The Magic Fountain in Barcelona's Plaza de España runs from October to April on Fridays and Saturdays from 6pm to 8pm. Designed in 1929, it features dancing water jets synchronized to music and lights. La Pedrera is Gaudí's modernist building known for its undulating facade and roof with chimney-like structures. The roof offers views of the city. Sagrada Familia remains under construction based on Gaudí's designs and is funded by visitors. Montjuïc offers views of the city from its castle, which formerly served as a military prison.
The Magic Fountain in Barcelona's Plaza de España runs from October to April on Fridays and Saturdays from 6pm to 8pm. Designed in 1929, it features dancing water jets synchronized to music and lights. La Pedrera is Gaudí's modernist building known for its undulating facade and roof with chimney-like structures. The roof offers views of the city. Sagrada Familia remains under construction based on Gaudí's designs and is funded by visitors. Montjuïc offers views of the city from its castle, which formerly served as a military prison.
The Magic Fountain in Barcelona's Plaza de España runs from October to April on Fridays and Saturdays from 6pm to 8pm. Designed in 1929, it features dancing water jets synchronized to music and lights. La Pedrera is Gaudí's modernist building known for its undulating facade and roof with chimney-like structures. The roof offers views of the city. Sagrada Familia remains under construction based on Gaudí's designs and is funded by visitors. Montjuïc offers views of the city from its castle, which formerly served as a military prison.
The Magic Fountain in Barcelona's Plaza de España runs from October to April on Fridays and Saturdays from 6pm to 8pm. Designed in 1929, it features dancing water jets synchronized to music and lights. La Pedrera is Gaudí's modernist building known for its undulating facade and roof with chimney-like structures. The roof offers views of the city. Sagrada Familia remains under construction based on Gaudí's designs and is funded by visitors. Montjuïc offers views of the city from its castle, which formerly served as a military prison.
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The magic fountain: Pl.
de Espanya- AUTUMM - WINTER 2013-2014:
From 1 October 2013 to 30 April 2014 Frida! a"d #at$rda!% & pm - ' pm( T)e !)o*! !tart at &% &:30% +% a"d +:30 pm( The Magic Fountain was designed by engineer Carles Buigas in anticipation of the Barcelona International Exposition of 1929 Buigas was chief of the electro!echanical installations section of the Exposition "e had the #isionary idea of e!ploying !echanical $ets to create strea!s of dancing water %#er &''' !en wor(ed on the huge pro$ect )t its co!pletion* cascades and fountains were installed in se#eral points along )#enida Maria Cristina* near +la,a d-Espanya The !ain feature was the !onu!ental fountain on the platfor! built at the foot of the .ational +alace This area of the fountains is the yearly scene of a special !usic and firewor(s spectacle on /epte!ber 20* the feast day of 1a Merc 2%ur 1ady of Mercy3* Barcelona-s patron saint* The Magic Fountain-s display of !o#ing $ets of water are illu!inated in !any different colors The dance of the water is synchroni4ed with !usic and lights )fter !ore than 5' years* the Fountain was restored in ti!e for the 1992 %ly!pic 6a!es The Magic Fountain is the biggest orna!ental fountain in Barcelona and uses recycled water This was probably the first synchroni4ed water* !usic and light show in the world and it continues to be one of Barcelona-s !ost popular attractions.E)7E/T MET7% /T)TI%.8 +la,a d-Espanya La Pedrera: M- Diagonal- Ad$lt: 16.50 1 Marc) to 3 No,ember( Mo"da to #$"da: from 9am to 8pm (last admission: 7.30pm). 