Ageing Buildings Conference - Kuala Lumpur
Ageing Buildings Conference - Kuala Lumpur
Ageing Buildings Conference - Kuala Lumpur
The commercial building stock in major Asian cities can be described as mature,
that is, either refurbished some time ago or reaching a stage where major
refurbishment is necessary. In time to come, it is anticipated that there will be a
spat of refurbishment of commercial buildings in the market. There are several
compelling reasons on why owners should refurbish their buildings. Namely,
due to the fact that many new developments ofer higher premium facilities. As
a landlord, your aim is to position your property as the most attractive and
competitive in the market and to maximise your proftability to ensure that you
secure quality tenants who will look after your precious investment.
Are you pressed by these questions?
How to improve the quality and the performance of your buildings so that
they remain commercially viable into the future? Is your property in the prime
condition diferent from the rest or should it now be the time to consider a
refurbishment or even a face lift to improve its marketability? Want to know how
to breathe new life to your property?
You are at the right place Ageing Buildings by Trueventus is a great arena
for property owners, facilities managers, architects, contractors and building
engineers, to embark on a journey through global best practices on buildings
retroft and various strategies on improved building performance and how to
manage refurbishment eforts from planning to conceptualisation. This event
will arm you with the necessary tools to initiate refurbishment project in a quest
of transforming your building into your best investment!
Reinforcing and strengthening brand and reputation of your building
Enhancing building productivity through retroft eforts
Transforming building asset performance
Reshaping underperforming buildings to more sustainable use
Outftting your building portfolio
Fostering collaboration partners for new business opportunities
Improving building operational efciency through the latest trends and
technologies used in refurbishing
Tackling the limitations on building legislation
Like everything in life building arent made to live forever We prefer renovating
over building new and adding some vim and vigor to the original concept"
Who should attend?
This conference is designed for
but not limited to: Government
authorities, Property Owner/ Founder,
C-level Executives, SVPs & VPs,
Directors, Project Director, Senior
Managers, Managers, Head of
Department, Team Leaders and
Executives form the following
Property developers
Property & Real Estate Investors
Property management
Architectural and design frms
Asset Management
Building Maintenance & Management
Operation management
Facilities management
Building Construction
Commercial development
Project Directors/Managers
Leasing management
Marketing & Business development
Real estate development
Financial advisors
From The Following Sectors:
Commercial Property:
Business Parks
Ofce Buildings
Retail & Malls
Entertainment & Leisure facilities
Sustainable urban development
Government & Local Council:
Directors of Planning / Planning Services
Statutory Planning Directors / Managers
Urban Designers
City / Town Planners
Environmental Strategists
Policy and Project Directors / Ofcers
Key Benefts of Attending
PG.1 PG.1
Why you cannot miss this event
PG.2 PG.2
Featuring presentation and case studies by key distinguished speakers:
Patrik Liau Director
Blackrock, Malaysia
*The Intermark
Speaking on: Recognising the hidden potential within an existing asset- transforming it into a more viable use- Case study The Intermark
Patrick Liau, CFA, Director, is a member of BlackRock'sPrivate Equity Real Estate Group within the Alternatives Investments Business. Patrick is responsible
for the management of BlackRocks Malaysian real estate operations and oversees the real estate investment management activities in Malaysia. Patricks
service with the frm dates back to 2009, including his years with MGPA which was acquired by BlackRock in 2013. Patrick has over 13 years of experience
in real estate and construction in the course of which he was instrumental in the fnancial restructuring of a Malaysian real estate developer. As part of his
role, Patrick manages The Intermark, a mixed-used development with 2 ofce towers, a retail podium and a hotel on behalf of BlackRock Asia Property
Fund II
Peter Mackey Director
Chapman Taylor, China
*Asia Pacifc Property Awards: Best Retail Architecture Asia Pacifc, 2014
*Asia Pacifc Property Awards: Highly Commended Retail Interior China, 2014
Speaking on: Is Interior design key to breathing new long-term business life into hospitality venues?
