Scenario Art of Madness

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(c) Terry White 1987.

This fast moving scenario is intended for use with the Call of Cthulhu role playing system. It is set in London and the
Norfolk countryside in the month of October 1922.
The scenario is intended for use with 2-5 players, at least one of whom should own a vehicle of some sort.
This particular scenario is highly linear in structure and is comprised of 10 parts. These parts are written down in the order
in which the events will more than likely occur. Keepers wishing to add to the feel of the plot may also wish to use a street
map of London. However, the scenario can quite easily be run without such a map.

The scenario takes place over a period of 5 days and can quite easily be slotted into an existing campaign without causing
too much trouble. Initially the investigation appears to be a simple missing persons case. But following through with the
case will eventually lead the investigators to a confrontation with an insane artist. The artist, Patrick Wenslow, is attempting
to create a Spirit Statue, which when completed will allow the dreaming spirit of Cthulhu to reside within it. The completed
statue will effectively create a new 'body' for Cthulhu, thus allowing Cthulhu to once again walk amongst men. (See the
description of CREATE SPIRIT STATUE on page 17 for further details.)

Up until 3 months ago the well known occult influenced artist Patrick Wenslow had never heard of the Cthulhu mythos. But
that was all to change on that fateful day when he decided to go out in search of new material upon which to draw
inspiration from. Paying a visit to a musty East end bookshop, he came across the tome True Magick (by Theophilus
Wenn). After eagerly purchasing the tome, he returned to his Hampstead home where he commenced to read it.
Reading the tome caused the already mentally unstable artist to go completely insane. That night Patrick Wenslow
experienced a terrible nightmare during which he muttered the spell Contact Cthulhu. Cthulhu appeared in Wenslow's
nightmare and demanded that he should create a Spirit Statue which when completed would enable Cthulhu to walk
amongst men.
Awaking from his dream (And powerless to resist Cthulhu's demands.) Wenslow immediately set about his newly assigned
task. After designing the Spirit Statue in the form of a Grecian athlete (NOTE - This is how Wenslow perceives Cthulhu.)
the insane artist set about acquiring the ingredients that he would need to construct it.
The spell itself (Create Spirit Statue.) was to be found in the tome True Magick. Wenslow then ritually sacrificed 4 of his
own POWER POINTS so that he could enchant the clay. However, the problem of sacrificing 12 human beings without
running afoul of the authorities was something that the insane artist realised he had to solve if he was ever to complete the
statue. He resolved this problem by setting up his operation in the quiet Norfolk village of Conanby. Conanby was ideal for
his purposes. It is remote, and he owned a second house there. There was also very little chance of him being disturbed by
Having placed a carefully worded advertisement in the Times, the purpose of which was to lure single unattached people
to his Norfolk home, he patiently waited for them to arrive. Once they had arrived, Wenslow and his Byakhee servants
were easily able to ritually slaughter the unfortunate victims.
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To further protect himself from being discovered, Wenslow told his artistic agent, Alan Jones, that he was working on a
special project and instructed him that on no account was anyone to be told of his present whereabouts. Alan Jones was
only too happy to fulfil his clients simple request.
Up until a week ago everything was proceeding as planned when to Wenslow's surprise a private detective called at his
Norfolk home. The man, Peter Barnes, informed Wenslow that he had been hired by a relative of Michael Bush (One of the
victims that Wenslow had lured to his Norfolk home. (THE MELLGROVE HOUSE.) Inviting the man inside his home,
Wenslow discovered that Barnes' had not had time to inform anyone of his present whereabouts. Hearing this, Wenslow
instantly killed the man where he sat.
Wenslow now realises that it is only a matter of time before people begin to get suspicious about the private detectives
disappearance and start to ask awkward questions. For this reason he has redoubled his efforts. With any luck, he hopes to
have the Spirit Statue completed by midnight on the forthcoming Sunday

It is Wednesday, October 1922 when you are contacted by Miss Elizabeth Bush. Miss Bush requires your help, she wants
you to discover the current whereabouts of her brother. She is most concerned about the strange disappearance of her
brother, Michael. She is also baffled by the disappearance of the private detective who she hired to find him.
Elizabeth proceeds to explain her problem to you. Some 3 months ago Michael applied for a post that was advertised in
the Times. She hands you a clipping which contains the advert.

WANTED, able young persons to work with a popular artist on a new exciting
experimental project. Excellent rate of pay, no previous experience neccessary.
Owing to the nature of the work involved it is essential that the successful applicants
have no family ties or close attachments.
Apply in confidence to Alan Jones, Associated Artistic Agents LTD, Arcadia House,
Bond Street, London.

Miss Bush also explains that when her brother applied for the post he slightly mislead his prospective employer by claiming
that he had no close relatives, which of course isn't true. The last time that she heard from Michael was about 12 weeks
ago when he informed her that he had been successful in his application for the post.
She further explains that some 2 weeks ago she hired a private detective to discover the present whereabouts of her
brother, but he also seems to have vanished without trace.
Miss Bush will pay you 100 plus any reasonable expenses if you will agree to find out the present whereabouts of her
brother, and also to make sure that he is alright.
Before she departs, she hands you the clipping from the times, a small photograph of her brother, and a copy of the private
detectives address. The private detectives address is Peter Barnes, Apartment 17, Hutton Court, West Hampstead,
lt will be well past midday by the time that Elizabeth Bush has finished
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explaining her problem. It should immediately be apparent to the investigators that they only have two possible options of
where to start investigating the case. Either they;
(a) Pay a visit to the private detectives address.
Or (b) They pay a visit to the office of Alan Jones.

