavalry. They broke, and were driven upon the infantry,
who were not yet formed, and who fled without striking a
blow. The bulletin of Lucullus announced that 100,000
Armenians and five Romans had fallen , and that the
king had thrown away his diadem and galloped off un-
Tigranocerta and all the conquests of Tigranes im-
mediately passed into the power of the Romans. Envoys
arrived even from the Red Sea, Hellenes, Syrians. Jews,
Arabs, to do homage to their new sovereigns. But Guras,
brother of Tigranes, maintained himself in Mesopotamia.
Lucullus restored Antiochus Asiaticus to Syria, and sent
back the forced settlers of Tigranocerta to their homes.
The immense stores and wealth which were captured de-
frayed all the expenses of the war, and furnished a present
of 800 denarii
for each soldier. The great king was
completely humbled, and peace would probably have been
made but for the influence of Mithradates. To him the
continuance of the war was the only hope of safety. He
represented to Tigranes that by war he had everything to
gain and nothing to lose, and persuaded him to entrust
himself with the whole management. Great exertions
were made to rouse the whole East against the Romans,
and to represent the struggle not merely as nationalthe
East against the Westas it certainly was, but also as
religious ; and the Asiatics flocked to the standard to
defend their gods against the impious invaders. Mithra-
dates spared no pains to make his cavalry irresistible, and
in the new army half the force was mounted, while the
infantry were carefully selected and trained by his Pontic
officers. Armenia proper was to be the theatre of the
war, which was to be entirely defensive.
68 B.C.The position of Lucullus became more difficult
every day. The senate resented his arbitrary conduct,
and appointed two new governors to the provinces of
Cilicia and Asia, restricting him to the military com-
mand. The capitalists were against him to a man, and did
everything to procure his recall ; while discontent grew
louder and louder in the camp, and was fostered by several
of the general's own officers. But Lucullus, nothing
daunted, resolved, like a desperate gambler, to double his
stakes, and to march for Artaxata, the capital of Armenia
proper, hoping thus to compel the king to fight. The
difficulties were tremendous. Troops had to be summoned
from Pontus to hold Tigranocerta, and, as the Armenian
summer lasted but four months, the whole campaign must
be completed in that short period.
Lucullus set out at midsummer, 68 B.C., crossed the
Euphrates, and at length reached the table-land of
Armenia, after a march continually harassed by the
enemy's cavalry. Winter had set in before Artaxata
was reached, and when the troops saw snow and ice
around them they mutinied, and compelled Lucullus to
retreat. On reaching the plain, where the season still
permitted operations, the Romans crossed the Tigris and
besieged Nisibis, the capital of Mesopotamia ; the city was
stormed, and the array went into winter quarters.
Meanwhile the weak Roman divisions in Pontus and at
Tigranocerta had fared hardly. Mithradates once more
overran Pontus, and raised the country against the Romans.
Hadrianus, the Roman commander, after a battle lasting:
two days, was only just able to shut himself up in Cabira,
and the other lieutenants of Lucullus met with no better
67 B.C.These disasters, and the insubordination of his
troops, which had increased during the winter, compelled
Lucullus to recross the Euphrates
but he was too late
to save the troops in Pontus, which had been defeated
and almost annihilated at Ziela.
At this very time, news arrived from Rome that the
people had resolved to grant discharge to those soldiers
whose term of service had expired, and to entrust the
conduct of the war to Manius Acilius Glabrio, consul for
the year. This news dissolved all the bonds of authority
just when Lucullus needed them most ; for, at the moment,
he was confronted by the Pontic army, while the main
army under Tigranes was advancing upon him from
Armenia. He tried to procure aid from the new governor
of Cilicia, but in vain ; while Glabrio, who had landed in
Asia Minor, refused to take over the command. When
the soldiers were ordered to advance into Armenia against
Tigranes, they took the road to Cappadocia and the pro-
vince of Asia instead, and the Fimbrians were with
difficulty dissuaded from disbanding at once ; but,
the winter arrived, and no enemy confronted them, they
Thus the eight-years' war left the Romans exactly in
the same position as at the beginning. Mithradates
regained his old dominions and Tisrranes his conquests.
When we consider the means with which Lucullus accom-
plished all that he did, his achievements are unsurpassed
by those of any Roman general. His retreat from
Armenia to Asia Minor excels the celebrated retreat of
the Ten Thousand ; and, if the name of Lucullus is less
known than the names of other Roman generals, it is
probably because in war, more than in any other depart-
ment of human action, the judgment is awarded almost
solely by the final result ; and because no tolerable narra-
tive of his campaigns has come down to us.
The remissness of the senatorial government is most
strikingly seen in the extraordinary growth of piracy.
The whole Mediterranean was infested with corsairs, so
that all traffic by sea was at an end. Th? import of corn
into Italy ceased, while the cornfields of the provinces
could find no vent for their produce. Romans of rank
were carried off for the sake of the ransom paid for their
merchants and even troops put off their
voyages till the winter season, preferring the risk of
storm and tempest to that of capture. Worst of all
were the outrages on the islands and coast towns of Asia
Minor, which were either sacked or compelled to purchase
safety by the payment of large sums. All the rich
temples of this region were plundered, and even towns one
or two days' march from the coast were no longer safe.
The pirates of this day were no longer mere free-
booters or slave-catchers, but formed a regular state, with
an organization, a home of their own, and at least the germs
of a political league. They called themselves Cilicians,
but drew their recruits from all sourcesdischarged merce-
naries, citizens of destroyed communities, soldiers from
the Sertorian or Fimbrian armies, the refugees of all
vanquished parties. The motto of the new state was
vengeance upon civil society ; its members were bound
together by a strong sense of fellowship
a determina-
tion to be true to each other, and by loyalty to their
chosen chiefs. They regarded their plunder as military
spoil, and as in case of capture they were sure of the
cross, they too claimed the right of executing their
prisoners Their ships were small, open, and swift

mostly light
myoparones," and they sailed in squadrons
under regularly appointed admirals. Their home was
the whole Mediterranean ; but their special haunts,
where they kept their plunder and their wives, were
Crete and the southern coast of Asia Minor. Here the
native leagues were weak, and the Roman station was in-
adequate for the guardianship of the whole coast; while
the Armenian king troubled himself little about the sea.
In the prevailing weakness of the legitimate governments
of the time the pirates gained a body of client states
among the Greek maritime cities, which made treaties
and carried on an extensive trade with them. The town
of Side in Pamphylia, for instance, allowed them to
build ships on its quays and to sell their captures in it3
This pirate state even formed alliances with Mitbra-
dates and with the Roman emigrants; it fought battles
with the fleets of Sulla, and some of its princes reigned
many coast towns.
Evidently the Romans had shamefully neglected all the
duties of maritime police. Instead of keeping up a fleet
to guard the whole sea, they left each province and each
client state to defend itself as it could. Though the
provincials paid tribute to the Romans for their defence,
there was no Italian fleet. The government depended on
ships furnished by the maritime towns at the expense of
the provinces, which were even called upon to contribute
to the ransom of Roman captives of rank.
Though no systematic and continuous efforts were made
to meet the evil, there were many expeditions, which were
more or less successful for the time. Sulla had left in-
structions for the raising of a fleet which were never
carried out.
In 79 B.C., one of the consuls, Publius Servilius, defeated
the pirate fleet and destroyed the pirate towns on the
south coast of Asia Minor, including Olympus and
Phaselis, which belonged to the prince Zenicetes. He
next led an army over the Taurus, captured Isaura, and
subdued the Isaurians in the north-west of rough Cilicia.
His campaigns lasted for three years, and were not with-
out fruit ; but, naturally, the main body of the pirates
simply betook itself to other regionsespecially Crete.
Nothing but the establishment of a strong maritime
police could meet the case
and this the Romans would
not undertake.
In 74 B.C. they did entrust the clearance of the seas
to a single admiral in supreme command. But such
appointments were managed by the political clubs : and
the choice fell upon the praetor Marcus Antonius, who
was quite unfit for the post. Moreover, the government
did not furnish supplies and money adequate for the
purpose, so that the requisitions of the admiral were
more burdensome to the provincials than were the pirates
themselves. The expedition came to nothing : the Roman
fleet was defeated off Cydonia by the pirates and the
Cretans combined ; Antonius died in Crete in 71 B.C. ; and
the government fell back upon the old system of leaving
each state to protect itself.
The defeat of Cydonia roused even the degenerate
Romans of that day from their lethargy
yet the bribes
of the Cretan envoys would probably have bought off
Roman vengeance, had not the senate decreed the loans
to the envoys from Roman bankers at exorbitant interest
not recoverablethus incapacitating itself for bribery.
The most humiliating terms were now offered to the
Cretans, and on their rejection Quintus Metellus, the pro-
consul, appeared, in 68 B.C., in Cretan waters. A battle
was fought under the walls of Cydonia, which the Romans
with difficulty won; but the siege of the towns lasted for
two years. With the conquest of Crete the last spot of
free Greek soil passed under the power of the Romans.
The Cretan communities, as they were the first of all
Greek commonwealths to develop the free urban con-
stitution and the dominion of the sea, were also to be the
last of all the Greek maritime states formerly filling the
Mediterranean, to succumb to the Roman continental
Metellus assumed the surname of Creticus, as Servilius
had become Isauricus ; but the power of the pirates in the
Mediterranean was never higher than now. The coast
towns paid taxes for defence to the Roman governor, and
blackmail to the pirates at the same time
the admiral of
the Cilician army was carried off, as well as two praetors
with all their retinue and insignia; the Roman fleet,
equipped to clear the seas, was destroyed by the pirates in
the port of Ostia itself : and so things went on, from bad
to worse, until Pompeius put an end to the pest in 67 B.C.
The rule of the restored oligarchy in Macedonia, in the
East, and on the sea has already been reviewed ; we have
now to see how it fulfilled its duties within the confines
of Italy.
Politically and economically slavery was the curse of all
ancient states
and it is to be remembered that, where this
institution exists, the richer and more prosperous the
state, the greater the proportion of slaves to the free
population becomes. There had already been serious
servile wars, and the evil had grown with the growth
the plantation system ; but the decade after the death of
Sulla was
the golden age of buccaneers
by sea and
land. Violence of all kinds was rife in the less populated
parts of Italy ; but the crime of abduction both of men
and of estates was peculiarly dangerous to the state. For
it was frequently perpetrated by the overseers and slaves
of great land-owners, who did not disdain to keep what
their officious subordinates had thus acquired for them
and, of course, bands of slaves and proletarians were
ready enough to learn their lesson, and to carry on the
business of plunder on their own account. Thus Italy
was full of inflammable material, and a spark was not
long wanting to set it ablaze.
In 73 B.C., a number of gladiators broke out from one of
the training schools of Capua, and took up a position on
Mount Vesuvius, under the leadership of two Celtic slaves,
Crixus and Oenomaus, and of Spartacus, a Thracian of
noble, perhaps even of royal lineage. At first only seventy
four in number, they quickly increased, until aid had to be
sought from Rome to repel them. A hastily collected
army of three thousand men blockaded the mountain, but
when attacked by the robbers it at once fled. This
success of course increased the number of the insurgents,
and the praetor Varinius found them encamped like a
regular army in the plain.
The Roman militia soon became sorely weakened by
disease, and undermined by cowardice and insubordina-
tion. The greater number refused to obey the order to
attack, and when at length Varinius advanced, the enemy
had retreated southwards out of his reach. He followed, but
was disastrously defeated in Lucania. The robber band
soon rose to the number of forty thousand men; Campania
was overrun, and many strong towns were stormed. The
slaves naturally showed no more mercy to their captives
than was shown to themselves by their masters ; they
crucified their prisoners, and, with grim humour, com-
pelled them to slaughter each other in gladiatorial combat.
72 B.C.For the next year both consuls were sent
against the slaves. The Celtic band under Crixus, which
had separated from the rest, was destroyed at Mount
Garganus in Apulia; but Spartacus won victory after
victory in the north, and overcame both consuls and every
Roman commander who
opposed him.
Still the in-
surgents remained a mere band of robbers,
aimlessly in search of plunder; and all the
efforts of
Spartacus to restrain the mad orgies of his
followers, and
to induce them to carry on a systematic war, were in
vain. Nor was the band united in itself, but
into two parts
the one consisting of half-Greek
barians, the other of Celts and Germans. It is said that
Spartacus wished after his victories to cross the Alps, and
lead his followers to their old homes, but was unable to
persuade them ; and that he then turned south to
blockade Rome, which again was too arduous an enter-
prise to suit the wishes of slaves.
The supreme command was now entrusted by the
Roman government to Marcus Crassus, the praetor. He
raised an army of eight legions, and restored discipline by
decimating the first division which ran away. Spartacus
was defeated and marched south to Rhegium, where he
attempted to throw a corps into Sicily, but without
success. Crassus followed, and made his troops build a
wall across the whole peninsula of Bruttium : but
Spartacus broke through, and in 71 B.C. appeared again
in Lucania. But their own disunion and arrogance were
more fatal to the robbers than the Roman armies. Once
more the Celts and Germans broke off from the rest, and
though after a narrow escape they once more pitched
their camp for safety near that of Spartacus, Crassus
managed to compel them to a separate engagement, and
slaughtered the whole body. Spartacus even now gained
a slight success over the Roman vanguard, but his men
compelled him to lead them into Apulia and to fight a
decisive battle. Crassus gained a. dearly bought victory
and, being joined by the troops of Pompeius from Spain,
he hunted out the refugees in every part
Italy: six thousand crucified slaves lined the road from
Capua to Rome.
If the events of the ten years after the death of Sulla
are viewed as a whole, what must be the judgment on the
senatorial government ? The most striking fact about all
the movements of that period is, that though none of them
neither the insurrection of Lepidus, nor the Sertorian war,
nor the wars in Asia and Macedoniaany more than the
risings of the pirates and of the slaves constituted a really
and serious danger, yet they were allowed to grow
neglect into struggles in which the very
existence of the
empire was at stake.
It was no credit to Rome that the
two most celebrated generals of the government party had,
during a struggle of eight years, marked by more defeats
than victories, failed to master the insurgent chief Ser-
torius and his Spanish guerillas ; and that it was only the
dasher of his friends that decided tue Sercorian war in
favour of the legitimate government. As to the slaves,
it was far less an honour to have conquered them than
disgrace to have been pitted against them in equal
strife for years. Spartacus, ton, as well as Hannibal, had
traversed Italy with an army from the Po to the Sicilian
straits, beaten both consuls, and threatened Rome with
blockade. The enterprise which it required the greatest
general of antiquity to undertake against the
Rome of
former days, could be undertaken against the Rome of
the present by a daring captain of banditti."
The external wars produced a result less unsatisfactory,
but quite
disproportionate to the expenditure of money
and men. The Romans were driven from the sea; and in
Asia, iu spite of the ganius of Lucullus, the result was
tantamount to defeat. And though, to some extent, evpry
class in the Roman state is responsible for this deplorable
state of affairs, as
every rotten stone in the building
helps to bring about the ruin of the whole," yet, in great
part, it can be distinctly traced to the mismanagement of
the governing body. For instance, the failure of the
Asiatic war was due to the remissness of the government io
abandoning their client states in the first instance, and to
their neglect to support their general after the war had
begun ;
while the power of the pirates was clue to the
culpable reluctance of the government to deal with the
evil in the
comprehensive manner by which alone it could
be met. To sum up :
The material benefits which a
state exists to confersecurity of frontier, undisturbed
peaceful intercourse,
legal protection, and regulated ad-
ministrationbegan, all of them,
vanish for the
of the nations united in the Roman state ; the gods of
blessing seemed all of them to have ascended to Olympus,
and to have left the miserable earth at the mercy of official
or volunteer plunderers and tormentors. Nor was this
decay of the state felt as a public misfortune by such only
as had political rights and public spirit ; the insurrection
of the proletariate, and the prevalence of brigandage and
piracy carried the sense of this decay into the remotest
valley and the humblest hut of Italy, and made every one
who pursued trade or commerce, or who bought even a
bushel of wheat, feel it as a personal calamity."
Thracian and Dalmatian icars.Liv. Epit. 91, 92, 95, 103. Flor. iii. 4.
Eastern war.Liv. Epit. 93-98. Flor. iii. 5. Veil. ii. 33. Eutrop.
vi. 8-11. Justin, xxxvii. 2, 3 ; xxxviii. 1-3, 5. Plut. Lucull.
5-37. Appian Mithr. 67-91. Memn. 37-57. Oros. vi. 2. Strab.
xii. 546, 547. Sail. Hist. frag. lib. iv., vi. Cic. pro L. Maoil.
2, 5, 8, 9
pro Murena, 15
; ad Att. xiii. 6. Dio. xxxv. 1-17.
Pirates.Liv. Epit.
90, 93,
98-100. Flor. iii.
6, 7. Veil. ii.
31, 32.
Eutrop. vi. 12. Appian Mithr. 91-93 ; Sic. 6. Oros. v. 23.
Strab. xiv. 667, 671. Frontin. in. vii. 1. Val. Max. viii.
5, 6.
Tac. Ann. xii. 62. Cic. in Verr. ii. 3
iii. 91. Plut. Pomp. 24.
Suet. Jul. 4. Dio. xxxvi. 3-7.
Spartacus.Plut. Pomp. 21. Crass. 8-11. Liv. Epit. 95-97.
B. C. i. 116-120. Veil. ii. 30; iii. 20. Flor. iii. 19.
Note on the will
Alexander, king
Egypt.Mommsen ascribes
this document to Alexander II., who died in 81 B.C., not, as most
authorities, to Alexander I., ob. 88 B.C. His chief argument is that
Alexander II. was the last of the genuine Lagidae, and the similar
testaments of the kings of Pergamus, Cyrene and Bithynia were all
executed by the last representative of the ruling family. The fact
that the treasure bequeathed was deposited at Tyre is accounted
for by the fact that Alexander was killed only nineteen days after
his arrival in Egypt (Letronne, Inscrr. de l'Egypte, ii.
; and the
words of Cicero (De L. Agr. i.
4, 15, 16)
are not inconsistent with
the assignment of the will to the year 81 B.C.
Abuses of the senatorial rule : powerlessness of the aristocrats

Coalition of Pompeius and Crassus with the democratic party

Pompeius becomes practically Regent of the Empire by means

of the Gabinian and Manilian laws.
The new government had survived the danger of external
war and of insurrection in Italy. We have now to con-
sider its relations with parties in Rome during the same
decade of years. With characteristic want of energy it
had not even completed the half-finished arrangements of
Sulla. The lands destined by him for distribution had not
been parcelled out ; even domain lands were again occupied
in the old arbitrary fashion which prevailed before the
Gracchan reforms. Whatever in the new constitution was
inconvenient to the optimates was ignored, such as the
disfranchisement of particular communities and the pro-
hibition against conjoining the new farms.
Still the Gracchan constitution remained formally
abolished, and it was the aim of the democratic party to
restore it in its main features
so the old watchwords were
heard again

the corn-largesses, the tribunician power,

and the reform of the senatorial tribunals. The govern-
ment consented, in the year of Sulla's death
(78 B.C.), to a
limited revival of the corn distributions
and in 73 B.C.
a new corn-law regulated the purchases of Sicilian grain
for this purpose.
The agitation regarding the tribunician power was begun
as early as 76 B.C., and continued in later years, though
without result. But for the reform of the tribunals the
cry was louder and the need more pressing. The crime of
extortion had become habitual, and the condemnation of
any man of influence could scarcely be obtained. Not
only was there a fellow-feeling with the accused on the
part of the senatorial jurymen, many of whom had either
been guilty or hoped some day to be guilty of a similar
offence, but the sale of the votes of the jurymen had
become an established custom. A specially flagrant case
might provoke an outcry for the time, but, generally
speaking, bribery was so universal that "the commission
as to extortions might be regarded as an institution for
taxing the senators returning from the provinces for the
benefit of their colleagues that remained at home." Even
Roman citizens in the provinces, unless senators or
equites, were no longer safe from the rods and axes of
the Roman magistrates. The opposition did not fail to
avail itself of this state of things ; for the prosecution
of a powerful opponent in the law courts was the only
weapon left to it. So Caesar prosecuted Gnaeus Dolabella
and Gaius Antonius, and Cicero made himself famous by
his indictment of Verres ; while the whole party loudly
demanded the restoration of the tribunician power and of
the equestrian tribunals, and the renewal of the censorship
as the only means of purifying the governing board.
With all this no progress was made
the restoration of
corn distributions had conciliated the mob of the capital,
and the senate could afford to be resolute on the other
points. Some slight concession was made with regard
to the exiles of the insurrection of Lepidus ; and the in-
fluence of Gaius Cotta, leader of the moderate reform
party in the senate, abolished the provision which forbade
the tribunes of the plebs to stand for other magistracies
but the other restrictions remained, and neither party was
The present condition of affairs, so happy for the
government, was completely changed by the return of
Pompeius from Spain in 71 B.C. Pompeius belonged to the
optimates, but he was very little at home in his own party.
He had ambition above that of the ordinary aristocrat, and
could not be content with passing through the regular
routine of office, with nothing before him but a luxurious
and indolent retirement. Yet this was all that his own
party could offer. The command in the Mithradatic war,
which he ardently desired, he knew the senate would never
give him. The interests of the oligarchy could not permit
him to add fresh laurels to those he had already gained in
Africa and Europe
they dared not entrust the Eastern
command to any but the most approved and stanchest
aristocrat. And there were other grounds of dissension
It was only with reluctance that the senate had conferred
upon him the Spanish command
while, in return, the
general accused the government of neglecting the Spanish
armies and endangering the expedition Moreover, he
demanded for himself a triumph and the consulship, and
for his soldiers assignations of land But Pompeius had
never filled any of the subordinate magistracies, and
therefore could not legally be consul. Nor could he
triumph, for, in spite of his extraordinary commands, he
had never been invested with the ordinary supreme power
There were but two courses open to him : he could either
make his demands openly at the head of his army and in-
timidate the senate into compliance, or he could ally him-
self with the democrats. The timid nature of Pompeius
and his want of political adroitness inclined him to the
latter course ; he thus gained for himself able political
adjutants like Gaius Caesar, while the forlorn democratic
party were only too glad of the alliancethey knew that
the government could refuse no demand presented by so
formidable a combination.
There was still one man whose influence, though it might
not be able to give victory to either side, was yet consider-
able. This was Marcus Crassus, who was at the head of the
army with which he had crushed the servile rising, and
who, moreover, was the richest man in Rome, and had great
influence in the political clubs. He, like Pompeius, was
a Sullan, but had personal aims, quite outside the ordinary
constitutional routine. He chose the safer course of join-
ing the coalition, and was welcomed by the democrats, who
were not unpleased to find in him a possible counterpoise
to the now all-powerful Pompeius. This, the first coalition,
took place in the summer of 71 B.C. The terms were
simple. The generals adopted the democratic programme,
while they were to have the consulship for the following
year. Pompeius, in addition, was to get his triumph and
the allotments promised to bis soldiei'S, and Crassus the
honour of a solemn entrance into the capital. The seDate
had nothing to oppose to the coalition, for Metellus had
already disbanded bis troops. They granted the necessary
dispensations, and Pompeius gave formal adherence to the
democratic proposals in an assembly of the people.
The Sullan constitution was now speedily abolished.
Pompeius himself, as consul, introduced a law restoring to
the tribunes all their old prerogatives, especially the right
of initiating legislation. 2. The law-courts were reformed
by the lex Aurelia of Lucius Cotta, the praetor, and brother
of Gaius Cotta
(p. 355) ;
and this fact, taken together with
the provisions of the law itself, seems to show that the
moderate senatorial party lent its support to the coalition
for the senators were not altogether excluded from the
roll of jurymen, who in future were to be composed one-
third of senators, two-thirds of equestrians
but, of the
latter, one-half must have filled the office of tribuni aerarii,
or district presidents. As these officers were elected by
the tribes, one-third of the jurymen were now indirectly
elective. 3. The farming system was reintroduced for the
taxes of the Asiatic province ; this, of course, was to con-
ciliate the capitalists at the expense of the provincials.
4. The censorship was restored

probably without the

earlier limitation which restricted the term of office to
eighteen months. The two first censors under the new
law were two consulars who had been removed by the
senate from their commands
against Spartacus. They now
revenged themselves by
expelling eighty-four senators
(one-eighth of the whole).
The constitution of Sulla had been based on a monopoly
of power by the senate, and on the political annihilation of
every other class in the state
but under the new arrange-
ment the senate was held in check by fear of the censors
and of the equestrian jurymen. The tribunes of the people
could propose new laws and overturn any existing arrange-
ments at will, while the moneyed classes, as farmers of
the revenue and as judges of the provincial governors,
again raised their heads beside the senate.
The democrats had further aims, such as the recall of
the proscribed and the punishment of the murderers of
the Sullan proscriptions ; but the generals had been too
connected with these events to take any part in
such measures, and nothing was done beyond the collection
of the outstanding purchase-money for estates confiscated
Meanwhile the armies of the two generals still lay before
the walls of Rome, and the danger was great lest Pompeius
should yield to the temptation of making himself absolute
master of the city and of the empire. The coalition had
only one bond of unionthe desire to destroy the Sullan
constitution ; that work was now accomplished, and the
combination was in reality dissolved. Crassus had through-
out played an inferior part, and his terror became so great
that he began to make advances to the senate and to
attempt to gain over the mob by immense largesses. But
Pompeius really lacked the courage to take a decisive
step ; he wished to be master of Rome and loyal citizen
at the same time. The adroit leaders of the democratic
party plied him with flatteries, urged him to surpass his
former services to the state by a still greater victory, and
to banish the fearful spectre of civil war. Crassus was
induced to make the first overtures for disbandment, and at
length the great general yielded, and the troops dispersed.
The Mithradatic war appeared now at an end
and as Pompeius would not accept a province he retired
at the expiry of his consulship wholly from public affairs.
During the next few years the condition of parties was
very much what it had been before the time of Sulla. The
direction of affairs lay with the senate, while the constitu-
tion through which it governed was pervaded by a hostile
spirit. The democrats were impotent without a leader;
and the chief feature of the period is the increase of the
influence of the capitalist party, which, though courted by
both sides, on the whole drew closer to the senate. Their
influence is seen in the law of the year 67 B.C., which restored
to them the fourteen special benches in the theatre, and in
the fact that the senate withdrew, at their instance, the
administration of Asia from Lucius Lucullus.
But the course of the war in the East soon brought
about a change (see
346). All the conquests in the East
were lost, and the sea was given up to the undisputed
sway of the pirates. The democrats eagerly seized the
opportunity of settling accounts with the senate, and
Pompeius saw once more before him an opportunity of
gratifying his ambition. Accordingly, in 67 B.C., two
projects of law were introduced in the assembly of the
tribes at his instigation.
1. The first measure decreed the discharge of the soldiers
in the East who had served their term
and the substitution
of Glabrio, one of the consuls of the year, for Lucullus in
the command.
2. The second proposed a comprehensive plan for clearing
the seas from pirates. The terms of the proposal are
extraordinary, and require close attention.
(a) A generalissimo was to be appointed by the senate
from the consulars, to hold supreme command over the
whole Mediterranean and over all the coasts for fifty miles
inland, concurrently with the ordinary governors, for three
(b) He might select from the men of senatorial rank
twenty-five lieutenants with praetorian powers, and two
treasurers with quaestorian power.
(c) He might raise an army of 120,000 infantry and
7000 cavalry, and a fleet of 500 ships
and for this purpose
might dispose absolutely of all the resources of the
provinces. Besides this, a large sum of money and a con-
siderable force of men and ships were at once handed over
to him.
By the introduction of this law the government was
practically taken out of the hands of the senate ; it was
the final collapse of the oligarchic rule. But it was more
than thisit was practically the institution of an unlimited
1. Like all extraordinary commands, this new office no
doubt required the confirmation of the people ; but it was
an undoubted prerogative of the senate to define the sphere
of every command, and, in fact, to control and limit it in
all ways. The people had hitherto interfered only on the
proposition of the senate, or at any rate of a magistrate
himself qualified for the office of general. Even during
the Jugurthan Avar, when the command was transferred to
Marius by popular vote, it was only to Marius as consul
for the year. But now a private man was to be invested
by the tribes with extraordinary authority, and the sphere
of his office was defined by themselves.
2. The new commander was empowered to confer prae-
torian powersthat is, the highest military and civil
authorityupon adjutants chosen by himself, though
hitherto such authority could only be conferred with the
co-operation of the burgesses.
3. The office of general was usually conferred for one
year only, with strict limitations as to forces and supplies
but now the whole resources of the state were committed
almost without reserve to one man.
Thus at one stroke the government was taken out of the
hands of the senate, and the fortunes of the empire com-
mitted for the next three years to a dictator. The step,
no doubt, was in accordance with the wishes of Pompeius,
for it would naturally lead in the end to the command
against Mithradates, and it gave him an extraordinary
position in the state without violating constitutional forms.
Still, it was probably due immediately to the instigation
of his bold adherents, in particular of Aulus Gabinius,
the tribune, who proposed the law, who grasped the
situation more completely than Pompeius himself, and took
the decision out of his hands. The senate and the moneyed
aristocracy alike were furious, while the democrats, though
they could not but dislike a bill which threatened to annihi-
late all parties, dared not break with their ally
ingly, Caesar and Lucius Quinctius supported the measure.
The scarcity of corn, and the rumours as to the conduct
of Lucullus were enough to secure the support of the
On the day of the voting, the Forum and even the roofs
of the buildings around were covered with men. All the
colleagues of Gabinius had promised to veto the measure
but only one, Lucius Trebellius, had the courage to keep
his pledge. Gabinius immediately proposed to deal with
him as Tiberius Gracchus had dealt with Octavius, but
after seventeen tribes had voted, Trebellius withdrew his
veto. All was now lost ; attempts were made to secure
the appointment of two generals instead of one, and to
make the twenty-five lieutenant-generals eligible by the
tribes, but the bill passed without alteration.
Pompeius and Glabrio immediately set out. The success
of Pompeius was rapid and complete
indeed, such was the
confidence in his powers that the price of grain had fallen
to the ordinaiy rate as soon as the law was passed. But
in Asia the condition of affairs passed from bad to worse
Glabrio, instead of taking command of the forces, con-
tented himself with fomenting the discontent of the soldiers
against Lucullus, who, of course, was powerless. It seemed
the most natural course to appoint Pompeius to the Asiatic
command, which he was known to ardently desire. But
no party in the state was willing to increase his already
enormous authority. At this juncture, Gaius Manilius, a
tribune, who was without influence in either party, wishing
to force himself into the favour of the great general, brought
forward a proposal to recall Glabrio from Pontus and
Bithynia, and Marcius Rex from Cilicia, and to confer both
their officesapparently without limit of timetogether
with free authority to conclude peace and alliance, upon the
proconsul of the seas and coasts. (Early in 66 B.C.) The
proposal was repugnant to every party, and jet was passed
almost unanimously. The democrats concealed their fears,
and openly supported it ; the moderate optirnates declared
themselves on the same side ; they saw that resistance was
hopeless, and that their best policy was to try to bind
Pompeius to the senate. Marcus Cicero made his first
political speech in support of it, and the only opposition
was from the strict aristocratic party headed by Quintus
Catulus. Thus, by the action of an irresponsible dema-
gogue, Pompeius, in addition to his former powers, ob-
tained command of the most important Eastern provinces,
and the conduct of a war of which no man could foresee
the end.
Never since Rome stood had such power been
united in the hands of a single man."
The two laws of Gabinius and Manilius terminate the
struggle between the senate and the popular party, which
was begun sixty-seven years before by Tiberius Gracchus.
The first breach in the existing constitution was made
when the veto of Octavius was disregarded by Tiberius
and the last bulwark of senatorial rule fell in
like manner with the withdrawal of Trebellius. But the
struggle, which was begun by men of high ideals and of
noble personal character, was brought to a close by venal
and intriguing demagogues. And the contrast was but
an indication of the change which the whole state had
everythinglaw, military discipline, life and
mannershad changed. A comparison between the Grac-
chan ideal and its later realization could only provoke a
painful smile.
But the end of the first struggle was but the beginning
of a secondof a new struggle between the allies who bad
overthrown their common enemy the senate, between the
democratic civil opposition and the military power. The
exceptional position of Porapeius was incompatible with a
republican constitution : he was not general, but regent
of the empire. If, at the close of his Eastern campaign,
he sbould stretch forth his arm and seize the crown,
who was to prevent him ?
' Soon,' exclaimed Catulus,
it would be necessary once more to flee to the rocks of
the Capitol, in order to save liberty.' It was not the fault
of the prophet that the storm came not, as he expected,
from the East, but that, on the contrary, fate, fulfilling his
words more literally than he himself anticipated, brought
on a destroying tempest a few years later from Gaul."
Liv. Epit. 97-100. Plut. Pomp. 21-23, 25, 36. Crass. 11-12. Cic.
ad Att. vii. 9, 10; pro L. Manil. pro Cornel, frag. Dio. xxxvi.
6-20. Appiaa B. C, i. 121
Mithr. 97. Ascon. in Corn. U4, 65.
Veil. ii. 31-33. Sail. Hist. Frag. iii. Letter of Pompeius;
Speech of Licinius Macer. Licinianns, frag.
free corn.Licin. fra?. Cie. in Verr. iii.
70, 136 ; v.
21, 52. Momms. V. i. note. Sail. Hist. iii. 61.
Gains Cotta's concessions.Cic. fr. pro Cor. 25 (Nobbe) and Ascon. in
Cor. Sail. H. fr. iii. Or. Lie. Mac.
Lex Aurelia Judiciaria.Liv. Ep. 97. Suet. Jul. 41.
Publicani restored.Marq. Stv. 185.
B.C. The Mediterranean cleared of piratesCommand against
Mithradates conferred on Pompeius.
66-64 b.c. War with
MithradatesHis death.61-62 b.c. Pompeius regulates the
affairs of Syria and Asia.59 B.C. Ptolemy Auletes acknow-
ledged king of Egypt by Rome.58 B.C. Annexation of Cyprus.
Pompeius began the work of subjugating the pirates by
dividing the whole field of operations into thirteen
districts, each of which was assigned to a lieutenant, who
equipped vessels, searched the coast, and captured the
ships of the freebooters. He himself, with the best of his
6hips, swept the Sicilian, African, and Sardinian waters,
while his lieutenants dealt with the coasts of Spain and
Gaul. Within forty days the western Mediterranean was
free, and the dearth at Rome relieved. The general now
repaired, with sixty of his vessels, to Lycia and Cilicia.
The pirates everywhere disappeared from the sea on his
approach, and many even of the mountain strongholds of
Lycia accepted the terms offered to them, and opened their
gates. But the Cilicians, after placing their families and
their treasures in their strongholds, awaited the Romans,
with a large fleet, off the western frontier of Cilicia.
Pompeius gained a complete victory ; landed and subdued
the strongholds, and in forty-nine days after his first
appearance in the eastern seas brought the war to a close.
The whole affair was, of course, rather an energetic and
skilful police-raid than a victorious war
but the rapidity of
the achievement was astounding, and made a great impres-
sion on the public mind. Thirteen hundred pirate vessels
are said to have been destroyed
ten thousand pirates
perished, and more than twenty thousand were captured,
while numerous captive Romans, among them Publius
Clodius, regained their liberty (67 B.C.).
An interlude of the pirate war in the island of Crete
shows the indescribable weakness and disorganization of
the central government at the period. In the year 67 B.C.
Quintus Metellus was in Crete, completing the subjugation
of the island ; the command of Pompeius extended over
the whole island, as it was nowhere more than eighty
miles broad (see
p. 359). Out of consideration for
Metellus, Pompeius did not assign it to any lieutenant
but the Cretan towns, seeing that Pompeius was acting
with the greatest clemency, preferred to make their
surrender to him. He accepted their submission, and
sent Lucius Octavius to take over the towns. Metellus,
however, ignoi*ed these negotiations, and continued the
and when Octavius summoned troops from Achaia
formal conflicts took place, several towns were stormed by
Metellus, and in one of them Octavius was taken prisoner,
but afterwards released. The island was at last subdued
by Metellus, and nothing came of these scandalous pro-
ceedings beyond a bitter correspondence between the twc
generals ! \+i fact, the new civil war had already begun.
Meanwhile, Pompeius remained in Cilicia, ostensibly
preparing for a Cretan campaign, bat really waiting for a
pretext to interfere in the affairs of Asia Minor. At
length the Manilian law gave him the desired authority;
but in the midst of more important matters the pirates
were not iorgotten. Pompeius caused a fleet to be main-
tained to protect the Asiatic coasts, and on his return to
Rome persuaded the senate to take similar measures for
Italy ; and though there were subsequent expeditions in
58 B.C. and in 55 B.C., piracy never regained its old pre-
dominance in the Mediterranean.
As soon as Pompeius was invested by the Manilian law
with the command he had so long desired, he began
strenuously to prepare for his new campaign. At the
outset a great piece of good fortune befell him. A son
of the great king Tigranes, who bore the same name as
his father, rebelled, and took refuge at the Parthian
court, and by his influence determined that power to
adhere to the Roman side and to renew with
the agreement formed with Lucullus to accept the
Euphrates as the boundary of the two empires.
the same time the great king suspected Mithradates of
secretly encouraging his rebellious son, and the good
understanding between the two monarchs was disturbed.
Meanwhile Pompeius completed his preparations,
collected a force of from 40,000 to 50,000 men, many
of whom were discharged Fimbrian veterans who had
enlisted again as volunteers.
In the spring of 66 B.C. Pompeius took over the com-
mand of the legions from Lucullus, but the meeting of the
two generals, from which a reconciliation had been hoped
for, ended in bitter recriminations. The Roman army
then invaded Pontus, where they were opposed by a force
of 30,000
infantry and
cavalry under Mithradates.
The king refused to surrender unconditionally, and
retreated slowly, seizing every opportunity
to inflict
damage upon the Romans. At length Pompeius, weary
of the pursuit, desisted, and began to subdue the country.
He reached the Upper Euphrates, and crossed it, but was
intercepted by Mithradates in the Acilisenian
province at
the castle of Dasteira. Pompeius now retreated into
Pontic Armenia, and waited the arrival of the troops
expected from Cilicia ; with these he once more took the
offensive and blockaded the Pontic army in its camp.
When the king escaped secretly by night,
followed, and finding himself drawn further and further
into an unknown country, made a circuit unknown to the
enemy, and occupied a defile in front of them, on the southern
bank of the river Lycus. At the close of the next day's
march, the Pontic army encamped in this very valley, the
heights of which were commanded by the Romans. In the
silence of the night the terrible battle-cry of the legions
broke forth, and missiles were showered on the Asiatic
host, scarcely one of which failed to take effect upon the
dense mass. A charge of the legions followed, by which
the whole army was annihilated. The king escaped with
but three attendants to the fortress of Sinoria, whence he
hastened, with what stragglers he could bring together,
towards Armenia. But the moment was unfavourable.
Tigranes had just succeeded in ridding his kingdom of the
Parthian corps which had invaded it and besieged Artaxata,
and was negotiating with the Romans for a separate
peace. A price of one hundred talents
(24,000) was set
upon the head of Mithradates, and the old king had to
fly northwards towards his Bosporan kingdom, while
Pompeius turned aside to settle matters with Tigranes.
The latter was resolved to purchase peace at any price,
and hastened to throw himself at Pompeius' feet, and to
place in his hands the diadem and tiara in token of un-
conditional surrender. He had to pay a fine of six
thousand talents
besides a present of fifty
16s.) to each of the Roman soldiers
and to
cede all his conquests in Syria, Phoenicia, Cilicia, and
Cappadocia, besides Sophene and Carduene, east of the
Euphrates. He thus became once more merely king of
Armenia. In one campaign Pompeius had utterly routed
the mighty monarchs of Pontus and Armenia ; and his
army wintered on Armenian soil, in the country between
the Upper Euphrates and the river Kur.
During the winter, and before starting to cross the
Caucasus in pursuit of Mithradates, Pompeius had to repel
the attacks of the Iberians and Albanianstwo tribes
which had preserved their independence from time
immemorial in the country watered by the Kur, at the
foot of the Caucasus range, and who fought chiefly with
arrows and light javelins, which they often discharged, like
the North American Indians, from lurking places in the
woods or from behind trees. He then led his army down
the Phasis to the Black Sea, where the fleet aw
aited him.
But the long march over the mountains, through unknown
country peopled by hostile tribes, appeared too dangerous
an enterprise to be undertaken on the mere chance of
capturing Mithradates
an insurrection of the Albanians
gave a pretext for retreat, and, ordering the fleet to
blockade the Bosporus, Pompeius returned to the Alba-
nian plain. The force of the Albanians and their allies
was said to amount to sixty thousand infantry and twelve
thousand cavalry. With this they attacked the Roman
cavalry, not knowing that the masses of the infantry were
drawn up behind the horsemen ; the legions soon drove
the enemy into a wood, which was set on fire. After this
engagement the Albanians, Iberians, and other neigh-
bouring tribes made peace, and thus, for a time at least,
were brought into relations of dependence upon Rome.
In the mean timeMithradates bad reached Panticapaeum,
where he drove bis rebellious son Macbares from the
tbrone, and forced bim to commit suicide. He knew the
deep hatred with which Orientals regarded tbe Roman
domination, and was well acquainted with tbe laxity of
the senatorial rule ; hence he was not without hopes of
establishing some day his old dominion. For the present
he sent envoys, asking that his paternal kingdom should
be restored to him, and offered to pay tribute as a
vassal to Rome. But Pompeius insisted upon personal
and Mithradates immediately began to strain
every nerve to raise a new army. He had collected
a force of thirty-six thousand men, armed and dis-
ciplined after the Roman fashion, and a war fleet. It
was rumoured that he intended to march through Thrace,
Macedonia, and Pannonia, and, carrying with him the
Scythians and the Celts from the Danube, to throw himself
like an avalanche upon Italy from the north. But these
preparations had caused the severest suffering to his
subjects, whose houses had been destroyed and their oxen
slaughtered to furnish beams and sinews for the engines
of war; moreover Mithradates had never possessed the
gift of calling forth the affection and fidelity of his
servants ; and, lastly, the Roman emigrants and deserters,
for reasons of their own, were extremely disinclined for
the rumoured expedition into Italy. Treason was every-
where rife, and the standard of insurrection was raised at
Phanagoria by Castor, who delivered up the sons of Mith-
radates to the Romans. Pharnaces, the favourite son of
the king, headed the insurrection, the troops and the fleet
joined it, and at last the city of Panticapaeum opened its
gates and delivered over the king, shut up in his castle.
The latter in vain entreated Pharnaces to spare his life
he then compelled his wives and daughters and concubines
to swallow the poisoned draught, after which he drained it
himself, and then, too impatient to wait for death, presented
his neck to the stroke of a Celtic mercenary. He was in
the sixty-eighth year of his life and tbe fifty-seventh of
his reign. For years he had sustained an unequal contest
with a superior foe, without success indeed, but yet with
honour : and the Romans regarded his death as a victory,
just as Scipio had triumphed even more over Hannibal
than over Carthage.
Pompeius had completed the reduction of Pontus, and
in the summer of 64 B.C. set out to regulate the affairs of
Syria. The Syrian provinces were now in the hands of
three powersthe Bedouins, the Jews, and the Nabataeana.
The Bedouins, who were masters of northern Syria,
had their home in the desert which stretches from the
peninsula of Arabia up to the Euphrates, where they
lived under their emirs, the most noted of whom were
Abgarus and Sampsiceramus. The Jews, under Jannaeus
Alexander, who died in 79 B.C., had extended their dominion
south wai-ds to the Egyptian frontier, and northwards to
the Lake of Gennesareth, including a considerable stretch
of coast. Their further expansion was checked by internal
dissension between the Pharisees and the Sadducees.
Their fierce religious and political contentions broke out
with violence after the death of Jannaeus, and a civil
war ensued, in which the Pharisees supported one of his
sons, Hyrcanus, and the Sadducees another, Aristobulus,
a strong and able prince. These divisions gave an oppor-
tunity to the Nabataeans, who were settled in the region
of Petra, to obtain a footing in southern Syria. At the
invitation of the Pharisees, the Nabataean king Aretas
advanced with a large force and besieged Aristobulus in
To pnt an end to the anarchy Pompeius resolved to
annex Syria, and in the person of Antiochus Asiaticus,
who had been acknowledged by the senate and by Lu-
cullus, the house of Seleucus was ejected from the throne
it had held for two hundred and fifty years. At the same
time, Pompeius advanced with his army into the province,
and enforced his regulations, where necessary, by arms.
The Jews alone refused to obey, and when Aristobulus, after
much hesitation, resolved to submit, the more fanatical
portion of his army would not comply with his orders,
and sustained a siege of three months on the steep temple
rock. The Nabataeans still remained. King Aretas
retired from Judaea, but retained the city of Damascus,
and would not acknowledge the supremacy of Rome. The
expedition against him was entrusted to Marcus Scaurus
it obtained only trifling successes, but ultimately
was persuaded to purchase for a sum of money a guarantee
for all his possessions, includiug Damascus, from the
Roman governor.
Thus the work begun by Lucullus was compleced by
Pompeius. The system of protectorate had been exchanged
for that of direct sovereignty over the more important
dependent territoriesBithynia, Pontus, and Syria; while
to the indirect dominion of Rome were added Armenia
and the district of the Caucasus, and the kingdom of the
Cimmerian Bosporus. The town of Phauagoria was, for
its important services declared free.
In his settlement with the Parthians Pompeius was true
to the old Roman policy of favouring the humbled foe at
the expense of the powerful ally. The younger Tigranes
and his family were arrested and taken to Rome to grace
the general's triumph. The province of Corduene,
which was claimed by both Phraates and Tigranes, was
occupied by Roman troops for tlie latter. What was most
serious of all was the fact that the Romans did not respect
the agreement by which the Euphrates was fixed as the
boundary. Oruros, a point between Nisibis and the
Tigris, and 220 miles east of the Euphrates, was fixed as
the limit of the Roman dominion. When, in 64 B.C.,
Phraates declared war upon Tigranes on the question of
the frontier, it stemed certain that he had resolved to defy
the power of Rome, but he yielded and acquiesced in the
Roman award.
From the new territories four new provinces were
formed : Bithynia with Pontus , Cilicia, which was an
enlargement of the old province of that name, and which
now embraced Pamphylia and Isauria
Syria ; Crete. The
government of the mass of countries now added to the
empire probably remained substantially as before, only
Rome stepped into the place of the former monarchs
the new dominion included a number of kingdoms, prince-
doms, and lordships of various kinds, all in different
relations of dependence upon Rome. Such were the
kingdoms of Cappadocia and Commagene
the tetrarchies
ruled by Deiotarus and Bogodiatarus
the territories of
the high priest of the mother of the gods at Pessinus, and
of the two high priests of the goddess Ma in Comana.
There were also leagues, like that of the twenty-three
Lycian cities, whose independence was secured by charter.
Both Lucullus and Pompeius did everything in their
power to protect and extend the urban communities in
the East. They were centres of Romanization, of the
civilization of trade and commerce as opposed to the
Oriental military despotism. Cyzicus, Heraclea, Sinope,
and Amisus, all received a number of new inhabitants and
extensions of territory, and everything was done to repair
the devastation they had suffered in the late war. Many
of the captured pirates were settled in the desolated cities
of Plain Cilicia, especially at Soli ; and many new towns
were founded in Pontus and Cappadocia ; the most
famous of which were Nicopolis in Pontus, Megalopolis
on the Cappadocian frontier, and Ziela. In fact nearly
the whole of the domain land of these provinces must
have been used for these settlemeuts. At the same time,
many existing cities obtained an extension of rights
autonomy Avas conferred upon Antioch on the routes,
upon Seleucia in Pieria, upon Gaza, Mytilene, and Phaua-
Pompeius had done good work for Rome, but he had
not performed miracles, and had done nothing to call forth
the absurd exaggerations of his triumph or the fulsome
adulation of his adherents. His triumphal inscriptions
enumerated twelve millions of people as subjugated, 1538
cities and strongholds taken, while his conquests were
made to extend from the Palus Maeotis to the Caspian and
to the Red Sea, not one of which he had ever seen. Coins
were struck in his honour, exhibiting the globe itself
surrounded by triple laurels plucked from three conti-
nents, and surmounted by the golden chaplet which was
conferred upon him by the citizens. On the other hand,
there were voices which affirmed that he had only worn
the laurels which another had plucked, and that the
honours belonged of right to Lucullus. What really
deserves praise in the conduct of Pompeius is his rare
self-restraint. The most brilliant undertakings against
the Bosporus, or the Parthians, or Egypt, offered them-
selves on all sides, but he had resisted all temptations, and
had turned to the less glorious task of regulating the
territories already acquired. But his conduct towards
the Parthians deserves grave censure : he might have
made war upon them, but when once he had decided
against this course he should have loyally observed the
agreement to regard the Euphrates as the boundary, in-
stead of, by his silly perfidy, sowing seeds of hatred which
were to bear bitter fruit for Eome at a later time.
The financial gain to Eome from the arrangements of
Pompeius was immense, and her revenues were raised by
one-half. And if the exhaustion of Asia was severe, and
if both Pompeius and Lucullus brought home large private
fortunes, the blame falls rather upon the government at
home and on the system by which the provinces were
regularly plundered for the benefit of Rome, than upon
the generals themselves.
After the departure of Pompeius peace was on the whole
maintained in the East ; but the governors of Cilicia had
constantly to fight against mountain tribes, and those of
Syria against the tribes of the desert. There were also
dangerous revolts among the Jews which were with diffi-
culty suppressed by the able governor of Syria, Aulus
Gabimus, and after which the Jews were subjected to a
specially heavy taxation.
Egypt with its dependency of Cyprus now remained
the only independent state in the East. It had indeed
been formally bequeathed to Eome
338, 353),
but was
still governed by its own kings, who were themselves con-
trolled by the royal guard which frequently appointed or
deposed its rulers The isolation of Egypt, surrounded as it
is by the desert and the sea, and its great resources, which
gave its rulers a revenue almost equal to that of Eome
even after its recent augmentation, made the oligarchy
unwilling to entrust the annexation of the kingdom to any
one man. Propositions were frequently made at Eome for
its incorporation in the empire, particularly by the demo-
cratic party, but the Egyptian ruler succeeded always in
purchasing a respite by heavy bribes. Cyprus was annexed
by decree of the people in 58 B.C., and the measure was
carried out by Cato without the interference of an army.
But in 59 B.C. Ptolemy Auletes purchased his recognition
from the masters of Eomeit is said, for the sum of six thou-
sand talents
On account of the oppression
which the payment of this money brought upon the people
the king was chased from his throne, but after the con-
ference of Luca in 56 B.C., and on the promise of a further
sum of ten thousand talents
Aulus Gabmius
was ordered to restore him. Victory was secured by a
decisive battle on the Nile, and Ptolemaeus once more sat
on the throne. The sum promised could not possibly be
paid in full, though the last penny was exacted from the
miserable inhabitants. At the same time the praetorians
were replaced by a force of regular Roman infantry, with
Celtic and German cavalry.
Eastern Provinces.Marqt. i.
333. Plut. Pomp. 25-45. Li v. Epit
100-103. Flor. iii.
5, 6. Eutrop. 12-14. Veil. ii. 37^0. Ap.
pian Mithr. 94-121. Syr. 49, 50, 70. Strab. xi. 496, 497
xii. 555. Dio. xxxvi. 28-37; xxxvii. 1-20. Oros. vi. 4, 5. Aur,
Vict. De V. I. 76, 77. Val. Max. ix. 2.
EgyptCic. frag, de R. Alex. ; ad Fam. i. 1-7
Q. Fr. ii.
2, 3
de Leg. Agr. i.
1, ii. 16, 17. Plut. Cato Min. 35-38 ; Pomp. 49,
Appian Syr. 51. Suet. Julius, 54.
Note.Mommsen ascribes the speech of Cicero, de Rege Alexandrino,
to 65 B.C., not to 56 B.C., on the grounds
that the question dealt
with by Cicero is the assertion of Crassus that Egypt had been
rendered Roman property by the will of Alexandera question
which had lost significance since the Julian law of 59 B.C.
in 56 B.C. the discussion related to the restoration of the king, a
transaction in which Crassus took no part;
that after the con-
ference of Luca, Cicero was not in a position to seriously oppose on
of the triumvirs (Momm. Hist, of R. v.
Isolated successes of the democratic party.66 B.C. First Catili-
narian conspiracy.64 B.C. Servilian rogation.63 b.c. Cicero
and Antonius consulsSecond Catilinarian conspiracy.62
Defeat and death of Catilina.
After the departure of Pompeius the optimates remained
nominally in possession of the government ; that is, they
commanded the elections and the consulate. But the con-
sulship was no longer of primary consequence in the face
of the new military power
and the best of the aristocrats
men like Quintus Metellus Pius, and Lucius Lucullus

