Laboratory Chemical Hygiene Plan - 2012
Laboratory Chemical Hygiene Plan - 2012
Laboratory Chemical Hygiene Plan - 2012
A Policy & Procedures Manual
Northeastern University
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Revision: Twelfth September 2012
Emergency Phone Numbers
AMUBLANCE / FIRE / POLICE (617) 373-3333
Record of Amendments
11/18/94 Cover Revision date added SRB
University phone #'s changed SRB
Table of
Section 1.5 page # / footer added SRB
11/18/94 1.2
University College added and Respiratory Therapy deleted from
plan list
11/18/94 1.2
Responsibilities changed for Principal Investigator and Dept.
Chemical Hygiene Officer / Laboratory Supervisor
11/18/94 5 New terms added SRB
9/3/97 Information on MSDS link added SRB
9/3/97 Cover Acknowledgment section added SRB
Changed check of eyewashes and safety showers from once to
twice yearly
9/3/97 2.5.5 Added availability of mercury vacuum through OEHS SRB
9/3/97 3.1.2 Added link to OEHS home page SRB
Mercury and mercury salts added to list SRB
Last sentence changed to reflect Plan availability on Web SRB
1/12/99 1.2 Training reference added to PI responsibilities SRB
1/12/99 1.5.1
Training section revised to address personnel under and over 16 in
1/12/99 Link to Cornell University label information added SRB
MSDS section updated to reflect OSHA's new policy on Web
access to this information
1/12/99 2.33 Eye Protection Chart reduced in size SRB
1/12/99 2.5.1 Contingency Plan reference added SRB
1/12/99 2.8 Hazardous Waste information updated SRB
2/17/03 Cover Revision date and Appendices title added EAG
2/17/03 1.2 Animal Care and Physical Therapy added to NU Departments SRB
2/17/03 1.2
The PI section revised to address personnel job transfer or
2/17/03 1.2 Added link to EHS home page SRB
2/17/03 1.5.2 Underage Personnel revised and expanded JMP
2/17/03 Added link to Laboratory Chemical Labeling Requirements sheet SRB
2/17/03 Laboratory Signs section revised EAG
2/17/03 1.9 Added link to Respiratory Protection Fact Sheet EAG
2/17/03 1.11 Research Protocol Chemical Safety Review section revised JMP
2/17/03 2.1.1 Revised and added link to Unattended Experiment Fact Sheet EAG
2/17/03 2.1.2 Laboratory supervision section added JMP
2/17/03 2.1.4 Housekeeping revised EAG
2/17/03 2.4.3 Added link to flammable storage cabinets EAG
Added link to Peroxidizable Compounds Fact Sheet EAG
2/17/03 2.6.1 Added link to Cryogenic Liquid Fact Sheet EAG
2/17/03 2.6.2 Added link to Hydrofluoric Acid Fact Sheet EAG
2/17/03 2.6.4 Added phone 800 # for Poison Information Center EAG
2/17/03 2.8
Linked to Hazardous Waste Satellite Accumulation Area
2/17/03 3.1.2 Linked to Boston Fire Department Storage Requirements SRB
2/17/03 3.3.2 Revised and linked to Compressed Gas Management Fact Sheet EAG
2/17/03 3.3.3
Special Precautions for Cryogens section added and linked to
Cryogenic Liquid Fact Sheet
2/17/03 3.4.1 Linked to Hydrofluoric Acid Fact Sheet EAG
2/17/03 5 Glossary Terms Updated EAG
Revised and updated list of substances known as carcinogens EAG
Linked to sources of up to date lists of carcinogens at OSHA,
Updated laboratory safety references EAG
9/22/05 1.2
Enhanced and clarified responsibilities for individuals and entities
identified in Section 1.2 per Chemical Hygiene Committee
9/22/05 1.11 This section edited to reflect current requirements and needs SRB
4/13/06 2.1.3
Updated to reflect to policy approved by the Chemical Hygiene
Committee for hygiene in shops.
4/13/06 3.4.1
Updated to reflect to policy approved by the Chemical Hygiene
Committee for use of hydrofluoric acid.
7/11/06 1.5.2
Updated to reflect to policy approved by the Chemical Hygiene
Committee regarding hazardous processes and restriction of key
access to underage personnel.
9/18/07 2.9
Updated to reflect to policy approved by the Chemical Hygiene
Committee regarding closing out laboratories.
11/21/07 1.2
Updated to reflect Department Safety Officer position replacing
Department Chemical Hygiene Officer.
7/28/08 2.1.3 Restriction on use of gloves outside of laboratory further detailed SRB
Reference to employee changed to lab personnel and last
sentence added.
Restriction on use of gloves outside of laboratory changed and
requirement lab coats must be uncontaminated if worn outside the
laboratory added by Chemical Hygiene Committee.
Title of section changed along with the second sentence in the
first paragraph and the third sentence in the third paragraph.
3/23/09 2.6.4 Poison Information Center phone number updated. SRB
Table of
Table now links to applicable sections of the plan. SRB
1.1 &
EHS address updated. SRB
7/13/10 1.2
EHS Reporting updated, department and research centers updated,
and link to lab closeout procedure updated.
1.7, 1.10 &
Reference to LHC changed to UHCS. SRB
7/13/10 1.11
Information related to registration of chemicals outlined and link to
form added.
7/13/10 2.1.0 Link to Permission for NEU Laboratory Access form added. SRB
List of carcinogens updated. SRB
Laboratory Safety Reference Material updated. SRB
Last sentence updated. SRB
5/2/11 1.5.1 Frequency for Chemical Hygiene training outlined. SRB
5/2/11 1.7 Emergency procedures outlined in parenthesis updated. SRB
1.2 &
Replaced Department Chemical Hygiene Officer with Department
Safety Officer.
Updated list of carcinogens to reflect Report on Carcinogens,
Twelfth Edition 2011
Added reference 76 EAG
2.1.1 &
Do not work along in laboratory sentence expanded per Chemical
Hygiene Committee.
Table of Contents
Section 1. CHEMICAL HYGIENE PLAN............................................................................. 10
1.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 10
1.2 CHEMICAL HYGIENE RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................ 11
1.3 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................. 17
1.3.1. Laboratory Definition ........................................................................................ 17
1.3.2. Hazardous Chemical Definition ......................................................................... 17
1.4 HAZARD IDENTIFICATION...................................................................................... 18
1.5 TRAINING & INFORMATION ................................................................................... 18
1.5.1. Chemical Safety Training .................................................................................. 18
1.5.2. Underage Personnel ........................................................................................... 19
1.5.3. Chemical Safety Information Sources ................................................................ 19 Safety Reference Literature ...................................................................... 20 Container Labeling .................................................................................. 20 Material Safety Data Sheets ..................................................................... 21 Laboratory Signs...................................................................................... 23
1.6 CHEMICAL EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT ................................................................... 23
1.7 MEDICAL CONSULTATION & EXAMINATION ..................................................... 24
1.8 CHEMICAL (FUME) HOOD EVALUATION ............................................................. 25
1.9 RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PROGRAM .............................................................. 25
1.10 RECORDKEEPING ................................................................................................... 25
1.11 RESEARCH PROTOCOL CHEMICAL SAFETY REVIEW ..................................... 26
CHEMICALS ......................................................................................................... 27
CHEMICALS ............................................................................................................... 27
2.1.1. General Guidelines ............................................................................................ 27
2.1.2. Supervision ....................................................................................................... 28
2.1.3. Personal Hygiene............................................................................................... 28
2.1.4. Housekeeping .................................................................................................... 29
2.3.1. General Consideration - Personal Protective Clothing/Equipment ...................... 30
2.3.2. Protection of Skin and Body .............................................................................. 30 Normal clothing worn in the laboratory .................................................... 31 Protective clothing and equipment ........................................................... 31
2.3.3. Protection of the Eyes ........................................................................................ 33
2.3.4. Protection of the Respiratory System ................................................................. 33
2.3.5. Laboratory Safety Equipment ............................................................................ 34 Chemical (Fume) Hoods .......................................................................... 34 Eyewashes and Safety Showers................................................................ 36 Fire Safety Equipment ............................................................................. 37
2.4.1. Procurement ...................................................................................................... 37
2.4.2. Distribution ....................................................................................................... 37
2.4.3. Chemical Storage in the Laboratory ................................................................... 38 Chemical Storage - Chemical Stability ..................................................... 39 Chemical Storage - Incompatible Chemicals ............................................ 39
2.5 CHEMICAL SPILLS & ACCIDENTS ......................................................................... 42
2.5.1. General Information .......................................................................................... 42
2.5.2. Cleaning Up Chemical Spills ............................................................................. 42
2.5.3. Minor Chemical Spill ........................................................................................ 42
2.5.4. Major Chemical Spill ........................................................................................ 43
2.5.5. Mercury Spills ................................................................................................... 43
2.5.6. Alkali Metal Spills............................................................................................. 43
2.5.7. White Phosphorus ............................................................................................. 43
2.6 PERSONAL CONTAMINATION AND INJURY ........................................................ 44
2.6.1. General Information .......................................................................................... 44
2.6.2. Chemicals Spills on the Body ............................................................................ 44
2.6.3. Chemical Splash in the Eye ............................................................................... 44
2.6.4. Ingestion of Hazardous Chemicals ..................................................................... 44
2.6.5. Inhalation of Smoke, Vapors and Fumes ............................................................ 45
2.6.6. Burning Chemicals on Clothing ......................................................................... 45
2.6.7. Actions to be Avoided During Emergencies ...................................................... 45
2.7 FIRE AND FIRE RELATED EMERGENCIES ............................................................ 45
2.8 HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL PROGRAM ........................................................ 46
2.9 Laboratory Closeout Procedures.................................................................................... 47
CHEMICALS OF SPECIFIC HAZARD CLASS ................................................. 48
3.1 FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS ............................................................................................. 48
3.1.1. General Information .......................................................................................... 48
3.1.2. Special Handling Procedures ............................................................................. 49
3.2.1. General Information .......................................................................................... 50
3.2.2. Special Handling Procedures ............................................................................. 50
3.2.3. List of Shock Sensitive Chemicals ..................................................................... 52
3.2.4. List of High Energy Oxidizers ........................................................................... 53
3.2.5. List of Peroxide Formers ................................................................................... 54
3.3 COMPRESSED GASES ............................................................................................... 54
3.3.1. General Information .......................................................................................... 54
3.3.2. Special Handling Procedures ............................................................................. 55
3.3.3. Special Precautions for Hydrogen ...................................................................... 56
3.3.4. Special Precautions for Cryogens ...................................................................... 56
3.4 CORROSIVE CHEMICALS ........................................................................................ 56
3.4.1. General Information .......................................................................................... 56
3.4.2. Special Handling Procedures ............................................................................. 57
3.5 CHEMICALS OF HIGH ACUTE & CHRONIC TOXICITY........................................ 57
3.5.1. General Information .......................................................................................... 57
3.5.2. Special Handling Procedures ............................................................................. 58
CHEMICALS ............................................................................................................... 59
3.6.1. General Information .......................................................................................... 59
3.6.2. Special Handling Procedures ............................................................................. 59
Section 4. CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY ............................................................................... 62
4.1 CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY OVERVIEW .................................................................. 62
4.1.1. Definitions ........................................................................................................ 62
4.1.2. Dose-Response Relationships ............................................................................ 62
4.1.3. Routes of Entry into the Body............................................................................ 62
4.1.4. Types of Effects ................................................................................................ 63
4.1.5. Other Factors Affecting Toxicity ....................................................................... 63
4.1.6. Physical Classifications ..................................................................................... 63
4.1.7. Physiological Classifications ............................................................................. 64
4.2 SOME TARGET ORGAN EFFECTS ........................................................................... 67
4.3 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH STANDARDS ............................................................... 68
Section 5. GLOSSARY OF TERMS ....................................................................................... 69
Appendix A. LABORATORY CHEMICAL HYGIENE PLAN ......................................... 77
Appendix B. LIST OF CARCINOGENS ............................................................................. 82
Appendix C. OSHA's LABORATORY HEALTH STANDARD ........................................ 89
Appendix D. LABORATORY CHEMICAL HYGIENE PLAN ......................................... 90
Appendix E. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS CONCERNING: ......................................... 95
Laboratory Chemical Hygiene Plan
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) laboratory health standard
(Occupational Exposures to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories (CFR 1910.1450))
requires employers of laboratory employees to implement exposure control programs and
convey chemical health and safety information to laboratory employees working with
hazardous materials. Specific provisions of the standard require:
1. laboratory chemical hood evaluations;
2. establishment of standard operating procedures for routine and "high hazard"
laboratory operations;
3. research protocol safety reviews;
4. employee exposure assessments;
5. medical consultations/exams;
6. employee training;
7. labeling of chemical containers; and,
8. the management of chemical safety information sheets (Material Safety Data
Sheets) and other safety reference materials.
The standard's intent is to ensure that laboratory employees are apprised of the hazards of
chemicals in their work area, and that appropriate work practices and procedures are in
place to protect laboratory employees from chemical health and safety hazards.
The standard operating procedures (laboratory practices, engineering controls, and use of
personal protective equipment) recommended in this manual identify the safeguards that
should be taken when working with hazardous materials. These safeguards will protect
laboratory workers from unsafe conditions in the vast majority of situations. There are
instances, however, when the physical and chemical properties, the proposed use, the
quantity used for a particular purpose or the toxicity of a substance will be such that either
additional, or fewer, controls might be appropriate to protect the laboratory worker.
Professional judgment is essential in the interpretation of these standard operating
procedures, and individual laboratories may modify these procedures to meet their specific
uses and operational needs.
This document outlines how Northeastern University is complying with each of the
elements in OSHA's Laboratory Standard. An official copy of the Chemical Hygiene Plan
is located in the Office of Environmental Health and Safety, 170 Cullinane Hall.
Responsibility for chemical health and safety rests at all levels including the:
President of the University, who has ultimate responsibility for chemical hygiene within
the University and must, along with other officials, provide continuing support for
chemical safety.
Provost Office: The Provost serves as the chief academic officer of the university,
reporting directly to the President as the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.
He/she is responsible for all academic programs offered by the university and for personnel
engaged in carrying out that function. He/she provides leadership in curricular,
instructional, and faculty development matters and governs the budgeting, administering,
evaluating, and planning of the academic aspects of university life. The Provost also serves
as vice chair of the president's cabinet and chair of the Faculty Senate. The Provost
designates the Vice Provost for Research to oversee a number of key programs for the
development and administration of research and teaching initiatives. The Vice Provost
Research appoints an administrative officer to the Chemical Hygiene Committee to
represent research administration. Typically this appointment is the Director of Research
College Deans report to the Provost. Deans that oversee departments or research centers
that operate laboratories shall appoint a representative for the college to the Chemical
Hygiene Committee.
Senior Vice President for Administration oversees key administrative operations of the
University including Facility Services. The Vice President of Facilities Services oversees
key facility maintenance and building service operations that impact laboratory operations.
The VP of Facility Services shall appoint a representative to the Chemical Hygiene
Director of Public Safety oversees campus wide public safety programs including fire
safety and emergency response. The Director of Public Safety shall appoint a
representative to the Chemical Hygiene Committee.
The Northeastern University Chemical Hygiene Committee reports directly to the
President of the University. The Committee is charged with formulating policy and
making recommendations related to use of hazardous materials in laboratories.
The Committee shall provide an annual report of activities and recommendations towards
the state and improvement of chemical hygiene on the Northeastern University campus.
The chair is selected by the committee on an annual basis. Normally, this is done at the
first meeting in September of each year. Normally, a chairs term is for one year. The
secretary shall be the NU Chemical Hygiene Officer from the Environmental Health and
Safety Office.
Decisions will be made by majority vote.
Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) reports to the Senior Vice President
for Administration and Finance through the Risk Management Office.
A.) Responsibility:
The Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) is charged with the responsibility
for control, review, monitoring and advice with respect to exposure to chemical,
radiological, and biological agents used in research and teaching. The office provides
oversight and control of physical hazards in the workplace, including general and
laboratory safety, and chemical waste disposal.
B.) Authority:
The Office of Environmental Health and Safety has the authority to stop any activity which
is immediately hazardous to life or health. Its primary function however, is to act in an
advisory capacity to the individual units, and to help them provide a safe and healthy
C.) Resources:
The Office of Environmental Health and Safety has professional staff that can be called
upon for advice and help on occupational safety and environmental health problems. This
staff offers the following services relating to chemical hygiene for the University:
Evaluate and implement safety policies and review new and existing equipment and
operating practices to minimize hazards to the University community and visitors
from fire, electricity, hazardous materials, explosion, pressure and machinery.
Conduct accident investigations and suggest remedial measures and procedures.
Hazardous waste disposal services are provided for chemical, biological and
radioactive materials.
Train and assist in conducting special accident prevention programs are available as
Audit by inspection and visits chemical health and safety in the laboratories.
All members of the University should feel free to consult with the EHS involving potential
toxic chemical, microbiological or radiation exposure.
EHS's services are available both in emergency situations and in an advisory capacity to
answer questions from anyone at the University. However, procedures for safe use and
disposal of chemicals or radioactive substances start in the laboratory; therefore students,
post-doctoral fellows and technicians must be informed about their responsibilities and the
procedures to be followed by the principal investigator. In the event of an emergency
situation, please call Public Safety at (617) 373-3333.
The N.U. Chemical Hygiene Officer is a professional staff member of the Office of
Environmental Health & Safety and is designated by the Director of the Office of
Environmental Health & Safety. The N.U. Chemical Hygiene Officer oversees and
manages chemical hygiene for the entire University. These duties are as follows:
Develop and implement a University wide Chemical Hygiene Plan to ensure
consistent and well documented program procedures and policy decisions.
Work with department chairs and Department Safety Officers to maintain
compliance with the Chemical Hygiene Plan. Special attention will be given to the
safe procurement, use, and disposal of chemicals.
Assist principal investigators with arranging training sessions for all laboratory
workers including supervisors, faculty, principal investigators, teaching assistants,
students, visiting scholars, etc.
Assist principal investigators with laboratory safety audits. Assistance with
documentation (record keeping) of audits and all employee training sessions will
also be provided as necessary.
In addition, the N.U. Chemical Hygiene Officer will be responsible for knowing the
contents of the relevant regulation (Occupational Exposures to Hazardous Chemicals in
Laboratories, 29 CFR 1910.145) and conduct any required updating of the Chemical
Hygiene Plan as regulations require.
The N.U. Chemical Hygiene Officer can be reached by calling the Office of Environmental
Health and Safety at x2769 or at [email protected].
Northeastern University Departments and Research Centers that are required to
implement the Chemical Hygiene Plan are as follows:
Division of Laboratory Animal Medicine
Barnett Institute
Biology Department
Center for Advanced Microgravity Materials Processing CAMMP
Center for Drug Discovery
Chemical Engineering
Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office of Environmental Health and Safety
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Kostas Nanomanufacturing Center
Marine Science Center (Nahant)
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
New England Center for Tissue Inflammation
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Physical Therapy
Toxicology (Pharmaceutical Sciences)
University College Professional and Continuing Studies
Each of these departments conduct laboratory work as defined in the OSHA Laboratory
Laboratory, means a facility where the laboratory use of hazardous chemicals occurs. It is
a workplace where relatively small quantities of hazardous chemicals are used on a non-
production basis".
Any department at Northeastern University not listed above will also be required to
implement the Chemical Hygiene Plan if laboratory work is conducted.
The Department Safety Committee when it exists reviews and recommends policies that
provide for the safe conduct of work involving hazardous chemicals and develops
guidelines for reviewing and approving the use of high risk substances in research
The Department Chairperson is responsible for chemical hygiene in the department/unit.
Shall maintain and report to EHS at least once per semester or as changes occur, a list of
authorized laboratory workers in their unit that are allowed to work in the laboratories.
EHS maintains a present list of laboratory workers that will be emailed as reminder at the
beginning of each semester to chairs.
The Department Safety Officer has the responsibility of assisting faculty, staff and
students serving as a conduit in facilitating, promoting, maintaining a safe work
environment and compliance with the regulatory requirements. The DSO works closely
with Principal Investigators (PIs) and Laboratory Instructors (LIs) of Record who have
the ultimate responsibility for safety in their individual research and teaching laboratories.
The Department Safety Officer has the following duties:
Help to ensure that all work in their department or unit is conducted in accordance
with the Chemical Hygiene Plan.
Assist EHS with disseminating information and raising awareness related to
Chemical Hygiene in their department units.
Assist department or unit faculty with requirements of the Chemical Hygiene Plan
as necessary.
Coordinate with department faculty and staff to ensure all laboratory personnel
receive adequate training.
Follow up with PIs and LIs on violations identified by EHS.
Conduct periodic self-assessments of teaching laboratories that are under their
Assist PIs and LIs in periodic self-assessments of laboratories.
Inform students, faculty, and staff of safety and environmental program
requirements per EHS and ensure that they are followed.
Help PIs and LIs develop procedures for responding to emergencies and assessing
Review procedures with EHS for responding to emergencies and assessing hazards.
Work with PIs and LIs implement recommendations of EHS.
