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Twido Modbus with Magelis,

Altivar, Lexium, TeSysU

System User Guide
[source code]

FEB 2007


Schneider Electric



Application Source Code.......................................................................................................................4
Typical Applications................................................................................................................................5
Architecture .........................................................................................................................................6
Software ...............................................................................................................................................12
Communication ....................................................................................................................................13
Implementation .................................................................................................................................15
Communication ....................................................................................................................................17
PowerSuite Software............................................................................................................................21
HMI .......................................................................................................................................................23
Option 1................................................................................................................................................51
Option 2................................................................................................................................................55
Detailed Component List................................................................................................................56
Option 1................................................................................................................................................56
Option 2................................................................................................................................................56
Component Protection Classes....................................................................................................57
Component Features.......................................................................................................................58

Introduction This document is intended to provi de a quick introduction to the described System.
It is not intended to replace any specific product documentati on. On the contrary, it offers
additional information to the product documentation, for installing, configuring and starting up
the system.

A detailed functional description or the speci fication for a specific user application is not part of
this document. Nevertheless, the document outlines some typical applications where the
system might be implemented.


Schneider Electric



Word / Expression Significati on
AC Alternating Current
Advantys SE product name for a family of I/O modul es
Altivar (ATV) SE product name for a family of VSDs
CANopen Name for a communications machi ne bus system
CB Circuit Breaker
CoDeSys Hardware-i ndependent IEC 61131-3 programming software
ConneXium SE product name for a Family of Transparent Factory devices
DC Direct Current
EDS Electronic Data Sheet
E-OFF, E-STOP Emergency Off switch
Harmony SE product name for a family of switches and indicators
HMI Human Machi ne Interface
I/O Input/Output
IclA (ICLA) SE product name for a compact dri ve
Lexium/Lexium05/LXM SE product name for a family of servo-dri ves
Magelis SE product name for a family of HMI-Devices
MB - SL SE name for a serial Modbus communications protocol
Micro SE product name for a mi ddle range family of PLCs
NIM SE product name for a Net work Interface Module
Osi switch SE product name for a family of position switches
PC Personal Computer
PDO Process Data Object (CANopen)
Phaseo SE product name for a family of power supplies
PLC Programmable Logic Computer
Powersuite An SE software product for confi guring dri ves
Premium SE product name for a mi ddle range family of PLCs
Preventa SE product name for a family of safety devices
PS1131 (CoDeSys) SE Product name for PLC programming soft ware with CoDeSys
PS Power Supply
RPDO Recei ve Process Data Obj ect (CANopen)
SE Schneider Electric
SDO Service Data Object
Sycon SE product name of a Fiel d bus programmi ng software


Schneider Electric


Word / Expression Significati on
Telefast SE product name for a series of distributed I/O devices
TeSys U SE product name for a decentralized I/O System
TPDO Transmit Process Data Obj ect (CANopen)
Twido SE product name of a middle range family of PLCs
TwidoSoft SE product name for a PLC programming software
TwidoSuite SE product name for a PLC programming software
Unity (Pro) SE product name for a PLC programming software
Vijeo Designer An SE software product for programming Magelis HMI devices
VSD Variable Speed Dri ve
WxHxD Dimensions : Width, Height and Depth
XBT-L1000 An SE software product for programming Magelis HMI devices
Zelio SE product name for a l ow range PLC family
ZelioSoft SE product name for a PLC programming software


Schneider Electric


Application Source Code

Introduction Examples of the source code used to attain the system function as described in this
document can be downloaded from our website under thi s li nk.

The example source code is in the form of confi guration, application and import files. Use the
appropriate software tool to either open or import the files.

Extension File Type Software Tool Required
AIW Confi guration file Advantys
CNF Confi guration File Sycon
CO CANopen definitions file Sycon
CSV Comma Separat ed Values, Spreadsheet Twidosoft
CTX Unity
DCF Device Configuration File Advantys
DIB Device Independent Bitmap Sycon
DOC Document file Microsoft Word
DOP Project File Magelis XBTL
EDS Electronic Data Sheet Device Definiti on Industrial standard
FEF Export file PL7
GSD EDS file (Geraete Stamm Datei) Profi bus
ISL Island file, project file Advantys
PB Profi bus definitions file Sycon
PDF Portabl e Document Format - document Adobe Acrobat
PRO Project file PS1131 - CoDeSys
PS2 Export file Powersuite
RTF Rich Text File - document Microsoft Word
SPA Schneider Product Archi ve TwidoSuite
STU Project file Unity Pro
STX Project file PL7
TLX Project file Twinli ne control tool
TWD Project file TwidoSoft
VDZ Project file Vijeo Designer
XEF Export file Unity Pro
XPR Project file TwidoSuite
ZM2 Project file Zeliosoft


Schneider Electric


Typical Applications

Introduction Modicon developed the Modbus protocol in 1979 as a master/slave (client/server)
system. Due to its open bus structure, devices from di fferent manufacturers can
communicate di rectly with one another and exchange data. This has led it to
become a global standard for industrial bus systems and (according to estimates)
being used in conjunction with more than 10 million nodes.

In 1980, the development of Ethernet using coaxial cables led to the establishment
of yet another bus standard which was, at first, concei ved for office use only.

Modbus TCP was created by combining these two systems. This document
provides a description of the Modbus RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) with 2-wire
cabling; a bus system that is both inexpensi ve and easy to configure. For this
reason, it is used in small and mid-scal e systems, where high speeds and real-time
functions are not the main concern. ( www.modbus.org )

Below is a list of the typical applications and the market segments where this
system or subsystem can be applied:

Small machine or pl ant components that must be controlled and monitored.
Decentralized automation systems

Conveyor belt with turnt able
Irrigation systems for greenhouses

Water suppli es
Air-conditioni ng/ ventilation for tunnel systems

Food & Beverage/Pharmaceuticals
Cont rol of pumps and val ves
Modul ar bakery machi nes

Application Description Image
automati on systems

Plant components such as
cooling systems, washing
filters, etc., are controll ed by a
PLC using a bus system and
are checked for errors. This
data is also read and archi ved
by the production control

Water suppli es

This type of application
frequently features several
pump stations distributed
around a site. A bus system is
used so that the PLC can
monitor these stations.
Air conditioni ng/

This invol ves the ventilation of
systems and working areas.
Sensors, val ves, fans and filters
are connected to the PLC,
which controls the process, vi a
a bus system.


