Paneth - 1931 - 2003 - The Epistemological Status of The Chemical Concept of Element

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Discussions of the principal concepts of chemistry are few and
supercial, in striking contrast to the many penetrating investi-
gations into the philosophic foundations of physical theories. In
previous centuries there was an obvious reason for this: many
physical doctrines were already common knowledge amongst the
educated, whilst chemistry, in the scientic sense, did not exist at
all, or was only just beginning. But even today we nd a wider
spread of physical than of chemical knowledge and interest amongst
philosophers, whether this be due to tradition in the profession or to
the curricula of our secondary schools. The rst two laws of thermo-
dynamics, the questions concerning action at a distance and contact
action, the difculties of the ether hypothesis, and more recently,
particularly the principle of relativity and the quantumtheory, are all
problems familiar to every philosopher who wishes to take account
of the results of the exact sciences in his system. On the other hand,
one rarely nds a discussion of a specically chemical theory in
the writings of a philosopher. The atomic theory is an exception.
This, however, belongs just as much to physics as to chemistry, and
indeed the physical aspect (divisibility, mutual attraction and repul-
sion, and so on) has been discussed much more than the chemical
(qualitative characteristics, valency, etc.). As a rule, chemistry is

The text of a public lecture given by Professor F.A. Paneth to the

Gelehrte Gesellschaft of Knigsberg in 1931. (German text published in Schriften
der Knigsberger Gelehrten Gesellschaft, Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, 1931,
Heft 4 [Max Niemeyer Verlag].) Translated by H.R. Paneth.

Reprinted from the British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 13,
pp. 114 (Part I) and 144160 (Part II), 1962, by permission of Oxford University
Foundations of Chemistry 5: 113145, 2003.
1962 Oxford University Press.
presented by the philosophers as a science which is well on the way
to transforming itself into physics, and to which, therefore, the same
considerations will apply in due course.
Not only philosophers, but many physicists have endeavoured
to clarify the epistemological foundations of physics, sometimes in
systematic investigations, sometimes merely by way of occasional
(but extremely illuminating) comments. I need only recall in this
connection the names Helmholtz, Kirchhoff, Heinrich Hertz, Mach,
Boltzmann, Poincar, Planck, Einstein, Weyl, Jeans, Eddington,
Bohr, and Heisenberg. For this reason there has long been an
extremely fertile interaction between writings in philosophy and in
physics, while we have hardly anything comparable in the eld of
The fact that there has been little thorough philosophical work
on the concepts of chemistry is particularly apparent in the case
of the concept most fundamental to the whole science: the concept
of element. Most textbooks of chemistry, when introducing the
concept of element, make a few remarks about its philosophic
formulation by Aristotle, and in the Middle Ages, and emphasise
the difference form the present-day scientic idea of element.
With stereotyped uniformity the statement is repeated that the four
elements of Aristotle did not designate substances, but combinations
of the fundamental properties cold, warm, dry, wet; that Boyle was
the rst to mean by a chemical element a substances that could
not be decomposed further, etc. In most expositions of the history
of chemistry, too, we nd similar statements.
There is not doubt,
however, that it is incorrect to characterise the elements of Aristotle
as properties rather than substances, and that Boyles innovation
lies in a different direction from the assumption that the elements
are, by their nature, substances and that they cannot be decom-
posed. The fact that there is nevertheless general agreement with
these statements amongst the majority of chemists writing on this
subject only shows how little importance they attach, in general, to
the investigation of the concepts used in chemical teaching.
The study of the philosophic-historical development of the
concept of element, in particular, is interesting and important for
a further reason. The same epistemological questions which were
raised in connection with it in classical times and were even in
part answered, still play an important part in present-day chem-
istry, I am primarily referring here to the question In what sense
may one assume that the elements persist in compounds? When
one compares the obscure remarks of some modern authors on this
subject with the insight already gained by philosophers of antiquity,
one becomes convinced that in chemistry, just as in physics, a philo-
sophic clarication of the fundamental concepts should promote
scientic understanding as well. There is the further point that we
may, by such an investigation, test whether or not it is true that
chemistry should and will dissolve into physics.
For these reasons we shall try in this essay to present the
epistemological status of the concept of element somewhat more
thoroughly than is customary in chemical textbooks. To make
communication possible it is necessary to use certain technical
philosophical terms; their choice will, of course, vary with ones
basic philosophical conceptions. Since, however, we are here only
concerned with the discussion of a particular problem pertaining to
science which must retain its meaning for every epistemological
position it is not of decisive importance which terminology we
use. For reasons of expediency we shall follow in the main the
terminology chosen by Eduard von Hartmann, since, amongst the
theories put forward and developed in detail by professional philoso-
phers, his epistemology possibly comes closest to an understanding
of the essential nature of science.
We can ignore here the question
whether Hartmanns transcendental realism in some points even
depended too much on the science of his time, just as we can, for
our purpose, completely ignore his metaphysical system.
Chemistry, like every natural science, started fromthe naive-realistic
world-view, and gradually found itself compelled to apply correc-
tions to this. It is, however, characteristic of chemistry that it has not
advanced as far in the application of these corrections as some other
sciences; indeed it is of the essence of its fundamental concepts that
they have retained quite an appreciable naive-realistic residue.
Let us consider rst the concept of substance in this respect.
After all, the whole doctrinal structure of chemistry rests on this.
Moreover, it is fundamental to the concept of element, with which
we are concerned here, in particular. It is well known that it has
long been the aim of physics to reduce sensory qualities to quanti-
tative determinations.
Nature is assumed to be without qualities,
and the properties of colour, sound, taste, smell, etc., are applic-
able only to our sense representations. The objective prerequisites
of the last two qualities are still almost totally obscure; but since
even today, as formerly, these qualities play an important part in
chemistry, in characterising substances, the chemist has no choice
but to assign the properties of taste and smell to the substances
themselves, in completely naive-realistic fashion. Nobody objects,
in fact, to speaking of the salty taste of sodium chloride, or the
unpleasant smell of hydrogen sulphide. Here we nd ourselves, as is
surely unnecessary to elaborate, still standing with both feet on the
ground of naive realism, without, it should be emphasized, being
aware that this lack of philosophic clarity entails any disadvantage.
Indeed, even in the case of that property of substances which can
be reduced to quantitative determination most easily colour we
usually refrain, for the purpose of chemical characterisation, from
so reducing it: cinnabar is red, gold is lustrous. While the intro-
duction of the various constants would make a more exact numerical
statement possible in such cases, this would usually be too cumber-
some. After all, we nd something similar in physics, where we do
not mind speaking of red and green light as rough data; quality is
retained here as useful mental short-hand.
When one attacks the problem of substance more closely with
the weapons of epistemology, the fact is revealed (as has already
been pointed out by many authors) that not only may none of its
sensory properties be taken to exist in nature, but substance disap-
pears altogether. The old view, taken by the Greek atomists, that
only size, shape and motion are real, while colour, smell, etc., are
mere appearances (a view revived later by Locke in his distinction
of primary and secondary qualities), marks but an arbitrary stopping
point in this process of dissolution, though (as we shall discuss
below) a very useful one for the sciences. The subjective nature
of the primary qualities, still pertaining, according to this view, to
the things themselves, has been demonstrated in the well-known
idealistic lines of thought (Berkeley, Hume, Kant). Exponents of
transcendental realism, too, who are convinced of the existence
of an external nature which is knowable to a certain extent, nd
themselves forced, in pursuing the logical consequences of atomism
to the end, to declare matter to be not something real, but merely an
appearance which is produced by the joint effect of closely adjacent
forces in and for the conscious mind.
Now it is particularly interesting that, independently of these
philosophic considerations, progress in theoretical physics, also,
has led necessarily to the complete dissolution of the concept of
substance. The era of the classical kinetic theory of matter is long
past; molecules and atoms are no longer solid spheres; the space
assigned to them is lled only by electric forces originating in the
positive protons and negative electrons, which are vanishingly small
compared with the atomic radius. Nowone might regard protons and
electrons as last remnants of the old concept of substance, if modern
quantum mechanics did not require the assumption that the motions
of these particles do not take place in the three-dimensions. Thus
we have lost the last possibility of retaining, in any sense at all, the
familiar notion of substance; we renounce all possibility of visua-
lizing, while raising calculability to a level never before attained.
Here physics is harvesting the fruit of a tree planted centuries ago.