The Faculty Investigator, or Instructor-in-Charge of teaching laboratories manages
chemical hygiene in his or her laboratory and works closely and efficiently with the
Department Safety Officer (DSO) and Environmental Health and Safety office to ensure
compliance. The Faculty Investigator or Instructor-in-Charge is responsible for:
Informing employees (laboratory workers) working in their laboratory of the
potential hazards associated with the use of chemicals in the laboratory and
instructing them in safe laboratory practices, adequate controls, and procedures for
dealing with accidents involving hazardous chemicals.
Selecting and employing laboratory practices and engineering controls that reduce
the potential for exposure to hazardous chemicals to the appropriate level.
Working with EHS and the CHC, to recognize special hazards not covered in the
Chemical Hygiene Plan and develop Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for
special hazards or alternative procedures. The SOP shall include a description of
the alternative controls that will be used. A 3 ring binder visual in the laboratory
book shelves with Standard Operating Procedures for Special Hazards on the
spine and cover is the recommended practice.
Ensuring that all lab personnel have access to protective equipment and clothing
necessary for the safe performance of their jobs.
Working closely and efficiently with the NU Chemical Hygiene Officer to correct
work practices and conditions that may result in exposure or release of toxic
Supervising the performance of their staff and authorized personnel to help ensure
the required chemical hygiene rules are adhered to in the laboratory.
Contacting the NU Chemical Hygiene Officer prior to using particularly hazardous
substances when special handling conditions are needed if you exceed threshold
quantities of a substance that are on the Particularly Hazardous Chemical list.
Developing an understanding of the current requirements regulating hazardous
substances used in his/her laboratory (see EHS website) and maintaining
compliance with these requirements.
Ensuring that, in case of job transfer or termination, workers shall properly dispose
of or transfer all chemicals to another responsible party before leaving
When necessary, consulting with EHS to arrange workplace air samples, swipes or
other tests to determine the amount and nature of airborne and/or surface
contamination, inform employees of the results, and use data to aid in the
evaluation and maintenance of appropriate laboratory conditions.
Report promptly to the N.U. Chemical Hygiene Officer incidents that cause (1)
personnel to be seriously exposed to hazardous chemicals or materials, such as
through the inoculation of a chemical through cutaneous penetration, ingestion of a
chemical, or probable inhalation of a chemical, or that (2) constitute a danger of
environmental contamination.
Ensuring that co-op students, undergraduate students, high school students, and
visitors are directly supervised when present in the laboratory.
Maintaining a list of authorized personnel who are allowed to work in their
laboratories and report this information to their department chair or department
safety officer at least once per semester or as changes occurs.
Laboratory worker, who is responsible for:
Being aware of the hazards of the materials she/he is around or working with, and
handling those chemicals in a safe manner.
Planning and conducting each operation in accordance with established chemical
hygiene procedures.
Developing good chemical hygiene habits (chemical safety practices and
Reporting unsafe conditions to his/her supervisor, the Principal Investigator or the
Department Safety Officer.
In consultation with faculty investigator, properly dispose of or transfer all
chemicals to another responsible party before job transfer or termination.
The faculty investigator or instructor-in-charge share responsibility with the laboratory
worker for collecting, labeling and storing chemical hazardous waste properly, as well as
informing visitors entering their laboratory of the potential hazards and safety
Student is responsible for:
Attending required training sessions and following all standard operating
procedures of working in a laboratory.
Wearing personal protective equipment as directed by the principal investigator.
At a minimum, wearing safety glasses at all times when working in the laboratory.
Reporting to the teaching assistant, faculty member, or Department Safety
Officer/laboratory supervisor any accidents that result in the exposure to toxic
chemicals, and/or any action or condition that may exist which could result in an
1.3.1. Laboratory Definition
For the purposes of this OSHA standard a laboratory is defined as a facility in which
hazardous chemicals (defined below) are handled or manipulated in reactions, transfers,
etc. in small quantities (containers that are easily manipulated by one person) on a non-
production basis. Typically, multiple chemical procedures are used.
1.3.2. Hazardous Chemical Definition
The OSHA Laboratory Health Standard defines a hazardous chemical as any element,
chemical compound, or mixture of elements and/or compounds which is a physical or a
health hazard. The standard applies to all hazardous chemicals regardless of the quantity.
A chemical is a physical hazard if there is scientifically valid evidence that it is a
combustible liquid, a compressed gas, an explosive, an organic peroxide, an oxidizer or
pyrophoric, flammable, or reactive.
A chemical is a health hazard if there is statistically significant evidence, based on at least
one study conducted in accordance with established scientific principles, that acute or
chronic health effects may occur in exposed employees. Classes of health hazards include:
reproductive toxins
hepatotoxins (liver)
agents that act on the hematopoietic system (blood)
agents that damage the lungs, skin, eyes, or mucus
A chemical is considered a carcinogen or potential carcinogen. if it is listed in any of the
following publications (OSHA uses the term "select" carcinogen):
National Toxicology Program, Annual Report on Carcinogens (latest edition)
International Agency for Research on Cancer, Monographs (latest edition)
OSHA, 29 CFR 1910.1001 to 1910.1101, Toxic and Hazardous Substances
A chemical is considered hazardous, according to the OSHA standard, if it is listed in any
of the following:
OSHA, 29 CFR 1910.1000 Table Z-1 through Z-3
Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents in the Work
Environment, ACGIH (latest edition)
The Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances, NIOSH (latest edition)
Over 600,000 chemicals are considered hazardous by the OSHA definition.
In most cases, the chemical container's original label will indicate if the chemical is
hazardous. Look for key words like caution, hazardous, toxic, dangerous, corrosive,
irritant, carcinogen, etc. Containers of hazardous chemicals acquired or
manufactured before 1985 may not contain appropriate hazard warnings.
If you are not sure a chemical you are using is hazardous, review the Material
Safety Data Sheet for the substance or contact your supervisor.
Some laboratories may synthesize or develop new chemical substances on occasion. If the
composition of the substance is known and will be used exclusively in the laboratory, the
laboratory worker must label the substance and determine, to the best of his/her abilities,
the hazardous properties (e.g., corrosive, flammable, reactive, toxic, etc.) of the substance.
This can often be done by comparing the structure of the new substance with the structure
of similar materials with known hazardous properties. If the chemical produced is of
unknown composition, it must be assumed to be hazardous, and appropriate precautions
If a chemical substance is produced for another user outside this facility, the laboratory
producing the substance is required to provide as much information as possible regarding
the identity and known hazardous properties of the substance to the receiver of the
1.5.1. Chemical Safety Training
All faculty, staff, and graduate students who work in any laboratory where hazardous
chemicals are stored or used must complete the required safety training awareness
programs appropriate for the operations conducted in that laboratory. As a minimum, all
personnel must complete the Chemical Hygiene training program offered through EHS.
All personnel completing this training must then participate in refresher training at a
minimum of every two years. Other safety awareness training may include Hazardous
Waste, Radiation Safety, and Biological Safety. The principal investigator of the
laboratory is responsible to ensure that all laboratory personnel complete the required
training. In addition, principal investigators must ensure that co-op students, undergraduate
students, high school students, and visitors are sufficiently informed and aware of potential
hazards in the lab and receive appropriate safety awareness training.
Our training program for laboratory workers consists of two parts: 1) introduction to the
standard and to information not specific to the individual worksite to be conducted by the
Office of Environmental Health and Safety, and 2) site specific elements of training to be
conducted by the Principal Investigator. The training and information will be provided
when an employee is initially assigned to a laboratory where hazardous chemicals are
present, and also prior to assignments involving new hazardous chemicals and/or new
laboratory work procedures (Note training schedule and on-line options).
The training and information program will describe the:
1. physical and health hazards of various classes of laboratory chemicals handled;
2. methods/procedures for safely handling and detecting the presence or release of
hazardous chemicals present in the laboratory;
3. appropriate response in the event of a chemical emergency (spill, overexposure,
4. chemical safety policies; and
5. applicable details of the Chemical Hygiene Plan (such as the standard operating
procedures for using chemicals).
When an employee is to perform a non-routine task presenting hazards for which he or she
has not already been trained, the employee's supervisor will be responsible for discussing
with the employee the hazards of the task and any special measures (e.g., personal
protective equipment or engineering controls) that should be used to protect the employee.
Every laboratory worker should know the location and proper use of needed or necessary
protective clothing and equipment, and emergency equipment/procedures. Information on
protective clothing and equipment is contained in Section 2.3 of this manual.
1.5.2. Underage Personnel
Any person under the age of 16 will generally not be allowed to work in a laboratory
where hazardous processes take place, or hazardous chemicals are stored or used. The NU
Chemical Hygiene Officer must approve any exceptions to this requirement. For
laboratories that utilize radioactive materials, no one under the age of 18 is allowed to
work in the laboratory. Underage personnel, including high school students or visitors,
must be directly supervised by faculty, staff or graduate students at all times. No key or
key access should be granted to underage personnel
1.5.3. Chemical Safety Information Sources
There are numerous sources of chemical safety information. These sources include:
1. special health and safety reference literature available in the Snell Library and the
Office of Environmental Health and Safety;
2. the labels found on containers of hazardous chemicals;
3. the substance's Material Safety Data Sheet; and
4. laboratory signs.
In addition, your supervisor is available to provide safety information. Each of these
sources is now discussed in greater detail.
20 Safety Reference Literature
The Office of Environmental Health and Safety maintains a library of reference materials
addressing chemical health and safety issues. One of the references contains all applicable
chemical workplace exposure standards and recommended exposure levels. Another
reference contains a copy of OSHA's laboratory safety standard and its appendices.
Material Safety Data Sheets received from suppliers are available in your laboratory or a
central area designated by your department. MSDSs can also be accessed from the
following URL: Container Labeling
All containers of hazardous chemicals that could pose a physical or health hazard to an
exposed employee must have a label attached. Labels on purchased hazardous chemicals
must include:
1. the common name of the chemical;
2. the name, address and emergency phone number of the company responsible for
the product; and
3. an appropriate hazard warning.
The warning may be a single word - "danger", "warning" and "caution" - or may identify
the primary hazard, both physical (i.e., water reactive, flammable or explosive) and health
(i.e., carcinogen, corrosive, or irritant).
Most labels will provide you with additional safety information to help you protect
yourself while working with this substance. This includes protective measures to be used
when handling the material, clothing that should be worn, first aid instructions, storage
information and procedures to follow in the event of a fire, leak or spill.
If you find a container with no label, report it to your supervisor. You should also report
labels that are torn or illegible so that the label can be replaced immediately. Existing
labels on new containers of hazardous chemicals should never be removed or defaced,
except when empty! If you use secondary working containers that will take more than one
work shift to empty, or if there is a chance that someone else will handle the container
before you finish it, you must label it. This is part of your responsibility to help protect co-
workers. If you need labels for these types of containers, Cornell University has an
excellent site for printing up your own chemical labels.
Read the label each time you use a newly purchased chemical. It is possible the
manufacturer may have added new hazard information or reformulated the product since
your last purchase, and thus altered the potential hazards you face while working with the
All employees involved in unpacking chemicals are responsible for inspecting each
incoming container to insure that it is labeled with the information outlined above. The
principal investigators or Department Safety Officer/laboratory supervisors should be
notified if containers do not have proper labels (see laboratory chemical labeling
requirements). Material Safety Data Sheets
A Material Safety Data Sheet, often referred to by its acronym MSDS, is a detailed
informational document prepared by the manufacturer or importer of a hazardous chemical
that describes the physical and chemical properties of the product. Information included in
a Material Safety Data Sheet aids in the selection of safe products, helps employers and
employees understand the potential health and physical hazards of a chemical and
describes how to respond effectively to exposure situations. Material Safety Data Sheets
can be accessed through the Office of Environmental Health and Safety Web Site. All
laboratory personnel within a research group must be able to access this site 24/7 or they
will be required to keep hard copies of MSDS's for each chemical they use or store in the
laboratory. As a back-up to this site, the Office of Environmental Health and Safety
maintains hard copies of MSDS's in its office located in 170 Cullinane Hall.
The format of a Material Safety Data Sheet may vary but there is specific information that
must be included in each sheet. It is useful to review this information to increase your
ability to use a Material Safety Data Sheet.
All Material Safety Data Sheets should include the following information:
Section I of the MSDS lists information identifying the manufacturer and the product.
Manufacturer's name, address and telephone number
Number to call in case of emergency involving product
Chemical name and synonyms
Trade name and synonyms
Chemical family and formula
CAS number (Chemical Abstract Service) for pure materials
Section II describes the various hazardous ingredients contained in the product, the
percentages, and exposure limits when appropriate. All hazardous chemicals that comprise
1% or greater of the mixture will be identified. Carcinogens will be listed if their
concentrations are 0.1% or greater. If a component is not listed, it has been judged to be
non-hazardous or is considered proprietary information by the manufacturer. The types of
components that might be listed include:
Pigments, catalysts, vehicles, solvents, additives, others
Base metals, alloys, metallic coatings, fillers, hazardous mixtures of other liquids,
solids or gases
Section III describes the physical properties of the material.
Boiling point Vapor pressure
Vapor density
Solubility in water
Specific gravity
Percent volatile
Evaporation rate
Appearance and odor
Section IV describes the fire and explosion hazard data for the material. Based on the flash
point and other fire and explosion data, the appropriate extinguishing agent for fires
involving the material will be listed. Special procedures may also be listed.
Flash point
Lower and upper explosive limits (LEL/UEL)
Extinguishing agent - water, dry chemical, foam, halon, etc.
Unusual fire and explosion hazards, toxic fumes
Section V describes the known health hazards associated with the material, applicable
exposure limits and symptoms/health effects associated with overexposure. This
information will help the user and medical personnel recognize if an overexposure has
Threshold Limit Value
Effects of overexposure: headache, nausea, narcosis, irritation, weakness, etc.
Primary routes of exposure: inhalation, skin, ingestion
Cancer or other special health hazards
Emergency and first aid procedures for ingestion, inhalation and skin or eye contact
Section VI describes reactivity data; that is, the material's ability to react and release
energy or heat under certain conditions or when it comes in contact with certain
Stability: stable, unstable, conditions to avoid
Incompatibility: materials to avoid
Hazardous decomposition products
Hazardous polymerizations: conditions to avoid
Section VII gives instructions for the steps to be taken in case of an accidental release or
spill. The steps normally include information on containment, evacuation procedures and
waste disposal as appropriate. The statements on the Material Safety Data Sheet are very
general; more specific information is available from your supervisor or the Department
Safety Officer/Laboratory Supervisor.
Steps to be taken in case material is released or spilled
Waste disposal methods
Section VIII describes the protective equipment for the individual who might have to
work with the substance. This section normally describes worst case conditions; therefore,
the extent to which personal protective equipment is required is task dependent. Contact
your supervisor or Department Safety Officer/Laboratory Supervisor for specific
instructions if you are unsure.
Respiratory equipment: dust mask, chemical cartridge respirator, self-contained
breathing apparatus
Ventilation: local, general, special
Protective gloves: type, fabrication material
Eye protection: goggles, face shield
Other protective equipment
Section IX describes handling and storage procedures to be taken with the material.
Information may include statements, such as: keep container closed; store in a cool, dry,
well ventilated area, keep refrigerated (caution: flammable solvents require a "flammable
storage refrigerator"), avoid exposure to sunlight, etc.
Section X describes any special precautions or miscellaneous information regarding the
Manufacturers may withhold certain information as proprietary (such as hazardous
ingredients) on a Material Safety Data Sheet if the information is considered a trade secret.
The department safety officer has a legal right to obtain this information from the
manufacturer to evaluate the potential health risk if potential overexposure or adverse
health effects are suspected. Laboratory Signs
Prominent signs of the following types should be posted in each laboratory:
NFPA hazardous warning information and telephone numbers of emergency
personnel/facilities, supervisors, and laboratory workers;
Signs identifying locations of safety showers, eyewash stations, other safety and
first aid equipment, and exits;
Warnings at areas or equipment where special or unusual hazards exist; and
Laboratory posting for Prohibited Wastewater Discharges.
Laboratory posting for Hazardous Waste Satellite Accumulation Area.
Regular environmental or employee exposure monitoring of airborne concentrations is not
usually warranted or practical in laboratories because chemicals are typically used for
relatively short time periods and in small quantities. However, sampling may be
appropriate when a highly toxic substance is either used regularly (3 or more separate
handling sessions per week), used for an extended period of time (greater than 3 to 4 hours
at a time), or used in especially large quantities. Notify the N.U. Chemical Hygiene Officer
if you are using a highly toxic substance in this manner.
The exposures to laboratory employees who suspect and report that they have been
overexposed to a toxic chemical in the laboratory, or are displaying symptoms of
overexposure to toxic chemicals, will also be assessed. The assessment will initially be
qualitative and, based upon the professional judgment of the N.U. Chemical Hygiene
Officer, may be followed up by specific quantitative monitoring. A memo, or report,
documenting the assessment will be sent to the employees involved and their supervisors
within fifteen days of receipt of the results. A copy will be stored in a central exposure
records file maintained by the Office of Environmental Health and Safety.
Individual concerns about excessive exposures occurring in the laboratory should be
brought to the attention of your supervisor or the N.U. Chemical Hygiene Officer
Northeastern University will provide employees who work with hazardous chemicals an
opportunity to receive medical attention, including any follow-up examinations, which the
examining physician determines to be necessary, whenever an employee:
develops signs or symptoms associated with excessive exposure to a hazardous
chemical used in their laboratory;
is exposed routinely above the action level (or in the absence of an action level, the
applicable OSHA work place exposure limit) of an OSHA regulated substance;
may have been exposed to a hazardous chemical during a chemical incident such as
a spill, leak, explosion or fire; and
is referred for medical follow up by the N.U. Chemical Hygiene Officer.
Individuals with life threatening emergencies must dial Public Safety at (617) 373-3333 for
emergency transport to the hospital. If the incident involves a chemical exposure, please
bring a copy of the material safety data sheet (MSDS) with you to the hospital for the
chemical involved. All accidents resulting in injuries, which require medical treatment
(including first aid) should be reported immediately to your supervisor and the N.U.
Chemical Hygiene Officer. Medical examination/consultation visits for students (non-life
threatening and not involving hazardous materials) will be handled by the University
Health and Counseling Services (UHCS). Appointments can be arranged by contacting the
UHCS staff at x2772. Medical exams and consultations shall be done by or under direct
supervision of a licensed physician at no cost to the employee.
Where medical consultations or examinations are provided, the examining physician shall
be provided with the following information:
1. the identity of the hazardous chemical(s) to which the employee may have been
2. the exposure conditions; and
3. the signs and symptoms of exposure the laboratory employee is experiencing, if
Every laboratory ventilation hood used for the control of air contaminants shall be tested
once per year to assure that adequate airflow is being maintained to provide continued
protection against employee over-exposure to hazardous materials. The Office of
Environmental Health and Safety is responsible for performing this testing. Laboratory
hood airflow shall be considered adequate when the average face velocity equals a
minimum of a 100 feet/minute and a maximum of 125 feet/minute with the hood sash at a
working height (14 to 20 inches). Other local exhaust ventilation, such as instrument vents,
will also be tested. The criteria for minimal acceptable flow shall be determined by the
Office of Environmental Health and Safety. Results of laboratory ventilation tests shall be
recorded and maintained by the Office of Environmental Health and Safety.
Northeastern University attempts to minimize employee respiratory exposure to potentially
hazardous chemical substances through engineering methods (such as local exhaust
ventilation) or administrative control. It is recognized, however, that for certain situations
or operations, the use of these controls may not be feasible or practical. Under these
circumstances, or while such controls are being instituted, or in emergency situations, the
use of personal respiratory protective equipment may be necessary. A sound and effective
program is essential to assure that the personnel using such equipment are adequately
protected (see Respiratory Protection fact sheet).
Northeastern University has adopted a written plan for using respirators. This plan outlines
organizational responsibilities for the following respirator program components: exposure
assessment; respirator selection; medical approval and surveillance; fit testing; user
training; inspection/repair; cleaning/disinfection; and storage. Each of these program
components is required by OSHA's respiratory protection standard (29 CFR 1910.134) in
all situations where respirators are used. If you are using a respirator and are not included
in the respirator protection program, or have questions concerning the use of respirators or
any of the program components, contact your supervisor or the N.U. Chemical Hygiene
All exposure assessments and occupational medical consultation/examination reports will
be maintained in a secure area in accordance with OSHA's medical records rule (29 CFR
1910.20). Individuals may obtain copies or read their reports by making a request in
writing to the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (exposure assessment records) or
the University Health and Counseling Services (occupational medical records).
Under some circumstances a particular chemical substance and associated laboratory
operation, procedure or activity may be considered sufficiently hazardous to public health,
safety or the environmental to require prior approval from the Office of Environmental
Health and Safety before research begins. This approval process will ensure that
safeguards are properly set up and that personnel are adequately trained in the procedures.
A list of chemicals and threshold quantities requiring review and approval is located in
Appendix A. Laboratory employees anticipating use of these materials in a manner
requiring review must submit a registration form to the Office of Environmental Health
and Safety to initiate the review.
