In Vivo Evidence for Lactate as a Neuronal Energy Source
Matthias T. Wyss, 1,2 Renaud Jolivet, 1 Alfred Buck, 2 Pierre J. Magistretti, 3 and Bruno Weber 1 1 Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Zurich, 8091 Zurich, Switzerland, 2 Department of Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital, 8091 Zurich, Switzerland, and 3 Brain Mind Institute, Ecole Polytechnique Fe de rale de Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland Cerebral energy metabolismis a highly compartmentalized and complex process in which transcellular trafficking of metabolites plays a pivotal role. Over the past decade, a role for lactate in fueling the energetic requirements of neurons has emerged. Furthermore, a neuroprotective effect of lactate during hypoglycemia or cerebral ischemia has been reported. The majority of the current evidence concerning lactate metabolism at the cellular level is based on in vitro data; only a few recent in vivo results have demonstrated that the brain preferentially utilizes lactate over glucose. Using voltage-sensitive dye (VSD) imaging, beta-probe measurements of radiotracer kinetics, and brain activation by sensory stimulation in the anesthetized rat, we investigated several aspects of cerebral lactate metabo- lism. The present study is the first in vivo demonstration of the maintenance of neuronal activity in the presence of lactate as the primary energysource. The loss of the voltage-sensitive dye signal foundduringsevere insulin-inducedhypoglycemiais completelypreventedbylactate infusion. Thus, lactate has a direct neuroprotective effect. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the brain readily oxidizes lactate in an activity- dependent manner. The washout of 1-[ 11 C]L-lactate, reflectingcerebral lactate oxidation, was observedtoincrease duringbrainactivationfrom 0.077 0.009 to 0.105 0.007 min 1 . Finally, our data confirm that the brain prefers lactate over glucose as an energy substrate when both substratesareavailable. Using[ 18 F]fluorodeoxyglucose(FDG) tomeasurethelocal cerebral metabolicrateof glucose, wedemonstratedalactate concentration-dependent reductionof cerebral glucose utilizationduring experimentally increasedplasma lactate levels. Introduction For a long time, it was considered that blood-borne glucose is the sole energy substrate in the adult healthy brain. However, several studies have reported a different situation in the developing and diseased brain. For example, in breast-fed newborns and suckling rats, the utilization of monocarboxylates, such as lactate, and ketone bodies is increased (Cremer, 1982; Dombrowski et al., 1989; Nehlig and Pereira de Vasconcelos, 1993). In addition, a neuroprotective role for exogenous lactate in pathologic situa- tions, such as prolonged starvation, diabetes, and cerebral isch- emia, has been documented on several occasions (Gjedde and Crone, 1975; Schurr et al., 2001; Mason et al., 2006; Berthet et al., 2009). However, it is still unclear whether the neuroprotective effect of lactate is indirect [e.g., via increased cerebral blood flow (CBF) caused by hyperlactemia (Shackford et al., 1994)] or whether lactate can serve as a direct neuronal energy substrate. One of the first indications that lactate is not only a product of the metabolic chain but also a potentially important alternative neuronal energy substrate was documented more than two de- cades ago from the demonstration that lactate is able to support synaptic function in the absence of glucose in rat hippocampal slices (Schurr et al., 1988). For the living brain, the situationis less clear. No information about the capability of lactate to sustain neuronal action in vivo could be provided. Recently, independent groups have reported lactate utilization by the brain in humans (Gallagher et al., 2009; van Hall et al., 2009; Boumezbeur et al., 2010). There is also evidence that lactate oxidation is preferen- tially located in neurons. Bouzier et al. (2000) used 3-[ 13 C]lactate to investigate cerebral lactate metabolism. From the accumula- tion of labeled metabolites, they concluded that lactate metabo- lism is located in a compartment devoid of pyruvate carboxylase, e.g., neurons. Furthermore, astrocytic production of lactate, which serves as an energy pool for neurons, was proposed (Pellerin and Magis- tretti, 1994), but neuronal lactate use has still to be demonstrated in situ. In the present study, we followed a multimodal approach. First, using optical voltage-sensitive dye (VSD) imaging to di- rectly monitor the synaptic activity in the somatosensory cortex, we report for the first time that lactate is capable of sustaining neuronal activity for a time period of hours in the quasi-absence of glucose in the living organism. Second, applying radiotracer kinetic measurements of 1-[ 11 C]L-lactate accumulation and clas- sical cerebral glucose utilizationmeasurements using FDG, we dem- onstrate that lactate is metabolized by the intact brain in an activity- dependent manner. Materials and Methods Animal preparation All the animal experiments were approved by the local veterinary author- ities and were performed by licensed investigators. In total, 64 animals (male adult Sprague Dawley rats; weighing 220350 g) were included in the study. Before measurements, the animals were fasted overnight to Received Jan. 17, 2011; revised March 10, 2011; accepted April 1, 2011. Author contributions: M.T.W., A.B., and B.W. designed research; M.T.W. performed research; M.T.W. and A.B. analyzed data; M.T.W., R.J., A.B., P.J.M., and B.W. wrote the paper. M.T.W. and B.W. are supported by Swiss National Foundation Grants 31003A-124739/1 and PP0033-110751. R.J. is supported by grants from the Hartmann Muller Foundation, the Olga Mayenfisch Foundation, and the EMDO Foundation. We thank Florent Haiss for help in setting up the voltage-sensitive dye instrument and Felipe Barros for valuable discussions. Correspondence should be addressed to Dr. Bruno