DiSCAnimals TheSmalleyTrentTest

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Personality Types: Lion, Otter, Golden Retriever, and Beaver

When it comes to personality profiles, most have heard of Myers-Briggs, Ned Herrmanns Whole
Brain, Galens four temperaments, DiS assessment, and the !eirsey "emperament Sorter# $ne of
the lesser %no&n profiles, 'ut (ust as insightful, &as developed 'y Dr# Gary Smalley and Dr# )ohn
"rent# "hey 'ase their personalities around animal characteristics# Not only are these entertaining
'ut they are very easy for children to grasp as &ell# My &ife and * often find ourselves saying, +that
person sure is a ,'eaver,- or +youre such a ,lion-otter#-
While these personality types are certainly broad categories, * find them very easy to remember
and communicate# "his is e.tremely 'eneficial &hen dealing &ith family mem'ers, employees,
and/or people in general# !no&ing their temperaments can ma%e the home, &or% environment,
meetings, and pro(ects run much smoother#
0isted 'elo& are the characteristics of each temperament and ho& they line up &ith Galens and the
DiS for comparison1
Lion (Choleric/Dominance)
Strengths2 3isionary, practical, productive, strong-&illed, independent,
decisive, leader
Weanesses2 old, domineering, unemotional self-sufficient, unforgiving,
sarcastic, cruel
Otter (Sanguine/Influence)
Strengths2 $utgoing, responsive, &arm, friendly, tal%ative, enthusiastic,
Weanesses2 4ndisciplined, unproductive, e.aggerates, egocentric, unsta'le
Golden Retriever (Phlegmatic/Steadiness)
Strengths2 alm, easy-going, dependa'le, 5uiet,
o'(ective, diplomatic, humorous
Weanesses2 Selfish, stingy, procrastinator, unmotivated,
indecisive, fearful, &orrier
Beaver (Melancholy/Compliance)
Strengths2 6nalytical, self-disciplined, industrious, organi7ed,
aesthetic, sacrificing
Weanesses2 Moody, self-centered, touchy, negative, unsocia'le,
critical, revengeful
$ften youll find that people have a primary character type and a secondary type# "a%e a loo% at
yourself# Which one is your primary and &hich one is your secondary8 Some naturally go together
and ma%e for a &onderful set of strengths# 6lso, 'e senstive to the &ea%nesses in yourself and in
Ne.t time, *ll post ho& to 'etter understand the perceived needs of these temperaments and then
ho& to 'est communicate to them 9See :elated 0in%s;# 4ntil then, en(oy +animal &atching-#
!nderstanding the "nimal Temperaments
"he last post 9<ersonality "ypes1 0ion, $tter, Golden :etriever, and Beaver; e.amined the strengths
and &ea%nesses of each temperament and as%ed to loo% at &hich applied to you personally# Which
of the animals did you see the most of in you8 Which ones did you see the least of in you8 =rom
e.perience, * have seen this e.ercise as 'eneficial to creating successful team&or%, communication,
and harmony in the &or% place and home# "his time lets tal% a'out understanding the uni5ue needs
and desires of each temperament#
Lions 2 +Do it no&>-, +Whats the point8-
Their #nvironment: lots of pro(ects, a&ards on the &all, large calendar, office
furniture arranged in a formal &ay
They Gain Security by: control
Their Pace: fast and decisive
Their $eeds: a climate that responds
They%re &rritated by: &asted time, unpreparedness, arguing, 'loc%ing results
'or Gro(th They $eed to: appear less critical, respect peoples personal &orth,
develop tolerance for conflict, pace themselves
"void With Them: attac%ing his/her character, telling them &hat to do, presenting &in-
lose scenarios
Otters 2 +"rust me>-, +0ighten up>-
Their #nvironment: cluttered, a&ards and slogans on the &all, personal pictures,
They Gain Security by: fle.i'ility
Their Pace: fast and spontaneous
Their $eeds: a climate that colla'orates
They%re &rritated by: too many facts, too much logic, 'oring tas%s, same old approach,