Starting with Galileo, more and ever more weight was attached
to mathematical formulation; the successes of this methodology
provided encouragement for further and further advances along the
same route, and we must not be surprised when present-day physi-
cists, rather like the ancient Pythagoreans, see the true nature of the
world in mathematical relations.
Chemistry did not follow this course of development. Indeed,
already in the seventeenth century, at the time of the rst begin-
nings of scientic chemistry, we nd one man who, with the greatest
possible clarity, demanded for it principles different from the math-
ematising ones of physics: the Englishman, Robert Boyle. Boyle
is one of the few scientists with a mental range wide enough to
master the procedure adopted in physics, and appreciate it on its
merits, without thereby according it the status of the only true path
to salvation in natural science. On occasion he states quite denitely
that the secondary qualities are no less real than the primary ones,
and that it is not necessary to give up the former and calculate only
with the latter to obtain scientic results, and nd thereby methods
for the practical mastery of nature.
Nevertheless, he himself always considered mathematical formu-
lation to be a higher level of theoretical insight into nature.
successors amongst the chemists, while following his example as a
practical chemist, abandoned his penetrating Weltanschauung. They
completely neglected the classical, pure, quantitative particle theory,
which he had particularly fostered; instead, they put forward without
reservation purely qualitative hypotheses, which would have been
intolerable from, say, the more severe point of view of Newton.
These hypotheses were often very useful for the development of
chemistry. We need only remember the introduction of the idea of
at the beginning of the eighteenth, or of catalytic
at the beginning of the nineteenth century.
On the other hand, the Newtonians inevitably low opinion of
such tendencies emerges particularly form the oft quoted statement
of Kant that in any particular discipline of the study of nature one
can nd only as much actual science as there is mathematics. If
one accepts this denition, Kant is perfectly right not to include
chemistry amongst the sciences, since chemistry is essentially non-
mathematical; he saw this more clearly than later philosophers, who
expected chemistry to pass into physics. He did, however, recognise
chemistry as a systematic art.
Chemists may be satised with
this title for their subject, if, indeed, they must remain excluded from
the realmof genuine science. However, Kants denition results in
an extremely narrow, and therefore probably inappropriate, concep-
tion of science. A closer consideration of chemistry not to mention
the biological and historical sciences sufces to show this. Some
of its elds, particularly so-called physical chemistry, admittedly
now include so much mathematics that they would presumably
satisfy Kants denition; but there also exist analytic and synthetic
chemistry, which have remained completely unmathematical to this
day. Nevertheless, on the basis of their successes, we can claim the
rank of science for them too. We need only remind ourselves that
it was the analytic chemist, unhampered by mathematics or indeed
almost any theory, who discovered the majority of all chemical
elements on the basis of the most primitive concept of substance!
Much later, when a theory of chemical elements existed, and physi-
cists realized that the elements must follow each other as the ordinal
numbers, and that their number is therefore strictly limited, they
were astonished to nd that the analysts had already discovered
almost all possible elements. A systematic art that can achieve
this may surely be called a science as well. Moreover, already in
the seventies of the last century, the elements had been arranged
by the chemists into a scheme, the so-called natural system of
the elements. Present-day workers on the theory of the atom have
contributed enormously to the deeper understanding of this natural
system; but the arrangement itself has not undergone any essen-
tial change in the last sixty years. Perhaps even more imposing is
the achievement of the organic chemists, who have been able to
bring hundreds of thousands of different chemical substances into
a clear system on the basis of a very few hypotheses concerning
the combination of atoms. Here, too, the methods of research used
in physics are already being applied and much splendid progress
has been made in this way; but much more astonishing than indi-
vidual corrections, achieved with the most modern aids, is the quite
overwhelming number of cases where the organic chemists simple
concept of valency, with its obvious weaknesses, had made possible
completely correct statements about the mutual linkages of atoms.
Even if the character of chemistry should change essentially in
the future owing to penetration by mathematico-physical methods,
its history during the nineteenth century, in which it achieved
such successes without mathematics, must never be ignored in its
philosophic evaluation.
In view of all this, we declare chemistry, too, to be a true science,
even in those branches where it contains little or no mathematics.
Indeed, perhaps it is just there that we are dealing with chemistry in
the strictest sense of the word. Emil Fischer, in his autobiography,
tells of a colleague at Wrzburg who had the charming denition:
Chemistry is bangs and stinks.
We can essentially agree with
this, and interpret it as follows: chemistry is a science in which
interest is directed towards the secondary qualities of substances.
Taking this philosophically primitive standpoint chemists have
usually managed very well in the whole vast range of the subjects of
analysis and synthesis. For this reason they have remained unaware
that, after all, somewhat deeper epistemological consideration is
necessary for the complete understanding of the reactions they have
carried out and the theorems they have put forward. This neces-
sity will, however, at once become apparent when we turn to the
concept of chemical element. Here we are bound to get involved in
irresolvable contradictions if we retain the chemists naive notion of
It is probably useful to preface the discussion of the modern concept
of element with a few remarks about its predecessors in classical
and medieval times. We do this, not with the intention of presenting
an exhaustive history of its development, but because we nd the
various views very well represented; instead of abstract arguments
we can frequently make the intuitively comprehensible theorems of
the ancient philosophers the basis of our discussion.
How could hair have its origin in non-hair, or esh in non-
esh? is the text of one of the surviving fragments of the writings
of Anaxagoras.
Already in those days, according to Aristotles
testimony, all physicists were agreed that matter is permanent.
Anaxagoras went further than some of his contemporaries and
predecessors only in considering qualitative, as well as quantitative
invariance a matter of course. In his question the basic problem
of chemistry and its conceptual difculty are pointedly presented.
When the raised this question there were already some typical
attempts to solve the problem. These we will consider briey, since
they lead almost directly to the espistemological problem in which
we are interested.
The conviction that the truly existent could not perish had led
the Eleatics to declare all changes in the world of the senses to be
mere appearance. Conversely, Heraclitus was led, by contemplation
of the continual change in nature, to deny any permanence. The
former took up a position so much in contradiction to everyday
experience that they were exempted, from the start, form the task
of explaining nature. For this reason Aristotle refers to them as
the opposite of scientists (
But Heraclitus view does
not agree well with experience either, for according to his doctrine
one would expect that every substance could change into every
other, which even in those days must have been seen to be untrue.
An intermediate position is taken up by Empedocles. His doctrine
of the four elements constitutes an enormous advance. Indeed,
one may justly argue that the assumption of a nite number of
permanent substances which, by being mixed in different propor-
tions, produce the multitude of objects we perceive, is an essential
part of present-day chemical doctrines.
No answer, however, is
given to Anaxagoras question; it seems that it is not even raised
by Empedocles. Yet the creation of a new substance by mixing two
known ones is at rst incomprehensible precisely on the assumption
that the substances are permanent. Thus we must rate very highly the
logical rigour of Anaxagoras, who rejected this inconsistent idea,
and assumed smallest particles of all homogeneous substances to be
distributed everywhere in the universe. Indeed, it is worth noting that
rather similar objections were still raised much later by philosophers
and chemists. Thus John Stuart Mill asserts for this reason that the
laws of chemistry own their existence to a breach of the principle of
Composition of Causes;
while Berthelot considers the difference
between the properties of common salt and those of its elements,
sodium and chlorine, so incomprehensibly great that he feels bound
to refute at length the notion that common salt contains a third
element, with less divergent properties, as well.
this difculty could be overcome only by adopting a more profound
epistemological standpoint, an achievement which we must consider
one of the greatest merits of the atomists.
The atomists were the rst to realise that one may indeed retain
the demand of the logos for a permanent substratum, but not with
reference to our world of appearances; or, to put the same idea differ-
ently, that laws of nature may be constructed not for our subjective
perceptions but only for an objective world quite different in kind,
which lies behind those perceptions. Thus they were not forced
either to deny the changes in the world of appearances, as did the
Eleatics, or to deny permanent substance, as did Heraclitus. What
looks to us like coming into being and ceasing to be is actually only
re-arrangement of the permanent atoms. The secondary qualities
exist only in our perceptions, the primary ones pertain to the atoms
themselves; in their realm only size, shape, and motion exist. Thus,
the conceptual view of the world demanded by the Eleatics, was
brought into harmony with appearances.
