Chapter V Fix
Chapter V Fix
Chapter V Fix
This chapter provides conclusion drawn from finding and discussion
presented in the previous chapter, followed by assessment of the potential limitation
present is study, implication and possible future directions for the research.
5.1 Conclusions of Research
Based on the result and discussion of research about the impact of perceived
organizational support, psychological empowerment and participative leadership on
organizational commitment of senior high schools teachers (SMA 10, SMA 5, SMA
PGRI 4 and SMK Muhammadiyah 1) in Padang, it can be conclude as followed:
1. The purpose of this study was to know the impact of perceived organizational
support, psychological empowerment and participative leadership on
organizational commitment of teacher in four senior high schools in Padang.
The measurement of perceived organizational support variable using 12 items
questionnaire, psychological empowerment using 12 item questionnaire,
participative leadership using 5 items questionnaires and organizational
commitment using 15 items questionnaire.
2. A simple random sampling consisting 164 teachers participate in the study. To
collect the data, researcher used questionnaire. Then, data were analyzed using
SPSS 16.0.
3. The research find out the impact of perceived organizational support and
organizational commitment of teachers of senior high schools. The value of
significant value is 0.000, which is smaller than the specified alpha value
(0.05). It means that perceived organizational support has significantly impact
on organizational commitment of teachers in SMA 10, SMA 5, SMA PGRI 4
and SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Padang. It can be concluded that the higher level
of support from their organizational or school in doing the job, so it will
enhance the higher commitment of teacher that work in that school. Also, if
employees have sense of care and pride to their school, it will make teachers
will have desire to keep working in that school.
4. The research find out the impact of psychological empowerment and
organizational commitment of teachers of senior high schools. The value of
significant value is 0.000, which is smaller than the specified alpha value
(0.05). It means that psychological empowerment has significantly impact on
organizational commitment of teachers in SMA 10, SMA 5, SMA PGRI 4 and
SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Padang. It can be concluded that the higher level of
empowerment psychologically from their organizational or school in doing
the job, the higher commitment of teacher that work in that school. If teacher
have interest with their job and have good capability in deliver knowledge to
the student, it will make teacher to keep sustain in their school.
5. The research find out the impact of participative leadership and organizational
commitment of teachers in senior high schools. The value of significant value
is 0.011, which is smaller than the specified alpha value (0.05). It means that
participative leadership has significantly impact on organizational
commitment of teachers in SMA 10, SMA 5, SMA PGRI 4 and SMK
Muhammadiyah 1 Padang. It can be conclude that the ability of leader to
properly implement participative leadership in implementing job functions has
impact to increase the organizational commitment. This leader will involve
teacher in determining decision process. If teacher feel get trust from their
leader and school, it can make teacher have willingness to do all the jobs and
it can impact quality of education.
5.2 Implications of the Research
Research implemented in this study is to support the previous studies about
organizational commitment. This research is combining others variable such as
perceived organizational support (POS), psychological empowerment (PE) and
participative leadership (PL) and examining these variables impact on teacher
commitment to school. This research can enhance our knowledge of what factors that
have significant impact on teachers commitment in senior high school in Padang.
The research provides some implication for improvement in understanding about
organizational commitment.
The results of this research shows that all hypothesis are accepted. Therefore,
it can be concluded that the factors that impact of organizational commitment of
teachers. From the response of respondents in chapter 4, it can be seen that for
perceived organizational support is the schools strongly considers my goals and
values. It means that the school really consider about teachers goals and opinion.
Building sense of care about the value and goals of teacher can make teacher keep
demonstrating teachers commitment to their school. As we know values and goals
are the principal of every individuals belief about life. Then, it can lead to individual
behavior and can be influence by environment. Therefore, these schools can improve
the commitment of their teacher by giving more attention and support to the teacher
in doing their job. Then help teacher if they have some problem during their teaching
For psychological empowerment, the highest response is I am confident
about my ability to do job. It means, most of teachers are confident with their ability
to do their job as a teacher. Teachers who have sense of meaningful of their job and
have belief in his or her capability to perform activities with their skill will make
teacher can have good performance. Therefore, senior high schools in Padang can
enhance their teachers commitment to school by keep support the teacher in
performing their job and build sense of confidence to perform well in the school.
For participative leadership, the highest response is Leader listens
receptively to subordinates ideas and suggestions. It means one of reason why
teacher can commit with their school is the leader regularly to do consultation with
teacher and consider about teachers opinion and suggestion. Therefore, senior high
school in Padang can enhance their teachers commitment by encourage the
participation of teachers in making decision and will allow the input of ideas and
suggestion from the teachers.
5.3 Limitations of the research
While doing the research the researcher met some limitations. Some of the
limitations and the recommendations are as follow:
1. Size of the sample. Sample in this research is limited 164 respondents but the
sample that can be preceeded until the final by researcher only from 143
respondents. Hopefully, the next researcher could increase the size of the
sample in order to make the result more accurate.
2. Research location. This research only located in four schools, SMA 10, SMA
5, SMA PGRI 4 and SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Padang. Hopefully in the future
research, the next researcher able to expand the location not only in four
schools, but can examine more or all schools in Padang. So, the result can be
compared and more accurate.
3. Variables. In the present research, researcher only examines the impact of
perceived organizational commitment, psychological empowerment and
participative leadership on organizational commitment of teachers.
5.4 Recommendations of the research
For educational institutions, the management of every school and the principal
needs to consider about working condition of the teacher in the school. Then,
support from working environment also important. Principal should active to help
the teacher to solve their problem during teaching time and make the working
environment really enjoyable and interesting. Then, the school should give
appreciation to the teacher if the teachers try to give their impact by showing their
ability to influence the schools achievement. If teacher have chance to participate
in achieving the goals, so they will perform better. Ask teacher to participate in all
of schools activity also important to increase the quality of teachers and make
them loyal to the school.
Several recommendations to other researchers:
1. From the result of the regression, there are still more variables that have others
impact on organizational commitment. The result of this study is only 30% or
weak impact between perceived organizational support, psychological
empowerment and participative leadership. Hopefully the other researchers
will identified the others variable that influence on employeess organizational
2. To use the qualitative approach also to strengthen the data from quantitative
3. In future research it will be better to use mediating variable to get different