Sample ISEP Application

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ISEP Application Checklist

International Student Exchange Programs
US Students

Name: __________________________________________ Home Institution: _________________________________________________

I have enclosed the following forms in the order below with ONE SINGLE-SIDED PHOTOCOPY (not stapled) OF EACH to my ISEP Coordinator:
____ Participant Profile
____ Legible copy of the identification page of your passport (required)
____ Host Site Request List
____ Language Proficiency Report (one for each proposed language of instruction)
____ Personal Statement (must be submitted in English and in language of instruction)
____ Two Academic References (each must be completed by a university-level professor or academic advisor)
____ Course Request List (one for each site on your Host Site Request List)

I have submitted the following original documents, which my ISEP coordinator will copy:
____ ISEP Application Checklist
____ Official current academic record(s)/transcript(s) from each college or university attended

Application Fee
Fees are non-refundable, and should be submitted with the application unless otherwise indicated below. See ISEP website for fee
information. Mark the relevant fee and method of payment below.
____ $360 ISEP-Exchange only or ISEP-Exchange with ISEP-Direct alternative ($375 after January 1, 2012)
____ $60 ISEP-Direct only ($375 deposit after January 1, 2012; applied to total program fee)
____ Dual Placements (two consecutive semesters at two different sites):
$460 Two ISEP-Exchanges $420 ISEP-Exchange plus ISEP-Direct $120 Two ISEP-Direct
($475 after Jan. 1, 2012) ($475 after Jan. 1, 2012) ($475 after Jan. 1, 2012)
____ My institution will submit the application fee on my behalf to ISEP.
____ I am enclosing a check or money order in US funds payable to ISEP for the application fee listed above.
____ I will pay the application fee by credit card: VISA MasterCard Carte Blanche Diners Card
Credit Card Details:
Card Number __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Expiration: _____ / ______ (Month/Year)
Billing Zip Code __ __ __ __ __ Security Code ________

_______________________________________________ ___________________________________ _________________
PRINT Name of Cardholder Cardholder Authorized Signature Date
Tip: ISEP Coordinator should ensure that all necessary documents have been included. Incomplete applications may not be considered until all
documents are received at ISEP Central.
TIP: Applications cannot be considered until the correct application fee is received at ISEP Central.
ISEP Coordinator Reference
International Student Exchange Programs

Name: _______________________________________________ Home Institution: __________________________________________________

To Be Completed by the Home ISEP Coordinator

The above named student has been (please check one):
Unconditionally selected by this institution for participation in an ISEP program.
Selected by this institution for participation in an ISEP program, if the following condition(s) are met:

Please provide a few comments regarding the appropriateness of this candidate for placement.

I have reviewed the complete application (including Course Request Lists) and discussed it with the applicant. I support this
nomination. I am satisfied that the applicant has received approval for participation in an ISEP program from all required faculty
members and administrative officials, and that all relevant information required for ISEP placement has been fully supplied.

______________________________________________ __________________________________________________
ISEP Coordinators signature Name (type or print)

______________________________________________ __________________________________________________
Email (type or print) Date (type or print)

ISEP Coordinator: Please submit the complete application (plus one additional copy) by mail to:
ISEP, 1655 N. Fort Myer Drive, Suite 400, Arlington VA 22209 USA
- ISEP Coordinator comments are considered valuable by ISEP Central especially because we do not meet the students personally.
- Be as specific as possible to the unique qualities of the student.
- When submitting multiple applications for the same competitive site, ranking can be helpful.
- Please do not include specific mentions of universities in the comment section in case the student is not placed at that particular university.
Participant Profile
International Student Exchange Programs
US Students

Please read How to Apply on the ISEP Web site before completing this form. Type or print clearly in ink and in BLOCK LETTERS. Be sure to
submit the original application and a complete single-sided copy of your entire application to ISEP.
1. Name (as it appears on your passport): _______________________________________________________________________________
last (family or surname) first (given) middle or maiden
Sex: Male Female

2. Home institution: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Please write your address as it would appear on an envelope, using one line for each line of your address. It is important to provide
your complete address, as this will be used for all official ISEP correspondence.