The question how can hair come form non-hair, and esh form
non-esh? is now answered to this effect: the same particles which
in one particular arrangement give rise to our impression of green
meadow plants, serve in another arrangement for the construction
of the animal body fed on these plants, and appear to us to be hair
and esh. In this way the demand for permanence of substance is
satised with no necessity for Anaxagoras assumption, viz. that
particles of esh and hair already exist in the plant. Empedocles
happy idea of replacing generation and decay by mixing and separa-
tion also plays its part for the atomists; but while with Empedocles
it is still impossible to imagine how the mixture of indestructible
elements could take place, atomism provides a picture which is
both useful and intuitively very acceptable, by assuming smallest
particles which juxtapose themselves in different arrangements.
It may not be superuous to show that on this basis, which was
constructed by Leucippus and Democritus, of an atomic world
without qualities, it was also possible to arrive without difculty
at a more detailed idea of the nature of a chemical compound.
An important step in this direction was taken by Epicurus.
Aristotle had raised the objection that no substance with newproper-
ties could ever result from the juxtaposition of smallest particles,
since sharp eyes would surely still recognise the known substances
in the mixture. Epicurus rightly sought to overcome this difculty
by shifting to the realm devoid of qualities, although in devel-
oping this idea he did not quite arrive at our present standpoint.
In contrast to the founders of the atomistic doctrine, he attributed
objectively real sensible qualities to substances: he denied them
only to atoms. Now if the properties of substances only arise as a
consequence of the coming together of many atoms of the same
kind, it becomes understandable why in the case of dispersion
into atoms, as effected by mixing, the properties of the previously
existing substances disappear and new ones arise from the joint
action of the mingled atoms. From this we learn how valuable an
instrument the atomic theory was, long before Dalton, in giving an
intuitive explanation of chemical processes. The later development
by Boyle and Lemery of more denite ideas about the cohesion of
smallest particles on entering into chemical combination, and the
attempt by present-day atomic theories to comprehend the change
in electronic conguration of atoms when coming together, are only
more detailed developments of the old lines of thought.
In principle Epicurus would have already reached the present
standpoint, had he not considered the qualities of substances to
be objectively real. Epistemologically this constitutes a step back-
wards from Democritus. But this was of no practical consequence,
since Epicurus did not, after all, ascribe qualities to the atoms, but
only to the substances formed by them; in other words, he only
made the small epistemological simplication (retaining some of the
naive-realistic convictions) which we mentioned initially as being
thoroughly appropriate and justied in chemistry. Since he was not
guilty of this error in his atomism, he was able to explain changes
of properties occasioned by chemical combination, in the way we
have sketched, without having to assume changes in qualities as
part of the nature of things. Aristotle, the opponent of atomism, did
not shy away from this consequence (a change in qualities) which
could be well explained in terms of his philosophic principles. We
shall discuss presently the contradictions which arise if one follows
him, as many modern chemists do, in not distinguishing the world
of the transcendental from the world of appearances, but speaks
nevertheless of a persistence of the elements in compounds.
Epicurus denial (in common with the old atomists) of qualities
to atoms, and his admission of only one homogeneous primodial
matter does not, in our view, constitute an essential difference
from the so-called qualitative atomism of present-day chemistry.
An approach favoured particularly, but not exclusively, in popular
expositions is exemplied by the formulation that the atoms of gold
are gold still, while the properties of a compound are retained in
its individual molecules, but lost on decomposition into atoms. This
version, which is designed to make the difference between elements
and compounds intuitively understandable, is, after all, no more than
a very inaccurate formulation. Epicurus would rightly have objected
that only the coming together of many atoms generates the qualities,
and, in fact, no chemist would seriously maintain nowadays that
any property of gold could be discerned in the individual atom.
Not only today when the electronic theory has already success-
fully begun to elucidate the structure of atoms, does the notion
of a single primary substance seem quite modern; for philosophic
reasons qualitative atomism, too, could never ascribe qualities
in the strict sense to individual atoms. We must, therefore, regard
the conception of a primary substance as a necessary consequence
of their correct epistemological standpoint also in the case of the
in contradistinction to the preceding thinkers. In the case
of the latter it was presumably only a rash generalisation or, if one
agrees with Joels opinion, shows the genesis of nature philosophy
in the spirit of mysticism.
As a result of these observations we afrm that some Greek
thinkers had already realised that it is the aim of the natural sciences
to nd the laws of a world that is objectively real, whose changes
are indicated in our consciousness by processes quite different in
kind; and that to understand the change of properties of substances
we require transcendental hypotheses. As the Greeks expressed the
antithesis: the o has to be explained by means of the

After these preparatory historical remarks we will attempt to
determine the philosophic character of the modern concept of
In the important passage in Lavoisiers textbook in which
following Boyle, whom he does not name he introduces his new
denition of chemical element, he attacks the prejudice, for which
we originally have to thank the Greek philosophers, that all bodies
in nature should be composed of only three or four elements and
the metaphysical investigations of the atomists.
He wishes to
use the name element for all substances which we cannot decom-
pose further, because only in this way can we in fact recognise them.
I take it to be superuous to discuss in greater detail how extraordi-
narily successful this denition has turned out to be. The whole of
modern chemistry is, after all, based on it. Here I only wish to show
that it is impossible to overcome metaphysics as Lavoisier thought
he had done by this denition. This apparent defeat of metaphysics,
which is still ascribed to him and to Boyle by numerous writers
in chemistry even today, resulted in a recurrence of the misunder-
standing already discussed: that the properties of simple substances
must necessarily persist in compounds.
In the linguistic usage of atomists, which Lavisier seems also
to have had in mine, the term elements designated the smallest
parts of matter, the quality-less atoms.
But this system had very
much decreased in importance in scientic circles in the Middle
Ages. Under the inuence of Aristotle, the four substances of Empe-
docles predominated as elements; later, the three principles of
the Spagirists sulphur, mercury, and salt competed with them
for recognition. While the former were, to put it briey, the carriers
of physical properties, viz. the different states of aggregation, the
latter were already much closer to the chemical requirements of
basic substances. They were supposed to confer the properties of
combustibility, metallic nature, and resistance to re. For this reason
we see, for instance, in the Chymista Scepticus of Boyle a noticeably
greater inclination to allow them as chemical elements. Presum-
ably no one would doubt that we are dealing, in the case of the
elements of the Aristotelians, as well as in the case of the prin-
ciples of the trimaterialists, with the metaphysical concept of a
substance which is itself completely removed from our perception,
but produces by its effects all the phenomena which make up the
connections between external experiences.
As we mentioned at the beginning, the elements of Aristotle were
not properties in contradistinction to the substances of Empedocles.
But, since Aristotle considered sensory appearances decisive, he
was forced to assume a transmutation of elements into each other.
For this he could nd without difculty an explanation in agree-
ment with his philosophic principles: matter, common to all the
sub-lunary world, completely indeterminate, and present as mere
potentiality, only comes into existence as one of the elements by
the form-giving addition of the properties, cold or warm and dry
or moist; and as these properties changes, the elements change
into each other in a perpetual cycle.
In some passages Aristotle
expresses himself somewhat differently about the relation of the four
elements to the primary matter which latter already appears on
occasion as substance devoid of qualities, as with the Stoics
the polemical writings leave no doubt that the elements were always
understood as substances by his followers amongst the chemists.
What Joachim Jung, for example, fought against was the actual-
potential doctrine of the Peripatetics just this change of properties
of the elementary substances;
and what Boyle demanded as
proof of their doctrines was the possibility of preparing the four
substances. (This, incidentally, they believed they were able to show
by experiments, to satisfy those that are not capable of a nobler
Only in the demand that elements should be prepar-
able, and not, as often stated, in the view that elements must be
considered non-decomposable substances, lies the advance of Jung,
Boyle, and Lavoisier beyond the standpoint of the Aristotelians.
Thus, J.F. Gmelin, for instance, denes:
simple bodies in the
chemical sense are those which can be no further decomposed into
unlike particles by chemical artices; they are called by another
name elements ; and he explains on the basis of this denition
completely modern in appearance, but whose prototype is to be
found in Aristotle himself
that we have very good reason to
allowthe name of elements to re, air, water and earth, if we imagine
them in their greatest purity. In the same way the Encyclopaedia
of Diderot and DAlembert characterised the chemical elements as
simplest, indestructible bodies persisting in their compounds, but
nevertheless recognised essentially the Peripatetic elements.