1 1a +edrera is an a!a4ing building within which you can spend a huge a!ount of ti!e without e#en noticing9 In this building the roof is an interesting area although the apart!ent is also gorgeous The roof terrace has chi!ney stac(s that are called scare:witches* and these ha#e #ery unusual shapes* and really are abstract sculptures 6audi built 1a +edrera for the pro!inent Mila Fa!ily 2+ere Mila was an industrialist and his wife was 7oser /egi!on3 between 19'5 and 1912 This caused a sensation at that ti!e because e#erything in the building was cur#ed and undulated +eople !ade fun of it because they did not understand it or its abstract sculpture The outside walls were !ade of stone and re!inded people of a ;uarry* so it was called 1a +edrera 2!eaning stone ;uarry3 The facade is undulating and has large windows and balconies with elaborate wrought iron railings There is an inner patio that acts li(e an air shaft for the building The exhibition contained in the attic space of the building is called the 6audi /pace and is really interesting and gi#es a real insight into the way 6audi wor(ed through !odels and fil! The +oly:funicular !odels which de!onstrate how 6audi designed the towers and ele#ations of the /agrada Fa!ilia and also the infor!ation on the way his ideas were so ahead of his ti!e in ter!s of use of space and light 6audi apparently studied nature intensely and found that nature had no straight lines 6audi learned to build with cur#es that had strength %n the 0th floor is the Flat of 1a +edrera* which is a replica of an apart!ent of 6audi<s ti!e* and this apart!ent occupies a space of 5'' s;uare !eters and has household utensils* furniture* and decorati#e ob$ects This apart!ent shows how well:to:do people li#ed during that ti!e and is #ery interesting 1a +edrera was declared a =orld "eritage /ite in 19>0 The building represents the 4enith of Modernis! 2 Sagrada amilia: M- Sagrada amilia ! "asilica #isit 1$.%& ! "asilica ' to(ers #isit ! 1).*& October to March, 9.00 to 18.00 h * El Te!ple Expiatori de la /agrada Fa!?lia 2the Expiatory Church of the "oly Fa!ily3 began as a #ision of @osep Maria Bocabella i Aerdaguer "e founded the /piritual )ssociation of the Be#otees of /t @oseph in 1>C0 and it was this Foundation that began pro!oting the construction of the church and raising public funds for the construction The foundation stone was laid on March 19* 1>>2* the feast day of /t @oseph The original architect* Francisco de +aula del Aillar y 1o4ano* resigned after a year and )ntoni 6audi was co!!issioned to o#ersee the pro$ect The /agrada Fa!ilia beca!e 6audi-s greatest contribution to Barcelona "e dedicated hi!self to this pro$ect for 0& years* until his tragic death in 1925 )s public interest in the pro$ect increased and !ore donations were recei#ed* the Foundation accepted 6audi-s suggestion to build a !ore inno#ati#e and !onu!ental structure than the original neo:6othic plan )fter his death* a succession of architects ha#e added their #ision to the co!plex The church is expiatory* !eaning that it is being constructed to atone for wrongdoing or guilt* so the financing of the church is co!pletely pri#ate The ad!ission charge paid by o#er two and a half !illion #isitors each year supports the cost of construction The goal is to co!plete construction by the first third of this century $ Parc +uell: L 2$ a 22-a statie ,tra del ,armel-Parc +uell +ates open at % am - %.,ount Euse/i +uell (as a prominent industrialist in "arcelona (ho (as inspired to /uild a garden city (ith 0& houses on a hill called Monta1a Pelada -"are Mountain.. The par2 (as designed /y prominent architect3 4ntoni +audi3 and /uilt /et(een 1)&& and 1)1$. The #enture (as not successful and only t(o houses (ere /uilt. ,ount +uell con#inced +audi to /uy one of them. This house3 designed /y 5amon "erenguer3 is no( the ,asa-Museu +audi3 (hich contains furniture designed /y +audi and other personal effects of the architect. The city of "arcelona has o(ned the par2 since 1)2*. 