SBC 304 Sec-7 2007
SBC 304 Sec-7 2007
SBC 304 Sec-7 2007
Saudi Engineering Conference (SEC7)
S.H. Alsayed, Y.A. Al-Salloum, A.B. Shuraim & A.I. Al-Negheimish
Department of Civil Engineering, KSU, PO Box 800, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
E-mail : [email protected]
Saudi Building Code for Concrete Structures (SBC 304) focuses on guidance and
guidelines for proper and safe design and construction of concrete structures in Saudi
Arabia. It is also regarded as the major guard against the large uncertainty in the
determination of modes of failure of structural concrete when subjected to some specific
loading and environmental conditions.
This paper will present the evolution of the first SBC 304. The first part of the paper
will discuss the different parts of the code and highlight the different areas that covered
by the code. The second part of the paper will focus on the steps needed to implement
the concrete code. The last part of the paper will shed some lights on the advantages of
enforcing SBC 304 on the quality of the local and imported materials related to
buildings and the impact of that on the life cycle of our infrastructure.
Codes, Saudi Building Code, SBC 304, ACI 318.
In the last four decades, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has witnessed great deal of
advancement in different fields. Of particular is the construction of modern, huge and
challenging structures which were mainly made of reinforced concrete elements.
Unfortunately, significant parts of the structures were built in the absence of stringent
and unified local building code. Thus, a sizable part of our structures were constructed
in the absence of minimum safety provision assurance, absence of qualified supervision,
lack of unified reference for error free design, lack of qualified building inspectors and
clear inspection process, different construction materials with vast range of engineering
properties. Therefore, many of the existing structures are now suffering from different
Proceedings of the 7
Saudi Engineering Conference (SEC7)
types of deteriorations and may not be adequate for the actual service life and
environmental conditions. Such a practice is currently causing a great burden on our
national economy. The only practical way to push back such a problem is to stop its
progress. Because of that the National Building Committee was formed to establish the
complete Saudi Building Code (SBC). Now SBC in its 13 volumes is ready and will be
implemented in the near future [1]. An overview of this code i.e. SBC 304, is presented
in this paper.
SBC 304 is composed of six main parts, twenty one chapters and seven appendices.
They are listed next:
Main Parts
1. General
2. Standards for tests & materials
3. Construction requirements
4. General requirements
5. Structural systems or elements
6. Special considerations
Chapter 1 General Requirements
Chapter 2 Definitions
Chapter 3 Materials
Chapter 4 Durability Requirements
Chapter 5 Concrete Quality, Mixing, And Placing
Chapter 6 Formwork, Embedded Pipes, And construction J oints
Chapter 7 Details of Reinforcement
Chapter 8 Analysis and Design-General Considerations
Chapter 9 Strength and Serviceability Requirements
Chapter 10 Flexure and Axial Loads
Chapter 11 Shear and Torsion
Chapter 12 Development and Splices of Reinforcement
Chapter 13 Two-Way Slab Systems
Chapter 14 Walls
Chapter 15 Footings
Chapter 16 Precast Concrete
Chapter 17 Composite Concrete Flexural Members
Chapter 18 Prestressed Concrete
Chapter 19 Shells and Folded Plate Members
Chapter 20 Strength Evaluation of Existing Structures
Chapter 21 Special Provisions for Seismic Design
Appendix A Strut-and-Tie Models
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Appendix B Alternative Provisions For Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete
Flexural And Compression Members
Appendix C Two-Way Slabs Coefficients Methods
Appendix D Anchoring to Concrete
Appendix E Notation
Appendix F Steel Reinforcement Information
Appendix G Design Aids
The base code for SBC 304 is ACI 318 2002 [2]. However, the base code received
several types of modifications to reflect Different local and practice conditions within
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). These include:
Different soil conditions available within the KSA territories (Sabkha soil,
expansive soil);
Environmental conditions (hot-dry and hot humid conditions);
Slab system (irregular slab system construction);
Different yield stress of reinforcing steel;
Loading at different stages of construction; and
Local seismic and wind loadings.
A brief description of the major modifications made is presented in the following
Durability issue is very much aggravated by the hot-dry, hot-humid and other severe
environmental conditions prevailing in most parts of the Kingdom which are not
covered adequately by the ACI 318 Code. Therefore this part received a major review
and modifications. For comparison the durability section (Ch. 4 of SBC 304) is
presented next before and after modification.
Before modifications the chapter is composed of
4.0 Notation
4.1 Water-cementitious material ratio
4.2 Freezing and thawing exposures
4.3 Sulfate exposures
4.4 Corrosion protection of reinforcement
After modifications the durability chapter is composed of:
4.0 Notation
4.1 Water-cementitious material ratio (Major change)
4.2 Freezing and thawing exposures (Deleted)
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4.3 Sulfate exposures (Major change)
4.4 Corrosion protection of reinforcement (Major change)
4.5 - Sulfate plus chloride exposures (New)
4.6 Sabkha exposures (New)
4.7 Salt weathering (New)
Further details about the contents of these titles of the chapter are presented next:
Sec. 4.3 Sulfate exposures (Major changes)
Requirements were simplified by removing materials not relevant to the Kingdom.
