English Application Form 23 11 09

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1. Trade : ____________________________ Affix passport

size photograph
2. Name of the applicant : ____________________________ duly signed by
(in capital letters) the candidate

3. Date of Birth :
Day Month Year
Age as on 1 Nov 2009 : Years Months

4. Gender- Please (√ ) : Male Female

5. i) Father’s name : _______________________________

ii) Father’s occupation : _______________________________

iii) In case of BHEL Employee : Staff number _________ BHEL Unit:_______

wards state staff no. and current
status of employment of parent Status:Serving Retired Resigned
such as Serving/Retired/Resigned/
Deceased/Removed/Dismissed Deceased Removed Dismissed

6. i) Caste/Category –Please tick (√ ) : General OBC (Non Creamy Layer)

Caste/Community Certificate should SC ST
be attached

ii) Religion : ________________

iii) Whether Physically Challenged Yes No

Please tick (√ )
If yes, type & percentage of Disability : _________________
Locomotor Locomotor disability in Percentage ----------%
Hearing impaired Hearing impaired disability in Decibels: ________
Visually Impared Disability in Percentage ----------%

iv) Whether Ex Serviceman Yes No

if yes, No. of years of Service _________ years

7. Whether seeking age relaxation as Yes No

J&K candidate (Please enclose Certificate)
8. Postal address

9. Academic & Technical Qualification:
Examination Dura- Year of Subject/ Name of Board/ Marks Max. % of
Passed tion of passing Trade University/ITI obtained marks marks
X Std (10th )

Plus Two/ Int



10. Whether undergone Apprenticeship Training under Apprentices Act 1961: Yes
Please tick (√ ) No
It Yes, furnish details of apprenticeship training
Name of Period of training Trade Stipend National Apprenticeship Certificate % of
organization per Marks marks
From To month Marks obtained Maximum marks

11. Experience:
Experience, if any

Name of Experience Nature of Job Emoluments

organization & Post Held (Rs per month)
Address From To

12. Whether BHEL departmental candidate Yes No

13. Bank Demand Draft : No. Dated Amount Rs.
14. Telephone No.s/E-mail address, if any __________________
15. Mother Tongue: __________________
16. Languages Known 1. Write_________ Read_________ Speak ________
2. Write_________ Read_________ Speak ________
3. Write_________ Read_________ Speak ________
17. Computer Knowledge : ______________________________________

I herby declare that all statements as mentioned in this application are true, complete and
correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in the event of any particulars
or information given above being found false or incorrect, or if at any stage it is found I do not
possess the prescribed qualification for the post, my candidature will be rejected ab initio and
I will not have any right/claim to the post.
Encl: 1 2 3
4 5 6
Date: (Signature of Candidate)
Dy General Manager (HR)
Human Resource Deptt., ADM Bldg.
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, JHANSI (UP)-284129
UNDERTAKING (for OBC Candidates)

“ I ________________________ son/daughter of Sri___________________ resident of

village/town/city ____________District ____________, State _________ hereby declare
that I belong to the ___________ caste / community which is recognized as a backward
class by the Government of India for the purpose of reservation in services as per orders
contained in Department of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum No. 36033/3/2004-
Estt. (Res) dated 14.10.2008. It is also declared that I do not belong to persons/ sections
(Creamy Layer) mentioned in the schedule to the above referred office memorandum dated

Name: ------------------------------------ (Signature of candidate) ----------------------

Roll No: ------------------------------------- Date: -----------------------

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