4t the entrance to the par23 you (ill find the main staircase (ith a dragon fountain made of /ro2en /its of gla6ed ceramic tile -trencadis.. This leads to the Salon of the 7undred ,olumns3 (hich (as supposed to /e a mar2et place. The columns really num/er only %$ and are Doric in form. The ceiling of the Salon has tiled mosaics (ith designs on the ceiling. 8n top of the salon is a pu/lic s9uare (ith a #ery large undulating /ench in the form of a sea serpent that has /ac2rests adorned (ith the /ro2en /its of gla6ed tile. The /ench (as made /y the architect :osep Maria :u;ol. 4t the top of the par2 is the ,losed ,hapel3 (hich has a large cross on top of it. This place has #ery good #ie(s of the city. The par2 (as declared a Patrimony of Man2ind /y the <=ES,8 in 1)%$.To some3 the highlight of Parc +uell is not the architecture of +audi3 /ut the #ie(s of the city. >t is definitely a nice (al2 and (orth the effort to #isit. or those (ho are challenged /y a strenuous uphill (al23 ta2ing a ta?i or /us @2$ is recommended. A 0 B ,amp =ou Mont;uic- The ca/le car lin2s the city to the top of Mont;uCc. To do so3 it clim/s %$.A metres on a BA&-metre run that sho(s the (hole of "arcelona3 from the Serra de ,ollserola to the sea. % The ca/le car has three stations: Parc de Mont;uCc3 Miramar and ,astell de Mont;uCc3 and is fully accessi/le. 8perating times- Ad$lt t*o-*a tic-et: 10(+0 . 8pen daily from 1&.&& am to 0.&& pm 7o( to get there Dou can get there on the Mont;uCc funicular3 from ParalElel metro station -L2 and L*.. 8n the "arcelona "us TurFstic: at the TelefGric de Mont;uic stop on the 5ed 5oute. "us num/ers AA and 1A&. rom "arcelonaHs 1B* m high mountain3 the Mont;uCc3 you ha#e a spectacular #ie( o#er the sea3 the port and the city. 8n top of it is the ,astell3 a huge fortress3 the final form of (hich (as constructed at the end of the 1%th century. or many years it (as the military prison and a sym/ol of the suppression /y the ranco regime. The castle (as handed o#er to the city in 1)0&. Today it contains the museum of military history and is a popular attraction on the Mont;uCc <ntil 1)0&3 the ,astell ser#ed as military prison until it (as handed o#er to the city. Parts of it are still used for military purposes today. 4s a sym/ol of the former oppression3 it (as restored for the 8lympic +ames in 1))2 and large parts of it (ere made accessi/le to the pu/lic again. The decree to hand o#er the ,astell to the city (as enhanced in 2&&B and on :une 1A3 2&&%3 it (as officially handed o#er to the city as a cultural site. 8n this day3 $&3&&& people #isited a concert in honor of LluFs ,ompanys and rancesc errer i +uIrdia.Nowadays, thr ar fr!"nt #on#rts, sminars and $hi%itions %in& hld at th #astll and it is a pop"lar to"rist attra#tion, sp#ially %#a"s of its "ni!" 'iw o'r th #ity of (ar#lona, th sa and th port. /$blic tra"!port Mo"t0$ic 1a!tle (y )tro, hill train and #a%l #ar: *a+ )tro to station ,aralll on -rn lin .3. *a+ Montjuic funicular train *a+ Montjuic cable car. /r wal+ from top of f"ni#"lar train to )ont0"i# #astl whi#h ta+s a%o"t 10115 min"ts. (y %"s *a+ p"%li# bus line 150 from ,la2a 3spanya to )ont0"i# 4astl ) 1& Mont serrat )/5N6N-7 89*35N//N7 1 )ar#h to 31 /#to%r :+days 9:;0am to <:00pm <:35pm to 7:00pm