The Northeastern University Chemical Hygiene Officer may visit the laboratory, conduct a
survey of facility controls and review the research protocol. The Northeastern University
Chemical Hygiene Officer will consult with safety experts as needed to conduct a risk
assessment and may submit a report identifying required work practices/controls for
conducting the procedure in a safe manner. However, in the event that a recommendation
to prohibit the research procedure is made, work will not be allowed to start. Any
additional review of the protocol will need to be made to the Chemical Hygiene
2.1.1. General Guidelines
Carefully read the label before using a chemical. The manufacturer's or supplier's Material
Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) will provide special handling information. Be aware of the
potential hazards existing in the laboratory and the appropriate safety precautions. Know
the location and proper use of emergency equipment, the appropriate procedures for
responding to emergencies, and the proper methods for storage, transport and disposal of
chemicals within the facility.
Do not work alone in the laboratory with hazardous chemicals or hazardous equipment. If
you must work alone or in the evening, let someone else know and have them periodically
check on you.
Anyone considering running an experiment unattended should consider the possible
hazards that could occur as a result of failures, malfunctions, operational methods,
environments encountered, maintenance error and operator error (see Unattended
Equipment Fact Sheet).
Label all secondary chemical containers with appropriate identification and hazard
information (see Section I, Container Labeling).
Use only those chemicals for which you have the appropriate exposure controls (such as a
chemical fume hood) and administrative programs/procedures (training, restricted access,
etc.). Always use adequate ventilation with chemicals. Operations using large quantities
(500 milliliters) of volatile substances with workplace standards at or below 50 ppm should
be performed in a chemical fume hood.
Use hazardous chemicals and all laboratory equipment only as directed or for their
intended purpose.
Inspect equipment or apparatus for damage before adding a hazardous chemical. Do not
use damaged equipment.
Inspect personal protective apparel and equipment for integrity or proper functioning
before use.
Malfunctioning or unguarded laboratory equipment should be labeled or tagged "out of
service" so that others will not inadvertently use it before repairs are made.
Handle and store laboratory glassware with care. Do not use damaged glassware. Use extra
care with Dewar flasks and other evacuated glass apparatus; shield or wrap them to contain
chemicals or fragments should implosion occur.
Do not purchase or dispense more of a hazardous chemical than is needed for immediate
2.1.2. Supervision
1. Departments that utilize and maintain teaching/research laboratories and workshops
on campus; or conduct related activities at off campus sites; are responsible for
implementing applicable safety programs to ensure that these work areas in full
compliance with regulatory requirements.
2. To ensure that liability risk is properly managed, qualified supervisors must fulfill
their inherit responsibilities to ensure that all activities with hazardous materials
and/or in potentially hazardous work environments are done in compliance with
environmental/occupational health regulations.
3. Qualified supervisors need to be Northeastern University employees who actively
participate in the applicable safety programs by attending safety training/awareness
sessions. They are assigned responsibility and authority from their department to
conduct routine safety audits of work areas, provide oversight of all activities in
assigned work areas, and take necessary action to abate unsafe activities or
conditions. Qualified supervisors can include faculty, staff, and graduate students.
4. Visitors, high school and undergraduate students, and any other 'non-employee'
must be properly supervised at all times when working in laboratories and
workshops. A Permission for NEU Laboratory Access form must be filled out for
anyone in this category.
5. Everyone who is allowed access to a laboratory or workshop must be provided with
the applicable safety awareness information by the area/project supervisor or must
attend a scheduled training session provided by the department or the office of
Environmental Health & Safety.
6. Departments must ensure that proper supervision is provided during Northeastern
University affiliated activities conducted off campus. Do not work alone in the
laboratory with hazardous chemicals or hazardous equipment. If you must work
alone or in the evening let someone else know and have them periodically check on
2.1.3. Personal Hygiene
After working with potentially hazardous materials, remove contaminated personal
protective equipment, such as lab coats and disposable gloves. Then, wash your hands. If a
sink is not readily available, a waterless hand cleaner may be suitable until a hand washing
sink can be used. Please note: wearing potentially contaminated gloves or other personal
protective equipment outside the designated laboratory space can result in exposures to
items and surfaces in public and common areas. Lab coats worn outside of the laboratory
must be uncontaminated, and use is restricted within the building where your laboratory is
located. Even if your gloves are not contaminated, recognize that other people do not
know this. They will assume that your gloves are contaminated.
If you need to transport research samples, stock chemicals, or other hazardous materials
between laboratories, utilize some type of secondary containment or laboratory cart so you
wont need to wear gloves or other personal protective equipment. If a protocol requires
wearing of gloves outside of the laboratory, it must receive approval of the relative safety
Always avoid direct contact with any chemical. Keep chemicals off your hands, face and
clothing, including shoes. Never smell, inhale or taste a hazardous chemical. Wash hands
thoroughly with soap and water after handling any chemical. To minimize the risk of
exposure, smoking, drinking, eating, and/or the application of cosmetics is forbidden in
laboratories or shops where hazardous chemicals are used. A designated area for eating
may be set aside in areas that are physically separated from the laboratory or shop. Never
pipette by mouth. Use a pipette bulb or other mechanical pipette filling device.
2.1.4. Housekeeping
Keep floors clean and dry.
Keep all aisles, hallways, and stairs clear of all chemicals. Stairways and hallways
should not be used as storage areas.
Keep all work areas, and especially work benches, clear of clutter and obstructions.
All working surfaces should be cleaned regularly.
Access to emergency equipment, utility controls, showers, eyewashes and exits
should never be blocked.
Wastes and broken glassware should be kept in the appropriate containers and
labeled properly.
Any unlabeled containers must be labeled if it is not under your supervision or at
the end of each working day.
Sometimes laboratory workers should not proceed with what seems to be a familiar task.
Hazards may exist that are not fully recognized. Certain indicators (procedural changes)
should cause the employee to stop and review the safety aspects of their procedure. These
indicators include:
A new procedure, process or test, even if it is very similar to older practices.
A change or substitution of any of the ingredient chemicals in a procedure.
A substantial change in the amount of chemicals used (scale up of experimental
procedures); usually, one should review safety practices if the volume of chemicals
used increases by 200%.
A failure of any of the equipment used in the process, especially safeguards such as
chemical hoods.
Unexpected experimental results (such as a pressure increase, increased reaction
rates, unanticipated byproducts). When an experimental result is different from the
predicted, a review of how the new result impacts safety practices should be made.
Chemical odors, illness in the laboratory staff that may be related to chemical
exposure or other indicators of a failure in engineered safeguards.
The occurrence of any of these conditions should cause the laboratory employee to pause,
evaluate the safety implications of these changes or results, make changes as necessary and
proceed cautiously.
2.3.1. General Consideration - Personal Protective Clothing/Equipment
Personal protective clothing and equipment should be selected carefully and used in
situations where engineering and administrative controls cannot be used or while such
controls are being established. These devices are viewed as less protective than other
controls because they rely heavily on each employee's work practices and training to be
effective. The engineering and administrative controls which should always be considered
first when reducing or eliminating exposures to hazardous chemicals include:
Substitution of a less hazardous substance
Scaling down size of experiment
Substitution of less hazardous equipment or process (e.g., safety cans for glass
Isolation of the operator or the process
Local and general ventilation (e.g., use of fume hoods)
The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) will list the personal protective equipment (PPE)
recommended for use with the chemical. The MSDS addresses worst case conditions.
Therefore, all the equipment shown may not be necessary for a specific laboratory scale
Your supervisor, other sections of this manual or the N.U. Chemical Hygiene Officer can
assist you in determining which personal protective devices are required for each task.
Remember, there is no harm in being overprotected. Appropriate personal protective
equipment will be provided to employees.
2.3.2. Protection of Skin and Body
Skin and body protection involves wearing protective clothing over all parts of the body,
which could become contaminated with hazardous chemicals. Personal protective
equipment (PPE) should be selected on a task basis, and checked to ensure it is in good
condition prior to use (e.g., no pinholes in gloves).
31 Normal clothing worn in the laboratory
Where there is no immediate danger to the skin from contact with a hazardous chemical it
is still prudent to select clothing to minimize exposed skin surfaces. Laboratory personnel
should wear long sleeved/long legged clothing and avoid short sleeved shirts, short
trousers or skirts. A laboratory coat should be worn over street clothes and be laundered
regularly. A laboratory coat is intended to prevent contact with dirt, chemical dusts and
minor chemical splashes or spills. If it becomes contaminated, it should be removed
immediately and the affected skin surface washed thoroughly. Shoes should be worn in the
laboratory at all times. Sandals and perforated shoes are not appropriate. In addition, long
hair and loose clothing should be confined. When personnel are in laboratories that are
actively handling hazardous chemicals, use of appropriate clothing and personal protective
equipment will be strictly enforced. Protective clothing and equipment
Additional protective clothing may be required for some types of procedures or with
specific substances (such as when carcinogens, cryogens or large quantities of corrosives,
oxidizing agents or organic solvents are handled). Personal protective clothing and
equipment, sometimes just called personal protective equipment (PPE), may include
impermeable aprons, face shield and gloves as well as plastic coated coveralls, shoe
covers, and arm sleeves. Protective sleeves should always be considered when wearing an
apron. These garments can either be washable or disposable in nature. They should never
be worn outside the laboratory. The choice of garment depends on the degree of protection
required and the areas of the body, which may become contaminated. Rubberized aprons,
plastic coated coveralls, shoe covers, and arm sleeves offer much greater resistance to
permeation by chemicals than laboratory coats and, therefore, provide additional time to
react (remove the garment and wash affected area) if contaminated.
For work where contamination is possible, special attention must be given to sealing all
openings in the clothing. Tape can be utilized for this purpose. In these instances caps
should be worn to protect hair and scalp from contamination.
Chemical resistant and special gloves should be worn whenever the potential for contact
with corrosive, cryogen or toxic substances and substances of unknown toxicity exists.
Gloves should be selected on the basis of the materials being handled, the particular hazard
involved, and their suitability for the operation being conducted. Before each use, gloves
should be checked for integrity. Gloves should be washed prior to removal whenever
possible to prevent skin contamination upon removal. Non-disposable gloves should be
replaced periodically, depending on frequency of use and their resistance to the substances
Protective garments are not equally effective for every hazardous chemical. Some
chemicals will "breakthrough" the garment in a very short time. Therefore, garment and
glove selection is based on the specific chemical utilized. General selection criteria is as
Acetates G NR NR NR NR
Acids, inorganic G E E E E
Acids, organic E E E E E
Acetonitrile, Acrylonitrile G E G S E
Alcohols E E NR E E
Aldehydes E G NR S* NR
Amines S NR NR F NR
Bases, inorganic E E E E E
Ethers G F NR E NR
Halogens (liquids) G NR F E NR
Inks G E E S F
Ketones E G NR NR G
Nitro compounds
Oleic Acid E E F E NR
Phenols E E NR NR G
Quinones NR E G E E
Solvents, Aliphatic NR NR F G NR
Solvents, Aromatic NR NR F F NR
*Not recommended for Acetaldehyde, use Butyl Rubber
S - Superior E - Excellent G - Good F - Fair NR - Not Recommended
Contact the NU Chemical Hygiene Officer for personal protection equipment selection
assistance or information.
2.3.3. Protection of the Eyes
Eye protection is required for all personnel and any visitors present in locations where
chemicals are handled and a chemical splash hazard exists. Safety glasses, goggles and
goggles with face shield should be worn in the laboratory based upon the physical state,
the operation or the level of toxicity of the chemical used. Safety glasses effectively protect
the eye from solid materials (dusts and flying objects) but are less effective at protecting
the eyes from chemical splash to the face. Goggles should be worn in situations where bulk
quantities of chemicals are handled and chemical splashes to the face are possible. Goggles
form a liquid-proof seal around the eyes, protecting them from a splash. When handling
highly reactive substances or large quantities of hazardous chemicals, corrosives, poisons
and hot chemicals, goggles with face shield should be worn.
Contact lenses can increase the risk of eye injury if worn in the laboratory - particularly if
they are of the gas permeable variety. Gases and vapors can be concentrated under such
lenses and cause permanent eye damage. Chemical splashes to the eye can get behind all
types of lenses. Once behind a lens the chemical is difficult to remove with a typical eye
wash. For these reasons it is recommended that contact lenses not be worn in laboratories.
Eye and face injuries are prevented by the use of the following:
Goggles Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Poor Fair Poor Fair Moderate
(no shields)
Good Poor Excellent Poor Poor
Good to
very good
Very good
Good Good Good Fair Poor Good Good
Face shield
Good to
Good to
on type
Good for
short periods
on type)
SOURCE: ANSI Z87.1(1989) Occupational and Educational Eye and Face Protection,
available from American National Standards Institute, Inc., 1430 Broadway, New York,
N.Y. 10018
2.3.4. Protection of the Respiratory System
Inhalation hazards can be controlled using ventilation or respiratory protection. Check the
label and MSDS for information on a substance's inhalation hazard and special ventilation
requirements. When a potential inhalation hazard exists, a substance's label or MSDS
contains warnings such as:
- Use with adequate ventilation - Avoid inhalation of vapors
- Use in a fume hood - Provide local ventilation
Take appropriate precautions before using these substances. Controlling inhalation
exposures via engineering controls (ventilation) is always the preferred method (See
Section As with other personal protective equipment, respiratory protection relies
heavily on employee work practices and training to be effective.
Use of Respirators
Respirators are designed to protect against specific types of substances in limited
concentration ranges. Respirators must be selected based on the specific type of hazard
(toxic chemical, oxygen deficiency, etc.), the contaminant's anticipated airborne
concentration, and required protection factors.
Types of respiratory protective equipment include:
Particle-removing air purifying respirators
Gas and vapor-removing air purifying respirators
Atmosphere supplying respirators
Respirators are not to be used except in conjunction with a complete respiratory protection
program as required by OSHA. If your work requires the use of a respirator, contact your
supervisor or the N.U. Chemical Hygiene Officer. See Section 1.9 for additional
2.3.5. Laboratory Safety Equipment Chemical (Fume) Hoods
In the laboratory, the chemical hood is the primary means of controlling inhalation
exposures. Hoods are designed to retain vapors and gases released within them, protecting
the laboratory employee's breathing zone from the contaminant. This protection is
accomplished by having a curtain of air (approximately 100 linear feet per minute) move
constantly through the face (open sash) of the hood. Chemical hoods can also be used to
isolate apparatus or chemicals that may present physical hazards to employees. The closed
sash on a hood serves as an effective barrier to fires, flying objects, chemical splashes or
spattering and small implosions and explosions. Hoods can also effectively contain spills
which might occur during dispensing procedures particularly if trays are placed in the
bottom of the hoods.
When using a chemical fume hood keep the following principles of safe operation in mind:
Keep all chemicals and apparatus at least six inches inside the hood (behind sash).
Hoods are not intended for storage of chemicals. Materials stored in them should be
kept to a minimum. Stored chemicals should not block vents or alter air flow
Keep the hood sash at a minimum height (4 to 6 inches) when not manipulating
chemicals or adjusting apparatus within the hood.
When working in front of a fume hood, make sure the sash opening is appropriate.
This can be achieved by lining up to arrows placed on the sash door and hood
frame. This sash opening will ensure an adequate air velocity through the face of
the hood.
Do not allow objects such as paper to enter the exhaust ducts. This can clog ducts
and adversely affect their operation.
Follow the chemical manufacturer's or supplier's specific instructions for controlling
inhalation exposures with ventilation (chemical fume hood) when using their products.
These instructions are located on the products MSDS and/or label. However, it should be
noted that these ventilation recommendations are often intended for non-laboratory work
environments and must be adapted to suit the laboratory environment as well as the
specific procedure or process.
If specific guidance is not available from the chemical manufacturer or supplier, or if the
guidance is inappropriate for the laboratory environment, contact the N.U. Chemical
Hygiene Officer and/or review the hood use guidelines in the table below. These guidelines
are based on information readily available on a chemical's MSDS:
1. applicable workplace exposure standards [Threshold Limit Values (TLV) or
Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL)];
2. acute and chronic toxicity data (LD
and specific organ toxicity); and
3. potential for generating airborne concentrations (vapor pressure).
These terms are defined in the glossary at the back of this manual. The guidelines outlined
in the table below should not be considered as necessary or appropriate in every case, but
as reasonable "rules of thumb".
Guidelines For Chemical (Fume) Hood Use
It may be appropriate to use a hood when handling the type of substance listed in column 1 if the
exposure standard or toxicological criteria in column 2 applies.
Column 1
Type Substance & Handling Procedure
Column 2
Exposure Standard or Toxicity of Substance
Substance handled is solid, liquid or gaseous
when other effective controls are not being
TLV or PEL < 5 ppm (vapor) or < 0.2 mg/M
oral LD
< 10 mg/Kg (rat or mouse)
(see note 1 below)
chemicals handled are respiratory sensitizers.
Substance handled is liquid or gaseous
it is handled in large quantities (greater than
500 milliliters) or the procedure used could
release the substance to the laboratory
atmosphere (heating)
you may be exposed to the substance
(handling it in open containers) for an
extended period of time (greater than 2 hrs.
per day).
TLV or PEL >5 but < 50 ppm
substances handled are toxic to specific organ
systems, carcinogens or reproductive toxins with
a vapor pressure exceeding 25 mm Hg at 25
oral LD
>10 but < 500 mg/Kg (rat or mouse)
note 1 below)
Substance handled is a solid
the particle size of the material is small
(respirable) or consistency of the material is
"light and fluffy" and the procedure used may
generate airborne particulates.
TLV or PEL >0.2 but < 2 mg/M
oral LD
>10 but < 50 mg/Kg (rat or mouse)
note 1 below)
Note 1: The oral LD
hood use criteria has been included because it is often the only
toxicological data available on a Material Safety Data Sheet. The species of animals most
often used in these acute toxicity tests are the rat and/or the mouse. The LD
outlined in the table is a reasonable "rule of thumb" for materials that require control due to
their acute toxicity characteristics. LD
data should only be used if other criteria are
unavailable. Eyewashes and Safety Showers
Whenever chemicals have the possibility of damaging the skin or eyes, an emergency
supply of water must be available. All laboratories in which bulk quantities of hazardous
chemicals are handled and could contact the eyes or skin resulting in injury should have
access to eyewash stations and safety showers. As with any safety equipment, these can
only be useful if they are accessible, therefore:
Keep all passageways to the eyewash and shower clear of any obstacle (even a
temporarily parked chemical cart).
The eyewash should be checked routinely to be certain that water flows through it.
Showers should be checked routinely to assure that access is not restricted and that
the pull chain/bar is within reach.
The flow through the safety showers should be tested periodically to ensure
sufficient flow (approximately 30 gallons per minute).
The Office of Environmental Health and Safety will check eyewashes and showers twice
yearly to supplement the above work, which is to be conducted by lab personnel. Fire Safety Equipment
Fire safety equipment easily accessible in the laboratory must include a fire extinguisher
(type ABC) and may include fire hoses, fire blankets, and automatic extinguishing
2.4.1. Procurement
Before a new substance that is known or suspected to be hazardous is received,
information on proper handling, storage, and disposal should be known to those who will
handle it. It is the responsibility of the supervisor to ensure that the laboratory facilities in
which the substance will be handled are adequate and that those who will handle the
substance have received the proper training. The necessary information on proper handling
of hazardous substances can be obtained from the Material Safety Data Sheets that are
provided by the vendor. Because storage in laboratories is restricted to small containers,
order small-container lots to avoid hazards associated with repackaging. No container
should be accepted without an adequate identifying label as outlined in Section of
this manual.
2.4.2. Distribution
When hand-carrying open containers of hazardous chemicals or unopened containers with
corrosive or highly acutely or chronically toxic chemicals, place the container in a
secondary container or a bucket. Rubberized buckets are commercially available and
provide both secondary containment as well as "bump" protection. If several bottles must
be moved at once, the bottles should be transported on a small cart with a substantial rim to
prevent slippage from the cart. Wherever available, a freight elevator should be used to
transport chemicals from one floor to another.
2.4.3. Chemical Storage in the Laboratory
Carefully read the label before storing a hazardous chemical. The MSDS will provide any
special storage information as well as information on incompatibilities. Do not store
unsegregated chemicals in alphabetical order. Do not store incompatible chemicals in
close proximity to each other.
Separate hazardous chemicals in storage as follows:
o oxidizers
o flammable solids (red phosphorus, magnesium, lithium)
o water reactives
o others
o acids
o oxidizers
o flammable/combustible
o caustics
o perchloric acid
o toxic
o oxidizers and inert
o flammable
Once separated into the above hazard classes, chemicals may be stored alphabetically.
Use approved storage containers and safety cans for flammable liquids. It is preferable to
store flammable chemicals in flammable storage cabinets. Flammable chemicals requiring
refrigeration should be stored only in the refrigerators and freezers specifically designed
for flammable storage.
A good place to store hazardous chemicals is a vented cabinet under the hood. Chemicals
of different chemical classes can be segregated by placing them in trays. Do not store
chemicals on bench tops or in hoods. Liquids (particularly corrosives or solvents) should
not be stored above eye level.
Use secondary containers (one inside the other) for especially hazardous chemicals
(carcinogens, etc.). Use spill trays under containers of strong reagents.