Weber, Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Zurich, Ramistrasse 100, 8091 Zurich, Switzerland. E-mail: [email protected]. DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0415-11.2011 Copyright 2011 the authors 0270-6474/11/317477-09$15.00/0 The Journal of Neuroscience, May 18, 2011 31(20):74777485 7477 standardize plasma levels of glucose. Surgery was performed under 2.5 3.5% isoflurane anesthesia and involved the placement of an arterial and a venous catheter and tracheotomy for mechanical ventilation. For the cortical beta-probe acquisitions, the cranial bone above somatosensory cortices was thinned to translucency. For the voltage-sensitive dye imag- ing experiments, a craniotomy was performed. Staining with the voltage- sensitive dye RH1691 (Optical Imaging) was done through the intact dura mater for 90 min. Leaving the dura intact reduces the movement artifact during recording and decreases the risk of cortex irritations (Lip- pert et al., 2007). After staining, the dye was removed by washing with dye-free Ringers solution. Plasma glucose and lactate levels were determined periodically (Ektachem DT; Eastman Kodak). The actual experiments were performed under -chloralose anesthesia (44 mg/kg bodyweight, s.c.). Several blood gas variables (pH, P CO 2 , P O 2 ) (AVL, Compact 3; Roche Diagnostics) and metabolic measures such as plasma glucose and lactate levels (Ektachem DT; Eastman Kodak), which are relevant parameters influencing lactate uptake in the brain, were mea- sured in all animals before the start of measurements. Ventilation was adjusted to reach physiological blood gas values. Voltage-sensitive dye imaging The VSD was excited with 630 nm light from an LED (Aculed; PerkinEl- mer Life and Analytical Sciences). A custom-built tandem lens system consisting of two 50 mmobjectives and dichroic and emission filters was used. Data were collected with a high-speed CMOS-based camera (Mi- cam Ultima; Scimedia). Images were collected with 1 ms temporal reso- lution. Images were analyzed using custom-written Matlab routines and the software package PMOD (Mikolajczyk et al., 1998). Bleaching of fluorescence was corrected by subtraction of a best-fit double exponen- tial. Time courses of fluorescence changes were quantified as F/F 0 from circular regions of interest of constant diameter manually placed over the activated area. To compare VSD signal from different animals, region of interests (ROIs) were centeredonthe locationof the earliest responses. In addition, to estimate the spatial extent of the neuronal activation at the time point of the highest activation(peak amplitude), the area containing voxels 70% of the maximum within the experiment was determined. The amplitudes of sensory-evoked responses were calculated as the change in the VSD signal (F/F 0 ) over a fixed time interval for each experiment. Finally, the time until peak response was determined as the time spanbetweenstimulationonset andpeak amplitude withinthe ROI. Baseline was the 10 ms period immediately before the stimulus. In VSD experiments, five experimental groups were examined: (1) effect of hyperlactemia (n 4) on neuronal integrity, (24) evolution of the VSD signal after induction of severe hypoglycemia (insulin at 20 IU/kg, i.p.) and subsequent continuous infusion of saline (n 5), glu- cose (n 5), or lactate (n 5), respectively, and (5) control experiments with saline infusion only (n 3). Radiotracer experiments Radiotracer synthesis: production of 1-[ 11 C]L-lactate. Racemic 1-[ 11 C]lactic acid was made by [ 11 C]cyanohydrine synthesis starting from [ 11 C]HCN (trapped as [ 11 C]KCN) and acetaldehyde bisulfite adduct. The quantita- tively formed 1-[ 11 C]DL-lactonitrile was hydrolyzed by reflux in concen- trated HCl, and the reaction mixture was introduced directly into a semipreparative polymeric HPLCcolumn (250 10 mm, 0.03%H 3 PO 4 as the mobile phase; Polymerx 10; Phenomenex) in which the product was isolated from the aggressive reaction matrix. Then the collected ra- cemic 1-[ 11 C]lactic acid was automatically introduced into a preparative chiral HPLC column coated with a penicillamine-derived chiral selector and eluted with 1 mM CuSO 4 solution as the mobile phase in which both enantiomers were separated by ligand exchange chromatography. The fractions corresponding to [ 11 C]D-lactic acid or [ 11 C]L-lactic acid were passed through anion exchanger Sep-Pak cartridges (Accell Plus QMA, in CO 3 2 form) in which the Cu 2 ions (as insoluble carbonate) and the [ 11 C]lactate are retained. The latter was selectively washed out from the cartridges with 2 mmol/L sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, to obtain injectable solutions of pure Na-[ 11 C]D-lactate and L-lactate enantiomers. The quality control of the final product was done by chiral ligand ex- change HPLC. The procedure led to a product of 99% chemical and enantiomeric purity. The specific activity at the end of synthesis was 400 GBq/mol. FDGwas obtained fromthe daily in-house production by the Radiochemistry Department of the University Hospital Zurich. Beta-probe experiments using 1-[ 11 C]L-lactate and FDG. A recently de- veloped two-channel system with surface probes was used for the mea- surement of the radioactivity concentration in brain cortices (Wyss et al., 2009). The used devices consist of scintillator crystals with a thickness of 0.2 mm and a diameter of 3 mm. The beta scintillators were made light- tight by applying a uniform coating of silver particles. The scintillations were measured using a photomultiplier tube and counting electronics (PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences). The limited range of beta particles within biological tissues leads to a limited detection volume centered around the scintillating tip of the probe (Wyss et al., 2009). The sensitivities of the used scintillators were 0.310.60 cps/kBq/cc. For beta-probe measurements, the arterial and venous lines were