,"%li# holidays 9:;0am to <:00pm <:35pm to 7:00pm 1 No'm%r to <8 9%r"ary :+days 10:10am to <:00pm <:35pm to 5:;5pm
,"%li# holidays 9:;0am to <:00pm <:35pm to 6:15pm 9ars 5t"rn ti#+t /n way 10 *a$s in#l"dd 7 *a$s in#l"d 11 Getting There: By car, once drivers get out of Barcelona, it's a short 30-minute drive to the base of the mountain and a 10-minute series of switchbacks to the actual site. It may be easier to park your car at the lift and ride the cable car up. Trains leave hourly from Barcelona's Plaa d'Espanya, and take you to the base of the mountain. From there you can take a cable car (the most fun way), or a rack railway up the mountain. For most travelers, it's simplest to buy a package ticket. For cable car: Get of the train at the Montserrat-Aeri stop, where the cable car awaits. On the way back down, departures from the monastery around :40 past the hour make the Barcelona-bound trains leaving at :48 past the hour. Although there's a later cable- car departure from the monastery, it entails almost an hour-long wait for the next Barcelona-bound train. (Check schedules as these times may change.) For the Cremallera rack railway (mountain train): Get of the train the at Monistrol de Montserrat stop (one stop after Montserrat-Aeri) and catch the Cremallera mountain train (cheaper of-season, covered by your train or combo-ticket, hourly, 20-minute trip). On the return trip, this train departs the monastery at :15 past the hour (:22 past the hour on winter weekdays), allowing you to catch the Barcelona-bound train leaving Monistrol de Montserrat at :44 past the hour. (Check schedules as these times may change.) Fro! the pla4a in front of the !onastery* you can find 2 Funiculars The Funicular of /ant @oan carries #isitors up to the !ountains abo#e the !onastery There are se#eral wal(ing paths of different lengths and spectacular scenic beauty For !ore infor!ation on the wal(ing paths* clic( here To see a #irtual reality tour of the Funicular /ant @oan* clic( here The Funicular of /anta Co#a carries #isitors down to the sacred co#e where the original sacred statue of the Blac( Airgin* supposedly car#ed by /aint 1u(e* was found in >9' The iron railings around the co#e were designed by )ntoni 6audi To see a #irtual reality tour of the Funicular /anta Co#a* clic( here Dou can buy a tic(et for the funiculars when you arri#e at Montserrat or purchase it as part of a co!bined tic(et 2the ETrans MontserratE3 at both the +laca Espanya and +laca Catalunya F6C offices Either way it is the sa!e price* unless you also plan to ta(e a separate funicular to the /anta Co#a* in which case you should buy the ETransMontserratE tic(et at +laca Espanya or +laca Catalunya )lso* if you plan to ta(e the funicular up and then wal( down* a better option is to s(ip the ETransE tic(et and buy your one:way funicular tic(et at the !onastery3 The infor!ation booth right outside the station at the !onastery has a list and !ap of six hi(es The Etwo hour hi(eE to the farthest point* /ant @eroni 2three hours if you ta(e periodic #iewing and rest stops3 gi#es you the !ost breathta(ing #iews of the surrounding countryside and the +yrenees and is highly reco!!ended* though not for those with fear of heights There is a well:stoc(ed cafeteria at Montserrat for lunch and a coffee bar For a !ore co!plete #isit that includes lunch and ad!ission to the art !useu!