Avoid exposure of chemicals while in storage to heat sources (especially open flames) and
direct sunlight.
Conduct annual inventories of chemicals stored in the laboratory and dispose of old or
unwanted chemicals promptly in accordance with the facility's hazardous chemical waste
Ensure that all containers are properly labeled. Chemical Storage - Chemical Stability
Stability refers to the susceptibility of a chemical to dangerous decomposition. The label
and MSDS will indicate if a chemical is unstable.
Special note: peroxide formers- Ethers, liquid paraffins and olefins form peroxides on
exposure to air and light. Peroxides are extremely sensitive to shock, sparks, or other forms
of accidental ignition (even more sensitive than primary explosives such as TNT). Since
these chemicals are packaged in an air atmosphere, peroxides can form even though the
containers have not been opened. Unless an inhibitor was added by the manufacturer,
sealed containers of ethers should be discarded after one (1) year. Opened containers of
ethers should also be discarded within one (1) year of opening. All such containers should
be dated upon receipt and upon opening (see Peroxide fact sheet).
See Section 3.2, Highly Reactive Chemicals and High energy Oxidizers for additional
information and examples of materials that may form explosive peroxides.
For additional information on chemical stability, contact your supervisor or the N.U.
Chemical Hygiene Officer. Chemical Storage - Incompatible Chemicals
Certain hazardous chemicals should not be mixed or stored with other chemicals because a
severe reaction can take place or an extremely toxic reaction product can result. The label
and MSDS will contain information on incompatibilities. The following table contains
examples of incompatible chemicals:
Acetic Acid
Chromic acid, nitric acid hydroxyl compounds, ethylene, glycol,
perchloric acid, peroxides, permanganates
Acetone Concentrated nitric and sulfuric acid mixtures
Acetylene Chlorine, bromine, copper, fluorine, silver, mercury
Alkali Metals
Water, carbon tetrachloride or other chlorinated hydrocarbons, carbon
dioxide, the halogens
Mercury, chlorine, calcium hypochlorite, iodine, bromine,
hydrofluoric acid
Acids, metal powders, flammable liquids, chlorates, nitrites, sulfur,
finely divided organic or combustible materials
Aniline Nitric acid, hydrogen peroxide
Arsenical materials Any reducing agent
Azides Acids
Bromine Same as chlorine
Calcium Oxide Water
Carbon (activated) Calcium hypochlorite, all oxidizing agents.
Ammonium salts, acids, metal powders, sulfur, finely divided organic
or combustible materials
Chromic Acid
Acetic acid, naphthalene, camphor, glycerin, turpentine, alcohol,
flammable liquids in general
Ammonia, acetylene, butadiene, butane, methane, propane (or other
petroleum gases), hydrogen, sodium carbide, turpentine, benzene,
finely divided metals
Chlorine Dioxide Ammonia, methane, phosphine, hydrogen sulfide
Copper Acetylene, hydrogen peroxide
Acids, organic or inorganic
Cyanides Acids
Flammable Liquids
Ammonium nitrate, chromic acid, hydrogen peroxide, nitric acid,
sodium peroxide, halogens
Hydrocarbons Fluorine, chlorine, bromine, chromic acid, sodium peroxide
Hydrocyanic Acid Nitric acid, alkali
Hydrofluoric Acid Ammonia, aqueous or anhydrous
Hydrogen Peroxide
Copper, chromium, iron, most metals or their salts, alcohols, acetone,
organic materials, aniline, nitromethane, flammable liquids, oxidizing
Hydrogen Sulfide
Fuming nitric acid, oxidizing gases, acetylene, ammonia (aqueous or
anhydrous), hydrogen
Hypochlorites Acids, activated carbon
Iodine Acetylene, ammonia (aqueous or anhydrous), hydrogen
Mercury Acetylene, fulminic acid, ammonia
Nitrates Sulfuric acid
Nitric Acid
Acetic acid, aniline, chromic acid, hydrocyanic acid, hydrogen sulfide,
flammable liquids, flammable gases
Nitrites Acids
Nitroparaffins Inorganic bases, amines
Oxalic Acid Silver, mercury
Oxygen Oils, grease, hydrogen; flammable liquids, solids, or gases
Perchloric Acid Acetic anhydride, bismuth and its alloys, alcohol, paper, wood
Peroxides, organic Acids (organic or mineral), avoid friction, store cold
Phosphorus (white) Air, oxygen, alkalies, reducing agents
Potassium Carbon tetrachloride, carbon dioxide, water
Potassium Chlorate Sulfuric and other acids
Glycerin, ethylene glycol, benzaldehyde, sulfuric acid
Selenides Reducing agents
Silver Acetylene, oxalic acid, tartaric acid, ammonium compounds
Sodium Carbon tetrachloride, carbon dioxide, water
Sodium nitrite Ammonium nitrate and other ammonium salts
Sodium Peroxide
Ethyl or methyl alcohol, glacial acetic acid, acetic anhydride,
benzaldehyde, carbon disulfide, glycerin, ethylene glycol, ethyl
acetate, methyl acetate, furfural
Sulfides Acids
Sulfuric Acid
Potassium chlorate, potassium perchlorate, potassium permanganate
(or compounds with similar light metals, such as sodium, lithium, etc.)
Tellurides Reducing agents
(From Manufacturing Chemists' Association, Guide for Safety in the Chemical Laboratory,
2.5.1. General Information
Try to anticipate the types of chemical spills that can occur in your laboratory and obtain
the necessary equipment (spill kits and personal protective equipment) to respond to a
minor spill. Learn how to clean up minor spills of the chemicals you use regularly safely.
A MSDS contains special spill clean-up information and should also be consulted.
Chemical spills should only be cleaned up by knowledgeable and experienced personnel.
If the spill is too large for you to handle, is a threat to public health, safety or the
environment, or involves a highly toxic or reactive chemical, call for assistance
The Office of Environmental Health and Safety, x2769 (8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) Division of
Public Safety, (617) 373-3333 (24 hours/day). A Contingency Plan is maintained by the
Office of Environmental Health and Safety to handle such spills.
2.5.2. Cleaning Up Chemical Spills
If you are cleaning up a small spill yourself, make sure that you are aware of the hazards
associated with the materials spilled, have adequate ventilation (open windows, chemical
fume hood on) and proper personal protective equipment (minimum - gloves, goggles and
lab coat). Consider all residual chemical and cleanup materials (adsorbent, gloves, etc.) as
hazardous waste. Place these materials in a sealed container (plastic bags) and store in a
chemical fume hood. Contact the Office of Environmental Health and Safety for disposal
2.5.3. Minor Chemical Spill
Alert people in immediate area of spill.
Increase ventilation in area of spill (open windows, turn on hoods).
Wear personal protective equipment, including safety goggles, gloves and long-
sleeve lab coat.
Avoid breathing vapors from spill.
Use appropriate kit to neutralize and absorb inorganic acids and bases. Collect
residue, place in container, and dispose as hazardous chemical waste.
For other chemicals, use appropriate kit or absorb spill with vermiculite, dry sand,
diatomaceous earth or paper towels. Collect residue, place in container, and dispose
as chemical waste.
Clean spill area with water.
2.5.4. Major Chemical Spill
Attend to injured or contaminated persons and remove them from exposure.
Alert people in the laboratory to evacuate.
If spilled material is flammable, turn off ignition and heat sources. Place other
device (plastic bag) over spilled material to keep substance from volatilizing.
Call Chemical Spill Emergency Response number (617) 373-3333.
Close doors to affected area.
Have a person with knowledge of the incident and laboratory available to answer
questions from responding emergency personnel.
2.5.5. Mercury Spills
Use a vacuum line with an in-line dry trap attached to a tapered glass tube similar to a
medicine dropper to pick up mercury droplets. OEHS has a mercury vacuum, sponges and
other mercury spill clean-up supplies available for laboratory personnel to use to handle
mercury spills. Do not use a domestic or commercial vacuum cleaner.
Cover small droplets in inaccessible areas with one of the following:
Powdered sulfur
Powdered zinc
Place residue in a labeled container and dispose of as hazardous chemical waste.
2.5.6. Alkali Metal Spills
Smother with powdered graphite, sodium carbonate, calcium carbonate or "Met-L-X". Call
the NU Chemical Hygiene Officer for assistance.
2.5.7. White Phosphorus
Smother with wet sand or wet "noncombustible" absorbent. Call the N.U. Chemical
Hygiene Officer for assistance.
2.6.1. General Information
Know the locations of the nearest safety shower and eye wash fountain.
Report all incidents and injuries to your supervisor.
If an individual is contaminated or exposed to a hazardous material in your
laboratory, do what is necessary to protect their life and health as well as your own.
Determine what the individual was exposed to. The MSDS will contain special first
aid information (also see Cryogenic fact sheet).
Do not move an injured person unless they are in further danger (from inhalation or
skin exposure).
A blanket should be used immediately to protect the victim from shock and
Get medical attention promptly by dialing (617) 373-3333.
2.6.2. Chemicals Spills on the Body
Quickly remove all contaminated clothing and footwear.
Immediately flood the affected body area with cold water for at least 15 minutes.
Remove jewelry to facilitate removal of any residual material.
Wash off chemical with water only. Do not use neutralizing chemicals, unguents,
creams, lotions or salves.
Get medical attention promptly by dialing (617) 373-3333.
It should be noted that some chemicals (phenol, aniline,) are rapidly adsorbed through the
skin. If a large enough area of skin is contaminated, an adverse health effect (systemic
toxicological reaction) may occur immediately to several hours after initial exposure
depending on the chemical. If more than 9 square inches of skin area has been exposed to a
hazardous chemical, seek medical attention after washing the material off the skin. If the
incident involves hydrofluoric acid, seek immediate medical attention. Provide the
physician with the chemical name.
2.6.3. Chemical Splash in the Eye
Irrigate the eyeball and inner surface of eyelid with plenty of cool water for at least
15 minutes. Use eyewash or other water source. Forcibly hold eyelids open to
ensure effective wash.
Check for and remove contact lenses.
Get medical attention promptly.
2.6.4. Ingestion of Hazardous Chemicals
Identify the chemical ingested.
Call for an ambulance by dialing (617) 373-3333.
Call the Poison Information Center by dialing (800) 222-1222.
Cover the injured person to prevent shock.
Provide the ambulance crew and physician with the chemical name and any other
relevant information. If possible, send the container, MSDS or the label with the
2.6.5. Inhalation of Smoke, Vapors and Fumes
Anyone overcome with smoke or chemical vapors or fumes should be removed to
uncontaminated air and treated for shock.
Do not enter the area if you expect that a life threatening condition still exists -
oxygen depletion, explosive vapors or highly toxic gases (cyanide gas, hydrogen
sulfide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide)
If CPR certified, follow standard CPR protocols.
Get medical attention promptly.
2.6.6. Burning Chemicals on Clothing
Extinguish burning clothing by using the drop-and-roll technique or by dousing
with cold water, or use an emergency shower if it is immediately available.
Remove contaminated clothing; however, avoid further damage to the burned area.
If possible, send the clothing with the victim.
Remove heat with cool water or ice packs until tissue around burn feels normal to
the touch.
Cover injured person to prevent shock.
Get medical attention promptly.
2.6.7. Actions to be Avoided During Emergencies
There are some actions which must not be taken when handling emergencies. These
Do not force any liquids into the mouth of an unconscious person.
Do not handle emergencies alone, especially without notifying someone that the
accident has occurred.
Do not linger at the accident scene if you are not one of the emergency responders.
If you discover a fire or fire-related emergency such as abnormal heating of material, a
flammable gas leak, a flammable liquid spill, smoke, or odor of burning, immediately
follow these procedures:
Notify the Fire Department through the Division of Public Safety by dialing (617)
Activate the building alarm (fire pull station). If not available or operational,
verbally notify people in the building.
Isolate the area by closing windows and doors and evacuate the building.
Shut down equipment in the immediate area, if possible.
Use a portable fire extinguisher to:
o assist oneself to evacuate;
o assist another to evacuate; and
o control a small fire, if possible.
Provide the fire/police teams with the details of the problem upon their arrival. Special
hazard information you might know is essential for the safety of the emergency
If the fire alarms are ringing in your building:
You must evacuate the building and stay out until notified to return.
Move up-wind from the building and stay clear of streets, driveways, sidewalks and
other access ways to the building.
If you are a supervisor, try to account for your employees, keep them together and
report any missing persons to the emergency personnel at the scene.
Laboratory hazardous "chemical" waste must be disposed of in accordance with local,
state, federal and Northeastern University requirements. These waste management
practices are designed to ensure maintenance of a safe and healthy environment for
laboratory employees and the surrounding community without adversely affecting the
environment. This is accomplished through regular removal of hazardous waste and
disposal of these wastes in compliance with all regulations and policies. Specific guidance
on how to identify, handle, collect, segregate, store and dispose of chemical waste is
available from the hazardous waste section of our Website or by contacting us directly.
Hazardous waste must be disposed of in a timely manner.
Hazardous waste containers must be closed at all times during storage, except when
waste is being added or removed.
All hazardous waste must be properly labeled at the time the waste is first placed in
the container.
Hazardous waste should be accumulated in a designated storage area consistent
with applicable regulations. Also, the NU Hazardous Waste Satellite Accumulation
Posting must be posted at your designated storage area.
Hazardous waste regulations require separate training of personnel who generate or
handle hazardous waste.
Do not use sinks or rubbish bins for hazardous waste disposal.
Generators of hazardous waste are required to incorporate waste minimization into
any process that generates hazardous waste.
2.9 Laboratory Closeout Procedures
Laboratories within Northeastern University must be left in a state suitable for new
occupants or for renovation activities. The vacating Principal Investigator and Department
are responsible for ensuring that the disposal of chemical, biological, radioactive waste
materials is properly completed prior to vacating the space. In addition, the
decontamination of equipment and counters must be done and arrangements made for the
removal of unwanted lab equipment, electronics, and furniture. A procedure document and
check off sheet have been put together to provide guidance.
3.1.1. General Information
Flammable liquids are among the most common of the hazardous materials found in
laboratories. They are usually highly volatile (have high vapor pressures at room
temperature) and their vapors, mixed with air at the appropriate ratio, can ignite and burn.
By definition, the lowest temperature at which they can form an ignitable vapor/air mixture
(the flash point) is less than 37.8
C (100
F) and for several common laboratory solvents
(ether, acetone, toluene, acetaldehyde) the flash point is well below that. As with all
solvents, their vapor pressure increases with temperature and, therefore, as temperatures
increase they become more hazardous.
For a fire to occur, three distinct conditions must exist simultaneously:
1. the concentration of the vapor must be between the upper and lower flammable
limits of the substance (the right fuel/air mix);
2. an oxidizing atmosphere, usually air, must be available; and
3. a source of ignition must be present.
Removal of any of these three conditions will prevent the start of a fire. Flammable liquids
may form flammable mixtures in either open or closed containers or spaces (such as
refrigerators), when leaks or spills occur in the laboratory, and when heated.
Control strategies for preventing ignition of flammable vapors include removing all
sources of ignition or maintaining the concentration of flammable vapors below the lower
flammability limit by using local exhaust ventilation such as a hood. The former strategy is
more difficult because of the numerous ignition sources in laboratories. Ignition sources
include open flames, hot surfaces, operation of electrical equipment and static electricity.
The concentrated vapors of flammable liquids are denser than air and can travel away from
a source a considerable distance (across laboratories, into hallways, down elevator shafts or
stairways). If the vapors reach a source of ignition, a flame can result that may flash back
to the source of the vapor.
The danger of fire and explosion presented by flammable liquids can usually be eliminated
or minimized by strict observance of safe handling, dispensing and storing procedures.
3.1.2. Special Handling Procedures
While working with flammable liquids you should wear gloves, protective glasses, and a
long sleeved lab coat. Wear goggles if dispensing solvents or performing an operation that
could result in a splash to the face.
Large quantities of flammable liquids should be handled in a chemical fume hood or under
some other type of local exhaust ventilation. Five gallon containers must be dispensed to
smaller containers in a hood or under local exhaust ventilation. When dispensing
flammable solvents into small storage containers, use metal or plastic containers or safety
cans (avoid glass containers).
Make sure that metal surfaces or containers through which flammable substances are
flowing are properly grounded, discharging static electricity. Free flowing liquids generate
static electricity which can produce a spark and ignite the solvent.
Large quantities of flammable liquids must be handled in areas free of ignition sources
(including spark emitting motors and equipment) using non-sparking tools. Remember that
vapors are denser than air and can travel to a distant source of ignition.
Never heat flammable substances by using an open flame. Instead, use any of the
following heat sources: steam baths, water baths, oil baths, heating mantles or hot air
Do not distill flammable substances under reduced pressure.
Store flammable substances away from ignition sources. The preferred storage location is
in flammable storage cabinets. If no flammable storage cabinet is available, store these
substances in a cabinet under the hood or bench. Five gallon containers should only be
stored in a flammable storage cabinet or under a hood. You can also keep the flammable
liquids inside the hood for a short period of time. Storage in chemical fume hood is not
preferred because it reduces hood performance by obstructing air flow.
The volume of flammable liquids dispensed in small containers (not including safety cans)
in the open areas of laboratories should not exceed 10 gallons in most laboratories. Review
the Boston Fire Department restrictions on storage of flammables in the Laboratory Safety
section of the EHS Office homepage. Never store glass containers of flammable liquids on
the floor.
Oxidizing and corrosive materials should not be stored in close proximity to flammable
Flammable liquids should not be stored or chilled in domestic refrigerators and freezers but
in units specifically designed for this purpose. It is acceptable to store or chill flammable in
ultra-low temperature units.
If flammable liquids will be placed in ovens, make sure they are appropriately designed for
flammable liquids (no internal ignition sources and/or vented mechanically).
3.2.1. General Information
Highly reactive chemicals include those, which are inherently unstable and susceptible to
rapid decomposition as well as chemicals that under specific conditions, can react alone, or
with other substances in a violent, uncontrolled manner, liberating heat, toxic gases, or
leading to an explosion. Reaction rates almost always increase dramatically as the
temperature increases. Therefore, if heat evolved from a reaction is not dissipated, the
reaction can accelerate out of control and possibly result in injuries or costly accidents.
Air, light, heat, mechanical shock (when struck, vibrated or otherwise agitated), water and
certain catalysts can cause decomposition of some highly reactive chemicals, and initiate
an explosive reaction. Hydrogen and chlorine react explosively in the presence of light.
Alkali metals, such as sodium, potassium and lithium, react violently with water, liberating
hydrogen gas. Examples of shock sensitive materials include acetylides, azides, organic
nitrates, nitro compounds, and many peroxides.
Organic peroxides are a special class of compounds that have unusual stability problems,
making them among the most hazardous substances normally handled in laboratories. As a
class, organic peroxides are low powered explosives. Organic peroxides are extremely
sensitive to light, heat, shock, sparks, and other forms of accidental ignition, as well as to
strong oxidizing and reducing materials. All organic peroxides are highly flammable.
Peroxide formers can form peroxides during storage and especially after exposure to the air
(once opened). Peroxide forming substances include aldehydes, ethers (especially cyclic
ethers), compounds containing benzylic hydrogen atoms, compounds containing the allylic
structure (including most alkenes), vinyl and vinylidene compounds.
Examples of shock sensitive chemicals, a high energy oxidizers and substances which can
form explosive peroxides are listed at the end of this section.
3.2.2. Special Handling Procedures
Before working with a highly reactive material or a high energy oxidizer, review available
reference literature to obtain specific safety information. The proposed reactions should be
discussed with your supervisor. Always minimize the amount of material involved in the
experiment; the smallest amount sufficient to achieve the desired result should be used.
Scale-ups should be handled with great care, giving consideration to the reaction vessel
size and cooling, heating, stirring and equilibration rates.
Excessive amounts of highly reactive compounds should not be purchased, synthesized, or
stored in the laboratories. The key to safely handling reactive chemicals is to keep them
isolated from the substances that initiate their violent reactions. Unused peroxides should
not be returned to the original container.
Do not work alone. All operations where highly reactive and explosive chemicals are used
should be performed during the normal work day or when other employees are available
either in the same laboratory or in the immediate area.
Perform all manipulations of highly reactive or high energy oxidizers in a chemical fume
hood. (Some factors to be considered in judging the adequacy of the hood include its size
in relation to the reaction and required equipment, the ability to fully close the sash, and
the composition of the sash.)
Make sure that the reaction equipment is properly secured. Reaction vessels should be
supported from beneath with tripods or lab jacks. Use shields or guards, which are clamped
or secured.
If possible, use remote controls for controlling the reaction (including cooling, heating and
stirring controls). These should be located either outside the hood or at least outside the
Handle shock sensitive substances gently, avoid friction, grinding and all forms of impact.
Glass containers that have screw-cap lids or glass stoppers should not be used.
Polyethylene bottles that have screw-cap lids may be used. Handle water-sensitive
compounds away from water sources. Light-sensitive chemicals should be used in light-
tight containers. Handle highly reactive chemicals away from the direct light, open flames
and other sources of heat. Oxidizing agents should only be heated with fiberglass heating
mantles or sand baths.
