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Subject Code Name of the Subject
Teaching hours / week Marks for
Practical /Field
work /
Duration of Exam
in Hours
I.A. Exam
14MAU11 Applied Mathematics 04 02 03 50 100 150 4
14MAU12 Finite Element Method 04 02 03 50 100 150 4
Automotive Engines and Auxiliary
04 02 03 50 100 150
14MAU14 Vehicle Dynamics 04 02 03 50 100 150 4
14MAU15X Elective - I 04 02 03 50 100 150 4
14MAU16 Automotive Engineering Lab I 03 03 25 50 75 2
14MAU17 Seminar -- 03 -- 25 -- 25 1
Total :- 20 19 15 300 550 850 23

Elective - I
14MAU 151 Automotive Materials
14MAU 152 Automotive Air-conditioning
14MAU 153 Advanced Theory of Vibrations
14MAU 154 Theory of Elasticity



Subject Code Name of the Subject
Teaching hours / week Marks for
Practical /Field
work /
Duration of
Exam in Hours
I.A. Exam
14MAU 21
Automotive Electrical and Electronics
04 02 03 50 100 150
14MAU 22 Body and Chassis Engineering 04 02 03 50 100 150 4
14MAU 23 Automotive Power Trains 04 02 03 50 100 150 4
14MAU 24 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 04 02 03 50 100 150 4
14MAU 25X Elective - II 04 02 03 50 100 150 4
14MAU26 Automotive Engineering Lab II 06 03 25 50 75 2
14MAU 27 Seminar -- 03 -- 25 -- 25 1


Total :- 20 19 15 300 550 850 23
** Between the II Semester and III Semester, after availing a vacation of 2 weeks.
Elective - II
14MAU251 Manufacturing Techniques in Automotive Engineering
14MAU252 Multi Body Dynamics
14MAU253 Automotive Control System

14MAU254 Automotive Embedded System



No. of Hrs./Week
Duration of the
Exam in Hours
Marks for
Practical / Field
I.A. Exam
- - - 25 - 25 1
14MAU32 REPORT ON INTERNSHIP - - - 75 75 15
- - - 50 50 4
Total - - - 25 125 150 20



Subject Code Subject
No. of Hrs./Week
Duration of
Exam in Hours
Marks for
Field Work /
Assignment /
I.A. Exam
Vehicle Crash-worthiness and
Occupant Safety
4 -- 3 50 100 150 4
14MAU42X ELECTIVE-III 4 - 3 50 100 150 4
- - - 25 - 25 1
- - - 25 - 25 1
- 3 - 100+100 200 18
Total 12 07 09 150 400 550 28
Grand Total (I to IV Sem.) : 2400 Marks; 94 Credits

14MAU 421 Automotive Air Pollution and Control 14MAU 423 Automotive Simulation
14MAU 422 Alternate Energy Sources for Automobiles 14MAU424 Hybrid Technology.



1) Project Phase I : 6 weeks duration shall be carried out between II and III Semesters. Candidates in consultation with
the guides shall carryout literature survey / visit to Industries to finalize the topic of dissertation

2) Project Phase II : 16 weeks duration. 3 days for project work in a week during III Semester. Evaluation shall be
taken during the first two weeks of the IV Semester. Total Marks shall be 25.

3) Project Phase III : 24 weeks duration in IV Semester. Evaluation shall be taken up during the middle of IV
Semester. At the end of the Semester Project Work Evaluation and Viva-Voce Examinations shall be conducted.
Total Marks shall be 250 (Phase I Evaluation:25 Marks, Phase II Evaluation: 25 Marks, Project Evaluation marks
by Internal Examiner( guide): 50, Project Evaluation marks by External Examiner: 50, marks for external and 100
for viva-voce).
Marks of Evaluation of Project: I.A. Marks of Project Phase II & III shall be sent to the University along with
Project Work report at the end of the Semester. During the final viva, students have to submit all the reports.

4) The Project Valuation and Viva-Voce will be conducted by a committee consisting of the following:
a) Head of the Department (Chairman)
b) ( b) Guide
c) Two Examiners appointed by the university. (out of two external examiners at least one should be present).




Sub Code : 14MAU11 IA Marks : 50
Hrs/ Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 50 Exam Marks : 100

Course Objectives:
The main objectives of the course are to enhance the knowledge of various methods in finding the roots of an
algebraic, transcendental or simultaneous system of equations and also to evaluate integrals numerically and
differentiation of complex functions with a greater accuracy. These concepts occur frequently in their subjects like
finite element method and other design application oriented subjects.

1) Approximations and round off errors: Significant figures, accuracy and precision, error definitions, round off
errors and truncation errors. Mathematical modeling and Engineering problem solving: Simple mathematical
model, Conservation Laws of Engineering.
08 Hours

2) Roots of Equations: Bracketing methods-Graphical method, Bisection method, False position method,
Newton- Raphson method, Secant Method. Multiple roots, Simple fixed point iteration.
Roots of polynomial-Polynomials in Engineering and Science, Mullers method, Bairstows Method.
Graeffes Roots Squaring Method. 12 Hours

3) Numerical Differentiation and Numerical Integration: Newton Cotes and Guass Quadrature Integration
formulae, Integration of Equations, Romberg integration, Numerical Differentiation Applied to Engineering
problems, High Accuracy differentiation formulae
08 Hours

4) System of Linear Algebraic Equations And Eigen Value Problems: Introduction, Direct methods, Cramers
Rule, Gauss Elimination Method, Gauss-Jordan Elimination Method, Triangularization method, Cholesky
Method, Partition method, error Analysis for direct methods, Iteration Methods.
Eigen values and Eigen Vectors: Bounds on Eigen Values, Jacobi method for symmetric matrices, Givens
method for symmetric matrices, Householders method for symmetric matrices, Rutishauser method for
arbitrary matrices, Power method, Inverse power method .
12 Hours

5) Linear Transformation: Introduction to Linear Transformation, The matrix of Linear Transformation, Linear
Models in Science and Engineering
Orthogonality and Least Squares: Inner product, length and orthogonality, orthogonal sets, Orthogonal
projections, The Gram-schmidt process, Least Square problems, Inner product spaces.
10 Hours
Text Books:
1. S.S.Sastry, Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, PHI, 2005.
2. Steven C. Chapra, Raymond P.Canale, Numerical Methods for Engineers, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 4
Ed, 2002.
3. M K Jain, S.R.K Iyengar, R K. Jain, Numerical methods for Scientific and engg computation, New Age International, 2003.
Reference Books:
1. Pervez Moin, Fundamentals of Engineering Numerical Analysis, Cambridge, 2010.
2. David. C. Lay, Linear Algebra and its applications, 3
edition, Pearson Education, 2002.


Course Outcomes:
The Student will be able to
1) Model some simple mathematical models of physical Applications.
2) Find the roots of polynomials in Science and Engineering problems.
3) Differentiate and integrate a function for a given set of tabulated data, for
4) Engineering Applications


Sub Code : 14MAU12 IA Marks :50
Hrs/ Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs: 50 Exam Marks :100

Course Objectives

1) To present the Finite element method(FEM) as a numerical method for engineering analysis of continua and
2) To present Finite element formulation using variational and weighted residual approaches
3) To present Finite elements for the analysis of bars & trusses, beams & frames, plane stress & plane strain
problems and 3-D solids, for thermal and dynamics problems and Usage of FEA software

1. Introduction to Finite Element Method: Basic Steps in Finite Element Method to solve mechanical engineering
(Solid, Fluid and Heat Transfer) problems: Functional approach and Galerkin approach, Displacement Approach:
Admissible Functions, Convergence Criteria: Conforming and Non Conforming elements, C
and C

Continuity Elements. Basic Equations, Element Characteristic Equations, Assembly Procedure, Boundary and
Constraint Conditions.
10 Hours.
2. Solid Mechanics : One-Dimensional Finite Element Formulations and Analysis Bars- uniform, varying and
stepped cross section- Basic(Linear) and Higher Order Elements Formulations for Axial, Torsional and
Temperature Loads with problems. Beams- Basic (Linear) Element Formulation-for uniform, varying and
stepped cross section- for different loading and boundary conditions with problems. Trusses, Plane Frames and
Space Frame Basic(Linear) Elements Formulations for different boundary condition -Axial, Bending, Torsional,
and Temperature Loads with problems.
9 Hours.
3. Two Dimensional Finite Element Formulations for Solid Mechanics Problems: Triangular Membrane (TRIA
3, TRIA 6, TRIA 10) Element, Four-Noded Quadrilateral Membrane (QUAD 4, QUAD 8) Element Formulations
for in-plane loading with sample problems. Triangular and Quadrilateral Axi-symmetric basic and higher order
Elements formulation for axi-symmetric loading only with sample problems
4. Three Dimensional Finite Element Formulations for Solid Mechanics Problems: Finite Element Formulation
of Tetrahedral Element (TET 4, TET 10), Hexahedral Element (HEXA 8, HEXA 20), for different loading
conditions. Serendipity and Lagrange family Elements
9 hours.
5. Finite Element Formulations for Structural Mechanics Problems: Basics of plates and shell theories:
Classical thin plate Theory, Shear deformation Theory and Thick Plate theory. Finite Element Formulations for
triangular and quadrilateral Plate elements. Finite element formulation of flat, curved, cylindrical and conical
Shell elements
Dynamic Analysis: Finite Element Formulation for point/lumped mass and distributed masses system, Finite
Element Formulation of one dimensional dynamic analysis: bar, truss, frame and beam element. Finite Element
Formulation of Two dimensional dynamic analysis: triangular membrane and quadrilatateral membrane.
Evaluation of eigen values and eigen vectors applicable to bars, shaft, beams, plane and space frame.
Simulation of case studies of Automotive components by using Commercial FE Software such as MSC
Nastran / MSC Patran and etc.
12 Hours.


