Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines
Quest Journals
Volume 2 ~ Issue x (2014) pp: 00-00
ISSN(Onlne) : xxxx-xxxx ISSN (!rnt):xxxx-xxxx
Paper title (16 Bold)
First Author
, Second Author
Received 00 Ma, 2014! Acce"ted 00 #une, 2014 $ %he author(s) 2014. Pu&lished with o"en access
ABSTRACT (11Bold) : "#e a$stra%t s#oul& summar'e t#e %ontent of t#e paper( "r) to *eep t#e a$stra%t
$elo+ 200 +or&s( ,o not ma*e referen%es nor &spla) e-uatons n t#e a$stra%t( "#e .ournal +ll $e prnte&
from t#e same-s'e& %op) prepare& $) )ou( /our manus%rpt s#oul& $e prnte& on 04 paper (21(0 %m x 21(2 %m)(
It s mperat3e t#at t#e mar4ns an& st)le &es%r$e& $elo+ $e a&#ere& to %arefull)( "#s +ll ena$le us to *eep
unformt) n t#e fnal prnte& %opes of t#e Journal( !lease *eep n mn& t#at t#e manus%rpt )ou prepare +ll
$e p#oto4rap#e& an& prnte& as t s re%e3e&( 5ea&a$lt) of %op) s of paramount mportan%e ((10 Ital%)
Keywords (11Bold) - 0$out f3e *e) +or&s n alp#a$et%al or&er6 separate& $) %omma (10 Italic)
I. INTR!"#TIN (11 B$!)
%he introduction o' the "a"er should e("lain the nature o' the "ro&le), "revious wor*, "ur"ose, and the
contri&ution o' the "a"er. %he contents o' each section )a &e "rovided to understand easil a&out the "a"er.
II. %&A!IN' ((11 B$!)
%he headings and su)headings, starting with +1. Introduction+, a""ear in u""er and lower case letters
and should &e set in )old and aligned *lush le*t. All headings 'ro) the ,ntroduction to Ac*nowledge)ents are
nu)&ered sequentiall using 1, 2, -, etc. Su&headings are nu)&ered 1.1, 1.2, etc. ,' a su§ion )ust &e 'urther
divided, the nu)&ers 1.1.1, 1.1.2, etc.
%he 'ont si.e 'or heading is 11 points )old *ace and su)sections with 1+ points and not )old. /o not
underline an o' the headings, or add dashes, colons, etc. (10)
III. IN!&NTATIN( AN! &,"ATIN((11 B$!)
%he 'irst "aragra"h under each heading or su&heading should &e 'lush le't, and su&sequent "aragra"hs
should have a 'ive0s"ace indentation. A colon is inserted &e'ore an equation is "resented, &ut there is no
"unctuation 'ollowing the equation. All equations are nu)&ered and re'erred to in the te(t solel & a nu)&er
enclosed in a round &rac*et (i.e., (-) reads as +equation -+). 1nsure that an )iscellaneous nu)&ering sste)
ou use in our "a"er cannot &e con'used with a re'erence 243 or an equation (-) designation. (10)
I-. .I'"R&( AN! TAB$&((11 B$!)
%o ensure a high0qualit "roduct, diagra)s and lettering M4S% &e either co)"uter0dra'ted or drawn
using ,ndia in*.
Figure ca"tions a""ear &elow the 'igure, are 'lush le't, and are in lower case letters. 5hen re'erring to a
'igure in the &od o' the te(t, the a&&reviation +Fig.+ is used. Figures should &e nu)&ered in the order the
a""ear in the te(t.
%a&le ca"tions a""ear centered a&ove the ta&le in u""er and lower case letters. 5hen re'erring to a
ta&le in the te(t, no a&&reviation is used and +%a&le+ is ca"itali.ed. (10)
67orres"onding Author8 (. 1 9 :age
/e"art)ent o' 7o)"uter Science, Facult o' ,%, 5,S1 4niversit, A))an, #ordan
Paper title (11 Italic)
-. #N#$"(IN (11 B$!)
A conclusion section )ust &e included and should indicate clearl the advantages, li)itations, and
"ossi&le a""lications o' the "a"er. Although a conclusion )a review the )ain "oints o' the "a"er, do not
re"licate the a&stract as the conclusion. A conclusion )ight ela&orate on the i)"ortance o' the wor* or suggest
a""lications and e(tentions. (10)
Ac/nowledge0ents (11 Bold)
An ac*nowledge)ent section )a &e "resented a'ter the conclusion, i' desired.( ;)
R&.&R&N#&( (11 B$!)
"#s #ea&n4 s not ass4ne& a num$er(
A re'erence list 1"(T &e included using the 'ollowing in'or)ation as a guide. <nl %te& te(t re'erences are
included. 1ach re'erence is re'erred to in the te(t & a nu)&er enclosed in a square &rac*et (i.e., 2-3). =e'erences
0ust )e nu0)ered and ordered according to where the2 are *irst 0entioned in the paper3 ><%
&4a0ples *ollow8
5ournal Papers6
213 M <.a*i, ?. Adachi, ?. ,wahori, and >. ,shii, A""lication o' 'u.. theor to writer recognition o' 7hinese characters, Internatonal
Journal of 7o&elln4 an& Smulaton6 18(2)6 1@@;, 112011A. (;)
Note t#at t#e .ournal ttle6 3olume num$er an& ssue num$er are set n tal%s(
223 =.1. Moore, Inter3al anal)ss (1nglewood 7li''s, >#8 :rentice0Ball, 1@AA). (;)
Note t#at t#e ttle of t#e $oo* s n lo+er %ase letters an& tal%'e&( "#ere s no %omma follo+n4 t#e ttle( !la%e of pu$l%aton an&
pu$ls#er are 43en(
#hapters in Boo/s6
2-3 :.<. Cisho", >euro"hsiolog o' &inocular vision, in #.Bouse)an (1d.), 9an&$oo* of p#)solo4)6 4 (>ew ?or*8 S"ringer0Derlag, 1@E0)
-420-AA. (;)
Note t#at t#e pla%e of pu$l%aton6 pu$ls#er6 an& )ear of pu$l%aton are en%lose& n $ra%*ets( :&tor of $oo* s lste& $efore $oo* ttle(
243 /.S. 7han, "#eor) an& mplementaton of mult&mensonal &s%rete s)stems for s4nal pro%essn4, doctoral diss., Massachusetts ,nstitute
o' %echnolog, 7a)&ridge, MA, 1@E;. (;)
Note t#at t#ess ttle s set n tal%s an& t#e un3erst) t#at 4rante& t#e &e4ree s lste& alon4 +t# lo%aton nformaton
Proceedings Papers6
2F3 5.#. Coo*, Modelling design and control o' 'le(i&le )ani"ulator ar)s8 A tutorial review, !ro%( 21t# I::: ;onf( on ,e%son an&
;ontrol, San Francisco, 7A, 1@@0, F000F0A (;)
67orres"onding Author8 (. 2 9 :age