PMI Procedure Tracebilty Matrial

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JOB No. DOC. No. Rev.

0-5151-20 S-900-1540-201 0
DATE 5 - Jan - 2012 SHEET 1 OF 11
PREPD S. Kuritsubo
CHKD T. Kiyama
APP'D Y. Kawase
0 05 Jan 2012 All Issued for Information S. Kuritsubo T. Kiyama Y. Kawase
DSLNG Project Job No. : 0-5151-20
Requirements of Material Certification & Traceability and
Positive Material Identification for Construction Work
Doc. No. : S-900-1540-201<Rev.0>
1 GENERAL..................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Scope............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Purpose.......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Objective ........................................................................................................................................ 3
2 ABBREVIATION AND DEFINITION............................................................................................. 3
3 REFERENCES.............................................................................................................................. 4
4 MATRIAL CERTIFICATION, MARKING AND TRACEABILITY................................................. 4
4.1 General Requirement for Certification of Materials........................................................................... 4
4.2 Type of Certificates......................................................................................................................... 4
4.3 Contents of Certificate..................................................................................................................... 4
4.4 Certification Selection ..................................................................................................................... 5
5 MATERIAL TRACEBILITY........................................................................................................... 6
5.1 Tagged Items.................................................................................................................................. 6
5.2 Piping Bulk Materials....................................................................................................................... 6
5.3 Identification ................................................................................................................................... 7
6 POSITIVE MATERIAL IDNETIFICATION (PMI) .......................................................................... 7
6.1 Extent of PMI testing....................................................................................................................... 7
6.2 Exemption of PMI............................................................................................................................ 7
6.3 Test Procedure ............................................................................................................................... 8
6.4 Acceptable PMI Equipment ............................................................................................................. 8
6.5 Elements to be Verified................................................................................................................... 9
6.6 Qualification of PMI Operators ........................................................................................................ 9
6.7 Acceptance Criteria......................................................................................................................... 9
6.8 Retest and Nonconformity of PMI.................................................................................................... 9
6.9 Marking and Identification of PMI .................................................................................................. 10
6.10 Record.......................................................................................................................................... 10
Attachment-1 : Scope and Extent of PMI in Construction Phase..................................................... 11
Attachment-2 : Identification Elements of PMI.................................................................................. 11
DSLNG Project Job No. : 0-5151-20
Requirements of Material Certification & Traceability and
Positive Material Identification for Construction Work
Doc. No. : S-900-1540-201<Rev.0>
1.1 Scope
This specification describes
Requirements for certification, marking and material traceability for equipment and
piping components in process or pressure containing duty to be applied for field
fabrication and installation and
Requirements of Positive Material Identification (PMI) for construction work. PMI
is applicable to metallic alloy material components except carbon steel used in
Donggi-Senoro LNG (DSLNG) Project.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is:
To define the requirement of scope, extent and procedure of certification, marking ,
material traceability and PMI
To handle tested materials and documentation requirements for PMI.
1.3 Objective
The objective of this procedure is to ensure that
PMI will be done by Subcontractor certainly and collect material are used for
construction work at job site.
