) P. Prassopoulos
I. Petinarakis N.C. Gourtsoyiannis
Department of Radiology,
University Hospital of Heraklion,
Medical School of Crete,
71500 Heraklion-Stavrakia, Crete, Greece
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel.: +30-81-392542
Fax: +30-81-542095
E. Sanidas D. Tsiftsis
Department of Surgical Oncology,
University Hospital of Heraklion,
Medical School of Crete,
71500 Heraklion-Stavrakia, Crete, Greece
E. Chrysos G. Chalkiadakis
Department of General Surgery,
University Hospital of Heraklion,
Medical School of Crete,
71500 Heraklion-Stavrakia, Crete, Greece
to PC or catheter removal. If improvement of patients condition
was not apparent 3 days following PC, an emergency operation
was conducted provided the patients APACHE II score was 15.
If the score was higher than 15, no further invasive treatment was
attempted. Elective cholecystectomy was proposed after success-
ful treatment of all calculous cases presenting an APACHE II
score lower than 12 from both groups. Percutaneous lithotripsy
was proposed in calculous cases where the APACHE II score re-
mained higher than 12 after a successful PC.
Statistical analysis was performed using the chi-square test
with Yates correction and Students t-test. A p value less than
0.05 was considered statistically significant.
The review board of our hospital approved the study protocol.
All patients had positive clinical, laboratory, and US
findings for acute cholecystitis. Gallbladder was distend-
ed with a volume of more than 70 ml in all patients.
Right upper abdominal pain and fever were the apparent
symptoms in 115 patients, where vomiting was present
in 36 of these cases. Increased alkaline phosphatase,
-GT, SGOT, and SGPT levels were found in 76, elevat-
ed serum bilirubin in 38, and leukocytosis in 102 of
these patients. Gallbladder wall thicker than 3 mm was
identified in 85 patients, a positive US Murphy sign
existed in 79, and pericholecystic fluid in 15 cases.
Gallstones were recognized in 83 patients, in 12 of
whom they were associated with common bile duct
(CBD) stones. One patient was diagnosed with having a
CBD-obstructing pancreatic head carcinoma and another
one a CBD-obstructing pseudocyst.
Sixty-three patients were initially included in the PC
group. The PC was successfully performed in 60 patients
(95.2%). Early in our experience, the procedure using
the Seldinger technique was not completed in three un-
cooperative patients. All three cases of technical failure
were included in the PC group. The CT guidance was
utilized in these cases using either TH (n=2) or TP ac-
cess route (n=1). The two transhepatically punctured pa-
tients presented no complications, and were therefore
conservatively treated. The trans-peritoneal punctured
patient (APACHE II score=14) showed symptoms of bile
peritonitis and died during emergency surgery (proce-
dure related mortality 1.6%; Table 1).
After gaining experience, we moved from CT- to
US-guided PCs that were completed in a much shorter
operation time and with less discomfort for the patients.
The TH drainage was performed in all calculous cases,
to ensure better and safer surgical conditions for percuta-
neous lithotripsy, if needed. Delayed dislodgment of
non-locking nephrostomy catheters used early in our se-
ries was observed in 9 patients, all with APACHE score
15; 3 of them (5%) underwent uneventful emergency
operation because of bile peritonitis (Table 1), whereas
the remaining 6 who showed no clinical worsening were
conservatively treated with positive outcome.
The age range was 4395 years (mean age 79.1 years). Sixty-one
patients were men (age range 4392 years, mean age 78.2 years),
and 59 were women (age range 5195 years, mean age
79.3 years).
All patients had clinical signs and symptoms of acute chole-
cystitis and laboratory tests compatible with the disease. In addi-
tion, all patients fulfilled the ultrasonographic criteria of inflam-
matory gallbladder (GB) involvement, with a minimum of two cri-
teria present in each case [6, 8]. Criteria included: GB distension;
GB wall >3 mm; positive US Murphy sign; pericholecystic fluid;
and presence of stones.
