This document provides the syllabus for an intermediate English course at Las Américas School in the San Juan I School District in Puerto Rico. The course will focus on developing students' listening, speaking, reading, writing, and language communication skills to prepare them for college and careers. Over the course of 15 weeks, students will study units on poetry, short stories, novels, debates, and poetry from Puerto Rico. They will analyze texts, write narratives, arguments, and reports. Assessments will include tests, quizzes, plays/movies, and special assignments. The course aims to help students communicate effectively in English across various contexts.
This document provides the syllabus for an intermediate English course at Las Américas School in the San Juan I School District in Puerto Rico. The course will focus on developing students' listening, speaking, reading, writing, and language communication skills to prepare them for college and careers. Over the course of 15 weeks, students will study units on poetry, short stories, novels, debates, and poetry from Puerto Rico. They will analyze texts, write narratives, arguments, and reports. Assessments will include tests, quizzes, plays/movies, and special assignments. The course aims to help students communicate effectively in English across various contexts.
This document provides the syllabus for an intermediate English course at Las Américas School in the San Juan I School District in Puerto Rico. The course will focus on developing students' listening, speaking, reading, writing, and language communication skills to prepare them for college and careers. Over the course of 15 weeks, students will study units on poetry, short stories, novels, debates, and poetry from Puerto Rico. They will analyze texts, write narratives, arguments, and reports. Assessments will include tests, quizzes, plays/movies, and special assignments. The course aims to help students communicate effectively in English across various contexts.
This document provides the syllabus for an intermediate English course at Las Américas School in the San Juan I School District in Puerto Rico. The course will focus on developing students' listening, speaking, reading, writing, and language communication skills to prepare them for college and careers. Over the course of 15 weeks, students will study units on poetry, short stories, novels, debates, and poetry from Puerto Rico. They will analyze texts, write narratives, arguments, and reports. Assessments will include tests, quizzes, plays/movies, and special assignments. The course aims to help students communicate effectively in English across various contexts.
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REGION: San Juan
SCHOOL: Las Amricas SCHOOLS REFORM STRATEGY: COOPERATIVE LEARNING READING COMPREHENSION SYLLA!"S FOR SCHOOL YEAR: #$%&'#$%( COURSE CODE CREDITS PRE-REQUISITOS GRADE ENGLISH INGL 1 ENGLISH 8-9TH HIGH QUALIFIED TEACHER Prof. William Casado CLASSROOM CAPA. TADO EMAIL &/OR WEB PAGE CAPA. COURSE DESCRIPTION This is an intermediate leel En!lish "o#rse that aims at deelo$in! st#dents% listenin!& s$ea'in!& readin!& (ritin!& and lan!#a!e "omm#ni"ation s'ills& so that the) *e"ome "olle!e and "areer read). It reinfor"es and e+$ands st#dents% a*ilit) to listen& s$ea'& read& (rite& and #se lan!#a!e s'ills in order to deelo$ their "omm#ni"ation in En!lish. GENERAL OBJECTIVES As o#t"ome of this "o#rse& st#dents (ill 1. ,e"ome "olle!e and "areer read) thro#!h listenin!& s$ea'in!& readin!& (ritin!& and lan!#a!e "omm#ni"ation s'ills. -. .eel "omforta*le e+$ressin! ideas& feelin!s& and o$inions in En!lish. /. 0eelo$ a sense of s#""ess& se"#rit)& and a"hieement as the) learn to im$roe En!lish lan!#a!e s'ills. 1. 