ME 262 Part. 2

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M e 2 6 2 i e a v e s t h e p r o d u c t i o n ( i n e a t a h e a v j l y
a s s e m b l y p i a n t s i t u a t e d i n t h e w o o d s , p o s s i b l y
e i m , a d j a c e n t t o t h e M u n i c h S t u t t g a r t A u t o b a h n .
The Swallow's Anatomy
The me 262, unofficially named the
Sclwalbe, or swallow, mas optimised for
simple and cheap construction. The type's
structure is described by Dr RLFRED PRICE
Structureof theMe 262
airframewas essentially
nothingnew, theaircraft did
introduceanumber of innovations in
aircraft design, most notably the
wing's thickness-to-chordratio,
whichwas kept low toprovidehigh-
speedaerodynamic efficiency. These
notes describea typical Me 262A.
The fuselagewas an ali-metal
semi-monocoquestructureof near-
triangular sectionwithrounded
corners, thewingpassingthrough
thebase. It was assembiedintour
sections: thenosecone, which
housedtheguns and ammunition,
thecentre-section, whichincluded
thecockpit; therear fuselage, and
thetail section.
TheMe 262's wingstructure
comprisedtwolow one-piece
cantilever wings of ali-metal
structurewithsingle l-sectionmain-
spars, withflush-rivetedstressed
skinfittedintorecesses inthe
undersideof thefuselage. The centre
portions, betweenthefuselageand
enginenacelles, hada sweptback
leadingedgeand swept-forward
trailingedge. The outer portions of
thewings weretaperedand swept-
back, withsquare-cut tips. The
sweepback at thewingleadingedge
was 18 32'. The wings had
detachabletips and full-span
automatic leading-edgeslats.
Frise-typeailerons werefittedintwo
sections on eachwing, Slottedflaps
weremountedinboardof theailerons
andhadmaximumextensionof 60
and abackwardmovement of Sin.
Tail Assembly
Thecantilever tailplanewas mountec
half-way upthefinwithmass-
balancedrudder and elevators.
Trim-tabs werefittedtoboth
elevators and agearedtabfittedto
therudder for trimming.
A B O V E T h e Rh e n m e t a l l -B o r s i g M K 1 0 8 3 0 m m c a n n o n . A
t e c h n i c i a n h o i d s o n e o f t h e 3 3 0 g ( 1 1 o z ) h i g h - e x p l o s i v e r o u n d s .
B E L O W A n M e 2 6 2 A - 1 a o f J G 7 w i t h 1 2 R 4 M 5 5 m m f o l d i n g -f n
r o c i t e t s m o u n t e d o n a w o o d e n r a c l e u n d e r t h e s t a r b o a r d w i n g .
64 Aeroplane, June 200^
messerschmitt me 262B-1a/U1
1 Camera aperture
2 Sun camera
3FuG 2^S^eptund\^30\e
radar antenna e
4 Antenna masi
5 NosewheeI leg door
6 Nose undercarriage leg strut
7 AfI-retracting nosewheei
8 Torque scissor links
9 Hydraulic retraction jack
10 Nosewheel door
11 Extended cannon barrete on
two lower guns (antenna
blasi proteclion)
12 Cannon barrel apertures
13 Starboard engine intake
14 Detachable cowling panels
15 Hinged cannon bay doors
16 Cannon barrel mountings
17MK108 30mm cannon
18 Inboard ammunition
feed chutes
19 Cannon bay upper tie-rod
20 CartrJdge case ejector chutes
21 Ammunition bays; 100 r.p.g,
for upper guns, 80 r.p.g. for
lower pair
22 400lit (60 Imp gal)
iettisonable auxiliary fuel
tanks (21
23 Tank pylon
24 Compressed air botlles,
tour per side
25 Electrical relay panels
26 Cannon bay rear bulkbead
27 Forward main tuel tank
900lit (198 Imp gal)
28 Fuel tank mountings
29 Fuel feed pipe
30 Tank filler access
31 Starboard Inboard
leading edge siat
32 Flap hydraulic jacks
33 Engine nacelle fairing
34 Outboard automatic
siat segmenta
35 SIat guide rails
36 Starboard navigation llght
37 Wing tip fairing
38 Starboard linked "Frise-type"
aileron panels
39Aileron hinge control linkage
40 Geared tab
41 Outboard slotted flap segment
42 Flap guide rail