Text Books:
1. T. R. Chandrupatla and A. D. Belegundu, Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering, Prentice Hall, 3
2. Lakshminarayana H. V., Finite Elements Analysis Procedures in Engineering, Universities Press, 2004.

Reference Books:
1. Rao S. S. , Finite Elements Method in Engineering- 4
Edition, Elsevier, 2006
2. P.Seshu, Textbook of Finite Element Analysis, PHI, 2004.
3. J.N.Reddy, Introduction to Finite Element Method, McGraw -Hill, 2006.
4. Bathe K. J., Finite Element Procedures, Prentice-Hall, 2006..
5. Cook R. D., Finite Element Modeling for Stress Analysis, Wiley,1995.

Course Outcome:

On completion of the course the student will be
1) Knowledgeable about the FEM as a numerical method for the solution of solid mechanics, structural
mechanics and thermal problems
2) The skills required to use a commercial FEA software should be acquired in the accompanying laboratory
course using tools such as MSC/PATRAN, MSC/Nastran and etc..


Sub Code : 14MAU13 IA Marks : 50
Hrs/ Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 50 Exam Marks : 100

Course Objective:
The main objective of this course is to impart knowledge in automotive engine and its auxiliary system
The detailed concept, construction and principle of operation of engine and various engine components, combustion, subsystems of engines
and recent developments will be imparted to the students

1. Introduction and Engine Performance Testing: Definition of a heat engine; external and internal combustion engine; basic
engine components and nomenclature; the working principles of engines; classification of IC engines; application of IC engines;
engine performance parameters ; Morse Test - Numerical Problems in Engine Testing , Engine Performance Mapping
10 Hours
2. Fuel Supply Systems
SI Engine: Carburettor principal, Properties of air-petrol mixtures, Mixture requirements for steady state and transient
operation, design of elementary carburettor, Chokes, Effects of altitude on carburetion, Carburettor for 2-stroke and 4- stroke
engines, carburettor systems for emission control. Gasoline Fuel Injection, Numerical Problems in simple carburettor design
CI Engines: Fuel injection pump principle Types, constructional features and operation, Factors influencing fuel spray
atomization, penetration and dispersion of diesel, Inline Fuel Injection Pumps, Filters, Governors Types of Governors - fuel feed
pumps and Types, injectors and nozzles types, functions and necessities, injection lag, pressure waves in fuel lines.
10 Hours
3. Combustion in SI engines: Essential features of ignition timing and ignition voltage, MBT timing, knock detection and control
strategies, thermodynamic analysis of SI engine combustion, analysis of cylinder pressure data.
Combustion in CI engines: Essential features of injection timing and delay period, correlations for ignition delay in
engines, effect of fuel properties, types of combustion chambers and merits of the different types, analysis of cylinder
pressure data, fuel spray behavior.
10 Hours
4. Cooling and Lubrication System :
Cooling System: Necessity, variation of gas temperature, Areas oh heat flow, heat transfer, piston and cylinder temperature,.
Heat rejected to coolant, quantity of water required, cooling system, air cooling, water cooling, thermodynamics of forced circulation,
thermostats, pressurized water cooling, regenerative cooling, comparison of air and water cooling, radiators types, cooling fan power
requirement, antifreeze solution
Lubrication System: Lubricants, lubricating systems, Lubrication of piston rings, bearings, oil consumption, Oil cooling. Heat
transfer coefficients, liquid and air cooled engines, coolants, additives and lubricity improvers, oil filters, pumps, and crankcase ventilation
types 10 Hours
5. Engine Management System: Combined ignition and fuel management systems., Digital control techniques. Complete vehicle
control systems, Artificial intelligence and engine management, Exhaust emission control in SI and CI engines, Techniques
Recent Developments in Automotive Engines : Supercharger, Working Principle, Effect of Super charging, Types and
Methods of Super charging, Turbo Charger, Working Principle , Turbo-lag, VVT, V-TEC i-VTEC and IDTEC. ATFT, CRDI system
working Principle, Advantages and Effect of CRDI on emission reductions, Hybrid vehicles and fuel cells
10 Hours
1. Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals -John B.HeywoodMcGraw-Hill Book Company(1988)
2. Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines -Dr KK Ramalingam, Scitech Puplicatipons, 2004
3. Internal Combustion Engines V.Ganesan, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publications.

1. Tom Denton , Automotive Electrical and Electronics- SAE, 2000
2. Heinz Heisler, Advanced Engine Technology. SAE Publications, 1995.
3. Richard Van Basshuysen, Fred Schaefer, Internal Combustion Engine Hand Book Basics, Components, Systems and
Perspectives, SAE (2004)
4. Bosch, Automotive Hand Book , SAE , 8

Course Outcome: At the end of the course students will have the understanding of automotive engines and working principles and the recent
development in the automotive engines


Sub Code : 14MAU14 IA Marks : 50
Hrs/ Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 50 Exam Marks : 100

Course Objective: To understand basics and Vehicle Dynamics and its influence on the vehicle handling characteristics

Definitions, Modeling and Simulation, Global and Vehicle Coordinate System, Free, Forced, Undamped and Damped
Vibration, Response Analysis of Single DOF, Two DOF, Multi DOF, Magnification factor, Transmissibility, Vibration
absorber, Vibration measuring instruments, Torsional vibration, Critical speed. Modal analysis
10 Hours
Tyre forces and moments, Tyre structure, Longitudinal and Lateral force at various slip angles, rolling resistance, Tractive and
cornering property of tyre. Performance of tyre on wet surface. Ride property of tyres. Magic formulae tyre model, Estimation of tyre
road friction. Test on Various road surfaces. Tyre vibration..
Braking Performance: Basic equations, Braking forces, Brakes, Brake Proportioning, Antilock Brake system, Braking
efficiency, Rear wheel lockup, Standards and Legislations, Numerical Examples.
3. Vertical Dynamics: Human response to vibration, Sources of Vibration. Design, analysis and computer simulation of Passive,
Semi-active and Active suspension using Quarter car, half car and full car model. Influence of suspension stiffness, suspension
damping, and tyre stiffness. Control law for LQR, H-Infinite, Skyhook damping. Air suspension system and their properties.
Vehicle Aerodynamics: Aerodynamic, Aerodynamic forces lift and drag components, Pitching, yawing, rolling moments, and
Total road loads, Numerical Examples.
10 Hours
4. Steady State Handling Characteristics of Road Vehicles
Steering Geometry, Derivation of fundamental equation governing the steady-state handling behavior of a road vehicle, Neutral
Steer, Understeer and Oversteer characteristics, characteristic and critical speeds, Neutral Steer Point, Static margin, Steady-State
Response to Steering Input-Yaw Velocity Response, Lateral Acceleration Response, Sideslip Response and Curvature Response;
Numerical Problems.
Performance Characteristics of Off-Road Vehicles: Drawbar Performance - Drawbar Pull and Drawbar Power, Tractive
Efficiency, Coefficient of Traction, Weight-to-Power Ratio for Off-Road Vehicles; Fuel Economy of Cross- country Operations
Transport Productivity and Transport Efficiency, Mobility Map and Mobility Profile, Selection of Vehicle Configurations for Off-Road,
Numerical Problems
12 Hours
5. Suspension Mechanisms: Solid Axle Suspension, Independent Suspension, Roll Center and Roll Axis, Car Tire Relative Angles,
Toe, Caster Angle, Camber, Trust Angle, Suspension Requirements and Coordinate Frames, Kinematics Requirements, Dynamic
Requirements, Wheel, wheel body, and tyre Coordinate Frames, Caster Theory, Numerical examples
8 Hours

1. Vehicle Dynamics: Theory and Applications-Reza N. Jazar, Springer Verlag.
2. Theory of Ground Vehicles-J. Y. Wong, John Willey&Sons,NY.
3. Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics- T D Gillespie, SAE
4. John C. Dixon, Tyres, Suspension, and Handling, 2nd Edition, Society of Automotive Engineers Inc, 1996

1. Tyre and Vehicle Dynamics- Hans B.Pacejka, SAE
2. Motor Vehicle Dynamics: Modeling and Simulation-Giancarlo Genta, World Scientific Publishing Co.; Singapore.
3. Aerodynamics of Road Vehicles, Hucho W. H. SAE.
4. Thomas D. Gillespie, Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics, Society of Automotive Engineers Inc, 1992
5. Rajesh Rajamani, Vehicle Dynamics and Control, 1st edition, Springer, 2005

6. Singiresu S. Rao, Mechanical Vibrations (5th Edition), Prentice Hall, 2010

Course Outcome: Students gets the better understanding of vehicle dynamics and able to implement the concepts in real time applications of
automotive vehicle design .