Since 2004, Peter collaborated with Chapman Taylor on a number of projects and competitions in China from that time and since the formation of the
Chapman Taylor Shanghai Ofce he has been one of the country directors. He was the director responsible for the successful delivery of the WFOEs frst
completed works, including Tianshan Metro Plaza (2009); Infnite Plaza on Shanghais prestigious Huaihai Lu (2010), Bingo Plaza Lifestyle centre (2011).
Recently, Peter and his interior team have been delivering multiple projects for Longfor, Tesco (through their Lifespace shopping centres) and Yuexing
Group etc.
Sarkunan Subramaniam Managing Director
Knight Frank, Malaysia
Speaking on: Managing Change : Meeting Tenants expectations without putting a hole in the Landlords pocket
Sarky commenced his career 26 years ago in Melbourne, Australia and has been in private practice property consultancy since his return to Malaysia in
1989. Specialising in agency, investment sales development consultancy, research and valuations, Sarky is currently in charge of Capital Market
Transactions and Corporate Services. Sarky has been directly involved with the ofce search for Shell and have secured their principal ofce space at about
340,000sqft in Kuala Lumpur an their shared services centre in Cyberjaya for 320,000sqft
Lucia Lung Director of Facade Engineering
WSP Group, Shanghai
Speaking on: Out with the old: Building facade retroft in delivering high performance building envelope
Lucia has 32 years experience in Building Industry which includes 20 years experience in Facade engineering. She has vast experience in facade engineer-
ing and Building Maintenance Unit. She has been involved many major international projects throughout Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong,
China, New Zealand and Fiji with extensive experience including the facade systems and details design, aluminium extrusion design, material selection
and limitation, and broad knowledge including Architecture, Structure, Building Maintenance Unit and construction. Also, she has been involved in more
than 80 projects in the world for Facade Projects.
Previndran Singhe Chief Executive Ofcer
Zerin Properties, Malaysia
Speaking on: Converting old ofce buildings into hotels-Efective mechanism to increase ROI
Previn is the CEO of Zerin Properties, a Malaysian based Real Estate Agency with international ofces in Singapore, London and India. He has been in the
business for more than 20 years with the past 12 years in Zerin Properties which he formed in 2002. Previn is highly involved in the Corporate Real Estate
Market in Malaysia with hands on transactions in the Ofce, Retail, Industrial and Hospitality sectors. Previn and his elite team at Zerin Properties have been
continuously closing landmark deals in Malaysia and the region, earning them numerous international awards along the way.
Symon Bridle Chief Operating Ofcer
Rosewood Hotel Group, Hong Kong
Speaking on: Enhancing hotel occupancies by delivering renovation and refurbishment project
Symon Bridle previously spent 18 years with Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts where he held senior corporate management positions in development and
operations, including as COO. He also held several general manager posts at leading Shangri-La hotels. Mr. Bridle previously worked with Southern Sun
Hotels and Westin Hotels in South Africa and in luxury hotels in Switzerland and Bermuda. He began his hotel industry career in 1980.
Tang Fok Kiong Complex Manger
Sungei Wang Plaza, Malaysia
Speaking on: To Refurbish or To Demolish: Selecting your optimal upgrade initiatives
Tang FK is currently the Complex Manager for the iconic Sungei Wang Plaza a stratifed shopping mall which is now under the management of Sungei
Wang Plaza Management Corporation and has more than 30 years of working experience and vast exposures with MNCs and of which 12 years of
managing few premium shopping malls in Malaysia. Prior to joining Sungei Wang Plaza, Tang was the Deputy General Manager for Plaza Low Yat
(Malaysias largest IT mall), General Manager for Prangin Mall, and Complex Manager for Kompleks Bukit Jambul and held the position as Financial
Controller & Credit Controller for Dell Incorporation (Penang).y retroftting of diferent types of UK buildings in the context of Less is More.
Paul de Podolinsky Partner
Gray Pucksand, Australia
Speaking on: Building the business case: Retroftting for workplace productivity
Paul de Podolinsky is a Partner and Sustainability Leader at Gray Puksand, a national architecture and interior design practice with ofces across Australia.
With over 25 years experience as a practicing architect in Australia and Germany, Paul instils a habitual thinking process that holistically integrates
sustainable outcomes, economic outlooks, and social initiatives seamlessly into every project design. He has established a reputation for leadership in
sustainable retroftting and achieved extraordinary success in delivering viable outcomes for new buildings, refurbishment works and large foor
workspace environments.