Present address:
Valid until _____/___/____ (month/day/year)

Telephone (with area code): ________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________
Permanent address: (mail will be sent here after date give at
left. Attach summer contact address, if different.)

Telephone (with area code): ___________________________
Email: _____________________________________________

4. If you participate in ISEP, do you permit ISEP to give your email address to students participating in your program? Yes No

5. a. Specify the country or countries in which you have citizenship: __________________________________________________________

b. If you have dual citizenship, indicate which passport you will be using to travel to your host country: __________________________

c. Specify the country or countries of which you are legal permanent resident: _______________________________________________

6. Date of birth: _______ /_____/______ (ex: Sept. 19, 1980)
month / day / year
7. Place of birth: __________________________________________________
city state and country

8. Person(s) to contact in case of emergency:

Name(s): ___________________________________________________________________ Relationship to you: __________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Telephone (with area code): _____________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________

9. Will dependents (spouse, children) accompany you during the program? Yes No
If yes, please indicate on a separate sheet the name(s), relationship, birth date (month/day/year), the city and country of birth, and
include a copy of passport.

10. Do you have any special needs or require special services during your program (i.e., dietary considerations, learning aids, or
facilities with handicapped access)? Yes No If yes, please describe on a separate sheet.

11. Completion of this question is voluntary. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated and will not affect the outcome of your application.
Please check the box(es) that best describe your ethnic origin.

African American Asian or Indian Subcontinent Caucasian Hispanic/Latino
Multi-racial Native American Other: ____________________________________

12. Major: ________________________________ Minor: _____________________________ Expected Graduation date: _____ /______
month / year
13. Cumulative GPA: __________ 14. Principal field(s) of study during exchange: _____________________________________________

15. Indicate your current academic level: sophomore junior senior graduate

16. Indicate your academic level while abroad: sophomore junior senior graduate
- Fill out the application completely; Do not leave lines blank.
- Type the application.
- If the application must be handwritten, please use block letters.
Do not use pencil or colored ink that cannot be easily
TIP: Name must match the student's passport exactly.
TIP: If a student has dual citizenship, please let us know. It is very important for visa
purposes to know what type of passport the student intends on using.
TIP: Please fill out #9 & #10 thoroughly; Be as specific as possible.

17. Indicate the duration for which you are requesting an ISEP program (check one):

one semester two semesters (at same site) dual placement (two semesters at two different sites)

18. Placement period requested begins ________ /________ and ends ________ / ________.
month / year month / year

19. I authorize the ISEP Coordinator at my home institution to send my official academic records/transcripts to ISEP, and I authorize ISEP to
send them to ISEP Coordinators at prospective host institutions. I understand that official academic records/transcripts of work I
undertake at my host institution will be sent to ISEP, and, in turn, to my home institution.

I am responsible for ensuring the payment of my non-refundable application fee to ISEP. I agree to notify my home institution
coordinator immediately if I no longer want to be considered for ISEP placement. I recognize that withdrawal does not entitle me to a
refund of the application fee.

If I accept placement, I agree that:

I will take part in all aspects of the program, including orientation and evaluation.
I will submit a completed ISEP participant evaluation at the end of my program.
I will pay to my home institution the designated program fee covering the full period of my placement.
If accepting an ISEP-Direct placement, I will pay the $375 non-refundable program deposit at time of acceptance. This deposit will be
applied towards the full program fee. (Not applicable to students who have already included the $375 deposit with this application.)
I will have the status of non-degree student unless I have been admitted to a degree program by my host institution.
My placement will be limited to the period specified. An extension request is subject to review and approval by my home and host
institutions and ISEP.
My placement may be terminated by ISEP or by my host institution if I fail to remain enrolled full time at my host institution, fail to
maintain minimum academic standards as defined by my home or host institution, or am found by ISEP or the host institution to be in
violation of laws or regulations of my host country or institution.
If I withdraw from the program anytime after accepting the placement, or if my placement is terminated after I arrive at my host
a) I may still be obligated to pay the full program fee at the discretion of my home institution in collaboration and agreement
with ISEP and my host institution.
b) I will forfeit my right to receive benefits as an ISEP participant and must reimburse my host institution for any money
advanced to me to cover benefits after the date of my withdrawal or termination.
c) I will still be obligated to pay the application fee.