Sub Code : 14MAU151 IA Marks : 50
Hrs/ Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 50 Exam Marks : 100

Course Objective: To understand the various materials used for automotive components and System

1. Aluminium Alloys & Lightweight Magnesium for Automotive Applications: Introduction; Wrought Aluminum alloys; Cast
aluminum processes Technologies; Cast aluminum metallurgy and properties; New Lightweight alloys; Process technologies;
mechanical and physical properties; Case studies of applications .
Testing Automotive Materials: Evaluation of materials under realistic loading and environmental conditions; different test
methods for evaluation of properties for specific applications.
10 Hours
2. Composite Materials for Automotive Applications: Definition, Classification, Types of matrices & reinforcements, characteristics
& selection, Fiber composites, laminated composites, particulate composites, prepegs, sandwich construction.
Manufacturing Composite Materials:Lay up and curing open and closed mould processing Hand lay up techniques Bag
moulding and filament winding. Pultrusion, pulforming, Thermoforming, Injection moulding, Cutting, Machining and joining,
tooling, Quality assurance Introduction, material qualification, types of defects, NDT methods.
12 Hours
3. Metal matrix composites: Reinforcement materials, types, Characteristics & selection, base metals,selection, applications in
automotive engineering.
8 Hours
4. Micro mechanical analysis of a lamina: Introduction, Evaluation of the four elastic modules Rule of mixture, ultimate strengths
of unidirectional lamina.
Macro mechanics of a lamina: Hookes law for different types of materials, number of elastic constants; Two dimensional
relationship of compliance & stiffness matrix. Hookes law for two dimensional angle lamina, engineering constants angle lamina,
Invariants,Theories of failure.
12 Hours
5. Macro Mechanics of Laminates: Laminates Coding, ABD Matrices, Classical Laminates Theory, Special cases of Laminates,
Strength Theories of Laminates.
8 Hours

1. Developments in Lightweight Alloys for Automotive Applications- James M Boileau, 2001-2005, SAE (Product Code PT-
2. Lightweight Magnesium Technology-2001 through 2005, - Thomes Ruden, SAE (Product code PT-131)
3. Testing Automotive Materials & Components- Donald H Wright, SAE (Product Code R 124) 4. Composite material
science and Engineering- Krishan K. Chawla Springer.
4. Fibre reinforced composites- P.C. Mallik Marcel Decker.

Course Outcome: At the end, Students will be able to make the decision of material selection based on various parameters. Also able to
identify the process need to be followed for the production of components.


Sub Code : 14MAU152 IA Marks : 50
Hrs/ Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 50 Exam Marks : 100

Course Objective: To understand the basics of Air-conditioning system and parameters influences the HVAC Design

1. Introduction: Definition of air conditioning, historical notes on automotive air conditioning; Thermodynamics of air water vapour
mixture; Moist air Properties & Conditioning Processes: Moist air and the standard atmosphere; fundamental parameters; adiabatic
saturation; wet bulb temperature; the Psychrometric Chart; Classic moist air processes; Space Air Conditioning design conditions
and off- design conditions
10 Hours
2. Air-Conditioning Fundamentals: The basic theory of cooling; vapour compression refrigeration; Alternative cycles; The air
conditioning systems; the expansion valve system; the fixed orifice valve system; Variable Orifice System, dual air-conditioning,
Heating Heater Matrix, Heating Requirements, Screen Heater, seat heater
10 Hours
3. Air Conditioning Components: The compressor; The condenser; receiver-drier/accumulator; the expansion valve/fixed orifice
valve; the evaporator; Anti-frosting devices; Basic control switches
10 Hours
4. Air conditioning electrical and electronic control: Electrical principles; Sensors and actuators; testing sensors and actuators;
Oscilloscope wave form sampling; Multiplex wiring systems; OBD and EOBD; wiring diagrams.
Automotive Climate control system ; Automotive A/C- manual control system; Automotive A/C auto temperature control system
(Case Study)Automotive climate control system (Case Study)
10 Hours
5. Diagnostics and Troubleshooting: Initial vehicle inspection; temperature measurements; pressure gauge readings and cycle testing;
A/C system leak testing; sight glass
Service and Repair: Servicing precautions; refrigerant recovery, recycle and charging; system oil and system flushing; odor
removal; retrofitting; adjustment of compressor components; fixed orifice valve replacement
The environment: Global warming; ozone layer.
10 Hours

1. Automotive Air Conditioning and Climate Control Systems- Steven Daly, Elsevier, 2007.
2. Automotive Heating & Air Conditioning,-Mark Schnubel, Thomson Delmar Learning, 3rd edition, NY.
3. ASHRAE Handbook 1985 Fundamentals 4. William H. Crouse & Donald L. Anglin, Automotive Air Conditioning,
McGraw Hill, Inc., 1990.

1. Automotive Air Conditioning-Paul Weisler, , Reston Publishing Co. Inc. 1990.
2. Automotive Air Conditioning-Paul Lung, C.B.S. Publisher & Distributor, Delhi.

Course Outcome:
At the end, Students will have the better understanding of HVAC equipments and process to be followed the design of HVAC system in


Sub Code : 14MAU153 IA Marks :50
Hrs/ Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs: 50 Exam Marks :100

Course Objective:
To teach students about theoretical principles of vibration, and vibration analysis techniques, for the practical solution
of vibration problems. The course thus builds on students prior knowledge of vibration theory, and concentrates on
the applications. Thus the student will fully understand the importance of vibrations in mechanical design of machine
parts that operate in vibratory conditions.

1) Review of Mechanical Vibrations: Basic concepts; free vibration of single degree of freedom systems with
and without damping, forced vibration of single DOF-systems, Natural frequency.
Transient Vibration of single Degree-of freedom systems: Impulse excitation, Arbitrary excitation, Laplace
transform formulation, Pulse excitation and rise time, Shock response spectrum, Shock isolation.
12 hours

2) Vibration Control: Introduction, Vibration isolation theory, Vibration isolation and motion isolation for
harmonic excitation, practical aspects of vibration analysis, shock isolation, Dynamic vibration absorbers,
Vibration dampers.
Vibration Measurement and applications : Introduction, Transducers, Vibration pickups, Frequency measuring
instruments, Vibration exciters, Signal analysis
12 hours

3) Modal analysis & Condition Monitoring: Dynamic Testing of machines and Structures, Experimental Modal
analysis, Machine Condition monitoring and diagnosis. Non Linear Vibrations: Introduction, Sources of
nonlinearity, Qualitative analysis of nonlinear systems. Phase plane, Conservative systems, Stability of
equilibrium, Method of isoclines, Perturbation method, Methods of Iterations,

12 hours

4) Random Vibrations : Random phenomena, Time averaging and expected value, Frequency response function,
Probability distribution, Correlation, Power spectrum and power spectral density, Fourier transforms, FTs and
response. 8 hours

5) Continuous Systems: Vibrating string, longitudinal vibration of rods, Torsional vibration of rods, Euler
equation for beams. 6 hours

Text Books
1) Theory of Vibration with Application, - William T. Thomson, Marie Dillon Dahleh,
Chandramouli Padmanabhan, ,5th edition Pearson Education
2) S. Graham Kelly , Fundamentals of Mechanical Vibration - McGraw-Hill, 2000
3) S. S. Rao , Mechanical Vibrations, Pearson Education, 4th edition.

Reference Books
1) S. Graham Kelly , Mechanical Vibrations, Schaums Outlines, Tata McGraw Hill,
2) C Sujatha , Vibraitons and Acoustics Measurements and signal analysis, Tata

McGraw Hill, 2010.