con- nected to form an arterio-venous (av) shunt. The av shunt was used for continuous monitoring of arterial blood pressure, injection of the radio- tracers, continuous measurement of the total arterial blood radioactivity, and the collection of blood samples. For the recording of the total blood radioactivity, the shunt ran through a coincidence counter (GE Medical Systems) (for details, see Weber et al., 2002). Before the actual experi- mental measurements for 1-[ 11 C]L-lactate, the kinetic properties and the buildup of metabolites of the novel radiotracer were characterized in 10 animals. In addition, in four of these animals, the first pass extraction fraction was determined with additional measurements of CBF (see be- low). All subsequent 1-[ 11 C]L-lactate experiments consisted of two ac- quisitions. For each acquisition, 100150 MBq of radiotracer was intravenously injected. First, the change of 1-[ 11 C]L-lactate kinetics from baseline conditions to increased neuronal activity [electrical infraorbital nerve stimulation (ION): 2 mA, 2 Hz, 1 ms pulses applied during the whole acquisition period; n 5] and the effect of monocarboxylic acid transporter blockade using -cyano-4-hydroxy-cinnamate (CIN) (n 5) was investigated. CIN was injected intraperitoneally (90 mg/kg) 30 min before tracer injection. FDG was used to determine the local cerebral metabolic rate of glucose (LCMR glu ). For eachFDGacquisition, 5080MBqof tracer was injected. All FDG experiments consisted of two measurements. Accumulation of FDG was measured at baseline (SAL) and at artificially increased plasma lactate levels (LAC) (100 mol kg 1 min 1 during the first 20 min; thereafter, 50 mol kg 1 min 1 , i.v.) during rest conditions (n 4 for SAL; n 13 for LAC) and during activation (n 2 for SAL; n 5 for LAC). Characterization of 1-[ 11 C]lactate. The total radioactivity in arterial blood was continuously recorded over 40 min using a coincidence coun- ter (GE Medical Systems). Whole blood activity was then corrected for (1) a different tracer concentration in whole blood and plasma and (2) the buildup of labeled metabolites. The ratio 11 C plasma / 11 C whole blood was determined in all animals at different time points (three to four blood samples per animal). The data of all animals were then pooled, and the time course of the ratio was approximated by fitting a quadratic polyno- mial to the data. This function was then used to convert counts in whole blood to counts in plasma. Samples (about 400 l) were collected at different time points after tracer injection, with a maximum of four blood samples per animal, to determine the time course of the ratio of the 11 C activity in plasma to whole blood and for analysis of authentic tracer and metabolites. These samples were first centrifuged for 3 min at 2000 rpm. Proteins were then precipitated with 75 l of acetonitrile in 50 l of plasma. After centrifu- gation for 3 min at 2000 rpm, the composition of the 11 C-derived radio- activity in the supernatant (80 l) was analyzed by HPLCon a polymeric column (5 m, 250 4.1 mm inner diameter; PRP-1; Hamilton) with 3 mmol/L phosphoric acid in water, pH 2.67, as the mobile phase (1 ml/ min). The retention times of [ 11 C]HCO 3
(3.3 min) and lactic acid (5.1
min) were determined by using aqueous solution of NaHCO 3 and DL- lactic acid as reference compounds, detected by UV absorption at 220 nm. The amount of authentic tracer was expressed as a fraction of total plasma 11 C counts. The fraction data of all animals was then pooled, and the time course of the fraction was approximated by a decaying biexponential function. This function was subsequently used to convert the total plasma activity 7478 J. Neurosci., May 18, 2011 31(20):74777485 Wyss et al. Lactate as a Neuronal Energy Substrate to the time course of authentic [ 11 C]lactate (input curve). At the end of these experiments, the rats were perfused with PBS, and brains were prepared for measurements with the HPLC system. Each brain was first homogenized before adding acetonitrile (150%). The subsequent proce- dure was the same as with the blood samples described above, except that the amount of supernatant injected into the HPLC system was 200 l. CBF measurements (used for estimating the first-pass extraction fraction of lactate). The basis of the CBF calculation was the one-tissue compart- ment model, including a partition coefficient for H 2 15 O. The change of the radioactivity concentration in tissue C tiss is then defined by the fol- lowing differential equation: dC tiss /dt CBF(C a (t) C tiss (t)/p), (1) where C a is the arterial tracer concentration, and p is the tissue partition coefficient, e.g., the fraction of tissue that is H 2 15 O permeable. In this configuration, C tiss is the concentration of H 2 15 O in 1 ml of brain, and it is assumed that H 2 15 O immediately reaches a homogeneous concentra- tion in permeable space and no division into a vascular and a tissue compartment is necessary. The analytical solu- tion of Equation 1 is as follows: C tiss CBF * e (CBF/pt ) VC a , (2) where Vrepresents mathematical convolution. Equation 2 was fitted to the data using least- squares fitting (Marquardt algorithm) imple- mentedby the software PMOD(Mikolajczyk et al., 1998). Before data analysis, tissue time ac- tivity curves and arterial input curves were cor- rected for the physical decay of 15 O. Analysis of the radiotracer data The calculations and parameter fitting were performed using the software PMOD(Mikola- jczyk et al., 1998). Data were corrected for physical decay and multiplied by a calibration factor taking into account differences in sensi- tivities of the probe systemand the coincidence counter. Before analysis, data were down- sampled to obtain a 10 or 30 s resolution for 11 Cand 18 F data, respectively. The investigated methods consisted of standard compartmental modeling using an arterial input function. 