43 Drive Sbaft and hmge links
44 Armoured glass windscreen
45Revi 16Bgunsight
46 Circuit breaker panel
47 Control column
48 Cabin fresh air intake,
lever operated
49 Pilol's instrument panel
50 Cockpit front pressure
51 Rudder pedais
52 Hydraulic reservoir
53170lit(37 Imp gal) fonward
auxiliary fuel tank
64 (vlainwheei door
55 lylain undercarriage wbeei bay
56 Hydraulic accumulator
57 Cockpit side console panel
58 Rudder trim bandwbeei
59 Engine throttle levers
60 Pilot's seat
61 Safety harness
62 Starboard inboard
flap segment
63 Side-binged cockpit canopies,
starboard opening
64 FuG 360 Naxos radar
tioming equipment
S6 Radar operator's insirument
panel with Neptun
radar indicator
66 "Kick-in" boarding steps
67 Radar operator's steps
68 Roll-down window DIinds
70 Rear fuel tank filler
71 Cylindrical cockpit
pressure shell
72 Cockpit rear pressure
73 Electronic equipment racks
74 Starboard side equipment
access door
75 Antenna mast
76 FuG 16ZY D/F loop antenna
77 Antenna lead-in
78 Canopy aft fainng
TOVariable incidence
tailplane trim actuating
rear electric motor
80 Trimming tailplane
sealing piate
81 Tailplane pivot mounting
82 Fin structure
83 Starboard tailplane
84 Aileron horn balance
85 Starboard aileron
86 Communications
antenna cable
87 Rudder horn balance
88 Rudder trim tab
89 Elevator mass balance welght
90 Hmge control
91 Elevator geared tab
92 Port elevator rib conslnjction
93 Rudder-mounted tail
navigation tight
94 Tailplane single mainspar
and rib structure
95 FuG 218 Neptuntail radar
warning antenna
96 Tailplane mounting
97 Rudder hinge
control linkage and
mass balance
98 Fin spar attacttment
sloping bulkbead
99 Master compass transmitter
100 Rear fuselage trame and
stringer structure
101 Tailplane control rods
102 Signal cartridge launchers
103 I.OOOkg-thrust (2,205lb)
assisted take-off rocket
115 Pori outDoard flap segment
116 wing detachable bottom skin
117 Aileron control rod
lIBAileron geared tab
119 Port aileron rib structure
120 Wing tip fairing
121 Port navigation light
122 Pitot head
123 Outboard automatic leading
edge siat segments
124 SIat guide rails
125 Wing rib structure
126 Ivlainspar
127 Port angine nacelle
128 Port mainwheei
129 MainwbeeI shock
absorber leg strut
130 Mainwheei leg
pivo! mounting
131 Hydraulic retraction jack
132 Mainspar steei boom cap
133 Wing/tuselage fonvard
attactiment spigot
134 Port inboard leading edge
siat segment
135 Main engine mountings
136 Geartox-driven genetator
137 Movable exhaust ptug
drive servo-motor
138 Junkers Jumo
004B-1 angine
139 Nacelle Etep
140 Accessory equipment
141 Engine oil tank
142 Starter motor fuel tank
143 Engine starter motor
144 Starter motor
145 Port engine intake
This was of tricycle type witfi
hydraulic retraction. Hydraulic brakes
were used on ali wheels. The
mainwheels retracted inwards into
tfie underside of the wing centre
section, and the nosewheel retracted
rearwards into the fuselage,
The most significant part of the Me
262's construction concerned the
two Junkers Jumo 004B-1 or B-4
eight-stage axial-flowgas turbine
units, each deveioping 1,980lb
thrust, mounted in a nacelle slung
under each wing. The engines were
started by means of a Riedel two-
cylinder two-stroke starter motor built
into the nose cone of each jet unit.
Both the main engines and their
starter motors ran on J-2 fuel, 87-
octane petrol mixed with 5 per cent
diesel oil. The Me 262A-1a fighter
carried four fuel tanks in the
fuselage,two of 196 Impgal, one
of 38 gal andone of 132 gal
capacity, There was also provision
to carry two drop tanks under the
forward fuselage, witha total
capacity of 132 Imp gal.