Course Outcome:
A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to solve major and realistic vibration problems in
mechanical engineering design that involves application of most of the course syllabus


Sub Code : 14MAU154 IA Marks : 50
Hrs/ Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 52 Exam Marks : 100

Course Objective: Students will master concepts of stress and strain tensors, know how to formulate a well posed elasticity problem, and
learn several methods for its solution

1. Introduction: Definition and Notation for forces and stresses. Components of stresses, equations of Equilibrium, Specification of
stress at a point. Principal stresses and Mohr's diagram in three dimensions. Boundary conditions .Stress components on an arbitrary
plane, Stress invariants, Octahedral stresses, Decomposition of state of stress, Stress transformation.
8 Hours
2. Introduction to Strain : Deformation, Strain Displacement relations, Strain components, The state of strain at a point, Principal
strain, Strain transformation, Compatibility equations, Cubical dilatation.
Stress -Strain Relations and the General Equations of Elasticity: Generalized Hooke's; law in terms of engineering constants.
Formulation of elasticity Problems. Existence and uniqueness of solution, Saint -Venant's principle, Principle of super position and
reciprocal thermo
12 Hours
3. Two Dimensional Problems in Cartesian Co-Ordinates: Airy's stress function, investigation for simple beam problems. Bending
of a narrow cantilever beam under end load, simply supported beam with uniform load, Use of Fourier series to solve two
dimensional problems.
Two Dimensional Problems in Polar Co-Ordinates: General equations, stress distribution symmetrical about an axis, Pure
bending of curved bar, Strain components in polar co-ordinates, Rotating disk andcylinder, Concentrated force on semi-infinite plane,
Stress concentration around a circular hole in an infinite plate.
14 Hours
4. Thermal Stresses: Introduction, Thermo-elastic stress -strain relations, Thin circular disc, Long circular cylinder.
Torsion of Prismatic Bars: Torsion of Circular and elliptical cross section bars, Soap film analogy, Membrane analogy,
Torsion of thin walled open and closed tubes.
10 Hours
5. Elastic Stability: Axial compression of prismatic bars, Elastic stability, Buckling load for column with constant cross section.
6 Hours

1. Timoshenko and Goodier "Theory of Elasticity", - McGraw Hill Book Company.
2. Dym C. L and Shames. I. H, Solid Mechanics : A variation Approach- McGraw HillNew York- 1973

1. T.G.Sitharam, Applied Elasticity- Interline publishing.
2. L S SrinathAdvanced Mechanics of Solids- Tata Mcgraw Hill Company.
3. Sadhu Singh, Theory of Elasticity-Khanna publisher
4. Phillips, Durelli and Tsao, " Analysis of Stress and Strain "- McGraw Hill Book.
5. C. T. Wang,Applied Elasticity

Course outcome:
i. Become proficient with indicial notation and master manipulation of Cartesian vector and tensor equations.
ii. Understand basic tensorial strain and stress measures.
iii. Know how to formulate a well posed elasticity boundary value problem.
iv. Learn several methods to solve elasticity boundary value problems, including some or all of the following: superposition,
Green's functions, separation of variables, transform methods, dimensional analysis, complex variable methods, integral equations,
variational methods


Automotive Engineering Lab -I

Sub Code : 14MAU16 IA Marks :25
Hrs/ Week : 5 Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs:50 Exam Marks :50

1) These are independent laboratory exercises
2) A student may be given one problem ( 1 to 4) and one more experiment from 5 to 7
3) Student must submit a comprehensive report on the problem solved and give a Presentation on the same.
4) For Numerical Simulation FEA softwares must be used such as MSC Patran/MSC Nastran and etc...

List of Experiments

1. Linear Static (Stress) Analysis of Automotive Engine Components such as Connecting Rod, Piston, Cylinder
wall, Crank Shaft using FEA software Such as MSC Patran / MSC Nastran and etc
2. Modal Analysis of Automotive Engine Components using FEA software
3. Dynamics Analysis of Automotive Engine Components using FEA Software
4. Heat Transfer Analysis of Automotive Engine Components using FEA Software
5. Random Vibration analysis
6. Testing of Single Cylinder, Twin Cylinder and multi cylinder SI / CI engines for performance, Calculate BP,
Thermal, volumetric efficiencies, and BSFC with emission testing
7. Conduct Morse test for finding FP, IP, Indicated thermal efficiency and Mechanical efficiency and tuning the
engine parameters
8. Performance test on computerized IC engine test rig using conventional fuels and Alternate Fuels.
9. Study and tuning of CRDI engine
10. Performance test on Variable Compression Ratio


II Semester


Sub Code : 14MAU21 IA Marks : 50
Hrs/ Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 52 Exam Marks : 100

Course Objective: The student will have to know about all theoretical information and about electrical components used
in a vehicle.
1. Storage Battery:
Principle of lead acid cells, plates and their characteristics containers and separators, electrolyte and their preparation, effect
of temperature on electrolyte, its specific gravity, capacity and efficiency, methods of charging from D.C. mains, defects and remedies of
batteries, care of idle and new batteries. Recycling Process - Recent development in batteries
8 Hours
2. Charging and Lighting System
D.C. Generators and Alternators their Characteristics. Control cutout, Electrical, Electro-mechanical and electronic regulators.
Regulations for charging. Wiring Requirements, Insulated and earth return system, details of head light and side light, LED lighting
system, head light dazzling and preventive methods. Static and Dynamic Bending lights.
Starter Motor & Drives:
Battery motor starting system, condition at starting, behaviour of starter during starting series motor and its characteristics,
consideration affecting size of motor, types of drives, starting circuit
3. Ignition systems and Engine Management Systems:
Ignition fundamentals, Types of solid state ignition systems, components, construction And operating parameters, high energy
ignition distributors, Electronic spark timing, Ignition Advance, Types DIS, MBT and control.
Combined ignition and fuel management systems. Exhaust emission control, Digital control techniques Dwell angle
calculation, Ignition timing calculation and Injection duration calculation. Complete vehicle control systems, Artificial
intelligence and engine management 12 Hours
4. Chassis Electrical systems:
Antilock brakes (ABS), Types , Active suspension, Traction control, Electronic control of automatic transmission, other chassis
electrical systems, Central locking, Air bags and seat belt tensioners. Microprocessor And Microcomputer controlled devices in
automobiles such as instrument cluster, Voice warning system, Travel information system, GPS, AUTOCOP , Keyless entry system
8 Hours

5. Electronic Accessories: Warning and alarm instruments : Brake actuation warning system, traficators, flash system, oil pressure
warning system, engine over heat warning system, air pressure warning system, speed warning system, door lock indicators, neutral
gear indicator, horn design, permanent magnet horn, air & music horns. Wind shield wiper. window washer, instrument wiring
system and electromagnetic interference suppression, wiring circuits for instruments, electronic instruments, dash board illumination
and MIL. 10 Hours

1. Tom Denton Automotive Electrical and Electronics -SAE , 2000
2. Judge AW, Modern Electrical Equipment of Automobiles Chapman and Hall, London ,1992
3. William B. Ribbens -Understanding Automotive Electronics, 5th edition- Butter worth Heinemann, 1998
4. Young. A.P., & Griffiths. L., Automobile Electrical Equipment, English Language Book Society & New Press, 1990.
5. Bosch, Automotive Hand Book, SAE , 8

6. Vinal. G.W., Storage Batteries, John Wiley & Sons inc., New York, 1985.
7. Crouse.W.H., Automobile Electrical Equipment, McGraw Hill Book Co Inc., New York, 1980.
8. Spreadbury.F.G., Electrical Ignition Equipment, Constable & Co Ltd., London, 1962.
9. Robert N Brady Automotive Computers and Digital Instrumentation, Prentice Hall, Eagle Wood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1988.
10. Kohli P L., Automotive Electrical Equipment, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., Delhi, 2004.
11. Internet search

Course Outcome:
Students will get the knowledge and details of various Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems like Batteries, Starting
System, charging System, Ignition System, Lighting System and Dash Board Instruments, Electronic ignition system, various
sensors and the role of ECU.


Sub Code : 14MAU22 IA Marks : 50
Hrs/ Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 52 Exam Marks : 100

Course Objective: The main objective of this course is to impart knowledge in the construction of vehicle, aerodynamic,
concept, paneling of passenger car body trim. At the end of the course the student will be well versed in the design and
construction of external body of the vehicles

1. Car Body Details: Types of car bodies, visibility, regulations, drivers visibility, methods of improving visibility, safety design,
constructional details of roof, under floor, bonnet, boot, wings etc, Classification of coach work
Bus Body Details: Types: Mini bus, single Decker, double Decker, two level, split level and articulated bus - Bus body lay out
Floor height - Engine location - Entrance and exit location - Seating dimensions - Constructional details: Frame construction,
Double skin construction- typesof metal section used - Regulations - Conventional and integral type of construction.
12 Hours
2. Commercial Vehicle Details: Types of body - Flat platform, drop side, fixed side, tipper body, tanker body, Light commercial
vehicle body types, Dimensions of driver's seat relation to controls - Drivers cab design.
8 Hours
3. Body Materials, Trim, Mechanisms: Steel sheet, timber, plastic, GRP, properties of materials - Corrosion - Anticorrosion methods
- Scalation of paint and painting process - Body trim items - Body mechanisms.
8 Hours
4. Body Loads and Design of Vehicle Bodies : Idealized structure- structural surface, shear panel method, symmetric and
asymmetrical vertical loads in car, longitudinal loads, different loading situations.
Design of Vehicle Bodies: Vehicle Layout design, preliminary design, safety, Load distribution on vehicle structure, Calculation of
loading cases, stress analysis of bus body structure under bending and torsion, stress analysis in integral bus body, Design of chassis
frame, Rules and regulations for body, Recent safety measures, Testing of body.
12 Hours
5. Steering Dynamics: Kinematics Steering, Vehicles with More Than Two Axles, Vehicle with Trailer, Steering Mechanisms, Four
wheel steering, Steering Mechanism Optimization, Trailer - Truck Kinematics, Numerical examples.
Suspension Mechanisms: Solid Axle Suspension, Independent Suspension, Roll Center and Roll Axis, Car Tire Relative Angles,
Toe, Caster Angle, Camber, Trust Angle, Suspension Requirements and Coordinate Frames, Kinematics Requirements, Dynamic
Requirements, Wheel, wheel body, and tyre Coordinate Frames, Caster Theory, Numerical examples.
10 Hours