2se En!lish in a ariet) of real-life sit#ations. COURSE EVALUATION PLAN Tests 34 1 !rade ea"h 155 $ts. or less ea"h 6#i77es 34 E+tra $oints for !rades /5 $ts. or less ea"h Pla)s89oies 14 1 !rade -55 $ts. or less ea"h ,i! ,oo'8 S$e"ial assi!nments 14 1 !rade 155 $ts. or less ea"h STANDARDS AND EXPECTATIONS STANDARD 1: LISTENING: Com$rehend and anal)7e information from a ariet) of listenin! a"tiities to as' and ans(er :#estions on so"ial& a"ademi"& "olle!e& and "areer to$i"s. STANDARD 2: SPEAING: 1. Contri*#te to dis"#ssions on a ariet) of so"ial& a"ademi"& "olle!e& and "areer to$i"s in dierse "onte+ts (ith different a#dien"es. -. Eal#ate information and determine a$$ro$riate res$onses to ans(er :#estions effe"tiel). /. Contri*#te to so"ial& a"ademi"& "olle!e& and "areer "onersations #sin! a""#rate and a$$ro$riate lan!#a!e. 1. Proide& ;#stif)& and defend o$inions or $ositions in s$ee"h. 3. Ad;#st lan!#a!e "hoi"es a""ordin! to the tas'& "onte+t& $#r$ose& and a#dien"e. <. Plan and delier different t)$es of oral $resentations8re$orts to e+$ress information and s#$$ort ideas in so"ial& a"ademi"& "olle!e& and "areer settin!s. STANDARD !: READING: 1. =ead "riti"all) to ma'e lo!i"al inferen"es& and "ite s$e"ifi" te+t#al eiden"e to s#$$ort "on"l#sions dra(n from the te+t. -. 0etermine main ideas or themes of a te+t and anal)7e their deelo$ment> s#mmari7e the 'e) s#$$ortin! details and ideas. /. Anal)7e ho( and (h) indiid#als& eents& or ideas deelo$ and STANDARD ": WRITING: 1. Write ar!#ments to s#$$ort $oint of ie( #sin! alid reasonin! and s#ffi"ient eiden"e. -. Write informational te+ts to e+amine and "one) "om$le+ ideas and information "learl) and a""#ratel) thro#!h the sele"tion& or!ani7ation& and anal)sis of releant "ontent. /. Write literar) te+ts to deelo$ real or ima!ined e+$erien"es or eents #sin! effe"tie te"hni:#e& details& and str#"t#re. 1. 0eelo$ and stren!then (ritin! as needed *) #sin! the (ritin! $ro"ess ?$lannin!& draftin!& reisin!& editin!& re(ritin!& or $#*lishin!@. 3. 2se te"hnolo!)& in"l#din! the Internet& to intera"t and "olla*orate (ith others and $rod#"e and $#*lish (ritin!. <. Cond#"t resear"h $ro;e"ts of ar)in! len!ths *ased on fo"#sed :#estions to demonstrate #nderstandin! of the s#*;e"t. A. 0ra( eiden"e from literar) or informational te+ts to s#$$ort anal)sis& refle"tion& and resear"h. 8. Write ro#tinel) oer short and e+tended time frames for a ariet) of tas's& $#r$oses& and a#dien"es. STANDARD #: LANGUAGE: 1. 0emonstrate "ommand of the "onentions of Standard En!lish !rammar and #sa!e. E) D*+ar,am*n,- .* E.ucaci/n n- .iscrimina +-r ra0/n .* ra0a1 c-)-r1 s*2-1 nacimi*n,-1 -ri3*n naci-na)1 c-n.ici/n s-cia)1 i.*as +-)4,icas - r*)i3i-sas1 *.a. - im+*.im*n,- *n sus ac,i5i.a.*s1 s*r5ici-s *.uca,i5-s 6 -+-r,uni.a.*s .* *m+)*-7 intera"t oer the "o#rse of a te+t. 1. Inter$ret (ords and $hrases as the) are #sed in a te+t& in"l#din! determinin! te"hni"al& "onnotatie& and fi!#ratie meanin!s& and anal)7e ho( s$e"ifi" (ord "hoi"es sha$e meanin! or tone. 3. Anal)7e the str#"t#re of te+ts& in"l#din! ho( s$e"ifi" senten"es& $ara!ra$hs& and lar!er $ortions of the te+t ?e.!.& a se"tion& "ha$ter& s"ene& or stan7a@ relate to ea"h other and the (hole. <. Assess ho( $oint of ie( or $#r$ose sha$es the "ontent and st)le of a te+t. A. Inte!rate and eal#ate "ontent $resented in dierse media and formats. 8. 0elineate and eal#ate an a#thor%s ar!#ment thro#!h eiden"e s$e"ified in a te+t. 9. Com$are and "ontrast t(o or more a#thors% $resentations of similar themes or to$i"s. 15. =ead and "om$rehend "om$le+ literar) and informational te+ts inde$endentl) and $rofi"ientl). -. A$$l) Standard En!lish "onentions #sin! a$$ro$riate "a$itali7ation& $#n"t#ation& and s$ellin!. /. 0emonstrate #nderstandin! of ho( lan!#a!e f#n"tions in different "onte+ts to ma'e effe"tie "hoi"es for meanin!