The pilot's cockpit was mounted over
the wing trailing edge, and was
protected by 15mmarmour plates in
front of and behind the pilot, and by
a 90mmtoughened glass wind-
screen, Access was gained via K1
a sideways-hinged canopy, am
me 262H-1ariahterdata
messerschmitt me 262 uariants
Me 262A-0 Pre-production fighter version, 13 aircraft built during
March and Aprii 1944. Most sent to test establishments
Me 262A-1a First production fighter version, armament four 30mm
cannon. Morethan 1,000 built
Me 262A-1a/U3 Tactical reconnaissance version of the A-1 fighter.
Armament reduced to one 30mmcannon, carried two Rb 50/30 aerial
cameras in a vertical split pair. Built in small numbers
Me 262A-2a Fighter-bomber version of the A- la fighter. Armour
removed, and additional fuel tanks mounted in the rear fuselage.
Racks for two 250kg or one 500kg bomb mounted under the nose.
More than 100 built
Me 262B-1a Two-seat conversion trainer, fitted with dual controls.
Second seat fitted to the rear of the first, in place of the rear fuselage
fuel tank. Produced in small numbers
Me 262B-1a/U1 Two-seater modified for the nightfighter role, Fitted
with SN-2Liechtenstein, later Neptun, airborne interception radar.
Also carried theNaxos equipment for homing on emissions fromthe
BritishH^S radar. Produced in small numbers
Me 262 B-2a Definitive nightfighter variant. As the B-1a/U1, but with
length increased by just under 4ft to accommodate a fuel tank in the
rear fuselage. Produced in small numbers
Wing area
Wing loading at normal Ioaded weight
Empty, equipped
Normal Ioaded (no external stores)
Max speed {clean)
41ft OMin (12-5m)
34ft 9;^in (10-6m)
llfteXin (3-5m)
233-58ft' (21-72m)
9,742lb (4,420kg)
14,101 Ib (6,396kg)
Max initial rate of climb
Time to 19,500ft
513 m.p.h. at sea levei,
541 m.p.h. al 19,500fl,
limiting safe Mach No 0-83
6min 48sec
Normal fighter internai
tankage, 300 miles at s/l,
650 miies at 29,500ft
Fighter Four 30mmRheinmetall-Borsig MK108 cannon, 100 r.p.g. for
the two upper weapons, 80 r.p.g. for the two lower. Later modified to
carry 24 R4Munguided rockets on wing-mounted wooden racks
Fighter-bomber Two 30mmMK108 cannon with 80 r.p.g. Two
250kg (550lb) or one 500kg (1,100lb) bombs carried externally
under the nose
Tactical reconnaissance version One 30mmcannon in the extreme
nose. Two Rb 50/30 automatic cameras in vertical split pair
A B O V E R I G H T T h i s J u m o 0 0 4 b e i n g m o v e d i n t o t h e D e u t s c h e s M u s e u m i n 1 9 5 7 g i v e s a g o o d i d e a o f t h e p r i m i t i v e j e t ' s d i m e n s i o n s .
B E L O W M e 2 6 2 A - 1 a W N r 1 1 1 7 1 1 w a s u s e d f o r r e s e ar c h w o r k b y t h e M e s s e r s c h m i t t c o m p an y , an d w a s l at e r m o v e d t o A m e r i c a.
66 Aeroplane, June 200j
messERSCHmin IHE 262 Database
The radicai new
Jumo 004 jet
engines gaue the
llle 262 outstanding
performance -
prouided they
uiorhed properly.
ejtplains tiow
difficulties uiitli
production greatly
limited Its potential
Engine noubles
was reaiisedthat thelaws of
physics dictatedthe
drivenfighters couidattain
somewherearound500m,p,fi. The
problemcentredon theinefficiency
of tfie propelleras a meansof
convertingtherotational power from
a pislonengineintopropulsivethrust.
Asan aircraft nearedthat speed,
propeller efficiency fell drastically.
