Nautical Notes: Principal's Column

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Welcome Back to School.

We have had a good begin-

ning of our school year. We
have 980 students who have
enrolled and are attending
LMES. We have had our
Opening Assemblies and
discussed expectations for
the year and talked about
letting our lights shine in a
positive way.
Traffic has been quite heavy
during these opening days of
school. A few reminders
about car and bus traffic:
Our bus loop will open
for cars after all of our
buses have arrived and
unloaded students. This
normally takes a longer
time at the beginning of
the year, but gets better
as the car traffic dimin-
In the afternoons, please
be courteous to our
buses and allow them to
leave the campus so that
they can take children
home from LMES and
then go to other schools
to pick up students
In the next couple of
weeks, Richland County
Sheriffs officers will be
monitoring the traffic
on Forest Shealy and
Three Dog Road for
safety. Please adhere to
the speed limit signs
and drive safely.
Thank you for sharing your
children with us. If you have
questions or suggestions,
please communicate with us
either through email or with
a phone call. Have a great
Dont forget EagleFest at
Chapin High School from
5:30 7:30 on Friday even-
Volume 1, Issue 1
Principals Column
August 21, 2014
Special points of interest:
Curriculum Nights
Aug. 25 - 5th Grade - 6 pm
Aug. 26 - 3rd Grade - 6 pm
1st Grade - 7 pm
Sept. 4 - 4th Grade - 6 pm
2nd Grade - 7 pm
Sept 9 - Kindergarten -6pm
S D 5 L R C
25 5th Grade Curriculum
Night 6 pm
26 3rd Grade Curriculum
Night 6 pm
1st Grade Curriculum Night
28 Innisbrook Fundraiser
1 LABOR DAY Holiday
3 Jump Rope Team Try-Outs
3rd-5th 2::30 pm
4 4th Grade Curriculum
Night 6 pm
2nd Grade Curriculum
Night 7 pm
Jump Rope Team Try-Outs
K-2nd 2:30 pm
9 K5 Curriculum Night 6 pm
16 Innisbrook Fundraiser Ends
11:40 AM
22 Fall Pictures

Nautical Notes
Calendar of Events Calendar of Events Calendar of Events Calendar of Events
Inside this issue:
Sign Up for Nautical
Helpful Reminders 2
A Page from the Media
Afterschool Club News 3
Return All Forms 3
Welcome 3
PTO News 4
Its easy. Go to the LMES
website or the district website
Click on subscribe to e-
News button under the site
search area on the left side of
the page.
Fill out the information on
the screen. You may add
more than one email address
if you would like to receive
information at more than one
email address.
If you currently subscribed to
one of the lists you can click
on the edit existing record
link, above the area for Your
This will generate an email to
the address you used to sub-
scribe to the list. When you
receive that email you will be
able to change the lists you
are subscribed to as well as
add or change email address-
In the Subscribe to These
Lists: area simply put a
check mark on the lists you
would like to subscribe to.
You can check more than one
location. Make sure to fill in
the captcha number at the
bottom of the lists.
resources, and more!
Click on the link below
or scan the QR code to
view to Aug/Sept news-
letter from the Library
Media Center. Topics
include information on
flexible scheduling and
book checkout, changes
to the SC Book Award
program, helpful student
P a g e P a g e P a g e P a g e 2 22 2
Helpful Reminders
Receive Nautical Notes in Your Email
A Page from the Media Center
In order to get the dropped
off items to the correct
class, please be sure to
have your childs name on
the item. It is also helpful
if you can include the
teachers name.
Insuring that all students
are dismissed correctly is a
top priority. Please help us to
get your children dismissed
correctly by sending a note to
your childs teacher each time
their dismissal changes. You
may call in the changes in
dismissal throughout the day,
but we ask that you do so
before 1:45 pm. We deliver
notes to the classrooms at that
When it is necessary to pick
up your child early, please try
to arrange your dismissal no
later than 2:15 pm. At that
time of the day, teachers are
helping students pack up and
giving out assignments. Due
to limited space in our recep-
tion area, students are not
called early to wait for their
dismissal. We will call for
your child as soon as you
As you can well imagine, the
reception area can be a very
busy place. Here are a few
reminders to help us serve you
Often lunches, snacks,
assignments etc. are being
dropped off for students.
N a u t i c a l N o t e s N a u t i c a l N o t e s N a u t i c a l N o t e s N a u t i c a l N o t e s
Caption describing picture or


V o l u m e V o l u m e V o l u m e V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 1 , I s s u e 1 1 , I s s u e 1 1 , I s s u e 1
Lightning Strikes Jump
Rope Team Try-Outs
September 3
(Grades 1 & 2)
September 4
(Grades 3-5)
Go to Mrs. Plemmons
webpage to sign up, learn
your routine, and jump rope
team details.