routine, 'eing alone, ignoring their opinions
'or Gro(th They $eed to: respect priorities, more logical approach, follo& through,
get 'etter organi7ed, concentrate on the tas% at hand
"void With Them: negativism, re(ection, arguing
Golden Retrievers 2 +Why change8-, +0ets &or% together>-
Their #nvironment: family pictures, slogans on the &all, personal items, rela.ed
friendly decorations
They Gain Security by: close relationships
Their Pace: slo& and easy
Their $eeds: a climate that processes
They%re &rritated by: pushy and aggressive 'ehavior, insincerity, 'eing put on the spot,
disrupting the status 5uo
'or Gro(th They $eed to: ta%e ris%s, delegate to others, confront, develop confidence
in others, learn to change and adapt
"void With Them: conflict, sudden unplanned ris%y changes, overloading, confusing
Beavers 2 +Do it right>-, +<rove it>-
Their #nvironment: structured and organi7ed, charts and graphs, functional decor,
formal seating arrangement
They Gain Security by: preparation
Their Pace: slo& and systematic
Their $eeds: a climate that descri'es
They%re &rritated by: people &ho do not %no& &hat they are tal%ing a'out, lac% of
attention to detail, surprises, unpredicta'ility
'or Gro(th They $eed to: ma%e faster decisions, tolerate conflict, learn to
compromise, ad(ust to change and disorgani7ation
"void With Them:critici7ing, 'lunt personal 5uestions, incomplete or inaccurate
Ne.t time &ell discuss ho& 'est to communicate &ith and amongst the animal temperaments#
)ommunicating "mongst The "nimal Temperaments
*n this third and final installment lets loo% at some of the general relationship strategies that &e can
use &hen &or%ing together &ith other +animal- temperaments8 0isted 'elo& are some &or%ing
ideas to help you 'etter understand your team mates and/or colleagues and 'ecome ,lord of the
Lions *+,
Wants -ou to Be: efficient and to the point
Provide Them With: options, information on &hat it does and 'y &hen,
freedom to act, immediate action
General Strategies: 'e efficient and competent, support their goals and o'(ectives, if
you disagree 2 argue facts and not personal feelings, 'e precise, time disciplined, &ell
organi7ed, focus on the results or 'ottom-line, do not &aste their time, let them ma%e
the decision
Otters *&,
Wants -ou to Be: stimulating and interesting
Provide Them With: 5uality, information on ho& it &ill enhance their status,
increased talent, originality, uni5ueness
General Strategies: 'e interested in them, support their dreams, feelings and opinions,
'e socia'le, do not hurry the discussion 2 give them a chance to ver'ali7e, try not to
argue, dont deal &ith details 2 put it all in &riting, do not 'e shy, agree on the specifics
of any arrangement
Golden Retrievers *S,
Wants -ou to Be: cooperative and pleasant
Provide Them With: assurances, information on ho& it &ill affect
their circumstances, popular ideas, ris% sharing, relia'ility, assistance in
presenting to others
General Strategies: 'e non-threatening and sincere, sho& personal interest and support
their feelings, dont push, move along in a slo& manner, sho& that you are listening, 'e
easy-going, assure them that you stand 'ehind any decisions
Beavers *),
Wants -ou to Be: accurate and precise
Provide Them With: evidence, information on ho& they can logically
(ustify, systematic plans, progress revie&s
General Strategies: 'e thorough and &ell planned, support their thoughtful approach,
demonstrate through action rather than &ords, 'e e.act, organi7ed, and prepared, give
them time to verify your &ords, dont rush decision ma%ing, avoid gimmic%s, provide
evidence that &hat you say is true and accurate
* hope these last three articles have 'een helpful and have added additional +tools- to your
management and personal communication +tool 'elt-# 6s al&ays, the application of %no&ledge is