Schneider Electric



Introduction The system chapter describes the architecture, the dimensions, the quantities and different
types of components used withi n this system.


General The Modbus RTU is a serial communication bus that is based on the master/slave principl e,
with one master and up to 31 slaves. Each slave can be assigned an address bet ween 1
and 247.

In terms of the bus design, both RS232 and RS485 versions are avail abl e. The RS485
version can be used to cover a distance of up to 1. 2 km.

To illustrate a few typical applications where Modbus RTU is used, we shall be considering
a Compact Twido PLC, a Magelis XBT-R HMI operator terminal, an Alti var 31 vari able
speed dri ve and a TeSysU mot or starter.

An additional Lexium 05 servo is implemented in the case of Option 1, and an additi onal
modul ar Twido PLC in that case of Option 2.

The HMI acts as the master. Because of its two interfaces, the PLC therefore acts as both a
slave on the HMI line and as a master for a second bus line that connects it to other nodes.

The communication distributors take the form of Modbus hubs. This allows areas of the
plant to be separated on the basis of functions and increases the level of fault tolerance. In
the exampl es that follow, the default values (9,600 bauds; 8, E, 1) are used as
communication parameters.


Schneider Electric



Components Hardware:

Magelis XBT-R411 HMI panel (operator terminal acts as master)
Twido PLC (compact design, acts as both master and slave) with TWD-NAC485T
(RS485 interface for Modbus)
Twido (modular desi gn, acts as slave) with TWD-NOZ485T (RS485 int erface modul e for
Altivar ATV31 variable speed dri ve with integrated Modbus interface
Lexium 05 servo dri ve with integrat ed Modbus interface
TeSys U LUCM1XBL motor circuit breaker with LULC031 Modbus interface
TeSys LU9GC3 8-way Modbus hub


TwidoSoft (Version 3.2) (PLC programming)
XBT-L1000 (Version 4.42) (HMI programming)
PowerSuite (Version 2. 3 build15) (VSD parameterization)

Quantities of
For a compl ete and det ailed list of components, the quantities required and the order
numbers, please refer to the components list at the rear of this document.

Degree of
Not all the components in this configuration are designed to withstand the same
envi ronmental conditions. Some components may need additi onal protection, in the form of
housings, dependi ng on the envi ronment in which you intend to use them. For
envi ronmental details of the indi vi dual components please refer to the list in the appendix of
this document and the appropriate user manual.


Schneider Electric


Mains voltage 240V AC
Power requi rement ~ 1 kW
Dri ve power rating 0,18 kW
Motor brake none
Connection 3x 1,0mm (L1, N, PE)
Safety Level Cat. 1, Cat 3 (optional)

Safety Notice The standard and level of safety you apply to your application is determi ned by your
system design and the overall extent to which your system may be a hazard to people
and machinery.

Whether or not the above safety category shoul d be appli ed to your system should be
ascertained with a proper risk analysis.

This document is not comprehensi ve for any systems using the gi ven archit ecture and
does not absol ve users of thei r duty to uphold the safety requi rements with respect to the
equi pment used in thei r systems or of compliance with eit her national or int ernational
safety laws and regul ations

Dimensions The dimensions of the indi vi dual devices used; PLC, Dri ve, Power supply, etc. require a
housing cabinet size of at least 800x600x300mm (WxHxD).

The HMI displ ay, illuminated indicators such as SYSTEM ON, SYSTEM OFF or
ACKNOWLEDGE EMERGENCY OFF as well as the emergency off switch itself, can be
built into the door of the housing.


Schneider Electric



Introduction This chapter describes the steps necessary to set up the hardware and configure the
software required to fulfil the described function of the application.


Magelis XBT-R

Phaseo Power


Twido SPS
modul ar und

TeSys LU9GC3

TeSys U

Altivar ATV31
Lexium LXM05
This image shows a typical test setup, which can be used to test the communication
between the devices at the configuration stage.


Schneider Electric



General Modbus hubs (distributors) are used in the following exampl es so that standard Modbus
cables with RJ45 connectors can be accommodated. This means that the di fferences in
voltage between the various interfaces have no repercussions.
According to the specifications, the bus must be terminated using termi nating resistors.
Short cables are a feature of the system layout so that testing can be carried out wit hout

XBT-R 411

Modbus master to PLC

RS232/485 interface

Depending on how a
proj ect is configured
when it is created using
the XBT-L1000
software, the terminal
can be used as both a
master and a slave.

TeSys LU9GC3
Modbus hub
RS485 distribut or
for eight bus nodes

Only 1 master may be
connected at any one

between the HMI and

and between

the PLC and the devices

Twido Compact PLC

Modbus master to other

COM1 HMI slave +
programming interface

With optional COM2
RS485 interface
Modbus master

Twido Modular PLC

Acts as a Modbus slave
(here, slave 5)

COM1 programming

With optional COM2
RS485 interface
Modbus master


Schneider Electric


TeSys U
motor starter

Power base

With LUCM1XBL display

Modbus communication
modul e

The Modbus interface is
located on the underside of
the Modbus module.

Altivar ATV31

variabl e speed dri ve

Modbus interface

The Modbus interface is
located behind the front

Lexium 05

servo dri ve cont roller

Modbus interface

The Modbus interface is
located behind the front

Phaseo power supply



Schneider Electric



General The Twi doSoft programmi ng tool is used for programmi ng the PLC.

The HMI application on the Magelis XBT-R411 operator terminal is configured using XBT-
L1000 software.