PG.2 PG.3
Featuring presentation and case studies by key distinguished speakers:
Daniel Tan Gark Bin Director, Asset Management
Aquaint Property Group
Speaking on: The Res : Transforming under-performing assets into high geared assets : A Case study of City Plaza, Johor Bahru
A veteran and specialist in corporate real estate asset management having worked with big corporations such as Goodwood Hotels, AIG/AIA, Liang
Court, Noel Gifts, NatSteel, Chesterton International and Colliers International where he has managed commercial real estate in excess of S$1 billion and
development project of S$750 million. He has also worked on regional projects covering London, Australia, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore. He has a
MSc in Real Estate (National University of Singapore), a BBA, Marketing (RMIT Australia), a Certifed Diploma in Accounts & Finance (ACCA, UK) and
Professional Member, Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors.
Rumen Yordanov Principal
Asian European Engineering Ltd, Hong Kong
* Top 5 New Faces of Engineering 2014 (ASHRAE)
Speaking on: Retroftting for energy efcient building and driving productivity
Rumen is currently Principal at Asian European Engineering (AEE) Limited in charge of building services and sustainability. Based in Hong Kong, he leads a
team of engineers developing environmentally sustainable design for new and existing buildings in the region. Among the delivered projects there are
high-profle buildings in Asia-Pacifc and Europe including commercial, residential, educational, retail and critical systems. He is a Chartered Engineer,
Chartered Environmentalist and a member of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), the American Society of Heating,
Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and the Society of Environmental Engineers. Rumen's professional interests include HVAC systems
design, energy efciency, commissioning, green building certifcation and building physics modelling among others.
Aisling Cullen Group Leasing and Marketing Manager
Asia Malls, Malaysia
Speaking on: Priotising refurbishment eforts in attracting top quality mix of tenants
Aisling Cullen has dedicated her professional career to the development and expansion of shopping centers globally. Her career started in the fashion
world where she was a journalist for retail trend magazines and newspapers in the UK and Ireland. Over the past 12 years, Aisling has worked
internationally on world-class shopping mall projects in the UK, Ireland, the Middle East and now in Asia. While based in Malaysia, she was responsible for
the repositioning, strategy and leasing of Avenue K Mall, securing the largest H&M store in Malaysia and the largest Cotton On store in Asia.
Callum McCulloch BIM Leader
Web Structures, Singapore
Speaking on: Putting buildings to work: Incorporating latest BIM technology to increase productivity
Callum McCulloch obtained an Honours Bachelor of Engineering degree in Civil Engineering from the City University, London in 1977. He further earned a
Master of Science Degree with major in Construction Management in 1987 from Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh. Since graduation, he has been involved
in various areas within the design/construction industry and has gained valuable experience in many geographic locations and with major engineering
design and construction frms. Callums current portfolio of work in Web Structures spreads over projects in Singapore, India and Africa. His particular
interest in BIM relates to the way it afects the creative design process.
Malaysian Association of Facilities Management
MAFM has fundamentally positioned itself as the medium for the local FM communities to interact and share
knowledge or experience through activities co-organised with various parties both in public and private sectors.
MAFM plans to be the repository of researches, journals and articles related to Facility Management and
built-environment. MAFM could also be reference points for information related to built-environments in Malaysia
such as recommended building materials and components, contractors, suppliers as well as clients, owners and
Andy Lai Director
Benoy, Hong Kong
Speaking on: Refurbishment and Repositioning of assets to increase value
Andy has over 15 years experience in the Architecture and Design industry, working across America before moving to Benoy in Hong Kong. A
multi-disciplinary designer, Andy manages a broad range of retail projects from front-end, mixed-use to smaller brand identity driven concept designs and
is skilled in masterplanning, conceptual design development, competitions, interior design and graphic design.
PG.2 PG.4
0800 Registration and Coffee
0845 Opening Address by Chairperson
0900 Session One
A global overview on refurbishing and retrofitting efforts
This kick start session seeks to bring to light the various refurbishing
eforts that have taken place globally. Hear from the expert on how to
unveil the key ingredients to reviving buildings based on best practices
and learn how best to transform your asset form the latest technology,
and trends used to retroft buildings successfully.