often the hardest part# "a%e &hat youve learned and move out one step at a time# ?ven if you pic%
out (ust one strategy to &or% on over the ne.t couple &ee%s, youll 'e pleasantly surprised at the
=rom1 http1//&eird'log#&ordpress#com/@AAB/A@/@@/personality-types-lion-'eaver-otter-and-golden-
retriever/ CA/AB/@ACD
Personality test: Lion . Beaver . Otter . Golden Retriever
<osted 'y thaos%i on "uesday, 6pril @, @ACE
* &as sitting at a post-event dinner# *ts early days in the programme, the group is still forming and
despite the small group of C@, not everyone %no&s each other yet#
* end up sitting ne.t to Mr D# Hes older, smart, grounded 2 a nice family man &ith a strong
entrepreneurial and 'usiness strea%# Nothing unusual really#
4ntil he 'rings up the a personality test# 6nd *m a girl# Which automatically means *m hoo%ed
into the conversation# 0i%e glue 1 ;
F minute personality test 'y Dr Gary Smalley
He 'rings up the +0ion 2 Beaver 2 $tter 2 Golden :etriever- personality test created 'y Dr Gary
Smalley# *ve never heard of it 'efore# *m in shoc%# * %no& the ?nneagram, 6strology, Human
Dynamics, Myers Briggs, Disc, Numerology etc-#
So he runs over through the D animals# Descri'es them in detail# 6nd its o'vious &hich one * am
cos my eyes light up and spar%le &hen he mentions the golden retriever and otter#
So thats me# 6nd * feel slightly e.posed 'y this conversation#
But the lovely thing is he pointed out ho& creating and sho&casing love stories is so inline &ith my
golden retriever 2 otter personality# Which put a 'ig smile on my face cos moments prior * &as
having a self dou'ting moment 1 ;
So here is the test 9than%s to Sage Strategies;# *ts pretty straight for&ard#
hoose the item in each line that is most li%e you and put a D# "hen pic% the item that is ne.t most
li%e you and put a E# "hen @ and then C &hich is least li%e you# Do this across the page for each list
of descriptors#
C# GGGG 0i%es authority GGGG?nthusiastic GGGG Sensitive =eelings GGGG0i%es *nstruction
@# GGGG "a%es harge GGGG"a%es :is%s GGGG 0oyal GGGG 6ccurate
E# GGGG Determined GGGG 3isionary GGGG alm GGGGonsistent
D# GGGG ?nterprising GGGG 3er'al GGGG ?n(oys :outine GGGG <redicta'le
F# GGGG ompetitive GGGG <romoter GGGG Disli%es hange GGGG <ractical
H# GGGG <ro'lem Solver GGGG ?n(oys <opularity GGGG Gives in "o $thers GGGG =actual
B# GGGG <roductive GGGG =un-loving GGGG 6voids onfrontations GGGG :esponsi'le
I# GGGG Bold GGGG 0i%es 3ariety GGGG Sensitive GGGG <refers <erfection
J# GGGG Decision Ma%er GGGG Spontaneous GGGG Nurturing GGGG Detail $riented
CA# GGGG <ersistent GGGG *nspirational GGGG <eace Ma%er GGGG 6nalytical
"hen add up the totals K simple 1 ;
Lion 2 olumn C
"his personality li%es to lead# "he lion is good at ma%ing decisions and is very goal-oriented# "hey
en(oy challenges, difficult assignments, and opportunity for advancement# Because lions are
thin%ing of the goal, they can step on people to reach it# 0ions can 'e very aggressive and
competitive# 0ions must learn not to 'e too 'ossy or to ta%e charge in others affairs#
L Strength1 Goal-oriented, strong, direct
L Wea%ness1 6rgumentative, too dictatorial
L 0imitation1 Doesnt understand that directness can hurt others, hard time e.pressing
Otter 2 olumn @
$tters are very social creature# $tter personalities love people# "hey en(oys 'eing popular and
influencing and motivating others# $tter can sometimes 'e hurt &hen people do not li%e them# $tter
personalities usually have lots of friends, 'ut not deep relationships# "hey love to goof-off# 9"hey
notorious for messy rooms#; $tters li%e to hurry and finish (o's# 9)o's are not often done &ell#; "he
otter personality is li%e "igger in Winnie "he <ooh#
L Strength1 <eople person, open, positive
L Wea%ness1 "al%s too much, too permissive
