Individual Differences Notes

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Individual differences

Individual differences refers to traits or human characteristics that have the potential
either to improve the ability of a person (dare to try) or limit one's ability to learn in
the school environment (such as fear of making mistakes, afraid to ask).
From this definition, it can be concluded that individual differences are variations that
can be observed among the members of a group. Individual differences can be seen
on certain features, the temperament, energy level, patterns of friendship and
relationship with the child's parent-child, and human nature that has the potential to
develop the capacity or limiting the ability of a person in doing something.
Individual differences Aspects:
According to Papalia (2001), people differ in gender, height, weight, and shape of the
body; in other matters such as health and energy levels, and personality
characteristics and emotional reactions.
Slavin (1997) is more focused on individual differences in the context of teaching and
learning. He said the diversity of students in performance levels, the rate of learning,
cognitive style or learning style, ethnicity, culture, social class, home language,
gender, talents and interests.
Based on the opinions of the above, it can be concluded that the aspects of
individual differences are as follows:
1. Gender
2. Physical
3. Cognition
4. Personality
5. Cognitive Styles and Learning Styles
6. Health
7. Social
8. Nations / Languages

Factors Influencing Individual Differences:
The factors that cause individual differences fall into two major factors, namely
genetic and environmental factors. These factors are described in the following
1. Genetic factor
Each person inherits certain properties of the gene or genetic inheritance from both
parents, such as appearance, level of intelligence, temperament, activity level, trait
personality, style, lifestyle, attitudes and interests. Some examples of genetic
inheritance are the colour of the eyes.
2. Environmental factors
Environment means that individuals and found objects and events in a person's life
that influence growth and development itself. That influence an individual's
environment includes the conduct, (attachment) of individuals with both parents
through the care and interaction, the influence of siblings, other family members,
teachers, friends, print materials and electronic media as well as material from the
computer. Environment also includes the location of the residence of a person, the
community around it and houses of worship.
Dealing with Individual Differences in the Context of School:
Teachers can solve the problem of individual differences in emphasis or give
consideration to certain aspects of the planning or carrying out teaching and learning
activities. These aspects include:
1. Understand the differences of students
It is important for teachers to understand the differences of students physically,
mentally and emotionally. This understanding is very important to teachers in order
to provide appropriate services to students. This will avoid biased teachers.
2. Understanding the behaviour of students
Teachers need to understand the behaviour of his students to understanding and
good relations between pupils and teachers can be achieved. Teachers will be more
considerate and sympathetic to the students after understanding the behaviour,
abilities and interests of different students. Thus the teacher can plan activities that
can form the desired behaviour by providing proper guidance.
3. Predict the behaviour of students
Forecast or predict the response and behaviour that may arise in any situation is
important. For example, if there is a hyperactive student in the class to be taught,
what is perhaps the behaviour that may arise when teachers teach? How can
teachers overcome these problems? What is the reaction of other students who may
fall into the introverted? These questions may be assumed, and answered by the
teacher before the planned teaching and learning in the classroom.
4. Cognitive Style Differences and Learning Styles
After several months of the teacher was teaching in a class, he will be able to detect
cognitive styles and learning styles of different students depending. Some people
like to learn to use audio, some visual, some global information processing, and
some are analytical. It should be understood that the teachers can provide learning
materials that are appropriate.
5. Designation of teaching and learning objectives
Due to different levels of intelligence among the students, in developing teaching and
learning objectives, teachers should take the appropriate objectives with students.
Teachers also need to provide training or different activities for different ability
groups, so that students do not continue to remain slow and very wise not bored.
6. Approaches, strategies, methods and techniques
Teachers should use the appropriate strategies and approaches such as group
activities, to treat students differently. It is very suitable for group activities for
students in a different class in terms of capacity. With a group activity, students are
intelligent can help poor students.
7. Variety of teaching aids
Teachers need to use various teaching aids. The materials will be appropriate and
can be used by all students. Teachers should avoid the use of materials that some
students cannot use them.
8. Provides recovery and enrichment programs
Teachers need to plan and provide rehabilitation programs to help them overcome
learning problems encountered so that the learning problems are not gathered up to
the level that cannot be revived. However for the active student, the enrichment
programs that range should be given so that they do not get bored learning.
9. Plan alternative activities
Sometimes teachers consider teaching and learning activities planned are
appropriate and in line with the objectives to be achieved. But while doing so,
teachers find methods or techniques, strategies, and approaches used are not
compatible with some of his students. This condition will cause teachers to be
awkward and did not know what to do. But if the teacher has to plan alternative
activities other than those found in the lesson plan, he may make modifications of
any immediate need.

10. Always compromise
Teachers should understand that every student is unique and different. Therefore
teachers must also be constantly compromise with the students under any
circumstances. For example, teachers have to plan teaching and learning activities
are deemed the most appropriate after considering the matters mentioned above,
there is still a student who did not achieve the objectives of education or worse there
among extrovert disruptive students during the teaching of teachers implementing it.
If confronted with this, teachers should bear the hassle of serving his students.

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