Speaker to be advised
Lorem Ipsum
0945 Session Two
Recognising the hidden potential within an existing asset-
transforming it into a more viable use- Case study The Intermark
Repositioning an existing property or redeveloping a vacant industrial
building are two options that can provide potentially lucrative
opportunities for developers and investors to enhance an assets value
and generate a high return in a relatively short period of time. MGPA
(Malaysia) Sdn Bhd invested RM2.2bil to refurbish and redevelop these
building into what stands as The Intermark today. Hear the story behind
the success of this building.
Patrik Liau Director
Blackrock, Malaysia
1030 Morning refreshments
1100 Session Three: The Big Debate
To Refurbish or To Demolish: Selecting your optimal upgrade
Do you have this question in mind - Why build a new building when you
can fx up an existing one? If youre fairly happy with the structure of the
building, it defnitely makes more sense to refurbish. There will be costs,
yes, but nowhere near as high as those involved with complete
demolition. This session seeks to outline the key benefts of
refurbishment and how it can improve the look, feel, and value
of a building.
Previndran Singhe Chief Executive Ofcer
Zerin Properties, Malaysia
Tang Fok Kiong Complex Manager
Sungei Wang Plaza, Malaysia
1145 Session Four
A holistic approach to retrofitting: repositioning and enhancing
commercial and institutional property.
From an Australian perspective, Paul de Podolinsky will benchmark
trends in retroftting and repositioning existing building stock to
ensure assets remain commercially viable within the contemporary
environmental buildings movement. The session will include:
A global perspective on retroftting and repositioning trends
Review of commercial drivers and benchmarking for retroftting
A holistic approach to capitalising existing building assets
Understanding tenant drivers; health and well-being, improved
productivity and energy efciency
Paul de Podolinsky Partner
Gray Pucksand, Australia
1230 Networking luncheon
1400 Session Five
Is Interior design key to breathing new long-term business life into
hospitality venues?
Refreshing interior design is important in rebranding even if the name
of the business stays the same. Its the same lesson learned by successful
restaurateurs who take over failed restaurants. A simple name change is
often not enough to convince target customers to visit, but a complete
renovation can do the trick. This session seeks to highlight the role of
interior design in reviving an underperforming business.
Peter Mackey Director
Chapman Taylor, Shanghai
1445 Session Six:
Out with the old: Building facade retrofit in delivering high
performance building envelope
A building envelope is the component that separates the exterior of the
building from the interior. Its the shell of the building, and as such, the
envelope is a key consideration when constructing a building. It afects
the ventilation, climate and energy consumption. This session will
examine the predicament presented by the facade retroft, and explore
the complex issues related to this component of a building renovation
that is key to improving the aesthetics of the building
Lucia Lung Director of Facade Engineering
WSP Group, Shanghai
1530 Afternoon refreshments
1600 Session Seven
Converting old office buildings into hotels-Effective mechanism to
increase ROI
Converting ofce buildings into hotels is an easy way to maximise asset
value in certain markets and has resulted in a big change in the way
property developers are creating new hotel supply to cater to the
countrys growing tourism industry. This session will highlight on this
growing trend and examining how vacant ofce buildings can be
converted into hotels to increase net proft and yield.
Previndran Singhe Chief Executive Ofcer
Zerin Properties, Malaysia
1645 Session Eight
Integrating modern development into a historic building
Masterminding an icons refurbishment while staying true to its vigor is
a major task. The makeover has resurrected the building's heritage
values and architectural design. Hear from the speaker on how this efort
has achieved a delicate balance between historical preservation and
commercial demand.
Speaker to be advised
Lorem Ipsum
1730 End of Day One
Day 1, Wednesday, 10 September 2014
PG.2 PG.5
Day 2, Thursday, 11 September 2014
0800 Registration and coffee
0830 Welcome address by Chairperson
0900 Session One
Managing Change : Meeting Tenants expectations without putting
a hole in the Landlords pocket
As new commercial ofce space comes into the market the
requirements and preference of tenants are changing. After establishing
a baseline and assessing the buildings operations, the next step is to
focus on what it will take to get building where it needs to be to meet
your needs. A great deal of consideration should be given to this process
before any building works are contemplated and cost plans prepared.