The private detective, Peter Barnes, resides at Apartment 17, Hutton Court, West Hampstead, London. Hutton Court is a
large residential building which is managed by a landlady, Mrs Dickens.
The outer door to the somewhat rundown building is open, and apartment 17 is situated on the top (3rd.) floor.
The door to the apartment has a STR of 8 and is locked. Anyone who makes a successful Lock Picking roll will be able to
open the door. A less subtle means of gaining access would be to force open the door. Any investigator who attempts this
must make a successful Luck roll in order to avoid attracting the attention of the landlady. Failure to make a successful
Luck roll will result in the landlady, Mrs Dickens, sneaking out of the back door in order to inform the police that Peter
Barnes' apartment is being burglarised.
2d6 minutes later Mrs Dickens will arrive with 2 officers of the law. The p police will immediately attempt to arrest anyone
they find in the room. lhey will then take their prisoners down to the local station for questioning. Providing the investigators
haven't done anything stupid (Such as shooting at the police.) they will have a chance of talking their way out of the
If the investigators make either a successful Fast Talk roll or a successful Oratory roll they will be able to convince the
police that they are investigating the disappearance of Michael Bush (And Peter Barnes). The police will caution them and
ask them to pay for any damage that they may have caused (Eg. The landlady will ask for 1 to repair/replace the broken
door). The whole episode at the police station will last approximately 2 hours. If the investigators fail to convince the police
they will spend 8 hours protesting their innocence before the police finally release them.
An easier way of gaining access to the apartment would be to ask the landlady, Mrs Dickens to open the door for them.
Anyone making a successful Fast Talk, Oratory or a Debate roll will succeed in their efforts. Mrs Dickens will be most
interested in what is happening, and will persist in asking the investigators a whole series of banal questions.
Once inside the apartment the investigators attention will be drawn to an open file that rests next to a typewriter on Barnes'
desk. The 1 thick file consists mainly of press clippings, all of which deal with the Arts world, and all of which mention an
artist by the name of Patrick Wenslow. From a quick examination of the file the investigators will be able to that Patrick
Wenslow is a highly controversial occult influenced artist whose work is very popular in certain circles of society. On
numerous occasions the exhibition of his work has been banned by the authorities who deemed it to blasphemous and
likely to corrupt the morals of the viewer. Anyone making a successful Spot Hidden roll will come across an article that
accuses Patrick Wenslow of practicing witchcraft. Most art critics appear to abhor his work, deeming it to be both sick and
perverse. However, most art dealers are only too happy to handle Wenslow's lucrative work.
Anyone reading through the file will come across his London address. (Patrick Wenslow, Brent House, Hampstead
Heath, London.) They will also come across the address of his artistic agent (Alan Jones, Associated Artistic Agents
Ltd, Bond Street, London.)
Anyone searching the apartment further will notice that there is a map of the British Isles on the far wall. Beneath this,
there is a shelf upon which lies an open railway timetable. The pages are thumbed open on the
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pages detailing the train timetable for trains from London to Ipswich and Norwich.
If the investigators talk to Mrs Dickens they will discover that Peter Barnes departed for Norfolk some 10 days ago. The
landlady is quite worried about him because he promised to return within a week. She has not informed the police of his
disappearance yet for fear that she might be wasting their time.
NOTE - Even if the police were informed about Barnes' disappearance they would be unlikely to act. In their opinion there
is nothing unusual about a person being 3 days late in returning from a trip to the countryside.

Alan Jones' office is situated on the 2nd floor of Arcadia House, Bond Street, London. As soon as they enter the well
furnished office, the investigators will be met by Alan Jones' secretary. When asked about Alan Jones she will explain that;

''Mr Jones is currently away on a business trip and cannot be contacted at the present time. However, he is due back on
Friday. If you leave your names and an address at which you can be contacted, I'm sure that he will be only too pleased to
deal with any enquiries that you may have once he has returned.''

If asked anything about Patrick Wenslow the secretary will refuse to give the investigators any information. She has been
given specific instructions by Alan Jones not to release any details about Patrick Wenslow.
Anyone thinking of breaking into the office at a later time should be discouraged from this course of action. The building is
well protected would be burglars.

Apart from a vague clue referring to Norfolk and a lead pointing to the currently unavailable Alan Jones, only one possible
course of action remains open to the investigators. The investigators should now pay a visit to Patrick Wenslow's address.

This part of the scenario covers the events that can occur when the investigators pay a visit to Patrick Wenslow's
Hampstead home. At the time when the investigators arrive on the scene the house is in the process of being burglarized.
The operation is being carried out by a 3 man gang from Willesden. The gang are carrying out the burglary for Sir Ronald
Crighton, a well known London art collector. Sir Ronald Crighton is a greedy individual who has seized upon the
opportunity presented by Wenslow's absence to add to his own collection. He has hired a gang of villains to steal as much
of Patrick Wenslow's art collection as they can. He intends to collect the goods from them at a later date.
THE BURGLARS - There are 3 men in the gang, these are Richard Fairbanks, Thomas Fairbanks and Geoffrey Lawson.
The gang are all small-time operators who see this job as their break into the big time. All of the gang members have the
same requisites, these are;
STR 12 ; DEX 12 ; INT 13 CON 13 ; APP 13 ; POW 11 ; SIZ 11 ; SAN 50 EDU
11 ; Idea 65% ; Luck 55% Know 55% ; SKILLS : Fist 40% ; Kick 35% ;
The man in the cabin of the lorry has a Drive Automobile skill of 70%. The villains are not given to violence, and if given
the chance they will flee rather than fight with the investigators.

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Patrick Wenslow's London address is Brent House, Hampstead Heath, London. It will take the investigators quite a long
time to discover the exact location of this address, by which time it will be well past midnight.
An initial examination of the house and its surrounds will reveal that there are no lights shining through the windows, and
that the garden is somewhat overgrown. To all intents and purposes the house appears to be deserted.
A closer examination of the windows will reveal them to be both dirty and securely locked. Worse still, the view into all of
the rooms is blocked by heavy drapes. All of the doors appear to be securely locked. (They all have a STR of 14.)
Anyone who makes a successful Spot Hidden roll will notice that the house and its surroundings are not as deserted as
they first thought. They will notice 2 shadowy forms ferrying objects from within the house (Via an open doorway.) to a lorry
that is parked nearby.
If the investigators wish to observe the scene more closely they will need to make both a successful Sneak roll and a
successful Spot Hidden roll.
Anyone making a Spot Hidden roll will notice that 2 men are ferrying works of art from inside the house to the lorry. They
will also notice that a 3rd man is sat inside the darkened cabin of the lorry.
A failure to make a successful Sneak roll will mean that one of the burglars has noticed the investigators.
As soon as the burglars notice the investigators, they will raise the alarm, and the two men will drop what they are carrying
and climb into the back of the lorry. The man in the cabin will start the engine and turn on the headlights. The lorry will then
head southeast.
It will only be possible for the investigators to enter the house once the burglars have left.
If for any reason the investigators do nothing apart from observe the burglars, the gang will spend 3 hours stripping the
house of its art collection before making a more orderly departure.
At this point in the scenario the players have 2 basic choices of what to do next. They can either;
(a) Attempt to follow the burglars.
or (b) Enter the house once the burglars have departed.

If the investigators decide to follow or to give chase to the burglars, the burglars will quickly realise what is happening and
begin to take measures to throw off their pursuers. The lorry will increase its speed and a high speed chase will occur.

THE ROAD CONDITIONS - It is dark, the vehicles are travelling at a high speed and the roads are in a good state of
repair. The driver of the lorry has a Drive Automobile skill of 70%.

THE CHASE - Before attempting to run this, the Keeper should familiarise himself with the map of the BURGLARS
GETAWAY ROUTE. Marked on the map there are the numbers 1-7. Each of these numbers occur at junctions, and each
represent a point at which a Drive Automobile roll must be made if a crash is to be avoided. The junctions have the
following modifiers to the chance of success of the vehicle drivers;
JUNCTION 1 = 0% : JUNCTION 2 = -30% : JUNCTION 3 = - 15%
JUNCTION 4 = -10% : JUNCTION 5 = -20% : JUNCTION 6 = 0%
JUNCTION 7 = -50% :
Both the driver of the lorry and the driver of the pursuing vehicle must make a successful Drive Automobile roll at each of
the junctions numbered on the map. A failure will indicate that the vehicle has spun out of
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control and has crashed. Any vehicle involved in a high speed crash such as this will be wrecked. All of the passengers in
the vehicle will suffer 2d6 points of DAMAGE. However, any passenger that makes a successful Luck roll will only take
half the indicated amount of damage.