For high-speedflight, thegas
turbinewas moreefficient thanthe
pistonengine. The Junkers Jumo
004 gas turbine, theunit which
poweredtheMe 262after spring
1942, developed1,850!bof thrust
and weighed1,590lb, Liketheir
counterparts inGreat Britain, German
engineers wod^ingon theeady gas
turbineengines for aircraft were
beguiiedby their simplicity. There
wereno propeller conversionlosses,
no reciprocatingparts, and thrust
was moreor lessConstant
throughout the speedrange.
On thedownside, however, the
gas turbineranat far higher
temperatures, muchgreater
rotational speeds, andproved
considerably moredifficult tocontrol
thanprevious types of aircraft
engine. Designersof theearty gas
turbines facedahost of new
problemswhich, inmany cases, they
hadto resolvefromfirst principles.
Germanengineers workinginthis
feid facedfurther constraints, By the
mid-war periodchromiumandnickel,
ttieSteel-hardeningelements usually
considerednecessary for high-
temperatureSteel alloys, werein
desperatelyshort supplyin Germany,
Themunitions industry's needs
exceededsupplyand stockpiles of
thesematehais depletedwitheach
month, Therewas iitte tosparefor
the jet engineprogrammo, Those
workingon jet engines endeavoured
todesignaroundthe problem, and
performancecarnesecondary to
buildingengines that couIdbemass-
Inthe caseofthe Jumo004,
Junkers engineers usedsubstitute
matenals whichwereoftennot up to
thejob. The engine's combustion
chambers, for example, were
fashionedfrommild steeI witha
spray-coatingof aluminiumbakedon
toprevent oxidisation. During
running, thesegradually became
distorted, thus limitingthe liteof
the engine.
Early productionJumo004 B-1
engines hadarunningliteof only
10-12hours. Pilotshad tobevery
careful inhandiingthethrottles it
they weretoavoidthe risk of engine
failures, flameouts or enginefires,
Oneofthe most difficult problems
concernedgettingthe correct tuel
flowtotheenginethroughout theMe
262's performanceenvelope. Too
muchfuel and the turbineblades
wouidburnout, toolittleand the
enginewouIdflameout- At altitudes
above13,000ft theenginebecame
increasingly temperamental, and if it
sufferedaflameout itwas necessary
to descendbelowthat altitudebefore
attemptingarelight. The short
runninglite, alongwithmany other
A B O V E A n e n g i n e l e s s
M e 2 6 2 s t s a m o n g
t h e t r e e s n e x t t o a
s t r e t c h o f r o a d
p r e s s e d i n t o s e r v c e
a s a m a k e s h i f t
a r s t r i p i n 1 9 4 5 .
A B O V E F l a m e s p u r t s
f r o m a J u m o 0 0 4
a f t e r s t a r t ' u p . N o t e
t h e i g n i t e d s p i l l a g e
o n t h e c o n c r e t e
b e l o w .
A B O V E So l d e r s o f t h e 7 t h A r m y n s p e c t t h e c o m p r e s s o r a n d
R i e d e l s t a r t e r m o t o r o n a c a p t u r e d M e 2 6 2 a t G i e b e l s t a d t .
problems, meant theB-1 engine
containedtoomany failings toallow
mass productiontobegin.
After muchhardwork toeliminate
weaknesses inthedesign, theJumo
004 B-4 emerged, withanominai lite
of 10runninghours beforeit needed
anoverhaul, and atotal liteof 25
runninghours. The newvanant was
less sensitivetothrottlehandiing
thanIts predecessorsand generally
less temperamental. Somecontrol
problems remained, but theLuftwaffe
couIdwait no longer. The designof
the004 B-4 was frozeninJune
1944 toallowfor mass production. In
September 1944, productionreached
significant levelsand duringthat
month90Me262s were El
deliveredtotheLuftwaffe. EU
Aeroplane, June 2003 67
In may1944, Hdolf
Hitler ordered that
the me 262 mas
initially to go into
action only in the
high-speed bomher
role. Despite uiide
condemnation, there
were sound reasons
for adopting such a
course. Dr ALFRED
PRICE esamines the
motiues for the
order, and its effect
theMe 262 had been
considered solely for the
bomber-destroyer role. By
then it was clear that the Aliies were
assembling forces for a major
invasion operationin the following
year, tobe launched against a point
in nortfi-west Europe, When the blow
fell, the tight to secure the
beachhead wouId decide the
outcome of the war If the invasion
succeeded, the German Army wouId
be squeezed inexorably between the
Easternand Western fronts. If, on the
other band, the invasion was
defeated, Allied losses woold
probablybe so great as to preclude a
further attempi for some time,
During that timethe German Army
couId concentrate its forceson the
Eastern Front, and try to secure a
major victory there.