ISEP seeks to ensure that benefits and services outlined in the ISEP Terms of Participation for Institutional Members are provided by
institutions cooperating with ISEP and shall seek to correct any inadequacies brought to its attention. I understand that ISEPs responsibility
to participants does not extend beyond such endeavors and that ISEP is not liable to any participant for benefits not provided by the
participants home or host institution.

I acknowledge that all statements in this application are complete and accurate to the best of my ability. I have read and understand the
terms and conditions of undertaking an ISEP program. I am aware that it is my responsibility to obtain all visas and to arrange air travel.

Applicants signature Date

Applicants name (type or print) Home institution

International Student Exchange Programs (ISEP) is an independent nonprofit membership organization of institutions of higher
learning in the United States and abroad. It is the policy of ISEP and of all its member institutions in the United States not to
discriminate on the basis of sex, color, race, ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation, religious affiliation or physical
handicap in offering or confirming placement of ISEP participants.
TIP: These dates should match the dates indicated
on the course request list.
TIP: Please remember to confirm that the student has signed the application.
- Coordinators, please check that the application is complete.
- If possible, send comments to us about the student or a ranking of your
applicants. We do not meet the student so we must rely heavily on the
coordinators to send quality applicants and to help us maintain our high
ISEP standards for exchange.
- Using old versions of the application form. Please have the student use the
current application form from the ISEP website.
- Inconsistency; It is very important to maintain consistency within the application.
Confirm that dates are the same throughout the application (i.e. program dates
requested on participant profile and on course request lists).

Host Site Request List
International Student Exchange Programs
US Students


1. List below, in order of your preference, ISEP member institutions at which you wish to study. It is recommended that you identify as
many institutions as possible at which you would be willing to accept placement.

2. A Course Request List must be completed for each institution that you list.

3. If you are a Dual Placement Applicant (students requesting placement at two different sites for two consecutive placement periods) list
your requested choices for the first placement period on lines 15 and for the second placement period on lines 610.

Check this box if you are a Dual Placement Applicant

4. If you plan to apply for an ISEP-Direct (fee paid/non-exchange) program, please note there are some ISEP-Direct sites that offer
multiple fee and/or academic program options. You must indicate which fee option you prefer next to the university name. Please visit
the following link for a full listing of ISEP Direct fee options:
1. University of Plymouth Exchange
2. Macquarie University ISEP-Direct tuition and (single) room
3. University of Ulster ISEP-Direct Magee campus tuition only

5. Consortium: If you plan to apply to an ISEP institution that has multiple campuses, please list the campus you would prefer.
However, the final placement decision is determined by the host institution. Please note: Not all academic fields offered by a multi-
campus institution will be available on every campus; make sure that the fields of study you are requesting are available on the
campus you list.
1. Rennes Consortium Universit de Rennes 1 ISEP-Exchange

Host Site Request List Please type or print clearly in BLOCK LETTERS.

1. __________________________________________________ 6. ________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________ 7. ________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________ 8. ________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________ 9. ________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________ 10. _______________________________________________
ISEP reserves the right to place students at academically appropriate sites or programs should the requested sites or programs not be

Applicants signature Date

Applicants name (type or print) Home institution

Karlstad University
Universidad de Murcia
Universidad de Regiomontana
Universidad de La Salle
Universidad de Monterrey
University of Ulster ISEP-Direct- Tuition and Room only
University of Ulster- Coleraine campus- Exchange
University of Debrecen
University of Tampere
University of Oulu
- List as many host universities as possible (up to 10).
- Research your sites carefully and make sure that you meet the language
requirements or find courses taught in English.
- Make sure the sites you list fulfill your requirements for a study abroad site.
- Listing institutions that are closed for your major. Use the
online directory to make sure!
Language Proficiency Report
International Student Exchange Programs

This report is required for applicants planning to pursue coursework in a language other than their native language(s). Applicants must
submit a separate form for each language in which their courses will be taught at their requested study sites. Note: Non-native speakers
of English applying to sites where English is the language of instruction must submit this form if a TOEFL is not available at the time of
application. This form does not replace an official TOEFL score.