Eight patients were referred from the intensive care unit (ICU)
in septic condition with laboratory tests suggesting acute chole-
After patients referral, randomization took place. Patients
were randomly assigned into two groups by drawing a playing
card. Black cards sent the patients to the CO group (n=60), where
conservative treatment was administered, whereas red cards sent
patients to the group (n=63) for PC. Six ICU patients were ran-
domized in the PC group and 2 in the CO group. Two specialized
and dedicated interventional radiologists performed all proce-
Conservative treatment, which included intravenous (IV) ad-
ministration of fluids, broad spectrum antibiotics, and non-steroid
anti-inflammatory drugs combined with proton pump inhibitors
for stomach protection, was immediately given to all patients after
their referral. If patients were randomized in the PC group, PC
was attempted within the first 24 h following their referral.
Forty-two CO-group patients suffered from calculous and 18
from acalculous cholecystitis (2 ICU patients). Of 60 patients (age
range 6993 years, mean age 80.3 years), 32 were men (age range
6991 years, mean age 78.5), and 28 were women (age range
7093 years, mean age 80.6 years).
Percutaneous cholecystostomy was successfully performed in
60 patients (age range 4395 years, mean age 77.2 years): 29 men
(age range 4392 years, mean age 78.3 years); and 31 women (age
range 5195 years, mean age 77.1 years). Forty-one suffered from
calculous and 19 from acalculous disease (6 ICU patients).
Computer tomographic guidance for PC was used early in our
series in 17 patients, because the performing radiologists were
more experienced with this method. Ultrasound guidance was
used during the last 43 cases, after the interventional team gained
experience with this technique. The Seldinger technique was em-
ployed for all CT-guided cases and a Trocar catheter-needle
system for all US-guided punctures. Catheters used were of
710 F and inserted through a transhepatic (TH, n=34) or a trans-
peritoneal (TP, n=26) access route. In the first 17 cases, which
were CT guided, simple 7- to 8-F nephrostomy catheters were em-
ployed, whereas 7-F van Sonnenberg or 8- to 10-F Flexima lock-
ing pigtail catheters were used in the remaining 43, which were
US-guided cases (all 60 catheters were from Boston Scientific,
Bloomington, Mass.). The locking pigtail catheters were until then
not available in our department.
The PC catheter was left open, connected with a collection bag
and flushing with saline solution was ordered only if bile was not
draining satisfactorily. Transcatheter cholangiography was per-
formed 34 days after PC. Appropriate catheter position, patency
of cystic and common bile ducts, as well as the presence and loca-
tion of stones were evaluated during the procedure. The catheter
was withdrawn following confirmation of ductal system patency
and demonstration of a mature cystocutaneous fistula by fistulo-
graphy. The latter was performed 2 weeks after a transhepatic PC
and 3 weeks after a transperitoneal PC. In cases where the fistula
failed to close, a new catheter was inserted for one more week and
a fistulography was repeated at the end of this week. A follow-up
period of 12 months was set for all survivors.
The PC was considered successful when clinical improvement
was observed with the decrease or disappearance of pain, fever,
and leukocytosis along with the absence of complications related
Resolution of symptoms during the first three post-
procedural days was noted in 54 of 63 PC-group patients
(86%; Table 2); these included 2 patients with unsuc-
cessful PC, who were treated conservatively and recov-
ered uneventfully. Six cases of acalculous cholecystitis
represent ICU patients, three of which recovered after
successful PC (Table 2). Of the 54 patients with symp-
tom resolution after PC, 5 died during the first 30 days
(9%), despite initial clinical improvement, because of se-
vere underlying diseases (APACHE II score 12). In to-
tal, 9 of 63 patients showed no symptom resolution after
PC (14%). Six of them died due to ongoing sepsis during
the first 30 days after successful PC (9.5%), one of
whom died during emergency surgery after PC failure,
due to bile peritonitis and sepsis (1.6%). All 6 patients
had an APACHE II score 12. In total, 11 patients, all
with an APACHE II score 12, died during the first 30
postprocedural days, 10 of them because of non-proce-
dural related causes (total 30-day mortality rate=17.5%;
Table 1). Another 3 patients with no clinical improve-
ment after successful PC and an APACHE II score 15
were uneventfully surgically treated on an emergency
basis (5%). In total, 7 patients with an APACHE II score
of 15 were operated on, due to catheter dislodgment
(n=3), persisting symptoms (n=3), or after unsuccessful
PC (n=1); 6 of 7 recovered uneventfully (86%).