Although Alti var 31 vari able speed dri ves and the Lexi um 05 servo dri ve cont roller can be
parameterized via the front panel, the PowerSuite soft ware is a more user-friendly option.
As well as providing a convenient means of setting dri ve paramet ers, this software also
enables data to be saved and archi ved. These functions are extremely useful as they mean
that parameters can be restored rapidly whenever service tasks need to be performed. The
software can also hel p you to optimize the parameters online.

One of the following versions of the Windows operating system must be installed on your

Windows 2000 or
Windows XP

To use the software packages, your PC must have the
appropriate Microsoft Windows operating system installed:

C:\Program Fil es\Schneider Electric\TwidoSoft

C:\Program Fil es\Schneider Electric\ XBT-L1000

C:\Program Fil es\Schneider Electric\PowerSuite

Manuals The manual below provides furt her details on Modbus and
how to program communication.


Schneider Electric



General A Modbus seri al link is used for communication between indi vi dual devices.

Various pre-assembl ed cabl es should be used for programmi ng or configuring the devices
or the communication between them.

Before you can start up the Modbus, both the node addresses (node numbers) and
transmission parameters must be set. Depending on the device, this can be carri ed out
using soft ware or hardware.

The following table provides an overvi ew of the cable connections and Modbus function
codes that shoul d be used.

Usage Cable Type

PLC programmi ng


Modbus communication
PLC <-> Modbus hub
TWDX-CAR-J030 with RJ45

HMI programming

Modbus communication
HMI <-> Modbus hub
XBT-Z938 with RJ45

Altivar 31

PowerSuite adapter W8 with RJ45 or
USB-485040 adapter with Modbus cabl e with RJ45
Modbus communication
Altivar 31 <-> Modbus

VW3A8306R10 Modbus cabl e with RJ45

Lexium 05 confi guration

PowerSuite adapter W8 with RJ45 or
USB-485040 adapter with RJ45 Modbus cable
Modbus communication
Lexium 05 <-> Modbus

VW3A8306R10 Modbus cabl e with RJ45

TeSys U configuration

PowerSuite adapter W8 with RJ45 or
USB-485040 adapter with Modbus cabl e with RJ45
Modbus communication
TeSys U <-> Modbus

VW3A8306R10 Modbus cabl e with RJ45

8-way Modbus hub

Modbus distributor (passi ve)


Schneider Electric


Modbus Specifying bus parameters
PLC programmi ng The bus address (node number) for the Twido PLC is
set using the port parameters in the Twi doSoft
programming software and is written to the PLC (see
relevant chapter).
HMI programming The bus address (node number) for the XBT-R411
operator terminal is set in the XBT-L1000
programming software and is written to the PLC (see
relevant chapter).
Altivar 31 and Lexium 05
The bus address (node number) for the vari abl e
speed dri ve and the servos is set vi a the front display.
Alternati vely, this can be carri ed out using the
PowerSuite software (see relevant chapter).
TeSys U
The bus address (node number) for the TeSys U
LUB12 motor starter is set using the DIP switches
located on the underside of the LUL-C031 Modbus
modul e (see relevant chapter).

Possible Modbus
function codes



The following devices support the following codes:

Twido PLC
Code 1
Code 3
Code 5
Code 6
Code 15
Code 16

Magelis XBT-R411
Code 1
Code 3
Code 5
Code 6
Code 15
Code 16

TeSys U
Code 3
Code 6
Code 16

Altivar 31
Code 3
Code 6
Code 16
Lexium 05
Code 3
Code 16

No further information is provided in terms of detailed error analysis: only a group
error is gi ven consideration.


Schneider Electric



Introduction The impl ementation chapter describes all the steps necessary to initialise, to configure, to
program and start-up the system to achieve the application functions as listed bel ow.


Instructions for switchi ng on and functional description

1. Switch on all fuses and motor circuit breakers.
2. Acknowledge emergency off signals.
3. Switch on the master switch.
4. The data rel ating to the vari ous bus nodes is shown on the HMI display.

Data relating to the various devices such as the PLC, variable speed dri ve, servo dri ve and
motor starter, should be displayed on the HMI. The devices communicate using a Modbus
network. The Modbus RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) is a serial 2-wire bus (RS485) that is
based on the master/slave principl e, with one master and up to 31 slaves.

In the system layout shown bel ow, the HMI operat or termi nal is the master for
communication with the first PLC. In turn, this PLC acts as a master for the devices that
are connected via a second COM interface. These devices are all slaves.

This layout has a number of advantages:

Shoul d the HMI fail, communication with the devices on the network will continue
as normal. Consequently, a production plant will not come to a standstill, since the
automatic mode that is controlled by the master PLC can continue to run.

Shoul d the PLC or one of the slaves fail, but there are no probl ems affecting the
HMI, then the relevant alarm messages can be displayed on the HMI.

Where bus connections via the Modbus hub are concerned, differences in voltage between
the various interfaces will not have any repercussions.


Schneider Electric




Schneider Electric



Introduction This chapter describes the data passed vi a the communications bus (e.g. Modbus
Plus or TCP/IP) that is not bound di rectly with digital or anal og hardware.

The list contains:

The device links
Direction of data flow
symbolic name and
Bus address of the device concerned.

Device Links The Modbus bus system is used in this application. This connects the various
devices (PLC, HMI, VSD, servo, motor starter) with one another and enabl es data

Modbus hubs (distributors) are used in the following exampl es so that standard
Modbus cables with RJ45 connectors can be accommodated. This means that
differences in voltage between the various interfaces will not have any

A number of different layouts are possible as far as the Modbus structure is concerned.

As a basic principle, Modbus al ways takes the form of a master/slave system, i.e.,
there is only one master, which controls and monitors communication and requests
data from/sends data to the slaves. There is no di rect communication bet ween the

If data is to be transferred from one slave to another, it must first be read by the master
and then sent to the other slave. With this kind of transfer, data can only be sent
consecuti vely.

The termi nating resistors are responsibl e for guaranteeing a defined voltage level on
the cables used for communication. If the test structure invol ves the use of short
cables, testing can also be carried out without termi nating resistors.

