The document discusses home schooling and provides perspectives from both supporters and critics. Supporters believe home schooling provides educational opportunities not available in traditional public schools by encouraging creativity and self-initiated learning. However, critics argue that home schooling can be inefficient and expensive, and that socialization is a concern. The document recommends that parents considering home schooling speak to those currently doing it or who have done it to make a more informed decision.
The document discusses home schooling and provides perspectives from both supporters and critics. Supporters believe home schooling provides educational opportunities not available in traditional public schools by encouraging creativity and self-initiated learning. However, critics argue that home schooling can be inefficient and expensive, and that socialization is a concern. The document recommends that parents considering home schooling speak to those currently doing it or who have done it to make a more informed decision.
The document discusses home schooling and provides perspectives from both supporters and critics. Supporters believe home schooling provides educational opportunities not available in traditional public schools by encouraging creativity and self-initiated learning. However, critics argue that home schooling can be inefficient and expensive, and that socialization is a concern. The document recommends that parents considering home schooling speak to those currently doing it or who have done it to make a more informed decision.
The document discusses home schooling and provides perspectives from both supporters and critics. Supporters believe home schooling provides educational opportunities not available in traditional public schools by encouraging creativity and self-initiated learning. However, critics argue that home schooling can be inefficient and expensive, and that socialization is a concern. The document recommends that parents considering home schooling speak to those currently doing it or who have done it to make a more informed decision.
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What do you think about home schooling?
Do you think it's a good idea concerning socialization
and all? Believed to be first introduced in the U.S. decades ago, home schooling is now mushrooming in the country. This phenomenon seems to be in response to the fact that children's rights are sidelined in the arena of formal education. As an alternative education system, home schooling could become a popular choice for children of school age Home schooling provides kids with educational opportunities that traditional public schooling has not provided. It offers a refreshing system by which students are encouraged to be creative and express themselves. Students will discover the thrill and sense of accomplishment that self-initiated learning can bring. On the other hand, some people believe that home schooling can be inefficient and expensive. Students social life is, indeed, something to be concerned about in home schooling education. Most school districts make sincere attempts to keep their home schooled students active participants in the social, athletic, and extracurricular life of the school. It is strongly recommended that parents contact home schooling resource that may be able to put them in touch with kids who have gone through home schooling and those who are currently being home schooled. Talking with them would be a great way for parents to make a more informed decision about their kids education.
Apa yang Anda pikirkan tentang home schooling? Apakah Anda pikir itu ide yang baik tentang sosialisasi dan semua? Diyakini pertama kali diperkenalkan di AS dekade lalu, home schooling sekarang menjamur di negeri ini. Fenomena ini tampaknya dalam menanggapi fakta bahwa hak- hak anak-anak yang dikesampingkan dalam arena pendidikan formal. Sebagai sebuah sistem pendidikan alternatif, home schooling bisa menjadi pilihan populer untuk anak-anak usia sekolah
Home schooling anak-anak dengan memberikan kesempatan pendidikan yang sekolah umum tradisional belum disediakan. Ini menawarkan sistem menyegarkan dimana siswa didorong untuk menjadi kreatif dan mengekspresikan diri. Siswa akan menemukan sensasi dan rasa prestasi yang diprakarsai sendiri pembelajaran dapat membawa.
Di sisi lain, beberapa orang percaya bahwa home schooling dapat tidak efisien dan mahal. Kehidupan sosial siswa, memang, sesuatu yang harus peduli dalam pendidikan home schooling. Distrik sekolah yang paling membuat upaya tulus untuk menjaga rumah mereka bersekolah siswa peserta aktif dalam kehidupan sosial, atletik, dan ekstrakurikuler sekolah.
Sangat dianjurkan bahwa orang tua menghubungi rumah sekolah sumber daya yang mungkin dapat menempatkan mereka dalam berhubungan dengan anak-anak yang telah melalui home schooling dan mereka yang saat ini berada di rumah schooling. Berbicara dengan mereka akan menjadi cara yang bagus bagi orang tua untuk membuat keputusan yang lebih informasi tentang pendidikan anak-anak mereka '.