Nine of the 44 patients with post-PC resolution of
symptoms all with calculous cholecystitis underwent
elective cholecystectomy without complications
36 months later. In all cases the APACHE II score was
under 12 at the time of operation (Table 1). In five more
patients with GB stones, percutaneous cholecystolithoto-
my was performed, 36 weeks after effective PC. In
these patients the APACHE II score remained over 12
due to the severe underlying diseases. The procedure
was successful in 3 patients, whereas in 2 it was not
completed due to the patients limited cooperation, but
without any clinical consequences. In the remaining 32
of 44 patients, including the 2 patients with unsuccess-
fully attempted PC, no additional treatment was adminis-
tered (Table 1). In 1 case recurrence of calculous chole-
cystitis occurred 70 days following PC. This patient re-
fused new PC and was successfully operated on
(APACHE II score=13). In another patient, an abdominal
wall abscess was developed 180 days after catheter re-
moval. Superficial draining was performed, but the ab-
scess recurred 50 days later. Subsequent deeper surgical
draining and exploration revealed a stone fixed in the ab-
Table 1 Percutaneous cholecystostomy (PC) group: results. TP transperitoneal access route
Acute cholecystitis Emergency Emergency Emergency Percutaneous Elective No further
surgery due to surgery due to surgery due lithotripsy surgery treatment
persistent unsuccessful to catheter
symptoms PC dislodgment
(uneventful) (patient died) (uneventful)
score12 score15 score15 score15 score12 score<12
Calculous (n=44) 2 of 44 1 of 44 3 of 41 (TP) 5 of 44 9 of 44 19 of 44
Acalculous (n=19) 1 of 19 0 of 19 0 of 19 0 of 19 0 of 19 13 of 19
Total (n=63) 3 of 63 (5%) 1 of 63 (1.6%) 3 of 60 (5%) 5 of 63 (8%) 9 of 63 (14%) 32 of 63 (51%)
Table 2 Percutaneous cholecystostomy group: results. ICU intensive care unit patients; TP transperitoneal access route
Acute Successfully Symptom Symptom Symptom 30-day No 30-day 30-day
cholecystitis performed resolution resolution resolution mortality symptom mortality, mortality
PCs after after after PC despite resolution no symptom
successful unsuccessful symptom after PC resolution
PC PC resolution, due to
due to the ongoing
underlying sepsis
score12 score12 score12
Calculous 41 of 44 37 of 41 2 of 3 39 of 44 3 of 39 5 of 44 3 of 44 6 of 44
(n=44) (1 PC failure) (1 PC failure)
Acalculous 19 of 19 15 of 19 0 15 of 19 2 of 15 4 of 19 3 of 19 5 of 19
(n=19) (6 ICU) (3 ICU) (3 ICU) (3 ICU) (3 ICU)
Total 60 of 63 52 of 60 2 of 3 54 of 63 5 of 54 9 of 63 6 of 63 11 of 63
(n=63) (95.2%) (87%) (67%) (86%) (9%) (14%) (9.5%) (17.5%)
dominal wall, at the initial site of the PC tract. No corre-
lation existed between clinical response and US evidence
of pericholecystic fluid (p>0.10). There was also no sta-
tistically significant relevance either between technical
success and guiding method, access route, puncturing
technique, or presence of GB stones (p>0.10).
Resolution of symptoms occurred in 52 patients
(1 ICU patient) of the CO group (clinical response 87%),
whereas the remaining 8 patients (APACHE score>12)
died of ongoing sepsis (13%), 7 of which with calculous
and 1 with acalculous disease (1 ICU patient; Table 3).