1. Vehicle Body Engineering Pawloski J., Business Books Ltd.

1. The Automotive Chassis : Engineering Principles Reimpell J.
2. Vehicle Body Layout and Analysis John Fenton, Mechanical Engg. Publications Ltd. London.
3. Body Construction and Design Giles J. G., Illife Books, Butterworth & Co.

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course
i) Different body layouts, Materials used in body constructions like Composite materials, GRP, FRP Etc.
ii) Importance of Aerodynamics and Aesthetics for the exteriors and interiors of the vehicle.
iii) Importance of Vehicle ergonomics to provide at most comfortable positions for driver and passengers.

iv) Aerodynamics and Aesthetics for the exteriors and interiors of the vehicle.
v) Structural analysis, Load distribution, Types of vehicle body constructions, Body system mechanisms

Sub Code : 14MAU23 IA Marks : 50
Hrs/ Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 50 Exam Marks : 100

Course Objective: The main objective of this course is to impart knowledge in automotive transmission. The detailed concept, construction
and principle of operation of various types of mechanical transmission components, hydrodynamic devices, hydrostatic devisees and
automatic transmission system will be taught to the students. The design of clutch and gearbox will also be introduce to the students

1. Overview of Vehicle Powertrains System: Outlines of Power Trains, Power train functions, Power train layout and components,
Main and Auxiliary functions, Requirements profile, Interrelations: Direction of rotation, Transmission Ratio and Torque, Road
Profiles, Load Profiles, Typical Vehicle uses and Driver types, Performance features of Vehicle Transmissions. Design trends
in Transmission, Kinematical relations of powertrains, Numerical problems.

Matching engine and transmission: Road loads and axle loads, Deriving condition diagram, Ideal transmission and
engine-transmissions matching, Total ratio and overall gear ratio- Selecting the largest power- train ratio, Selecting the smallest
power- train ratio, Selecting the intermediate gears- saw tooth profile, Geometrical gear steps, Progressive gear steps, Numerical
12 Hours
2. Start-up Devices: One -way clutch, Band clutch, Multi-disk clutch, Clutch Design and Analysis, Hydrodynamic Clutches and
Torque Converters: Principles, Characteristic curves of Hydrodynamic Clutches, Construction and operation of TorqueConverter,
Input/output characteristics, Design Considerations, Trilok Converter, Torque Converter test diagram, Interaction of engine and
Trilok Converter, Numerical problems
8 Hours
3. Manual Transmissions: Manual Transmission Layouts and Components, Basic gear box construction, gear-sets with fixed axles,
countershaft transmission and epicyclic gears, schemes for reverse gear. Transmission Power Flows, Numerical problems.
Gear shifting mechanisms, Layout and design of Synchronizers: Internal shifting mechanisms and External shifting
mechanisms, Classification of shifting elements, synchronizer functional requirements, synchronizing process, design of
synchronizers, alternative transmission synchronizers
10 Hours
4. Automatic Transmissions: Level of automation, Gear shift mode, stepped and Continuously Variable Transmissions, synchronizer
gear boxes, epicycloidal gear boxes, Car CVTS: Van Doorne Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) and Torotrak
Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT). Design and analysis of planetary gear trains, Gear ratios and clutch engagement
schedule, Clutch torques in steady state condition, Torque analysis in shifting process, Numerical problems.
10 Hours
5. Differential and Final drives: Outline of differential theory-friction free differential, Differential with internal friction, Self locking
differential, final drives: formats, performance limits, transmission ratios. Differential gears, differential locks and locking
differentials, types of self locking differential, Numerical problems.
Design of other Transmission elements: Design of slip joint, universal joint, dead & live axle, constant velocity joints, Bearing
Design, Selection of ball and roller bearing, Gear box housing design.
10 Hours
1. Automotive Transmissions: Fundamentals, Selection, Design and Application, Gisbert Lechner, Harald Naunheimer, Springer-
Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, New York, ISBN 3-540-65903.
2. Design Practices: Passenger Car Automatic Transmissions, Many authors, Third Edition, AE-18, SAE, Warrendale, 1994.
3. Handbook of Automotive Powertrain and Chassis Design, J. Fenton, Professional Engineering Publishing, London 1998.
4. Gears andTransmissions, Vol. 4, J.G. Giles, Automotive Technology series,Butterworth, London 1969.


Course Outcome: At the end of the course the students will have command over manual and automotive transmission concepts and


Sub Code : 14MAU24 IA Marks : 50
Hrs/ Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 52 Exam Marks : 100

Course Objective:
1. To understand the basic principles of the design aspects for NVH in cars.
2. To know the most dominant sources of noise and vibration in cars, the dominant transmission paths including their relative
importance at different driving conditions.
3. To understand the critical design issues and their relations for NVH, in particular the aspects of objective and subjective design

1. Fundamentals of sound: Definition of NVH, Vehicle noise - Direct sound generation mechanism: airborne sound; Indirect sound
generation mechanism: structure borne sound; Subjective response sound, Acoustic variables, basic attributes of sound such as
wavelength, period, frequency; speed of sound, Decibel scale, Wave equation, types of sound fields, Measures of sound: Sound
pressure, sound intensity and sound power, Combining sources: dB arithmetic, Standing wave, Beating, Impedance, Human hearing:
frequency Versus sound pressure level, Loudness: phones and sones as noise descriptors; Weighting networks, L
and various noise
metrics for road noises.
8 Hours

2. Noise measurements and instrumentation:, Measuring microphones, Sound level meter, time and frequency weighting, Sound
spectra Octave band analysis, Order analysis and waterfall plot, Various types of acoustic testing chambers, Sound power
measurement from Sound pressure: Free field method, Reverberant field method, Semi-Reverberant field method and Comparison
method (using calibrated Sources) Two- microphone probe for measuring; Sound power measurement from Sound Intensity
8 Hours
3. Sound fields and Room Acoustics: Characterizing sound sources; Directivity; Sound Fields; Various approaches to modeling
sound sources; Transmission loss (TL) and Insertion loss (IL); Reverberation time and Acoustic Absorption Coefficient; Effects of
leaks on barrier and TL of composite barriers; measurement Absorption Coefficient and Transmission loss (TL).
Vehicle Interior and Exterior noise: Internal noise sources in vehicles such as engine noise; road noise; aerodynamic (wind) noise;
brake noise; squeak, rattle and tizz noises; sound package solution to reduce the interior noise: acoustic isolation, acoustic absorption
and damping material solutions; Exterior noise sources in vehicles such as air intake systems and exhaust systems; Tyre noise.
12 Hours
4. Sources of Vehicle vibration: Power train and Engine vibrations; driveline vibrations; chassis and suspension vibrations; Control
strategies; Human response to vehicle vibrations, concept of harshness; subjective and objective evaluation of vehicle harshness.