retired from the lists, and devoted themselves to the

elegant luxury of their private life. The younger men
either followed their example or turned to court the
favour of the new masters of the state.
There was one exceptionMarcus Porcius Cato. Born
in 95 B.C., he was now about thirty years of age. He was
by nature a man of great courage and firmness, and of the
strictest integrity, but dull of intellect, and destitute of
imagination or passion. The two
influences which
moulded his character were Stoicism,
the principles of
which he adopted with the greatest ardour,
and the example
of his great-grandfather, the famous censor.
Like him he
went about the capital rebuking the sins of the times, a
living model of the prisca virtus of the good old daysthe
Don Quixote of the aristocracy." In a corrupt and
cowardly age, his courage and integrity gave him an
influence which was warranted by neither his age nor his
capacity, and he soon became the recognized champion
the optimates. He did good work in the region of finance,
checking the details of the public bndget, and waging
constant war with the farmers of the taxes ; but he had
none of the higher qualities of a statesman
he failed com-
pletely, if indeed he ever tried, to grasp the political
situation. All his policy consisted in steadfastly opposing
every one who appeared to deviate from the traditional
aristocratic creed.
During the next few years the activity of the democrats
showed itself in two ways : by attacks upon individuals of
the senatorial party, and upon the abuses of which the
senate was guilty ; and by efforts to complete the realiza-
tion of the democratic ideas which had been in the air
ever since the time of the Gracchi.
Various abuses of the senatorial rule were restrained by
the following measures. The senate was obliged to give
audiences to foreign envoys on fixed days
before this
regulation audiences were frequently postponed in order
to extort bribes from the envoys. This kind of bribery
was also rendered more difficult by declaring loans to
foreign ambassadors at Rome non-actionable
B c
The power of the senate to grant dispensation from the
laws in particular cases was restricted in the same year.
In 63 B.C. restrictions were placed upon the abuse of the
fiction by
which a Roman noble, wishing to travel, got
himself invested with the character and privileges of a
public envoy (libera legatio). The penalties for corruption
at elections were increased; and the custom by which a
Roman praetor bound himself to administer justice accord-
ing to the rules which he laid down on entering office was
enforced by law
(67 B.C.).
At the same time, individual senators were subjected
to prosecutions or insults. Marcus Lucullus was pro-
secuted by Gaius Memmius. Lucius Lucullus was com-
pelled to wait three years for his triumph outside the
Quintus Rex and Quintus Metellus were similarly
treated. In 63 B.C. Gaius Caesar defeated two leading
aristocrats in the contest for the supreme pontificate; the
heirs of Sulla were threatened with an action for the
recovery of moneys alleged to have been embezzled by
the regent ; and even Cato demanded back their rewards
from the murderers of the proscribed, as property illegally
alienated from the state. Gains Caesar, as president of
the commission concerning murder, treated as null and
void the ordinance of Sulla which declared the killing
of a proscribed person no murder ; and some of the more
notorious executioners were condemned.
At the same time the democratic restoration was pressed
on. The election of pontiffs and augurs by the tribes was
restored in 63 B.C. An agitation was begun for the com-
plete restoration of the corn-laws. The Transpadani were
taken under the protection of the populares, and an agitation
was set on foot for conferring upon them the full franchise,
just as Gracchus had supported the enfranchisement of the
Latins. In a quite contrary spirit the democratic leaders
discountenanced the movement for allowing the freedmen
to be enrolled in all or any of the tribes, and, when a law
was passed to this effect, they allowed it to be cancelled
by the senate on the same day (Dec.
67 B.C.). Again,
all strangers not possessing burgess-rights were expelled
from Rome by decree of the people in 65 B.C. It is clear
that the policy of the democrats was radically inconsistent.
With one hand they aided the political liberation of the
distant Transpadani ; with the other they restricted the
rights and liberties of the freedmen and foreigners of
the capital : in effect they attempted both to maintain and
to destroy the system of exclusive rights.
That ancient palladium of the Roman people, the
criminal jurisdiction of the Comitia, was once more
restored by the trial of Rabirius. This man was alleged
to have slain the tribune Saturninus, thirty-eight years
before, and was brought before the people by the tribune
Titus Labienus in 63 B.C. This jurisdiction had not been
abolished by Sulla, but was practically superseded by
the commissions for high treason and murder. No one
seriously meant to restore it; the accuser and his
supporters were content with their assertion of the
ancient right of appeal, and acquiesced when the assembly
was dissolved on some pretext by their opponents.
Lastly, the long proscribed heroes and martyrs of the
democracy were rehabilitated in the public memory
Saturninus by the means just described ; Gaius Marius
by the audacity of his nephew Gaius Caesar. The latter
had dared to display the features of his uncle in spite of
prohibitions at the burial of the widow of Marius in 68 B.C.,
and now the emblems of victory erected by Marius and
thrown down by Sulla were restored to their old places
in the Capitol.
Such were the successes of the democrats, but, after all,
they did not amount to much. In their contest with the
aristocracy the democrats had conquered, and it was but
natural that they should insult the prostrate foe. But
they knew that the real reckoning was to come,not with
the vanquished oligarchy, but with the too-powerful ally
by whose aid they had conquered. Their schemes were
directed ostensibly against the optimates, but really
against Pompeius. If direct proofs of this are few it is'
because both the present and the succeeding age had
an interest in throwing a veil over the events of this
period ; but such proofs are not wanting. It is stated by
Sail ust (Cat. 39)
that the Gabinian and Manilian laws
inflicted a grievous blow on the democracy. Again,
the Servilian Rogation (see
p. 378) was directed against
Pompeius, as is clear from the character of the bill itself,
and from the statements of Sallust (Cat.
and Cicero
(De Lege Agr. ii.
17, 46). Finally, the more than suspicious
attitude of Caesar and Crassus towards the Catilinarian
conspiracies is proof enough in itself. The object of the
democratic party during the years 67-63 B.C. was to
possess themselves of the reins of government by securing
the return of one or more members of the conspiracy for
the consulship, and then to entrust one of their leaders
with the conquest of Egypt, or some such commission,
which would give an opportunity for raising a military
power capable of counterbalancing that of Pompeius.
First Catilinarian Conspiracy, B.C. 66.The first object
of the democratic leaders was the overthrow of the exist-
ing government by means of an insurrection in which they
would not themselves appear. Materials for such a con-
spiracy existed in abundance in the capital. There were
the slaves ; there was the herd of free paupers who lived
by the corn distributions and who were always ready for
scheme which promised anarchy and license. Again,
there were numbers of young men of rank, ruined in
fortunes, ruined in body and mind by a life of fashionable
debauchery, who sighed openly for a return of the times
of Cinna and for release from their burden of debt. Among
them two men were marked out as leaders by their superior
abilityGnaeus Piso and Lucius Catilina. The latter,
in spite of a dissoluteness conspicuous even in that
dissolute age, had courage, military talent, and a certain
criminal energy which gave him an ascendancy over other
men. He had been one of Sulla's executioners, and had
hunted down the proscribed at the head of a band of
Celts ; but he had now a special quarrel with the aristo-
cracy because they had opposed his candidature for the
consulship. A secret league was formed, numbering more
than four hundred members and including associates in
all the urban districts of Italy.
In December, 66 B.C., the two consuls elect for 65 B.C.
were rendered ineligible for office by conviction for
electoral bribery. They immediately joined the associa-
tion, and it was determined to procure the consulship
for them by force. On the 1st of January, 65 B.C., the senate
house was to be assailed and the new consuls were to
be killed
Crassus was to be invested with the dictator-
ship, Caesar with the mastership of the horse. But the
signal w#s never given and the plot was foiled. A similar
plan for the 5th of February also failed, and the secret
became known. Guards were assigned to the new con-
suls, and Piso was got rid of by a mission to Hither
Spain with praetorian powers; but farther the govern-
ment dared not go.*
Second Catilinarian Conspiracy, 63 B.C.For the present
no further attempt was made by the conspirators
but in
64 B.C. Pompeius was in Syria, and approaching the
conclusion of his task
and it was therefore resolved to
set up as candidates for the consulship of 63 B.C. Catilina
and Gaius Antoniusan ex-Sullan and an ex-senator,
who was willing to lend himself to the conspiracy. The
That this account is true as to the main pointthe participation
of Caesar and Crassusis rendered probable by the following facts,
which show that they were at any rate heartily in accord with the
democratic policy.
Crassus, censor in this year, attempted
arbitrarily to enrol the Transpadani in the burgess list
he pre-
pared to enrol Egypt and Cyprus in the list of Roman domains
; (3)
Caesar, in 65 B.C. or 64 B.C., got a proposal submitted to the burgesses
to send him to Egypt to reinstate King Ptolemaeus.
plan was, to seize the children of Pompeius, and to arm in
Italy and in the provinces against him. Piso was to raise
troops in Hither Spain; and to securecommuuications with
him, negotiations were entered into with the Transpadani
and with several Celtic tribes.
The optimates had no one of their own order who
possessed the requisite courage and influence to defeat
the democratic candidates ; they therefore supported
Marcus Cicero, who as yet belonged properly to no poli-
tical party, but was always a supporter of the party of
material interests. The result was the election of Cicero
and Antonius
and for the moment the conspiracy was
checked. A little before this, Piso had been put to death
by his escort in Spain ; and now Cicero gained over
Antonius by voluntarily giving up to him the lucrative
governorship of Macedonia, instead of insisting on his
privilege of having the provinces determined by lot.
Meanwhile the settlement of Syria proceeded rapidly,
and it was more than probable that Pompeius would soon
advance into Egypt. Caesar's attempt to get the settle-
ment of Egypt entrusted to himself was foiled. A bold
stroke was imperatively necessary, and as soon as the
new tribunes entered on their office the Servilian rogation
was brought forward.
The nominal object of this bill was the founding of
colonies in Italy
the Campanian domain land was to be
parcelled out, and other land was to be acquired by pur-
chase. The money necessary for this purpose was to be
provided in various ways :
by the sale of all the re-
maining domain land both in and out of Italy (including
the royal domain lands in Macedonia, Bithynia, Pontus,
and other provinces : and the territories in Spain, Africa,
Sicily, Hellas, and Cilicia belonging to cities which had
fallen to Rome by right of conquest).
By the sale
of all other state property acquired since 88 B.C.
provision which was aimed at Egypt and Cyprus.
All taxable subject communities were to be burdened
with heavy taxes and tithes.
By the produce of the
new provincial revenues opened up by Pompeius, and by
the sums found in his hands.
The execution of this measure was to be entrusted to
decemviri armed with special jurisdiction and with the
imperium, who were to remain in office for five years, and
choose two hundred subordinate officers from the
equestrian ranks. All candidates were to announce them-
selves personally ; and only seventeen tribes were to vote.
The real object of the bill was to create a power which
might counterbalance that of Pompeius : but it pleased
no class
the mob preferred to subsist on the corn largesses
rather than by tilling the soil ; the mass of the democrats
were afraid to offend Pompeius, and the measure was with-
drawn by its author (January
63 B.C.).
Catilina now determined to strike a decisive blow. All
through the summer prepai'ations for civil war went on.
Faesulae was to be the head-quarters of the insurrection

thither arms and money were sent, and troops were raised
by Gams Manlius, an old Sullan captain. The Transpadani
seemed ready to rise ; bodies of slaves were ready for
insurrection in the Bruttian land, on the east coast, and
in Capua The plan of the conspirators was to put to
death the presiding consul and the rival candidates on
the day of the consular elections for 62 B.C. (October
and to carry the election of Catilina.
But on the day fixed Cicero denounced the conspiracy
in full senate ; and Catilina did not deny the accusation.
On the 21st the senate invested the consuls with the
exceptional powers usual in such crises. On the 28th, to
which day the elections had been postponed, Cicero
appeared in the Campus Martius with an armed body-
guard, and the plots of the conspirators again failed.
But on the 27th, the standard of insurrection had been
raised by Manlius at Faesulae, and proclamations had been
issued demanding the liberation of debtors from their
burdens, and the reform of the law of insolvency, which
still, in some cases, permitted the enslavement of the
debtor. But the rising was isolated. The government
had time to call out the general levy, and to send officers
to various regions of Italy in order to suppress the
insurrection in detail. Meantime the gladiatorial slaves
were ejected from the capital, and patrols were kept in
the streets to prevent incendiarism.
Catilina was now in a difficult position. The outbreak
in the city, which should have been simultaneous with
the rising at Faesulae, had miscarried. He could hardly
remain longer in Rome, and yet there was no one among
his associates who could be trusted to carry out his design
with courage and capacity, or who could command suf-
ficient influence to induce the conspirators in the city to
strike an effective blow at once. So he remained, brazen-
ing out the situation with the most audacious insolence.
The spies of the government had made their way into the
circle of the conspirators, and kept it informed of every
detail of the plot. An attempt to surprise Praeneste
failed. On the night of November 6-7 a conference was
held, and in accordance with the resolution passed by
those who met, an attempt was made early in the morning
to murder the consul Cicero. But the men selected found
the guard round his house reinforced the consul was
already aware of the result of the conference.
On the 8th, Cicero convoked the senate and acquainted
them with the events of the last few days. Catilina could
not obtain a hearing, and departed at ouce for Etruria.
The government declared Catilina, Manlius, and such of
their followers who should not lay down their arms by a
certain day, to be outlaws, and called out new levies,
which, with incredible folly, were placed under the com-
mand of Antonius.
It had been arranged, before Catilina's departure, that
Cethegus should make another attempt to kill Cicero in
the night, and that Gabinius and Statilius should set fire
to the city in twelve places. Meanwhile Catilina was to
advance toward Rome. But now that their leader was
gone the conspirators seemed incapable of action, though
the government took no measures against them.
At last the decisive moment came. Lentulus had
entered into relations with the deputies of the Allobroges
a Celtic canton, which was deeply in debtand had given
them letters to carry to his associates. On the night
of December
2-3 the envoys were seized as they were
leaving the city

probably in accordance with a pre-

conceived plan
and from their evidence and from the
documents they carried, full details of the plot were
furnished to Cicero. Some of the conspirators saved
themselves by flight; but Lentulus, Cethegus, Gabinius,
and Statilius were arrested. The evidence was laid before
the senate; the prisoners and other witnesses were heard;
and other proofs, such as deposits of arms in the houses of
the conspirators and threatening expressions used by them,
were afterwards procured. The most important documents
were published, to convince the public of the facts of the
The plans of the conspirators were now made bare, and
their leaders arrested. In a well-ordered commonwealth
there would have been an end of the matter. The military
and the legal tribunals would have done the rest. But the
government of Rome was so disorganized that for the
moment the most difficult question for settlement was
the custody of the prisoners. These had been given into
the keeping of certain eminent private mentwo of whom
were Caesar and Crassuswho were responsible for their
safety. But the freedmen of the prisoners were stirring
the air was full of rumours of schemes for liberating them
by force , Rome was full of desperadoes, and the govern-
ment had no efficient force of military or of police at its
disposal. Finally, Catilina was near enough to attempt a
coup de main. Accordingly the idea was suggested of
executing the prisoners at once. By the constitution of
Rome, no citizen could be put to death except by sentence
of the whole body of citizens
and as such sentences had
fallen into disuse, capital punishment was now no longer
carried out. Cicero shrank from the step
he convoked
the senate and left to it the decision, although it had even
less title to act than the consul, and therefore could not
possibly relieve him of the responsibility. All the con-
sulars and the great majority of the senate had already
declared for the execution, when Caesar, in a speech full of
covert threats, violently opposed the proposal : and prob-
ably the limits of the law would have been observed had
not Cato, by throwing suspicion upon those who were for
milder measures, and by throwing the waverers into fresh
alarm, secured a majority for the immediate execution of
the prisoners.
On the night of the 5th of December the prisoners
were conducted under strong guards to the Tullianum, a
dungeon at the foot of the Capitol. No one knew the
object of their removal, until the consul, from the door of
the prison, proclaimed over the Forum, in his well-known
They are dead." And now the first men of the
nobilityCato, and Quintus Catulussaluted for the first
time the author of the deed with the proud title of
father of his country."
Never perhaps had a
commonwealth more lamentably declared itself bankrupt
than did Rome through this resolution ... to put to
death in all haste a few political prisoners, who were no
doubt culpable according to the laws, but had not forfeited
life ; because, forsooth, the security of prisons was not to
be trusted, and there was no sufficient police."
There still remained the insurrection in Etruria. Cati-
lina had now under him nearly ten thousand men, of whom
scarcely more than a fourth were armed. On the news of
the failure at Rome, the mass of them dispersed, and the
remnant of desperate men determined to cut their way
through the passes of the Apennines into Gaul. But on
their arrival at the foot of the mountains near Pistoria,
they were confronted by the troops of Quintus Metellus,
who had come up from Ravenna and Ariminum. In their
rear was Antonius, and there was nothing left but to
throw themselves upon his army. The battle took place
in a narrow rocky valley where superiority <>f numbers was
of small avail. The forces of Antonius were, for the day,
commanded by the veteran Marcus Petreins. The battle
was long and bloody ; and quarter was neither given nor
received. At length Petreius broke the centre of the
enemy, and attacked the two wings from within. The
Catilinarians covered with their corpses the ground on
which they had fought
; the officers, with their general, had
sought death by charging into the thickest of the enemy
(early in 62 B.C.). Antonius was
by the senate
with the title of imperator, and then thanksgivings were
ordered by the senate for this victory over the civil foe.
The plot was suppressed ; but the blow had fallen, not
merely,on the conspirators themselves, but on the whole
democratic party. If the complicity of the democratic
leaders, Caesar and Crassus, is not an ascertained fact,
they are at any rate open to the gravest suspicion. That
they were accused of complicity by Catulus, and that
Caesar spoke and voted against the judicial murder of the
prisoners, is of course no proof ; but there are other facts
of greater weight.
Crassus and Caesar supported the
candidature of Catilina for the consulship.
Caesar, in 64 B.C., indicted the Sullan executioners for
murder, he allowed Catilina alone to be acquitted.
his revelations to the senate, Cicero did not indeed include
the names of Caesar and Crassus ; but it is known that he
erased the names of many
innocent persons," and in
later years he named Caesar as among the accomplices.
The fact that Gabinius and Statilius were intrusted
to the custody of Crassus and Caesar, is probably to be
explained by the wish of the government to place them in
a dilemma. If they allowed the prisoners to escape, they
would be regarded as accessories
if they detained them,
they would incur the hatred and vengeance of their fellow-
After the arrest of Lentulus, a messenger
from him to Catilina was arrested and brought before the
senate; but when, in his evidence, he mentioned Crassus
as having commissioned him, he was interrupted, his
whole statement was cancelled at the suggestion of
Cicero, and he was committed to prison until he should
confess who had suborned him. The senate were clearly
afraid to allow the revelations to go beyond a certain
limit. The general public were less scrupulous, and
Caesar narrowly escaped with his life, when he left the
senate on the 5th of December.
When Caesar had
made himself head of the state, he was in close alliance
with Publius Sittius, the only surviving Catilinarian, the
leader of Mauretanian banditti.
The facts that the
government offered no serious hindrance to the conspiracy
until the last moment ; that the chief conspirator was
allowed to depart unmolested
that the troops sent against
the insurrection were put under the command of Antonius,
who had been deeply concerned in the plot,all point to the
suspicion that there were powerful men behind the scenes,
who threw their protection over the conspiracy while they
kept in the background themselves.
That the evidence is not more abundant is no matter
for surprise. The government were too weak to provoke
the democratic party a outrance ; and, after the failure of
the plot, the democratic leaders naturally made every
effort to conceal their participation in it ; and when Caesar
had got the upper hand the veil was only drawn all the
more closely over the darker \ ears of his life.
The close of this period found the democratic party at
its lowest ebb. By its alliance with anarchists and
murderers it had alienated, not only the party of material
interests, but even the city mob, who, "although having
no objection to a street riot, found it inconvenient to
have their houses set on fire over their heads."
In 63 B.C. the full restoration of the Sempronian corn
largesses was carried out by the senate, on the motion of
Cato ; the oligarchy were taking advantage of the move-
ment to draw over the masses to their side. Worst of all,
Pompeius was warned by the course of events, and hia
eyes were opened to the folly and weakness of his allies,
if not to their treachery and designs against himself : at
the present moment the identity of his own interests with
those of the optimates was plain. The popular leaders
felt the hopelessness of their position. Crassus prepared
to carry his family and his riches to a safe refuge in the
East ; and even Caesar declared, in 63 B.C., as he left bis
home on the morning of the election for the office of
pontifex maximus, that, if he failed in this too, he would
never cross the threshold again.
Pint. Cat. Min.
22, 23. Cic. 10-23. Caes. 6-8. Crass. 13. Liv.
Epit. 101,
102. Dio. xxxvi. 21-27
xxxvii. 20-46. Sail. Bell.
Cat. Flor. iii. 24. Veil. ii. 35. Eutrop. vi. 15. Appian B. C.
2, 7. Suet. Jul. 7-15, 17. Cic, speeches of those years

Leg. Man. (66
B.C.); frag, pro Manil.
B.C.); de It. Alex.
?) ;
frag, pro Cornel.
B.C.) ; frag, in Tog. Cand.
B.C.). Speeches of 63 B.C.de Leg. Agr. ; frag, de Rose. Oth.;
pro Rabir. ; frag, de Proscriptorum liberis; in Catilinam
Murena. Of 62 B.C.frag, contra cone. Met.; pro Corn. Sull.
Also In Pisonem,
pro Flacc.
pro Plane. 37. The most
important letters of the time are found in Watson's Selection,
pt. i. 1-3. A most useful table of all the letters arranged
chronologically will be found in Nobbe's collected edition of
Audiences to foreign envoys.Cic. ad
F. ii. 11, 12; ad Fam. i. 4.
Loans forbidden

dispensing power

praetor's edicts.Asc. in Cic. pro

Cor. Ad. Att. v. 21.
Libera legatio.Cic. de Legg. iv.
8; de L. Agr. i.
pro Flacc. 34;
Phil. i. 2.
Bribery laws.Dio. xxxvi. 21 ; xxxvii. 29. Cic. pro Mur. 23.
Sullan executioners condemned.Suet. Jul. 11.
Lex Domitia restored.Dio. xxxvii. 37. Suet. 13.
TranspadaniSuet- Jul. 8. Dio. xxxvii. 9.
foreigner*.Dio. xxxvii. 9. Cic. de Off. iii.
pro Balb.
pro Arch.
; de L. Agr. 1, 4
ad Att. iv. 16.
63 B.C. Quintas Metellus Nepos arrives in Rome as the emissary of
Pompeius.62 b.c. Pompeius lands at Brundisium and disbands
his army.60 B.C. Coalition between Pompeins and the demo-
crats.59 B.C. Consulship of CaesarLex Vatinia passed.
Recent events had fully demonstrated the impotence of
both the senate and the democratic party ; neither was
strong enough to defeat the other or to govern the state.
There was no third partyno class remaining out of
which a government might be erected : the only alterna-
tive was monarchythe rule of a single person. Who
the monarch would be was still uncertain ; though, at the
present moment, Pompeius was clearly the only man in
whose power it lay to take up the crown that offered
itself. The new regime presented one great advantage,
obvious to the dullest perception :
no government can rule
unless it has military power at its command, and, amidst
the disorganization which prevailed, the control of the
military was vested absolutely in the generalonly to him
could the state look tor the maintenance of social order.
For the moment the question which agitated all minds
was whether Pompeius would accept the gift offered him
by fortune, or would retire and leave the throne vacant.
It was possible, indeed, that all parties should combine
against the general in one last strugle for what they
deemed their liberty
; but in face of the victorious legions
of Pompeius any combination of parties could be of little
In the autumn of 63 B.C., Quintus Metellus Nepos
arrived in the capital from the camp of Pompeius, and got
himself elected tribune with the avowed purpose of procur-
ing for Pompeius the command against Catilina by special
decree, and afterwards the consulship for 61 B.C. Every-
thing depended upon the reception which parties at Rome
might give to these proposals. It must be remembered
that, whatever cause Pompeius might have to be discon-
tented with the conduct of Caesar and his partisans, no
open rupture had taken place. The coalition of 70 B.C.
was still formally in existence. The democracy still
treated Pompeius with the greatest outward respect, and
this very year had granted him, spontaneously and by
special decree, unprecedented honours (see
p. 370) At
the same time nothing had occurred to bridge over the
chasm which the coalition had created between Pompeius
and the optimates. The senate had decreed him no
exceptional honours, and two of its most influential
members, Lucullus and Metellus, were his bitterest
personal enemies (see
3645). Lastly, the aristocracy
were at present under the guidance of the uncompromis-
ing pedant Cato ; while the democracy were led by
most supple master of intrigue
Caesar. Accordingly
the aristocracy at once showed their hostility to the
proposals of Metellus, and Cato had himself elected
tribune expressly for the purpose of thwarting him.
But the democrats were more pliant, and it was soon
evident that they had come to a cordial understanding
with the general's emissary. Metellus and his master
both adopted the democratic view of the illegal execu-
and the first act of Caesar's praetorship was to call
Catulus to account for the moneys alleged to have been
embezzled by him in rebuilding the Capitoline temple, and
to transfer the superintendence of the works to Pompeius.
By this stroke Caesar brought to light a disgraceful abuse
of public money, and threw odium upon the aristo-
cracy in the person of one of its most distinguished
members ; while Pompeius would be delighted at the
prospect of engraving his name upon the proudest spot in
the capital of the Roman state.
On the day of voting, Cato and another of the tribunes
put their veto upon the proposals of Metellus, who dis-
regarded it. There were conflicts of the armed bands of
both sides, which terminated in favour of the government.
The senate followed up the victory by suspending Me-
tellus and Caesar from their offices. Metellus immediately
departed for the camp of Pompeius
and when Caesar
disregarded the decree of suspension against himself, the
senate had ultimately to revoke it.
Nothing could have been more favourable to the
interests of Pompeius than these late events. After the
illegal executions of the Catilinarians, and the acts of
violence against Metellus, he could appear at once as the
defender of the
two palladia of Roman liberty"the right
of appeal, and the inviolability of the tribunate,and as
the champion of the party of order against the Catil'inarian
band. But his courage was unequal to the emergency
he lingered in Asia during the winter of 63-62 B.C., and
thus gave the senate time to crush the insurrection in
Italy, and deprived himself of a valid pretext for keeping
his legions together. In the autumn of 62 B.C. he landed
at Brundisium, and, disbanding his army, proceeded to
Rome with a small escort. On his arrival in the city in
61 B.C. he found himself in a position of complete isola-
he was feared by the democrats, hated by the aris-
tocracy, and distrusted by the wealthy class.*
He at once demanded for himself a second consulship,
the confirmation of all his acts in the East, and the ful-
filment of the promise he had made to his soldiers to
furnish them with lands. But each of these demands
was met with the most determined opposition. From the
senate, led by Lucullus, Metellus, and Cato, there was no
hope of obtaining dispensation from the Sullan law as to
re-election (see
304). As to the arrangements of Pom-
peius in the East, Lucullus carried a resolution that they
should be voted upon separately, thus opening a door for
endless annoyances and defeats.
His promise of lands to his soldiers was indeed ratified,
but not executed, and no steps were taken to provide the
necessary funds and lands. When the general turned
from the senate to the people, the democrats, though they
Cic. ad Att., i. 14 :
Prima contio Pompei non jucunda miseris
(the rabble), inanis improbis (the democrats), beatis (the wealthy),
non grata, bonis (the aristocrats) non gravis ; itaque frigebat."
offered no opposition, did nothing to assist him, and when
the proposal for the grant of lands was submitted to the
tribes, it was defeated (early in 60 B.C.). To such straits
was he reduced, that he bad to court the favour of the
multitude by causing a proposal to be introduced for
abolishing the Italian tolls ; but he had none of the
qualifications of a demagogue, and merely damaged his
reputation without gaining his ends.
From this disagreeable position Pompeius was rescued
by the sagacity and address of Caesar, who saw in the
necessities of Pompeius the opportunity of the democratic
party. Ever since the return of Pompeius, Caesar had
grown rapidly in influence and weight. He had been
praetor in 62 B.C., and, in
governor of Further Spain,
where he utilized his position to free himself from his
debts, and to lay the foundation of the military position
he desired for himself. Returning in 60 B.C., he readily
relinquished his claim to a triumph, in order to enter the
city in time to stand for the consulship. At last the
democracy seemed on the eve of realizing its hopes, and
of seeing one of its own leaders invested with the
consulship and a province where he might build up a
military position strong enough to make it independent
of external allies. But it was quite possible that the
aristocracy might be strong enough to defeat the can-
didature of Caesar, as it had defeated that of Catilina
and again, the consulship was not enough ; an extra-
ordinary command, secured to him for several years, was
necessary for the fulfilment of his purpose. Without
allies such a command could not be hoped for ; and allies
were found where they had been found ten years before,
in Pompeius and in Crassus, and in the rich equestrian
class. Such a treaty was suicide on the part of Pom-
peius, for he owed his strength entirely to his position as
the only leader who could rely on a military force ; but
he had drifted into a situation so awkward that he was
glad to be released from it on any terms. The capitalists
were at the moment all the more inclined to join the
coalition because of the severity with which they were
being treated with regard to their tax leases by the senate,
at the instigation of Cato.
The bargain was struck in the summer of 60 B.C.
Caesar was promised the consulship and a governorship
afterwards ; Pompeius, the ratification of his arrange-
ments in the East, and land for his soldiers
received no definite equivalent, but the capitalists were
promised a
remission of part of the money they had under-
taken to pay for the lease of the Asiatic taxes. The parties
to the coalition were the same as in 70 B.C., but their rela-
tive positions were entirely changed. Then the democracy
was a faction without a head, now it was a strong party
with leaders of its own, and could demand for itself, not
merely concessions to democratic traditions, such as the
restoration of the tribunician power, but office and autho-
rity, the consulship and the supreme military command,
while it conceded nothing material to its allies.
Caesar was easily elected consul for 59 B.C. All that
the exertions of the senate could do was to give him an
aristocratic colleague in Marcus Bibulus. Caesar at once
proceeded to fulfil his obligations to Pompeius by pro-
posing an agrarian law. All remaining Italian domain
laud, which meant practically the territory of Capua,
was to be given up to allotments, and other estates in
Italy were to be purchased out of the revenues of the new
Eastern provinces The allotments were to be small, and
to be given to poor burgesses, fathers of three children.
The soldiers were simply recommended to the commis-
sion, and thus the principle of giving rewards of land for
military service was not asserted. The execution of the
bill was to be intrusted to a commission of twenty.
This proposal, together with that for the ratification of
Pompeius' arrangements collectively, and the petition of
the tax farmers for relief, were first of all laid before the
senate, which had now opportunity to reflect on its folly in
driving Pompeius and the equites into the arms of Caesar.
The agrarian law, moderate and statesmanlike as it was,
was rejected without discussion, and also the decree as to
the acts of Pompeius. Caesar could now go to the people
and ask them to pass these rational and necessary decrees
which the senate in its levity had refused. When the
aristocracy seemed inclined to push the matter to open
violence, Pompeius called upon his veterans to appear on
the day for voting with arms under their dress
when Bibulus tried to prevent the vote by proclaiming
that he was observing the heavens, Caesar disregarded
him, as he had disregarded the tribunician veto, and Bibulus
had to be content with shutting himself np in his own
house and intimating by placard that he intended to
watch the signs of the sky on all days appropriate for
public assemblies throughout the year. At length all
these proposals were passed by the assembly, and the
commission of twenty, with Pompeius and Crassus at their
head, began the execution of the agrarian law.
Now that the first victory was won, the coalition were
able to carry out the rest of its programme without
much difficulty. Caesar had loyally fulfilled his obliga-
tions to Pompeius, and the most important question now
to be considered was his own future position. The senate
had already selected for the year of his proconsulship
two provinces where nothing but the work of peaceful
administration could be expected
but it was determined
by the confederates that Caesar should be invested by
decree of the people with a special command resembling
that lately held by Pompeius. Accordingly the tribune
Vatinius submitted to the tribes a proposal which was
at once adopted. By it Caesar obtained the governor-
ship of Cisalpine Gaul, and the supreme command of the
three legions stationed there, for five years, with the rank
of propraetor for his adjutants. His jurisdiction extended
southwards as far as the Rubicon, and included Luca and
Ravenna. Subsequently the province of Narbo was added
by the senate, on the motion of Pompeius. Since no
troops could be stationed in Italy, it was evident that such
a command as Caesar's dominated both Italy and Rome.
The coalition had succeeded; it was master of the state.
It kept its adherents in good humour by the most lavish
exhibitions of games and shows, and kept the exchequer
filled by selling charters and privileges to subject com-
munities and princes : for instance, the king of Egypt at
last obtained recognition by decree of the people, in return
for a large sum. The permanence of the present arrange-
ment was assured by securing the return of Aulus Ga-
binius and Lucius Piso for the consulship of the ensuing
year. Pompeius watched over Italy while he executed the
agrarian law, and Caesar's legions in North Italy were a
guarantee against all opposition. Caesar and Pompeius
were at
present, kept united by community of interest,
and the personal bonds between them were cemented by
the marriage of Pompeius with Julia, the only daughter
of Caesar.
The aristocracy were in despair.
On all sides," wrote
one of them, "we are checkmated; we have already,
through fear of death or of banishment, despaired of
' every one sighs, no one ventures to speak."
Nevertheless Caesar had hardly laid down his consulship
when it was proposed, in the senate, to annul the Julian
there were clearly some among the optimates who
would not be content with the policy of sighing and silence.
The regents determined to make examples of some of the
most determined of their opponents, and to drive them
into exile. An infamous attempt was made to involve
the heads of the aristocracy in a charge of conspiring to
murder Pompeius on the evidence of a worthless informer
named Vettius
but the scheme was too hollow, and the
whole matter was allowed to drop.
Ultimately they were content with a few isolated
victims. Cato openly proclaimed his conviction that the
Julian laws were null and void, and, to get rid of him,
he was entrusted by special decree with the regulation of
the municipal affairs of Byzantium, and with the annexa-
tion of the kingdom of Cyprus. Cicero was abandoned to
the vengeance of the thorough-going democrats, who
could not leave unpunished the judicial murder of De-
cember 5th. And so the tribune Publius Clodius, his bitter
private enemy, proposed to the tribes a resolution de-
claring the execution of a citizen without trial a crime
punishable with banishment. Both this decree and that
relating to Cato were passed without opposition, and,
though the majoritr of the senate put on mourning, and
Cicero besought. Pompeius on his knees for mercy, he had
to go
into exile even before the passing of the law.
Cato accepted his commission, and set out for the East;
and Caesar could now safely leave Italy, to face the heavy
task he had imposed on himself in Gaul.
Pint. Pomp. 46-48; Caes. 8-14; Crass. 14; Cic. 23-32. Liv. 103.
Flor. ii. 8-12. Veil. ii. 40-45. Suet. Jul. 16-23. Dio. xxxvii.
49-51 ; xxxviii. 1-17, 50. Appian ii. 8-16. Cic. frag, in Clod.
et Cur. (61 B.C.)
pro Scip. Nas. (60
pro Flacc.
B.C.); Watson's Select. Lett. i. 3-end. Lex Julia Agraria:
Bruns, I. c. iii. 15.
Ptolemy.Suet. Jul. 54.
Vettius.Suet. Jul.
17, 20. Dio. xxxvi. 41, xxxviii. 9. Cic. ad Att.
24; pro Sest.
63, in Vatin. 10, 11. Appian B. C. ii. 12. Plut.
Lucnllus, 42.
Political and social organization of Gaul.58 B.C. First campaign-
Defeat of the Helvetii and of Ariovistus. 57 B.C. Second cam-
paignThe Belgian League subdued.56 B.C. Third campaign
Defeat of the Aremorican cantons ; of the Morini, Menapii,
and Aquitani.55 B.C. Fourth campaignMassacre of Usipetes
and TencteriThe Rhine crossedFirst expedition to Britain.

54 B.C. Fifth campaignSecond invasion of BritainAttacks

on Sabinus and Cicero during the winter.53 B.C. Sixth cam-
paignGeneral insurrection crushed by defeat of the Nervii,
Senones, Carnntes, Treveri, and MenapiiThe Rhine again
crossed.52 B.C. Seventh campaignGreat national rising
under VercingetorixSieges of Avaricum, Gergovia, and
Alesia.51 B.C. Eighth campaignRemains of the insur-
rection stamped out.
It has been too generally assumed that Caesar regarded
Gaul merely as a parade ground on which to exercise
himself and his troops for the impending war
but though
the conquest of Gaul was undoubtedly for him a means to
an end, yet it was much more