This session seeks to address the following questions: How easily can the
building be adapted and what will that cost? Can your existing structure
adapt? Can it ever be as efcient as a new building?
Sarkunan Subramaniam Managing Director
Knight Frank, Malaysia
0945 Session Two
Enhancing hotel occupancies by delivering renovation and
refurbishment project
Hotel renovation is on the rise in order to keep up with the latest design
concept. Although hoteliers typically keep tight control of their
expenditure on properties, refurbishment is a necessity to maintain
customer loyalty as well as the room rates. A renovation will provide a
valuable visual competitive advantage which to attract guests with
attractive pictures of your property and then to provide an atmosphere
of modern, comfortable accommodations when those people arrive.
This session will highlight on how renovation can enhance hotel
occupancy while ensuring the renovation is complete on time and
within budget.
Symon Bridle Chief Operating Ofcer
Rosewood Hotel Group, Hong Kong
1030 Morning refreshments
1100 Session Three
Refurbishment and Repositioning of assets to increase value
The key to a great transformative renovation is a concept design rooted
in a thorough understanding of the bones of the old building. In this
session, the speaker will demonstrates that a well planned and executed
repositioning strategy can help owners to increase tenancy, rents and
lower operating costs even in todays difcult market.
Andy Lai Director
Benoy, Hong Kong
1145 Session Four
Effective commercial space planning and reorganisation
Efective space planning is essential in any project and takes into
account your current working practices as well as the future
requirements. Innovative space planning and creative problem solving
will allow your business to function efciently, grow and diversify. It
could even save you money, by moving you out of expensive space into
more compact premises.
Speaker to be advised
Lorem Ipsum
1230 Networking luncheon
1400 Session Five
Priotising refurbishment efforts in attracting top quality mix of
Tenant mix refers to the combination of retail shops occupying space in
a mall. A right tenant mix would form an assemblage that produces
optimum sales, rents, service to the community and good fnancial
record of the shopping mall venture. This session will highlight on how
prioritising refurbishment can secure top quality mix of tenants that can
ensure the sustainable proft for mall owners
Aisling Cullen Group Leasing and Marketing Manager
Asia Malls, Malaysia
1445 Session Six
The Res : Transforming under-performing assets into high geared
assets : A Case study of City Plaza, Johor Bahru
Using the 3-R strategy of Rebranding, Refurbishment and
Redevelopment to an existing under-performing asset in Johor Bahru.
Aquaint Property Group is embarking on this project to transform and
turnaround this mixed-use ofce and retail property to achieve highest
and best use and maximize the return on investment from low single
digit to double digit over a period of 24 to 36 months. The action plan
includes tenants retention strategies with existing anchor tenants,
targeted signage strategies, reconfguration of the existing retail units to
meet the proposed tenancy mix, increasing the net lettable area at the
prime location, securing retail anchor tenants at the respective foor,
creating more easier and visible access for the vehicular/pedestrian
trafc, removing secondary corridor and many more.
Daniel Tan Gark Bin Director, Asset Management
Aquaint Property Group
1530 Afternoon refreshments
1600 Session Seven
Putting buildings to work: Incorporating latest BIM technology to
increase productivity
To address the increased complexity of buildings, Building Information
Modelling (BIM), has gradually been developed and introduced in the
construction industry, aligned with the growing needs in recent years. A
case study building is used to illustrate how to produce 3D CAD models
and BIM models of existing structures based on designated techniques
which allows the project team to accurately evaluate the cost and
energy implications at the earliest stages of the design.
Callum McCulloch BIM Leader
Web Structures, Singapore
1645 Session Eight
Retrofitting for energy efficient building and driving productivity
Commercial premises consume more electricity than they need to. This
session will help existing buildings achieve their full energy efciency
potential, and an overall improvement of building stock and a signifcant
reduction in the amount of carbon emissions from existing buildings.
The following key elements will be addressed:
Improving building management: monitoring the building operations
and energy use
Upgrading HVAC (Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning) system
for improved performance
Rumen Yordanov Principal
Asian European Engineering Ltd, Hong Kong
1730 End of conference