Competency Mapping

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Competency Mapping

A map is a visual representation of an area-a symbolic depiction highlighting relationships
between elements of that space such as objects, regions and themes. Here, competency
mapping is a process of identifying key competencies for a particular position in an
organisation, and then using it for job-evaluation, recruitment, training and management,
performance management, succession planning, etc.
Here are some definitions given by experts:
Hayes(1979) -Competencies are generic knowledge motive, trait, social role or a skill of a
person linked to superior performance on the job.
Albanese (1989)-Competencies are personal characteristics that contribute to effective
managerial performance.
UNIDO (2002)-A Competency is a set of skills, related knowledge and attributes that allow an
individual to successfully perform a task or an activity within a specific function or job.
The objectives of competency mapping are to help a business become more efficient,
effective and competitive. It starts with a set of high-level core competency standards such as
innovation, creativity, technical expertise, quality and a customer-oriented focus, all of which
reflect strategic business goals. Through the process of competency mapping these goals
become employee performance benchmarks. Managers use these benchmark to identify
training needs that ultimately increase the productivity and performance of employees and the
efficiency, effectiveness and competitive nature of the business as a whole.
Components Of Competency
Competency has three major components which are as follows:
1) Knowledge:
It refers to the information a person possesses about specific areas, knowledge
comprises many factors like memory, numerical ability, linguistic ability, and
is therefore, a complex competency.
It can be either:
Scientific Knowledge
Technical Knowledge
Job Knowledge

2) Skill:
It represents intelligent application of knowledge, experience, and tools. This
is the procedural know how knowledge (what one can do), either covert
(e.g., deductive or inductive reasoning) or observable e.g. active listening
skills in an interview.
3) Attitudes:
Attitudes are predispositions to other individuals, groups, objects, situations,
events, issue etc. Attitudes decide our approach or avoidance behaviour. They
are normally conceptualized as positive or negative.
Areas Of Implementation
Some of these areas are explained below:
1) Recruitment and Selection Competencies:

This can be used to construct a template for use in recruitment and selection.
Information on the level of competency required for effective performance would be
used to determine the competence levels that new hires should possess. This results in
hiring of an employee who is organisational as well as role fit. This way we can
reduce the cost of training of the new hired employees. Employees will be productive
from Day 1 and no man-hours will be lost in the training of new hires. A firm that
knows how to assess competencies can effectively hire the best at a reasonable price,
for example hiring under priced but highly entrepreneurial management graduates
from lesser-known business.

2) Training And Development Requirements:

It involves identifying the gap between competencies required for the position
and those possessed by the employee. Any such gap is bridged by providing
training to the incumbent for those particular competencies only.

3) Career and Succession Planning:

It involves assessing employees capability to take on new challenges. In order
to see if an employee is suitable for occupying position at the top
management; his current competency level ought to be matched against those
that required at higher level position.

4) Performance Management System:

It is important to correlate performance result with competencies. Performance
management system should be competency based and not just result based.
Competency based performance management would focus on HOW of

performance and not on WHAT of performance i.e. not on result but how
the result are achieved Effective PMS should provide link to the development
of an individual and not just to rewards.

5) Rewards and Recognition Competency:

Competency linked benefits is a new concept after performance linked
incentives. Competency linked benefits focus on the fact that employees
should work hard towards developing their competencies as and when
requirement arises for performing their job effectively. It rewards employees
who not only work hard towards achieving their target but also who put effort
in enhancing their competencies (keeping in mind the dynamic needs of the
job at hand).
Models Of Competency Mapping
A competency mapping model is an organizing framework that lists the competencies
required for effective performance in a specific job, job family (e.g., group of related jobs),
organization, function, or process.
Individual competencies are organized into competency models to enable people in an
organization or profession to understand, discuss, and apply the competencies to workforce
Examples of models of competency mapping:
Organizational Approach Models
HR Systems Approach Models
Team Approach Models
Individualistic models
Developing The Model