In the system structure, testing can be carried out wit hout termi nating resistors.


Schneider Electric


Example 1:

Example 2:

The LU9GC3 Modbus hub is a passi ve bus distributor, and should therefore be used
as a bus line.

Only one master is permitted on a Modbus hub at any one time.


Schneider Electric


Each Twido COM interface can be both a master and a slave.

The optional COM2 interface in terminal or mi ni-DIN versions


Schneider Electric


Various hardware addresses, as well as fl ags and memory words, are used wit hin the
PLC example program.
From the point of vi ew of controlling communicati on, it is important to use a seri es of
consecuti ve addresses, since the communicati on commands assign a speci fic
sequence to the memory words (see PLC Programmi ng).
To ensure clarity, absolute addresses (e.g., %MW2) are used in the PLC program.
Type Address Comment
memory words %MW0 to
In this program, only 16-bit words (2 bytes) are
used as memory words.
Flags %M0 to
Flags are Boolean variabl es, which can only
assume state 0 or 1.
Special memory
Error codes are executed in this kind of flag word
when communication errors occur on the Twi do
COM1/COM2 interface.
Instruction to send/recei ve messages (data
exchange), e.g., the next 30 bytes following
%MW0 (= 15 memory words).
Exchange control
function block
Cont rol bit for coordi nating communication and
monitori ng communication errors for COM1 and


Schneider Electric


PowerSuite Software


Serial Modbus
PowerSuite software can be used to directly address and parameterize indi vi dual slaves
connected via a Modbus hub. The advantage of this is that the cables between the
slaves and the Modbus hub do not have to be disconnected; an additi onal
communication cable running to the PC simply needs to be connected.

A typical layout: Within a single system, several devices are connected via a hub.

Connect USB 485040 (TSX C USB 485) cabl e adapter to the PCs USB port.
Connect the cabl e adapter to the Modbus hub using a Modbus cable with RJ45
connectors. The PC is now the Modbus master.

The Modbus master net work (HMI or PLC) cable must be removed from the
Modbus hub; otherwise, communication errors can occur.

3 Start PowerSuite software.

4 Expand Connections i n the Project Browser.


Schneider Electric


Double-click Serial multidrop:

Set the communication parameters and the slave address, and click Enter to
confi rm.


Right -click Serial multidrop and select Connect.

The search automatically accepts the connection to slave 2 and the paramet ers
are read. These can also be changed online.

Communication is established and avail abl e online.


Schneider Electric



This application features a Magelis XBT-R411 HMI, which communicates with the PLC vi a
the Modbus RTU protocol.
XBT-L 1000 software is used to program and confi gure the terminal.

The HMI is defined as the Modbus master and is connected to the COM1 interface of the
Twido Compact PLC via the Modbus hub.

The steps to be taken in order to create and downl oad a program are described on the
following pages.

The HMI is set up as foll ows:

Define master or slave
Edit the application page
Transfer project

Master or
When creating a new proj ect, you need to decide whet her the terminal is to be a
master or slave.

The termi nal type is confi gured
when a new proj ect is created
using the XBT-L1000 software.

Commercial References:
Protocol :
Modbus => master
Modbus Slave => slave

Then sel ect Parameters...


The following default
parameters are set for all

Speed: 9,600 bauds
Parity: Even
Stop Bits: 1
Data Bits: 8 (fixed)

Click OK to continue.


Schneider Electric



In the application creation

Use Browse to save the
proj ect in the relevant directory
under any name, before
clicking on Next>.

At least one slave must be
specified in the Li st of current

Click Modify the list to open
the Configure Equipment
Symbol s dialog box.

Here, you can modify names
and slave addresses.

Click OK to exit.

You can now configure the

Click Next> to finish creating
the application.

Click Finish to open the first
application page.


Schneider Electric


Editing the
You can edit the application

Insert any text you like.

Edit Insert field

Read dat a from PLC Slave01

Double-click the location where
the variable is to be inserted.
- Click Modify
- Select the equi pment
- Variable type and address
to be read (%MW7).

Then click OK.

The variable is inserted on the
screen. During operation, the
current val ue is displayed here.

The HMI start screen foll owi ng
the addition of more fi elds to
the application page.


Schneider Electric


Project to
HMI or
Export it


Unpl ug the XBT programming
cable and connect the
communication cable.


HMI display:

Displayed opposite are the
current val ues of the fi rst six
data registers (from %MW7 to
%MW12) as read from the
Twido PLC
(only when the PLC has been
programmed and communi -
cation is active).


Schneider Electric



Introduction This chapter describes how to initialize, parameterize and load the Twi doSoft
program to the Twi do PLC in order to implement the functional descripti on
described above.

Preconditions Communication via the Modbus master requires parameterization and a PLC
program that controls and monitors dat a transfer via the COM int erfaces.
For the slaves, it is only necessary to set the paramet ers. There is no need for
communication programmi ng here.
Programmi ng is displayed i n both Ladder Language and Instruction List.

Before carrying out the steps described below, you must ensure that:
The Twi doSoft programmi ng tool is installed on your PC
The Modbus seri al dri ver, Version 1.6 (Buil d 28) is installed on the PC.
The Twi do PLC is switched on and supplied with power
The PLC and the PC are linked to one anot her via the PC <> Twi do
programming cable (TSXPCX1031 or TSXPCX3030).

Setting up the PLC is done as foll ows:
Create a new proj ect
Define interfaces
Write programming i n Ladder Language
Alternati vely, write programming in Instruction List

Communication between the Twido PLC (master) and the Twido PLC (slave)
Creating a
New Project

To create a new project, select:



Schneider Electric


A window offeri ng additional
settings opens.

For the purpose of this
application, the default settings
will suffice.

Confi rm with OK.

In the application navigator,
right-click Hardware and select
Add option

Select the 2nd COM interface,
TWDNOZ485T, and click Add
to confirm.

Right -click Port 1 and select:

Edit Controller Comm Setup

to call up the Controller
Communications Setup
dialog box.