There was not a statistically significant difference
noted in mortality rates between the PC and the CO
group (p>0.05). The APACHE II score of the CO-group
patients at admission showed no significant differences
(p>0.10) between the patients who survived and those
who did not (mean score of 13.9 for survivors and 14.2
for non-survivors). Seven patients (12%) with calculous
cholecystitis and an APACHE II score <12 were success-
fully operated on after cessation of acute inflammation.
No further treatment was considered necessary in 28 cal-
culous and 17 acalculous cases (Table 3). Three patients
with GB stones had recurrent cholecystitis 26 months
following treatment and were again conservatively treat-
ed with uneventful recovery.
The treatment of choice for acute cholecystitis in the el-
derly is either surgery on an emergency basis or conser-
vative treatment followed by elective cholecystectomy
later [1]. The procedure has significant mortality rates of
4.47.5% related to the advanced age and coexisting dis-
eases implying high surgical risk to the patient [1, 9].
Overall mortality decreased to 1.01.8% with laparosco-
pic cholecystectomy [1, 2]. Of major concern is the med-
ical morbidity of 13% in 65- to 75-year-old and of 18%
in over 75-year-old patients, because of various coexis-
ting diseases [2]. Medical morbidity or mortality is de-
fined as either an exacerbation of a preoperative medical
problem not related to cholecystitis requiring treat-
ment or a complication that arises after surgery which is
not directly related to an error in surgical technique [2].
Since elective surgery is safer than emergency surgery,
conservative treatment has been suggested during the
acute phase, to stabilize patients until elective surgery
[3]. Surgical cholecystostomy (SC) has also been pro-
posed instead of conservative treatment or cholecystecto-
my in order to avoid emergency open surgery [10]; how-
ever, mortality rates of 4.2% reported with SC in older
patients [2, 10] did not encourage the use of the method.
Recently, PC was introduced to decrease morbidity and
mortality in surgically high-risk patients with acute cho-
lecystitis and to lead to safer elective surgery [6, 8, 11].
More specific indications include decompression of the
GB in acute cholecystitis, obstructive jaundice, hemor-
rhagic or emphysematous cholecystitis, and GB perfora-
tion [12, 13, 14, 15].
Although PC has been proposed as an alternative to
conservative treatment in the initial stages of acute cho-
lecystitis, to the best of our knowledge, the two treat-
ment options have not been previously compared with
each other. The aim of this prospective, randomized
study was to evaluate the effectiveness and complica-
tions of PC, and to examine whether or not it offers any
advantage over conservative treatment in the manage-
ment of surgically high-risk patients with acute chole-
cystitis. The APACHE II scoring system [16] was used
to evaluate the patients clinical status; those with a
score equal to or higher than 12 were considered as sur-
gically high-risk candidates [17].
Technical success of PC can be very high in experi-
enced hands with reported rates of 95100% [4, 8, 11,
18, 19]. Learning curve of the performing team can de-
crease these rates. The 95.2% technical success in our
series is comparable with these rates. Mortality related to
PC has a prevalence of 03% [4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 18, 19, 20],
whereas minor post-PC complications have been men-
tioned in 418% of the cases [4, 7, 18, 20, 21]. Bile leak-
age is the most common complication which may lead to
life-threatening peritonitis [19]. We encountered one
procedure-related death in 63 PC attempts (1.6% mortal-
ity rate). It was an uncooperative patient who developed
bile peritonitis after CT-guided puncture early in our se-
Not uncommon complications in our series were acci-
dental dislodgment of non-locking nephrostomy cathe-
ters in 9 patients, all with an APACHE score 15, fol-
lowed by bile peritonitis in 3 cases where the patients
underwent transperitoneal PC puncture. These patients
were operated on, with a positive outcome. After the in-
Table 3 Conservative treat-
ment group: results.