Vibration Isolation and Control: Introduction; damping of vibrations; vibration isolation and absorption; design of a Vibration
Absorbers, unconstrained and constrained layer damping treatment, add on dampers and stiffeners, Introduction to Active Vibration
12 Hours
5. Vibration Measurement and Instrumentation: Definition of Modal Properties, Modal analysis theory, FE & Experimental modal
analysis, Transducers and accelerometers Excitation sources Impact Excitation, Shaker excitation, Excitation signals, applications of
Modal Analysis, laser based vibration measurements; analysis and presentation of vibration data.
10 Hours

1. Engineering Noise Control: Theory and Practice, Bies D A and Hansen C H, Spon Press, Taylor &Francis, NYUSA, 2003.

2. Vehicle Noise & Vibration Refinement, edited by Xu Wang, Elsevier Publishing Limited, 2010.
3. Vehicle Refinement Controlling Noise & Vibration in Road Vehicles, Mathew Harrison, Elsevier Publication (2004)

Course Outcome: At the end of the course, student will have
i) An overview of state-of-the art in Computer Aided engineering applied to NVH together with examples of NVH issues treated
by CAE and to understand the limitations of the models used.
ii) a basic understanding of the difference between objective and subjective (human response) design criteria and how they
influence the design process.
iii) an overview of modern design solutions in NVH, the materials used and their principle function, together with the current trends
in the development of new solutions


Sub Code : 14MAU251 IA Marks : 50
Hrs/ Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 50 Exam Marks : 100

Course Objective: Students will gain a basic understanding of manufacturing systems management, including work organization, work
measurement, basic scheduling mechanisms, and current theories of manufacturing management, and different process of manufacturing
techniques being used in Automotive Industry

1. Sheet Metal Forming: Introduction, Forming methods, shearing and Blanking, Bending, stretch forming, Deep drawing, redrawing
operations, Defects in formed products.
High Energy Rate Forming: Explosive forming, Electro-hydraulic forming, Electro-magnetic forming, Super Plastic Forming
Process principles, Equipment, Process variables, Merits and Limitations
12 Hours
2. Forging: Classification, various stages during forging, Forging equipment, brief description, deformation in compression, forging
defects. Residual stresses in forging.
7 Hours
3. Powder Metallurgy Processing I: Process details and special characteristics of Powder Metallurgy process, Powder making
methods, Characteristics of Powders, Process flow chart , Process steps and Process variables.
Compaction techniques like CIP & HIP (Cold Iso-static and Hot Iso-static pressing), Product design considerations, Applications of
Powder metallurgy.
12 Hours
4. Joining methods- Fusion: MIG CO2 welding, Flux Cored Arc Welding, Resistance Seam, Spot and Projection Welding Process
principles, Equipment, Process variables, Merits and Limitations.
SolidState Welding: Friction Welding, Friction Stir Welding - Process principles, Equipment, Process variables, Merits and
12 Hours

5. Joining of Plastics: Heated tool welding or hot bar welding, Hot gas welding or pendulum welding, High frequency welding,
Ultrasonic welding, Friction welding, Induction welding.
7 Hours

1. Engineering Materials & their applications, R. A. Flinn & P. K. Trojan, 4th edition, Jaico Publishing House
2. ASM Handbook on Powder Metallurgy, Volume 17, ASM publications
3. AWS Hand Book on welding
4. Welding Technology by O.P. Khanna.
5. Welding for Engineers by Udin, funk & Wulf.
6. Welding and Welding Technology R.L. Little.
7. Fundamentals of Working of Metals-Sach G., Pergamon Press.

Course Outcome:
1. Students will recognize manufacturing organizations, including job shops, flow lines, assembly lines, work cells.
2. Students will have a basic understanding of different manufacturing process of automotive components


Sub Code : 14MAU252 IA Marks : 50
Hrs/ Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 50 Exam Marks : 100

Course Objective: To know different dynamics of Automotive system and basics behind the multi body dynamics.
1. Introduction to MBD,Notation. Kinematics of free bodies: point mass and rigid body. Position, velocity,
acceleration. Angular orientation descriptions: transformation matrices, Euler angles, cardan angles, quaternion
(Euler parameters). Kinematic equations of rotation.
10 Hours
2. Conservative and non-conservative force and torque elements. Spring, damper, bushing, force elements with inner
dynamics. Constraint forces. Impacts. The problem with play and dry friction
10 Hours

3. Rigid Body and Kinematic Constraints: Rigid body kinetics. Newton- Euler equations. Inertia tensor. Inertial and
body- fixed description. State space description of multi- body systems. Kinematic constraints. Constraints
functions. Degrees of freedom. Jacobian. Basic types of joints and linkages
12 Hours
4. Structure and functionality of multi- body codes. Kinematics equilibrium points (static), dynamics, inverse
08 Hours
5. Linearization, modal analysis, and optimization. Usage of Software such as MSC ADAMS for multi body
dynamics simulation for automotive system.
10 Hours

1. Computer-Aided Mechanical Systems, Nikravesh. P.E., Prentice Hall 1988.

1. Computational Methods for Multibody Dynamics, Amirouche, F.M.L, Prentice-Hall, (1992).
2. Computer-Aided Kinematics and Dynamics of Mechanical Systems, Haug, E.J., Volume I: Basic Methods, Allyn and Bacon,
3. Multibody Dynamics, Huston, R.L., Butterworth- Heinemann, (1990).
4. Dynamics of Multibody Systems, Roberson, R.E. and Schwertassek, R., Springer-Verlag, (1988).
5. Multibody System Handbook, Schiehlen, W.O., Springer- Verlag, (1990).
6. Dynamics of Multibody Systems, Shabana, A.A., Wiley, (1989).
7. MSC ADAMS user Manual

Course Outcome: At the end of the course, student will know about rigid body dynamics and simulation of multi body dynamics using
software tools. Also able to compute the forces acting on bodies numerically and correlate with the simulation results



Sub Code : 14MAU253 IA Marks : 50
Hrs/ Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 52 Exam Marks : 100

Course Objective: To understand the basics and different types of control system required for the Automotive vehicle for improvement of
performance of vehicle

1. Chassis and Drive Line Control
Components of chassis management system role of various sensors and actuators pertaining to chassis system construction
working principle of wheel speed sensor, steering position, tyre pressure, brake pressure, steering torque, fuel level, Engine and vehicle
design data
Drive Line Control: Speed control cylinder cut - off technology, Gear shifting control Traction / braking control, brake
by wire Adaptive cruise control, throttle by wire. Steering - power steering, collapsible and tiltable steering column steer by wire
10 Hours

2. Engine Management System: Basic Engine Operations Fuel Control, Ignition control, Lambda Control, Idle Speed Control,
Knock Control , Open Loop and Closed Loop Control
Sensors: Basic sensor arrangement; Types of sensors such as oxygen sensors, Crank angle position sensors, fuel metering/vehicle
speed sensors and detonation sensors, altitude sensors, flow sensors, throttle position sensors, solenoids,
10 Hours

3. Safety and Security Systems : Airbags, seat belt tightening system, collision warning systems, child Lock, anti lock braking
systems, Vision enhancement Static and Dynmic bending of Head light, road recognition system, Anti theft technologies, smart
card system, number plate coding, central locking system.
10 Hours
4. Comfort and Vehicle Control System: Active suspension systems, requirement and characteristics, different types, Vehicle
Handling and Ride characteristics of road vehicle, pitch, yaw, bounce control, power windows, adaptive noise control. ABS Control
System Torque Balance at Wheels road contact Control cycle of ABS System Advantages Traction control system-
Combination of ABS with Traction control system
10 Hours
5. Intelligent Transportation System: Traffic routing system - Automated highway systems - Lane warning system Driver
Information System, driver assistance systems - Data communication within the car, Driver conditioning warning - Route Guidance
and Navigation Systems vision enhancement system - In-Vehicle Computing Vehicle Diagnostics system. VANET usage in
10 Hours

1. U. Kiencke, and L. Nielsen, Automotive Control Systems, SAE and Springer-Verlag, 2000.
2. Ljubo Vlacic, Michel Parent, Fumio Harashima, Intelligent Vehicle Technologies, Butterworth- Heinemann publications, Oxford, 2001.
1. Crouse, W.H. & Anglin, D.L., Automotive Mechanics, Intl. Student edition, 9th edition, TMH, New Delhi, 2002.
2. William B.Ribbens -Understanding Automotive Electronics, 5th edition, Butter worth Heinemann Woburn,1998.
3. Bosch, Automotive HandBook, 8th edition, SAE, 2007.
4. Internet References.

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will have understanding of control system required for vehicles and basics of control system
development. Also gets the knowledge of control system being used in automotive vehicle



Sub Code : 14MAU254 IA Marks : 50
Hrs/ Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 52 Exam Marks : 100

Course Objective:
To know the basic of Automotive Embedded system concepts, application of Embedded system in automotive and
usage software and hardware in Automotive Embedded System

1. Electronics in Automotive: Introduction Body and convenience electronics: vehicle power supply controllers and
lighting modules, door control modules, Safety electronics: active safety systems: ABS, ASR, ESP passive safety
systems: Restraint systems and their associated sensors in an automobile. Powertrain Electronics: Gasoline engine
management, Infotainment electronics: Dashboard/instrument cluster, car audio, telematic systems, navigation
systems, multimedia systems, cross application technologies. 42V vehicle power supply system.
10 Hours

2. Drive by Wire: Challenges and opportunities of X-by-wire: system & design requirements steer-by-wire, brake-by-wire,
suspension-by-wire, gas-by-wire, power-by-wire, shift by-wire. Future of Automotive Electronics
10 Hours
3. HARDWARE MODULES: MC9S12XD family features -Modes of operation-functional block diagram overview-
programming model. Memory Map Overview Pulse Width Modulator (PWM) On-chip ADC- Serial Communication
Protocol: SCI, SPI,IIC, CAN.
10 Hours
4. Software Development Tools: Introduction to HCS12XDT512 Student Learning Kit & PBMCU (Project Board)
Introduction to Code Warrior IDE-Editing-Debugging-Simulating simple programs. Flashing code into HCS12XDT512 SLK
board and testing
10 Hours
5. Integration of Software and Hardware : Downloading the Software from Host Machine to Target Machine.
Implementing application prototype: Power Window and Automotive Lighting System
10 Hours

1. Semiconductors: Technical Information, Technologies and characteristic data, PublicisCorporate Publishing
2nd revised and considerably enlarged edition, 2004,
2. Freescale MC9S12XDP512 data sheet
3. Ronald K Jurgen ,Automotive Electronics Handbook , McGraw Hill , 2000.
4. Werner Klingenstein & Team, Semiconductors: Technical Information, Technologies and Characteristic
Data, Publicis Corporate Publishing, 2
edition, 2004
5. Ljubo Vlacic, Michel Parent & Furnio Harshima, Intelligent Vehicle Technologies: Theory and Applications,
Butterworth-Heinemann publications, 2001.