The criticai initial hours of a
landing operation wouIdbe fraught
with difficultyand confusion. How
much more difficult wouId the
invaders' taskbe, if the Luftwaffe
seni 50 or 100 high-speed bombers
lo bomband strale the troops
coming ashore? Just a lew hours
delay in securing the beachhead
might be decisive, if German
armoured units reached the scene
first and drove the invaders into the
sea. In the evenl, the landings on
Ornato beachon D-Day ran into
severe difficulties, and had there
been additional harassment from
scores of high-speed bombers
strafing the troopsas they came
ashore, the landing couId bave
faiied disastrously.
In November 1943 Hitler had
watchedan impressive demons-
Iration of high-speed flight by the Me
262 V6. Willi Messerschmitt was in
attendance, and aftemards the
FiJhrer asked whelher the aircraft
couId carry bombs. Messerschmitt
assured himit couId, either one
1,000kg(2,200lb)or two 500kg
(1,100lb) bombs. That was the
answer Hitler wanted to bear. This
was the "Blitzbomber" he sought, an
aircraft with the speed to punch
through the Allied tighter screens and
plani its bombson the invaders.
Fromthenon, theMe 262 fighter-
bomber fealured prominenlly in
Hitler's counter-invasion plans. Yet he
faiied to communicate the strength of
his feelings to those responsible for
preparing the aircraft for that role.
Significantly, in the months that
followed, the Messerschmitt company
did not iniliale detaiied design work
on a fighter-bomber version of the
Me262, and senior Luftwaffe officers
did not press it to do so. For his part
Generalfeldmarschall Erhard Milch, in
charge of aircraft production for the
Lufhwaffe, acknowledged the
usefulness of aircraft as a fighter-
bomber But he considered that it
wouId do better initially as a bomber-
destroyer, and he concentrated the
workon readying the Me 262 for
service in that role, That divergence,
between Hitler's wishesand the
course of the aircrafl's development,
set in motiona train of events that
threatened to shake IheMe 262
programmo to its very foundations,
Matters came to a head on May
23,1944, when Hitler ordered a top
levei conference at his Berghot
residence to discuss Ihe latest
Luftwaffe production programmes.
Among those present were
/?e/c/7smarsc/7a//Hermann Goering,
Erhard Milch, Luftwaffe Chiet of Staff
A B O V E T h e k e y p l a y e r s i n t h e
d e v e l o p m e n t o f t h e M e 2 6 2
m e e t a t B e r c h t e s g a d e n i n
1 9 4 3 . S h a k i n g H i t l e r ' s h a n d i s
G e n e r a l m a j o r A d o l f G a l l a n d ,
w t h G e n e r a l f e l d m a r s c h a l l
E r h a r d M i l c h j u s t v i s i b l e
b e h i n d t h e Fh r e r . N e a r e s t
t h e c a m e r a i s G e n e r a l m a j o r
H a n s J e s c h o n n e k , C h i e f o f
S t a f f o f t h e L u f t w a f f e .
L E F T A c l o s e - u p o f t h e
s t r e a m l n e d b o m b r a c k
u n d e r t h e f u s e l a g e o f a n M e
2 6 2 A - 2 a , c a r r y i n g a n S C 2 5 0
g e n e r a l - p u r p o s e b o m b .
General Gnther Korten, Inspector of
Fighters Generalmajor Adolf Galland
and other senior staff officers, as well
as Albert Speer and officiais fromhis
armament ministry.
Hitler listened without great
interest to details of thenew fighter
production programmes, unhi theMe
262 was menlioned. He asked how
the Blitzbomber was progressing,
how many had yet been built? Milch
replied that noMe 262s had yet
been built as bombers, the aircraft
was being manufactured exclusively
as a fighter There wasan awkward
silence, then Hitler lost his
composureand the meeting
developed into a blazing if rather
one-sidedrow. The Allies might
launch their invasion of Northem
Europe any dayand the aircraft he
needed lo defeal the landingsdid not
exist. He was particulady angryal the
68 Aeroplane. June 2oos
mESSeRSCHIITT me 262 Database
way he had beenmisied on tbe
Me 262'sability to carry bombs.