THE ISSUE OF POLYGAMY Polygamy has still become an actual topic to discuss. People react this issue in different opinions. Today in the 21 st Century polygamy persists and is legally permitted in Muslim majority Indonesia. The 1974 Marriage Act in Article 3 states that a husband may have up to four wives on condition that the wife consents. Further Article 5 cites three instances where a husband may practise polygamy: the wife is unable to execute the obligation of a wife; the wife has acquired a bodily handicap or incurable disease; the wife is unable to bear children. Womans rights advocates reject this provision of the law as it works against women. They perceive the conditions that allow a husband to practise polygamy are from perspective of the husbands interests. Islam allows a man to have up to four wives in the context of caring for orphans, and it emphasizes that the women must be treated equally. If the man is unable to do this, the man may only have one wife. The Koran does not issue a recommendation or a command to commit polygamy. Thus the principle marriage in Islam is monogamy, not polygamy. Because of this polygamy should be banned. Masalah poligami Poligami masih menjadi topik aktual untuk membahas. Orang bereaksi masalah ini dalam pendapat yang berbeda.
Hari ini di abad ke-21 poligami tetap ada dan secara hukum diizinkan di Indonesia mayoritas Muslim. UU Perkawinan tahun 1974 dalam Pasal 3 menyatakan bahwa seorang suami bisa memiliki hingga empat istri dengan syarat bahwa persetujuan istri.
Selanjutnya Pasal 5 menyebutkan tiga contoh di mana seorang suami bisa praktek poligami: istri tidak dapat menjalankan kewajiban istri, istri telah memperoleh cacat tubuh atau penyakit yang tak tersembuhkan, istri tidak dapat melahirkan anak.
Hak-hak perempuan pendukung menolak ketentuan hukum karena bekerja terhadap perempuan. Mereka merasakan kondisi yang memungkinkan suami untuk berlatih poligami dari perspektif kepentingan suami.
Islam mengijinkan seorang pria memiliki hingga empat istri dalam konteks merawat anak yatim, dan menekankan bahwa perempuan harus diperlakukan sama. Jika seorang pria tidak mampu melakukan ini, seseorang hanya dapat memiliki satu istri. Quran tidak mengeluarkan rekomendasi atau perintah untuk melakukan poligami.
GLOBALIZATION Globalization is a social change formed by the increase of interrelation among society and its elements and happens because of acculturation and technology development
Globalization gives new nuance and wide impact to the immigrants in different culture. World becomes more various in aspect of ethnics, race and skin colour. Nowadays social growth brings about the cultural changes which have pluralistic and cultural characters.
Globalization has positive effect if we can adapt better, by improving the self quality and selective attitude to the foreign cultural adoption.
The positive of globalization can be seen in the change of the development system. In this case, national development has given wide opportunity for Indonesian society to get proper education.
In the change of life view, globalization expands the concept of the balance between material and immaterial development.
Nevertheless, globalization results in some negative effects as well. The society experiences cultural shock because they are not ready to accept the foreign culture immediately. Globalization makes the value in social life not ready to anticipate the changes happened in the community. It may bring about cultural value destruction having been adopted by the local society.
Good or bad, the changes that caused by the globalization must be faced with selective attitude to receive the new culture and strong self-ability to fight for it.
GLOBALISASI Globalisasi adalah sebuah perubahan sosial yang dibentuk oleh peningkatan keterkaitan antara masyarakat dan unsur-unsur dan terjadi karena akulturasi dan pengembangan teknologi
Globalisasi memberikan nuansa baru dan dampak luas untuk para imigran dalam budaya yang berbeda. Dunia menjadi lebih beragam dalam aspek etnis, ras dan warna kulit. Saat ini pertumbuhan sosial membawa tentang perubahan budaya yang memiliki karakter dan budaya pluralistik.
Globalisasi memiliki efek positif jika kita dapat beradaptasi lebih baik, dengan meningkatkan kualitas diri dan sikap selektif untuk adopsi budaya asing.
Yang positif dari globalisasi dapat dilihat dalam perubahan dari sistem pembangunan. Dalam hal ini, pembangunan nasional telah memberikan kesempatan yang luas bagi masyarakat Indonesia untuk mendapatkan pendidikan yang layak.
Dalam perubahan pandangan hidup, globalisasi memperluas konsep keseimbangan antara material dan pengembangan material.
Namun demikian, globalisasi mengakibatkan beberapa efek negatif juga. Masyarakat pengalaman cultural shock karena mereka tidak siap untuk menerima budaya asing segera. Globalisasi membuat nilai dalam kehidupan sosial tidak siap untuk mengantisipasi perubahan yang terjadi di masyarakat. Ini mungkin membawa kehancuran nilai-nilai budaya yang telah diadopsi oleh masyarakat setempat.
Baik atau buruk, perubahan yang disebabkan oleh globalisasi harus dihadapi dengan sikap selektif untuk menerima budaya baru dan kemampuan-diri yang kuat untuk berjuang untuk itu.