& st)le and "om$rehension. 1. 0etermine or "larif) the meanin! of #n'no(n (ords and $hrases *) #sin! "onte+t "l#es& anal)7in! meanin!f#l (ord $arts& and "ons#ltin! referen"e materials. 3. 0emonstrate #nderstandin! of fi!#ratie lan!#a!e& (ord relationshi$s& and ariation in (ord meanin!s. <. A""#ratel) #se a ariet) of so"ial& a"ademi" and "ontent-s$e"ifi" (ords and $hrases s#ffi"ient for readin!& (ritin!& s$ea'in!& and listenin! at the "olle!e and "areer-readiness leel. SPECIAL EDUCATION: LAW #1 OF JUNE $% 1&&' G#idelines for ada$tin! assessments strate!ies for st#dents (ith s$e"ial needs and8or a*ilities and for lin!#isti"all) and "#lt#rall) dierse st#dents (ill *e esta*lished in the st#dents Indiid#ali7ed Ed#"ational Pro!ram ?PIE@. An a""ommodation is a ariation in the e+am enironment or $ro"ess that does not f#ndamentall) alter (hat the test meas#res or affe"ts the "om$ara*ilit) of s"ores. A""ommodations ma) in"l#de ariations in s"hed#lin!& settin!& aids& e:#i$ment& and $resentation format (hi"h is informed *) the S$e"ial Ed#"ation Tea"her to the En!lish Tea"her. LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION FOR LIMITED SPANISH PROFICIENT AND IMMIGRANT STUDENTS (CIRCULAR LETTER)$- 2*1!-2*1"+ CIVIL RIGHTS ACT 1&'" UNITS AND THEMES (ORGANI,ED BASE ON "* WEES+ E) D*+ar,am*n,- .* E.ucaci/n n- .iscrimina +-r ra0/n .* ra0a1 c-)-r1 s*2-1 nacimi*n,-1 -ri3*n naci-na)1 c-n.ici/n s-cia)1 i.*as +-)4,icas - r*)i3i-sas1 *.a. - im+*.im*n,- *n sus ac,i5i.a.*s1 s*r5ici-s *.uca,i5-s 6 -+-r,uni.a.*s .* *m+)*-7 WEE WEE UNIT: $.! P-./01: O2. /- P3.0/- R45- (# 6..78+CONT. 1 T.95:.0 T094;4;< -5 Poetr) - INTRODUCTIONS, ROUTINES, PROCEDURES, AND PRE-TEST -1 =oot Words -- S#*;e"t-Ber* A!reement UNIT: $.1 B.4;< P3.0/- R459; /:0-3<: F-=7/9=.8 ($ 6..78+ UNIT: $." A3/:-0>8 P30?-8. (& 6..78+ / Stories from m) Home Co#ntr)CWrite a $ersonal narratieCWhat does it mean to *e P#erto =i"anD -/ Writin! to Entertain 1 Writin! $ro"essC$re(ritin!& draftin!& reisin! -1 Writin! to Pers#ade 3 Writin! $ro"essCEditin! (ith $eers& final draft& and $#*lishin! -3 Writin! to Tea"h < =eader%s TheaterE Ada$t a P#erto =i"an .ol'tale in to a Pla) -< Writin! to Inform A 9odern 0a) P#erto =i"an .ol'talesCPre(ritin! -A A#thor%s P#r$ose 8 .ol'talesE Pro*lem and Sol#tion and Chara"ter Anal)sis -8 Senten"esE S#*;e"t and F*;e"t& .ra!ments and =#n-on Senten"es UNIT: $.2 N-;-F45/4-;: W:9/ 2- I =-@. 9A-3/ P3.0/- R45-B ($ 6..78+ UNIT: $.# D.A9/. 9;2 P.083984-; (C 6..78+ 9 P#erto =i"an Trael ,ro"h#res -9 Pers#asie Politi"al Cartoons 15 P#erto =i"an Pride Posters /5 Pers#asie S$ee"h Writin! 11 Comma Posters /1 0e*atin! Iss#es .a"in! P#erto =i"o 1- Non .i"tion =eadin!E P#erto =i"o /- Anal)7in! Politi"al Cartoons 1/ Prefi+es and S#ffi+es // Anal)7in! Pers#asie Writin! 11 Commas and Senten"e Bariation /1 0e*ate 13 UNIT: $.! P-./01: O2. /- P3.0/- R45- (# 6..78+ /3 PPAA 1< Class Poetr) ,oo' /< POST-TEST 1A =eise and edit GWho I amH Poem from 2nit A.1 !$ FINAL TESTS 18 Fde to P#erto =i"o Posters !C GRADES% AND OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS REQUIRED 19 PARTIAL TESTS AND GRADES AND OTHER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES FTHE= SCHFFL ACTIBITIES REQUIRED SIGNATURES S#*mitted *)E 0ateE TEACHE=%S SIGNAT2=EE TEACHE=%S NA9EE Certified *)E 0ateE P=INCIPAL%S SIGNAT2=EE P=INCIPAL%S NA9EE *This syllabus is subject to change at any time in agreement with school principal. Parents will notified with the students. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Parent% Si!nat#re 0ate E) D*+ar,am*n,- .* E.ucaci/n n- .iscrimina +-r ra0/n .* ra0a1 c-)-r1 s*2-1 nacimi*n,-1 -ri3*n naci-na)1 c-n.ici/n s-cia)1 i.*as +-)4,icas - r*)i3i-sas1 *.a. - im+*.im*n,- *n sus ac,i5i.a.*s1 s*r5ici-s *.uca,i5-s 6 -+-r,uni.a.*s .* *m+)*-7