Hitler thendismissed everyone
excepi Goering, and delivered a
blisteringattackon the latter for his
incompetence inmishandiingthe
matter. At the end of the audience,
the Fuhrer declared that he now held
Goehngpersonally responsible for
seeingthe Me 262into service as a
Blitzbomber as rapidly as possible,
New aircraft comingoff the
productionlineswere to be delivered
onlyto bomber units.
The conversionfor the new role
involved removingmuch of the
armour piate, installingextra fuel
tani<sand fittingstreamlined bomb
pylonsunder the fuselage. While
these were not major modifications,
they couid not easily be incorporated
in aircraft aiready built, Instead,
aircraft in the eady stagesof
assembly were selected for
The first casualty of the row was
Erhard Milch, for Hitler had lost
confidence inthe manhe blamed for
misleadinghim. In the weeksthat
followed, Milch wasstnpped of his
variousoffices. Inretrospect, it is
surpnsingthat the Fhrer did no
more thanthat,
On June 6,1944, tendaysafter
the tempestuousconference at
Berchtesgaden, Allied troopsblasted
their way ashore inNormandy. By
mid-morning, ali four of their
beachheadswere secure and no
power at Adolf Hitler'scommand
couId dislodge them. The opportunity
for the Me 262to play a decisive role
against that operation, if it ever
existed, had passed.
By D-Day fewer than30pre-
productionand productionMe 262s
had beendelivered to the Luftwaffe,
ali with temperamental engines.
Clearly the aircraft was not yet ready
tor action, Regardlessof what Hitler,
Milch, Goeringor Messerschmitt had
or had not dono, the factor limiting
productionof the Me 262inany role
l was the failure to bnngthe Jumo
004gas turbine to the point where it
A B O V E A n o m n o u s h e a d - o n v i e w o f a n M e 2 6 2 A - 2 a f i g h t e r - b o m b e r o f KampfgBschwader 51
c a r r y i n g a p a i r o f SC 2 5 0 b o m b s , h i g h i i g h t i n g t h e a i r c r a f t ' s s h a r k - i i k e a p p e a r a n c e .
B E L O W T w o M e 2 6 2 A - 2 a s o f K G 5 1 t a k e o f f f o r a n o p e r a t i o n a l m i s s i o n . T o o f f s e t t h e f o r w a r d
w e i g h t o f t h e o r d n a n c e , t h e b o m b e r s w e r e f t t e d w t h a n a d d i t i o n a l f u e l t a n k t o w a r d s t h e r e a r .
wasready for massproduction.
Only inJune 1944wasthe Jumo
004runningwell enough to allow the
designto be frozenso mass
productioncouId begin. It was
September before producton engines
started to emerge fromthe factories
inlargo numbers,
Also inSeptember, Hitler rescinded
hisarder that new Me 262swere to
be delivered only to Blitzbomber
units. By thenthere were scoresof
Me 262fighter atrframesfinished or
almost finished, but lackingengines.
These aircraft were now completed
rapidly, Withina few daysthe first
Me 262fighter unit, Kommando
Nowotny, received 23new-build
fighters, ali with productionJumo
004engines. At the end of the
month the unit was declared
ready for operations.
The greatest effect of "the Blitz-
bomber row" wasthat it shookthe
Luftwaffe leadershipto itscore,
ieavingit demoralised and cowed.
Never againwouId any Luftwaffe
officer attempt to stand hisground
with Hitler on any issue. Set against
that, the edict itself had remarkably
little effect. The delay infieldingthe
first operational Me 262fighter
Gruppe. with aircraft fitted with
producton engines, wasprobably
only about three weeks. In the
monthsto follow, the Me 262wouId
encounter several problemswhich
prevented itsmassdeployment K1
inthe tghter role. lm
A n M e 2 6 2 f i g h t e r - b o m b e r o f K G 5 1 p r e p a r e s
f o r a m i s s i o n a t R h e i n e i n e a s t e r n G e r m a n y
i n t h e a u t u m n o f 1 9 4 4 .

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