To maintain the appropriate material installation as per the applicable standard and
drawing by Subcontractor
Owner: PT. Donggi Senoro LNG
Contractor: PT.JGC Indonesia and JGC Corporation Consortium (JIND/JGC)
Subcontractor: The person, firm or corporation to whom the Order is issued
FQCM: Field QC Manager
PMI Positive Material Identification
Tagged Items Equipment allocated a unique tag number or spool
number i.e., tanks, vessels, rotating equipment,
packaged units, fabricated pipe spools, control valves,
relief valves, and any other items listed in equipment
list or instrument schedule
Bulk Items Piping materials purchased in bulk by the Contractor
where individual items are not allocated a unique tag
e.g.) plate, pipe, tube, valves, fittings, traps and
strainers, other castings and forgings
Instruments and components mounted in pressure
piping or equipment. Typical examples are control
valves, turbine meters, orifice plates and flanges,
(Note : safety valve and level gauge are classified as
piping material)
Instruments and components connected to pressure
piping or equipment via small block valves. Typical
DSLNG Project Job No. : 0-5151-20
Requirements of Material Certification & Traceability and
Positive Material Identification for Construction Work
Doc. No. : S-900-1540-201<Rev.0>
examples are transmitters, pressure gauges, analyzer
sampling systems
ITP: Inspection and Test Plan
NDE Non-Destructive Examination
NCR: Nonconformity Report
S-900-1540-002 Project Quality Control Procedure for Construction Work
(Construction Phase)
S-900-1540-101 Quality Control Requirements to Subcontractor
S-900-1540-102 Nonconformity Control Procedure
EN10204 : Metallic Products-Types of Inspection Documents
4.1 General Requirement for Certification of Materials
(1) The language used within material certificates should be English. Certificates in
other languages are acceptable provided that they are accompanied by English
translation of the contents
(2) Certificates shall be complete, unambiguous and legible over the full contents and
care should be taken so that copies present a full and clear reproduction.
(3) Certificates shall be dated and signed by an authorized person, whose name and
position shall be indicated on the document.
(4) For Tagged Items, the certificates shall cover all components used in the
manufacture of Tagged Item.
4.2 Type of Certificates
4.2.1 Type A (Certificate of Compliance)
This is a certificate issued by the manufacturing or processing works and signed by a
person responsible for quality, stating that the material supplied complies with that
specified in the purchase order requirements
4.2.2 Type B (Material Test Certificate)
This is a certificate issued by the manufacturers or process works quality department
confirming that the product supplied corresponds with the specified requirements.
Certification shall be based on tests carried out on the material of the product itself or
on test samples of the material in accordance with the material specification and the
purchase order requirement. Testing must have been carried out by a testing center
which is independent of the production section of the manufacturing works
4.3 Contents of Certificate
Type A and B certificates shall contain the following information:
DSLNG Project Job No. : 0-5151-20
Requirements of Material Certification & Traceability and
Positive Material Identification for Construction Work
Doc. No. : S-900-1540-201<Rev.0>
(1) Name of material manufacturer identification number of certificate and its date of
(2) Material specification (including class, grade and heat treatment condition, where
(3) Dimensions and quantity covered
(4) Name, job title and signature of person authorizing the certificate
(5) Such supplementary or additional information as may be required by the purchase
Additionally, Type B certificates shall contain the following information:
(1) Purchase order number
(2) Material manufacturers work order number
(3) Material charge number, batch number, heat/lot number or other references
required to demonstrate that the testing and inspection has been performed on
the required number of test units
(4) Test and inspection results
4.4 Certification Selection
The required type of certificate listed below for equipment and piping shall be the
minimum requirement. When local regulation, the other applicable Project ,
Specification data sheet, and/or requisition specify more stringent or specific
requirement, it shall prevail
4.4.1 Tank
Type B certificate shall be required for bottom/shell plates and shell openings for API
650 tanks, and bottom/shell/roof plates and shell/roof openings for API 620 tanks. In
addition, any 9% nickel materials including non-pressure parts for LNG storage tank
shall be Type B.
For piping bulk materials and instruments procured by LNG Tank subcontractor, the
material certification requirements as specified in Subsections 4.4.2 and 4.4.3 shall
4.4.2 Piping Bulk Materials Procured by Subcontractor
(1) Pipe, Fitting, Flange and Bolting
Type B certificate shall be required for pipe/fit-tings/flange and stud bolting for
pressure retaining parts
(2) Valves
Type B certificate shall be required for body/bonnet/cover and Type A certificate
shall be required for closure member (gate/wedge, disc, ball, and plug), stem,
seat and bolting
(3) Piping Specialties
DSLNG Project Job No. : 0-5151-20
Requirements of Material Certification & Traceability and
Positive Material Identification for Construction Work
Doc. No. : S-900-1540-201<Rev.0>
Type B certificate for pressure parts and Type A certificate for internal parts and
bolting shall be required
4.4.3 Instruments Procures by Subcontractor
(1) For In-Line Instruments, the same certification requirements as for piping shall be
required as follows
Instrument Valves
Type B certificate for body/bonnet/cover and Type A certificate for closure
member, stem, seat and bolting.