Lavoisier obtained general recognition for the principle that one
should not make a priori statements about the number of elements,
but should determine a posteriori how many substances we actually
nd in nature which cannot be further decomposed, and regard these
as the constituents of the composite ones. In this way an experi-
mentally determinable criterion was introduced into the denition of
element, and the interminable and obscure discussions about the true
elements brought to an end. Nevertheless I cannot agree with those
who believe that anything has thereby been changed concerning
the metaphysical nature of the concept of element. The essential
point, after all, is the assumption, which is retained, that the simple
substance is present in some latent form (i.e., in such form that the
properties which it has in the pure state are not recognisable) in
the composite ones, and that it explains their behaviour. Lavoisiers
demand, that it must be possible to isolate any substance assumed
to be a chemical element, i.e., to prepare it as simple substance
with denite properties, has proved very apt, since it is possible to
prepare most elements in the pure state without too much difculty.
For a proper appreciation of this principle fromthe philosophic point
of view, however, it is very instructive to consider the exceptions.
In Lavoisiers rst table of elements we nd light-substance
and heat-substance. These had not been obtained as simple
substances, and certainly Lavoisier did not believe even in the
theoretical possibility of preparing them in the pure state. They
were principles for the explanation of certain properties, and it
would be difcult to state any essential way in which they differed
from the principles of the alchemists or the old element re. Soon,
advances in physics caused light and heat to be deleted from the list
of substances, and thus also from the chemists table of elements.
But even after the chemists had conned themselves to ponder-
able substances, the decision as to which should be included in the
table required more than just a schematic application of the new
denition, if the value of the concept of element was not to be
considerably reduced. Thus Lavoisier allowed a place amongst the
simple bodies to the chemical compounds lime, magnesia, baryta
and alumina, which had not been decomposed at the time, although
he considered that they were probably oxides; but he omitted potash
and soda, because he was already rmly convinced that they were
composed of basic constituents still to be discovered. This was
almost twenty years before Davy succeeded in obtaining the new
metals potassium and sodium from them. Here, then, Lavoisier
himself assumed hypothetical elements; these had no more been
produced than, say, the purest earth of the Aristotelians, or the
special sulphur of the Spagirists (which is not the same as common
sulphur). His translator, Hermbstdt, wanted to avoid the uncertainty
which lay in the indirect inference by analogy to elements, contrary
to the principle of pure empiricism just put forward: he put potash
and soda back into the table.
However, it was not his pedantic
logical consistency, but Lavoisiers happy instinct, that proved to be
The inferring of elements which cannot be prepared must not
be regarded as in any way merely a necessary imperfection of
the initial stage of chemistry. Later, too, elements were acknowl-
edged with complete certainty, though their preparation as simple
substances had not been achieved. Thus nobody doubted the exist-
ence of uorine even yet before the famous work of Moissan, since
one could not explain the special properties of hydrouoric acid
and its salts with the known elements alone, and thus needed a new
principle. Indeed, after the discovery of chlorine, arguments from
analogy led to fairly clear ideas about the nature of this radical of
hydrouoric acid which is already named amongst the simple
substances in Lavoisiers rst table. If one wishes to cite a very
recent example of this procedure: the preparation of radium as
a metal was a great experimental success of Madame Curie, but
without fundamental signicance; radium had already obtained its
assured place in the system of elements, because the assumption
of a new basic substance was necessary to explain the radio-active
properties of its salts.
If we accept the legitimacy of this procedure, leading, in the
instances quoted above, to the postulation of the existence of parti-
cular basic substances, we must not raise any fundamental objection
to the inferences which were used to justify the conception of the
medieval elements. For example, the statement by which Stahl justi-
ed taking aether, water and earth as principia prima also applies
exactly to the cases cited here: Simplicia corpora et elementa,
quamvis non pura et separata dentur, realiter tamen distincta a
mente possunt concipi.
Sodium, uorine, and radium could not
be isolated in the pure state either at the time when they were intro-
duced into science as basic substances, but could only be rationally
inferred. However, the vast chemical experience gained in the mean-
time, and the guidance of analogy, made inferences incomparably
more certain in these cases.
Thus we consider the great advance due to Lavoisier to consist
in this: he did not limit the number of chemical basic substances a
priori, but he demanded that they could in principle be prepared as
non-decomposable substances. Further and this is the point where
he went beyond Jung and Boyle he gave a means, the balance, of
proving a substance to be non-decomposable. However, as is shown
particularly clearly by those cases in which the demand for prepar-
ability was dropped, the metaphysics of the basic philosophic idea
of the concept of element is not touched by this.
Admittedly it seemed as if Lavoisier had changed the philosophic
character of the concept as well. His elements seemed as one
can read in numerous books no longer some sort of metaphysical
causes of the behaviour of bodies, as with the alchemists, but visible
and tangible substances with quite denite observable properties.
Indeed, Pattison Muir, the editor of a new edition of the Sceptical
Chymist, even wishes to read an analogous view into Boyle, who,
as a declared adherent of atomism, should have been safe from
such misinterpretations. Muir, the considers that Boyle was well
on the way to the pragmatic point of view that an exact science
must not assume an invariant substratum devoid of qualities, but
must regard a substance only as the sum of its properties which are
perceptible to the senses.
To the question: what is the element
sulphur?, Gebers answer might have been: the carrier of mutability
by re. The present-day chemist describes the element sulphur as a
substance of pale yellow colour, without taste or smell, insoluble in
water, etc. All these are its properties. Howis it that it does not retain
them in its compounds? What sense at all is there in saying that the
element sulphur is preserved unchanged in its compounds, such as
the gaseous, colourless, pungently smelling sulphur dioxide?
What has been said in the previous section should make our
meaning clear immediately, when we say that the element sulphur
represents today, no less than in the old days, a transcendental
principle underlying the phenomena; and that the mistake in the
statements cited above lies in the naive-realistic assumption that the
properties of sulphur are just those properties which it exhibits to us
in the special case when it is not combined with any other basic
substance. Admittedly, as has been explained above, we may, in
considering a particular substance, speak just as well of its proper-
ties as of the properties we perceive in it. But Lavoisiers denition
must not mislead us into applying this simplication to the concept
of element, which is used in two different senses. I have already
attempted to keep apart these different meanings in the above
discussion by using the two terms basic substance and simple
I have referred throughout to basic substance
whenever the indestructible substance present in compounds and
simple substances was to be denoted, and to simple substance
whenever that form of occurrence was meant in which an isolated
basic substance uncombined with any other appears to our senses.
We cannot ascribe specic properties to an element in the sense
of basic substance, since the latter contributes to the generation of
the innitely diverse properties which it exhibits, by itself and in
combination with other basic materials; as simple substance it can
be characterised by the statement of its properties without preju-
dice to scientic exactness, as we have earlier shown in general for
any substance. In the case of the concept of simple substance we
may remain naive realists; but in the case of basic substance, if
we are not to get involved at once in contradictions, we must not
overlook the fact that it belongs to a transcendental world devoid of
Even to this day the customary denition follows Lavoisier: an
element is a substance that cannot be decomposed into simpler
ones by any chemical procedure.
Thus, to be sure, the assumed
criterion for an element is that it may be obtained as a simple
substance which cannot be decomposed further. But the great
signicance of elements for the whole body of chemical theory
lies in the assumption that the substances which produce the
phenomenon of simple substances serve in the quality-less,
objectively real sphere of nature as basic substances for the
construction not only of simple but also of composite substances.
The fundamental principle of chemistry that elements persist in
their compounds refers to the quality-less basic substances only.
In any other sense the statement is unintelligible. Ostwalds inter-
pretation of the principle to the effect that there is the possibility
of regaining the element in unchanged amount from every one of
its compounds
is no way out, for, if that is all that is meant,
one should not speak of persistence in compounds. One is forced
into such a re-interpretation, and so to an abdication of any under-
standing of the phenomenon, if one assumes that any substance,
and hence any element, is characterised by the sum of its proper-
ties. Probably no other example shows more strikingly that the
simplest and most familiar scientic laws are only valid under the
implied or explicit assumption of a transcendental world.
If it is maintained that the elements are not present in their
compounds in actuality (as basic substances), but only potentially
(as simple substances), then the fact that the properties of their
compounds can form a basis for the most profound systematics of
the chemical elements becomes inexplicable. As is well known, the
groups of the natural system of elements indicate the similarity
of the properties of compounds to a greater extent than that of the
properties of simple substances we need only recall how little
resemblance there is between gaseous nitrogen and pure antimony.