At the start of the chase the lorry will drive away from the Brent House and turn onto Spaniards Road. (JUNCTION 1.)
Once on this stretch of road the driver of the lorry will realise that he is being followed and increase his speed.
Having successfully turned onto North End Road (JUNCTION 2.) the lorry will begin to pick up speed, only slowing down
at the last moment to turn onto Finchley Road. (JUNCTION 3.) Once an this section of road the lorry will increase speed
whilst at the same time weaving from left to right, so as to stop the pursuing vehicle from overtaking it. The lorry will then
slow down considerably so as to turn onto Belsize Road. (JUNCTION 4.)
If the investigators are still in pursuit, the 2 men in the back of the lorry will take action against them. At their disposal they
have a spare tyre and a pair of medium sized statues. They will not hesitate in rolling these out of the back of the lorry into
the path of the pursuing vehicle. In order to avoid hitting these obstacles the driver of the pursuing vehicle must make both
a successful Drive Automobile roll and a successful Dodge roll. A failure to make either of these will result in the
investigators vehicle hitting one of the objects and spinning out of control. The vehicle will eventually come to a halt, by
which time the lorry will have vanished from sight.
Assuming that the investigators survive the incident, the lorry will continue along Belsize Road and turn onto Kilburn
High Road. (JUNCTION 5.) It will proceed to increase its speed and then turn onto Willesden Lane. (JUNCTION 6.)
If the investigators are still in pursuit, the lorry driver will slow down a little so as to let the pursuing vehicle get close up
behind him. He will then proceed to slam on the brakes in a desperate bid to make the pursuing vehicle crash into the back
of the lorry.
In order to avoid a collision the driver of the pursuing vehicle should make both a successful Drive Automobile and a
successful Dodge roll.
Only making one of the rolls will mean that the car has avoided a collision but has stalled. By the time that the investigators
vehicle has een restarted the lorry will have disappeared.
A failure to make either of the rolls will result in the investigators vehicle smashing into the back of the lorry. All of the
passengers in the front of the car will take 2d8 points of DAMAGE, whilst those in the back will take 1d8 points of
DAMAGE. The 2 men in the back of the lorry will receive 1d2 points of DAMAGE, whilst the lorry driver will only take 1
POINT of DAMAGE. Anyone making a successful LUCK roll will only take half damage. The investigators vehicle will be
wrecked and the lorry will then drive off.
If the investigators avoid a collision with the lorry, the lorry will increase its speed and turn onto Park Avenue. (JUNCTION
7.) If the investigators are still in pursuit at this stage they will see the lorry travel a short distance before suffering a high
speed blowout of the front left side tyre. The lorry will spin out of control, overturn, and then cast its contents (Burglars and
works of art.) along the road.
The burglars will all be unconscious (And have 1hp each.) by the time the investigators get to them. 2d6 minutes later two
policemen will arrive an he scene. Assuming the investigators do not try to resist being arrested they (Together with the 3
burglars and the 2,000 worth of art.) will be taken to the nearest police station.
NOTES - Anyone taking part in a noisy car chase through the streets of the worlds largest city in the dead of night cannot
be too surprised at attracting the attention of the local constabulary. In order to continue he scenario from this point, the
Keeper should refer to PART 3, AT THE POLICE STATION.
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It will only be possible for the investigators to enter the house once the burglars have left. In order to run this part of the
scenario the Keeper ~should refer to the map of the BRENT HOUSE.

NOTE If the party have allowed the burglars to strip the house of its works of art then the only works of art that will
remain are the 5 large !statues. These statues will be found at Location 8 and Location 9.

Location 1 - This is a normal Dining Room. Two paintings of bleak landscapes decorate the northern wall. The paintings
have an open market value of around 50 each.

Location 2 - This is the Entry Hall. A series of 4 paintings, all of which depict scenes of witchcraft, add colour to an
otherwise bland location. All of the paintings have an open market value of about 100.

Location 3 - This is a mundane Kitchen. The only feature of note here is the set of steps that lead down to the cellar.

Location 4 - This is a Bathroom which has a bath and a WC. There is .nothing of interest here.

Location 5 - The Living Room. This well furnished room has a set of 4 comfortable leather chairs, a drinks cabinet and a
thick carpet. Hanging above the fireplace is a large oil painting of Stonehenge. The painting has an open market value of
approximately 500.

Location 6 - This is Patrick Wenslow's Study. The whole length of the eastern wall is covered by a large bookcase. A
quick check of the large selection of books will reveal them all to be related to either the arts or the occult.
A successful Spot Hidden roll will reveal two interesting tomes, the first of these is PAGAN FESTIVALS a book detailing
various occult festivals. This book (when read over a period of a month.) will add +6% to the readers Occult skill.
The second tome is entitled 'DIABOLIC RITUALS. This details the events that occur during less well known occult
ceremonies. This book (When read over a period of 6 weeks.) will add +10% to the readers Occult skill, and +3% to his
Astronomy skill.

Location 7 - This is a normal Garage. It is empty. There is nothing of interest here.
Location 8 -- The Upper Corridor. A series of 6 paintings line the walls. Most of them detail yet more scenes of pagan
rituals. Each one has an open market value of approximately 75. A large unidentifiable statue of a humanoid occupies the
recess near the stairs. This statue has a value of 200, but it will take the best part of an hour to remove from the house.
The statue has absolutely nothing to do with the Cthulhu mythos - it is just unidentifiable. A set of step ladders at the
western end of the corridor lead up to the attic.
Location 9 - This is Patrick Wenslow's Studio. A large statue of a Grecian athlete occupies each corner of the room. Each
statue is worth 300, but would take the best part of two hours to remove from the house. In the centre of the room there
are two smaller statues. Both of them are of
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robed figures, and both are worth 250.
Resting on an easel is a partially completed sketch of a creature which has a vaguely anthropoid outline, the head of which
is octopus like. Anybody making a successful Cthulhu Mythos roll will immediately recognise it to be a sketch of Cthulhu.
Those investigators who recognise it as Cthulhu who fail to make a successful SAN roll will lose 1 SANITY POINT.
NOTE - Wenslow drew this sketch immediately after awaking from his horrific nightmare.

Location 10 - Patrick Wenslow's Bedroom. The well furnished bedroom is a little bit dusty from lack of use. A disturbing
picture hangs above the bed. The picture is entitled 'GHOULS AT PLAY' and depicts a pack of life like ghouls feasting on
a corpse. Anyone looking at this picture for the first time who fails to make a successful SAN roll will lose 1 SANITY
POINT. The picture has a value of approximately 600 on the open market.
Resting on top of a bedside cabinet is a framed photograph of a house which is situated in a wood. A successful Idea roll
will allow any investigator to come to the conclusion that Patrick Wenslow must own a second house.
If the photograph is removed from its frame the following inscription will be clearly visible on the back of it;

Location 11 - This is where the burglars Lorry will be parked on the night of the robbery.