Table 4.3.1 was simplified and requirements for the minimum cementitious material
ratio were introduced.
Sec. 4.4 Corrosion protection of reinforcement (Major changes)
4.4.1 - Limits on concentrations of chloride ions in hardened concrete (Minor)
4.4.2 - Chloride from external sources (Major & New Table 4.4.2 specifying exposure
New sections were added to explicitly specify the requirements for several common
exposure conditions prevailing in Saudi Arabia as follows:
New subsection 4.4.3 - For the permanently submerged, tidal, splash and spray zones of
marine structures, the requirements for very severe exposure in Table 4.4.2 shall be
New subsection 4.4.4 - For concrete structures near to or on the coast and exposed to
airborne salt but not in direct contact with seawater, the requirements for severe
exposure in Table 4.4.2 shall be satisfied.
New subsection 4.4.5 - For structures in coastal areas and not directly exposed to
airborne salt, the requirements for moderate exposure in Table 4.4.2 shall be satisfied.
New subsection 4.5 - Sulfate plus chloride exposures
If concrete is exposed to both chlorides and sulfates, the lowest applicable maximum
water-cementitious materials ratio and highest minimum cementitious materials content
of Tables 4.3.1 and 4.4.2 shall be selected. The corresponding highest fc shall be the
governing value for quality control purposes. The cement type shall be the one required
by Table 4.4.2.
New subsection 4.6 Sabkha exposures
Concrete structures exposed to sabkha shall meet the requirements for very severe
exposure in Table 4.4.2, except that the water-cementitious materials ratio shall not be
more than 0.35. In addition, the exposed surfaces shall be protected by appropriate
means, such as tanking or epoxy-based coating.
New subsection R4.6 Sabkha exposures
Gives detailed description of Sabkha, its main characteristics with respect to durability
and known locations in the Kingdom.
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New subsection 4.7 Salt weathering
Concrete structures amenable to salt weathering shall be protected by applying an
appropriate barrier coating.
New subsection R4.7 Salt weathering
Concrete exposed to splash in a marine environment and soil with shallow groundwater
table or water from irrigation is susceptible to deterioration due to salt weathering in the
hot and arid environment of the Kingdom. In addition to utilizing quality concrete, it
may be necessary to provide additional protective measures, such as the application of
an appropriate barrier coating.
In marine structures, the protection should be provided in the splash zone. Tanking or
application of a barrier coating in portions exposed to soil is necessary for the
Hot weather concreting is an essential issue for concreting in Saudi Arabia and should
be covered in details in The SBC-SC.
5.13 - Hot weather requirements in ACI 318
During hot weather, proper attention shall be given to ingredients, production methods,
handling, placing, protection, and curing to prevent excessive concrete temperatures or
water evaporation that could impair required strength or serviceability of the member or
Hot weathering requirements in SBC 304
5.13.1 - During hot weather conditions, proper attention shall be given to ingredients,
production methods, handling, placing, protection, and curing to prevent excessive
concrete temperatures or water evaporation that could impair required strength or
serviceability of the member or structure.
New subsection 5.13.2 The temperature of fresh concrete shall be kept as low as
practicable but shall not exceed 35 C at the time of placing. Some of the measures that
may be employed to control concrete temperature include: (i) shading aggregate
stockpiles and bins, (ii) sprinkling water to cool coarse aggregates, (iii) cooling mixing
water, (iv) using ice as part of mixing water, and (v) painting trucks, silos and other
related equipments, with white or light color.
New subsection 5.13.3 The use of chemical admixtures, such as retarders and water
reducers, shall be considered to offset the negative effects of hot weather.
New subsection 5.13.4 Steps must be taken to transport, place, consolidate, and finish
the concrete at the fastest possible rate.
Discharge of concrete shall be completed as soon as possible after the initial
mixing at the batching plant. However, it shall not be more than two hours
provided retarding admixtures are used.
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Concreting shall be done at the lowest ambient temperature, preferably early in
the morning or late in the afternoon.
Delivery of concrete to the job site should be scheduled so that it will be placed
promptly on arrival.
Unless otherwise required, concrete should be proportioned for a slump of not
less than 75 mm at the time of placing to permit prompt placement and effective
consolidation in the form.
The construction activity should be carefully planned to avoid cold joints. If
construction joints become necessary, they shall be made in accordance with
Section 6.4 of this Code.
New subsection 5.13.5 Retempering of concrete by the addition of water to
compensate for loss of workability shall not be allowed.
New subsection 5.13.6 All necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent plastic
shrinkage cracking. In particular, precautions should be taken during placing of
concrete to avoid excessive evaporation of mix water.
New subsection 5.13.7 Curing of concrete shall commence as soon as the surfaces are
finished and it shall continue for at least the first seven days. Moist curing for the entire
curing period is preferred. However, if moist curing cannot be continued beyond 3 days,
concrete should be protected from drying with curing paper, heat-reflecting plastic
sheets, or membrane-forming curing compounds.