Course Outcome: Student will have the understanding of embedded system concepts and how it is being used in
automotive vehicles. Also they will have understanding of designing of Automotive Embedded system using software
and hardware.


Automotive Engineering Lab - II
Sub Code : 14MAU26 IA Marks :25
Hrs/ Week : 6 Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs:50 Exam Marks :50

1) These are independent laboratory exercises
2) A student may be given one or two problem
3) Student must submit a comprehensive report on the problem solved and give a Presentation on the same.
4) For Numerical Simulation, FEA softwares must be used such as MSC Patran/MSC Nastran and etc...
5) For Multi body Dynamics simulation , MSC Adams or equivalent software can be used

List of Experiments

1. Study of Suspension systems used in low, medium and Heavy vehicle
2. Simulation of Suspension system using commercial software for LCV and HCV
3. Study of Drive line systems and Simulation using Commercial MBD software
4. Stress Analysis of Chassis components using FE Software
5. Testing Two Wheeled Vehicles on Chassis Dynamometer
6. Study and practice of wheel alignment (computerized) and wheel balancing
7. Head light focusing test and visibility test
8. Simulation of Static and Dynamic head light bending
9. Study of MPFI and CRDI
10. Impact Analysis of Automotive Vehicle System using FE Software.




Sub Code : 14MAU41 IA Marks : 50
Hrs/ Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 50 Exam Marks : 100
Course Objective: To understand the vehicle crashworthiness and various occupant safety system being incorporated in the automotive

1. Introduction: Motor Vehicle Safety, Crashworthiness, Crashworthiness Goals, Crashworthiness Requirements, Achieving
Crashworthiness, Crashworthiness Tests, Crashworthiness Models Requirements, Current Design Practice, Comparison between
LMS and FE-Based Crashworthiness Processes, Crash/Crush Design Techniques for Front Structures, Basic Principles of Designing
for Crash Energy Management, Vehicle Front Structure Design for Different Impact Modes, Vehicle Front Structure Design for
Current Standards, FMVSS 208, NCAP Test, IIHS Test.
6 Hours
2. Vehicle Collision Models: Impulsive models- central head on collision, oblique collision, collision against fixed obstacle, non-
central head on collision, lateral collision, simplified approach. Second approximation models - head on collision against fixed
obstacle, Head-on collision between vehicles, and oblique collision between vehicles, Motion after the Collision with locked wheels
and free wheels,
8 Hours
3. Crash Pulse Characterization: Introduction, Moment-Area Method, Pulse Approximations with Non-Zero Initial Deceleration-
Average Square Wave (ASW), Equivalent Square Wave (ESW), Tipped Equivalent Square Wave (TESW), TESW Parameter
Derivation, Construction of TESW Parameters, Kinematic Comparisons of Test Pulse and Approximated Pulses.
Pulse Approximations with Zero Initial Deceleration- Fourier Equivalent Wave (FEW), Sensitivity Analysis with Boundary
Conditions, Kinematics and Energy Comparison, Use of FEW and Power Rate Density in Crash Severity Detection, Trapezoidal Wave
Approximation (TWA), Derivation of Closed-Form Solutions for TWA Parameters, Bi- Slope Approximation (BSA), Harmonic Pulses
Halfsine and Haversine Approximation and Response of Air Bag Sensor to Harmonic Pulses, Head Injury Criteria, Application of HIC
Formula in Head Interior Impact.
12 Hours

4. Vehicle Impact Modeling
Impact and Excitation Rigid Barrier and Hyge Sled Tests, Vehicle and Sled/Unbelted Occupant Impact Kinematics, Ride
down Existence Criteria and Efficiency- Vehicle and Occupant Transient Kinematics, Derivation and application of Ride down Existence
Criteria, Occupant Response Surface and Sensitivity.
Spring and Damper Dynamic Modeling: Vehicle To Barrier (VTB) Impact: Spring-Mass Model- Model Formulation, Design and
Trend Analysis, Effect of Test Weight Change on Dynamic Responses, Vehicle-To-Vehicle (VTV) Impact: Spring-Mass Model, Crash
Pulse Approximation by TESW and Sinusoidal Waves, Elasto-plastic Modeling, Maxwell Model, Kelvin Model.
12 Hours
5. Occupant Safety: Effect of impact forces on humans, Designing for human safety, Safety systems, Belt Restraint System,
Supplemental Airbag Restraint System (SARS), Design Tools for Human Body Modeling-Lumped Mass Models, Multi- Body
Models, Finite Element Models, The Multi-Body Method for Crash Analyses, MADYMO Multi-Body Algorithm, Force Interaction
Models, Acceleration Field Model, Spring-damper elements, Muscle models, Contact models, Belt model, Dynamic joint models,
Crash Dummy Modeling, Modeling the Real Human Body.
10 Hours
1. Vehicle Crashworthiness and Occupant Protection, Paul Du Bois, Clifford C. Chou and others, American Iron and Steel Institute.
2. Vehicle Crash Mechanics, Huang, M., CRC Press 2002.

Course Outcome: At the end of the course will understand the requirements of crashworthiness and modeling, various techniques are being
used in the safety of the occupants in automotive vehicle such as Air bags, seatbelt and ABS.


Sub Code : 14MAU421 IA Marks : 50
Hrs/ Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 52 Exam Marks : 100

Course Objective:
The main objective of this course is to impart knowledge in automotive pollution control. The detailed concept of formation and control
techniques of pollutants like UBHC, CO, NOx, particulate matter and smoke for both SI and CI engine will be taught to the students. The
instruments for measurement of pollutants and emission standards will also be introduced to the students

1. Laws and Regulations: Historical background, regulatory test procedure (European cycles), Exhaust gas pollutants (European rail
road limits), particulate pollutants, European statutory values, inspection of vehicle in circulation (influence of actual traffic
conditions and influence of vehicle maintenance)
6 Hours

2. SOURCE OF EMISSION FROM AUTOMOBILES: Sources of Air Pollution. Various emissions from Automobiles
Formation Effects of pollutants on environment and human beings. Emission control techniques Modification of fuel, after
treatment devices.. Automotive waste management, old vehicle disposal, Battery recycling, tyre recycling
Sources of Noise Engine Noise, Transmission Noise, vehicle structural Noise, aerodynamics noise, Exhaust Noise. Noise
reduction in Automobiles Encapsulation technique for noise reduction Silencer Design
10 Hours

Emission formation in SI Engines- Carbon monoxide & Carbon di oxide - Unburned hydrocarbon, NOx, Smoke Effects of
design and operating variables on emission formation controlling of pollutants - Catalytic converters, Charcoal Canister, CCS, Positive
Crank case ventilation system, Secondary air injection, thermal reactor, Laser Assisted Combustion

Formation of White, Blue, and Black Smokes, NOx, soot, sulphur particulate and Intermediate Compounds Physical and
Chemical delay Significance Effect of Operating variables on Emission formation Fumigation, Split injection, Add Blue, Catalytic
Coating, EGR, HCCI, Particulate Traps, SCR
12 Hours

4. Influence of Fuel Properties on Emission and Effect of Air Pollution .
Effect of petrol, Diesel Fuel, Alternative Fuels and lubricants on emissions, Effect of air pollution on Human Health, Effect
of air pollution on animals, Effect of air pollution on plants
10 Hours
5. TEST PROCEDURES AND EMISSION MEASUREMENTS: Constant Volume Sampling I and 3 (CVS-1 &CVS3) Systems-
Sampling Procedures Chassis dyno - Seven mode and thirteen mode cycles for Emission Sampling Sampling problems
Emission analysers NDIR, FID, Chemiluminesecent, Smoke meters, Dilution Tunnel, SHED Test, Sound level meters.
12 Hours
1. G.P.Springer ad D.J.Patterson, Engine Emissions, Pollutant formation, Plenum Press, New York, 1986.
2. D.J.Patterson and N.A.Henin, Emission from Combustion Engine and their control, Anna Arbor Science Publication,1985.