"it is the special privilege

of a statesman of genius that his means themselves are
ends in their turn. Caesar needed, no doubt, for his party
aims a military power, but he did not conquer Gaul as a
partisan." It was necessary tbat Italy should be pro-
tected by a barrier against the ever-threatening in-
vasions of the Germans
and it was also necessary, now
that Italy had become too narrow for its population, that
a fresh field of expansion should be provided elsewhere.
The Roman state remained a chaotic mass of countries
which requii'ed to be thoroughly occupied, and to have
their boundaries fixed and defined : the senate had done
little or nothing to carry out this great work
it was only
when the democracy assumed the reins in 67 B.C. and in fid
B.C. that the Roman sovereignty over the Mediterranean
was restored, and the dominion in the East consolidated
by the annexation of Pontus and Syria. Now that the
democracy and its leaders were supreme, another and even
more important section of the work was at last taken in
Something had been accomplished by Caesar towards
the subjugation of the West during his governorship in
Spain in 61 B.C. : the Lusitanians and Gallaeci were sub-
dued, the tribute of the subjects was reduced, and their
financial affairs were regulated.
The term Gallia has been applied, since the age of
Augustus, to the country bounded by the Pyrenees, the
Rhine, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Mediterranean. The
Roman province which had been constituted for sixty
years, and which corresponded pretty nearly to the modern
Languedoc, Dauphine, and Provence, had seldom been iu
a state of peace. Pompeius had had to fight his way
through the insurgent tribes in order to reach Spain in
77 B.C. ; while the connection of the Allobroges with the
Catilinarian conspiracy is but one indication of the per-
petual ferment in which the more remote cantons lived.
Still the bounds of the province were not extended
Lugdunum Convenarum (the colony of Sertorians), Tolosa,
Vienna, and Genava remained the most remote Roman
townships towards the west and north
But the importance of Gallia was continually increasing
its glorious climate, the fertility of the soil, the commercial
routes stretching northwards as far as Britain, the easy
communication with Italy, the civilization and luxury
which were to be found in the city of Massilia, all com-
bined to make Gallia the most attractive of the Roman
provinces. Ten years before Caesar's arrival it was swarm-
ing with Roman burgesses and merchants, with Roman
farmers and graziers, while a large proportion of the land
was owned by Roman nobles, who lived in Italy and
cultivated their estates by means of stewards.
This region had for a long time been under the influence
of Hellenism, spreading from the great Greek colony of
and even in the Roman period Greek physicians
and rhetoricians were employed in the Gallic cantons : but,
as elsewhere, Hellenism was superseded by the mixed
Latino-Greek culture. The Celtic and Ligurian popula-
tions gradually lost their nationality, were compelled to
exchange the sword for the plough, which they were forced
to use in the service of a foreign master, and they attested
by many insurrections the hardness of the bondage into
which they had fallen. But the towns flourished and
grew; Aquae Sextiae, Narbo, and, above all, Massilia, might
be mentioned in comparison with the most prosperous
Italian towns.
But as soon as the Roman frontier was crossed, Roman
influence practically ceased. North of the Cevennes the
great Celtic race was found in all its native freedom.
The great body of this people had settled in modern
France, in the western districts of Germany and Switzer-
land, and in the south of England
but there were Celts
in modern Austria and Spain, though cut off from their
kinsmen by the barriers of the Alps and the Pyrenees.
Little can be known of the development of this great
people ; we have to be content with a mere outline of
their culture and political condition in the time of Caesar.
The population of Gaul appears to have been compara-
tively dense. From the numbers of the Belgic levy against
Caesar it may be computed that in those regions the pro-
portion was about 200 persons to the square mileabout
the same rate which holds at present for Wales ; in the
canton of the Helvetii it was about 245 : hence in the
more cultivated districts of the Haedui and Arverni it was
probably higher. Agriculture was no doubt known in
Gaul, and a kind of beer was made from the barley which
was grown there. But the pursuit was despised, and,
even in the south, was held unbecoming for a free Celt.
Pastoral husbandry was much more esteemed. The
Romans availed themselves of the Celtic breed of cattle,
and of the skill of Celtic slaves in the rearing of animals
Gallic oxen and ponies were much used, and in the northern
districts the rearing of cattle was almost universal. In
the north-east, between the sea and the Rhine, dense
woods covered the ground, and on the plains of Flanders
and Lorraine, the Menapian and Treverian shepherd fed
his half-wild swine in the impenetrable oak forests. In
Britain there was hardly any agriculture, and the culture
of the olive and the vine did not extend beyond the
The Gauls lived mainly in open villages, of which the
Helvetii alone had four hundred, besides many single
homesteads. But there were also walled towns, of which
the walls were an admirable combination of timber and
wood, while the buildings were wholly of wood. There
were twelve of such towns among the Helvetii, and the
same number among the Suessiones. But in the northern
parts morasses and forests, and in Britain a sort of wooden
abatis, were the only protection in time of war.
Roads and bridges were numerous, and the number and
character of the largest riversthe Rhone, Garonne,
Loire, and Seinemade river intercourse easy and profit-
able. In maritime affairs the Gauls had attained no in-
considerable skill, and in one respect had surpassed the
nations of the Mediterranean. They were the first nation
that regularly navigated the Atlantic, and the tribes which
bordered on the ocean employed sailing vessels, with
leathern sails and iron anchor-chains, not only for com-
merce but for war ; while the war vessels of the Phoenicians,
Greeks, and Romans, were all, up to this time, propelled by
oars, and used the sail only as an occasional aid , their
trading vessels alone were sailers properly so-called. In
the Channel, the Gauls, still and for long afterwards, em-
ployed a sort of leather-covered skiffs.
There was considerable commercial intercourse between
even the most northern Celtic regions and the Roman
province. The people of modern Brittany brought tin from
the mines of Cornwall, and carried it by river or by land
to Narbo and Massilia. Among the tribes at the mouth of
the Rhine, fishing and the collection of birds' eggs was an
important industry. The tolls levied on rivers and at
maritime ports play a large part in the finance of certain
cantons. In manufactures, working in metals was the
only important known industry : the copper implements
even now discovered in tombs, and the gold coins of the
Arverni attest the skill of the Gallic workmen ; and they
are even said to have taught the Romans the arts of
tinning and silvering. Naturally the art of mining went
hand in hand with the working of metals. There were
extensive iron mines on the Loire, and the art of mining
"was adapted in those regions to the purposes of war.
The Romans believed that Gaul was very rich in gold
but the idea is negatived by the small amount of gold
discovered in tombs, and probably arose from the fables
of travellers. Still the streams flowing from the Alps
and. Pyrenees may then have yielded sufficient
to make the search for gold profitable
through the
employment of slave labour.
The taste of the Celtic workmen was not equal to their
mechanical skill. The ornaments they produced were
gaudy and parti-coloured, and their coins invariably
imitate two or three Greek dies. But the art of poetry
was highly valued, and was intimately
connected with
religion. Science and philosophy existed, though in
subordination to theology. The knowledge of writing
was general among the priests.
Among the Celts "the town had, as in the East, merely
mercantile and strategicnot politicalimportance." The
Greeks and Romans had lived, in early times, in cantons,
each clan by itself; they had villages in which they
bought and sold, and strong places whither they fled for
refuge in case of invasion. But very soon the tower of
refuge grew into a town, and became the head and centre
of the clan, and the seat of law and justice. Among the
Celts, however, this development never took place ; they
remained a mere collection of clans, and never took the
step by which the clan becomes a state with a fixed centre
of government.
The constitution of the clan canton was based upon three
elements, the prince, the council of elders, and the body of
freemen capable of bearing arms. The supreme authority
rested with the general assembly by which, in important
matters, the prince was bound. The council was often
numerous, sometimes reaching the number of six hundred,
but had not more power than the Roman senate in the
regal period. In some southern clansthe Arverni,
Haedui, Sequani, and Helvetiia revolution had taken
place, before the time of Caesar, which had overthrown
the power of the kings and set up that of the senate in its
place. In all cases their towns, even when walled, were
destitute of political importance.
The dominant feature in all Celtic commonwealths is the
high nobilitya class the existence of which is almost
incompatible with that of a flourishing urban life. This
nobility consisted for the most part of members of royal,
or formerly royal, families. It monopolized all power in
the state, financial, warlike, or political. The nobles
forced the common freemen to surrender their freedom
first as debtors and then as slaves. They maintained large
bodies of mounted retainers, ambacti, and by tbeir means
defied the government and broke up the commonwealth.
These retainers sometimes reached the number of ten
thousand, besides tbe bondmen and debtors who were
equally dependent. Moreover, the leading families in
different states were connected by marriage aud by treaty
and were together stronger than any single clan. The
community could no uuger maintain peace or protect
individuals : only those who were clients of some powerful
noble enjoyed security.
The general assembly lost its importance
the monarchy
usually succumbed to the nobilitv
and the king was super-
seded by the vergobretus, or judgment-dealer, who, like
the Roman consul, held office for a year. So far as the
canton held together it was led by the council, which was
governed by the heads of the aristocracy.
Like the Greeks in the Persian wars, the Transalpine
Gauls seem to have become conscious of their unity as a
nation only in their wars with Rome. The combination
of the whole Celtic nobility was favourable to the develop-
ment of the idea, and there were many who were willing to
sacrifice the independence of the canton or of the nobility,
to purchase the independence of the nation. The universal
popularity of the opposition to Caesar is attested by the
telegraphic rapidity with which news was carried through-
out the length and breadth of Gaul.
But though politically divided, the Gauls had long been
held together by the bond of a close religious union. The
corporation of Druids embraced the British islands and all
Gaul, perhaps even other Celtic countries. It possessed a
special head, elected by the priests themselves ; schools, in
which its traditions were transmitted ; special privileges,
such as exemption from taxation and military service.
Annual councils were held near Chartres; and, above
all, the blind devotion of the people to their priests was
*'in nowise inferior to that of the Irish at the present day."
Such a priesthood could not but possess considerable
political power : in monarchical cantons it conducted the
government in case of an interregnum
it excluded indi-
viduals or states from religious and therefore also from civil
society , it decided important suits, especially with regard
to boundaries and inheritance
it had an extensive criminal
jurisdiction, and even claimed the right of deciding on "war
or peace.
The Gauls were not much removed from an
ecclesiastical state with its pope and councils, its immuni-
ties, inderdicts, and spiritual courts
only this ecclesiastical
state did not, like that of recent times, stand aloof from the
nations, but was on the contrary pre-eminently national."
But though the priests and nobility constituted a certain
union of the clans, their class interests were too strong to
allow this Union to become really national. The only
attempt at political union was the system of hegemony
among the cantons ; a stronger clan induced or compelled
a weaker to become subordinate to it. The stronger had
control of all external relations for both, while the weaker
was obliged to render military service, and sometimes to
pay tribute. Thus aseries of leagues aroselike that among
the Belgae. in the north-east, under the Suessiones
in southern and central Gaul, under the Arverni ; and that
of the maritime cantons in the north and west.
The union in these confederacies was of the loosest kind.
The league was represented in peace by the federal diet, and
in war by the general. Contests for the hegemony went on
in every league, and the rivalry spread into every dependent
clan, and into every village and house, just as the rivalry
between Athens and Sparta split up every independent
community in Greece.
In a country where knighthood was the predominant
social feature, the strength of the army was naturally the
cavalry ; war-chariots w
ere also used among the Belgae and
in Britain. When the general levy was called out, every
man who could keep his seat on horseback took up arms, and,
when attacking an enemy w
hom they despised, they swore,
man by man, in the true spirit of chivalry, to charge at
least twice through the enemy's line. There were also
hired free-lances who displayed in its extremest form the
spirit of Titter indifference to their own lives and to those
of others which such a mode of life produces. They would
often, we are told, fight for life and death at a banquet,
for sport ; and even sell themselves to be killed for a fixed
sum of money or a number of casks of wine.
Besides the mounted force there was the levy en masse
of infantry. Their arms were still a large shield and a
long thrusting spear. There is no trace of military organi-
zation or of tactical subdivisions
each canton fought en
without other arrangement. The baggage was
carried in waggons, which were used as a barricade at
night. The infantry of certain cantons, such as the Nervii,
was more efficient
but the Nervii had no cavalry, and
were, perhaps, an immigrant German tribe. Caesar's
estimate of the Celtic infantry is made plain enough by
the fact that, after the first battle, he never employed them
in conjunction with Roman troops.
Undoubtedly the Celts of Transalpine Gaul, as they
appeared in Caesar's time, had advanced as compared with
their kinsmen who had come into contact with the Romans
a century and a half previously in the valley of the Po. The
militia had been replaced by the cavalry as the preponderat-
ing arm. Open villages had been replaced by walled
towns. Articles found in the tombs of Lombardy are cer-
tainly inferior to those found in northern Gaul. Lastly,
the sense of nationality, which scarcely appears in the
battles fought south of the Alps, is seen with striking force
in the struggle against Caesar.
Many aspects of Celtic civilization are interesting as
approaching nearly to modern
culture its sailing vessels,
its knighthood, its ecclesiastical
constitution, its attempts
to build the nation, not on the city, but on the tribe ; but
a genex*al view of the whole, so far as the materials exist
for it, suggests the thought that the Celtic nation had
reached its culminating point of development.
It was
unable to produce from its own resources either a national
art or a national state, and attained at most to a national
theology and a peculiar order of nobility." Thus the
original simple valour was no more, while the higher
military courage, based on morality and organization,
appears but in a very stinted form. Again, the coarser
features of barbarism were gone : faithful retainers were
no longer sacrificed at the death of their chief; but human
sacrifices remained ; torture, inadmissible in the case of
a free man, was still inflicted upon free women or upon
The Celts had lost the advantages which specially
belong to the primitive epoch of nations, but had not
acquired those which civilization brings with it when it
intimately and thoroughly pervades a people."
The Celts had long ceased to press on the Iberian tribes,
and the country between the Pyrenees and Garonne was
occupied by the Aquitani, a number of tribes of Iberian
descent. The Roman arms and the Roman culture had
already made great inroads upon the Celtic nation. The
latter w
as now cut off by the Roman province from Italy,
Spain, and the Mediterranean. Trade and commerce had
already paved the way for conquest north of the Roman
bounds. Wine especially, which the Gauls drank undiluted,
was greatly prized , and Italian horses were imported.
Roman burgesses already possessed land in cantons north
of the frontier, and the Roman language was by no means
unknown in free Gaul.
Bat the strongest pressure came from the Germans on
the north and east : "a fresh stock from the cradle of
peoples In the east, which made room for itself by the side of
its elder brethren with youthful vigour, although also with
youthful rudeness." The German tribes nearest the Rhine
the Usipetes, Tencteri, Sugambri, and Ubiiwere by
this time partly civilized, and inhabited fixed territories
but in the interior, agriculture was of small importance
even the names of the various tribes were unknown to the
Celts, who called them by the general
appellation of Suebi
(wanderers), and Marcomanni (border- warriors). Before
this period the Celts had been driven over the Rhine
Boii, who were once in Bavaria and Bohemia, were harm-
less wanderers, and the region of the Black Forest, formerly
possessed by the Helvetii, was a desert, or occupied by
Germans. Nor had the intruders stopped at the Rhine
certain tribes, amongst whom were the Adnatuci and the
Tnngri, perhaps also the Nervii and the Treveri, had formed
settlements west of the river, and exacted hostages and
tribute from the neighbouring Gauls. Thus free Gaul was
threatened at once by two powerful nations, and was at
the same time torn by internal dissensions :
how should
a nation, which could name no day like those of Marathon
and Salauiis, of Aricia and the Raudine field,a nation
which, even in its time of vigour, had made no attempt to
destroy Massilia by an united effortnow, when evening
had come, defend itself against so formidable foes ?
The internal condition of Gaul readily became mixed up
with its external relations. The Romans, from their first
interference, had availed themselves of the perpetual con-
tests for the hegemony, by which every canton was torn
asunder; they had supported the Haedui in their rivalry
with the Arvemi for predominance in the south, had re-
duced to subjection the Allobroges and many of the client
cantons of the Arvemi, and got the hegemony transferred
from the latter to the Haedui. But the power of Rome was
not the only foreign force which might be invoked The
Sequani in central Gaul, who were at the head of the
anti-Roman faction, had availed themselves of the remiss-
ness of the senatorial government, to make an attempt to
destroy Roman influence and to humble their rivals, the
Haedui. A dispute arose between the two tribes as to tolls
on the river Saone, which separated the two cantons
about the year 71 B.C. the German prince Ariovistus crossed
the Rhine at the head of fifteen thousand men in support
of the Sequani. After a long war, the Haedui were re-
duced to conclude a most unfavourable peace, by which
they became tributary to the Sequani, and swore never to
invoke the intervention of Rome
(61 B.C.). The Romans
talked of assisting the Haedui, and even issued orders to
that effect to the governors of Gaul ; but nothing was
done, and Ariovistus was even enrolled upon the list of
friends of the Roman people. The result of this inaction
was that numerous bands of Germans continued to cross
the Rhine, and that Ariovistus determined to extend his
power over the whole of Gaul. The Celts were treated as
a conquered nation : even his friends, the Sequani, were
forced to cede a third of their territory to make room for
his followers
and a second third was soon demanded for
the tribe of the Harudes.
But the invasion of Ariovistus was not the only move-
ment in progress. The Usipetes and Tencteri, on the
right bank of the Rhine, hard pressed by Suebian hordes,
had set out to find new settlements lower down the Rhine.
Suebian bands gathered opposite the canton of the Treveri.
Lastly, the Helvetii, the most easterly of the Celtic cantons,
in modern Switzerland, formed the desperate resolution of
evacuating their own territory, in order to find a more
spacious and less exposed habitation west of the Jura
mountains, hoping at the same time to acquire the hege-
mony of central Gaul. The Rauraci, in southern Alsace,
and the remnant of the homeless Boii were induced to
make common cause with the Helvetii. If their scheme
were carried out, their original settlement would, of course,
fall to the German invader.
From the source of the
Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean the German tribes were in
the whole line of the Rhine was threatened bv
them. It was a moment like that when the Alamanni and
the Franks threw themselves on the falling empire of the
and even now there seemed on the eve of being
carried into effect against the Celts that very movement
which was successful, five hundred years afterwards, against
the Romans."
It was at this moment that Caesar entered upon his
B.C.). He was now governor of both the
Gauls, including Istriaand Dalmatia; his office was secured
to him for five years, and it was extended, in 55 B.C., for
five years more
he had the right of nominating ten lieu-
tenants and (at any rate, according to his own interpre-
tation of his powers) to fill up his legions or form new
ones from the population of his provinces. His army
consisted of four veteran legions, the seventh, eighth,
ninth, and tenth, in all about 24,000 men, besides auxi-
he had some Spanish cavalry, and archers and
slingers from Numidia, Crete, and the Balearic isles. His
staff contained several able officers, such as Publius
Cra^sus, son of Caesar's old political ally, and Titus
Caesar had not received definite instructions
to one who was discerning and courageous these were
implied in the circumstances with which he had to deal.
The negligence of the senate had to be retrieved, and,
first of all, the stream of German invasion had to be
The invasion of the Helvetii had just begun ; they had
burned their towns and villages to make return impossible,
and had gathered to the number of
380,000 souls at the
Lacus Lemannus, near Genava. The difficulty of crossing
the mountains had determined them to cross the Rhone in
a southern direction into the territory of the Allobroges,
and to march first south and then west, until they reached
the cauton of the Santones on the Atlantic, where they had
determined to settle. Their route lay though Roman terri-
tory, and Caesar was resolved to prevent them from crossing
the river. He gained some days by negotiation, and in
the mean time hurried up his legions from Aquileia, called
out the militia of the province, and broke down the bridge
over the Rhone
he then proceeded to bar the southern
bank against the Helvetii by an entrenchment nineteen
miles long. Baulked of their scheme, the invaders were
obliged to turn to the difficult mountain route, through the
passes of the Jura, and a free passage was procured for them
from the Sequani by the influence of the anti-Roman party
in the central cantons, who hoped to find in the Helvetii a
valuable reinforcement. Caesar immediately decided to
follow them ; he crossed the Rhone with five legions and
the troops stationed at Genava. He overtook the enemy
at the Saone, where he destroyed the division which had
not yet crossed. His appearance in the territory of the
Haedui at once restored the predominance of the Roman
party, and thus obviated any difficulty with regard to sup-
but his task still remained formidable. For fifteen
days Caesar followed the unwieldy host, which had turned
north in the hope that Caesar would not venture to advance
far into the interior. No opportunity of fighting a battle
under favourable circumstances was given
the leaders
carefully guarded against surprise, and appeared to have
accurate intelligence of Caesar's movements. Moreover,
the Romans now began to be in want of provisions ; the
cavalry had turned out untrustworthy, and were suspected
of carrying information into the enemy's camp. Such was
the critical state of affairs when the armies were just
marching past Bibracte, the capital of the Haedui. Caesar
resolved to seize the place before continuing the pursuit

perhaps to establish himself there permanently. But the

Helvetii, imagining that the Romans were preparing to
fly, attacked them.
The armies were drawn up on parallel ranges of hills.
The Celts charged and broke the Roman cavalry, but had
to retire before the legions ; and when the Romans
charged in turn, the Celts again advanced, while their
reserve took the Romans in the flank. But the latter
were met by the reserve of the Roman attacking column,
and. destroyed
and now the main body gave way, and.
retreated northwards. The Romans were too exhausted
for pursuit ; but, in consequence of Caesar's threats, the
cantons through which the Helvetii passed refused, them
supplies and plundered their baggage, and the whole host
were soon reduced to submit without reserve. Caesar
treated them with clemency. The Haedui were directed
to assign territory to the Boii within their own bounds
while the survivors of the Rauraci and Helvetii were sent
back to their former territory, to defend, under Roman
supremacy, the upper Rhine against the Germans. Only
the south-western point of the Helvetian territory was
occupied by the Romans, and the town of Noviodunum
was converted into the fortress of Julia Equestris, or the
colony of the horsemen of Caesar.
By the battle of Bibracte the threatened invasion on the
upper Rhine was prevented, and the anti-Roman party in
Gaul humbled. But on the middle Rhine Roman inter-
ference was even more urgently called for. The yoke of
Ariovistus had now become more intolerable than Roman
supremacy, and at a diet of the tribes of central Gaul the
Roman general was asked to come to the aid of the Celts
against the Germans. Caesar consented
at his suggestion
the Haedui refused the customary tribute and demanded
the restoration of the hostages. "When Ariovistus pro-
ceeded to attack the Roman clients, Caesar sent to demand
from him the hostages of the Haedui, and a promise to
leave the latter tribe at peace, and to bring no more
Germans over the Rhine. Ariovistus rrplied in terms
which asserted a claim to equal right and equal power
with the Romans. Northern Gaul, he said, had become
subject to himself as southern Gaul to the Romans ; he
did not hinder the Romans from levying tribute on the
Allobroges, and the Romans had no right to prevent him
from taxing his own subjects. He also showed that he
was acquainted with the political condition of Italy, and
offered, to aid Caesar to make himself ruler of Italy, if
only Caesar would leave him alone in Gaul. When Caesar
requested him to appear personally like a client prince in
his camp, Ariovistus refused.
The Roman troops at once began their march. They
occupied Vesontio, the capital of the Sequani, and after an
abortive conference between the generals, in which an
attempt was made to carry off Caesar, the war languished
for a time. At length the Germans established them-
selves in Caesar's rear, and cut off his supplies ; but,
imitating their own manoeuvre, he sent l-ound two legions
which foi-tified themselves beyond the German camp, and
repulsed the attempts of the enemy to dislodge them. The
whole Roman army was immediately led on, and after a
desperate struggle, in which the right wing of each army
was victorious, the Roman reserve line under Publius
Crassus decided the day in favour of the Romans. The
pursuit was continued as far as the Rhine, and only a few
besides the king escaped.
The line of the Rhine was by this battle won. Caesar
might have expelled the Germans who had already settled
themselves on the left bank
but preferring, as everywhere,
conquered foes to doubtful friends," he allowed them to
remain, and intrusted them with the defence of the Rhine
against their countrymen.
The consequences of this one campaign were great and
lasting. It was now finally determined that the whole of
Gaul should be under Roman sway, and that the Rhine
should be the boundary of the empire against the Germans.
People felt that now another spirit and another arm had
begun to guide the destinies of Rome."
Second campaign, 57 B.C.
After the first campaign all central Gaul submitted to the
Romans, while the middle and upper Rhine were rendered
safe from German incursions. But the northern cantons
were not affected by the blow
moreover, close relations
subsisted between them and the Germans over the Rhine
while, at the mouth of the river, Germanic tribes were
making ready to cross. Accordingly, in the spring of
57 B.C., Caesar set out with eight legions against the
Belgic cantons. The confederacy sent the whole first levy
of 300,000 men to the southern frontier to receive him.
One canton alone, that of Remi, seized the opportunity to
shake off the yoke of the Suessiones, and to play the part of
the Haedui in central Gaul. Caesar entrenched himself on
the Aisne and, allowing the enemy no opportunity to attack,
waited for their army to dissolve. The Bellovaci, hearing
that the Haedui were about to enter their territory, were
the first to retire, and soon the whole host broke up,
binding themselves by oath to hasten to the assistance of
the first canton attacked. Some of the contingents were
destroyed by Caesar during their retreat, and the western
cantonsthe Suessiones, Bellovaci, and Ambianiat once
But in the east the Nervii, aided by the Viromandui,
the Atrebates, and the Aduatuci, concluded a second and
closer league, and assembled their forces on the upper
Sambre. They had accurate knowledge of every move-
ment of the Romans while concealing their own. When
Caesar's forces arrived at the Sambre, as the legions were
pitching the camp on the left bank, while the cavalry
explored the right, the latter were suddenly attacked and
driven across the river. In a moment the enemy had
crossed too, and the legions had scarcely time to take up
their arms when they found themselves engaged in a
desperate contest without order or connexion, and with
no proper command. Labienus, on the left wing, over-
threw the Atrebates, while the Roman centre forced the
Viromandui down the slope towards the river ; but the
right wing was outflanked by the Nervii, and its two
legions, each driven separately into a dense mass and
assailed on three sides, were on the verge of destruction.
Caesar himself seized a shield and induced the wavering
ranks to rally, and already connexion between the two
legions had been restored when help arrived

partly from
the rear-guard which came up

partly from Labienus,

who had sent the tenth legion to help the general. The
Nervii fell almost to a man where they stood
and of their
six hundred senators only three are said to have survived.
The eastern cantons now for the most part submitted
the Aduatuci, who were too late for the battle and who
still attempted to hold out, were sold for slaves en masse,
and their clients were declared independent. The Remi,
of course, became the leading canton of the district, and
only the country between the Scheldt and the Rhine
remained unsubdued.
Third campaign, 56 B.C.
The next year was occupied with the subjection of the
Aremorican cantons. Publius Crassus had been sent to
them in the autumn of 57 15.
and had induced the power-
ful Veueti to submit. But they soon repented, and during
the winter detained as hostages the Roman officers who
came to levy grain among them The whole coast from
the Rhine to Loire rose against Rome, and the leaders
were calculating on the rise of the Belgae and on aid from
Britain and from the Germans
Caesar sent Labienus with the cavalry to the Rhine, and
Titurius Sabinus to Normandy, while the main attack
was directed against the Veneti by land and sea Decimus
Brutus hastily formed a fleet of ships, which he levied
from the maritime cantons, or caused to be built on the
Loire, while Caesar advanced with the best of his infantry.
But the country was poor in supplies : the towns were
built on islands close to the shore or on spits of land,
and when the Romans had at length reduced any one
of them, they had to look on while the enemy transferred
their goods and families by sea to another At length
the Roman fleet arrived off the coast of Brittany, but
their light, vessels were no match for the strong sailing
ships of the Veneti, which were too high to be exposed to
damage from the Roman missiles, and too strong to be
injured by the iron beaks of their ships But the Romans
disabled the enemy by cutting the ropes which fastened
the sails to the yards with long poles to which sickles
were fastened, and then boarded and captured the ship.
A calm set in, which prevented the Veneti from gaining
the high seas, and the whole immense fleet was nearly
destroyed. Thus, as at Mylae two hundred years before
this, the earliest naval battle fought on the Atlantic,
was decided in favour of the Romans by a lucky
invention. The whole coast submitted, and as an ex-
ample of severity Caesar caused the whole council of the
Veneti to be executed, and the people to be sold to the
last man.
Meanwhile Sabinus had stood on the defensive until he
could provoke the army opposed to him to an attack, which
he defeated. The Morini and Menapii, who were now
threatened by Caesar, retired into the depths of the
dennes, and after persevering for some days in his advance,
he was obliged to retire without accomplishing anything.
Communications with Gaul had hitherto Leen carried
on by the road over the western Alps, laid out by
Pompeius in 77 B.C. Now that central Gaul was open to
intercourse with Italy, a shorter route crossing the Alps in
a northerly direction was required. Accordingly, in 57
B.C. Servius Galba was sent to occupy Octodurum and to
subdue the neighbouring tribes, in order to secure the
merchant route over the St. Bernard and along the lake
of Geneva. In 5G B.C. Publius Crassus was sent into Aqui-
tania with the similar object of conquering the Iberian
tribes there, and, though opposed by contingents from
beyond the Pyrenees led by officers trained in the Ser-
torian wars, he succeeded in reducing all the country
between the Garonne and the Pyrenees.
Fourth campaign, 55 B.C.
The pacification of Gaul, so far as it could be effected
the sword, was now accomplished
but the work of
defending Gaul from the Germans was still unfinished.
During the winter the Usipetes and Tencteri had effected
a crossing in numbers amounting to 430,000 and were
intending to advance into central Gaul. On the approach
of the Roman legions the invaders seemed ready to
acknowledge the supremacy of Rome; but a suspicion
arose in Caesar's mind that they were only negotiating
to obtain delay, and, when this was confirmed by an
attack upon his vanguard during the de facto
suspension of
arms, he believed himself absolved from all obligation
to observe the principles of international law. When the
German princes appeared to apologize for the attack, they
were arrested ; and the whole host, thus deprived of its
leaders, was attacked and cut to pieces. However deserving
of censure Caesar's conduct may have been, the German
encroachments were effectually checked.
Caesar determined to follow up this blow by an expe-
dition to the other side of the river, for which the protection
afforded by the Sugambri to the fugitives of the Usipetes
and Tencteri furnished a sufficient excuse. He accord-
ingly crossed into the Ubian territory, and received the
submission of several cantons. But the Sugambri with-
drew into the interior; the districts adjoining the Ubii
were laid waste, while a large force assembled at a distance.
Caesar did not accept the challenge, but recrossed the
Rhine after a stay of eighteen days.
The remainder of the season was occupied with an
expedition into Britain, which furnished, if not armed
assistance, at any rate a safe asylum to the patriots of the
continent. Publius Crassus had already, in 57 B.C., crossed
to the Scilly islands, and in the summer of 55 u.C. Caesar
himself crossed, in the narrowest part of the Channel,
with two legions. The coast was covered with multitudes
of the enemy, and the war chariots moved on as fast by
land as the Roman galle}
s by sea
and it was only with
great difficulty and under cover of the missiles thrown
from the ships of war, that a landing was effected. Some
villages submitted, but soon the natives appeared from
the interior and threatened the camp
a storm severely
damaged the fleet, and, as soon as the necessary repairs
were accomplished, the Romans returned to Gaul.
campaign, 54 B.C.
During the winter a fleet of eight hundred sail was
fitted out, and in the spring Caesar sailed a second time,
with five legions and two thousand cavalry. The landing
was unopposed ; but a second time the fleet was nearly
destroyed by the storms, and while the Romans repaired
the disaster the British tribes made preparations for
defence. The resistance was headed by Cassivellaunus,
who ruled in what is now Middlesex and the surrounding
counties. He dismissed the general levy, retaining only
the war chariots, with which he dogged Caesar's footsteps,
threatening his communications and devastating the
country through which he was about to pass. The
Thames was crossed, and the Trinobantes gave in their
submission ; but an attack by the men of Kent upon the
fleet warned Caesar of the danger to which he was con-
stantly subject, and the storming of a huge abatis where
the cattle of the country were collected was an exploit
considerable enough to afford an excuse for retreat.
Cassivellaunus promised hostages and tribute, probably
with no intention of giving either, and Caesar recrossed
into Gaul. His immediate objectof
rousing the islanders
from their haughty security " seems certainly to have
been attained.
The subjection of Gaul was now complete, while both
Britons and Germans had been impressed with a sense of
the power of Rome
but many circumstances combined to
make the Celtic nation restive under its yoke. They were
ashamed when they had to confess that a nation numbering
a million armed men had been subdued by fifty thousand
Romans. Central Gaul and the Belgian confederacy had
submitted almost without striking a blow ; but the heroic
resistance of the Veneti and of the Britons incited the
patriotic Celts to make another attempt to recover their
freedom. Even in 54 B.C. the Treveri had absented them-
selves from the general diet, and Caesar had earned with
him into Britain their foremost men as hostages ; and
when the Haeduan Dumnorix refused to embark, he was
pursued and. cut down by Caesar's orders. His death
created a deep impression all through the ranks of the
Celtic nobility; every man felt that the fate of Dumnorix
might be his own.
Sixth campaign, 53 B.O.
In the winter of 54-53
B.C. the main body of the Roman
army was quartered in Belgian territory, in six separate
divisions for convenience in the matter of supplies. The
most easterly division of all, in the territory of the
Eburones near Aduatuca, consisting of a legion under
Quintus Titurius Sabinus, and some cohorts under Lucius
Aurunculeius Cotta, was suddenly surrounded by the
general levy of the Eburones, under their kings Ambiorix
and Catuvolcus. Provisions were ample, and the attacks
of the Eburones were futile against the Roman en-
trenchments. But Ambiorix informed Sabinus that all
the Roman divisions were being assailed simultaneously,
and that all was lost unless they could effect a junction.
Out of friendship for the Romans he offered them a free
retreat to the nearest camp, two days' march distant. This
account was credible enough ; but the immediate duty of
Sabinus was undoubtedly to maintain at all costs the post
committed to his trust ; but though he was strongly dis-
suaded by Cotta and others, the proposal of Ambiorix was
accepted. About two miles from the camp the Romans
found themselves surrounded in a narrow valley. The
Eburones plied them with missiles, but would not enter
into a close combat. Escape was impossible, and Sabinus
demanded an interview with Ambiorix. At the conference
he was killed with his principal officers, and the whole
Roman division was slain in the attack which followed,
except a few who regained the camp, and threw themselves
upon their swords in the following night.
The insurrection now broke out at every point. First
the Eburones, reinforced by the Aduatuci, the Menapii,
and the Nervii, attacked the division under Quintus
Cicero in the last-mentioned canton. The besiegers con-
structed ramparts and entrenchments, and showered tire-
balls and burning spears against the thatched huts of the
Roman camp. The insing was so universal that it was
long before the news of this or of the preceding attack
upon Sabiuus reached the general. At length a Celtic
horseman stole through the enemy from Cicero. Caesar set
out with only seven thousand men and four hundred cavalry;
but the news of his approach was enough to raise the
siege at the critical moment, when not one in ten of Cicero's
men remained unwounded. The insurgent army attacked
Caesar, but were defeated, and the whole insurrection
almost immediately collapsed. The Eastern levies returned
to their homes. The Treveri, who had advanced to attack
Labienus among the Remi, also desisted for the present.
Towards the close of the winter Caesar set out, with his
army largely reinforced, to crush the remains of the revolt.
The Nervii, Senones, and Carnutes were routed. Even
the unconquered Menapii had now to submit. The Treveri
were crushed, and the chief power among them reverted
to the Roman party. The Germans, who had sent aid to
the insurgents, were intimidated by a second crossing of
the Rhine. As to the Eburones, Caesar had worn mourn-
ing ever since the disaster of Aduatuca, and had sworn
not to remove it till he had revenged the treacherous
death of his soldiers. Ten Roman legions now advanced
into their country, after the cavalry had all but surprised
Ambiorix in his house. At the same time the neighbouring
tribes were invited to join in the pillage, and even a band
of Sugambrian horsemen from beyond the -Rhine accepted
the invitation. It was a man-hunt rather than Avar. Many
of the Eburones put themselves to death. Some few,
including Ambiorix, escaped over the Rhine. Punish-
ment now fell upon particular men in the several cantons,
and the Carnutic knight, Acco, was beheaded by the
Roman lictors. At the end of 53 B.C. Caesar crossed the
Alps to watch the daily increasing complications of the
Seventh campaign, 52 B.C.
But for once Caesar had miscalculated.
The fire was
smothered, but not extinguished." The death of Acco
again filled the whole Celtic nobility with consternation.
The position of affairs was most favourable for revolt.
Caesar was at a distance on the other side of the Alps,
while his army was encamped on the Seine. The Roman
troops might be surrounded and the province overrun
before he could appear, even if affairs in Italy did not
prevent his return. The signal was given at Cenabum
(Orleans), and all the Romans there were massacred.
Everywhere the patriots were astir. Even the Arverni, the
stanchest supporters of the Romans in all Gaul, were
brought to join the insurrection, after a revolution which
overthrew the government of the common council and made
Vercingetorix, the leader of the Arvernian patriots, king.
The latter soon became for the Celts what Cassivellaunus
had been for the Britons. It was felt that he, if any man,
was to save the nation. The insurrection spread in the
west from the Garonne to the Loire, and Vercingetorix
was everywhere recognized as commander-in-chief. But
in central Gaul the Haedui, on whom the accession of
the eastern cantonsthe Sequani and Helvetiide-
pended, wavered. The patriotic party was strong among
them, but their old antagonism to the Arverni was
stronger ; and while they still wavered, Caesar appeared
north of the Alps, to the astonishment alike of friend and
foe. He quickly provided for the defence of the old
province, and sent a force northwards into Arvernian
territory ; then, attended by only a few horsemen, he stole
through the country of the Haedui, and was again at the
head of his troops.
The presence of Caesar made it impossible for the in-
surgents to proceed in the ordinary manner of warfare.
Vercingetorix determined to make his cavalry enormously
superior to that of the Romans, to lay waste the land
far and wide, to burn down the towns, villages, and depots
of supplies, and to cut off the enemy's communications.
The infantry he did not allow to face the Romans, but
attempted gradually to impart to them some of the rudi-
ments of discipline and training. He persuaded his
countrymen to destroy all towns not capable of defence,
and to concentrate all their powers upon a few strong
The first operation of the insurgents was an attack upon
the Boii, made with the view of annihilating them before
Caesar could arrive. The latter started immediately from
Agedincum, got together a small force of cavalry formed
of German mercenaries mounted on Italian and Spanish
horses, and, after causing Cenabum to be burnt, crossed
the Loire into the country of the Bituriges. Here the
new mode of warfare was tried for the first time. Twenty-
four townships of the Bituriges perished on the same day,
and the neighbouring cantons were ordered t > follow this
example. Avaricum (Bourges), the capital of the Bituriges,
was to have met the same fate, but, in compliance with the
entreaties of the magistrates of the Bituriges, it was
resolved to defend the city.
The infantry were placed in a position near the town,
where they were completely protected by morasses. The
cavalry commanded all the roads and obstructed commu-
nications. Caesar could not bring on a battle, and all his
attacks upon the town were repelled by the courage of
the besieged. The difficulty of supplies became daily
more serious, and the Roman soldiers were at length
reduced to flesh rations. But at the same time the diffi-
culties of the besieged increased, until the town could no
longer be held. It was determined to evacuate and destroy
it, but on the night of departure the wailing of the
women betrayed the plan of Vercingetorix to the Romans,
and the attempt miscarried : on the following day the
walls were scaled, and neither age nor sex was spared.
Judging by former experience Caesar might have ex-
pected that the revolt would now collapse ; so, after
making a, demonstration in the country of the Haedui, he
sent Labienus with two legions to Agedincum. where were
two more guarding the baggage
while he himself, with
six, advanced into the Arvernian mountains.
Labienus advanced from Agedincum to get possession
of Lutetia (Paris), but the town was burned by Camulo-
genus, the insurgent leader, who refused to give battle,
but took up a position where he held the Roman army in
The main army succeeded in baffling the attempts of
Vercingetorix to stop it, and arrived before Gergovia, the
capital of the Arverni. Here immense stores had been
collected, and the insurgent troops were encamped in a
strong position under the walls of the town, which was
on a hill, and were protected by strong ramparts. Caesar
was not strong enough either to besiege the town or to
blockade it, but remained inactive, facing his antagonist.
Such a check was almost equivalent to a defeat ; the
Haedui prepared to join the revolt in earnest, and a body
of Haeduan troops, on the march to join Caesar, was induced
by its officers to declare against him, and was only recalled
to nominal obedience by the presence of Caesar, who had
hurried to meet it with two-thirds of his army. But
during his absence Vercingetorix had attacked the Roman
camp and very nearly stormed it, and it was plain that
the Haeduan troops could scarcely be relied on. He
determined therefore to withdraw from Gergovia, and to
march at once into the canton of the Haedui, but first to
make one more attempt to capture the town. While the
majority of the garrison were entrenching one side of
the ramparts, Caesar attacked the other
the walls of the
camp were scaled, but the whole garrison took the alarm,
and Caesar dared not attack the city wall. He gave the
signal for retreat, but the foremost legions were carried
away by the fervour of victory, and pushed onsome
even into the city. They were met by masses upon masses
of the garrison, who gradually forced them back, and at
last chased them down the hill, where the troops stationed
in the plain received them into safety. Seven hundred
men, including forty-six centurions, had fallen
remained untaken, and the halo of victory that had sur-
rounded Caesar in Gaul began to fade away.
The Haedui at once arose, their contingent deserted
from Caesar, and carried off with it the Roman depots on
the Loire. The Belgae began to stir, the Bellovaci marched
to attack Labienus in the rear, and, with the exception of
the Remi and the cantons immediately depending upon
the whole Celtic nation, from the Pyrenees to the
Rhine, was now for the first and last time in arms for
freedom and nationality."
It was a grave crisis, and many voices were raised in
favour of a retreat over the Cevennes into the old province.
But Caesar rejected these timid counsels, called out the
general levy of the province, and set out for Agedincum,
whither Labienus was ordered immediately to retreat.
Labienus crossed the Seine under the eyes of the enemy,
fought a battle in which Camulogenus was defeated and
slain, and succeeded in effecting a junction with Caesar.
The insurgents adhered to the same plan of campaign.
A national assemhly confirmed Vercingetorix in the
supreme command, and adopted his plans without altera-
tion. A new position was selected at Alesia (Alise Sainte
Reine in the Cotf; d'Or), and another camp constructed.
The army was ordered thither, and the cavalry raised to
fifteen thousand. Caesar marched southwards to protect the
province, and repulsed, with his newly levied German squad-
rons, the Celtic cavalry which attacked him on the route.
Vercingetorix shut himself up in Alesia, and Caesar had
no alternative but to besiege him there or to abandon the
offensive altogether. But the whole of the Roman troops
were now united, and the cavalry of Caesar were successful
in every encounter : the communications of the* Celtic
army were cut, and the supplies of the town would soon
be exhausted by the enormous army (80,000 foot and
15,000 horse) and the numerous inhabitants. At the
moment when the Roman lines were on the point of
completion, Vercingetorix dismissed all his cavalry with
orders to rouse the whole nation for the relief of Alesia.
The miserable inhabitants were turned out of the town,
and perished of hunger between the lines on either side.
At last the huge host of the relieving army appeared

in number amounting to 250,000 infantry and 8,000

cavalry. But Caesar had prepared himself to be besieged,
and his rear was protected by a strong line of entrench-
ments. A determined assault was made upon the Romans
from without and from within
and on the second day the
Celts succeeded, at a point where the lines ran over the
slope of
a hill, in filling up the trenches and hurling
the defenders from the ramparts. Labienus threw him-
self with four legions upon the enemy. It was the crisis
of the struggle, and the assailants were gradually forced
back, while squadrons of cavalry assailed them in the rear
and completed the rout.
The fate of Alesia and of the Celtic nation was decided.
The army dispersed, and the king was, by his own consent,
delivered up to the Romans for punishment, in order to
avei't as far as possible destruction from the nation, by
bringing it upon his own head.
Mounted on his steed
and in full armour the king of the Arvernians appeared
before the Roman proconsul, and rode round his tribunal
then he surrendered his horse and arms, and sat down in
silence on the steps at Caesar's feet." Five years after-
wards he was led in Caesar's triumph, and beheaded at the
foot of the Capitol.
As after a day of gloom the sun
breaks through the clouds at its setting, so destiny bestows
on nations that are going down a last great man. Thus
Hannibal stands at the close of the Phoenician history, and
Vercingetorix at the close of the Celtic. They were not
able to save the nations to which they belonged from a
foreign yoke, but they spared them the last remaining
disgrace, an inglorious fall. . , . The whole ancient world
presents no more genuine knight (than Vercingetorix),
whether as regards his essential character or his outward
appearance. But man ought not to be a mere knight, and
least of all the statesman. It was the knight, not the hero,
who disdained to escape from Alesia, when he alone was of
more consequence to the nation than a hundred thousand
ordinary brave men. It was the knight, not the hero, who
gave himself up as a sacrifice, when the only thing gained
by that sacrifice was that the nation publicly
itself, and with equal cowardice and absurdity employed
its last breath in proclaiming that its great historical
death-struggle was a crime against its oppressor. How
very different was the conduct of
Hannibal in similar
positions ! It is impossible to part from the noble king
of the Arverni without a feeling of historical and human
sympathy ; but it is characteristic of the Celtic nation,
that its greatest man was after all merely a knight."
After the fall of Alesia no united effort was made to
continue the insurrection
the league fell to pieces, and
every clan made what terms it could with the conqueror.
Caesar was anxious for many reasons to bring the war to
a close, and the easy temperament of the Gauls met him
halfway. Where there was a strong Roman party, as
among the Haedui and Arverni, the cantons obtained
a complete restoration of their former relations with Rome,
and their captives were released without ransom, while
those of the other clans became the slaves of the legion-
aries. But not a few cantons refused to make submission,
until the Roman troops appeared within their borders.
Such expeditions were undertaken in the winter aud in
the following summer against the Bituriges and Carnutes,
the Bellovaci and other Belgic cantons. The Bellovacian
king Correus offered a brave resistance, but was at last
slain in a skirmish. On the Loire considerable bands
assembled, and required a considerable Roman force to
defeat them. The last remnant of opposition was at Ux-
ellodunum on the Lot, where Drappes and Lucterius, the
brave adjutant of Vercingetorix, shut themselves up in the
last resort. The town was taken only after Caesar had
appeared in person, and the spring from which the garrison
derived water had been diverted. The whole garrison
were dismissed to their homes after their hands had been
cut off.
Thus Gaul was finally subdued after eight years' war.
Hardly a year later the Roman troops had to be with-
drawn, owing to the outbreak of civil war; yet the Celts
did not rise against the foreign yoke, and Gaul was the only
pai't of the Roman empire where there was no fighting
against Caesar. Later disturbances, like the rising of the
Bellovaci in 46 B.C., were easily dealt with by the local
governors. This state of peace was, it is true, purchased
to a large extent by allowing the more distant districts to
withdraw themselves de
from the Roman allegiance;
but however unfinished the building of Caesar may have
been, its foundations remained firm and unshaken.
For the present the newly acquired provinces were
united with the province of Narbo, but when Caesar gave
up this governorship, in 46 B.C., two new governorships,
of Gaul proper and Belgica, were formed. The individual
cantons of course lost their independence, and paid to
Rome a fixed tribute which they levied themselves. The
total was 400,000
but masses of gold from the treasures
of temples and of rich men also flowed to Rome, to such
an extent that, as compared with silver, gold fell twenty-
five per cent.
Existing arrangements were everywhere allowed to
remain as far as possible : the hereditary kingships, the
feudal oligarchies, even the system of clientship by
one canton was dependent on another still existed. Caesar's
sole object was to arrange matters in the interest of Rome,
and to bring into power the men favourably disposed to
Roman rule. Cantons where the Roman party was strong
and trustworthy, such as the Renii, the Lingones, and the
Haedui, received the right of alliance which gave them
much greater communal freedom, and were invested with
the hegemony over other cantons. The national worship
and its priests were preserved as much as possible.
At the same time, Caesar did what he could to stimulate
the Romanization of Gaul. A number of Celts of rank
were admitted into the Roman citizenship

perhaps into
the Roman senate
Latin was made the official language in
several cantons
and while smaller money might be coined
by the local authorities for local circulation, this might only
be done in conformity with the Roman standard, and the
coinage of gold and of denarii was reserved for the Roman
magistrates alone.* Hereafter the organization of the
cantons approached more nearly to the Italian urban con-
stitution, and both the common councils and the chief
towns became of far greater importance than hitherto. If
Caesar did little in the way of founding coloniesonly two
settlements can be traced to him, that of Noviodunum
and that of the Boiiit was because circumstances did not
allow him to exchange the sword for the plough. No one
probably saw more clearly than himself the military and
political advantages of establishing a series of Transalpine
colonies as bases of support for the new centre of civiliza-
Gaul as a nation had ceased to exist ; it was absorbed in
a politically superior nationality. The course of the war
was significant enough of the character of the nation : at
the outset only single districts, and those German or half
German, offered energetic resistance ; and when foreign
The followiBg inscription occurs on a semis struck by a vergo-
brete of the Lexovii :
Cisiambos Cattos vercobreto; Simissos
publicos Lixovio." The writing and stamping are as bad as the Latin.
rule was established, the attempts to shake it off were either
without plan or were the work of certain prominent nobles,
and with the death or capture of an Indutiomarus or a
Vercingetorix the struggle was at an end. In the severe
words of a Roman,
The Celts boldly challenge danger
in the future, but lose their courage before its presence."
All accounts of the ancient Celts bring out a strik-
ing similarity between them and the modern Irish.
Every feature reappears : the laziness in the culture of
the fields : the delight in tippling and brawling ; the osten-
tationwe may recall that sword of Caesar hung up
in the sacred grove of the Arvernians after the victory of
Gergovia, which its alleged former owner viewed with
a smile at the consecrated spot, and which he ordered
to be carefully preserved ; the language full of com-
parisons and hyperboles, of allusions and quaint turns
the droll humouran excellent example of which was
the rule, that if any one interrupted a person speaking in
public, a substantial and very visible hole should be cut,
as a measure of police, in the coat of the disturber of the
peace ; . . the curiosity, . . the extravagant credulity, . .
the childlike piety, . . the unsurpassed fervour of national
feeling, . . . the incapacity to preserve a self-reliant
courage equally remote from presumption and from pusil-
lanimity. ... It is, and remains, at all times and places
the same indolent and poetical, irresolute and fervid,
inquisitive, credulous, amiable, clever, butin a political
point of viewthoroughly useless nation
and therefore its
fate has been always and everywhere the same."
Bat the ruin of the Celtic nation was not the most
important result of Caesar's wars. Nothing but the insight
and energy of Caesar prevented Gaul from being overrun
by the Germans, in whom the Roman statesman saw the
rivals and antagonists of the Romano-Greek world. By his
conquests and organization he gained time for the West to
acquire that culture which the East had already assumed
but for him the great
migration of peoples
which took
place four hundred years later under the Gothic Theodoric
would have taken place under Ariovistns ; and if the Roman
empire had escaped destruction, the Western world at any
rate would have been cut off from it.
While Caesar was creating' for Rome a scientific frontier
in the West, the whole northern frontier had been dis-
turbed from time to time. In north-east Italy, in Illyria,
in Macedonia, and in Thrace there had been resistance to
the Roman rule, which had been usually met in a temporary
and partial manner by the senatorial governors. In one
quarter only, among the Dacians, north of the Danube, a
new power had arisen. Among this people there had been
in primeval times a holy man called Zamolxis, associated
with the king. This divine personage, after years of travel
in foreign lands and after studying the wisdom of the
Egyptian priests and of the Greek Pythagoreans, had
returned to his native country to end his life as a hermit.
He was accessible only to the king and to his servants, and
gave forth through the king oracles with reference to all
important undertakings. By the nation he was regarded
first as priest of the supreme god, then as god himself : and
this peculiar combination of monarchy and theocracy had
become a permanent institution, and probably gave to
the kings of the Getae a position something similar to that
of the caliphs. About this time a marvellous reform of
the nation was carried out by Boerebistas, king of the Getae,
and the god Dekaeneos. The people were metamorphosed
from unexampled drunkenness to temperance and valour,
and the king used their puritanic enthusiasm to found a
mighty kingdom, which extended along both banks of the
Danube and stretched southward into Thrace, Illyria and
Nbricum. No direct contact with the Romans had yet
taken place,
but this much it needed no prophetic gift
to foretell, that proconsuls like Antonius and Piso were
nowise fitted to contend with gods."
Plat. Caes. 16-27. Caes. de Bell. Gall. Liv. Epit, 103-108. Veil.
46, 47. Flor. iii. 10. Appian Celt. 15-end. Hisp. 102.
Dio. xxxvii.
52, 53
xxxviii. 31-50
1-5, 40-53
xl. 1-11,
31-43. Snet. Jul. 24, 25. Tac. German, esp. 28. Strab. iv.,
vii. Varro R. R. i.
7, 8 ;
ii. 5-9
ii. 10, 4. Plin. N. H. ii.
170 ; iii.
; iv. 17-19 ; xvii. 6,
42. Cic. ad. Att. iv. 16. Pomponius
Mela, ii.
7 ;
iii. 2.
Most of the above writers touch upon Gaul incidentally, as well as
in the particular passages mentioned. For identification of
localities, see notes to Momms. Hist, of R. v. ch. vii. Of. also
Momms. Hist, of R. bk. viii.
The Provinces from Caesar to
Diocletian," passim, especially ch.
1, 3, 4, 5.
58-56 B.C. Growing opposition to the regentsPompeius fails tc
control the capital.56 b.c. Conference at Luca.55 b.c. Pom-
peiuB and Crassus consuls.53 B.C. Murder of Clodius.52 B.C.
Pompeius dictator.
Of the three joint rulers Pompeius was undoubtedly
the foremost in the eyes of the Roman world. Nor is this
surprising, for Pompeius was undoubtedly the first general
of his time, while Caesar, so far as he was known, was only
a dexterous party leader. In the eyes of the multitude he
was to Pompeius what Flavius and Afranius had been
useful instrument for political purposes. And if the position
of Pompeius under the Gal in an law was compared with
that of Caesar under the Yatmian, the comparison was to
the advantage of the former
for Pompeius had almost the
whole resources of the state under his control, and ruled
nearly the whole empire, while Caesar had only certain
fixed sums and four legions, and ruled two provinces.
Caesar, again, was to resign his command after five years,
while Pompeius had fixed his own time for retirement.
But Pompeius attempted a task beyond his powers when
he undertook to rule the capitala problem always in-
finitely difficult, because there was no armed force at the
disposal of the government, whatever it might be. The
result was complete anarchy: "after Caesar's departure
the coalition still ruled doubtless the destinies of the world,
but not the streets of the capital." The senate felt its
impotence, and attempted no show of authority
shut himself up and sulked in silence ; the sound portion
of the citizens, who had at heart freedom and order, kept
rigorously aloof from politics. But for the rabble of all
sorts, high and low, it was a time of carnival ;
became quite a trade, which accordingly did not lack its
professional insigniathe threadbare mantle, the shaggy
beard, the long streaming hair, the deep bass voice."
Greeks and Jews, freedmen and slaves, were the most
regular attendants at the popular assemblies, and often
only a minority of those voting consisted of burgesses
legally constituted. The real rulers of Eome were the
armed bands, raised by adventurers out of gladiatorial
slaves and blackguards of all sorts. These bands had
hitherto been usually under the control of the popular
leaders, but now all discipline was at an end, and the leaders
of the bands fought either for the democracy, for the senate,
or for Crassus : Clodius had fought at different times for
all three.
The most noted of these street leaders was Publius
Clodius, whom the regents had already made use of against
Cato and Cicero. During his tribunate he had exerted all
his great talent, energy, and influence to promote an ultra-
democratic policy : he gave the citizens corn gratis
hibited the obstruction of the comitia by religious
re-established the street-clubs (collegia compi
talicia), which constituted a complete organization of the
whole proletariate of the city according to streets
and set
the seal of Divine favour upon his doings by erecting a
grand temple of Liberty on the Palatine.
The position of Pompeius was soon seriously compro-
mised : Clodius opposed him in a trifling matter about the
sending back of a captive Armenian prince, and the quarrel
became a serious feud. Pompeius revenged himself by
allowing the return of Cicero, the bitter enemy of Clodius.
But the real battle-ground was in the streets ; and here,
though Pompeius had his own hired gangs, Clodius was
usually victorious. To complete the spectacle, both parties
in the quarrel courted the favour of the senate
pleased it by recalling Cicero, Clodius by declaring the
Julian laws null and void. Naturally no positive result
came from this
political witches' revel
it was quite
demagogism was a mere makeshift in the inter-
regnum between republic and monarchy. It had not even
the effect of kindling the desire for a strong government
based on military power; for those citizens likely to be
affected in this way lived mostly away from Rome, and
were not touched by the anarchy which prevailed there;
and besides, they had already been thoroughly convei'ted to
the cause of authority by the Catilinarian attempts. The
only important result of all this confusion was the painful
position of Pompeius, which must have had considerable
influence upon his future conduct.
Far more important than the change in the relations of
Pompeius with Clodius was his altered position with regard
to Caesar. While Pompeius had failed to fulfil the func-
tions assigned to him, Caesar had been brilliantly success-
ful : he had crushed the threatening Cimbrian invasion, and
in two years had carried the Roman arms to the Rhine and
the Channel. Already, in 57 B.C., the senate had voted him
the usual honours in far richer measure than had ever been
accorded to Pompeius. Caesar was now the hero of the day,
master of the most powerful Roman army
while Pompeius
was merely an ex-general who had once been famous No
rupture had taken place, but it was evident that the
alliance must be at an end when the relative position of
the parties was reversed. At any rate Pompeius found it
necessary to abandon his attitude of haughty reserve, and
to come forward and attempt to gain for himself a com-
mand which would again put him on equal terms with
Caesar. To do this he must be able to control the machinery
of government : but by his awkward quarrel with Clodius
he had lost command of the streets, and therefore could
not count on carrying his point in the popular assembly
and, at the same time, it was doubtful whether after his
long inaction, even the senate was sufficiently under his
influence to grant what he wished.
The opposition to the regents had been growing in
strength and importance, and they were powerless to check
it : in consequence, a change occurred in the position of the
senate, which found itself largely increased in importance.
The marriage alliance of Caesar and Pompeius, and the
banishments of Cato and of Cicero suggested unpleasantly
to the public mind the decrees and alliances of monarchs,
and men began to perceive that it was no modification of
the republican constitution which was at stake, but the
existence of the republic itself. Many of the best men
who had hitherto belonged to the popular party now-
passed over to the other side. The
three dynasts," the
three-headed monster," were phrases in everybody's
mouth. Even the masses began to waver : Caesar's con-
sular orations were listened to without a sound
at the
theatre no applause greeted his entrance, and his tools
and associates were publicly hissed. The rulers hinted to
the equites that their opposition might cost them their new
special seats in the theatre, and that the commons might
lose their free corn. Caesar's wealth was employed in
every direction to gain adherents
no one, unless hopelessly
lost, was refused assistance in distress, and the enormous
buildings set on foot by Caesar and Pompeius brought
gain to great numbers of men in every position. But
corruption could only touch a comparatively small number,
and every day brought proofs of the strong attachment of
the people to the existing constitution and of their hatred
of monarchy. Under representative institutions the
popular discontent would have found an outlet at the
elections, but under the existing circumstances the only
course left for the supporters of the republic was to
range themselves under the banner of the senate. Thus,
for the moment, the senate rested on a firmer support than
it had enjoyed for years
it began to bestir itself again.
With the approval and support of the senate, a proposal
was submitted to the people, permitting the return of
Cicero. An unusual number of good citizens, especially
from the country towns, attended on the day of voting
57 B.C.), and the journey of the orator from
Brundisium to Rome was made the occasion of a brilliant
demonstration in favour of the senate and the constitution.
Pompeius was helpless, and his helplessness disarmed the
party in the senate favourable to the regents. Had the
senate possessed a leader their cause might even yet have
they might have cancelled the extraordinary powers
as unconstitutional, and summoned all the republicans of
Italy to arm against the tyrants. But the necessary
leader was wanting, and the aristrcracy were too indolent
to take so simple and bold a resolution. They preferred
to side with Pompeius against Caesar, in the hope that a
rupture between the two was inevitable
and to settle
matters with Pompeius, after victory, might be expected
to be no very difficult matter.
It seemed natural that an alliance between Pompeius
and the republicans should be formed, but the matter was
brought to a test when, in the autumn of 57 B.C., Pom-
peius came before the senate with a proposal to entrust
him with extraordinary official power. His proposal was
based upon the price of corn in the capital, which had
again reached an oppressive height, owing to the con-
tinuance of piracy and the negligence of the government
in supervising the supply. He wished to be entrusted
with the superintendence of all matters relating to corn
supply throughout the whole empire, and for this purpose
to be invested with unlimited control over the state
treasure, with an army and fleet, and with powers superior
to those of the ordinary governor in every province
to this command he hoped that the conduct of the
impending Egyptian war would naturally be added. The
senate accepted the proposal in principle with outward ob-
sequiousness, but made alterations which seriously curtailed
the general's authority. Pompeius obtained no unlimited
power, but merely certain large sums and fifteen adjutants
for the purpose of organizing due supplies for the capital,
arid, in all matters relating to grain supply only, full
proconsular power throughout the empire for five years.
The decree of the senate was ratified by the people. The
regent had missed his object, but he had obtained definite
employment and an excuse for leaving the capital, and the
supply of corn was soon in a more satisfactory condition.
Still, without troops his proconsular authority was only a
shadow, and he got a second proposal made in the senate,
conferring upon him the charge of restoring- the expelled
king of Egypt, if necessary by force of arms. But the
senate grew less and less compliant ; it was discovered in
the Sibylline books that it was impious to send a Roman
army to Egypt. Pompeius was ready to accept the mission
even without an army, but the senate refused to risk so
valuable a life, and ultimately resolved not to interfere at
all (Jan., 56 b.c).
These rebuffs of Pompeius were, of course, regarded as
defeats of the regents generally
and the tide of opposition
rose hisrher and higher. The elections for 56 B.C. had
gone only very partially according to the wishes of the
triumvirate, and for the consulship of 55 B.C. Lucius
Domitius Ahenobarbus announced himself as a candidate
with the avowed object of actively opposing them. The
senate solemnly deliberated over an opinion which was
furnished by certain Etruscan soothsayers of repute, that
the whole power over the army and treasure threatened
to pass to one ruler, and that the state would lose its
freedom. But they soon went on to a more practical
declaration of war. As early as December, 57 B.C., the
opinion had been expressed in the senate that the laws of
Caesar's consulship, especially the law about the domain
land of Capua, must be cancelled
and in April, 56 B.C.,
Cicero moved that the Capuan law should be taken into
consideration on May the 1st. Domitius soon afterwards
declared that he intended as consul to propose to the
burgesses the immediate recall of Caesar ; and in this
manner the nobility threw down the gauntlet to the
The triumvirs
had no time to lose. Crassus im-
mediately started north to confer with Caesar, whom he
found at Ravenna
at Lucathey were joined by Pompeius,
who had left Rome ostensibly on business connected with
the supply of grain. The most noted adherents of the
rulers, such as Metellus Nepos, proconsul of Hither Spain,
and Appius Claudius, propraetor of Sardinia, followed
them. A hundred and twenty lictors and two hundred
senators were counted at the conference
it was almost a
rival senate of the monarchy as opposed to the other
senate of the republic. The decisive voice lay with
Caesar, and he used it to re-establish the joint rule on a
firmer basis, with a more equal distribution of power.
The most important governorships after Gaul, namely
the two Spains and Syria, were assigned, the former to
Pompeius, the latter to Crassus, and were to be secured by
decree of the people for five years. Caesar was to have
his own office
prolonged for another five years, from 54
to the close of 49 B.C.
and to be allowed to increase
his legions to ten, and to charge the pay of his arbitrarily
levied troops on the state chest. Pompeius and Crassus
were to hold the consulship for 55 B.C., before departing
for their provinces, and Caesar was to be consul in 48 B.C.,
after the termination of his command. The military-
support necessary for the regulation of the capital was to
be supplied by raising legions for the Spanish and Syrian
armies, and keeping them in Italy as long as should
convenient. Minor details were easily settled by Caesar's
magic influence; Pompeius and Crassus were reconciled
to each other, and even Clodius was induced to give no
further annoyance to Pompeius.
The reasons which induced Caesar to concede to his rival
so powerful a positiona position which he had refused
him in 60 B.C., when the league was formedcan only be
conjectured. It was not that necessity compelled him, for
Pompeius was a powerless suppliant at Caesar's feet ; and
even if, in case of a rupture, he had joined the optimates, the
alliance would not have been so formidable as to demand
so heavy a price to prevent it. Probably
Caesar was not
yet prepared for civil war; but in any case the decision of
peace or war rested, not with Pompeius, but with the oppo-
sition. Possibly purely personal motives may have contri-
Caesar was not the man to be disloyal to his allies,
and he may have hesitated to break the heart of his
beloved daughter, who was sincerely attached to her