Other In-Line Instruments
Type B certificate for pressure retaining envelope and Type A certificate for
Example: Level switch, displacer, thermowell, turbine meter, orifice flange and
plate, ventury tube, rota meter, annuber, pitot tube, etc
(2) For Off-Line Instruments and their connections to pressure piping system, no
material certification is required provided facilities are foreseen to block these
instruments and connections of the piping system
Example: Analyzer sampling system, controller, pressure and differential
pressure transmitter, pressure gauge, pressure switch, etc.
For instrument bulk material to be used for Off-Line Instrument connections such
as instrument tubing, etc., and conduit pipe, junction box, etc., material certificate
is not required except that special high alloy tubing other than 300 series S/S,
such as Monel etc., (if applied) shall require Type A certificate
When a Type B certificate is specified for Tagged Items or Bulk Items, materials shall
be traceable to the material certificate after assembly, at the time of final inspection at
Subcontractors shop before shipping
5.1 Tagged Items
Each completed Tagged Item at Subcontractors shop shall be identifiable and
traceable by tag number and accompanied Subcontractors Manufacturing Reports.
For field assembled tanks, the following traceability requirements shall apply:
(1) API 620/650 Tanks
Shell, shell opening and annular bottom plate materials shall be traceable back to
the material certificate after assembly with as-built sketch
(2) API 620 App. LNG Tanks:
All primary components shall be traceable back to the material certificate after
assembly with as-built sketch. Shell and annular bottom plate materials for outer
tank to be also traceable back to the material certificate with as-built sketch.
5.2 Piping Bulk Materials
Prefabricated piping or assembled piping and bolting shall be traceable to the material
specification, grade, size and schedule/ rating after assembly, at the time of final
inspection at Subcontractors shop.
DSLNG Project Job No. : 0-5151-20
Requirements of Material Certification & Traceability and
Positive Material Identification for Construction Work
Doc. No. : S-900-1540-201<Rev.0>
(1) At the time of receiving stage of piping bulk material at site
All piping materials shall be identifiable by marking and/or color coding and shall
be traceable to its material certificate. Receiving inspection by visual check of
marking/ color coding/ overage/ shortage/ damage and confirmation of Inspection
Release Notice for the received materials shall be carried out. Only accepted
materials shall be issued for prefabrication and installation
(2) During and after prefabrication or installation of piping before piping system
pressure test, all piping materials shall be controlled/identified by color coding (or
piping spool ID number) and piping code number (or piping material spec. & size
marking, such as TP316L, 2, sch.40). When cutting pipes, piping code number
and/or equivalent marking shall be transferred and be identified (color code shall
still remain) so that each pressure retaining piping material shall have the
traceability to the material specification, grade, size and schedule/rating after
5.3 Identification
The Subcontractor shall maintain an identification procedure of all materials, parts and
components, including partially fabricated assemblies.
The location and method of the identification shall not affect the function or quality of
the item being identified.
The procedure shall require that verification of correct identification of materials, parts
and components be made and documented prior to release for fabrication, assembly,
shipping or installation
6.1 Extent of PMI testing
(1) PMI shall be performed on pressure containing alloy materials and all associated
welds in accordance with Attachment-1 : Extent of PMI Field Fabrication and
Attachment-2 : Elements of common alloys subject to PMI
(2) PMI shall also be performed on completed equipment or assembled part of
equipment by the Subcontractor, at such a time as to ensure that only verified
materials have been used in fabrication and final assembly of items.