1. V.Ganesan, Internal combustion Engines, Tata McGraw Hill Book Co, Eighth Reprint, 2005.
2. Crouse and Anglin, Automotive Emission Control, McGraw Hill company., Newyork 1993.
3. L.Lberanek, Noise Reduction, Mcgrawhill Company., Newyork1993.
4. C.Duerson, Noise Abatment, Butterworths ltd., London1990.
5. A.Alexander, J.P.Barde, C.lomure and F.J. Langdan, Road traffic noise, Applied science publisher ltd., London,1987.


Course outcome: Students will have basic understanding the emission regulations and various techniques adopted for reduction of Pollution
from Automobile



Sub Code : 14MAU422 IA Marks : 50
Hrs/ Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 50 Exam Marks : 100
Course Objective: To know the several of sources of alternate fuels for automotive Engines and study the performance of engine using
different fuels.
1. Introduction
Types of energy sources, their availability, need of alternative energy sources, Non-conventional energy sources, Classification
of alternative fuels and drive trains. Scenario of conventional auto fuels, oil reserves of the world. Fuel quality aspects related to
emissions. Technological up gradation required business driving factors for alternative fuels. Implementation barriers for alternative
fuels. Stakeholders of alternative fuels, roadmap for alternative fuels.
8 Hrs
2. Solar energy & Fuel Cell
Solar energy geometry, Solar radiation measurement devices. Solar energy collectors, types of collectors. Direct application of
solar energy, solar energy storage system. P.V.effect solar cells and characteristics. Application of solar energy for automobiles.

Introduction, principle of FUEL CELL, Working Principle, types of Fuel Cells, Advantages of Fuel Cell
10 Hrs
3. Gaseous alternative fuels & Bio-Diesel
Hydrogen, properties and production of hydrogen. Storage, Advantages and disadvantages of hydrogen. Hydrogen used in SI and
CI engines. Hazards and safety systems for hydrogen, hydrogen combustion. Performance and Emission of from Hyderogen, LPG, CNG,
Methanol and Ethanol and its blends as Fuel for SI and CI engine
Bio-Diesel: Straight vegetable oil, Biodiesel Production of Bio-Diesel, Bio-Diesel as Fuel, Performance and emission of
12 Hrs
4. Biomass energy and Reformulated Conventional Fuel
Biogas or Biomethane. History, properties and production of Biogas, classification of biogas plants, biogas storage and dispensing
system. Advantages of biogas, hazards and emissions of biogas
Reformulated conventional fuels
Introduction. Production of coal water slurry. Properties, as an engine fuel, emissions of CWS. RFG, Emulsified fuels.
Hydrogen-enriched gasoline. Future Alternative Fuels, PMF, Ammonia, Liquid-Nitrogen
12 Hrs
5. Introduction to alternative power trains
Components of an EV,.EV batteries, chargers, drives, transmission and power devices. Advantages and disadvantages of
EVs. Hybrid electric vehicles, HEV drive train components, advantages of HV. History of dual fuel technology Applications of DFT.
Dual fuel engine operation. Advantages and disadvantages of dual fuel technology.
8 Hrs

1. S.S.Thipse Alternative Fuels. JAICO Publishing House.
2. G.D.Rai Non-Conventional Energy Sources Khanna Publishing New Delhi.

1. Alternative fuels for vehicle book by M.poulton
2. Alternative fuels guide book by R. Bechtold.SAE
3. Alternative energy sources by T.N Veziroglu, McgrawHill
4. A Primer on Hybrid Electric vehicles
5. Automotive Fuels Guide Book- Richard L.Bechtold, SAE Publications, 1997

Course Outcome: At the end of the course, students will know the different fuels available for Automotive engines and also knows the
influence various parameters affecting the performance and emission characteristics of engine using alternate fuels


Sub Code : 14MAU423 IA Marks : 50
Hrs/ Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 50 Exam Marks : 100
Course Objective: To know the various numeric techniques being used in the Automotive system and sub system simulations.
1. Principle Of Computer Modeling And Simulation: Monte Carlo simulation, Nature of computer modeling and simulation,
limitations of simulation, areas of application.
System And Environment: components of a system discrete and continuous systems. Models of a system-a variety of
modeling approaches.
10 Hours

2. Design And Evaluation Of Simulation Experiments: Variance reduction techniques-antithetic variables- variables-verification
and validation of simulation models.

3. S.I. Engine Simulation and Two Stroke Engine: Simulation of Otto cycle and Diesel cycle at full throttle, part throttle and
supercharged conditions. Progressive combustion, Exhaust and intake process analysis. Two Stroke Engine Simulation Engine and
Poring Geometry, Gas Flow , Scavenging
10 Hours

4. C.I. Engine Simulation: Simulation of Diesel cycle and Diesel cycle at full throttle, part throttle and supercharged conditions.
Progressive combustion, Exhaust and intake process analysis.
10 Hours

5. Simulation Exercises: Case studies of Simulation for 2 stoke and 4 stroke engine. Simulation exercises using computers
MATLAB/SimuLink, Pro-E / ICEM, CFD Analysis, FE Analysis procedures, Advantages of FEA, Simple Exercise using MSC
Multi-body Simulation Exercises: Simple Multi-body Suspension, Four Bar mechanisms, Handling Analysis Of simple Bogie
using MSC Adams.

1. Computer Simulation of Spark Ignition Engine Processes, V.Ganesan, Universities Press, 1995.
2. The Basic Design of two-stroke engines, Gordon P.Blair, SAE Publication, 1990.
3. System Simulation with digital Computer,NARS1NGH DEO, prentice Hall Of India,1979
4. Internal Combustion Engine Modeling, J.I.Ramos, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, 1989.

1. Combustion Modeling in Reciprocating Engines, J.N.Mattavi and C.A.Amann, Plenum Press, 1980.
2. The Thermodynamics and Gas Dynamics of Internal Combustion Engines, Vol. I & II, Horlock and Winterbone, Clarendon
Press, 1986.
3. MSC Nastran / Adams User Manual
4. MATLAB User manual

Course Outcome: At the end the course, students will have the knowledge of the various techniques used for simulation of Automotive
Systems and able to do the simulation using suitable software such as MATLAB, MSC Nastran and Msc.Adams



Sub Code : 14MAU424 IA Marks : 50
Hrs/ Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 50 Exam Marks : 100

Course Objective: To understand the basics, working principles, types and Hybrid Vehicle and technology involved in Hybrid Vehicles

1. Hybrid Vehicles: Introduction to HVs, Performance characteristics of road vehicles; calculation of road load, predicting fuel
economy, grid -connected hybrids.
Hybrid architecture: Series configuration- locomotive drives, series parallel switching, load tracking architecture. Pre transmission
parallel and combined configurations-Mild hybrid, power assist, dual mode, power split, power split with shift, Continuously
Variable transmission (CVT), wheel motors
10 Hours
2. Propulsion methods: DC motors-series wound, shunt wound, compound wound and separately excited motors AC motors-
Induction, synchronous, brushless DC motor, switched reluctance motors.
8 Hours
3. Hybrid power plant specifications: Grade and cruise targets, launching and boosting, braking and energy recuperation, drive cycle
implications, engine fraction-engine downsizing and range and performance, usage requirements.
Sizing the drive system: Matching electric drive and ICE, sizing the propulsion motor; sizing power electronics.
10 Hours
4. Energy storage technology: Battery basics; lead-acid battery; different types of batteries; battery parameters, Battery Recycling
Fuel cells: Fuel cell characteristics, fuel cell types alkaline fuel cell, proton exchange Membrane; direct methanol fuel cell,
phosphoric acid fuel cell, molten carbonate fuel cell, solid oxide fuel cell, hydrogen storage systems, reformers, fuel cell EV, super
and ultra capacitors
12 Hours
5. Non-electric Hybrid Propulsion Systems: Short-Term Storage Systems- Flywheel Accumulators. Continuously Variable
Transmissions Hydraulic Accumulators Hydraulic Pumps/Motors, Pneumatic Hybrid Engine Systems-Operation Modes.
10 Hours

1. The Electric Car: Development & Future of Battery, Hybrid & Fuel-Cell Cars, Mike Westbrook, M H Westbrook, British
library Cataloguing in Publication Data.
2. Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, Robin Hardy, Iqbal Husain, CRC Press.
3. Propulsion Systems for Hybrid Vehicles, John M. Miller, Institute of Electrical Engineers, London.

1. Energy Technology Analysis Prospects for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells, International Energy Agency, France.
2. Handbook of Electric Motors, Hamid A Toliyat, Gerald B Kliman, Marcel Decker Inc.

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course, students will understand
i) the working the hybrid vehicles,

ii) improvement of performance of HEVs,
iii) Concept of design of HEVs.
iv) Also knows the methodology to be adopted for selection of batteries and motors for HEVs.

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