Where (e =2.7183), , and t
are parameters with following meanings:
- Parameter of location, corresponds to the lowest value given by t (for example, in the case of
failure modes that had a cause a wear or fatigue, failure may occur only after some time of operation).
Shape parameter, it reflects a mechanism of degradation, indicates the shape of the curve of
probability and the characteristic of failure.
Moiss Jones / Risk-Based Inspection Pressure Relief Devices
- Parameter of scale (or characteristic life), corresponds to the life characteristic value, the time
interval between t
and t "which occur 63.2% of failures, leaving therefore 36.8% of items without
When we consider data modes failure of a system, we often consider that the lower limit of life t
and it is fairly acceptable. Accordingly, the above expression simplifies, moving to contain only two
parameters, it is considered that the equipment has no operating time, back to the pristine
state (t
=0) for the inspection in question.
() = 1
Fig. 1: Cumulative probability function of Weibull with two parameters
This function is called the cumulative probability function of failure, sometimes referred as unreliability.
The assumption used to determine the parameters of Weibull pattern is that the PRDS on similar
services have the same probability of failure on requesting, P
, and the probability of leakage, P
also similar. Therefore, rate of failure data of industry may be used as a basis to establish initial value
(or default) probability of failure for a specific device.
2.1 Bayesian Updating
Update for the values of Weibull parameter, , is made statistically based on the Bayes theorem, by
calculating Bayesian updates. The Bayes theorem is a corollary of total probability theorem which
allows us to calculate the following probability:
(|) =
(|) ()
Pr(A|B) are the priori probabilities of A conditioned to B.
The Bayes rule shows how to change the priori probabilities based on new evidence in order to obtain
a posteriori probability.
Moiss Jones / Risk-Based Inspection Pressure Relief Devices
3. Software for applying to RBI for PRDs
In accordance with regulatory requirements for testing and inspections this software aims to provide a
basis for calculation of specific Weibull parameters for PRDS, it is not, however, a software for a
complete API RBI evaluation covering all the API RP 581 standard for this equipment.
The algorithm of software, is represented in the diagram of Fig. 2
Fig. 2: Di agram of calcul ati on i n the software
The software has a main menu (Figure 3) where user makes a choice to what failure mode analysis
will proceed, whether it is failed to open (FAIL) analysis or Leak (LEAKAGE) analysis.
Fig. 3: software main menu
This menu gives the user the possibility to choose which of the failure modes will make study, it can
select between LEAKAGE or FAIL mode.
To analyze the parameters and probability of failure for the failure mode chosen, it will appear one of
the following window:
Moiss Jones / Risk-Based Inspection Pressure Relief Devices
Fig. 4: a) Wi ndow anal ysis Fails to open, b) Window anal ysis Leakage
In the first panel of these two windows recognizes of entity to which this application was developed is
made, and describes its usefulness and purpose. In the vertical left, user enters values previously
established by simple analysis of tables and conditions what can be seen in the API 581, and values
arising from the experience of inspector. These values are, therefore, the inspection interval, the
parameters of Weibull default (or initial, can be found in the API 581), adjustment factor, maximum
allowed working pressure (MAWP), excess pressure, adjustment factor environmental factors
confidence factor (CF), test duration or time of operation of device without inspection and the number
of inspections or tests. In this panel we can see a pop-up menu that allows choosing which standard
of review that device has experienced, this is done using the table of effective inspection, table 7.7,
API 581. Finally, this panel there is a value that is given through internal calculations of Life program
and the last feature adjustment factor of pressure.
Then we see the right three Pusshbuttom, estimate, close and save the results as. In the chart area,
gives the probability of failure analysis, and device in question, the probability of failure that will be
used to determine the risk and so in order to make the analysis of RBI, obeying standards API RP
580 and API RP 581.
To analyze the parameters and probability of failure for the mode LEAKAGE you'll see a window with
the configuration window shown in Figure 3a.
4. Application to cases of safety valves studied
It is necessary to ratify and consolidate the study of risk-based inspection of PRDS made so far by an
application in practical cases, far below, will be made the determination of Weibull parameters for
evaluating the probability of failure caused by any failure to open or how or by leakage.
4.1 Data from a processing unit in a refinery
Initially a survey was done only with data from the TR 69 valves (49 and safety relief and relief of 20)
was examined in stopping a refining unit in 1998 after a successful operation during 3 years. These
data are presented in Table 1.
Moiss Jones / Risk-Based Inspection Pressure Relief Devices
Analysis of these data shows what can be summarized in the following table:
Situation of PRDs
Safety and relief
Qty. % Qty. % Qty. %
Opened in the tolerance range and kept the
19 39 4 20 23 33
Opened in the tolerance range and didnt kept
the tightness
15 31 3 15 18 26
Opened 20% above set pressure 4 8 2 10 6 9
Opened 20% to 40% above set pressure 0 0 8 40 8 12
Opened 40% above set pressure 3 6 2 10 5 7
Opened 95% down set pressure 2 4 1 5 3 4
Had leakage before open 6 12 0 0 6 9
Table 1: Results of i nspecti on and TR after stoppi ng at a refi nery in 1998
At the time were not identified because it is not considered, the causes that led to poor results in the
TR of these valves.
Then, in 2000 and 2004, were made during and after they stop working for a period of 2 and 4 years
respectively, a more detailed survey of the results of the TR safety and relief valves, in order to
determine the availability valves and the optimal inspection intervals, as had the aim of adopting a
range of 5 years for such unit.
After this analysis it was decided, as a general rule, establish inspection intervals for 2 years for the
valves that failed. For the other valves was recommended to monitor the period of inspection of the
equipment protected.
4.3 Documentation required at prior
Data collection is essential at prior to proceeding API RBI analysis, as well as standard provides the
inspector must be able to make the compilation of this information means that through the API RP
580 or API RP 581 can meet all the conditions that facilitate the fast and efficient access to them and
make the evaluation process more feasible.
4.4 Results applying software
Calculations in that software primarily, aimed determining the parameters of Weibull and ultimately
the failure probability or FAIL LEAKAGE, are based on the procedure for calculating of API RP 581
and give us the probability of failure for a range specified inspection.
Consider one of the valves in the refinery case cited above. As we exposed the same PRDS
underwent three TRs at different times, the first in 1998, then, in 2000 and 2004, it is clear that many
valves were replaced and some added ways to improve safety, however, at least most of them still
continued their normal operation.
We will identify these valves by the letters X and Y, in fact, the valves are considered, a relief valve
and other safety and relief valve, all of them conventional.
4.4.1 Evaluation for X valve (safety and relief)
Moiss Jones / Risk-Based Inspection Pressure Relief Devices
The following input data were the result of field research by a surveyor by the codes tabulated in API
RP 581.
Confidence factor
0,50 2
0,50 4
0,70 5
Table 2: History val ve study by consulti ng the API RP 581
So here we are in condition to make the calculations using the software for this valve just seeing API
RP 581.
5 1,80 23,90 1,25 0,50 14,94
Table 3: Val ues i ntroduced to the program and changed life cal cul ated by him for LEAKAGE
12,03 11,02 5,45
[Years] 2 6 11
3 1,80 23,90 1,25 1500 6000 0,80 0,50 7,17
Table 6: Val ues i ntroduced to the program and changed life cal cul ated by him for FAIL
6,80 6,40 6,20 5,90 5,80 2,30 4,40 4,20 4,00 2,10
[Years] 3 6 9 12 15 17 19 21 23 25