Location 12 - This is the securely padlocked Coal Bunker.

The Cellar - There is nothing of interest here.

The Attic - This is where Wenslow stores his artistic materials. Currently, there is 50 worth of artistic materials here.

NOTES - The east door (The one nearest the lorry.) has been forced open. The other two doors are securely locked and
have a STR of 14.

As soon as the investigators leave the Brent House they will walk into the arms of the waiting policemen. The police were
alerted by one of the neighbours who saw 'Something suspicious.' The investigators will be placed under arrest and taken
to the local police station. (See PART 3 for further details.)
Unless the investigators have been incredibly fortuitous they will find themselves under arrest at the local police station.
Once there, each person will be searched and any evidence or offensive weapons will be confiscated. Everybody involved
in the incident (Whether it was the car chase or the break in.) will be led away to separate interview rooms whereupon they
will be asked to make a statement about their actions.
Each person will be interviewed separately by Detective Inspector Jack Connors. Connors is a middle aged, tough,
streetwise policeman who treats all private investigators with barely disguised contempt.
The questions that he will put to the investigators will vary with the circumstances of each case. (Ie. Whether or not it was
the car chase or the break in.) Connors will give each of the investigators a grilling. During the course of the interview he
will threaten to charge them with on whole series of different offences.
Generally speaking, those who took part in the car chase will be
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threatened with charges of Reckless Driving, Speeding, Failing to report a crime, Loitering with Intent, and any other
traffic offences that spring to Connors' mind. Providing no guns were fired then anyone who makes either a successful
Fast Talk, Oratory, Debate or Law roll will be able to convince Connors that they were trying to apprehend the burglars.
Those investigators who were caught leaving Wenslow's house will face a much tougher time. They will face charges of
Breaking and Entering, Trespass, Loitering with Intent and Failure to report a crime. Any person who was arrested
whilst carrying any of Wenslow's possessions will face the charge of Attempted Robbery. Only those investigators who
make a successful Fast Talk roll whilst explaining what they were up to (Ie. They were investigating the disappearance of a
missing person who was last heard of in the employ of Patrick Wenslow.) will be able to convince Connors of their
If in both cases the required rolls are made then Connors will reluctantly accept the investigators explanation of the events.
He will give them a reprimand, and release them after 12 hours.
Those investigators who failed to persuade Connors of their innocence will be released when the 3 burglars (Are caught
and.) confess to their crime. This will occur some 24 hours after they were arrested.
NOTES - Any investigator who committed any firearms related offences will not be released. These characters will be
charged and sentenced for their crimes.
Any character facing a charge of attempted robbery should make both a successful LUCK roll and a successful Fast Talk
roll to convince Connors of their innocence. (Eg. They were only collecting the works of art so as to stop them from being
stolen by the burglars.) Failure to convince Connors of their innocence will result in the investigators being charged and
sentenced for Armed Robbery.
Those investigators who were released from the police station after only 12 hours will be able to use the time remaining on
Thursday to follow up any leads which they may have.
NOTE - Those investigators who are held for 24 hours will have to wait till Friday to continue with their investigation of the
There are two leads which the investigators may wish to follow up, these are;
(a) The registration number of the lorry.
(b) The address of Patrick Wenslow's second home.

Any investigator who was thoughtful enough to write down the registration number of the lorry will spend 1d6 hours tracing
the lorry to the BALHAM BRICK COMPANY. Unfortunately for the investigator the lorry has been reported to the police as
being stolen for some 7 weeks.
Any investigator who has read the inscription on the back of the photograph in Wenslow's bedroom (Location 10 in the
BRENT HOUSE.) will know that Wenslow has a second house (THE MELLGROVE HOUSE.) at Conanby.
If the investigator pays a visit to a local library and he makes a successful Library Use roll he will be able to discover that
there are 2 villages with that name in England. These are situated in Norfolk and Lincolnshire.
If the investigators have seen the open railway timetable in Peter Barnes' apartment (Or they have talked to Barnes'
landlady, Mrs Dickens.) they
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should be able to deduce that Patrick Wenslow's second house is situated in Norfolk.
If the investigators now wish to travel to Norfolk the Keeper should refer to PART 7, AND SO TO NORFOLK for further
NOTE - Any investigators wishing to travel to Conanby in Lincolnshire should be allowed to do so. Once there, they will
discover a peaceful country village. There is nothing in the village that is of any interest to the investigators. A round trip to
Lincolnshire will take the best part of a day to complete.

Any investigator who buys a copy of Thursdays' paper will notice that it contains a report of the previous nights
(Attempted.) robbery on the front page.

Today is the day on which Alan Jones returns from his business trip. If the investigators wish to call at his office the Keeper
Any investigator wishing to follow up any leads may do so (The Keeper refer to PART 4, CONTINUING THE
INVESTIGATION, for further details.)
If the investigators are still in London they will not be able to avoid the headline in all of the local papers. Apparently there
has been a horrific murder in the Strand. The most interesting article (From the investigators point of view) reads as
'Late last night police were called to the scene of a horrific urder in the Strand. The mutilated body of the
famous art collector Sir Ronald Crighton was discovered in his office shortly after 11.15PM last night.
At the time of the incident 2 regulars of the 'Brown Cow Inn' ad just set off on their way home when they
heard the sound f gunshots emanating from across the street. Looking up, they claim to have seen some
sort of 'WINGED DEMON' emerge from the 3rd floor window. The two men watched in amazement as the
'DEMON' flew away in an erratic manner. When last sighted the demon was heading northeast
When asked to comment an the horrific murder and the apparent sighting of a winged demon, Detective
Inspector Wilson replied that;
"The only demons present at the scene of this murder were those caused by the consumption of too much
alcohol. The murder was probably the result of an argument between Sir Ronald Crighton and another
person over the ownership of some stolen paintings which were found on the premises. It is our belief that
this murder is more than likely connected with the (Attempted.) burglary of Patrick Wenslow's art collection
which occurred on Wednesday night.
Detective Inspector Wilson refused to comment any further on the crime other than to issue the following
'The as yet unknown murderer is believed to have been wounded during the course of the attack. On no
account should this person be tackled by members of the general public.

The article should naturally attract the attention of the investigators, especially when they notice that the murder might be
connected with Patrick Wenslow.
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Any investigator wishing to visit the scene of the crime will have no trouble in finding the address of Sir Ronald Crighton.
However, once there, the investigators will notice that the building is cordoned off and that two uniformed police have been
posted at the entrance to the building.
Anyone wishing to enter the building will have to make either a successful Fast Talk or a successful Law roll in order to
get past the 2 policemen.
As soon as they enter the dishevelled office the investigators will see a team of police forensic experts. The 3 man team
are meticulously searching the room for clues. Anybody making a successful Spot Hidden roll will notice that a clump of
fur has been placed on a table. Anyone making a successful Cthulhu Mythos, roll will be able to identify this as belonging
to a minor Cthulhu Mythos monster.
Anyone wishing to talk with the police experts must make either a successful Fast Talk, Oratory or a Debate roll to elicit
each of the following pieces of information;

(1) 'The body was covered in deep claw marks, and appears to have been completely drained of all its
(2) 'The killer broke in through the third floor window, murdered Sir Ronald, and then left by exiting via the
same window.'
(3) 'Nothing appears to have been taken from the scene of the crime.'
(4) 'Before he died, Sir Ronald was able to discharge a shot from his revolver. It is our belief that the killer
was wounded during the attack.'