* consider the TotMontserrat tic(et FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 12 /anta Maria de Montserrat is a Benedictine abbey 2 wwwabadia!ontserratcat3 and basilica located in the Montserrat !ountain* which is called Monistrol de Montserrat The site is located &> (! fro! Barcelona Fro! afar* the !ountain loo(s #ery strange because of its roc( for!ations The !onastery started as the "er!itage of /anta Maria* the Mother of Christ* in 1'2G Aery soon there were stories of !iracles wor(ed by /t Mary the Airgin of Montserrat* and pilgri!ages started to the site ) bigger 7o!anes;ue chapel was built to be able to recei#e !ore pilgri!s It beca!e one of the best (nown shrines in the Christian world and the !ost prestigious shrine in Catalonia In the .apoleonic wars of 1>11 and 1>12* the French destroyed !ost of the abbey* but the statue of %ur 1ady was sa#ed because it was hidden so!ewhere in the !ountain The rebuilding of the abbey started slowly after the .apoleonic wars and has continued to the present Today the !ountain of Montserrat is a place of worship to 6od and a place where !any pilgri!s go* and is the !ost fa!ous religious site in Catalonia For people of other religions* it is said that the !ountain is a source of great energy* one of the best in Europe* and people floc( to it for the experience The statue of the Airgin is called H1a MorenetaI because of the blac( color of her face The statue is a wooden 7o!anes;ue statue fro! the end of the 12th century The #arnish on the statue has oxidi4ed and because of the effect of candle s!o(e and the s!o(e of la!ps* the appearance is now blac( The Airgin has a crown of diade!s and has a ball in her hand %n her lap is a statue of @esus Christ "e also has a crown and "is hand is !a(ing a sign of blessing* while the other hand is holding a pine cone Many wo!en in /pain are na!ed Montserrat and she is re#ered all o#er the world %ne of the !en who acco!panied Colu!bus in the .ew =orld was a for!er !on( fro! Montserrat and he started her #eneration in the )!ericas 1a Moreneta is housed in a s!all alco#e accessible fro! a corridor and staircase on the right side of the abbey If you want to see 1a Moreneta* the 12th or 1&th century 7o!anes;ue statue that !ysteriously replaced the 9th century statue found by shepherds in the /anta Co#a* you !ay ha#e to wait in line for an hour* especially on a /unday Dou will only get a few seconds to loo( at it as the next tourist pushes in line behind you The best way to #iew 1a Morenata is to arri#e at the abbey by 9 a! There are no crowds at this ti!e and the abbey is cal! and peaceful =hen one goes to the basilica* one sees a beautifully designed atriu! floor* which was designed by Father Benet Martine4 There is a !edallion in the center and there is an inscription around it with a !essage that only those bapti4ed and born in the water li(e fish can understand the !eaning of the fish of the Eucharist +eople of !any faiths and children li(e to balance the!sel#es on one foot on this atriu! floor* as it is a custo! fro! way bac( The basilica has a neo:+lateres;ue design 2a !ixture of 6othic and 7enaissance3 and was built in 19'' =hen one enters the basilica* one can see the statue of 1a Moreneta in the alco#e abo#e the altar To see it close up* one has to go through the portico on the right side of the basilica This portico has beautiful designs in sgraffiti There is usually a long line of pilgri!s who want to see 1a Moreneta %ne has to go through the )ngel Boor* which has designs of !any angel !usicians adorning it Then one goes up !any steps until one reaches the /hrine of the Airgin and Child and sees 1a Moreneta The ceiling abo#e the statue has beautiful !osaics designed by @osep %biols and were produced by /antiago +adrJs in 190C E#erywhere one sees beautiful designs contributed by Catalan and other artists 1* )fter seeing the basilica* one can go and see the !useu!