" in his soul there was room for much besides

the statesman." But the main reason was undoubtedly
the consideration of Gaul. If Caesar's object was to
become king of Rome as soon as possible, it was a grave
blunder to give up his present enormous superiority over
his rivals, and especially to put Pompeius in a position to
settle matters independently with the senate. But Caesar's
was no vulgar ambition
the conquest of Gaul was an
enterprise on which depended the external security and
internal reorganization of the empire ; it was necessary
for the repression of German invasions, and necessary to
furnish new soil for Italian civilization. But Caesar's
Gallic couquests hindered far more than they helped him
on the way to the throne, and it yielded him bitter fruit
that he postponed the revolution from 56 to 48 B.C.
The aristocracy did not make good its gage :
they had
taken up arms only to lay them down as soon as the adver-
sary merely put his hand to the sheath." Nothing more
was heard about discussion of the Julian laws in the
senate ; the legions raised by Caesar were charged on the
public chest, and the attempts to take from him one or both
of his provinces decisively failed (May, 56 B.C.). Cicero was
among the first to repent, and applied to himself
more appropriate than flattering."
The troops for Syria
did indeed depart, but the legions for Spain were dismissed
on furlough, and Potnpeius remained with them in Italy.
At the same time the regents acted deliberately in such
a manner as to withdraw from the senate what had
hitherto been its especial functionthe management of
military matters and of foreign affairs. The arrangements
made at Luca with regard to the provinces of Gaul, Spain,
and Syria were submitted to and approved by the people.
The regents lent and borrowed troops from each other
without authority. The Transpadani were apparently
treated by Caesar as full burgesses of Rome, though they
had legally only Latin rights. Caesar organized his con-
quests and founded colonies, such as Novum Comum,
without the consent of the senate. The Thracian, Egyptian,
and Parthian wars were conducted by the generals in com-
mand without consulting or even reporting to the senate.
The majority of the senate submitted humbly enough to
necessity. Cicero was now completely in the service of
the regents. His brother was an officer in Caesar's army,
in some measure as a hostage. Cicero himself was com-
pelled to accept an office under Pompeius, on pretence of
which he might be banished at any moment; and he sub-
mitted to be relieved from his pecuniary embarrassments
by loans from Caesar and by an appointment to the joint
overseership of the vast building operations in the capital.
Many prominent members of the nobility were kept sub-
servient by similar methods
but there remained a certain
section which could be neither intimidated nor cajoled.
The foremost of these was Cato, who ceaselessly, at the
peril of his life, offered the most determined opposition in
senate-house and Forum. The regents did not molest him
and his followers
strong measures would have made them
martyrs, and, after all, their activity was unavailing. But
though destitute of important results, their action fostered
and gave the watchword to the widespread discontent
which fermented in secret : and they were often able to
draw the majority in the senate, which secretly sympathized
"Me asinum germanura fuisse
(Ad Att., iv. 5.
with them, into isolated decrees against its masters and
their adherents. Thus Gabinius was refused a public
thanksgiving in 56 B.C.; Piso was recalled from his province;
and the senate wore mourning when the tribune Gaius Cato
hindered the elections of 55 B.C. as long as the republican
consul Marcellinus remained in office. But the great fact
was unalteredthe regents were supreme.
No one,"
says a contemporary writer, "is of the slightest account
except the three
the regents are all powerful, and they
take care that no one shall remain in doubt about it ; the
whole state is virtually transformed, and obeys the
The opposition, powerless in the field of government,
could not nevertheless be dislodged from certain depart-
ments of state which had considerable political influence

the elections of magistrates, and the jury-courts. The

former, which belong properly to the government of the
state, were, under the present regime, when the govern-
ment was really wielded by extraordinary magistrates,
unimportant ; the ordinary magistrates themselves were
ciphers, and the elections sank into mere demonstrations.
The regents spared no pains to gain the victory even here :
the lists of candidates for some years was settled at Luca
large sums were expended upon elections, and numbers of
soldiers were sent on furlough from the armies of Caesar
and Pompeius to vote at Borne. But the result was only
partial success. For 55 B.C. Potnpeius and Crassus were
elected only by open violence and after the most scanda-
lous scenes. For 54 B.C. Domitius was elected consul, and
Cato praetor
while the candidates for the regents were
convicted of the most shameful corruption in the elections
for 53 B.C., and were abandoned by their principals. These
defeats may be accounted for partly by the wide discontent
at the rule of the triumvirate
mainly by the elaborately
organized system of political clubs which were entirely
controlled by the nobility.
The jury-courts gave even greater trouble and annoy-
ance. As at present composed (see
p. 357) the sena-
torial party was influential in them, but the middle
class was predominant ; and the fact that in 55 B.C.
Pompeius proposed a high-rated census for jurymen,
shows that the strength of the opposition was in the
middle clasp, and that the capitalists were more easy to
manage. A constant warfare of prosecution was waged
against the adherents of the rulers, the accusers being
generally the younger and more fiery members of the
nobility. Still, even here, where the regents chose to
insist, the courts dared not refuse to comply. Vatinius,
the best hated of all Caesar's personal adherents, was
acquitted in all the processes against him. But Pom-
peius did not know so well how to protect his clients, and
Gabinius was sent into banishment in 54 B.C., for extor-
tions in the provinces ; and even where unsuccessful,
impeachments by such masters of sarcasm and dialectics
as Gaius Licinius Calvus and Gaius Asinius Pollio did
not miss their mark.
Still less controllable was the power of literature, which
throughout these years is pervaded by a tone of the
bitterest opposition. The orations of the accusers in the
law-courts were regularly published as political pam-
the youth of the aristocracy and of the middle
class in the country towns kept up a constant fire of
pamphlets and epigrams
and the senator's son, Gaius
Licinius Calvus, fought side by side with Marcus Furius
Bibaculus of Cremona, and Quintus Valerius Catillus of
Verona. The literature of the time is full of s;;rca>ras
against the
great Caesar,"
the unique gem ra
affectionate father-in-law and son-in-law who ransack the
globe to enrich them dissolute favourites. Caesar saw
that such opposition could not be checked by word of
command ; he tried rather to gain over by his personal
influence the more eminent authors. Cicero was treated
respectfully, out of regard for his literary reputation
Catullus, in spite of his sarcasms, was treated with the
most flattering distinction. The commentaries on the
Gallic wars were intended partly to meet the enemy on
their own ground, and to set forth to the public the
necessity and constitutional propriety of Caesar's opera-
But it is freedom alone that is absolutely and
exclusively poetical and creative; it and it alone is able,
even in its most wretched caricature, even with its latest
breath, to inspire fresh enthusiasm . . . Practical politics
were not more absolutely controlled by the regents than
literature by the republicans."
The opposition became more and more troublesome,
and the regents at length determined to take stronger
measures. It was resolved to introduce a temporary dic-
tatorship. At the close of 54 B.C. the dictatorship was
demanded in the senate ; but Pompeius himself still
shrank from openly asking it. Even when the elections
for 53 B.C. led to the most scandalous scenes, and had to
be postponed for a full year beyond the time fixed, he
still hesitated to speak the decisive word, and might long
have hesitated but for circumstances which forced his
hand. For the consulship of 52 B.C. Titus Annius Milo
came forward in opposition to the candidate of the re-
gents, who were both personally connected with Pompeius.
Milo was the great rival of Clodius in the game of the
streets, the Hector to the Achilles of Clodius. As Clodius
was on the side of the regents, Milo was of course for the
and Cato and his friends supported his can-
didature in return. In a chance skirmish between the
rival bands on the Appian Way, not far from the capital,
Clodius was wounded and carried into a neighbouring
house, from which he was afterwards dragged to be mur-
dered by Milo's orders. The adherents of the triumvirs
saw here an opportunity for thwarting the candidature
of Milo, and carrying the dictatorship of Pompeius. The
bloody corpse was exposed in the Forum, ispeeches were
made, and a riot broke forth. The mob set fire to the
senate-house, and then besieged the residence of Milo till
they were repulsed by his band. They then saluted
Pompeius as dictator and his candidates as consuls ; and
when the interrex, Marcus Lepidus, refused to hold the
elections at once, he was blockaded in his house for five
days. Pompeius certainly desired the dictatorship, but
he would not take it at the hands of a mob. He brought
up troops to put down the anarchy in the city, and then
demanded the dictatorship from the senate. To escape
the name of dictator, the senate, on the motion of Cato and
Bibulus, perpetrated a double absurdity, and appointed
the proconsul Pompeius
consul without colleague "
(25th intercalary
month, 52 B.C.).
* "
Consul means colleague, and a consul who is at the same time
a proconsul is at once an actual consul and a consul's substitute."
Between February and March.
Pompeius at once proceeded energetically to use his
powers against the republican party in their strongholds,
the electioneering clubs and the jury-courts.
1. The existing election laws were repeated and en-
and a special law, which prescribed increased
penalties for electioneering intrigues, was endowed with
retrospective force as far back as 70 B.C.
2. The governorships were to be conferred on the con-
suls and praetors, not as heretofore, immediately on their
retirement from office, but after an interval of five years.
The years which must elapse before this arrangement
could be brought into action were to be provided for by
special decrees of the senate from time to timea course
which put the provinces for the next few years at the
disposal of the person or persons whose influence might
be supreme in the senate.
3. The liberty of the law-courts was curtailed by
limiting the number of advocates and the time of speak-
ing allowed to each ; and the custom of bringing for-
ward laudatores as witnesses to character was prohibited.
4. The senate decreed that the country was in danger,
owing to the disturbances connected with the affair on
the Appian Way, and accordingly a commission was ap-
pointed by a special law to inquire into all offences con-
nected with the affray, the members being nominated by
At the same time, all the men capable of service in
Italy were called to arms, and made to swear allegiance to
Pompeius ; troops were stationed at the Capitol, and the
place where the trial respecting
the murder of Clodius
was going on was surrounded by soldiers.
By these measures opposition was checked, but not, of
course, destroyed. The reins were
drawn tighter and the
republican party was humbled.
Milo was condemned by
the jurymen, and Cato's candidature for the consulship
frustrated. But many mischances occurred through the
maladroitness of Pompeius ; he was
attempting an im-
possible taskto play at once the parts of impartial
restorer of law and order, and of party chief. Thus he
allowed many subordinate persons belonging to the re-
publican party to be acquitted by the commission,
looked on in silence while every man who had taken part
for Clodiusthat is for the regentsin the late riots
was condemned. At the same time he violated his own
laws by appearing as a laudator for his friend Plancus,
and by protecting from condemnation several persons
specially connected with himself, such as Metellus Scipio.
Still, the regents were on the whole satisfied, and the
public acquiesced, even to celebrating the recovery of
Pompeius from a serious illness with demonstrations of
joy. On the 1st of August, 52 B.C., Pompeius, laid down
his special command and chose Metellus Scipio as his
Flut. Pomp.
Caes. 28 ; Crass. 14, 15
Cato, 41-52.
B. C. ii.
16-25. Cic. post Red. in sen. (Sept.
ad Quir. (Sept.
57) ;
pro Dotn. sua (Sept.
57) ;
de Har. Resp.
(56 B.C.)
Sext. and in Vatin. (Mar.
56) ;
pro Cael. Ruf.
B.C.) ; de Prov.
Consul. (56
in Pisonem, in Aul. Gab., and pro Cn. Plane,
frag. (55
pro Rabir., pro Vatin. frag., and pro Aem.
Scauro (54
B.C.) ; de Ae. A. Mil.
pro MiloDe (52 B.C.).
Watson's Select. Lett. ii. 1-30. Liv. Epit. 104-109. Veil. ii.
46-49. Suet. Jul. 26, 27. Dio. tribunate of Clodius, xxxviii. 13
return of Cicero, xxxviii. 30 and xxxix. 6-8; 9-39; 56-59
(Egyptian war) ; 62-65 ; xl.
44-56 (Dictatorship of Pompeius,
Transpadani.That Caesar treated them as full burgesses not
directly stated. Mommsen infers that he followed the tradi-
tions of his party by so treating them, from Cic. ad Att. v.
ad Fam. viii. 1, 2. B. G. viii. 24. Suet. Jul. 28. Strabo, v.
i. p.
213. Pint. Caes. 29. Cic. ad Att. v. 11. 2. See note
Momras. Hist, of R. bk. v. c. 8.
Judiciaria, 55 B.C.Ascon. in Pison.

94. Bruns, ill. iv.
54 B.C. Crassus arrives in Syria.53 B.C. Battle of CarrhaeDeath
of Crassus.51 and 50 B.CT Attempts of the republicans to
deprive Caesar prematurely of his commandAlliance of the
extreme republicans and PompeiusWar declared.49 B.C.
Caesar's ultimatum rejected by the senateHe crosses the
For years Marcus Crassus had been reckoned one of the
regents of Rome without any claim to be so considered.
But after the conference at Luca his position was changed
Caesar had allowed the consulship and the governorship of
Syria to be assigned to him, m order to counterbalance the
great concessions he found it advisable to make to Pom-
and at the close of his consulship Crassus had an
opportunity, as governor of Syria, of attaining, through the
Parthian war, the position acquired by Caesar in Gaul.
Avarice and ambition combined to inspire him, at the age
of sixty, with all the ardour of youth. He arrived in
Syria early in 54 B.C., having left Rome even before the
close of his consulship, eager to add the riches of the East
to those of the West, and to achieve military glory
rapidly as Caesar and with as little trouble as Pompeius."
The Parthian war had already begun. Pompeius had not
respected his engagements with regard to the frontier
365, 369),
and had wrested provinces from the empire to
confer them upon Armenia. Accordingly, after the death
of king Phraates, his son Mithradates declared war upon
Armenia. This was, of course, a declaration of war
against Rome, and Gabinius, the governor of Syria, soon
led his troops across the Euphrates. But meantime Mithra-
dates had been dethroned by the grandees of the empire
with the vizier at their head, and Orodes now reigned in
his stead. Mithradates took refuge with the Romans ; but
at this juncture Grbinius was ordered by the regents to
restore the king of Egypt to Alexandria by force of arms,
and he had to give up the Parthian war for the present.
But he induced Mithradates to make war on his own
account, and the prince was supported by the cities of
Seleucia and Babylon. Soon afterwards, however, Seleucia
was captured by storm, Babylon was reduced to surrender,
and Mithradates was captured and put to death. Gabi-
nius, who had finished the Egyptian campaign, was on
the eve of resuming operations against the Parthians, when
Crassus arrived in Syria and relieved him of the command.
Crassus spent the summer of 54 B.C. in levying troops
and contributions, and in making an extensive reconnais-
sance. The Euphrates was crossed and a victory won at
garrisons were placed in several of the neighbour-
ing towns, and then the troops returned to Syria. This
reconnaissance determined the Romans to march against
the Parthians straight across the Mesopotamian desert,
rather than by the circuitous route through Armenia, for
the numerous Greek and half-Greek towns in the region
of the Tigris and Euphrates were found ready at once to
shake off the Parthian yoke.
Next year (53
B.C.) the Euphrates was again crossed,
and after some deliberation it was decided to march acros9
the desert to the Tigris rather than down the Euphrates
to Seleucia, where the two rivers are but a few miles
apart. The Roman army consisted of seven legions, four
thousand cavalry, and four thousand slingers and archers.
For many days they marched, and no enemy appeared. At
length, not far from the river Balissus, some horsemen of
the enemy were descried in the distance. The Arab prince
Abgarus of Edessa, who had been loud in his protesta-
tions of loyalty, and who had been mainly instrumental in
determining Crassus to adopt the desert route, was sent
out to reconnoitre. The enemy disappeared, followed by
Abgarus and his men ; and after a long interval it was
resolved to advance, in the hope of coming upon the
enemy. The river was crossed and the army was led
rapidly forward, when suddenly the drums of the Par-
thians were heard, their silken gold-embroidered banners
were seen waving and their helmets and coats of mails
blazing in the sun; and by the side of the Parthian
vizier stood Abgarus and his Bedouins.
The Romans saw at once the net in which they were
ensnared. The whole Parthian army consisted of cavalry
the vizier had seen that no Oriental infantry could cope
with that of Rome, and had dispensed with the arm
altogether. The mass of his troops were mounted archers,
while the line was formed of heavy cavalry, armed with
long thrusting lances, and protectedman and horse
armour formed of leather or of metal plates. The Roman
infantry were quite unable to bring such an enemy to a
close engagement, and, even if they had been able, these
ironclad hosts would probably have been more than a
match for them. In the desert every advantage was on
the side of the enemy and none on that of the Romans.
The strength of the Roman system of warfare lay in the
close order in which the legions fought, and in the custom
of forming entrenched camps, which made every encamp-
ment a fortification. But the close order now only served
to make them an easier mark for their enemies' missiles,
and in the desert ditches and ramparts could often hardly
be formed. It is curious that the irresistible superiority of
the Roman infantry led the enemies of Rome at about the
same time, in widely different parts of the world, to meet
it, and meet it successfully, by the same means
use of cavalry and missiles. The Parthian vizier was
only carrying out on a larger scale, and under infinitely
more favourable conditions, what had been completely
successful under Cassivellaunus in Britain, and partially
successful under Vercingetorix in Gaul.
Under such conditions the first battle between Romans
and Parthians was fought in the desert, about thirty miles
south of Carrhae. The Roman archers, who began the
attack, were driven back; the legions, which were in their
usual close order, were soon outflanked and overwhelmed
by the archers of the enemy. In order that they might
not be completely surrounded, Publius Crassus, the same
who had served with such distinction under Caesar in
Gaul, advanced with a select corps of cavalry, archers, and
infantry. The Parthians retreated, hotly pursued ; but
when completely out of sight of the main army of the
Romans, the heavy cavalry made a stand aud soon com-
pletely surrounded the band of Crassus. All the valour
of the Romans and of their leader was in vain ; they were
driven to a slight eminence, where their destruction was
completed. Crassus and many of his officers put them-
selves to death
out of the whole number of six thousand
only five hundred were taken prisoners, not one was able
to escape. Meanwhile the main army was left compara-
tively unmolested, but when it advanced to discover the
fate of the detached corps, the head of the young Crassus
was displayed on a pole before his father's eyes, and the
terrible onslaught was at the same time renewed. Night
alone put an end to the slaughter Fortunately the
Parthians retired from the field to bivouac ; and the
Romans seized the opportunity to retreat to Carrhae,
They left the wounded and the stragglerssaid to have
been four thousand in numberon the 6eld
and as the
Parthians stayed to massacre these, and the inhabitants
of Carrhae marched forth in haste to succour the fugitives^
the remnant of the army was saved from destruction
But the Romans, either from want of provisions or from
the precipitation of Crassus, soon set out from Carrhae
and marched towards the Armenian mountains. March-
ing by night and resting by day the main body arrived at
Sinnaca, within a day's march of safety There the vizier
came to offer peace and friendship, and to propose
ference between the two generals. The offer was accepted
and terms were discussed ; a richly caparisoned horse was
produceda present from the king to Crassus; and as
the servants of the vizier crowded to assist the Roman
general to mount, the suspicion arose among the Roman
officers that it was a design to seize the person of their
leader. Octavius snatched a sword from a Parthian and
stabbed the groom. In the tumult which followed
all the Roman officers were killed , Crassus refused to
survive as a prisoner, and the whole Roman force left
behind in the camp was either captured or dispersed.
Only one small body, which had broken off from the main
force, and some straggling bands found their way back
to Syria. Ten thousand Roman prisoners were settled
in the oasis of Merv; one half of the whole force had
This disaster to the Roman arms seemed likely to shake
the very foundations of the Eoman power in the East.
Armenia became completely dependent upon Parthia, and
the Hellenic cities were again enslaved. More than this,
the Parthians prepared to cross the Euphrates
and to
dislodge the Romans from Syria. But, fortunately
Rome, the leaders on each side had changed. The vizier
was executed by the Sultan Orodes, and the command of
the invading army given to the young prince Pacorus
while the ad interim command of Syria was assumed by
the able quaestor Gaius Cassius. For two years the
Parthians sent only flying bands, which were easily re-
pulsed. Owing to the negligence of the Roman govern-
ment the great Parthian invasion, which came at last in
51 B.C., found nothing to oppose it but two weak legions
which Cassius had formed from the remains of the army
of Crassus, and which could, of course, do nothing to
oppose the advance. However, under an ordinary general
the Parthians were no more formidable than any other
Oriental army ; and though the Syrian command soon
devolved upon the incapable Bibulus, nothing was effected
by the invaders, and Pacorus soon came to an agree-
ment with the Roman commander, and turned his arms
against his father Orodes instead.
It is an ominous sign of the times that the national
disasters of Carrhae and Sinnaca attracted almost less
attention at Rome than the pitiful brawl upon the Appian
Way. But it is hardly wonderful ; the breach between the
regents was now becoming imminent.
Like the boat of
the ancient Greek mariners' tale, the vessel of the Roman
community now found itself, as it were, between two rocks
swimming towards each other ; expecting every moment
the crash of collision, those whom it was bearing tortured
by nameless anguish into the eddying surge that rose
higher and higher, were benumbed ; and while every
slightest movement there attracted a thousand eyes, not
one ventured to give a glance to the right or left."
After the conference at Luca, it seemed that the division
of power was made on a basis sufficiently firm to ensure
its endurance, provided that both parties were disposed to
act in good faith. This was the case with Caesar, at any
rate daring the internal necessary for the completion of hia
Gallic conquests
but probably Ponipeius was never even
provisionally in earnest about the collegiate scheme. Still,
though he never meant to acknowledge Caesar's equality
with himself, the idea of breaking with him formed it-
self but slowly in his mind. In 54 B.C. the death of
Julia, followed closely by that of her child, destroyed the
personal bond between the rivals
and when Pompeius
refused Caesar's overtures for fresh marriage connections,
and himself married the daughter of Quintus Metellus
Scipio, the breach had unmistakably begun. Still the
political alliance remained, and Pompeius, after the disaster
of Aduatuca in 54 B.C., lent Caesar one of his Italian legions,
while Caesar gave his consent and support to the dictator-
ship of Pompeius. But as soon as the latter found himself
in a position completely outweighing in influence that of
Caesar, and when all the men of military age in Italy had
tendered their military oath to himself personally, it became
clear that he had made up his mind to a rupture. The
proceedings of the dictatorship told largely against the
partisans of Caesar. This might have been accident;
but when Pompeius selected for his colleague in office his
dependent Metellus Scipio instead of Caesar, still more
when he got his governorship of the two Spains prolonged
for five years more, and a large sum of money assigned to
him for the payment of troops, without procuring similar
arrangements for Caesar, it was impossible to mistake his
intention. Lastly, the new regulations as to the holding
of governorships had the ulterior object of procuring
Caesar's premature recall. No moment could have been
more unfavourable to Caesar. In June, 53 B.C., the death
of Crassus occurredand Crassus had always been the
closest ally of Caesnr, and a bitter personal enemy of Pom-
peius. A few months later the Gallic insurrection broke
out with renewed violence, and for the first time Caesar had
to encounter an equal opponent in Vercingetorix. Pom-
peius was dictator of Rome and master of the senate
might have occurred if, instead of intriguing obscurely
against Caesar, he had boldly recalled him from Gaul ?
The impending struggle was, of course, not between re-
public and monarchy, but between Pompeius and Caesar
for the crown of Rome. Nevertheless, each of the rivals
found it convenient to adopt one of the old party battle-
neither dared to alienate from himself the mass of
respectable conservative citizens, who desired the continu-
ance of the republic, by openly aiming at monarchy.
Caesar, of course, inscribed upon his banner,
The people
and democratic progress." He had been from the outset
an earnest democrat, and the monarchy meant to him some-
thing which differed in little but name from the Gracchan
government of the people. To Caesar this subterfuge
brought little advantage, except that he thus escaped
the necessity of directly employing the name of King.
But Pompeius, who, of course, proclaimed himself the
champion of the aristocracy and of the legitimate consti-
tution, gained besides a large and influential body of allies.
In the first place, he rallied round him the whole republican
party, and the majority, or, at any rate, the soundest part
of the burgesses of Italy. Secondly, what was no mean
advantage for so awkward a politician, it relieved him of
the difficulty of finding a plausible pretext for provoking
the war. His new allies would be willing enough to pro-
voke a conflict with Caesar, and to entrust the conduct of
the war to Pompeius, who would then come forward, in
obedience to the general wish, as the protector of the con-
stitution against the designs of anarchists and monarchists,
as the regularly appointed general of the senate against
the imperator of the streets.
Thus the republican party became once more a factor in
the politics of Rome, owing to the rupture between the
rulers. The heart and core of the republican opposition was
the small circle of the followers of Cato, who were resolved
to enter on the struggle against monarchy under any cir-
cumstances. The mass of the aristocracy, though averse
to monarchy, desired, above all things, peace, and could
not be counted on for decisive action. Hence Cato's only
hope lay in a coalition with one of the regents. In alliance
with Pompeius he might compel the timid majority to
declare war ; and though Pompeius was not in earnest in
his fidelity to the constitution, yet the war would train a
really republican army and republican generals, and it
would be, at any rate, easier to settle matters with Pom-
peius after victory than with Caesar. The rapprochement
between the general and the senate was made easy by the
events of the dictatorship. Pompeius had refused to accept
the office except from the senate
he had shown unrelenting
severity against disorder of every kind, and surprising
indulgence towards Cato and his followers
while, on the
other hand, it was directly from the hands of Cato and
Bibulus that Pompeius received the undivided consulship.
An outward and visible sign that the alliance was already
practically concluded was given, when, for the consulship
of 51 B.C., one of Cato's pronounced adherents, Claudius
Marcellus, was elected, evidently with the concurrence of
the regent.
Caesar was kept constantly informed of all that happened
at Rome, and formed his plans accordingly. He had doubt-
less long determined to take for himself, if necessary by
force of arms, the supreme power after the conclusion of
his Gallic wars
but he wished earnestly to avoid the deep
disorganization which civil war must produce in a state
and even if civil war could not be avoided, no time could
be more unfavourable for it than the present, when the in-
surrection in Gaul was at its height, and when the consti-
tutional party was dominant in Italy. If he became,
according to the arrangement at Luca, consul for the year
48 B.C., he might confidently reckon on out-manoeuvring
his awkward and vacillating rival, and, with the compliant
majority in the senate at his disposal, might either reor-
ganize the state by peaceful means, or at least enter upon
the war with far greater prospects of success. Meanwhile
he armed, certainly, and raised his legions during the winter
52-51 B.C., to the number of eleven. But, at the same
time, he publicly approved of all Pompeius' acts as dictator,
and took no steps when he saw the alliance gradually
formed between his rival and the aristocracy
only adher-
ing immovably to the one demand, that the consulship
for 48 B.C. should be granted him according to the agree-
It was upon this demand that the diplomatic war between
Caesar and the senate began, and it is important to grasp
fully and accurately the exact point in dispute.
If there should be any interval between the day on which
Caesar resigned his Gallic command and the day on which
he entered upon his consulship, he would be liable during
that interval to criminal impeachment, which, according
to Roman law, was allowable only against a man not in
office ; and in that case it was extremely
probable that he
would meet the same fate as Milo, and be compelled to go
into exile. Was it necessary that there should be such an
interval ? According to the usual mode of reckoning, a pro-
vincial command began in theory on March 1st, of the
magistrate's year of office in Rome, so that Caesar's Gallic
command theoretically began on March 1st, 59 B.C., the
year of his consulship, and the ten years for which it was
secured to him would expire on the last day of February,
49 B.C. Accordingly there would be an interval) of ten
months between the end of the Gallic command and the
beginning of the consulship. Caesar's opponents aimed,
both directly and indirectly, at preventing him from
retaining his provinces during this interval.
Firstly, directly. According to the old custom, Caesar's
successor would have been appointed from among the
magistrates for the year 49 B.C., and could not, therefore,
have taken over the command until the beginning of 48
B ;
and by the same old custom Caesar would have had
the right to the command for the remaining ten months of
the year 49 B.C., pending the arrival of his successor. But
by the new regulation, made specially for this purpose
during the dictatorship of Pompeius in 52 B.C. (see
p. 433),
the senate might immediately fill up any legally vacant
governorship, and Caesar might therefore be relieved of
his command on March 1st, 49 B.C.
Secondly, indirectly. Even without this special regu-
lation passed for the purpose, the senate had a very simple
means of compelling Caesar to leave his command before
entering upon his consulship. The law required every
candidate for the consulship to appear in person before the
{residing magistrate, and to enter his name upon the official
ist before the election ; that is, about half a year before
entering on office. It was probably assumed at Luca that
Caesar should be exempted from this regulation, as was
often done with regard to particular candidates. At any
rate, during the dictatorship of Pompeius in 52 B.C., Caesar's
appearance in person was dispensed with by a tribunician
but when the new election ordinance
passed, the obligation to appear in person was repeated in
general terms, and no exemption in Caesar's case was men-
tioned. Caesar complained, and an exempting clause was
interpolated by Pompeius, but not confirmed by the people,
and was therefore legally of no effect. The whole matter is
a good example of Pompeius' tortuous methods.
he might have simply kept by the law, he had preferred
first to make a spontaneous concession, then to recall it,
and lastly to palliate this recall in a manner most illegal."'
The remaining events to the outbreak of the civil war
may be viewed in three separate stages.
I. The discussion at the beginning of 51 B.C.
In accordance with custom, the governorships of the year
49 B.C., which were to be filled by consuls, would be delibe-
rated upon in the beginning of 51 B.C. On this occasion the
consul Marcus Marcellus proposed that the two provinces
of Caesar should be banded over on March 1,49 B.C., to
the two consuls who were to hold governorships for that
year. The long repressed torrent of indignation against
Caesar burst forth. The followers of Cato demanded that
the exemption of Caesar from appearing to announce his
name in person should be held invalid
that the soldiers of
his legions who had served their time should be at once
discharged ; and that the bestowal by him of burgess-
rights and the establishment of colonies in upper Italy
should be considered null and void. Marcellus, in ac-
cordance with this last proposal, caused a senator of the
Caesarian colony of Comum to be scourged as a non-burgess.
On the other side, the supporters of Caesar affirmed that
both equity and the condition of affairs in Gaul required
that Caesar should be allowed to hold his command and
his consulship simultaneously ; they pointed out that
Pompeius had in time past combined the Spanish pro-
vinces and the consulship, and was even now in possession
of proconsular power for the purpose of the supply of
grain, of the Spanish governorships, and of the supreme
command in Italy. The timid majority in the senate
prevented any resolution being taken for months. Pom-
peius at last declared on the whole in favour of the
proposal of Marcellus, while hinting at certain concessions
which might perhaps be made to Caesar ; and ultimately
(September 29, 51 B.C.) the nomination of successors was
postponed to the last day of February, 50 B.C.
Meanwhilethe republicans tried to break up Caesar's array
by inducing the veterans to apply for their discharge
the elections for the next year were thoroughly unfavour-
able to Caesar. The latter had at length quelled the in-
surrection in Gaul, and had moved one of his legions to
North Italy. War was clearly inevitable, but even now he
was willing to make great sacrifices ; it was still advisable
to keep the legions for some time in Gaul, and he had still
perhaps some hope in the strong desire for peace which the
majority of the senate entertained. When the senate, at the
suggestion of Pompeius, requested each general to furnish
a legion for the Parthian war, and when Pompeius at the
same time demanded from Caesar the legion lent him some
years before, Caesar complied, and the two legions from his
army were kept by the government at Capua. For the
discussions of 50 B.C. Caesar had succeeded in buying the
services of one consul, Lucius Aemilius Paullus, and, above
all, one of the tribunes, Gaius Curio, a man of brilliant
talents but of the most profligate character.* Caesar paid
his debts, amounting to 575,000 of our money, and thence-
forth his great gifts of eloquence and energy were exerted
for, instead of against, the enemy of the senate.
II. The discussions of the year 50 B.C.
In March, 50 B.C., when the question of Caesar's successors
arose, Curio approved of the decree of the year before
superseding Caesar on March
49 B.C., but demanded that
it should be extended to Pompeius
he argued that the con-
stitution could be rendered safe only by the removal of all
exceptional positions
and at the same time, declared that
he would prevent any one-sided action against Caesar by
his tribimician veto. Caesar at once declared his consent
to Curio's proposal ; but Pompeius would only reply that
Caesar must resign, and that he himself meant soon to do so,
though he mentioned no definite term. The decision was
delayed for months, but at last Curio's proposal was
adopted by 370 votes against
all that the extreme
republican party could muster. All good citizens rejoiced,
and the party of Cato was in despair. The latter had
undertaken to force the senate to a declaration of war, and
they were bitterly reproached for their failure by Pompeius.
As matters stood, Pompeius and Caesar were both recalled
* "
Homo ingeniosissime nequam" (Vellei. ii. 48).'
by the senate ; and while Caesar was ready to comply,
Pompeius refusedthe champion of the constitution and
the aristocracy treated the constitutional decisions of the
senate as null ! But the extreme republicans were deter-
mined to bring matters to a crisis. A rumour arose that
Caesar had moved four legions across the Alps, and stationed
them at Placentia. This was an act quite within his
prerogative, and the rumour 'was shown to be groundless,
and yet the consul Gaius Marcellus proposed, on the
strength of it, to give Pompeius orders to march against
Caesar. When the senate rejected the proposal, Marcellus,
in concert with the two consuls designate for 49 B.C.,
were also Catonians, proceeded to Pompeius and requested
him, on their own authority, to put himself at the head of
the legions at Capua, and to summon the Italian militia to
arms. No more informal authorization for the commence-
ment of civil war could be imagined, but it was enough
for Pompeius, and he left Rome in December, 50 B.C.
III. Caesar's ultimatum.
Caesar had fully attained his object of throwing upon his
opponents the onus of declaring war; and while himself
keeping on legal ground, he had compelled Pompeius to
begin the struggle as the general of a revolutionary
minority of the senate which overawed tho majority. It
was now his interest to strike a blow as soon as possible
his opponents were only just beginning to make prepara-
tions, and it might be possible to surprise the city un-
defended, or even to seize all Italy and shut them off from
their best resources. Curio represented these considera-
tions strongly to his chief, and Caesar at once sent to hurry
on the nearest legion to Ravenna. Meanwhile he sent an
ultimatum to Rome, in which he dropped all counter-
demands, offered to resign Transalpine Gaul and dismiss
eight of his ten legions, if only the senate would allow him
either Cisalpine Gaul and Illyria with one legion, or Cis-
alpine Gaul alone with twoand that not up to his in-
vestiture with the consulship, but only till the close of the
consular elections for 48 B.C. It may almost be doubted
whether Caesar can possibly have been sincere in these
proposals ; but it is probable that he committed the fault
of playing too bold a game, and that if his ultimatum had
been accepted he would have made good his word. Curio
undertook once more to enter the lion's den. On the 1st of
January, 49 B.C., he delivered his master's letter in a full
meeting of the senate.
The grave words of Caesar, in
which he set forth the imminence of civil war, the general
wish for peace, the arrogance of Pompeius, and his own
yielding disposition with all the irresistible force of truth
the proposals for a compromise, of a moderation which
doubtless surprised his own partisans ; the distinct declara-
tion that this was the last time that he should offer his hand
for peace, made the deepest impression." The sentiment
of the majority was so doubtful that the consuls would
not allow a vote to be taken, even on the proposal of Marcus
Marcellus, to defer the determination till the Italian levy
could be under arms to protect the senate. The consul
Lentulus said openly that he would act on his own authority
whatever the senate might decree, and Pompeius let it be
known that he would take up the cause of the senate
now or never. Thus overawed, the senate decreed that
Caesar should, at no distant day, give up Transalpine Gaul
to Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, and Cisalpine Gaul to
Marcus Servilius Novianus, and should dismiss his army,
failing which he should be esteemed a traitor. The
Caesarian tribunes who tried to veto the decree were
menaced with death in the senate-house, and had to fly
in Slaves' clothing from the capital. The senate declared
the country in danger, called all citizens to arms, and all
magistrates, faithful to the constitution, to place them-
selves at their head (January 7th, 49 B.C.).
Hesitation was now no longer possible for Caesar. He
called together the soldiers of the thirteenth legion, which
had now arrived at Ravenna, and set before them them the
whole circumstances. He spoke not to the dregs of the
city, but to young men from the towns and villages of
northern Italy who were capable of real enthusiasm for
liberty, who had received from Caesar the burgess rights
which the government had refused them, and whom
Caesar's fall would leave once more at the mercy of the
fasces (see
p. 444). He set before them the thanks which
the nobility were preparing for the general and the army
which had conquered Gaul, the overawing of the senate
by the extreme minority, and the last violation of the
tribunate of the people, wrested the hundred years ago
by their fathers from the nobility. And when he sum-
moned them, as the general of the popular party, to follow
him in the last inevitable struggle against the despised
perfidious aristocracy, not an officer or soldier held back.
At the head of his vanguard Caesar crossed the Rubicon,
the narrow brook which separated his province from Italy,
and which it was forbidden, by the constitution, to the
proconsul of Gaul to pass.
EgyptDio. xxxix.
Parthian warPlut. Anton. 5 ;
Crass. 16-end. Appian Syr. 51.
Dio. xl. 12-30. Liv. 105, 106, 108. Flor. iii.
11 ;
iv. 2. Veil.
ii. 46. Strab. xi. Justin, xlii. 4.
Rupture with CaesarPlut. Caee. 29-32; Pomp. 56-60; Cic. 35.
Appian B. C.
25-33. Caes. Bell. Civ. init. Suet. Jul. 26-32.
Liv. 107-109. Flor.
iv. ii. 13-17. Dio. xl. 56-66; xli. 1-3.
Cic. Watson, ii. 31-45, especially 33 and 34 (ad Fani. viii.
4, 8).
For the whole of the letters of this period see Nobbe's list,
49 R.c. Resources of either sideCaesar occupies Rome

Pompeians depart for Epirus
Spanish campaignSiege of
IlerdaSurrender of PompeiansSiege of MassiliaConquest
of Sardinia, Corsica, and SicilyDeath of Curio in Africa.

48 B.C. Caesar crosses to EpirusCompelled to retreat towards

ThessalyBattle of PharsalusFlight and death of Pompeiua.