There is nothing else here that the investigators will find of any use to their investigation. All of the stolen paintings which
were found on the premises have been taken to the local police station. The police at the local station will refuse to
comment about either the murder or the paintings.

KEEPERS NOTES ON THE MURDER - The murder of Sir Ronald Crighton was committed by a Byakhee which was
under the control of Patrick Wenslow.
Having learnt of the (Attempted.) robbery of his Hampstead home, Wenslow decided to punish the perpetrator of the crime.
By simply casting the Spell Contact Cthulhu he was able to learn that Sir Ronald Crighton was behind the crime. Upon
learning of this Wenslow 'summoned' a Byakhee, and instructed it to kill Sir Ronald.
The Byakhee was wounded in the assault, but somehow managed to fly away from the scene of the murder.
The police are completely baffled by what the evidence suggests and have put out the story that the murder was
committed by an as yet unidentified person.

Alan Jones is a 35 year old, tall, thin, well attired individual who is very proud of being Patrick Wenslow's agent. He will
treat the investigators with the utmost cordiality during the course of their meeting.
Before commencing with the meeting, if there are any investigators present who tried to give chase to the burglars he will
thank them for their efforts. He will then proceed to give each of them a 25 reward. The
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Keeper should note that this amount will be 50 if the investigators succeeded in catching the burglars. Once the
formalities (If any!) have been dispensed with, the investigators will be free to put questions to Alan Jones.

If questioned about the advertisement which was placed in the Times some 3 months earlier, he will state that;
This was done at Mr Wenslow's request. There were 12 successful applicants, all of whom were directed to
Mr Wenslow's Norfolk home.''

If asked about Patrick Wenslow's current whereabouts he will give the following reply;
''Mr Wenslow is currently residing in the East Anglian countryside. He is very busy at the moment and does
not wish to be disturbed by anyone.''

Anyone making a successful Psychology roll will notice that something is worrying Alan Jones. If Alan Jones is further
questioned about Patrick Wenslow he will give the following statement;
"My client appears to have developed an unhealthy obsession for his latest project. I have not heard from him
for nearly 3 months and I am quite concerned about him.''

If the investigators ask about the private detective, Peter Barnes, Alan Jones will reply that;
A man calling himself by that name called in at my office some 2 weeks ago. The man in question then
proceeded to ask me a whole string of questions about Mr Wenslow. Needless to say, I refused to reveal the
exact whereabouts of my client.''

Any investigator wishing to obtain the full address of Patrick Wenslow's Norfolk home whilst in Alan Jones' office will be
faced with a tricky problem. However there are 3 possible ways of obtaining it;

(1) If the investigators can somehow trick Alan Jones into leaving his office for a few minutes, they will be able to gain
access to the contents of the nearby filing cabinet. In order to discover Wenslow's Norfolk address a successful Library
Use roll must be made. The address is given as;
Patrick Wenslow.
4 The Mellgrove House,
(2) Any investigator making a successful Spot Hidden roll will notice that e same address is written on a discarded
envelope in the wastepaper basket.
(3) A successful use of either Debate or Oratory skills will allow the investigators to persuade Alan Jones to reveal
Wenslow's address.
NOTE - Anyone attempting to bribe Alan Jones will only succeed in insulting him. Alan Jones will then instruct that
particular person to leave his office.
There is no other information of any use which the investigators can obtain from Alan Jones office.

If by any chance the investigators fail in all of their efforts to discover Wenslow's address they will be contacted by Miss
Bush shortly after leaving Alan Jones' office.
page 13
Miss Bush will explain that she has just received a delayed letter from her brother. The letter was posted from Conanby in
Norfolk some 3 months ago. In it, her brother stated that he would be in touch with her within the next few days. Elizabeth
is now even more worried about her brother.

By this time the investigators will be aware that they should all proceed to Conanby in Norfolk. The Keeper should now
refer to PART 7.
The latest time at which the investigators will set off for Norfolk is on Friday afternoon. Some investigators may actually
depart for Conanby as early as Thusday afternoon. The investigators can either travel there by train or by private transport.
Only 3 trains a day travel from London to Conanby, these depart at 8AM, 1PM and 6PM. The journey to Conanby will take
approximately 3 hours by train and 4 hours by private transport.
Conanby is a small Norfolk village, which is situated approximately midway between Ipswich and Norfolk. The main rail link
between these 2 urban areas passes through the village, and the main trunk route (The A140.) passes close by. The village
is predominantly agricultural, with most of its residents working on the neighbouring farms. The Mellgrove House (Patrick
Wenslow's Norfolk home.) is situated to the north of the village in Conanby Wood.
Once the party has arrived in Conanby they can continue with their investigation.
NOTE - The Keeper should now refer to the sketch map of Conanby

Location 1 - This is the Village school. The school is run by Mrs Scott, who lives in the adjoining cottage. Mrs Scott can
read shorthand and so will be able to translate Peter Barnes' diary for the investigators. (See Location 7 for further

Location 2 - The Church was built in the year 1640. It has a complete set of parish records, but there is nothing of any use
written in them.

Location 3 - This is Conanby Rail Station. Trains pass through here, quite often, although most of them do not stop.

Location 4 - This is the Village Inn. 'The Ploughman's Arms' is a small pub which dates back to the seventeenth century.
It offers the only accommodation in the area. For the cost of 2 shillings per night the landlord will be willing to rent out his 4
single rooms. Anyone else who wishes to stay overnight at the inn will have to pay 1 shilling for the dubious privilege of
sleeping on the tap room floor.
When engaged in conversation, the Landlord (Mr Sykes.) consistently moans about a recent guest, a Mr Peter Barnes, who
stopped at the inn for one night and then left without paying.
Any investigator who shows interest in what the landlord is saying will be able to put questions to him. During the ensuing
conversation the landlord will mention that although the man left without paying, he forgot to take his possessions with him.
These possessions are now in the hands of PC Crabtree who is presently investigating the case.

Locations 5 and 6 - Both of these are the Village Shops. The investigators
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will be able to obtain provisions from these.

Location 7 - Constable Crabtree's Cottage. This small stone building is occupied by the villages only policeman. Apart
from its normal rooms the cottage has a small office and a storeroom. The office contains a desk, 2 hairs, a telephone and
a small filing cabinet. Immediately upon entering the cottage the investigators will be met by the village constable.
PC BRIAN CRABTREE; English ; Christian ; Age 41 ;
STR 14 ; CON 13 ; SIZ 15 ; INT 13 ; POW 11 ; DEX 12; APP 10 ; EDU 10 SAN 86 ; Hps 14 ;
Skills; Law 40%, Listen 30%, Psychology 15%, Spot Hidden 40%, Track 15%, Drive Automobile 25%, Ride Bicycle
70%. Truncheon 40%. Shotgun 30%, Fists 60%.
EQUIPMENT; Bicycle, Truncheon (Nightstick), Pair of Handcuffs, Whistle, Notebook and Pencil.
NOTE - All unlisted skills are at the standard minimums.