Schneider Electric


Select Modbus protocol.
The parameters can now be

The COM interfaces can be
either master or slave. The
PLC program decides which is

Address "1" is always
selected. (This is not relevant
for the master int erface. For the
slave interface, it is the slave

The PLC default val ues have
been used in all of the

Baudrate: 9,600
Data Bits: 8
Parity: Even
Stop Bits: 1

Click OK to confi rm the values.

5 Do the same for Port 2.

PLC Program
in LD

Reading N
Words From
(Code 03)
1 From the point of vi ew of controlling communicati on, it is important to use a seri es
of consecuti ve addresses, since a specific flag word sequence is required for the
communication commands.
To ensure clarity, absolute addresses (e.g., %MW0, %MW100) are used in the
PLC program.


Schneider Electric


Bus initialization and reading data from slave 1

Here, the dat a %MW120 to %MW134 is read from slave 1, a Twido PLC.

Data words %MW0 to %MW2 are used to initialize the slave concerned and to
define which and how much data should be transmitted.

%MW0 and %MW1 contain default values.

Function Code 03 (Read) and 01 for the slave address are entered in %MW2.

%MW3 contains the slaves start address (the data will be read from this address

The number of memory words to be read is specified in %MW4.

Values from the recei ve tabl e are read in %MW5 and %MW6.

The data read from the slave is displayed in %MW7 onwards.

Note: The data from the slave is displayed from the 7
memory word onwards
(here, %MW7) + number (the 15 memory words in %MW4) = %MW21, and can
then be transferred to the appropri ate areas of the PLC program. In the example
below, the data from addresses %MW120 to %MW134 (15 memory words) is read
from the slave and written to the area of the master that ranges from %MW7 to

Function 03

Controlling communication.

Communication with the slaves must be controlled in the master. This ensures that
commands are not executed simultaneously, thereby preventing communication

5 Checking the send bit.
The send commands are initialized by means of the EXCH2 function (for COM2).
Following sending, bit %MSG2.D is set to 1 and the recei ve mode is triggered.


Schneider Electric


Controlling the slaves

In this exampl e, bit %MSG2.D causes an i ncremental count to occur in a
%MW999 data word. At the end of each send cycle, the val ue increases by 1.
The value is compared so that other initial values can be transferred to the COM
interface one by one, meaning that each of the slaves is scanned in turn. The
sequence in which this is performed is arbit rary. Dependi ng on the system, some
slaves may be scanned several times, or hardly ever.
Important: At least 2 send cycles are necessary per slave to guarantee secure

7 Control with counter reset once all slaves have been scanned.
In the exampl e below, the PLC master scans the data of 5 slaves (MW0, MW100,
MW200, MW300, MW400), one after the other. This prevents different slaves from
being scanned simultaneously somethi ng that coul d cause communication


Schneider Electric


Example: Mapping the user data of slave 1

Monitoring the bus communication for errors

Here, data word %SW64, which is responsibl e for identifying communication
errors on COM2, is scanned and the number of errors counted.

To obtai n a detail ed error analysis, the error code i n %SW64 must be evaluated.
(where COM1 = %SW63)
Error Codes


Schneider Electric


Under PLC and Connect in TwidoSoft, load the program into the PLC, select Start
Program and connect the communication cabl es from the two Twido PLCs to the
Modbus hub. The slave data is then visible in the master.

12 Connect cable and test:

PLC programming TSXPCX3030 or TSXPCX1031

Modbus communication
PLC <-> Modbus hub
TWDX-CAR-J030 with RJ45

PLC Program
in LD

Writing n words to slave, Modbus function (Code 16 (=10hex))

From the point of vi ew of controlling communicati on, it is important to use a seri es of
consecuti ve addresses, since a specific flag word sequence is required for the
communication commands.
To ensure clarity, absolute addresses (e.g., %MW0, %MW5) are used in the PLC


Schneider Electric


Bus initialization and writing data to slave 2.

The data from %MW6 to %MW10 is to be written to a Twido PLC (slave 2) from a
Twido PLC (Modbus master).

Data words %MW0 to %MW5, are used to define the send request, i.e., the amount of
data that is to be sent to which slave.

%MW0 (16#01..) contai ns default values; (..12) is the
send length = 8+2*(5) number of words to be sent

%MW1 contains default values for sendi ng

%MW2 (16#02..) contai ns the slave address; (..10) is the default val ue for Code 16

%MW3, (..00) refers to %MW0 = the target address in the slave

%MW4 contains the number of words to be written

%MW5 (16#00..) contai ns default values;
(..0A) = 10 decimal = 2*(5) number of bytes to be sent

%MW6 onwards contai n n number of data words to be sent to the slave.

Note: In the example below, various factors cause an increment al count to occur in
data words %MW6 to %MW10. This is only used for the purpose of an i nternal slave


Schneider Electric



Function 16

4 Controlling communication
Communication with the slaves must be controlled in the master: this ensures that
commands are not executed simultaneously, thereby preventing communication errors.

5 Checking the send bit.
The send commands are initialized by means of the EXCH2 function (for COM2). Bit %
MSG2.D is used to ensure that a send request is complete before the next one is sent.
This is not the quickest method, but it is secure.

6 Monitoring send errors
Bit %MSG2.E is used to check whether any send errors are pending. The error code
from COM2 is displayed in system word %SW64.


Schneider Electric


Error Codes

Loading program

Under PLC and Connect in TwidoSoft, load the program into the PLC, select Start
Program and connect the communication cabl es from the two Twido PLCs to the
Modbus hub. The slave data is then visible in the master.

9 Connect and test:

PLC programming TSXPCX3030 or TSXPCX1031

Modbus communication
PLC <-> Modbus hub
TWDX-CAR-J030 with RJ45


Schneider Electric


between the
Twido PLC
(master) and
the Twido PLC

Program in IL
1 From the point of vi ew of controlling communicati on in the master, it is important to use
a series of consecuti ve addresses, since a specific flag word sequence is required for
the communicati on commands.
To ensure clarity, absolute addresses (e.g., %MW0, %MW100) are used in the PLC

Bus initialization and reading data from slave 1

Here, the dat a %MW120 to %MW134 is read from slave 1, a Twido PLC.