New subsection 5.13.8 Tests on of fresh concrete and specimen preparation shall be
strictly in accordance with the relevant ASTM standards by qualified technicians. Air
temperature, concrete temperature, and general weather conditions at the time of
concrete placement shall be recorded. Inspection of concrete shall be detailed and
emphasized in project specifications to ascertain that adequate precautions are taken to
minimize the adverse effects of hot weather on concrete properties.
New section about alternative method (other than direct design or equivalent frame
design methods) for designing two-way solid slab should be added to chapter 19.
Seismic Provisions
Section 1908 of International Building Code (IBC) -modification to ACI 318 -
Seismic provisions and Section 1910 of IBC -Seismic design provisions- contain
specific details about seismic design requirements which are not applicable in
Saudi Arabia.
The two sections need to be modified in accordance with the related
modifications to be implemented on Chapter 16.
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Minor Changes or Modifications
In addition to the major changes introduced into the ACI 318, tens of minor changes
were implemented to make the SBC 304 more rational and applicable the Saudi Arabia
environment and practice. These changes or modifications are related to the following
Cement Properties
Mixing and Curing Water
Testing Standard
Quality Control
Steel Bar Sizes and Grades
Measurement Units
Irrelevant provisions
Terminology Modifications
The SBC 304 is in full agreement with ISO19338 performance and assessment
requirements for design standards on structural concrete. These include:
General requirements
Overall structural concept
Structural integrity
Overall structural concept
Design approach
Design service life
Workshop, materials and quality assurance
Performance requirements
Structural safety and ultimate limit states
Serviceability limit states
Durability limit states
Fire resistance limit states
Fatigue limit states
Loading and actions: general, load factors, action combinations, permanent
loads, variable loads, accidental loads, construction loads, impact loads,
earthquake loads, wind forces, and environmental actions
Assessment which covers: Materials, analysis of concrete structures, strength
calculations, partial safety factors for materials, resistance factors, resistance
criteria, stability, precast concrete and composite action, prestressed concrete,
design for earthquake resistance, detailing requirements, and fire and durability.
Construction and quality control
Construction requirements
Quality control
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The purpose of the Code Enforcement is to promote, protect and improve the health,
safety and welfare of the citizens of KSA by assuring the minimum safety provision to
structures built in compliance with SBC code. Code Enforcement Division needs to be
established to assure implementation of the code on any construction within the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Appointing Enforcement Authority
Functions of Enforcement Authority are:
To enforce the SBC 304 in the Kingdom
Issuance of subpoenas;
Taking of testimony;
To issue orders having the force of law commanding whatever steps are
necessary to achieve compliance of the violation of the code;
To levy fines a first violation and repeated violations
To lien property in cases where the violation is not corrected within the
timeframe provided by the Authority order.
Construction and building inspectors examine the construction, alteration, or repair of
buildings, highways and streets, sewer and water systems, dams, bridges, and other
structures to ensure compliance with building codes and ordinances, zoning regulations,
and contract specifications. Building codes and standards are the primary means by
which building construction is regulated in the country to assure the health and safety of
the general public. The structural design inspector will be:
Reviewing the structural design documents associated with building permit
Verifying the compliance of construction documents with the SBC 304.
Inspecting the work associated with building permits for compliance.
Issuing Certificates of Occupancy when work is complete and in compliance.
Testing and certification programs
It is desirable to have testing and certification programs for the individual parties
involved with the execution of work performed in accordance with the code.
The benefit of implementing SBC 304 is to provide a high level of compliance for the
preservation of life, safety and the general welfare for the people of KSA.
Proceedings of the 7
Saudi Engineering Conference (SEC7)
This is accomplished through the enactment and enforcement of SBC 304 and other
parts of the code and standards to ensure the structural strength, sanitation, fire
protection, adequate light and ventilation, and other essential elements of life safety in
the built environment.
The code provides a means of establishing minimum standards for acceptance of
designs and construction by a legally appointed building official or his designated
representatives. The code is not intended for use in settling disputes between the owner,
engineer, architect, contractor, or their agents, subcontractors, material suppliers, or
testing agencies. Therefore, the code cannot define the contract responsibility of each of
the parties in usual construction. General references requiring compliance with the code
in the job specifications should be avoided since the contractor is rarely in a position to
accept responsibility for design details or construction requirements that depend on a
detailed knowledge of the design. Generally, the drawings, specifications and contract
documents should contain all of the necessary requirements to ensure compliance with
the code. In part, this can be accomplished by reference to specific code sections in the
job specifications.
A brief description of the contents of the Saudi Building Code for concrete (SBC 304) is
introduced. Some details about the steps to be taken to implement the code and the
benefits of enforcing it have also been presented. Now it is the time to set well planned
steps to gradually implement the code within a specified time schedule. It seems,
however, many exhaustive works are required before the code be mandated.
[1] Saudi Building Code, National Committee, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
[2] American Concrete Institute (ACI) Committee 318 (2002), Building Code
Requirements for Structural Concrete, ACI 318-02, American Concrete
Institute, Detroit.