High energy oxidizers, such as perchloric acid, should only be handled in a wash down
hood if the oxidizer will volatilize and potentially condense in the ventilation system.
Inorganic oxidizers such as perchloric acid can react violently with most organic materials.
When working with highly reactive compounds and high energy oxidizers, always wear
the following personal protection equipment: lab coats, gloves and protective
glasses/goggles. During the reaction, a face shield long enough to give throat protection
should be worn.
Labels on peroxide forming substances should contain the date the container was received,
first opened and the initials of the person who first opened the container. They should be
checked for the presence of peroxides before using, and quarterly while in storage
(peroxide test strips are available at EHS Office). If peroxides are found, the materials
should be decontaminated, if possible, or disposed of. The results of any testing should be
placed on the container label. Never distill substances contaminated with peroxides.
Peroxide forming substances that have been opened for more than one year should be
discarded. Never use a metal spatula with peroxides. Contamination by metals can lead to
explosive decompositions.
Store highly reactive chemicals and high energy oxidizers in closed cabinets segregated
from the materials with which they react and, if possible, in secondary containers. You can
also store them in the cabinet under a hood. Do not store these substances above eye level
or on open shelves.
Store peroxides and peroxide forming compounds at the lowest possible temperature. If
you use a refrigerator, make sure it is appropriately designed for the storage of flammable
substances. Store light-sensitive compounds in the light-tight containers. Store water-
sensitive compounds away from water sources.
Shock sensitive materials should be discarded after one year if in a sealed container and
within six months of opening unless an inhibitor was added by the manufacturer.
3.2.3. List of Shock Sensitive Chemicals
Shock sensitive refers to the susceptibility of the chemical to rapidly decompose or
explode when struck, vibrated or otherwise agitated. The following are examples of
materials that can be shock sensitive:
Acetylides of heavy metals Heavy metal azides Picramic acid
Aluminum ophrite explosive Hexanite Picramide
Amatol Hexanitrodiphenylamine Picratol
Ammonal Hexanitrostilbene Picric acid
Ammonium nitrate Hexogen Picryl chloride
Ammonium perchlorate Hydrazinium nitrate Picryl fluoride
Ammonium picrate Hydrazoic acid
Polynitro aliphatic
Ammonium salt lattice Lead azide
Butyl tetryl Lead mannite Silver acetylide
Calcium nitrate
Silver azide
Copper acetylide Lead picrate Silver styphnate
Cyanuric triazide Lead salts Silver tetrazene
Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine Lead styphnate Sodatol
Cyclotetramethylenetranitramine Trimethylolethane Sodium amatol
Dinitroethyleneurea Magnesium ophorite
Sodium dinitro-
Dinitroglycerine Mannitol hexanitrate Sodium nitrate-potassium
Dinitrophenol Mercury oxalate Sodium picramate
Dinitrophenolates Mercury tartrate Styphnic acid
Dinitrophenyl hydrazine Mononitrotoluene Tetrazene
Dinitrotoluene Nitrated carbohydrates Tetranitrocarbazole
Dipicryl sulfone Nitrated glucoside Tetrytol
Nitrated polyhydric
Erythritol tetranitrate Nitrogen trichloride Trinitroanisole
Fulminate of mercury Nitrogen triiodide Trinitrobenzene
Fulminate of silver Nitroglycerin Trinitrobenzoic acid
Fulminating gold Nitroglycide Trinitrocresol
Fulminating mercury Nitroglycol Trinitro-meta-cresol
Fulminating platinum Nitroguanidine Trinitronaphthalene
Fulminating silver Nitroparaffins Trinitrophenetol
Gelatinized nitrocellulose Nitronium perchlorate Trinitrophloroglucinol
Germane Nitrourea Trinitroresorcinol
Guanyl nitrosamino Organic amine nitrates Tritonal
guanyltetrazene Organic nitramines Urea nitrate
Guanyl nitrosaminoguanylidene-
Organic peroxides
3.2.4. List of High Energy Oxidizers
The following are examples of materials that are powerful oxidizing reagents:
Ammonium permaganate Fluorine Potassium perchlorate
Barium peroxide Hydrogen peroxide Potassium peroxide
Bromine Magnesium perchlorate Propyl nitrate
Calcium chlorate Nitric acid Sodium chlorate
Calcium hypochlorite Nitrogen peroxide Sodium chlorite
Chlorine trifluoride Perchloric acid Sodium perchlorate
Chromium anhydride or chromic acid Potassium bromate Sodium Peroxide
3.2.5. List of Peroxide Formers
The following are examples of the materials commonly used in laboratories which may
form explosive peroxides:
Acetal Dimethyl ether Sodium amide
Cyclohexene Dioxane Tetrahydrofuran
Decahydronaphthalene Divinyl acetylene Tetrahydronaphthalene
Diacetylene Ether (glyme) Vinyl ethers
Ethyleneglycol dimethyl
Vinylidene chloride
Diethyl ether Isopropyl ether
Diethylene glycol Methyl acetylene
3.3.1. General Information
Compressed gases are unique in that they represent both a physical and a potential
chemical hazard (depending on the particular gas). Gases contained in cylinders may be
from any of the hazard classes described in this section (flammable, reactive, corrosive, or
toxic). Because of their physical state (gaseous), concentrations in the laboratory can
increase instantaneously if leaks develop at the regulator or piping systems, creating the
potential for a toxic chemical exposure or a fire/explosion hazard. Often there is little or no
indication that leaks have or are occurring. Finally, the large amount of potential energy
resulting from compression of the gas makes a compressed gas cylinder a potential rocket
or fragmentation bomb if the tank or valve is physically broken.
3.3.2. Special Handling Procedures
The contents of any compressed gas cylinder should be clearly identified. No cylinder
should be accepted for use that does not legibly identify its contents by name. Color coding
is not a reliable means of identification and labels on caps have no value as caps are
Carefully read the label before using or storing a compressed gas. The MSDS will provide
any special hazard information.
Transport gas cylinders in carts one or two at a time only while they are secured and
capped. All gas cylinders should be capped and secured when stored. Use suitable racks,
straps, chains or stands to support cylinders. All cylinders, full or empty, must be
restrained and kept away from heat sources. Store as few cylinders as possible in your
Use only Compressed Gas Association standard combinations of valves and fittings for
compressed gas installations. Always use the correct pressure regulator. Do not use a
regulator adaptor.
All gas lines leading from a compressed gas supply should be clearly labeled identifying
the gas and the laboratory served.
Place gas cylinders in such a way that the cylinder valve is accessible at all times. The
main cylinder valve should be closed as soon as the gas flow is no longer needed. Do not
store gas cylinders with pressure on the regulator. Use the wrenches or other tools provided
by the cylinder supplier to open a valve if available. In no case should pliers be used to
open a cylinder valve.
Use soapy water to detect leaks. Leak test the regulator, piping system and other couplings
after performing maintenance or modifications, which could affect the integrity of the
Oil or grease on the high pressure side of an oxygen cylinder can cause an explosion. Do
not lubricate an oxygen regulator or use a fuel/gas regulator on an oxygen cylinder.
Never bleed a cylinder completely empty. Leave a slight pressure to keep contaminants out
(172 kPa or 25 psi). Empty cylinders should not be refilled in laboratories unless they are
equipped to prevent overfilling.
All gas cylinders should be clearly marked with appropriate tags indicating whether they
are in use, full, or empty. Empty and full cylinders should not be stored in the same place.
Cylinders of toxic, flammable or reactive gases should be purchased in the smallest
quantity possible and stored/used in a fume hood or under local exhaust ventilation. If at
all possible, avoid the purchase of lecture bottles. These cylinders are not returnable and it
is extremely difficult and costly to dispose of them. Use the smallest returnable sized
Wear safety goggles when handling compressed gases that are irritants, corrosive or toxic.
Try to purchase compressed gas cylinder that can be returned to the manufacturer (see
Management of Unwanted Compressed Gases Fact Sheet).
3.3.3. Special Precautions for Hydrogen
Hydrogen gas has several unique properties which make it potentially dangerous to work
with. It has an extremely wide flammability range (LEL 4%, UEL 74.5%) making it easier
to ignite than most other flammable gases. Unlike most other gases, hydrogen's
temperature increases during expansion. If a cylinder valve is opened too quickly, the static
charge generated by the escaping gas may cause it to ignite. Hydrogen burns with an
invisible flame. Caution should therefore be exercised when approaching a suspected
hydrogen flame. A piece of paper can be used to tell if the hydrogen is burning. Hydrogen
embrittlement can weaken carbon steel, therefore cast iron pipes and fittings must not be
used. Those precautions associated with other flammable substances also apply to
Hydrogen (see Section 3.1).
3.3.4. Special Precautions for Cryogens
If not handled properly, cryogenic liquids can be hazardous to personnel. By reviewing
Cryogens Fact Sheet you will become aware of the conditions that increase the risk of
accidents and injuries that can occur when working with cryogenic liquids. You will learn
what can make your work place safe.
3.4.1. General Information
The major classes of corrosive chemicals are strong acids and bases, dehydrating agents,
and oxidizing agents. These chemicals can erode the skin and the respiratory epithelium
and are particularly damaging to the eyes. Inhalation of vapors or mists of these substances
can cause severe bronchial irritation. If your skin is exposed to a corrosive, flush the
exposed area with water for at least fifteen minutes. Then seek medical treatment.
Strong acids. All concentrated acids can damage the skin and eyes and their burns are very
painful. Nitric, chromic, and hydrofluoric acids are especially damaging because of the
types of burns they inflict. Seek immediate medical treatment if you have been
contaminated with these materials (particularly hydrofluoric acid). The Chemical Hygiene
Committee establishes that all laboratories working with hydrofluoric (HF) acid of any
concentration must have calcium gluconate and appropriate training in place in case of an
exposure to this material
Strong alkalis. The common bases used in the laboratories are potassium hydroxide,
sodium hydroxide and ammonia. Burns from these materials are often less painful than
acids. However, damage may be more severe than acid burns because the injured person,
feeling little pain, often does not take immediate action and the material is allowed to
penetrate into the tissue. Ammonia is a severe bronchial irritant and should always be used
in a well-ventilated area, if possible in a hood.
Dehydrating agents. This group of chemicals includes concentrated sulfuric acid, sodium
hydroxide, phosphorus pentoxide and calcium oxide. Because much heat is evolved on
mixing these substances with water, mixing must be done by adding the agent to water and
not the reverse, to avoid violent reaction and spattering. Because of their affinity for water,
these substances cause severe burns on contact with skin. Affected areas should be washed
promptly with large volumes of water.
Oxidizing agents. In addition to their corrosive properties, powerful oxidizing agents such
as perchloric and chromic acids (sometimes used as cleaning solutions), present fire and
explosion hazards on contact with organic compounds and other oxidizable substances.
The hazards associated with the use of perchloric acid are especially severe. It should be
handled only after thorough familiarization with recommended operating procedures (see
the section 3.2.2 on reactives & high energy oxidizers).
3.4.2. Special Handling Procedures
Corrosive chemicals should be used in the chemical fume hood and over plastic trays
especially when handled in bulk quantities (> 1 liter) and when dispensing.
When working with bulk quantities of corrosives, wear gloves, face shields, laboratory
coats and rubber aprons.
If you are handling bulk quantities on a regular basis, an eyewash should be immediately
available and a shower close by. Spill materials - absorbent pillows, neutral absorbent
materials or neutralizing materials (all commercially available) should be available in the
Store corrosives in cabinets, under the hood or on low shelves, preferably in impervious
trays to separate them physically from other groups of chemicals. Keep containers not in
use in storage areas and off bench tops.
If it is necessary to move bulk quantities from one laboratory to another or from the
stockroom, use a safety carrier (rubber bucket for secondary containment and protection of
the container).
3.5.1. General Information
Substances that possess the characteristic of high acute toxicity can cause injury after a
single or short term exposure. The immediate toxic effects to human health range from
irritation to illness and death. Hydrogen cyanide, phosgene and nitrogen dioxide are
examples of substances with high acute toxicity. The lethal oral doses for an average
human adult of highly toxic substances range from one ounce to a few drops. The
following procedures should be used when the oral LD
of a substance in the rat or
mouse is less than 50 milligrams per kilogram body weight for solid materials or non-
volatile liquids and 500 mg/kg body weight for volatile liquids or gases. Oral LD
for the rat or mouse is listed in the substance's MSDS. The LD
toxicity test is usually the
first toxicological test performed and is a good indicator of a substance's acute toxicity.
Substances that possess the characteristic of high chronic toxicity cause damage after
repeated exposure or exposure over long periods of time. Health effects often do not
become evident until after a long latency period - twenty to thirty years. Substances that
are of high chronic toxicity may be toxic to specific organ systems - hepatotoxins,
nephrotoxins, neurotoxins, toxic agents to the hematopoietic system and pulmonary tissue
or carcinogens, reproductive toxins, mutagens, teratogens or sensitizers. The definition of
each of these categories of toxic substances, and examples of substances, which fall into
each of these different categories, can be found in Section 4 of this manual.
Specific acute and chronic toxicity information on the substances used in your laboratory
can be found on these substances' MSDS. See Section for information on how to
obtain/locate MSDSs. If you have additional questions, contact the N.U. Chemical
Hygiene Officer.
3.5.2. Special Handling Procedures
Avoid or minimize contact with these chemicals by any route of exposure. Protect the
hands and forearms by wearing gloves and a laboratory coat. Rinse gloves with water prior
to removing them.
Use these chemicals in a chemical fume hood or other appropriate containment device if
the material is volatile or the procedure may generate aerosols (See guidelines for chemical
fume hood use in Section If a chemical fume hood is used, it should be evaluated
to confirm that it is performing adequately (a face velocity of at least 100 linear feet per
minute (20%)) with the sash at the operating height.
Store volatile chemicals of high acute or chronic toxicity in the cabinet under the hood or
other vented area. Volatile chemicals should be stored in unbreakable primary or
secondary containers or placed in chemically resistant trays (to contain spills). Nonvolatile
chemicals should be stored in cabinets or in drawers. Do not store these chemicals on open
shelves or counters.
Decontaminate working surfaces with wet paper towels after completing procedures. Place
the towels in plastic bags and secure. Confirm disposal requirements with the NU
Chemical Hygiene Officer.
Volatile chemicals should be transported between laboratories in durable outer containers.
Vacuum pumps used in procedures should be protected from contamination with scrubbers
or filters.
If one or more of these substances are used in large quantities, on a regular basis (three or
more separate handling sessions per week) or for long periods of time (4-6 hours), a
qualitative and potentially quantitative exposure assessment should be performed. Contact
the N.U. Chemical Hygiene Officer to perform this assessment.
Lab personnel of childbearing age should be informed of any known male and female
reproductive toxins used in the laboratory. An employee who is pregnant, or planning to
become pregnant, and who is working with potential reproductive toxins that might affect
the fetus, should contact the N.U. Chemical Hygiene Officer to evaluate her exposure and
inform her personal physician. The N.U. Chemical Hygiene Officer can assess potential
exposures and work with the employee and laboratory supervisor, if necessary, to adjust
work practices to minimize the potential risk.
3.6.1. General Information
This section establishes supplemental work procedures to control the handling of
substances that are known to exhibit unusual acute or long-term chronic health hazards
(carcinogens, reproductive toxins and highly acutely toxic substances). This set of
procedures applies (as indicated in Appendix A) to chemical carcinogens listed and
regulated by the Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA), and of human carcinogens listed by the International Agency for Research on
Cancer (IARC) and the National Toxicology Program (NTP).
Appendix A identifies under what conditions and for what substances the special handling
procedures listed below should be used. Please note that a key component in controlling
the most hazardous substances is the controlled distribution and use of these substances. In
some instances special authorization is required before purchasing and using these
Appendix A lists the substances and/or procedures that require prior approval of the
research protocol before beginning work. See Section 1.11 for the chemical safety protocol
review and registration process.
3.6.2. Special Handling Procedures
Use these chemicals only in a chemical fume hood or other appropriate containment device
(glove box). If a chemical fume hood is used, it should be evaluated to confirm that it is
performing adequately (a face velocity of at least 100 linear feet per minute with the sash
at the operating height).
Volatile chemicals should be stored in a vented storage area in an unbreakable, primary or
secondary container or placed in a chemically resistant tray (to contain spills). Nonvolatile
chemicals should be stored in cabinets or in drawers. Do not store these chemicals on open
shelves or counters. Access to all of these chemicals should be restricted.
Volatile chemicals should be transported between laboratories in durable outer containers.
All procedures with these chemicals should be performed in designated areas. Other
employees working in the area should be informed of the particular hazards associated
with these substances and the appropriate precautions that are necessary for preventing
exposures. All designated areas should be posted with a sign which reads:
[list of substances - identify acute or chronic hazard]
[Example: Benzene - carcinogen]
Vacuum pumps used in procedures should be protected from contamination with scrubbers
or filters.
Analytical instruments or other laboratory equipment generating vapors and/or aerosols
during their operation, should be locally exhausted or vented in a chemical fume hood.
Skin surfaces that might be exposed to these substances during routine operations or
foreseeable accidents should be covered with appropriate protective clothing. Gloves
should be worn whenever transferring or handling these substances. Consider using full
body protection (disposable coveralls) if the potential for extensive personal contamination
All protective equipment should be removed when leaving the designated area and
decontaminated (washed) or, if disposable, placed in a plastic bag and secured. Call the
N.U. Chemical Hygiene Officer for disposal instructions. Skin surfaces - hands, forearms,
face and neck - should be washed immediately.
Work surfaces on which these substances will be handled should be covered with an easily
decontaminated surface (such as stainless steel) or protected from contamination with
plastic trays or plastic backed paper. Call the N.U. Chemical Hygiene Officer for
decontamination and disposal procedures; these will be substance specific. Materials that
will be disposed of should be placed in plastic bags and secured.
Chemical wastes from procedures using these substances should be placed in containers
and disposed of as hazardous chemical waste. The wastes should be stored in the
designated satellite accumulation area (defined above) until picked up. Sinks and floor
drains must be protected from accidental releases or incidental discharges. If it is possible
to safely chemically decontaminate all toxic substances to nontoxic materials during or at
the end of the procedure, this should be done.
Normal laboratory work should not be conducted in a designated area until it has been
decontaminated or determined to be acceptable by the principal investigator or N.U.
Chemical Hygiene Officer.
If one or more of these substances are used in large quantities, on a regular basis (three or
more separate handling sessions per week), or for long periods of time (4-6 hours), a
qualitative and potentially quantitative exposure assessment should be performed. Contact
the N.U. Chemical Hygiene Officer to have this assessment performed. The N.U. Chemical
Hygiene Officer in conjunction with a University Health and Counseling Services
Physician will determine if it is appropriate to establish an ongoing medical surveillance
Laboratory personnel of childbearing age should be informed of any known male and
female reproductive toxins used in the laboratory. An employee who is pregnant, or
planning to become pregnant, and who is working with potential reproductive toxins that
might affect the fetus, should contact the N.U. Chemical Hygiene Officer to evaluate her
exposure and inform her personal physician. The N.U. Chemical Hygiene Officer can
assess potential exposures and work with the employee and laboratory supervisor, if
necessary, to adjust work practices to minimize the potential risk.
4.1.1. Definitions
Toxicology is the study of the nature and action of poisons.
Toxicity is the ability of a chemical substance or compound to produce injury once it
reaches a susceptible site in, or on, the body.
A material's hazard potential is the probability that injury will occur after consideration of
the conditions under which the substance is used.
4.1.2. Dose-Response Relationships
The potential toxicity (harmful action) inherent in a substance is exhibited only when that
substance comes in contact with a living biological system. The potential toxic effect
increases as the exposure increases. All chemicals will exhibit a toxic effect given a large
enough dose. The toxic potency of a chemical is thus ultimately defined by the dose (the
amount) of the chemical that will produce a specific response in a specific biological
4.1.3. Routes of Entry into the Body
There are three main routes by which hazardous chemicals enter the body:
Absorption through the respiratory tract via inhalation.
Absorption through the skin via dermal contact.
Absorption through the digestive tract via ingestion. (Ingestion can occur through
eating, drinking or smoking with contaminated hands or in contaminated work
Most exposure standards, such as the Threshold Limit Values (TLV's) and Permissible
Exposure Limits (PEL's), are based on the inhalation route of exposure. These limits are
normally expressed in terms of either parts per million (ppm) or milligrams per cubic
meter (mg/m3) concentration in air. If a significant route of exposure to a substance is
through skin contact, the MSDS, PEL and/or TLV will have a "skin" notation. Examples of
substances where skin absorption may be a significant factor include: pesticides, carbon
disulfide, carbon tetrachloride, dioxane, mercury, thallium compounds, xylene and
hydrogen cyanide.
4.1.4. Types of Effects
Acute poisoning is characterized by sudden and severe exposure and rapid absorption of
the substance. Normally, a single large exposure is involved. Adverse health effects are
sometimes reversible. Examples: carbon monoxide or cyanide poisoning.
Chronic poisoning is characterized by prolonged or repeated exposures of a duration
measured in days, months or years. Symptoms may not be immediately apparent. Health
effects are often irreversible. Examples: lead or mercury poisoning.