Data words %MW0 to %MW2 are used to initialize the slave in question, and to defi ne
which and how much data should be transmitted.

%MW0 and %MW1 contain default values.
Function Code 03 (Read) and 01 for the slave address are entered in %MW2.
%MW3 contains the slaves start address (the data will be read from this address
The number of memory words to be read is specified in %MW4.
Initial values from the recei ve table are read in %MW5 and %MW6.
The data read from the slave is displayed in %MW7 onwards.

Note: The data from the slave is displayed from the 7
flag word onwards (here,
%MW7) + number (15 from %MW4) = %MW21, and can then be transferred to the
appropriate areas of the PLC program. In the exampl e bel ow, the data from
addresses %MW120 to %MW134 (15 memory words) is read from the slave and
written int o the area of the master rangi ng from %MW7 to %MW21.

Function 03


Schneider Electric


4 Controlling communication
Communication with the slaves must be controlled: this ensures that commands are
not executed simultaneously, thereby preventing communication errors.

5 Checking the send bit.
The send commands are initialized by means of the EXCH2 function (for COM2).
Following sending, bit %MSG2.D is set to 1 and the recei ve mode is triggered.

Controlling the slaves

In this exampl e, bit %MSG2.D causes an i ncremental count to occur in a %MW999
data word. At the end of each send cycle, the value increases by 1. The val ue is
compared so that other initial values can be transferred to the COM i nterface one by
one, meaning that each of the slaves is scanned in turn. The sequence in which this is
performed is arbitrary. Depending on the system, some slaves may be scanned
several times, or hardly ever.
Important: At least 2 send cycles are necessary per slave to guarantee secure


In the exampl e below, 5 slaves (MW0, MW100, MW200, MW300, MW400) are
scanned for their data one after the other This prevents different slaves from being
scanned simultaneously something that could cause communication errors.

Resetting the counter once all slaves have been scanned.


Schneider Electric


Example: Mapping the user data of slave 1

Monitoring the bus communication for errors

Here, data word %SW64, which is responsibl e for identifying communication errors on
COM2, is scanned and the number of errors counted.

To obtai n a detail ed error analysis, the error code i n %SW64 must be evaluated.
(where COM1 = %SW63)
Error Codes

Loading program

Under PLC and Connect in TwidoSoft, load the program into the PLC, select Start
Program and connect the communication cabl es from the two Twido PLCs to the
Modbus hub. The slave data is then visible in the master.

12 Connect and test:

PLC programming TSXPCX3030

Modbus communication
PLC <-> Modbus hub
TWDX-CAR-J030 with RJ45


Schneider Electric


PLC Program
in IL

Writing n words to slave, Modbus function (Code 16)

From the point of vi ew of controlling communicati on, it is important to use a seri es of
consecuti ve addresses, since a specific flag word sequence is required for the
communication commands.
To ensure clarity, absolute addresses (e.g., %MW0, %MW5) are used in the PLC

Bus initialization and writing data to slave 2

The data from %MW6 to %MW10 is to be written to a Twido PLC (slave 2) from a
Twido PLC (Modbus master).

Data words %MW0 to %MW5, are used to define the send request, i.e., the
amount of data that is to be sent to which slave.

%MW0 (16#01..) contai ns default values; (..12) is the
send length = 8+2*(5) number of words to be sent
%MW1 contains default values for sendi ng
%MW2 (16#02..) contai ns the slave address; (..10) is the default val ue for Code 16
In %MW3, (..00) refers to %MW0 = the target address in the slave
%MW4 contains the number of words to be written
%MW5 (16#00..) contai ns default values;
(..0A) = 10 decimal = 2*(5) number of bytes to be sent

%MW6 onwards contai n n number of data words to be sent to the slave.
Note: In the example below, various factors cause an increment al count to occur in
data words %MW6 to %MW10. This is only used for the purpose of an i nternal
slave check.


Schneider Electric



Function 16

4 Controlling communication
Communication with the slaves must be controlled in the master: this ensures that
commands are not executed simultaneously, thereby preventing communication

5 Checking the send bit
The send commands are initialized by means of the EXCH2 function (for COM2).
Bit % MSG2.D is used to ensure that a send request is complete before the next
one is sent. This is not the quickest method, but it is secure.

6 Monitoring send errors
Bit %MSG2.E is used to check whether any send errors are pending. The error
code from COM2 is displayed in system word %SW64.


Schneider Electric


Error Codes

Loading program

Under PLC and Connect in TwidoSoft, load the program into the PLC, select Start
Program and connect the communication cabl es from the two Twido PLCs to the
Modbus hub. The slave data is then visible in the master.

Connect and test:

PLC programming TSXPCX3030 or TSXPCX1031

Modbus communication
PLC <-> Modbus hub
TWDX-CAR-J030 with RJ45


Schneider Electric



Introduction This chapter describes the steps requi red to initialise and configure the devices
to attain the described system function.

In a large number of applications, other devices are connected to the Twi do PLC
via a Modbus network, such as Altivar 31 variabl e speed dri ves (ATV31), servo
dri ves (Lexium 05) and motor start ers (TeSys U). In the following examples, the
Twido PLC, acting as the master, reads data from these slaves.

The ATV31 and Lexium 05 parameters are ent ered or modi fied via the front
panel. The PowerSuite soft ware can also be used for configuration. This offers a
number of advantages:

You can save the data on your PC and copy it as you wish
You can print out the documentation
You can optimize parameters online.

With the TeSys U motor starter, the slave address on the LUL-C032(031)
Modbus communication modules must be set using the DIP switch. The module
recognizes the communication parameters automatically.

Between the
PLC (Master) and
Altivar 31 (Slave)
The master PLC is connected to the Modbus hub vi a the COM2 interface. From
here, it is connected to the Alti var 31 (slave).