PC Crabtree is currently investigating the disappearance of Peter Barnes. The Norfolk police are treating his
disappearance as a simple case of a man electing not to pay for the cost of his lodgings. However, PC Crabtree believes
that there is more to the case than this, and he is willing to talk about the case with anyone who shows interest.
If the investigators inform PC Crabtree of who they are, and what they are doing he will allow them access to Peter Barnes'
Barnes' possessions are kept in the store room. Apart from a diary which appears to be written in a 'foreign language' there
is nothing of interest to the investigators.
The writing in the diary is actually Shorthand, and unless there is a JOURNALIST or a REPORTER in the party it will just
appear to be meaningless scrawls. A journalist or reporter will be able to read it. The diary will reveal itself to be an account
of Peter Barnes' attempts to track down the present whereabouts of Michael Bush. Like the investigators, Barnes' had
concluded that Michael Bush was an employee of Patrick Wenslow. Of particular relevance to the investigators is the last
entry (Which is now 10 days ago.) that is written in the diary;

Today, I intend to visit Wenslow's house. From what I have observed it is obvious that he is busy working on
a special project. Hopefully, whilst I am there I shall meet Michael Bush.''

If the investigators are unable to translate the diary themselves then anyone who makes a successful Idea roll will come to
the conclusion that it is written in Shorthand. If the investigators notify PC Crabtree of this fact, he will tell them that Mrs
Scott, the village schoolteacher, can read shorthand.
Once PC Crabtree discovers that Patrick Wenslow is mentioned in Peter Barnes' diary he will inform the investigators that
he intends to pay a call on Mr Wenslow. Those investigators wishing to accompany him may do so.
(The Keeper should now refer to PART 8, A VISIT TO THE MELLOROVE HOUSE.)

Whilst making general enquiries around the village the investigators will discover that most of the villagers are too
engrossed in their own lives to be of much use to them. However, the following 4 pieces of summarised information can be
obtained from any of the locals;

(1) Patrick Wenslow resides in the Mellgrove House. This is situated approximately 1 mile to the north of the
village in the middle of Conanby Wood.
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(2) The Mellgrove house was purchased from its original owners in 1917.
(3) Ever since arriving back from London some 3 months ago, Patrick Wenslow as not been seen by
any of the locals.
(4) Ten days ago, a man by the name of Peter Barnes stopped at the village inn for the night and then
left without paying. Constable Crabtree is currently investigating this.

By the time that the investigators have carried out their enquiries they should be aware of the fact that Patrick Wenslow
resides nearby. A visit to the Mellgrove House would be the next logical step to take in their investigation.

The Mellgrove house is a 2 storied stone structure which is situated approximately 1 mile to the north of the village, in the
centre of Conanby Wood . A narrow winding track leads to the house through the dense wood. Anyone wishing to approach
the house unobserved may do so.
The house is currently occupied by Patrick Wenslow and his 3 Byakhee servants.
STR 10 ; CON 9 ; SIZ 11 ; INT 17 ; POW 13 ; DEX 16 ; APP 14 ; EDU 17 ; SAN 0 ; Hps 10 ;
SKILLS; Anthropolology 20%, Chemistry 65%, Credit Rating 60%, Drive Automobile 35%, History 45%, Law 65%,
Occult 90%, Pharmacy 50%, Psychology 50%, Cthulhu Mythos 15%, Paint 92%, Sculpture 88%, Shotgun 45%, Fist
35%, Butcher Knife 55%.
SPELLS; Contact Cthulhu ; Summon Byakhee ; Bind Byakhee ; Create Spirit Statue ; Elder Sign ;
ITEMS CARRIED; Wenslow usually only carries a Butcher Knife when he is in the house.

Patrick Wenslow is currently obsessed with completing the Spirit Statue. He will stop at nothing in order to finish it.

Observing the house, the investigators will notice that heavy drapes block the view through all of the house's windows, and
that the doors to the house are kept locked at all times. The doors have a STR of 12.

How Wenslow treats any callers turning up an his doorstep depends on who there at the time. There are 3 basic situations
which may occur;
(1) THE INVESTIGATORS ACCOMPANY PC CRABTREE - On no account will PC Crabtree allow any of the investigators
to carry a firearm if they accompany him to the house.
When Wenslow answers the door he will stand in the doorway and answer any questions that the constable puts to him.
The answers that he gives will be very vague and of no use to anyone. If asked about either Michael Bush or Peter Barnes
he will claim that he has never even met them.
Anyone making a successful Psychology roll will become aware of the fact that Wenslow is trying to get rid of them. Any
investigator making a successful Spot Hidden roll will notice that Wenslow's hands are covered a substance that looks like
blood. If questioned about this Wenslow will state that it is merely some spilt paint
On no account will Wenslow permit anyone to enter his house. He will
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demand that a search warrant be produced before he will allow anyone into his home. If constable Crabtree is forced to
take this course of action it will take him approximately 24 hours to obtain the appropriate papers.
When PC Crabtree returns Patrick Wenslow will refuse to answer the door.
By this time he will have prepared himself for a possible break in. (See PART 9 for further details.)

(2) IF THE INVESTIGATORS ARE NOT ACCOMPANIED BY PC CRABTREE - Patrick. Wenslow will open the door,
make a mental note of who is present, and then ask them to leave him alone.
If the party decide to leave, Wenslow will not think anything more about the incident and will return to his work. (Ie. He will
not prepare for a break in.) However. if the party fail to leave, Patrick Wenslow will lock the door and prepare for a possible
break in. (See PART 9 for further details.)

(3) IF A SOLITARY INVESTIGATOR TURNS UP AT THE HOUSE - Wenslow will answer the door and ask the
investigator what he wants. If the investigator mentions that he is looking for either Michael Bush or Peter Barnes Wenslow
will invite him inside the house. Wenslow will act normally, but will try to lure the investigator into the Byakhees Room.
(Location 9 on the KEY TO THE MAP OF THE MELLGROVE HOUSE.) If a successful Psychology roll is made the
investigator will be able to realise that Wenslow is trying to persuade him to go and meet 'Michael Bush.'
Wenslow will say that Michael Bush is currently working in the room, and that the investigator is free to talk to him if he so
wishes. Once he has opened the door Wenslow will push the investigator inside the room and quickly lock the door. The
investigator will then be attacked by the 3 Byakhees.