L 0imitation1 :emem'ering past commitments, follo& through &ith discipline
Golden Retriever 2 olumn E
Good at ma%ing friends# 3ery loyal# :etriever personalities do not li%e 'ig changes# "hey loo% for
security# an 'e very sensitive# 3ery caring# Has deep relationships, 'ut usually only a couple of
close friends# Wants to 'e loved 'y everyone# 0oo%s for appreciation# Wor%s 'est in a limited
situation &ith a steady &or% pattern#
L Strength1 6ccommodating, calm, affirming
L Wea%ness1 *ndecisive, indifferent, una'le to e.press emotional, too soft on other people
L 0imitation1 Seeing the need to 'e more assertive, holding others accounta'le
Beaver 2 olumn D
$rgani7ed# Beavers thin% that there is a right &ay to do everything and they &ant to do it e.act that
&ay# Beaver personalities are very creative# "hey desire to solve everything# Desire to ta%e their
time and do it right# Beavers do not li%e sudden changes# "hey need reassurance#
L Strength1 High standards, order, respect
L Wea%ness1 4nrealistic e.pectations of self M others, too perfect#
L 0imitation1 Seeing the optimistic side of things, e.pressing fle.i'ility
<rofile summaries than%s to Sage Strategies
* (ust love personality profiles# Helps you 9* really mean me; accept people for &ho they are# 6nd
'eing a girl, * love e.ploring relationship dynamics#
So / (hich one are you000
=rom1 http1//thaos%i#com/@ACE/AD/A@/F-minute-personality-test-lion-'eaver-otter-golden-retriever/
What ind o1 animal are you0
)uly CJ, @AC@ :e'
$%ay, that title is a multiple choice 5uestion, not a rhetorical one# What %ind of animal are you8
Here are your choices1
C# 0ion
@# $tter
E# Golden :etriever
D# Beaver
No&, if youre (umping out of your seat right no& &ith your hand &aving in the air, saying, +$ooh,
tell me &hich one * am>>- you can ta%e a seat# Noure an $tter#
*f youd li%e more time to thin% this over and more specific details a'out the animals, youre
pro'a'ly a Beaver#
*f youre &aiting patiently for me to tell you &hich one you are, youre pro'a'ly a Golden
6nd if you thin% this list is silly and youd rather use your o&n list, youre pro'a'ly a 0ion#

While that &as not a scientific e.periment, and no one is strictly all one personality type, it is
interesting to see ho& similar &e can 'e to the personality profiles that are out there# "he one *m
highlighting today is from a childrens 'oo% 'y Gary Smalley and )ohn "rent called, "he "reasure
"ree# My son, +Seven- and * read it last &ee% and * &as ama7ed ho& 5uic%ly he figured out &hich
animals &ere represented in our family and circle of friends#
"he story follo&s four animals 9you guessed it;1 6 lion, otter, 'eaver and golden retriever &ho are
'est friends heading out on an adventure to find a treasure tree# =our %eys must 'e found and each
of the different personalities comes in handy to help find the %eys#
*ts a great &ay to introduce young children to the concept of personality styles# * love the idea of
%ids learning a'out this 'ecause * desperately &ish * had understood it at a younger age# * thin% it
&ould have helped me to 'e more secure in &ho * &as and not as easily intimidated 'y people &ith
different personalities#
Nou may not 'e familiar &ith these particular personality styles so *ll give a 5uic% overvie&# 9=or
today, *m using the animal names used in the "reasure "ree 'ut in parenthesis, *ll indicate the
corresponding personality style from the popular DiS profile#; !eep in mind, most people are a
com'ination of t&o or three of the styles, &ith one or t&o 'eing the most predominant# =or
e.ample, *m a Golden :etriever-$tter &ith some 0ion thro&n in for good measure# 6s you read
through the characteristics, * 'et people &ill automatically come to mind for each animal#
Lion *+irect,
Lions are extroverts ho are tas! oriented" "hey are leaders, partly 'ecause they en(oy 'eing in