1-[ 11 C]L-Lactate. Tracer kinetic modeling was performed using the one-tissue compart- ment model. The parameters are as follows: K 1 describes the uptake of tracer across the blood brainbarrier and is related to CBF and the first- pass extraction fraction EF (K 1 CBF * EF); and k 2 represents the back-diffusion of label from the tissue to the vascular compartment. Label exchange between the compartments is described by the following differential equation: dC tiss /dt K 1 C plasma (t) k 2 C tiss (t). (3) Because the total activity measured in a region is composed of counts from tissue and blood, all models contained a parameter () correct- ing for blood activity: C VOI (1)C tiss C blood , (4) where C VOI is 11 C activity measured by the tip of the beta scintillator, is the percentage of intravascular space in the tissue, C tiss is activity in the extravascular compartment, C blood is to- tal blood activity, and C tiss was calculated by numerical integration of the differential equa- tions. The vascular fraction was included as a fit parameter that im- proved the least-squares fit. The kinetic model was adjusted in two ways for the analysis of dual- injection data arising from use of the surface probe. (1) Two sets of rate constants (K 1 , k 2 ) were used in the calculation of the operational equa- tion: the first set for the time until the secondinjection, andthe secondset thereafter. The least-squares fit procedure resulted in estimates for all four rate constants (K 1 1, k 2 1 and K 1 2, k 2 2) and the vascular fraction. (2) The correction function to derive plasma activity from whole blood activity was adjusted to distinguish between the contribu- tions fromthe two injections. To this end, the bloodactivity fromthe first injection was extrapolated using an exponential function, which was fitted to the blood activity 10 min before the second injection. The interpretation of the 1-[ 11 C]L-lactate experiments is based on the following assumptions, which are discussed in detail below: (1) parame- ter k 2 is reflecting the activity of the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and (2) the total amount of lactate that is oxidized is the product of k 2 and intracellular lactate concentration. Figure 1. Lactate is able to sustain neuronal activity in the absence of glucose. A, A single electrical pulse applied to the rats hindpaw evoked a transient increase in VSD fluorescence in the primary somatosensory cortex that was abolished after only 150 min in animals receiving saline after the insulin injection (top row) but remained stable in animals infused with glucose (middle row) or lactate (bottomrow) after 240 min. BD, The time courses of the VSD signal displayed a similar result in animals supplied with glucose (C; gluc) or lactate (D; lac) with sustained amplitude 240 min after insulin injection. In contrast, removal of the signal was observed in animals receiving saline infusion only (B; sal). In the group supplied with lactate, the signal onset was delayed (example shown in D). The vertical black line represents the time point of hindpawstimulation. E, Comparison of amplitudes in all three groups injected with insulin at 0 min (mean SE; n 5). FH, Mean plasma levels of glucose and lactate plotted for saline (F ), glucose (G), and lactate (H) animals. Wyss et al. Lactate as a Neuronal Energy Substrate J. Neurosci., May 18, 2011 31(20):74777485 7479 FDG. FDGdata were used for calculating LCMR glu . The procedure for the quantification of the probe studies followed the [ 14 C]deoxyglucose method described by Sokoloff et al. (1977). Acompartmental model with two tissue compartments and four kinetic rate constants (K 1 to k 4 ) was used. The operational equation, which was fitted to the probe time activ- ity curve, additionally included a vascular fraction as a fit parameter. This improved the least-squares fit compared with a fixed value of 5%. LCMR glu values were calculated from the fitted rate constants: LCMR glu K 1 * k 3 /(k 2 k 3 )C plasma /LC, where C plasma represents the plasma glucose concentration, and LC represents the lumped constant (LC of 0.437). The kinetic model was adjusted in two ways for the dual-injection data analysis. (1) Two sets of four rate constants (K 1 to k 4 ) were used in the operational equationcalculation: the first set for the time until the second injection, and the second set thereafter. The least-squares fit procedure resulted in estimates for all eight rate constants and the vascular fraction. (2) The correction function to derive plasma activity from whole blood activity was adjusted to distinguish between the contributions from the two injections. To this end, the blood activity fromthe first injection was extrapolated using an exponential function that was fitted to the blood activity 10 min before the second injection. Statistics Results are presented as mean SD if not otherwise stated. To test differences between different interventions for inter-individual compar- isons, the nonparametric Wilcoxons signed rank test was applied. A p value of 0.05 was taken as the significance limit. Results Lactate can sustain neuronal integrity as an alternative energy substrate Severe glucose deprivation was induced by insulin injection (20 IU/kg, injection at time 0 min) while monitoring neural activity with VSD imaging. In three experimental groups, infusion of saline, glucose, or lactate was immediately initiated after the in- sulin injection. The total recording time for VSD imaging is lim- ited because of dye washout and excitation light-related amplitude reductions of the signal (Lippert et al., 2007). There- fore, imaging commenced with delay, 100 min after the insulin injection. In animals infused with saline only, blood glucose lev- els reached 1.5 mmol/L already after 60 min. Plasma lactate levels varied on average between 1.0 and 1.5 mmol/L throughout the whole experimental period (Fig. 1F). Severe hypoglycemia re- duced the amplitude of the VSD signal by 50% from the base- line after only 140 min after the