To be Completed by the Applicant

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Home institution: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Native language(s): __________________________________________________________________________________________________

Language for which this report is being submitted: ________________________________________________________________________

1. University-level Coursework: Please list all language related courses you have taken or plan to take before your ISEP Program. For
courses in progress, write IP in the Final Grade column. For courses you plan to take prior to your departure, please write TBC (To Be
Completed) in the Final Grade Column.

Course Name Institution where course was taken Final Grade

2. Supplemental Language Experience: What other experiences have you had in this language? (e.g., spoken at home, read
journals/newspapers, travel to countries where host language is spoken, listening to music, etc.)

SPAN 217
SPAN 218
SPAN 300
SPAN 323
SPAN 330
SPAN 333
SPAN 422
SPAN 334 Survey Hispanic Literature Begin-1700
Advanced Grammar and Translation
Survey Spanish-American Literature 1700-
Textual Analysis
Upper Level Grammar/Composition
Translation- Grammar/Composition
Honors Intermediate Spanish II
Honors Intermediate Spanish I Hawaii Technical University
Hawaii Technical University
Hawaii Technical University
Hawaii Technical University
Hawaii Technical University
Hawaii Technical University
Hawaii Technical University
Hawaii Technical University TBC (spring 2011)
TIP: In this space, write a brief statement about your experience traveling to/living in countries where the language is spoken. Mention if you
participate in language exchanges on campus, private lessons, etc. You may wish to mention language courses taken in high school. Anything
that will reveal significant experience you had in the language will help the program officer and host institution better assess your language
AVOID: Embellishing your language skills. It is important to accurately reflect your abilities. If you indicate that you are at a higher level than you
actually are, you may be placed at a site which requires a higher language level than you have. Accurate portrayal of your language abilities
will make you more likely to be placed at a site where you will do well academically. Grades listed above will be compared to your official
List all university-level courses related to language of study
Include full course names and give an accurate grade

Language Proficiency Report
International Student Exchange Programs

Name: __________________________________________________ Home Institution: _________________________________________

To be Completed by a Professional Language Instructor

ISEP participants matriculate directly into host institutions and should be able to follow university lectures in the foreign language,
participate in seminar discussions, take notes and understand written materials in their field. The willingness of host institutions to
accept future ISEP participants will be determined by the performance of the participants selected. Your opinion of the applicant will be
of great assistance in the selection process. It is important that your comments be detailed and frank. Thank you for your assistance.

Although references written in English are most convenient for ISEP, the reference may be completed in any major language. Please type
or print clearly. Return this form by the specified date to the addressee designated above.

1. Language for which this report is being submitted: _____________________________________________________________________

2. How was the evaluation determined?
Based on knowledge of applicants coursework in language at this institution.
Written examination. Name of test and date administered: __________________________________________________________
Oral examination. Date administered: ____________________________________________________________________________

3. Please indicate your opinion of the applicants present language ability in each of the following categories (continued on reverse).
Key: CEFR = Common European Framework. Scale of A1 to C2.
ACTFL = American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Scale of Novice to Superior.

a. Aural Comprehension
CEFR ACTFL Description
<A1 Novice Low-Mid None
A1 Novice High Limited understanding of very basic phrases regarding everyday needs
A2 Intermediate Low-Intermediate Mid Understands simple sentences and frequently used expressions
B1 Intermediate Mid-Intermediate High Understands standard matters and simple academic topics
B2 Intermediate High-Advanced Understands main ideas of complex topics
C1 Advanced Plus-Superior Understands sophisticated topics, including implied meaning
C2 Superior-Distinguished Understands everything heard

b. Writing Ability
CEFR ACTFL Description
<A1 Novice Low-Mid None
A1 Novice High Able to write simple, memorized expressions with frequent errors in
spelling and structure
A2 Intermediate Low Able to write simple sentences on conventional topics with some errors in
spelling and structure
B1 Intermediate Mid Able to write simple paragraphs on topics of personal interest or
B2 Intermediate High-Advanced Able to write in detail about a variety of subjects. Ability to produce
complex arguments is emerging.
C1 Advanced-Advanced Plus Able to write clearly about academic topics with good structure and
organizational patterns connecting ideas.
C2 Superior Able to write with idiomatic ease of expression and feeling for the style of
the language.
Please return by _____________________ to the ISEP Coordinator
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Office address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Avoid: Evaluations from anyone other than an instructor who has taught
the student the language at the university level. Language proficiency
reports from high school teachers are not acceptable.
TIP: If student was evaluated based on written or oral exam, the
exam should have been taken within 3 months of evaluation to
ensure accuracy.
Name: __________________________________________________ Home Institution: _________________________________________