A Local effect refers to an adverse health effect that takes place at the point or area of
contact. The site may be skin, mucous membranes, the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal
system, eyes, etc. Absorption does not necessarily occur. Examples: strong acids or alkalis.
A Systemic effect refers to an adverse health effect that takes place at a location distant
from the body's initial point of contact and presupposes absorption has taken place.
Examples: arsenic affects the blood, nervous system, liver, kidneys and skin; benzene
affects bone marrow.
Cumulative poisons are characterized by materials that tend to build up in the body as a
result of numerous chronic exposures. The effects are not seen until a critical body burden
is reached. Example: heavy metals.
Substances in combination: When two or more hazardous materials are present at the
same time, the resulting effect can be greater than the effect predicted based on the additive
effect of the individual substances. This is called a synergistic or potentiating effect.
Example: exposure to alcohol and chlorinated solvents; or smoking and asbestos.
4.1.5. Other Factors Affecting Toxicity
Rate of entry and route of exposure; that is, how fast is the toxic dose delivered and by
what means.
Age can effect the capacity to repair tissue damage.
Previous exposure can lead to tolerance, increased sensitivity or make no difference.
State of health, physical condition and life style can affect the toxic response. Pre-existing
disease can result in increased sensitivity.
Environmental factors such as temperature and pressure.
Host factors including genetic predisposition and the sex of the exposed individual.
4.1.6. Physical Classifications
Gas applies to a substance, which is in the gaseous state at room temperature and pressure.
A Vapor is the gaseous phase of a material, which is ordinarily a solid or a liquid at room
temperature and pressure.
When considering the toxicity of gases and vapors, the solubility of the substance is a key
factor. Highly soluble materials, like ammonia, irritate the upper respiratory tract. On the
other hand, relatively insoluble materials, like nitrogen dioxide, penetrate deep into the
lung. Fat soluble materials, like pesticides, tend to have longer residence times in the body
and be cumulative poisons.
An aerosol is composed of solid or liquid particles of microscopic size dispersed in a
gaseous medium.
The toxic potential of an aerosol is only partially described by its airborne concentration.
For a proper assessment of the toxic hazard, the size of the aerosol's particles must be
determined. A particle's size will determine if a particle will be deposited within the
respiratory system and the location of deposition. Particles above 10 micrometers tend to
deposit in the nose and other areas of the upper respiratory tract. Below 10 micrometers
particles enter and are deposited in the lung. Very small particles (<0.2 micrometers) are
generally not deposited but exhaled.
4.1.7. Physiological Classifications
Irritants are materials that cause inflammation of mucous membranes with which they
come in contact. Inflammation of tissue results from exposure to concentrations far below
those needed to cause corrosion. Examples include:
- Ammonia - Alkaline dusts and mists
- Hydrogen chloride - Hydrogen fluoride
- Halogens - Ozone
- Phosgene - Diethyl/dimethyl sulfate
- Nitrogen dioxide - Phosphorus chlorides
- Arsenic trichloride
Irritants can also cause changes in the mechanics of respiration and lung function.
Examples include:
- Sulfur dioxide - Acetic acid
- Formaldehyde - Formic acid
- Sulfuric acid - Acrolein
- Iodine
Long term exposure to irritants can result in increased mucous secretions and chronic
A primary irritant exerts no systemic toxic action either because the products formed on
the tissue of the respiratory tract are non-toxic or because the irritant action is far in excess
of any systemic toxic action. Example: hydrogen chloride.
A secondary irritant's effect on mucous membranes is overshadowed by a systemic effect
resulting from absorption. Examples include:
- Hydrogen sulfide - Aromatic hydrocarbons
Asphyxiants have the ability to deprive tissue of oxygen.
Simple asphyxiants are inert gases that displace oxygen. Examples include:
- Nitrogen - Nitrous oxide
- Carbon dioxide - Hydrogen
- Helium
Chemical asphyxiants reduce the body's ability to absorb, transport, or utilize inhaled
oxygen. They are often active at very low concentrations (a few ppm). Examples include:
- Carbon monoxide - Cyanides
Primary anesthetics have a depressant effect upon the central nervous system, particularly
the brain. Examples include:
- Halogenated hydrocarbons - Alcohols
Hepatotoxic agents cause damage to the liver. Examples include:
- Carbon tetrachloride - Tetrachloroethane - Nitrosamines
Nephrotoxic agents damage the kidneys. Examples include:
- Halogenated hydrocarbons - Uranium compounds
Neurotoxic agents damage the nervous system. The nervous system is especially sensitive
to organometallic compounds and certain sulfide compounds. Examples include:
- Trialkyl tin compounds - Tetraethyl lead
- Methyl mercury - Carbon disulfide
- Organic phosphorus insecticides - Thallium
- Manganese
Some toxic agents act on the blood or hematopoietic system. The blood cells can be
affected directly or the bone marrow (which produces the blood cells) can be damaged.
Examples include:
- Nitrites - Aniline - Toluidine
- Nitrobenzene - Benzene
There are toxic agents that produce damage of the pulmonary tissue (lungs) but not by
immediate irritant action. Fibrotic changes can be caused by free silica and asbestos. Other
dusts can cause a restrictive disease called pneumoconiosis. Examples include:
- Coal dust - Cotton dust - Wood dust
A carcinogen is an agent that can initiate or increase the proliferation of malignant
neoplastic cells or the development of malignant or potentially malignant tumors. Known
human carcinogens include:
- Asbestos - 4-nitrobiphenyl
- Alpha-napthylamine - Methyl chloromethyl ether
- 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine - Bis-chloromethyl ether
- Vinyl chloride - Inorganic arsenic
- Ethylene oxide - 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP)
- N-nitrosodimethylamine - Coal tar pitch volatiles
A mutagen interferes with the proper replication of genetic material (chromosome strands)
in exposed cells. If germ cells are involved, the effect may be inherited and become part of
the genetic pool passed onto future generations.
A teratogen (embryotoxic or fetotoxic agent) is an agent, which interferes with normal
embryonic development without causing a lethal effect to the fetus or damage to the
mother. Effects are not inherited. Examples include:
- Lead - Thalidomide
A sensitizer is a chemical, which can cause an allergic reaction in normal tissue after
repeated exposure to the chemical. The reaction may be as mild as a rash (allergic
dermatitis) or as serious as anaphylactic shock. Examples include:
- Epoxies - Toluene diisocyanate
- Nickel compounds - Chromium compounds
- Poison ivy - Chlorinated hydrocarbons
The following is a categorization of target organ effects that may occur from chemical
exposure. Signs and symptoms of these effects and examples of chemicals which have
been found to cause such effects are listed.
Target organ
Signs and symptoms Example chemicals
Cause liver
Jaudice; liver
Nitrosamines, chloroform, toluene,
perchloroethylene, cresol,
Cause kidney
Edema; proteinuria
Halogenated hydrocarbons,
uranium, chloroform, mercury,
Affect the
nervous system
Narcosis; behavior
changes; decreased
muscle coordination
Mercury, carbon disulfide,
benzene, carbon tetrachloride,
lead, mercury, nitrobenzene
Decrease blood
Cyanosis; loss of
Carbon monoxide, cyanides, nitro-
benzene, aniline, arsenic, benzene,
Irritate or
damage the
Cough; tightness in
chest, shortness of
Silica, asbestos, ozone, hydrogen
sulfide, chromium, nickel, alcohols
Affect the
Birth defects;
Lead, dibromodichloropropane
Skin hazards
Affect the
dermal layer of
the body
Defatting of skin;
rashes; irritation
Ketones, chlorinated compounds,
alcohols, nickel, phenol, tri-
Eye hazards
Affect the eye
or vision
corneal damage
Organic solvents, acids, cresol,
quinones, hydroquinone, benzyl,
chloride, butyl alcohol, bases
TLV: The threshold limit value is a recommended occupational exposure guideline
published by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. TLV's are
expressed as parts of vapor or gas per million parts of air by volume (ppm) or as
approximate milligrams of particulate per cubic meter or air (mg/M
). The TLV is the
average concentration of a chemical that most people can be exposed to for a working
lifetime with no ill effects. The TLV is an advisory guideline. If applicable, a ceiling
concentration (C) that should not be exceeded or a skin absorption notation (S) will be
indicated with the TLV.
PEL: The permissible exposure limit is a legal standard issued by OSHA. Unless
specified, the PEL is a time weighted average (TWA).
TWA: Most exposure standards are based on time weighted averages. The TWA is the
average exposure over an eight (8) hour work day. Some substances have Ceiling (C)
limits. Ceiling limits are concentrations that should never be exceeded.
The MSDS will list the occupational health standard(s) for the hazardous chemical or each
component of a mixture.
ACGIH - The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists is a voluntary
membership organization of professional industrial hygiene personnel in governmental or
educational institutions. The ACGIH develops and publishes recommended occupational
exposure limits each year called Threshold Limit Values (TLV's) for hundreds of
chemicals, physical agents, and biological exposure indices.
ACUTE - Short duration, rapidly changing conditions.
ACUTE EXPOSURE - An intense exposure over a relatively short period of time.
ANSI - The American National Standards Institute is a voluntary membership organization
(run with private funding) that develops consensus standards nationally for a wide variety
of devices and procedures.
ASPHYXIANT - A chemical (gas or vapor) that can cause death or unconsciousness by
suffocation. Simple asphyxiants, such as nitrogen, either remove or displace oxygen in the
air. They become especially dangerous in confined or enclosed spaces. Chemical
asphyxiants, such as carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide, interfere with the body's
ability to absorb or transport oxygen to the tissues.
BOILING POINT - The temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid equals
atmospheric pressure or at which the liquid changes to a vapor. The boiling point is usually
expressed in degrees Fahrenheit. If a flammable material has a low boiling point, it
indicates a special fire hazard.
"C" OR CEILING - A description usually seen in connection with ACGIH exposure
limits. It refers to the concentration that should not be exceeded, even for an instant. It may
be written as TLV-C or Threshold Limit Value-Ceiling. (See also THRESHOLD LIMIT
CARCINOGEN - A substance or physical agent that may cause cancer in animals or
C.A.S. NUMBER - Identifies a particular chemical by the Chemical Abstracts Service, a
service of the American Chemical Society that indexes and compiles abstracts of
worldwide chemical literature called Chemical Abstracts.
cc - Cubic centimeter, a volumetric measurement which is also equal to one milliliter (ml).
CHEMICAL - As broadly applied to the chemical industry, an element or a compound
produced by chemical reactions on a large scale for either direct industrial and consumer
use or for reaction with other chemicals.
CHEMICAL REACTION - A change in the arrangement of atoms or molecules to yield
substances of different composition and properties. (see REACTIVITY)
CHRONIC - Persistent, prolonged or repeated conditions.
CHRONIC EXPOSURE - A prolonged exposure occurring over a period of days, weeks,
or years.
COMBUSTIBLE - According to the DOT and NFPA, combustible liquids are those
having a flash point at or above 100
F (37.8
C), or liquids that will burn. They do not
ignite as easily as flammable liquids. However, combustible liquids can be ignited under
certain circumstances, and must be handled with caution. Substances such as wood, paper,
etc., are termed "Ordinary Combustibles".
CONCENTRATION - The relative amount of a material in combination with another
material. For example, 5 parts of (acetone) per million (parts of air).
CORROSIVE - A substance that, according to the DOT, causes visible destruction or
permanent changes in human skin tissue at the site of contact or is highly corrosive to steel.
) - A measure of volume in the metric system.
CUTANEOUS - Pertaining to or affecting the skin.
DECOMPOSITION - The breakdown of a chemical or substance into different parts or
simpler compounds. Decomposition can occur due to heat, chemical reaction, decay, etc.
DERMAL - Pertaining to or affecting the skin.
DERMATITIS - An inflammation of the skin.
DOT - The United States Department of Transportation is the federal agency that regulates
the labeling and transportation of hazardous materials.
DYSPNEA -Shortness of breath; difficult or labored breathing.
EHS - Environmental Health and Safety Office.
EPA - The Environmental Protection Agency is the governmental agency responsible for
administration of laws to control and/or reduce pollution of air, water, and land systems.
EPA NUMBER - The number assigned to chemicals regulated by the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA).
EPIDEMIOLOGY - The study of disease in human populations.
ERYTHEMA - A reddening of the skin.
EVAPORATION RATE - The rate at which a material is converted to vapor (evaporates)
at a given temperature and pressure when compared to the evaporation rate of a given
substance. Health and fire hazard evaluations of materials involve consideration of
evaporation rates as one aspect of the evaluation.
F - Degrees, Fahrenheit; a temperature scale.
FLAMMABLE LIQUID - According to the DOT and NFPA, a flammable liquid is one
that has a flash point below 100
Classes Of Flammable Liquids
Flammable Solvent Class Boiling Point Flash Point
Class 1A < 100
F < 73
Class 1B >= 100
F < 73
Class 1C >= 100
F Between 73 and 100
FLASH POINT - The lowest temperature at which a liquid or a solid emits vapor
sufficient to form an ignitable mixture with air near the surface of the liquid or the solid,
and burn when a source of ignition (sparks, open flames, cigarettes, etc.) is present. Two
tests are used to determine the flash point: open cup and closed cup. The test method is
indicated on the MSDS after the flash point.
g - See GRAM.
GENERAL VENTILATION - Also known as general exhaust ventilation, this is a
system of ventilation consisting of either natural or mechanically induced fresh air
movements to mix with and dilute contaminants in the workroom air. This is not the
recommended type of ventilation to control contaminants that are highly toxic, when there
may be corrosion problems from the contaminant, when the worker is close to where the
contaminant is being generated, and where fire or explosion hazards are generated close to
sources of ignition (See LOCAL EXHAUST VENTILATION).
GRAM (g) - A metric unit of weight. One ounce equals 28.4 grams.
GRAMS PER KILOGRAM (g/Kg) - This indicates the dose of a substance given to test
animals in toxicity studies. For example, a dose may be 2 grams (of substance) per
kilogram of body weight (of the experimental animal).
HAZARDOUS MATERIAL - Any substance or compound that has the capability of
producing adverse effects on the health and safety of humans.
IGNITABLE - A solid, liquid or compressed gas that has a flash point of less than 140
Ignitable material may be regulated by the EPA as a hazardous waste, as well.
INCOMPATIBLE - The term applied to two substances to indicate that one material
cannot be mixed with the other without the possibility of a dangerous reaction.
INGESTION - Taking a substance into the body through the mouth, such as food, drink,
medicine, or unknowingly as in contaminated hands or cigarettes, etc.
INHALATION - Breathing in of an airborne substance that may be in the form of gases,
fumes, mists, vapors, dusts, or aerosols.
INHIBITOR - A substance that is added to another to prevent or slow down an unwanted
reaction or change.
IRRITANT - A substance that produces an irritating effect when it contacts skin, eyes,
nose, or respiratory system.
KILOGRAM (Kg) - A unit of weight in the metric system equal to 2.2 pounds.
L - See LITER.
- The concentration of an air contaminant (LC
) that
will kill 50 percent of the test animals in a group during a single exposure.
- The dose of a substance or chemical that will (LD
) kill 50 percent
of the test animals in a group within the first 30 days following exposure.
LITER (L) - A measure of capacity. One quart equals 0.9 liters.
LOCAL EXHAUST VENTILATION - (Also known as exhaust ventilation.) A
ventilation system that captures and removes the contaminants at the point where they are
being produced before they escape into the workroom air. The system consists of hoods,
ducts, a fan and possibly an air cleaning device. Advantages of local exhaust ventilation
over general ventilation include: it removes the contaminant rather than dilutes it; it
requires less air flow and thus is more economical over the long term; and the system can
be used to conserve or reclaim valuable materials. However, the system must be properly
designed with the correctly shaped and placed hoods, and correctly sized fans and duct
LOWER EXPLOSIVE LIMIT (LEL) - (Also known as Lower Flammable Limit). The
lowest concentration of a substance that will produce a fire or flash when an ignition
source (flame, spark, etc.) is present. It is expressed in percent of vapor or gas in the air by
volume. Below the LEL or LFL, the air/contaminant mixture is theoretically too "lean" to
burn. (See also UEL).
MELTING POINT - The temperature at which a solid changes to a liquid. A melting
range may be given for mixtures.
MILLIGRAM (mg) - A unit of weight in the metric system. One thousand milligrams
equal one gram.
MILLIGRAMS PER CUBIC METER - Units used to measure air (mg/m
concentrations of dusts, gases, mists, and fumes.
MILLIGRAMS PER KILOGRAM - This indicates the dose of a substance (mg/kg)
given to test animals in toxicity studies. For example, a dose may be 2 milligrams (of
substance) per kilogram of body weight (of the experimental animal).
MILLILITER (ml) - A metric unit used to measure volume. One milliliter equals one
cubic centimeter. One thousand milliliters equal one liter.
MSHA - The Mine Safety and Health Administration; a federal agency that regulates the
mining industry in the safety and health area.
MUTAGEN - Anything that can cause a change (or mutation) in the genetic material of a
living cell.
NARCOSIS - Stupor or unconsciousness caused by exposure to a chemical.
NFPA - The National Fire Protection Association is a voluntary membership organization
whose aims are to promote and improve fire protection and prevention. NFPA has
published 16 volumes of codes known as the National Fire Codes. Within these codes is
Standard No. 704, NFPA Hazard Rating System. This is a system that rates the hazard of a
material during a fire. These hazards are divided into health, flammability and reactivity
hazards and appear in a well-known diamond system using from zero through four to
indicate severity of the hazard. Zero indicates no special hazard and four indicates severe
NIOSH - The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health is a federal agency that
among its various responsibilities trains occupational health and safety professionals,
conducts research on health and safety concerns, and tests and certifies respirators for
workplace use.
NU - Northeastern University.
ODOR THRESHOLD - The minimum concentration of a substance at which a majority
of test subjects can detect and identify the substance's characteristic odor.
ORAL - Having to do with the mouth.
OSHA - The Occupational Safety and Health Administration - a federal agency under the
Department of Labor that publishes and enforces safety and health regulations for most
businesses and industries in the United States.
OXIDATION - The process of combining oxygen with some other substance to a
chemical change in which an atom loses electrons.
OXIDIZER - Is a substance that gives up oxygen easily to stimulate combustion of
organic material.
OXYGEN DEFICIENCY - An atmosphere having less than the normal percentage of
oxygen found in normal air. Normal air contains 21% v/v oxygen at sea level.
PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE LIMIT (PEL) - An exposure limit that is published and
enforced by OSHA as a legal standard. PEL may be either a time-weighted-average
(TWA) exposure limit (8 hour), a 15-minute short term exposure limit (STEL), or a ceiling
(C). The PEL's are found in Tables Z-1, Z-2, or Z-3 of OSHA regulations 1910.1000. (See
also TLV).
PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) - Any devices or clothing worn by
the worker to protect against hazards in the environment. Examples are respirators, gloves,
and chemical splash goggles.
POLYMERIZATION- A chemical reaction in which two or more small molecules
combine to form larger molecules that contain repeating structural units of the original
molecules. A hazardous polymerization is the above reaction with an uncontrolled release
of energy.
ppm - Parts (of vapor or gas) per million (parts of air) by volume.
REACTIVITY - A substance's susceptibility to undergo a chemical reaction or change
that may result in dangerous side effects, such as explosions, burning and corrosive or
toxic emissions. The conditions that cause the reaction, such as heat, other chemicals and
dropping, will usually be specified as "Conditions to Avoid" when a chemical's reactivity
is discussed on a MSDS.
RESPIRATOR - A device that is designed to protect the wearer from inhaling harmful
RESPIRATORY HAZARD - A particular concentration of an airborne contaminant that,
when it enters the body by way of the respiratory system or by being breathed into the
lungs, results in some bodily function impairment.
SENSITIZER - A substance that may cause no reaction in a person during initial
exposures, but afterwards, further exposures will cause an allergic response to the
SHORT TERM EXPOSURE LIMIT - Represented as STEL or TLV-STEL, this is the
maximum concentration to which workers can be exposed for a short period of time (15
minutes) for only four times throughout the day with at least one hour between exposures.
Also the daily TLV-TWA must not be exceeded.
"SKIN" - This designation sometimes appears alongside a TLV or PEL. It refers to the
possibility of absorption of the particular chemical through the skin and eyes. Thus,
protection of large surface areas of skin should be considered to prevent skin absorption so
that the TLV is not invalidated.
STEL - Short Term Exposure Limit.
SUBSTANCE - Any chemical entity.
SYNONYM - Another name by which the same chemical may be known.
SYSTEMIC - Spread throughout the body; affecting many or all body systems or organs;
not localized in one spot or area.
TERATOGEN - An agent or substance that may cause physical defects in the developing
embryo or fetus when a pregnant female is exposed to that substance.
THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE - Airborne concentrations of substances devised by the
ACGIH that represent conditions under which it is believed that nearly all workers may be
exposed day after day with no adverse effect. TLV's are advisory exposure guidelines, not
legal standards that are based on evidence from industrial experience, animal studies, or
human studies when they exist. There are three different types of TLV's: Time Weighted
Average (TLV-TWA), Short Term Exposure Limit (TLV-STEL) and Ceiling (TLV-C).