4-7 B.C. Caesar besieged in Alexandria during the winter

Relieved by Mithradates of PergamusAffairs of Asia Minor

Battle of Ziela.i6 B.C. War in AfricaBattle of Thapsus

Death of Cato.
Before describing the course of the struggle between the
two aspirants to the crown of Rome, it will be well to
examine the resources at the disposal of each.
Caesar's authority was wholly unlimited within his own
party ; in all matters, military and political, the decision
lay with him. He had no confederates, only adjutants,
who, as a rule, were soldiers trained to obey uncondition-
ally. So, on the outbreak of war, one officer alone, and he
the foremost of all, refused him obedience. Titus Labienus
had shared with Caesar all his political and military
vicissitudes of defeat and victory. In Gaul he had always
held an independent command, and had frequently led
half the army. As late as the year 50 B.o., Caesar had
given to him supreme command in Cisalpine Gaul
from this very position he entered into a treaty with the
other side, and on the outbreak of hostilities went at once
to the camp of Pompeius. It was the one great dis-
advantage on Caesar's side that he had no officers to
whom he could entrust a separate command, but this was
quite outbalanced by the unity of the supreme leadership
the indispensable condition of success.
The army numbered nine legionsat mo*t fifty thou-
sand men, two-thirds of whom had served in all the
campaigns against the Celts. The cavalry consisted of
mercenaries from Germany and Noricum, and had been
well tried in the war against Vercingetorix. The physical
condition of the soldiers was beyond all praise ; by the
careful selection of recruits and by training they had been
brought to a perfection never perhaps surpassed in march-
ing power and in readiness for immediate departure at any
moment. Their courage and their esprit de corps had been
equally developed by Caesar's system of rewards and
punishmentsa system so perfectly carried out that the
pre-eminence of particular soldiers or divisions was acqui-
esced in even by their less favoured comrades. Their
discipline was strict but not harassing ; and while main-
tained with unrelenting rigour in the presence of the
enemy, was relaxed at other times, especially after victory,
when even irregularities and outrages of a very question-
able kind went unpunished. Mutiny was never pardoned,
in either the ringleaders or their dupes. Caesar took care
that victory should be associated in the minds of both
officers and soldiers with hopes of personal gain ; every
one had his share of the spoil, and the most lavish gifts
were promised at the triumph. At the same time that
unquestioning obedience was exacted from all, yet all were
allowed some glimpse at the general's aims and springs
of action, so that each might feel that he was doing his
part towards the attainment of the common object, and no
one could complain that he was treated as a mere instru-
ment. During the long years of warfare a sense of
comradeship grew up between soldiers and leader. They
were his clients, whose services he was bound to requite,
and whose wrongs he was bound to revenge. The result
was that Caesar's soldiers were, and knew themselves to
be, a match for ten times their number, and that their
fidelity to him was unchangeable and unparalleled. With
one exception, no Roman soldier or officer refused to follow
him into the civil war, and the legionaries even determined
to give credit for the double pay which Caesar promised
them from the beginning of the war, while every sub-
altera officer equipped and paid a trooper out of his own
Thus Caesar had two requisites for successunlimited
authority and a magnificent and trustworthy army. But
his power extended over a very limited space. It was
based essentially on the province of Upper Italy, which
was indeed devoted to him and furnished an ample supply
of recruits. But in Italy the mass of the burgesses were
all for his opponents, and expected from Caesar only a
renewal of the Marian and Cinnan atrocities. His only
friends in Italy were the rabble and the ruined of all classes
friends infinitely more dangerous than foes. The newly
conquered territory in Gaul could not, of course, be relied on,
and in Narbo the constitutional party had many adherents.
Among the independent princes Caesar had tried to effect
something by gifts and promises, but without important
result except in the case of Voctio, king of Noricum, from
whom cavalry recruits were obtained.
Caesar thus began the war without other resources
than efficient adjutants, a faithful army, and a devoted
province. Pompeius, on the other hand, was chief of the
Bx>man commonwealth and master of all the resources at
the disposal of the legitimate government of the empire.
But unity of leadership was inconsistent with the nature
of a coalition
and though Pompeius was nominated by
the senate sole generalissimo by land and sea, he could not
prevent the senate itself from exercising the political su-
premacy, or from occasionally interfering even in military
matters. Twenty years of antagonism made it impossible
for either party of the coalition to place complete con-
fidence in the other.
In resources Caesar's opponents had an overwhelming
superiority. They had exclusive command of the sea, and
the disposal of all ports, ships, and naval material. The
two Spains were specially devoted to Pompeius, and the
other provinces had during recent years been put into safe
hands. The client states were all for Pompeius
many of
them had been brought into close personal relations with
him at different times. He had been the companion in
arms of the kings of Numidia and of Mauretania
he had
re-established the kingdoms of Bosporus, Armenia, and
Cappadocia, and created that of Deiotarus. He had caused
the rale of the Lagidae to be re-established in Egypt, and
even Massilia was indebted to him for an extension of
territory. Moreover, the democratic policy handed down
from Gains Gracchus of uniting the dependent states and of
setting up provincial colonies was dreaded by the dependent
princes, more especially by Juba, king of Numidia, whose
kingdom Curio had lately proposed to annex. Even the
Pai'thians by the convention between Pacorus and Bibulus
were practically in alliance with the aristocracy.
In Italy, not only the aristocracy but the capitalists
were bitterly opposed to Caesar, together with the small
capitalists and landowners, and generally all classes who
had anything to lose.
The army of Pompeius consisted chiefly of the seven
Spanish legions troops in every way trustworthy,and
of scattered divisions in Syria, Asia, Macedonia, Africa,
and Sicily. In Italy there were the two legions lately
given over by* Caesarnot more than seven thousand
men, and, of course, of doubtful trustworthiness. There
were also three legions remaining from the levies of 54 B.C.
and the Italian levy, which had been sworn to
allegiance and then dismissed on furlough. Altogether the
Italian troops w
hich might, within a very short time, be
made available, amounted to about sixty thousand men.
Cavalry there was none
but a nucleus of three hundred
men was soon formed by Pompeius, out of the mounted
herdsmen of Apulia.
Under such circumstances the war began, early in
January, 49 B.C. Caesar had only one legionfive
thousand men and three hundred cavalryat Ravenna,
distant by road about 240 miles from Rome. Pompeius
had two weak legionsseven thousand infantry and a
small force of cavalryat Luceria, about equally distant
from Rome. The remainder of Caesar's troops were either
on the Saone and Loire or in Belgica, while Pompeius's
reserves were already arriving at their rendezvous. Never-
theless Caesar resolved to assume the offensive : in the
spring Pompeius would be able to act with the Spanish
troops in Transalpine and with his Italian troops in Cis-
alpine Gaul ; but at the moment he might be disconcerted
the suddenness of the attack.
Accordingly Marcus Antonius pushed forward across
the Apennines to Arretinm, while Caesar advanced along
the coast. The recruiting officers of Pompeius and their
recruits fled at the news of his approach
several small
successes were gained, and Caesar resolved to advance
upon Rome itself, rather than upon the army of Luceria.
A panic seized the city when the news arrived
decided not to defend it, and the senators and consuls
hurried to leave, not even delaying to secure the state
treasure. At Teanum Sidicinum fresh proposals of Caesar
were considered, in which he again offered to dismiss his
army and hand over his provinces if Pompeius would
depart to Spain and if Italy were disarmed. The reply
was that if Caesar would at once return to his province
the senate would bind itself to procure the fulfilment
of his demands. As to the war, Pompeius was ordered to
advance with the legions from Luceria into Picenum, and
personally to call together tbe levy of that district, and
try to stop the invader.
But Caesar was already in Picenum. Auximum, Came-
rinum, and Asculum fell into his hands
and such of the
recruits as were not dispersed left the district and repaired
to Corfinium, where tbe Marsian and Paelignian levies
were to assemble. Here Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus was
in command ; and instead of conducting the recruits,
who now amounted to fifteen thousand men, to Luceria
according to the instructions of Pompeius, he remained
where he was, expecting Pompeius to come to his relief.
Instead of Pompeius Caesar arrived, now at the head of
forty thousand men. Domitius had not the courage to hold
the place
neither did he resolve to surrender it, but rather
to escape during the night with his aristocratic officers.
But his dastardly plan was betrayed
the troops mutinied,
arrested their staff, and handed over the town to Caesar.
Thereupon the forces in Alba and in Tarracina laid down
their arms; a third division, of 3500 men, in Sulmo had
previously surrendered.
As soon as Picenum wis lost, Pompeius had determined
to abandon Italy and had set out at once for Brundisium.
Here all the available troops were assembled, to the number
of twenty-five thousand
part of them were at once con-
veyed across in the ships ; the remaining ten thousand
were besieged by Caesar in Brundisium, but were skil-
fully withdrawn by Pompeius before Caesar could close the
In two months Caesar had broken up an army of ten
legions, and made himself master of the state chest, of the
capital, and of the whole peninsula of Italy. But though his
resources were thus largely increased, the military difficul-
ties of the situation were proportionally complicated. He
had now to leave behind a large garrison in Italy, and to
guard against the closing of the seas and the cutting off of
grain supplies by his opponents. Financial difficulties, too,
soon arose, now that Caesar had to feed the population of
the capital while the revenues of the East were still in the
enemy's hands.
The general expectation was that confiscations and pro-
scriptions would be resorted to. Friends and foes saw in
Caesar a second Catilina; and it must be allowed that
neither his own antecedents nor the character of the men
who now surrounded himmen of broken reputation and
ruined fortunes like Quintus Hortensius, Curio, and Marcus
Antoniuswere reassuring But both friends and foes were
soon undeceived
from the beginning of hostilities the
common soldiers were forbidden to enter a town armed,
and the people were everywhere protcctei from injury.
When Corfininm was surrendered late at night, Caesar
postponed the occupation of the town until the next day,
to prevent confusion and outrage in the darkness. Every-
where the officers captured were allowed to carry off
their private property, and in his worst financial straits
Caesar preferred borrowing from his friends to levying
exactions from his foes. The aristocrats indeed, far from
being appeased by Caesar's moderation, were only goaded
to more frantic hatred ; but the mass of quiet people, in
whose eyes material interests were more important than
politics, were completely gained over. Even the senators
who had ventured to remain behind acquiesced in Caesar's
rule. His object was fully attained: anarchy, and even
the alarm of anarchy, had been kept under,an incalculable
gain with regard to the future reorganization of the state.
The anarchists, of course, were bitterly disappointed, and
showed a spirit which might be expected at some future
time to give trouble. The republicans of all shades were
neither converted nor disarmed. In their eyes their duty
to the constitution absolved them from every other con-
sideration. The less decided members of the party who
accepted peace and protection from the monarch, were none
the more friendly to him in their hearts, and the con-
sciences of the more honourable among them smote them
when they thought of other members of the party who
had gone into exile rather than compromise their prin-
ciples. Besides, emigration had become fashionable
was plebeian to remain and perhaps take a seat in the
Caesarian senate of nobodies, instead of emigrating with
the Domitii and the Metelli.
Caesar had begun the war as the protector of the over-
awed senate against the violent minority ; but the same
inertness which had made it possible for Caesar to prevent
strong action on the part of his opponent, prevented him
from obtaining aid from the senate himself. The first
meeting was on April 1st;" but Caesar could not procure
approval of his acts or power to continue the war ; he
then tried in vain to be named dictator. When he sent
men to take possession of the treasure, the tribune Lucius
Metellus attempted to protect the state chest with his
person, and had to be removed by force. And at length
Caesar was obliged to tell the senate that, since it
refused him its assistance, he would proceed without it.
He appointed Marcus Aemilius Lepidus prefect of the city,
and hastened to resume the war.
Pompeius, for whatever reason, had preferred to remain
in Greece rather than to go to Spain, where he had able
lieutenants, a strong army, and provinces devoted to him.
Accordingly Caesar had the option of directing his first
attack against Pompeius himself in the East, or against
the strong Spanish army under his lieutenant. He had
already collected on the lower Rhone nine of his best
legions and six thousand cavalry
but his enemies had
been active in the same region. Lucius Domitius had
induced Massilia to declare against him and to refuse a
passage to his troops ; and the five best Spanish legions,
together with forty thousand Spanish infantry and five
thousand cavalry, were on their way, under the com-
mand of Afranius and Petreius, to close the passes of
the Pyrpnees. But Caesar anticipated them, and the line
of the Pyrenees was lost to the Pompeians. The latter
now established themselves at Ilerda on the right bank of
the Sicoris, about twenty miles north of its junction with
the Ebro. To the south of the town, the mountains
approach pretty close to the river; to the north stretches
a plain commanded by the town. Connection with the
left bank of the Sicoris was maintained by means of a
single solid bridge close to the town. The Caesarians were
stationed above Ilerda, between the river Sicoris and its
tributary the Cinga, which joins it below the town
they could not make good their ground betw
een the Pom-
peian camp and the town, which would have given them
command of the stone bridge, and consequently they
depended for their communications upon two temporary
bridges twenty miles higher up the river. These were
swept away by the floods, and the whole army was now
cooped up in the narrow space between the two streams.
Famine and disease appeared. A body of reinforcements
from Gaul, together with foraging parties on their way back
to the camp, to the number of six thousand, were attacked
and dispersed under the eyes of the Caesarians on the other
side of the river. Had the river been adequately guarded
the Pompeians could hardly have failed of success : but the
further bank was observed to be unoccupied ; Caesar suc-
ceeded in restoring the bridges without much difficulty, and
provisions again entered the camp in abundance. Soon
his superior cavalry scoured the country far and wide, and
the most important Spanish communities to the north, some
even to the south, of the Ebro passed over to him, while
the Pompeians began to feel the want of supplies. They
determined to retreat south of the Ebro, but it was neces-
sary first to build a bridge of boats over that river. This
was done at a point below the mouth of the Sicoris. Caesar
sought by all means to detain the enemy, but was unable
to do so as long as he had not control of the bridge of Ilerda,
since there was no ford. His soldiers worked night and day
to draw off the river by canals, so that infantry might wade
it; but the Pompeians had finish d the'r bridge over the
Ebro before Caesar had completed his canals, and he could
only order his cavalry to follow them and harass their rear.
But when the legions saw the enemy retreating they called
upon the general to lead them on ; they entered the river,
and though the water reached their shoulders it was crossed
in safety. The Pompeians were now within five miles of
the mountains which lined the north bank of the Ebro, and
wonld soon be in safety. But, harassed by the enemy's
attacks and exhausted with marching, they pitched their
camp in the plain
here Caesar's troops overtook them and
encamped opposite, and in this position both armies re-
mained for the next day. On tbe morning of the third
day Caesar's infantry set out to turn the position of the
Pompeians and bar the way to the Ebro, and, in spite of
all the latter could do, they found themselves anticipated.
They were now strategically lost, and, in spite of ample
opportunity, Caesar refrained from attacking them. The
soldiers of the two armies began to fraternize and to dis-
cuss terms of surrender, but Petreius cut short the negotia-
tions and began to retreat towards Uerda, where were
a garrison and magazines. Shut in between the Sicoris
and the enemy, their difficulties increased at every step :
Caesar's cavalry occupied the opposite bank and prevented
them from crossing the river to gain the fortress, and at
last the inevitable capitulation took place (August
2, 49
B.C.). Caesar granted to soldiers and officers life, liberty,
and property, and did not, as in Italy, compulsorily enrol
the captives in his army. The native Spaniards at once
returned to their homes, and the Italians were disbanded
at the borders of Transalpine and Cisalpine Gaul.
In Further Spain, Varro determined to shut himself up
in Gades ; but when this town, together with all the most
notable places in the province, gave itself up to Caesar,
and when even Italica closed its gates against the
Pompeian general, he himself resolved to capitulate.
About the same time Massilia surrendered. By sea,
Caesar's lieutenant, Decimus Brutusthe same who had
conquered the Veneti
408),had defeated with his im-
provised fleet the far stronger force of the Massiliots.
He gained a second victory not long afterwards, when a
small squadron of Pompeians under Lucius Nasidius had
arrived to reinforce, and completely shut the besieged from
the sea. On land Gaius Trebonius pressed forward the
siege with energy
the works were pushed up to the very
walls of the city, when the besieged promised to desist
from the defence if Trebonins would suspend operations
until Caesar arrived. The armistice was granted, but was
tised by the Massiliots to make a treacherous sally ; the
struggle was renewed, aud the city once more invested.
On Caesar's arrival it was reduced to surrender on any
terms. Domitius stole away in a boat. The garrison aud
inhabitants were protected by Caesar from the fury of his
legions, but the city, while it retained its freedom and
nationality, lost a portion of its territory and privileges.
While Caesar was occupied in Spain his lieutenants
had been at work to prevent the other great danger which
was imminent, namely, the starvation of Italy. The
Pompeians commanded the sea and the corn provinces,
Sardinia and Corsica through Marcus Cotta, Sicily through
Cato, Africa through Varus and Juba, king of Numidia.
Sardinia was quickly recovered for Caesar, by Quintus
the conquest of Sicily and Africa was entrusted
to Curio. He occupied Sicily without a blow, and, leaving
two legions in the island, he embarked with the remaining
two and with five hundred horse for Africa. He effected
a landing, and pitched his camp near Utica : his legions
were for the most part composed of men taken over from
the enemy, but he knew well how to gain their affections,
and at the same time showed himself a capable officer.
He was successful in several minor engagements, and at
length put to flight the whole forces of Varus, and pro-
ceeded to lay siege to Utica. But there came news that
king Juba was advancing with all his forces to its relief,
and Curio raised the siege and returned to his former
camp to wait for reinforcements. Soon afterwards came
a second report, that the king had turned back, and was
sending on only a moderate corps under Saburra. Curio
immediately sent forward his cavalry, which surprised and
inflicted much damage upon this body
he then hastened
himself to complete their defeat, and succeeded in putting
them to flight. But Saburra was not destitute of support.
Only five miles distant was the Numidian main force,
which was now seen rapidly approaching. The Roman
cavalry were by this time dispersed in pursuit, all but a
band of two hundred, who with the infantry were com-
pletely surrounded in the plain. In vain Curio attempted
to cut his way through : the infantry were cut down to a
only a few of the cavalry escaped. Curio, unable to
bear the shame of defeat, fell sword in hand, and on the
following day the force in camp near Utica surrendered
on receiving news of the disaster.
The expedition had been successful in relieving the
most urgent wants of the capital by the occupation of
Sicily, but the loss of Curio was irreparable. He was
the only one of Caesar's subordinates who had a touch of
genius and a certain magnetic power over the minds of
It is uncertain what had been Pompeius's plan of cam-
paign for the year 49 B.C. Probably the Spanish army
was meant to stand on the defensive until the Macedonian
was ready to march ; a junction would then have
been effected between the two armies, and a combined
attempt made by land and sea to recover Italy. In
pursuance probably of some such plan, the admirals of
Pompeius in the Adriatic, Marcus Octavius and Lucius
Scribonius Libo, attacked Caesar's fleet under Dolabella,
destroyed his ships, and shut up Gaius Antonius with
legions in the island of Curicta. All attempts to
rescue the latter failed, and the majority had to lay down
their arms and were incorporated in the Pompeian army.
Octavius proceeded to reduce Illyria; most of the towns
gave themselves up to him, but the Caesarians maintained
themselves obstinately in Salonae and Lissus.
This, the only result obtained by the Pompeian fleet
in the year 49 B.C., is miserably small considering the
superiority of the party by sea. and suggests an appalling
picture of the discord and mismanagement which prevailed
in the ranks of the coalition. The general result of the
campaign had been complete success for the Caesarians
in one quarter and partial success in another, while the
plan of Pompeius had been
completely frustrated by the
destruction of the Spanish army.
But though nothing was done to obstruct Caesar in the
West, no effort was spared to consolidate the power of
the republican party in Macedonia.
Hither flocked the
emigrants from Brundisium, and the refugees
from the
"West : Marcus Cato from Sicily, Lucius Domitius from
Massilia, Afranius and Varro from Spain. The senate of
the emigration which met at
Thessalonica counted nearly
two hundred members, including almost all the consulars.
Out of scrupulous regard to formal law they called them-
selvesnot the senate, for that could not exist beyond
the sacred soil of the citybut "the three hundred," the
ancient normal number of senators. The majority indeed
were lukewarm, and only obstructed the energy of others
by their querulousness and sluggishness : but the violent
minority showed no want of activity. With them the in-
dispensable preliminary of any negotiations for peace was
the bringing over of Caesar's head; bis partisans were
held to have forfeited life and property, and it was even
proposed to punish every senator who had remained neutral
in the struggle or had emigrated without entering the
army. Bibulus and Labienus caused all soldiers and officers
of Caesar who fell into their bands to be executed, and
probably the main reason why no counter-revolution broke
out in Italy during Caesar's absence was the fear of the
unbridled fury of the extreme section of the aristocracy.
Cato alone had the force and the courage to check such
proceedings : he got the senate to prohibit the pillage of
subject towns and the putting to death of burgesses other-
wise than in battle, and confessed that he feared the
victory of his own party even more than their defeat.
The position of Pompeius became more and more dis-
agreeable after the events of the year 49 B.C. All the
failures of his lieutenants were visited upon himself,
while the newly formed senate took up its abode almost
in his head-quarters, and impeded his action at every step.
There was no man of sufficient mark to put a stop to these
preposterous doings ; Cato, who alone might have effected
something, was jealously kept in the background by Pom-
peius, and Pompeius himself had not the necessary intellect
or decision.
The flower of the troops were the legions brought from
Italy, out of which, with recruits, five legions were formed.
Two others were on their way from Syria and one from
Cilicia, and three more were formed from Romans settled
in Crete, Macedonia, and Asia Minor. Finally, there were
two thousand volunteers, and the contingents of the
subjects. The militia of Epirus, Aetolia, and Thrace were
called out to guard the coast, and a body of archers and
slingers was drawn from Greece and Asia Minor. Of cavalry
there was a considerable body formed from the young
aristocracy of Rome and from the Apulian slave herdsmen
the rest consisted of contingents from the subjects and
clientsCelts from the garrison of Alexandria
and from the princes of Galatia, Thracians, Cappadocians,
mounted archers from Commagene,
Armenians, and
Numidians : amounting in all to seven thousand.
The fleet numbered five hundred sail ; one fifth of which
were Roman vessels, and the rest from the Greek and
Asiatic maritime states. Immense stores of corn and war
material were collected at Dyrrachium, and for money the
whole Roman and non-Roman population within reach,
subjects, senators, and tax-farmers, were laid under contri-
bution. The temper of the soldiers was good, but a great
part of the army consisted of newly raised troops, and
required time for training and discipline.
The design of the commander was to unite his whole
force, naval and military, during the winter along the
coast of Epirus. The land army moved slowly from its
winter quarters at Berrhoea towards Dyrrachium
Syrian legions were not expected until the spring.
admiral Bibulus was already at Corcyra with 110 ships.
The Pompeians were taking their time, but Caesar was
not slow to act. On the conclusion of the Western cam-
paign he had ordered the best of his troops to set out
immediately for Brundisium, where ships of war and trans-
ports were already collected. These unparalleled exertions
thinned the ranks of the legions more than their conflicts,
and the mutiny of the ninth legion at Placentia showed
the dangerous temper of the soldiers
it was mastered by
the personal authority of Caesar, and at present the evil
spread no farther. But at Brundisium only twelve ships of
war were found, and the transports were scarcely sufficient
to convey a third of the army, which numbered
legions and ten thousand cavalry, while the enemy com-
manded the Adriatic and all the islands and harbours of
the opposite coast. However, on the 4th of January, 48
B.C., Caesar, with a temerity which is not justified by the
success of the immediate enterprise, set sail with six
legions and six hundred horse. The Pompeians were not
ready to attack, and the first freight was landed in the
middle of the Acroceraunian cliffs. The vessels returned
to bring over the remainder of the army. Caesar at once
began to disperse the Epirote militia, and succeeded in
taking Oricum and Apollonia, while Dyrrachium, the arsenal
of Pompeius, was in the greatest danger.
But the further course of the campaign did not fulfil
the promise of this brilliant beginning. Thirty of Caesar's
transports were captured by Bibulus, and destroyed with
every living thing on board. The whole coast, from the
island of Sason to Corcyra, was closely watched, and for a
time even Brundisium was blockaded. Norwas Dyrrachium
captured, for Pompeius had hastened his march and
secured it in time. Thus Caesar was wedged in among the
rocks of Epirus, between the immense fleet of the enemy
and a land army twice as strong as hi9 own. Pompeius
was in no hurry to attack, but established himself on the
right bank of the river Apsus, between Dyrrachium and
Apollonia, facing Caesar on the left bank, and awaited the
arrival of the Syrian legions which had wintered at Per-
Caesar was rescued from this perilous position by the
energy of Marcus Antonius, the commandant of Italy.
Again the transport fleet set sail, with four legions and
eight hundred horse. The wind fortunately carried it
past the galleys of Libo, the Pompeian admiral ; but the
same wind carried it northward, past the camps of Caesar
and Pompeius to Lissus, which still adhered to Caesar,
where it was enabled to land only by the most marvellous
good fortune. At the moment when the enemy's squadron
overtook the ships of Antonius, at the mouth of the har-
bour, the wind veered and drove them back into the open
sea. Pompeius was unable to prevent the junction of
Caesar's forces, and now took up a new position on the
Genusus, between the river Apsus and Dyrrachium. When
he refused to give battle, Caesar succeeded in throwing
himself with his best marching troops between the enemy's
camp and the town of Dyrrachium, on which it rested
and Pompeius again changed his position, and encamped
upon a small plain enclosed between the fork formed by
the main chain of the Balkans, which ends at Dyrrachium,
and a lateral branch which runs to the sea in a south-
westerly direction. His communication with the town
was secured by the fleet, and there was therefore no diffi-
culty about supplies, while to Caesar's camp provisions
were brought at intervals only by strong detachments
sent into the interior, and flesh, barley, and even roots had
to be eaten by the legions instead of \\ heat.
Under these circumstances inaction meant destruction
to the Caesaria s, and they proceeded to occupy the heights
commanding the plain on which Pumpeius lay. They
invested his army with a chain of posts sixteen miles long,
and cut off the rivulets which flowed into the plain, thus
hoping to compel him either to fight or to embark. At
the same time, as at Alesia
Caesar caused a second,
outer, line of entrenchments to be formed, to protect him-
self against attacks from Dyrrachium or from attempts to
turn his position. The works advanced amid incessant
conflicts, in which the tried valour of the Caesarians had
usually the advantage. At one point, for instance, a
single cohort maintained itself against four legions for
several hours until help arrived. At length the want of
fodder and water began to be so severely felt by the Pom-
peians, that it was absolutely necessary for them to strike
a decisive blow. The general was informed by some Celtic
deserters that the enemy had neglected to secure the beach
between his two lines of entrenchments, six hundred feet
distant from each other. Pompeius could thus attack from
three sides at once. While the inner line was attacked
from the camp and the outer line by light- armed troops,
conveyed in vessels and landed beyond it, a third division
landed in the space between the two lines and attacked in
the rear the defenders who were already sufficiently occu-
pied. The entrenchment next the sea was taken, and the
second was with difficulty held by Antonius against the
advance of the enemy. Soon afterwards Caesar eagerly
seized an opportunity of attacking a Pompeian legion,
which had become isolated, with the bulk of his infantry
but a valiant resistance was made, and as the ground had
been already used for the encampment of several suc-
cessive divisions, it was much intersected by mounds and
ditches. Caesar's right wing and cavalry missed their way
Pompeius, advancing with five legions to the aid of his
troops, found the two wings of the enemy separated and
one of them isolated. A panic seized the Caesarians
; a
disorderly flight ensued, and the matter ended with the
loss to Caesar of one thousand of his best soldiers. But
the results of the day's fighting were more serious than
this. Caesar's lines were broken. The cavalry of Pompeius
now ranged at will over the adjacent country, and ren-
dered it almost impossible for him to obtain provisions.
Gnaeus Pompeius the younger had destroyed his few ships
of war which lay at Oricum, and soon afterwards burnt
the transports at Lissus. Caesar was thus cut off from
the sea more than ever, and, in fact, was completely at the
mercy of Pompeius.
It was now open to Pompeius to attack or to blockade
his enemy, or to cross in person to Italy with the main
army and try to recover the peninsula. But he left his
opponent to make the first move, and Caesar had no
choice. He began immediately to retreat to Apollonia,
followed by the enemy, who, however, after four days,
had to give up the pursuit. Many voices now advised
Pompeius to cross to Italy
but this plan would necessitate
abandonment of the Syrian legions, now in Macedonia
Metellus Scipio
and, besides, he hoped to capture
the corps of Calvinus, whom Caesar had detached to en-
Metellus. Calvinus was now on the Via Egnatia
Heraclea Lyncestis, and only learned the condition of
things just in time to escape destruction by a quick
in the direction of Thessaly. Caesar, who had
arrived at Apollonia, and had deposited his wounded there,
now set out for Thessaly, in order to get beyond the
reach of the enemy's fleet. He crossed the mountain chain
Epirus and Thessaly, effected a junction with
Calvinus at Aeginium, near the source of the Peneus, and,
after storming and pillaging Gornphi, the first Thessalian
town before which he appeared, quickly received the sub-
mission of the others.
Thus the victories of Dyrrachium had borne little fruit
to the victors. Caesar and Calvinus had escaped pursuit,
and stood united and in full security in Thessaly. But
the former caution of the Pompeians was succeeded by
the most boundless confidence. They regarded the victory
as already won, and were resolved at any price to fight
with Caesar and crush him at the first opportunity. Cato
was left in command at Dyrrachium and in Corcyra.
Pompeius and Scipio marched southward and met at
Caesar was encamped near Pharsalus, on the left bank
01 the river Enipeus, which intersects the plain stretching
southward from Larissa. Pompeius pitched Ids camp on
the right hank, along the slope of Cynoscephalae. His
entire army was assembled, and he had now eleven legions
numbering 47,000 men and 7000 horse, while Caesar was
still expecting two legions from Aetolia and Thessaly, and
two which were arriving by way of Illyria from Italy
his eight legions did not number more than twenty-two
thousand men and his cavalry but one thousand troopers.
All military reasons urged Pompeius to fight soon, and the
impatience of the emigrants had doubtless more weight
than these reasons. The senators considered their triumph
secure. Already there was strife about filling up Caesar's
pontificate, and houses were hired in the Forum for the
next elections. Great indignation was excited when Pom-
peius hesitated to cross the rivulet which separated the
camps. He was only delaying the battle, they alleged, in
order to perpetuate his part of Agamemnon and to rule the
longer over so many noble lords. The general yielded, and
prepared to attack. The battle-field was almost the same
on which, a hundred and fifty years ago, the Romans had
laid the foundation of their Eastern dominion. The right
of the Pompeians rested on the Enipeus, Caesar's left upon
the broken ground in front of the river. The other wings
were both out in the plain, and each was covered by cavalry
and light troops. The plan of Pompeius was to scatter
with his cavalry the weak band of horsemen opposite to
him, and then to take Caesar's right wing in the rear.
But Caesar, foreseeing the rout of his cavalry, had stationed
behind his right flank about two thousand of his best
legionaries. As the enemy's cavalry galloped round the
line, driving Caesar's horsemen before them, they were met
and thrown into confusion by this unexpected infantry
attack, and galloped from the field of battle.* This un-
expected repulse of the cavalry raised the courage of the
It was in this attack that the well-known direction of Caesar to
his troops to strike at the faces of the enemy's horsemen was given.
The infantry, acting in an irregular way against cavalry, were not to
throw their pila, but to use them as spears, and, to be more effective,
were to thrust at the faces of the troopers. It was probably the
rough wit of the camp which suggested the idea that the Pompeian
cavalry fled for fear of scars on their faces.
Caesarians. Their third division, which had been held in
reserve, advanced all along the line. Pompeius, who had
never trusted his infantry, rode at once from the field to
the camp. His legions began to waver and to retire over
the brook, an operation which was attended with much loss.
The day was lost, but the army was substantially intact.
Pompeius lost all hope, and when he saw the
troops recrossing the brook he threw from him his general's
scarf and rode off by the nearest route to the sea. The
army, discouraged and leaderless, found no rest within
the camp. They were driven from its shelter, and with-
drew to the heights of Crannon and Scotussa. As they
attempted to march along the hills and regain Larissa
Caesar's troops intercepted their route, and at nightfall
cut them off from the only rivulet in the neighbourhood.
Fifteen thousand of the enemy lay dead or wounded upon
the field, while the Caesarians had only two hundred men
missing. The next morning twenty thousand men laid
down their arms, and of the eleven eagles of the enemy
nine were handed over to Caesar. Caesar had on that very
day reminded his men that they should not forget the
fellow-citizen in the foe ; but he found it necessary to use
some severity. The common soldiers were incorporated
in the army, fines and confiscations were inflicted upon the
men of better rank, and the senators and equites of note
were with few exceptions beheaded.
The immediate results of this day, the 9th of August,
48 B.C., were soon seen. All who were not willing or not
obliged to fight for a lost cause now passed over to Caesar's
side. The client communities and princes recalled their
contingents. Pharnaces, king of the Bosporus, went so
far as to take possession of Phanagoria, which had been
declared free by Pompeius, and of Little Armenia, which
had been conferred upon Deiotarus. So also many luke-
warm membei'S of the aristocracy made their peace with
the conqueror. But the flower of the defeated party made
no compromise ; aristocrats could not come to terms with
Into whatever abyss of degeneracy the
aristocratic rule had now sunk, it had once been a great
political system ; the sacred fire, by which Italy had been
conquered and Hannibal had been vanquished, continued
to glowalthough somewhat dim and dullin the Roman
nobility as long as that nobility existed, and rendered a
understanding between the men of the old regime
and the new monarch impossible." Many submitted out-
wardly, and retired into private life. Marcus Marcel! us,
who had brought about the rupture with Caesar, retired
into voluntary banishment at Lesbos
but in the majority
overwhelmed reflection. No one grasped the hope-
lessness of the situation more clearly than Marcus Cato.
Convinced from this moment that monarchy was inevit-
able, he doubted whether the constitutional party ought
to continue the struggle. But when he resolved still to
fightnot for victory, but for a more honourable fallhe
suught to draw no one into the struggle who chose to
make his peace. It was, in his eyes, merely senseless and
cruel to compel the individual to share the ruin of the
Most of the leading men who escaped from Pharsalus
made their way to Corcyra, where a council of war was
held, at which Cato, Metellus Scipio, Titus Labienus,
Lucius Afranius, and Gnaeus Pompeius the younger were
present. But the absence of the commander-in-chief and
the internal dissensions pi'evented the adoption of any
common resolution
and it was indeed difficult to say
what ought to be done. Macedonia and Greece, Italy and
the East, were lost to the coalition. In Egypt there was
indeed a large army, but it was soon evident that the
court of Alexandria was not to be relied on. In Spain
Pompeian sympathies were very strong, especially in the
army, so much so that the Caesarians had to give up the
idea of invading Africa from that quarter ; in Africa,
again, the coalition, or rather king Juba, had been arming
unmolested for more than a year : so that in two regions
it was still possible for the constitutionalists to prolong
the struggle in honourable warfare for some time to
come. By sea, too, their power was still considerable, even
after the recall of the subject contingents, while Caesar
was still almost without a fleet. And there was yet another
possibilitythat of a Parthian alliance, and of procuring
the restoration of the republic at the hands of the common
Meanwhile, Caesar was in hot pursuit of Pompeius. The
latter had gone first to Lesbos, where he joined his wife
and his younger son Sextus ; thence he proceeded to
Cilicia and to Cyprus. Fear of the reception he might
meet with from his aristocratic allies appears to have
decided him to take refuge with the Parthian king, rather
than to fly to Corcyra. He was in Cyprus, collecting
money and arming a band of slaves, when he heard that
Antioch had declared for Caesar and that the Parthian
route was no longer open , he thereupon hastened to
Egypt, from the resources of which he might hope to
reorganize the war.
After the death of Ptolemy Auletes in 51 B.C., his two
childrenCleopatra, aged about sixteen, and Ptolemaeus
Dionysius, a boy of tenhad ascended the throne, accord-
ing to their father's will, as consorts. But the brother,
with his guardian Pothinus, had driven Cleopatra from the
kingdom, and was lying with the whole Egyptian army
at Pelusium, to protect the eastern frontier against her,
when Pompeius anchored at the promontory of Casius,
and asked permission to land. His request was about to be
refused when the king's tutor, Theodotus, pointed out that,
if rejected, Pompeius would probably use his connections
in Egypt to instigate rebellion in the army, and that it
would be better to make away with him. Accordingly
Achillas, the royal general, and some of the old soldiers of
Pompeius went off in a barge to Pompeius, whom they
invited to come on board in order to be conveyed to land.
As he was stepping on shore the military tribune, Lucius
Septimius, stabbed him in the back, under the
eyes of his
wife and son, who had to watch the murder from the deck
of their vessel (Sept. 28. 48 B.C.). It was the same day
of the same month on which, thirteen years ago, he had
entered the capital in triumph over Mithradates He was
a good officer, but otherwise a man of mediocre gifts of
intellect and of heart. . . . Barely once in a thousand years
does there arise among the people a man who is a king not
merely in name but in reality. If this disproportion be-
tween semblance and reality has never perhaps been so
strongly marked as in Pompeius, the fact may w
ell excite
grave reflection that it was precisely he who in a certain
sense opened the series of Roman monarchs." When Caesar
arrived in Alexandria all was over. He turned away in
deep agitation when the murderer brought the head of his
rival to his ship. How Caesar would have dealt with
Pompeius had he been captured alive it is impossible to
say. But interest as well as humanity would probably
have counselled clemency.
The death of Pompeius did
not break up the Pompeians, but gave them, ... in his sons
Gnaeus and Sextus, two leaders, both of whom were young
and active, and the second a man of decided capacity. To
the newly founded hereditaiy monarchy, the hereditary
pretendership attached itself at once like a parasite, and
it was very doubtful whether by this change of persons
Caesar did not lose more than he gained."
Caesar's immediate object was accomplished : but he
landed and proceeded at once to settle matters in Egypt.
He was accompanied by 3,200
men and 800 cavalry, and,
taking up his abode in the royal palace, he began collecting
the money he urgently needed, and regulating the Egyptian
succession. No war contribution was imposed, and the
arrears of the sum stipulated for in 59 B.C.
commuted for a final payment of ten million denarii
The brother and sister were ordered to
suspend hostilities, and it was decided that they should
rule jointly, in accordance with their father's will. The
kingdom of Cyprus was givenas the appanage of the
second-born of Egyptto the younger children of Auletes,
Arsiuoe and Ptoleuiaeus the younger.
But a storm was brewing. Alexandria was a cosmo-
politan city, hardly inferior to Rome in the number of
its population, and far superior in stirring commercial
spirit. In the citizens there was a
lively national self-
importance, which can hardly be called patriotism,
turbulent vein which made them indulge in street riots as
heartily as the Parisians of to-day.
Pothinus and the
boy-king were much discontented with Caesar's arrange-
ments, and ostentatiously sent the treasures of the temple
and the royal plate to be melted at the
mint. Both the
piety and the national feeling of the populace were
shocked. The Roman army of occupation
had become
denationalized by its long sojourn in Egypt and by inter-
marriage with the women of the country ;
they were
indignant at being obliged to suspend their action on the
frontier at the bidding of Caesar and his handful of
legionaries, and numerous assassinations of his soldiers in
the city revealed to Caesar the danger in which he was
placed. He contented himself with ordering up rein-
forcements from Asia, and meantime prosecuted the
business in hand. It was a time of rest after toil, and
never was there greater gaiety in the camp.
It was a
merry prelude to a grave drama." The Roman army of
occupation suddenly appeared in Alexandria, under the
leadership of Achillas, and the citizens at once made
common cause Avith the newly arrived soldiers.
Caesar hastily collected his scattered troops, seized the
king and his minister, and entrenched himself in the
palace and theatre. The war fleet, as there was no time
to place it in safety, was burned
and the lighthouse island
of Pharos was occupied by means of boats. Thus the
way was kept open for reinforcements. Orders were at
once issued to the commandant of Asia Minor and to the
nearest subject countries to send troops and ships in all
haste. In the streets the insurrection had free course :
fighting went on from day to day; but Caesar could not
break through to the freshwater lake of Marea, nor could
the Alexandrians master the becieged or deprive them of
water. The canals from the Nile were spoiled by in-
troducing saltwater, but wells dug on the beach furnished
a sufficient supply. The besiegers then directed their
attention to the sea. The island of Pharos and the mole
which connected it with the mainland divided the harbour
into a western and an eastern port. The latter with the
island were in Caesar's power
the former, with the mole,
in that of the Alexandrians. The fleet of the latter had
been burnt, but they equipped a small squadron and
attempted, though in vain, to prevent the entrance of
transports conveying a legion from Asia Minor But
when, soon after, the besiegers captured the island and
compelled Caesar's ships to lie in the open roadstead, his
position was indeed perilous. His fleet was compelled to
fight repeatedly, and if it should once be defeated he would
be completely hemmed in and probably lost. Accordingly
he determined to attempt to recover the island. The
double attack from the sea and from the harbour was
successful, and both the island and the part of the mole
nearest it were captured, and henceforward remained in
Caesar's hands.
But relief was at hand : Mithradates of Pergamus, who
claimed to be a natural son of the old enemy of Rome,
arrived with a motley army gathered from all the communi-
ties of Cilicia and Syria. He occupied Pelusium, and then
marched towards Memphis to avoid the intersected ground
of the Delta. At the same time, Caesar conveyed part of his
troops in ships to the western end of lake Marea, and
marched round the lake and along the river to join Mithra-
dates. The junction was effected ; and the combined
army marched into the Delta, where the young king (who
had been released by Caesar in the hope of allaying the
insurrection) was posted on rising ground between the
Nile and some marshy swamps Caesar attacked from three
sides at once, the camp was taken, and the insurgents were
either put to the sword or drowned ; among the latter was
the young king. The inhabitants met Caesar on his entry
in mourning, and with the images of their gods in their
hands implored mercy. The conqueror contented himself
with granting to the Jews settled in Alexandria the same
rights as the Greek population enjoyed, and with sub-
stituting for the army of occupation, which nominally
obeyed the Egyptian king, a regular Roman garrison of
three legions, under a commander nominated by
whose birth made it impossible for him to abuse his
position,Rufio, the son of a freedman. Cleopatra and
her younger brother Ptolemaeus received the crown, under
the supremacy of Rome
the princess Arsinoe was carried
off to Italy. Cyprus was again added to the Roman
province of Cilicia.
The Alexandrian insurrection is unimportant in itself,
but it compelled the man on whom the whole empire now
depended to leave his proper task for nearly six months.
In the meantime, accident or the ability of individual
officers decided matters everywhere.
In Asia Minor, Calvinus had been ordered, on Caesar's
departure, to compel Pharnaces to evacuate the territories
he had occupied, especially lesser Armenia
Calvinus was
obliged to despatch to Egypt two out of his
three legions,
and was defeated by Pharnaces at Nicopolis.
When Caesar
himself arrived, Phnrnaces promised sub-
mission, but took no steps to relinquish his conquests, in
the hope that Caesar would soon depart. But Caesar
broke off negotiations, and advanced against the king's
camp at Ziela. A complete victory was gained, and the
campaign was over in five days. The Bosporan kingdom
was bestowed upon Mithiadates of Pergamus. Caesar's
own allies in Syria and Asia Minor were richly rewarded
those of Pornpeius dismissed, as a rule, with fines and
reprimands. Bat Deiotarus was confined to his hereditary
domain, and lesser Armenia was given to Ariobarzanes,
king of Cappadocia.
In Illyria there had been warlike operations of some
importance while Caesar was in Egypt. The interior
swarmed with dispersed Pompeians, and the Dalmatian
coast was bitterly hostile to Caesar But the Caesarian
lieutenant, Quintus Cornificius, was able not only to main-
tain himself but to defeat Marcus Octavius, the conqueror
of Curicta
(p. 459),
in several engagements. During the
winter Aulus Gabinius arrived to take over the command
of Illyria, and soon began a bold expedition into the
interior. But his army was swept away
he suffered a
disgraceful defeat during his retreat, and soon afterwards
died at Salonae. Finally Vatinius, the governor of Brun-
disium, defeated the fleet of Octavius with a force ex-
temporized out of ordinary ships provided with beaks,
and compelled him to quit those waters.
But the condition of things was most serious in Africa,
where the most eminent of the Pompeians had gathered
after the defeat of Pharsalu3, and had had ample time to
reorganize the war on a large scale. The fanaticism of
the emigrants had, if possible, increased ; they continued
to murder their prisoners, and even the officers of Caesar
under a flag of truce. King Juba, in whom was com-
bined all the fury of a barbarian and of a partisan,
wished even to extirpate the citizens of every community
suspected of sympathizing with the enemy, and it was
only by the intervention of Cato that Utica itself was
saved. It had been no easy task to fill the vacant post
of commander-in-chief. Juba, Metellus Scipio, Varus, the
governor of the province, all laid claim to it, while the
army desired Cato, who was indeed the only man who
had the necessary devotion, energy, and authority. But
through Cato's own influence the decision fell upon Scipio,
as the officer of highest standing ; nevertheless it was Cato
alone who confronted the insolent claims of king Juba,
and made him feel that the Roman nobility came to him,
not as suppliants to a protector, but as to a subject from
whom they were entitled to demand assistance. With
Scipio the king carried bis point, that the pay of his
troops should be charged on the Roman treasury, and
that the province of Africa should be ceded to him in
the event of victory.
The senate of the
three hundred
again appeared,
and filled up their ranks from the best or wealthiest of
the equites. Warlike preparations went forward with
great activity. Every man capable of bearing arms was
enrolled, and the land was stripped of its cultivators.
The infantry numbered fourteen legions, of which four
were legions of King Juba armed in the Roman manner.
The heavy cavalry, consisting of Celts and Germans who
arrived with Labienus, was sixteen hundred strong, to
whom must be added Juba's squadron, equipped in the
Roman style. The light troops were mostly Numidians,
and very numerous, javelin men, and archers mounted
or on foot. Lastly there were 120 elephants, and the fleet
of fifty-five sail under Varus and Octavius. Money was
provided by the self-taxation of the senate, which included
many very wealthy men ; huge stores were accumulated
in the fortresses, while the open towns were denuded of
An evil star seemed to preside over the African expe-
dition of Caesar. Not only was it delayed by his long
absence in Egypt, but the preparatory measures which he
set on foot before leaving for Egypt miscarried. Erom
Spain, Quintus Cassius Longinus had been ordered to
cross into Africa with four legions, and to advance
against Numidia in conjunction with Bogud, king of
western Mauretania. But in this army were many native
Spaniards, and two of the legions had formerly been
Pompeian. Difficulties arose, which were only aggravated
by the unwise and tyrannical conduct of the governor. A
formal revolt broke out, and was only repressed on the dis-
avowal of Longinus by the respectable Caesarians and on
the interference of the governor of the northern province.
Gaius Trebonius, who arrived in the autumn of 47 B.C. to
supersede Longinus, everywhere received obedience
meanwhile nothing had been done to hinder the enemy's
organizations in Africa.
Still more serions difficulties occurred among the
collected in southern Italy for the African cam-
paign. The majority of these consisted of the old legions
which had "founded Caesar's throne in Gaul, Spain, and
Thessaly." They were spoiled by victory and disorganized
their long repose in Italy. The tremendous demands
made on them by their general had thinned their ranks to
fearful extent, and had left in the minds of the sur-
vivors a secret rancour which only wanted an opportunity
to break forth. The only man who had any influence
over them had been absent, almost unheard of, for a year;
and when orders to embark for Sicily arrived the storm
burst. The men refused to obey unless the promised
presents were paid to them, and threw stones at the
officers sent by Caesar. The mutineers set out in bodies
to extort fulfilment of the promises from the general in
the capital. Caesar ordered the few soldiers in the city to
occupy the gates, and suddeuly appeared among the
furious bands demanding to know what they wanted.
They exclaimed, "Discharge." Their request was im-
mediately granted. As to the presents promised on the
day of triumph, as well as the lands destined for them,
though not promised, Caesar added, they might apply to
him on the day when he and the other soldiers should
in the triumph itself they could not of course
participate, as having been previously discharged. The
men were not prepared for this turn of affairs. They
had demanded discharge in order to annex their own con-
ditions to their service if refused. They were ashamed,
too, at the fidelity with which the imperator kept his
word, even after they had forgotten their allegiance, and
at the generosity with which he granted more than he had
promised. When they realized that they must appear as
mere spectators at the triumph of their comrades, when
their general addressed them no longer as
but as
(quirites)a name which destroyed,
as it were, at one blow the whole pride of their past
soldierly career,when they felt once more the spell of
the man whose presence had for them an irresistible
power, they stood for a while mute and undecided, till
from all sides a cry arose that the general should once
more receive them into favour, and again permit them to
be called Caesar's soldiers. After a sufficient amount of
entreaty Caesar yielded ; but the ringleaders had a third
cut off from their triumphal presents.
History knows
no greater psychological masterpiece, and none that was
more completely successful."
Thus again the African campaign was delayed. When
Caesar arrived at Lilybaeum the ten legions destined for
embarkation had not nearly arrived, and the experi-
enced troops were the farthest distant. However, Caesar
sailed on the 25th of December, 47 B.C., with six legions,
five of which were newly raised. Storms prevented the
enemy's fleet from obstructing their passage, but the
same storms scattered Caesar's fleet, and he could not dis-
embark near Hadrumetum more than 3,000 men and 150
horsemen. He got possession of the two seaports of
Ruspina and Little Leptis, and kept his troops within en-
trenchments, and ready at a moment's notice to re-embark
if attacked by a superior force. But the remaining ships
arrived soon afterwards, and on the following day Caesar
made an expedition with three legions into the interior
procure supplies. He was attacked by Labienus, who
had nothing but light troops ; and the legions were soon
surrounded. By deploying his whole line, and by a
series of spirited charges, Caesar saved the honour of his
arms and made good his retreat ; but had not Ruspina
been close at hand, the Moorish javelin might have accom-
plished the same result as the Parthian bow at Carrhae.
Caesar would not again expose his soldiers to snch an
attack, and remained inactive till his veteran legions
should arrive. In the interval he tried to organize some
force to counterbalance the enormous superiority of the
enemy in light-armed troops. He equipped light horse-
men and archers from the fleet, and succeeded in raising
against Jnba the Gaetnlian tribes. The Mauretanian
kings, Bogud and Bocchus, were Juba's natural rivals,
and there still roamed in those regions a band of Cati-
linarians under Publius Sittius of Nuceria, who had
eighteen years ago become converted from a bankrupt
Italian merchant into a leader of free bands. Bocchus
and Sittius fell upon Numidia, occupied Cirta, and com-
pelled Julia to semi a portion of his troops to his southern
and western frontiers. Still Caesar's position was un-
pleasant enough : his array was crowded together within
a space of six square miles
corn was supplied by the
fleet, but there was great dearth of forage. If Scipio
retired and abandoned the coast towns, he might at least
endlessly protract the war ; this plan was advised by
Cato, who offered at the same time to cross into Italy and
call the republicans to arms. But the decision lay with
Scipio, who resolved to continue the war on the coast.
This blunder was all the more serious because the army
which they opposed to Cresar was in a troublesome
temper, and the strictness of the levy, the exhaustion of
the country, and the devastation of many of the smaller
townships had produced a feeling of exaspei*ation in the
region to which the war was transfeiTed. The African
towns declared, wherever they could, for Caesar, and de-
sertion increased continually in the army. But Scipio
marched with all his force from Utica, appeared before
the towns occupied by Caesar, and repeatedly offered him
battle. Caesar refused until all his veteran legions had
arrived, when Scipio on his part grew afraid, and nearly
two mouths passed away in skirmishes and in efforts to
procure supplies.
When Caesar's last reinforcements had arrived he made
a lateral movement towards the town of Thapsus, strongly
garrisoned by the enemy. Scipio now committed the
unpardonable blunder of risking a battle to save the town,
on ground which placed the decision in the hands of the
infantry of the line. He advanced to a position imme-
diately opposite Caesar's camp on the shore, and, at the
same time, the garrison of Thapsus prepared for a sally.
Caesar's camp-guard sufficed to repulse the latter ;
his legions, forming a correct estimate of the enemy from
their want of precision and from their ill-closed ranks,
compelled a trumpeter to sound for the attack even before
the general gave the signal. The right wing, in advance
of the rest of the line, turned the elephants opposed to
them back upon the ranks of the enemy
they then broke
the left wing of their opponents, and overthrew the whole
line. The old camp of the enemy was at a distance, and
the new one was not yet ready, so that the defeated arruy
was almost annihilated. The legionaries refused all
quarter ; they were tired of being hurried from one con-
tinent to another in pursuit of an enemy who, though
always defeated, was never destroyed. Fifty thousand
corpses covered the field of Thapsus, among which were
those of several Caesarian officers suspected by the soldiers
of sympathy with the enemy. The victorious army
numbered no more than fifty dead (April
46 B.C.).
The struggle was over in Africa : Cato convoked the
senate at Utica, and asked them to decide whether they
would yield or continue their defence. At first the more
courageous view seemed likely to prevail, but ultimately
it was resolved to yield. Faustus Sulla, and Lucius
Afranius soon arrived with a body of cavalry and wished
to defend the city after slaughtering en masse the un-
trustworthy citizens. Cato indignantly refused
and after
checking, as far as he could, by his authority and by
largesses, the fury of the soldiery, and after providing
the means of flight for those who feared to trust them-
selves to the mercy of Caesar, he at last held himself
released from his command, and, retiring to his chamber,
plunged his sword into his breast.
the fugitive leaders escaped :
Afranius and
Faustus were delivered up to Caesar, and when he did not
order their immediate execution were cut down by the
soldiers. Metellus Scipio was captured by the cruisers of
Sittius, and stabbed himself. King Juba, half expecting
the issue, had caused a huge funeral pile to be prepared
in the market-place of Zaraa, upon which he proposed to
consume himself with all his treasures and the dead
bodies of all the citizens. But the latter had no desire
to adorn the funeral rites of
the African
and closed their gates when he appeared in company with
Marcus Petreius. The king,
one of those natures that
become savage amidst a life of dazzling and insolent
enjoyment, and prepare for themselves even out of death
an intoxicating feast
resorted with Petreius to one of
his country houses, where, after a copious banquet, he
challenged Petreius to fight him in single combat.
conqueror of Catilina fell by the hand of the king
the latter caused himself to be stabbed by one of his
slaves. Labienus and Sextus Pompeius fled to Spain,
and betook themselves to a piratical warfare by land
and sea.
The kingdom of Massinissa was now broken up. The
eastern portion was united with the kingdom of Bocchns,
and king Bogud was rewarded with considerable gifts.
Cirta was handed over to Publius Sittius as a settlement for
his half- Roman bands
but this same district, as well as
the largest and most fertde part of Numidia, was united
New Africa
with the older province of Africa.
The struggle, which had lasted for four years, thus
terminated in the complete victory of the new monarch.
The monarchy might no doubt be dated from the moment
when Pompeius and Caesar had established their joint
rule, and overthrown the aristocratic constitution. But
it was only the battle-fields of Pharsalus and Thapsus that
set aside the joint rule, and conferred fixity and formal
recognition on the new monarch. Pretenders and con-
spiracies, even revolutions and restorations, might ensue,
but the continuity of the free republic, uninterrupted
during five hundred years, was broken through, and
monarchy was established as an accomplished fact.
That the constitutional struggle was at an end was
proclaimed by Cato when he fell upon his sword at Utica.
The republic was dead, the treasure was carried off,why
should the sentinels remain ?
There was more nobility,
and, above all, more judgment in the death of Cato than
there had been in his life." He was not a great man
he was the ideal of unreflecting republicanism, and this
has made him the favourite of all who make it their
hobby ; but he was
the only man who honourably and
courageously defended in the last struggle the great
system doomed to destruction. Just because the shrewdest
lie feels itself inwardly annihilated before the simple
truth, and because all the dignity and glory of human
nature ultimately depend not on shrewdness but on
honesty, Cato has played a greater part in history than
many men far superior to him in intellect. ... It was
a fearfully striking protest of the republic p gainst the
monarchy, that the last republican went as the first
monarch came,a protest which tore asunder like gos-
samer all that so-called constitutional character with
which Caesar invested his monarchy, and exposed in
all its hypocritical falsehood the shibboleth of the recon-
ciliation of all parties, under the aegis of which despotism
grew up. . . . The unrelenting warfare which the
ghost of the legitimate republic waged for centuries

from Cassius and Brutus down to Thrasea and Tacitus,

nay even far latera warfare of plots and literature, was
the legacy which the dying Cato bequeathed to his
enemies." Immediately after his death the man was
revered as a saint by the party of which in his life he was
often the laughing-stock and the scandal.
But the
greatest of these marks of respect was the involuntary
homage which Caesar rendered to him when he made an
exception to the contemptuous clemency with which he
was wont to treat his opponents, Pompeians as well as
republicans, in the case of Cato alone, and pursued him
even beyond the grave with that energetic hatred which
practical statesmen are wont to feel towards antagonists
who oppose them in a domaiu of ideas, which is as danger-
ous in their view as it lies beyond their reach."
Caes. Bell. Civ., especially 1-7
; Bell. Alex. ; and Bell. Afric. Plufc.
Caes. 33-56
Pomp. 61-end
Cato, 52-end
37, 38
; Brat
4-6. Ant. 5. Liv. 109-116. Veil. ii. 49-55.
Flor. iv.
Eutrop. vi. 19-25. Suet. Julius, 32-37. Dio. xli. xlii. xliii.
Appian B. C. 34-100. Cic, Watson's Sel. Let. pt. iii.
and iT.
pro Maroello
pro Ligario
(46 B.C.).
Caesar's lineage and characterHis attempts to unite the state, to
satisfy his own extreme partisans and conciliate his opponents
Principles of the popular party and of CaesarCaesarianism
Caesar's officesTitle of ImperatorMonarchical insignia and