Language for which this report is being submitted: _______________________________________________________________________

c. Speaking Ability
CEFR ACTFL Description
<A1 Novice Low-Mid None
A1 Novice High Able to complete short, simple phrases that have been memorized
A2 Intermediate Low-Intermediate Mid Able to produce sentences regarding topics of personal relevance
B1 Intermediate Mid Able to participate in conversation beyond basic needs with some errors
B2 Intermediate High-Advanced Low Able to use structural patterns and participate in conversation with ease
C1 Advanced Low-Advanced Mid Able to speak spontaneously with ease on a variety of complex subjects.
Makes few errors when speaking.
C2 Advanced High-Superior Able to speak fluently, clearly, and denote finer meanings. Can handle a
wide range of conversational situations.

d. Reading Comprehension
CEFR ACTFL Description
<A1 Novice Mid-Low None
A1 Novice High Limited to simple phrases and sentence structure
A2 Intermediate Low-Intermediate Mid Able to read simple sentences and understand main ideas on familiar
B1 Intermediate High Able to read simple texts on conventional topics and understand the main
B2 Intermediate High-Advanced Able to understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and
abstract conventional topics.
C1 Advanced Plus-Superior Able to understand a variety of texts, including long texts with implicit
meaning. Able to understand topics of an academic nature, but may miss
some detail.
C2 Superior-Distinguished Understands everything read, including details of a nuanced academic

4. Among other students you have taught at this level, how would you rank this students ability in the target language?
Top 10%
Top 25%
Top 50%
Lower 50%

5. What is your opinion of the applicants ability to pursue university-level coursework in this language alongside native speakers?
Will require considerable training before necessary competence can be attained
Will require additional training before beginning the program
Should be able to manage adequately after a short period of adjustment abroad
Should have no difficulty
Not applicable (Student applying for language acquisition program)

6. Please add any additional comments relating to the applicants linguistic ability.

7. Please mark as appropriate:

I do not approve the applicant for study abroad in this language.
I unconditionally approve the applicant for study abroad in this language.
I conditionally approve the applicant for study abroad in this language.
In the case of conditional approval, what are the conditions the applicant must satisfy to receive clearance for study abroad?

Instructors signature Date

Name (please type or print clearly) Position or title

Office address, telephone, and email
- Instructor should evaluate student's language skills carefully and accurately. Embellishing the student's abilities will not benefit the student in
any way.
- Please keep in mind that this evaluation should be based on the student's ability to pursue regular courses in the target language, not to study
the language itself.
TIP: Instructor should indicate in this space whether he or she
recommends that the student undergo further language training
prior to studying abroad. This can be general or specific. For
"Student should study independently by reading literature,
newspapers, or magazines in Spanish to improve reading
"Student should complete Spanish 422: Advanced Grammar/
Translation and receive a B or higher prior to studying abroad."
ISEP Personal Statement
International Student Exchange Programs
US Students

Name: __________________________________________________ Home Institution: _________________________________________

On a separate sheet of paper, please answer the following question in a clear, thoughtfully prepared short essay (about 300500 words).
Include your name and the name of your home institution on each page.

You may include references to a particular region, but please do not include references to a specific host site or university as your
application may be sent to any of the choices you listed on your Host Site Request List. Please include specific host site information
under Number 4 on the appropriate Course Request List, on Page 12 of this application.

If you are applying to study in a language(s) other than English, submit this essay in both English and the other language(s). Please do
NOT use an online translation program (such as Google Translate).