(See also PEL.)
TIME WEIGHTED AVERAGE - The average time, over a given work period (e.g., 8-
hour work day), of a person's exposure to a chemical or an agent. The average is
determined by sampling for the contaminant throughout the time period. Represented as
TOXICITY - The potential for a substance to exert a harmful effect on humans or animals
and a description of the effect and the conditions or concentrations under which the effect
takes place.
TRADE NAME - The commercial name or trademark by which a chemical is known. One
chemical may have a variety of trade names depending on the manufacturers or distributors
UNSTABLE LIQUID - A liquid that, in its pure state or as commercially produced, will
react vigorously in some hazardous way under shock conditions (e.g., dropping), certain
temperatures, or pressures.
UPPER EXPLOSIVE LIMIT - Also known as Upper Flammable Limit. Is the highest
concentration (expressed in percent of vapor or gas in the air by volume) of a substance
that will burn or explode when an ignition source is present. Theoretically, above this limit
the mixture is said to be too "rich" to support combustion. The difference between the LEL
and the UEL constitutes the flammable range or explosive range of a substance. That is, if
the LEL is 1ppm and the UEL is 5ppm, then the explosive range of the chemical is 1ppm
to 5ppm. (see also LEL).
VAPOR - The gaseous form of substances that are normally in the liquid or solid state (at
normal room temperature and pressure). Vapors evaporate into the air from liquids such as
solvents. Solvents with low boiling points will evaporate.
Appendix A.
Chemicals Requiring Prior Approval
I. Acutely Toxic Gases
The pressurized hazardous gases identified below have been classified as particularly
hazardous and require prior approval for purchasing of new materials, or handling and
storage of existing material. See Section 1.11, Research Protocol Review, for the approval
Pressurized Gases Requiring Review
Compound Exempt Quantity
Arsine and gaseous derivatives None
Chloropicrin in gas mixtures None
Cyanogen chloride None
Cyanogen None
Diborane None
Germane None
Hexaethyltetraphosphate None
Hydrogen cyanide None
Hydrogen selenide None
Nitric oxide None
Nitrogen dioxide None
Nitrogen Tetroxide None
Phosgene None
Phosphine None
II. Regulated Chemicals & Chemicals with High Chronic Toxicity
The substances listed in the table below (titled "Regulated Chemicals & Chemicals with
High Chronic Toxicity Requiring Special Procedures") when stored or handled in
quantities exceeding the exempt quantities must be stored and handled according to the
special procedures outlined in Section 3.6.2. If it is not possible to utilize these procedures
the proposed alternative procedures must be reviewed and approved by the NU Chemical
Hygiene Officer prior to initiating the research. See Section 1.11, Research Protocol
Chemical Safety Review and Registration, for the approval procedure. If you are using any
of these substances in quantities less than the exempt amount, use the procedures outlined
in Section 3.5.2, Chemicals of High Acute or Chronic Toxicity.
Exempt Quantity
(See Note 1 Below)
OSHA Regulated
N-Acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene 2
2-Acetylaminofluorene 2 Y
Acrylonitrile 1 Y
Aflatoxins 2
o-Aminoazotoluene 2
4-Aminodiphenyl 3 Y
2-Aminofluorene 2
Asbestos 1 Y
Arsenic and arsenic compounds 2 Y
Azathiopurine 2
Benz[a]anthracene 2
Benzene 1 Y
Benzidine 3 Y
Benzo[a]pyrene 2
Bromoethyl methanesulfonate 2
1,4-Butanediol dimethanesulfonate (myleran) 2
Carbon tetrachloride 1
Chlorambucil 2
Chloroform 1
N,N-bis(2-chloroethyl)-2-naphthylamine 2
bis-Chloromethyl ether 3 Y
Cycasin 2
Cyclophosphamide 2
Diazomethane 2
Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 2
1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1 Y
3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine (& its salts) 3 Y
Diepoxybutane 2
4-Dimethylaminoazobenzene 2 Y
7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene 2
3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine 2
1,1-Dimethylethylenimine 1
l,l-Dimethylhydrazine 2
1,2-Dimethylhydrazine 2
1,4-Dinitrosopiperazine 2
p-Dioxane 1
Ethylene dibromide 1
Ethyleneimide 2 Y
Ethyl methanesulfonate 2
Ethylene oxide 1 Y
Ethionine 1
Ethylenimine 2
Formaldehyde 1 Y
Hexavalent chromium and chromium
Hydrazine 2
N-Hydroxy-2-acetylaminofluorene 2
Lead and lead compounds 1 Y
Mercury and Mercury salts 3 Y
3'-Methyl-4-aminoazobenzene 1
Methyl chloromethyl ether 3
3-Methylcholanthrene 2
4,4'-Methylene bis(2-chloroaniline) 2
Methylhydrazine 2
Methyl mercury 3
Methyl methanesulfonate 2
1-Methyl-3-nitro-1-nitrosoguanidine 2
alpha-Naphthylamine 2 Y
beta-Naphthylamine 3 Y
4-Nitrobiphenyl 3 Y
N-[4-(5-nitro-2-furyl)-2-thiazoyl]-formamide 2
4-Nitroquinoline-1-oxide 2
N-Nitrosodiethylamine 2
N-Nitrosodimethylamine 2 Y
N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine 2
N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 2
N-Nitroso-N-ethylurea 2
N-Nitroso-N-ethylurethane 2
N-Nitroso-N-methylurea 2
N-Nitroso-N-methylurethane 2
N-Nitrosopiperidine 2
Polyclorinated biphenyls 2
Procarbazine 2
1,3-Propane sulfone 2
beta-Propiolactone 2 Y
Propylenimine 1
Thorium dioxide 2
m-Toluenediamine 2
Uracil mustard 2
Urethane 1
Vinyl chloride 2 Y
Note 1 - The exempt quantities are defined as:
Number For Laboratory Storage For Laboratory Use
1 <1 liter or 1000 grams <50 milliliters or 50 grams
2 <0.1 liter or 100 grams <5 milliliters or 5 grams
3 none none
Appendix B.
The following are substances either known to be human carcinogens or which may
reasonably be anticipated to be carcinogens (suspect carcinogens). The latest delisted
substances as reported from the 12th Annual Report on Carcinogens, National Toxicology
Program (2011) are also included.
"Known carcinogens" are defined as those substances for which the evidence from human
studies indicates that there is a causal relationship between exposure to the substance and
human cancer.
Substances which are "suspect carcinogens" are defined as those for which there is limited
evidence of carcinogenicity in humans or sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in
experimental animals.
The list of chemical agents and the definitions are extracted from the Report on
Carcinogens, Twelfth Edition (2011), National Toxicology Program, Public Health
Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, OSHA and from IARC
Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Supplement 7, Overall
Evaluation of Carcinogenicity: An Updating of IARC Monographs from Volume 1 to 82
plus, Lyon, 1987-2002.
Part A. Known to be Human Carcinogens.
Name or synonym. Page No.
Aflatoxins 32
Alcoholic Beverage Consumption 34
4-Aminobiphenyl 38
Analgesic Mixtures Containing Phenacetin (see Phenacetin and Analgesic Mixtures
Containing Phenacetin) 340
Aristolochic Acids 45
Arsenic and Inorganic Arsenic Compounds 50
Asbestos 53
Azathioprine 57
Benzene 60
Benzidine (see Benzidine and Dyes Metabolized to Benzidine) 62
Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds 67
Bis(chloromethyl) Ether and Technical-Grade Chloromethyl Methyl Ether 71
1,3-Butadiene 75
Cadmium and Cadmium Compounds 80
Chlorambucil 90
1-(2-Chloroethyl)-3-(4-methylcyclohexyl)-1-nitrosourea (see Nitrosourea
Chemotherapeutic Agents) 327
Chromium Hexavalent Compounds 106
Coal Tars and Coal-Tar Pitches 111
Coke-Oven Emissions 120
Cyclophosphamide 124
Cyclosporin A 125
Diethylstilbestrol 159
Dyes Metabolized to Benzidine (Benzidine Dye Class) (see Benzidine and Dyes
Metabolized to Benzidine) 64
Erionite 183
Estrogens, Steroidal 184
Ethylene Oxide 188
Formaldehyde 195
Hepatitis B Virus 216
Hepatitis C Virus 218
Human Papillomaviruses: Some Genital-Mucosal Types 231
Melphalan 258
Methoxsalen with Ultraviolet A Therapy 259
Mineral Oils: Untreated and Mildly Treated 271
Mustard Gas 275
2-Naphthylamine 278
Neutrons (see Ionizing Radiation) 240
Nickel Compounds (see Nickel Compounds and Metallic Nickel) 280
Radon (see Ionizing Radiation) 242
Silica, Crystalline (Respirable Size) 377
Solar Radiation (see Ultraviolet Radiation Related Exposures) 429
Soots 379
Strong Inorganic Acid Mists Containing Sulfuric Acid 380
Sunlamps or Sunbeds, Exposure to (see Ultraviolet Radiation Related Exposures) 429
Tamoxifen 393
2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 396
Thiotepa 406
Thorium Dioxide (see Ionizing Radiation) 243
Tobacco Smoke, Environmental (see Tobacco-Related Exposures) 410
Tobacco Smoking (see Tobacco-Related Exposures) 408
Tobacco, Smokeless (see Tobacco-Related Exposures) 412
Ultraviolet Radiation, Broad-Spectrum (see Ultraviolet Radiation Related Exposures) 430
Vinyl Chloride (see Vinyl Halides [selected]) 438
Wood Dust 442
X-Radiation and Gamma Radiation (see Ionizing Radiation) 237
Bold entries indicate new or changed listings in the Twelfth Report on Carcinogens.
Part B. Reasonably Anticipated to be a Human Carcinogen.
Name or synonym Page No.
Acetaldehyde 21
2-Acetylaminofluorene 24
Acrylamide 25
Acrylonitrile 28
Adriamycin 29
2-Aminoanthraquinone 36
o-Aminoazotoluene 37
1-Amino-2,4-dibromoanthraquinone 39
2-Amino-3,4-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (see Heterocyclic Amines [Selected]) 220
2-Amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline (see Heterocyclic Amines [Selected]) 221
1-Amino-2-methylanthraquinone 41
2-Amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (see Heterocyclic Amines [Selected]) 221
2-Amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (see Heterocyclic Amines [Selected])
Amitrole 42
o-Anisidine and Its Hydrochloride 43
Azacitidine 56
Basic Red 9 Monohydrochloride 59
Benz[a]anthracene (see Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 15 Listings) 353
Benzo[b]fluoranthene (see Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 15 Listings) 353
Benzo[j]fluoranthene (see Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 15 Listings) 353
Benzo[k]fluoranthene (see Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 15 Listings) 353
Benzo[a]pyrene (see Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 15 Listings) 353
Benzotrichloride 66
2,2-Bis(bromomethyl)-1,3-propanediol (Technical Grade) 70
Bis(chloroethyl) Nitrosourea (see Nitrosourea Chemotherapeutic Agents) 325
Bromodichloromethane 73
1,4-Butanediol Dimethanesulfonate 77
Butylated Hydroxyanisole 78
Captafol 83
Carbon Tetrachloride 86
Ceramic Fibers (Respirable Size) 89
Chloramphenicol 92
Chlorendic Acid 94
Chlorinated Paraffins (C
, 60% Chlorine) 95
Chloroform 97
1-(2-Chloroethyl)-3-cyclohexyl-1-nitrosourea (see Nitrosourea Chemotherapeutic Agents)
3-Chloro-2-methylpropene 100
4-Chloro-o-phenylenediamine 101
Chloroprene 102
p-Chloro-o-toluidine and Its Hydrochloride 104
Chlorozotocin (see Nitrosourea Chemotherapeutic Agents) 328
Cisplatin 110
Cobalt Sulfate 113
CobaltTungsten Carbide: Powders and Hard Metals 115
p-Cresidine 122
Cupferron 123
Dacarbazine 127
Danthron 128
2,4-Diaminoanisole Sulfate 130
2,4-Diaminotoluene 131
Diazoaminobenzene 132
Dibenz[a,h]acridine (see Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 15 Listings) 353
Dibenz[a,j]acridine (see Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 15 Listings) 354
Dibenz[a,h]anthracene (see Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 15 Listings) 354
7H-Dibenzo[c,g]carbazole (see Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 15 Listings) 354
Dibenzo[a,e]pyrene (see Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 15 Listings) 354
Dibenzo[a,h]pyrene (see Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 15 Listings) 354
Dibenzo[a,i]pyrene (see Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 15 Listings) 354
Dibenzo[a,l]pyrene (see Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 15 Listings) 354
1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 134
1,2-Dibromoethane 135
2,3-Dibromo-1-propanol 138
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 139
3,3-Dichlorobenzidine and Its Dihydrochloride 141
Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane 143
1,2-Dichloroethane 145
Dichloromethane 148
1,3-Dichloropropene (Technical Grade) 150
Diepoxybutane 152
Diesel Exhaust Particulates 153
Di(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate 156
Diethyl Sulfate 161
Diglycidyl Resorcinol Ether 163
3,3-Dimethoxybenzidine (see 3,3-Dimethoxybenzidine and Dyes Metabolized to 3,3-
Dimethoxybenzidine) 164
4-Dimethylaminoazobenzene 167
3,3-Dimethylbenzidine (see 3,3-Dimethylbenzidine and Dyes Metabolized to 3,3-
Dimethylbenzidine) 168
Dimethylcarbamoyl Chloride 171
1,1-Dimethylhydrazine 172
Dimethyl Sulfate 174
Dimethylvinyl Chloride 175
1,6-Dinitropyrene (see Nitroarenes [Selected]) 287
1,8-Dinitropyrene (see Nitroarenes [Selected]) 289
1,4-Dioxane 176
Disperse Blue 1 178
Dyes Metabolized to 3,3-Dimethoxybenzidine (3,3-Dimethoxybenzidine Dye Class) (see
3,3-Dimethoxybenzidine and Dyes Metabolized to 3,3-Dimethoxybenzidine) 165
Dyes Metabolized to 3,3-Dimethylbenzidine (3,3-Dimethylbenzidine Dye Class) (see
3,3-Dimethylbenzidine and Dyes Metabolized to 3,3-Dimethylbenzidine) 170
Epichlorohydrin 180
Ethylene Thiourea 191
Ethyl Methanesulfonate 194
Furan 205
Glass Wool Fibers (Inhalable), Certain 207
Glycidol 215
Hexachlorobenzene 224
Hexachloroethane 227
Hexamethylphosphoramide 229
Hydrazine and Hydrazine Sulfate 234
Hydrazobenzene 236
Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene (see Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 15 Listings) 354
Iron Dextran Complex 246
Isoprene 247
Kepone 250
Lead and Lead Compounds 251
Lindane, Hexachlorocyclohexane (Technical Grade), and Other Hexachlorocyclohexane
Isomers 256
2-Methylaziridine 261
5-Methylchrysene (see Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: 15 Listings) 354
4,4-Methylenebis(2-chloroaniline) 262
4,4-Methylenebis(N,N-dimethyl)benzenamine 264
4,4-Methylenedianiline and Its Dihydrochloride 265
Methyleugenol 267
Methyl Methanesulfonate 268
N-Methyl-N-Nitro-N-Nitrosoguanidine (see N-Nitrosamines: 15 Listings) 302
Metronidazole 269
Michlers Ketone 270
Mirex 273
Naphthalene 276
Nickel, Metallic (see Nickel Compounds and Metallic Nickel) 280
Nitrilotriacetic Acid 284
o-Nitroanisole 285
Nitrobenzene 294
6-Nitrochrysene (see Nitroarenes [Selected]) 290
Nitrofen 296
Nitrogen Mustard Hydrochloride 297
Nitromethane 299
2-Nitropropane 300
1-Nitropyrene (see Nitroarenes [Selected]) 292
4-Nitropyrene (see Nitroarenes [Selected]) 293
N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine (see N-Nitrosamines: 15 Listings) 303
N-Nitrosodiethanolamine (see N-Nitrosamines: 15 Listings) 304
N-Nitrosodiethylamine (see N-Nitrosamines: 15 Listings) 306
N-Nitrosodimethylamine (see N-Nitrosamines: 15 Listings) 308
N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine (see N-Nitrosamines: 15 Listings) 310
N-Nitroso-N-ethylurea (see N-Nitrosamines: 15 Listings) 312
4-(N-Nitrosomethylamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (see N-Nitrosamines: 15 Listings)
N-Nitroso-N-methylurea (see N-Nitrosamines: 15 Listings) 316
N-Nitrosomethylvinylamine (see N-Nitrosamines: 15 Listings) 318
N-Nitrosomorpholine (see N-Nitrosamines: 15 Listings) 319
N-Nitrosonornicotine (see N-Nitrosamines: 15 Listings) 320
N-Nitrosopiperidine (see N-Nitrosamines: 15 Listings) 321
N-Nitrosopyrrolidine (see N-Nitrosamines: 15 Listings) 323
N-Nitrososarcosine (see N-Nitrosamines: 15 Listings) 324
o-Nitrotoluene 331
Norethisterone 333
Ochratoxin A 335
4,4-Oxydianiline 337
Oxymetholone 338
Phenacetin (see Phenacetin and Analgesic Mixtures Containing Phenacetin) 340
Phenazopyridine Hydrochloride 341
Phenolphthalein 342
Phenoxybenzamine Hydrochloride 344
Phenytoin and Phenytoin Sodium 345
Polybrominated Biphenyls 347
Polychlorinated Biphenyls 349
Procarbazine and Its Hydrochloride 361
Progesterone 362
1,3-Propane Sultone 364
-Propiolactone 366
Propylene Oxide 367
Propylthiouracil 369
Reserpine 370
Riddelliine 372
Safrole 374
Selenium Sulfide 376
Streptozotocin (see Nitrosourea Chemotherapeutic Agents) 329
Styrene 383
Styrene-7,8-oxide 391
Sulfallate 392
Tetrachloroethylene 398
Tetrafluoroethylene 401
Tetranitromethane 402
Thioacetamide 403
4,4-Thiodianiline 404
Thiourea 407
Toluene Diisocyanates 414
o-Toluidine and Its Hydrochloride 416
Toxaphene 418
Trichloroethylene 420
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 424
1,2,3-Trichloropropane 426
Tris(2,3-dibromopropyl) Phosphate 428
Ultraviolet Radiation A (see Ultraviolet Radiation Related Exposures) 430
Ultraviolet Radiation B (see Ultraviolet Radiation Related Exposures) 430
Ultraviolet Radiation C (see Ultraviolet Radiation Related Exposures) 430
Urethane 434
Vinyl Bromide (see Vinyl Halides [Selected]) 437
4-Vinyl-1-cyclohexene Diepoxide 436
Vinyl Fluoride (see Vinyl Halides [Selected]) 441
Bold entries indicate new or changed listings in the Twelfth Report on Carcinogens.
Appendix C.
"Occupational Exposures to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories"
29 CFR 1910.1450
The Laboratory Health Standard requires laboratories to develop procedures which help to
ensure that occupational exposure to hazardous chemicals in the laboratory environment is
reduced or minimized.
OSHA summarizes the intent of the standard in the preamble:
"The new standard differs from many OSHA health standards in that it does not establish
new exposure limits, but sets other performance provisions designed to protect laboratory
workers from potential hazards in their work environment. By permitting a greater degree
of flexibility to laboratories in developing and implementing employee safety and health
programs, OSHA expects benefits to result from increased worker awareness of potential
risks, improved work practices, appropriate use of existing personal protective equipment
and greater use of engineering controls. Given the flexibility to design and implement
innovative measures to reduce employee exposure to hazardous substances, employers also
will reap rewards in terms of lower insurance premiums, lower property damage costs,
lower turnover costs, less absenteeism and, in general, increased productivity. Finally, the
potential decrease in acute and chronic health problems will result in overall benefits to
society through the associated reduction in medical and productivity costs."
This quote summarizes the basic goals and approach of the Laboratory Health Standard. It
is primarily a performance oriented standard, allowing individual laboratories to tailor their
approaches to meeting the requirements of the standard to their individual circumstances.
The text of the standard, including the appendices, is included for reference purposes into
this Chemical Hygiene Plan.
Link to Federal Standard: Occupational Exposures to Hazardous Chemicals in
Appendix D.
The following are good chemical safety and general laboratory safety references. Those
with a CALL #, are available through the Snell Library.
1. Corp author OSHA, Employer rights and responsibilities following an OSHA
inspection, Washington, DC: The Administration, Latest Received: Year 2002
[CALL # L 35.2: EM 7/3].
2. Gottschall, WC, Walters, DB Laboratory health and safety dictionary, New York:
Wiley, 2001. [CALL # QD63.5.G67 2001, ISBN 0471283177].
3. Wood, JP ed. Containment in the pharmaceutical industry. New York: Dekker,
c2001. [CALL # HD9665.5.C663 2001, ISBN 0824703979].
4. Assessing the need for personal protective equipment: A guide for small business
employers. Washington, DC: US Dept. of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health
Administration, 2000. [CALL # L35.8:EQ 5/2000].
5. Access to medical and exposure records. Washington, DC: US Dept. of Labor,
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Edn. Rev. 2001. [CALL # L
35.2:M 46/2001].