The menu is structured as shown below.


Schneider Electric


Setting the
Altivar ATV31
Slave Address
on the Display
To view this screen, you
must select Modbus
communication the fi rst time
the device is started up (see

Press ENT.

SET = Set

Press ENT.

Keep pressing the down
arrow until COn
(Communication) appears.

Press ENT.

Add = Address

Press ENT and set the slave
address using the arrow

Modbus slave address = 9

Press ENT to confi rm.
The displ ay flashes briefly.


Schneider Electric


Press ESC and press the
down arrow until


(baud rate) appears.

Press ENT.

Use the arrow keys to set
the baud rat e.

9.6 for 9,600 bauds

Press ENT to confi rm.
The displ ay flashes briefly.

Press ESC and press the
down arrow until


(Control Bits) appears.

Press ENT.

Use the arrow keys to select

8E1 stands for 8 data bits.
Parity = even; 1 stop bit

Press ENT to confi rm.
The displ ay flashes briefly.

Press ESC 3 times to return
to the first screen.

To activate the communication parameters, the ATV31 must be switched
off and back on again.


Schneider Electric


Altivar 31


The addresses can be found in the ATV31_Communication_Vari ables manual.
In the exampl e below, the dri ve rating and the dri ve voltage of the VSD are

PLC Program
in LD

For scanni ng data from the Alti var 31

In this case, initialization begins with %MW400.
Starting with ATV31 Modbus address 3011, two words are read out from slave
(Function 03) The user dat a is displayed from %MW407.


Schneider Electric


Connect and test:

VSD programming
PowerSuite adapter W8 with RJ45 or
USB-485040 adapter with Modbus cable with

Modbus communication
Altivar 31 <-> Modbus hub
VW3A8306R10 Modbus cable with RJ45

To see the values on the HMI, read out addresses %MW407 and %MW408
from slave 1 (PLC) on the HMI.


Schneider Electric


Between the
PLC (Master)
and TeSysU

The master PLC is connected to the Modbus hub vi a the COM2 interface. From
here, it is connected to the TeSys U (slave).

Setting the
TeSys U Slave
First, remove the power supply to
the device. Then dismantle it and
pull out the Modbus LULC032
modul e.

Set the TeSys U slave address on
the underside of Modbus module


Schneider Electric


DIP Settings


1 = 2^0
2 = 2^1
3 = 2^2
4 = 2^3
5 = 2^4

The decimal address is binary-coded. It can be easily converted using the
Windows Calculator.


Binary conversion using the Windows Calculator:


Enter the decimal value and click Bin.


The module detects communication parameters, such as baud rate, dat a bits
and stop bits automatically whenever the master submits a request. This means
that it is only necessary to set the slave address.


The communication parameters are acti vated when the device is switched on.


Schneider Electric


TeSys U

The addresses can be found in the LULCO31 (Modbus modul e) manual
(DE_174323403a55. pdf ). In the exampl e bel ow, the switch setting is read.


PLC program component for scanning data from the TeSys U

In this case, initialization begins with %MW300.
Starting with TeSys U address 457, one word is read out from slave 2.
The user data is displayed from %MW307.

Cabli ng:

4 Connect and test

To see the values on the HMI, read out address %MW307 from slave 1 (PLC)
on the HMI.


Schneider Electric


Option 1

Between the
Twido PLC
(Master) and the
Lexium 05

The master PLC is connected to the Modbus hub vi a the COM2 interface. From
here, it is connected to the Lexium 05 (slave).

Menu Structure

Setting the
Lexium 05
Slave Address
on the Display
To view this screen, you
must select Modbus
communication the fi rst time
the device is started up (see


Schneider Electric


SET = Set

Press ENT.

CoN = Communication

Press down arrow until..


Press ENT.

MbAd = Modbus address

Press down arrow until..

Example: Slave 11

Press ENT and set the
slave address using the
arrow keys.

Press ENT to confi rm.
The displ ay flashes briefly.


Schneider Electric


Mbbd = Modbus baud rate

Press ESC and press the
down arrow until..

Press ENT.

9.6 = 9,600 bauds

Use the arrow keys to
select 9,600 bauds.

Press ENT to confi rm.
The displ ay flashes briefly.

MbFo = Paramet ers

Press ESC and press the
down arrow until..

Press ENT.

8E1 stands for 8 data bits.
Parity = even; 1 stop bit

Use the arrow keys to
select 8E1.
Press ENT to confi rm.
The displ ay flashes briefly.

Press ESC 3 times to return
to the first screen.


To activate the communication parameters, the Lexium 05 must be
switched off and back on again.


Schneider Electric


Lexium 05


The addresses can be found in the manual:
LXM05A_manual _V104_TE_DE.pdf
In the exampl e below, the motor type is read.

PLC Program
For Scanning
Data From the
Lexium 05

In this case, initialization begins with %MW500.
Starting with Lexium address 3332, two words are read out from slave 11.
The user data is displayed from %MW507.


Servo programming

PowerSuite adapter W8 with RJ45 or
USB-485040 adapter with Modbus cable with

Modbus communication
Servo <-> Modbus hub
VW3A8306R10 Modbus cable with RJ45

15 Connect and test

To see the values on the HMI, read out address %MW507 from slave 1 (PLC)
on the HMI.


Schneider Electric


Option 2

Between the
Twido PLC
(Master) and the
Twido PLC

The Twi do PLC (master) is connected to the Modbus hub vi a the COM2
interface. From here, it is connected to the Twi do PLC (slave).


As described in chapter PLC, but the communication parameters for the COM
interface are set in the PLC project of the slave PLC.


There is no need to program the communicati on in the slave PLC. It is important
to ensure that the memory words that are to be read or written by the master
are avail abl e in the slave program.


Scan and
Cycle Time
Modbus (Modbus RTU) is a serial bus used in automation technology for
communication bet ween (up to 31) different devices. This bus system requires a
master, which initializes the control of the communication protocols, and slaves,
which wait for the master to scan (read) or send (write) data. Data cannot be
exchanged di rectly between the slaves. Instead, this must always be carried out vi a
the master (which reads the data from slave x and writes it to slave y).