application of insulin (Fig. 1A, B,E). Thereafter, the signal was further decreased as a result of severe glucose deprivation. In animals supplied continuously with glucose, plasma levels of glucose were not reduced by insulin action and remained at normoglycemic values (Fig. 1G). Not surprisingly, the neuronal signal did not show a significant de- cline throughout the period of data acquisition [270 min after the insulin injection; n 5; not significant (n.s.) compared with baseline acquisition at 120 min (Fig. 1A, C,E)]. In the group in which sodium lactate was infused over the whole time period (plasma lactate levels between 5.5 and 9.7 mmol/L), plasma levels of glucose also exhibited a rapid decline to values 1 mmol/L within 60 min (Fig. 1H). Nevertheless, the amplitude of the VSD signal reflecting neuronal activity remained high (n 5; n.s. compared with the 120 min time point) (Fig. 1A, D,E). The spread of activation remained constant in the glucose- and lactate-treated animals within the 240 min after the insulin injec- tion, whereas the extent of activation in the animals receiving saline infusion only decreased considerably (data not shown). In the latter group, four of five animals showed no pixels surpassing 70% of the maximal amplitude after 150 min. In the fifth, the number decreased by 50%. The time course of the VSD signal revealed an accentuated delay of the signal in animals receiving lactate infusion compared with glucose-infused rats (Fig. 1C,D). In the animals receiving glucose infusion after insulin injection (n 5), the times-to-peak were 21.8 1.6, 21.6 1.9, and 20.7 1.5 ms after 120, 180, and 240 min, respectively. In the lactate group (n 5), delays at the corresponding time points were 21.2 0.9, 23.5 4.4, and 36.2 10.7 ms. The difference after 240 min was significant between the two groups ( p 0.05). Lactate is oxidized by the brain in an activity-dependent manner To directly assess lactate use in the adult rodent brain in vivo, we synthesized radiolabeled 1-[ 11 C]L-lactate. Characterization of 1-[ 11 C]L-lactate revealed suitable properties for use in brain studies, allowing cerebral tracer kinetic measurements with high temporal resolution. An extraction fraction (EF K 1 /CBF) of 30 10% (n 4) was calculated, which is sufficient to study physiological processes in the brain and is in good agreement with previous studies reporting the uptake of L-lactate to be 25 50% of that of glucose (Knudsen et al., 1991; Hassel and Brthe, 2000). Kinetic modeling showed that a one-tissue compartment model was sufficient for the analysis of 1-[ 11 C]L-lactate data, yielding K 1 and k 2 values measuring the uptake and the release of radiolabel, respectively. The time courses of the fraction of au- thentic tracer and metabolites inplasma are showninFigure 2. As in brain, the main metabolite detected in blood was [ 11 C]CO 2 . After 20 min, the fractionof true tracer fell to 40%. Inthe brain, Figure 2. 1-[ 11 C]L-lactate is a suitable tracer to study cerebral lactate oxidation. A, Mea- sured radioactivity concentration in the brain (open circles), model fit (black line), and arterial input curve (gray line). The inset displays the residuals of the fitting to a one-tissue compart- ment model. The absence of any distribution bias supports the adequacy of the applied one- tissue compartment model. B, Fraction of native radiolabeled lactate over 40 min after intravenous injection of 1-[ 11 C]L-lactate in blood. The filled circles represent data points from baseline experiments (n7) performedtocharacterize the radiotracer, andthe solidline is the corresponding fit of a biexponential curve. 7480 J. Neurosci., May 18, 2011 31(20):74777485 Wyss et al. Lactate as a Neuronal Energy Substrate the analysis revealed 58 8% lactate and 42 8% CO 2 after 40 min (n 7). Using for the first time 11 C-radiolabeled lactate to measure cerebral lactate oxidation, we observed a noticeable in- crease of both rate constants K 1 and k 2 during increased neuronal activity (Fig. 3B, Table 1). Delivery of the tracer increased during electrostimulation of the infraorbital nerve as reflected by an in- crease of the CBF-dependent K 1 from 0.09 0.01 to 0.12 0.03 ml min 1 ml 1 tissue (n 5; change n.s.). In parallel to the elevated delivery, radioactivity washout (k 2 ) increased from0.077 0.009 to 0.105 0.007 min 1 (n 5; p 0.05). In Discussion, we will argue that this is most likely related to increased LDH activity during stimulation. There is strong evidence in our and other studies that the label leaves the tissue as CO 2 , which is cleaved off during the conver- sion of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA by pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) (Fig. 3A). In the present study, the metabolite analysis revealed only lactate and CO 2 as labeled metabolites. This is in line with a study by van Hall et al. (2009). Using 1-[ 13 C]lactate, they reported that 86 15%of the label was released as CO 2 . The situation is completely different, if lactate is labeled at position 2 or 3. In that case, most of the label ends up in metabolites of the TCA cycle (van Hall, 1999; Bouzier et al., 2000; van Hall et al., 2009). Increased uptake of blood-borne lactate and efficiency of lactate transport during activation It is possible to calculate cerebral uptake of blood-borne lactate as the product of K 1 and blood lactate concentration (in this group of experiments, plasma lactate levels ranged from 1.7 to 2.8 mmol/L) (Table 2). Based on these values, baseline mean cerebral lactate uptake was estimated to be 0.17 mol g 1 min 1 and increased to 0.22 mol g 1 min 1 during stimulation. A detailed analysis of K 1 revealed furthermore that the stimulation-induced increase cannot be completely explained by an increase in CBF only but must at least be partly attributable to an increased transport rate for lactate. We estimated this increase to be in the order of 30% using the following relationships: K 1 CBF * EF, (5) where EF can be expressed according to Renkin (1959) and Crone (1963), and EF 1 e PS/CBF . (6) Combining Equations 5 and 6 yields the following: PS CBF * ln(1 K 1 /CBF), (7) where PS is the permeabilitysurface area product. We per- formed a simulation assuming a constant PS from baseline to ION stimulation. In previous experiments, the applied electro- stimulationof the IONled to a meanincrease of CBF from0.35 to 0.50 ml min 1 ml 1 tissue (Weber et al., 2003). In the present series of 1-[ 11 C]L-lactate experiments, K 1 increased from 0.09 0.01 to 0.12 0.03 ml min 1 ml 1 tissue during ION. Insert- ing these numbers into Equation 7 demonstrates a 32% increase of PS, from 0.104 to 0.137 ml min 1 ml 1 . This suggests that monocarboxylate transporter (MCT) efficiency increases during increased demand. Effect of MCT blockade on lactate uptake Injection of CIN 30 min before [ 11 C]lactate tracer kinetic mea- surements reduced K 1 from 0.13 0.01 to 0.09 0.01 Figure 3. The brain oxidizes lactate in an activity-dependent manner. A, Schematic of the biochemical pathways involved in the degradation of 1-[ 11 C]L-lactate ( 11 C-Lac) and the pro- posedinterpretationof therateconstants K 1 andk 2 describingthekinetics of theradiotracer (for details, see Results). Briefly, K 1 represents delivery of 1-[ 11 C]L-lactate (orange arrow), and k 2 reflects kinetically the loss of radiolabel after conversion of lactate to pyruvate and of pyruvate to acetyl-coenzyme A (purple arrows). During activation (B; S; n 5), delivery (K 1 ) and wash- out (k 2 ) increased, whereas duringMCT blockade(C; CIN; n5), thetransfer of 1-[ 11 C]L-lactate slowed down in both directions (Pyr, pyruvate; Ac CoA, acetyl coenzyme A; TCAcycle, tricarbox- ylic acid cycle). *p 0.05, n.s., not significant. Table 1. 1- 1 1 CL-lactate kinetics Animal number K 1 (ml min 1 ml 1 tissue) k 2 (min 1 ) Baseline Stimulation Baseline Stimulation 1 0.081 0.091 0.073 0.082 2 0.085 0.111 0.074 0.105 3 0.097 0.101 0.09 0.107 4 0.086 0.12 0.069 0.112 5 0.111 0.128 0.076 0.095 Mean 0.092 0.110 0.076 0.100 SD 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Baseline CIN Baseline 4-CIN 6 0.138 0.076 0.116 0.052 7 0.139 0.083 0.115 0.071 8 0.132 0.107 0.102 0.082 9 0.128 0.091 0.109 0.076 10 0.115 0.08 0.098 0.081 Mean 0.130 0.087 0.108 0.072 SD 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Table 2. Plasma lactate levels and calculated cerebral lactate uptake Animal number Plasmalactatelevel (mmol/L) Calculatedcerebral lactateuptake (K 1 *lac; mol g 1 min 1 Baseline Stimulation Baseline Stimulation 1 2 2.2 0.162 0.200 2 2 2.9 0.170 0.322 3 2 2.1 0.194 0.212 4 1.7 1.6 0.146 0.192 5 1.5 1.5 0.167 0.192 Mean 1.84 2.06 0.17 0.22 SD 0.2 0.6 0.02 0.06 lac, Plasma lactate level. Wyss et al. Lactate as a Neuronal Energy Substrate J. Neurosci., May 18, 2011 31(20):74777485 7481 ml min 1 ml 1 tissue (n 5; p 0.05) and k 2 from 0.11 0.01 to 0.07 0.01 min 1 (n 5; p 0.05) (Fig. 3C, Table 1). CIN has been shown to permeate the bloodbrain barrier and to be effective 30 min after intraperitoneal injection (Schurr et al., 2001). The reduction in K 1 after CIN administration is most likely attributable to the reduction of lactate transport by a par- tial blockade of MCTs. The concomitant reduction in k 2 cannot be reliably inter- preted without additional biochemical measurements. The fact that the relative decrease of k 2 is of the same magnitude as the decrease of K 1 (33%) points to the possibility that k 2 under CIN blockade represents back-diffusion of lactate into vascular space. Increased blood lactate reduces the local metabolic rate of glucose To address the question of how the brain processes blood-borne lactate compared with glucose, we artificially increased the supply of lactate to the brain by continu- ous intravenous infusion of sodium lac- tate (Fig. 4A). This led to a significant increase of plasma lactate levels (from 1.3 0.6 to5.8 1.6 mmol/L; n10; p 0.05). Plasma glucose levels were not af- fected by the continuous lactate infusions. In all examined animals, a clear reduction of LCMR glu was observed at resting con- ditions (decreases ranging from 25 to 49%; n 13; p 0.05) (Fig. 4B). The reduction of the cerebral glucose utiliza- tion was attributable to both a decreased delivery of glucose into the tissue (re- flected by a change of K 1 from 0.16 0.05 to 0.12 0.03 ml min 1 ml 1 tissue; n 13; p 0.05) and a reduced phos- phorylation by hexokinase (k 3 decreased from 0.04 0.02 to 0.03 0.01 min 1 ; n13; p 0.05). The replacement of glucose by lactate as an energy substrate occurred in a dose-dependent manner (Fig. 4C). Reduction in glucose utilization is balanced by the excess of lactate consumption The observedmeanreductioninglucose utilizationwas 21 mol/ 100 g/min (Fig. 4B). Because glucose has a six-carbon skeleton, this corresponds to 42 mol/100 g/min three-carbon substrates such as pyruvate. The following estimation demonstrates that the decrease in glucose utilization is quantitatively matched by an increase in lactate use. For this purpose, we made the following assumptions: (1) lactate transport from blood into the brain equals K 1 * plasma lactate concentration ([Lac]), (2) K 1 (0.09 min 1 at baseline) does not markedly change within the range of lactate concentrations found in our experiments, and (3) all the lactate, which is taken up, is ultimately oxidized by the brain. Thus, lactate uptake during baseline conditions in the FDG experiments was 12 mol/100 g/min ( 0.09 min 1 * 1.3 mmol/L; mean K 1 determined in baseline 1-[ 11 C]lactate experi- ments (Fig. 3B) and mean [Lac] from FDG experiments during saline infusion) and 52 mol/100 g/min during hyperlactemia ( 0.09 min 1 * 5.8 mmol/L; mean [Lac] during lactate infu- sion). The difference of lactate uptake between baseline and hy- perlactemia conditions is therefore 40 mol/100 g/min (52 mol/100 g/min 12 mol/100 g/min). This matches the above mentioned reduction of three-carbon constituents