It will soon become apparent to the investigators that the only way for all of them to gain access to the Mellgrove house is
for them to break into the house.
Investigators wishing to gain access to the house will have to break in. Depending on the results of their earlier actions (If
any!) Wenslow will either be unprepared for a break in or prepared for a break in.
If Wenslow is unprepared for a break in then the situation will be as described in the section entitled KEY TO THE MAP
If the insane artist is prepared for a break in then he will have posted the Byakhees as guards. Two of them will have been
stationed near the northern door in the Mini Gallery (Location 2.) whilst the other will be patrolling the Central Corridor.
(Location 4.) All 3 of the Byakhees will have been given special instructions to attack any intruders who enter the house.
Wenslow will take the precaution of taking his shotgun from beneath his bed and carrying it with him wherever he goes.

Anyone entering the house who makes a noise (E.g Smashing a window or breaking open a door.) must make a successful
Luck rolL in order to avoid attracting the attention of either the Byakhees or Patrick Wenslow. if
Wenslow is alerted by any intruders he will pick up his 20-gauge shotgun and rush to investigate the noise. If there is only 1
intruder he will open fire on him. If there is more than 1 intruder, he will retreat to the the Byakhees room, and then instruct
them to attack the intruders.
NOTE - If Wenslow believes that the Spirit Statue is in danger of being destroyed he will retreat to the studio (Location
13.) and cast the spell,
page 17
Create Spirit Statue. If this situation arises, or it is Sunday Night the Keeper should refer to PART 10, WHEN CTHULHU
WALKS AMONGST MEN, for further details.
Location 1 -The Garage. This stone structure has been attached onto the west side of the house. A side door connects it
to the central corridor. The garage doors are securely padlocked.
The garage contains a Bentley and 4 cans of fuel, each can holds 6 gallons fuel. Anyone wishing to start the car will have
to spend 1d4 rounds starting the engine up. The reason for this is that the car has not been used for over 12 weeks and the
engine is somewhat cold.

Location 2 - The Mini Gallery. The walls of this room are decorated with 6 paintings, all of which depict scenes of
depravity. Each of the paintings have a value of approximately 100 on the open market.
The room also contains the statues of 2 ghouls. The ghouls are incredibly lifelike and somewhat disturbing. Anyone who
views them for the first time who happens to fail a SAN roll will lose 1 SANITY POINT. The statues each have a value of
250 on the open market. A set of steps lead up to Wenslow's studio.

Location 3 - The Study. This well furnished room contains a small library of books, all of which appear to deal with the
subject of the arts. Anyone making a successful Spot Hidden roll will notice a musty tome tucked away
amongst the other books. This tome is actually a copy of True Magick (Theophilus Wenn.)
Reading the tome will cause the reader to lose 1d8 SAN. It will give him bonus of +6% Cthulhu Mythos knowledge. The
book also acts as a x2 SPELL MULTIPLIER.
This copy of True Magick contains the spells Contact Cthulhu, Summon Byakhee, Bind Byakhee, Elder Sign and
Create Spirit Statue.
All of these spells apart from Create Spirit Statue are described in the Call of Cthulhu Rulebook. A description of the
spell Create Spirit Statue now follows;

CREATE SPIRIT STATUE -In order to create one of these the creator must in his possession a copy of the spell CREATE
SPIRIT STATUE, a suitable amount of magically enchanted clay, (The creator must sacrifice at least 4 points of POW in
order to enchant this.) and the blood of at least a dozen sacrificed human beings.
The blood and the enchanted clay should then be mixed together, and shaped into the required form. (A 12 week process.)
Once completed the spirit/soul of any willing creature can be transferred into the spirit statue merely by casting the spell.
The transferred spirit of the creature will then gain full control of its new 'body'.
The Spirit Statue acts like normal flesh and blood. The new 'body' can also shrink or stretch by 10 SIZ points after which
time it runs the risk of disintegrating due to the stresses brought about by such changes in size.
Tucked away inside a fold in the back cover of the book is an Enchanted Whistle. This whistle can be used to summon a
Byakhee with a +40% chance of success.

Location 4 - The Central Corridor. The walls are lined with 16 paintings. Each one depicts a different aspect of devil
worship. Each painting has an open market value of 25.

Location 5 - The Store Room. This room contains a wide variety of artistic materials, most of which are inflamable (Eg.
Paints, canvas and turpentine.) There is 50 worth of artistic materials contained within this room.
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Location 6 - The Kitchen. This is a perfectly ordinary kitchen.
Location 7 - The Pantry. This is almost empty, the only items that are remaining have all gone stale.
Location 8 - The Living Room. This is unusually dusty, and appears not to have been used for a long time. It contains 2
armchairs, a drinks cabinet and a fireplace amongst other things.
Any investigator who makes a successful Spot Hidden roll will notice that one of the armchairs appears to be covered in a
large bloodstain. (This is where Peter Barnes was murdered.) A set of steps lead up to the upper corriidor.

Location 9 - The Bathroom/WC. This is absolutely conventional in design. Nothing of any interest to the investigators will
be found here.
Location 10 - The Locked Room. This once served as a second bedroom, but is rarely used by Wenslow anymore. The
door will have to be opened either by force (It has 10 STR.) or by picking its lock.
The room contains a disused bed, a wardrobe and a bedside cabinet. Inside the top drawer of the cabinet there is a
notebook which details all of Wenslow's activities.
THE NOTEBOOK - Owing to the nature of his insanity, Wenslow keeps a record of all his activities inside a notebook.
Anyone reading it will discover what the insane artist has been doing over the past 12 weeks.
Contained within it are the details of how and why he managed to lure 12 people to his home, lull them into a false sense of
security and then ritually sacrifice them. It also states how and why Wenslow murdered both Peter Barnes and Sir Ronald
Anyone reading this horrific notebook will lose 1d4 SAN unless a successful SAN roll is made, in which case only 1
SANITY POINT will be lost.

Location 11 - Wenslow's Bedroom. This appears to be a perfectly normal bedroom. Anyone making a successful Spot
Hidden roll will notice that there is a Shotgun 20-gauge and a box of 50 shells hidden beneath the bed. Wenslow
normally sleeps in here between the hours of 1AM and 7AM.
Location 12 - The Byakhees Room. Both doors to this darkened room are unlocked. The room is full of ruined furniture,
and contains 3 Byakhees. However, if Wenslow is expecting a break in then 2 of them will be stationed in the Mini Gallery,
whilst the other will be patrolling the central Corridor.

BYAKHEES; (For more details see the Call of Cthulhu rulebook.)