(3) Components not accessible after assembly shall have PMI undertaken prior to
6.2 Exemption of PMI
The following items / materials are exempted from PMI:
Aluminum and aluminum alloy
Non-pressure containing parts of pressure vessels/heat exchanger internals
Internal parts of valves, instruments and piping specialties
Off-Line Instruments
Instrument pneumatic tubing and fittings
Tubing and fittings
DSLNG Project Job No. : 0-5151-20
Requirements of Material Certification & Traceability and
Positive Material Identification for Construction Work
Doc. No. : S-900-1540-201<Rev.0>
Air/drain traps, metallic flexible hoses, hose couplings
B7, L7, B7M, L7M bolting
All copper or copper alloy components exclusive to water service
Austenitic stainless steel components for water/air/nitrogen/chemical/lube oil/seal oil
6.3 Test Procedure
(1) PMI shall be performed in accordance with written Subcontractors PMI
procedure approved by Contractor prior to the start of implementation. And testing
shall also be performed according to the alloy analyzer Manufacturer's
procedures. Any modification of such procedures shall be approved by Contractor
(2) PMI procedure shall ensure that tests are performed in accordance with this
specification. Contractors inspector will confirm that Subcontractors
implementation and conducting of the PMI program is in accordance with this
(3) Subcontractors PMI procedure shall contain, as a minimum, the following
Name and Manufacturer of PMI equipment to be used.
Description of equipment operating principle.
Calibration procedure and frequency
Qualification and training procedure of PMI operator
PMI Marking method for typical components
Acceptance criteria of PMI
Procedure steps in detail.
- Timing of PMI
- PMI Elements of each material
Segregation procedures for tested material
Procedure to follow when identification results are inconclusive (alloy type is
Radiation Safety Operating and Emergency Procedures, if applicable.
Statement of operator competency for PMI techniques.
Sample of PMI record or PMI record form
6.4 Acceptable PMI Equipment
(1) Portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometers with direct reading of alloy grade or
composition in the applicable range are generally acceptable. TN Technologies
(former Texas Nuclear) Model 9266 or 9277 and Metrex X-MET instruments are
(2) Portable arc-emission spectrometers with direct reading of alloy grade or
composition (former Texas Nuclear) Model 9266 or 9277 and Metrex X-MET
instruments are acceptable (former Texas Nuclear) Model 9266 or 9277 and
Metrex X-MET instruments are acceptable.
Spectrotest instruments are acceptable.
(3) Portable arc-emission spectroscopes with output in the form of visible light spectra
(e.g. Metascope) are generally acceptable, provided the competence of the PMI
operator is demonstrated and accepted by Contractor.
DSLNG Project Job No. : 0-5151-20
Requirements of Material Certification & Traceability and
Positive Material Identification for Construction Work
Doc. No. : S-900-1540-201<Rev.0>
(4) All materials shall be made good after examination e.g. by dressing out arc
6.5 Elements to be Verified
(1) Elements of alloy materials and welds joining them shall be analyzed in
accordance with Attachment-2 : Elements of common alloys subject to PMI.
(2) Where material type is not specified in Attchment-2, alloy elements to be verified by
PMI testing shall be stipulated in the Subcontractors PMI testing procedure and be
subject to approval of Contractor and Owner.
6.6 Qualification of PMI Operators
Subcontractors PMI operator shall be trained, qualified, and experienced to perform
PMI activities. Operator training, qualification and experience record shall be
submitted for Contractors approval.
The PMI operator shall demonstrate their capabilities to the satisfaction of Contractor.
6.7 Acceptance Criteria
(1) Alloys elements verified in accordance with Attachment-2 shall be ranged
between minimum and maximum (+/-) 12.5% of the amounts of alloying elements
specified in each material Code/specification for quantitative analysis.
(2) For qualitative analysis (such as Metascope) existence of alloy elements shall be
(3) The acceptance criteria for weld metals are based on the requirements of ASME SEC.