Thus, in terms of the distinction introduced here, we may refer only
to a natural system of basic substances, not of simple substanbces.
Perhaps it is the many relationships between the forms of combi-
nation of chemical elements, expressed by the natural system,
that most clearly reveal that, behind the simple substances and
compounds endowed with constant properties, there stand the
transcendental basic substances, producing, Proteus-like, innu-
merable forms, yet nevertheless bound by rigid rules; and that it is
just the task of chemistry to discover the laws of this transcendental
Our present day chemical language does not, in general, reect
the difference between the meaning of basic substance and
simple substance in the nomenclature of the elements. Only in
a single case, that of carbon, are different names actually used
in German, depending upon whether we are referring to the basic
substance or the simple substance; and even here the distinction is
not carried through strictly. The term carbon [Kohlenstoff] usually
denotes the basic substance only, while the simple substance is
referred to as charcoal [Kohle]. We speak of the carbon- (not
charcoal-) content of organic compounds, but of the properties of
charcoal (not of carbon). Admittedly this distinction is not always
observed. Thus the shorter name Kohlendioxyd is frequently used
instead of Kohlenstoffdioxyd, and, on the other hand, we speak of
amorphous carbon instead of amorphous charcoal. At any rate, we
nd here a distinct beginning of a linguistic separation of the two
meanings, favoured in this case by the fact that the free element
occurs in different allotropic forms (charcoal, diamond, graphite); in
this way the difference between the basic substance, common to all
of them, and its forms of occurrence as a simple substance, is made
particularly apparent. For this reason a new articial term [Kohlen-
stoff] was introduced to denote the basic substance. This name was,
to be sure, derived from the name of the most common form [Kohle]
of the free element, but not made synonymous with it. However, in
another case where two different forms of the free element exist, the
name of the more abundant form is used for the basic substance also;
oxygen [Sauerstoff] is the name of the basic substance of both the
gas called oxygen and of ozone. It would certainly be helpful to
have a special name for the gas oxygen, as well as for ozone.
However, I do not, of course, wish to suggest by this a linguistic
reform impossible to carry out so late in the day, but only to point
out what would seem to be indicated in the interest of logic. Much
confusion could thus be avoided. Take, for instance, the following
sentences, correct according to present chemical usage: Copper
oxide consists of copper and oxygen, Copper is a metal; oxygen
is a gas. Therefore, one must conclude, copper oxide consists
of a metal and a gas, which is obviously nonsense. The fallacy
here is based on the use of copper and oxygen in the sense of
basic substances in the rst sentence and in the sense of simple
substances in the second. Thus we have a quaternio terminorum
made possible by linguistic identity.
To sum up: using the two terms, we may say that the important
advance in Lavoisiers denition of element lay in inferring the
existence of a basic substance from each simple substance found
An accompanying disadvantage was that, in the
eyes of many, the meaning of basic substance was completely
hidden by that of simple substance; the close relationship of
the modern concept of element, also, to the alchemists principles
which underlie appearances, was obscured, and the principle of
explaining the on the basis of the
, already found
necessary by the Greek philosophers, was abandoned as unscientic
metaphysical speculation.
Of the two senses in which the expression chemical element
may be used, philosophical writers of today usually consider only
one: basic substance. Accordingly we nd the concept of element
subordinated to the concept of substance, and its metaphysical
character emphasized. In chemical textbooks, however, this abstract
meaning has been lost, precisely because of Lavoisiers inu-
ence, and elements are understood to be not devoid of qualities
but substances with certain denite properties. With reference to
the elements the chemists, as Wundt justly says, have in many
cases not got beyond the concept of thing derived from common
I have found only two instances in which the two
different meanings of the term chemical element are pointed out.
In the article Elements by C. Hell, in the Neue Handwrterbuch
der Chemie,
it is emphasised that this may mean the simple
substances as well as the material constituents of the simple and
composite substances themelves. According to the second deni-
tion, the article continues, the concept of element coincides with
that of atom, and serves mainly to designate and individualise the
latter more closely; the atoms are the true elements of bodies, a
statement which is not, in my opinion, correct. The atomic theory
can, it is true, contribute enormously to indeed, may be neces-
sary for visualising how the basic substances persist in simple
substances and compounds;
but the concept of basic substance as
such does not in itself contain any idea of atomism. It was, after
all, while explicitly rejecting atomism that Lavoisier carried this
concept to victory; and also in more recent times, there were, and
are, chemists who avoid the atomic theory but retain the elements,
including, of course, elements in the sense of basic substances.
The distinction is also found in Mendelejeffs textbook of
chemistry. Mendelejeff emphasises very forcefully the difference
between the concept of simple body as a single homogeneous
substance, and as the material constituent, not perceptible to the
senses, of a composite body.
Only in the latter sense does he call
a simple body an element. I can think of only one reason why his
very justiable distinction, and his other passages based on it, which
I have quoted earlier, have not produced any echo in later chemical
namely, his inapt terminology. Element and simple
body were introduced by Lavoisier explicitly as synonyms (cf. also
the expression elementary sulphur, customary today, by which is
meant sulphur as simple substance), and it is thus hardly possible to
use them to designate opposites. For this reason I have preferred to
speak of basic substance and simple substance as different aspects
of the chemical concept of element.
Our discussion would be incomplete if we did not, in conclusion, at
least indicate that the distinction between basic substances devoid
of qualities and simple substances perceptible to the senses, which
we have applied in the case of the concept of element, is, in a
very similar form, of importance in other problems of chemistry.
It applies quite generally whenever we speak of the persistence of a
substance under chemical change.
The radicals of organic chemistry, for example, exist almost
without exception in the world of the transcendental alone.
opponents of the theory of radicals have always demanded, before
they could believe in them, that radicals be prepared as observ-
able substances. But this demand we must consider unjustied, for
the same reasons adduced above to show that the existence of a
chemical element as basic substance may be completely proved
without its having been isolated as simple substance.
are, in fact, an even more convincing example of the transcendental
character of the laws of conservation in chemistry; for in sharp
contrast with the case of the elements, the majority of which can
be prepared easily as simple substances the old proofs of the
independent existence of free radicals, perceptible by the senses,
were all false and were soon refuted; nevertheless the assumption
of radicals was completely justied. Once the attempt to prepare
radicals had been given up, their use as chemical principles devoid
of qualities could be developed in full measure, without danger of
epistemological obscurities and misunderstandings.
The situation is different when we consider the statement that the
so-called compounds of rst order, e.g., sulphur trioxide (SO
and water (H
O), combine into compounds of higher order such
as sulphuric acid (SO
O), for here we know the compounds
of rst order as perceptible substances. After what has been said
above it should be clear, however, that is is again only possible to
assume their continued existence in the compounds of higher order
if we transpose them, divested of their qualities, into a transcen-
dental world. This example is, however, less clear-cut, for, from the
chemical point of view, it is also possible to hold that the compounds
of rst order are not preserved as such, even in a transcendentally
real sense, but rather that only the atoms contained in them are
preserved, in a new arrangement. Sulphuric acid, say, would then
be formed from SO
and H
O, but would no longer consist
of them (formulation: H
). It is clear that examples are the
less suited for discussion of logical principles, the less certain the
scientic situation is with regard to them. For this reason we have
conned ourselves in our discussion mainly to the undisputed law
of persistence of the chemical elements.
Nevertheless we will consider one other, somewhat more com-
plicated, chemical law of conservation, viz. the well-known law of
chemistry that a salt is formed from acid and base with production
of water. We will discuss this theory, which constituted a funda-
mental scientic advance, because violent objections were raised by
philosophers when it rst appeared. This led to an interesting contro-
versy between one of the greatest chemists, Boyle, whose name has
already appeared repeatedly in our discussion, and one of the most
famous philosophers, Spinoza. This scientic polemic may be found
in Spiozas correspondence
of the years 16611663.
Boyle had recently demonstrated that nitre may be synthe-
sized from an acid and a base; he therefore considered these two
substances, endowed with completely different properties, to be the
components of nitre. The secretary of the Royal Society, Olden-
burg, had sent the paper in question to Spinoza, asking for his
criticism. In two long letters to Oldenburg, Spinoza thereupon put
forward his objections to the scientic standpoint of Boyle which
corresponds completely to the view taken in chemistry even today.
