This document summarizes a student project involving color-based object identification and obstacle avoidance using an e-puck robot. The student used an e-puck's camera to take pictures of its environment every 15 degrees as it rotated 360 degrees. MATLAB was used to process the images and identify color targets by comparing them to sample images. When a target was identified, the e-puck would approach it while avoiding obstacles using its infrared sensors. The report discusses the e-puck's components, color spaces, image detection techniques, and obstacle avoidance methods. It aims to demonstrate color-based target acquisition and navigation around barriers.
This document summarizes a student project involving color-based object identification and obstacle avoidance using an e-puck robot. The student used an e-puck's camera to take pictures of its environment every 15 degrees as it rotated 360 degrees. MATLAB was used to process the images and identify color targets by comparing them to sample images. When a target was identified, the e-puck would approach it while avoiding obstacles using its infrared sensors. The report discusses the e-puck's components, color spaces, image detection techniques, and obstacle avoidance methods. It aims to demonstrate color-based target acquisition and navigation around barriers.
This document summarizes a student project involving color-based object identification and obstacle avoidance using an e-puck robot. The student used an e-puck's camera to take pictures of its environment every 15 degrees as it rotated 360 degrees. MATLAB was used to process the images and identify color targets by comparing them to sample images. When a target was identified, the e-puck would approach it while avoiding obstacles using its infrared sensors. The report discusses the e-puck's components, color spaces, image detection techniques, and obstacle avoidance methods. It aims to demonstrate color-based target acquisition and navigation around barriers.
This document summarizes a student project involving color-based object identification and obstacle avoidance using an e-puck robot. The student used an e-puck's camera to take pictures of its environment every 15 degrees as it rotated 360 degrees. MATLAB was used to process the images and identify color targets by comparing them to sample images. When a target was identified, the e-puck would approach it while avoiding obstacles using its infrared sensors. The report discusses the e-puck's components, color spaces, image detection techniques, and obstacle avoidance methods. It aims to demonstrate color-based target acquisition and navigation around barriers.
part in day to day life. Robots are now helping in all sectors of life. The robot, an electromechanical object faces many problem, of those very basic problem is the object identification and obstacle avoidance. This project is study of colour based object identification and obstacle avoidance which is going to take the shape of face identification and target acquisition in its advance stages. The task performed during this project are worked through a small robot E-puck, Matlab is used to perform image processing and epic2 software is used to control the e puck. Epuck camera is used to scan a small controlled environment by giving a full circular rotation of 360 and taking picture at an instance of every 15degree approximately. The target picture is going to be match by an image processing techniques using matlab. When the target is identified. Epuck will approach the target. E-puck is equipped with eight sensor that help him to scan his environment, with help of those sensors E-puck approaches target in the presence of obstacles. A brief introduction to e puck, colour space, image detection techniques, obstacle avoidance technique, and use of epic2 software is also the part of this report. The report also includes the experimental arrangement, the flow charts explains the tasks performed in step by step manners. Discussion at the end conclude the report. I. Introduction to Epuck Epuck is a robot with simple mechanical design used for research and study. Epuck takes birth in the hands of Dr Francesco Mondada, later it is being adopted by GCTronic S..r.l. (Switzerland). Epuck is equipped with micro controller processor dsPIC (digital signal programmable integrated processor). Epuck detail of sensors and actuator is given in the table below. The etymology of E puck is E for electronics and puck is because its shape is like the hard rubber used in ice hockey. The information on the devices that are being used in this project. Stepper Motor A electrical motor that breaks up full rotation in to number of steps. The stepper motor used in e puck has 1000 steps. Two stepper motors are used with fixed wheels in Epuck can move one rotation per second. The rotation of these motor is independent and synchronized.
LED (light emitting diode).A device that converts the electrical energy into light. Led are mainly used in Epuck to represent its state or to illuminate environment.