II, Part C except for the those used for dissimilar welding
6.8 Retest and Nonconformity of PMI
6.8.1 Retest of PMI
If the PMI test results fall outside the acceptable range, using the standard
instruments described in this Practice, Subcontractor may obtain a quantitative
check analysis performed by an independent testing laboratory. If no method is
referenced in the applicable materials standard, an appropriate method of chemical
analysis, as specified in this Practice, shall be used. Results of this analysis shall
When the Nonconforming item is sampled from a lot, Subcontractor may conduct
100% examination for the remaining items of the lot to verify the acceptability of the
remaining items
In any case, the next 2 lots from the same Supplier shall be examined on 100%
If the 2 lots contain an unsuccessful item /items, the examination on 100% basis
shall be repeated for the next 2 lots.
DSLNG Project Job No. : 0-5151-20
Requirements of Material Certification & Traceability and
Positive Material Identification for Construction Work
Doc. No. : S-900-1540-201<Rev.0>
SHEET 10 OF 11
6.8.2 Nonconforming Item of PMI
If the PMI test results fall outside of the acceptable ranges, such item shall be
rejected and will be regarded as Nonconforming item. Nonconforming items shall be
dealt with in accordance with Nonconformity Control Procedure (S-900-1540-102)
(1) Whenever materials are identified as incorrect, a rejection note shall be issued
indicating unacceptable materials have been supplied.
(2) Subcontractor shall be responsible for replacing the material with the correct
specified material and for performing PMI on all replacement materials.
(3) Material rejected by PMI shall be marked to designate rejection using indelible ink
or paint.
The rejected items shall be held in a designated area to prohibit their re-use.
6.9 Marking and Identification of PMI
(1) "PMI shall be marked by the PMI operator with a suitable marker on base metal
near the weld when the weld and both sides of base metal are PMI tested and
accepted or onto the component for non-welded part.
(2) Any markers used for identification shall not contain any substances detrimental
to the corrosion resistant materials on site
(3) If the material or item is too light, too small, or cannot otherwise be marked, color
coding shall be applied in conjunction with Subcontractors standard with
Contractors approval.
6.10 Record
All PMI test records shall be the following;
have all required information including unique report number (Refer to Attachment-3)
reviewed by Contractor and Owner with their signature
encoded into QC data control system such as CMS and TOMAS in timely manner
compiled by Subcontractor with traceability
Submitted to Owner through Contractors review as final documentation
DSLNG Project Job No. : 0-5151-20
Requirements of Material Certification & Traceability and
Positive Material Identification for Construction Work
Doc. No. : S-900-1540-201<Rev.0>
SHEET 11 OF 11
Attachment-1 : Scope and Extent of PMI in Construction Phase
Items Extent Notes
Pressure Parts
& Weld
- Pressure containing alloy components and all
associated weld after assembly.
- 100% PMI of welds is defined as 1 location check of
finished weld per each continuous weld.
- For horizontal seam, 1 determination per every
10m length.
Pressure Parts
and Weld
- When field assembly is required for furnace tube or
- Pressure containing alloy components and all
associated welds after assembly. (Tube skin
thermocouple and refractory anchor welds are
- 100% PMI of welds is defined as 1 location check of
finished weld per each continuous weld.
Bulk Valve
(Non tagged
5 % (before
- PMI of valves shall be applied to the body, bonnet,
cover of alloy valves.
- an Inspection lot is a group of the same valve type,
size and rating.
5 % (before
- an Inspection lot is a group of the same alloy type
and size
(Tagged Item)
N/A - To be performed by Vendor/Manufacturer
and Field installed
ping, welds (pipe,
fitting, flange, etc)
- Pressure containing alloy components and all
associated welds.
- 100% PMI of welds is defined as 1 location check of
finished weld per each continuous weld.
Attachment-2 : Identification Elements of PMI
Alloy Cr Ni Mo Cb Ti Cu Al Remarks
304 / 304L / 304H / 308 /
309 / 310 Stainless Steel
x x
316 / 316L
Stainless Steel
x x x
9% Ni x

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