ICU intensive care unit patients
Acute cholecystitis Clinical 30-day mortality Elective No further
improvement due to ongoing sepsis surgery treatment
score12 score>12 score<12
Calculous (n=42) 35 7 7 28
Acalculous (n=18) 17 (1 ICU) 1 (ICU) 0 17
Total (n=60, 2 ICU) 52 (87%) 8 (13%) 7 (12%) 45 (75%)
troduction of the locking pigtails, which were initially
not available, no further catheter dislodgment was noted.
Nevertheless, patients with catheter dislodgment were
treated either conservatively or by surgical means. This
kind of treatment did not change patient outcome or in-
crease the mortality rate, so there was no significant in-
fluence on our results. Reported complications in previ-
ous studies, such as vagal reaction, hemorrhage, acute
respiratory distress, or intestinal perforation, were not
observed in our series [4, 5, 22]. Only one late complica-
tion in the form of a recurrent abdominal wall abscess
was noted, due to a GB stone which probably escaped
into the cysto-cutaneous fistula after catheter removal
[23]. In this case lithotripsy was not attempted.
Ultrasound-guided procedures are considered more
preferable than CT-guided procedures in experienced
hands [4, 7, 8]. We started with CT guidance because this
method offers some advantages to less experienced cen-
ters. Our results may have been influenced by the lack of
experience in US-guided percutaneous cholecystostomy
at the beginning of our study, but despite that fact, our to-
tal technical success rate is comparable with that of other
series in the literature, as mentioned previously. The opti-
mum puncture route in PC, i.e., transperitoneal or trans-
hepatic, remains controversial. The transperitoneal access
is considered safe, easy to perform, and less traumatic
than the transhepatic access in cases where either the GB
is large and protrudes under the right costal margin or
there is severe liver disease or coagulopathy present [24].
The TH route is considered more appropriate for patients
without liver pathology, and in cases of calculous disease
where percutaneous lithotripsy is scheduled [7]. Never-
theless, van Overhagen et al. [7] found no difference in
the complication rates between the two techniques. The
TH approach is associated with faster tract maturation
[25], especially in the presence of ascites.
Resuming our experience, a US-guided locking-pig-
tail-Trocar system, through a TH route, targeting the so-
called bare area of the GB provides shorter procedural
time, a low number of punctures, and decreased patient
discomfort. This is in accordance with the practice of
previous authors [19, 25]. The 8-F Flexima pigtail lock-
ing catheters presented excellent performance in our se-
ries since they are well seen on US, are easily inserted,
do not bend or nick, and almost never dislodge acciden-
tally. We tried to set a TH drainage in all calculous cases,
to ensure better and safer operation conditions for percu-
taneous lithotripsy, in case it might be necessary.
Sepsis of unknown origin in critically ill patients, and
especially in intensive care unit (ICU) patients, may be
due to acalculous cholecystitis. In unconscious or intu-
bated patients, subjective criteria of acute cholecystitis,
such as positive US Murphy sign or abdominal pain and
tenderness, are difficult to evaluate [6, 8]. In such cases,
US findings are valuable and placement of a PC catheter
with positive clinical response may verify GB pathology
as the source of inflammation. A relatively low clinical
response (<60%) is reported in ICU patients [6, 8]. In
our series 6 ICU patients with acalculous cholecystitis
were included in the PC group and 2 in the CO group;
only 4 of them showed rapid clinical response (50%).
Boland et al. [6] stressed that an aggressive approach to-
ward PC in critically ill patients with unexplained sepsis
is justified, because PC has a reasonable rate of success.
Using this technique, Boggi et al. [18] presented a very
high success rate of 91% in ICU patients.
England et al. [8] suggested that PC can be beneficial
when US reveals gallstones, wall thickening, GB disten-
sion, or pericholecystic fluid. The three former criteria
were also found in the majority of our cases with a posi-
tive outcome, but no correlation existed between peri-
cholecystic fluid and patient recovery after PC.