Spinoza is a Cartesian and admits only one single primary matter,
whose corpuscles differ from each other only in shape, position and
He censures Boyle for putting on the same level those
concepts which show nature, not as she is in herself, but in her rela-
tion to the human senses, and those which explain nature as she is in
herself. As the latter he only admits motion, rest and their laws.
He considered it so improbable that homogeneous nitre should be
composed of two compounds so different in kind, as Boyle claimed
to have proved, that he performed experiments especially to refute
him; and indeed he believed he had found that it was unnecessary
to accept any difference between spirit of nitre [now called nitric
acid] and nitre, other than this, that the particles of the latter are in a
state of rest, whilst those of the former are in violent mutual motion.
Nitre and spirit of nitre are related as ice is to water. The solid
basic residue, the calx of nitre he declared to be not an essential
component of nitre, but an impurity.
We need not dwell on Spinozas experiments. With the limited
facilities at his disposal and his utter lack of practice in this eld,
he was unable to obtain useful results. It was only owing to certain
errors which Boyle, with his great experience, was able to point
out immediately that Spinoza believed that he had also been able to
prove his views by experiments. Of interest to us is his rm convic-
tion that Boyles experiments and their interpretation must be false,
because they do not correspond with his idea of the essential nature
of scientic explanation. Here, at the beginning of scientic chem-
istry, we encounter, in the person of Spinoza, the rst but by no
means the last philosopher who will only admit the same concepts
to be valid in chemistry as in physics. We must admit that formally
he is in the right, in that Boyles statement that nitre consists
of volatile nitric acid and a solid residue shows just that oscilla-
tion between the naive-realistic and the transcendental meanings
of the terms which we exhibited above as particularly character-
istic of the concept of element. Nevertheless, it is surprising that
Spinoza did not understand Boyles epistemological point of view
at all; for, though the latter nowhere explicitly points out this double
meaning, he nevertheless discusses at some length the application of
corpuscular theory in the explanation of chemical processes, even
in the paper considered by Spinoza. These deliberations should
have shown Spinoza how Boyle really pictured the persistence of
chemical substances: he meant it in the sense of constancy, not
of their qualities, but only of the structure of their particles in a
transcendental world in which acids are not sour, bases are not
alkaline, and salts not salty. In the deepest convictions of his philo-
sophy of nature he was no less a Cartesian than Spinoza. It is to
be regretted that he never entered into direct exchange of ideas
with him(probably his strong religious sensibility prevented him);
for we may well believe that he would have been able to dispel
Spinozas objects. He conned himself rather to giving Oldenburg
his answers in the course of conversation:
He had not intended to give a truly philosophic and thorough explanation by his
analysis of nitre. He had never undertaken to discover the nature of nitre, nor
to reject what anybody could teach concerning the homogeneity of matter and the
difference of bodies arising only from motion, shape, etc. This only he wanted
to show: that the various structures of bodies produce their various differences,
and that from these proceed very different effects. Philosophers and others rightly
inferred from this a certain heterogeneity, as long as reduction to one primary
matter had not yet been achieved.
Thus, Spinoza only admits into scientic research mathemati-
cally denable data about the particles of primary matter, and
excludes all sensible qualities. Boyle, on the other hand, as empha-
sized at the beginning, recognises that this aim is unattainable
for chemistry, and that an intermediate standpoint, which assumes
substances of several kinds, may also be genuine science.
Oldenburg wrote to Spinoza: Boyle belonged to those who do not
rely so completely on their thought that they believe themselves free
to ignore whether or not it agrees with the phenomena of reality.
In the development of the concept of matter, science and philo-
sophy have rarely been in agreement, Wundt
says at one point,
and here, if anywhere, their quarrel is understandable. Philosophy
looks above all to the strict logic of its concepts, science to agree-
ment with experience. The way in which Boyle and Spinoza
respectively interpret the phenomena in the case of nitre is typical
of this difference in mental attitude.
The very thing Spinoza censures, the mixing up of those
concepts which show nature in her relation to the human senses,
with those concepts which explain nature as she is in herself has
remained the well-founded procedure of chemistry to the present
day. Thus, even today, to repeat Boyles words also, it is still legi-
timate to infer a certain heterogeneity from the different effects
of substances, as long as reduction to one primary matter has not
yet been achieved. Indeed, we may add that even when one day
this problem is solved, chemistry, as the science of the changes of
substances, will still be justied in going no further than the reduc-
tion of the phenomena to the chemically indestructible substances,
the elements, and thus in retaining qualitative differences in its
fundamental concepts. The object of the present study has been the
more precise denition and elucidation of the peculiar dual episte-
mological status of the concept of element, which is a consequence
of this. As has been shown, this concept must be taken in the naive-
realistic sense when meaning simple substance, but has to be
understood as transcendental when meaning basic substance. We
have also tried to emphasise the close relationship of the concept of
basic substance to the metaphysical principles of the Aristotelians
and the alchemists.
1. Exceptions to this rule are the writings of H. Rickert (particularly
Die Grenzen der naturwissenschaftlichen Begriffsbidung. Tbingen, 1921);
mile Meyerson (particularly Identit et Ralit. Pari s, 1908, and De
lExplication dans les Sciences. Paris, 1921); and E.A. Burtt. The Meta-
physical Foundations of Modern Physical Science. London, 1925.
2. To name but a few of the best-known works: E.v. Meyer. Geschichte
der Chemie. Leipzig, 1905, p. 7 (English translation, 3rd edition, 1906);
W. Ostwald. Der Werdegang einer Wissenschaft. Leipzig, 1908, pp. 5, 9;
W. Ramsay. Essays Biographical and Chemical, 1908, pp. 7, 25; S. Arrhe-
nius. Theorien der Chemie. Leipzig, 1909, pp. 11, 14; F. Soddy. Matter and
Energy. London (no date given: circa 1912), p. 39; W. Herz. Grundzge
der Geschichte der Chemie. Stuttgart, 1916, pp. 9, 35; F. Dannemann.
Grundzge einer Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften. Leipzig, 1903, II,
p. 188; A. Sieverts in the Handwrterbuch der Naturwissenschaften. Jena,
1912, II, p. 438.
This questionable presentation of Aristotles doctrines can probably be traced
back to H. Kopps. Geschichte der Chemie (Braunschweig, 1843, I, p. 30).
We must add, however, that Kopp himself later presented a perfectly correct
formulation in the Beitrge zur Geschichte der Chemie (Ansichten ber die
Aufgabe der Chemie, usw., Braunschweig, 1875, p. 5). Unfortunately little
notice has been taken of this latter version.
3. Cf. E. v. Hartmann. Kritische Grundlegung des transzendentalen Realismus,
1875; Das Grundproblemder Erkenntnistheorie, 1889; Grundriss der Erken-
ntnislehre. Bad Sachsa, 1907; Grundriss der Naturphilosophie. Bad Sachsa,
I wish to emphasise particularly that, like Hartmann, I am using the word
transcendental in its epistemological sense only, i.e., meaning beyond the
sphere of consciousness.
4. Even epistemologists who deny the actual existence of a world devoid
of qualities allow this as an epistemological principle of physics; see,
for instance, H. Rickert. Psychophysische Causalitt und psychophysischer
Parallelismus (in Sigwart-Festschrift, Tbingen, 1900), p. 75.
M. Schlick (Allgemeine Erkenntnislehre. Berlin, 1918, pp. 214, 243), in parti-
cular, has emphasized that the exclusion of qualities can only be complete
with respect to the sensible qualities.
5. Cf. E. v. Hartmann. Grundriss der Naturphilosophie. Bad Sachsa, 1907, p. 23.
6. E. v. Hartmann. Grundriss der Erkenntnislehre. Bad Sachsa, 1907, p. 73.
Similarly Grundriss der Naturphilosophie. Bad Sachsa, 1907, p. 105. Cf.
also W. Wundt. Logik, Stuttgart, 1883, II, p. 364: Everywhere the concept of
matter reduces to moving centers of force.
7. See, for instance, Sir James Jeans. The Mysteriour Universe. Cambridge,
1930. For a survey of the changes in the concept of matter in physics see
the essay by H. Weyl. Naturwissenschaften 12: 561, 585, 604, 1924.
8. Robert Boyle. The Origin of Forms and Qualities. The Works of the Honour-
able Robert Boyle, Birch Edition, III: 22 sqq., London, 1772.