'LegislationThe royal edictThe senateThe

executiveThe subject territoriesThe magistratesReligion

Legal administration

Military reorganization

reformsIncrease of soldiers' payCondition of the capital

Measures of reform and police Condition of ItalyAgriculture

Money-dealingThe middle classRich and poorImmo-
ralityInfluence of womenDepopulationCaesar's measures
Relief of debtorsLaw of insolvencyRestrictions on money-
dealingEncouragement of agricultureRegulation of the
municipal systemThe provincesTyranny of the Roman
magistrates and capitalistsMeasures of relief and protection
Nationalities of the empireThe Greek and the Jew pro-
tectedLatinization of the provincesDistinctions between
Italy and the provinces levelledElements of administrative
unitySurvey of the empireFusion of religionsCondition
of the criminal and civil lawWeights and measuresThe
Caesar, was in his fifty-sixth year (horn July
12, 102 B.C.
when the battle of Thapsus made him sole monarch of
Rome. He was sprung from one of the oldest noble
families of Latium, and traced his lineage back to the
heroes of the Iliad and to the kings of Rome ; and he
spent the years of his boyhood like any other noble youth
of the period, in playing with literature and verse-making,
in love intrigues and the arts of the toilette, together with
another art much studied at that period, that of always
borrowing and never paying. But manhood found his
vigour both of mind and body unimpaired
in fencing
and riding he was a match for any of his soldiers, and
the incredible rapidity of his journeys astonished both
friend and foe. His power of intuition was remarkable,
and displayed itself in the practicability and precision of
his orders, even when he had not seen with his own eyes,
while his memory never failed him.
Although a gentle-
man, a man of genius, and a monarch, he had still a
heart." His love for his mother was deep and lasting,
while he was sincerely devoted to his wives, and, above
all, to his daughter Julia. His fidelity to his associates
was unwavering, and several of them, such as Aulus
Hirtius and Gaius Matius, showed their attachment to him
after his death. But, above all, Caesar was a realist and
a man of sense
his passion was never stronger than ho
could control. Literature and verse-making occupied him
at times, but in his sleepless hours he chose to meditate
upon the inflections of Latin nouns and verbs. After the
revels of his youth he avoided wine entirely, and though
he enjoyed, even when a monarch, the society of women,
he allowed them no influence over him. He prided himself
upon his personal appearance, and covered the baldness of
his later years with the laurel chaplet which he wore in
public. It was the result of this cool realism that Caesar
possessed the power of living keenly in the present
moment, undisturbed by memory or expectation
that he
could at any moment apply his whole genius to the most
incidental enterprise. To this he owed his
serenity," his independence of control by favourite or
friend. He never deceived himself as to the power of
fate and the ability of man
he felt that in all things
fortuneaccidentmust bestow success, and this perhaps
is the reason why he often chose to play so desperate
a game.
Caesar was from the beginning of his political career
emphatically a statesman : his aim was the regeneration,
political, military, intellectual and moral, of his own and
of the Hellenic nation. He was a brilliant and masculine
orator, an author of an inimitable purity and simplicity of
style ; as a general he disregarded routine and tradition,
and conducted each campaign with regard to its own
requirements. Like William of Orange, he stood always
ready for battle after defeat, and in the rapid movement
of masses of menthe highest and most difficult element
of warfarehe was unrivalled. But he was all these
things only secondarily, and merely because he was a
statesman : they were but the means to an end. His
original plan had been to compass his aim, like Pericles,
without force of arms, and it w
as not till the age of forty
that he found himself at the head of an army. This
improvised generalship is seen in the temerity with w
in many instances, notably when he landed in Epirus, he
set aside, without absolute necessity, the best- founded
principles of war. But, though a master of the art of
war, he did his utmost to avert civil strife, and, after the
struggle, he allowed no hierarchy of marshals or govern-
ment of praetorians to arise. He had every quality which
makes the statesman. He was a born ruler, and compelled
men of all natures to work in his service. His talent for
organization was unsurpassed, and is seen in the creation
and management of his political alliances and of his army.
He never made the blunder, which so many others have
made, of carrying into politics the tone of military
command : he was a monarch, but never a tyrant. In his
life there were doubtless many mistakes, but there was no
false step of passion for him to regret
nothing to be
compared with the murder of Kleitos or the burning of
Persepolis, in the life of Alexander. Whatever his task,
he always recognized its natural limits ; where he recog-
nized that fate had spoken, he always obeyed. Alexander
on the Hyphasis, Napoleon at Moscow, turned back
because they were compelled : Caesar turned back volun-
tarily on the Thames, and on the Rhine; and on the
Danube and the Euphrates he thought, not of unbounded
conquests, but of well-considered frontiers.
Such was the manso easy and yet so difficult to
describe. Tradition has handed down copious and vivid
information regarding him, and yet no man is more difficult
to reproduce to the life. The secret lies in his perfection
the artist can paint anything except only consummate
Normality admits, doubtless, of being expressed,
but it gives us only the negative notion of the absence of
defect." In the character of Caesar, the great contrasts of
existence meet and balance each other. He was of the
mightiest creative power, and yet of the most penetrating
judgment ; of the highest energy of will and the highest
capacity of execution
filled with republican ideals, and at
the same time born to be king, He was
the entire and
perfect man
" and he w
as this because he was the entire
and perfect Roman
he was in the full current of his time,
and possessed in perfection the special gift of his nation

practical aptitude as a citizen.

In the work of regenerating the state, Caesar started at
once from the principle of the reconciliation of parties

so far as antagonistic principles can be reconciled at all.

The statues of Sulla, overthrown by the mob in the capital
after Pharsalus, were ordered to be set up again
the men
who had been banished in the Cinnan and Sertorian times
were recalled, and the children of those outlawed by Sulla
301) were restored to their full rights. In the same
way, all who had suffered loss of rights in the early stages
of the recent struggle, especially through the impeach-
ments of 52 B.C.
received full restitution. The
only exceptions were made in the case of those who had
put to death the proscribed for money, and of Milo, the
condottiere of the senatorial party.
These steps were easy ; but it was much more difficult
to deal with the parties, which even now, after the war,
confronted each other with undiminished hatred. Caesar's
own adherents were among the most dissatisfied with the
results of the struggle. The Roman popular party expected
Caesar to accomplish for them what Catilina had at-
and lond was their outcry when it became plain
that the most which debtors could expect from him was
some alleviations of payment and modifications of pro-
cedure. They began even to coquet with the Pompeians,
and during Caesar's long absence from Italy, in 48 and
47 B.C., to instigate a second civil war.
Just before the battle of Pharsalus the praetor Marcus
Caelius Rufus proposed to the people laws granting to
debtors a respite of six years free of interest, and cancel-
ling all claims from loans or house-rents. When deposed
by the Caesarian senate he entered into negotiations with
Milo for a rising in Italy. Milo raised his standard in the
region of Thurii, and Rufus formed a plan, which was
frustrated, to seize Capua. The fall of the two leaders put
an end to the incident
B.C.); but in the following year
Publius Dolabella revived the laws of Rufus, and dis-
turbances took place, which had to be put down by Marcus
Antonius, the commandant of Italy, by military force.
At the same time that Caesar repressed with a strong
hand the ebullitions of his own left wing, he tried to pave
the way for the gradual extinction of the republican party
by a policy of combined repression and conciliation. He
refused to triumph on the ground of victories won over
his fellov\ -countrymen. The statue of Pompeius was re-
stored to its former distinguished place in the senate-
house, and political prosecutions of his opponents were
confined within the narrowest limits. The papers found
in the enemy's head-quarters after Pharsalus and Thapsus
were burnt unread ; all the common soldiers, except those
burgesses who had enlisted under king Juba, escaped with
impunity. Even the officers obtained free pardon until
the close of the Spanish campaign of 49 B.C. ; after that
date all who served as officers in the enemy's army, or who
sat in the opposition senate, forfeited property and political
rights, and were banished from Italy for life. Any who
had fought once more after accepting pardon forfeited
life at once. But these rules were applied in the mildest
possible manner ; the punishment of death was rarely in-
many were pardoned or escaped with fines, and in
fact almost all were pardoned who could bring themselves
to ask favour of Caesar. Ultimately, in 44 B.C., a general
amnesty was issued.
But the opposition was none the more reconciled. Open
resistance there was none, but secret agitations and, above
all, the literature of opposition gave expression to the
seething republican discontent. The praise of Cato was
the favourite theme of opposition pamphlets, which were
replied to by Caesar and his confidants.
The republican
and Caesarian scribes fought round the dead hero of Utica
like the Trojans and Hellenes round the dead body of
Patroclus." But, naturally, the Caesarians had the worst
of it with a republican public. Hence literary men, like
Publius Nigidius Figulus, and Aulus Caecina, found more
difficulty than any other class in obtaining permission to
return to Italy ; and in Italy itself they were subjected to
a practical censorship whose punishments were purely
arbitrary. But though risings of republicans and Pom-
peians were perpetually preparing in every part of the
empire, and conspiracies were formed even in the capital
itself, Caesar was not induced to surround himself by a
body-guard, but contented himself with making known
the plots, when detected, by public placards. His clemency
and his indifference were not the fruit of sentiment, but
of the statesmanly conviction that vanquished parties are
absorbed within the state more rapidly than they can be
exterminated by proscription. Besides, he needed for his
own high objects all the talent, culture, and distinction
which the aristocratic party embraced ; for here, in spite
of all, was still to be found all that remained of a free and
national spirit among the Roman burgesses. Like Henry
TV. of France and William of Orange, Caesar found that
his difficulties only began with victory. For the moment
all parties united against their chief, and against his own
great ideal. But what Caesar lost the state gained
tarily or compulsorily, men of all parties worked at the
erection of the new mighty edifice ; and if the reconcilia-
tion was but external, no one knew better than Caesar that
antagonisms lose their keenness when brought into out-
ward union, and that only in this way can the statesman
anticipate the work of time.
In attempting to give a detailed account of the mode in
which the transition was effected from the old to the new,
it must be remembered that Caesar came not to begin but
to complete. The principles of the popular party, which
Caesar had from the beginning adopted to the full, were
the principles of Gaius Gracchus, and had, since his time,
been the essential principles of the democracy. They were
the alleviation of the burdens of debtors
equalization of the differences of rights exist-
ing between the classes in the state ; emancipation of the
executive from the senate. And these remained the
principles of Caesar as monarch
for his monarchy was
like the monarchy of Pericles and of Cromwell,
representation of the nation by the man in whom it
puts supreme and unlimited confidence."
With regard to the judgment to be passed upon Caesar,
too much care cannot be taken to avoid the common
blunder of using historical praise and historical censure,
applied to particular circumstances, as phrases of general
application ; and, in the present instances, of construing
praise of Caesar as praise of what is called
History is instructive with respect to the present only as
she reveals the necessary organic conditions of civilization

"the fundamental forces everywhere alike, and the manner

of their combination everywhere different,"the knowledge
of which leads men, not to slavish imitation, but to inde-
pendent reproduction. The history of Roman imperialism
is in reality the bitterest censure of modern autocracy
which could be written by the hand of man
Every con-
stitution which gives play to the free self-determination
of a majority of citizens infinitely surpasses the most
brilliant and humane absolutism," just as the smallest
organism is superior to the most artistic machine ; the
former is living and capable of development, but the latter
cannot develop, and is therefore dead. Caesar's work
could bring no blessing in itself, but was necessary and
salutary because the ancient political organization, based
upon slavery and ignorant of representative government,
ended logically in military monarchy as the least of evils.
When once the slave-holding aristocracy in Virginia and
the Carolinas shall have carried matters as far as their
congeners in the Sullan Rome, Caesarianism will there too
be legitimized in the view of the spirit of history
it appears under other conditions of development, it is at
once a caricature and a usurpation."
History too
is a
Bible, and if she cannot any more than the Bible hinder the
fool from misunderstanding, and the devil from quoting her,
she too will be able to bear with and requite them both."
Formally the position of the new monarch assumed a
singular shape.
1. He was invested with the dictatorship, at first tempo-
rarily, after his return from Spain in 49 B.C. ; again for an
indefinite time after Pharsalus ; finally from the 1st of
la later editions the following note is appended by Professor
Mommsen :
When this was written, in the year 1857, no one could
foresee how soon the mightiest struggle and most glorious victory as
yet recorded in human annals would save the United States from
this fearful trial, and secure the future existence of an absolute self-
governing freedom not to be permanently kept in check by any local
January, 45 B.C., as an annual office, which was in 44 B.C.
conferred on him for life.
2. He held the consulship
for 48 B.C. the office
immediately occasioned the civil war; afterwards he was
appointed for five and finally for ten yearsonce with-
out colleague.
3. He was invested with tribunician power for life, in
48 b.c.
4. With the first place and the leading vote in the
5. With the title of imperator for life.
6. He was already pontifex inaximus
(p. 374),
but be-
came a member of the college of augurs.
7. Numerous decrees of the senate entrusted him with
the right of deciding on war and peace, the disposal of
armies and treasure, the nomination of provincial governors,
and many other privileges ; together with such empty
honours as the title of pater patriae, and the designation
of the month in which he was born by the name of Julius.
It is difficult in this confused union of offices to deter-
mine by what formal shape Caesar chose to express the
new absolute power, but the new name of imperator is iu
every respect its appropriate formal expression, jnst be-
cause it is new, and no outward occasion for its introduc-
tion is apparent. It expresses concisely all the functions
of the chief of the stutethe concentration of official
power in the hands of a popular chief independent of the
senate. The title prevails on Caesar's coins, especially
those of the last period, by the side of the dictatorship;
in his law as to political crimes the monarch is designated
by this name ; and, what is most decisive, the authority
of imperator was given to Caesar for his bodily or adopted
descendants. The new monarchy was to be hereditary.
The new office was based on the position which consuls or
proconsuls occupied outside the pomerium, and included
not only the military but the supreme administrative and
judicial power. Moreover, the imperator, unlike the
consul, had never been checked by the right of provo-
catio or been obliged to respect the advice of the senate.
In fact the new office of imperator was nothing else than
the regal office re-established
as the consulship was only
the kingship with certain restrictions imposed, so for the
new office these restrictions were once more removed.
Almost every feature of the old monarchy reappears in
the new : the union of supreme military, judicial, and
administrative power in the hands of the prince ; the
religious presidency over the commonwealth ; the right
of issuing binding ordinances ; the reduction of the senate
to a council of state, the revival of the patriciate and of
the praefecture of the city ; the power of the prince to
nominate his successor under the form of adoption. Again,
as the old kings of Kome had been the protectors of the
commons against the nobility, so Caesar came
not to
destroy liberty but to fulfil it." Nor had the idea of the
regal office ever become obsolete at Rome , at various
times, in the republican dictatorship, in the decemviral
power, in the Sullan regencythere had been a practical
recurrence to it. And as mankind
have infinite difficulty
in reaching new creations, and therefore cherish the once
developed forms as sacred heirlooms," it was natural for
Caesar to connect himself with Servius Tullius, as Charle-
magne connected himself with Caesar, and as Napoleon
attempted to connect himself with Charlemagne. Accord-
ingly, beside the statues of the traditional seven kings on
the Capitol, Caesar ordered his own to be erected as the
eighth. He appeared in public in the costume of the old
kings of Alba ; in the formula for political oaths the
genius of the imperator was added to the Jovis and the
Penates of the Roman people
from the year 44 B.C.
the head of Caesar appears on the coinsthe recognized
outward badge of monarchy. There could be no doubt
as to Caesar's view of his position ; it is even possible that
he wished to assume the title of king; certainly he was
often pressed by his adherents to assume itmost strikingly
when Marcus Antonius, as consul, offered him the diadem
before all the people. But it is probable that Caesar was
resolved to avoid the name as tainted with a curse, and
as familiar to the Romans of his day chiefly as applied to
the despots of the East, and the scene
with Antonius may
have been designed to put an end once and for all to
rumours on the subject.
Whatever the title, the sovereign was there, and all the
due accompaniments of royalty at once made their appear-
ance. Caesar appeared in public, not in the consular robe
with purple stripes, but in the robe wholly of purple, and
received without rising from his chair the procession of
the senate. Rents rose in the quarter of the city where
he lived
personal interviews became so difficult that
Caesar was often obliged to communicate in writing even
with his nearest friends. A new monarchical aristocracy
arose to replace the old patriciate, which still existed but
had dwindled away until not more than fifteen or sixteen
genuine patrician families remained. Caesar had the
right of creating new patrician gentes conferred on him
by popular decree, and thus established a new nobility
entirely dependent on himself.
Thus the regal tradition was completely renewed ; the
burgess assembly remained by the side of the king as the
ultimate expression of the sovereign will of the people
the senate was reduced to its old function of giving advice
to the ruler when requested ; aud the whole magisterial
authority of the state was concentrated in the monarch.
In legislation the primitive maxim of Roman law was
reverted to, that the assembly in concert with the king
can alone alter the law of the state
and Caesar regularly
had his enactments confirmed by the people. Though
the authority of the comitia w
as only a shadow, yet their
existence was a standing acknowledgment of the principle
of the sovereignty of the people, and an energetic protest
against sultanism.
But at the same time the other maxim of state law was
revived, that the command of the supreme magistrate is
binding at least as long as he remains in office ; and hence
the royal edict now obtained the force of law.
On the other hand, while Caesar formally acknowledged
the sovereignty of the people, it was no part of his plan to
divide his authority with the senate. He made use of it
as a council to advise him with regard to new laws, and for
issuing important administrative regulations. The latter
were usually issued formally in the name of the senate,
and there are instances of such decrees of which none of
the senators recited as present had any knowledge. In
order to make it i*epresentative as far as possible of all
classes, and also in order to take from it its character as
head-quarters of the opposition, it was raised at once
to the number of nine hundred; ami, to maintain this
increase, the number of quaestorsall of whom became
annually members of the senatewas raised from twenty
to forty. Of these, twenty were nonuhated by the im-
perator, who had also the privilege of conferring
honorary rights of the quaestorship on whomsoever he
pleased. The immediate extraordinary increase was carried
ont solely by Caesar's nomination, and the new members
included many non-Italians and persons of humble or
dubious origin.
At the same time, the whole executive was concentrated
in the hands of the monarch. Every question of any
moment was decided by the imperator in person ; and
Caesar was able to carry personal government to a height
which seems incredible to men of modern times. The
Roman house was a machine, and the intellectual powers
of slaves and freedmen were as much at the disposal of
the master as their manual labour. So, whenever circum-
stances permitted, Caesar 6 lied up any post demanding
special confidence with slaves, freedmen, or clients of
humble birth.
It was the beau-ideal of bureaucratic
In matters strictly political Caesar of course avoided,
whenever possible, any delegation of his functions ; when
this was inevitable, as when he was compelled to be absent
from Rome, his representative was usually no political
personage, but his banker, the Phoenician Lucius Cornelius
Balbus, without regular official jurisdiction. In finance,
the private means of the monarch were kept strictly
separate from the property of the state
but the whole
financial management, the levying of the provincial re-
venues and the coinagewere entrusted to the slaves and
freedmen of the imperator. The provincial governors,
now that they were relieved of all financial business by
the new imperial tax receivers, became little more than
military commanders. Egypt, on account of its great
resources, and its geographical isolation, which rendered it
peculiarly liable to be broken off from the central power
under an able leader, was entrusted to a man little likely
to abuse his position
471). The more important
of the other provinces were given to those who had
been consuls, the others to those who had been praetors,
and the distribution of provinces among qualified candi-
dates was vested in the imperator. The consuls for the
year were often induced to abdicate to make room for
other men (consules suffecti)
moreover the number of
praetors was raised from eight to sixteen, and the nomina-
tion of them entrusted to the imperator
finally, the prince
could nominate titular
praetors or quaestors, and by these
various means could always count upon a sufficient
number of candidates favourable to himself. As a rule the
consular governor remained not more than two years, the
praetorian not more than one in his province. The Roman
magistrates consuls, praetors, aediles, tribunes, and quaes-
torsretained substantially
their former powers; but
their position was radically changed. Formerly they had
been magistrates of the empire, now they were magistrates
of the city of Rome, and the consulship became little but
a titular post, important only as implying the reversion
of a Lngher governorship. The election of consuls, tribunes,
and plebeian aediles was free from restriction
but half of
the praetors, curule aediles, and quaestors were nominated
by the monarch. The tribunician power was left in the
main untouched, but a refractory tribune would of course
be summarily dealt with.
Thus, for all general and important questions, the im-
perator was his own minister; he controlled the finance
by his servants and the army by his adjutants
the old
state-magistracies were again converted into magistracies
of the city of Rome
and, in addition to all this, he acquired
the ri^ht of nominating his successor. The autocracy
was indeed complete.
In spiritual matters Caesar made little alteration, except
to attach the supreme pontificate and the augurship to the
person of the monarch. Such support as religion could
give to the state was now transferred to the monarchy, but
it can scarcely have been worth having.
With regard to the administration of the law, Caesar
revived the ancient regal right of bringing both capital
cases and private suits before himself for sole and final
decision. He often sat, like the ancient kings, in the Forum
to try burgesses in cases of high treason
client princes
accused of the same offence were tried in Caesar's house :
so that the only privilege of burgesses in this respect was
that of publicity. But for all ordinary cases the former
republican procedure was retained. Criminal causes went
before the several jury-commissions appointed to deal
with them : civil cases came either before the centum-
viri, as the court of inheritance was called, or were re-
ferred to single judices. The general superintendence of
judicial proceedings was conducted in the capital chiefly
by the praetor : in the provinces by the governors.
Political crimes were still referred to a special commis-
the law on this subject was laid down with great
precision, and excluded all prosecution of opinions, while
it fixed as the penalty, not death, but exile. The question
of the selection of jurymen was left, as before, according
to the law of Cotta
357) except that the tribuni aerarii
were set aside, and the rating of jurymen fixed at 400,000
The old republican jurisdiction and that of the king
were on the whole co-ordinate, and any case once decided
upon before either bar was regarded as closed. But by
his tribunician power the king might interfere with any
sentence (unless where the law specially forebade the veto
of the tribunes) so as to cancel it, and might then, by
virtue of his judicial supremacy, order the case to be tided
anew before himself. This was the germ of the system of
appeal to a higher court, a thing unknown to earlier
But these innovationswhich cannot with certainty be
pronounced improvements in themselvescould not cure
the evils from which the Roman administration of justice
was suffering. In the first place, criminal procedure
could never be sound in a slave state. For the duty of
proceeding against a slave must be left, de facto
at any
rate, to the master, who will punish crime in a slave only
so far as it impairs his value : slave criminals at Rome
were sold to the fighting booth, just as an ox given to
goring was sent to the butchers
but punishment for crime
as crime could scarcely exist for slaves. Again, during
the long course of political disturbance criminal prosecu-
tions, even against freemen, had become mere faction fights,
to be fought out by means of favour, money, and violence.
All classes bear the blame of this demoralization, but the
class of advocates must take the lion's share. Among
This cannot be proved to have existed anterior to Augustus.
all the numerous pleadings in criminal causes which have
come down to us from this epoch, scarcely one makes a
serious attempt to fix the crime and to put the proof or
counterproof into proper shape.* Civil procedure suffered
in the same way, though, from the nature of the case, of
course in a minor degree. Caesar retained and even made
more severe the curb imposed on forensic eloquence by
and, under his rule, of course open
corruption and intimidation of the courts came to an end.
But he could not pluck up the roots of the evil, or repro-
duce in the minds of the people the sacred sense of right
and reverence for law which alone can insure the purity
of judicial administration.
Nowhere was the general decay of the state more con-
spicuously exemplified than in the condition of the military
system. This was now in much the same condition as that
of the Carthaginians in the time of Hannibal. The govern-
ing classes furnished the officers: the subjects, plebeians
and provincials, the rank and tile. The general was left
practically to himself, and to the resources of his province.
All civic or national spirit had deserted the army
de corps alone held it together; it had ceased to be the
instrument of the commonwealth, and had become that
of the general who commanded it. Under the ordinary
wretched commanders it became a rabble; but in the hands
of a capable leader it attained a perfection of which the
burgess army was incapable. The higher ranks in the
state became more and more averse to arms
so that
the military tribuneship, once so keenly competed for,
was open to any man of equestrian rank who chose to
serve. The staff of officers usually gave the signal for
mutiny and desertion. Caesar himself has described the
scene at his own head-quarters when orders were given to
advance aorninst Ariovistusthe cursing and weeping,
the making of wills, the requests for furlough. The levy
was held with great unfairness
and soldiers once levied
were kept thirty years under the standards. The burgess
* "
Plura enim multo," says Cicero, De Orat. (ii. 42.
with reference to criminal trials,
homines judicant odio aut amore
aut cupiditate, aut iracundia aut dolore, aut laetitia, aut spe, aut
timore, aut errore, aut aliqua permotione mentis, quam veritate, aut
praescripto, aut juris norma aliqua, aut judicii formula aut legibus."
cavalry had degenerated into an ornamental guard ; the
infantry was a troop of mercenaries collected
from the lowest dregs of the populace. The subjects
furnished the whole of the cavalry and light-armed troops,
and began to be employed extensively in the infantry.
The post of centurion went by favour, or was even sold to
the highest bidder : the payment of the soldiers was most
defective and irregular. Of the decay of the navy enough
has been said before ; here too, as elsewhere, everything
that could be ruined had been reduced to ruin under the
oligarchic government.
Caesar's military reorganization was limited substantially
to the tightening and strengthening of the reins of disci-
pline. The system itself he did not attempt

he did not wishto reform. He did indeed enact that, in
order to hold a municipal magistracy or sit on a municipal
council before the thirtieth year, a man must serve, either
three years as an officer, or six years in the ranks ; and
thus attempted to attract the better classes into the army.
But he dared not associate the holding of an honorary
office unconditionally with the fulfilment of the time of
service. The levy was better arranged, and the time of
service shortened ; for the rest, the infantry continued to
be raised chiefly from the lower orders of burgesses, the
cavalry and light infantry from the other subjects. Two
innovations must be placed to Caesar's account : one
the use of mercenaries in the cavalry, to which he was
driven by the untrustworthiness of the subject cavalry
the other the appointment of adjutants of the legion
with praetorian powers (legati legionis pro praetore).
Hitherto the legion had been led by its military tribunes,
who were appointed partly by the burgesses, partly by
the general, and who, as a rule, commanded the legion
in succession. But henceforward colonels or adjutants of
the whole legion were nominated by the imperator in
Rome, and were meant chiefly as a counterpoise to the
governor's authority. The most important change in
the military system was, of course, the new supreme
for the first time the armies of the state
were under the real and energetic control of the supreme
government. In all probability the governor would
still retain the supreme military authority in his own
province, but subject to the authority of the imperator,
who might take it from him at any moment and assume
it for himself or his delegates. There was no longer any
fear, either that the armies might become utterly dis-
organized, or that they might forget that they belonged to
the commonwealth in their devotion to their leaders.
Perhaps it was the sole illusion which Caesar allowed
himself to cherish, that the monarchy he had founded could
be otherwise than military. That a standing army was
necessary he saw of course, but only because the nature of
the empire required permanent frontier garrisons
and to
the regulation of the frontier his military plans were
substantially limited. He had already taken measures
for the tranquillization of Spain, and ha'd provided for the
defence of the Gallic and the African boundaries ; he had
similar plans for the countries bordering on the Euphrates
and the Danube. Above all, he was determined to avenge
the day of Carrhae, and to set bounds to the power of Boere-
bistas, king of the Getae
421), who was extending his
dominions on both sides of the Danube. Fabulous schemes
of world-wide" conquest are ascribed to Caesar, but on no
respectable authority, and his conduct in Gaul and Britain
gives little countenance to such traditions. At any rate
it is certain that he did not intend to rest his monarchy
primarily on the army, or to set the military power above
the civil. The magnificent Gallic legions were dissolved
as incompatible with a civic commonwealth
only their
glorious names were perpetuated by newly founded
colonies. The soldiers who obtained allotments were not
settled together to form military colonies, but scattered
throughout Italy, except where, as in Campania, aggrega-
tion could not be avoided. Caesar attempted in every way
to keep the soldiers within the sphere of civil life : by
allowing them to serve their term, not continuously, but
by instalments ; by shortening the term of service ; by
settling the emeriti as agricultural colonists ; by keeping
the army aloof from Italy, on the distant frontiers. No
corps of guardsthe true criterion of a military state
ever formed by him
even as general he dropped the body-
guard which had long been usual ; and, though constantly
beset by assassins in the capital, he contented himself
with the usual escort of lictors. But this noble ideal, of a
kingship based only on the confidence of the people,
could but be an illusion ; amidst the deep disorganization
of the nation it was impossible for the eighth king of
Rome to reign merely by virtue of law and justice. Just
as little could the army which had placed him on the
throne be really absorbed agaiu into the state. The Cam-
panian mutiny and the battle-field of Thapsus showed how
the legionaries had learned their lesson. Thousands of
swords still flew at Caesar's signal from their scabbards,
but they no longer returned to their scabbards at his
signal. Caesar's creation could not but be a military
monarchy ; he had overthrown the regime of the aristo-
crats and bankers, only to put a military regime in its
place. Nevertheless, it was important that at the outset
Caesar laboured, however uselessly, to avoid military rule
and it is owing to his exertions that for centuries the
emperors of Rome used the army in the main, not against
the citizen, but against the foe.
The financial embarrassment in which the state found
itself during recent years was not caused by deficiency of
revenue, which had lately been increased by 850,000 since
the formation of the provincas of Bithynia-Pontus, and
Syria. The taxation of foreign luxuries, too, yielded a con-
stantly increasing revenue ; and immense sums had been
brought into the state chest by Lucullus, Metellus, Pom-
peius, Cato, and others. But expenditure had likewise in-
creased, and the whole department had been mismanaged.
The corn distribution had gradually come to absorb one-
fifth of the revenue
the military budget had risen with the
addition of Cilicia, Syria, and Gaul to the list of provinces.
Again, special warlike preparations had swallowed up
enormous sums. Still, boundless as were the resources of
the empire, the exchequer might have met all these claims
upon it but for mismanagement and corruption.
Apart from these last two causes there were two insti-
tutions, both introduced by Gaius Gracchus, which
like a gangrene into the Roman financial system,"the
corn distributions and the leasing system. The latter was
retained for the indirect taxes ; but the direct taxes were
in future either paid in kind, like the contributions of
corn and oil from Sardinia and Africa, or converted into
fixed money payments, the collection being entrusted to
the communities themselves. The corn distributions
could hardly be abolished ; but in their present form
they were an assertion of the principle that the ruling
community had a right to be supported by its subjects.
Caesar reduced the number of persons relieved from
320,000 to 150,000, which number was fixed as a maxi-
mum, and he excluded from the list all but the most
needy, thus converting the institution from a political
privilege into a provision for the poor.
A thorough revision of income and expenditure was
carried out. The ordinary items of revenue were fixed
anew. On many communities and districts total exemp-
tion from taxation was conferred, either directly or by
bestowal of the franchise. Many others had their tribute
lowered : that of Asia was reduced by one-third
in the
newly conquered districts of Illyria and in Gaul the
tribute was fixed at a low rate ; all Gaul paid but forty
million sesterces
(400,000). On the other hand,
some communities, as Little Leptis in Africa, had their
tribute raised , the recently abolished Italian harbour
388) were reimposed : and to these ordinary
sources of income were to be added great sums raised
from booty, temple treasures, forced loans and fines
imposed on subject communities or on individuals ; above
all, from the proceeds of the estates of the defeated party.
The fine of the African capitalists who sat in the senate
at Utica amounted to a hundred million sesterces
and the property of Pompeius sold for
700,000. These confiscations were necessary, because
the strength of the aristocrats lay in their colossal wealth
but the proceeds were scrupulously devoted to state
purposes, and the purchase money was always rigidly
exacted, even from Caesar's closest adherents, such as
Marcus Antonius.
The expenditure was largely diminished by the restric-
tion of the corn distributions
and these, together with
supply of oil for the baths, were now provided for by
contributions in kind from Sardinia and Africa, and thus
kept separate from the exchequer. But the military
expenditure was increased, both by the augmentation of
the standing army and by the raising of the pay from 480
to 900
annually. Both steps were
necessary: the first owing t> the w.mt of any efficient
defence of the frontiers ; the second because the former
pay of
per day had been fixed at a
time when money had an entirely different value, and
when the soldier entered the army, not for pay, but for
the irregular gains which he made at the expense of the
provincials. The new scale was fixed at 2+ sesterces
per day, the ordinary day's wages at the same
period being 3 sesterces (7hd.). Caesar's extraordinary
expenses during and after the civil wars were enormous.
The war had cost immense sums
every common soldier
in Caesar's army received twenty thousand sesterces
at its close ; every neutral burgess in the capital,
three hundred
Buildings undertaken in the capital
cost in all 160,000,000 sesterces
Yet, in
spite of these immense disbursements, in March, 44 B.C.,
there was in the public treasury a sum of seven hundred
million sesterces, in that of Caesar one hundred millions
(in all
8,000,000) tenfold the amount which the treasury
had held in the most flourishing times of the republic.
But the task of breaking up the old parties, and furnish-
ing the state with a suitable constitution, an efficient
army, and well-ordered finances, was not the most difficult
part of Caesar's work. It remained to regenerate the
Italian nation, to reorganize Rome, Italy, and the
As to Rome itself, nothing could be more deplorable
than the condition into which it had fallen. In it, as in
all capitals, were congregated the upper classes, who
regarded their homes in town as mere lodging places, the
foreign settlers, the fluctuating population of travellers
on business or pleasure, the mass of indolent, criminal,
bankrupt, and abandoned rabble. All real communal
life had ceased in Rome : it was a centre to which people
flocked from the whole extent of the empire for specu-
lation, debauchery, intrigue, or crime. All the evils in-
inseparable from great capitals were found intensified at
Rome, and there were others peculiar to itself. No city,
perhaps, was ever s completely without free industry of
any kind, which was rendered impossible by the importa-
tion of foreign commodities and by the extensive employ-
ment of slaves in domestic manufacture. Nowhere, again,
were such masses of slaves congregated ; nowhere were
the slaves of so many different nationalitiesSyrians,
Phrygians, half-Hellenes, Libyans, Moors, Getae, Iberians,
and, of late years, Celts and Germans in daily increasing
numbers. Still w
orse were the masses of freedmenoften
free only de facto
a mixture of beggars and of rich
parvenus, no longer slaves but not yet burgesses, econo-
mically and even legally dependent on their masters.
Retail trade and minor handicrafts were almost entirely
in their hands, and in riots and at elections their influence
was supreme. The oligarchical government had done
nothing to mend these evils. The law prohibiting persons
condemned for capital offences from living in the capital
was not enforced ; the police supervision over clubs and
associations was first neglected and then forbidden by
423). Popular festivals had been allowed to in-
crease so largely that the seven principal celebrations
alone occupied sixty-two days. The grain supply was
managed with the greatest remissness, and the fluctuations
in prices were fabulous and incalculable. Lastly, the free
distributions were a standing invitation to all destitute
and indolent burgesses to come and take up their abode
in the capital. Out of all this neglect sprang the system
of clubs and bands, the worship of Isis and other religious
extravagances. Dearth and famine were ordinary inci-
life was nowhere more insecure than at Rome.
The condition of the buildings and streets was equally
disgraceful , nothing was done to prevent the constant
overflows of the river, and the city was still content with
one bridge over the Tiber. The streets were narrow and
steep, the footpaths small and ill-paved Ordinary bouses
were wretchedly built, and of a giddy height, while the
palaces of the rich formed a striking contrast to the decay-
ing temples of the gods, with their images still carved for
the most part in wood.
If we try to conceive to ourselves
a London with the slave population of New Orleans, with
the police of Constantinople, with the
character of the modern Rome, and agitated by
after the fashion of the Paris of 1848, we shall acquire an
approximate idea of the republican glory, the departure
of which Cicero and his associates in their sulky letters
Caesar could not, of course, alter the essential character
of the city, nor would this have suited his plan. To be
the head of the Roman empire it must remain what it was,
the denationalized capital of many nations, situated at the
meeting-point of East and West; and for this reason Caesar
tolerated the new Egyptian worship, and even the strange
rites of the Jews, alongside of those of Father Jovis
while at his popular festivals he caused dramas to be
performed, not only in Latin and Greek, but in Phoenician,
Hebrew, Syrian, and Spanish. The primary evils could
not be eradicated
Caesar could not abolish slavery or
conjure into existence a free industry in the capital. But
by his extensive building operations he at any rate gave
to the willing an opportunity of honourable employment,
while the limitation of the distributions must have stopped
the influx of the destitute into Rome. The existing pro-
letariate was reduced by measures of police and by compre-
hensive transmarine colonization. Eighty thousand settlers
were sent abroad during the few years of Caesar's govern-
ment. The grain supply was placed upon a regular and
efficient basis, and entrusted to the two newly appointed
corn-aediles. The club system was checked by laws, and
came to an end of itself as the elections ceased to be of
practical importance. In future, with some few excep-
tions, the right of forming associations depended upon
the permission of the monarch and the senate. At the
same time, the laws regarding violence w
ere rendered more
severe, and the right of the convicted criminal to with-
draw himself from part of the penalty by self-banishment
was set aside. The repair of the streets and footpaths
was laid as a burden upon house proprietors, and the
whole regulation of the streets was entrusted to the four
aediles, who each superintended a distinct police district.
Building in the capital received a stimulus which put to
shame everything that had been accomplished in former
days. And the new buildings were not merely monuments
of splendour, but contributed largely to the public con-
venience. The crowded Forum was relieved by the
construction of a new comitium in the Campus Martins,
and of a new place of judicature, the Forum Julium. In
the same spirit, oil was supplied to the baths free of cost,
as a measure of sanitation. Other and more brilliant
projects, suck as the alteration of the whole lower course
of the Tiber, so as to provide more space for public
edifices, to drain the Pomptine marshes, and to provide
the capital with a safe sea-port, were cat short by the
death of Caesar.
But when all was done, Rome, just because it was
incapable of a real municipal life, was essentially inferior
to other municipalities of the period.
The republican
Rome was a den of robbers, but it was at the same time
the state : the Rome of the monarchy, although it began
to embellish itself with all the glories of the three conti-
nents, and to glitter in gold and marble, was yet nothing in
the state but a royal residence in connection with a poor-
house, or, in other words, a necessary evil."
The reorganization of the police of Rome was, of course,
a small task compared with the social reorganization of
Italy. The plague-spot in the condition of Italy was, as
it had long been, the disappearance of the agricultural
and the unnatural increase of the mercantile population.
In spite of numerous attempts to foster the system of
small holdings, f.irm husbandry was scarcely anywhere
predominant in Italy. In the districts of Tibur and
Tusculum, on the shores of Tarracina and Baiae, where
the Italian farmer had once sowed and reaped, there was
now to be seen only the barren splendour of the villas of
the nobles, with all the appurtenances of gardens and
fish-ponds salt and fresh, nurseries of snails and slugs,
game preserves, and aviaries. The stock of a pigeon-
house was valued at 1000 , the fishes left behind by
Lucius Lucullus brought 400. Accordingly the supply
of such luxuries developed into a trade which, if intelli-
gently prosecuted, brought large profits. Gardening, the
production of vegetables, fruit, and flowers, especially
roses and violets, in Latium and Campania, and of
honey, were the most profitable. The management of
estates on the planter system gave results which, from
an economic point of view, far surpassed anything which
the old system of small cultivators could have given,
especially in central Italy, the district of the Fucine lake,
of the Liris and Volturnus. Even some branches of
industry, such as were suitable accompaniments
of a
slave estate, were taken up by intelligent landlords, and
i'ins, weaving factoiues, brickworks, were conducted on
the demesne. Pastoral husbandry, which was always
spreading, especially in the south and south-east, was
indeed in every respect a retrograde movement, but it
too participated in the general progress, and accomplished
much in the way of improvement of breeds
The dimensions which money-dealing assumed by the
side of this unnaturally prosperous estate husbandry, and
the extent to which capital flowed to Rome, is shown by
the singular fact that at Rome the ordinary rate of interest
was six per cent. ; that is, one-half the average rate else-
where in ancient times.
The result of this economic system, based upon masses
of capital, was the most fearful disproportion in the dis-
tribution of wealth. Nowhere is the phrase "a common-
wealth composed of millionaires and beggars
so applicable
as at Rome in the last stages of the republic
nowhere has
the essential maxim of the slave state, that the rich man who
lives by the exertion of his slaves is respectable, and the
poor man who lives by the labour of his hands is necessarily
vulgar, been so widely recognized. A real middle class
there can never be in any fully developed slave state
nearest approach to it in the Roman commonwealth was
composed of men who were either too cultivated or too
uncultivated to go beyond their own sphere of activity,
and to take any share in public life. Of the former class,
Cicero's friend, Titus Pomponius Atticus, is a typical
example. He acquired a large fortune by estate farming
and by extensive money transactions
; but he was never
seduced into soliciting office, or even into money transac-
tions with the state
his table was ample, but moderate,
and was maintained at a cost of one hundred sesterces
per day ; he was content with an easy existence,
which included all the charms of a country and a city life,
together with intercourse with the best society of Rome
and Greece, and all the enjoyments of literature and art.
Of the less cultivated rural gentleman (pater-familias
rusticanus) an example is furnished by Sextus Roscius,
who was murdered in 81 B.C. He manages his thirteen
estates in person, and comes seldom to the capital, where
his clownish manners contrast strongly with those of the
polished senator. In such men and in their country
towns the discipline, manners, and language of their
fathers were best preserved. Traces of such a class appear
wherever a national movement arises in politics, and from
it sprung Varro, Lucretius, Catullus, and all the freshest
literature of the time. An excellent picture of this simple
landlord life may be found in the graceful introduction to
the second book of Cicero's treatise
De Legibus."
But the vigorous class of landlords is completely out-
balanced by the two predominant classes in the state, the
mass of beggars, and the world of quality. The relative
proportions of poor and rich we have no means of accurately
knowing. But fifty years earlier the number of families
of established wealth did not amount to two thousand
and the disproportion had probably increased. The
growth of poverty is shown by tho crowding into the army,
and into the city for the corn-largesses ; that of wealth,
by the fact that an author of this generation describes
an estate of two million sesterces
of the Marian
period, as
riches, according to the circumstances of that
day," and by the enormous fortunes possessed by indi-
viduals. The estate of Pompeius amounted to 70,000,000
(700,000) ;
Crassus, who began with a fortune
of 7,000,000 (70,000),
died, after lavishing enormous
sums on the people, worth 170,000,000 (1,700,000.)
result was, on both sides, economic and moral dis-
organization. The Roman plebeian became a lazy mendi-
cant, fonder of gazing in the theatre than of working.
The gladiatorial games flourished as never before
had so fallen in value that freemen often sold themselves
for board and wages as gladiatorial slaves. In the world
of quality essentially the same features occur. As the
plebeian lounged on the pavement, the aristocrat lay in
bed till late in the day ; unbounded and tasteless luxury
everywhere prevailed
huge sums were lavished on politics
and on the theatre, to the corruption of both. In 54 B.C.,
the first voting division alone was paid 100,000, and all
intelligent interest in the drama vanished amidst the
insane extravagance of decoration. Rents in Rome were
four times as high as in the country
the house of Marcus
Lepidus, at the time of Sulla's death the finest in Rome,
was, a generation later, not the hundreth on the list of
Roman palaces. A palatial sepulchre was a necessity to
every noble who wished to die a^s became his rank
dogs, furniture, dress, plate, all cost outrageous sums.
But it was the luxury of the table, the coarsest luxury
of all, which flourished most bravely. There were dining-
rooms for winter and summer ; sometimes the meal was
served on a platform in the deer-park, and the guests were
entertained by a theatrical Orpheus, at whose notes trained
roes and wild boars gathered round. Italian delicacies had
become vulgar, and even at popular festivals three sorts of
foreign wine, Sicilian, Lesbian, and Chian were distributed.
Emetics were commonly taken to avoid the consequences
of a meal. Debauchery of every sort had become a pro-
fession, by which instructors in the theory and practice
of vice could gain a living. Of course no fortune could
bear the ravages of such expenditure. Tue canvass for
the consulship was the usual high-road to ruin. The
princely wealth of the period is far surpassed by the more
than princely liabilities. Caesar in 62 B.C. owed 250,000
more than his assets. Marcus Antonius owed at the age
of twenty-four, 60,000,
fourteen years later 400,000,
Curio owed 600,000
Milo 700,000. The borrowing of
the competitors for the consulship once suddenly raised the
rate of interest from four to eight per cent. Insolvency
was usually prolonged by the debtor as long as possible, and
when the final crash came the creditors perhaps gotas
in the case of Milofour per cent, of their lendings The
only man who profited by such a condition of things was,
of course, the cool banker. The debtors were either in
servile subjection to their creditors, or ready to get rid of
them by couspiracy and civil war. Hence the cry of
"clear sheets" (novae tabulae), the motto of Cinna and
Catilina, of Caelius and Dolabella.
Under such circumstances morality and family life had
become antiquated things
poverty was the only disgrace,
the only crime
the state, honour, freedom were alike sold
for money. Men had forgotten what honesty was, and a
man who refused a bribe was regarded as a personal foe.
The criminal calendars of all ages and countries could
scarcely furnish a tale of crime so horrible, so varied, and
so unnatural as the trial of Aulus Cluentius reveals in the
bosom of a respectable family in an Italian country town.
Nevertheless, the surface of life was overspread with a
veneer of polish and professions of universal friendship.
All the world exchanged visits. At houses of quality the
crowds of visitors were admitted in a fixed order, the more
notable one by one, the others in groups, or in a body at
the close. Invitations to dinner and the customary
domestic festivals became almost public ceremonials, and
even at his death the Roman was expected to provide each
of his countless friends with a keepsake. Instead of the
genuine intimacy of family ties there was a spectral shadow
friendship," not the least of the evil spirits which
brooded over the horrors of the age.
Another equally characteristic feature was the emanci-
pation of womennot merely the economic emancipation
from father or husbandwhich had long ago been
accomplished, but a freedom which allowed them to
interfere in every department of life. The ballet dancers
(mimae) and all their tribe pollute even the pages of
history ; liaisons in even the best circles were so common
that only a very extraordinary scandal could excite com-
ment. The intrusion of Publius Clodius at the women's
festival of the Bona Dea, a scandal hitherto unparalleled,
passed almost without investigation. The carnival time
for license of this sort was the watering-place season (in
April), at Baiae and Puteoli ; but the women were not
content with their own domain. They invaded the realm
of politics, attended political conferences, and took their
part in all the coterie intrigues of the time. The lightness
with which divorce was regarded may be inferred from the
conduct of the stern moralist Cato, who did not hesitate to
divorce his wife for a friend who wished to marry her, or
to marry her again after the death of his friend. Celibacy
and childlessness became increasingly common, especially
in the upper classes ; even with Cato and his circle the
same maxim was now current to which Polybins had traced
the decay of Hellas, that it is the duty of a citizen to
keep great wealth together, and therefore not to beget
too many children.
During all this period the population of Italy was grow-
ing steadily smaller. The amount of talent and working
power necessary for the government of the empire was no
longer forthcoming from the peninsula, especially as a
large part of its best material was continually being lost
for ever to the nation. The aristocracy lost the habit oi
looking on Italy as their home. Of the men enlisted for
service, large numbers perished in the numerous wars, and
many more were wholly estranged from their native
land by the long period of service. Speculation kept
many of the land-holders and merchants away from their
country, and their itinerant habits estranged them from
civic and family life. In return for these sound elements
Italy received a rabble of slaves and freedmen, handicrafts-
men and tradesmen from Asia Minor, Syria, and Egypt,
who moreover flourished chiefly in the seaports and in
the capital ; in many parts of Italy there was not even
this compensation, and the population visibly declined.
The pastoral districts, such as Apulia and the region round
Rome, became every year more desolate : many towns, such
as Labici and Gabii, could hardly find representatives for
the Latin festival ; Tusculum consisted almost solely of
families of rank who lived at Rome but retained their
Tusculan franchise. In some portions of Italy, especially
Campania, things were not so bad ; but in general, as
Varro complains,
the once populous cities of Italy stood
It is a terrible picture, but not one peculiar to Italy
wherever the government in a slave-state has fully de-
veloped itself, it has desolated God's fair world in th3
same way. . . . As in the Hellas of Polybius, and the
Carthage of Hannibal's time, . . . the all-powerful rule of
capital ruined the middle class, raised trade and estate-
farming to the highest prosperity, and ultimately led to
a . . . moral and political corruption of the nation. . . .
Not until the dragon-seed of North America ripens, will
the world have again similar fruits to reap."*
The evils of Italy were in their deepest essence irremedi-
the wisest government cannot give freshness to the
corrupt juices of the organism, or do more in such a case
than remove obstructions in the way of the remedial power
of nature. The worst excrescences vanished under the
new rule, such as the pampering of the proletariate, the
impunity of crimes, the purchasing of offices. But Caesar
was not one of those overwise men who refuse to embank
the sea because no dyke will keep out a sudden influx of
Written in 1857. See note
the tide. Though no one knew better than himself the
limits of his power, he applied all his energies to bring
back tbe nation to home and family life, and to reform the
national economy by law and decree.
In order to check the absence of Italians from Italy the
term of military service was shortened, and men of senatorial
rank were prohibited from living out of Italy except on pub-
lic business. Other Italians, of marriageable age, were for-
bidden to be absent for more than three consecutive years.
In his first consulship Caesar had especially favoured
fathers who had several children, in founding his colony
of Capua. As imperator he offered rewards to fathers of
numerous families, and treated divorce and adultery with
great rigour. In order to repress some of the worst forms
of luxury, extravagance in sepulchral monuments was cut
down by law, the use of purple robes and of pearls was
restricted, and a maximum was fixed for the expenditure
of the table. Even the semblance of propriety enforced by
these police measures was, under the circumstances, not
to be despised. The laws designed to meet the existing
monetary crisis, and for the better regulation of monetary
dealings in future, were more serious and promised better
results. The law which was produced by the outcry
against locked-up capital, and which provided that no one
should have on hand more than sixty thousand sesterces
in gold and silver, was probably only meant to
allay the public indignation, and can hardly have been
enforced. The treatment of pending claims was a more
serious matter. Two important concessions were made to
debtors in 49 B.C. First, the interest in arrear was struck
off, and that already paid was deducted from the capital.
Secondly, the creditor had to accept as payment the pro-
perty of the debtor at its estimated value before the general
depreciation caused by the civil war
which of course was
only fair, inasmuch as it compelled the creditor to bear his
share of the general fall in values. But the first provision,
which in practice compelled the creditor to lose, besides
the interest, an average of twenty- five per cent, of his
capital, amounted to a partial concession to the cry for a
total cancelling of debts. But the democratic party had
always taken their stand upon the illegality of all interest
interest was, in fact, forbidden by the lex Genucia, which
was extorted by the plebeians in 342 B.C., and which was
still formally valid ; in the confusion of the Marian period
it had even been enforced for a time. And though Caesar
can hardly have shared the crude views of his party,
he could not entirely repudiate its traditional maxims
especially as he had to decide this question, not as the
conqueror of Pharsalus, but even before his departure
for Epirus.
Besides assisting the debtor of the moment, Caesar did
what he could permanently to repress the fearful omni-
potence of capital. According to Roman law the insolvent
debtor became the slave of his creditor ; and though
modified in secondary points, the principle had remained
unaltered for five hundred years. It was Caesar who first
gave to an insolvent the right of saving his personal freedom
though with diminished political rights ; of ceding his
property to his creditors, and beginning a new financial
existence. Claims arising from the earlier period could be
enforced against him only if he could meet them without
renewed financial ruin. At the same time, Caesar did not
disown the antipathy of his party to usury. In Italy, for
the future, no single capitalist was allowed to lend sums
amounting to more than a fixed proportion (perhaps one
half) of the value of his landed estate. In consequence of
this law every money-lender was compelled to be also a
landowner, and the class of capitalists subsisting wholly
on their interest would disappear from Italy. It was also
forbidden to take a higher interest than one per cent, per
; or to take interest on arrears of interest, or to
claim interest to a greater amount than the capital