derived from glucose during hyperlactemia. Reduction of glucose consumption during hyperlactemia is more pronounced during activation Our results further demonstrate that the reduction of glucose utilization is not only dependent on blood lactate levels but also on the level of activation. As shown in Figure 4, D and E, the decrease of glucose utilization was more pronounced on the ac- tivated side, as reflected by the decrease of the ratio contralateral/ ipsilateral in the primary somatosensory cortex (i.e., S1 contra vs S1 ipsi ). During normolactemia, this ratio was 1.65 0.47, but during hyperlactemia, it decreased to 1.26 0.37 (n 5; p 0.05) (Fig. 4E). In two control animals, in which both acqui- sitions were performed under saline infusion, the ratio of LC- MR glu between S1 contra and S1 ipsi remained the same during the first and the second acquisition (Fig. 4E). Plasma levels of glucose and lactate behaved in a similar manner as in the baseline group. Figure 4. Lactate is preferred over glucose by the brain. A and D detail the protocol during baseline (A) and stimulation (D) conditions. Overall, hyperlactemia reduced LCMR glu by on average 38% in a dose-dependent manner (B, C) during baseline conditions. In activated cortex (S1 contra ), cerebral glucose utilization was further decreased. The effectiveness of stimulation was controlled autoradiographically (D). The ratio S1 contra /S1 ipsi decreased from 1.65 0.47 to 1.26 0.37 (E). 1, Acquisition 1; 2, acquisition 2; LAC, hyperlactemia; SAL, saline. *p 0.05, n.s., not significant. n 13 for LAC group, n 4 for SAL group at baseline conditions, n 5 for LAC group, and n 2 for SAL at stimulation conditions. 7482 J. Neurosci., May 18, 2011 31(20):74777485 Wyss et al. Lactate as a Neuronal Energy Substrate Neuronal activity is not reduced by lactate To verify that the observed reduction in glucose utilization does not originate from a reduced requirement for energy of the brain attributable to impaired neural activity, we performed an addi- tional series of VSD experiments during hyperlactemia. Under these conditions, increased lactate levels did not affect neuronal excitability (Fig. 5). Discussion For a long time, no functional role has been assigned to cerebral lactate. Contrarily, the presence of lactate in the brain has been interpreted as a sign of cerebral harm and of hypoxia (Siesjo, 1981). Over the past few decades, this perspective has changed and it has been postulated that lactate may also possess physio- logical functions relevant to the CNS. Important roles have been attributed to lactate such as the modulation of CBF (Gordon et al., 2008), as a buffer to sustain neuronal energy supply (Kasis- chke et al., 2004) and most prominently as a pivotal element in the neuronglia metabolic cooperation to regulate energy supply in an activity-dependent manner (for review, see Pellerin and Magistretti, 2003; Magistretti, 2006). Furthermore, it has been shown recently that lactate levels are sensed by a specific type of neuron (orexin neurons in the lateral hypothalamus) to coordi- nate the balancing of brain activity and energy supply (Lamet al., 2005; Shimizu et al., 2007; Erlichman et al., 2008; Parsons and Hirasawa, 2010). Nevertheless, the details of brain energy metab- olism in general and of lactate as a cerebral energy substrate in particular are still highly debated. Lactate serves as a metabolic source for neurons It has been shown in vitro that lactate ox- idation is able to sustain excitatory synap- tic activity (Schurr et al., 1988; Rouach et al., 2008), and there have been reports about lactate protecting cerebral function during hypoglycemia (Maran et al., 1994; King et al., 1998). However, the latter in vivo studies did not use direct neuronal readouts to assess synaptic activity, and glucose levels were above 2.5 mmol/L. The present study is the first in vivo demon- stration of the maintenance of neuronal excitability in the presence of lactate as the primary energy source. The amplitude of the stimulation-induced increase in neuro- nal activitywas maintainedwhenlactatewas supplied during severe hypoglycemia (Fig. 1). However, the increaseddelay of the VSD signal may indicate that lactate alone may not quite suffice to completely sustain neu- ronal functioning. Indeed, it has been shown that glucose is used by neurons to maintain their antioxidant status via the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP), which cannot be fueled by lactate (Magistretti, 2008; Herrero-Mendez et al., 2009). Be- cause of the low plasma glucose levels and subsequent small glucose concentration gradient, the transport into neurons is in- adequate (Barros and Deitmer, 2010) and presumably not enough substrate is avail- able for the neurons to efficiently stimulate their antioxidant PPP. Neurons, which are thought to be especially vulnerable against reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, might not be capable of completely avoid- ing oxidative damage, whichmay leadto the observeddelay of the electrical signal in the absence of glucose. Furthermore, this find- ing supports the important role in functional neuroenergetics dedicated to glucose because glucose is required by the astrocyte to pump glutamate (Magistretti et al., 1999). Second, lactate is transported by MCTs in a cotransport with protons (Hertz and Dienel, 2005). Lactate elevations as performed in our study may lead to changes in lactate influx that result in alterations of intra- cellular and extracellular pHin nerve tissue. These changes of the proton gradient could disturb the conductance of action poten- tials along nerve axons and lead to a delayed response. Physiological meaning of k 2 Using 1-[ 11 C]L-lactate, we demonstrated that the brain readily oxidizes lactate at normal plasma lactate levels inaccordance with recent work using 1- and 3-[ 13 C]L-lactate (Bouzier et al., 2000; van Hall et al., 2009; Boumezbeur et al., 2010). Our radiotracer