QUESTION: ISEP is unique because it offers the opportunity for full immersion in the host culture. However, it is your responsibility to make
the most of this experience. Introduce yourself and explain your academic goals for studying abroad and for integrating into the host
culture? What specific situations from your past (i.e., coursework, job experience, travel, intercultural experience) have helped you prepare
to accomplish these goals?

- "Show, don't tell." Show specific examples which demonstrate your qualities instead of stating characteristics.
- Consider your essay like a job interview. Use this opportunity to fully convey your best qualities.
- Include any previous experiences you have already had studying or travelling abroad.
- Let your story convey a memorable impression.
- Be sincere, open, and creative.
- Be succinct.
- Do not include references to a specific host site, as your application may be placed at one of several members in the network.
- Do not characterize your host culture with stereotypes or insulting perceptions. This is your first opportunity to introduce yourself to the
host coordinator who will read the essay.
- Avoid generalizations, misspellings, or obvious structural problems.
- If you are submitting an essay in the target language, do not ask your professor or friends to revise it for you. The essay should be an
accurate, honest reflection of your language skills so ISEP can place you appropriately.
- Do not rely on translation software to translate an essay into the target language.
- Do not copy another applicant's essay. The piece should be your own original work.
Academic Reference
International Student Exchange Programs

To be Completed by the Applicant

Name: ____________________________________________________ Home Institution: ______________________________________________

Reference requested from: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
(referee must be a university-level professor or academic advisor)

Under the US federal law (Section 438 of Public Law 90-247, as amended) students are permitted access to certain education
records. Section 438(a)(2)(B) provides that a student may waive the right to inspect confidential letters of recommendation. Many
applicants have found that a recommendation letter written in confidence has a greater impact than one to which the applicant also
has access. If you waive your right to inspect the information requested by this form, please sign below.

Applicants signature Date

To be Completed by the Individual Providing the Reference

The applicant named above is applying for study abroad through the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP). Since participants
usually directly matriculate into their host institutions and in all cases serve as representatives of their nation and institution, ISEP is
concerned with the applicants academic and personal suitability for study abroad. The willingness of host institutions to accept future
participants will be affected by this applicants performance. Although references written in English are most convenient for ISEP, the
reference may be completed in any major language.

A. Please indicate the applicants ability and academic competence in comparison with other individuals whom you have known at
similar stages in their academic careers.

B. Please submit a reference letter to answer the following questions on a separate sheet with your institutions letterhead. Include
your name, title, office address, email address, and signature. Return this form with the letter by the specified date to the ISEP
Coordinator listed below.

1. How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant?

2. Please comment specifically on the applicant in terms of the following: (a) academic suitability for study at an institution abroad; (b)
personal suitability for living abroad; (c) how participation in the ISEP program will be of benefit, both academically and personally;
(d) weaknesses; (e) linguistic preparation, if applicable; and (f) any other factors that you believe may affect a successful experience
on an ISEP program.

Please return by _____________________ to the ISEP Coordinator:

Below average Average Above average Outstanding
opportunity to
Knowledge in area of

Motivation and seriousness of

Ability to plan and carry out
research/ independent study

Ability to express thoughts in
speech and writing

Emotional stability and maturity

Self-reliance and independence

Office address:
- Provide honest and realistic evaluation of both strengths and
- Use specific examples that reflect student's personality and unique traits.
- Show evidence that the student would be a good representative of the
university, ISEP, and their home country.
- Focus on the student's personal qualifications more than qualifications of
a specific class or instructor.
AVOID: References from a friend, family member, coach, boss, etc.
TIP: It is good to have taught the student in the proposed field of study.
Academic Reference
International Student Exchange Programs

To be Completed by the Applicant

Name: ____________________________________________________ Home Institution: ______________________________________________

Reference requested from: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
(referee must be a university-level professor or academic advisor)

Under the US federal law (Section 438 of Public Law 90-247, as amended) students are permitted access to certain education
records. Section 438(a)(2)(B) provides that a student may waive the right to inspect confidential letters of recommendation. Many
applicants have found that a recommendation letter written in confidence has a greater impact than one to which the applicant also
has access. If you waive your right to inspect the information requested by this form, please sign below.