IR (infra-red) sensors An IR sensor produce infrared light and measures incident reflected light fall on it. The use of eight IR sensors made E puck aware of its environment, and nearby obstacles. Table 1 Features and technical information [1] Features Technical information Size, weight 70 mm diameter, 55 mm height, 150 g Battery autonomy 5Wh LiION rechargeable and removable battery providing about 3 hours autonomy Processor dsPIC 30F6014A @ 60 MHz (~15 MIPS) 16 bit microcontroller with DSP core Memory RAM: 8 KB; FLASH: 144 KB Motors 2 stepper motors with a 50:1 reduction gear, resolution: 0.13 mm Speed Max: 15 cm/s Mechanical structure Transparent plastic body supporting PCBs, battery and motors IR sensors 8 infra-red sensors measuring ambient light and proximity of objects up to 6 cm Camera VGA colour camera with resolution of 480x640 (typical use: 52x39 or 480x1) Microphones 3 omni-directional microphones for sound localization Accelerometer 3D accelerometer along the X, Y and Z axis LEDs 8 independent red LEDs on the ring, green LEDs in the body, 1 strong red LED in front Speaker On-board speaker capable of WAV and tone sound playback Switch 16 position rotating switch on the top of the robot PC connection Standard serial port up to 115 kbps Wireless Bluetooth for robot-computer and robot-robot wireless communication Remote control Infra-red receiver for standard remote control commands Programming C programming with free GNU GCC compiler. Graphical IDE (integrated development environment) provided in Webots Robot vision and obstacle avoidance Muhammad Salman Latrobe University Email:[email protected] 2
II. Literature Review A. Colour space The colour is the identification of visible spectrum of electromagnetic radiation with the help of HVS(human visual system). The use of colour space in image processing is crucial as the image quality varies for different colour spaces. In [2] author makes the classification of colour space in three categories HSV based colour space RGB(red green blue) colour space, phenomenal colour space are the example of the hsv based colour space Application specific colour space CMY(k) (cyan Magenta yellow black) is used for paper printing CIE (International commission on illumination) colour space (CIEXYZ) is formulated by CIE RGB colour Space the photo receptors in human eyes are sensitive to three colour which are red green and blue scientifically this belongs to large wave length (L), Medium wavelength, and short wavelength. The concept of L,M,S wavelengths is used by most of the image processing devices. The visible light spectrum starts from 300 nm and ends at 830 nm. The mathematical representation of R,G, and B is = ()()() 830 300 (1) = ()()() 830 300 (2) = ()()() 830 300 (3) Where S() represented light spectrum, R(), B() and G () are the photo sensors sensitivity function. The RGB space is a cube with red (R), green (G) and blue (b) on three axis. Black colour on this cube lies at the corner with (0,0,0) RGB and white at (255,255,255) RGB. Phenomenal colour space this colour space uses three attribute of describing the colours hue, saturation, and brightness HUE The ability of colour capturing device or organ perception according to which the area appears similar to one or to the combination of red green yellow or blue Saturation The colourfulness of an area relative to its brightness Brightness The ability of colour capturing device or organ by which anything under observation shows more or less light HSV (hue saturation value) and HSI (hue saturation Intensity) is the cylindrical coordinate representation of points in RGB colour space. H (hue) factor is the angle around central vertical axis of cylinder, S (saturation) is distance from central axis and height corresponds to third value. RGB and HSV colour space are device dependent more over the hue has discontinuities around 360[1]. B. E puck based projects Jianfan Wang use e-puck to create communication around multiple E puck through IR sensors. The Epuck Robots makes a formation and pass through the narrow obstacle [3]. Another very interesting Project is Bee is inspired foraging on Epuck, three Epuck black (home location) blue (food finder) and red (food advertiser) are used. the blue robot search the infrared signals of red, make a straight path to black after searching red robot [4].One of the closely related to my project is the E puck color vision based search and clean operation. the epuck use to search red objects in arena and take that object back to collection point after searching red object, this project was made by scentro" Sheffield Centre for Robotics [5]. C. Colour detection techniques. Object of different colour can be identified based on various method used in image processing. Of those different methods the edge based image detection is one of is being represented by the researcher that using a colour space or grey space for detection of edges has no difference for nine out of ten times [6]. Anil et al in [6] presents image detection using four steps as smoothing to suppress noise, separate the red, green and blue channel of the image and then apply directional operators to enhance edges, setting automatic threshold by normalizing the intensity of pixels and using the only high intensity pixels value as a threshold value, and edge thinning to remove the unwanted edge information. Dutta et al in [7] presents an image detection techniques based on the same four principal as explained above but the difference is the selection of filter for noise suppression and edge thinning and threshold method is based 3
on selecting the maximum colour difference for each pixel and then taking the average of all the maximum values. Niu, L., Li et al in [8] uses hsv colour space for edge detection, using the colour properties hue edge, saturation edge and value edges are computed, directional information measurements are performed after orthogonalization of hue, using directional information to get the threshold value to detect edges. D. Obstacle avoidance techniques Mobile robots encounter a very basic problem during their motion is obstacle avoidance. Of many available methods given by researcher few methods are presented and compare here in [9] by zohaib et al as bug algorithm, artificial potential field, vector field histogram, follow the gap and new hybrid navigation algorithm. In artificial potential field the robot and obstacles are of same charges and target is of opposite charge, the resultant force on the robot is the vector sum of all the repulsive forces and the force of attraction, resultant force is the function of distance, being a goal oriented algorithm it has a limitation of overcoming symmetric and u shape obstacles. Artificial potential field will stop working in case of the sum of two repulsive force is equal to the force of attraction of the target.