9. Certain Physiological Essays. A Proemial Essay. The Works, etc. I: 310.
10. Ibid. p. 308. I consider then, that generally speaking, to render a reason
of an effect or phaenomenon, is to deduce it from something else in nature
more known than itself; and that consequently there may be divers kinds of
degrees of explication of the same thing. For although such explications be
the most satisfactory to the understanding, wherein it is shewn, how the effect
is produced by their more primitive and catholick affections of matter, bulk,
shape and motion; yet are not these explications to be despised, wherein
particular effects are deduced from the more obvious and familiar qualities
or states of bodies, such as heat, cold, weight, uidity, hardness, fermen-
tation, &c. though these themselves do probably depend upon those three
universal ones formerly named. For in the search after natural causes, every
new measure of discovery does both instruct and gratify the understanding;
though I readily confess, that the nearer the discovered causes are to those,
that are highest in the scale or series of causes, the more is the intellect both
gratied and instructed.
11. See K.A. Hofmann. Sitz.-Ber. Preuss. Akad. der Wiss., 1931, pp. 56, 64.
12. See, e.g., G.M. Schwab. Die Katalyse vom Standpunkt der chemischen
Kinetik. Berlin, 1931, p. 3.
13. I. Kant. Metaphysische Anfangsgrnde der Naturwissenschaft. Vorrede,
14. Emil Fischer. Aus meinem Leben. Berlin, 1922, p.118. Cf. H. Dingle (Nature,
1931, 127, 526): The schoolboys name for chemistry is stinks, not
balances, and a very appropriate name it is.
15. We wholly disregard here the deliberations of Wald and Ostwald, who deviate
from the usual notion of element and follow their own anti-atomistic lines of
thought. Similarly we shall disregard all remarks (for instance, those of Fritz
Mauthner in his Wrterbuch der Philosophie, Munich, 1910) that remain on
the philological level and fail to grasp the scientic content of the concept.
16. H. Diels. Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker. Berlin, 1906, I, p. 317, Fragment
17. Cf. for instance, Fragment 8 of Empedocles (H. Diels, op. cit. p. 175): There
is no birth of any mortal things, nor any end in accursed death. Rather there
is only mingling and exchange of things mingled. Birth is only a name given
to this by man.
18. Sextus Empiricus. Adv. Mathem. X, 46 (see H. Diels, op. cit. p. 109).
19. Th. Gomperz. Griechische Denker. Leipzig, 1911, p. 185. On the other
hand, I do not agree with the view of W. Windelband (Lehrbuch der
Geschichte der Philosophie, Tbingen, 1907, p. 34) who sees in the homoio-
meries of Anaxagoras the precursors of the chemical elements. Precisely
what Anaxagoras denies the generation of completely homogeneous new
substances from others different in kind is characteristic of chemical
20. J.S. Mill. A System of Logic. Book III, Chapter VI.
21. Cf. E. Meyerson. Identit et Ralit. Paris, 1908; cf. also p. 13, n. 1.
22. C. Bumker. Das Problem der Materie in der griechischen Philosophie.
Mnster, 1890, p. 82.
23. Aristotle already noted that Empedocles doctrines, worked out to their
logical conclusion, necessarily lead to atomistic ideas (see C. Bumker, op.
cit. p. 71).
24. Cf. P. Natorp. Forschungen zur Geschichte des Erkenntnisproblems im
Altertum. Berlin, 1884, pp. 209 sqq.
25. In more recent days Lemerys extreme ideas of atoms with points which break
off and remain stuck in other atoms (see, for instance, his explanation of the
action of aqua regia in his Cours de Chymie) have been censured sharply
by opponents of atomism. This criticism appears less reasonable when we
consider the striking analogy with the most modern theories, in which we
speak of electrons traveling in far, outer orbits of strongly reactive atoms,
and assume that these electrons become ineffective by entering gaps in the
electron rings of other atoms when a chemical compound is formed (cf.
W. Kossel. Ann. d. Phys. 1916, 49, 229).
Boyles view on the cause of the change in properties on formation of a
chemical compound is expressed in the second part of the Sceptical Chymist
(The Works etc., I, pp. 458, 506 sqq.).
26. Cf. the passage from Theophrastus in Diels, op. cit. I, 371, 42 (cf. Bumker,
op. cit. p. 91). It is remarkable that many present-day chemists have lacked
this epistemological sense. They have seriously maintained that the proper-
ties of the elements should be preserved completely even in the atoms.
Thus the disappearance of the original properties of an atom, when it
undergoes chemical combination, has seemed to them to contradict the basic
assumptions of atomism (I.W. Hinrichsen. ber den gegenwrtigen Stand der
Valenzlehre. Ahrens Sammlung chemischer Vortrge 7: 189, 277, 1922).
27. See Karl Joels essay Ursprung der Naturphilosophie aus dem Geist der
Mystik (Jena, 1906) for an attempted justication of this idea.
28. Cf. C. Bumker, op. cit. p. 313.
29. A.L. Lavoisier. Trait lmentaire de chimie 2nd edn., 1: XV and XVII. Paris,
30. See H. Diels. Elementum, Eine Vorarbeit zum griechischen und lateinischen
Thesaurus. Leipzig, 1899, pp. 5 sqq.
31. W. Wundt, loc. cit. I, p. 485. Using E. v. Hartmanns terminology we should
put transcendental in place of metaphysical, pseudosubstance in place
of substance (see, for instance, Grundriss der Erkenntnislehre, p. 221).
32. Cf. principally De generatione et corruptione, Section B. That it is quite
wrong to put the Aristotelian elements on the level of properties is shown
in concise form for instance by the passage B I, 329 a 32:

o `


, o

, o

o ` , o

` ` o

` `

. . . o
[Therefore, rstly, the potentially perceptible body, secondly, the contrarieties
(e.g., heat and cold), and thirdly, Fire and Water and the like are sources.
For the bodies in this third class change into one another . . . whereas
the contrarieties do not change. (Translation by E.S. Forster. Aristotle, On
Coming-To-Be and Passing-Away. Heinemann, London, 1955.)]
33. On this point see C. Bumker, loc. cit., p. 260.
34. See E. Wohlwill. Joachim Jungius und die Erneuerung atomistischer Lehren
im 17. Jahrhundert. Abjandl. a. d. Gebiet der Naturwissenschaften 10.
Hamburg, 1887.
35. R. Boyle. The Sceptical Chymist; from the speech of Themistius in Physiolo-
gical Considerations. The Works etc. I: 469.
36. J.F. Gmelin. Einleitung in die Chemie. Nrnberg, 1780, p. 36.
37. Aristotle. De coelo, C 3, 302 a 15.
38. See H. Kopp. Die Entwicklung der Chemie in der neueren Zeit. Munich, 1873,
p. 111, footnote.
39. A.L. Lavoisier. Trait lmentaire de chimie. German translation by S.F.
Hermbstdt. Berlin, 1803, p. 247, footnote.
40. G.E. Stahl. Fundamenta Chymiae dogmatico-rationalis et experimentalis.
Nrnberg, 1732, p. 1.
41. To quote only one of the more recent authors: Vergleicht man nun die
Elemente Boyles mit denen des Aristoteles und den Prinzipien, so erkennt
man leicht, dass sie begrifich vllig von ihnen verschieden sind. Unter den
alten Elementen versteht man verkrperte Eigenschaften, unter den neuen
in der Natur vorkommende Stoffe. (A. Benrath. Chemische Grundbegriffe.
Berlin, 1920, p. 26.) [If one compares Boyles elements with those of Aris-
totle and the Principles, one soon realises that the former are conceptually
quite distinct from the latter. The old elements are to be understood as
embodied properties, the new elements are substances occurring in nature.]
[Note by translator: cf. also J.R. Partington. A Short History of Chemistry,
2nd edition. 1948, p. 67: . . . he [Boyle] gave a clear denition of an element
and showed by experiment that the four elements of Aristotle and the three
principles of the alchemists (mercury, sulphur, and salt) did not deserve to
be called elements or principles at all, since none of them could be extracted
from bodies, e.g., metals.]
42. The Sceptical Chymist by the Hon. Robert Boyle, Everymans Library
Edition, p. xviii. Similarly, it will be clear from the above argument that we
reject completely the view expressed by M.M. Pattison Muir elsewhere (The
Alchemical Essence and the Chemical Elements. London, 1894) that there is
an unbridgeable opposition between alchemy and chemistry.