control# "hey love a challenge and they e.pect people to follo& them and do things their &ay# "hey
ma%e decisions 5uic%ly, &ithout sho&ing any fear# "hey have to 'e careful that they dont come
across as arrogant and unyielding#
Otter *&n1luential,
#tters are extroverts ho are people oriented" "hey love to tal% and theyre the life of the party#
Nou %no& it &hen they &al% into a room 'ecause they ma%e their presence %no&n, often spea%ing
or laughing loudly# "hey are fun and spontaneous, playful and enthusiastic# $n the do&n-side they
tend to 'e disorgani7ed, chronically late and have difficulty focusing on tas%s# "hey despise details#
Golden Retriever *Steady,
$etrievers are introverts ho are people oriented" "hey are %ind and compassionate# "hey li%e
security and en(oy a small group of close friends# "hey ma%e others feel &elcomed and loved# "hey
are great listeners and are loyal friends# "hey avoid conflict and change, preferring to %eep the
status 5uo# "hey can 'e stu''orn and they dont li%e to try ne& things#
Beaver *)autious,
%eavers are introverts ho are tas! oriented" "hey are organi7ed and they love the details, al&ays
as%ing lots of 5uestions# "hey finish &hat they start# "hey can 'e very creative and inventive# "hey
li%e order and predica'ility# "hey have to 'e careful not to 'e too critical of others or e.pect others
to live up to their high personal standards#
*f youre a mom, *ll 'et you can see your %ids in some of those descriptions# * literally have one of
each# 6nd it helps me to %no& that my Golden :etriever-Beaver doesnt &ant to sing in the school
musical 'ecause its (ust not ho& hes &ired# * have some $tter in me so * li%e to 'e on stage and for
a &hile, * truly couldnt understand &hy he preferred to 'e on the stage cre&, &ehind the scenes" *
(ust thought he needed more encouragement to get out on the stage# But as * applied &hat * %no&
a'out personality styles * reali7ed that he has no $tter in him so its completely understanda'le that
he doesnt &ant to 'e the center of attention#
$n the other hand, * have an $tter &ho never stops tal%ing# ?very day, &hen he gets home from
school, he as%s &ho he can go play &ith# ?very day> His social calendar e.hausts me# 6nd &hile *
set limits 'ecause * cant allo& +play-dates- every day, * understand that 'eing social is hard-&ired
for him# He thrives on social interaction# !no&ing that helps me put more effort into arranging for
friends to come over#
Ho& a'out you8 Do you see yourself in these descriptions8 Do you see your %ids, spouse or
friends8 Learning more about ho( the personality styles interact can be incredibly bene1icial
in all your relationships2 * could pro'a'ly &rite F more posts on this su'(ect, there is so much to
tal! a&out 9theres the $tter in me, coming out again#; But for no&, *ll (ust lin% you up &ith a good
resource# =or a free, printa'le personality test from Gary Smalley, clic% here# 9*n lin%ing you to this
online test, * am not endorsing this particular &e'site# * am an $tter, not a Beaver and therefore *
have not loo%ed at all the pages on said &e'site, so clic% at your o&n ris% O;;
$ne last thoughtKthe Golden :etriever in me is feeling a little sic% to my stomach thin%ing a'out
the fact that * have my first 'oo% signing on Saturday# "he idea of the un%no&nKhaving to tal% to
strangersKall of that is so uncomforta'le> But the $tter in me is (umping up and do&n saying,
+Hey> ome to my 'oo% signing on Saturday> *ts from C-E pm and there &ill 'e chocolate>- So, if
youre availa'le you can come comfort the Golden or cele'rate &ith the $tter# ?ither &ay, * hope to
see you there>
=rom1 http1//&&&#re'e%ahruth'oo%s#com/tag/lion-otter-golden-retriever-'eaver/ CA/AB/@ACD
AH March @AAH
What "nimal "re -ou0
6t M$<S a &ee% ago &e had a spea%er &ho is a certified personality trainer# 9* never %ne& there