Figure 1Symmetric obstacle potential field F ref1 and F ref2 are the vectors representing force of repulsion and Fattr is vector representing force of attraction [8] Vector field histogram is three stage process, in first stage the 2-D histogram is used to indicate the presence of obstacle, the 2-D histogram is converted to 1-D and later it takes the shape of polar histogram, this polar histogram is used to get direction of robot and velocity based on low polar obstacle density [9]. The bug algorithm has three variant as explained in [8]. The bug-1 algorithm when robot encounter the obstacle it start moving around it until complete the full circle around it, during the motion it calculate the minimum distance from the leaving point to destination and generate new path to reach the destination from the previously calculated leaving point.[11] The Bug 2 algorithm calculates the slope between source and goal. The robot will follow the slope until interrupted by obstacle. The robot will make a circular path around the obstacle to the point where it finds it slope back [11]. The adaptive bug algorithm have two different behaviour [11] The robot will keep calculate the minimum distance between the source and goal throughout its motion It will follow the boundary of obstacle The robot will stop following the obstacle when it finds the minimum distance to next obstacle or to the goal. Follow the gap algorithm calculates the gap between the obstacles. If the calculated gap is such that the robot can pass through that obstacle, the robot will follow the gap angle to pass through the obstacle New hybrid navigation algorithm as explained in [8] based on two layers deliberative and reactive. The deliberate layer plans the path on the basis of prior information, given as binary grid map. The binary grid map marks obstacle as occupied and free for no obstacle and unknown places. The reactive layer takes the path from deliberate layer and is independent of following that path. Reactive layer controls the motion of the robot decide to avoid obstacle with percept of sensors. E. Epic2 The epic2 software is toolbox to interface Matlab with e-puck the following set of command and their possible effects are explained by the developer in [10]. The class epic contains all the information regarding the variable related to e-puck control. This class is created by calling (epic= ePicKernel;). Before using e-puck connect function must be called to connect e-puck. All the interaction of e-puck is centralized in one command epic=update(epic); to activate reading of a sensor the command 4
epic=activate (epic, propName); must be called, where propName is the name of the sensor to activate. To deactivate e puck, command is epic=deactivate (epic,propname);. The information from the e-puck can be retrieved by [val,up]=get (epic, propname);. Table 2 gives the complete set of propname and their use. To get the image form camera the command [epic, mode, sizexy]=updateImage(epic); is used in matlab. To compute the odometry of the robot [epic]=updateOdometry(epic); and to get the position of e-puck, function [pos,up] =get(epic,odom); is used.
Table 2 Prop name and mat lab function Prop name Data Supported command Accel Accelerometer get, activate, deactivate Proxy Proximity sensors get, activate, deactivate Light Light sensors get, activate, deactivate Micro Microphone get, activate, deactivate Floor Floor sensor get, activate, deactivate Speed Motor speeds get, activate, deactivate Pos Encoders get, activate, deactivate odmo Odometry position get, activate, deactivate image camera image get, activate, deactivate custom Custom command get, activate, deactivate connectionState Connection status Get
Table 3Parameter and their properties PropName Arguments Description Speed [right_motor,left_motor] Change the motor speed ledOn [led_number] Light on at that led number ledOff [led_number] Light off at that led number Odom [x y theta] Set the current position used by odometry camMode [mode] Set the camera mode 0 for gray scale and 1 for colour camSize [width height] Set the width and size of the camera camZoom [zoom] Set the zoom factor (1,4,8) Function to reset the internal variable of the odometry is epic=reset(epic,odom). The properties of e-puck are controlled by the command epic=set(epic,varargin);, where varargin is set of parameter begin with property to modify followed by vector. The table 3 enlist all such property name, argument and their description. III. Implementation A. Colour detection Matlab is used to perform image processing and epic2 software is used to control all the sensors and actuators in e puck. After studying different colour detection techniques a simplest model for colour detection is devised. Figure 2 colour detection flow chart 5
The distinct feature and working of the method is given below in the form of flowchart. Initializing Epuck and Establishing Connection In order to communicate to Epuck the bluetooth USB adapter bluetooth class 1 and bluetooth driver is used. Connection is establish between the E puck and the computer using software epic2 working in the Matlab. The table 4 gives the command and their functionality. Table 4 Initializing Epuck Matlab command Description epic=ePicKernel; Creates a class containing all variable to control e puck epic=connection(epic,COMXX); Connect e puck to accessible serial port Image is get through camera by using set of commands given in table 5.