Applicants signature Date

To be Completed by the Individual Providing the Reference

The applicant named above is applying for study abroad through the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP). Since participants
usually directly matriculate into their host institutions and in all cases serve as representatives of their nation and institution, ISEP is
concerned with the applicants academic and personal suitability for study abroad. The willingness of host institutions to accept future
participants will be affected by this applicants performance. Although references written in English are most convenient for ISEP, the
reference may be completed in any major language.

A. Please indicate the applicants ability and academic competence in comparison with other individuals whom you have known at
similar stages in their academic careers.

B. Please submit a reference letter to answer the following questions on a separate sheet with your institutions letterhead. Include
your name, title, office address, email address, and signature. Return this form with the letter by the specified date to the ISEP
Coordinator listed below.

1. How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant?

2. Please comment specifically on the applicant in terms of the following: (a) academic suitability for study at an institution abroad; (b)
personal suitability for living abroad; (c) how participation in the ISEP program will be of benefit, both academically and personally;
(d) weaknesses; (e) linguistic preparation, if applicable; and (f) any other factors that you believe may affect a successful experience
on an ISEP program.

Please return by _____________________ to the ISEP Coordinator:

Below average Average Above average Outstanding
opportunity to
Knowledge in area of

Motivation and seriousness of

Ability to plan and carry out
research/ independent study

Ability to express thoughts in
speech and writing

Emotional stability and maturity

Self-reliance and independence

Office address:
- Indicating a different country or university than the student is
- Using a different name or incorrect gender of the student.
- Providing only general information that does not indicate referee
knows the student well or what makes the student unique.

Course Request List
International Student Exchange Programs
US Students

A Course Request List must be completed for each institution listed on the Host Site Request List. Be sure to download additional copies
from the ISEP website. Please type or print clearly in BLOCK LETTERS.

1. Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
last (family or surname) first (given) middle or maiden

2. ISEP study site requested: _________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Placement period requested begins _____________ /_________ and ends _____________ / __________.
month / year month / year
4. On a separate sheet, please explain why this particular site is appropriate for your study abroad goals (academic, personal,
geographical, etc.).

5. Academic program requirements (attach additional sheet if necessary)

If the course requirements above cannot be met, I:

Do wish a placement at this institution and am very flexible in regard to course selection.

Do wish a placement at this institution if courses with similar course content are available.
Do NOT wish a placement at this institution.

I have discussed my proposed program with the appropriate faculty and advisors, and have approval for the academic program outlined
above. I understand that course prerequisites at the host campus must be met and that course registration at the host institution is based
on the availability of offerings and cannot be guaranteed.

Applicants signature Date Home institution
Host Institution
Course Number
Host Institution Course Name Other information
Example: Finance 3265 Example: International Finance Example: can take similar course

Using the online ISEP Directory to access the universitys course information, please list the courses offered at the above-named host
institution that you are interested in taking. Be as specific as possiblethis information will be used to determine the academic
suitability of the site requested. Note that some flexibility is required and the courses you request may not be the courses you actually
take while abroad. Please list more courses than you intend to take as some courses may not be available during your requested
placement period. Mark with an asterisk (*) any courses that must be completed during your period of study in order to fulfill any home
institution requirements. Note: Mark only courses that are absolutely essential, since these courses limit your flexibility and placement
options. Students must be enrolled full time at host university.
Universidad de Bolivia
March 2011
TIP: Be sure to list the institution by its correct and full name.
Lenora Beth
TIP: Placement period requested should match that
requested previously in the application. Dates
listed should match the host university calendar.
2011 December
BAD EXAMPLES: Equivalent to Cultural Anthropology at Hawaii Tech
Spanish language course
TIP: If you are flexible with courses you are
willing to take, indicate this on the course
request list. If you have many courses marked
with an asterisk, chances of confirmation may be
limited due to inability to guarantee courses.
- Pay attention to whether requested courses are available during the semester in which you plan to study.
- List compelling academic reasons why this site is most appropriate for you. Relevant non- academic reasons are also
considered (i.e. family, health, availability for certain activities).
- Superficial, non-academic reasons such as "This site is close to the beach."
- Listing home institution courses or listing entire departments instead of courses.

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