Strategize - assess business needs, evaluate contextual drivers etc
Initiate -identify methodologies, develop project plans, review existing data
Model - analyze and synthesize data, identify competencies etc
Pilot - develop implementation and evaluation plans, develop and initiate
competency applications etc
Link - link to all human resources system components and phase in
implementation of other competency based applications.
Evaluate - establish and evaluate measures, and continuously improve the

Stages of Competency
There are mainly three stages of competency : Stage-1, Stage-2, Stage-3.
Stage-1= Data gathering and preparation.
Study identified jobs
Identify major categories of skills
Identify probable competencies
Stage-2= Data analysis
Review list of probable competencies
Construct Competencies Definitions
Assign proficiency levels
Stage-3= Validation
Content Validation session
Reinforce proficiency of critical competencies
Refine competencies definitions, if necessary
Steps for implementing the Competency Mapping model
Identify departments and organisation hierarchy
Obtain job description
Conduct semi-structured interviews
Preparation of list of skills
Generate list of competencies
Indicate proficiency levels
Validate competency and proficiency levels
Prepare competency matrix
Mapping of competency
Data Collection Tools
Behavioural events interview
Expert panels
Job analysis
Role analysis
Direct observation
Divisions of Competency Mapping
The competency mapping is mainly divided into two categories 1) Basic and 2)

Expertise gained by an individual employee.
Needs for Competency Mapping
Here are some points stating the need and importance of competency mapping.
Need for ensuring that competent people are available for performing various critical
Downsizing adds to the consequent need to get a lot of thing done with fewer people
and thus reduce manpower costs and pass on the advantage to the customer.
Recognition that technology, finances, customers and markets, systems and processes
can all be set right or managed effectively if we have the right kind of human
And recognition of the strategic advantage given by employee competencies in
building the core competencies of the organization.
Advantages of competency mapping
The competency mapping provides a wholesome benefit to the company,
supervisor/manager, and employees.
` The basic objective of an organisation is to achieve its long term goals;
competency mapping ensures that only competent employees work in the organisation. The
word competent here refers to those employees whose skills set match with that of the
required in performing the job effectively.
Competency mapping provides ease to the manager in terms of setting the
targets for the juniors as well as in evaluating their performance. It facilitates clear
communication on part of the managers. HR managers are also clear while recruiting so as to
what kind and level of competencies they are looking for in an individual for performing a
particular job.

Employees are always under pressure to perform their best therefore it is
imperative to define a set of core competencies which an individual should possess to do
justice to his job at hand. Competency mapping helps employees in clearly understanding
what is expected from their job at hand. It specifies the level of competencies required to
perform their job effectively. This helps employees in honing the skills in which they lack. It
also demystifies the performance appraisal process.
Disadvantages of Competency Mapping
Every method, technique, strategy, etc have both positive and negative sides.
Here are some of negative or disadvantage of competency mapping.
There may be no room for an individual to work in a field that would best
make use of his or her competencies.

If the company does not respond to competency mapping by reorganizing its
employees, then it can be of little short-term benefit and may actually result in
greater unhappiness on the part of individual employees.

If too much emphasis is placed on inputs at the expense of outputs, there is
a risk that it will favour employees who are good in theory but not in practice
and will fail to achieve the result that make a business successful.

The competency mapping is a method or a practice followed by big concerns or
organizations to bring out the best of the employees. To know their potentiality, ability, and
hidden talent. This is to be done by the higher officials, this includes various process which
makes the employee a skilled labour or a expertise. This is mainly to select the efficient and
effective employee to the job accordingly. So that the work is done quickly and effectively.
As a conclusion to say competency which brings out the best out the employee makes
the work done by him/her efficient and effective one. We can also say that through
competencies of its employees executives, managers and individuals contributions that an
organization executes and achieves its ultimate result to success.
4) Competency mapping for Superior Results by Sraban Mukherjee

5) The handbook of competencies by Seema Sanghi
6) By Tulika Bhatnagar, XIMB References

, B.ComA Commerce
SRM University, Kattankulathur,

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