Table 5Image File generation Matlab command Description epic= updateDef(epic, 'image',1); This command set the image capturing frerquency [epic, mode, sizexy]= updateImage(epic); To retrieve a large value data this command is used to [picture,up] = get(epic,'image'); To get the image from the class
The image obtained from epuck is small and 90 out of phase, the image is resized and reshaped before applying further image processing. The image is read in to RGB (red green blue) colour space but to perform colour detection I converted it into the HSV (hue saturation value) colour space. The syntax of the Matlab command is hsvimage=rgb2hsv(rgbimage) [13].The output of this command is a m-by-n- by-3 image array whose three planes are hue saturation and value. Three image replica are reproduced depending on the HSV values for red colour set by threshold in such a way that any value less then maximum threshold and minimum or equal to lower threshold is considered as target. I found the small presence of noise in the form of presence of red colour other than the original object. This may result in false detection, such small area of noise are removed from the images. The Matlab function bwareaopen removes small objects from the images [13]. The output from colour detection are the area of the red object in image, the average value of the red pixels and the position of centroid of red object. The value of area of the red object, mean intensity of the red pixels present in the image, and centroid is computed using the regionprop function in matlab [13]. B. Target Identification and Movement. Search Algorithm used in this project is scan the environment, Focus target and move towards target. Epuck is two wheel robot having capability to rotate 360 without changing its axis of rotation. The first criteria is to detect any presence of red colour, the value of area and average calculated by colour detection are used as a reference. If the colour is present and the object centre is too left or right further refinement is performed by rotating Epuck depending on the value of off set.
Figure 3Move towards Target Once the target is acquired, then I need to move the e puck to move towards and stop in front of it. Epuck is equipped with sensors that help him to scan nearby object, with the help of these sensors I control the movement of e puck. Epuck will continue to move forward until it finds any obstacle in its way. As the Epuck is focusing towards target it will stop at target. 6
C. Obstacle avoidance In the presence of obstacle that is hiding the target. The search algorithm is search and change your position. Every time e puck completes its 360 search it will move at angle approximately 45 until stopped by an obstacle.
Figure 4Obstacle avoidance IV. Experiment The figures in this section shows all the experimental equipment used for the verification of proposed algorithm.
Figure 5Epuck used in the experiment
Figure 6Target object of red colour
Figure 7Experimantal ground for Robot eye senstive to red colour
Figure 8Experimental ground for obstacle avoidance V. Discussion Initially I used RGB colour space for image processing, but I found that the RGB colour space results vary much with light conditions. To overcome this problem the white balance technique is also used but it suppress the colour details. Later I choose to work with HSV colour space which I found quite useful in real time image processing. Experiments are performed many time to improve the output of the image processing algorithm and to make its output use as a metric for identification. The proposed image processing technique works well under different light conditions. While working with obstacle avoidance and keeping in mind the complexity of the different algorithm studied. The devised method is simplest of all.i found this method not much robust but I found it better than bug algorithm. One of the major constrain of this proposed algorithm is that it can only work in a controlled environment. 7
Further improvements are required to overcome the near far effect in this technique.
Figure 9 Near far effect Epuck move and stop function based on the front four IR sensors value. If any of the sensor is getting something on his way while e puck has already search the red object as shown in figure 9. Epuck will stop moving. An improvement can be made to this problem by introducing distance to target. Acknowledgment I am sincerely grateful to my supervisor Dr. Denis Dang and co-supervisor Andrew Martchenko for their enthusiastic support and continuous involvement in my project, providing new ideas, group discussions, supplying resources, providing tutorials, and working on different idea to finalize my project I would like to thank our laboratory manager, Mr. Peter Stewart for the overall support and providing me the good conditions for doing the project. I also would like to thank to my friend Mohsin ud din pathan for helping me out. Finally I will thank my family members for cooperation while performing home works for this project. References [1]HTTP://EN.WIKIBOOKS.ORG/WIKI/CYBERBOTICS_ROBOT_CU RRICULUM/E-PUCK_AND_WEBOTS
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