6. Corp author OSHA, Hazard communication guidelines for compliance.
Washington, DC: US Dept. of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health
Administration: For sale by the US G.P.O., Supt. of Docs; 2000. [CALL # L35.8:H
33/2000, ISBN 0160497302].
7. Corp author OSHA, All about OSHA. Washington, DC: US Dept. of Labor,
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Identity 000001, L 35.2:OC 1/2/
LIB HAS, Latest Received: 2000, [CALL # L 35.2: OC 1/2].
8. Environmental management guide for small laboratories. Washington, DC: US
Environmental Protection Agency, Small Business Division, 2000. [CALL #
EP1.8:M 31/5].
9. Furr, AK CRC handbook of laboratory safety, Boca Raton: CRC Press, 5th Edn.,
c2000.[CALL # QD51.H27 2000, ISBN 0849325234].
10. Report, John MD et al. Conference Chemical and Biological Respiratory
Protection Workshop (1999: Morgantown, WV), NIOSH-DOD-OSHA sponsored
Chemical and Biological Respiratory Protection Workshop, Atlanta, GA: US Dept.
of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 2000.
[CALL # HE20.7102: W 89/10].
11. May, W et. al. Definitions of terms and modes used at NIST for value-assignment of
reference materials for chemical measurements [microform], Gaithersburg, MD:
US Dept. of Commerce, Technology Administration, National Institute of
Standards and Technology; Washington, DC: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., US
G.P.O., 2000. [CALL # C 13.10:260-136, ISBN 0160590159].
12. Corp author EPA and OSHA, EPA/OSHA joint chemical accident investigation
report [microform]: BPS, Inc., West Helena, Arkansas. Washington, DC: US
Environmental Protection Agency and US Occupational Safety and Health
Administration, 1999, [CALL # Snell Microform Index EP 1.2: C 42/33].
13. Corp author OSHA, OSHA inspections. Washington, DC: US Dept. of Labor,
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, [CALL # L 35.2: IN 7].
14. Corp author OSHA, OSHA technical manual [computer file]. Washington, DC:
Occupational Safety & Health Administration, 1999, [CALL # L 35.8: IN 7/999].
15. Corp author OSHA, Screening and surveillance: A guide to OSHA standards.
Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health
Administration; For sale by U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs., 1999. [CALL # L35.8:
SCR 2, ISBN 0160501164].
16. Author OSHA Industrial hygiene. Washington, DC: US Dept. of Labor,
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 1998. [CALL # L35.2:H 99/998].
17. Corp author OSHA and Eastern Research Group, Inc., Small entity compliance
guide for the revised respiratory protection standard. Washington, DC: US Dept.
of Labor, Directorate of Health Standards Programs, Occupational Safety and
Health Administration, 1998. [CALL # L35.8:EN 8].
18. Long, H. Keith, Daddow, Richard L. and Farrar, Jerry W. US Geological Survey
Standard Reference Sample Project--performance evaluation of analytical
laboratories. Reston, VA: US Geological Survey, US Dept. of the Interior, 1998.
[CALL # I19.127:031-98, USGS fact sheet; FS-031-98].
19. Corp author OSHA, Training requirements in OSHA standards and training
guidelines. Washington, DC: US Dept. of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health
Administration: For sale by the U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs., 1998. [CALL #
L35.8:T 68/998, Rev. Edn 1998, (ISBN 0160497310].
20. Corp author EPA and OSHA, EPA/OSHA joint chemical accident investigation
report [microform]: Napp Technologies, Inc., Lodi, NJ, Washington, DC: US
Environmental Protection Agency: US Occupational Safety and Health
Administration, 1997, [CALL # EP 1.2: J 66].
21. Corp author OSHA, Hazardous waste operations and emergency response.
Washington, DC: US Dept. of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health
Administration, 1997. [CALL # L 35.2: H 33/3/997].
22. Armour, MA Hazardous laboratory chemicals disposal guide, Boca Raton, FL:
CRC/Lewis Publishers, c1996. [CALL # QD64.A76 1996, ISBN 1566701082].
23. Corp author OSHA, OSHA handbook for small businesses. Washington, DC: US
Dept. of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration: For sale by the US
G.P.O. Supt. of Docs., 1996. [CALL # HD2346.U5 U52 1996, ISBN
24. Conference Federal Safety and Health Conference (51st: 1996: Orlando, Fla.) 51st
annual Federal Safety and Health Conference program [microform]: theme, sharing
ideas: Orlando, FL, 1996: presented by OSHA, Washington, DC: The
Administration, 1996. [CALL # L 35.2: SH 2].
25. Hathaway, GJ, Proctor, NH, Hughes, JP eds. Chemical hazards of the workplace,
New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 4th Edn. 1996. [CALL # RA1229.P76 1996,
ISBN 0442020503].
26. Koren, H, Bisesi, MS Handbook of environmental health and safety: principles and
practices. Boca Raton: Lewis Publishers, 3rd Edn. c1996. [CALL # RA565.K67
1996 v.1 and RA565.K67 1996 v.2, ISBN 1566701244 (v. 1) and 1566701252 (v.
27. Bisesi, MS, Kohn, JP Industrial hygiene evaluation methods. Boca Raton: Lewis
Publishers, c1995. [CALL # RC967.B53 1995, ISBN 1566700248].
28. Harrison, LL ed. in chief, Environmental, health, and safety auditing handbook.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2nd Edn., c1995. [CALL # HD30.255.E58 1995 and
HD30.255.E58 1995 Supp, ISBN 0070269041].
29. Stricoff, RS, Walters, DB Handbook of laboratory health and safety, New York:
Wiley, 2nd Edn., c1995. [CALL # QD51.S92 1995, ISBN 047102628X].
30. Cartledge, B ed., Health and the environment. New York: Oxford University Press,
1994. [CALL # RA565.H383 1994, ISBN 0198584180: and 0198584172].
31. Barton, J, Rogers, R eds. Chemical reaction hazards: A guide. Rugby,
Warwickshire, UK: Institution of Chemical Engineers, c1993. [CALL # TP149.C53
1993, ISBN 0852952848]
32. McMichael, AJ Planetary overload: Global environmental change and the health
of the human species. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993. [CALL #
RA565.M384 1993, ISBN 0521441382].
33. Parkany, M ed. Conference International Symposium on the Harmonization of
Internal Quality Assurance Schemes for Analytical Laboratories (5th: 1993:
Washington, DC) Cambridge: The Royal Society of Chemistry, c1993. [CALL #
QD75.4.Q34 I55 1993, ISBN 0851867057].
34. Authors IUOPAC and International Programme on Chemical Safety; Chemical
safety matters. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992. [CALL #
QD63.5.C47 1992, ISBN 0521413753].
35. Bach, PH et al. Tel-A-Train, inc. Chemical safety in the laboratory
[videorecording] Chatanooga, TN: Tel-A-Train, c1992. [CALL # MV7-3647r].
36. Moeller, DW Environmental health. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,
1992. [CALL # RA565.M64 1992, ISBN 0674258584].
37. Armour, M A Hazardous laboratory chemical disposal guide, Boca Raton, FL:
CRC Press, c1991. [CALL # QD64.A76 1991, ISBN 084930265X].
38. Author OSHA Directorate of Compliance Programs. OSHA systems safety
inspection guide. Rockville, MD: Government Institutes, Inc., 1991. [CALL #
T55.3.H3 U54 1991, ISBN 0865877645].
39. Corp author OSHA, OSHA CD-ROM [computer file]. Washington, DC: OSHA,
1991- [CALL # L 35.26, ISBN 1065-9277].
40. Mahn, WJ Academic laboratory chemical hazards guidebook, New York: Van
Nostrand Reinhold, c1991. [CALL # QD51.M29 1991, ISBN 0442001657].
41. Ockerman, HW Illustrated chemistry laboratory terminology, Boca Raton, FL:
CRC Press, c1991. [CALL # QD51.O25 1991, ISBN 0849301521].
42. Corp author OSHA, OSHA regulated hazardous substances: Health, toxicity,
economic, and technological data. Park Ridge, NJ, USA: Noyes Data Corporation,
c1990. [CALL # T55.3.H3 O79 1990 v.1, T55.3.H3 O79 1990 v.2, ISBN
43. Everett, K Guidance on laboratory fume cupboards. London: the Royal Society of
Chemistry, 1990. [CALL # QD51.G8 1990, ISBN 0851863299].
44. Kaufman, JA ed. Waste disposal in academic institutions, Chelsea, MI: Lewis
Publishers, c1990. [CALL # QD64.W37 1990, ISBN 0873712560].
45. American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. Guide to
Occupational Exposure Values. American Conference of Governmental Industrial
Hygienists, Inc. Cincinnati, OH, 1990.
46. Stricoff, RS, Walters, DB Laboratory health and safety handbook: A guide for the
preparation of a chemical hygiene plan, New York: Wiley, c1990. [CALL #
QD51.S92 1990, ISBN 0471617563].
47. Young, JA, Kingsley, WK, Wahl, Jr. GH Developing a chemical hygiene plan,
Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 1990. [CALL # QD51.Y68 1990,
ISBN 0841218765].
48. Furr, AK ed. CRC Handbook of Laboratory Safety, 3rd ed. CRC Press, Boca
Raton, Florida. 1989.
49. Scott, RM Chemical hazards in the workplace. Chelsea, MI: Lewis Publishers,
c1989. [CALL # RA1229.S39 1989, ISBN 0873711343].
50. Garner, WY, Barge, MS eds. Good laboratory practices: An agrochemical
perspective, The 194th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New Orleans,
Louisiana, 1987, Washington, DC: ACS, 1988. [CALL # QD51.G66 1988, ISBN
51. Young, JA ed. Improving Safety in the Chemical Laboratory a Practical Guide.
John Wiley and Sons, New York. 1987.
52. Sax, NI, Lewis, RJ Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary, 11th Edn. New
York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. 1987.
53. Sax, NJ, Lewis, RJ eds. Rapid Guide to Hazardous Chemical in the Workplace.
New York: Van Norstrand Reinhold Company, 1986.
54. US Department of Health and Human Services. NIOSH/OSHA Pocket Guide to
Chemical Hazards. NIOSH Pub. No. 85-114, US Government Printing Office,
Washington, DC September 1985 (or latest edition).
55. Pipitone, AA ed. Safe Storage of Laboratory Chemicals. New York: Wiley, 1984.
56. American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. Guidelines for the
Selection of Chemical Protective Clothing, 1983.
57. National Research Council. Prudent Practices in the Laboratory: Handling and
Disposal of Chemicals. National Academy Press. Washington, DC, 1995.
[T55.3.H3 P78 1995].
58. Clayton, GD, Clayton, FL eds. Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. General
Principles, Vol. I through III. New York: Wiley Interscience, 1991. [RC967 .P37
59. Freeman, NT, Whitehead, J eds. Introduction to Safety in the Chemical Laboratory.
New York: Academic Press, 1982.
60. National Fire Protection Association. Fire Protection for Laboratories Using
Chemicals NFPA-45, 1982. Safety Standards for Laboratories in Health Related
Institutions, NFPA-56C, 1980. NFPA, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.
61. Choudhary, G ed. Chemical hazards in the workplace: Measurement and control,
Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 1981. [CALL # RA1229.C46, ISBN
62. Fuscaldo, AA, Erlick, BJ, Hindman, B eds. Laboratory Safety Theory and Practice.
Academic Press. 1980.
63. Koren, H Handbook of environmental health and safety: Principles and practices.
New York: Pergamon Press, c1980. [CALL # RA565.K67 1980, ISBN
64. Braker, W, Mossman, AL, Siegel, D eds. Effects of Exposure to Toxic Gases - First
Aid and Medical Treatment, 2nd ed. New Jersey: Matheson, ,1979.
65. Bretherick, L ed. Handbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards. Butterworths. 1979.
66. Kunze, LJ, Murphy, RA, Briggs, HJ Ferris, TN Chemical technicians, Cleveland,
OH: Education Research Council of America, 1978. [CALL # HF5381.2.R43 serF
67. Leh, FKV, Lak, RKC Environment and pollutions: Sources, health effects,
monitoring, and control. Springfield, IL: Thomas, 1974. [CALL # RA565.L43,
ISBN 0398030308].
68. Lee, DHK ed. Metallic contaminants and human health. New York: Academic
Press, 1972. [CALL # RA565.M47 1972, ISBN 0124406602].
69. Manufacturing Chemists Association. Guide for Safety in the Chemical Laboratory,
2nd Edn. Van Norstrand Reinhold Company. 1972.
70. McLaughlin, T Dirt; a social history as seen through the uses and abuses of dirt.
New York: Stein and Day, 1971. [CALL # RA565.M33, ISBN 0812814126].
71. Bretherick, L ed. Hazards in the Chemical Laboratory. London: Royal Society of
Chemistry, Burlington House.
72. American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. Threshold Limit
Values and Biological Exposure Indices. ACGIH, P.O. Box 1937, Cincinnati, OH
73. Code of Federal Regulations, 29 CFR part 1910 subpart Z. U.S. Government
Printing Office. Washington, DC 20402.
74. Lunn, G., Sansone, E., Destruction of Hazardous Chemicals in the Laboratory.
New York : Wiley & Sons, 1994. [TD1050.S24 L86 1994].
75. Urben, P., Brethericks Handbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards, 7
Edn. Elsevier.
2007. [T55.3.H3 B73 2007eb].
76. NTP. 2011. Report on Carcinogens, Twelfth Edition. Research Triangle Park, NC:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National
Toxicology Program. 499 pp.
Appendix E.
In General: If an employer with laboratories is undecided whether to follow OSHA's
Hazard Communication Standard or its Laboratory Standard, OSHA has indicated that it
would rather have the Laboratory Standard complied with, as it is considered to be more
comprehensive in its requirements for laboratories.
If a company's quality control laboratories have been following all parts of the Laboratory
Standard, the OSHA National Office considers it unlikely that an inspector would give
them more than a de minimis citation.
1. Q. Does OSHA's Laboratory standard cover quality control laboratories?
A. Not if they do standardized, routine analytical work that is tied in with
production operations. Much depends on the nature of the work done by the
laboratory and the degree of compliance.
The repetitive nature of the laboratory operation or the lack of variability of the
chemicals used are not part of the definition of laboratory use or laboratory scale.
These factors were merely discussed in the preamble to the regulations as
characteristics frequently found in laboratories and one of the many elements that
influenced the Agency's decision to have a separate standard on laboratories.
The preamble to the final rule indicates that "most quality control laboratories are
not expected to meet the qualification for coverage under the Laboratory Standard"
(55 FR at 3312) because they are typically adjuncts of production operations.
However, this is a question of fact, and each particular quality control laboratory
must be evaluated within the context of its industrial operation.
Clearly there may be some circumstances where a laboratory, even though it may
be called a quality control laboratory, meets all of the elements included in the
definitions of "laboratory use" and "laboratory scale" and would therefore be
considered to be within the scope of the Laboratory Standard.
2. Q. Definition of Quality Control Laboratory: How is a quality control laboratory
defined as compared to a laboratory that would be covered by 1910.1450?
A. If the laboratory performs routine, standardized tests which monitor and support
production processes, it can be considered as a quality control laboratory.
3. Q. Sophisticated Quality Control Laboratories: Some quality control
laboratories are quite sophisticated, using gas chromatography and mass
spectrometry for the analysis performed. They use chemicals in very small
amounts, and the employees performing the analysis are all trained chemists.
Should these labs follow the requirements of 1910.1450 the Laboratory Standard or
those of the Hazard Communication Standard?
A. If non-routine, non-production related tests are performed using the laboratory's
sophisticated analytical instruments, this occurrence would initiate and require
compliance with 29 CFR 1910.1450. The answer is yes.
4. Q. MSDS For Mailed Research Samples: Serious concerns have been raised over
the interpretation of Section (h) (2) (iii), Hazard Identification. Section (iii) seems
to require that if the chemical of concern is being sent to another user outside the
producing laboratory, an MSDS must be prepared and sent along with it. Many
industrial research laboratories routinely send out samples of experimental
chemicals for testing and analysis. Most laboratories that send samples of research
chemicals to another laboratory produce a full MSDS prior to sending the
A. Prior to the promulgation of the Laboratory Standard, laboratories had certain
obligations under the Hazard Communication Standard. The same obligations still
apply when a chemical is to be shipped to another user. The intent of the paragraph
in the laboratory standard is to state that the Laboratory Standard does not exempt
laboratories from requirements of the Hazard Communication Standard, with
respect to MSDSs and labeling, when a substance is to be sent out.
If a laboratory has been in compliance with Hazard Communication Standard
requirements, nothing need change in this regard. If the document stating the
hazards of the chemical has satisfied the requirements of Hazard Communication
prior to promulgation of the Laboratory Standard, it will continue to do so.
5. Q. Service Personnel In Laboratories: Where a laboratory has service personnel
such as janitors, or people delivering solvents, chemicals etc., do these people fall
under the requirements of the Laboratory Standard or the HCS?
A. Service personnel who do not work in a research laboratory consistently, would
be covered by the Hazard Communication Standard.
6. Q. What Does The Laboratory Standard Supersede? Section (a)(2) says that the
Laboratory Standard supersedes all other OSHA Health Standards except for the
(1) skin and eye contact, (2) PELs, (3) Action Levels: Does this concept apply
equally to all parts of other OSHA health and safety standards?
A. Yes, but if required monitoring shows consistent exposures above an Action
Level, then the same exposure monitoring and medical surveillance provisions as in
the relevant substance specific standard will apply.
7. Q. Contact Lenses: Section E,l,(k), Personal protection, (Appendix A)
recommends that the use of contact lenses be avoided unless special precautions are
taken: (1) Does OSHA officially discourage the use of contact lenses in the
laboratory? and (2) What special precautions does OSHA want where contact
lenses are worn in the laboratory?
A. (1) OSHA's present policy does not have a problem with the wearing of contact
lenses in the laboratory providing proper eye protection is worn when appropriate.
Some compliance officers will give a de minimis citation for the use of contact
lenses, others ignore it entirely.
(2) OSHA wants increased attention paid to the use of protective eyewear in the
laboratory for all workers, particularly those who wear contact lenses.
8. Q. Defining High Degree of Acute Toxicity: The new laboratory standard 29 CFR
1910.1450, has requirements for additional employee protection for work with
particularly hazardous substances as detailed in Section (e)(3)(viii) of the standard.
This section states that particularly hazardous substances include those substances
which have a "high degree of acute toxicity". The phrase "high degree of acute
toxicity" is undefined in the standard and is subject to wide variation in
interpretation. Guidance is requested concerning interpretation of this phrase.
A. Although there are some basic differences between the Hazard Communication
Standard (HCS) and the laboratory standard, the Laboratory Standard tries to be
consistent with HCS definitions.
The HCS delineates between "acute" and "chronic" on the basis of severity or
duration of effects and states that acute effects usually occur rapidly as a result of
short-term exposures and are of short durations. The HCS also defines explicitly
the terms "highly toxic" and "toxic" as they relate to chemicals. Examples given are
substances such as hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen sulfide, and nitrogen dioxide.
Therefore, substances that are considered to have a high degree of acute toxicity are
those substances which are highly toxic, or toxic as defined under the HCS, and
may be fatal or cause damage to target organs, as a result of a single exposure or
exposures of short duration.
9. Q. Physicians Written Opinion: Paragraph (g)(4) requires that for any medical
examination or consultation required by 1910.1450, a written physicians opinion be
obtained. Where the examining physician finds a health impairment not due to
occupational exposure, but which may predispose the individual to increased risk
from exposure to chemicals, how specific should the examining physician be in the
written opinion?
A. The physician should indicate the general nature of the impairment (for
example, weakened immunity or decreased lung capacity) and not reveal specific
illnesses, such as AIDS or emphysema.
10. Q. Pharmacy Operations: Does OSHA's Laboratory Standard apply to a
pharmacy operation where standard formulations of cytotoxic drugs are regularly
A. The determination of whether the Laboratory Standard applies is dependent on
both "laboratory use" and Laboratory Scale" criteria. A pharmacy operator mixing
cytotoxic drugs does not meet the "laboratory use" criteria because the operation
simulates a production process. Laboratories generally have many hazardous
chemicals present to which exposures are intermittent rather than a few substances
to which there are regular exposures.
11. Q. Academic Laboratories: Is it OSHA's intent to apply 1910.1450 to an
academic chemistry laboratory at the high school or college level? (In most cases
the Chemical Hygiene Officer and the employee would be one and the same
A. Yes, OSHA intends for 1910.1450 to apply to laboratories in academic
institutions. The preamble of the Laboratory Standard even included a projected
annual cost of compliance with the Laboratory Standard for academic laboratories
(page 3308 of January 31, 1990, Federal Register).
Appendix F.
For certain hazards and classes of chemicals not covered under the General Standard
Operating Procedures for Working with Chemicals, principal investigators and Department
Safety Officers/laboratory supervisors must develop their own site specific standard
operating procedures. These site specific standard operating procedures must be kept in
this appendix or a 3 ring binder visible in the laboratory book shelves with Standard
Operating Procedures for Special Hazards on the spine and cover.