approach enables the measurement of cerebral lactate oxidation without altering blood and tissue concentrations of lactate. In this respect, it is important to consider the physiological meaning of k 2 . By definition, it represents the loss of label from tissue (Fig. 3A). The model depicted in Figure 3Ademonstrates that the label can be lost by back-diffusion of labeled lactate into vascular space and as labeled CO 2 . The latter pathway is more interesting be- cause it is related to the oxidation of lactate, unless the diffusion of CO 2 across the bloodbrain barrier is rate limiting. This is Figure5. Cerebral integrity is not disruptedduringhyperlactemia. A, B, Asingle example demonstratingthe spread(A) andthe amplitude over time (B) during saline (SAL) and lactate (LAC) infusion is shown. CE, Mean results of changes in amplitude (C), spread (D), and time-to-peak (E) (n 4; n.s., not significant compared with baseline). Wyss et al. Lactate as a Neuronal Energy Substrate J. Neurosci., May 18, 2011 31(20):74777485 7483 unlikely because CO 2 back-diffusion does not seem restricted (Paulson, 2002). Radiolabeled lactate is processed by LDH and PDHbefore the label is lost as CO 2 . Parameter k 2 can therefore be related to either of themor to both, depending on whether one of these steps is rate limiting. A flux estimation suggests that the processing by LDH and not PDH is the rate-limiting step. If k 2 represented the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA, it would closely be related to the flux of pyruvate (Flux PDH ), which in this model would be expressed as follows: Flux PDH k 2 * C pyr , or C pyr Flux PDH /k 2 , where C pyr is the intracellular pyruvate concentration. Inserting a measured Flux PDH value of 1.13 mol g 1 min 1 (Oz et al., 2004) and the mean k 2 from our [ 11 C]L-lactate experiments (0.077 min 1 ) yields anunphysiolog- ical pyruvate concentration of 15 mmol/L. Measured pyruvate concentrations are in the range of 0.10.2 mmol/L (McIlwain, 1985). In analogy, the conversion of lactate to pyruvate by LDH yields Flux LDH k 2 * C lac , where C lac is the intracellular lactate con- centration. Using the numbers measuredinhumans by magnetic resonance spectroscopy [Flux LDH 0.06 mol g 1 min 1 ) (Boumezbeur et al., 2010)], the above equation yields an intra- cellular lactate concentration of 0.06/0.077 0.78 mmol/L. This is in the same range as the reported number [1 mmol/L at plasma lactate levels of 1.5 mmol/L (Boumezbeur et al., 2010)]. These estimations suggest that k 2 is more related to the activity of LDH than PDH. Evidence for increased lactate oxidation during stimulation The increase of k 2 can be seen as a facilitation of the flux of substrates through the oxidative chain. However, an effective in- crease of the lactate flux furthermore requires that there is no relevant stimulation-induced drop in another factor driving lac- tate oxidation, e.g., the intracellular lactate concentration. How- ever, such a drop seems unlikely for two reasons. First, the extracellular lactate concentration has been shown to increase during stimulation (Hu and Wilson, 1997; Caesar et al., 2008). Second, there is evidence for a translocation of MCT2 to the membrane surface during stimulation (Pierre et al., 2009), which would augment lactate transport and lead to higher intracellular lactate concentration. Such a translocation could also explain the increased permeability surface product during stimulation ob- served in this study. There is another line of evidence supporting an elevated neu- ronal lactate oxidation during increased neuronal activity. An increased conversion of lactate to pyruvate is facilitated by an increase of the lactate/pyruvate ratio. Besides the increase in the lactate concentration (see above), a decrease of the pyruvate con- centration or both causes a drop in this ratio. Areduced pyruvate concentration is achieved by a reduced glycolytic flux. Indeed, there is evidence fromexperiments in cell cultures that glutamate inhibits neuronal glucose uptake (Porras et al., 2004; Castro et al., 2009) and that upregulation of glycolysis under stress conditions is prevented (Herrero-Mendez et al., 2009). Recently, it has been found in vivo that increased neuronal firing mediates inhibition of glucose transport in neurons while stimulating astrocytic glu- cose uptake (Chuquet et al., 2010). Concluding remarks The results presented demonstrate in vivo that lactate is metabo- lized by neurons. Indeed, VSD imaging enabled us to follow a neuronal readout, which is supported by the supplied lactate dur- ing the experimental period. Considering the facts that intrace- rebral glycogen stores are relatively limited and consumed in the absence of exogenous glucose within a few minutes (Brown and Ransom, 2007) and that gluconeogenic activity in the brain is negligible (Nelsonet al., 1985), it is evident that the neurons must rely on lactate as an energy substrate under hypoglycemic condi- tions. In addition, hepatic gluconeogenesis is suppressed by the insulin action. Thus, it can be suggested that the neuroprotective effect of lactate observed in previous studies (Gjedde and Crone, 1975; Schurr et al., 2001; Mason et al., 2006; Berthet et al., 2009) is attributable to direct lactate oxidationinneurons. However, we cannot exclude astrocytic lactate uptake and oxidation. It is important to note that the data reported here using radiola- beled lactate provide evidence for the ability of neurons to increase lactate use during stimulation. During increased activation, we ob- servedanincreasedturnover of 1-[ 11 C]lactate alsounder normogly- cemia. Considering the fact that all the experiments were performed under anesthesia, thus reducingthe overall metabolic rate by a factor of twofoldtothreefold(Hyder et al., 2006), it is reasonable toassume that an even larger contribution of lactate to brain metabolismmay occur in the awake animal. 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