&as such a thing>; She spo%e a'out understanding our childrenPs personalities, and it &as very
fascinating# =or me, any&ay--* canPt spea% for the others in the audience--'ut * have al&ays 'een
intrigued 'y personality analyses# *n college * too% the Meiers-Briggs assessment, pro'a'ly the first
personality QtestQ that * ever too%# *t &as fascinating for me to loo% some&hat o'(ectively at my
personality, and then to apply the 'lur's to my family and close friends to understand them a 'it
$ver the years * have since 'een e.posed to other assessments li%e this--youPre li%e&ise pro'a'ly
familiar &ith the terms choleric, melancholy, sanguine, etc# * even vaguely remem'er reading
something a'out animals, possi'ly in a 'oo% * read in college# So the information our M$<S
spea%er presented &asnPt totally ne&, 'ut it &as definitely interesting to vie& in light of the fact that
* am no& a mother of three children> During the presentation, she mentioned that li%ely &e &ill find
at least @ of the D animals that represent to some degree our childrenPs personalities# *n other &ords,
&e are uni5ue individuals, and &e canPt 'e defined 'y R num'er of parameters# Still, itPs interesting
to see the overall trends and thin%, yup, thatPs my child> * %no& some people shudder at the thought
of Qcategori7ingQ or Qla'elingQ ourselves and other people, 'ut * have no pro'lem doing so# *tPs part
of my Beaver personality# O-;
"he four animals are 0ion, $tter, Beaver, and Golden :etriever# "heir 'asic desires are control, fun,
peace, and perfection, respectively# =or the more visual learners, it loo%s li%e this--
0ion--<o&erful--Desires control
$tter--<opular--Desires fun
Beaver--<erfect--Desires <erfection
Golden :etriever--<eaceful--Desires <eace
No& for a partial list of attri'utes for each one 9&hen * hear you laughing, *Pll %no& youPve
identified either yourself or a person very close to you>;1
organi7es and delegates &ell
pro'lem solver
li%es to 'e in control
*n children, this personality e.presses itself 'y 'eing demanding, loud, manipulative, not sleeping
much, and thro&ing tantrums# "hese children need choices so they can feel they have control over
something# =or e.ample1 QWhich of these t&o outfits &ould you li%e to &ear today8Q
love people
love attention
life of the party
fun loving
hate isolation
love to entertain
love to tal%
"here &erenPt as many ad(ectives for this personality type, 'ut she did tal% a'out ho& a child &ho is
an $tter is 'est disciplined 'y 'eing in time out or isolation# *t %ills them to miss out on something>
li%e to research
good student
high standards
hard on themselves
can get depressed easily
avoid noise and confusion
6 point * thought &as interesting 9especially given that * have the ma(ority of these characteristics>;
is that Beavers can tend to avoid 'eing cheered up# "hey get depressed easily 9pro'a'ly 'ecause of
our high standards that &e can never seem to maintain>; 'ut donPt see% out &ays to lift themselves
out of their fun%# * never thought of that as 'eing true of me--*Pm generally a glass half-full %ind of
person--'ut * can definitely see ho& this is sometimes true# Wallo&ing in misery is never fun, 'ut
sometimes it is mildly satisfying to thro& oneself a pity party# 1-;
G$0D?N :?":*?3?:
laid 'ac%
avoid conflict
avoid responsi'ility
crushed 'y getting yelled at
can 'e selfish and la7y
go along &ith the cro&d
hard time saying no
6n interesting point a'out the Golden :etriever is that last characteristic# Golden :etrievers &ill 'e
&hatever they need to 'e# *f no one is ta%ing charge, theyPll 'e a 0ion# *f everyone (ust &ants to
have fun, theyPll 'e an $tter# *f &or% needs to 'e done in an orderly fashion, theyPll 'e a Beaver#
"his 'it of information made it a little easier to figure out &hat my children are#