visions which were probably first introduced by Lucius
Lucullus in Asia Minor, and which were extended to all
the provinces by decree of the senate in the year 50 B.C.
For the improvement of agriculture the first necessity
was the improvement of the adminstration of law and
justice. Hitherto neither movable nor immovable
property had been secure. The leaders of armed bands,
when their services were not required in the capital, had
applied themselves to rounding off the country estates of
their masters by violently expelling the rightful owners.
Such proceedings were now at an end. A high road was
made from Borne through the passes of the Apennines to
the Adriatic, and the level of the Fucine lake was lowered
for the benefit of the Marsian farmers. In order to check
brigandage and encourage free labour, Italian graziers were
required to take at least a third of their herdsmen from
free-born adults. In the encouragement of small holdings
Caesar showed himself scrupulously observant
of every
legitimate title, whether derived from Gracchus or Sulla;
but the commission of twenty was revived to revise
all Italian titles ; and the whole of the actual domain
land of Italy which was suitable for
agriculture was
destined for distribution. In the selection of farmers the
veterans were first considered ; and thus Caesar restored
to his country as a farmer the proletarian whom he had
levied as a recruit. Desolate Latin communities, such as
Veii and Capena, were provided with new colonists. The
new owners were forbidden to alienate their lands for
twenty years.
The newly organized municipal system, which had been
developed out of the crisis of the social war
(p. 309),
regulated by Caesar in two ordinances of 49 B.C. and 45 B.C.,
the former of which applied to Cisalpine Gaul only, while
the latter remained the fundamental law for all succeeding
time. It proceeded on the line of purifying the urban
corporations from all immoral elements, and of restricting
centralization to the utmost. The communities were still
allowed to elect their own magistrates, and to exercise a
limited civil and criminal jurisdiction.
Such were Caesar's regulations for the reform of the
social economy of Italy. It would be easy to show that
they were insufficient, and that they acted in some
respects injuriously,still easier to show that the evils
of Italian economy were incurable. But Caesar did not
hope or expect from them the regeneration of Italy. This
he attempted to attain in a very different way, for the
understanding of which it is necessary to review the con-
dition of the provinces as Caesar found them.
The provinces in existence at this time were fourteen
in number : seven European

Further Spain, Hither

Spain, Transalpine Gaul, Italian Gaul with Ulyricum,
Macedonia with Greece, Sicily, Sardinia with Corsica;
five AsiaticAsia, Bithynia with Pontus, Cilicia with
Cyprus, Syria, Crete ; two African
Cyrene, Africa. To
these Ceesar added three moreLugdunese Gaul, Belgica,
and Illyria, which was now erected into a separate pro-
Under the oligarchy the provinces were reduced to a
condition of hopeless misery which it seems impossible
for any government ever to surpass. It is true that, before
the Romans had their day, the rule of Greeks, Phoenicians,
or Asiatics had almost everywhere driven from the nations
all sense of right and liberty. The Roman provincial,
when accused, was obliged to appear personally at Rome
the Roman governor interfered at pleasure in every detail
of administration ; the Roman administrators and their
train were bound by no rule of morality and justice, and
outrages, rapes, murders with or without the form of law,
were of daily occurrence. But these things had gone on
from time immemorial under Carthaginian overseers and
Syrian satraps, and the well-being of the provincials was
far less disturbed by them than by the financial exactions,
in which the Romans outran all former tyrants. The
ordinary taxes were rendered doubly oppressive by the
mode of levying them. As to the quartering of troops,
Roman statesmen themselves confessed that a town suffered
nearly as much from it as when stormed by an enemy.
The taxation was properly an indemnification for the burden
of military defence undertaken by Rome, and the com-
munities taxed had a ri^ht to be exempt at any rate from
the ordinary service. But garrison duty was still for the
most part imposed upon the provincials, as well as the
whole burden of cavalry service ; and the extraordinary
contributions for the supply of grain to the capital, the
costly naval armaments and coast defences against the
pirates, the military requisitions in time of war, were
frequent and oppressive in the extreme. In Sicily the
number of farms decreased fifty-nine per cent, during
three years of the administration of Gaius Verres , and
the ruined cultivators were not small farmers, but con-
siderable planters and Roman burgesses ! In the client
states the burdens were, if possible, heavier. In addition
to the Roman exactions came those of the native courts
farmer and king were alike bankrupt. And to these,
to some extent regular exactions, are to be added the
plunderings of the governor and of all his friends each
of whom expected to retirrn to Rome a made man. The
advocates and jurymen at home expected to share the
spoil; so that the more the governor stole, the greater
his security. And these were the successors of the men
who had brought nothing home from the provinces but
the thanks of the subjects and the approval of their
Nor is this all. The tyranny of the Italian men of
business was even worse than that of the governors.
Much of the landed property and most of the commerce
and finance of the provinces were in their hands. Usury
flourished as never before. The small landowners managed
their estates as the debtor-slaves of their creditors. Com-
munities had sometimes to pay four per cent, per month
for loans. Frequently a man of business got the title of
envoy (libera legatio) conferred on him, and sometimes
had men put at his disposal for the more effective pro-
secution of his affairs. On one occasio.
i banker, who had
a claim on the town of Salamis in Cyprus, kept its council
blockaded in the town-house until five members died of
hunger. And still to all these miseries and oppressions
there remain to be added general calamities, for some of
which, such as war, brigandage, and piracy, the inefficiency
of the Roman government was responsible. The general
result, even in the comparatively prosperous provinces of
Spain and Narbonese Gaul, was total ruin. Towns like
Samos and Halicarnassus stood empty; even the patient
Asiatic was weary of life. The statesmen of Rome allowed
that the Roman name was unutterably hateful throughout
Greece and Asia; and when the men of Heraclea, in
Pontus, put to death the whole of the Roman tax-collectors,
the only matter for regret was that such things did not
occur oftener."
The wounds inflicted could only be healed by time
Caesar took care that there should be no new inflictions.
The new governors were the servants of a stern master,
and were practically appointed by him
functions were largely restricted by the new supreme
command in Rome and by the new adjutants associated
with them
494). The raising of the taxes, too, was
probably already committed to imperial officials, so that
the governor was now surrounded by an independent
staff, directly responsible to tbe imperator. The law
against exactions had been made more stringent by Caesar
in his first consulate, and was applied with inexorable
severity. At the same time, the extraordinary burdens
were limited to the necessary requirements, and the ordi-
nary burdens materially lessened. Exemptions from tribute
were liberally granted, the direct taxes lowered, the system
of decumae
316) confined to Africa and Sardinia, and
the system of middlemen in the collection was set aside.
That Caesar,- like Sertorius, tried to free the subjects from
the burden of quartering troops cannot be proved, but
it was in this spirit that the heirs of his policy created
military camps, and converted them into towns which
formed rallying-points in the barbarian frontier districts.
To deliver the provincials from the tyranny of Roman
capital was a far more difficult task. Its power could not
directly broken, and a radical cure could only be hoped
for from the gradual revival of prosperity. Isolated abuses,
such as the custom of libera legatio, were abolished, and
palpable acts of violence or flagrant wrong were sharply
punished ; but this was all. Caesar had, as governor of
Further Spain in 60 B.C., assigned to the creditors two-
thirds of the income of their debtors in order to pay
themselves ; and Lucius Lucullus had in Asia cancelled a
portion of the arrears of interest, and assigned to the cre-
ditors a fourth part of the produce of the lands of their
It is probable that similar liquidations were in-
stituted in the provinces generally after the civil wars.
As to the remaining evils of piracy and brigandage, these
might be expected to disappear through the fresh vigour
of the new regime. At any rate, with Caesar hope dawned
afresh, and the first intelligent and humane government
which had appeared for centuries began to rule.
might the subject*, in particular mourn along with the best
Romans by the bier of the great liberator."
We have now surveyed in outline the principal measures
by which Caesar attempted to reorganize existing institu-
tions, to get rid of abuses, and to reform the whole system
of government. But this was, on the whole, but the
negative part of his task. For the regeneration, it might
almost be said the re-creation, of the state he tried to lay
a firm foundation, upon which might be realized that con-
ception which had first been grasped by Gaius Gracchus,
and which was. afterwards taken up by Sertorius in
Spain. Like those great statesmen, Caesar looked for-
ward to the time when the provinces, as such, would
disappear, and when a new Helleno-Italic nation should
arise in a new and wider home, with a fresher, broader,
grander national life, which would of itself be the ex-
tinction of the sorrows and wrongs of the nation for
which there could be no redress in old Italy. The emi-
gration of Italians to the provinces had been going on for
centuries. Gaius Gracchus was the first to guide the
Italians systematically to settle beyond tlie bounds of Italy
by his colonization of Carthage and Narbo. Sertorius
had done his best to Latinize the Spaniards of rank, and
to introduce Italian culture into Spain, and by Caesar's time
there was a large Italian population ready to his hand in
nearly every province of the empire. On the other hand,
the interpenetration of the Latin and the Hellenic character
was as old almost as Rome. The Roman legionary was
followed everywhere by the Greek schoolmaster, and the
Latin higher culture was nothing but Hellenism pro-
claimed in the Latin tongue. Everywhere it was felt that
Rome was the protector and avenger of Hellenism. The
idea of a new Italo- Hellenic empire was not new, but
Caesar was the first to grasp it, and systematically to carry
it out. The first conditions for the realization of this idea
were the extension and preservation of the two nations
which were destined jointly to rule, and the absorption of
the barbarian races. There was, indeed, a third nationality
the Hebrewswhich might almost have claimed a place
by the side of the other two. The Jews were numerous and
powerful in the city of Rome, and influential everywhere
as traders ; but the Jewish nation is denied the gift of
political aptitude. The Jew stands in a relation of in-
difference to the state, clothes himself readi.y with any
nationality, and is unfit to be a member of a governing
hierarchy. But for this very reason he seemed made for
the purposes of this new state, which was to be built upon
the ruins of a hundred different nationalities, and accord-
ingly Judaism was everywhere protected by Caesar as
an effective leaven of cosmopolitanism and of national
The Greek nationality was protected wherever it ex-
isted, notably at Massilia and Alexandria, but the Italian
none the less remained everywhere in the ascendant.
Hellenism was too dangerous by its intellectual supe-
riority, by its wide extension, and by the firm hold which
it had obtained in Italy, to make it desirable for the
government to extend it by direct action. The rule oi
the Greek lackeys had already begun with Theophanes, the
confidential servant of Pompeius, and his influence w
as at
once a sign of the times and a warning full of ill omen
for the future. But the Roman element was everywhere
promoted by the government, both by means of colonies
and by Latinizing the provincials, and, to further this
object, the principle that all the land in the provinces not
ceded by special act of the government to communities or
private persons was the property of the state, was retained
by Caesar, and raised from a democratic party-theory
to a fundamental maxim of law Cisalpine Gaul now
(in 49 B.C.) of course received de jure the full citizenship
which it had already enjoyed de facto for forty years, and
remained for centuries the head-quarters of Italian man-
ners and culture. Transalpine Gaul henceforth occupied
the place of the old sister province, and became more and
more an Italian land. Four new colonies were founded
in it, at Baeterrae (Beziers), Arelate (Aries), Arausio
(Orange), and Forum Julii (Frejus), with which were
connected the names of the most famous of the Gallic
legions. Other communities, such as Nemausus (Mmes),
received Latin rights. In other non-Greek and non-
Latin regions centres of Italian civilization were estab-
lished : in northern Gaul, Noviodunum (Nyon) arose on
the Leman Lake ; in Spain, Emporiae was founded ; and
the ancient city of Gades was admitted to full rights
B.C.). A few years later
B.C.) other communities were
similarly favoured, and others received Latin rights. In
Africa, the project of Gaius Gracchus was renew
ed, and a
Roman Carthage arose on the old site ; Utica had ap-
parently already received Latin rights, and Cirta was
constituted as a Roman military colony. In Greece, the
restoration of Corinth was energetically carried out, and
a plan formed for cutting through the Isthmus. In the
remote East, Heraclea and Sinope were reinforced by
bodies of Roman colonists
Berytus in Syria received an
Italian constitution, and even in Egypt a Roman station
was established on the island of Pharos.
Through these arrangements the Italian municipal
system was carried into the provinces in a manner far
more comprehensive than ever before. The fully enfran-
chised communities of the provinces were on an equality
with those of Italy in two respects ; namely, that they ad-
ministered their own affairs and exercised a limited legal
jurisdiction, while the more important processes of law
came before the Roman authority, usually the governor of
the province. The autonomous Latin communities had
probably unlimited jurisdiction, as well as administrative
freedom, though the governor could of course interfere in
virtue of his general power of control. There was now for
the first time a whole province, that of Cisalpine Gaul, con-
sisting entirely of Roman burgesses
and this fact marked
the disappearence of the first great difference between
Rome and the provinces. The second began soon to dis-
appear, at any rate in practice It is true that the legal
distinction between Italy as the sphere of civil law and of
the consuls and praetors, and the provinces as the sphere
of martial law and of the proconsuls and propraetors, re-
but the procedure of martial and of civil law had
for long been practically the same : what had been the
true and vital point of distinction vanished when legions
ceased to be stationed ordinarily in the provinces, and
were kept only where there was a frontier to be guarded.
The rule of the urban community of Rome over the
shores of the Mediterranean was at an end
in its stead
came the new Mediterranean state :
and the restoration
of Carthage and Corinth showed clearly that the old
regime of political tyranny which had destroyed those two
famous centres of commerce was over, and that a new era
of national and political equality had begun.
The new united empire was, of course, rather an in-
animate product of art than a vigorous growth of nature
it needed unity of institutions as well as unity of govern-
unity in constitution and administration, in re-
ligion and jurisprudence, in money, weights, and measures
In all these departments Caesar did little but lay the
foundations ; only here and there the lines which he drew
can still be traced.
As to administration, the three most important elements
of unity have already been noticed : the transition of the
sovereignty from the municipal council of Rome to the
sole master of the Mediterranean monarchy
the con-
version of that council into a supreme imperial council
representing Italy and the provinces ; above all, the
transference, which was now begun, of the Roman and
Italian municipal organization to the provinces. One other
important work in this department was undertaken by
Caesaran improved census of Italy, which was to be
taken in future, not at Rome, but simultaneously in each
Italian community ; and a survey of the whole empire,
which was ordei'ed, suggests that Caesar intended to make
arrangements for a similar census in the provinces. It
was of the first importance to the new empire that the
government should have at its disposal a comprehensive
view of the resources in men and taxation at its command.
In religion, men had for long been busied in forging
together the Italian and Hellenic worships, a task which
was rendered easier by the abstract formless character of
the Roman gods. At the same time, local faiths were
tolerated and protected.
In the field of law, the criminal department, in which
the government must always interfere directly to a large
extent, was easily made uniform by judicial enactment
throughout the empire. In civil law, commercial inter-
course had long ago developed naturally the code which
the united empire required. Roman urban law was still
based formally upon the Twelve Tables. But commercial
intercourse between Romans and non-Romans had long
ago developed an international private law (jus gen-
tium), a body of maxims relating chiefly to commercial
matters, according to which Roman judges gave judg-
ment when from the nature of the case they were com-
pelled to revert to the common notions of right under-
lying all commercial dealings. This body of law arose
originally out of proceedings between Romans and non-
but, in practice, dealings between Romans and
Romans, particularly commercial matters, had come to be
judged by the standard of what was substantially a com-
promise between this new law and the old Twelve Tables.
Secondly, this new law was to a certain extent in use
throughout the whole extent of the empire as subsidiary
law; the various local statutes were retained for transac-
tions between members of the same legal district, while
those between members of different districts were regulated
according to the principles of the new law as expressed in
the praetor's edict. Caesar's design for a new code was
never carried out; but it is easy to guess what must have
been his intentions. It was most necessary, first, that the
new urban law should be extended as subsidiary law to
the provinces where it had properly no application; and,
secondly, that the old law of the Twelve Tables with its
accretions, which still formally outweighed the later code,
should be set aside in favour of this newer and spon-
taneous growth.
In respect of money, measures and weights, and kin-
dred matters the Roman standard was alone used in all
official intercourse ; and the non-Roman systems were
restricted to local currency, and placed in a fixed ratio to
the Roman. Under the republic the coinage had been
exclusively silver, gold being given and taken by weight.
But from Caesar's time gold obtained the first place ; the
new Caesarian gold piece (worth about 20s. 7d.) was
coined to an enormous extent. In a single treasure,
buried only a few years after his death, eighty thousand
of them were found. The mint of Massilia was closed,
but the coining of small silver and copper money was
permitted to many western communities. Later the ar-
rangement found in existence is this ; that the denarius
has everywhere legal currency, while local coins are in
circulation at a tariff unfavourable to them as compared
with the denarius.
The calendar, like every other institution, had become
hopelessly confused under the oligarchical government,
and had come to anticipate the solar time by sixty-seven
days, so that, e.g., the festival of Flora was celebrated on
July 11th, instead of on April 28th. This evil was finally
removed by Caesar, and the Italian farmer's year was
introduced, tog-ether with a rational system of intercalation,
into religious and official use. At the same time, the
beginning of the year was altered from the 1st of March
to the 1st of January, the date which had already been
long predominant in civil life owing to the fact that the
supreme magistrates entered upon office on that day.
The new Julian calendar, which is still in the main the
standard of the civilized world, came into use on January
45 B.C.
Such was the manner in which Caesar attempted to lay
the foundations for the regeneration of the Roman state.
There was doubtless much corruption in this regenera-
as the unity of Italy was accomplished over the ruins
of Samnite and Etruscan nations, so the Mediterranean
monarchy built itself on the ruins of countless states and
tribes once living and vigorous
but it was a corruption
out of which sprang a rich growth, part of which remains
green to the present day." Caesar ruled as king of Rome
for about five years and a half; the intervals of seven
great campaigns, which altogether gave him but fifteen
months in the capital, were all the time allowed him to
regulate the destinies of the world. This very rapidity
proves that the plan had long been meditated and its
parts settled in detail. The ontlines were laid down, the
future alone could complete the structure ; and, indeed,
Caesar was heard himself to say, that he had lived long
[The references include the arrangements of Augustus, where these
interpret or carry out the plans of Caesar.]
General authorities.Suet. Jul. Pint. Caes. Cic, Watson, S. L., pts.
iv. and v., passim, espec. iv. 89-92, 103
v. 114. Philippics,
espec. i. ii. Liv. Ep. Ill, 113, 115, 116. Appian B. C. ii.
eeqq. Dio. xlii. seqq. Veil. ii. 56-58. Flor. vi. 25. Momms.
Monumentum Ancyranum.
Tribunicia potestas.Tac. Ann. ii.
56, 57. Hist. i. 42. Gaius
Constit. i.
Mon. Anc.
p. 71.
imperatorSuet. Jul. 76;
Dio. xliii. 44; lii. 41 ; liii. 7;
8. Momms. notes to Bk. v. c. 11. Princeps. Mon. Anc.
Tac. Ann. i.
1, 6,
9. Journal of Philology, vol. viii. 323. Momms.
B. St. ii.,
pt. 2.
of magistrates.Tac. Ann. i. 14; ii. 36.
Jus edicendi.

Gaius i. 5.
New nobility.Tac. Ann. xi. 25.
magistrates.Tac. Ann. i. 14 ; ii.
32 ; iii.
29 ; iv. 6. 8.
Lex Julia de provinciis and lex judiciaria.Cic. Phil. i. 8.
Allotments.Cie., Watson, S.L. iv. 89, 102, 103.
Rome.Lex Julia Munic. Bruns. pt. I. c. iii.
18; C. I.
L. i. 206.
Regulations for
crime and
social and economical evils.Lex de vi.
Cic. Phil. i. 9. Just. Dig. xlviii.
, 6, 7
; de Bonis ced. and de
Foeuore Caes. B. C. iii. 1. Suet. Jul. 42. Tac. Ann. vi. 16. Dio.
lviii. 21. Lex Jul. et P. et P. Bruns. i. c. iii. 23. Lex Sump-
tuaria Dio. xliii. 25, de Adult. Bruns. pt. I. c. iii. 21.
The provinces.Lex Rubria, Lex Julia Municipal's, Lex Ursonensis,
Lex Salpensana, Lex Malacitana, Bruns. pt. I. c. iii. 16, 18 ; c. iv.
1, 2, 3,
besides the literary authorities and Momms. Hist, of R.,
Bk. v. ii., notes, and Bk. viii.
The Provinces fiom Caesar to
passim. Cf., also, authorities for ch. xxvii.
ColoniesCic. de Off. ii.
27. Phil. xiii. 15, 31, 32. Caes. B. C. i.
35. Dio. xlii- 25. Flor. ii. 13. Oros. vi. 15.
The references are to the fifth edition of Bruns.]
Abgarns, 368, 436
Abydns, 183, 191
Acarnania and the Acarnanians, 183,
185, 186, 200
Acco, 413
Aoerrae, 158
Achaean colonies in Italy and Sicily,
league of cities, 37
decay, 37
league, 183, 186, 190; war
against it, 219
Aohaeans, 37, 38,
Aohaia, province of, 219
Achillas, 468
Acilius Glabrio M\,
M'. Glabrio (consul 67 B.C.), 346
Aorae, 136
Adcensi velati, 24
Adherbal, 245, 246
Adoption, 16
Adsidni, 50
Adnatnca, 401, 411
Aediles, plebis,
54, 55, 56
in the municipia, 87
ceriales, 500
Aegates Insulae, battle at the, 135
Aemilius Lepidus Marcus, 329, 330
(city prefect), 455
Aemilius Papus L., 140
Aemilius Paullus L., 153, 154
, 198
Aemilius Scaurus M., 246, 247, 252,
262, 264, 269
(adjutant of Pompeius), 368
Aequi, 26, 85,
Aerarii, 17,
Aerarium, 27, under the control of
the quaestors, 46
Aesernia colonized, 108, 269, 270,
Aethalia, 33, 38
Aetolians, side with Rome against
Philip, 161, 181, 184, 186; side
with Antiochus against Rome, 189,
190, 194, side with Rome against
Perseus, 197; treatment of, by
Rome, 20^
Afranins, 333, 422, 455, 477
Africa, before the Gracchan period,
215, 216, made a province, 219;
after Pharsalus, 467,
Agathocles, 78, 105
Agedincnm, 414
Ager publicus. See Domains.
Agnati, 13
Agriculture, known to Greeks and
Italians, 4
; basis of the Italian
economy, 11, 50; distress and
diminution of the farmers, 54, 65
relief of, 69
, destruction of, 167,
173, 210, 211;
Carthaginian sys-
tem, 117, 118, 122;
condition of
before and at the time of the
Gracchi, 224-227, 319, 501, 502,
Agrigentum founded,
39 ; taken by
Carthage, 106, 119, 127, 160;
besieged by the Romans, 129;
given up to them, 161
Agron, 138
Alae sociorum, 112
522 INDEX.
Alaesa, 138
Alalia, 34, 39, 116
Alba, 9,

, on the Fucine lake, colonized,

97, 198
Albanians in the Caucasus, 866
Aleria, 130
Alesia, 416, 417
Aletrium. 97
Alexander Jannaeus, 368
Alexander, pretended son of Perseus,
Alexander the Great, 102, 103, 221,
Alexander the Molossian, 93
Alexander II. of Egypt, 338, 353
Alexandria, 180, 181, 468-471
AUia, battle on the, 80
Allies, Italian, bound to furnish
naval or military contingents, 112
in the second Punic war, 168;
diminution of rights and increas-
ing oppression, 183, 205
to Rome in time of Gracchi, 238,
grievances and war with
Rome, 267, seqq., 289, 290, seqq.,
321, 501,
Allobroges, 146, 251, 380, 394, 402
Alphabet, 116
Alps, Graian,
passage by Hannibal
146, 147 and n., expeditions against
Alpine peoples, 251, 252, civiliza-
tion of, due to Etruscans, 82 ; new
roads over, 332, 409
Ambaoti, 398
Ambiorix, 411, 412
Amisus, 342, 370
Anagnia, 96, 105
Ancona, 77
Anioius, L., 199
Annius Milo T., 432, 483, 505
Antigonas, 102
Antigonus Doson, 144
Antiooh in Syria, 338
Antiochus Asiaticus, 343 ; restored
by Lucullus, 344 , ejected by
Pompeius, 368
Antiochus III. the Great, allies with
Philip against Egypt, 182, fonduct
during second Macedonian war.
183, 187
war with Rome. 188-
Antioohus IV. Epiphanes, of Syria,
200, 220
Antium, 34, 92, 109, 110
Antonins C, 355, 377, 380, 382
, lieutenant of Caesar, 459
Antonins M., expedition against the
pirates, 340, 348
, the Triumvir, 462, 484. 497,
Aons, the river, 184
Apennines, 1, 2, 8, 150, 175
Apollonia, 139, 161, 184, fouuded
37; allied with Rome, 109
Appeal (provocatio), 17, 44, 45, 55,
235, 267, 375, 391
Appellate jurisdiction of the Impe-
rator, 492
Appnleins Saturninus L, 260-262,
Apulia, 38, 95, 173
Aquae Sextiae, 251, 254, 255, 395
Aqueducts, 319
Aqnileia, founded 175
Aquillius M\, 245, 281, 282
Aquitani, 409
Aratus, 181, 183
Arausio, 253
Archelaus, 284-288
Archidamus, 93
Archimedes, 160
Ardea, 65, 86, 87
Area Capitolma, 27
Aretas, 368
Arevacae, 213, 214
Argos, 108, 18b
Ariarathes IV., king of Cappadocia,
189, 193
Ariarathes VI., assassinated, 280
Aricia, 86, 87 ; battle at, 77 ; becomes
a municipium, 92
Anminnm, colonized, 108; fleet-
station, 109
bulwark against the
Celts, 139, 140
Ariobarzanes, 280, 281, 472
Ariovistus, 402, 405, 406
Aristion, 283
Aiistobnlus, 368
Aristonicns, 220
Aristotle, 120
Armenia, 180, 193, 220
Lesser, 280
Army, earliest organization, 15, 16,
Servian arrangements, 23, 24, 25
service of aHies, 111, 112; begin
nings of a standing army, 178
decay, 198, 204, 205, 208, 214,
215, 217, 222, 274, 493; reor
ganized by Marius, 257-259
Caesar, 494, 497
Arno, the, 175
Arpi, resists Samnites, 90, 95
Hannibal, 155, 158
recovered by
Rome, 166
Arretium, invokes Roman aid, 82
makes peace with Rome,
conduct in the second Punic wa>,
Vrtaxata, 345
Arverni, 250, 251, 253, 395-398,
402, 413, 417
Arx, 9, 27
Asoulum, 269, 271, 272
Asia (Syria), extent, 179, 180 : posi
tion after the war with Antiochus,
192, 193 (cf. Antiochus)
Asia Minor, 180, 181, 220, 278,
farming of taxes abolished,
303 ; restored, 357, 358, 364
settlement by Pompeius, 369, 471,
497, 508
Asinius Pollio, 431
Atarbas, 133
Atella, 155
Athamanes, 184
AthenagoraB, 184
Athenians, commercial connection
with Etruscans, 35 ; expedition
against Syracuse, 77
during war
with Philip, 183, 184, 186
Athenion, 245
Atilius M., 131, 132
Atilius Regulus C, 140
Atropatene. See Media.
Attalidae, 195, 220
Attains, 180-182,189
Attains, brother of Kumenes, 199
Attins Varus P., 473
Anctoritas Senatus, 45
Augurs, 67, 304
Aurelius Cotta C, friend of Drusus,
268, 355
brother of L. Cotta, 357
Aurelius M., 340
Aurelius Scaurus M., 253
Aurunci, 88
Auruncnleins Cotta L., 411
Ausoulum, 105
Avaricum, 414
Bactrians, 180, 220
Baebius M., 190
Baecula, 164
Balearic Isles, 119, 124
Bankruptcy, 507
Belgae, 254, 399, 406, 411, 415, 418
Bellovaci, 407, 415, 418
Beneventum, 107, 108, 165
Betuitus, 251
Bibracte, 404
Bithynia, 180, 193, 194; a Roman
province, 339-341, 369
Boarding-bridges, 130
Bocchus. See Mauretania.
Boeotians, 183, 186, 197
Boii, Italian, 79, 101, 139, 174, 175
, in Germany, 251, 401-403, 405,
Boiorix, 253
Bomilcar, 247
Bononia, 79
Bosporan kingdom,
279, seqq., 364,
Bovianum, 89, 96
Boviilae, 87
Brennus, 80
Bridge building, 11
, Milvian, 318
, Sublician, 27
Brigandage, 168, 173
Britain, 396, 399, 408, 410
Brittany, 396, 408
Brixia, 79
Brundisium, 37, 108, 138, 183, 199,
293, 302, 453, 461, seqq,
Bruttians, 90, 91, 93, 94, 104, 108,
155,165, 166 168, 169, 172
Building in Rome, 318, 319, 425,
Bulla, 203
Burgess-body, its primitive con-
15, 16; duties and rights,
17; extension, 206; clients and city
rabble, 207
incipient corruption,
207, 231

cavalry. See Army.

Burgess colony. See Colony.
rights. See Civitas.
Byzantium, 181, 182
Cabira, 341, 346
Caecilius Macedonicus
Q., 214, 219,
228, 232, 247-249, 261, 262
Caecilius Metellus G., 133
Caecilius Metellus Nepos
Q., 386,
Caecilius Metellus Pius
273,290, 293, 295, 327, 331,seqq.,
349, 357, 364, 373
Caecilius Metellus Scipio Q. (consul
52 B.C.), 440, 464, 467, 472, 476,
Caecina A., 485
Caelius Rufus M., 483
Caenina, 10, 25
Calatia, 155
Calendar, 517
Cales, 92, 158; naval station, 109
Calpurnius Bibulus M., 389, 432,
Calpurnius Piso Cn. (the Catilina-
rian), 377, 378
Calpurnius Piso L., 217, 223
, father-in-law of Caesar, 390
Camars =Clusium, 88
Cameria, 25
Campanians in Sicily, 127. See
Canaan, 115
Cannae, 153-156
Cantonal constitution in Gaul, 397
Canusium, 153, 168
Capena, 80, 81
Capitolium, 9, 27
Cappadooia, 180, 189, 193, 220,
281, 338, 366, 369, 370, 472
Capua, taken from the Etruscans,
under Greek influence, 90, 91
seeks Roman aid, and revolts, 91
recovered, 92, 95, 98; receives
Caerite rights, 112 ; its nobles
receive privileges, 113; resists
Hannibal, 151
joins him, 155; he
winters there, 158 ; siege and
capture, 158-167
its ruin, 167,
172, 205
colonized, 235, 292, 294,
its lands resumed bv Sulla,
306, 378, 389
Caria, 193
Carinae, 11
Canutes, 412
Carrhae, 437, seqq.
Carsioli, 97
Carthage and Carthaginians in con
nexiuD with Etruscans and Greeks,
34, 39, 76, 77, 78 ; in Sicily, and
her early relations with Rome, 1U6-
at variance with Egypt, 114,
origin, position, empire, constitu-
tion, wealth, compared with Rome,
115-125; first Punic wary 127-
peace, 135, 136
war, 137
causes of second Punic
war, 141-144; war, 145-173,
Roman policy towards Carthage,
175-177; war with Massinis-a,
215-217; third Punic war, 217-
219; colony sent by C Gracchus,
235, 238, 239
restored, 515
Carthage, New or Spanish (Carta-
gena), 143, 162, 163
Carthaginian admiral.
leader of the patriot party,
Carthalo, lieutenant of Crassus, 439
Carthalo L., 224
Carthalo Longinus L., 253
Carthalo Longinus
Carthalo Sp., 58, 64, 65
Casilinum, 151, 158, 165
Cassivellaunus. 410
Castrum Novum, 108, 110
Catena, 36
Cato. See Porcius.
Cattle, 52
increase of stock-raising.
211, 224
Caudine Forks, 94, 95
Caulonia, 37
Caunus, 189
Ceietrum, 184
Celtiberians, 162, 178, 213, 214,263
Celts, character and migrations and
invasion of Italy, capture of Rome,
subsequent incursions, result of
migrations, 78-82 ; take part in
the Samnite war, 97-102; subdued
by Rome, 139 140, 174 175; join
Carthage in second Punic War,
147-149, 168, 169
different tribes
of. 250-252
INDEX. 51%
Celts, of Asia, 180, 199; war with, 193
, Transalpine, 139, advance iDto
Italy checked, 174-175
Cenomani, 79, 139, 140, 174
Censorship instituted, 63
tance, 64, 204
plebeians eligible,
under Sulla, 303, 306
by Pompeius, 357
reorganized by
Caesar, 516
Census, origin, 24 ; every fourth year,
extended to Sicily, 138
Centumviral court, 307, 308, 492
Centumviri, a Latin senate, 16
Cephallenia, 194
Cermalus, 11
Centrones, 147
Chaeronea, 284
Chalcedon, 182, 340
Chalcis, 179, 184, 185, 190, 191
Chersonese, Tauric, 27a
Chersonese, Thracian, 180, 193, 251
Chios, 181, 191,
285- 287
Cilicia, 180, 188
seat of piracy, 221,
244, 338, 340, 347-349, 363, 364,
369, 371
Cincinnatus. See Quinctius.
Cineas, 103, 104, 105
Circeii, 86, 87
Circus, 27
Cirta, 177, 246, 475, 478
Cius, 182
Cives sine suffragio, protected bur-
gesses, 24
burgesses without right.
of electing or being elected, 81
their position, 96, 97, 111, 112;
disappearance of this class, 205
Civic communitv as opposed to a
state, 308,
491, 499
Civitas (citizenship), originally coin-
cident with patriciate,
14 ; could
not be lost within the state or
Latin League, 26
sparingly con-
ferred in early timps, 22, 23
to the Alban clans,
28 ; later civitas
of the plebeians, 47
burgess rights,
formerly forced upon the holders,
now coveted and conferred as a
favour, 111 ; rarely conferred after
conquest of Italy, 268
; bestowed
on Italians, 272, 274, 276, 289, 292,
293, 302, 375, 444, 514
Civitates foederatae,
immunes, 316
Clans, form the community, 14
clan-villages, 8
gentes maiorei efc
21 ; in Gaul, 397
Classes, 23
Classici, 23
Clastidium, 148
Claudius Ap., 59, 60
, 198
, 228, 230, 232
Claudius C, 129
Claudius Caecus Ap., 70, 104
Claudius Caudex Ap., 129
Claudius Cento C, 184
Claudius Marcellus C. (consul 50
B.C.), 446, seqq.
Claudius Marcellus M., 156, 158, lflO
165, 167
, 214
(consul 51 B.C.), 442, 444, 447
Claudius Nero C, 163, 166, 168, 169
Claudius Pulcher Ap., 166
Claudius Pulcher P., 133
Clavus, 203
Cleonymus, 96
Cleopatra, daughter of Ptolemy
Auletes, 468
Clientship, 14, 22, 23, 24, 42, 57
Clodius P., 391, 423, 424, 428, 432
Cluentius A., 504
Clupea, 131, 132
Clusium, 88, 140
Cohorts. See Legion.
Collatia, 10, 25
Collegia (clubs), 326, 423, 499, 500
Colline Gate, battle at, 296
Collini, 12
Coloniae civium Romanorum, at first
on the sea-coast, 109, 110
Latinae, earliest 26 ; Romans
predominate, 85
Colonies, salutary effect, 69, 208;
stoppage of, 226 ; those of C.
233 ; of Drusus, 264
of Sulla, 276, 302, 326; of Lex
Servilia, 378. Cf. Capua.
, non-Italian,
235, 243: pro-
posals of Saturninus,
260 ; of
Caesar, 419, 429, 513, 514
Comana, high-priest of, 369
Comitia centuriata,
24, 44, 45
526 INDEX.
formed, 208, 209, 235;
by Sulla, 276, 304
Comitia, composition and powers, 70,
204; nullity, 206; condition in
time of Gracchi, 224, 231, 232; of
Sulla, 304 ; of Caesar, 489
in re-
lation to Lex Gabiuia, 359
ruption of, 326, 503
cunata, summoned by the king,
plebeians admitted, 44, 45
plebeian curiate assembly, 55, 57
tributa, 57 and n.,
; treat-
ment by Sulla, 303, 304
Comitium, 27
Commercial interests, effect on poli-
tics, 216, 219, 320, 321, 506
Commercium, denied to Italian com-
munities, 112
to Sicilian, 137
Comnm, 4i:9
Concilium, denied to Italian commu-
nities, 112
plebis, 57 n., 61 n.
Concord, temple of, 66
Confarreatio, 14
Confiscations, by Sulla, 301, 302
Caesar, 497
Consentia, 93
Consuls, origin and powers, 41-44
position in reference to senate,
restrictions and suspension, 55, 56,
59, 60, 63, 64
plebeians admitted,
exclusion of the poorer citi-
zens, 205; re-election of, 304;
regulation of powers by Sulla, 305
decay, 491
Conubium, between Romans and
26 ; forbidden to Italian
112 ; to provincial,
Cora, 85, 87
Corbio, 87
Corcyra, 37, 96, 138
Corduene, 337, 366, 369
Corfinium, 268, 270. 273, 453
Corinth, 37, 179, 185, 186, 219
stored, 514
Corioli, 87
Corn, distribution of, 235, 242, 261,
264; restricted, 269; renewed,
292 ; abolished, 303
329, 354, 384
; restricted by Caesar,
Cornelia, 228, 232, 240
Cornelii, Sulla's freedmen, 302
Cornelius Balbus L., 490
Cornelius Cethegus P., 327
Cornelius Cinna L., 277, 288, seqq
, son of the preceding, 329
Cornelius, Cossus A., 80
Cornelius Dolabella P., 101
, admiral of Caesar, 459, 484
Cornelius Lentulus Crus L., 447
Cornelius Lentulus Sura P., 380
Cornelius Merula L., 289, 291
Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus Afri-
canus P., takes Carthage,
Numant-ia, 215; chaiacter,
228, 230
death, 233
Cornelius Scipio Africanus P., saves
his father, 148 ; character and
Spanish campaigns, 163, 164
African expedition, 169-172; op-
posed to Antiochus, 192; separates
the orders in the theatre, 204, op-
ponent of Cato, 208 ; courts the
rabble, 210; death, 194, 195
Cornelius Scipio Asiaticus L., 192,
Cornelius Scipio Calvus Cn., 140,
154, 162
Cornelius Scipio L., 130
Cornelius Scipio L., 293, 294
Cornelius Scipio Nasica P., 216, 230
Cornelius Scipio P., 147, 148, 154,
Cornelius Sulla L., in Jugurthine war,
in Social war, 269, 272, 273
consul 88 B.C., appointed to Eastern
273 ; marches on Rome,
275; first legislation, 276, de-
parted for the East, 277
war with
Mithradates, 278-287; in civil
war, 292-298; dictatorship, 300;
proscriptions, 301 ; reconstitu-
tion of Roman state, 302-310 ; his
character and career, 310-313;
political results of his death, 329
Cornificius L., 472
Corona civica, 171
Coronea, 197, 198
Corsica, Etruscan, 34, 77
nian, 108
Roman, 130, 137, 138
war with, 175 ; Marian colony in,
Cortona, 96
Coruncanius Tib., 105
Cosa, 108
Cossyra, 119
Cotta. See Aurelius.
Cottian Alps,
146, 332
Cotys, 197
Cremona, 140, 175
Crete, seat of piracv, 221, 347-349,
364, 369
Criminal procedure under G. Grac-
chus, 235, 236 ; under Sulla, 307,
seqq., 375 ; under Caesar, 491, 492
Critolaus, 219
Croton, 37, 90 ; occupied by Rome,
101 ; by Hannibal, 170
Crustnmerium, 25, 54
Cumae, oldest Greek settlement,
checks Etruscan advance,
116 ; conquered by Sabellians, 90
obtains Caerite rights, 92
Cnria, 15, 16
Cnrius Dentatus M.', 69, 70
Cursor. See Papirius.
Curnle magistracies, 203, 204
Customs, Sicilian,
138 ; in the empire,
Cyclades, the, 180
Cynoscephalae, 185
Cyprus, 115, 180; annexed by Rome,
338, 371, 391,468,471
Cyrene, 114, 117, 180, 182
; a Roman
province, 339
Cyzicus, 181; besieged by Mithra-
dates, 340, 341 ; enlarged by Pom-
peius, 370
Dacian kingdom founded, 421
Dalmatia. See Illyricum
Damascus, 368
Dardani, 184
Dea Dia, 10
54, 65, 66, 68, 274 ; reduced
to one-t'ourth, 292; Cataline's pro-
jects, 377, 504. Cf. Coehus Rufus,
Cornelius Dolabella P.
Decemvirs, 58-60; decemviri sacris
faciundis, 66
Decius Mus. P., 98
Decurio, 16
Dediticii, name given to Bruttian
and Cisalpine Celtic communities,
172, 205; applies to allies after
Social war, 274
Deiotarus, 3-40, 369
Delium, peace negotiations at, 286
Delmium, 251
Delos, 200, 225, 284
Delphic oracle, 38
179, 190
Demetrius Poliorcetes, 102
Demetrius, son of Philip of Mace-
donia, 196
Diana, temple of, on the Aventme, 28
Dictator, 42^4; has to allow appeals,
plebeians eligible, 66
set aside,
152, 209; Sulla's dicta-
torship, 300 ; Caesar's, 486
Dionysius of Syracuse,
77, 90, 1 19
Divisores tribuum, 326
Dolabella. See Cornelius.
Domains, property of the state, 17
treatment of, in early times,
mismanagement of, 53 ; attempt
of Cassius,
58; increased distress,
65 : new regulation by the Licinio-
Sextian laws, 66-68 ; large assig-
nation of 208, 210; occupation of
Italian domains, 226, 229, 231, 232,
233; under Sulla, 302, 306; in
provinces, 315; Lex Servilia,
under Caesar, 509. See Capua.
Domitius Ahenobarbus C, 251