* which surprises you with its ;uality and ;uantity The !useu! is in a building across fro! the basilica and it is built underground* co!prising of two stories This was built by the architect @osep +uig I Cadafalch in 1929 There are !any wor(s of art donated by rich Catalans There are archeology pieces fro! the Bible lands* gold and sil#er wor( fro! the 1Gth :2'th centuries* and beautiful paintings fro! !asters such as Cara#aggio* El 6reco* /isley* Bali* and !any Catalan artists fro! the early 2'th century There are also !any paintings done by !any artists with the sub$ect of /aint Mary of Montserrat This !useu! is a!ong one of the best pri#ate !useu!s in /pain %ne can ha#e lunch at the "otel )bat Cisneros* and the hotel is where !any pilgri!s stay They also ha#e the Montserrat Boy<s Choir 2 wwwescolaniacat3* which usually perfor!s at 1 p! and C p! fro! Monday to Thursday* at noon on Friday and at 11 a! 2Mass3 and 580G p! on /undays Dou can chec( their website for holidays and concerts outside Montserrat The boys who perfor! in the choir li#e in a separate part of the !onastery and go to school there They say that there are about >' !on(s who li#e in the !onastery today In one of the gift stores* they ha#e a whole section about angels Many people collect angels since they thin( they gi#e good luc( Many of the little angel figurines are !ade of white cera!ic and others ha#e a gold patina There are !any cats who li#e on the !onastery grounds and the tourists lo#e to feed these #ery ta!e cats The #isit to Montserrat is #ery !e!orable and the #iews of the !onastery and surrounding !ountain are breathta(ing 7eally a #ery beautiful place )dditional infor!ation : The funiculars do not operate in March so expect #ery long and hilly wal(s up to about an hour to get to /ant @oan Ta(e a picnic lunch with you to eat at the top especially if nice weather as there are no shops or toilets at the top of the !ountain )lso good wal(ing footwear is reco!!ended Beautiful #iews though9 Bress war!ly Montserrat is on top of a !ountain and !any ti!es there is a strong wind Bring a war! coat 1$ 1A 10 La 5am/la3 La /o9ueria3 Portal del 4ngel3 Playa de ,atalunya 1B Parc de la ciutadella 1&:&&- e#ening The Ciutadella +ar( is located near the port* in the 7ibera district It started out as a fortress in 1C10 when +hilip A beca!e the first Bourbon (ing and his !an the Bu(e of Berwic( ordered its construction In 1>59 it was decided to turn this into a par( and the fortress was de!olished The par( was going to be used for the Kni#ersal Exhibition of 1>>> and the architects of the par( were @osep Fontsere and Elies 7ogent The gardens were the wor( of the French landscape architect @ean:Claude .icolas Forestier The par( has the for!er )rsenal* which is now the Catalan +arlia!ent building There is a spectacular and !onu!ental waterfall* called the Cascada* that was designed by Fontsere with the help of a student called 6audi The cascading waterfall has sculptures of horses and winged dragons The bac(drop of the fountain is a triu!phal arch that is topped with a sculpture of a !anned chariot of four horses )ll of these ha#e the Baro;ue style There is a large la(e* a big outdoor stone sculpture of a !a!!oth* and !any sculptures by 19th and 2'th century Catalan sculptors %ne of these sculptures is of a wo!an in distress and is called Besconsol* done by @osep 1li!ona This sculpture stands in a pool in front of the Catalan +arlia!ent The Barcelona Zoo is in the par( too ) building that was built for the 1>>> Exhibition is the Castle of the Three Bragons* now the Loological Museu!