Byakhee 1 ; STR 20 ; CON 13 ; SIZ 20 ; POW 10 ; DEX 14 ; Hps 17
Byakhee 2 ; STR 16 ; CON 15 ; SIZ 22 ; POW 11 ; DEX 17 ; Hps 16
Byakhee 3 ; STR 17 ; CON 14 ; SIZ 17 ; POW 12 ; DEX 16 ; Hps 16

Armour; All 3 Byakhees have 2 points of armour (fur).
Skills; Listen 50%, Spot Hidden 50%.
Location 13 - The Studio. This is where Wenslow is carrying out his work on creating the Spirit Statue. Unless he is
asleep in his room Wenslow will usually be found here.
The studio is currently dominated by the (Almost.) complete statue of a Grecian athlete. The statue of the man is perfectly
proportioned, but is
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strangely disturbing.
Anyone examining the 66 tall reddish coloured statue will quickly come to the conclusion that the colouring is caused by a
high percentage of blood contained in the make up of the statues' clay compound. Unless the viewer makes a successful
SAN roll he will lose 1 SANITY POINT.
A set of steps lead down to the Mini Gallery, and a bloodstained curtain covers the whole length of the southern end of the
Location 14 - The Mixing Area. A large blood stained vat dominates the area. Suspended above the vat is a rope which
ends in a nasty looking, bloodstained meat hook. This is where Wenslow sacrificed his victims and mixed the special clay
compound. The sight of the bloodstained vat is enough to cause all those viewing it to lose 1 SANITY POINT unless a
successful SAN roll is made.
The Loft - The entrance to the loft is situated at the top of the ladders at the northern end of the upper corridor. Anyone
who enters this sealed up, rat infested area will come across the sickening sight of 13 rotting bodies. Those people viewing
the bodies will lose 1d3 points of SAN unless a successful SAN roll is made.
When the investigators enter the Mellgrove house there will be only two possible outcomes, either they stop Wenslow
before he completes the statue or Wenslow completes his work. If Wenslow completes his work then the Keeper should
refer to PART 10.
The statue of the Grecian athlete (The Spirit Statue.) is the focal point of all Wenslow's activities. Wenslow has almost
completed his work on it
The work on the spirit statue is almost complete, and Wenslow can bring it to life at anytime that he desires. However,
unless the statue is threatened with destruction (By the investigators.) Wenslow will not cast the spell, Create Spirit
Statue, until midnight on Sunday.
It will only take Wenslow 1 round to cast the necessary invocation, after which time the statue will spring to life. Anyone
witnessing this will lose 1d6 SAN unless a successful SAN roll is made. No SAN will be lost if the roll was successful.
The Spirit Statue will then begin to transform in appearance from that of a Grecian athlete to that of Cthulhu. It will take it
2d6 rounds to fully adjust into its correct form (SIZ 210) during which time it will not be able to attack anything.
HIT POINTS; The amount of hit points that the Spirit Statue possesses will depend upon the day and time at which it is
brought to life;
Thursday Night 90
Friday Day 100
Friday Night 110
Saturday Day 120
Saturday Night 130
Sunday Day 140
Sunday Night 160
FORM; Owing to the nature of the overstretched clay compound, the actual Spirit Statue of Cthulhu will appear as a
reddish coloured Semi-transparent form. However, it will act just like Great Cthulhu.
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ARMOUR; The Spirit Statue has no armour. If by any chance it is reduced to 0 HPs it will crumble to dust and the
dreaming spirit of Cthulhu will return to Rlyeh.
SPELLS; The dreaming spirit of Cthulhu is not capable of casting any spelIs.
SAN; Seeing the spirit statue of Cthulhu transform from a Grecian athlete to Cthulhu's normal form will cause the
investigator to make a successful SAN roll or lose 3d8 points of SAN. A successful SAN roll still costs 1d6 points of SAN.
Anyone not witnessing the transformation, and then seeing Cthulhu will have to make a successful SAN roll or lose 4d10
points of SAN. A successful SAN roll will still cost 1d8 points of SAN
As soon as Wenslow has succeeded in animating the Spirit Statue he will fall to his knees, grovelling at Cthulhus feet.
Once Cthulhu has finished transforming into his normal form his first act will be to grab Wenslow with a tentacle and
squeeze him to death.
Cthulhu will then proceed to spend the next 2 rounds demolishing what remains of the Mellgrove house. Anyone who was
foolish enough to try and hide in the house will suffer 6d10 points of damage, although this will be halved if a successful
Luck roll is made.
Anyone attempting to flee from the area, will be pursued by the flying Cthulhu. Those wishing to hide in Conanby wood
need only make either a successful Hide or a successful Luck roll to avoid Cthulhu's wrath.
Not long after Cthulhu has finished demolishing the Mellgrove house, a trains whistle will be heard coming from the
direction of the nearby village. Upon hearing this, Cthulhu will stop what he is doing and move towards the noise. The noise
is emanating from the London - Norwich Express. As the train passes through the wood, Cthulhu will thrust out a
tentacle, grab hold of the engine, and then cast it (And the attached wagons.) to one side.
Those investigators witnessing the derailment of the train who fail to make a successful SAN roll will lose 1d6 SANITY
POINTS. Those who succeeded will not lose any sanity points.
Having derailed the train, Cthulhu will focus his attention on the village. He will then embark upon an orgy of destruction,
during which the village will be flattened. During Cthulhu's rampage through Conanby none of the villagers will offer any
resistance. Added to this, the whole episode will be over so quickly that the authorities will not have time to react. PC
Crabtree is the only person who will help the investigators fight the Spirit Statue.
Shortly after the village has been destroyed, the enormous stresses brought about by the changes in the size of the Spirit
Statue will cause it to disintegrate. The Spirit Statue will rapidly crumble to dust and the dreaming spirit of Cthulhu will
return to Rlyeh.
The whole carnage will result in the in the deaths of 50+10d10 residents of Conanby and also 6d10 passengers on the
It will be at least 1 hour before the neighbouring police from both Norwich and Ipswich arrive on the scene. They will
immediately question all the survivors in a bid to discover what has happened. All of the survivors will claim that a monster
of some sort was responsible for all of the destruction. Naturally the authorities will discount this explanation, merely
attributing the story to a case of mass hysteria which has been brought upon by witnessing a train derailment.
If any investigator babbles on about how Cthulhu is responsible, the police will pretend to be listening to him whilst at the
same time making
Claw 100% 1d6+10d6
Tentacle 100% 5d6
page 21
preparations for him to be taken to a nearby mental asylum. In their view the man is obviously insane.
The only thing that will remain of the Spirit Statue is a fine layer of dust which will be spread over the area.
Eventually, the authorities will be forced to release all of the survivors. The whole incident will be attributed to an outbreak
of mass hysteria brought about by a horrific train derailment.
There will be nothing that the investigators can do apart from return to London

If the investigators manage to thwart Patrick Wenslow plan they will each regain 1d10 SAN.

If however, Wenslow succeeds in creating (And animating.) the spirit statue then the following benefits should be given;
Any investigator who survives through the carnage deserves to regain 1d10 points of SAN just for knowing that this
particular manifestation of Cthulhu has been defeated. Any investigator who took part in the destruction of Cthulhu (Eg.
Actually fighting Cthulhu.) should regain 2d10 points of SAN.
The investigators will also receive their 100 from a saddened Miss Elizabeth Bush who will thank them for their trouble.

This scenario doesn't have a happy ending, Michael Bush is already dead, and there is nothing that the investigators can
do about it. The best resuIt that the investigators can hope to achieve is to stop Wenslow from completing the Spirit Statue.
Keepers should experience no difficulty in converting the era in which the scenario is set into a modern day adventure.
However, anyone wishing to alter the scenario to a different setting will face a much larger task, but it should be possible.

Digital edition by
The Gate and the Key to Call of Cthulhu roleplay

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