governor of Africa 81 B.C.,
Domitius Ahenobarbus L. (consul 54
B.C.), 430, 453, 455, 458
Domitius Calvinus Cn., 464
Doric colonies, 36, 37
Drepana, 131, 133
Druids, 398
Duilius, C, 130
Dumnorix, 411
Duoviri navales, 109 ; sacris faciun-
dis, 66
Dyrrhachium, 461-464. See Epi-
Eagle introduced as a standard, 258
Eburones, 411, 412
Ecnomus, 131
Edessa. See Osroene.
Edictum praetoris urbani,
374, 517
528 INDEX.
Egesta. See Segesta.
Egnatius Gellius, 97
character of the kiDgdom,
180 ; first contact with Italy,
114; supplies Rome, lt37 ; before
the time of the Gracchi, 215, 220
revenue, 318
bequeathed to Rome,
338, 371,
372 n., 376, 378, 426,
436, 468-471, 490
Elephants, use of, in battle, 103, 104,
Carthaginian, 132, 133,
145, 149, 171
mysteries, 139
Elymais, 192
Emigrants, Roman, in Spain, 330,
332, 334,
with Mithradates,
338, 367
with the pirates, 347
Emporiae, 143, 175
Ephesus, 190, 191
Epioydes, 160
Epidamnus, 37
Epirus and the Epirots, 35, 102,
103, 107, 138, 185
Equestrian centuries, 204
increase of, 208
order, 204 ; raised by C. Grac-
chus, 236, 237
restricted by Sulla,
303. See Jury Courts.
Ercte, 134
Eryx, 134
Etruria, boundaries of, 32
part conquered by Rome, 81
Etruscans, origin, etc., 30-35; early
relations with Romans and Phoeni-
cians, 38, 41 ; fall of power,
in the Samnite wars, 96, 97,
101, 104 , after the war with
Pyrrhus, 112
in the second Punic
war, 168
in Social war, 269-272
struggles against Sulla, 295,
insurrection of Lepidus, 330 ; cf.
Catilina, 379-380
Euboea, 179
Eumenes, 189, 190, 193, 194, 197,
Eurymedon, 191
Exports, Italian, 320
Fabii, 57
Fabius Hadrianus M., 342, 346
Fabius Maximus
Q., 151, 152, 156,
158, 165, 167, 171, 209
Fabius, Maximus Allobrogicus
Fabius, Rullianus
Q., 70, 72, 96, 98
Faesulae, 379, 380
Falerii, 32, 80, 81, 88
Family, among the Romans,
13, 14,
504, 507
Felsina=Bononia, 79
Ferentinum, 97
Feriae Latinae, 9
Ficulnea, 25
Fidenae, 10, 25, 26 ; Roman, 78, 79
Financial position during second
Punic war, 165, 167
; in seventh
century, 306, 315-319: under
Caesar, 490, 491, 496-498
Firmum, 108
Fish-ponds, 321, 501
Flamininus. See Quinctius.
Flaminius C, 140, 150, 151, 155,
209, 210
Flavius Fimbria C, 286,
Fleet. See Maritime affairs.
Formiae, 92
Forum Romanorum, 2
Fregellae, 92, 95, 105, 168; de-
stroyed, 234
Freedmen, confined to four tribes,
273 ; under Lex Sulpicia, 274
under Cinna, 289 ; under Sulla's
constitution, 324, 375
position at
Rome, 423, 499
Frentani, 89
Frusino, 97
Fulvius Flaccus M, 232, 233, 234,
239, 240, 250
Fulvius Flaccus
, 178
Fulvius Nobilior M
Fulvius Nobilior
Functions, defined, 71
Fundi, 92
Bibaculus M., 431
Furius Camilluj L., 81
Furius Camillus M., 66 , conquart
Veii, 80
Gabii, 10, 87
Gabinius A., 359-361, 371,372, 390
430, 431, 435, 436
Gades, 119, 164, 457, 514
Gala, 162
Galba. Sea Sulpicius.
Gallaeci, subdued by Caesar, 394
Gaul, south coast (Narbonensis),
251 ; in Sertonian war, 332,
334 ; Caesar's views concerning,
393, 394, 403, 418, 419, 428;
boundaries, 394 ; relations to
Rome, 394, 395, 402 ; to the
Germans and others, 401, 403
population, 395 ; urban life, 396,
agriculture, 395
396 ; mining, art, science, 397
political organization, 397-399
religion, 398, 399;
army, 399,
civilization, 400 ; wars with
Caesar, 403-418; taxation, 418,
497; Latinization, 419 ; colonies,
419, 514. Cf. Julius Caesar.
Gela, 36, 119
Gelo, 77
Gens. See Clan.
Genthius, 198, 199
Gentiles. See Agnati.
Genucius Cn., 57
Gergovia, 415
Germans, first appearance in Roman
history, 252 ; relations to Celts,
to Romans, 402, 405, 406
Geranium, 152, 153
Glabrio. See Acilius.
Gladiatorial war, 349-351
games, first in Etruria, 82
Capuan, 91 ; at Rome, 321, 503
Gold mines, 250, 315, 397
Gracchus. See Sempronius.
Graeco-Italian culture, religion, art,
Grain, sale at low prices, 207, 210.
See Agriculture.
Greece, relations with Macedonia,
179, 181, 183; declared free, 186;
patriot party, 196, 197
Greeks, iu Italy and Sicily, 35-39;
struggles with Etruscans, 77, 78
with the Sabellian races, 90, 91
adhere to Rome in the Hannibalian
war, 155
Grumentum, 168, 270
Hadrumetum, 118, 171
Haedui, 251, 395, 397, 402, 404,
405,411, 413, 415,418,419
Halicarnassus, 181, 189
Halicyae, 139
Halys, 193
Hamilcar Barca, war in Sicily, 130,
131, 134, 135 ; mercenary war,
political position and ex-
ploits in Spain, 141, 142, 147
Hamilcar, Carthaginian general, 130
Hannibal, character and capture of
Saguntum, 143-145 ; march from
Spain to Italy, 145-147, first
campaign, 147-149
second cam-
paign, 150-152; third campaign,
152-156; fourth campaign, 157,
158; his isolation, 159, 161;
gradual retreat, 165 ; fresh suc-
cesses and march on Rome, 166
retreats after death of Hasdrubal,
168, 169; returns to Africa, 170;
defeated at Zama, 171; reforms
the Carthaginian constitution, 176
goes into exile, 176; received by
Antiochus, whom he aids, 189-
191 ; death, 194
Hannibal, son of Gisgo, 129, 130
son of Hannibal, 129;
a Carthaginian general, 129
commands the Bruttian army,
Carthaginian general in
160; (5)
son of Bomilcar,
the Great, 141, 142
son of Gisgo,
164; (3)
brother of Hannibal, 145,
154, 159, 162-164; reaches Italy,
168, 169
brother-in-law of
Hannibal, 142, 143; (5)
son of
Hanno, 132; (6)
leader of the
patriots in Carthage, and general,
216; (7)
commander of the citadel,
Hatria, on the Po, 38, 77, 82,
in the Abruzzi, 98
Helvetii, 251, 253, 254;
of, 395, 397
in Black Forest, 401
migration, 403-405, 413
Heraclea in Italy, 36, 90
; battle of,
104, 105
makes peace with Rome,
joins Hannibal, 166
in Trachinia, 191
on tha Euxine, 341, 342, 370,
511, 514
530 INDEX.
Herculaneum, 94
Herdonius A
Hormaean promontory, battle at,
Heruioi, allied with Rome, 26
the Romano- Latin league, 85
against Rome,
87; refuse to join a
revolt, 92, 94
join the Samnites,
punishment, 96, 97
to Rome, 112
Hesiod, 36
Hiempsal, 245
Hiero I., 77
Hiero II., war against the Mamer-
tines, 127-1"20; allies with Rome,
position after the first Punic
136, 137 ; conduct in the
second Funic war, 152, 155
Hierinymus, 155, 159
Himera (Thermae), 36, 119, 133;
batt e at, 77, 116
(1) 133; (2)
Hippo Regus, 118
Hippocrates, 159, 160
Hipponium, 90
Hirpini, 89, 155
Hirtuleius L., 331-333
Homor, 36
Hon >rary surnames, 207
Hostilius Manciuus A., 198
Hosti-ias Tubulus C, 168
13, 14
Human sacrifices in Gaul, 401
Hyrcanns, 368
Iapydes, 251
Iapygians, 3
Iberians in Georgia, 366
Ilerda, 455-457
Illyrians, piracy, 138, 139, 145. See
niyricuin, subjugation of the Dal-
matians in, 251, 421, 497
Ilva, 33
Imbros, 186
487, 488
Imperium, 15
Imports, Italian, 320
Indo-Ceonans, 3
79, 139, 140, 147, 148,
Interamna, 95
Intarest, 59, 68, 274, 276, 483, 507,
Interrex, 18
Ionian Sea, 35, 36
Isanrians, 348
Issa, 77
Isthmian games, Romans admitted
to, 139
Itali, 7-8
Italia (Corfinium),
270, 273
Italians, two divisions of, 3 ; distinc-
tion from and resemblance to the
Greeks, 4-6 ; migrations of,
Italy, physical character, 1, 2
3, 113, 114
natural boundaries
of, 136
political boundary the
Rubicon, 306
North Italy = Gallia
Cisalpina or Italian Gaul, 306, 514,
Janicnlum, 8, 10, 11, 26, 27
Jannaeus, 368
Jews, 368 , in Alexandria, 471, 513
Jnba, 452, 458, 467, 472,
Judaea, 220, 338, 368, 371
in Caesar's state, 513
Judges, Carthaginian, 120, 121
Judices = consuls, 41
Julia, Caesar's daughter, 391,440, 481
Julius Caesar C, opposed by Sulpi-
cius, 275, 291
family and connections, 329,
480; character, 329,
year of birth, 336 n. , abstains from
Lepidan rising, 329
against Mith-
radates, 340
prosecutes Sullan
partisans, 355
supports Lex Gabi-
360 , Pontifex Maximus, 374,
384 ; relations with Catilinarian
conspiracy, 376, 377, 382, 383;
democratic zeal, 375, 376, 386
praetorship, 386, 387; his rapid
rise, 38*
governor of Spain, 388,
394; alliance with Pompeius and
Crassus, 389; consul 389-391;
governor of two Gauls, 390, 451
wars with Gauls and Germans,
crosses Rhine, 409, 412
invades Britain, 410; settlement
of Gaol, 418, 419; at Luca 427,
rupture with Pompeius, 440-
nwEx. 531
448; recalled, 444 , bis ultimatum,
crosses Rubicon, 448 , Civil
war, 449-479
regulation of Italy,
454, 455
Egypt, 471
attitude to-
wards the old parties, 483-485
Caesarianism, 486 ; regulates the
new monarchy, 486-489
the state,
489-493; the army, 493-496;
finance, 496-498
Rome and Italy,
the provinces,
attitude towards Jews and Greeks,
census, 516; law of the
empire, 516, 517
coinage, 517
calendar, 517, 518 , length of his
reign, 518
Julius Caesar L., 269, seqq.
Junius Brutus Damasippus L., 297-
Junius Brutus Dec, 240
, 408, 457
Junius Pennus M., 233
Junius Pullus L., 132
Junius Silanus M., 163
, 253
Jupiter Capitolinus, 28
Latiaris, 9
Jury courts, transferred by C Grac-
chus from the senate to the equites,
236, 237, 263, 264 ; Drusus' pro-
264, 265
Lex Plautia, 271
under Sulla, 303, 354, 355
Aurelia, 357
regulations of
Pompeius, 433
of Caesar, 492
Jus, imaginum, 63, 203
separated from mdicium, 4243
Juventius, 219
King, position, powers, etc., 14-19
abolished, 40-43,
powers re-
vived under the name of dictator,
4344 ; compared with monarchy
of Caesar, 486-489
lAbeo. See Fabius.
Lablci, 65, 87
Labienus T., 375 ; with Caesar in
Gaul, 403, 407,408, 412,414-416,
449 , in Civil war, 449, 460, 467,
473, 477
Lae'ius C, 163
Sapiens C, 227, 228
Laevinus. See Valerius.
Lampsacus, 181, 189
Laud, division of, at the time of Ser-
; distribution of, by T.
Gracchus, 229-232; by Sulla, 302,
by Pompeius, 356, 357, 387,
389, 390; by Caesar, 495, 509
Language, Latin. See Latinizing.
Lanuvium, 86, 87
Larissa on the Peneius, 185
Latin communities, as regards the
domain question, 233;
right of mi-
gration curtailed, 268 ; in Social
War, 270
in Cisalpine Gaul, 272
Latin rights given to insurgent
communities, 302 -, Jus Latinum to
Cisalpine Gaul, 272
in Transalpine
Gaul, 514
Latin league of thirty cantons under
Alba, 9 ; new position under Rome,
25, 26, 28
war with Rome, and
renewal of league and loss of power,
revolt against Rome, 86
ing of the league, and list of the
towns included, 87 ;
new restric-
tions by Rome, 87
anger of the
Latins, 87, 88 , fresh revolt, 91
dissolution of league, politically,
92 , treaties between Rome and
each community, 92
refuse to join
Pyrrhus, 105
position after the
war with Pyrihus, 111; increased
oppression, 205
of Italy, 113, 173 ; of the
land between the Alps and the Po,
174, 175; of Spain, 331, 332; of
Gaul, 394, 401, 419, 514; of the
empire by Caesar, 513-517
Latins, first immigrants and extent
of migration and settlements, 7, 8;
relation to
Umbro-Samnitcs, 88
physical character,
; limits
fixed, 87
Laurentum, 87
Laus, 37, 90
Lavinium, 10. 87
Law, Roman and Latin, harmonized,
26 ; administration of, in muni-
cipia and colonies, 112, 309, 310,
515, 516
; codification projected,
517 ;
appeals, 492
regal jurisdic-
tion restored, 491, 492. Cf. Jury
courts . Q.uaestion.
532 INDEX.
Legati legionis pro praetore, 494
Legatus, 42

Appuleia agraria, 260, 263

frumentaria, 261, 354
Amelia, 357
Baebia, 179
Caecilia, abolition of Italian tolls,
Canuleia, 63
Cassia agraria, 58, 65
fcabellaria, 223, 224, 227
Corneliae. See Cornelius Sulla.
Domitia de sacerdotiia abolished by
Sulla, 304
Fabia de plagiariis, abduction, 350
Flaminia agraria, 210
Fulviade civitate sociis danda, 233
Gabinia, 223, 359-361
Genucia, 68
Hortensia, 67, 70
I cilia, 55
Julia, 272
389, 390
Juliae. See Julius Caesar C.
Junia de peregrinis, 233
Labiena restoring Lex Domitia,
Lioiniae Sextiae, 65-68
Liviae (of the elder Drusus), 230
(of the vounger Drusus), 264,
Maecilia agraria, 65
Maenia, 68
Manilia. 361
Manlia, 68
Mucia de civitate, 268
Ogulnia, 67
Plautia iudiciaria, 272
Papiria de civitate, 272
Plotia, 335
Poetelia, 68
Pompeia de iudiciis, 430
Publilia(of471 B.C.), 57
(of 339 B.C.), 66
Sacratae, as to the appointment of
plebeian tribunes and aediles, 54
Semproniae, 229, 231, 232. See
Sempronius Gracchus.
Servilia, 378
Sulpiciae, 274, 289
Sumptuariae, 308, 507
Leges (continued)

Tabellariae (Gabinia, Cassia, Papi

ria), 222, 223
Terentilia, 58
Titia agraria, 263
Valeria de provocatione, 42
on Sulla's dictatorship, 300
Valeriae Horatiae, 60, 61
Legion, copied by Pyrrhus.
divided into cohorts, 258
Legislation, by decree of the com-
munity, 17; acquired practically
by the senate, 73
Lentulus. See
Leontini, 36
Lepidus. See Aemilius.
Leptis Magna, 118, 177; Minor, 118
Leucopatra, 219
Lex, primarily agreement, 17
tinct from edict, 47 ; interval
between the introduction and pass-
ing of, 263
Liburnae, 138
Libyans, 118, 124, 125, 177
Libyphoenicians, 118, 124
Licinius Calvus C., 431
Lioinius Crassus L., 260, 264, 265
Licinius Crassus M., character, 328
in Sullan war, 292, 293; in
Servile war, 351
coalition with
Pompeius, 356-358 ; relation to
Catilinariau conspiracy, 376, 377,
381-383 ; in triumvirate, 388, 389
at Luca, 427
second consulship,
430; in Syria, 435-438; death,
his wealth, 503
Licinius Crassus Mucianus P., 228,
Licinius Crassus P., 197
, Caesar's lieutenant, 403, 406,
408, 409, 410, 437, 438
Lioinius Lucullus L., 214
, character, 343, 345
of Sulla, 284, 286; war against
Mithradates and Tigranes,
346 ; estimate of his generalship,
346; his aims in Asia, 342, 343,
370 ; superseded by Pompeius,
365 ; opposes Pompeius, 387
humiliated by Caesar, retires from
political life, 373, 374
Lucullus M., in Sullan war,
296, 327, 373
Licinius Nerva P., 244
Licinius Stolo C, 65
Lietores, 15, 42
Ligurians, 32, 79, 82, 139, 145, 148,
169, 174, 175
Lilybatum, 33, 107, 119, 132, 133,
135, 145, 148
Lingones, 139
in Gaul, 419
Lissus, 77
Livius C, 191
Livius Drusus M., 239
264, 265
Livius Salinator M., 168
Locri, occupied by the Romans, 101
its fate in the Pyrrhic war, 106,
Locris, 179, 186
Luca, conference at, 427
Lucanians, 90, 91, 93, 94, 96, 97,
98, 101, 104, 107, 108, 112, 155,
166, 173, 270, 273
Luceres, 10, 12,
Luceria, 95,
Lucretius Ofella
in Sullan war,
295, 299, 310
Luna, 175
Lugdunum Convenarum, 335, 394
Luperci, 12
Lusioanians, 178; war with Rome,
213, 214; revolt, 263; subdued,
Catulus C, 135
Lutatius Catulus
Q., 254, 291
, consul 78 B.C. ; 327, 330, 361,
362, 382, 386
Lycia, 193
Lydia, 180
Lysimacbia, 192
Maccabees. See Judaea.
Macedonia, land and people, 179
power in Greece, 181; relations
with Rome, 139, 144,
(see Philip);
at the beginning of the third war
with Rome, 196 ; broken up into
four confederacies, 198, 199; be-
comes a province, 219, 251 ; in
Sertorian times, 334, 337 ; in
Caesar's, 421. Cf. Perseus, Philip-
Machares, 342, 367
Maelius Sp., 64, 65
Maenius C, 92
Magister equiturn, 44
Magister populi, 44
deputies only military,
relation to the senate, 45, 73
edicts of, valid during office,
order of succession, etc., prescribed,
71 ; unimpeachable during tenure
of office, 206
distinction between
military and civil authority, 48
Sulla's regulations, 304-306;
Caesar's, 490, 491
governorships, 359-361, 433, 443,
Magnesia, 192
Hannibal's brother, 149
Spain, 164 ; in Italy, 169, 170
Mallius Maximus C. 253
Mamertines. See Messana.
Manilius C, 361
Manilius M., 217
Manlius C, 379, seqq.
Capitolinus M., 64, 65, 80
Manlius Imperiosus Torquatus T., 92
Manlius Torquatus T
Manlius Volso Cn., 193
Manlius Vol>o L., 131
tax on, 68, 315;
freedmen restricted to the four
city tribes, 70 ; share in military
service and in the suffrage, 208
this equality removed, 209
Mantua, 31, 82
Marcellus. See Claudius.
Marcius Censonnus L., 217
Maroius Coriolanus C, 57
Marcius PhiJippus L., 264, 265, 299
Marcomanni, 401
Maritime affairs, Rome's original
position in,
piracy and efforts
to improve position, 108-110, 125;
building of fleets, 130, 132,
136; neglect of, 221, 348,349;
reorganized, 363
Marius C, character and career, 256
in the Jugurthine war,
in the Teutonic and Cimbnc wars,
253-255 ; military reforms and
their significance, 249, 250,
534 INDEX.
political position and failure
of projects, 259-263 ; in social
war, 269, seqq
desires Eastern
command, 274 ; appointed to it,
275 ; exiled, 276
returns to Italy
and Rome. 2 <9-291 ; seventh con
sulship and death, 291 ; his
memory rehabilitated, 376
Marias, 0.,
son of the preceding, 294,
Mariu3 Gratidianus M., nephew of
C. Marias
Marriage, 14; marital powei, 13,
between patricians and plebeians
null, 47
made valid, 63
in revo-
lution period, 322 , in Caesar's
time, 504, 505, 507
Marruoini, 94, 273
Mars, worship of, 12
Marsians, offshoots of the Umbrians,
3, 89
join the Samnites, 96 , in
the Social war, 269, seqq
Massaesylians, 177
Massilia, 39
allied with Home, 109
conflicts with Carthage, 119, in
second Punic war, 145, 146, 175,
power, 250
position in Gaul, 394,
trade, 396
in Civil war, 455,
457, 458 , treatment by Caesar, 514
Massinissa, character of, 17.^-177
part in second Punic war, 162, 164,
170, 171 ; after the war, 176, 177,
216, 217, 245, 249
Massiva, 246
Maaretania, 177, 246, 248, 473,
Maxitani, 117
Media, 220
Atropatene, 180
Mediolaaam, 79, 140
Mediterranean, 1
Meduliia, 25
Megalopolis, founded by Pompeius,
Melita, 119
Melpam, 79, 80, 82
Memmius C, 246, 260
Menapii, 395, 408, 412
Mesopotamia, 338, 345
Messana, 36, 119; seized by Mamer-
106 , war with Hiero, 128
cause of the first Punic war, 128,
129, 148
Metapontum, 37, 90, 166
Metauras, 168
Metelius. See Caeoilias.
Mioipsa, 245
Military service, length of, 233, 343,
Milo, 103
Mines, Spanish, 179
gold in Pied-
mont, 250, 315; in Gaul, 396, 397
98, 110, 276
Minucius Rufus M., 152
Mithra, 220
Mithradates I., 228
Mithradates, king of Parthia,
Mithradates of Pergamus, 471
Mithradates VI., Eupator, character,
278, 279, conquests and alliances,
279, 280, 339 ; comes into contact
with Rome, 280, 281; first war
with Rome, massacre of Italians,
281-286 , terms- M peace, 286, 287
second war with Rome, 298
war with Rome, 338-342, 364-
368; takes refuge with Tigranes,
343 ; entrusted by Tigranes with
the command, 345 ; regains his
kingdom, 346
defeated by Pom-
peius, 365, vevolt of his Bospcran
subjects, 367
death, 367
Money, gold, 517 , Celtic, 397
coinage in Gaul, 419, of Pom-
peius, 370 money dealing, -320,
Mons Sacei, 54,
Montani, 12
Motya, 119
Mucios Scaevola P., 228, 230, 232
Mucios Scaevola
son of the above,
263, 295
Mulvius pons, 3i
Municeps, passive burgess, 24
Municipal constitution, Latin, re-
modelled, 85, 87
system, 86, 205 ; developed in
Italy, 308-310; regulated by
Cae*ar, 509 , extended to provinces,
Muthol, battle on the, 247
Matiaa, 175
Mutines, 160, 161
Mylae, battle of, 130
INDEX. 535
Myndus, 189
Myonnesus, 191
Nabataean state, 338, 368
Nabis, 181, 186,
Narbo, 243, 251
Narnia, 97, 169
Nasioa. See Cornelias.
Naupactus, 191
Naval warfare, 130
Navigation of the Gauls, 396, 400,
Naxos, 36
Neapolis, 38; relations with the
Samnites, 90, 94; laithful to
Rome, 158
Neetum, 136
Nemausus (Nimes), 514
Nepete, 32, 87
Nervii, 400, 401,407, 412
Nicomedes II., king of Bithynia, 280
Nicomedes III., Philopator, 281 ; be-
queaths his kingdom to Rome, 339
Nicopolis, 370, 471
Nigidius Figulus P., 484
Nobility, development of, 48, 69,
203 ; in possession of the senate
ami equestrian centuries, 203, 204;
need of money for office, 207
nobility of Caesar, 489
Nola, 7
under Etruscans, 34
Samnites becomes Greek,
90; in
the Samnite wars, 94, 95
in the
second Punic war, 158 ; in Social
war, 269, seqq., 289
Nomentum, long independent, 25;
member of Latin league, 87
gess-town, 92
Norba, 85, 87
Norbanus C., 293, 294, 296
Noviodunum (Julia Equestris),
Nuceria, under Greek influence, 90
in Samnite wars, 94, 95
Numana, Syracusan, 77
Numantia, 215
Numidia, 245-249
Numidians (or Berbers), 176, 177
Ocriculum, 97
Ootavius Cn., 289, 290, 291
Octavius L., 364
Ootavius ML, 229
, admiral of Pompeius, 459, 472,
Odrysians, 197
Odysseus (Ulysses), 38
Opimius L., 239, 240
Opsoi, 7
Optimates and Populares, 224
Orehomenus, battle at, 285
Orestis, 186
Ostia, 11, 17; position towards
Rome, 28
naval quaestor at, 109
roadstead silted up, 319
post for
Eastern imports, 320
Oxus, 220
join the Samnites,
269, seqq.
Paestum. 108
Palaeopolis, 94
Palatine, 11, 12, 23,27
Pamphylia, 199, 348
Pandosia, 37
Panormus, 119, 131, 133
Panticapaeum, 279, 367
Paphlagonia, 280, 281
Papirius Carbo C., 232-234, 252, 253
Papirius Carbo Cn., 289, 293-296
Papirius Cursor L.,
95, 96
Papius Mutilus C, 270, seqq.
Parma, 175
Paros, 186
Parthenope, 38
Parthia, foundation of,
220 ; contact
with Romans,
281 ; encroached on
by Tigranes, 337, 338 ; agreement
with Lucullus, 365
alliance with
Pompeius, 365 ; agreement with
369 ; war with Rome,
agreement with Bibulus,
mode of warfare, 437
Parthians, 179
Pastoral husbandry, 225, 502
Paternal authority,
13, 14
Patres conscripti, 45
Patricians, the Roman burgesses,
16 ; decrease of,
22 ; become a
privileged and governing nobility,
47, 48; lose their privileges,
new patriciate of Caesar, 489
Fatronus, 16. See Clientship.
536 INDEX.
See Aemilius.
Pedarii, 45
Pedum, 87
becomes a municipium,
Pentri, 155
Pergamus, 181, 182, 189, 191, 193,
220, 282, 283, 286
Perpenna C, 270
Perpenaa M., 297, 332, 333, 335
Perseus, 196-199^
Perusia, 33, 96
Pessinus, high priest of, 369
Petreius M., 382, 455, 457, 477
Phanagoria, 279, 367, 369, 466
Pharnaces, sou of Mithradates, 367,
466, 471
Pharsalus, battle at, 464-466
PhiUnaus V., of Macedonia, character
of," 182;
ally of Hannibal, 154,
161; first war with Rome, 161,
\<>b, 169; his power, 179; invades
Asia Minor, 182; second war with
Rome, 183-185; results, 185, 186
attitude during war with Anti-
ochus, 190; dissatisfaction and
preparations for a third war, 194-
Philippus, the Pseudo, 219
Philopoemen, 183
Phooaeans, 36, 39
Phocis, 179
Phoenice in Epirus, 138
Phoenicians, home of, character, etc.,
115, 116; in Italy. 35;
with the Greeks, 39. See Car-
Phraates, 369, 435
Phrygia, ISO; attached to province
of Asia, 278, 282
Piceutes, 89
war with Rome, 108
in the second Punic war, 168
Campaniau, 155, 172
Pilumnus populus, 16
Piracy, 138, 1 39, 221 ; used by Mithra-
dates, 282, 348; unchecked by
Romans, 319, 347
in concert with
Sertorius, 332, 334, 348; their
organization, 347, 348 ; expeditions
of Servilius, Antonius, and Metel-
lus, .548, 349, 364; Gabinian law,
359, 360; suppressed by Pom-
peius, 363, 3^4 ; recrudescence
after Civil war, 478
Pisaurum, 175
Piso. See Calpurnius.
Pistoria, 382
Placentia, 140, 148, 149, 168, 175
Plautius Hypsaeus L., 226
Plebeians, origin, etc., 22, 23;
f>r military commands, 24; ad-
mitted to the curiae and senate,
44-46 ; acquire burgess-rights,
47, 48. Cf. Patricii, and Tribuni
Plebiscitum, 55, 57, 67
Plurality of offices,
71, 72
Poeni. See Phoenicians.
Pompaedius Silo,
270, seqq.
Pompeii, 94
colony of Sulla, 302
Pompeius Cn.. character, 327, 328,
355, 370, 371, 440; Sullan parti-
san and lieutenant in Sullan war,
294, 299
propraetor in Sicily,
297: saluted "Magnus," 29S
opposes Pompeius.
310; attitude
to Lepidus,
329, 330 ; command
against Sertorius, 332-335
tion with democrats and Crassus,
355-361 ; war with pirates,
364; with Mithradates, 364-366;
peace with Tigranes, 366
Caucasian tribes,
366 ; settlement
of Parthia, 369 ; of conquered
territories, 369, 370; of Syrian
affairs, 368
tion on return to Rome, 385-388
coalition with Caesar and Crassus,
388-391 ; management at Rome
during Caesar's absence, 422-434;
of corn supplies, 426
432-434; rupture with Caesar,
in the Civil war, 449-
466; flight and death, 466, 468;
his wealth, 503
Pompeius Cn., son of above, 469
Pompeius Rufus
Q., 275, 277
Pompeius Sext., 469, 477
Pompeius Strabo Cn., in Social war,
271 seqq., 277,
Atticus, 502
Pomptine Marshes, 95, 319
Pontifex Maximus, 43
Pontifices, increase of, 67 ; in muni-
cipia, 309
Pontius of Telesia, Samnite leader,
296, 297
Pontus, 180, 220 ; under Mithradates
VI., 279, 280
occupied by Romans,
341 ; made a Roman province, 369.
See Mithradates.
Popilius Laenas M., 215
Population, of the oldest Roman terri-
tory, 11 ; at the time of Servius
Tullius, 24; decrease of, 173,
Cf. Census.
Populonia, 33, 38
Populus, 16
Porcius Cato M., character, etc., 207,
in Spanish war, 178; in war
with Antiochus, 191 ; as governor,
his reforms, 208, 209
mate by posterity, 210; commis-
sioner to Carthage, 216; death,
217; his estimate of Hamilcar, 142
Porcius Cato Uticensis M., character,
373, 374,478, 479; in Catilinarian
conspiracy, 381, 382
opposes Pom-
peius, 386, 387, 429, 432 ; mission
to Cyprus, 391 : opposes the
regents, 441, 444, 445
in Civil
war, 458-460, 464, 467, 472, 476,
Port dues, 17
abolished, 388
established, 497
Posidonia, 37, 90
Postumius Albinus A., brother of
Spurius, 247
Postumius Albinus Sp., 247
Postumius L., 154
Potentia, 175
Praefecti annonae, 64 ; urbi, 42
Praeneste, war with Rome,
86 ; a
member of the Latin league, 87
cedes territory, 92
later position,
siege of, 295-297
Praetores, name of consuls,
41 ; a
third consul, 66
governors of
provinces, 137 ; in Spain, 179
inadequate, 204; under Sulla, 304,
305, 306
under Caesar, 491
Praetor peregrinus, 204
Praetoriani, 258
Precarii, 51
precarium, 53
Priests, nominated by the king,
not by the consuls,
power in
64; chosen by co-optation,
304 ; by the tribes, 375
Prineeps senatus, 46
Prisci Latini, 8
Privernum, 92
50 ; admitted by Marius
to enlistment, 258
Proscriptions of Sulla, 276, 301, 326,
357, 375, 483
Provinciae originally the departments
of the consuls,
provincial con-
137, 138, 205, 206
Spain, 179 ; acquisition of,
fundamental distinction of,
distribution by senate, .105
ber, in Sulla's time, 305; in
Caesar's, 509
Prusias, 182, 193, 194
Ptolemaeus Epiphanes, 182
Ptolemaeus Philopator, 188
Ptolemaeus, son of Lagus, 102, 180
Ptolemaeus the Cyprian, 338
Ptolemaeus XI., Auletes, 338
nized by Romans, 371 ; expelled
and restored,
372 ; Egypt after his
death, 468
Publicani, origin of,
53 ; 236
Funic wars : first, 127-136
causes of, 141-145
march of Han-
nibal from Spain to Italy, 145-147
battles of Ticinus, Trebia, Trasi-
mene, 148-151
events to b:ittleof
Cannae, 151-156; events in Italy,
war in Sicily, 159-161
war in Macedonia, 161 ; in Spain,
162-164; in Italy, and fall of
Capua, 165-167 ; Hasdrubal and
battle of Sena, 168-169 ; Scipio's
expedition to Africa and end of
war, 169-173 ;third, 216-219
Puteoli, 38
Eastern trade, 320
Pydna, 198, 200
Pyrgi, 38
stormed by Dionysius, 77
burgess-colony, 110
Pyrrhus, character, early history, and
historical position of, 102, 103;
interest of, 100, 101 ; lands at
Tarentum, 1^3, 104; war with
Rome, 104, 105 ; Sicilian expedi-
tion, 105-107
battle of Beneven-
tum, 107
death, 108
Pyxus, 37
Quaestiones perpetuae, repetunda-
rum, 223
extended by Sulla, 307,
under^ Caesar, 492
Quaestors, under the republic, 43
two new ones to manage the
military chest, 60
four quaestores
provincial, 137;
increased to twenty, 303 ; to
forty, 490
Quartering troops in the provinces,
avoided by Sertorius, 332, 510, 512
Quinctius Cineinnatus L., 65
Quinotius Flamininus T., 184-187,
189 ; nepotism, 205
Quinctius L, 360
Quinctius Pennus Capitolinus T., 167
Quirinal city,
12, 21
Quirites, 16
Eabirius C, trial, 375
Raeti, 31
Ramncs, 10, 12, 21, 22
Rasennae, 31
Baudiue plain, 254
Ravenna, 31
Recruiting, system of Marius, 257,
Regillus, lake, 85
Regulus. See Atilius.
Religion, Etruscan, 34 ; Italian and
Roman, 46
Remi, 406, 407, 412, 415, 419
Bepresentative institutions unknown
to antiquity, 231
approached to
at Rome, 303, 308, 309
Bex sacrorum, 41
Rhegium, 36, 90 ; occupied by Rome,
102 ; mutinies and repulses Roman
attacks, 106 ; refuses to admit
Pyrrhus, 107 ; is stormed by
Romans, 108
Rhine, boundary of Gaul, 394,
403, 405, 406
; crossed by Caesar,
409, 412
Rhodes, ally o
Rome, 109; after the
6econd Punic war, 181 ; war with
182, 183; opposes Antiochus,
reward, 193
199, 200
resists Mithradates, 283;
rewarded, 287
Rhone, Hannibal's passage of, 145,
146 ; Helvetii prevented from
crossing, 404
Boad. See Via.
Roma quadrata, 11
Rome, site, character, rise, etc.,
amalgamation of Palatine and
Quirinal, 21
division, 23
wall and the seven hills, 26-28
burnt by the Gauls,
80 ; condition
in Caesar's time, 498-501
Rostra, 27 ; decorated with the
beaks of the Antiate galleys, 92
Rubicon, boundary of Italy, 306
crossed by Caesar, 448
Rufinus. See Cornelius.
Ruspina, battle at, 475
Rutili, 26
Rutilius Lupus P., 270, srqq.
7, 10, 93, 94
; contact with Rome, 26
conquered, 85, 98
Saddueees, 368
Saguntum, allied with Rome, 143
attacked and taken by Hannibal,
144, 145, 154; recaptured by Rome,
Salassi, 147
Salii, 12
Sallentini, 108
Sallustius Crispus C, 376
Samnites, a branch of the Umbrians,
3, 4
7, 88, 89 ; loose
fedemtion and character of con-
quests, 90-93 ; wars with Rome,
join the Lucanians, 101
join Pyrrhus, 104, 107 ; make
peace, 108; league dissolved, 112;
in the second Punic war, 151. 155;
lose territory, 173
in Social war,
269, seqq. ; courted by Sullans and
Cinnans, 290; march on Rome,
battle, 296, 297 punishment, 297
Samos, 189, 191
Samothraoe. 198
Sardinia, Carthaginian, 34, 76, 119;
attacked and occupied by Rome,
130, 137 ; Carthage attempts to
recover, 159; wars in. 175; occu-
pied by Lepidus, 330; by
Valerius, 458
Sassiuates, 108
Satioula, 95
Satricum, 86, 87
revolts, 95
Scaptia, 87
Scipio. See Cornelius.
Scodra, 138, 139
Scordisci, 251, 252
Scotussa, 185
Scribonius Curio C, bought by
Caesar, 445 ; manages his interests
at Rome, 445-448
recovers Sicily,
458; killed in Africa, 458, 459
his debts, 504
Scribonius Libo C, 459
Scriptura, 17. 52, 53, 317
Scyros, 186
Scythia, 279
Secession. See Sacred Mount.
Segesta, 138
Selinus, 119
Sempronius Asellio A., 274
8empronius Gracchus C, character,
234 ; on the land commission,
232, 233
quaestor, 234 ; tribune
and measures, death, 234-240;
improves Italian roads, 319; after
his fall, 242, 243, 259, 262
Sempronius Gracchus Ti.,
158, 159,
165, 166

(father of the two Gracchi) in

Spain, 178, 228
character, proposals, and
death. 228-232
Sempronius Longus Ti., 148
Sena Gallica, colony,
102 ; battle
near, 168
Senate, origin, powers, etc., in regal
18, 19; increased power,
45, 46
plebeians admitted, 45,
46, 48; tribunes admitted,
real power vested in the senate,
; contrasted with the judges
of Carthage,
123; conduct of the
first Punic war, 132, 134, 136;
patriotism in the second War,
156 : estimate of its foreign policy,
201 ; becomes purely aristocratic,
203-205 ; lax control of praetors,
206 ; mismanagement of land,
210,211; senatorial commissions,
215; decline and corruption of,
221, 222, 224; attacked by C.
Gracchus, 236, 237
its subsequent
rule, 243, 244; under Sulla,
304, 306, 357 ; dispensing power
curtailed, 374 ; abuses corrected,
374 ; foreign affair^ after its re-
storation by Sulla, 337, seqq.
under Caesar, 489, 490
senate of Italians, 269 ; of Ser-
torius, 331
of the regents, 427
in Macedonia, 459
in Africa, 473.
Senatorial jurymen. See Jury
Senones, 79, 80; expelled from Italy,
Sentinum, 97, 98
Septimius L., 468
Septimontium, 11
Sequani, 402, 404, 413
Sergius Catilina L., character,
conspiracies, 377-382
death, 382
character, 330, 331
iu Marian war, 289-291, 295, 297
in Mauretania, 331 ; returns to
Spain, 331
struggle with the
Roman government, 331-335; or-
ganization of Spain, 331-332; to
eat with Mithradates, 339
Servian, wall, 26, 27
23-25 ; voting arrangements re-
stored, 278
Servilius Ahala C, 64
Servilius C, 245
Servilius Caeplo
, 243, 253
, 261, 264
Servilius Rullus P., 378
Servilius Vatia Isauricus P., 348
Sestus, 191
Setia, 86, 87
Sertius Lateranus L, 65
Sibylline oracles, 426
Siccius Dentatus L., 60
Sicily, position, 2
earlv immigrants,
Greeks in, 36, 39, 77 ; con-
dition after the death of Aga-
thocles, 105, 106 ; Pyrrhus in,
107; Phoenicians in, 116; Car-
thaginian rule in, 119, 120, 122,
124; condition of, before first
Punic war, 127, 128
to Rome, 135-138; attempts to
recover it by Carthage, 145, 155,
159-161; slavery in, 225, 226;
occupied sfor Caesar, 458. Cf,
Sidon, 116, 118
Signia, 85, 111
Silver plate at Rome, 322
Sinnaca, 438
Sinope, 181, 279, 341, 342;
tended, 370, 514
98, 110
Sins, 37
Sittius P., 381, 475, 477, 478
Slaves, 14; work on estates, 53, 66,
225, 226
employed in rural labour,
51, 52, 211 ; carry on trades, 225
system of, 225
insurrections of, in
Italy and Sicily, 225, 226, 244, 245;
increase of, 320, 321, 498, 499, 501,
502, 503
checked by Caesar, 509
gladiatorial war, 349-351
Sicily, 351
Smyrna, 189, 191
Solon, 59
SoInnturn, 119
Sora, 88, 95, 97
Soracte, 8
Spain, Phoenicians in, 115, 119, under
Hamilcar, 142, 143
a Roman pro-
vince, 164; after second Punic
war, 177
constant warfare in,
178, 179, 213-215, 263; Sertorius
in 330 335
Caesar in, 394,
Caesari.in lieutenants in, 473
Sparta, 181, 186, 219
Spartacns, 350, 351
Spina, 34, 88
Stabiae, 271
Stoicism at Rome,
322, 373
Subnra, 11, 23
Suburra, 458
Suebi, 401, 403
Snessa Aurnnca, 95
Suessa Pometia, 86
Snessiones, 399, 406, 407
Sugambri, 401, 409
Sulpicius Galba P., 166, 183, 184
Snlpicius Galba Serv., 214
Sulpicius Peticus C, 80, 81
Sulpicius Rufus P., 274-27 v
Surrentum, 34
Sutrium, 81, 96
SybariB, 36, 37
Syphax, 162, 170, 171
Syracuse, 36
head of the Sicilian
77, 78, 119, 120; calls in
Pyrrhus, 105-107
in the Punic
wars, 127, 129, 136, 137, 159, 160
Syria, 200, 220, 221, 282, 338, 343,
344, 366, 368, 369, 371
appointed governor,
427, 435, 436,
439, 471, 472
Tactics, Roman and Parthian, 437
Celtic, 399, 400
of Vercingetorix,
413-416; of Britons, 410
Tarentum, 36
commerce of, 37
attacked by Samnites, 90, 91,
93, 94; conduct in Samnite wars
with Rome,
95, 96 ; mob attacks
Roman fleet,
102 ; calls in Pyrrhus,
held by Milo, 106, 107
surrendered to Rome, 108, 128 ; in
the second Punic war, 166-167
Tarpeian Hill, 27
Tarquinii, home of the, 32
from Rome, 41
Tarquinii, one of the twelve Etruscan
towns, 32, 33
war with Rome, 81
Tarracina, 87
Tarraco, 162
Task-work, 16
Taurini, 146,148
Taurisci, 251-253
Tanromenium, 127
Taxation, direct, unknown, 17
lian, 315; Provincial, 315; 496-
498, 510-512
Taxiles, 284, 341
Teanum Sidicinum, under Greek in-
fluence, 90; calls in Rome, 91
garrisoned bv the Sammtes, 93
Tectosages, 180, 193
Telamon, 38, 140
Temesa, 37
Tempe, pass of, 185
Tencteri, 401,.402,
Tenths, 138, 316
Terentius Varro M., 152-155
, 457, 459
Terina, 37
Territory of Rome, original, 10, 11
increased, 25, 26
lessened, 76, 77
conquest of Veii,
80 ; south Etruria
conquered, 81
extension south
and east, 85, 86 ; at end of Samnite
wars, 98 ; at end of Pyrrhic war,
110, 111 ; extends to the Po, 175
Teutones, 252, 254
Thala, 248
Thapsus, 118; battle of, 476-477
Thasos, 182
Theatre, seats of the equites in,
Thermae. See Himera.
Thermopylae, 191
Thessaly, 179, 184, 185, 190, 198
Theveste, 118
Thrace, 185, 189, 192, 197; Thra-
cians invade Macedonia and Epirus,
251 ; wars in 282, 337, 421
Thurii, 90 ; apply to Rome, 101
captured by the Tarentines, 102
in the second Punic war, 166
Tiber, 8, 10, 11, 26, 27 ; stone bridge,
318; neglect of, 319; Caesar's
project, 501
Tibur, revolts from Rome,
86 ; in the
Latin league, 87 ; cedes territory,
position, 111, 501
Ticinus, 148
Tifata, Mount, 166
Tigranes, ally of Mithradates, 280-
282 ; increase of his power, 337,
338 ; in third Mithradatic war,
339; war with Rome, 343-346,
364-366. 367
Tigranocerta, 338, 343, 344
Tingis, 331
Tities, 10, 12, 21, 22
Titurius Sabinus, 408, 411, 412
16 ; togati, 113
Tolistobogi, 180, 193
Tolumnius Lars, 79
Torboletes, 144
Torrhebi, 31
Trades at Rome, 320, 321, 328, 499,
306 ; claim the civitas,
325, 375; Caesar governor, 390,
403, 447, 514, 515
Trasimene lake, 150-151
Trebellius, 360, 361
Trebia, 149
Trebonius, 457, 458
Treviri, 395, 401, 411, 412
Tribes of the clans,
10, 21, 22;
Servian levy-districts, 23
voting, 57
four added, 81
additions, 92
in all thirty-five, 70
Tribunal, 27
Tribuni militum, elected by the
comitia, 204, 205, 493
militum consulari potestate, 63
plebis, origin,
powers, etc.,
55 ; compared with consuls, 56
value, 56, 57
suspended during
the decemvirate, 58-60 ; restored
with new powers, 60,61;
of character, 72; eligible for re-
election, 233
power restricted bv
Sulla, 304, 324, 354; restored",
under Caesar, 491
Tributum, 17
Trifanum, 92
Triumph, meaning of,
, becomes
common, 207
Trocmi, 180
Triumvirate, first, 356
Tryphon, in Sicily, 245
Tullianum, 27, 249, 381
Tullius Cicero M., accuses Verres, 355,
supports Lex Manilla, 361
378 ; opposes Lex Servilia, 378
during Catilinarian conspiracy,
banished, 391
423-425 ; threatens opposition to
regents, 427
submits, 429, 431
Tullius Cicero
Tunes, 131
Turdetani, 177
Tuscan Sea, 33
Tusculum, 10
; revolts,
86 ; member
of Latin league, 87
treatment of,
Tutela, 13
Twelve tables, origin, 59
Tyre, 116, 118
Ubii, 401, 409
Ulysses, 38
Umbrians, branch of the Italians,
language, 3, 4 ; migrations,
evidence of movements,
; in the
Samnite war, 96, 97
; in Social
war, 269, seqq.
Urbs, 9 .
Usipetes, 401, 402, 409
Usury, 59, 68, 320, 483, 507, 508
Utioa, relations with Carthage, 118,
124; Scipio's conflicts at, 170; in
third Punic war, 217, 219; in
Civil war, 458, 472, 477, 478
Uxentum, 155
Vaocaei, 214
Vadimonian Lake, 96
Vaga, 248
Valerias Catullus
Valerius Corvus L., 207, 208
, 284, 285, 286,
Valerius Corvus M., 72
Valerius Laevinus M., 158, 161
Valerius Laevinus P., 104, 105
Valerius Maximus M., 54
Valerius Maximus Messalla M., 129
Valerius Poplicola L
Varius Q., 270, 273, 274, 291
Varro. See Terentius.
Vatinius P., 390, 431, 472
Vectigalia, 17
Veil, 25, 32 ; assignment of terri-
torv, 65 ;
captured, 80, 82
Veliai 11, 27
Velites, 24
Velitrae, 86, 87; revolts, 91. 92
Veneti, 31, 81, 82, 139, 140; Gallic,
Venusia, 98
in Pyrrhic war, 104
in second Punic war, 154, 167
Social war, 271, 273
Vercellae, 254, 255
Vercingetorix, 413-418
Verres C, 355, 510
Verona, 79
Verulae, 97
Vesta, 27
Vestini, 94
Veterans of Marius, lands allotted to,
260 ; of Sulla 302, 329, 330
Pompeius, 357, 387, 389; of
Caesar, 495, 509
Vetulonium, 33
Vetilius C, 214
Vettius T., 244
informer, 391
Aemilia, from Ariminum to Pla
centia, 175
Appia, to Capua, 95 ; to Venusia,
; to the Ionian sea, 108
Aurelia, coast road from Rome
to Luna, perhaps at the same time
as the Aemilian, 175
Cassia, 175
Domitia, from the Rhone to the
Pyrenees, 251, 320
Egnatia, to protect the Mace-
donian frontier, from Apollonia
and Dyrrhachium to the Hebrus,
Flaminia, 97, 175
Gabinia, connecting Adriatic
ports with interior, 319
Postumia, from Genua to Aqui-
leia, 318
Valeria, 97
Vicus Tuscus, 32
Vine-culture in Italy,
increase of,
Viriathus, 214
Vitruvius Vaccus, 92
Volaterrae, 275, 302
Volci, 33
Volsci, wars with Rome, 26 : cltents
of the Etruscans,
; subdued by
Rome, 85, 86
revolt, 91, 94, 97
Volsinii, 33
its aristocrats call ra
Rome, 82
Vote by ballot, 223. 224
War chariots In Britain, 410
Women, 505
Xanthippus, 131, 1S2
Zaoynthus, 194
Zama regia, 171
Zamolxis, 421
Zanole. See Messana.
Ziela, 472

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