Girls on the Run -
Grades 3-5
Is an afterschool program that
meets every Monday and
Wednesday from September
3-November 19 until 3:45
pm. For more details go to
Mrs. Plemmons webpage.
To register for the club, go to
ons/program-sites .

Run Hard - For Boys in
Grades 2-5
Run Hard meets after school
every Tuesday and Thursday
from September 9-October
30 until 3:45 pm. For more
details, check Mrs.
Plemmons webpage. To
sign up for the program, go to . Our
school will be located in the
Irmo/Chapin Cluster of
schools participating.
ing home with her new baby.
Mrs. Echerer is the school
nurse for Irmo Elementary;
and, Mrs. Laforce is now the
Assistant Principal
at Chapin Elemen-
Welcome to our
new faculty. Our
new Administra-
tive Assistant Prin-
cipal is Kelly
Reese. Our new
LMES has had many changes
this year in our faculty and
staff. Over the summer break,
2 of our faculty got married
so names have changed. Ms.
Wade is now Mrs. Dippel;
and, Ms. VonKannel is now
Mrs. Quarles.
We said good-bye to Ms.
Castro, Mrs. Griffin, Mrs.
Echerer and Mrs. Laforce.
Ms. Castro has moved to the
upstate. Mrs. Griffin is stay-
teachers are Ashley Bobo (2nd),
Alison OShaughnessey (2nd),
Robyne Shealy (3rd), Sandra
Vann (5th) and Jill Wilson (5th).
In Related Arts we have
added Steve Darnell
(Art), and Chip Russell
(PE) for one day per
week. Finally, we are
glad to have Mrs. Har-
rington (nurse), Gary
Tremblay (facilities Su-
pervisor) and Bobbie
Metzler (cafeteria).
P a g e P a g e P a g e P a g e 3 33 3
Back to School Packets: Have you turned in all forms? Back to School Packets: Have you turned in all forms? Back to School Packets: Have you turned in all forms? Back to School Packets: Have you turned in all forms?
Afterschool Club News
Welcome to Our New Faculty & Staff Welcome to Our New Faculty & Staff Welcome to Our New Faculty & Staff Welcome to Our New Faculty & Staff

3. Registration Information
4. Health Card
5. Medicaid Sheet
6. PTO forms
7. Signature page for the
District Behavior Code
8. Signature page for Ac-
ceptable Use Agreement
9. Media Consent
We need to have these forms
returned to insure that we
have accurate information on
your child.
If you are missing any of
these forms, please let your
childs teacher know and we
will send a replacement home
with your child.
Have you returned all of your
materials from your Back to
School packet? If not, please
do so immediately. The items
1. Sign Out Card
2. Emergency Dismissal
Welcome Back!
Set Sail
for an
Lightning Strikes Jump Rope
Team performed in Myrtle Beach.
Lake Murray Elementary Mission Statement Lake Murray Elementary Mission Statement Lake Murray Elementary Mission Statement Lake Murray Elementary Mission Statement
Our purpose at LMES is to educate, empower and
encourage students in a safe and
nurturing environment .
Administration Administration Administration Administration
Claire Thompson, Principal
[email protected]
Boyd Hainsworth, Assistant Principal
[email protected]
Kelly Reese, Admin. Assistant Principal
[email protected]
Lake Murray Elementary School
1531 Three Dog Road
Chapin, SC 29036
S D 5 L R C
Are you ready to get a
jump on your Christmas
shopping? Be looking
for your Innisbrook
Fundraiser packet to
come home next week.
The fundraiser begins
August 28th and ends
September 16th.
Be sure to keep up with
the PTO News in the
LMES Nautical Notes.
We will be scheduling
our Dining for Dollars
Spirit Nights and much
more in the coming

In your Back to School
packets were PTO Mem-
bership and Volunteer
forms. Please turn in
these forms by August
We must have your
forms returned to
know how you
would like to vol-
unteer in your
childs class or for
the school. Home-
room parents will
not contact you
unless they receive
a volunteer form.

Join the PTO and help us
continue to make LMES
a great place to learn and
PTO Corner
Phone: 803-476-4600
Fax: 803-476-4620

Chart the course
Lead the way.
Lake Murray
Elementary School

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