The length of time taken to transmit data depends on the bus load (amount of data),
the number of slaves connected, the baud rate and the cycle time of the Modbus
master PLC. Most devices support baud rates 4,800, 9,600 and 19,200. Baud rates
600, 1,200, 2,400 and 38,400 are only supported by some devices. This must be
taken into consideration during configuration.

It is therefore advisable to group flags into memory words, to avoid an
unnecessarily large number of indi vidual instructions. In the same way, consecuti ve
addresses shoul d be used where there are several memory words. These will then
be written or read in blocks (max. 120 MW per instruction).

The speed of dat a transmission, and therefore response times, may slow down
depending on the amount of data and the system layout. The times may increase
from <1 s (only 1 slave) to 5 10 seconds (more than 5 10 slaves).

Behavior during errors: If one of the slaves fails (due to a cabl e break, power fail ure,
etc.), the master repeatedly attempts to establish communication with the slave in
accordance with how it has been confi gured. Duri ng this time, no dat a is exchanged
with the other slaves, resulting i n a del ay.

Comprehensi ve details can be found in the rel evant reference manuals or on the
Internet at www.modbus.org.


Schneider Electric



Detailed Component List

Pos. Amt. Description Part Number
1.1 1 Vario master switch VCF02GE
1.2 1 Harmony emergency off switch
1.3 1 Phaseo 230 V AC/24 V DC power
supply unit
ABL7 RP2403
1.4 1 Magelis XBT-R411 HMI XBT-R411
1.5 1 Modbus TeSys hub LU9GC3
1.6 1 Twido Compact PLC TWDLCAA-24DRF
1.7 1 RS485 communication adapter TWDNAC485D
1.8 1 Altivar 31 variable speed dri ve ATV31H018M2
1.9 1 TeSys U motor starter LUCM1XBL LUCM1XBL

Pos. Amt. Description Part Number
2.1 1 TwidoSoft TWDSPU1002 V3.2
2.2 1 XBT-L1000 XBTL1003M V4.42
2.3 1 PowerSuite VW3 A8 104 V2.3

Option 1

Pos. Amt. Description Part Number

3.0 1 Lexium 05 servo dri ve controll er LXM05AD10M2

Option 2

Pos. Amt. Description Part Number

4.0 1 Twido Modular PLC TWDLMDA20RT


Schneider Electric


Component Protection Classes

Posi tioning Cabinet

Component In Feld, On Site
Front Inside

IP54 IP65 IP67 IP55 IP65 IP20
Vario master and maintenance
Harmony emergency off switch
Phaseo 230 V AC/24 V DC power
supply unit
Magelis XBT-R411 HMI X
Modbus TeSys hub LU9GC3 X
Twido PLC X
Altivar 31 variable speed dri ve X
Lexium 05 servo dri ve controll er X
TeSys U motor starter LUCM1XBL X


Schneider Electric


Component Features

Components Vario master switch VCF02GE

690 V AC 12 A

3-pi n

2 auxiliary contacts possible

Strong housing

Harmony emergency off switch XAL K178G

2 N/C contacts, 1 N/O contact

240 V AC 3 A

2 safety-oriented switchi ng contacts

1 signal contact

Trigger action

Phaseo power supply unit: ABL7RP2403

100 240 V AC/24 V DC

3A secondary

Slimline design

Parall el connection possible

Short-circuit protected


Schneider Electric


Components Magelis XBT-R411 operator terminal

Can be programmed usi ng XBT-L1000 software

Modbus master or slave, RS232/RS485 interface

Display color: Green, orange or red

12 freely configurabl e function keys

200 application pages

250 al arm pages

4 x 20 display (72 x 20 mm)

Keys can be custom-labeled

TeSys Modbus hub LU9GC3

8 RJ45 Modbus distributors for RS485 connections

Input and output socket

Passive: no power supply

RJ45 bus terminating resistors (optional)

Twido PLC

Compact or modular design

Compact: 6 I + 4 O up to 24 I + 16 O

Modul ar: 12 I + 8 O up to 248 I + 240 O

24 V DC/ 240 V AC

Can be programmed in IL and LD

Modbus: master/slave

Optional: CANopen bus/AS interface/Profibus


Schneider Electric


Altivar 31 variable speed drive

Single-phase and 3-phase

240 V AC singl e-phase: 0.18 2.2 kW

400 V AC 3-phase: 0.37 15 kW

600 V AC 3-phase: 0.75 15 kW
Built-in class B EMC filter

Temperat ure range: - 10 to +50 C

Speed range from 1 to 20 (0 to 200 Hz)

Speed control with fl ow vector check

Modbus/RS485 CANopen i nterface

Parameterization of inputs/outputs possible

Protection of dri ve and motor

Compact design, side-by-side installation also possible on a
top-hat rail using bracket VW3A11852
VW3A11851 for 230 V devices 1~

Lexium 05 servo

Servo amplifi er for a single axis

115 V AC , 0.4 kW to 1.4 kW

240 V AC , 0.75 kW to 3.2 kW

400 V AC, 1.4 kW to 6.0 kW

4 kHz/8 kHz frequencies

Built-in line filter

Temperat ure duri ng operation: 0 + 50C

Modbus, RS485 CANopen


Schneider Electric


Components TeSys U motor starter

Single-phase and 3-phase starter

440 V AC, 0.15 32 A

1 and 2 directions of rotation (reversing mode)

For motors from 0.09 to 15 kW

Safety-ori ented switchi ng contacts

Modul ar system

Modbus RS485 (optional with communication module)

Schneider Electric GmbH
Steinheimer Strasse 117
D - 63500 Seligenstadt

Twido_Modbus_EN. doc

As standards, specifications and
designs change from time to
time, please ask for confirmation
of the information gi ven in this



Author Telephone E-Mail
Schneider Electric GmbH
Machines and Process
+49 6182 81 2555
[email protected]

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