* and a wor( of 1luis Bo!enech i Montaner )nother building is the 6eology Museu!* in a .eo:classic building @ust outside the par( is the )rch of Triu!ph* which was the entrance to the 1>>> Exhibition This is done in red bric( and loo(s li(e a Mude$ar construction The architect was @osep Ailaseca The top has a beautiful frie4e done by @osep 1i!ona and has winged angels 1% Ti/ida/o- "us T24- Playa de ,atalunya 1) 2& lamenco Tarantos 21 Po/le espanyol- 11 Opening hours Monday from 9am to 8pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday from 9am to midnight Friday from 9am to 3am Saturday from 9am to 4am How to get there El /oble E!pa"ol de Mo"t0$ic( #pa"i!) ,illa2e 3arcelo"a( Addre!! a"d map( /oble E!pa"ol i! a" ope" air m$!e$mi" 3arcelo"a *it) 40 )a"dicra4t !)op! a"d a ,ariet o4 e5celle"t re!ta$ra"t! a"d bar!( I" t)e !$mmer 4rom Ma t)ere are ope" air "i2)t cl$b! a"d all ear ro$"d o$ ca" e"0o o"e o4 3arcelo"a6! be!t 4lame"co !)o*! called El Tablao de Carmen( T)e #pa"i!) ,illa2e *a! b$ilt i" 1'2' 4or t)e 3arcelo"a I"ter"atio"al E5)ibitio" to be a real 7,illa2e7 i" t)e middle o4 a cit *it) a !$r4ace area o4 4'%000 m2( T)e aim *a! to create a 7ideal model7 o4 a #pa"i!) ,illa2e *it) eleme"t! o4 all to*"! a"d ,illa2e! o" t)e e"tire Iberia" pe"i"!$la( T)e 11& b$ildi"2!% !treet! a"d !8$are! repre!e"t di44ere"t !tle! 4rom re2io"! o4 #pai"( It *a! b$ilt i" t)irtee" mo"t)! a"d o"l i"te"ded to !ta ope" 4or t)e !i5 mo"t)! o4 t)e U"i,er!al E5)ibitio" i" 1'2'( 3$t it *a! a 2reat !$cce!! a"d )a! !ta ope" e,er !i"ce( El /oble E!pa"ol combi"e! )i!tor a"d art *it) more t)a" 4ort art a"d cra4t *or-!)op! a"d !)op! *or-i"2 i" t)e ope"-air m$!e$m( E5perie"ce t)e *o"der o4 )i!toric )a"dmade prod$ctio" tec)"i8$e! a"d 8$alitie! a"d appreciate )o* i""o,ati,e eleme"t! o4 de!i2" a"d !)ape ca" e"ric) a traditio"al prod$ct( T)e cra4t tec)"i8$e! t)at ca" c$rre"tl be 4o$"d )ere are: ceramic!% e"2ra,i"2% decorati,e pai"ti"2% 2la!! blo*i"2% p$ppet-ma-i"2% 0e*eller% ma!-!% 4a"!% !c$lpt$re% leat)er% embroider% ba!-et-*ea,i"2% m$!ical i"!tr$me"t-ma-i"2% e!padrille-ma-i"2 a"d ma" ot)er!( /oble E!pa"ol al!o )o!t! 9a!tro/op *)ic) i! a mo"t)l 1 da 4ood 4e!ti,al *)ic) ta-e! place e,er la!t #at$rda o4 t)e mo"t)( 9a!tropop c)a"2e! t)eme e,er mo"t) *it) t)e aim o4 !)o*ca!i"2 t)e 2a!tro"om o4 di44ere"t re2io"! o4 1atal$"a i" 3arcelo"a( By public transport o Metro Stop: Espanya, line 1 and line 3 o !errocarriles "atalanes !#" Station: Espanya o Bus Stop: $oble Espanyol %ines: 13 and 1&' o (ourist Bus Stop: $oble Espanyol #$S: #$S locations) %atitude:41* ++,8-9./ ) %ongitude: +* 8,&+1&.E The site has a private car park where you can park your vehicle. 22 Avda. Francesc Ferrer i Gurdia, 13 08038 BC 2* La "arceloneta /each 2$ ,arrer de montcada no 2&- lamenco- Palau Dalmases 20 con bebida 2A La 5oca Re2$lar !er,ice 3arcelo"a - :a Roca del ;all<! area comercial 1a" Ma!!a2$= 9rom )onday to 7at"rday, dir#t sr'i# from 4=4asp, 3; Re2$lar !er,ice 4rom Fabra /$i2 !tatio" 9rom )onday to 9riday, lo#al %"ss la' (ar#lona>s 9a%ra i ,"i& station and tra'l to .a 5o#a ?illa&. ("ss la' fo"r tims daily with a 0o"rny tim of aro"nd 50 min"ts. @!e"artures #ro$ BA%C&'(A Barcelona, "aspe Street 34 )*00, 10*00, 11*00, 1+*00, 13*00, 1,*00, 1-*00, 1.*00, 1/*00, 18*00, 1)*00, +0*00 !e"artures #ro$ 'A %(CA %a 0oca 1utlets main access and /i2e !actory Store3Mango Store 10*00, 11*00, 1+*00, 13*00, 1,*00, 1-*00, 1.*00, 1/*00, 18*00, 1)*00, +0*00, +1*00 7eron city TMB 11, 26, 34, 36, 62, 73, 74, 96, 97, 104, 122, 126 y 132. Bus nou 0arris L80, L81, L82, L83. 20