Nowadays, the police have been applying the new regulation concerning the use of seat belts. In European countries, this regulation has been applied for a long time. However, this new regulation has become controversial and is an interesting topic to discuss. Here are some of the arguments. The use of seat belt has been proven to reduce the risk of injury or death in an accident. Seat belt has become a standard component in cars. The research shows that most car accidents will cause an injury to the head. Frequently, drivers or the passengers driving without seat belts die because of this. By wearing the seat belts, the injury will not happen since the seat belts restrain our body on the car seat when the accident happens. Unfortunately, many cars, especially the old ones, don have seat belts. This is because the traffic conditions in the past were unlike the recent traffic conditions. The designer of old cars didnt consider a seat belt as an important part. Besides, the drivers wearing the seat belts will think that they are completely safe, so they may drive carelessly. They are safe, indeed, but how about the safety of others? The seat belt is only one of the ways to reduce the risk of car accidents. It doesnt mean that we are completely safe. In short, our safety depends on ourselves.
Saat ini, polisi telah menerapkan peraturan baru tentang penggunaan sabuk pengaman. Di negara-negara Eropa, peraturan ini telah diterapkan untuk waktu yang lama. Namun, peraturan baru ini telah menjadi kontroversial dan merupakan topik menarik untuk dibahas. Berikut adalah beberapa argumen.
Penggunaan sabuk pengaman telah terbukti mengurangi risiko cedera atau kematian dalam suatu kecelakaan. Sabuk pengaman telah menjadi komponen standar dalam mobil.
Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kecelakaan mobil yang paling akan menyebabkan cedera pada kepala. Sering, driver atau penumpang mengemudi tanpa sabuk pengaman mati karena ini. Dengan memakai sabuk pengaman, cedera tidak akan terjadi karena sabuk pengaman menahan tubuh kita di kursi mobil ketika kecelakaan itu terjadi.
Sayangnya, banyak mobil, terutama yang lama, tak harus sabuk pengaman. Hal ini karena kondisi lalu lintas di masa lalu itu tidak seperti kondisi lalu lintas terakhir. Perancang mobil tua tidak menganggap sabuk pengaman sebagai bagian penting. Selain itu, driver mengenakan sabuk pengaman akan berpikir bahwa mereka benar-benar aman, sehingga mereka mungkin drive sembarangan. Mereka aman, memang, tapi bagaimana dengan keselamatan orang lain?
Sabuk pengaman hanya salah satu cara untuk mengurangi resiko kecelakaan mobil. Ini tidak berarti bahwa kita benar-benar aman. Singkatnya, keselamatan kita tergantung pada diri kita sendiri.
BOXING By Kerry Williams
There was a lot of discussion about whether boxing should be banned. The people who agree with this idea, such as Sarah, claim that if they do carry on boxing they should wear something to protect their heads. they also argue that people who do boxing could have brain damage and get seriously hurt. A further point they make is that most of the people the have died did have families. However, there are also strong arguments against this point of view. Another group of people believe that boxing should not be banned. They say that why they invent it if it is a dangerous sport. They say that boxing is a good sport, people enjoy it. A furthermore reason is if they ban boxing it will ruin peoples career. After looking at the different points of view and the evidence from them I think boxing should be banned because five hundred people have died in boxing since 18
Oleh Kerry Williams
Ada banyak diskusi tentang apakah tinju harus dilarang.
Orang-orang yang setuju dengan ide ini, seperti Sarah, mengklaim bahwa jika mereka terus tinju, mereka harus mengenakan sesuatu untuk melindungi kepala mereka. mereka juga berpendapat bahwa orang yang melakukan tinju bisa mengalami kerusakan otak dan mendapatkan luka serius. Titik selanjutnya adalah bahwa mereka membuat sebagian besar orang telah meninggal tidak punya keluarga.
Namun, ada juga argumen yang kuat terhadap sudut pandang ini. Kelompok lain orang percaya bahwa tinju tidak harus dilarang. Mereka mengatakan bahwa mengapa mereka menemukan itu jika itu adalah olahraga yang berbahaya. Mereka mengatakan bahwa tinju adalah olahraga yang baik, orang-orang menikmatinya. Alasan selanjutnya adalah jika mereka melarang tinju itu akan menghancurkan kariernya orang.
Setelah melihat sudut pandang yang berbeda dan bukti dari mereka saya pikir tinju harus dilarang karena lima ratus orang tewas dalam tinju sejak 18