Severe underlying diseases in patients with an
APACHE II score higher than 15, followed by the ab-
sence of clinical response to PC, increased our 30-day
mortality rate. Our overall mortality rate of 17.5% is
comparable to rates of 336% reported in previous stud-
ies [4, 8, 21]. The negative outcome may also be the re-
sult of sepsis not originating from GB pathology or
could also be related to the severe and non-reversible
clinical condition with or without the presence of gan-
grenous or necrotic cholecystitis [7, 8]. In cases where
the APACHE II score was 15, we noted good results by
performing an emergency cholecystectomy if the pa-
tients showed no clinical improvement 3 days after cath-
eter placement.
In our CO group the resolution of symptoms was ob-
served in 87% of the patients after the third day of treat-
ment. The 30-day mortality rate of 13%, due to ongoing
sepsis, was not considered high when taking into account
the severe clinical condition of the patients. The
APACHE II score did not differ between the patients
who survived and those who did not, so that no specula-
tion can be made about relating the mortality rate with
the APACHE II score or about regarding the rightness of
threshold of 12 used in the present study. It is worth not-
ing that all patients with a negative outcome did not
show any clinical improvement during the first 3 days of
conservative treatment. On the contrary, all patients who
survived presented significant clinical improvement dur-
ing the same period of treatment. The presence or ab-
sence of clinical response during the first 3 days was
considered a useful prognostic factor that may be of val-
ue in the further management of conservatively treated
patients. For example, PC might be beneficial in patients
presenting no improvement after 3 days of conservative
In the PC group, the 30-day survival rate was 82.5%,
which was lower but comparable with that of the CO
group. The positive response rate would have probably
risen in the PC group if the 6 ICU patients had not been
taken into account. Percutaneous cholecystostomy pro-
vided the potential for subsequent percutaneous lithotrip-
sy in 5 patients, with a final success in 3 of them. Nine
PC-group patients and 7 CO-group patients with calcu-
lous cholecystitis were electively operated on after the
APACHE II score fell under 12, whereas in the remain-
ing 17 and 28 patients, respectively, no further treatment
was undertaken. Only 1 patient with GB stones who
showed recurrence was surgically treated. In this patient
the underlying disease was in the meanwhile treated and
he had a score of 10 during surgery. All acalculous cases
remained without symptoms during the follow-up peri-
We conclude that our results indicate a new approach
for high-risk patients with acute cholecystitis. Initially,
these patients can be conservatively treated for 3 days.
When clinical improvement occurs, therapy is continued
until the patients full recovery. No further treatment is
needed in acalculous cases, whereas in calculous disease,
surgery may be proposed on an elective basis. If there is
no response to the initial 3-day conservative treatment,
PC is suggested. Percutaneous cholecystostomy should
be performed by experienced interventional radiologists,
using locking pigtail catheters under US guidance. No
response after PC will probably be followed by a fatal
outcome, so that an emergency operation should be at-
tempted. We practiced this with an APACHE II score
threshold of 15. When a patient recovers as a result of
PC, no further treatment is required for acalculous cases.
In calculous cases, patients may either be electively op-
erated on if the APACHE II score falls under 12, or they
may undergo percutaneous cholecystolithotripsy if the
score remains over 12, whereas no further treatment is
also an alternative [7, 11, 20, 26]. If PC has to be per-
formed and no liver disorders or coagulopathy exist, a
TH route should be selected for calculous cases when li-
thotripsy is a therapeutic option. A transhepatic route is
also preferable when GB is small and not protruding
from liver anterior edge, if ascites is present, and in un-
cooperative patients in order to prevent bile leakage after
eventual puncture failure. According to the results of our
study, PC could not be suggested as the initial treatment
of choice in surgically high-risk patients with acute cho-
lecystitis, since it did not present lower mortality rates
than conservative treatment. Percutaneous cholecystosto-
my may be performed in selected cases which include
patients not presenting clinical improvement after 3 days
of conservative treatment, critically ill ICU patients, and
candidates for percutaneous lithotripsy.
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