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1. Name of Course/ Module Business Modelling II
2. Course Code MTH 343 3. Name(s) of academic sta !ssoc. "rof. Maria##an 4. $ationale for t%e inclusion of t%e course/ module in t%e #rogramme Ma&or '. (emester and )ear oered )ear 3 (emester 2 *. Total (tudent +earning Time ((+T) ,ace to ,ace Total -uided and Inde#endent +earning + . +ecture T . Tutorial " . "ractical / . /t%ers +/T 3 Hours #er 0ee1 " / 3 Hours #er 0ee1 2. Credit 3alue 3 credits 4. "rere5uisite (if an6) Business Modelling I 7 MTH 233 18. /9&ecti:es T%is unit 9uilds on t%e earlier module 7 Business Modelling I. T%e unit aims to #ro:ide an in; de#t% understanding of t%e role of mat%ematical models as a decision ma1ing tool 0it%in a 9usiness en:ironment and t%e related com#uter mat%ematics. 11. +earning outcomes <#on t%e com#letion of t%is unit= students 0ill 9e a9le > To understand in general terms= t%e a##lication of tec%ni5ues in in:estment a##raisal. > To formulate sim#le linear and multi#le regression models. > To formulate +inear "rogramming models to ?nd o#timal solutions to 9usiness #ro9lems > To understand t%e a##lication of Com#uter !rit%metic. > To understand t%e a##lication of Boolean +ogic @ Aarnaug% Ma#s and <ndirected -ra#% BINARY UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT (2010) BSc(HONS) COMPUTER SCIENCE T%eor6 12. Transfera9le (1illsB (1ills and %o0 t%e6 are de:elo# and assessed= "ro&ect and #ractical eC#erience and Interns%i# 13. Teac%ing;learning and assessment strateg6 14. (6no#sis T%is unit co:ers tec%ni5ues of In:estment !##raisal= +inear @ Non;linear Cross; sectional Models= Time;Based Models and +inear "rogramming. B6 eC#osure to a num9er of modeling tec%ni5ues= students 0ill gain an understanding and a##reciation to t%e use of models. "ractical eC#erience 0ill 9e gained in #ro9lem formulation and sol:ing= and students 0ill 9e introduced to rele:ant com#uter soft0are= in #articular t%e Microsoft DCcel (#reads%eet. 1'. Mode of Eeli:er6 +ecture= Tutorial= For1s%o#= (eminar= etc.. +ecture @ Tutorial 1*. !ssessment Met%ods and T6#es !ssignment I 7 28G !ssignment II 7 28G ,inal eCamination 7 *8G 1H. Ma##ing of t%e course/ module to t%e "rogramme !ims 12. Ma##ing of t%e course/ module to t%e "rogramme +earning /utcome 14. Content outline of t%e course/module and t%e (+T #er to#ic 28. Main reference su##orting t%e course -uide to Business Modelling Io%n T @ -ra%am , 2 nd edition= 288' "rentice Hall "u9lications !dditional reference su##orting t%e course Mat%s for Com#uting ,ran1 - @ $o9ert + 288' !ddison Fesle6 "u9lications 22. /t%er additional information BINARY UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT (2010) BSc(HONS) COMPUTER SCIENCE WEEK LESSON PLAN HOURS WEEK 1 & WEEK 2 Investment Appraisal Net Present Value Internal Rate of Return Payback Method Averae Rate of Return! " #ours WEEK $ & WEEK % Simple Linear Regression &he '()*le l(near Reress(on Model Model Assu)*t(ons Method of least '+uares Est()at(on of Interce*t and 'lo*e ,oeff(c(ents and Inter*retat(on 'tandard Error &est of '(n(f(cance of ,oeff(c(ents ,oeff(c(ent of -eter)(nat(on " #ours WEEK . & WEEK " Multiple Regression &he Mult(*le Reress(on Model Model Assu)*t(ons Model /(th 2 E0*lanatory Var(ables Est()at(on of ,oeff(c(ents &ests of '(n(f(cance Proble)s of Mult(coll(near(ty1 #eteroscedast(c(ty and Autocorrelat(on " #ours WEEK 2 & WEEK 13 Linear Programming -ef(n(t(on & ,ond(t(ons Re+u(red for a 4(near Prora))(n Model 5or)ulat(on of the Proble) 6ra*h(cal A**roach for Proble)s /(th 2 -ec(s(on Var(ables &he '()*le0 Method Ma0()(sat(on and M(n()(sat(on of 7b8ect(ve 5unct(ons 9s(n '()*le0 Method 12 #ours WEEK 11 Maths for omputing A**ly ,o)*uter Ar(th)et(c ,onvers(ons bet/een nu)ber syste)s :(nary ar(th)et(c uses ,o)*uter re*resentat(on of nu)bers ,o)*utat(onal error (llustrated $ #ours BINARY UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT (2010) BSc(HONS) COMPUTER SCIENCE WEEK 12 Maths for omputing!""#ont$ A**ly :oolean 4o(c & Karnauh Ma*s :oolean var(ables and o*erators handl(n &ruth tables Karnauh )a*s used to s()*l(fy :oolean e0*ress(ons $ #ours WEEK 1$ & WEEK 1% Maths for omputing!""#ont$ A**ly ,once*ts of 9nd(rected 6ra*h &heory &er)s def(ned Iso)or*h(s) e0*la(ned 6ra*hs *roble)s solved &rees def(ned " #ours %otal &' Hours BINARY UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT (2010)