So###&hat are &e8 *f youPve read this far, you pro'a'ly donPt mind reading to find out &hat animals *
thin% our family of F is made of> * pic%ed t&o animals for each of us 5uite easily# * listed the more
dominant side first#
"ed1 Golden :etriever/Beaver
Me1 Beaver/0ion
haris1 Beaver/Golden :etriever
"o'in1 0ion/$tter
6rden1 Golden :etriever/$tter
)ust this 'rief e.ercise of QclassifyingQ my family helped me understand them so much 'etter# "o'in
really does need control# 6t the same time, he loves people and attention> haris is definitely a
serious, creative student &ith high standards 9e.cept &hen it comes to %eeping her room clean###this
is &here the Golden :etriever %ic%s in a'out 'eing selfish and la7y>;# 6rden is my little people
pleaser, happy and undemanding M$S" of the time, and &hen hePs not, it is usually due to 6; he is
the youngest child and getting pic%ed on or B; he is a toddler>
* found it interesting that 6rden shares characteristics of 'oth haris and "o'in# <erhaps this is one
reason haris and "o'in fight so much--they truly are opposites>
So, &hich animal are you8 *Pd love it if you left a comment> 96nd 'y the &ay, 5uite a&hile ago *
changed my settings so that anyone can comment, not (ust those &ho have a 'log, so itPs much
easier# Nou (ust have to do a &ord verification so that Blogger %no&s itPs not spam comments>;
?dited to add this comment1 * (ust got a lin% &ith the lion-otter-'eaver-golden retriever assessment
that some of you may &ant to chec% out> *t has a lot more characteristics than * had &ritten do&n in
my notes--and trust me, * &rote do&n everything she said, Pcu7 *Pm a 'eaver# 1-; ?specially chec%
out the personality s%it--very hilarious> ?specially if you imagine people you %no& as those
=rom1 http1//prover'sD#'logspot#co#u%/@AAH/AE/&hat-animal-are-you#html CA/AB/@ACD
3ids4 basic personality types: lion, otter, golden retriever, beaver
* &as loo%ing at a 'oo% * had as a %id called "he "reasure "ree# *tPs an QeducationalQ 'oo% &ith a
message to parents that e.plains1 Q"his is the story of four 'est friends &ho find out ho& much they
need each other# 6nd if youPll loo% closely, itPs also the story of four different personalities and &hy
they are each special in their o&n &ay#### "he animals youPll meet in this 'oo% can teach you and
your child ho& important each personality trait is#Q 6t the end of the adventure story there is a
personality chec%list for %ids, sorting them into the four Q'asic personality typesQ of the four 'est
"re these types accurate and comprehensive enough0 What o1 little &$T5s0
96s a %id * chose golden retriever, 'ecause she &as 5uiet and li%ed 'utterflies# What little girl &ould
&ant to 'e that 'eaver8 "he lion is a 'oy too# See the pro'lem here8;
C# *s daring and unafraid of ne& situations#
@# 0i%es to 'e a leader# $ften tells others ho& to do things#
E# :eady to ta%e on any %ind of challenge#
D# *s firm and serious a'out &hat is e.pected#
F# Ma%es decisions 5uic%ly
C# "al%s a lot and tells &ild stories#
@# 0i%es to do all %inds of fun things#
E# ?n(oys 'eing in groups# 0i%es to perform#
D# =ull of energy and al&ays eager to play#
F# 6l&ays happy and sees the good part of everything#
G$0D?N :?":*?3?:1
C# 6l&ays loyal and faithful to friends#
@# 0istens carefully to others#
E# 0i%es to help others# =eels sad &hen others are hurt#
D# *s a peacema%er# DoesnPt li%e it &hen others argue#
F# <atient and &illing to &ait for something#
C# *s neat and tidy and notices little details#
@# Stic%s &ith something until itPs done# DoesnPt li%e to 5uit in the middle of a game#
E# 6s%s a lot of 5uestions#
D# 0i%es things done the same &ay#
F# "ells things (ust the &ay they are#
=rom1 http1//int(forum#com/sho&thread#php8tSHDEDC CA/AB/@ACD

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