43. Many textbooks do not use the term Grundstoff [basic substance] at all,
others dene it at one point as synonymous with chemical element, but use it
no further. It has, at any rate, not been needed to specify concepts until now,
and may therefore be used with a new signicance.
[Translators note: throughout this article, we have used the terms
basic substance and simple sunstance as translations of the German
Grundstoff and einfacher Stoff respectively.]
44. It goes without saying that, in the case of simple substance also, any closer
consideration is bound to lead us to the well-known contradictions of naive
realism. We need only think, for instance, of the change in properties of
the simple substance sulphur on transition from the rhombic into the mono-
clinic form, and even more on transition into the gaseous state; or again,
of the impossibility of explicating potential qualities, such as solubility or
combustibility, in this view of the world.
In general, it is true, when we consider the simple substances of chemistry,
these contradictions need not obtrude into our consciousness, any more than
they do in the case of objects of daily life; they are in fact ignored in the usual
laboratory practice.
45. This restriction to chemical procedures in the denition of chemical element
is appropriate today after the discovery that nitrogen, aluminium, are several
other elements, may be disintegrated not indeed by chemical means, but
by the impact of alpha-rays and that most elements are mixtures of two
or more chemically inseparable isotopes. Another modern denition to be
preferred for several reasons runs: A chemical element is a substance all of
whose atoms have the same nuclear charge. This denition differs from the
conventional one in its more theoretical tone. But here, too, the possibility of
preparing the simple substance is demanded as a necessary condition. For this
reason we need not here consider more closely the advantages and disadvant-
ages of this denition. (On this point, see Zs. f. phys. Chem. 91: 171, 1916;
Naturwissenschaften 6: 646, 1918; 8: 839 1920.)
[Note by translator: In these early publications, the author advocated that
the term chemical element should continue to denote such substances as
lead and chlorine, even though these substances were then known to consist
of several isotopes of different atomic weight, and although some of these
isotopes could be separated. Against the view of a number of chemists, he
held that, from the chemical point of view, it was better to drop Daltons prin-
ciple that there were as many elements as atomic species, rather than abandon
the chemical classication of elements in the periodic system. His argu-
ment involved a distinction between physical and chemical (including
electro-chemical) methods of analysis, and is rooted in the experience of
early experiments establishing the practical impossibility of distinguishing
between isotopes by chemical means. These experiments led to the method
of radioactive tracers.]
It is only in the formulation: A chemical element is the class of all atoms
of equal nuclear charge that the chemical element would be dened with
complete generality as basic substance, and no longer as simple substance.
46. W. Ostwald. Vorlesungen ber Naturphilosophie. Leipzig, 1902, p. 287.
Similarly W. Ramsay, loc. cit. p. 148.
47. Cf. D. Mendelejeff. Grundlagen der Chemie. German translation by
L. Jawein and A. Thillot, Petersburg, 1891, p. 688. [Cf. Principles of
Chemistry, 3rd English edition. London, 1905.]
48. The atomic theory of Rutherford and Bohr enables us to visualize parti-
cularly vividly how we are to understand the persistence of an element in
its compounds; namely, as the unchanged presence of all atomic nuclei of
the simple substance. The simple substance with its optical, chemical, etc.
properties has disappeared because the electronic shells of its atoms have
undergone changes. (Only two of its properties, weight and where present
radioactivity, are unchanged, because they reside in the atomic nucleus.) The
simple substance can, however, always be recovered, with all its properties, as
long as the atomic nuclei are not destroyed, because in this case the electrons
can be brought back into their original positions, i.e., the positions which
they occupy in the absence of alien atomic nuclei. (Signicantly, clarication
is obtained here through the notions of physics, a science whose concepts do
not have the naive-realistic coloration of the chemical concept of element.)
49. Cf. D. Mendelejeff, loc. cit. English edition, 1: 207, footnote 17.
50. Note by translator: I have omitted here a remark to the effect that it would
have been desirable to reserve the end-syllable -stoff in German for basic
51. For the sake of simplicity we ignore here the possibility that a simple
substance may occur in allotropic forms.
52. W. Wundt, loc. cit. I, p. 484. Compare with this the standpoint already reached
by Basil Valentine (circa 1600), who distinguished between salt, sulphur,
and mercury as preparable substances and as seeds. This latter term coin-
cides with what we refer to as metaphysical principles; for instance, in the
passage: Er ist der sichtige Mercurius metallum, ein Corpus vor sich selbst,
aus denen sieben Corporibus, kann derhalben kein Saamen seyn (H. Kopp.
Beitrge zur Geschichte der Chemie, III. Braunschweig, 1875, p. 126) [The
visible metallic mercury is a body in itself, out of those seven bodies, and
therefore cannot be a seed. For a discussion of the complex theory found in
the writings of Basil Valentine (of questionable identity) see H. Kopp, ibid.
pp. 124127].
53. Neues Handwrterbuch der Chemie 3: 1. Braunschweig, 1878.
54. Cf. Aristotles view, quoted above (note 2, p. 145), concerning the rela-
tion of the Greek atomists to Empedocles. Jung, who wanted to replace the
actual-potential doctrine (see p. 146 above) by that of syn-dia-crisis,
i.e., atomism, and Boyle saw the inevitability of the process of thought
leading from the assumption of constant elements to atomism as clearly as
did Aristotle. Lavoisier, on the other hand, felt himself to be an opponent of
metaphysical atomism when introducing the very same concept of element.
55. Besides the German works written or inuenced by Ostwald, we may mention
here the deliberate exclusion of all atomistic ideas, presumably a conscious
carrying on of the Lavoisier tradition, in one of the best-known French text-
books. (Passage quoted from Habers preface to the German translation of Le
Chatelier. Vom Kohlenstoff. Halle, 1913.)
56. D. Mendelejeff. Grundlagen der Chemie. 1891, p. 27 (cf. Principles of Chem-
istry, 1905, p. 23). Also, previously, Ann. d. Chemie u. Pharm., 1872, 8,
Supplement, 133.
57. Only Meyerson approaches the two views just quoted, in a passage where
he speaks of the atomic element (Identit et ralit). [English translation,
Identity and Reality. Library of Philosophy, London, 1930, p. 338.] However,
his reference to atoms in this connection seems to me as unfortunate as
in the passage by Hell discussed above, and to miss the essential point.
For, on the one hand, we may take also groups of atoms and molecules in
the transcendental sense (cf. our comments on radicals below), and on the
other hand, there are simple substances too, which are built up of atoms and
not of molecules, as, for instance, the inert gases, metal vapours or active
hydrogen. Incidentally, Mendelejeff, too, is inclined to identify element with
atom (Principles of Chemistry 1: 207, n. 17).
58. We may ignore here the relatively very rare cases in which so-called free
radicals have recently been prepared.
[Note by translator: It might be mentioned here that short-lived aliphatic free
radicals were rst prepared and detected by the author.]
59. Liebig poined out this analogy long ago in a polemic against Laurent. Ann. d.
Pharm. 25: 1, 1838.
60. Note by translator: The author mentions two German translations:
J. Bluwstein, Leipzig, Insel-Verlag, 1916, which he considers to be very
abbreviated and unintelligible in parts, and J. Stern, Leipzig, Reclam, which
he recommends. Passages probably corresponding to some of the quotations
in the text may be found in A. Wolf. The Correspondence of Spinoza. London,
1928, pp. 110, 112, 130, 136137. The word nitre is used as a synonym of
61. A passage from a letter quoted by Moissan (Trait de Chimie Minrale I: 1.
Paris, 1904) shows that Descartes thought of the Peripatetic as well as the
alchemical elements as being built up of like particles of primary matter.
62. See A. Wolf, loc. cit.; review: Nature: 124, 787, 1929.
63. It may be pointed out that Spinozas conviction that one could not separate out
two heterogeneous substances from nitre is not connected by necessity with
his assumption of a basic matter as eternally persisting substance (against this,
cf. the note by J. Bluwstein, loc. cit. p. 327). We must think of the different
substances as arising out of this basic matter by different arrangement of the
particles. Thus it is not the change of substances, but on the contrary the
constancy of elements, that is difcult to explain if we assume a primary
matter. Boyle, incidentally, accomplished this in a way that is still accepted
in principle today. (On this point, see Zs. f. phys. Chem 91: 171, 174, 1916;
Ergebnisse der exacten Naturwissenschaften 1: 362, 367. Berlin, 1922.)
64. W. Wundt. Essays. Leipzig, 1885, p. 59.

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